PNO-III-86-064, on 860705,svc Water Pump 1B Failed.Apparently Due to Failure of Pump Shaft,Lower Bearing or Lower Impeller.Unit Placed in Hot Shutdown.Approx 7 Days Needed to Repair Pump

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PNO-III-86-064:on 860705,svc Water Pump 1B Failed.Apparently Due to Failure of Pump Shaft,Lower Bearing or Lower Impeller.Unit Placed in Hot Shutdown.Approx 7 Days Needed to Repair Pump
Person / Time
Site: Zion File:ZionSolutions icon.png
Issue date: 07/07/1986
From: Burgess B, Guldemond W
PNO-III-86-064, PNO-III-86-64, NUDOCS 8607150023
Download: ML20202E821 (1)

PRELIMINARY NOTIFICAT10N OF EVENT OR UNUSUAL OCCURRENCE--PNO-III-86-64 Date July 7, 8 This preliminary notification constitutes EARLY notice of events of POSSIBLE safety or public interest significance. The information is as initially received without gl verification or evaluation, and is basically all that is known by the Region III staff on this date.

Facility: Commonwealth Edison Company Licensee Emergency Classification:

Zion Unit 2 --

X Notification of an Unusual Event Zion, IL 60099 Alert Site Area Emergency Docket No: 50-304 General Emergency Not Applicable


SERVICE WATER PUMP FAILURE On July 5,1986, the 1B service water pump failed, apparently due to a failure of the pump shaft, lower bearing, or lower impeller. The Zion Station has six service water pumps, three for each unit with the provision of interconnecting them. The Technical Specifications require that one unit be shut down within four hours if two )

of the six pumps are out of service. At the time of the IB pump failure, the 2C pump was already out of service for repairs.

Unit 2 was in hot standby at the time of the pump failure, and the licensee proceeded to place the unit in hot shutdown at 12:10 a.m. , July 6,1986. The licensee declared an Unusual Event under its emergency plan at 10:30 p.m., July 5,1986, and terminated the designation when the unit was placed ir. het shutdown.

Unit I was operating at 95 percent power at the time of the pump failure; it rerains in operation.

The licensee expects that repairs to the pump will require at least a seven-day outage.

The resident inspector is on site and is monitoring the licensee's activities.

The State of Illinois will be notified.

Region III was initially notified of the pump failure by the Headquarters Duty Officer at 10:45 p.m., July 5, 1986. This information is current as of 10 a.m.,-

July 7, 1986.

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CONTACT: B. Burg /c.W. hTaldemo d FTS 388-5689 f FTS 388 7 74 DISTRIBUTION:

H. St. ED0 NRR E/W Willste Mail: ADM:DMB Chairman Palladino PA IE NMSS D0T:Trans only Comm. Zech ELD OIA RES Comm. Bernthal AE0D Comm. Roberts Comm. Asselstine SP2 61 Regional Offices ACRS SECY INP02Jfh .NSAC ).'/k CA RIII Resident Office .

PDR Licensee: 7.'&T) '(Corp. Office - Reactor Lic. Only)

Region III 8607150023 860707 ' J' Rev. November 1985 PDR I&E '

PNO-III-86-064 PDR 0g g; 153Y p]