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Partial Response to FOIA Request.Forwards App M Documents. Apps L & M Documents Available in PDR
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Site: Diablo Canyon, South Texas, 05000000
Issue date: 02/12/1987
To: Holmes G
Shared Package
ML20209C072 List:
FOIA-86-151 NUDOCS 8702240011
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U.S. NUCLEA] C.EGULATORY COMMISSION r.i t 504 %t st N.ves %.

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F01A-86-151 f f LES,0NSt hPL


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@ 13 N DOCS E! N.V8Ea S> Lir soperteme-REOutSTER Mr. Greoory A. Holmes PART l.-RECORDS RELEASED OR N OT LOCATED ISee checaed bonest No agency records subrect to the redest have been loca ed No addruonal agency recorda subsect to the request have been located.

Agency reco'ds si b ect f to the 'eques* **a* a'e identAed en AE&end a 1717 H Street. N.W Washington. DC

( l't am . a.8 at e f r C.thC O #5&etton and copengin the NRC P bl.c u CCcument Rocm.

X Agency records subsct to the request t*at are identif.ed e Append , M 8.e te ; -,:e .a,rabie fo, puoi.c <scect.on and copying .n t%e NRC Puoi c oocument X Room,1717 H Street. N W. Washington, DC, in a folder under the FOIA number anc *equester name.

The nonpropnetary vers.on of the proposalfst that you agreed to a::ect in a te echone :r .e sa- et* a mernber of my sta4 e now being made avadable for public inspection and coving at the NRC Pubhc Document Room,1717 H Street. N A . Washm; ton. CC e a fc.:e* .,rx:e' th.s FOIA number and requester name.

Enclosed is ir formation on how you mar cbtain eccess to and the c*arges for coevg e:: :s pra:e: m t*e NRC Pebhc Docu-ent Room.17t7 H Street N W . Washington. DC Agency records subrect to the redest are enclosed Any acciica e charge for : re rece :s ; ev.ded and payment procedu es are noted an the comments secten.

Records sotaect to the request have been referred to anct*er Fede al agency 6es for ee. e4 and : *ect response to you in view s' NRC's respor se to this req.est, no fur ther action is be*g taken on a: pes e r Za ec

._ PART 11 A-INFORMATION WITHHE.O FROM PUBLIC OISCLOSURE Certain efori saton in the requested records is being withheid from pubhc discicsure pusant to tre FOlA enemptions descnbod in and for the reasons stated an Part il. sec-tions B. C. and D Any released portens of the documents for which only part of the record as being wwthheid are being rnade available for public inspection and copying en the NRC Public Document Room 1717 H ST'eet. N W WasNng'et DC. in a folde u w tars 8 CIA nureter and requester name Comments St TuAE. DistCf 0R OvscN csn.,t3 v 7as:cecs

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0702240011 870212 PDR FOIA HOLMES86-151 PDR N1c roRu 444 irari n

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F01A-86-151 Appendix L Date Description

1. 1/28/83 Letter to Dr. W. E. Cooper t rom Roger F. Reedy, Regarding RhG&A January Program Manager's Report. (6 pages) AN0: 8303090259
2. 2/18/83 Letter to Dr. W. E. Cooper from Roger F. Reedy. Regarding RFR, Inc. February Program Managers Rcport. (6 paSes) AN0: 8307.240014
3. 4/13/83 Letter to Thomas S. Moore, Dr. W. Reed Johnson and John H. Buck fron Lawrence J. Chandler. Regarding Facific Gas and Electric Company's Response to March 29, 1983 Affici.vit of Richaro B.

Hubbard dated 4/8/83. (2 pages) AN0: 8304140194

4. 4/21/83 Memoranaum and Order to Thomas S. Moore, Dr. John H. Buck and Dr. W. Reed Johnson from C. Jean Shoemaker. Regarding 4/14/83, oral arguments on the motions of the joint intervenors and the Governor of California to reopen operating lictuse proceeding on matters concerning quality assurance. (7 pages)

ANO: 8304250211 5, 7/3/83 Letter to Mr. G.H. Maneatis, Mr. H. R. Denton, & Mr. J.B.

