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Const Appraisal Team Insp Summary of Comanche Peak,Texas. Related Info Encl
Person / Time
Site: Comanche Peak  Luminant icon.png
Issue date: 03/31/1983
Shared Package
ML20206Q979 List:
FOIA-85-59 NUDOCS 8607070049
Download: ML20206Q989 (439)


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/ rr h ! Tew MNDw CAT . MSPECT1or4 SuaNV4ty .

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. TABLE CF C^tiTDTS (3- bh.SZ P


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' he cbjective cf this inspec: fen was c _ evaluate the adequacy ef _construc-

-icn a :ne Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station (CPSES). This cbjective

.as ac::mciisnec :nreugn review cf :ne _:enstrue:icn :r: gram, ne_cuali;y

' assurance Oregram, and the cesign cnance oregram, w1:n emchasis en ne insialiec nareware in :ne fielo.

Wi:nin tne areas examined, :ne inspecticn c:nsistec of a :etailed examina-Jian cf selectec hareware _s_ubsecuent to licensee :uality centroi ins:ec-tiens, a selective examination of prececures anc re resentative eceres, 1 and qbservatien c3 in-crecess work. Interviews were ccncuctec w1 n ~

/ cesigna:ac si:e managers, cuaii:y control inspection ;ersennel, are craf

erscnnei en a r:u:ine basis.

ce eacn of the areas ins;ectac, tne folicwing was determined:

Is the hardware ins:alled in ac::rdance with -he a::revec design?

Oc incivicuals with assigned resconsibil4-des in a specific area uncerstanc ineir cesignated res;cnsibilities?

Are cuality verifications ;er# rmec curing :ne :enstructien crecess with apolicable hold points anc are cuali y verifica:icns c:ncuc ec :

acecuate inspection ac:a;:ance criteria?

Oc :ers nnel involved with Cuality Assurance /Cuality Cen rel F. ave :ne organi:atienal freecem := cerferm their : asks witncu- harassmen: Or intimidation?

Are managemen Ocntrols estaolisnec and imolementec to control activities in :he sucject area?

The areas in anica a saiectac sam: ling ins:ection was c:ncuc ac ncluce:

Electrical anc Instrumentation C nstruction

. Mechanical Construction

. Weicing anc Ncndestructive Examina:icn Civil and Structural Construction Procurement, Sterage and Material Traceability

. QC Inspec:cr Effectiveness

. Quality Assuranca .

Cesign Change Controls and Cerrective Action Systems I-1 6 6 6.h..

1 b

. 4

!!. ELECTRICAL ANC INSTRUMENTATICN CCNSTRUCTION A. CSJECT:VE The cojective of tne assessment in nis area was := cetarmine wnether safety-relatec electrical and instrumentation ccmcenents were :eing installec and ins ected in ac: rcance 41:n a;:reved engineering

esigns, regula:Ory requirements, anc the acciicant's F5AR ::mmitments.

Accitional cojectives were :: determine wne ner prececures, instructions, and crawings used := ac::mplish c:nstructicn activities were acecua:e anc wne:ner cuality-relatec recercs ac:ura:ely reflec the c:moleted work and the ins ec ac activi:tes.

1. Electrical Cable Instaliation The NRC Constructien Accraisal Team (CAT) ins:ectors selec:ad a samole Of installec eiectricai cacie runs ina: had been ins:ected by Cuality Control (OC) ins:ec :rs. The sam:le inciuced ;cwer, ::ntr:1 and instrument cables. For each of these cacles, physical inscection of cable was mace :: ascertain c:moliance wi:n acclicaole design and installation criteria relative :: si:e , ty e ,

loca:1cn/rcuting, benc racius, protaction, se:aratien, icentifica:1cn, physical leading ano succor s.

The #cilewing ;cwer caeles, ::aling aper ely 1,5C0 feet, nere selected fr:m differen: sys: Ems, electrical trains, onysical ictations and sizes.

Ca:le Nc. Ty:e Fr:m To E0'.C01612 1/c 750 MCM W-108 EPSWE301-02

  • EFMCI307-C6 EGIC0387A 1/c 750 MCM W-208 E?SWE500-07 E.:MCIECJ-01 E01CC410 3/c 6 AWG W-120 E?MCE501-09 TEXCSAFSA01 EG100037 1/c 4/o AWG W-206 EP5WEA02-11 CFICTAPCSO4 AG100385 a/o TRIFLEX W-812 EPSWE504-09 Penetra:icn E11 The folicwing instrument cabies totaling apareximately 1,000 fee were selectad anc ins ected to c nfirm :ne previcusly stated installation attr1butes.

Cable No. Tvee Frem _To E0125235 1 IHD TW Pair Cen: Soy Fme C2 3CP :ns: :NL 01 15 AWG W-15E IG 125252 W-270 Elec Penetration Term Sex E-14 for IL7173*.

a sampling of accroxima aly 1,200 feet of installec electrical control cacie was selec:ad from varicus areas of -he plant. The ins:ecti:n was :erformed by examination of cacie segments witnin selectec cable tray sections installed in :ne Safeguares, Auxiif ary. -

C:ntrol anc C:ntair. men: :uilcings. *: shoula :e nctec ::a: :ni s metacc of samoling cic not c:nfirm :ne specific routing of escles.

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. A detailed explana:fon cf this matter is covered in the failcwing

_ paragraphs under Cable Identification. The NRC CAT inspectors ceserved a:pr xima eiy 500 feet of in-process cable pull activities.

., This figure re resents :nree c:n:rol cable pulls, r:u ed in varicus

areas of
ne plant. These were caole num:ers ECO21923 N/M, E0117573


. =nc E0221228.

} The c: served in-or:cass cable pull ~activi-ies were performed in

. accorcance wita procecural recuirements.

J a. Caole Scacine in Trav The design basis s:ecifies that at:acities for :acle instal-lec in trays recuire derating basec en eneir installed configura-tien. Gibos & Hill Scecifica:icn 2323-ES-100, Rev. 2, Section, states in part, "Pcwer cables run in cable tray shall


have maintained cable scacing where so indica ed in the cable and raceway schedule arc catie pull cards. Maintainec s; acing be: ween caoles (ecge to ecge) snail be a minimum of cne uar:ar of the ciameter of :ne larges cacie*.

Texas Utilities Generating Comoany (TUGCO) precedure QI-QP-11.3-25.5, Section 3.1.4, states in : art, " a minimum

icn of.cne quarter of the cable diameter snali be main-tained between siderail of cable tray and adjacent cable". The NEC CAT ins;ec :rs noted the following cable rays c:ntained impr:perly spaced mecium voltage pewer caoles:

'i Trav No.

T122A2F27 T12CAE530 712 GASP 71 2 711GEA323 7120 ASS 10

, il2053006 T12SABFla ia:GSABC6

c. Cacie 2end Radius Gibbs & Hill specification 2322-ES-100, Rev. 2, Secticn, states, "Caoles shall be trained so that the minimum bencing radius for certinent plant cable training is not exceeded".

TUGC0 Pr:cedure QI-CP-11.3-25.5, Revision '.5, Secticn 3.1.1, sta es in par;, "The CC ins ector snail :etermine :ne mini =um bend radius" for the cacie being installec or remcved, anc snali include minimum bend racius inscection during :ne surveillance.



k 1 ' .

The NRC CAT ins;ectors notec electrical cables that were installec witn less than allewable minimum bend radius in the following locations:

Casle No. or Tv:e 'cca-icn

E0120532 !attery Charger No. BCIEDI -

EG102592 Ba tery Charger No. SCIEC2.2 (5) Train Type W-215 T12GC3F32 e0102534. 712CC3031, T12030550

.- 1/c Type W-206 711GEAE37, C11305112

c. Cacle Trav .:fli The Cemanene Peak Stati:n (CFSES) F5AR, Secticn S.3.3.1, s:a:es

. in part, " Cable tray fill critaria generally limit the summation of tne cross-sectional areas of control cables and pcwer cables

a maximum of 40 and 30 :ercent, res:ectively, cf the useable cress section of tne tray. w owever, tnese cercentages may :e exceeced roviced -he 'cliewing cceditions are satisf'ed:

(1) Caoles ce not ex ene aseve ene sice rails cf :ne cable tray.

(2' For Ocwer caole the thermal rating of :ne caole is net exceeced.

(3) Cable tray su::crt cesign is adecua:e..."

. Curing the inscecticn of installed electrical cable, the NRC CAT ins:ectors icentified cables na ex enced acove ne sice rtils of Cable Tray Nos. T'.2G13G22 anc T13GACDla.

d. Cable Succerts t Gibbs & Mill Scecifica:icn 2323-ES-100, cage a-5, Saragra:n (:.)

states in : art, "Where su::cr:s for caoles in vertical caole tray anc c:ndui are not snewn en :ne drawings, t:c-cf-eiser su:ccr:s... and accitienal succerts if recuired for long vertical risers snall be previcec ey :ne contractor to tee: ne follew'ing

. recuirements:

(1) Supports shall be Kellem's mech grips or engineer acpreved ecual...

(2) One cable succor: shall be crevidec at :ne ::e :f vertical raceway or as close to tne Oc as Oractical.- A su:ccr; snail be crevicec for each

aceitional interval as s:eciec in ne

'clicwing aole: ...

The NRC CAT inspect:rs icentifiec several runs :f 750 mcm 5.9 ' l <

5HLD caole installed in vertical riser Tray 'lo. 711GSA201 anc T11GSA845 of over 100 feet, without scecifiec succor:s.

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el e. Cable Icentifica icn d '

11 The~ C?SES FSAR recuires tha: all Class *.E cables be identified by J

u a nine ai:hanumeric character ag,

$ Gibts & Hill Scecifica:icn 2323-E5-100 fur-her requires that

, icentificaticn tags te piaced at the termina:icn ;cin: of :ne 4 caole; for example, in an ecui; ment hcusing er at a erminal bcx.


  • During tne inspection of -he selec:ac sample of Class 1E centrol

{ '

cables, it became evident that without a 7.cre liberal'use of identification tags, it wculd :e extremely difficul :s trace the .

hysical routing of
ne saccles selected. This was cue to tne

>a cuantity of cable installec in :ne : ray, wnien in some cases c mpletely buried tne selected cables for ex encec distances.

It was cecided by the NRC CAT inspectors that the ::ntrol cable -

samole would be made by an examination of caole installec in selected tray segments frem varicus areas of :ne clant. While


-his meth c cf sampling c:uld no: c:nfirm the : al -tuting of c:n:rci camles, it did previce adecua e assurance :na c:her

/ cuality attributes of cable installation had been met.

n e

1 Discussiens with the c:ntractors electrical CC gr:uo revealed 2 that further difficulties with cable identification are en-

.d countered when installed class IE control cable's sustain in-i sulation damage. The repair pr:cedure raquires na: :ne ca:le :s j te re airec er replacad must be icentifiec. To ac::mciisa this, Tj the QC inscector may cften attemot to trace the cable to its 3, terminaticn point by the " hand-over-hand" method. Where this is not possible, extensive evaluation of raceway scnacules are made arcugn the process of eliminaticn te determine which of the cables contained in that tray are of the type, si:e anc reel fcotage as the one which is damaged. This precess has been founc

.: to be time-consuming and no always accurate. An examsle was

, given of One camaged cable wnicn was identified enc :ulled out,

_. only to fine that it was no the cable it was tncugn: to be.

Alt:cugn current caele teentification matheds are in ::nf:rmance

$ with applicant ccmmitments, the practice of piacing

,7 _identif4:stien tacs only at e=hla ands has hindered the g', Installa-icn anc insper-ion efferi,

f. Electrical Seeara:icn a

The C?SES FIAR, Section, states ia part, "The minimum separa:icn cis:ance terween recuncan: Class 1E equi: men anc

. circuits internal to -he main c:ntr:1 boarcs is maintained at six

. incnes..."

. During the inscection of cable terminations wita a con:rci

- boarcs, the NRC CAT inscect:rs icentified multiple instances s where the six inch separati:n between recuncan: rain wiring hac


not been maintainec. Scme of these accearec o have =een causec by improper training of escles witnin' -he :anel, c:ners were a

. 11 L I'

4 m

result cf -he location Of the tarminal point en a cevice and its

r:ximity to a device of the redundant train.

The electrical QC crgani:1:icn has dccumentac many of these

, c:ncitions Oy use of ne Ncnconf:rmance ?scor: (NCR)cr as a

uncalist item. Mcwever, there accear to be instancas wnicn have sc: been accressac and/or correc:ac.

Gibes 1 Hill Scecification 2323-ES-1CO, Section, states in part, "In the event tnat the accve sacara:icn cis:ancas are no: maintained, :arriers snail ce installed :etween recuncan:

Class IE wiring. Fer main cen:r:1 boards. Service air Cce:any stainless steel flexible c:ncuit ty e 5353 snail :e used as a

a rri e r. " -

i The NRC CAT inspec:crs coservec two installed barriers wncse c:nfiguration Orovided inacecuate prctecticn be: ween reduncant wiring as well as bar-iers installeo in tne ain control teards of a type other than Service Air Cem;any s;ainiess steel 'lexibie

ncuit ty:e 5353 as requirec.
2. Electrical Cable Termination An ins:ecticn of a selectac saccie of electrical ca:le end
erminattens was performec to cetarmine c melianca wita :ne acclicabic recuirement:. In:pection ::ributes includec verifica icn of pr :er lug material anc size, Or:cer ecunting nareware, ac:ura 1 locaticn anc identification of terminal olecxs anc :cints, Or per crime anc crimping teci, verification of the calibra:icn status of
oi and instruments used, and pr:per :arminating of cable
ncuc::rs. The MRC CAT inspec: rs ins:ectac :1:le end :arminati:ns en :ne felicwing camles.

Cable No. Tyee L:ca:icn EG1121S2 7/c C?l-ECPRTC-05 EG015013 9/c CPI-EC?RTC-05 EG127547 8/c CPI-EC?RTC-05 E0109846 9/c CP1-EC?RCR-03 E0112267 12/c CPI-ECPRCR-C3 E0109811 2/c CPI-ECPRCR-03 E0110070 12/c CP1-ECPRPR-03 E0139235 12/c CP1-ECPRTC-01 A0118460 2/c CP1-EC?RTC-01 A0123795 9/c CP1-ECPRTC-01 EG 13353 12/c C?X-ECPRC3-01 EG113355 12/c CPX-EC?RC3-01 EG113090a 2/c CPX-EC?RC3-01 E0113348 12/c CPX-EC?RC3-01 A0015325 2/c C?X-EC?RC5-01 E0113331 12/c CPX-EC?RC3-01 .

E013ESS2 3/c C?X-ECPRC3-01 EG113361 7/c CP1-EFSCE3-02 1,-3 e e e s se * *eh

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EG11336, </c C71-EFMCE3-02 i EG11336E 2/c CP1-EPMCES-02

, EG113258 2/c CP1-EPMCE3-02

. EGICCa74 3/c C?l-E?MCE3-CZ 1 E0113364 7/c. C71-EPMCIS-01

, A, '

E0112365 2/c CP1-EPMCE3-01 E0113366 2/c CPI-E?MCE3-01 i E01132S5 2/c C71-EFMCE3-01 E0100214 3/c C71-EFMCE3-01

? E0115077 7/c C?l-EPMCE3-09 E0113274 2/c C?l-EPMCE3-09 2/:

E0113542 CP1-EPMCE3-09 E0113S65 2/c CP1-E?MCE3-09


E0100890 3/c CP1-EPMCE3-09 E012566a 3/c CP1-EFMCE3-09 EG100701 3/c CP1-EPMCE3-08 EG109259 2/c CPI-EFMCE3-08 E0106198 2/c C?l-EFMCE3-07

. E0109253A 7/c C.. ?_l-E?MCEE-07 aras:cc ,i c

- ar.-saci


'. The NRC CAT inscec::rs also observed -he in-pr cass :armina:icn of fcur Nuclear :nstrumen: System (3:5) Triax connec:ces. These were c:m:leted

. ir varicus channels cf :. e Reac: r Prc: action Sys am (RFS) system as f:llcws:

I Cable No. Channel EY110790 IV E31a0711 III

' ER140509 I EY110794 I'l Two instances of imprecerly terminatec c:ncuc: rs were noted in the

. follcwing loca icns, anc were sucsecuently c cumentac Oy QC Perscncel en an NCR:

. Cable No. Locatien A0123795 CP1-ECPRTC-01 T34-94, 96 (Terminal lugs are not properly tightened)

EC13331 C7X-ECP9C3-01 (Insulaticn camage o green c:nductor at arminal Poin: 56 ',

3. Electrical Ecui: rent Ins aila-ion A samule of thirty-five pieces .of installed electrical ecui: .en-
- were inscectac. Sammies were selectec frem both Unit I anc 2, based en system func
icn anc safety classifica:icn. C m cnents selectac includec the folicwing:

s t -o

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, ~

1. Mc::rs The ins alla-ion ci f:ur me: rs and ass: cia:ec nar: ware nas ins ected for sucn 1 ems as lccation, anchoring, gr unding, 1:entifica icn an: Or: ec-icn.
  • ct:r :dentifi:stien C mponent Ccoling 'aater Puee Mo ce Nc. CP'.-CCAPCC-C1M RHR ? ump Motor No. 73X-RHAPRH-01M RHR Pumo Maur No. TEX-RHAPRH-02M Safety Injectien7 cec Meter No. T3X-3!APS -02M Curing ne inspection Of :nese i ams, it was ec:ec ey ne NRC CAT inspectors tha- in several instancas tre coter or ;uce had not been groundec. Discussions with :ne electrical QC group reveaiec tha: grounding was not regarced as a :ar. of Class IE equi: cent at CPSE5 anc therefore cces not receive CC ins:ectien.

he NRC CAT ins ect rs c:nciucec :na :he installatien activities relative to .ne abcve elec rical equipment were :erfor ec in ac::rcance with ;recacural recuirements. Grouncing fcr mo::r or Ou..p casings, which is required for eersonnel safety anc :rotec-tien, nad nct been :er dermed in severa'. instances.

Reins:ecti:n cf electrical equi: ment is ciscussac in ;aragracn 8 of :nis sectien,

b. :eretrations ce feil: wing instailec ::ntair. ment ;ene n: ten assem:ltes were ins:ected:

'tum:e r Elevatien, ree:

1Ea9 810 1Ela 870 1E46 843 2E33 EE6 Ine location, tyce, mounting and identification were c:mearec ,

with the installation crawings. CC records associated with inscection of these items were also reviewed. Activities ecserted and cecumentation reviewec incicated wort :er#cr ec in

nis area was in ac::rdance wi n recuirements.
. Meter Centroi Centees The f:llowing a30 'l mot:r c:ntrol can:ers (MCOs) in :ne auxil i a r.e anc Safeguares builcings were c:mcarec to instalia-ion :rawings relative to icca:icn, mounting anc icantificaticn:

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MCC Identification No. 1E33-2, C?l-EPMCES-05


Mo. 1E54-2 C?l-E?MCE3-C6 No. 2E31-1 CP1-EPMCE3-01 The installa:icns reviewed incica:ec-wers was :erformed in ac:Or-cance wi-h recuirements.

c. Switchcear .

The follcwinc 5.9XV swi::ncear was ins:ac ec and c:mcared to installation' drawings relaitve :: Icca:icn, mounting, anc identification.

Switchcear Identification No . 1EA1, C?l-E?SWEA-0 No . 1EA2, C?l-E?SWEA-C2 No. 2EA1, C??-E?SWEA-01 No. 2E.2, CPI-E?IWEA-CZ

nstallaticn activities relative to these swit:ngear were ;er-formec in accorcance with recuirements.
e. Statien Sa'.:eries The Unit 1 125V vital battery recms were ins:ec:ac, including tne installed batteries , battery racks anc associa ac ecuf; ment. The locaticn, mcunting, anc environmentai control for ins alla:icn No. BT-1EDI, CPI-E?STID-01 and No. 3T-1ED2, C?!-E?S37ED-02 were ccm:ared with acclicable requiremen s anc "C ins:ecticn recercs.

During the inscection of these 1:ams, the NRC CAT ins ec:crs identifed tnat there was a c:nsiceracie amoun: Of activity in :ne tattery recms. This was cue to precaration for relecation cf the vital ca::ery cells sc :nat rewert of :ne seismic ca tery racks c:uid be ace:mplisned. The inspectors ceserved ena: altneugh the batteries were charged and in a state of cceration, there were no j

signs posted c prenibit smoking or ccen flames. Acditionally, cencrete chioping activities in the wall acove the bat eries hac left de:csits of c:ncrete on the cells themselves. Discussions with the electrical QC group revealed tnat the 125V ba::eries hac been under :ne c:ntrol of TUGC0 since 1979, and hac been mcvec rwice since initial instaliation. Curing these ecves, cesconsibility for inscection of attributes associatec ai:n hanclingi itcunting, cr::ectien, anc re-energi:stien was given ::

a centrac ;rs QC gr:uo.

The NRC CAT ins:ect:rs coservec :ne activities associatec wi n relecaticn of the vital cattery cells. During this 'activi:y, twc cell casings were damaged and removed frem ' service.

s i .,

II-8 '

J, A -eview Of rec rds associated with maintenanca Of -he vital batteries was made to assure that all attributes of :ne main-

ar.anca ;r: gram nac been and dccumented. I: ems sucn as :leanliness, cel; voltages, s:ecific gravi y anc electrolyta levei nac :een inscected and cocumen ad on a regular basis.

Mcwever, tne NRG CAT ins:ec: rs coserved tha the CPSE3 F5AR, in .

Section, uncer "Tes:ing anc Ins:ec:icn, statas in ; art, i

"Fericcic ins:ection and testing of DC systems are cerformeo to m.cnitor the c:ndi-icn cf tne ecuipment to ensure reliaole acera-ice... All main:enance anc as-ing crececures anc critaria for reolacemen: are in ace:rdance with IEEE a50-175, and Reg.

Guice 1.129. !EEE Standard 150-1975, Sectien 3.3.3 recuires a yearly eneck anc recorc cf:

4 (1) Call Ccncition (Detailed Visual :ns:ecticn)

~ (2) Cell-to-Cell and Terminal Detail Connection Resistance (3) Integrity of -he Ea-tery Racks The NRC CAT ins:ectors fcund that :ne :r:cedure used : :er#0 rm survetilanca Of :nese sta-ton ba artes i.1c. ELM-701, Rev. 0) did I nc- im:lamen :ne recuiremen s for yearly inspecticn of call-to-cali cetailec arminal resistance, nor was :nere cocu-mented evicence :na :hese attributes hac been ins:ec:ad or verifiec.

  • Of scussiens witn the TUGC0 Elec rical Maintenance Gr:u: revealed
na: :ne Electri:al Main anance Precacure 'io. ELM-7'.5 eas in the
recess of being issuec
s c:ntrol activities associated wita ins:ection of call-to-cell detail terminal resistance perfor ed
f. 125 Vol: OC Svstam

' Ecui: men associa:ec wita :ne coerati n cf :ne 125V CC System was ins:ectac verify c:m:liance wi n a:cif ca le specifica-icns anc crawings. The NRC CAT ins:ec:ces selectac the folicwing samele of equi; ment.

Icentification No. Ecuicment SC-1ED1-1 CPI-EFBCED-01 Battery Charger SC-1ED3-1. CPI-E?BCED-05* Battery Charger 3C-1ED2-1, CP1-EFSCED-02 Sattery Charger SC-1EDJ-1, C?l-E75CED-06* 3attery Charger IV:EC-1, C?!-EC*VEC-O'. 5:atic Inver ar IVIEC-2, C71-ECIVEC-02 Static Inverter 59/1EC1 Overvoltage Relay 59/1502 Overvoltage Relay 27DC/IED1 Undervel age Relay 273C/1EC2 Uncervol: age Relay

'54/15D1 Ground Protec:ica Relay

  • 54/1ED2 Gr:uno Protac ion Relay Il-5

5 "These items were originally Unit 2 ecuitmen: transferred

  • by Permanent Equipment Transfer (P.E.T.) to Unit 1 insiallation activities reviewed incicated werk was performed in ac::rdance witn recuirements.
g. Emercency Diesel Genera:ce The electrical as:ects of ne Uni: 1 emergency diesel genera:ce (A and 3), including c:ntroi ca:inet wiring, were ins:ected for lcca icn, mounting, separa, ion, crcrecticn anc icentifica:icn.

These reviewed as;tets indica ac work was ;er#0rmec in accordance with installa:icn recuirements.

n. Motor 0:erated Valves A sam:le of f:ur c :r : era:ad valves (MCVs) was selected anc ins ec ec for items suen as 1 ca:icn, scunting, gr uncing,

. pro:actien, and ;r::er wiring. The MOVs selected were:

1 7.~ MOV Icentification 3

No. 1HV4776/23527 No. 10611/550 No. 1HV558/SF270925 No. 1HV47C9/16142 d

r, Inscection of work perf rmed in this area incicated the werk was

. performed in accorcance wi n recuirements.

1. Electrical Cencuit and Cable Trav Installatien
a. Electrical Conduit

$ The NRC CAT ins;ectors cbserved 86 runs of installed electrical j c:nduit, asscciatac cull boxes, fittings, and the associa:ad concuit succerts. Total footage of these c:ncuit runs was acproximately 1,300 feet. The ins;ection revealed several discrecancies in the area cf electrical cencuit installation, including many instances where covers to junction /;ull boxes, anc c:nculets were not installed as required.

Discrepancies in the identification numoers between instailec concuits anc -he GC ins:ection recor:s in -he OA vault were disc:verec. Further discussicn of this ma ter is f:une in paragracn 7 of this section under Pr:cedure. Acci:icnally, wert performed may nc have been inspec:ec to :ne accr:oria:a cesign document; specifically, c:ncuit succor; installations. Fur:ner discussion of this matter is f:und in caragracn 3 of :nis secticn uncer Ins:ecticn Precacures.

5 elative:: NIS c:nduit installa:1cn, the recuirec secara:icn fr:m #1ucrescant light fixtures was net maintainec. The C?SE5 II-10


FEAR, Section S.3.1.4, states in part, "all nuclear instrumenta:icn systam (N!S) cables are routed in conduit ac:Orcing t0 their channel assignment... Also, a m1nimum clear air separa-ion of two feet is maintainec fr:m c:ncui: :

, electrical noise, sources sucn as ;cwer anc rec contr:1 cacies.'

TUGC0 3r:cecure QI-CP-11.3-E9.1, Rev. 3, Secti:n 3.1.2, s a:es, in part, "...a minimum secaration of 2'-0" must be maintainec

. te: ween M!S c:nduit systems anc flucrescent 11;n-ing fixtures anc lighting system conduits exceot f:r c:ncuits crossing at an angle of more than 15 degrees. The tiRC CAT inspec ces icenti'iec the

  1. licwing installed Class IE 9IS c ndui s wnich de net maintain
ne recuired se: ara:icn fr:m flucrescent lign: fix ures. These

, nere es 'ciicws:

Cenduit No.


,.- -t

. u . . v. i.r.C. c.

e ... . ..

. . : $.4 ,. . Y

.. . :v. ,.c.c a .

-!  :. Elec rical Cable Trav Eign: runs of installed caole tray, ccm: rising 134 ray segments wi:n an aggregate length of accut 1,500 feet, were inspec:ec


relative to su::cr: Iccatien, se:aration, pr:tec-icn anc :nysica; leading. Sam:les were selec ec f :m :ne teac::r, Auxiliary, Centr:i and Safeguards buiiciegs. A randem ins:ection of an act;;ienal SCO feet of ca:1e tray was also ccm:letec.

(l', ~20'e Trav At:acr.ments

, The NRC CAT ins:ect:rs Ocservec several instances wnere :acie tray segments were net =c!:ac :cge:ner or preterly a achec

assccia ec seismic su;: Orts.

These instances were identifiec curing :he ins:ection of tne

. follcwing cable : rays: .

, Cable Trav No.

.12GRCLOS T13GRCLO9 T13GCF019 T13GCF020 713GACE!d (2) Cable Trav Se:aratien l The NRC CAT ins:ec :rs identi'ded ins:ances cf :acie : ray se:aration that cia no: teet One CPSES .:SAR ::mmitments.

These instances reflect a ::noitions :nat exis in o:ner areas of the plant.

E. tam:les Of :evia-icns fr:m ecuirements aere icenti'dec 'n

ne areas of recuncan: tra n se:aration, internal ::n:r:i
anel wiring se:arat;on ano electrical meenanical se:aratien.

.. *L-m


.e a

J The NRC CAT inspect:rs noted that actions taken to correc separaticn deficiencies have yet t: be implementad. It is uncerstood tnat tne use of cable tray covers anc other acce::able


, fire barriers will alleviate a numcer of nese re:lems; hcwever,

nere accear to,be instances, particularly in ene catagory of electrical mechanical se:aration, which may not be c:rrectable witacut a significant amount of rewort :o instailec ccmcenents.

The C?SEI FIAR, Secticn, states in part, "The cable and raceway separation criteria are basec en preservation of indepencence of redundant systams... Catles of reduncant Class 1E circuits are run in separate caole trays, c:nduits, cucts and

enetra icns."

"The raceways of one train are secarated fr m :nese of the otner

train by locating them in se:arate strue:ures er en cecesite si:es of large recms or spaces. 'Where this is nc: Ocssible,.

secaration is maintained as descriced belcw, er by previcing

, barriers. The Class 15 cables are r uted sucn na any single 3, failure in ene rain sys am ::es net :aase a failure in ano ner train system."

ine CPSEI F3AR, See:1cn 8.3.1.*, ::ntinues: " In slant areas wnich are free frem :otential ha:ards sucn as missiles, external fires, and pipe wnip, tne mini =um secara:icn ce: ween recundant cable trays is tnree feet between trays se:aratec neri:entally c, anc five feet between tray separatac vertically."

The NRC CAT ins:ectors icentified tne fallswinc installed Class 1E cable tray segments wnich cic net maintain ine reedired 4 sacaration be:.,een reduncant trains:

.' Train "A" Train "B" s

i T'.30AC351 T130AC354 From T13GAC 79 l- Frcm T13GACZ71

.- 7130AC353 From 713GCFCC8

T120ABE23 Fr
m T23GACC85

)= 7120ASA 2 Frem 723GAC 85

f. Gibbs & Mfil Specification 2323-ES-100, Rev. 2, Section 4.3.2

% statas, "... cable tray snali not be placec within 5 inenes of Class I or II piping or c:mcenent welds unless c:her. vise accrevec by tne owners field re:resentative (ads.itional allowance snall be made for i:e insulatien). The sacara:icn f:r ncn-safety reia:ec anc Class !!! oising anc caole ray is :: :e a minimum of

  • .

frem the cu:sice of ne pice Or insula-icn.-'

TUGC0 Prececure QI-GP-11.3-29.1, Rev. 3, Sec:jen 3.1.7, sta:as in par " Raceway anc sucocr:s snali not be located wi-hin (6) inches of Class I or Class II pioing weics or ::mecnen: welcs...'

, Also, " Cable tray snail be se:aratac frem ;iping or picing insulatien by a minimum of (1) inen."

II-12 8

+ wee 9 MSe@ *eW e # 89 G4 GO e e emp eewe m , ,,

MM O e - - M ese e me + e, ,

The NRC CAT inspectors icentified the folicwing installed Class e IE cable tray segments which did not maintain re:uired se;aratica 3-:m ; icing er pipe insulatien.

able Trav Mo.


a3 ee.Ca-,c nan :

T',20 SCC 77 i . 0 5 v- r.. a.

, Ot-- c 75505.CC.h'i

. . Ge.s:. 9 The NRC CAT ins:ectors discussac :ne aseve fircings with ne

- acplican 's leac electrical engineer, and learned nat tne a: licant is aware of the Or biems. The acclicant is antici;a-inc :erform rework anere :cssible, if net, c:ner measures will be evaluatec.

- NGTE: NRC Re; ion IV, IE anc NRR cersonnel are meeting wi:h :ne licensee at tne si a curing the ween of A ril a,1923, :s further evaluate nese anc c:her electrical /meenanical sacaration ::ncitions.

(3) Cable Trav Icentificatien The C?SES FSAR, Section, recuires :na electrical raceway systems te cnysically identified by a nire alena-numeric cnaracter tag mumcer and celer ::ce sys am, wnica is to identify wnerner or not tse given raceway s safety relatec acies.

The NRC CAT inspect:r examined tne selectec sam le of Class IE caele tray anc c nduit :: verify tnat icenti'ication tags and color cocing were cresent, and precerly accliec, relative

-  :: location, materials, anc c:nformance ni:n casign crawings.

All har: ware inspectec to nese attributes satisfiec :.*.e icentification requirements.

5. Instrumentation The NRC CAT ins:ectors selected a samole of instrumentation ccm:enents which mcnitor crecess varinoles c:merising -he Reactor Prc action System (RPS), Comcenent Cooling Sys 7m (CCS), anc the Engineerec Safety Features Actua:icn System (ESFRS).

!astrument c:m:enents were reviewec to cetermire if ins alia:icns were ac::m lisned in ac:Oreance witn tesign rawings,1: lica:ie coces anc s:ecificaticns. I:ams sucn as iccation, mounti g, icent -

  1. ication and protecticn were c:mcared wi:n installation ertwings 'cr One felicwing c:mconents:


. .- - -...-- . ._.._.a--- . n...._.. . . . .


