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Application for Amends to Licenses NPF-35 & NPF-52, Correcting Typos,Updating Info or Clarifying Statements.Fee Paid
Person / Time
Site: Catawba  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 10/28/1987
From: Tucker H
Shared Package
ML20236G868 List:
NUDOCS 8711030324
Download: ML20236G865 (5)


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0ctober 28, 1987 1


<U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 'I

-Attention: Document Control Desk

. Washington, D. C. 20555


Catawba. Nuclear Station, Units 1 and 2 Docket Nos.-50-413 and'50-414.

Technical Specification Amendment.

Administrative Changes ,

Dear Sir:

i This' letter contains a proposed amendment to the Technical Specifications for Facility Operating License Nos. NPF-35 and NPF-52 for Catawba-Units 1'and 2. The.

attachment request involves. changes which are editorial in nature. correcting typographical errors, updating information or clarifying statements. The Commission has provided guidance concerning'the application of standards of no significant hazards determination ~by providing certain examples (48 FR 14870).

One of the examples of actions likely to involve no significant hazards considerations is a change that is purely administrative and therefore' involves no significant hazards considerations.

The attachment contains the proposed administrative changes and a brief


discussion of the justification for the changes.

This proposal involves one amendment request to Catawba's Technical Specifications. Accordingly, pursuant to 10 CFR 170.21'a check.for $150.00'is enclosed.

Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.91-(b) (1) the appropriate South Carolina State Official is l being provided a copy of this amendment request.

l Very truly yours l

&,gtk.s k~ i l .Hal B. Tucker l

RWO/147/sbn Attachments l

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..: ' October 28, 11987.-

4 Page TwoE

.1 1

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xc:. Dr. J. Nelson Grace, Regional. Administrator U.';S.-Nuclear Regulatory Commission: .]

~ Region II 4

'j .

J 101 Marietta-' Street, NW, Suite 2900:

Atlanta, Georgia 30323. u J

'Mr..Heyward Shealy,. Chief ' . .,

Bureau of Radiological Health South Carolina Department of. Health & d.

Environmental,Controlf 2 l

'2600 Bull Street- g Columbia, South Carolina- 29201' --(

a L: .American Nuclear Insurers s e/o Dottie Sherman, ANI Library- .

The Exchange,' Suite.245 , Lj 270 Farmington Avenue-Farmington, CT' 06032  ;

a M

M&M Nuclear Consultants 1221 Avenue of.the Americas New York, New York 10020  ;

INPO Records' Center Suite 1500 3 1100 Circle 75 Parkway 1 l- Atlanta, Georgia ' 30339 ' l j Mr. P. K. Van Doorn NRC Resident Inspector 1 Catawba. Nuclear Station 'i 1

a R



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  • ;U.lS. Nuclear Regulatory Commission" c A '.
Octbber=28,l1987 c .
  • *'.Page Three L


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HAL B. TUCKER, being duly sworn,l states that he is Vice President-of Duke Power. -f


  • J

' Company; that he11s authorized ~ on the part of 'said; Company;to: sign 'and file with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission this revision. to' the Catawbal Nuclear Station

. .i Technical Spe.cifications, ' Appendix A 't'o ' License .No. LNPF-35'.and; NPF-52; :and that !

L l

- all statements'and matters set forth therein are true and correct to the bestlof; '

.j his knowledge. '

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.l  !

Hal B.. Tucker,.Vice President 1

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Subscribed and' sworn to before me this 28th day of October, l'987.-

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1 O JJ CA Not'ar'y PubliV> V J siioien,,, -

'My Commission Expires: # * '"

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1 Changes to the index pages reflect changes that were the result of previously issued Technical Specification amendments. 'l The addition of the word " doghouse"'to item 4.d. on Table 3.3-3 clarifies that.-

a the number of channels referred to are the number of channels located'in each )

doghouse structure.

The change to item 6 e. on' Table 3.3-3 shows that the turbine is designed to trip if either train of reactor. trip instrumentation trips.

l The changes to Specification 3.4.4 correct the requirements contained in the i ACTION statements. This Specification is applicable in Modes 1, 2 and 3. The ACTION statements require the Unit to be placed in COLD SHUTDOWN (Mode 5). Once.