Martin. Regarding Open Item Reports 1128 Revision 1 and 1133, 1134, 1135, 1136 and 1137 Revision I, issued by Robert L. Cloud Associates. (8 pages) ANO: 8307130258

6. 9/26/83 Letter to Mr. J. O. Schuyler f rom T. W. Bishop. Regarding Requalification Program Schedule. (2 pages) AN0: 8310030285
7. 9/30/63 Letter to Robert Ohlbach, Joel R. Reynolds, John R. Phillips, Michael J. Strumwcsser and Maurice Axelrad. Regarding Pacific Gas ano Electric Company (Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant, Unit 1), Docket No. 50-275, OL-DPR-76. (2 pages)


8. 10/5/83 Letter to The Honorable Gary K. Hart from Samuel J. Chilk.

Regarding acknowledge receipt of your comments to the Nuclear Regulatory Consnission on the licensing of the Diablo Canyon nuclearpowerplant.(5pages)ANO: 8310110114

9. 10/13/83 Letter to Mr. J. O. Schuyler from T. W. Bishop. Regarding hRC Inspection of Diablo Canyon Units Nos. I and 2. (47 pages)

ANO: 8310310332

10. 10/14/83 Letter to Mr. J. O. Schuyler from T. W. Pishop. Regarding NRC Inspection of Diablo Canyon Units 1 and 2. (12 pages)

ANO: 8310310246

11. 10/14/83 Letter to Mr. a. O. Schuyler from T. W. Bishop. Regarding letter dated 9/27/83, infortning the NRC of the steps taken to I correct the iterrt which was brought to ycur attenticn in a letter dated 8/26/83. (7 pages) ANO: 8310200180
12. 10/17/83 Letter to Mr. Johr. H. Cooper from T. W. Bishcp. Regarding the response to the concerns and problems which you identified to Mr. E. Powers of the Ottice of Investigations of the NRC on 7/21/82 and to answer your letter of 8/20/83. (23 pages)

AN0: 8310200175 U. 10/17/83 hote to the Parties in the Ctablo Canyon Proceeding from Victor Gilinsky. (20 pages) AN0: 8310190054 14 10/20/83 Letter to Taylce Asscciates from Henry J. McGurren. Regarding original copies of the depositions of Hartn.ut Schierling, Walter Haass, ar.d Dennis Kubicki. (5 pages) AN0: 8310250176

15. 10/21/83 Letter to J. O. Schuyler from T. W. Bishop. Regarding letter dated 10/11/83, surmrizing the results of your investigation to resolve the items brought to your attention in a letter dated 3/29/83. (9 pages) ANO: 8310280060
16. 10/16/83 Letter to Mr. J. O. Schuyler from T. W. Bishop. Regardir.

Inspection of Diablo Canyon Units Nos. 1 and 2. (7 pages)g NRC Ah0: 6311160135

17. 11/9/83 Memorandum and Order to Nt.r.zio J. Palladino, Victor Gilinsky, Thomas M. Roberts, James K. Asselstine and Frederick M. Bernthal.

Regarding reinstatement of the license and to load fuel and conduct pre-criticality test at Diablo Canycn Nuclear Power Plant, Unit 1, ano on Joir.t Intervenors' requests for adjudicatory hearings on lif ting the suspersion and extending the term of the original license. (14 pges) ANO: 6311100276

18. 11/10/83 Letter to Mr. Samuel J. Chilk from Joseph Rutberg. Regarding motion to reopen the record regarding construction quality assurance, and the Joint Intervenors' request to revive their request for stay of the low power license. (2 pages)