. e-

.,r 6

Fressure Transmi::er Flew Transmi::ers k 1 PT-524 1 FT-Z?62 A 1 77-2123 1 FT-2066 3

.$. 1 97-535 . 1 FT-2463 A


1 77-524 1 FT 424 1 57 2252 1 FT 225 1 FT-Za653 1 FT 414


}4 Pressure Switch Flow Incicatine Swi en 1 75 25'.9 1 FIS 4650


{ Level inci:s-ine Swit:n 4

' LIS 4754 u

i The NRC CAT ins:ec::rs observec accr ximately 7C0 feet of installed i instrument :using, su::cr:s, anc associa ec hareware. Tu ing was

~l examined :: verify sucn items as, procer ma arial, sic:e, mounting, i secaration, and color ccding. The inscec:crs also examined inspec-

:icn rec:rcs assccia:ac witn -he installatien cf ucing anc tucing suppo r*s .

Curing :ne ins:ecticn cf instrumen: tubing, the NRC CAT ins:ect:rs r notec that in several locatiens, tubing runs had sustainec minor

'camage; specifically, cents, flattening, and disfigured instal-1 laticn. It was ceterminec that inis damage was due to c

'; activities wntch had cc:urred after QC inspection of the tu:ing,

, Camaged areas aere rec:r:ed y the cen rac: rs QC and recer:ac cn an NCE.

0:ner cbse"ved activities and reviewed cccuments:icn incicated werx 9 performeo n :nis area sa-isfied One appr:priate requirements, d

. 5. Cali_erttice

j The NRC CAT inscectors performed an examina:icn of the en-site 5rewn

& Acot (5&R) Calibra-icn Facility. Incluced in this examination was

? a review of precedurts and documentatien associated with calibration 1 activities, an inscecticn cf the calibraticn facility to insure J' ccmoliance with the envirenr. ental c:ncitions specified, anc the inssection of a selectac samole of calibra:sc c:els and ccmcenents.

The MRC CAT ins ec cr selected ne foliewing sammle of reference

. stancarts, .easuring ano test ecuicment, anc cartified c:ois. These 4 aere insoectac :: verify crc:erly documentec calibration status,

. ar::er s:srage c:nci:icns, curren: anc accrevec calibra:icn raccr s on file, anc traceacility of items asscciated wita :ne sammles

? nist:ry file.


Refererce Standards No. RS-Z's Ci; ital Mul:ime:er Mc. RS-CS6 Photograpnic 5:ec Taciet Nc. RS-C20 Ou sice Micr meter Mc. RS-094 . "Go-No-Go" Gauge ,

Mc. RS-C67 Cecace Resis:Or Measurire and Tes: Ecui: ment Mc. M&TE 1 32 Cynamcmeter No, M&TE 1132 Micr meter Cep:n Gauge

, No. M&TI *.553 Megger Tes Se-No. M&TE 0156 Vernier Calipers No. M&TE 1270 5cti & Aggregate Steve No. M&TE 1961 0xygen Analy:er tio. M&TE 2:09 Cry Fili: Thickness Gauge No M&TI 2223 Car *en: Transfer er No. M&TE 1S29 3a- ery Meg;ec 7 ester No, M&TE 1995  : ras:nic Th'ckness Saage I~ Cer-iffec Tec1s No. CT-1365 Crim:ing Tcci No. CT-06CS Tor ue 'drenen No. C~-1506 Crimming Tcci

  • te'ns

. . reviewed satisfied acclicacle recuirements. This sue;ec: is also ciscussed in See:1cn VII: of this report.


7. Precedures .

The NRC CAT ins:ectors examinec a:Orevec TUGC0 cecuments o serify

na- instructicns, precacures, anc crawings usec to ac::::iisn elec-trical activities affecting cuali y c:ntain :ne accrocriate ins:ec-tien anc/cr ac:sc:ance criteria.

Electrical GC inscecticns are :eing ;erformed in ac: rcanc. wita ne i TL'GCG Electrical Ins;ection Manual . During :ne review cf these cecuments pr:cacural inacequacies were icentifiec in :ne f:311cwing areas:

The inspec: Ors observed examoles of electrical conduit instaliaticns 1

wnese icentificaticn nuccers did not '.*a:ch hose indict:ec cn :ne CC ins:ection recerts in ne vault. Discussions

  • n Electri:a! C.C
erscnnel revealed nat some concui s are ins allec wi n a ani-icentificatien nummer. These conduits ins:ectec anc :ccumentec in ac:Or:ance with tne acclicacle CC ;r:cacure. Ecosecuen: 0 ne ins:ection. ne icentificati:n numcer may :e Onanged in ac: r:anca witn EI-EF-1 (E-1) anc I em 13(c) cf 2 23-El-17CO, wnica state :nat, "The third enaracter denoting piant nuceer 0,1, or 2 is gerers ec s

Dy the ::m: uter frem :ne first cable r:utec :hr ugn ne c:nduit."

I. .' 94 .$

' W FM Wm e Mb i *

-,-- ~ ~ , --. - . , - - - - . , , , . , - ,- -.. ,.



.i These identifica:icn cnanges art incorporated en Field Structural

': Engineering (F5E) drawings and sent t the field for c:nstructi:n 1j use; Hewever, :ne F5E :rawings are cc: c:ntrolled by the Occument

-. ~:ntrol Canter (OCC) ner are ney usac by CC for inspec-icn. As a s resuit of tnis, :nq QC ins:ec:fon records may not incicate the true 1 '.a icentificaticn num:er cf -he installed c nduit; further, there are d no crececurai recuirements which accress reins:ect :n of :nese

.a t ams, i

3 A list of over 100 c:ncui s affectec :y similar enanges were

. reviewed by the NRC CAT inspect:rs. These items were found curing . --

rancem ins:ections :erfor ec Oy the CC grouo. In scme instances,

". ne lis: incicatec cnanges no: cnly in the uni- designat:r, bu: in

, voi age level anc reduncan: train cesignations as well. Inspection 7 ;rececures wnica do not acdress reins ection Of mccified, previcusly t

.; accepted com:enents coes not appear adequate, t.

?; 5. *ns:ecticn Rec:rcs M

q The NRC CAT ins:ectors reviewec recercs generated for inspections

,3 that were performec relative t: cao'le ray, concuit, electrical 4 cacie installation, cable termination, electrical ecui; ment

. 4 installation, seismic su:: orts, instrumen :uting, and instrucent instaliation.

Assessment was :erf:rmed in -his area t: determire wnether inscecticn rec:rcs have been creperly pre;ared, rain ained, anc contained documentad evidence of inspection c:meletion anc results.

Electrical anc instrumentatien ins:ection rec:rts were st: rec in :ae

OA rec
rcs vault, and were icentifiable and retrieva:le.

Ins:ecticn rec rds were c:moleted in ac:ordance wi-b tne a: licable cuality c:ntrol pr:cacures. The racercs icentifiec the QC


inspecter, the type ,cf cbserva-icn by precacural reference, ac e::acility, anc reference to cccuments pertaining to identifiec 4

, deficiencies.

The NRC CAT inspectors questioned the ade:uacy cf documentatien

.,2 associated with reins:ection of previcusly accepted itams. In the case of some electrical ecuipment records, the reins:ection

'i signatures for ecuipment that was relocated per Design Change Authori:ation (OCA) were not found in the ecuipment records package, but were on a traveler initiated by the civil / structural groun.

Accitionally, attributes verified oy
ne criginal ins:ection reecr; nere no: s:ecifically acdressed in :nis suosaquent :ccumenta:icn.

The NRC CAT ins:ec::rs were unable to determine, fr:m :ne rec:rcs availacie, the extent cf :ne reins:ection ahien was ;erf:rmec.

Similar c:nditions were :oserved in :ne review of recercs assccia:ac with ins:ection cf electrical c:ncuit and ca:1e ray su::cr:s, many

, of which have been modified by ccm:enent modification enanges (CMCs) r, witn mul-iple revisions, and wncsa ins:ection recores indicate ins:ection ca es wnica :c not reflec :ne ca:es of the lates; f revisicn of Me CMC (this 'cattar is ciscussed in ce:sil in 5 action

  • X of this re:cr ).

1 I*-15

-r- ,e . - - - . - - - - -- . - - , - . . - - - , -;, - - - - - - -

= .

Y Accitienally, Onere were examples of dccumentation of conditions wnich ceviate fr:m recuirements by use of systems other than the NCR system. Exaccles incluce the use of Recues: For Information Clarificatien (RFICs) t: Occumen ceviations frem recuirements rela::ve to electric,21 separation. The engineering respense to the RFIC was, in effect, a dispositien of :he prcblem, and in scme instances was used to initiate field rework. The use of the RFIC in

nis manner is ::nsiderec c:n:rary : QA program recuirements.

Also, the NRC CAT ins:ec: Ors f:end : bat :unchlists were usec :o cccument deficiencies. Scme of these ceficiencies were censicerec

o be conconforming c:nditions Oy -he NRC CAT inspectors.

Failcwing the review of ins;ecticn rec:rcs. the tiRC CAT inspec rs relatec :ne following concerns to the S&R QC supervision:

. Tha; scme rec:rds ce cc snew :ne exter.: ner do they acaqua eiy reflect tne reinspection activities for previcusly accep;ec i ams.

. That tne metnod of documenting ceviations fecm recuirements relative to electrical separa:icn, and tne method of icentifying anc dispositiening ciscrecancies nrcugn :ne exclusive use of punchlists were no- in ac::rcance wi:n CA procedural recuirements.

k ee og s a*as

- ~

  • ~' *

~2 _ . --. .


II. .uECHANICAL CCNSTEUCT:CN A. Objectives The objective of tne assessment of techanical c:nstructicn was :c cetermine if installed and OC accepted safe y-rela ac mechanica; items conformed to engineering cesign, regulatory requirements and licensee c:mmi ments. Acditicnal cojectives were :o cetermine

. wnet.1er crocacures, instructions, anc drawings usec to acc:molisn constructicn activities were adecuate anc wnether quality-relatec recorcs accurately reflected the c:meleted worx and the ::moleted activi ties .

3. Discussi:n the specific areas of meenanical construction that were evaluated were piping, pi:e succcr:s/ restraints, mechanical acui:=en:, anc
r. eating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) ecuipment. To acc:melisn the ecjectives statec aseve, the folicwing activities were
erformec in eacn of
nese areas:

A detailed fielo inspection of a samcling of QC accectec ha rcwa re.

  • A *eview of pr:cecures and cecumentaticn.

Otscussion wi:n restensible CC anc Engineering persennel to determine overall kncwledge of site procedures, inspecticn and acceotance criteria, and to icenti#y orcblems wi n precacures, design /#iele engineering /CC intarfaces, ins ec:Or cualifica:icn, anc QC indecencence. .

1. Picine


A samole of cioing runs was selectec :c incluce different sys: Ems, builcing locaticns, :en- gurat;cns, anc s;:es. ine following lines, totaling acproxi .ately 600 feet, were selected for ins:ection:

System Drawines Si:e. Diameter Ccntainment Soray 3RP-CT-1-SB-027, Rev 3 2" Auxiliary Feedwater 3RF-AF-1-SB-005, Rev 11 3" 1 10" 3RML-AF *.-53-006, Rev 2 Containment Spray 3RP-CT-1-55-023, Rev 3 2" Resicual Heat Removal 3RF-RH-i-43-CC3, Rev 3 3" 3EHL-RH-1-RS-CO3, Rev 2 Resicual Heat Remcval 3RF-4H-1-RB-C01, Rev 13 *2" 3RHL-4H-1-R3-001, Rev 2 Auxiliary Feecwa:ar 3RP AF-1-33-025, Rev 11 A" 3RHL AF-1-55-025, Rev 2

.e. .



System , Orawines Si e Diameter Chemical 5 Volume 3RP-CS-1-R5-C23, Rev 7 2" Centrol BRHL-CS-1-RS-023, Rev 0 Safety Injection ERP-SI-1-AS-C02, Rev 5 4"
. 3RML-SI-1-AB-C02, Rev 0 The abcve runs were ins
ected in -he field for Orc;er c nfigura-3 tien, icentifica:icn of valves, surface c:ncitien, valve e- crien ation, bolted fiange c nnecticns, interferences anc su cor / restraint locaticn, anc func:icn. The fellowing cecuments previced the basic ac':ep:ance criteria f r One ins:ecti:ns:

. QI-QAP-11.1-25, Rev 9, "ASME Pipe Fabrica:icn and Instal-latien Ins ecti:ns"

. QI-CAP-11.1-31, Rev 5, "Installatien nscection of Mechant-cal Jcints

. Acplicable piping isometric drawings (SRPs) anc hanger iccatien isemetric crawings (ERELs)

Pipe Suo:cr:s/ Restraints are installed and inspectec to detail crawings. The NRC CAT inscectors utili:ac the BRML is metric ::

verify sup:or;/ restraint function and icca icn as a check :na:

the piping was installed and supported /restrainec as analyzed by

. the cesigners. Not all sucper:s/ restraints had been installed at the time of inspection. The piping configuratien, valve icentifica:icn, su:;or / restrain loca:icn anc function, and flangec jcint makeuc acceared to c:nform : prececural crawing recuirements.

The Oceanche Peak Steam Electric Station (CPSES) program accressing IE Bulletin 79-14 (79-14), " Seismic Analysis for As-Built Safety-Related Piping Systems", was reviewed.

rrececures ;cverning these activities are as folicws:


. CP-EI 4.5-1, Rev 8, " General Program for As-Built Piping Verification"

. CP-GP-11.13, Rev 5, "As-Built Verification"

. QI-GP-11.13-1, Rev 2, "As-Built Piping verifica:icn Instructicns" The 79-14 program is basically ;ar: cf a c:ntinuing as-built / piping 2.nalysis iteration process. The as-cuil:


    • 9 e6 -e & a.-6=
  • e ---

e es e w

o ,


, survey ;ackage for stress pr lem 1-017 (a portien of the Safety Injecticn System) was examinec anc the as-built survey deficiency cunchlist c: cuter rint ut for pr:blems s 1-003, 1-CCc , 1-007, 1-010A , 1-01CC , 1 -0198, 1-021 and 1-02S were reviewed. Pr: gram cetafis were discussed with

. One Texas Utilities Services, Inc. (TUSI) Tecnnical Services Su:ervisor (res:ensible for engineering ascects) and the TUSI QA Scecialis- Sutervisor and As-Built C:ordina:Or (responsible f r 'iele inspections).

1 As a result of this "As-Buil:" review, the NRC CAT ins:ec-crs icentified concerns as to :ne exclusive use of unca-lists to dccument discrecancies Oe: ween detail crawings and

, as-cuil nar: ware (versus a :ccumentec/c:n:rollec me:noc Of ,

'icentifying, correcting anc preventing recurrence of ceficiencies). The acove crocecures co not involve :ne nonconfermance procedure or otherwise involve tne cuality assurance ;r: gram in accressing ciscrepant c:ndi icns on GC ac:ectac cicing anc succcc s/ restraints. Scecific examcles

f :nis c:ncern are ce:ailec in :ne su::or:/r? strain:

$ secticn of this recor . The relateo r: gram recuirements are ciscussec in :nis reper in secticn ;X.B.2 "Cerrective w Action systems."

2. 'Pi:e Succor:s/ Restraints ASME pi:e sup;0r / restraints are fabricated, ins al'.ec, anc CC inspected tc cetailec crawings crepared oy ITT Grinnel, Nuclear i Pcwer Services Incustries (NPSI), or TUSI Pipe Succor: Engineer-ing (PSE) anc applicable Cemcenent Mcdifica-icn Carcs (CPCs).

Small bcre (less than Zi" dia.) Class 2, 3 & 5 suppor:s/

restraints may be shewn en typical drawings or en "engineerec" cetatiec crawings. Su: ports may be " final" inscec ec several times basec en subsecuent changes to criginal design; cecause of

ne issuance of revisec cesign crawings, anc primarily by tne issuance Of CMCs by PSE. (fiele engineering).

When engineering consicers that the " final as-cuilt" stress analysis has been erformed in.d there is a hicn precacility tna: i furtner chanQes to the support will gggg ce recuired, a Vencer j certifisc Drawing V ) for inece bore supoorts inc a Design Review Drawing (0_M for gjal bore suppores is issuec. These frawings incor:orateccifications tatec bv loac necessi,any cnances, *infor- sC, :ation Pen only" ins:ects JJf;_e CMCs an.c ne su:: orts for_: nose features revisec gy :ne '/CC/ 7.0 anc 3:e

bvicus missing carts.  ;

l The follcwing samole f 24 ins alled and CC ac:eatec :i:e '

succcr:s/ restraints aere selec ec fer inspection ;revice a variety of types, sizes, systams and locations:

  • l

.  ?** 9



g -- ,- -- - -r--.r-- - - , - --- ,,-n

--r , -------=e-+ -m ---.-


2 ~


-$ Succor;/ Restraint Nc. Lccatien Size Class Tvce e

': RC-1-016-7CS-C 1R Cont. 2" 1 Strut

CC-2-AE-C23-002-3 Aux. 2" 3 Strut S!-1-53-233-C06-2 Safeguarcs *. i" 2 Sex
SI-1-C68-706-Ot2R Cont. 2" 2 Box

'. RS-1-CCa-C07-532R Safeguarcs 12" 2 Strut -

CS-1-357-001-522R Safecuards 6" 2 Stru:

SI-2-031 425-Y32R Yard' 12" 2 Sox

- CS-2-063 413-542R Safeguarcs 8" 2 Strut RC-2-121 401-SS ER Safeguares 3" 2 Stru:

> CS-2-012 103-C ZR Cent. 3" 2 Strut

- CC-1-136-706-E63R El ectr. 3" 3 Strut SI-1-037-00~-532A Safeguart 3" 2 Ancher FW-1-017-702-CS2K Cont. 18" 2 Snubcer CC-1-116-037-F43A Fuel 12" 3 Anchor CT-1-002-008-532R Safeguards 15" 2 Strut CC-1-115-006-F33R Fuel *2"

. 3 Strut RH-1-003-C02-542R !afeguards 12" 2 S trut

CS-1-C63-CCE-522R Safeguards 3" 2 Bcx
SI-1-031-Cd6-Y325 Yard 12" 2 Spring 4 RH-1-001-001-C415 Cent. 12" 1 Spring SI-1-092-CC8-Cc1X Cent. 5" 1 Snub'er c

C CS-1-001-016-Ca2K Cent. 3" 2 Snuteer CS-1-055-010-5425 Safeguards 4" 2 Soring RC-1-075 -C ES-CS *.R Cent. 1" 1 Strut

  • Scre of these supports had VCDs issued, scme did not. The above succcr s .ere ins:ected acainst their detail drawincs and CMCs far conficuration, identT*Eaticn, lccaticn, fastener / anchor belt installation, clearances, meccer si:e, and damage /cretec-tien. In adcition, apprcximately 200 accitionai su:ccr:s were cbserved in the field for obvicus ceficiencies such as lecse er

?.issing fasteners, imprecer clearances or angularity, camage and improper expansion ancncr spacing.

Acceptance criteria ipe the field ins:ections are centained in

-he folicwing documents:

. Detail suppor / restraint drawings and applicable CMCs

. Typical drawings including small bore General Notes drawing CP-AA-001 0*-0AF-11.1-28, Rev.16, "Facrica:icn, 'nstalia-icn Ins:ec-tiens of ASME Ccmcenent succerts, Class 1, 2, nr.d 3" '

Ci-CAP-11.1-2SA, _Rev. O, " Installation Inscection of ASPE Class 1, 2 and 3 Snuccers" GI-OP-11.2-3_, Rev. 11, "7cecuing and Scacing of Ccncreta

. Ancnor 50its*

4 II: 4

. - . _ - . . . - - . . ~ .

9 The folicwing ciscrepancies were icentified en the

. sup;cr:s/ restraints inspec ed:


. U-colt configuratien nc: per crawings:

CS-1-053-023-532R AF-1-059-001-S33R H-RC-1-RS-039-015-2 H-CS-1-R5-017-001-2 H-RC-1-RS-038-CC A-2 .

. Lug to restrain; clearance excessive:

CD-2-019-007-F23R (11/32" vs 3/32")

. Cimension no: per crawing:

RC-1-075-025-051R (2' 4 3/4" vs 2' 10 1/2")

. Richmend inser ancnce bol threacs not as recuired:


. Snubber loac cin missing:


. Voic in cencrete nea- cencrete ex:ansien ancnce:


. ' ccsa strut lacknu s:

SW-1-003-002 A33R SI-1-Caa-025-5329

. . Missing / broken cet:er pins:

la supper:s

. Class 3 hanger mismarkec as Class 2:



Numercus cther instances of loose locknuts, U-bolts, and missing or broken cotter eins were cbservec cn Class 5 succor:s/

restraints that were under One TUGC0 QA/0C Oregram. Oc ntri-bu:ing c -he Orcolems icentifisc di:n U-ecl: installa-ions are c:nfusing crawings wnicn snew U-cci:s wi-h 1/15 inca clearance recuirec, :ut also wi-h ccubia nuts on the cutsice of ne retaining slate. Clear acceotance cri aria is neecee crice to inspections :eing cerformec. .

.i -

i s

9 '-

The NRC CAT inscectors witnessed the GC inspecticn of fifteen 2 small tore supports and six large bore su;perts to tne VCD per i pr:cedure C;-CAP-12.1. Twelve of the small bore sup orts were

' satisf ac cry. Three were unsa-isfact:ry cue o drafting /cesign errors, primarily cue to incorrectly incor;cratec CMCs in tne

- VCD. Three of the large bore sucports were unsatisfact:ry with

.i an im receriy welded bracket, eso undersi:ec welcs, a missing f high strength ;in and an im:re er clamp s:acer.

d Discussicns with the Supervis:ry Authori:ed Nuclear Inspector

- (ANI) indicated that there were ceficiencies with the ac:e;;ed

[.j hangers anc difficulties in deter =ining the specific activities 1 :erformed during the fabrication /installatien pnases. The ANI cffice nas recently been receiving c:mpleted ASME su;ccr /

restrain: packages for review and accactance for the ASME Code Cata Recort. Of the initial packages of CC ac:ected.VCD sucperts/

4 restrain s that were ins;ected in the the ANI, a; rexi-mately 10% (13 of acproximately 130) have been returned :c S&R CC cue :: undersi:ec or ctherwise unac:eo able welcs. The ANI g,

was inspectine :nese installa-ions for casic configura:icn anc


welding ce: ails enly. Of apprcxima eiy 665 vencer cer-ified. OC inspectac succor:s forwarded to :ne ANI en or before "ecruary 23, 1983, aparoximately 100 hac been returnec for ceficiency

- . corrections.

The NRC CAT ins ec :rs reviewe the deficiency punchlists generatec ty CC during the VCL inspection. Six punchlist itams

for hangers were selected (biased sampie) to verify that ncncen-

, forming cancitions were being pro:erly identified and action t preven: ricurrence was being :aken. Two of these items, an

- imcre;erly installed U-bcit (CS-1-063-016-S22K) and expansion D ancher s: acing not per drawing (F4-1-C93-CCS-C525), are cen-sicered by the NRC CAT inspectors to be nonconforming conci-tiens, tu: were not dccumentec by QC en NCRs. Sucsecuen to tne NRC CAT ins:ec:Or.recuesting an, evaluation of these 1 ems by QC, NCRs were issuec. Three mere items cencarning undersi:ec, missing, or ciscrecant welds (CC-X-032-7CO-A23R, CC-1-151-004-553R, CC-1-131-013-543R) had been documented en NCRs. Hcwever, review of tne cocumentation packages and a:plicable revisions t: the succor;/ restraint drawings and CMCs indicated that none of these welcs had been changed by drawings or CMCs since the " final" CC

. inspecticn acceptance of these supports. The fact that the succor:s were accected oriainally by QC with deficient welds er

". that unau ncri:ec/unc:ntroYiec work had'been erf:rmec en nese su:Cor s was not indicated n the NCRs. ASME NCR forms co nc provice for any evaluatico er signef' f:r action necessary

;revent recurrence. None
nf:rming c:nditions noted curing :ne VCD program are a:;arently not :eing procerly documentec er icentifiec to effect acticn : prevent recurrence.

s II:-6 e

& be.

, - , , - - , . . , , ----e ,- _ - - - = - , . , - - _ . . , . - , , . , - , - - . .

During -he review cf the 79-14 "as-built" program discussed in

Section 6.1 acove, the NRC CAT ins ectors selected eign
i am; fr:m the walkdcwn survey to cetermine if ciscrepancies on OC ac:epted su::cr:s/ restraints were teing properly disecsitienec.

At less: :nree i ems (MS-1-003-CC3-C725, SI-029-019-522R anc SW-1-025-C02-J03R) shewec a: parent ncnconforming ::ndi:icns for wnich no changes' had been specified (en crawings or C4Cs) since CC ac:eo:ance of the succert/ estraint. :n aceitien, the as-built survey team had identifiec at one point in time 33 CC

, accepted supports -hat had been cisassamoled er ::m le ely removed withou; authori:ation. These c ncitions aere not documented in any system that wculd :rovice long term corrective acticn, but were referred :o tne c:nstruction organi:ation via memo. It is recogni:ed t.'at tre as-cuilt survey eam may nc :e using the lates: CMC issued against tne supports they are inspecting, which may make the cetermination of a nonc:nicrming concition difficult. Hcwever, it accears that ncncenferming c:ncitiens noted during this pr: gram are not being crecerly identified, documented or evalua ed to effec; acticn to prevent recurrence.

The inscection of Class 5, seism;c suoperts was a : art of the TUGCC CA/CC program as delineated in =recacure 0I-C7-11.15-1, Rev.14. " Installation Ins:ections of NNS Seismic Ca:escry II Su:corts f:r Class V Picing". Paragra:n 3.16.3 cf tnis cr:ce-dure ;ermits documenta:icn of discrecancies fcune curing ins;ec-tiens ei ner en Inscection Rescr:s ( Rs) or Ncnconformance

. Re: orts as cirected by the CA/CC Civil Mechanical Superviser.

The CA/CC Civil Mechanical Sucervisor has issuec a memorancum cirecting CC sucerviscrs tha ciscrecancies are te Occumented n :Rs only. This prececure anc memorancum have :nus :verriccan

ne nerc nf:rming concitiens and c:rrective acticn recuirsments of =rocacure CP-QP-16.0, "Nonconfermances" anc :ne TUGC0 CA manual. Althcugn irs rela:ac :: base metal cafects are incu: ::

tne " trend analysis" and c:rrective acticn system, other ty:es cf unsatisfactory irs (location, angularity, mem:er si:e, crientation, etc.), wnich may reoresent conconforming conci:icns are not. Therefore, this action is ano:ner case wnere none:n-

. forming c:nditions are not identified such nat root causes anc actions to prevent recurrence can be determined and apor -

priately dispositioned.

A review of procedures governing safety-relatec pipe sue:cr:s/

restraints incica:ec tna: nere are at:cacures c:vering any aspects of the pr: gram (faericaticn, ins:ection, VCD nalkcewns,

re-hycre walkecwns, pre-turnover walkccwns) anc nat scme are cuite c:morenensive anc crav d ce cetailed infor ation anc ac:ec-tance criteria. Mcwever, One precacures related c ins:ecticn of succor s are scmewnat ::nfusing and unclear as :o :ne s:ecific attributes recuiring ins:ection. For examole, the written instructicns/enecklist fer ICD inscections recuire a verificatien of succcr: "cenfigu rati on" . The intent o' :nis item 4as nc clear. The inter:re:atiens ey CA/QC management, IC sucervisors, anc CC ins:ec::rs of#ered curing discussiens 41:n



. i- - . . . ..._.. . . _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . . .

n ~


..i 8

e 1 i NRC CAT mem:ers varied fr:m a detailec inspecticn of many l

.i attributas to a verifica:icn tna: in fact a snubber is installed

~:: wnen a snucber is indicated as required. Walkdcwn precedures e also do nc: ;r: vide sufficien specific ins:ecticn attribu es i and cnecklist/ markup con rols f:r icentifica icn and correction j cf the large numoer of icosa anc missing cetter pins anc

) fastaners. ,

u A review cf tne dccumentatien eacxages "cr : e 22 sup;cr:s/

restraints listec previcusly was performec. The packages are



~. difficult
c fellcw cue :: the large numoer of changes involvec with an average of ever five CMCs per sucport and as many as 15 on ene succert. Previous ins:ecticns are not voided. I was

> c:servec na fr:m a t::al of 55 inspecticn repcrts, covering a::roximately 110 ::tal attributes, ners was cnly one indica-a tien of an unsatisfac cry IR and only one NCR was writtan. For ncn-ASME succor:s, QC rejects 20 percent cf the su:perts sub-mittac for final ins:ection in addition to requiring innediate c:rrection Of mince hardware itans (icese bolts, etc.). The near perfect recccc in tne ASME program incica:es :nat cr:cleas q are being turned back to c nstructicn for resolutien (tnreugn O immeciate c:rrection er issuance of CMCs). This practice when c:ncuctec for all types of deficiencies circumvents tne Correc-


tive Action Fr: gram to identify and ;reven recurrence of significant deficiencies.

Review of la cf :nese packages incica:ad the folicwing discre:-

ancies that reinforce this concern. Although the Multiple Weld Ca:a Card (MWDC) has a CMC icg block, in numerous instances the icg incicates CMC revisiens and entry datas mucn later than :ne GC inspecticn signeff ca:as (s:me en: ries- cver ene year after

, ins:ectien). As the c:vershee: Ins:ection Re:cr dces not lis L CMC revisiens, it is nc possible in most cases to identify which CMC (cesign document) was used to perform the ins:ection.

Fur:ner, the "QC Checklist f:r Snucter Installation" enes no:

s:ecify the drawing or CMC revisien. In 10 of the la packages, CMC revisions were issuec after the ca:a nat c:nstructicn i

a signed off en the MWDC that the installation was c:mplete, and on or snortly before the cata cf the QC inspection. Mest of 1 these CMC revisiens were not "information only" or clarifica-

-i tien, but pertained to imcortant design features such as dimen-sions, material changes, baseolate c:nfiguration, etc. In one instanca, three CMC revisions were issued between ::nstructic:

,  :: mole: ion anc QC inscection. In ene case, the IR was signec

, off indicating inscection c:molerac -he day :efere the MWCC wi:n

ne cetailed enecklist items was signec. In one instance, :ne cantar-:o-centar dimension en a snuccer was changed on a CMC revision o " meet as-tuilt c:nditicns", but had been OC ins;ec-tad satisfac:crily twice before. -

' ~

The follcwing statements sunnari:e he assessment cf p'i;e sucpert/ restrain; activities:

9 III-a

% . e me, s 6

, -,.w.-.------ .- .-- . .-

.. s. . ... .. - . . . . . . --.

4 i.. -

a. Numerous cases of OC acce ted installed hardware not

!. conforming to drawings anc CMCs were identified by the NRC 1 CAT ins:ectors, ANI, anc 51R QC during VCD ins';ections, 2nc

by TUSI "as-cuilt" personnel.

.,  :. These c:nci-icns incicate ;ccr 'ns:ac:icn worx, unc' ear /

3- errcneous drafting, anc/or unau nori:ed, uncentrollec ai eratien of c:molatec werk.

c. Numerous instances exist wnere nonconforming cenditicns

, have not been properly iden-1fied to provide the input to -

ne QA Corrective Action ?regram f:r determining c ct_

causes anc preventing recurrence.

c. Fr:m discussiens witn site :ersensel and the ccvicusly

.large number of CMCs, i: a:: ears criginal design crawings were used only as guides to construction, and tne actual design /analyt,.is was ;erf:rmec after c:nstructicn and

,' ins:ecticn. This may have resul ed from tne many changes recuirec due to relocatec 3 cing, in arferences, anc the 4

. CiC sr: gram i self.


e. The accectability of the installec hardware c meet cesign recuirements basec en a series of partial inspecticns (versus a final c:mple e ins:ecticn after werk is ccmoleted) is questicnable based :n :ne following scints:

. Numcers of " design" changes (CMCs) 4

. Scmewhat unspecific inspection precedures

. Amcunt of cngoing constructicn activities and :ne accarent -lacx cf discipline regarcing eenstruc icn persennel tampering with QC accectec har: ware.

s Orafting and design discrecancies noted in initial

- awings, CMCs and VCDs.


. The numcer of discrecancies noted en sue:cr:s ;revi-g cusly accepted by CC.

. Inscection documentaticn not indicating the " design" document (drawing and/or CMC) revision :ha was used i

for the ins ection.

In conclusicn, 'althcugn extensive ma;ce tecnnical preslems were not icentified in tne : ice su:ccr / restrain har: ware, :r:me:

action is recuired to adcress the accve Oregram c:ncerns.

5:ecifically, atten:icn mus: :e fecussac in the areas of :ne acnc:nfermance/ corrective acticn cregram, ccmcrenensive final ins:ections and inscecticn dccumentation in order t: :revice c:nficence in the ac:spracility of installed pipe succcr s/



, , .~. . - - . . -. ~ -- ,-, ,. - -,-_.,.,n-. -- - - - - - -

. 3

.-.. . i . - . . . - , . . . . .~ - - . . . . . . . ..

d. Fea:ine Ventilatien and Air Cenci:icnine (HVAC)

HVAC systems on Unit 1 and Cemen are essentially 100'; c:molete and :urnec cver :o TUGCC. Many :ortiens are ccerating. Uni 2 installations are a; roxima:aly 50*. ::m;1ete. l In general, HVAC duct anc equi: ment surger:s are fabricated anc .

installec by the Bahnscn Service Co. (BSC) in accordance witn tyoical crawings anc crocecure OFP ~USI-C02. ESC CC ins:ects expansien anchor installa:icn and the fit c anc welding of duct supports. After instal ~1ation, the support as-built configura-tien is sketened by draftsmen. This unsignec, unreviewed sketch is sent offsite to Corporate Censulting and Development Co.