Mode 4 (HOT SHUTDOWN) is entered this Specification is no longer applicable an'd the requirements of the ACTION statements'no longer apply. Therefore, to maintain the consistency which is contained throughout-the Technical-Specifications, these ACTION statements should direct that the Unit be placed in HOT SHUTDOWN within the following.6' hours. ,

i The change to Action Statement b. of Technical. Specification clarifles- 'l the requirement of the required Action. The word " Demonstrate" implies a i

physical action or test must be performed, whereas, the term " verify" would; allow- j l determination of operability through verification.of water temperature,. level,.

etc. The word " Demonstrate" has no practical meaning for determining operabilit'y of a passive system such as the Standby' Nuclear Service Water Pond. ,

a The addition of the word " path" to Specification. is' intended to add i clarification to the Surveillance Requirements. In Section 10.4.9 of Catawba's l SER (NUREG-0954) it is stated that Duke Power committed to verify the Auxiliary Feedwater flowpath to the steam generators before startup after any cold shutdown i of 30 days or longer. The intent of this commitment was to ensure that:the flow.

l path was not blocked. The intent was not to verify design flow rates. The= flow rates are demonstrated per Surveillance and'2). The addition of the word " path" is intended to clarify this commitment. j q

The changes to Specification 4.7.12 reflect the fact that the groundwater' monitor wells encircle both the Unit 1 and the Unit 2 Reactor Buildings and;the Auxiliary-Building. This wording ir evidently a carryover from the' Unit 1 Specifications and should be corrected to indicate that the Specifications are now a combined document applicable to'both Units.

1 The change to Specification is needed to-clarify that the term

" STAGGERED TEST BASIS" has no meaning when applied to components.that are being ]

tested on different test frequencies. Depending on the number of failuros.that a diesel has experienced, it can either be on a 7 day or a 31 day test frequency.

If one diesel is on a 7 day test frequency and the being tested every 31 ]

days, the team STAGGERED TEST BASIS has no meaning.


[. _ _ _ . _ . _ . _

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The change to Specification is to clarify the requirements of the time delay. It makes no sense to place a band (in this case i0.2 sec) around a value and specify that this value plus the tolerance be a minimum value. The intent of the surveillance is to ensure an adequate time delay within a.specified tolerance. Deleting " minimum" does not change the requirement but helps clarify the statement.

Figures 5.1-1, 5.1-3 and 5.1-4 have been updated to reflect the location of the newly constructed Training Center, to spell out the elevation of the station vents, to' indicate the location of the chemical treatment ponds and to show that the meteorological tower is actually located outside of the perimeter fence.

1 The changes made to 6.2.2f. reflect the shift rotation and work hours. currently- ]

employed at Catawba. j 1

The change to and reflects the change in title of the person in charge of the Nuclear Safety Review Board (NSRB).

The first change to 6.4.1. reflects the new position of Manager, Station Training Services. This person is in charge of the unit staff training program conducted at the site. l l

The second change to 6.4.1 shows that the Catawba Safety Review Group is not 4 directly involved in the Operating Experience Program. Identification of l relevant operating experience information for use in training programs is I explicitly a part of the Operating Experience Program.and appropriate l responsibilities have been clearly assigned to a separate group.

l The third change to 6.4.1 corrects a printing error introduced by the issuance of amendments 27 (Unit 1) and 17 (Unit 2).

The change to, and reflects the change in title of the person in charge of the NSRB and makes the wording consistent with that contained in and '

The change to, b. and c. shows the new organizational name and new title for this particular Executive Vice President.  !

1 The change to 6.9.1,, and 6.9.2 reflect the recent changes to 10 CFR 50.4 concerning communications from Licensees to the NRC.

1 All of these proposed changes are deemed to be administrative in nature. The Commission has provided guidance concerning the application of standards of no.

significant hazards determination by providing certain examples (48 FR 14870).

One of the examples of actions likely to involve no significant hazards considerations is a change that is purely administrative (example [i]). Since l all of the proposed changes are administrative they therefore involva no .

significant hazards considerations.

l i

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