Ah0: 8312050292

19. 11/17/83 In the matter of Meeting with Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguaros. (69 pages) ANO: 8311220577
20. 11/23/63 Letter to Mr. J. O. Schuyler from T. W. Eishop. Regarding routine inspection during the period of 10/2-29/03, of activities authorized by NRC License No. DPR-76 and Construction Pennit No. CPPR-69, and to discuss findings. (12 pages)

ANO: 8312120233

21. 12/1/83 Letter to J. O. Schuyler from L. R. Norderhaug. Regarding review of Change 3 to Diablo Canyon Units 1 and 2 Emergency Plan. (3 pages) Ah0: 8312060308
22. 12/7/83 Letter to J. O. Schuyler from M. D. Schuster. Regardine ccmpletion of a July 15, 1983, Revisicn 2 to the Pacific Gas and Electric Company's Corporate Emergency Response Plan.

(3 pages) Ah0: 6312120276

23. 12/9/83 Order to Nunzio J. Pallidino, Victor Gilinsky, Thomas M. Roberts, James K. Asselstine and Frederick M. Bernthal.

Regarding Jcint Intervenors petition for Commission review of ASLAB-726, 17 NRC 777(1983) on 6/6/83. (8 pages) ANO: 8312130242 24 12/9/83 Letter to Mr. J. O. Schuyler f rom L. R. Norderhaugh. Regarding NRC Security inspection - Diablo Canyon, Unit 1. (2 pages)

ANO: 8312130104

25. 12/15/83 Transcript for meeting held on Thursday, December 15, 1983 in Bethesda, Maryland. (210 pages) ANO: 8401230612
26. 12/20/83 Letter to The Honorable Nunzio Palladino from Morris K. Udall.

Regarding 1/24/E4 the House Interior Conmittee Subecmnittee on Energy and the Environment will conduct a hearing. (1 page)

Ah0: 8610220222 l

., . _ , _ _ . . . , _ _ . _ _ - _ _ _ . , . _ , , , _ . ~ . _ _ _ _ _ _ . - , _- _-

FOIA-86-151 Appendix M Date Description

1. 1/25/83 Letter to Mr. Roy Fray from koger F. Reedy (Reedy, berbert, Gibbons & Associates). Regarding office verification in the DCP offices cn December 20, 1982 and February 3,1963.(1page)
2. 1/25/63 hotice of Appearance to Jack R. Goldberg for Diabic Canyon in accordance with 62.713 of the Commission's Rules of Practice.

(3 pages)

3. 2/8/83 Transmittal from W. E. Cooper to Mr. H. Denton. Regarding Diablo Canyon Project No. 5511. (3 pages)
4. 2/4/83 Peeting Announcement from W. E. Cooper (Teledyne Engineering Servict.s ) . Regaroir.g DCP/1DVP Meeting - Structural Review.


5. 2/9/E3 Meeting Announcement from W. E. Cooper /J. Q. Cragin (Teledyne Regarding Shake Table Test of Electrical Engineering Equipment. 1(Service).


6. 2/15/83 Report


Interim Technical Report on Diablo Canyon Unit 1 Indeper. dent Verification Program, Pacific Eas & Electric, Pumps.

ITR 32 Revision 0 and Revision 1; IDVP Designation: P-105-4-839-032; Originator: Robert L. Cloud and Associates. Inc.; Submitted by:

Teledyne Engineering Services. (11pages)

7. 2/16/83 Letter to Dr. Mark Hartzman from Morris Reich. Regarding the modeling of PG8E Problem 6-118 and Westinghouse Problem RHR Loop 4 (6-4, 6-7). (2 pages)

E. 2/22/83 Request for inturmation from Teledyne Engineering Services from W. E. Cooper /C. E. Myrglot to Mr. H. E. Schierling. Regarding l Broukhaven Analysis of the Containment Annulus Structure.

l (3pages)

9. ./24&25/83 Meeting Announcement from W. E. Cooper /J. Q. Cragin (Teledyne Engineering Services). Regarding Structural Review. (3 pages) l l 10. 3/2/83 Letter to Ms. C. Jean Shoemaker from Lawrence J. Chandler.

