W3P87-2300, Requests Listed Change to Table 17.2-1 of Facility QA Program Be Reviewed & Approved.Change Provides Inclusion of Provision for Interim Storage of QA Records to Demonstrate Continued Compliance w/10CFR50 App B.Fee Paid

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Requests Listed Change to Table 17.2-1 of Facility QA Program Be Reviewed & Approved.Change Provides Inclusion of Provision for Interim Storage of QA Records to Demonstrate Continued Compliance w/10CFR50 App B.Fee Paid
Person / Time
Site: Waterford Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 10/19/1987
From: Cook K
W3P87-2300, NUDOCS 8710210168
Download: ML20235Z481 (3)


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f LOUISIANA POWER & LIGlWCOMPANY e Post Office Box 60340

  • New Orleans, Loulslana 70160 Wa t?.C NEW ORLEANS PUBLIC SERVICE INC.a Post Office Box 60340

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@ C Y U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN Document Control Desk N

0 Washington, D.C. 20535 7

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Waterford 3 SES .g

  • Docket No. 50-382 o

_ Quality Assurance Program Change N I HEFERENCES: 1) Regulatory Guide 1.88 Rev. 2, October, 1976,

" Collection, Storage, and Maintenance of Nuclear Power Plant Quality Assurance Records"

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2) American. National Standard ANSI N45.2.9-1974, " Requirements for Collection, Storage, and Maintenance of Quality Assurance Records for Nuclear Power Plants" Gentlemen: i As required by 10CFR50.54, this is notification of a change in the LP&L Quality Assurance Program. The change is being submitted Scause it is a departaro from the program defined in FSAR, Section 17._. The change, p 'which invtuves the inclusion of a provision for the interim storage of quality assurance records, demonstrates continued compliance with 10CFR50, Appendin B and the existing FSAR Quality Assurance Program description commitments.

FSAR Table 17.2-1, which provides a listing of the regulatory guidance documents to which LP&L is committed, currently reflects LP&L's full compli-ance with Regulatory Guide 1.88 (Reference 1) and American National Standard ANSI N45.2.9 (Reference 2) which is endorsed by Regulatory Guide 1.88.

ANSI N45.2.9, Section 1.4, defines Quality Assurance Records as "Those records ili ' which furnish documentary evidence of the quality of items and of activities 7- affecting quality. For the purposes of this standard a document is considered 4, t a quality assurance record when the document has been completed." Section 0 5.6 further states that " Records discussed in this standard are appropriately classified for fire protection purposes as National Fire Protection Associa-tion Class I and as such should be afforded the equivalent protection of E

a NFPA Class A, four hour minimum rated facility."

8710210160 071019 PDR ADOCK 05000302:




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p Pago 2-W3P87-2300 y , s It is LP&L's'pdlicy that# records transferred to permanent storage are received


and processed ]st accordartpc with the requirements of' ANSI N45,2.9. However, ANSI N45.2 9.-doer not provide suitable alternatives for the interim storage of records gioi to thb t,ransfert to the permanent stcrage facility.

Therefore,"It.is' requested that.the following thange to Table 17,.2-1 (see

. ;[ Attachmeat) he'rev.iewed and.4pproved:-

. .! s AdbcomdenttoRegul&'toryGulfanceDocumenttitled "Re9ulU tcry Guide 1.88" which states:

The interim storage of . quality assurance records will tv conducted in accord 3nce with approved LP&L procedires.

At a minimum, quality assurance records stored on an interim basis wi)? be afforded the protection of a one  ;

hou1' minimum rated facility or storage cabinet.

jf- In accordance with 10CFR50.54(a)(3)(iv') this change shall be conuidered  ;

accepted unless notification to the contrary is receir3d within 60 days

-r , frou the date of this letter, subsequently, this change will be submitted in accordance with 10CFR50.71(e).

Inclosed with this submittal is the application fee 6f $150.00 pursugnt to the requirements of 10CFR170. Should you have any questions or need any e

additi'onal information regarding this matter, plaase contact P.N. Bacs.es, Nuclear Qualitp Aesurance Manager at (504) 464-3466.


Yours very truly,


f g,i K.W. Cook Nuclear Safety &

Regulatory Affairs !!anager  !

.s ,, KWC/TJG/ldo

, Attachment cce C.L. Glake, W.M. Stevenson, J.A. Chlvo, J.H. Wilson, R.D. Martin,

' NRC Pasisient Ingpector's Of fice (W3) n 1

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