(COL) fer seismic analysis. !? analysis indicatas na mcdifi-catiens are requirec, the su:perts are mccified, QC inspectac for new expansien ancnors anc welcs, and the draftsmen prepara a final and for ."as-built" drawing. This drawing is checked, anc ac: roved anc then reviewec by SSC Si:e Quality Assuranca.

This "as-built" is resucmitted to CCL for final review and analysis. Because :ne ty ical drawings provide no axiai oracing, most cuc: sue:or:s are mccified. tiewnere in tnis precass cces BSC CC inspec ne suppcrts for crecer Icca:icn, proper configuraticn er member si:e and lengtn. No CA/GC verificaticn or aucit of tne crafting department's as-built effer s is cer#crmed.

Eign: cuct sup cr:s and one fan sup:cr: were ins:ec sc in ne fiele for proper 1ccation, c:nfigura:icn anc conformance to drawing, design and precacural recuirements. Five of these nine succerts did not conform to ne c:nfigura-icn anc cimensicns snown on the as-built sketches or drawings. Fellcwing is a lis:

of the su:ccr s inspectec anc the discre:ancies nctec:

Sue:cr Discrecancy -

'A-C3-654-1N aK Ncne A-CS-854-2N-1AX None

, A-C3-854-2N-C5 3 dimens. (discrecancies of 3t", 2 3/8", ai" frem design) t A-C3-654 4-EN-C12 Ncne A-5G1-652-1J-1C-01 1 cimen. (Si" varienca)

SG1 J.52-1J-23 1 mem:er si:e smaller : nan sacwn (3x3x3/8 vs axa xi)

Suc su:cor.s wi n " final" as-built drawings have the "A" crefix, :ne remaining three nad enly tne fieic sxet:M usec for ini-ial seismic analysis a: :.1e time of :nis inscaction.


t ip _

e 3. Mechanical Ecui: ment N

e The folicwinc samole of installed anc CC acce::ed mechanical 3 e'cui men; was selected and inspected for :r::er iccation, 3 identificatien, f:enda:icn/ supper configura:icn and c:nci:icn, Q in-place storage concitions and camage, e

. T3X-GHATGO-01, Wasta Gas Decay Tank

, s oX-GHATGD-07, Waste Gas Cecay Tank y 73X-GHATGD-10, Waste Gas Cecay Tank ff TPX-TRAHLC-01, Le-dewn Chiller Hea: Exchanger CP1-00APRM-01, Reac:Or Makeue Water Pume a CP2-COAFRM-01, Reac:ar Makeue Wa er Fumo CPX-CCAFRM-01, Reactor Makeue Water Fums CPX-CSATSA-01, Beric Acid Tank


, CPX-CSATBA-02, Boric Acid Tank a CPX-BRATRH-01, Ecric Acid Tank TCX-CSAHLD-01, Latecwn Hea Excharger 73X-TRAMMH-01, Mccerating Hea: Exchanger

,4 D

Accectance criteria for the field ins:ecticns were taken fr:m vencor drawings and technical manuals, and site structural /

foundation drawings.

The Operations Travelers'cetailing :ne insta'iiation anc accep-tance cf Reac::r Makeup Water Tank-01, Mocerating Heat r Excnanger-01, Boric Acic Tank-01, and Letdewn Heat Exchanger-01

were examined.

No prooiems were identified ralative to the locatien, icentifi-4 ca-ion, in-place s:Orage, or damage to mecnanical ecuipment.

Ali fcuncaticn nuts were ins.allec anc ac; eared tign:. Hewever,

. the makeuc cf -he foundation bolt / nut assemolies was inconsis-tent, and in scme cases, the confermance with vender require-ments was in cuestion. For the tanks and neat exchangers inspec ed, scme toits had single nuts, scme had ccuble nuts, anc scme hac a mixture of single and douole c nfiguraticns. 'lencor

, and site fcuncaticn drawings indicatec single nuts. The Ocera-Y tions Travelers and site structural bolting prececures do not j require or address double nutting. The Westinghcuse technical a manual for the above heat exchangers scecifies that the nuts on

/ the slotted end of these units be backed cif slightly to allcw movement curing thermal expansion. Most of -he bolts on ne slicing ends of all of the heat excnangers ins:ec:ec were c ucie nutted anc ac eared o be drawn dcwn -ight. The sliding enc cf ne Le:dcun Chiller Fett Excnanger acceared to have hac gr:u:

between the succor brackat and Ine fcunca:icn pad. The Ccera-tions Travelers dic not accress the technical manual recuire-ment; they stated only -hat the units were :: be instailec in accordance with applicable drawings.


v -


. Se::cr Discrecancy


C3-207-EN-A 1 dimen. (1")


.. C3-207-23-3 ,

Ncne M .

SKRFC-791202 (Fan Supper ) 2 dimens. (2 3/8", 2 3/8")

i and Milti loca icn s: acing (2

-I missing, 2 in errer)

Cucting is ins:ectec for proper installation during the system

turnover walkcewn. No checklis
s are used and acceptance cccumenta:icn f:r as many as 38 segments were coservec en :ne
ns:ec-icn Re;cr:. ESC perscnnel statec tha ceficien-

. cies nc:ad :uring the walk::wn were ncted en a punchlist, correctec anc reins;ectac. Mcwever, these puncalists are no: a centrollec or a retainec cocumen:, and GC reinspecticn and

, closecut are net accressed by sita pr:cacures. ESC persennel

., c:ulc nc ;r:vice an examole cf a c:mcie:ac/ closed cu ;unen-list.

Turnover package 3601, in the final stages of ccmcietien, was

, . ,' examined in :ne BSC office. This package c:ntained 35 Ins:ection Reports, accecting 195 cuct segments, wnich were all I signed by One QC inspect:r cn one day. The ins:ecticn

. activities :: verify pr::er makeuc of 495 joints anc

., aper ximately 200 supper: locatiens would take several weeks and

... require c:ntrols over the process :: assure that all recuirec

. inspecticns are :erformed. SSC ;recacures de nct provida d instructi:ns to QC personnel en 'new te dccument/c:ntrol ne in-pr cess walkd:wn activities and BSC perscnnel c:ule :revide no evicence tnat :ne individual inspecticns incluced in this ,

ackage were recorced en leg bccks, markec up crawings, or similar c:ntr:i mecnanisms.

The follcwing :uct segmen s and in-line ecuipment were inspected in te fielc for c:nformance to crawing and procedural require-ments:

CRKE-1, 040-7, Segments 6 through 12

.,3 Fan C?X-VAFNID-01 Fan CP1-VAFNID-07

'- Fan CP1-VAFNID-10

!am:er C?X-VADPMV-05

sciatien Valve C??-VAD :3C-08 Accroximately 25 cuct segments acjacent s the succor:s ins:ec-
ec were aise examinec.

I I!:-12 j 1

2 1


. s Five Of eign: jcints in :ne CRXI-1, EMC-7 line hac cne or more 10cse colts. .Numer:us c:ner jcin:s ecserved curing the succert ins:ecticn aisc had icose or missing fasteners and missing Icckwasners (for examole: four icose bolts en the joint acja-cent :c succor: A-5Gi-852-1J-1C-01). The flange :cits f:r

, c:ntainment isolation cam er CF2-VADF5C-08 anc a similar cameer on Uni i did not crecerly fit the holes and were net fully installed. On cam:er CPX-VACPMV-05, ne gaske en cne siae was partially missing anc tne ciner sica nad no gasket at all, belts were lecse and icckwasners aere missing. The cel-ing require-ren: of SSC precedure CE?-7US!-008 that recuires adcitional

.. . _ _ corner bolting en cuct accesscries was net met en :ne damcer on ne ciscnarge sice cf Fan CPI-7AFN;C-07.

The 35C cr: cram to ins:ec: anc c:cument tne installaticn of HILTI concrete ex;ansicn anchors, ccwever, apcears to have ceen tncreugh anc effective.

!n summary, tne numcer anc vard e y of ciserecancies noted by tne ,1RC CAT ins;ect:rs Oe: Ween installed har: ware : nci-icns anc crawing/

crececure requirements incica es that the GC ins:ection recuirements -

anc controis have not been sufficiently ce: ailed in crecedures, nor has the CC inscect:r performance in -Me field been acecuate to assure

na: HVAC systams are installec as recuired. There was an a: parent failure of tne SSC Cor: crate, 3r:wn and Rect and TUGC0 QA ceganiza-tiens to icentify anc ccrrec the Ocservec ;r: gram ceficiencies curing their auci:/surveiliance activities.

e e


.ee .a *


em ese emme m . e .coe 7

. . - . -- .. . -. . . ~ . . . . . . . . -- ... . .


7. 'AELDING. NONCESTRUCT '!E EX1MINATICN A. Cbjective Cetamine :y :f rect 0:servati:n and ince encen evaluaticn f work a
performance, wort in progress, anc ccmoietea work, wne
ner fiele welcing activities as'sectatec d th pioing, hangers /su::ce:s, steel structures, anc nesting, ventila:icn and air c:nci-icning (HVAC) systems, are c:n:rollec ano :erf:r-ed in ac::rcance wi n NRC require-ments. ,SAR c =nitments, and accli able coces anc s:ecifica:icns.

In addition, determine by direct cosertation and review of recorcs na: welcers anc ncncestruc-tve examina-ion (N02) persennel are acecua:ely trainec anc cualified in acecrdance witn estaclished cer3ormance stancarcs anc a:piicacie c:ce requirements.

, S. Discussion i; 1. Pi:e Se::cr.s/*-treers 7wenty-seven cice su perts were selected for inspection of weldinc. All of -he hanger welds had ceen previcusly cuality c ntrol (QC) ins;ected anc accec ec by 3rewn 'a Rcot (3&R). A listing of :ne nangers folicws:

Pipe uni- .45P E

, Tyce Si:e. in. No. System" Class Hancer No.

Sex 1.5 1 SI 2 S*-1-53-23S-C06-2 Str;- 5.0 1 C'!C 2'" CS * -357-C01-522R Sox 12.0 2 SI . 2 SI-2-C3*. a25-Y32R S:ru: 3.0 2 05 2 CS-2-C63 413-Sa2R Stru: 3.0 2 RC 2 RC-2-121 401-552R

, Anchor 5.0 1 SI 2 5:-1-037-C05-332A I StPJ t 16.0 1 CS 2 CT-1-002-0CS-532R Strut 12.0 1 CC 2 CC-1-116-005 32R

.. Scx 8.0 1 CYC 1 CS-1-063-0C8-SZ2R Spring 12.0 1 SI 2 SI-1-031-046-Y325 StrJt 12.0 1 RH 2 RH-1-004-007-532R StrJ: 12.0 1 SI 2 SI-1-031-023-Y32R Stru . 8.0 1 CVC 2 CS-1-063-037-A42R Sex 3.0 1 CC 3 CC-1-136-706-E53R Stru: 2.0 2 CC 2 CC-2 aB-C23-C02-3 StrJt 3.0 2 RM 2 CS-2-012 403-Ca2R S:PJ: 12.0 1 CC 3 ~ CC-1-115-037 43A Snuccer 18.0 1 .4 2 . 4-1-017-702-C52X Snu::er 3.C 1 C7 2 S-1-001 -016 -Ca2 K Snuccer i.0 1 SI 1 S I 092 -C CS-C a'. .<

Soring 12.0 1 RH 1 RH-1-001-001-C*15


_ ) _ . . - . , . .

. . a---....

t. . .

O i-n 1

.e rl:e uni: ASM

Tvce Sire. in. No. System' Class Hancer .No.

.$ 5 rinc 4.0 1 :iC 1 RC-1-075-025 -C51R

Scring 4.0 1 C'l 2 CS-1-055-010-5425

'i 5:m: 18.0 1 F4 1 F4-1-017-001-552X Stm: 2.0 1 RC 1 RC-1-015-7C5-C41R St-u 12.0 1 RH 2 RH-1-003-002-542R p Sox 1.0 1 C'lC 2 CS-1-SB-059-003-2 i '5;= safe y injection; C4C = cnemcai anc voiume con:r;i; 1 CS = c:ntainment scray; RC = reac ce coolan ; RHR = residual

.- hes: removal; F4 = f eec'..a ar li "Unceesi:e Weld y -" Overlap, Impecoer Ccntour 7he majority of hangers ins:ected utili:ed fi'le welcs f:r jcining hanger c mocnents and details.

.we er o nangers exhibitad unac:eptable welcs. Manger CS 8 357-001-522R exnici ad one uncersi:e fillet weld. Tne welc was

.. 1/15-in. to 1/8-in, uncer the specifiac recuirement. Mancer


CC-1-115-03743A exhibitec overlac and impreper welc cont:ur.

Tnirteen of 27 hangers had been inspected to vencer certified drawings ('/C3).

3 4

The welds, for the most part, exhibited gced wcrkmanship. Scme

.: of tha hangers ins;ected were painted and .RC 1 CAT ins;ecti:n Of g these hangers was mainly for weld si:e.

. 2. Safety Related Suceerts/ Hance-s for Electrical Cencuit d =nc ins:-umentation

, R J a. Electrical Cenduit Sucecrts/Hancers

i .

inese c nduit su::por.s/ hangers are fa ricated en-sita both f

in the shcp and in :ne field. The fellcwing c:ncui:

suppor,s/ hangers were being fabricated in tne en-site shoc.

- Tne NRC CAT inspection was per#m.ed en the subject hangers before the hangers were painted.

C33G09150-1 C12GC5431-25 l0aG21035-1 C03G09150-2 C12G1Ca52-3 C12G2*.171-2 C33G09150-3 C'2G10552 4 023 HIC 571-6 C12021194 2 C12G10455-23 1

V-2 e

.- ~ .- - - --- .- . . . - . . . . . - . . -

. ,8 Ali welds en the above su:por:s/ hangers were visually inspected by tne NRC CAT inscect rs for acceptance to QI-Cp-11.10 4 which invcke AWS 01.1, " Structural Welding C ce." The NRC CAT inscectors examined :ne en-site shec facilities, and reviewed fabrication crocedures, ins:ecticn records, an.d in-pr: cess activities relating to material identifica:icn, marking, cutting, cleaning, and welding.

The NRC CAT inspectors cbservec tne arc-stuc nelding prccess being recualified. Recualifica:icn was :erfcrmec fer 1/4-in. , 3/8-in. , and 1/2-in stucs. Two stucs for each cf the indicated si:es were welded for recualifi-catien. Welcing was perfcrmed in accorcance witn AWS 01.1.

The weldec stucs passec :ne benc as: in ac::rcance ui-h AWS 01.1, and -herefore the welcing process was jucged acceptacle.

The NRC CAT ins;ectors examined field installed and CC ac:ec:ec sucacr:s/ hangers. The ins:ectec hangers were constructec for the ecs :ar: cf 5-in. x 5-in. scuare tu ing. The supports /nangers were relatively cecclex as evicenced by the numercus seconcary supcorts attacnec to the primary structure. The suoject su: orts / hangers ins:ec ec (listec belcw) were :artially fabricatec in .

en-site snces and c:mpleted curing fieic installa:icn:

CC3G15046-7 C22XC6557-1 C12K15115-1 C03G12046-8 C22KC5502-1 CO2020179-1 CC3G13C46-5 C12012705-6 CO2030179-2 003G12Ca6-;C C'.2012705-7. 5H-IN-CHM-5'o C*2XC6108-2 C12012705-11 SH-IN-CHM-5c C13G13999-2 C12015077-7 SH-IN-CHM-5e C03G18016-11 C11QCa797-1 SH-IN-C:-M-5f SH-IN-CHM-59 The icentified hanger /su: pert welcs that were ins:ected (botn shco fabricatec and fiele installed) were visually acceptable. Review of the shop activities revealed tna:

the work was being conducted with procer centrols and the cuality of the wortmanship accearea c:nsisten wi:n gecc incustry practice.

2. Instrumentation Harcers/ Sue: orts The majority of instrumentation and ::n rel (:1C) ncn aSME (safety-relatec) hangers are fabricatec in she s en-site.

E&R fiele c:nstructicn installs them cy bolting cr welcing ne hanger assemoly to building structures. Botn fdeic anc shop ins:ecticns were being per#crmed y the licensee.

IV-3 m -- - - - .-- - -,----g ~ . , - - - - - - - ,-

4 .a-1 1

2 The NRC CAT inspectors cbserved shcp fabrication of six hangers at varicus stages of manufacturing. In-process 5


. activities reviewed were material traceability and identi-

fication marking, acpiica-icn, cutting and cleaning of
  • materials, welding, filler material c:ntrol, and hanger
- identificatien markings.


Review of documentation for the shc: faarica:ad hangars included review of material records, engineering crawings

! for configuratien, inspection recor:s for welding, ma:arial

.: verification, visual inspection of welds, inscection re;crt numcer, and verification of surface preparation for painting. Cccumentation indica:ac inspecticns were-

erfcr=ec ac
ording to QC cccu=en: O!-QP-11.5-2.

Ten field installec and GC acces:ad hancers were also reviewed oy tne NRC CAT ins;ectors. The inscactac hangers are identified by ne fellcwing numoers:

- S-1467 S-2729 S-18C6 5-2723 S-2241 5-2721

,1 S-2250 5-2725 5-2292 S-2762 2


The identified field installed hangers were ins:ected for visual weld acceptance in ac::rdance wi-h AWS 01.1. anc nc deficiencies were icentified.

I 3. Heatine 'lentilation, and Aia Conditienina (HVAC)

~; The NRC CAT inspectors performed field inspection of HVAC weids

.. en hangers, cucting accessories such as ficw cen:rci devicas, air damcers, and centainment isolatien valves. Ali of the 1 ams ins:ected by the NRC CAT inspect:rs hac been crevicusly ac:ectac by Bahnson OA/QC.

. a. HVAC Suecorts/Hancers Structural stael hangers succor ing cucting runs were visually ins:ected to cetermine if weicing met ne recuire-ments of AWS 01.1. Typically hangers are fiele faerica:ac frcm 4-in. x 2-in. x 1/2-in. structural steel angle ir:n.

Hargers ins: acted anc results are as folicws:


e o J

  • .e e .


.- - - - - - . - - . _ _ . , .g. . , J. . , _

s 1

Nc. CT tic, of 'delds Unaccepraole

. lo . Mancer .1c. Ins:ec:ec '4al os 1 C3-607-2?l-A 21 11 2 C3-807-2N-B 21 10 3 SGI-852-1J-15 12 11 12 3 J- 1 SGI-852-1J-1C-01 5 SGI-352-1J-23 12 10 13 5 5 SGI-852-1J-15A

' 7 OG-841-2X-1AR la 3 11 5 3 CG-344-2X-1AT

'CG-Baa-2X-1AQ 11 2 9

  • C

. DG-344-2X-1AR la 3 OG-Ga4-2X-150 5 3 11 5 3

> 12 CG-34A-2K-15C RS-1A-C1 3 2 13 1

la RS-1A-C2 3 TOTAL 170 78 Thus, a rejecticn ra a Of a::roxima eiy 25'l; was exhibited for nelds en structural steel hangers. The majcrity of

ncse aeids tha were unac:ee acie were rejected because of uncersi:e welcs. The size of nele specifiec en mest of ne i

drawings was 1/2-in. These welds usually measured accccxi-mately 3/S-in. The rest of :ne welds were unacce:tacle because of insufficien *.ength, undercut, anc imcrecer aeic


Bannsen OA/QC perscnnel ecservec anc acknewiecged mos: Of ne acove weld ceficiencies. *t was after :ne iRC CAT inscection that on Fecruary 23,1953 :ne licensee's aucit of the installed HVAC system c:nfir ed :ne ceficien.-

cies and a 10 CFR 50.55(e) recer. was filed by tne

- licarsee.

b. Containment Isolation Dameer The Unit i HVAC c:ntainment isolation damcer connection flange detailec en Bannsen sketch, 150-001, shews a 18 in.

circular flange mace fr:m 2-in. X 3-in. X i-in. angle ir:n.

Inscection of tnis flange in :ne field revetiec :na: '- is actually faoricatec frem two cieces of flat s::ck jcinec :y fille: welcing to forn a rign; angle flance. This is c:ntrary ;c tne sxeten. The crawing is tIsc in err r in na: it fails to s:ecify a filiet weld joining ne we pieces of material. Fur.ner-.cre, tne fillet weld ucen

- ins;ection was f:und :: be unac:ectacle in a nur.cer of areas.

, c-v -,g g,e- , -, ~-,n .,,,c-- ,e e -- - , , , - - - - -


0  :

t' 5ecause of limited access : the full circumference of tne
aele, only a 150-cegree segment was inspec
ac. Acproxi-f mately 40", of the 180-cegree segment of the weld was
  • visually acceptable in ac: rcance with AWS 01.1. The res:

of :ne weld exhibited areas cf uncersize weiding, linear

.1 surface indications, ar: strikes, undercut, Overlap, and in general, a ;cor level of wcrkmanship.



$ . HVAC Welder and Precedure Cualificatiens n

il Bahnsen procedure CCI-CPSES-00g, s:ecifies that weiders shall be cualified to ASME Section IX. Gibbs and Hill specification 2323-MS-65 (Sahnsen c:ntrac: recuirements) s ecifies tnat welding procedures anc welcers may be cualified in accercanca wi-h AWS 01.1 or with ASME Section IX. Actual field fabricatien is cerformed t: the recuire-ments of AWS 01.1, Structural Welcing Code," anc AWS C19.0,

" Welding !inc-Cca:ad Steel".

. The NRC CAT inspec Ors reviewed welding pr cecure -

.i scecifications and welcer :erformance cualificaticns. This review revealed the foilcwing discrepancies.

3 W?S 'ic. Pr: cess Ccmmerts

SSC-12.1 GMAW AWS 01.1, s;ecifies that the


e cover gas ficw rate be c255 of the rata qualified; however, WPS 3SC-12.1 fails to scecify the actual rz e used curing cualification.

AWS 01.1, s:ecifies :1C% f:r accerage, :75 for voltage, tu: 350-12.1

', fails to scecify a range; specific values are given for amas anc volts,

.. but no tolerance is permitted by WPS

'le SSC-12.1.

'.I ESC-15 GMAW The weld precedure cualification shee:

BSC-14* for SSC-15 specifies unicue values for SSC-14.1? amos vol:s, travei s:eed, ano gas ficw.

The WPS 55C-15 scecifies 30 20 ft3/hr gas ficw,90-170 amos,12-25 vol .s,

-12 in./ min travel. The ranges are cuiside of the tolerances permittec Oy AWS 31.1.

., SSC-13 GMAW WPS BSC-13 specifies ranges for am:erage, voltage anc ravel. Mc weic precedure cualifica:icn rec:r: was available for WPS 35C-12 that s:stes wnat values were usec curing tne :cali-fication ast.

4 l'I-i


t ESC-20 SMAW 95 amos is incicated en Welding Procecure Cualificatien Recore Sheet for this prececure. WPS BSC-20 speci-fies a range of 70-150 am:. This rance exceeds the :255 t:lerance :ermitted by AWS 01.1. (71-113).

  • Same ccaments accly :: these crocedures as f:r BSC-15 Bahnson scecifica icn 2323-MS-85 caragrach 2.14b Welding, (mecified by Design Change Authori:ation gE98) s:ecifies that all weldinc shall be in accordance witn AWS 019.0-72.

Paragracn, cf scecification 2223-MS-85 specifies tha weicing rececures and welcers shall be ;ualifisc in

, acccreance wi n AWS C1.1 Section 5 cLr ASME Section IX.

All of Bahnsen welding precedures have been cualified in accordance with ASME 5ection IX. Qualification in accor-cance with ASME Secti:n IX is permit:sc pr viding the recuirements of Secticn IX mee or exceec all of the requirements cf ;WS C1.1. As cc:ec aceve, we'.c ;r:cecures 35C-13, BSC-14., BSC-14.', 2SC-15, anc ESC-20 fail to meet all tne recuirements of AWS 01.1, and are net cualified

recedures. The balance c# 3annsen's welcing Or cacures i were nct reviewed cy :ne NRC 047 inscec crs anc neir status cf cualifica-icn, was cet determined.
d. HVAC Weldine Occumentation A review of Bahnsen cuality centrol recorcs anc pr:cecures reveals a failure t: icentify wna wele 3r:cecure was emoloyed for a specific hanger weld. The welcing ma arial issue slic, used to c:ntrol tne issue of welcing recs, has a space to enter the HVAC system identification. Ecwever, as determinec by review cf welding material issue sli:s, the scace provided for system identifica:icn only incicates the plan: eleva:icn, buildinc, and reac:ce uni num er.

Also, traceability cf the welding material utili:ac anc tne welders empicyed en s:ecific weles cannot be determined.

Sahnson field inscecticn reports, althcugh providing for accectance of welding, fail to icentify the welcer, the welding precedure, and the welding materials usec.

t I'! 7 D


...:. ._.s .. ... _.


. - . ... a : . .; .__.; . . . _ .._..___ _,,,

4 2 -

d 4

  • 7.

? I e. HVAC CC Inscector's Cualification

. .i

j / HVAC QC inspec cr qualifications, both past anc present, were reviewed. Training rec
rds, ex:erience, and educa-g .

g tional requirements were ccmcared with -he recuirements of h ANSI A5.2,5 and Regulatcry Guide 1.58. On the basis of

this review, tne supporting cocumenta:icn a: pears to ee the minimum recuirements Of ANS 25.2.5; hcwever, CC training accears to nave been based en review of CC crece-i dures. Little evidence was available that reflec ed 3

technical training of substance.

The QC inspectors infcrmed the NRC CAT inscectors that u:

1 year ago BSC ins ec: rs were not using fillet gauges,

.. :r c her similar ::cis for measuring weld si:es. Fur ter-more, curing the NRC review scme inspectors exhibited i limited kncwledge of welding ins ection. CC ins;ect:r cualification receres accear to meet the letter of :ne ANSI i

recuirement but it was a:carent that the CC ins:ect:rs

, lacked proficiency in :ne inspecticn of weics.


.j 4 Visual Examination of picine 'a' elds 1

Seven piping isemetrics were ;reselected for visual ins:ecticn

.: of piping welds. Nine accitienal piping isemetrics were


selected at randem for visual ins ecticn of weics. All cf the j oicing runs had been inspectec and ac:eptec by S&R QC :efere NRC 13 CAT inspection. The inspected piping runs and other system 7- parimeters are as follcws:

[ ?1:inc 5amoie Aian Pipe F:. *

.!c .

' Unit Isometric dia. of ASME cf No. Svstem" No. (in.) Pi:e Class Vaives 'Weics

.2 1 CS CT-1-SB-023 2.0 55 2 2 25

? 1 CS CT-1-SB-027 2.0 50 2 2 29 .

0 1 SI SI-1-SB-004 6.0 85 1&2 2 12

'o 1 SI SI-1-A8-002 A.0 130 2 2 12

2 SI SI-2-AB-001 A.0
  • SS 2 0 , 12 1 AFW AF-1-58-006 10.0 52 2 2 11 1 AFW AF-1-35-025 4.0 1C5 3 2 *1 TOTAL 'AELDS i13 N

s l's-8

. s Rancemiv selec:ec P c:nc Runs

'Jni: No. Svstam- Isemetric No. No. cf Welcs

. 1 SI SI-1-RS-037 1 1 SI . SI-1-SB-042 11 i SI SI-1-RS-053 1 1 SI SI-1-48-052 1 1 SI SI-1-RS-033 6 1 SI SI-1-RS-043 7 i CS CT-1-RS-017 3

~1 CS CT-1-RS-019 3 1 RHR RM-1-53-C03 _1 TOTAL WEL S 39

'C5 = conta:nmen; scray; ii = sa a:y in;ec :en; AFn = aux 1; ary faecwater; RHR = residual hea: remeval The neics inscec:sc (identi'ied by 15 ; icing iscmetrics) are ASME III Class 1, 2, and 3 weias. The size of tne piping rangee from 2.0 to 24.0 in, in diame er; accccximately 14C0 ft of cicing was involved in the samaie. A total cf 152 picing welds were visually inspectec in acecreance w1:n ASME III-74 for undercut, everlap, lack Of 'usion, sur' ace :c*csi y, anc c-her ancmaties relatec to surface condi:icns. Ic:n vencer and fiele fabricated welds were part of he samcie.

Three of the 152 welds exhibited undesirable surface cancitiens:

Weld F-118 ( eference 5I-1-52-004, safe y injection system) exnibi:ac insufficient welo in tnat tne face of :ne eic was teicw tne adjacent pi:e surface. This weld was aisc imer:cerly 1:cated en :ne isemetric drawing (ISO) :reviced. The ISO for weid F-113 scecified :nat the weid sncule have teen icca:ac a a given positien fr:m a wall. Actual fisic Iccatien was en :ne .

c; csite sice of :ne wall, approximately 5-f frcm :ne iccatien snewn en the ISO.. A ncnconfermance rescrt (NCR) was precarec Oy

  • the licensee for botn tne surface conditien of :ne weid and for misicca icn.

One weld icentified en ISO RH-1-53-003, Rev. 9, joins a secticn of 12.0 in, pice to a section of 8.0-in, rice. The transi-icn, recucing elbcw was vender fabricatsc. The keld joining tne 3.0-in, pi:e sections exnibi s a tacer or slece of accrex ma ely d 4: 1. The sloce :ermit:sd my ASME III is 3:1 max 1 mum. This

encitien was ciscussed witn B&R CC ;ersennel, and at -he ecc :f -
ne NRC CAT inscection, the matter was still uncer review.

I'l-9 e

e g 6 Om WM + 'M

= m. _ _ . _ . . . _ , . _

i A weld-o-let (vender installed) icentified on ISO CT-1-RB-019, Rev.1 (acjacent Oc field weld . 4-*.) has insufficient weld reinforcement en the weld joining the weld-o-let to the pipe.

. The sucject weld exnibits less than full weld reinfer: ament.

This c:ndition is readily accarent by noting that portiens of the weld precaratien en the weld-o-let sice are Observa:le.'

A review of quality centrol procedures and engineering anc c:n--

struction specifica:icns fer vendar and field installed weld-o-lets or sock-o-lets reveals a lack of criteria for specifying tne required si:e of weid reinforcement for less than full re-inforcement welds. Tyoically, weld-o-lets can be installed en severai si:es or diameters of picing anc wall thicknesses. On tne basis cf the engineering recuirements (temcerature anc pressure) for a given system, the si:e of the weld reinfer:emen; needs :: be s:ecified for these cases where the weld is less' than full reinforcement.

5. Review cf Raciccra:ns Radicgraphs for a total of 81 !aR welds, 88 ft of Chicago 3riege & Iron (C3&I) containment liner pla:e welds, nine Soutnwest Weloing Co. welds and :en.ITT Grinnell welds, involv-ing 125 f. film were reviewed for c:mpliance := acplicable recuirements. All weld radicgracns hac been crevicusly reviewed anc ac:sptec by tne licensee er his au:norizec representative.
- One ht.ndred twenty-five additional film were also reviewee in the radiegrachic in arpretation recm for
ne cur;cse of evalua-ting three interpretars' a:ility :s felicw B&R procedures anc their ability t: properly inter: ret radicgraphic film.

Ccndi:icns were disclosed b'y the NRC CAT ins:ect:rs in six welds that recuire attentien and correction (See Taole I'l-1). These c:ndi icns were discussed with the ' licensee recresenta:ive. -

These c ncitiens are sunnari:ec belcw:

a. Brdn and Root weld radiegraphic film #2:555-C5-1-R5-20 revealed an indication of insufficient fusien (*F) which was rejected on the original film by the S&R intarpreter but was not identified en a suosquent recair snet. This deficiency was identified by the NRC CAT ins:ector. Br:wn and Roo: crecared a ncnc:nformance recer- (MCR) anc ne new

. radiogracn :na: resultec frem this MCR confirmec :ne IF.

The new radicgrach also revealed :nat the angle of the re: air shet nad been taken 180* fr:m the criginal snc:,

unotner uncerst:e weld was fcund (not part of si:e samcle) :n a 2-in.

ciameter scck-o-let on piping located in CC pumo recm 01. his sccx-o *e:

is welded :: a 3-in line shewn en ISO CC-2 AB-016.


thus changing the accearance of the IF cn the film anc reducing the likehecc of its being identified.

b. The NRC CAT ins:ec cr review cf 5&R racicgracnic film 44152-MS-1-RE-081 revealed an area :n :ne film, that c:in-cideo with the pipe weld Icne, wnich was more cense (thinner daterial) than that par cf the film shcwing -he pa ent material. B&R precared an NCR anc la:er c:nfirmec a thin wall section by taking an ultrasenic :nickness reading. The area was acproximately C. CIA-in, under minimum wall thickness. This radicgracn nad been ac:actec by B&R QC. S&R stated that . weld repairs to this area would ce mace.
c. B&R film 429030-FW-RS-C20 revealed an and alignec enlongated por:sity in excess of 1-in. that hac been accected by E&R. An NCR was prepared and new radiograchs were taken. The new radicgraphs revealed the same c:nditien anc the welc was rejectad. The licensee re:resentative sta:ec :nis weic dill :e re: aired.

c.* S&R film 928669-CC-AB-018 revealec an indication of IF tha:

was not marked oy the inter:reter (-he same interpreter involvec in film 29020). This indication was hcwever, icentified cy another 3&R interpre er wnen a subsecuent es: air snct was evaluatec. The NRC CAT inspector's review cf tne original film fer -he su:jec: weld revealed incica-I tions of incomplete fusion similiar to -he recair welc radiograpn. 3cth film evaulations were mace within a shor-ceriod of time. This ceficiency in film intererstation was referrec to the licensee represen a:ive 'cr f:llcuu: anc corrective action.

e. Curing :ne NRC CAT ins:ect:rs review of racicgraohy film (2C519-CS-1RS-023, 29015-CS-2-A8-091) cwo welcs were ecserved to have censities tna; are below minimum in tne area of interest or are cutside ne -305 - 15% for cenetra-meter recuirements in une ASME Ccce and 3&R precacure. As a follewup to the above, it was learned that B&R had enanged the three-view RT technique to a four-view tecn-


nique apcroximately teo years ago to c:rrec Icw-film density problems. B&R is now in the er: cess of reviewing radiograohs cf welcs shot before that time witn three-view technicue. The NRC CAT inspector nas informed by tse licensate that any radiogracns founc tha ce no meet ::ce requirements wili ce re-raciegracned,

f. Initial review of acercximately 10-ft Of radiogra:ni: #i'm taken of c:ntainment linear weic seams revealec linear

, indicaticns. Suosecuen visua'i examination of : e liner plate, in tne area of interes:, reveaiec :nat ne liner clate c:ntained grincing marts adjacent to the welc. Cn the casis of a c:r-sla icn of :ne grinding tarts :n :ne I'l-11 +

. . ~ . . . . . .

t --- -- - - . , ---, ,-, . - . . . - . . . . . , - . .