Regarding Appeal Board's Order of 2/23/83. (4 pages)

11. 3/14/63 Letter to Mr. Roy Fray from R. F. Reedy. Regarding Design Office Verifications conducted on 12/20/82 ano 3/11/63 re:

seismic spectra control. (2 pages) 1

12. 3/17/83 Meeting Announcement from W. E. Cooper /J. Q. Cragin (Teleayne EngineeringServices). Regardin Verification and E01s. (3 pages)g Phase II Additional
13. 3/29/83 Supplemental affidavit of Richard B. Hubbard concerning Breakdown in the Diablo Canyon Quality Assurance Program. (42 pages)
14. 4/8/83 Pacific Gas and Electric Company's response to March 29, 1983 Affidavit of Richard B. Hubbard. (9 pages) 15, 4/11/63 Letter to Dr. Mark Hertzman fror. Paul Bezler, kegarding the independent development of finite element models and the cetermination from the Diabloof naturalUnit Canyon, frequer.cies I has beenforcorrpleted.

two piping (problems 9 pages)

16. 4/11/83 Meeting Announcement from W. E. Cooper /J. O. Cragin (Teledyne Engineering Services). Regarding DCP Piping Progri.m. (2 pages)
17. 4/11/83 Letter to Ms. Pamela Vcges from H. R. Denton. Regarding response to letter of March 7, 1983 to Chairman Palladino re:

Resolutien ho. 5056. (5 pages)

18. 4/13/83 Letter to The Honorable Douglas H. Basco from William J. Dircks.

Regarding respose to The Honorable Douglas H. Basco letter of 3/23/83 to Chairman Palladino reinstatement of the low power license for Diablo Canyon. (3 pages)

19. 4/16/83 Letter to Chairman from Calvin C. Townsend. Regarding Diablo Canyon Quality Assurance. (2 pages)
20. 4/21/63 Letter to Mr. Davis S. Fleischaker from Darrell G. Eisenhut.

Regarding a letter dated 3/28/83 concerning eight allegations by an anonymous inoividual, regarding Diablo Canyon Nuclear PowerPlant.(3pages)

21. 4/21/83 MeetingAnnouncementfromW.E. Cooper /J.Q.Cragin(Teledyne EngineeringServices). Regarding Civil-Structural Criteria Discussion. (2 pages)
22. 4/26/83 Meeting Announcement from W. E. Cooper /J. Q. Cragin (Teledyne EngineeringServices). Regarding Structural Review. (4 pages)
23. 4/27&28/83 Meeting Announcement from W. E. Cooper /J. Q. Cragin (Teledyne Engineering Services). RegardingStructuralReview.(2pages)
24. 5/2/83 Letter to Dr. W. E. Cooper from Thomas M. Novak. Regarding ITR 36 Rev. O and ITR 38 Rev. 1. (3 pages)
25. 5/12/83 Meeting Announcment from W. E. Cooper /J. Q. Cragin (Teledyne Services) regarding Civil Structural Discission.
(2pages) l l
26. 5/17/83 Letter to Dr. P. T. Kuo from Morris Reich. Regarding work performed at BNL on the analysis of the horizontal response of the Didblo Canyon Annuls Structure to the Hosgri Seismic.

(9 pages)

27. 5/17/83 MeetingAnnouncementfromW.E. Cooper /J.Cragin(Teledyne Engineering Services) regarding Piping Discussion. (2 pages)
28. 5/18/83 Letter to Mr. G. A. Maneatis, Mr. H. R. Denten and Mr. J. B. Martin from William E. Cooper. Regarding IDVP-DCP Meetings for ExchangeofBackgroundInformation.(2pages)
29. 6/2/83 Meeting Announcement - hote Change of Location from W. E. Cooper /J. Q. Cragin (Teledyne Engineering Services) regarding Structures. (2 pages) 3C. 6/3/83 Letter to Mr. Joel R. Reynolos from Darrell G. Eisenhut.

