SVP-99-064, Forwards Effluent & Waste Disposal Semi-Annual Rept for Period Jul-Dec 1998 & Rev 3 to Qcap 0280-01, Process Control Program for Processing of Radioactive Wet Wastes at Quad Cities Nuclear Power Station

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Forwards Effluent & Waste Disposal Semi-Annual Rept for Period Jul-Dec 1998 & Rev 3 to Qcap 0280-01, Process Control Program for Processing of Radioactive Wet Wastes at Quad Cities Nuclear Power Station
Person / Time
Site: Quad Cities  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 03/30/1999
From: Dimmette J
Shared Package
ML20196K582 List:
SVP-99-064, SVP-99-64, NUDOCS 9904020134
Download: ML20196K581 (8)


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Quad Citics Generating Nation 12710 206th Avenue North I Conhn a. I!.612 42 97-60 l Tc .wes 022 o i

SVP-99-064 March 30,1999 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Cornmission ATTN: Document Control Desk Washington, D C '20555 Quad Cities Nuclear Power Station, Unit I and Unit 2 Facility Operating License Nos. DPR-29 and DPR-30 j NRC Docket Nos. 50-254 and 50-265 l



Quad Cities Nuclear Power Station's Radioactive Effluent Report for January through December 1998 ,



Letter from R. M. Krich (Comed) to USNRC, "Offsite Dose Calculation  !

Manual Changes for 1998," dated March 12,1999.

l In accordance with the Quad Cities Technical Specifications Section 6.9.4 and 10 CFR 50.36a, we are submitting the Quad Cities Nuclear Power Station's Radioactive  !

Effluent Report for January through December 1998. A copy of procedure QCAP 0280-01, " Process Control Program," Revision 3, dated 11/5/98,'is also included as required by ODCM Section 12.6.1," Radioactive Effluent Release Report."

ODCM Section requires that a new revision of the ODCM be submitted as part of or concurrent with the Radioactive Effluent Report. The referenced letter, dated March 12,1999, submitted the required ODCM revision. k7l 1

9904020134 990330 n PDR a ADOCK05000254[4 eon a

,9 A linicum Company

USNRC~ 2 Ma ch 30,1999 SVP-99-064 i

If there are any questions or comments concerning this letter, please refer them to Mr. Wally Beck, Acting Regulatory Assurance Manager, at (309) 654-2241, extension 3100.

Sincer ,

30 :1 P. Dimmette, Jr.

Si e Vice President Quad Cities Nuclear Power Station Attachments: A. Effluent and Waste Disposal Semiannual Report Supplemental Information, Quad Cities Nuclear Power Station, January-June 1998 B. Effluent and Waste Disposal Semiannual Report Supplemental Information, Quad Cities Nuclear Power Station, July-December 1998 C. Quad Cities Station Meteorological Site Quarterly Joint-Frequency Wind Rose Tables for 1998 D. Solid Waste Disposition Summary E. QCAP 0280-01, Revision 3, Process Control Program for Processing of Radioactive Wet Wastes at Quad Cities Nuclear Power Station cc: Regional Administrator-NRC Region III NRC Senior Resident Inspector - Quad Cities Nuclear Power Station i

l i L  !


l_ USNRC 3 March 30,1999 SVP-99-064 )

bec: R. Pulsifer, Project Manager, NRR W. Leech, MidAmerican Energy Company D. Tubbs, Mid American Energy Company N. Reynolds, Winston & Strawn R. Krich, VP Regulatory Services, Corporate, Comed S. Dort, Director, Licensing and Compliance, Comed l

D. Ambler, Regulatory Assurance Manager, Dresden i W. Beck, Acting Regulatory Assurance Manager, Quad Cities K. Bethard, NRC Cocrdinator, Quad Cities R. Baumer, NSRB Site Coordinator, Quad Cities INPO Records Center Office of Nuclear Facility Safety, IDNS

' DCD Licensing (both electronic and hard copies)

SVP I.etter -

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Attachment A l

l Effluent and Waste Disposal Semiannual Report Supplemental l l Information, Quad Cities Nuclear Power Station, January-June 1998 I SVP-99-064 i


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i Attachment B Effluent and Waste Disposal Semiannual Report Supplemental Information, Quad Cities Nuclear Power Station, July-December 1998 SVP-99-064 l

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EFFLUENT AND WASTE DISPOSAL SEMIANNUAL REPORT Supplemental Information l Facility Quad Cities Nuclear Power Station July - December 1928 Licensee Commonwealth Edison Comoany

1. Regulatory Limits
a. For Noble Gases:

l Dose rate i

1. Less than 500 mrem / year to the whole body.
2. Less than 3000 mrem / year to the skin.

Dose Gamma Radiation

1. Less than or equal to 5 mrad / quarter. l
2. Less than or equal to 10 mrad / year.

1 Beta Radiation

1. Less than or equal to 10 mrad / quarter.
2. Less than or equal to 20 mrad / year.

o..c. For Iodine-131, for Iodine-133. and for all radionuclides in i particulate form with half-lives greater than 8 days.

