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Opposes ASLB Ruling Limiting Public Comment on Licensing & Const Process to Elected or Appointed Officials within 10-mile Epz.Opening of Hearings to Public at Large Urged. Served on 871016
Person / Time
Site: Seabrook  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 10/08/1987
From: Hildt B
To: Smith I
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
CON-#487-4611 82-471-02-OL, 82-471-2-OL, OL, NUDOCS 8710200031
Download: ML20235X524 (2)


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, '87 OCT 16 P156 Committees on DARBARA A. HILDT ** Human Services and fiderly Affairs 157 ESSEX DISTRICT $fIl(( gt [ ' , fi .

24 BELMONT STREET NM $ . l Educahon AMESBURY. M A 01913 38ANGM TEL. (6171308.3647 g g Need of Service, House Chair Scecial Commission on Wolence Against Children otcober 8, 1987 Room 22 stare souse TEL. 722 2140 l

l Honorable Ivan Smith, Chairman Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Nuclear Regulatory Commission  !

Washington, DC 20555 Re: Docket Nos. 50-443-OL/50-444-OL l (ASLBP No. 82-471-02-OL Offsite Emergency Planning)

Dear Judge Smith:

I write to you as State Representative of three of the communities within the ten-mile emergency planning zone of the Seabrook reactor. Although it will not be possible to appear before your panel in person, I trust you will enter my comments into the public record of the New Hampshire Offsite Emergency Planning Hearings.

For more than ten years the Seabrook controversy has raged.

In the mid-seventies, legitimate questions were raised regarding the constraints of a site so densely populated. At that time, the objections were dismissed as " inappropriate". Area residents and elected officials were told time and again that there would be an opportunity "later on" to raise safety questions.

"Later on" is now. We have been patient, allowing the licensing and construction process to continue despite our objections.

Yet, your panel has recently ruled that public comment will be limited to elected or appointed officials of communities within the ten-mile emergency planning zone. For the majority of my constituents who wish to speak to the issues of emergency planning, this action is outrageous!

The Licensing Board's ruling mocks the process of public participation. It confirms the worst suspicions of cynics, and enrages those who have waited so long to be heard, h0200031 071008 g ADOCK 05000443 PDR (,y 1,

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I' urge you, asta matter of consistency with past practice, l and'out of respect'for the tax paying public that places.its trust in the agencies of government, to open these hearings i

to that public-at-large.

'It is' critical for your panel to understand that residents in-our region, including public safety personnel, civil defense officials, local,. state and federal officials elected to represent their concerns, have spent the past three years evaluating emergency response plans for their communities. It is the conclusion of these people that a workable emergency response plan that provides " reasonable assurance" of protecting their safety cannot be devised.

Due to high population density, much of which is seasonally

' isolated on a barrier beach system within three. miles of the reactor, limited road network and complex coastal weather patterns, the possibility of coordinating a large scale emergency response is absurd. The population could be evacuated, if necessary, over a long period of time. No reasonable person, however, claims that the region could be emptied in_less than twelve hours under ideal conditions.

The idea of sheltering is equally unrealistic, as the majority of dwellings are of light wood frame construction, many of which a serve as summer cottages only. It is my understanding that  ;

Public Service Company of New Hampshire has submitted a list I of proposed shelter that includes open-sided lean-to shelters at' Salisbury Beach Reservation and screened-in seasonal restaurants. I Clearly, sheltering the tens of thousands of day visitors to the beach area is impossible, as there is barely sufficient shelter for the year-round population.

It is difficult to view the current licensing proceedings with an objective eye. For the past decade the people of our region have suffered the arrogance and insult of a utility seemingly in control of the regulatory agency established to protect the public interest.

Please help restore our confidence in the integrity of federal government. Reject the offsite emergency plans submitted by Public Service Company of New Hampshire.

Thank you for your consideration of this matter. If I may provide additional testimony or be of assistance to you, please do not hesitate to call upon me.

Sincerel ,

, , 1-BARBARA A. HILDT STATE REPRESENTATIVE BAH /pg cc: Samuel 67. Chilk Thomas Moughan

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