Regarding Hay 25, 1983 letter regarding the potential prereleaseofanNRCreport.(2pages)

31. 6/13/83 Notice of Withdrawal from Jack R. Goldberg. Regarding withcrawal of appearance in the Diablo Canyon pruceedings effective 6/10/83. (3 pages) 32, 6/20/83 Meeting Announcement from W. E. Cooper /J. Q. Cragin (Teledyne Engineering Services) regarding DCP Program on Rupture Restraints. (2pages)
33. 6/21/83 Letter to Dr. William E. Cooper from Darrell G. Eisenhut.

Regarding the completeness of the Interim Technical Reports (ITRs) 13, 16, 39 and 40 (Reference 1 through 4.) (5 pages)

34. 6/22/83 Letter to Mr. J. O. Schuyler from George W. Knighton. Regarding meeting held on 5/4/83 re: eight ellegaticns that had been made by an anonymous individual regarding the Diablo Canyon design verification effort. (3 pages)
35. 6/27/83 Staff Report Evaluation - Report


Interim Technical Report on Diablo Canyon Unit 1 Independent Verification Program Auxiliary Building Revision 0; IDVP Designation: P105-4-839-006; Orginatei 1

Robert L. Cloud Associates, Inc.; Submitted by: Teledyne EngineeringServices.(23pages)

36. 6/29/83 Letter to Michael J. Strumwasser from Lawerence J. Chandler.

Regarding security materials on the Diablo Canyon facility i that have been maintained for the use of the Governor in the l Ccamissior's Willste Builcing in Silver Spring, Maryland.

(4 pages)

37. 7/5/83 Letter to Dr. William E. Ccoper from Darrell G. Eiseribut.

Regarding letter dated 6/23/83 from J. R. Reynolos, Counsel to JointIntervenors,toH.R.Denton,DirectorofNRR.(gpages) 3E. 7/12/83 Letter to Mr. Joel Reynolds from J. M. Felton. Regarding response to letter dated 5/16/83, requesting pursucht to the Freedom of Information Act, and all documents associated with the anonymcus allegaticns regarding Diablo Canyon. (2 pages)

39. 7/18/83 Meeting Announcement from W. E. Cooper /J. Q. Cragin. Regarding DCP Rupture Restraint Program. (E pages) a0. 7/28/63 Meeting Announcement from W. E. Cooper /J. Q. Cragin. Regarding IDVP Closure. (4 pages)
41. 8/9/83 Letter to H. Arnold from Uldis Potapovs. Regarding inspection conducted by Mr. G. T. Hubbard on 6/21/83 at the large, Pennsylv6nio and to discuss the finoings with Mr. N. R. Pfeiter.

(8 pages)

42. 8/10/83 Letter to Mr. J. J. Sheppard from' Darrell G. Eisenhut.

Regarding hRC review of the Westinghouse Owners Group (WOG) generic cesign modification to provide automatic reactor trip system actuation of the breaker shunt trip attachments. (2 pages)

43. 8/18/83 Memo to all hRR Project Managers. Regarding Pacific Gas &

Electric Conpany; Consideration of Issuance of Amendment to Facility Operating License and Proposed No Significant Hazards Consideration Determination and Oppcrtunity for Hearing (50-275).

(4pages) -

44. 8/17/83 Letter to Robert Ohlbach, Joel R. Reynolds, Michael J.