. i s

liner witn marks on the radiographic film, the NRC CAT

, inspecicr agrees that the welds are acceptable. .

Ne ceficiencies were identified in the review of Scu:nwes:

, Weicing anc ITT Grinnell sample of raciogra:hs.

5. Fev'ew Of NDE Pr'ecedures. Pasctices, and Persennel OualiHca:icns
a. Review cf Brewn anc Rect NDE Precedures A :::a1 cf 19 pr:cedures were beviewed by the NRC CAT inscector.. It was cbserved that mes; of the pr cecures had teen revised within the :receeding five months. '41:n tne exception of QI-QAP-2.1-1 anc QI-CAP-10.2-3, -he precedures apcear to be adecuate anc in gcoc orcer. Cen:ents en tnese prececures folicw:

(1) CI-0A?-2.1 *.. Mences: uc 've Examina:icn Pe-scnnel certifica ton J. This procacure cces nc: cetail scecific recuirements -

a for work experience anc how the NOE Level III makes

.'i nis determinatien for qualificati:n before

.p certification as required by SNT-TC-1A,1975 editien.

(2) O!-0AP-10.2-3. Racicers: hic Examina:icn N This paragraph allcws the use of Ir 192 en steel as thin as 0.125 withcut ex:lanatien. Review cf rec:rcs disclosed that this prececure recuiremen; was based en a qualification film using two flat pieces of material in -he center cf the film. This set of c:ncitier.s is not representative of :ne geccetric concittens :nat wculd be enecuntered on an actual raciograph of ci:ing

., , welds. The qualifica:icn film revealec a marginai ?T sensitivity.

b. Certification Records Records of 68 secarate certificatiens involving 22 persons

' were reviewed. There was one certified ultrasenic reccrd

.for a Level II that c:ntained no evidence of experience in angle beam, shear, wave examination. A subsecuent inter-view with nis persen and a signed cccumen: c:nfirm ::a: ne had no excerience witn snear wave tecnniques. The :erscn s:sted tha: this inf:rmation was made kncwn to :he Level III :efers he was certified. The recuirements of ANST-I"-la were not met in :ne case of :nis indi.vicual. The NRC CAT inscec cr was informed cy ne licensee tha: :nis eersen nac not performed any ultrasonic work for S&R.


. a

. Intertiews Twenty ersens were interviewed for determining their uncerstancing cf pr:cacures, anc :neir acility t: cerform the operations for wnich tney were certifiec. Each cerson interviewec ap;earec to have a secd attitude : ward manage-

- cent and precacures. They all had a current cocy of

- precedures anc were very open anc willing to discuss their assignments.

c. Work in Precress Odethed Cemenstration)

Observa:icns of 21 secarate ncncestrue:tve examina:fons aere ;erformed. Of the 21, nine were radicgra nic, One ultrasonic, and eleven licuid penetrant. Of :ne nine cem:nstratiens in raciegra:ny, two were #iele setups, :nree were for welders' cualificatien, one for darkroom proce-cures, and :nree f:r in-: recess film viewing.

. (1) Radicera:nv In all cases, the personnel cemonstratec a geoc understanding of hcw to use the ecuipment, and hcw to perform the nondestructive examina:icns.

(2) U*:rts'nic e

One persen certified at Level II nas asked :: c:ncuct i a calibraticn procecure for 3/4-in. pla:e. The calibrati n was performed satisfac orily.

(3) Licuic cenetran All cersennel ;erformed in a satisfac::ry manner except in :neir uncerstanding for c:n:aminatien of :ne penetran; apolication by brusn. This is no c:nsicerad a major problem.

e. NOE Ecui: ment Calibratien and Material Verifica:icn Over 47 items of ecuipment and materials were checked for calibration, certificatien and c:moliance witn estaolished recuirements. They included:

3 ultrasonic instruments a densit: meters

  • 15 casse::s 3 survey instruments 4 censi y stri:s 3 Ir192 cecay enar:s The itams 'reviewec satisfied the scecifica:icn anc pr:cacural recuirements.
  • */- 13 O - 06s
  • e & H &

e 7 Review of Welder Cualification ~~

From :ne sample piping runs inspected, welder identificatien cuccers notec en ciping welds were selectec and the welcer

erformance qualifica:1cns rec:r:s reviewec for c:molianca ::

WES-031, "S;ecification for :ne Qualification of Welders and Opera: Ors".

The weiders whose cualifications were reviewec are identified belew y tneir assignec sym cis:

AFA und miM AWD AUA  !!1

  • AHX AFL AHX AHF AFO ARP AGM BCO EGU AER I A review of WES-015, " Schedule of Standard Test Weicer

? Cualification Matrix and Welder Performance Qualification Log" was c:ncuc ad. WES-016 s:ecifies :ne varicus weld tests for cualification and recualification of weiders. A review of the welcer. cualificatien matrix, listing the cross-matrix cf the welding procedures a;olicable :: each welder, was also c:ncuctec

o ensure tha: :ne essential variamies fer weleer qualifica:icn in ace:reance with ASME Secticn IX, were net violated.

Ne deficiencies were coservec in the welder cualifica:fcns reviewec.

8. Review Of B&R Welcer Oualification pecerzm E&R has ins:1:Utad a pr: gram whereby the weld engineering unit i utili:es welcing technicians in tne field .:o overset and assis:

welders in the c:nduct of their work. Additienally, tests for i qualificatien, (beth the types of. tests acministered :o newly hired welders and to welders being uegraced) exceed the require-ments of ASME Section IX. Furthermore, !&R has imolementec a i program to qualify welders by radiographic testing rather than meenanical testing per ASME Section IX. Section IX of the ASME Code permits ei-her radiegra: hic cr meenanical tasting.

Radicgracnic testing normally is mere :iddicul :o ; ass, :nus requiring a nigher skill level. No ciscre:ancies were ::servec curing :ne review cf :his =r;;rtm.

9. Sumnari Weldinc and NCEc s tivities .

Overall, tne 5&R :rogram fer welding, welders qualifica:icn, NOE and general training activities accears to be effec tve anc well administered. This cesertation is succorted by visual examina:1cns, :eservec NCE resui:s anc practices, wi nessing fiele welds in ;r: cess anc :ne general level of iertmansni:


  • l-la

i Findings in the HVAC area with res:ec; to undersi:e welds, weld inspection practices and lack of acequate doc'amentation incicate

, serious CA/[C deficiencias for that carticalar war's.

se 4

6 e

h de S

6 o

4 F

e p

4 8 e k


f i .

IlliUWil A R001 IILH RIVilW .

I I Allt!' IV - 1 i n.

. e o 09 E E .' ] *1; .' E A T.

5,5 5 E'..; 5".; F. . . .:. . b,5 ,d HillARr.S 3


. m

. , . nm . . , .i.. i5! , _ om M5 d5 5. 5

  • Es 5 51~C "Y.' lie 5s S'> ~5 5, l a :- on a :- ro .E o r n.: m n. UE cs -


~ir liiiiiiTicient lusliiii WiiElII on origliial'Tils liist.'

1 N555 Es- t-itil-3 1 2 til- l - - - -

ok - --- ---

C5-1-1111-30 2 Ill- I ---

ok --- ---

11 was misseil on repair shot. IICR written, spliscopeent

,; 74555R RI confirmeil finding.

ES-t-R!l-30 2 1 13 - 1 ol- --- ---


i. 24555R 4tG2 Pl5- 1-Ril- tilft 2 4H2 ---

o f. --- ---

low elensity notett. HCli prepared ley llAR. lif ,

i veri ficit area to be 0.014 in. tuuler minInts wall.  :

ronillilon had been accepleil liy IIcensee. I

.g Indicallon of Incomplete ins ton and aligocil linear

29030 I W-7-Illi- 070 1 1A --

ok --- ---

10 I porosity not marke:I. Verifical by RI. IICR written  !

I liy flAR. , l t 7116 9 9 CC All-o f fl 2 4RI --

ok --- ---

6 inclicallon of incomplete fusion not. marked on C 2116 6 9. Ilext repair sliot of welI showed same in- ,

complete fusion and was caught Iny illf ferent inter-preter. This film (?l1669) and 29030 was miserail .

by same Interpreter. -

20Gl9 05-Illit -02fl 2 5-1 2.72 ---

3.31 ---

G Iilm siensity lielow minium in area of interest.

7'1111f! CS-2.- All-O'JI . 7 IR 1. Ill --- --- ---

2' low itensity.

.. l i.



  • l

. . , . . , . - . ..n. .,...n


Oe ermine by review of documentation anc by ince;encen evaluation of c:::letec work, wne:nea wort, ins:ection, anc tes; activities relative
*he civil engineering area were ac::mplished in acc:rcance with
rejec specifica
icns and ;r:cedures.

7:ae s:ecific areas evaluated includec ::ncrete placement, :enerete testing, soil inspecticn, protective c:ating, cdntair. men; it.aer, and s ructural steel installa-ten activi:ies. .

1. Concre:e Placement 751s area cf ins:ecticn was initiated by a review cf the :recedures celineated in tne cr:fec c:ncre a s:ecifica-icn anc ne " Civil Ins:ection Manual." As :ners was li le er no werk ceing :erformec in :nis area, ne evaluatien of ne c:ncrete piecemen: Or gram was limi ac o a c cument review Of ::meletac work activities.

. ive c:ncrete :lacement recerc packages nere reviewed. ~he place-ments reviewec were as fellcws:


. 201-8805-01 9/13/79 201 1885-018 . 7/13/30 002-E775-052 5/06/80 101 1323-0C5 3/21/79 105-9865-C02 9/15/80 The NRC CAT inscect:r attem::ec c c:rrelate all related dccumentation reviewed to tne above c:ncrete placement rec:rds.

This related documentation included the following inspection and test records:

Cacwelc Ins:ecticn Rec:r:s Cacwele Sleeve Ins:ecticn Rec:rcs Cacwele Splicar Cualif4 cations .

Cacweld Solice Testing Reccr:s l

'l- 1 1 1

-.. .\


  • . i 1
Reinfercing Steel Inscec-icn Reports 1

l Miscellanecus Steel /Embec:ent Ins:ecticn Re:cr:s

ncrete Insp,ection Rec:rcs Curing Inspection Re; orts *

,J, In-cr: cess its: Recercs y Addi:1cnally, records involving ass:ciatac greut and pressure gr:u:

1 placement, were reviewed. Five "Cemcressive Stranc:t cf Cores" anc.

five Defective C:ncrete Placement" recorcs were reviewed anc ccm-3 :arec :: ne a:Plicable Ncnc:nfer=anca Re; ort (NCR).

i In general, the reccrds reviewed reflected that c:ncreta clacacent 1 '

ac-ivities were ;er'Or:ed in ac::r:anca with the sita precacural

. recuirements anc the li:ansee's FIAR c:= nit:ents.

+. 4. COncreta Testinc *


(.' A review of the precadures included in the " Civil Testing 1.aboratory

.i .vanual" was per'or:ac. The evaluation of the c:ncreta testing f .

program was limitad to a review of c:moleted tasting activi y dec.t-9 ents.

Samples of various civil tasting labcratory inspection records were a selected. These samoles included

.' Mix Cesign Ca:a (Two Mixes) ,

C:meressive Strength Tests S 5elec:ac Aggregate Tests *

.{ 5elec:ec Wa ar Tests Related Nonc:nformance Reports

.' Additienally, certifications for cement, air entrairment, aggregata, ano e: oxy gr:ut were reviewed. Reinforcing steel and miscallanecus' steel car tficatiens were similiarly reviewed.

During the review of these various tast reports,1 was disc:verec :na:

no mix unif:rmity tasts hac been :er d:nec to :ne c:r::ni men s ::ntainec in Secticn cf :ne aFIAR. Paragra:n 5 cf tnis sec: ten, "C:nstrue:1cn of C ncreta requires :na: cencrete c:nstructi n,

. including mixing, be in ac::rdance with CC-4200 of ASME-ACI-359.

Section CC-4223.2 cf this cecument, " Operation of Mixers' statas, "The range of mixing cacacities and c:rresponding mixing times f:r all mixers shall be de arminec Oy :ne :er'er ance Of mixer unifomi y tas:s as s:ecifisc in ASTM CSA, "Scecification of Ready-Mixec C:ncrete d

. Tacie CC-5200-1 cefines the :asting. -


. . . . -  ;..., . n.. . . - .

. m . ._ , .,. ,, ,_

l frecuency for these recuirec tests. The licensee c:uld provide no evicence that these tes:s nad been perforrec. Thus, ter:: ' :c serify

recer cperatien of :ne ::ncrete mixers were ne cerferred during
ncrete construction.
3. Sofi Ins ecticn .

Ten scil ins:ecticn test re:Ords were reviewed and fcund to have been performec'in ac:crdance di:n site :recedural recuirements. ::

was nc ac :nat a nuccer of :nese tests recuirac several re es s, but ac:eptance criteria and :est performance were ncted :: be in ac:Or-dance with program requirements.

A. ?-::ective Ceatine Three protective ccating acplica:icn ins:ection records and the asscciated achesi:n tas:s were reviewed. Cre ir-crecess protec fve c:ating a: plication was etservec, Curing :his portien of :ne review, NCR C-c50 was reviewec relevan:

,  :: protective coating a::lications. This NCR documented deficiencies relevan: te a safety-relatac concrete slacement. The latest revision of :ne NCR recuired the a: lica:icn of prc:ective

atings ever tne concrete re airs, but deleted ne recuirements fer the applicable adhesien test. Licensee representatives incicated this area would be reviewee uncer an ins:ec;icn "back-fit" pr: gram for prctective coating appiteatien, hcwever, since nis ;regram had nc ' ceen initiated at the time of tnis ins:ection, licensee representatives assurec :ne .1RC CAT ins:ect:r :na this mat ar acut:

receive a:cr:griate review.

5. Cen airmen: Liner :ns aM a f:n rp.

Precedures for the ins;alia: ten of :ne c:ntairmen; iiner are definec

y tne " Chicago Bridge and Iren (C3&I) Handbeck"; scecifically, 3cck 2, Secticn !*!a and Secticn *!*b (Centrac 74-Za27/ISU). Three separate traveler packages nere reviewed to tnese procedures. .

Samples were also selected fr:m the folicwing files:

Vender Material Cartifica-icns Visual Ins:ection Recor:s L?T Examina:icn Re:or s MPT Examina:icn Recor:s UT Examination Re:cr s

'Raciogra:nic Insmeetien 9ecor:s Ac uai rac gra:ns aere eviewec anc are ::cumentac in :ne Wei:ing/NCE section, See:1:n IV sf :nis re cr .

7-3 ,

4 s

The "C3I None
nformance Cen:roi List", anc :ne reference :c :ne

.i applicable recair checklists were c:mpared. "C3I Reques for

Ac:eptance of Nonconformity as a eviation" was also reviewed.

7: The records reviewed reflected that the centainment liner installa-3 tien , activities were performed in acccrdance with the site

j ;recacural requirements.
5. Structural Steel Instalia-icn d Precedures delineated in :ne "Nen-ASME Mechanical Inspecticn Nanual" related to strue: ural steel installatien activities were reviewec.

Fcur structural and miscellanecus steel installation ins:ection

[ recercs were reviewec.

One ;ortion of an installatien was cbserved in the field. Acclica-4 tien of traceability, wnere apolicable, was notad. Occumentation fl reviewed inclucea a selec:ac samole of:

3 Receiving Inspecticn Re:o'r:s 3 Material Requisition Aacuests


E Applicable Certified Mill Tes: Reports -

[ Applicable Certificates of C:mcitance n

.: abricatien Traveler Surmaries e, Apelicable Casign Changes'and Ncnc:nformances Occumentaticn reviewed anc the activity ceserved reflectec :nat

. structural related activities were perf:rmed to the site ;r:cacursi

. requirements and tne licensee's c:=mitments.

t e

.I 4

't t .

+ _. .. _ . . . . . _ .. . _.

VI. 7:0CUAEMENT. STC9 AGE AND MATEE AL T?ACEAEILITY A. Cbiective he cbjective of this ;cr:icn o# the inscec:tsn was :: examine cn-site

recurement, recei::, s : rage, maintanance anc racsacility Of safety-elated ecuicment and materiai :o cetarmine :na acecuacy of :ne lican- .

see's program rela-ive :: nese activities.

3. Discussien The a; r:acn.usec :: perf:rm :nis par: cf the inspecticn was Oc : ur the site anc coserve construc-ion a :ivities in progres:. 'laricus site
erscnnel were intarviewec anc sam:les fr:m ci#fartn: disci: lines a:

.varicus stages of werk were selectac. Deliverse ecuicment anc material a- loca icns in s;: rage or installec in -he plant were aise ins:ec:ec.

Applicable documentation relative to these activities was also reviewed.

Crgani:stional enar:s anc procacures were reviewec and ciscussed with site ;ersennel. Cffices anc c:ner site facili:*as wert ::urec anc examinec, inclucing tem:crary offices, warancuses Outsica iay-dewn areas, and tne plant areas of Uni s 1 and 2.

A selecticn of 71 samples was mace for precuramen; anc s:crage c:nsi-co-ati:n fr:m mecnanical; electrical; civil / structural; ins rumenta:ien anc c:ntr:1; heating, ven:11ation anc air c:cci-icning (-VAC); welding and miscellanecus catagories. In accition, 73 samcies were selected s:ecifically for material traceability, including 58 weld joints, each involving two materials te be neicec with one or mers nei: filler na:erials.

The f:11cwing describe tne results of ins:ection' in :na areas tis ac.

1. Precurement. and Receivine A ::a1 of 71 pur: nase or:er files fcr safety-rela:ac ecui: men anc material were examined. A catailed ins:ecticn was mace of 35 samples. Referenced engineering s:ecificatiens, cuality recuirements, sucmittals, approved-vencer status , revisiens , and other aspects were reviewed.

Cuality C:ntrol (OC) authorizations to ship frem venocrs' 1 ants anc en-site CC reeniving ins:ec:1cn dccumentatien were examined. The

. ricai t cf recuirac material cartifica icns was examinec.

Rec:rcs reviewed reflect tha: procurement and receiving activities wert :erformee in ac::rcance at:n ;r:cacurai recuiremen s. *: was notec tha: :ne ::meutari:ad system imolementec at :ne si;a :revidac adecuata c:ntrol of vencer su mi: als and engineering accrevai of .

ss; riscris and :ata.

'/ !-1

. _ - _ . . 1

. ~ . . -


2. 5: r2;e anc Maintenance
a. St: race ~acilities - General .

Warehouses anc lay-dewn areas f:e Class A, B, C, C anc E s::rtga levels were examined. 'The Class A s : rage space recuiring

.- temcerature and humicity control was fcund to be within ::n:r:1 limits. Criscussiens witn wareneuse persennel revealec back-uo previsiens t: maintain c:ntrol in event of a site pcwer cu: age.

3 Weld red storage areas in Warehouse A and ovens in Field Wald Red

Recm #2 were examined and f:und to be maintained within r=.cuired tem:erature limits.

5:: rage facilities ecserved and rec:r:s reviewed reflec:ac tna:

, . the icentified s : rage faciitties c:mply with site precedural recuirements.

Hewever,'a lack of control over two unmarked areas accarently usec as scrao yarcs was cise:vered. These areas and c:ntants q tnerein were as folicws:

(1) Numer:us picing, valves and etner i:ams were icentified en the gr:und in a fencac area witn the gata removed on the Eas:

side of the Pipe Shee. No signs identifying this area were Ocse rved.

(2) Numerous cables, acters and other items were f:und on the

rcund in an area witn no enclosure en the North sice of the Electrical Lay-dcwn Area. No signs icentifying this area were Oser/td.

The ceserted lack of c:ntrol of these :wo areas cces no: met: NRC Or sita pr:cacural requiremen:s fer :na c:n rel cf equi; men: anc material,

b. 5:ence in Warehcuse Buildines .

The storage of equipment and matarial in storage bins and lay-down areas within wareneuse builcings was examined.

Activities ocserved and records reviewed reflected that st: rage activities in warthcuse buildings were cerformed in ac::rdanca with site precedural requirements,

c. St:nce in Outside ta.-Ocwn Areas The st:r ge of ecuipment and material in Outside lay-cewn areas was examinec.

Ccer:sfon, cust and dir*. =ere nc:ac en a numcer of safety-relatac items :ue :ne lack :/ c: vers anc/:r :r::ective c:a:ings. /cr

- . exam:le, ;IS ;TT-3rinnel hanger stras ano a:crextmataly 400

'It.t o O . - 8 e -ee eMO


. . ...  ?.

j . ..

<A l

NPSI hanger struts, witn assccia ed :cits and nuts, were nc ad in cc:sice lay-cewn areas north Of Warercuse A.

Nuts, bolts and searing ; ins were ncted to be very rusty. Bearings were notec ::

e ::rr: cec anc dir:y. Scecific sac;1es inspectac were:

j -

(1) The nut anc -hreacec ;cr: ion cf r.e strut was correcec relative tc !TT-Grinnel Hanger Strut, Serial No. E3473, :D

' No. 5-72-040, Class 2. Bearing pins and retainer rings were c:rrocec. Bearings were cry anc ::rreded.

(2) The bolts, ne nuts anc the bearing :in for NPSI-Hanger Strut, CP-00a6A, ID No. SI 2045415542R, Class 2 were " __

crreced. The bearing was cry, ::rrocac, and c:verec with cust.

l (3) Corrosi:n was notac en cu:sice of :ne Joseph Cat Corp.

Aut::atic Nuclear Strainer, CP-0029A, Serial No. 22080, 1977, Zurn Tag Mc. CF2-!WSRAU-02, Zurn Seria! Nc. 5250. Corresien was also nc ac en similar ecuipment s: red in a nearcy Icca:icn.

These examples indi: ate a failure of the licansae to satisfy the PSAR c:mmitmen s and :: pre:erly 'olicw sita or:cacural requirements for pr:tacticn of ma arial anc equi;:ent in st: rage.

d. In-Place 5 Orsee of E uitrent The storage of ecuipment in placa in the CPSES plant was ins:ec-ted. Corresier was notac, ano some wece, er.a1 anc ;acer Ortsn wert notec adjacan: :s safety-rela:ac e:ui::ent. Scecific examoles no ac were:

(1) The Mot:r Operatec Valve, 5erial Nc. 43554. Tag No.

GGC 025GMO, Safeguar:s alc;.-2, E*avati:n 790 f . aas ceservec to be withcut a pr:: active gcver. The crive meenanism was notec to :e dry.

. (2) The Auxiliary Fetcwater Pueo and Mo::r, Pump CP2-AFAPMC-02,

, and Mc cr CP2-AFAPMD-02, were not covered. Corresien was l notec on the base and wocd, metal and paper trash were notec l cn and arcund the base.

(3) The intake filter of the Cemeenent Cccling Water oume Meters CPa-CCAPCC-01M, anc CP!-CCAPCC-02M were c!cggee 44 3 #:rtijn materials anc :ecris, thus res rie:tng :ne air ficw :c :re l Ict:P.


(4) Construction ma arials were :resen: en the Resicual Hea-Remeval (RHR) Pumo Mo::rs, T3X-RHAPRH-01M and 3X-RHA:9H-C2M.

Oil was ecservec to be criccing fr:m :ne insice :f cne RHR motor casing.

The exam:les cf i=:r:cer s:: rage cf ins alled seui:cen: ten t:nec aceve recresen: One licansee's failure to satisfy :ne sita s:crage recuirements.

II-3 g .

2 e

e. Maintenance

- s.

The activities t: c:ntrol and perform maintenance by the mill-wrign s f:r mechanical equi; ment, anc by :ne electricians for

.'. electrical equipment were reviewed. A can:ralized carc record systam is used by each group. Generic maintenance senedules are a:3iiec where applicaole, and adcitienal ins ructions are

. ootained frem the apercpriate discipline engineer nnen neeced.

. For each ciece of equipment requiring maintenance, a card listing

ne maintenanca work and schedule is used. A CC representative verifies the work and signs after eacn maintenance activity has ~~

teen c:moleted en the ecui: ment. A nuccer of maintenance rec rd carts were reviewed, anc nc ceviati:ns were no:ad.

The inf:rmal manner (oftan by telephone) of identifying ecuipment recuiring maintenance, particularly s:ecial maintenance :: c: moly witn vencors' instructions, was cuestioned by tne NRC CAT ins;ector. The actual maintenance work and scheoule are s:ecifiec :y discicline engineers f:r use by :ne :raf s, bu:

there was concern :nat recuirec maintenance may :e emi :ed fr:m ~

items in storage at the piant withcut a more formal system of c:ntrol . Similar concerns icentified by the licensee relative ::


maintenance recuirements and scheculing of maintenance are ciscussed in the Quality Assurance section (Secticn VIII) Of this repo rt. All maintenance records reviewec indica ed maintenance

. was ;ericrmed to the requirements in ac::rcan:a wi n the specified schedule.

n aeditien, a lack of adequa a maintenanca pr:cacures to ;r::ac; safety-related equicment frem corresion anc/or ::her camage af;er installation and :efere :urnover to TUGC0 for cceratien was icentified. Curing a t:ur of the piant, extensive corrosien was noted en the tube sue:crt/scacer plates of a Unit-1 C:ntainmen:

Spray Heat Exhanger that hac the outer shell removec for an internal mcdification. Discussions revealed tha: :he licensee was aware of :ne corrosion c:ncition. There hac been a time delay between tne installation of tne nea exenanger and the turnover to TUGCO. Thus, the Nitregen blanket requirec prior o piping installation hookup had been deleted at the time of piping hcokup, and no protection against internal corrosien had been apolied after piping hookup. This pr:blem led to an examination of the two heat exenangers for Unit 2 by the NRC CAT ins:ec:cr.

The " nit 2 Containment Scray Heat Excnangers sur:hase Order (p.0.) Cp-C050, Jese:n Oat i Sens, Inc. vencor s:: rage and installation instructiens were reviewed. It was netec that a

, Nitr: gen blanket :n :ne shell side (safety-relatec Class 3} was s:ecified a: 10 :sig, to be enecked menthly, for meis:ure prevention. No instructicns were previceo for pro action after installation heckuo to pioing. Si a maintenance cares maintainec by the millwrign s called for enecking :ne Ni regen slanket weekly, but no instructicns were :rovicec fcr ;r::ac icn af er installa:icn neckuc. wa intenance cards fcr :he two Uni: 2 heat exenangers revealec :ne follcwing:


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-s (1) For nea; excnanger C?2-CTAMC3-C2, site maintenance of Nitregen tianket was dsleted a/6/20 at installa:icn when ccenec for picing installa-icn heckuo. Thus, tais heat exchanger has not been urder a ni:r: gen purge or any c:her

rotection for ever 2i years.

(2) Or heat exenanger CF2-CTAFC5-01, site maintenance of Nitr: gen blanke: was celeted 11/5/31 wnen ccened f r picing installation neckuo. Thus, this nea exenanger has not :een under Ni: regen blanket er any etner cretec icn for ever 1 year.

Licensee personnel are aware of this accelem and are investi-ga:ing c:rrective actions t: remove any corrcsien anc :reven future escrcsien ss :ne heat exchangers are tasted and ciacec in oceratien by acding a rus preventive to the liquic involved, and cessibly acoTying a enemi:al cleaning process. Censultatiens with enemical engineering ;ersonnei cf Ccw Chemical Cemeany anc

'destingneuse (:he NSIS vencer) are in Oregress :: resolve :nis Ort:lem. The licensee statec :na: a solution is antic:a:ec af er

ne forthe: ming He:-Func-icral Tes; On 'Jni: I has been c: mole:ad, anc tne internal corrosion concition of :ne Unit i nea:

ex:nangers is better cefined.

3. Traceability Significant ef#0r: was cevctac := ciscussiens and examina:icns of samples and records pertaining to traceaoility of in-clace material back :: engineering drawings and scecificatiens anc to ;r:curecent scur:as ar.c hea: r.umcers . Generally, i was re ac :na- ne licensee 9as : laced a nign cegree of em:nasis en :ra:aa:i'i:y. A : ai Of 73 samoles were examinec for traceability, incle.cing:

55 Safety-rela:sc pi:ing weld joints, each invciving wa materiais anc cne :: three weld filler ma:arials 1 Class 1, safe y-relatad structural wele join: .

4 L:ts of materials for safety-related hangers 1 Lot of HVAC structural support material 2 Lots of HVAC due; material 3 . Multi-lot samples of weid filler material 1 Lot of safety-relatad fastening devicas 3 Lets of.miscellanecus shim s:cck, anc hanger strut har ware icecific results of the ins:ecticn regarding :ne tracaatility area are as f:llcws:

a. Safetv-Relatec ?':ing Wel: Joints 1 :::11 of 58 picing welc joints aere selectec for raceaoili;y.

C# ':nese, 22 nere selectac Oy obseriaticn of ::moleted acrx in the plant, and :ne caianca incluced welcs icentified y ::ner CAT taam mem:ers in :ne acclicacle secticns Of nis recort.

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1 1

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?  :

j Curing early examination of 27 sam:le weld joints in the ;ian:, a

} heat num:ers could not be founc en the pipe, but rec:rcs were 4 found to be c:molete. Further examination of the joints in the slant resulted in locating -he a heat num:ers that were not readily loca ed. Discussiens with licensee persen'nel revealed that 0A reviewec secol cieces at the fit-vo stage and enecked all d materiais for correctness anc traceability to heat numcers prior to welding, and again af er welcing bef re QC signatures aere 4 a: plied to :ne recercs.

4 Also, curing the examination of recarcs for samole weld joints, record discrecancies were notac for :wo weld joints. A review of

ne 'aeics and recarcs involved revealec :na cesien chances had been mace, and that, wnile ne actual welcs were c:rrect", :ne

, cccumentatien had not been accurately changed. The :wo rec:rd ciscrepancies were corrected by a Comecnen Mccification Card (CMC) cnange, Serial No. 87228, initiated 2/1/23, and a Manufacturing Rec:rd Sheet (MRS) cnange Serial N0. MI-612, da ad 2/22/83.

Sample results of tracanoility examinations of weic joints are as folicws

i (1) Weld No.: W-21-1 (snce wel: - pi;e to valve)'

Welder: SYL i Sys am: Service Water Drawing: SW1AB14, Spool 7C3

/ Class: 3 Fire: Heat Nc. N5394 Valve: Heat No. AJ330 Weic Recs: Heat Ncs. 746100 anc 762550 (2) Weld No.: W-8-1 (shop weld - cipe to pipe) 4 Welder: AMA System: Chemical Volume Centrol Orawing: .C51ABC03, Spool 302 Class: 2 Pice: Heat No. 713875 Pipe: Heat No. 28970 Weld Rods: creat Nos. 4282R3C8L and 163538

~ (3) Weld No.: FW-1A (field weld - pipe to weld-o-let) -

Welder: ABT System: Centainmen: Scray Drawing: CT155023, Spool 102 ,

Class: 2 Pice: Heat No. 250385 Weid-c-let: Heat No. 320J Weld nocs: a63638 and 546506 s


e .

(a) Weld No.: W-1 (s o: wel: - pi:e to flange)

Welder: AGZ

, System: Safety Injecticn Crawing: 3 15511, i;cci *.02 Class: 2

. Pi;e: Heat 1c. EWL15M Flange: Heat No 5402L -

Weld R d: Heat No. C3220E (5) Weld No.: Wa-1A (shco wel - ci:e to pipe)

. Welder: AXP, ATX - -

System: Chemical Volume Centrol Drawing: CS;AECC5, Spcoi 1202 Class: 2 Pipe: Heat No. 5*.39'.

