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Final Response to FOIA Request for Documents.App a Documents Encl & Available in PDR
Person / Time
Site: South Texas  STP Nuclear Operating Company icon.png
Issue date: 08/04/1988
From: Grimsley D
To: Gulledge R
Shared Package
ML20151W819 List:
FOIA-88-173, REF-QA-99900823 NUDOCS 8808250144
Download: ML20151W814 (5)


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INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) REQUEST AUG 4 1988 oocaat %v w ins,vrecear em

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__ l PARTl. d DS RELE ASED OR NOT LOCATED (See checaed bosesi No egency records swbrect to the request have been located.

l No a61rtiorel agency records subpoet to the request have been located Agency records subrect to the roovest that a o centfed e Appendis are speedy a edable for pubhc repecton and copyeg m the NRC Pelic Document Room 1717 H Street. N W.. Washington, DC Agency records ssbre ct to the request thet are identded m Accend. _ are toeg made avadatue for pube c especton and copyeg m the NRC Pwbl.c Documeet F.oom.1717 H Street. N W . Wash +ngton. DC m a tolder under the Fola number and reowester name The nonpropretary version cf the pec>posaus) that you agreed to accept se a teochone cceversaton wth a trember of my staM e now teing trade avalable for pube.c espectee and coying at to NRC Pubhc Docuenent Roorn.1717 H St<eet. N W . W,shegton. DC . m a toicer ursser th.s FotA numeer and requwer name Enclosed e information on how you may catae access to and the charges for copyeg records place en the NRC Pwbhc Document Room 1717 H $neet. N W., Washegton. DC Agency records subrect to the roowest a o enclosed Any appl cable charge for cocnes of te-e records p* ova $ed and pav'eet procedwres are noted in the comments secton Records swbrect to the request have been rederred to another Federal agency'es: for reven and d rect respoese to you in www of NRC s respoese to tne roovest. no further acton a beeg tamen on accee' 4tter dated PART li. A-INFORM ATION WITHH[.0 FROM PUBLIC DISCLOSURE Certam informaton m the roowested records e *$thheld from pubhc doctoswe e pursve^t to the FOi A esemptons described e and for t*e reasons sta+M m Part II. sec.

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1. 1983 Memcrandum T.F. Westerman, EO, to File, Diversified Threaded Products (Insp Rept 99900823/83-01)

(1 page)

2. 8/20/83 White Book input sheets, Diversified Threaded Products Company, 99900823/83-01 (5 pages)

Attached No date Inspection plan, documents examined (1 page)

Persons contacted sheet for inspection rpt (1 page) 1/30/84 Page 2 of cover letter of inspection rept (1 page)

3. 11/18/83 Letter to inspection report. 99900823/83-01 (3 pages) with Appendix A. Notice of Violation (1 page) Appendix B. Notice of Nonconformance (4 pages)
4. 1/30f84 Letter and inspection report, 50-498-499/83-24, (9 pages)
6. 10/4/85 Memorandum, R. B. Landsman, RIII, to E. C. Greenman subject: South Texas Project (determining that the ASLB hearings on STP have ended)

(1 page)

6. 10/11/85 Memorandum E. G. Greenaan to R. P. Denise, re earlier memorandum on testifying (1 page)
7. 3/27/86 Memorandum, G. L. Constable to M. E. Emerson, subject:

Recommendation "to Close Allegation 4-83-A-063 (1 page)

8. 4/16/86 Allegation Review, subject: Soil Density Measurements, i 50-498/499 '

(1 page) p


9. 12/3/87 Memorandum, L. J. Callan to Robert D. Martin subject: South Texas Project Review of Technically Closed Allegation Files (1 page)
10. 12/22/87 Allegation Management System printout, RIV-83-A-0063 50-498/499 (1 page)
11. No date Allegation review sheet (1 page)

Re:FOI A 173



1. 1983 Memorandum, T.F. Westerman, EO, to File.

Diversified Threaded Products (Insp Rept 99900823/83-01)  ;

(1 page)

2. 8/20/83 White Book input sheets, Diversified Threaded Products Company, 99900823/83-01 (5 pages)

Attached No date Inspection plan, documents examined (1 page)

Persons contacted sheet for inspection rpt (1 paga) 1/30/84 Prse 2 of cover letter of inspection rept .

si page) I

3. 11/18/83 Letter to inspection report. 99900823/83-01 (3 pages) with Appendix h, Notice of Violation (I rage), Appendix B. Notice of Nonconformance (4 pages)
4. 1/30/84 Letter and inspection report, 50-498-499/83-24 (9 pages)
5. 10/4/85 Memorandum, R. B. Landsmaa RIII, to E. C. Greenaan subject: South Texas Project (determining that the ASLB hearings on STP have ended)

(1 page) 6 10/11/85 Memorandum, E. G. Greenman to R. P. Denise, re earlier memorandum on testifying (1 page)

7. 3/27/86 Memorandum, G. L. Constable to M. E. Emerson, subject:

Recommendation To Close Allegation 4-83-A-063 (1 page)

8. 4/16/86 Allegation Review, subject: Soil Density Neasurements, 50-498/499 (1 page)

J Q*-- r' to:FOIA 173  !



-9. 12/3/87 Memorandum, L. J. Callan to Robert D. Martin  !

subject: South Texas Project Review of Technically Closed Allegation Files (1 page)

10. 12/22/87 A11e8ation Management System printout, RIV-83-A-0063 50-498/499 ,

(1 page)

11. No date Allegation review sheet (1 page)