Strunasser and Maurice Axelrad. Regarding Pacific Gas and Electric Company (Diablo Canyon Nucle 6r Power Plant, Unit 1),

Docket No. 50-275, OL-DPR-76. (2 pages)

45. 8/25/83 Letter to Judge Thomas S. Moore, Judge W. Reed Johnson and Judge John H. buck. Regarding DCNPP-IDVP, Direct Transmittal of Documents to Appeals Board. (5 pages)
46. 9/19/83 Interim Technical Report; Diablo Canyon Unit 1; IDVP Verification of Corrective Action; Turbine Building; ITR #56, Revision 0.(93pages) 1
47. 9/26/83 Letter to Mr. G. H. Maneatis, Mr. H. R. Denton and Mr. J. B. Martin. Regarding Interim Technical Report #56, Turbine Building, Revision 1 issued by Robert L. Cloud and Associates, Inc. (5 pages) l l ,

l l

48. 10/7/83 Meno for John 8. Martin f rom Robert F. Burnett. Regarding Notificaticr of Visit to Diablo Canyon. (2 pages)
49. 10/25/83 Letter of transmittal to Dr. W. E. Cooper (Teledyne Engineering Services) regarcing Soils. (1 page)
50. 10/28/83 1etter to The Honorable Alan Cranston from William J. Dircks.

Fesardir.5 letter from Ms. Helen Kingsbury in which she expressed her view that reinstatement of the low power license for Diablo Canyon, Unit I should be delayed until completion of the forthcoming hearing on design quality assurance. (3 pages)

51. 10/30/83 Letter of Transmittal to Dr. W. E. Cooper. Regarding Rupture Restrairits. (3 pages)
52. 10/31/83 Order to Nunzio J. Palladino, Victor Gilinsky, Thenas M. Roberts, James K. Asselstine and Federick M. Bernthal.

Regardir.g the time for Commission consideration of the petition of Jcint intervenors to review ALAB-728 is extended to Novecber 2, 1983. (2 pages)

53. 11/E/83 Letter to Mr. John B. Martin from J. O. Schuyler. Regarding Open Item No. 83-28-02 of NRC Inspection Report dated 9/22/83 covering the period of July 31 to September 3,1981.(5pages)
54. 11/10/83 Letter to Mr. George A. Fisher from Mark E. Chopko. Regarding San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace, et ai, v. NRC, No. 81-2035, and San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace, et al. v. NRC, et al.,

ho. 83-1073. (3 pages) 55, 11/14/83 Ferro for Dceketing & Service from C. Jean Shoemaker.

Regarding Pacific Gas & Electric Company (Liablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant, Units 1 and 2) Docket Nos. 50-275 OL and 50-323 OL.


56. 11/18/83 Letter to Ms. Robin Goldner from Thomas M. Novak. Regarding letter dated 9/19/83 regarding the safe operation of the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant. (6 pages)
57. 11/23/83 letter to Mr. Dennis Kirsch from Richard A. Lofy. Regarding Task Order No. 56, Technical Assistance in Support of NDE Work at Diablo Canyon per Scope of Work dated November 8, 1983.

(19pages) 58, 12/9/83 Letter to Mr. John B. Martin from Dr. Richard Kranzdorf.

Regarding two specific reasons for the lack of public confidence l in the Eirergency Pesponse Plan for Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant. (6 pages) l l


1 NbY, ME, b h -

g a assoevtres ,

S, W  ;

January 25, 1983

, Mr. Roy Fray

-BECHTSL POWER CORPORATION 45 Fremont Street 23rd Floor, Section A17 San Francisco, CA 94105

Dear Mr. Fray:

The first IDVP design' office verification was conducted in the DCP offices on December 20, 1982. The second verifi-cation is proposed for February 3, 1983 also in your offices.

As you are aware, ITR #8 (Verification Program for PG&E Corrective Action) Revision 0, identifies 14 areas to be included in the verification program. Planning discussions are in process and a more definitive schedule and agenda for the verifications will be made to you on Monday, January

31. Our initial plans orovide for verifying a minimum of two areas per week depending on the availability of data in your offices.


This subject _has been discussed with Mr. F. Zerebinski of DCP and Mr. M. Revett of TES. Your confirmation of the proposed date will be appreciated.