Pipe: Heat No, M-2253 Weld Rods: Heat Ncs. 2252R and 163638 (5) Weld No.: FW-155 (;i:e I: 15' eltcw}

Welder: 5CJ, ATI System: Safety Injec-icn

. Drawing: SI155004, 5: col 1C02 Class: 2 Pice: Heat No. 2S970 i 45' Elbew: Heat No. UaLLHJ Weld Recs: Heat Ncs. a62552, a63638, 546505 (7) Wald No.: FW-12A (pipe to pipe)

Welder: AGR System: Safety Injection Ortwing: SI155004, Secci 102 Class: 2 Pi:e: Heat No. MC635 -

Pipe: Heat Nc. MCS23 Weld Recs: Heat Nos. Censumaale insert 22S2R3C8L l and red 463638 (8) Weld No.: FW-15A (pipe to valve) 1 Welder: 3CJ, AGR

. System: Safety Injection e

Orawing: SIISB001, Secol 502 Class: 2 Pice: Heat No, M0623 Valve: Heat No. (S/N) 35720038 Weld Recs: Heat Ncs. Censumacie insert E3Ca77315 anc rea 746100 (9) Wela No.: FW-10 (field weie - pi:e : 25' eitcw)

Welcer: AGN System: Centainment Spray Orswing: CT155023, Secol 702 Class: 2 Pice: Heat No. MCS2a 25' Elbew: Heat No. U4KCH Weld Acc: Heat No. C322CE VI-7

- um en=amm ee . om eem .

m g, 8 N e y

.. l 0

i .

i i FW-7A (field wele - pice to 45' elbcw)

. (10) % ele No.:

-i Welder: AFN, AST

.; System: Centainmen: Spray rawing: CT155023, Secci SC2 Vl Class: 2

'O Pi:e: 'Hea: No, MC62?

i 25' Elbcw: Heat No. U4LLHa Weic Recs: Consumaele inser: 25257308 and

.. ' rod a63730 3

} NOTE: Certifications verifying hea: numbers for these samples were in the central files.
. Class 1 Structural Wele Jcin:
One weld en a large structural su;;cr furnished by Westingneuse and fa
ricated by Teledyne Sr:wn Engineering was examined for

,, tracencility, with sa-isfac: ry results as feilcws:

Welc: Mcun:1ng ? late : Shim Pla e (no nuccer assignec)

Welders: 30A, SKX, CEA, 5XU Item: Whip Restraint for Safety injection System

.' Orawing: SIV-0527-05C8-2, Loop-3 Class: ASME III, Class 1 Pla:e: Heat No. 5150514, M:1. ASTM-ASES Plate (Shim): Hea: No. 1GC2CO, Mtl. ASTM-SA-26

Wela Recs: Heat Nos. 431L245, 52592, L22580 and 421?5132

?! Certs: Chemical and ;hysical certificatiens for plate materials and weld c:cs were in tr.e rec:r:s 'ile.

c. HVAC Structural Supper Material '

..- One lot of angle iron ;urchased uncer Purchase Orcer No.

TUS:-1123 for Bahnscn Service C:::any (HVAC 'c:n ract:r)_was~

examined for traceability, wit.1 the follcwing sa-isfact:ry results:

Item: 120 pieces of galvani:ed angle iren a"xxa "xi"x20'

.: Scec.: Mtl . ASTM A-26; Galvani:ing ASTM-A-123-73 Heat No.: 425340 Color Code acclied by Sahnson: Red-Orange Certs: Physical, chemical and galvani:ing certificaticns were in recorcs file.

c. HVAC Cuc: Material

. Two Icts of me:ai sheets pur:nasec unter Pur nase Order No.

TUSI-07 5 for Sannsen Service C:m:any (HVAC c:ntrac:cr) were examinec fer traceability, with the 'oilewing satisfactory

. resul s: .

V'-6 1

r O P

- t (1) !:em: 149 :ieces of ;alvani:ec sheet retal IE"x120"x10 GA Spec: ASTM A-525, G-50 c:ating Hea No.: 500H3480 Colcr Ccde apolied :y Sannscn: Caution Yellcw Cer:s : Physical, chemical and coating certifications were in receres file.

(Z) I:em: 23 pieces of galvani:ec sheet me:a1 22"x120"x10 2A 5:ec: ASTM A-526, 3-50 c:ating Heat No.: 515N1509 Coice Code acclied by 5annsen: Flare Rec Certs: Physical, enemical anc coating certifications were in rec:rts file.

e. % eld Filiar wa terial

'Three purchase orders (70s) for large cuantities of weld filler ma arials were examinee f:r :raceacili y as f:ll:ws:

(1) PO 20725 to Sandvik, *nc.

Examination of recercs snowec traceacili y :: specifica:icns, QC Receiving Inspection Recorts, anc certifications for chemical analysis and pnysical es:s for varicus 10:s.

(2) 90 CPF-1049-5 :: Murex Weiding Preducts, Agen: for Airc:

Weiding Procucts.

Examination of recarc shewed traceacility :: s:ecificati:ns, CC Receiving Inspection Recor:s, and material certi fica:icns for chemical analysis and pnysical :es s f:e varicus icts.

(3) PC 14920 to Acces "cr;cratien. *

, Examination cf rec:rcs shcwed racea:ili y : s:ecifica icns, CC Receiving Ins:ection Reports , and certifications 'cr enemical analysis anc pnysical tests.

f. Safety-Related Fastening'Oevice (Stud)

A samole frem the field was randomly selected. Inf:nnation proviced was that the item was a stainless steel stud with notaticns 0F50, 660T and VA.

The sancie satisfac: ry ins ection results were as .f:ll ws:

l l

i I

1'-9 1

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.s .

i k I 2

System: Heating and Ventilating Systam (VA) i Drawing: VA-X-AB-004C, Rev. 6 t P. 0.: 30228, Item 20

! em: 7/8"x5" Stainless Steel 5:ud,

. Scec.: ASME SA453, Grace 660

Texas Solt Co. (on accreved vencor list)

GC Receiving Inspec-ion Reser : R*R 13847 Certificatiens: Chemical and physical tests in file Fea: (Trace) No.: OF60

C de Class
2 i Material Recuisition: MR-154101
  • cpiication: To attach fiange of piping frem Hydrogen urge Exhaus: Filter Sacxage : flange of Hea:ing and Ventila-ing System.

$ NOTE: "T" after 660 designates the vender (~exas Bolt Co.)

g. Miscellaneous (1) Two purchase creers for safety-relatec snim s:cck were examined, with the fol'.cwing satisfactory results:

.f i (a) P.O.: CPF-1648-5, Stainless Steel Shim Stock Receiving Inspection Report: R:R-19319 Certifications: Received with shipment.

(b) P.O.: CPF-1725-5, Stainless Steel Shim Stsck a Receiving Inspection Reports: RIR-18899, RIR-18500

, anc RIR-19633 Certifications: Received with snipment

,; (2) Hareware and materiais for a sample Hanger 5 rut were a examined. Results are as folicws:

.! NPSI supplied hanger.

CWG. No.: CT-2-001 406-532R, Rev. 1 Drawing Item No.: 4-Rigid Sway Strut Hardware and Material Identifica:icn Centrol Nutters

(traceable to heat nuccers):

Pipe - NP 228 Eye Rod - NH 631 Nut - NR204 Eye Rod - NH 631 Nu; - NR 236 3 racket - NF 1237 Hex Nut - NB 230 Pin - NH EJ6 Activities coserved and rec:r:s reviewed reflected ::at -he tractacility activities were :erformee in ac: rcance wi:n site crccecural recuire.eents. Emenasis en .ie necessity for sced traceasility was ac:arent thr:ugneut :ne site cesani:atiens.

l l

l VI-10 .


. g . -- ,

IX. OESIGNC'JANGECONTROLSANDCORRECTIVEACTIbNSYSTEMS 1 A. OBJECTIVE The cur;cse of this assessment was te review Or: grani isolements i:n with emanasis on actual safety-relatec hartaare installea in :re field, as well as rec rds including design change controls and any icentified ncnc:nforming c:ncitiens related to installec hareware.

Sar.cles were selected in the technical cisciolines to check :regram implementation, as well as to ensure design c:ntrol, cesign inter' ace,

. . .. _ and cesign verification crecedures satisfy NRC requirements anc licensee connitments. Acditionally, a samole of records were reviewed to dete' nine how nonconforning conditions were identified, dis:csi-tienec, anc the extent to wnien corrective actions were taxen.


1. Desien Chance Centrol Precram

, 4. Orcani:stien The organi:ation of the general site engineering, c:nstructi:n, ano procurement efforts were cefinec in peccecure C?-EF-3.0, Rev.

5. By this precedure, the Engineering anc Constructicn Manager is responsible for the Cemanche Peak Steam Electric Staticn (C?SES) design, engineering, anc precurement. These activities

. are nonnally delegated to Gibbs & Hill, 'destinghcuse, and other contracters/ vendors. Hewever Texas Utilities Sertices, Inc.

( WSI) has been designated by Texas Utilities Generating Ccm:any (TUGCO), the licensee, to reisin Overall rescensibility #:r these activities and to perfonn design functicns. as necessary.

Tne TUSI Project Engineering Manager is respcnsible f:r the general direction of engineering activities. These cuties and responsibilities were implementec thrcugn the Comanche Peak .

Project Engineering (CFPE) staff ano cegani:aticnal strue: re managed by tne Comanche Peak Project (CPP) Discipline Engineers.

The CPP Discipline Engineers were responsible "to administer an orderly design change program which complements c:ns: uction a'no assures design adequacy". .

b. Discioline Encineerine Reviews (1) Civil Encineerine Most of the cesign changes in :his area were processac via Cesign Change Authcri:aticn (CCA). Previous design enanges processed prior to the cur ent crececural requirements nere precessac via the Design Change / Design Deviation Authord:a-tien (OC/00A). A tota Of :nirty of both of taese tyces of design changes were reviewed. Ten, initiated as a resuit of a ncnconforming c:ndition, anc were reviewec and c:m:arec ::

the associatec none:nf:rmance reecr (NCR). Ten were tracec IX-1 e

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'a a by the NRC CAT inspecter to the latest drawing and/or

'.' specification. The final ten were initiated based en a licensee field inscection effort. These last ten were i  ::m:ared by the NRC CA"' inspector to the drawing and/cr b '

s:ecification in effect at the time of the inspecticn.

Design chang'es reviewed in this area were fcund to be

, pr
cessed in ac:Ordance witn :recedural recuirements.

The NRC CAT inspector notec that some criginal designs in this area were processed via Component Mociffcation Card v.

5 (CMC). The CMC. which is a design change cocument, was

.,' processed in accordance with design change control procedure

  • F-EP.4.5, Rev. 7. Mcwever, these CPCs shewec no evidence cf Gibos and Hill review, which is necessary to satisfy ANS*

N45.2.11 recuirements. ANSI N45.2.11. " Quality Assurance

- Recuirements for the Design of Nuclear Power Plants" requires
' that field changes be justifiec and subjected to design 4 c
ntrols c::nnensurata wita the original design. The res; n-

..i sible licensee engineering representative inoicated these  ;

% CMCs wculd be treate'c as a field change, and hence, would l 1 receive Gibbs & Hill review to satisfy ANSI NA5.2.11.  !

C' i f:C A selected samole of Engineering Evaluation of Scacing 1 Variance Reports (EESV), usec in pice suoper. base plata 1 installations, was reviewed. The expansion anchor boit

installatien pr
gram was reviewed to the recuirements of MRC 3 Sulletin 79-02, Rev. 2 " Anchor Bolt Base Plate Fie.tibility 1 1 Analysis." It was fcund, from the samples reviewed, that the q licensee's program satisfies the Sulletin's requirements.

f (2) Field Structural Encinee-ine

.6 Nest of the engineering effort in the TUSI Field Structural

-s Engineering' Group at tne time of this inspection involvec i -

cesign of conduit supports. The original design of these supports was performed by Gibbs & Hill to Revisien 8 of tr.e ,

.. 2323-5-910 drawing " package". Frem this point, the design j 9 effort was delegated to the TUSI organization at tne site. i

Installation was c ctdinated between engineering and con- l Q struction, with installation performed to the 2423-5-910 l
-} - " packages". After installation, the supocri design was then
. sent to Gibbs & Hill for review to satisfy ANSI N45.2.11

. requirements. TUS* personnel prepared no DCAs : the "S-910" crawings, only CMCs wnere design er casign changes were

.- necessary.

. .' Lecatien of conduit succerts were catemined by tne use Of criteria established from *t. cation of Succort" (LS)crawings and the requirements of .he site Electrical Specificatien

. .! ES-100.

Caole raceway succerts were installec to Gibbs & Mill cri-

. ginal design drawings. 7dS* persennel issued DCAs to : e su:: ort crawings for generic design changes, sucn as tr.e

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addition of a hanger to the raceway configuration. They issued CMCs for design changes affecting an individual support.

The NRC CAT inspector reviewed reo structural calculatiens for cable tray and concui: suet,or s with -he res:ensible licensee's representative. The design incut, verification, and cut:ut (information pr: viced by the Field Structural Engineering Design Review Leg) were reviewed. Stress levels, as defined in FSAR Section and F5AR Section vere properly incorpora:ec into tne supper:

  • designs reviewec.

The NRC CAT ins:ector samoled and reviewed sixty CMCs and fifteen CCAs. Abcut thirty of the CMCs anc OCAs reviewec hac not received the approoriate review and approval by the original designer, Gibbs & Hill as requireo by ANSI N45.2.11.

Installations to the design document had been performed er were in-process, but une cesign document nac net been ' final' reviewed. A review of the Gibbs &' Hill " CMC Master Index" (structural) incicated there were on the crder of four-to-five thcusand of such changes that had been genera:ec out had not yet been " final" reviewed 1,y Gibbs & Hill.

It was determined that precer verification of such changes might ultimately be ace:mplished. Mcwever, the volume of CMCs and DCAs remaining t: be reviewed by the original designer, as well as those designs that have as yet to ce Der #crmed in the structural area, is of ccncern to the NRC CAT inspector. The concern involves the adecuacy of review wnien will be provided considering the appecaening Sectem:er, i

1983 Fuel Loac Data. .

Coring this same review of CMCs and DCAs, there was evicence of a problem relevant to wnat revisien of tne design document a c:moonent or an activity nas been inscected. CP-CPM-6.10, Rev. 6, " Inspection Item Removal Notice Form" acdresses subsecuent inspection following removal of an item, but not for addition of an item to a comccrent. Furthemore, con-struction and/or engineering rather than quality control detemine when an itam is to be reinspected or when some type of inspection is required. .

The NRC CAT inspector detemined that ins ections per# creed and ::mpleted were no always to tne ates issuec cesign dccument. For examole, sue; orts for Onenty caole ray anc cencuit installa:icns were examinec. Of these reenty, r.*elve

  • were not " final" inspectec to the lates: issueo cesign document, even thcugn rec:rcs in the CA vault indicatec

" final" inspecticn nad :een per'ormed. Later CMCs c:vering design changes existed for all reelve of these installations.

In accition, tne lidansee's CC inspections were cer ecrmed in six instances tc CMCs witn earlier revisions than the latest revisicn issued ano in effec g the time the ins:ecticn as s ,

IX-3 t

l l -

7-----'- --

r. ,

3 .

5 s eedermed (Similar c:ncitions were discovered anc discussed

ne Eiectrical and Instrumentation Ccnstruction Section cf

. thereportSectionII)).

, ANSI N45.2.11, See:fon 8, s:a:es ca: procacures shall be

roviced wnien " assure
na: the imcact of the change is

,. carefully censiderec, ...ane info mation concerning the cange is transmitted to all effected persons and organi-zations." As a result of tne procacures anc records reviewec

, relative to this area, the NRC CAT inspect:r consicers existing procedures have not assured that the infor: nation c:ncerning the change is transmitted to :ne appropriate organization; i.e., tne Quality Centrol organization

.. res:ensible for the ins;ection cf the cable tray anc c:ndui:

suoports. This was substantiated by records in the OA vault.

(3) Electrical Eneineerine

a. procram Review '

Original design in ne electrical area was pedomed by Gibbs and Hill. Cesign changes were precessed via the DCA i in this area.

The NRC CAT inspec:cr reviewed acproximately :nir.y DCAs in the electrical discipline. As was the case in Field Structural Engineering, reviews to be completed by the original designer in ac::rdance with ANSI N45.2.ll are

, usually cnly pedor ed after c:nstruction or installa:icn has been performed. DCAs reviewed were processed in accertance with Cp-EP-4.7, Rev. 7. . Curing this same

. review, the NRC CAT inspector also noted a preolem similar to that in the Field Structural Engineering relevan to what revision of the design document a c:mpenen or activ-ity has been inspected.- As a result, the NRC CAT ins;ec-ter proceeded witn a review of the site " Design Change 4

Verification Grcup". ,

. b. Desian Chance Verification Grcuo Review in tne tiectrical Ares __

- CP-QP-15.4, Rev. 3, " Design Change Verification" provided criteria...(fer) review of casign anc ins:ecticn dccuments to assure incor;cration of design enanges into :ne :nysi-l cal plant.

' This precedurt required that design documents be reviewee

. by tne TUGC0 Design Change Verification Gr: : (DCVG) :o ascertain whetner or not incer;oratien of the lates:

design document had taken place, anc if fur.ner ins:ec:icn was recuired tne OCVG "shall pedem" it.

Also, per prececure, the DCVG was escuired to select a reortsentative samole of design changes :er crawing s


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r (thirty percent or three design changes, minimum, which-ever is greater) for verification. -

A review by the NRC CAT inspector of the "0CA Verification Log" indicated tha of some four-hundred eleven design changes verified, fifty-three hac not been incor: crated into the actual design dccuments used for QC inspection.

Que to the'hign nummer cf unincorcora:ed changes, licensee representatives indica:ed that :he procedure would be changed frem the current thirty cercent sample to a

ne-hundred percent sample.

Mcwever, the NRC CAT fnspector had other additional concerns with the licensee's program at :ne time of this assessment. These were as follows:

. 'dith the approaching Fuel Lead Date and the numcers of DCAs to be verified, the thcroughness of the review by

. CCVG may be jeopardi:ed due t: pressures frcm :ne con-struction c:mpletion schedule.

. Procedures for the DCVG in some cases recuired physical' verification by inspection of design incerocration. It was unclear as to who was to cerform the recuirec inscec-tion, a CCVG individual or a QC inscector. Accitienally,


licensee representatives c:uld no: assure the NRC CAT inspect:r that the individual wno *cule perform ~the inspection func:icn would satisfy the applicable cualifi-caticn requirements as cefined in ANS: Na!.2.5,"Qualifi-cation of Nuclear Power Dian: Ins:ee-icn, Examination, and Testing Persennel" ,in ac::rcance with -he licensee's FIAR commitments.

. Unsatisfactory conditions discovered during the verifica-tion process were not cccumented en an 'iCK but rather en a "Recuest for Information of Clarification" (RF:C) form since conditions were censidered to be only " potential" noncenformances. As the ecmoonent or activity may not have received the " final"' inspection, the licensee stated:

"it was not considered to be a nonconformance."

. Documented deficiencias relative to instal.latien wert not documented on the Master Punchlist for " turnover", as the licensee representatives indicatec only NCR itams were referenced on :he master punenlist. . These ceficiencies

  • were appliec to a sacarate "ceficiency' list, anc tnen were tracked by tne CCVG.

. I: accearec from this review that une DCVG oid not ine'.uce d

in tneir review electrical systems ":urneo over for :es; or electrical systems wnich hive een energi:ac. rhe NRC CAT inspector c:uld determine no basis wny these systans should be excludeo in tne sample for design verifica:icn.


. S* m g6 eD.

-D . 9 Se e m


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, f The 'respcnsible licensee representatives, during the discus-sien of these inadequacies, commited to revise the program by the addition of a tracking system whien would correlate tne affectec inscection cecumen ation to the latest related cesign enange document. They further reiteratec their inter.:

to ensure nat all safety-related ccmcenents and/cr activi-ties have been or will be inscected to tne latest design document to satisfy NRC recuirements.

At the time of this inspection, as no work has been essen-tially fully comoleted fr:m the design anc :enstruction stancpoint for these areas, the NRC CAT inscector cannot determine frem a sampling review wnether or not tne activity or installation was performec to the ac;rovec design and that an adequate inspecticn was performed to this approved design.

Hewever, fr:m a sampling review of dccumentatien frcm the program in-place, inclucing the " final" cuality ins:ecticns and tne latest design documents, the existing design verification program wculd not satisfy the licensee's FSAR cennit=ents (Further ciscussion cf inscecticn dccumentatien i

~ is in the Electrical Constructicn section of this report (SecticnII.B.8)]. Whether or not the licensee's prt;osed revisiens to the program are acetuate to acc:molish tne desired objective in the alloted time span cannot be

} determined.

(4) Instrumentation Encineerine Instrumentation installatien activities ind decamentaticn

reviewed by the NRC CAT inspecter indicated snat these installations hac received an accroordate ins
ecticn :: the .

Intest design document. SupoCrts for instrumentation were usually designed in-place. .Frem a review of fifteen design change dccuments, the numcers of design changes as comoarec to the installations completed were consideraoly less than those in other discipline areas reviewed. .

However, adequate engineering reviews to the design changes were usually made after installation, similar to the process described relative to other installation activities discussed


thus far in the report.

(5) Pioine Suecor Eneineerine- -

Two c:ntract pice casien groups (!TT-Grinnel anc .1 PSI), anc i tne site Pipe Succort ingineering (?SE) Greuc, were rescen-1~

sible for the design of large bore pice supports. These tnree gr:uos prepare a design for each pipe suopert. This casign is then incorporated into the " Brown and Root Hanger Drawings (BRHLs)", which are the drawings used fer installation i purposes. If the pipe succort installation personnel ceter-mine that a support cannet ce installed as designec, PSE


field engineers are notified and make enanges as necessary ::

prtduce a :esign that can be installec.


, j_. - ..

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  • When the pipe and scme of its supports have been installed, I I
  • the Quality Control program starts its "as-built" inspection, documenting the as-built dimensions of the pipe and installed pipe supports. The drawings for the pipe and pipe supports are revised to reflect the as-built configurations, and are stamped "as-built verifiaa." When a significant portien of
the supcorts en the length of pipe have been "as-built i verified," a pacxage is assembied and forwarded for a preli-minary stress analysis.

, A stress analysis is performed te determine new stresses in the pice and new loads en pipe supcor:s. If the design

recuirements are apercariately satisfied, :ne crawings are taen stamped "vencor certified" (VCD).

For small bore piping designs, the oice su: cort design activity commences when small bore piping is installed and is designed on location. PSE then issues the small bore support

'.. drawing. Installatien then ;r:ceeds, with necessary changes performed as recuired. After inc:r oration of these changes, the crawing is "as-built" reviewed ar.d a Design Review Drawing (DRD) is then issuec.

Class Y hangers are " vendor certified" only when a rtress l

pr:clem bec:mes evident in :ne performance of the stress I analysis. Otherwise, Class V hangers receive a review equivalent to the original design and incor:cration of the lates change t: the cesign.

[ Design changes mace to any cf these designs are pr: cessed via CMCs. Aaproximately seventy five CMCs were reviewed to program requirements'by tne NRC CAT inspector.

The review of these CMCs and inspection documentation in the ASME area by the NRC CAT inspect:r also revealed that design changes are apparently initiated as a result of the perfor-mance of QC inspection. These changes are then precessed to accept the "as-built" c:nfiguretien, rather than modify the support to*actually satisfy the design document in effec: at the time of the inspection. These practices do not previde incentives to the crafts to properly construct in stric:

I accordance with the design accument.

(a) NRC 5ulletin 79-14 Encineerinc Walkdewn This C75E3 pr:gesm was c:mcarec to tne recuirements accressed in the NRC Sulletin 79-14. " Seismic Analysis for As-Euit:

Safety-Related Piping Systems." C?SE3 engineering cr grsm requirements were alse cefinec in CF-EI 2,3-1, Rev. 3

" General Program for As-Built Fi ing Verification." Discus-l 'sions with the resconsible licensee engineering persennel indicsted that a detailed "as-buil:" inspection is being cerformed anc is being analyzed in accorcance with the engineering requirements cf :ne bulletin.


The responsible engineering representative for the "79-14" program was interviewed, and the actual mechanics of the walkdcwn were discussed in detail. Sasically, the pregnm recuirements regarding large bore hangers were ciscussed.

Also, ten selected calculation :acxages were reviewee rein-tive to this' type of pipe supper:.

. Apprcximately fifty-five percent of the "79-14" verifica:icn program was ccmoletad fer CpSES Unit 1. A veey small num:er of " packages" have c:moleted tne recuired reviews and art considered " final ." Thus, it was not possible J.or the NRC CAT inspector to detemine fr:m a samoling review whetner or not the ac-ivity er installation was perfemed to tne to-

. provec " final" cesign anc tnat an acequate inspection was perfomed to this approvec " final" cesign.

(b) VCD Procram'Walkdcwn by CC Ins

. Frem this review, it was cifficult f:r.the NRC CAT inspec:ce

, to determine the thoroughness anc adecuacy of this walkccwn 3 and/or inspection. Interpretations of :ne procedural- .

7 requirements by licensee personnel ranged fr:m a detailed" 2 instecticn of many attributes to a " location-only" walkd:wn.

Additicnally, the NRC CAT instector could not detemine when

a comocnent was " final" inspected.

The NRC CAT inspect:r considers that these inspecti:ns ce not

., necessarily provide adecuate assurance tnat the elements /

c:mcenents have been installec :: -equirements. As inci:a:ac in the Mechanical Construction Section (Section I!!.B.2) Of this report, numerous examples of har: wart accepted by VCD

.- walkdown were found not to comform to 'cesign by tne NRC CAT 2 inspectors, the ASME Authori:ed Nuclear Inspector (ANI), and

, QC during subsecuent inspecticns.

.T *

', Mcwever, the VC3 drawing coes define a stcocing ocin; in the

iterative design process, a c:ntrol not presen; in the ciner 5 disciplines reviewed. Licenset representatives again stated their intent to satisfy the necessary NRC requirements, and also expressed confidence in their VCD pr: gram.

(5) pioine and Mechanical Encineerinc

- To review tne cesign enange con: ol prccess in this area, a: proximately fifty CCAs/CMCs were reviewec. Severai :nve-Ier ano installa: ion pacxages were ccmcarac to the pr: gram recuirements for piping installa icns. As refteenced in :nis report, few deficiencies in the review of safety system piping anc ASME C ce radicgraphy for this piping were fcunc

- by the NRC CAT inspect:rs within the harewart areas. Few

. design changes were f:und relevant to this area.

Several traveler anc installatien :ackages were reviewee ::


the program recuirements for mecnanical instaliation.

IX-G g . g ..



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Similar observations relevant to the processing of design


  • cnanges and documentaticn of nonconfor::ances were made.

3 These were discussed in previcus paragraphs of this section l 1.' of the report as to electrical etuipment, electrical sup-ports, and pipe hanger / supper installations. Discrepancies relevant to inscection precacures are oiscussed in the Mechanical Construction Section (Section III) of this reper..

,j c. Sumarv Coments Cencemine -he Casfon Chance Process The design change precess at CPSES is c:mplex, and at times, i cumcerscme. The NRC CAT inspector's review of design change pro-

'.. cessas in the various cisciplines revealec a design change -

program with c:ntrols incorcoratec under a " design-cons ruct-

design review" pniicscony. This philoscony resulted in a large

.i numoer of design changes and a re::etitive inspection process.

There are aporoximately 70,000 CMCs and 15,000 DCAs tnat

, have been issued. This numcer does net include revisiens).

.' Altneugh this design change pr: cess may te cifficult, there is

.: nothing in NRC recuirements to cisccurage er orchibit the use of 1 such a system.

4 In general, design enange controls at CPSE3 -

satisfied the applicant's FSAR c:mitments and the ANSI standaro recuirements. However, with this type of system in-place, actual verification cf hanger, support, electrical, and mechanical equipment installatiens to the aporocriate design requiret.ents cannot be performed until " work activities" have been c:mpleted.

Few, if any, installatiens c:uld be verified as few have been designated as comoitted under the licensee's context of "comoletion." Thus, the final acacuacy cf these centrols c:uld not be detemined by the NRC CAT ins:ector.

2. Corrective Action Svstems l

The CPSES FSAR ecuires a nonconformance m. be "utilizac fer the g identification, documentation, dispositioning, alit 2 verificatien of deficiencies in characteristics, documentation, cr procedures whien render tne quality of an item unacceptacle or indeteminate". The F5AR reouires procedures fo.c trendino gf ncnconfomance re or.s

,ta,i ant fy trends adverse to cuality Lnd for the initiation of

, corrective action requests Tor significant ayd, recatitive noncenfor- '


CP-EP-16.1, "Precessino Nanconformance Re: orts" and the acclicable references were imolemented it the tite to meet these recuire.?.ents to satisfy tne licensee's NAR c:=r :=ents. ~

A review of aporeximately one-hundred selected nonecnf:r.anca repor s (NCRs) inoicated that identified ncnconfernaning c:ncitiens (decumented en NCRs) were discositienec ano precessac in ac::r:ance with procacural recuirements.

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As discussac in Secti:ns II, I:!, and IX of this report, overall findines indicate numerous instances in the electrical and techanical areas wnere ncnc:nfermances were identified. Hewever, ,

varicus .e:nces (e.g., punchlists, inspecticn re;,cr:s, venal, and otner inf nnal metMeds) were usec to adcress and resolve nese nen::nf:r .ances, previcine no ::liec-ive evidence cf a::repriate c:r ective action and/or .Ius:Hi:a-icn. Acci:icnally, tne .'!RC CAT ins;ec:ces ciscoverec tna: ne .Me:nani:al/Civii QA/CC Su:er/iser cirec:ac nis su:ersisers :: cect:en: nen: ::ncitions cn en unsatisfactory Ins:ection Reper: (IR) only, c:ntrary :: tne

'- licensee's FSAR ::mit:nents anc *,A pregrtm recuirements, i.

K 8

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( Section Title Page 17.0 OUALITY ASSURANCE (OA) 17.1 OUALITY ASSURANCE DURING DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION 17.1 2 17.1.1 ORGANIZATION 17.1-2 TUGCO/TUSI 17.1 - Quality Assurance Division 17.1-3 Project Management 17.1-6 Gibbs & Hill 17.1-6 Browri & Root 17.1-9 Consultants 17.1-11 Organizational Interfaces -

17.1-13 17.1.2 OVALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM 17.1-14 17.1.3 DESIGN CONTROL 17.1-16 Design Control for Preparation of Drawings 17.1-17 i ' Engineering Specifications 17.1-18 Review of Vendor Equipment Drawings, 17.1-18 Specificationsi and Procedures ' Engineering Calculations 17.1-18 Design Review and Verification 17.1-19 Design and Engineering Surveillance 17.1-19 Record Accumulation and Control 17.1-20 17.1.4 PROCUREMENT DOCUMENT CONTROL 17.1-20 17.~1.5 INSTRUCTIONS, PROCEDURES, AND DRAWINGS 17.1-22 17.1.6 DOCUMENT CONTROL 17.1-24 17.1.7 CONTROL OF PURCHASED MATERIAL, EOUIPMENT 17.1-25 AND SERVICES 17.1.8 IDENTIFICATION AND CONTROL OF MATERIALS 17.1-27 PARTS, AND COMPONENTS - m - =

f Q h-h .



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, 17.2.1.-1 Organizational Structure -

17.2-1 Executive Vice-President and General Manager 17.2-1 Vice President, Nuclear 17.2-2 Manager, Nuclear Operations 17.2-3 Manager, Plant Operations 17.2-4 Manager, Ouality Assurance 17.2-5 . Manager, Nuclear Engineering 17.2-6 Ouality Assurance Division 17.2-6 l CPSES Operation's Duality Assurance Section 17.2-7 Operations Review Comittee 17.2-8a Delegation of Ouality Assurance Functions 17.2-9 Personnel Oualifications 17.2-9 Manager, Ouality Assurance 17.2-9 Operations Quality Assurance Supervisor 17.2-10 Inspection Functions 17.2-10 17.2.2 OUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM 17.2-11


17.2.3 DESIGN CONTROL 17.2-15

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17-ii .1tifY 11. 1983





~ Test Procedures 17.2-29 , Test Results 17.2-30 17.2.12 CONTROL OF MEASURING AND TEST EQUIPMENT 17.2-31

' ~

' 17.2.13  ; HANDLING, STORAGE, AND SHIPPING 17.2-32 .,_



17A.3 INDEX 17A-4 1

I O e

e 3 .

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Table Title 17.1-1 Deleted 17.1-2 CPSES OA Plan Compliance Matrix 17.2-1 Compliance Matrix (3 Sheets) 17.2-2 Regulatory Guides and Industry Standards (3 Sheets) 17A-1 List of Quality Assured structures, Systems and Components (48 Sheets) 17A-2 Quality Assiirance Summary o


O i


(  :

c .


- .. CPSES/FSAR l .

, LIST OF FIGURES Figure Title t

17.1-1 Texas Utilities Company Organization 17.1-2 Project QA Organization 17.1-3 Gibbs & Hill, Inc. QA Organization 17.1-4 Westinghouse QA Organization 17.1-5 B & A Quality Assurance Organization Chart -

17.1-6 TUGC0/TUSI Home Office and CPSES Field Organization 17.2-1 TUGC0 Organization 17.2-2 TUSI Organization for Nuclear Ope ations -

17.2-3 Station Organiz,ation .

, 17-y OCTOBER 2, 1981


Texas Utilities Electric Company (TUEC) is submitting this application as Licensee for Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station (CPSES) & Texas d.D.*N".*[**I"9..gajnyacts'as'5defs] pent'foFfonstruedionand OP,eratio gnCPSES,anJdsithereforeresponsibleiforthe, design,]

engi neering { procuremengabricatios,' 'an~d yo]#structionjechn ical.; 50 support ~of CPSES. This delegation of authority has been formally established among TUEC TUGCO, and the Owners. Texas Utilities Company (TUC0) is the parent company of TUEC and TUSCO. l To establish and. maintain the high quality level required for all ~

quality-related acti.vities for CPSES, TUGC0 has developed a 50 comprehensive Quality Assurance program. TUGC0 has implemented those portions of the Quality Assurance program that are commensurate with the quality activities currently being performed. The program requires, as a minimum, that the quality activities performed by TUGC0 l50 and their prime contractors, sub-contractors, and vendors comply with the NRC criteria established in 10 CFR Part 50~, Appendix B Licensing of Production and Utilization Facilities, " Quality Assurance Criteria 7

for Nuclear Power Plants." Where appropriate, the requirements of

regulatory or safety guides have been incorporated into the program.

