BECO-89-078, Requests Listed Senior Reactor Operator License Candidates Be Scheduled to Participate in Academic Fundamentals Exam to Be Administered on 890628,per Generic Ltr 89-05

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Requests Listed Senior Reactor Operator License Candidates Be Scheduled to Participate in Academic Fundamentals Exam to Be Administered on 890628,per Generic Ltr 89-05
Person / Time
Site: Pilgrim
Issue date: 06/15/1989
From: Bird R
To: Perkins K
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
BECO-89-078, BECO-89-78, GL-89-05, GL-89-5, NUDOCS 8906200277
Download: ML20244E341 (9)


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l MBN$@f Pilgrim Nuclear Power station Rocky Hill Road Plymouth, Massachusetts c2360 1'

L R*lPh G. Bint June 15,1989 senior vice President - Nuclear BECo Ltr 89-078 Mr. Kenneth Perkins

' Chief, Operating Licensing Branch Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

. Washington, D.C. 20555 Docket No. 50-293 Lhense No DPR-35


Request for Participation in the Academic fundamenta*ls Examination (Ref. Generic Letter 89-05)

Mr. Perkins, He request the seven Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Senior Reactor Operator License candidates named below be scheduled to participate in the Academic fundamentals Examination to be administered on June 28, 1989:

1. William J. Dicroce ,

, 2. Michael Perito

3. . Leslie J. Schmeling
4. Steven E..Hans
5. Richard M. Probasco
6. Vincent P. Magnatta
7. Thomas E. Trepanier This request is being made consistent with the requirements of NRC Generic Letter #89-05, and subsequent telephone conversations between members of our Training Department Staff and the NRC Region I Staff. The required application forms are attached.

If you have any questions regarding this request, please contact Mr. Harrison

  • R. Balfour, Operator Training Section Manager, at (508)747-8602. ,

R.,$ G. Bird g ^ #

Attachments JK/dmc 8906200277 890615 PDR ADOCK 05000293 v ecc ,



Page 2 j 1

! tir. Kenneth Perkins


cc: Mr. William Russell j l Regional Administrator, Region I j U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 1 l 475 Allendale Rd.

l King of Prussia, PA 19406 I Mr. Robert Gallo Operations Branch Chief Divis10n of Reactor Safety U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission l

475 Allendale Road

King of Prussia, PA 19406 Mr. Richard Conte BWR Section Chief U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 475 Allendale Road King of Prussia, PA 19406 Sr. NRC Resident Inspector - Pilgrim Station Standard BECo Distribution

_-_________ _ N

.42300/1 I

Enclosure (GL 89-05)

I, William J..QLCrm e _ , employed at the Pilarim Station NAME STATION NAME

____.30-293 request participation in the Pilot Test Program FACILITY DOCKET NUMBER of the Fundamentals Examination for an operator or a senior operator license, I aqrce to the conditions outlined in GL-89-05.

Appiicant: ' _-

6I shnature / ifATE '_,_

Approved:. _


G v!@P yaining0epartmentManager 'DAT'E l

L 1

L __ -

f 42300/2 Enclosure (GL 89-05)

I. Michael Perito , employed at the _ 'Pilarim Shilan NAME STATION NAME 50-293 request participation in the Pilot Test Program FACILITY DOCKET NUMBER of the fundamentals Examination for an operator or a senior operator license.

I agree to the conditions outlined in GL-89-05.

Applicant: ~N k (e Mkes signature DATE ~

Approved: G[N[M

\)TrainingDepartmentManager 'DATE i

L_ _ _ -

42300/3 i (GL 89-05) {

I , _. Leslie J. Schmellina , employed at the Pilorim Sittjon NAME STATION NAME 50-293 request participation in the Pilot Test Program FACILITY DOCKET NUMBER of the Fundamentals Examination for an operator or a senior operator license.

I agree to the conditions outlined in GL-89-05.

Applicant: I 4 0 '

Signature i DATE Approved: . _ /!@

Tr'dning Departroent Manager D4TE

42300/4 Enclosure (GL 89-05)

I, Steven E. Hans , employed at the Pilarim Stiltion NAME STATION NAME 50-293 request participation in the Pilot Test Program FACILITY DOCKET NUMBER of the Fundamentals Examination for an operator or a senior operator license.

I agree to the conditions outlined in CL-89-05.

2 Applicant: '

'_/ d

/ gSignature ~4 D

Approved:_. 6!N!dT

' Gaining Department Manager 6 ATE-L

42300/5 1

Enclosure (GL 89-05)

I, Richard _li. Probasco , employed at the PilorinLS1RLlon NAME STATION NAME 50-293 request participation in the Pilot Test Program FACILITY DOCKET NUMBER of the Fundamentals Examination for an operator or a senior operator license.

I agree to the conditions outlined in GL-89-05.

Applicant: ' n) -

[o/'/!D signature ' DA"E Approved: C!/4_f?_

GrainingIDepartmentManager 'DATE l


l L - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ .


.-42300/6 I

r _

. Enclosure (GL 89-05)

I, Vincent.'P. Maanatta , employed'at the Pilorim Station

, , NAME STATION NAME 50-293 request participation in the Pilot Test Program FACILITY DOCKET NUMBER'

-of.the Fundamentals Examination for an operator or a senior operator license.

L I agree to the conditions outlined in GL-89-05.


Applicant: 5A 6MMM

~ ' Signature r DATE Approved: G f Trk)ning Department Manager 'DATE r

. 42300/7 i

Enclosure (GL 99-05)

I, _Ittom_as E. Treotnier __, employed at the ,__.Jil;;1m_ Station i NAME STATION NAME b* , 50-2LL _ _

__ request participation in the Pilot Test Program FACILIlY 00CrFT NUMBER V trae Fundamentals Examintion for an operetor or a senior operator license.

I agree to the coaditions outlined in GL-89-05.

f.pplisant: _


Signature 184 JV4 EC1 DATE Aorrovtt .


$. ' < 6[Nh

( fraining Department i4anagnr MT E '

1 I

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