Yours r tru y


.. Re dy, Pre ident



RFR:jr cc: W. Cooper "

F. Sestak R. C).oQ C $chieriing)

J. Knight ,

c, 9 y ? _if ? , , ,

P. T. Kuo v s yi n a N i J.-  %

p. L l 236 NORTH SANTA CRUZ AVENUE. LOS GATOS. CAUFORNIA 95030 (408) 354-9110


  • 4

~ ., *




In the Matter of )

) Docket Nos. 50-275 OL PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY ) 50-323 OL


(Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant, )

Units 1and2) )

NOTICE OF APPEARANCE Notice is hereby given that the undersigned attorney herewith enters an appearance in the captioned matter. In accorcance with 62.713 of the Comission's Rules of Practice, the following information is provided:

Name: Jack R. Goldberg Address: Office of the Executive Legal Director U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 Telephone Number: (301)492-7619 Admissions: Supreme Court of Pennsylvania District of Columbia Ccurt of Appeals U.S. Supreme Court U.S. Court of Appeals, District of Columbia Circuit U.S. District Court, District of Columbia Name of Party: U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Staff Washington, DC 20555


c fb! bD Ajack R. Goldberg

.tounsel for NRC Staff V Dated at Bethesda, Maryland this 25th day of January 1983

'r2 A l Of s -1 r 47 I

-~ -


, In the Matter of )



) 50-323 OL

'(Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant )

Units 1 and 2) )

CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that copies of " NOTICE OF APPEARANCE" in the above-captioned procedding have been served on the following by deposit in the United States mail, .first class, or, as indicated by an asterisk through deposit in the Nuclear Regulatory Comission's internal mail system, this 25th day of January, 1983. j Dr. John H. Buck Dr. Jerry Kline Administrative Judge


Atomic Safety and Licensing Appeal Board Atomic Safety and Licensing Board U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission Washington,.DC 20555

-Dr. W. Reed Johnson Philip A. Crane, Jr. , Esq.

Atomic Safety.and Licensing Appeal Pacific Gas and Electric Company Board P.O. Box 7442 .

.U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission San Francisco, CA 94120

-Washington, DC 20555

  • Mr. Thomas S. Moore, Member Mr. Frederick Eissler Atomic Safety and Licensing Appeal Scenic Shoreline Preservation Board Conference, Inc.

U.S. Nuclear.. Regulatory Comission 4623 More Mesa ' Drive i Washington,'OC 20555

  • Santa Barbara', CA 93105 John F. Wolf, Esq'. Mrs. Raye Fleming

< Administrative Judge 1920 Mattie Road

! Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Shell Beach, CA 93449 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission Washington, DC 20555

  • Mr. Glenn 0. Bright Richard E. Blankenburg, Co-publisher Administrative Judge Wayne A. Soroyan, News Reporter Atomic Safety and Licensing Board South County Publishing Company U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission P.O. Box 460 i

Washington, DC 20555

  • Arroyo Grande, CA 93420
Elizabeth Apfelberg Byron S. Georgiou 1415 Cozadero Legal Affairs Secretary San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Gcvernor's Office State Caoitol Sacramento, CA 95814


. .. l 1

Mr. Gordon Silver Harry M. Willis Mrs. Sandra A. Silver Seymour & Willis 1760 Alisal Street 601 California St., Suite 2100 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 San Francisco, CA 94108

'Joel R. Reynolds, Esq. Janice E. Kerr, Esq.

John R. Phillips, Esq. Lawrence Q. Garcia, Esq.

  • Center._for Law in the Public 350 McAllister Street Interest San Francisco, CA 94102 10951 West Pico Boulevard Third Floor Los Angeles, CA 90064 1 Arthur C. Gehr, Esq. Mr. James 0. Schuyler Snell & Wilmer . Nuclear Projects Engineer 3100 Valley Center Pacific Gas and Electric Company Phoenix, AR 85073 77 Beale Street.