The TUGC0 Quality Assurance Program requires that a Quality Assurance 50 Plan be established for each nuclear power plant pro, ject for which it provides service. The combination of the requirements documented in the Quality Assurance Program and the Quality Assurance Plan provides l TUGC0 with the means of fully executing its assignment.

l Appendix 17A identifies all safety-related items for CPSES within the l scope of the Quality Assurance Program.





The major organizations involved in the Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station (CPSES) project are:

Texas Utilities Electric, Company (TUEC) - as the Applicant, TUEC has delegated to TUGC0 the responsibility and authority for the engineering, design, procurement, construction, operation, and quality assurance activities of CPSES. .

Texas Utilities.Senerating Co. (TUGCO) - TUGC0 has been designated by TUEC to have the authority to conduct the required engineering, design, and constru'ction technical support activities for.CPSES. -

50l Gibbs & Hill (G&H) - as the Architect-Engineer, G&H provides TUGC0 6l with engineering, design, and procurement services as requested.

Gibbs & Hill provides the QA program for QA activities within the '-


Gibbs & Hill scope of work. The G&H QA program conforms with the overall TUGC0 QA program. -

Westinghouse - as the nuclear steam supply system supplier, 50] Westinghouse provides TUGC0 with the nuclear steam supply system by -

conducting engineering, design, procurement, and fabrication services for the NSSS. and initial supply of nuclear fuel. Westinghouse provides the QA program on'the NSSS structures, systems and components.

Brown & Root (B&R) - as the Construction Manager / Constructor, B&R 50! provides TUGC0 with construction services at the site. Brown & Root provides the QA program for ASME Code work and provides QA functions .

as requested by the TUGC0 Quality Assurance Manager. The Brown & Root

, QA Program conforms with the overall TUGC0 QA program.


AMENDMENT 50 JULY 13, 1984 , 17.1-2

CPSES/FSAR Organization charts for the above organizations are presented as Figures 17.1-1, 17.1-2, 17.1-3, 17.1-4, and 17.1-5. Figure 17.1-6 illustrates how these companies interrelate for CPSES. TUGC0 .

The TUGC0 Quality Assurance organization was established to provide TUGC0 with effective control of quality activities related to its nuclear' plants. For CPSES, the provision of this control applies to all organizations performing quality related services during the

) engineering, design, procurement, and construction phases. The TUGC0 l50 organizations pasticipating in the design and construction phase of nuclear power plants are shown in Figure 17.1-2. This chart illustrates the organizational structure and lines of reporting for each organization. These organizations are listed below and are described in the corresponding sections which follow:

j 17.1. l'. l .1 Quality Assurance Division 12'- Project Management 17.1.1.'1.1 Quality Assurance Division l The Quality Assurance Division is responsible for the development, l

implementation, and surveillance of the TUGC0 Quality Assurance I SO program for design and construction. This responsibility extends into l25 all project activities including engineering, design, procurement, and construction. The Quality Assurance Division is headed by the Manager, Quality Assurance.

i The Manager, Quality, Assurance reports on, all_ technical and, adminis,t,r,ative, matters to the. Vice President, Nuclear Operations.

50 .

This reporting arrangement provides isolation of cost and scheduling -

influences from activities performed by the Manager, Quality i-Assurance.. .


CPSES/FSAR The Manager, Quality Assurance has the duty and authority to identify quality-related problems; to initiate, recommend or provide solutions;


and to verify the implementation and effectiveness of solutions. He has authority to "St'op Work" in the engineering, design, and construction phases. His principal duties and responsibilities include the following:


. vel ps an overaH MO QuaHty Assurance Program and inmidual Project Quality Assurance Plans for each Nuclear Project.

2. Establishes means for implementing the program and plans including personnel indoctrination and training,' definition of individual's quality asserance responsibil'ities, and evaluation of modifications to the QA Program and Plan.
3. Performs monitoring and surveillance of quality assurance 50l activities conducted by TUGCO.


( '

4. Performs monitoring and surveillance of quality assurance activities conducted by prime contractors, sub-contractors, and vendors.  : ,
5. Manages the quality assurance organization including the staff QA engineers.


6. . Maintains liaison'on qua,11ty assurance matters with Senior l 50 l Management of TUGCO.
7. Establishes means to assure that individuals or groups assigned responsibility for checking, inspecting, auditing, or otherwise verifying correct performance of an activity are independent of the group responsible for the performance of that specific ,



AMENDHENT 50 17.1-4 JULY 13. 1984 '


8. Reviews the performance of the Quality Assurance program on a 25 regular basis (not less than quarterly), with the Vice President, Nuclear Operations. Includes a reporting of quality trends and l 50 effectiveness of the QA program.
g. Reviews selected engineering and design documents, e.g.,

procurement specifications, purchase orders, and safety analysis i

reports, for conformance to TUGC0 quality assurance standards.

l 50 l

In addition, the Manager, Quality Assurance supervises a Site QA Supervisor at CPSES. ThfSiti Quality"As'sirOce Supefvis'or'is h responsibleforjaplementationoftheCPSESQAPlanandtechnical 6 supervision of site QA and QC efforts in all areas excluding ASME Code work. ,

The qualification requirements of' the TUGC0 Quality Assurance Manager are: _

1. Minimum of 10 years experience in design, construction, or l operations of power plants.


2. College degree in an engineering discipline (85 minimum).
3. Demonstrated ability to manage people and projects.
4. Knowledgeable of quality assurance requirements for nuclear plants including a minimum of one year experience in the implementation of a nuclear quality assurance program. 8
5. Registered Professional Engineer. Project Management 37 For the CDSES project, the Vice President and Project General Manager

& the Assistant Project General Manager coordinate and control the l44


design engineering, procurement, and construction activities. These 37 activities.are normally delegated to Gibbs & Hill, Inc., Westinghouse {

and other contractors / vendors. However, TUGC0 retains overall 50 necessary. The Vice President and Project General Manager retains responsiblity for cost and schedule and is charged with insuring that quality requirements are met during design and construction. The Vice 44l President and Project General Manager & Assistant Project General Manager report to the Executive Vice-President of TUGC0 responsible g for engineering and construction. The Manager. QA who is responsible for verifying implementation of the QA program, reports to the Vice President, Nuclear Operations. e Gibbs & Hill Gibbs & Hill (G&H) has developed an integrated project erganization to effectively design nuc' lear power stations. A Project Manager has been appointed to direct and guide the engineering design, and procurement 50 functions and to establish and maintain project relations with Texas '-

Utilities Generating Co. (TUGCO). The Project Manager is responsible for channeling conceptual designs and engineering parameters compatible with project requirements and for ensuring that tha established Quality Control procedures are enforced so that the quality level required for the project is maintained. The Project Manager functions in accordance with the duties detailed in G&H's Project Procedures Manual.

The Project Manager, has the authority to "Stop Work" on engineering and design activities performed by Gibbs & Hill as well as authority 25 to advise the Client to reject delivery of non-conforming structures, systems, or components as identified by QA/QC or others.

QA services are provided by the G&H QA Department as shown in Figure 17.1-3. G&H has been retained to provide experienced personnel to assist TUGC0 QA with the overall QA Program.


AMENDMENT 50 JULY 13, 1984 ' 17*1-6  ;

CPSES/FSAR A Quality Assurance (QA) Department has been established to perform the necessary functions to assure that components, systems, and structures adhere to the design bases set forth in this Safety..

Analysis Report, in applicable codes and standards, and in the Nuclear Regulatory Commission regulatory criteria. This department is headed by the Quality Assurance Manager who is responsible for development of the detailed quality assurance procedures and for periodic auditing to verify and establish confidence in their proper implementation.

Further, the Quality Assurance Manager audits the activities of independent Design Review engineers who determine compliance with

safety-related design concepts. The Quality Assurance Department is completely separate and functions independently from those persons or groups having specific project design, scheduling, or budgetary responsibilities. The Quality Assurance Manapr and his designated representatives performing the Quality Assurance functions have the authority to identify quality problems, to initiate, recommend or provide solutions, and to verify implementation of solutions. In I addition,.where the corrective action is not implemented or is


inadequate, the QA Manager has the authority to require the Project 25' exercise his "Stop Work" authority. Independence is maintained further by havin'g the Quality Assurance Manager rep ~ ort to the Vice President.

Gibbs & Hill requires as a minimum that the Quality Assurance Manager:

1. is a college graduate. *
2. has 10 or more years of Quality Assurance experience.
3. has five or more years of experience in nuclear power and quality assurance activities; and ,
4. preferably has had responsible control of the quality assurance program for essentially the entire design, engineering,

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CPSES/FSAR procurement, and construction phases of at least one nuclear power plant.


l The Quality Assurance Department's main functional responsibility is engineering and design audits and perform other QA functions as requested by TUGCO. The surveillance and audit functions of the Quality Assurance Department are detailed in the G84{ Project Procedures Manual.

Qualified engineers representing the major technical disciplines review the conceptual documents related to nuclear or nuclear safety-related components, systems, and structures as necessary to

' demonstrate compliante with the safety-related design bases established in the Preliminary Safety Analysis Report. Design Review covers G&H originated work as well as those portions of documents prepared by others which relate to interfaces with G&H systems, structures, and components.

- ( '

Audits of design and engineering activities are performed by QuaN ty

_ Assurance personnel knowledgeable as to applicable criteria, codes, and standards. These audits include review of conceptual documents

'related to nuclear or nuclear safety-related structures, systems, and components as necessary to demonstrate W911ance with the Qdality l Assurance Program established for tPr pre. ect.

1 Quality A.ssurance functions ~in accordance with written procedures contained in the G&H Project Procedures Manual.

Personnel performing quality-related activities are indoctrinated and trained to assure that they are knowledgeable in the Quality Assurance procedures and requirements.

The indoctrination.and training program includes: '

l b

_ - JULY.13n_1984 _ , _ 117_nl-8




1. Indoctrination as to the purpose, scope, and implementation of the quality related manuals, instructions, and procedures.
2. Training and qualification in the principles and techniques of the activity being performed.
3. An appropriate training procedure, which is available, and training records, which are maintained and available as objective evidence for review.

tL7.15f.34, Brown'&'Adot ,

Brown & Root pr'ovides the QA program for ASME Code construction and


other QA functions as requested by the TUGC0 QA Manager. ,

B&R has an organization such that those performing the quality assurance functions have the freedom to identify quality problems, to provide means for obtaining solutions to problems, and to verify that solutions have been implemented. This organization has sufficient ._

independence, authority, and technical expertise to carry out the program in an orderly, routine manner. It employs a documentation system'which provides necessary record retention and access '


Figure 17.1-5 presents the B&R QA organization for Houston's office and for site activities. ,

The B&R Quality Assurance (QA) Manager has the following -


1. College degree in an engineering discipline from an accredited university.
2. Ten years engineering or Quality Control experience.

1- -

. _ __ _ . ._ . _ 1

. c.



3. Technical, supervisory and management experience in the field of Quality Assurance and Quality Control.


4. Administrative and managerial effectiveness in implementing a quality assurance program. .

Technical support and auditing functions are accomplished under the 04 12 Manager's direction through the B&R QA Department Section Managers.

The B&R Power Construction Department is responsible for the site construction activities, such as field proc,urement, warehousing, erection, installation, and management of sobcontractors, as well as the formulation, preparation, and. issuance of construction procedures and documents necessary to accomplish these activites. This departmentisalsoresponsibleforcompliancewiththeB5RQAManual in the fabrication and installation of ASME Code,Section III components.


5 l. Technical direction of all site QA and QC activities other than ASME l Code work is provided by the TUGC0 Site QA Manager. Assisting him is 5 the B&R Project QA Manager and the TUGC0/G&H staff. Differences of opinion between the B&R Project QA Manager and the TUGC0 Site QA 50 Manager are resolved by the TUGC0 QA Manager. For technical and ,

administrative supervision of ASME Code work and for administrative 5

supervision in all other areas, the B&R Project QA Manager reports to

  • ""*9' * * * * ' "* * ** * * * * " " * * * ""

50 -

Figure 17.5.

QC engineers and inspectors reporting to the B&R Project QA Manager are authorized to: (1) approve the start of various phases of work 5

after inspection has been provided. (2) prohibit,the use of materials, equipment, or workmanship which do not conform to specifications or which.will cause improper.. construction relative to specification, (3) stop any work which is not being done in accordance


ME!j g T,!9, ___. 1701_-10 ____ _ ___ _ ____ ______________________

CPSES/FSAR with plans or specifications, and (4) with prior approval from the B&R Project QA Manager, require the removal or repair of faulty 5

construction or of construction. performed without, inspection and which cannot be inspected in place.. ' Consultants TUGC0 utilizes the services of qualified consultants to assist in the l 50 performance of quality-related tasks such as audits, inspections, interpretations of test results, and review. ' Organ rational Interfaces TUGC0 establishes with each of its principal contractors .a , division of l 50 responsibility covering all phases of the project. This division of responsibility becomes the basis for identifying specific external interfaces to the system, structure, and component _

level which TUGC0 l 50 must control. For CPSES, the interrelationships of the participating -

organizations in the QA Program are sumarized as follows:

1. B&R Project QA Manager reports to the B&R QA Manager for technical and administrative supervision of ASME Code work, and for administrative supervision in all other areas. Technical direction of the B&R Project QA Manager in areas other than ASME is provided by the TUGC0 Site QA Manager. .


2. fonstruction site inspection is performed under the. direction of TUGCO, Site QA and B&R Site QC (ASME Code work only) or by contractor or subcontractor QC."


3. , Periodic audits and surveillance of qz te QC,,and construction activities ..

are performed by TUGC0 QA to-m.-.

. verify conformance.

r.. .... .

4. Vendors are required to provide internal, independent QA programs to check design and fabrication work unless working under the TUGC0 QA Program.

__' astst_sm -


5. TUGC0 QA and/or its consultants or agents perform vendor audits and surveillance to verify vendor performance.


6. Westinghouse is required to provide an internal QA Program for NSSS components.

6 .

7. Gibbs & Hill is required to provide a Design Control Program for design and engineering.
8. TU5C0 QA periodically audits Westinghouse, Gibbs & Hill, Brown and Roo an n ernal 0 safety-relaW acmes.

50l 6 -

B&R QA periodically audits th' B&R ASME Code Program onsite, 'as

9. e required to maintain the B&R ASME Certificate of Authorization.

17.1.2 QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM TUGCO's Quality Assurance Program and CPSES-Quality Assurance Plan are ,

50 the primary documents by which TUGC0 assures effective control of all


project quality-related activities. The other major participating organizations and their furtctions are identified in Section 17 l.1.

50 l In the development of the CPSES QA Plan, TUGC0 has utilized the 25 l provisi ns of Appendix B,10 CFR Part 50, and certain of the ANSI 29l N45.2 series standards, including N45.2.12, Draft,3, Rev. O. Table 17.1.-2 is a matrix which shows 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix B criteria versus appropriate sections of the Quality Assurance Plan. This matrix illustrates how the Plan satisfies the 18 criteria. Revisions to the Plan incorporate the intended objectives of the ANSI standards and draft standards as presented in the NRC text " Guidance on Quality 25 Assurance Requirements During Design and Procurement Phase of Nuclear Plants," dated June 7, 1973. Subsequent comments by the Nuclear ,

Regulatory Commission staff have also been considered in latest '

revisions to the CPSES QA Plan.



17*1-12 JM HELED -_- -

[ '

CPSES/FSAR para.17.i.z (coa +a'y or pgoc,,3g Procedures define the organizational structures within which the programs are implemented and delineates the authority and responsibility of.the persons and organizations involved performing design, engineering, procurement, and construction activities affecting the quality of design. These procedures identify the orpr.ization interfaces, both internal and external, between the contributing organizations.

The. portions of the engineering procedure which have been implemented include correspondence, drawing, document and file control, and design verification. The file control procedure establishes specific instructions for receipt, distribution, and filing of drawings and documents related to CPSES. This procedure enables TUGC0 to maintain 50 the required account' ability and retrievability of drawings,and documents. The design verification procedure, which establishes and implements a system of confirmation of selected safety related items for CPSES, assures that drawings, specifications, procedures, and instructions accurately reflect the design bases, conform to the -

l _. representations in the license application, meet stipulations of related codes and standards, fulfill applicable regulatory agency requirements, and implement the provisions of the TUGC0 Quality l50 ,

Assurance program.

The procurement procedure establishes and assures that equipment, material, or services related to nuclear safety 1s secured in a manner consistent with quality assurance requirements of the CPSES Quality Assurance Plan. This procedure provides for control of transitions from design or service requirements through the entire procurement cycle, including specifications, inquiries, proposals, bid 25 evaluations, inspections, and audits.

The audit program assures that prime contractors, sub-contractors, -

vendors who provide equipment, material, and under the control of the TUGC0 QA program have within.their organizations an adequate and July 3,19841

_ . . _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ m _...______._ AMENDMENT.50_ __ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _

5 -


pe4 17 1.z aA pgm 94 25l 50l functional Quality Assurance program. Additionally, auditing has been conducted within TUGC0 to verify the implementation of this Quality


251 Assurance program. This auditing program evaluates the effectiveness oftheQualit/Assuranceprogamforconformancewithaesign requirements; determines whether the Quality Assurance program is in compliance with established requirements, methods, and procedures; and verifies implementation of recommended corrective action.

The CPSES QA program is effectively administered and controlled by TUGC0 through close association with, supervision and audit of the contractorswhoperformtherequirementsoutlinedinrein. The QA programs of the contractors are reviewed by TUGC0 i QA and/or its agents to assure that they contained adequate requirements and procedures to control the quality level.

Responsibilities for implementation of certain of the nuclear QA activities included in the TUGC0 QA program during design, procurement 50 and contruction have been delegated to Gibbe & Hill and Westinghouse. -

These responsibilities are described in the current retisions of the

' ('

41l Gibbs & Hill Project Procedures Manual and the Westinghouse WCAP 8370, i

B&R is responsible for QA functions relating to ASME Code work only.

Primary responsibility for the construction site QA and QC programs lies with TUGC0 Site QA. This QA program is organized to provide an intergrated plan under the direct control of the TUSCO Manager, QA.

17.1.3 DESIGN CONTROL 50 The TUGC0 Quality Assurance Plan provides for several levels of design control. These levels include the design control measures of Gibbs &

Hill as the Architect-Engineer, Westinghouse as the supplier of the nuclear steam supply system, and TUGC0 as the designated engineering rganization is responsible for plant design. TUGC0 has delegated to 50 Westinghouse responsibility for the Nuclear Steam Supply System l- design. The remaining designs are the responsibility of TUGC0 or have

. C

, AMENDMENT 50 17.1-14 JULY _130 1984

. CPSES/FSAR been assigned to Gibbs & Hill. Gibbs & Hill, as Architect-Engineer, is responsible for overall system design including the interfaces of Westinghouse and TUGC0 designs. The design control measures including review, approval, verification and checking are contained in the 50

. current revisions of the Gibbs & Hill Project Procedures Manual.

Westinghouse WCAP-8370, and TUGC0 CPSES Project Procedures Manual.

The verification of engineering design control measures is performed by TUGC0 through review or audit.

The TUGC0 QA program requires that the prime contractors meet l 50 applicable NRC Regulatory Guide requirements,for all safety-related activities. For a discussion of Regulatory Guide comitments, see sections lA(N) ahd 1A(B).

The CPSES QA Plan requires verification that applicable NR'C Regulatory 50 Guioe requirements have been incorporated in activities affecting quality by design review, audit, and surveillance of prime


. contractors. .,

This verification assures that applicable regulatory requirements and the design bases as specified in the license application for safety-related structures, systems, and components for CPSES are correctly translated into specifications, drawings, procedures, and '

instructions. Audit by TUGC0 assures that the prime contractor 4 organizations' design control measures include a, clear definition of design interfaces, review and approval of initial design, including changes or revisions, and that personnel performing design reviews are thoroughly familiar with the regulatory requirements and design bases described in the PSAR/FSAR and are independent of those originating the design. Design Control for Preparation of Drawings ',

Design drawings are prepared, reviewed, and controlled per applicable project procedures. These pr'ocedures ensure that design drawings are 6


reviewed independently for completeness, accuracy, agreement with design concepts, and possible interferences. Further review is

( '

provided by engineers of related disciplines who review for 6 consistency and compatibility with related systems and design

requirements. Procedures also call for supervisory review for content and compliance. Changes to drawings or drawing input are subject to the same controls as were applicable to the' original.

4 Engineering Specifications 50 l The TUGC0 Quality Assurance program requires that measures be 25 I documented for the translation of applicable regulatory requirements and design baseg into specifications. Written procedures require that ,

6 the specification be independently reviewed for technical accuracy, completeness, conformance with applicable regulatory requirements, and i to s co d a ro e a men or overall project requirements. Written procedures also document l 9 resolution of changes to engineering specifications. Written .-

procedures further require documentation of the reviews.

17.1.i.3 Review of Vendor Equipment Drawings. Specifications and Procedures 6 Upon receipt from. a manufacturer, these documents are routed through the applicable engineering disciplines to check compliance with engineering, drawings, and s'pecifications. A controlled interface is maintained with the manufacturer to assure resolution of g discrepancies. Interdiscipline and supervisory reviews of this process are performed and documented as well. Engineerino Calculations 6 '

Measures have been established that control the preparation of calculations. Written procedures outline the method of preparation to AMENDMENT 50 JULYf13, 1984 -


CPSES/FSAR ensure uniformity, validity of assumptions and input, as well as accuracy of results. Procedures also require review of calculations 9 by an independent. checker. Each review is documented.

!- Design Review and Verification Safety related design activity is reviewed in accordance with a formalized and documented system. The types of review used are:

1. Checks to compare information presented on a drawing or other l document with a definite figure, criterien, or design base.
2. Supervisory reviews of design work, conducted by a superior in a l

given discipline, of work by a project team member in that.


3. Interface reviews, by personnel of one discipline, of work performed by another discipline to determine that the reviewer's 6-discipline requirements and comitments are satisfied.
4. Review by QA to determine that QA requirements are included as appropriate for the item being reviewed. ,

Design verification to review, confirm or substantiate the design is performed to provide assurance that the design meets the specified inputs. Methods of verification include but are not limited to, Design Review, Alternate Calculations, and Qualification Testing.

Procedures will define the actions necessary to report and resolve deficiences identified during design verification.

Written procedures define the actions necessary to report and resolve.

50 deficiencies identified during design verification. ' . Design and Engineering Surveillance


,o ,


CPSES/FSAR In order to verify that engineering and design of nuclear safety related structures, systems, and components are performed in


6 accordance with applicable procedures these efforts are reviewed by Quality Assurance through surveillance or audit. The scope and

, frequency of these reviews is commensurate with the complexity of the design and past performance.

The surveillance and audit functions are documented in written proce'dures.

I7.1.3.7 Record Accumulation & Control Records associated with the design activity are maintained and copies of these records stored as required. These records are audited by 6-TUGC0 QA and/or its agents. -





50 ! ' Appropriate requirements have been established by the TUGC0 Quality Assurance program to assure that procurement documentation is controlled and accurately reflects applicable regulatory requirements, design bases, and other appropriate requirements, such as industry 25 codes and standards. Safety-related procurement documents and .,

specifications require that vendors submit written quality assurance programs consistent with the importance and comp 1,exity of the material, equipment, or serv, ice procured. Such quality assurance programs are consistent with pertinent provisions of Appendix 8 to 10 CFR Part 50.

l TUGC0 has satisfied these requirements as follows:

Selected review of procurement documentation for Q-listed materials, 25 equipMnt, and services is performed. This review is described in '



AMENDMENT 50 17*1-18 JFItB 13n 1984 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _

CPSES/FSAR Planned, periodic, and documented audits are performed by responsible TUGC0 QA personnel to provide assurance that the procurement 50 activities of TUGCO, the prime contractors, and sub-contractors are being carried out in accordance with approved procedures. These audits will be conducted as described in 17.1.18.

All procurement documents that are prepared by prime contractors on 6 behalf of TUGC0 are subject to reviews and controls similar to those l 50 described in Section 17.1.3. Contracts ir.volving equipment, material, or services 'that are concerned with nuclear or nuclear safety equipment, systems, or structures require Quality Assurance and Quality Control responsibilities on the part of the vendor. The

. responsible QA ofganization defines the requirements of the Vendor's l.6 QA program contents 'and changes thereto, and those requirements will be enumerated in ea'ch procurement specification, f

Quality Assurance also reviews purchase orders or contracts to assure 6 that all' required Quality Assurance and Quality Control information of ..

the procurement document, including requirements for control, maintenance, and submittal of quality records, is reflected in the purchase ~ order and contract 6 Each contract or purchase order issued by prime contractor or by TUGC0 50 for any component, system, or structure classified as being nuclear or nuclear safety-related is referenced to Appendix,B to 10 CFR Part 50 with the following clar'fications i of intent.

As outlined in his Quality Control Manual, the vendor, in addition to all other applicable requirements, is required to comply with the following requirements:

l l 1. Inspection personnel are independent from the individual or group ',

performing the activity being inspected.


\ . _



2. Inspection procedures, instructions, and/or checklists are (

provided, and they contain the identification of quality characteristics to be inspected, identification of those individuals, or the organization responsible for performing the inspection operation, criteria for acceptance or rejection, description of the method of inspection, evidence of completion and 1:ertification of inspection operation, and record of the ,

results of the inspection operation.

50 3. Inspection procedures.or written instructions are available with

- necessary drawings and inspections for use prior to performing inspection operations.

4. Each inspector is qualified and his qualifications are kept current. -
5. Inspection equipment is within calibration prior to per#crming an

~ inspection operation. -


6. Inspection of modifications, repairs, and replacement items that are..made after initial inspection are performed in accordan,ce with the original design and inspection requirements or acceptable alternatives to verify acceptability.

The vendor or sub-vendor shall be required to submit to TUGC0 and/or 50 l 6l the prime contractor a' Quality Assurance / Control Manual, the purpose of which shall be to fulfill the applicable requirements of Appendix B 50 l to 10 CFR Part 50 in regard to Quality Assurance / Control. This manual 61 is subject to TUGCO's and/or the prime contractor's approval.


. 50 l A'ppropriate requirements have been established by the TUGC0 Quality -

Assurance program to assure that quality-related activities for CPSES


J 1 4 - 17.1 20 -


( are prescribed by documented instructions, procedures, or drawings; accomplished in accordance with such documents; and that approved acceptance criteria are met. The responsibility for the development of the methods that assure this is delegated to the various .

participatingorganizations;however,thedejefojie_diiethods' arf

1sub(ec M @ BC0iauditg The TUSCO QA program requires that measures 50 be established by the prime contractors to assure that approved changes are promptly included into instructions, procedures, and drawings where applicable. The CPSES QA Plan requires that changes be 50


reviewed for their effect on present instructions, procedures and/or

drawings. ,

. TheTUGC0QAprogramrequiresthataninspectionprocedureinclude .l50 flow charts, shop tr'avelers or narrative description of the cequence of activities or operation for fabrication, processing, as'sembly, j inspection, and test. Instructions shall indicate the operations or .

processes to be performed, type of characteristics to be measured or observed, the methods of examination, the applicable acceptance ,,

criteria and documentation requirements. The program also requires l4 l

, establishment of those inspection, test, and hold points from raw material through fabrication, processing, and assembly at which conformance of parts, components, and subsystems to requirements are verified. Hold points identify those inspections which are rendered

  • impossible to perform by subsequent operations, and those inspections g

must be certified as completed before start of the next operation by the use of process sheets (e.g. travelers). Each process sheet shall include the date of completion of operation or test and the signature or stamp of the operator or in TUGC0 QA reviews selected documentation to that it' adequately reflects applicable quality requirements.'In its review activities, TUGC0 QA assures that instructions, procedures, and drawings contain appropriate quantitative (such as, dimensions,-

tolerances, and operating limits) or qualitative ~ (such as workmanship .

samples) acceptance criteria for' determining ~that'importaht' activities


have been satisfactorily accomplished.


ELMB . JULY _13m_1984 . _ . _ _ _ _ _

e CPSES/FSAR Through its auditing procedures, as described in 17.1.18. TUGC0


determines that quality related activities are accomplished in accordance with those approved instructions, procedures, and drawings.

17.1.6 DOCUENT CONTROL 50 l TUGC0 has established requirements to assure that documents, including changes, are reviewed for adequacy and approved for release by authorized personnel. These requirements provide that prime contrac include in their. internal programs measures to assure that changes to documents' will be reviewed and approved by the same organizations that performed the original review and approval. TUGC0 'will verify implementation of these requirements through audits of prime contractors. The CPSES QA Plan requires that changes to documents that have been reviewed and approved by TUGC0 organizations will be 50 reviewed and approved by those same TUGC0 organizations that performed the original review and approval unless the applicant designates 4l another organization. These requirements a4so provide that the ,

documents are distributed to and used at the location where the prescribed activity is performed. The scope of these requirements applies to TUGC0 as well as to the prime contractors and sub-contractors.

50l TUGC0 employs within its own internal organization a control system that utilizes registering of documents requiring, control.

50 l distribution., and review and approval procedures. The TUGC0 Quality Assurance Program requires design engineering and procurement

. documentation for all safety-related equipment which consists of 50 specifications, drawings, PSAR/FSAR material and related licensing questions and answers, instructions, procedures, reports and changes thereto, and manufacturing and construction documents and records required for traceability, evidence of quality, and substantiation of the "as built" configuration, be controlled. Procedures identify those individuals or groups for reviewing, approving and issuing

C AMENDMENT 50 JULY 13, 1984 17.1-22




! documents and thereto. Where deemed necessary, TUGC0 will require l that periodic in-place document sumary lists including revision level 50

! be submitted by an organization to the use of the proper document or change.

The effectiveness of the participants' document control methods will be evaluated by TUGC0 through reviews and audits. The reviews verify the review and approval of participating organizations' design an,d document control, while auditing permits TUGC0 to determine the effectiveneiss of the system.

( -


\ , .

Measures to be utilized to control purchased material, equipment, and g l services consist of reviews, audits, and inspections. The'se measures l are described in the TUGC0 Quality Assurance program. l 50 Vendors who are considered by TUGC0 or its prime contractors for the supply of items are evaluated in advance of placing them on the approved vendors list. Evaluation of potential vendors and


50-maintenance of an approved sendors list is performed by TUGCO'in accordance with procedures. The documented evaluation. involves the review of available historical data on vendor performance and -

capability, the review of the vendor's quality assurance program, 'or the results.of previous shop surveys and audits. , Quality Assurance Program descriptions are requ. ired to be submitted with bids for Q-listed items. The vendor to supply the material, equipment, and services is selected from the approved vendors list. If required, a pre-award survey at the bidder's facility is conducted by TUGC0 25 quality assurance o its designee before award of contract. The vendors list is maintained by TUGC0 QA in accordance with procedures l 29 which include provisions to remove vendors no longer meeting 25 ',

. requirements.




_. l _ ._ _ 17.1-23. _ JULY 13. 1984

. CPSES/FSAR Documented, objective evidence such as certifications, chemical and physical analyses, inspection reports, test results, personnel and


process qualification results, code stampings, and non-destructive test reports are required for evaluation by TUGC0 and the prime contractors. This verification assures conformance to design require drawings, specifications, codes, standards, regulatory requirements, and other applicable criteria. These documents are a part of the quality verification records retained at the CPSES site in accordance

  • with Section 17.1.17.

Source inspection, when deemed necessary, is required by the applicable purchasing document. The purchasing organization requires that hold pointg be determined as necessary for this activity and vendors are required to give sufficient notice of approaching hold '

points to allow scheduling of personnel. (Where required for adequate control, both in process and final source inspections covering review 50 of the quality verification, documentation as well as attribute examination, are performed.) An inspection <focument is used to

'~ (

establish'the inspection sequence and .for recording inspections results. This document also becomes part of the quality verification records. Provision is mad 4 for reporting deviations and non- '

conformances if any, for recommending disposition and corrective action, for re-inspection if required, and for release ~ for if appropriate. TUGC0 or its prime contractor may elect to in selected source inspections. ,

50 l TUGC'O requires that procureme'nt documents specify that suppliers provide the quality verification package at the CPSES plant site.

25 During the review and approval of procurement documents, the prime 50 l contractor or TUGC0 will check to assure that the above requirement is included. Audits assure that the contractor is implementing a recoMs-managment sysw Hu%nt recehed on-me Mor to .

25 '

receipt of the quality verification package is controlled as a non- .

conforming item. Uncontrolled installation or use of delivered k

AMENDFINT 50 JULY 13,,1984 - 17.1-24 .

~ '

CPSES/FSAR components does not occur until receipt of objective evidence of the

. quality verification package. The quality verification package is required to be on-site prior to relying on the related equipment to perform a safety function.


Appropriate requirements have been established to assure continuous


and accurate identification and control of materials, parts, and i

components so that the use of incorrect or defective materials, parts, or components is prevented.

Contractors are requfred to utilize procedures which establish and document a system or method for identifying the material (e.g.. 13 physical marking, tagging, labeling, color code). Upon receipt of Q Q421.82 material and equipment QC inspections are performed and documented.

Items ar,e then entered into the program estabTished by site procedures ..

l and instructions for the storage and handling of Q material and l equipment. Procedures and instructions require the status of l nonconforming items to be maintained as required by Section 17.'1.14.