Dose Rate

1. Less than 1500 mrem / year Dose
1. Less than or equal to 7.5 mrem / quarter
2. Less than or equal to 15 mrem / year.
d. For Liquid Less than or equal to 3 mrem to the whole body during any calendar I quarter.

Less than or equal to 10 mrem to any organ during any calendar quarter.

Less than or equal to 6 mrem to the whole body during any calendar year.

Less than or equal to 20 mrem to any organ during any calendar year, i

l FTMGR\00999L%?


2. Maximum Permissible Concentration a;.b..c., For fission and activation gases, iodines, and particulates with halflives greater than 8 days, allowable release limits are calculated by solving equations 10.1 and 10.2 from the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual. The alarm setpoint is conservatively set at approximately 10% of the 10CFR20 limit.
d. For liquid' effluents allowable release limits are calculated by solving equations 10.3 and 10.4 from the Offsite Dose Calculation manual. The MPC values used for the monitors were as follows:

radwaste discharge'4.96E-05 uCi/ml service water 1.0E-05 uC1/ml

3. Average Energy The average gamma energy used to calculate the alarm setpoints for the ncble gas monitors was 0.657 Mev for the Third quarter, and 0.386 Mev for the Fourth quarter.
4. Measurements and Approximations of Total Radioactivity
a. Fission.and Activation Gases:
b. Iodines:
c. Particulates:

The main chimney and reactor building ventilation exhaust systems are continually monitored for iodines and particulates. These samples are pulled every 7 days and analyzed by gamma isotopic ~ .

The particulate papers are composited every 31 days and sent to a vendor for Sr 89-90 and gross al>ha analysis. Noble gas grab i samples are pulled and analyzed )y gamma isotopic weekly. Tritium samples are pulled and analyzed every month.

The Sr89/90 and Gross alpha curies released values reported are actual. The portion of the " percent of applicable limit" for these contributors is reported based on projections that are used in the monthly ODCM calculations. The actual results are not available when the ODCM calculations are performed.

l The continuous strip chart recorders for the monitors on the release points are reviewed monthly for spikes and the activity i released is calculated. An additional calculated activity for '

l noble gascs is added to the Main chimney release each month. This calculation is done because most of the grab samples show less than the lower limit of detection due to the low amount of activity and the large dilution flow at the sample point. The calculation takes into account the normal offgas train and the gland steam contribution to the release.

l The average flow at the release points are used to calculate the curies released.



d. 'Iiquid Eifluents

-The river discharge tanks are analyzed before discharge by gamma isotopic. A composite' representative portion of this sample saved. This is composited with other discharges that occurred every 31 days and is analyzed for tritium and gross alpha. The L batch composites are composited quarterly and sent to a vendor for I Sr 89-90 and Fe 55 The discharge bay is sampled every 31 days and analyzed by gamma isotopic, for tritium and gross alpha. It is sampled quarterly and sent to a vendor for Sr 89-90 and Fe 55


The tank volumes and activities are used to calculate the curies-released for the River Discharge Tank. The total water released during the quarter and the activity is used to calculate the diluted activity released at the discharge bay, from batch  !

discharges. I

e. Estimated Total Error Percent The estimated total error percents were calculated by taking the square root of the sum of the squares of errors for sampling and measurement parameters. The estimated total error percent for the solid waste radwaste curies is 12.3%.
f. Less than the lower limit of detection (<LLD).

Samples are analyzed such that the Technical Specification LLD requirements are met. When a nuclide is not detected during the quarter then <LLD is reported.


5. Batch Releases
a. Liquid
1. number of releases 19
2. . total time 20.273 minutes ,
3. maximum time 1.217 minutes i
4. average time 1.067 Minutes i
5. minimum time 458 minutes- l
6. average stream flow, discharge 47.6 gpm.  ;

dilution 3.94E+05 gpm. l

b. Gaseous NONE ,



6. -Abnormal Releases
a. Gaseous f

.1. None

b. . Liquid
1. On 11/1/98 the MG Set deluge system initiated and a portion i -of the water was routed to the 1/2 oil separator through the I drain on the MG Set skid. Although there was no detectable activity identified at the outlet of the Waste Water Treatment Plant-(WWTP).there was a small amount identified

' at the inlet to the WWTP. This activity was attributed to-this event, and the activity was added to the monthly-

, effluent release. The 2.51E-06 Ci of Co-60 is listed under, i the " Continuous Mode" section.of this report.


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