San Francisco, CA 94106 Mark Gottlieb Paul'C. Valentine, Esq.

California Energy Comission - 321 Lytton Avenue MS-18 Palo Alto, CA 94302

. 1111 Howe Avenue

! Sacramento, CA 95825 Bruce Norton, Esq. Atomic Safety and Licensing Board i' 3216 North 3rd Street. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission l Suite 202 Washington, DC 20555

  • Phoenix, AR 85012 David S. Sleischaker, Esq. Atomic Safety and Licensing Appeal P.O. Box 1178 .. Board Oklahoma City, OK 73101 ,

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission Washington, DC 20555

  • Richard B. Hubbard Docketing and Service Section MHB Technical _ Associates U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission 1723 Hamiltori Avenue - Suite K Washington, DC 20555
  • San Jose, CA 95125 ,

John Marrs, Managing Editor Mr. Thomas H. Harris, Energy Writer San Luis Obispo County , San Jose Mercury-News 750 Ridder Park Drive Telegram-Tribune 1321 Johnson Avenue San Jose, CA 95190 P.O.-Box 112 San Luis Obispo, CA 93406 Herbert H. Brown Kirkpatrick, Lockhart, Hill, Christopher & Phillips I_ ~

1900 M Street, NW s Washington,.DC 20036 Jack R. Goldberg Counsel for NRC Staff i


\/, TE M


  • Transinittal - Please Sign and Return Acknowledgeinent gggg C Request f ar Information (RFI) y 1 When i<eque:.ted Assign Cont rol Number Dage _ of t_J l(eceipt (TLS Use Unly) Control No.

Mginator W. E. Cooper Transmit To: Mr. H. Denton Project No. 5511 _

Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Dato %M 5-2-82 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission 7920 Norfol.k Ave.

Client PO N/A Bethesda, MD 20114 Trans n.tted i Under Separate Cover To-NOTE: Furnish complete identification for items trans nitte.1(below).

i .-

QTY TYPE ITEM IDENT NO. REV OESCRIPTION - Title and Nombar of Sheetsior.y9 Included herewith is a voided cover sheet for TES EP-1-007. l i

Please destroy all copies of the procedure previously transmitted j l l to you, or attach the voided cover sheet if the procedure is to be t  :

I retained in your files, j NOTE: Procedure was not used for DCNPP-IDVP.

i i

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ke;inator W. E. Cooper Transinit To: Mr. H. Denton 5511 Office. of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Project No.

2/8/83 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission Datn 5-2-82 7920 Norfolk Ave.

Client PO tyA Bethesda, MD 20114 Trans nitted Under Separate Cover To-NOTE: F :rnish complete identification for iteins trans nitte.1(below).

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// i Included herewith is a voided cover sheet for TES EP-1-007.

Please destroy all copies of the procedure previously transmitted to you, or attach the voided cover sheet if the procedure is to be j i

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- 1 NOTE: Procedure was not used for DCNPP-IDVP. l i

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TITLE: EP.-1 -007 PAGE i REY. ' -



ENG. AS,/r;>O ENG. AS.

Q.A. e s e- Q.A.



1.0 SCOPE 1.1 This EP' provides the method to be used by TES in performing the DCNPP 0esign Reverification Program under Project 5511, 2.0 APPLICATION 2.1 Enclosure (1) to this procedure contains the Project Plan for the Design Reverification Program, including:

O I p.

a) Criteria

} vi


3 b) Referenced documents FEB 8 ES3 'l -

c) Personnel responsibilities I ,


3.0 METHOD s 3.1 DCNPP Design Verification Program 3.1.1 Section 1.0 of Enclosure (1) describes the DCNPP Design Verifica-tion Program, the adequacy of which is to be determined, includ-ing:

a) The NRC Order and the program being conducted in response to this Order, which is identified as Phase 1.

b) The MC Letter and the program being ccnducted in res.nnse to this letter, which is identified as Phase 2.


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