Upon request for material and equipment, the status of the item 50 '

requested is checked, and QC concurrence is required prior to release -

to construction. Provisions are made for temporary waiver of the status of nonconformaning items under certain conditions. Procedures outline the required identification, traceability, and controls, including TUGC0 QA approval that must be met before a temporary waiver 13 request can be issued. If granted, the approval provides for further Q421.82 processing on a removal risk basis while the. temporary waiver is in effect. This system provides assurance that only acceptable items are ultimately used. Material traceability is provided as specifically required by applicable codes and procedures. Material identification -

either on the item, or on records uniquely traceable to the ites, will 50 be provided for other components except where specific categories.of 8

9 y -, s

a ..


material are exempted. Where identification marking of an item is

, employed, the marking is clear, understandable and legible, and applied in such a manner as not to affect the function of the item.

The identification and control measures provide for relating the item of production (batch, lot, components, part) at any stage, from materials receipt through fabrication, shipment, and installation, to an applicable drawing, specification, or other technical document.

  • TUGC0 requires its suppliers to establish and implement a' documented g

program for inspecting, marking, identifying, and documenting the status of material prior to use or storage.

'o hold points are. required where inspections must be made and certified complete before start of next operation. Inspection of materials 25j includes the following; as applicable: .

1. Verification that identification and markings are in accordance with applicable codes, standards, specifjcations, drawings, and ,

purchase orders. -

2. Visual examination of materials and components for physical damage or contamination.
3. Examination of quality verification records to assure that the material received was manufactured, tested and inspected prior to accordance with applicable require'ments.
4. Actual inspection as required of workmanship, configuration, and other characteristics.

25 These inspections are documented and verified as appropriate by vendor and TUGC0 QA/QC organizations. TUGC0 performs surveillance of vendor facilities to assure implementation of the program.

C AMENDMENT 50 JULY 13, 1984 17*l*26

. . CPSES/FSAR Items shipped to the site are normally identified by nameplate or other identification marking on the item. In those instances when it is not practical to provide identification markings on the individual items, identification information is provided in shipping paperwork

. that is transmitted with each shipment.

TUGC0 requires that the prime contractors and subcontractors establish specific measures to assure compliance with approved procedures for identification and control of materials, parts, and components, including coatings and partially fabricated assemblies. For subcontractors, the audit functions may be delegated to the

, responsible prime contractor. TUGC0 QA verifies conformance by three 50 methods: .

1. Review and approval of prime contractors' quality assurance programs.


2. Surveil. lance of selected manufacturing, fabrication, construction, and installation activities by quality assurance personnel.
3. Auditing: '
a. Of prime contractors for satisfactory performance of committed -

quality actions.

b. By review of documentary evidence of audits performed by prime contractors.
c. Of subcontractors on a selected basis.


. TUGC0 requires of its prime contractors that written procedures and 50 controls be prepared to assure that special processes including 6

i M'

CPSES/FSAR welding, heat treating, casting, coating applications, nondestructive (

testing, and concrete batching are accomplished by qualified personnel, using qualified procedures, in accordance with applicable codes, standards, specifications, criteria, and other special requirements. These procedures describe the operations performed, the .

sequence of. operations, the characteristics involved (e.g., flow, temperature, fit-up, finish, hardness, and dimensions), the limits of these characteristics, process controls, measuring and testing equipment utilized, and documentation requirements.

Examinations, tests, and inspections are conducted to verify conformance to the specified requirements.

Written procedures also are required to cover training, examination, qualification, certification, and verification of personnel as well as the maintenance of all reouired personnel records.

Compliance with these procedures is required.-for prime contractors, (

subcontrac' tors, and vendors. Procedures for control of special

processes are subject to review and approval by TUGC0 on a case basis. ,

1. Review of procedures for inclusion of control of special processes g

where required; proper definition of requirements for operator training, qualification, and certification; conformance to -

applicable codes, standards, drawing, specifi. cations, or other criteria. ,

2. Audits to verify the adequacy of selected site and vendor shop 50 l activties and the effectiveness of the special process control procedures being implemented.

~17.1.10 INSPECTION -

', 17.1-28 -

__ JULY 13, 1984


, TUGC0 establishes with each of its prime contractors a division of 50 responsibility which determines the services, structures, systems, components and, materials for which each is responsible. The organization.-,----having the', responsibility for provision of such items also has the primary responsibility'to-assure Mat; adequate inspection e


",1s doEbYtEs~uhiie' rTgnieMshrves Nr1giit ItEreview. l 50 difapprovelandiperfora survei_11ariHToraudits;of the:-inspeict)on.'.*

proceduresj,utized by thesaLor,3anizatio g 4 The review and approval of a prime contractor's inspection and procedures is accomplished as an integral part of TUGCO's review of the organization's Quality Assurance / Quality Control Programs. The Manager, Quality Assurance uses the following criteria in evaluating 4 inspection methods proposed by organizations under contract to TUGCO: l 50

1. Inspection procedures for functional groups such as procurement, -

project management, construction, and shop inspection are described, including measures to identify inspection and test .- status, l

2. Duties and responsibilities of personnel performing inspection are clearly established." ,
3. Qualifications of personnel performing inspections are connensurate with their duties and responsibi,11 ties.

i l 4. Documentation methods for inspection activities of each group are i established (e.g., inspection forms, reports).

5. Documentation control systems for identifying, distributing, and 50 retaining requisite inspection documents are defined.
 ,                     6.      Review and approval procedures for inspection documentation are provided.


                                                  .e.                                          AMENDMENT 50

d , . , CPSES/FSAR Surveillancematkodsareestablishedtoassureproper 7. implementation of inspection procedures. ('

8. Planning of inspection sequence activities by the contractors include the type of characteristics to be measured, the methods of examination, and the criteria.

Inspection planning is utilized to assure conformance to procedures, drawings, specifications, codes, standards and other documented instructions. Inspections are performed by individuals not responsible for the activity being inspected. Sufficient inspections are conducted to verify conformance particulkrly in areas rendered inaccessible by further processing. Process monitoring is utilized in lieu of inspection in those cases where inspection is impossible, disadvanta or destructive. When required for adequate control, a combination of inspection and process monitoring is employed. Hold points are established and enforced as required by the supplier and j the purchaser. TUGC0 and/or its representatives verifies by review of g' j inspection reports, visits to vendor shops, and onsite surveillance, - that inspections are being performed and documented by personnel in l conformance with approved procedures. 17.1.11 TEST CONTROL . 50 The TUGC0 Quality Assurance program requires that prime contractors, subcontractors, and vendors designate appropriate tests to be performed at specific stages of manufacturing, fabrication, and construction. Conduct of test is governed by written procedures which incorporate requirements and acceptance limits to assure that the structures, systems, and components tested perform satisfactorily in service. Tests are conducted in accordance with these procedures and are properly documented. The prime contractors (Gibbs & Hill, Westinghouse, and Brown & Root) assure that all necessary tests are required and conducted. Such AMENDMENT 50 JULY 13n 1984 17.1-30

CPSES/FSAR testing is performed in accordance with quality assurance and engineering test procedures which incorporate or reference the test requirements and acceptance limits contained in applicable design documents. Test requirements and acceptance criteria are provided by the organization responsible for the specification of the item under test, unless otherwise designated. The entire test program covers all required testing, including, as appropriate, development tes' ting, prototype qualification testing, performance testing of production equipment, calibration testing of instruments, and hydrostatic testing' of pressure ' boundary components. Test procedures include:

1. Requirements that prerequisites for the test have been met. Test prerequisites include but are not limited to the follow'ing:


a. Calibrated instrumentation
b. Adequate and appropriate equipment .,
c. Trained, qualified, and, as appropriate, licensed and/or certified personnel
d. Preparation, conditions, and completeness of item to be tested
e. Suitable and, if required, controlled environmental
  • conditions
f. Mandatory inspection hold points where applicable for witness by owner, contractor, or authorized inspector
                             'g . Provisions for data collection and storage
h. Acceptance and rejection criteria
1. Methods of documenting or recording test data results
2. Designation of specific test methods to adequately assess -

appropriate parameters.

 . _ , _           _. _               _ _ _ = _ _       ._     ULILst_

JULY 130 1984



3. Designation of measuring and test equipment to be used.


4. Specific environmental considerations.

, 5. Measures to prevent damage to the item or system unJer test. ! 6. Safety considerations.

7. Documentation requirements. .

i . l Test results.are evaluated to verify:

1. Proper func$ioning of the, system, structure, or component.
2. Conformance to design specifications.
  • I l 3. Compliance with stated test requirements.

50 4. That test results are within acceptance limits.

5. Thatrecordinganddochmentationiscompleteandaccurate.,

Audits by TUGC0 and its prime contractors, vendor surveillance and witness of specific tests serve to assure the functional adequacy of and verify compliance with, the testing program. , 17.1'.12 CONTROL OF MEASUR NG AND TEST EQUIPMENT The TUSCO Quality Assurance program requires that organizations 50 performing quality related activities involving measuring and test equipment have written procedures to govern these actions. TUGC0 requires, therefore, that the standards used for calibration and - accuracy verification of measuring and test equipment be traceable to - the U.S. Bureau of Standards or other appropriate sources. In (. AMENDMENT 50 ' JULY 13. 1984 17.1-32 -

            '..                                                   CPSES/FSAR addition, only properly calibrated measuring and test equipment are used. A calibration frequency and method system has been established to which the tools, instruments, gages, and other devices conform.

Records of calibrations are maintained and the calibration equipment appropriately marked to indicate the date and acceptance of the calibration. , Calibration curves are retained for each standard. The maximum allowble deviation on a calibration correction curve is the guaranteed I accuracy of the instrument. If the instrument's deviation exceeds the guaranteed accuracy, then the instrument is repaired or replaced. 50 Calibration standards, when not limited by.the state of the art, have , an uncertainty (' error) requirement of no more than 1/4th of the 3 required uncertainty of the equipment being calibrated. , i When inspected and testing equipment is found to be out of calibration due to use or damage, or when out of limits at recalibration, all items inspected, tested, or measured with that equipment since the ,, j latest valid calibration are considered unacceptable. Resolution of these cases is determined on a case basis by treating them as a nonconformance. TUGC0 and prime contractor personnel engaged in vendor surveillance l 50 monitor suppliers' calibration activity, including evidence of calibration status and.the use of in-calibration . equipment. In add 11! ion, prime contractors and TUGC0 perform periodic audits of the various participants to ensure that approved calibration control procedures are bing implemented. 17.1.13 HANDLING, STORAGE, AND SHIPPING Contractor procedures for the performance of cleaning, handling, . storage,, and preservation'of materials and equipment to 25 prevent damage or deterioration are reviewed by TUGC0 or the prime AMENDMENT 50 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ h______.__...._ cmuun_ m

CPSES/FSAR - contractor. The approved procedures become a part, either by ' inclusion or reference, of the purchase documents issued by these { ' t 25 organizations. TUGC0 verifies that adequate provisions for procedures are included in purchase documents by ongoing review prior to issuance, by surveillance or by audit.

At the site, material and equipment are stored in accordance with approved procedures. TUGC0 requires that instructions or guidance for site handling, preservation, storage, and control are prepared and j .

approved prior to arrival of the equipment at the site. These

             ,           procedures may require that special environmental' facilities such as inert gas, humidity controlled, or temperature controlled storage

! areas are required at the site prior to the receipt of the equipment. TUGC0 performs periodic surveillance and audits of contractors to assure that the specified and approved procedures are being properly

implemented. '

(. 50 l TUGC0 requires prime contractors to assure that procedures are established to identify the inspection, test, and operating status of , safety-related structures, systems, and components. Performance of . l I this function is delegated, as applicable, to subcontractors; and ' vendors and is audited by,the respective prime contractor to assure that effective measures are being taken. 1 1 I The inspection and test status of items are required to be maintained through the use of status indicators such as physical location, tags, markings, shop travelers, stamps, or inspection records. These 50 measures provide for assuring that only items that have received and satisfactorily passed the required inspections and tests are used in manufacturing or are released for shipment. The procedures for control of status indicators

  • including the authority for application

( AMENDMENT 50 17.1 m '

                          ,                            CPSES/FSAR and removal of tags, markings, labels, or stamps, are documented in                 !

'~ approved manufacturing or quality assurance procedures. i System completeness and acceptance prior to fuel load will be" 33 detersigedpys. Reviewing quality verification records for adequacy, completeness, 1. and conformance to quality assurance requirements for each system or component being accepted.

                 ' 2. Visually examining the systems or components in order to verify

that'they have been correctly installed.' 33

              ',                        s                                                     ,
Systems are transferred to TUGC0 through procedures that require inspections and signoffs by TUSCO startup personnel. Upon completion 50 l

of the transfer, the Manager, Plant Operations assumes operational and maintenance responsibility for each system. Prerequisite testing and preoperational testing will be conducted. TUSCO QA personnel will . 37 , ! assure that outstanding construction, document and test deficiencies i will be controlled. Prior to fuel load, all remaining outstanding identified deficiencies wili be reviewed to verify that they h' ave no l50 adverse impact on safety. l . ! The methods of identifying the status of these systems is through the use of status indicators such as tags, stickers, markings, or status ! cardse These' indicators are used on valves, switches, meters, or equipment to indicate their test or operating status. TUGC0 QA site personnel monitor the use of these indicators to assure their proper and effective implementation. 17.1.15 NONCONFORMING MATERIALS, PARTS, OR COMPONENTS The TUGC0 Quality Assurance program requires that measures be 150 documented by contractors, subcontractors, and vendors to control the l25 N __ _ . __ __ z AENDMENT _50

CPSES/FSAR identification, documentation, segregation, and disposition of nonconforming material, parts, or components. These measures prevent { inadvertent use of installation and are subject to review by TUGCO. Written procedures require investigation of the nonconforming ites, decisions on their disposition, and preparation of adequate reports. Procedures also control further processing, fabrication, delivery, or installation of items for which disposition is pending. All reports documenting actions taken on nonconforming items are made available to

TUSCO for evaluation.

50 The' TUGC0 Quality Assurance program requires that measures be establishedbyprimecontractorstoassurethatdeparturesfromdesign < specifications and drawing requirements that are dispositioned "use ai-is" and " repair" are formally reported to affected organizations and TUSI management. TUGC0 audits prime contractors to assure compliance. 50 The TUGC0 QA Manager assures that monthly evaluations of these reports are forwarded to TUGC0 management to show q'liality trends. .. , The effectiveness of nonconformance control procedures may be verified by:  ;

1. Contractor quality assurance and manufacturing, fabrication, or construction personnel involved in processing nonconforming reports.

50 ! 2.; TU6CO participation in dispositions and approvals as well as by the prime contractor responsible for the specification.

3. Document review at final inspection or shipping release.
4. Surveillance by TUGC0 and prime contractors' quality assurance '

l ' personnel. - C AMENDMENT 50 - , e 17.1-36 .

         ~. .                                                     ,                               ,


5. Audits performed by the contractor, vendor, and TUGCO.

Conditions which render the quality of an item or activity unacceptable'or indeterminate will be identified, resolved and closed out. Such conditions are documented on inspection reports, deficiency reports, or.nonconformance reports in accordance with procedures. An inspection report (IR) is used to document field inspections performed by Quality Control (QC). Each attribute on the IR is verified to be satisfactory or unsatisfactory. A deficiency report (DR) is an inprocess doculbent used to document discrepancies. . I A nonconformance report (NCR) is used to document deficiericies when: (1) The deficiency is not listed in the attribute's on the IR; 50


(2) The deficiency affects an itia previously accepted by final inspection; (3) The disposition of a deficiency identified on an inspection report or deficiency report is "use as is" or " repair" (except . routine proceduralized inprocess repairs); or (4) Another method of documenting the deficiency is not prescribed. Disposition of items of unsatisfactory, unacceptable or indeterminate quality identified on IR's, DR's, or NCR's, is determined'by appropriate engineering / construction personnel and may result in a design change as discussed in Section 17.1.3 " Design Control". NCR's . dispositioned "use as is", " repair", or " rework" are also reviewed and approved by appropriate Quality Assurance personnel prior to - AMENDMENT 50 17.1-37 . JULY 13, 1984

4 s CPSES/FSAR . implementation of the disposition. IR's, DR's, and NCR's remain open until the deficiency is satisfactorily resolved and identified ( corrective action satisfactorily completed. Upon completion of the l action required for disposition, repaired or reworked items are reinspected to verify compliance with specified actions and requirements. The status of these items is maintained in accordance with Section'17.1.14 " Inspection and Test Status" and Section 17.1.13. " Handling, Storage and Shipping". Procedures require trending of deficienciec reported on inspection reports, deficiency reports, and nonconformance reports to identify trends adverse to quality. Trend reports are reviewed quarterly by appropriate levels of management to address areas requiring corrective

  • l I

Nonconformance reports and trend reports are reviewed upon issuance by TUGC0 QA for significant conditions adverse to quality or chronically repetitive deficiencies. If such conditions exist, procedures require -( additional action, as appropriate. This may include issuance of corrective action requests as discussed in Section 17.1.16

                    " Corrective Action", or reports to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.


  • 50l TUGC0 requires that measures be established to assure that conditions adverse to quality are promptly identified, reported, and corrected.

Responsibility for performing corrective action is assigned to contractors, applicable subcontractors, and vendors so that each is alert to those conditions adverse to quality within his own area of activity. In the case of significant conditions adverse to quality, which are reportable to NRC under the provisions of 10 CFR Part 50.55 (e), measures are taken to assure that the cause of the condition is determined and corrective action is implemented to preclude repetition.. Corrective action procedures placed in effect require (. AMENDMENT 50 _ _ JULY 139 .1984 ._ __. _ _ W %%




   .                     thorough investigation and documentation of significant conditions adverse to quality. The cause and corrective action is reported in writing to the appropriate levels of management and to the purchaser.

This corrective action applied is subject to review by TUGC0 and the prime contractor responsible for the original purchase specification. For CPSES, the Quality Assurance Plan requires that procedures and practices be established and documented which provide assurance that conditions adverse to quality, such as failures, malfunctions, deficiencies, deviations, defective material and equipment, and nonconformances, are promptly identified, documented, and corrected as soon as practicab,le, and that appropriate action be taken to correct the cause of the condition. Corrective action documentation and request forms or formal letters are used to document the corrective action-related requests, responses, and follow up. The plan requires that measures be established by the prime contractors to assure that the acceptability of rework or repairs is verified by reinspecting the item as originally inspected and that the reinspection is documented. - l These measures are verified by review and approval of the prime contractors' QA Program and,by the subsequent audit for conformance to the approved program. Significant conditions adverse to quality are ! identified (such as those which, if they had remained undetected, would have adversely affected safety-related functions), the cause of the condition is determined, and corrective action is taken to preclude repetition. Such significant conditions., their causes, and the corrective action taken are documented and reported to appropriate levels of management through established consunication systems. Corrective action followup and close-out procedures provide that corrective action commitments are implemented in a systematic and timely manner and are effective. l The occurrence and magnitude of deficiencies and nonconformances ', requiring corrective action are evaluated by the purchaser's inspectors during surveillance and at hold point inspection and


9 l i._ _ s, . -- _

                    ..                            CPSES/FSAR
                                                                                        .g' witnessing. Additionally, these areas are identified for audit                    .

purposes. \

               .The effectiveness of the vendor's corrective action program is assessed during audits by the vendor, the prime contractor, subcontractor, and by TUGCO. Stop work authority is exercised as required.

17.1.17 QUALITY ASSURANCE RECORDS 50 The TUGCO- Quality'dssurance program establishes procedures and practices to assure that TUGC0 and its contractors have a quality records system w)ich provides documentary evidence of the performance of activities,affecting quality. Procedures assure or shall require:

1. That records that are required to be maintained show evidence of performance of activities affecting quality. Typical records maintained include quality assurance programs and plans, design ,,g data and studies, design review reports, specifications,
       ,             procurement documents, procedures, inspection and test reports, materialcertificationsipersonnelcertificationandtest' reports, aud'it reports, reports of nonconformances and corrective actions, as-built drawings, operating logs, calibration reco~rds, maintenance data, and failure and incident reports.
2. That inspection and test records, as a minimum, identify the date if the inspection or test, the inspector or data recorder, the type of observation, the results, the acceptability, and the 50 action taken in connection with any deficiencies noted.
3. That records are protected against deterioration and damage.
4. The criteria for determining the classification of the record as '.

well as the length of the retention period. e 9 AMENDMENT 50 JULY 13, 1988 17.1-40


5. The method of identification and indexing of records for ease of retrievability.
6. Responsibility for record keeping during design, fabrication, construction, preoperational testing and commercial operation.
7. The method of transfer of records between organizations.

TUGC0 verifies conformance to the record requirements by reviewing contractors' quality assurance methods for record keeping, by auditing contractors' sys'tems when functional, and by, selective review of. quality records for completeness and accuracy. The permanent on-sit'e record storage facility is constructed of reinforced concrete, concrete block, masonry, or equal construction. A concrete floor and roof with sufficient slope for drainage is

provided. A sealant is applied to walls, floor, and foundation. All entrance'andexitdoorsarefireretardantthe. A closed loop forced 50._

air circulation system to control temperature and humidity is provided. Dry chemical or gas fire extinguishers are provided. Standard steel cabinets and metal shelving are used inside the storage f acility to contain records and files. Access to the records facility - is kept controlled so that only authorized personnel have access to the records area. 17.1.18 AUDITS l TUGC0requiresthatplannedandperiodicauditsbelerformed'toverify compliance with all aspects of the quality assurance program and to determine the effectiveness of lhe program. TUGCO'QA~ performs such *


50 audits on Westinghouse, Gibbs & Hill, Brown & Root, ofh'e'r" TUG'0C l organizations, and others as necessary to provide an objective

                      ~ ' ' '

evaluation of the effectiveness of their programs; to determine that 1

                                        ,         17 1_ A1 -                  AMENDMENT 50

o s CPSES/FSAR [' their programs are in compliance with established requirement,' methods, and procedures; to determine quality progress; and to verify ( implementation of recommended corrective action. The TUGC0 audits, both internal and external, are conducted primarily by members of the Quality Assurance staff. Consultants will be utilized by TUGC0 on audits as required.

29. As part of the Quality Assurance program TUGC0 QA:
1. Utilizes an audit planning document which defines the I

organizations and activities to be audit,ed and the frequency of the audits. '

2. Requires auditofs be familiar with the type of activities to be l

audited and have no direct responsibilities in the are'a being audited.

3. Provides auditing checklists or other obTective guidelines to 25 ,

identify those activities which will be examined.

4. Requires examination of the essential characteristics of the 50' quality related activity examined.
5. Requires an audit report be prepared and that it notes the of examination and deficiencies found. .
6. Requires the audit report be sent to management responsible for l

the area audited for review and corrective action for  ! defi'ciencies.

7. Requires corrective action taken as result of the audit be ,

reported. l

8. Requires reauditing of deficient areas when it is considered necessary to verify implementation of required corrective actions. .i k'

AMENDMENT 50 17.1 42 mnn_sta__sym - i

   < t ~s * ,.                                                         .

l CPSES/FSAR  ! 1 Documentation of audits performed by participating contractors is made available to TUGC0 for evaluation. 50 In summary, TUGC0 verifies conformance of the regulatory audit requirements by three methods:

1. Review of contractor's quality assurance methods for auditing.
2. Review of documentation of the audit report performed by these contract' ors.
3. Internal and external audits performed by members of the TUGC0 Quality Assufance staff.

t ene

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e 8 l i I l e e e AMENDMENT 50 17*1'"43 .

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h I As verbally discussed with the inspec:c: en Neve=ber 2. 19S3. no d , , , necessary. E =e $ 35-h 25I bb! C L ' Q __ m t:

                      * *3 a consicvvt et w4. It c:ana..tI.i,                                                           ,s.;m ec           ,aa. .


                                                                .                inert s.;nt; l     November S. 1983 .)                                                            jD i                                                                                     .

ll, the unoersi:nsd. na.e remonitored the aoove unsatisf ac cry conditions on: 2.... 1 ene foung inscr .: satsstectary Unastisfactory (frotam cesow! I i

                 !E' j .19                                                                               F0lA-85-59 g

y l Ret liff J 49*t198stativt _ f ete l

                                                                                                                        . n a.. .a.
                                                                                                                        *k D

Ut'-ee'.' ih *i' Ag,



N -

 ' f.'               ,                                                          SIS Raport i 367-A Pago 2 cf 2
l. .

1 o.i

    '1 Since SIS Repert 939 i 367 was written, the fellowing
    ..                         NCR's have been = resented for F.N: disposition cen urrence.
   !,(                        They all have C1' ass 2 material, er material that is not g                           certified to any Code Class installed, on the following Class j                          I hangers.

M (1) 11,294-5 Hgr. RC-1-072-703-C41K HT 416D8 RIR S 1631 RIR is unable :: be located by PPRV =ersOnnel. 6 q (2) 11,299-5 Hgr. RC-1-161-001-C21K HT (_W.W4 e 00"PPRV ' 9 cersennel is unable = locate a R:R fer this 6 - c - L

   .g                                 (3) 11,337-5 Egr. R0-1-035-704-C41R HT 41688 Same as (1).

{ (4) 11,296-S Hgr. RC-1-018-016-C21K 80lP05170 RIR 17061 y Class 2 with CMTE. -2 - (5) 11,297-5 Hgr. RC-1-052-019-C41R 80lPO!170 Same as (4). i s (6) 11,293-5 H r. SI-1-026-710-C41R 054302 RIR 14508 'l e Material not certified to any Class; eentains CMTR nly.

(7) 11,301-5 Hgr. RC-1-146-001-C815 054202 Same as '6). .

(8) 11,338 Hgr. RC-1-163-009-C215 D27580 RIR 18530 i Material not certified to any Code Class C Of C does 4 not list type & grade Of material. 5 1 (9) 11,295-5 Hgr. SI-1-090-08-C41K 201705170 Same as (4,. I (10) 11,343 Hgr. RE-1-001-010-C41K 66190 RIR 17036 Class {v 2 with CMTR. i (11) 11,344 Hgr. RC 1-161-005-C21K 66190 Same as :10). 5 (12) 11,345 Hgr. S 182-007-C41R 69I706 17036 Same as (10). h n

         *G   O.
  • Nm , ,


         ~'                                                 . .e s. - p                                             et         9                        a. =t             c
                                             .: . : . .:. w w..:

a y. yo y p to ;* . am .= .= e a w .a e14 w .e a a .a ss a l., se.a .. 9.,g / y.(... PI'. 0 63 ri,A. a e l a.

                      .e -

44 ,


V t.1:

  • 1 .*tD .iTE.ut Bull **H INSI'tiCTION sa:s INST RANCE CC.%tPANY
                                              +        * . n::    4. .v.rt ; u:t. r m.m::

i s*c-

      .1 6                           ....-                                                                                                                                     .wt                                                                     .nl        ,a
      %l                                                *
                                                                               .; ; d . . Site C.                    A.   ' *. ?. 3      -? --                                        ?-t--m-                     :     '
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               ?-                .

3 p- . .v  %= .;. u. . . t .:. .. .a r 44e. .4 x, 1 t - 4.ic.. n

       .,          .:                                  '- r I:                  , : .c.                                                  M c ': s t r -                                 :-              e---                    -i r :. e - 0**':

1 - - ._ _ F.eie - ::4.e - I4 * * - "  ! 33iOf '1 Asse"they A.teration l'Iserwte


__ . . . "D. a. e s. . '.'" a. r. g e 9

                                                       . r e:. *a.e m:nstored ycur QA,'QO manual On: 10 '25 /c 3                                                                                            ane r;nd the fcilewmg sects.:r s:

y)a .. C' e{ 4.

  • a rs ea. f .e.#

6 1 t*****

   *4 .


   ,y                                *                       -
                                                              .,-....: . ... m ,.s.              .,,.. .,. r. jom   .a .r ... . ,                a. - -- . .. ..e                                   . . .
   'l                                              .                                         .            .
   ;                                                                             :,d:tlen ,/           .            Corrective a.ctlen w

4.). k: . 1- t. See At: ached: ilr e E = F*.= SCOecule:. monthly mCn:.tcring g* . t' e Q f -

   !                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               '.J C \. u. .

4< - C:.:5 0,74Et 8. esse :es: :ce : ie resolution of these items in the " CUSTOMER'S RESOLUTICN" socien beiow. and give

 .ke            -
4 - :: :re ~ a- - r ecive ac: son, so that items may be remonitored by: 11/883 o a....

i  : es e .e== .e Or t a. Of :nis fcrm for your records and return a cooy to inscector named below. f  : ; - . 4. ...; t;&lt a. Lits j ;4158 iM3 .a

                             .,, .i eg M gf.         t !! efitJu..              F          10/25/o3                                 (h A p. 41 8*-

a 4 ' .:e .* '- :*: ;w; ;4*J C 4.; ku; unLA:.:la '77 (Caaseaw. en me esse s.e.. e See a:: ached Di i 26,407. g l l 9 acl = 7=  !

                 -5*b                                                                                                                       .

W w' ** : . Jt U s' . k g 1 b ' AVU l M i X gart .;aa;; w e ;;.v.t*gt.

                                                          . . s t                       .osit 3r.hi:                                 l si;J.t; . c              , s A..e.s.susC
                         '                  /.ll !0, h f                                h       ll /Y           u5
                                                                                                                #                    Ih                          f I   %-

3 1. the uncer:..cned. .aye remonitored the acove unsatisf actory conditions on: ' 4 , t . - - ,:... g arid 8oce **.em: Satisfactory  ! Unsatisfactory rEscreen ae.ows a , . M-a G :: l 5 t = 1 2 b. ,f 5- ' ' ' #1.1 _ insa. *

  • L N
  • 8"sa .mamia,.

i e .9 j tes u; .' 'ecresentatrie . File p - i t-.- ) g I .

                                                                                   - ' = - --                      -e-                . . .             . . . -                     .

j l . . 6 1


                                                                                                      .., :. .~.. : ; ~ .* ; i a. . _



8 294 . ;f 2 41 -

                                        -.. v..____ n-,,

r .. C r. l i 5-:..: , S- :.. c-R. _, l; These CA.:.'s were net veiled in acccrds..:e with this Section cf the C. A. Manual. f2) Material Discrepancies (lr NCR Mll,294-S Class 2 bciting material insta' led on Class 1 hanger RC-1-075-054 C5'.P. t[}i (2) NCR M11,236-5 Same as abcVe CS-1-020-002-041S. Nw l2; SCF., Mil,227-5 Same as above RC-1 037-004 C31K. f'

     'A                                There have been several NCR's issued identifyine Class 2'                      ~

f t .i 3 material installed on a Class 1 item or s/ stem In thes'e

s.rts the material was issued from the warehcuse and a Level ::

m 4 :n- ec c: siened savin: the ccrrect material was issued frem the f

                                   '                              ~

5 ci eneuse t and insta1 led. To this date, no Corrective Acticn has

                       .    : : : .". t ak e n .



a (F) See:icn 17 states the AiI will receive copies of Ccrrective Acticn Recuests. This has net been ecmclied with. M h %F M-F f t.. N e E6 b d M

  &w g                                                                                                                 .


  .1 m

b W-a i H t S  %

                          .                            - ..           -      -.                    ...        ~.


i s

  • _....--g _p r.

c . . . . . -




t .n- , A!I: *: ember S.1923

                            ..           ::. C:s:s
                          .~ ..: :       *. T. Blix:

b y 57_ ::T: C75IS, 35-1195

      ,i                                 SIS Repor: #367.
     's a


respense to :he inspector's opinion thst "...:here is no obje:-ive
    ]h                    evi:en:s :hs: any correc:ive ac: ion has been :skan as pras: ibed in :his
    )                - 5,::icn (17.0) of the QA Manual". Brown & Roc: feels enat :his inspec:or

{t has not comprehended :he in:ent of :he firs: paragraph in See:Lon 17.2. T.w 2rown & Root Si:e QA Manager, has documented his " review of identified . { nen:onforming condi: ions" in the Quarterly Repor: "to deter =ine if significant condi:1ons adverse to quality" exist. Further, as s:a:ed in S.;:ien 17.1 Scoce: "This see: ion estsblishes the me:heds(plural) for sneuring tha: conditions adverse to quali:y are promptly evaluated and repor:ed". Only those "significan:1y" adverse condi: ions which are iden:ified as such by the Site QA Manager's reviews will have a CAR orepared. All c:hers are repor:ed to the appropriate levels of =snaEe=en:

                         "via IR's, NCR's,' CMC's, DCA's and the causes of the conditions are cor:ec:ed".
en A These fiFures are correctly copied off of the las: Brown & Roo: QA Quarterly
   ,                     Repor: furnished to you as information only and since the inspector has i                     nc: identified a specific unsatisfac:ory ite=, B&R must assume that no
ss7onse is required. ,
re B Inspec: ion Reports QAM See:1on 17.2 - A documented review of Identified nonconforming condi: ions (i.e. , IR's, NCR's, CMC's, DCA's as delineated in Section 16.0) shall be ac:c=plished by the Site QAM at leas quarterly to de:er=ine if significan:

condi: ions adverse to quali:y are developing and to further assess the adequacy of the QA Program. - 16.3.2...."These deficiences are identified and decunented by the QC Group en an Inspec: ion Repor: (IR: Ey. 16.2). These Inspectica Reports are legged, issued to applicable construction discipline, and tracked by the QC depar:- l ent. At the end of each quar:er, the QC depar:nent will forward a copy

                         =of the IR log to the OE Groue for Trend Analysis". If the inspector had inf:rned the QE Croup that he required the trending results, the trended
                           .y      of the IR los vould have been cade available for his review. I: is 2 fore requested that as a courtesy, ISR QA/QC be offered the oppor:ani:y
           .             :: a: less: p;cduce the back up material being monitored prior to receiving I.:ths an *lnss: SIS 939.
1. Auniliary Building Task Force shows no trending to determine :he cause of discrepancies. Examples:

g  :) SW-3-173-702-A33R Uns:: IR #1C 1 - C-15 h) CC-1-EC-007-Cll-3 Unsa: IR i 5'd - C-;i

) CS-2-038-CU7 ,133R Unsat IR F:1 - C-li ; C-12 Ie d) CH AB-024-005-3 Unsa: IR #007c - (:his quarter) t
  • e ww

t * * ..  :: "

1. * *
. .. u.rd Task For:e
                                         -r     CC4-002-5::R    U:s:: !? ! 012 - C-16
                                          ; . -0; -019- 5 ~ R   In.e s: IR 4 ':~2 - C-16 e                                   j    03-1-i:-0 2-CCI-2       Unsc: !R -1"16 - C-15 j

r i  :. A7-1-102-Gil-5332 Unsa: IR 81260 - C-5 !i. 1 3 I<

, a) MS-1-150-Oa9-C!2K Unss
IR 0 19 - C-11

..  :) CS-1-R3-006-003-2 Unss: IR # ". C-16

                                   ; RC-1-0?!-053-C51R "as:: IR i 14 79 - C-16 h*                                       RC-1-C75-053-CtlR Unss: IR ! 104 - C-16 l'       SI-1-CS?-009-Cals Unsat !R d 2195 - C-16, C-11. C-20 6

9 . Al'. ef : e enseples above were :: ended (as shewn) in the Qus::erly Transa_

          ,               IR ~_e; =aintained by the QE Group, encep for #3076 which was ini:ia:ed i{                         during the present quar:er.

Tha inspe::or's statement tha: "the unsa:isfactory inspac:1on reports are ne: :: ended to de:er=ine whether originsi faul:y inspec:icn or a design

                   .      :n.tngs triggered the follow-up unsa:isfsetory IR", is not ::::11y cor:e::

sinca 219 IR's were logged against category C-5; that is " Dug / CMC (ince:ple:e' in::::ee:)". The inspec:or is partly correct, in tha: some of these "unsa:' g IR's were wri::en af:e the 1:e=s had been acceptably signed off by :he Ll A::~'s and as such should have been trended as C-28, that is "Inspec:ioc/ j Su rvuillance". The inspectors opinion that "There is no objective

!                         evidance that QC inspec: ors are =enitored to assure adequate inspections

{ are being perfor=ed to reduce the nusber of NCR's generated for welding di.4crepancies", is vi hout = erit. }3 .


1 Contrary to the inspector's =isconcep:1on, the perfor=ance of QC inspec: ion y personnel is evaluated se=1-annually by :he Si:e Level III's. Fur:her, o g the Si:e Level III's have the authori:y and responsibility to revoke or y suspend' certifications when sufficien: reason enis: ce question the 7' individual's perfor=ance or capabili:y. To date the AN!'s have not 3 iden:ified specific persennel who they feel are increasing "the nu=ber of f NCR's generated for velding discrepancies", and since per QAM See: ion 20.4 5 "The ANI shall be given the opper: uni:y to reinspect and verify satisf ae:ory

$                         c:=pletion of the dispesition prior to closure on :he Nonconfor=ance

( Repert", it would be assumed that "the ANI's dated signature on the NCR" E veuld subs:antiste this. The Level III's validate NCR's initia:ed by a

$                         Level II after another Level II had previously accepted the ite=.
$                         NOTI: There is not nor has there ever been a require =en: in :he QAM y                                     Section 16 or 17 requiring "=enitoring" QCI's to assure adequate l(i inspe:tions are being perfor=ed.
e- C w 1. tis is a ccrrect stata=ent and is closed based on ANI re=enitoring.
2. FTRY Log is not showing any CAR's af:e: 540. S-43 thru S-36 are

[ ';1ed in the book". QAM Section 17.0 does ne: address F?RV and would 12 ou: side the scope cf this sec: ion of the CAM. A: presen: 50R has

 .                             nr raquir2nen:s          for sonitarin; a PFR" Leg f:: infor==:ica : anv c:her t                                r e t.s en .

D a

 .P o

e' e.. D


n. -
  .,                      2.    *x is a :::s s:s:e=en: : a: "There is no "CR Ces:dina::: :: =ain::in ie                              he ; .. L:;, is c==:e:: he: si=ce JAM See:1:n.17.2 (10,*1;i33) s:::es
.I .~: u:*.i:7 Ingines :.=g ( .I) C: cup chall :s :::in a ..R.L:g (7.;;hih::

j[ .~.~)..." E::vn & R o: is sg:in unsble :o identif,' a spe:_ft: uns:: :e=

   ;,                                    age a response to.

b o,

e 3 (I *
                                .cided CAR's S-55 & 5-56 R.1
l}" 3 own & Root disagrees vi:h :he inspec:::s o: inion ths: ' CAR's acre not voided in :::::dence vi:h this sec:i: cf - -

As previously s:s:ed in respcese :o Mr. 7.2. Ti'_l:en's le: er :a:ed 4[ Augus: 3,1933, " CAR S-56 K.1 was never issued as the 12 4 :f :he [1 . I':AZ's signs:ure would indi:ste", and CAR S-55 was c:::c Ilr veidad per b :he requirt=en:s of the retision in effect 2: the ti=t. 1

  $                       ::ee I                                                                                 .


  • g The opening s:ata=ent is :he only part of the AMI's pers==&L assu=;: ion jy .
h : is true. It would appear that he has not researched.c::: esended
he NCR's (even though he signed : hem), because these NC1's ide::ify "ecler c: fed" ca:erials incorre::ly applied, not incorrectly issued =sterial.


 ,                        The criginal nuts were corree:ly issued on MR's No. 2020!;. E; 05 a=d

{ 003:93 f ar ins:sila: ion on : heir respec:ive hangers and vare re:isced by

he ::af: vich the incorrec: color coded ones. The inspe----- ~ s i= g s:s:4sent that, ".. .no corrective ac:icn has been taken"; is very =1sleading since NCR's have been v icten in each case. But if the 1:ste: :: is re-
  }              -

questing a CAR rather :han just corree:1ve action, 3&R feels -'-- -his is

2 "significantly adverse cendi: ion".

I:em y This inspe:: ion s: ate =en: that "Sectica 17 states the AN vill .e:eive :: pies y

  +                       of CAR's" is corre::. Bu: the state =ent that this has not be -                - *ded g                        vi:h is incorrect. B&R has and vill c:ncinue to distribute c:-Les -f j                        CAR'.s as required by Section 17.2. Further, since no proble= ef this j                        na.ure was identified by Hartf ord C?SES Audit of July 13, & 14, l?!~ ,

g E5A must assu=e that again only this inspector " feels" chis is ::: being k ec= plied vich. In closing, B&R cust re-iterate that as de= ens::ated in the above res:enses, {* g if the inspec:or had, as a cour:esy (if nothing else), offered B&R OA/Q" I I i :he oppor: uni:y to at least produce :he docu=entation being scu :::si, l

 !                        ;;ier to being " blind-sided" by and "Unsat" SIS 939, alot of :i=e and expense                             l Je                        c uld be saved.                                                                                            I he                                                                                                                                  l
  • Sheuld you have any question or if we can be of further assistance, please I ds ::t hesi: ate to call G.L. Morris, Jr. at ex:ension 743. l j

9 J.T. Slix: 1

                          !!; *:=                                                  QE Croup Superviso                                j P                       ..      **. 3. Til*. nsn                                                                                   1 0.R. Purdy 2     Siever G.L. Morris, Jr.

i W ,

mNT. SIS RECORD FOR MONITORING Q,Ae/Qece PROGRAMS - CASE EXHIBIT NO, 1,053 m@e THE HARTFORD STE.ut HOII.ER INSPECTION cnd INST *RANCE COMPANY H ARD ORD. (:ONN E.Crt( 1.T 0610.8 367-B ro , e.e e e r.,,,, 5,tn as fp e Gordon Purdy, Site O. A. Manacer l l c;.s: cutes can. l Nove:rter art 18, 1983 1 l 3-ie snuo .=s, asca en scato ca rn g nasjeaouse,c,atri ggi Brown & Root, Inc. Houston Houston - t eevired a. iClos'd u . , estwo 6co:" Field Repair / - l CPSES Glen Rose, Texas 76043 Shoo 3 Assem wy CAlteration L ' inservice 1 the undersigned have monitored your QA/QC manual on: 11/18/83 and find the following sections: roere, _ to..e n.,mm one reuo _' Satistactory: steenuary casoc mena ensee (no. ene roue} om soonrary one eena,e noneenroonence a meno.eemos

  • Section 17 Corrective Action See Attached E_

SE - s:

  • E" L.joVER f - CUSTOMER: Please desenbe the resolution of these items in the " CUSTOMER'S RESOLUTION" section below, and give date for completion of corrective action, so that items may be remonitored by: De c'embe *- 7. 1093 .

aceren Please keep the O'riginal of this form for your records and return a copy to inspeytor named belou. o:s:n e t,c= cart som 3 Reg. Wgtheores[n'tative ' "' ' sou rasa i


FI 11/18/83 ) atscwro or recst .:tus cts:niato asevt as i.nsar;sreen reear e ea an.,n s,ee ,annurr/ ~ mG s t w.. OE EE See at: ached IM026,589 25 E u= n cart constetxt cion wu at comamta m t 0VER sot me , a< -o 1/15/84 n. sattsoo/2G[83 f (/tc.,eMe Y m

                                                                                                                                     & _v g
1. the undersigned, have remonitored the above unsatisfactory conditions on: ,/c g y-and found them:


                                                                                                                                                   /     /    sos,,,
                                                                                       .._ Unsatisfactory (Esclain cetow)
      ,f     _

CMr.,p Jh&R' / /04' S,fdr ! u.. i.,) s'7WCt A . \ 'a 5 O sis, wie gis r ,,,g, _ nei. utr/storeseniativeFat

                                                          ,.p,,                                           soto ,, sween,e, cart/sota/w/m                    D ff;                      ,
   ,;, et, , ,, ,a ,.                                                           ,  ,

1 l__ _ _ - - - _ _ _ - - --

SIS Roport 367-B Page 2 of 5

  ,e Brown & Root's resconse to 939 nos. 367 & 367A is not acceptable. It should' ce understood that the Authorized                )

Nuclear Inspector has a statutory duty to monitor the Certi-ficate Holder's program for ccmpliance. The above reports were initiated by virtue of the Inspector complying with i this mandate. I cannot comprehend the animosity and face-tious of a response that makes reference to the Inspector's

                                    " personal assumptions", " misconceptions" and " blind-siding".

It should be " understood that a 939 monitoring report is not an " indictment" of Brown & Root's program but is a re-quired nachanism for the ANI to assure full compliance with-ASME quality requirements. While the above reports were not written in the context of " findings" of noncompliance, when one examines the impact ' of the items identified on Brown & Root's programmatic com-pliance with A$hE Section III, there is cause for Inspector concern in the area of corrective action. In the future Authorized Nuclear Inspectors will initiate monitoring reports in a format of " Findings" and " Areas of Concern". This should provide clarity for necessary responses.

,..     '                                  The above reports contained both areas of concern and findings. These are reiterated as follows:  _

FINDING: ASME III NA-4800 requires that " conditions adverse to quality be promptly identified and reported". Additionally " measures shall assure that the cause of the conditions adverse to quality be determined and corrected to preclude repetition". The identi-fication, cause, and corrective action shall be j documented". In Brown & Root's response to 939 # 1 367, it is stated that "The Inspector has not com-prehended the intent of the first paragraph in Sectien 17.2". It must be noted that the use of the term "significant" is Brown & Root's own. The I above Code paragraph makes no mention of this term. An identified condition that renders hardware or supporting documentation unacceptable for ASME certification is in every case significant. The aforementioned response also states that "All others (conditions adverse to quality) are reported to the l appropriate levels of management via IR's, NCR's, l CMC's, DCA's and the causes of the conditions are l corrected". This is erroneous in that the noncon-formance is corrected by the above documents but l the cause is not addressed.


SIS Report #367-5 Page 3 of 5 FINDING: In items A & B of 939 #367-B the Inspector noted the volume of NCRs by condition as listed in Brown and Root's Quarterly Report. Additionally, he listed examples of IR's that, in the manner trended, did not identify the cause of the adverse condition. Virtually all the NCR's and IR's were initiated on reverification inspections. The cause can logically be attributed to one of three (3) circumstances. (a) Inadequate design drawing and/or interim design change (CMC). (b) Inadequate inspections on initial process packages. (c) Further work or damage incurred between initial and reverification inspections. It is difficult to understand how 1727 identified

                  - welding discrepancies are not deemed significant enough to warrant corrective action to preclude repetition.

. e5

SIS Report # 367-B Page 4 of 5 t b FINDING: The Inspector identified three Class 1 supports that were installed with some items not accept-able for Class 1 installation. He subsequently identified twelve additional supports with like nonconformances. In addition to the NCRs identi-fled, the Site ANI's have repeatedly identified nonconformaring Class 1 piping attachment material installed in ene field. In addition to the above, it has been necessary for Engineering to reconcile Class 2 pressure retaining material in accordance with NB-3673 after installation in Class 1 fabri-cation. In addition to the above, the Inspector


i who initiated 939 #367- has previously identified non conforming Orifice Flange Plugs installed in the field via a previously issued 939. To date, there has been no documented determination of cause nor corrective action to address issuance of nonconformaningmaterial to the field for in-stallation. . hARIAOFCONCERN: r~

 \-                                                               The Inspector stated that "No objective evidence exists that Quality control Inspectors are moni-tored to assure adequate inspections are being
                           '                                      performed to reduce the number of NCRs generated for welding discrepancies". This statement was keyed by the fact that hundreds of welds previously accepted have been rejected by NCRs and irs and subsequently trended in category C-16.- Brown and Root's response states " Contrary to the Inspector's misconception, the performance of QC inspection personnel is evaluated semi-annually byiSite Level III's". There is no misconception on the part of the Inspector. The Site ANIS have no knowledge of documented evaluation of MIFI/VT certified QCI's.


  • Brown and Root's response that " ANIS have not iden-tified specific personnel...... Note: There is not nor has there ever been a requirement in the QA Manual requiring monitoring QCIs to assure adequate inspections are being preformed". The Inspector felt that considering the documented rejection of hundreds of previously accepted welds, Brown and  ;

i Root QA would be sufficiently concerned to evaluate

                                                               .those previous inspections.


 %d l


        '  '   ' I   -

SIS Rcport #367-B Page 5 of 5 h AREA OF CONCE".W: i Brown and Root has chosen to utilize a program . of Trend Analysis to implement the requirements of ASME Section III, paragraph NA-4800. A review of all CARS initiated this calendar year (S-53, S-54, S-55, S-57) reveals that S-54 was initiated by an ANI monitoring report, S-55 by a TUGCO audit finding, S-57 by ANI monitoring report /932 SIS Re-ports. It is not considered by this Inspector that the only mechanism available to comply with NA-4800 is a-Corrective Action Request. However, Ithe can find no viable alternative in Secti'on 17 of QA Manual. It is also recognized that at times Brown and Root Q.A. has utilized Procedural revi-sion to effect Corrective Action. Again however, full' compliance with NA-4800 is not evident in that cause and resultant corrective action is not docu-mented.


1 6, m O 6

           ' BrtllM41CrRoot.lric.

INTEROFFIC.. .EMO IM# 26,589 i TO: M. Coats December 27, 1983 FROM: G.R. Purdy.


CPSES, 35-1195 Response To SIS Reports 367 And 367-B. I Although the subject reports specifically identify three(3) findings and two(2) concerns, I interprete all items to be generically addressing the philosophy and implementstion of the B&R Corrective Action Program. After reviewing the data collected to substantiate the findings and concerns I can understand the resulting conclusions. To establish a permanent record for ANI-ASMI reference, the following is submitted for your review and acceptance: ,

1. Implementation of an effective " Corrective Action Program" in accordance with NA-4800 requires the effective i=plementation of an acceptable " Examination, Tests, and Inspection Program" t

in accordance with NA-4500.

2. Due to problems encountered by S&R QA, the NRC and the ANIA,

the " Examination, Tests and Inspection Program" began an ( , evolution of upgrading in early 1982, to establish conformance with " todays" environment and criteria; the current procedures are the result of approx 1=ately 15 months of evolution. 1

3. The large number of NCR's and/or Unsat IR's is the direct result -

of the corrective action taken to upgrade the " Examination.. Tests, and Inspection Program": a.) The cause of nonconformances is indicated by' the nu=eric designator in the trend code, as defined on Attachment 4 to CP-QAP-16.1. Should further investigation of an apparent trend warrant additional action by QE/ Management, the " root" cause and corrective action are documented in accordance with Section 17 of the QA Manual; b.) The QE organization determined during Trend Analysis that the cause of the nonconforming conditions were the same causes which precipitated the program upgrading thereby not warranting additional corrective action; c.) The items rejected during final acceptance inspection were predominantely pre-1982 fabrication and installation activities, and not subjected to the current acceptance criteria; and d.) The greater that 50% QC rejection rate for pre-1982 verk as compared to less that 10% rejection for post-1982 work indicates that not only is inspection being properly (' < conducted but that the action taken to upgrade the program has 6recluded recurrence. l (

                   -----g              - - , - - * . - - - . - - - - , - - , - - , , . .          - , - - , . , . - - - - - - , , - - , . - , - . +. . .   .   ---
               ..            Pago 2' of 2 IM#26,589

4 Following t=ple=entation of the "UnSat IR" program, the trend analysis for these documents was inadvertently omitted from the following Quarterly Report, although the evaluation had been conducted by QE, and had to be issued as a supplement. 5.. A proposed revision to the B&R QA Manual will be submitted to the ANIS for review by 1/15/84, which will identify alternative methods for documenting corrective action. Should you have any further questions, or if I may be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me. T;Y. Purdy U Site QA Manager GRP/bm ec: W.D. Tillman J.T. Blixt R. Siever G.L. Morris, Jr. ( SQAM File . 9 G

c., j ' I. . M\-G D f0lA-85-59 ST s .o 300T, ";;.

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THE HARTFORD STEAM BOILER INSPECTION sr.d . tJRANCE COMPANY ( CASE EXHIBIT ll0.1,054 n4us smo.cossura n:t; .so:. . 10-030 TO:

      "                                                                                                                    lDATE                          SH EET Gordon Purdy, Site O.                             A. Manager                                            IJan.        5, 1981 1 M:

lOF1 H.O./ BRANCH OFFICE Marvin Coats, Lead ANI Houston CRGANIZATION Brown & Root, Inc. LOCATION STREET CITY COUNTY STATE ZIP CCOE CPSES Box 1001 Clen Rose Somervell Texas 76343  : PERSON CONTACTED (GIVE NAME AND OFFICIAL TITLE) CONTRACT /P.O. NO. ) 35-1195-0561  ; GEASON FOR VISIT Full time contract COP 1ES SENT TO: OH.C.EngCoim. SIS O Chiel In so.cier OR.,; nel Maneg.r. 515 C O th., (59.cify): ANI file Subject Use of Applied Force During Fabrication of Component Supports Re; NCR M 11,809 (Support No. CC-1-048-001-A33R) 9 This report is written in response to Brown & Root's recuest that I accept the disposition of the referenced NCR. _. I had reeuested that the disposition address Corrective Action to preclude repetition of the unauthorized use of a corta-cover to soread the horizontal members of a box s u p o c- r t in order ~to achieve recuired clearance. I have been informed that Pipe Support Eng!.neering takes exception to any corrective aetion. Aeoarentiv. Engineering claims" to " Factor" in stresses imposed on - veldments and nine suonort members bv forcibly " Springing" those members. This rationale is not aceeotable to the ANIA. It is our opinion

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that use of cover eautement.. wedges, etc. to correelruisfabrication la

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a construction orocess as defined in Section 10 of Brodi.4 Root's Q.A.M.

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Failure to address this problem vill result in perpetu'ation of. e*n8e i-no-ennn.1 nein, a n n 1 4 . r8 a n,e. .nr a deeuaner nf No c e a ? c r -. , n c e .

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e y ,, BrOwri& Root.!ric. ' IN~EROFFICE MEMO { IMd 27,150 May '8, 1984 TO: M. Coats l 1 FROM: J.T. Blixt i


CPSES, 35-1195 SIS #10-030. ' In regards to the inspector's concern expressed in this SIS Report, please find attached the response from Construction and Engineering. If you have any questions regarding this, please contact me at extension 459.


M Blixt QE Group Supervisor JTB/bm cc: G.R. Purdy R. Siever G.L. Morris, Jr. QA File fN!d L UJO fAlddb OtJ ffd I/A faiacot-  % 12>w Au~n.a % xis,e,n. [ '///

            * "                                   UNITED STATES NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION
         *\       /                                  RE210N IV 611 RYAN PLAZA DRIVE. SUITE 1000
 .]   f,     g.

ARLINGTON. TEXAS 76011 4,, ,

   .'                                                    June 21, 1984 In Reply Refer to-
   /           Docket: 50-445 4-10 C..SGL_

Texas Utilities Electric Company W (by Attn: M. D. Spence, President, TUGC0 pq g33 ' Skyway Tower D% 400 North Olive Street _ Lock Box 81 Dallas, Texas 75201 h T b -*- Gentlemen: This refers to the special inspection __of the Cable Spread Room during the period of March 13,1984. through Aaril 11, 1984, of activities authorized by NRC Construction Permit C'PR-126 for the Comanche Peak Facility, Unit 1, and to the discussion of our findings'with you and other members of your staff at the conclusion of the inspection. This inspection is the second in a series of planned construction completion room / area inspections. The primary purpose of this inspection was to evaluate actual as-built status of the Cable Spread Room as compared _to the design and

     + inspection documentation. This inspection covered some construction character-istics, such as cable separation, workmanship, supports, etc. , which have been the subject of allegations to the NRC, but the inspection was not intended to achieve resolution of specific allegations except for the specific concern noted in the report regarding cable tray side rails. Resolution of specific allegations may involve additional inspection in these areas, and may result in additional corrective actions.

Areas examined during the inspection included Electrical Raceway and Raceway Supports, Electrical Cable Routing and Terminations, Electrical Separation, HVAC, Fire Protection / Detection, and followup on unresolved items from the special inspection of the Fuel Building. Within these areas, the _ inspection consisted of selective examination of procedures and repre-sentative records , interviews 3gid d_iscussions with craft and OC personnel,

                ,a_nd observations by the inspectors.        The findings are documented in the ~

enclosed inspection report. Within the scope of the inspection, no violations or deviations were 1 identified. The scope and results of this inspection indicate that the utilization of Building Manager concept is providing appropriate controls for the tracking and satisfactory completion of the Unit 1 Cable Spread Room. y,w<r&' /

Texas Utilities Electric 2 June 21, 1984 Canpany One new unresolved item pertaining to Fire Protection is identified in Paragraph 7(8410-01). In accordance with 10 CFR 2.790(a), a copy of this letter and the enclosure will be placed in the NRC Public Document Room unless you notify this office by telephone, within 10 days of the date of this letter, and submit written application to withhold information contained therein within 30 days of the date of this letter. Such application must be consistent with the requirements of 2.790(b)(1). Should you have any questions concerning this inspection, we will be pleased to discuss them with you. Sincerely,

                                                   $   }

b Richard L. Bangart, Director .

                                            )4 Region IV Task Force


NRC Inspection Report 50-445/84-10 cc w/ enc 1: Texas Utilities Electric Company ATTN: H. C. Schmidt, Manager Nuclear Services Skyway Tower 400 North Olive Street ' Lock Box 81 ) Dallas, Texas 75201 Texas Utilities Electric Company ATTN: B. R. Clements, Vice President, Nuclear Skyway Tower . 400 North Olive Street Lock Box 81 Dallas, Texas 75201 l 1

U. S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION REGION IV NRC Inspection Report: 50-445/84-10 Docket: 50-445 License Permit: CPPR-126 Licensee: Texas Utilities Generating Company (TUGCO) Skyway Tower 400 North Olive Street Lock Box 81 Dallas, Texas 75201 Facility Name: Comanche Peak, Unit 1 Inspection At: Comanche Peak, Unit 1. Glen Rose, Texas Inspection Conducted:

  • March 13 - April 11,1984 Inspectors: h # 5/3/0(te89 L. E.11artin, Reactor Inspector, RIV Task Force /

(paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11) b b h Ya 8/3//8'l C. R. Oberg, Reactor Inspector, RIV Task Force ' D6te (paragraphs 5 and 8) O' s. n s 5l%IfB4 C. E. ~ Johnson, ReaGor Inspector, RIV Task Force Date (paragraph 6) ft M. <E. W - 5 jffy Date Murphy), (paragraph 7 ,Reacttr Jffspector, RIV Task Force , Approved: k M= Eof 5/S//89 D6te D. M. Hunnicutt, Team Leader, RIV Task Force Q1//hM1 m n Nm'0-y4viiwv"

'- 2 Inspection Summary Inspection Conducted: March 13 - April 11,1984 (Report 50-445/84-10) Areas Inspected: Special inspection of construction completion of Electrical Raceway and Raceway Supports, Electrical Cable Routing and Tenninations, Electrical Separation, HVAC, Fire Protec. tion / Detection in the Unit 1 Cable Spread Room, and followup on two unresolved items from the special inspection of the Fuel Building. The inspection involved 392 inspector-hours onsite by four NRC inspectors. Results: No violations or deviations were identified; one r.ew unresolved item was identified in the area of Fire Protection / Detection as discussed in paragraph 7 (8410-01). .


1. Persons Contacted Principal Licensee Contacts
                             *M. D. Spence, President, TUGC0
                             *B. R. Clements, Vice President, Nuclear Operations, TUGC0

. *L. F. Fikar, Exec. Vice President, Engineering

                             *J. B. George, Vice President, PGM CPSES
                             *J. T. Merritt, Site Project Manager
                             *A. Vega, Site QA Supervisor

, *M. McBay Engineering Manager, TUGC0

                              *F. L. Powers , Building Manager I. Voglesang, Proj8ct Electrical Engineer
                              *D. Snyder, Asst. Building Manager, UE&C B. C. Scott, QA Supervisor Other Contractor Contacts J. Fort, QC Inspector, B&R
                              *J. B. Leutwyler, QC Supervisor, B&R J. DeVitro, QC Inspector, UE D. Gray, QC Inspector, B&R J. Long , QC Inspector, B&R D. Holmgren, QC Irspector, B&R B. Bryson, Foreman, B&R

' B. Edwards, Project Manager, Bahnson D. O'Brien, Project Engineer, Bahnson G. Dickerson, Project QA Manager, Bahnson The NRC inspectors also contacted other plant personnel including members of the construction, technical, quality assurance, and administrative staffs.

  • Denotes those attending the exit interv'iew.

l 2. Inspection Objective and Scope The ob,iective of this inspection was to evaluate the construction l completion of the Unit 1 Cable Spread Roan (Room 133). This objective was accomplished through examination of selected samples of hardware, to insure that the hardware installation conforms with FSAR conmitments and approved design documents as detailed in the inspection packages.

  .                                                                                                                                      4 For each of the areas inspected, prepared inspection data sheets were                                                                                                                            i utilized to define the inspection attributes, acceptance criteria, and results. These inspection data sneets are included as an attachment to this report. Also included in the scope of this inspection were informal discussions with craft and QC personnel and subjective evaluations by the NRC inspectors of their job knowledge.

The areas selected for examination were:

                                                               . Electrical Raceway and Raceway Supports
                                                                . Cable Routing and Termination
                                                                . Electrical Separation
                                                                .HVAC Duct and Supports
                                                                . Fire Protection / Detection Also included in this inspection, but not par,t of the original sample plan was:
                                                                 . Followup on Unresolved Items from NRC Inspection Report 50-445/83-23 (Fuel Building)

This area is documented in paragraph 8 of this report. .

3. Status of Unit 1 Cable Spread Room The Unit 1 Cable Spread Room (Room 133) was essentially complete at the time of this inspection. The major ongoing activities in the Cable Spread Room were the installation of fire wrap materials and tray covers, termination cabinet modifications, and QC inspections associated with Inspected Item Removal Notices (IRNs), Design Change Authorizations (DCA),

and open Nonconformance Reports (NCR). The following is a summary of the open items by discipline froin Master Data Base (MDB) System (Punch list) for Room 133: Engineering 33 Paper Flow Group 63 Documentation 173 , QC 58 Craft 714 Start Up 62 Misc 11

  • 1,114 As from the above summary, the majority of the open items were in the Craf t area. Of the 714 craf t items 561 were related to electrical I


5 separation items that had been identified, documented, and technically resolved, but the resolutions had not been implemented. The reason for the lack of implementation was the licensee's decision not to install tray covers and fire wrap materials until after this inspection, in order to provide the NRC inspectors access to the cable raceways and supports. The installation of tray covers, fire wrap material, or other barriers will resolve the majority of these items.

4. Electrical Raceway and Raceway Supports The NRC inspector selected 80 sections of cable tray and 50 conduit runs for inspection. The specific raceway sections inspected are identified on the Raceway Inspection Data Sheets in Attachment 1 to this report.

The following attributes were utilized during this portion of the inspection: .

                                                   . Type and Size - This pertains to the type and size of conduit or cable tray including fittings, splices, pull boxes, covers, offsets, and fasteners.                                                  ,
                                                    . Tray covers - installed as required or identified as an open item.
                                                    . Grounding - installed as required on all raceways. This ground-ing is primarily for personnel protection.
                                                     . Craftsmanship - all fasteners properly installed, raceways free of sharp edges and burrs, galvinox protection, raceways free of damage, overall integrity of raceways, and proper bending of conduit.
                                                      . Identification - raceway identification and train or channel identification at each end and at the proper intervals in between, as specified in IEEE 384.                         %
                                                       . Supports - proper type and spacing of raceway supports, material size and dimensions, welding, structural attachments, raceway

' attachments, location, bolt size and spacing.

                                                         . Separation (physical / electrical) - proper separation from piping, ducting, etc., proper separation between voltage level, one foot /

three feet separation between redundant trains, or barriers, and separation from possible noise sources for Nuclear Instrumentation System (NIS) cables. l l

        ~..        ..
      .,                                                                                                  6
                                                         . Documentation - review of installation and inspection records to ensure that these records document the as installed raceway and supports and agree with the current approved design information.

The NRC inspectors physically walked down and inspected 50 conduit runs, approximately 400 conduit supports, totaling approximately 2500 linear feet of conduit. The inspectors utilized the current approved design 1 information and the latest QC inspection mport to determine the adequacy of installation and accuracy of documentation. The conduits inspected, including supports and fixtures, were properly installed and accurately 7 doceented with the exceptions of three inspection reports. The inspec-tion reports for conduit runs C14R11208, C13G14654, and C02011932 had errors where the QC inspector had transposed numbers. These errors did i not have technical significance however, the licensee had the total conduit runs re-inspected and new inspection reports prepared.

!                                       During this inspection the NRC inspector had informal discussions I                                      with craft, QC, engineering, and documentation personnel to determine job knowledge and overall familiarity with drawings, procedures and the day to day mechanics of their job. In every case the people were
;                                       knowledgeable and professional.                                                        -

The NRC inspectors physically walked down and inspected 80 cable tray sections,123 cable tray supports, totaling approximately 1000 feet of cable tray. All of the cable trays and supports inspected were properly i installed and the documentation was in order. 2 The discussions with QC personnel identified a concern of one of the QC inspectors. This individual was concerned about certain cable tray IP [ modifications where the siderails on the cable tray had been extended. The individual was primarily concerned with the engineering justifica-j tion for these modifications and whether the supports could handle the i additional loads. The NRC inspector made an adjustment in the sample pattern to include areas of the tray that had been modified to extend the siderails. 1 The NRC inspector identified six areas where the siderails on the cable tray had been extended. In every case the additions had been l appropriately documented on approved engineering drawings or design

change authorizations and had appropriate design review and document-ation. The QC inspector will be advised on these inspection findings.

i I

Q 7 The NRC inspector visually inspected all Class IE cable trays that had been modified. All of the modifications in this area were accomplished by bolting a 6" piece of 16 gauge galvanized steel to the existing 4" sidera11. Therefore, the original strength and stiffness of the tray was maintained. The design change reviews for these modifications included both electrical and the structural supports. One of the requirements of G&H specification ES-19 and DCA 6,814 is that the static tray load does not exceed 35 pounds per square foot (PSF). The NRC inspector, after examining the cable tray modifications, selected a section of cable tray at points T13GCCM10 and T13GCCM11 at the intersection with T13GCCM97 to use as a prime example for cable tray fill. Point T13GCCM10 had 295 cables in it for a total static weight of 21.76 PSF. Point T13GCCM11 had 371 cables in it for a total static weight of 28.67 PSF. Point T13GCCM97 had 247 cables in it for a total static weight of 19.92 PSF. These static weights are within the design limit *of 35 PSF. This particular tray section is shown in the photographs on the following page. No violations or deviations were identified in this area of the - inspection. l l I i I

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5. Cable and Cable Separation
a. General This section of the report contains information regarding the inspection of cables and cable terminations in the Cable Spreading Room and the msults of that inspection. Detailed cable identification is contained in the data sheets of Attachment 1.

Eighty-six cables and 325 teminations were inspected. These cables either originated in or terminated in the Cable Spreading Room. The teminations were distributed among 26 cabinets and cable temination  ! racks. The cables selected were inspected for specific attributes (described below). Criteria for acceptance were contained in FSAR, Section 8.3, IEEE 348 IEEE 420, Electrical Erection Specification 2323-ES-100, Revision 2 (and changes thereto), electrical QC inspection procedures, and specified G&H drawings.

b. Results of Inspection No discrepancies were identified.during the inspection of the selected cables /calle teminations. When apparent problems ~

with acceptance criteria or attributes were identified, they were clarified through discussion with electrical QC inspectors and/or construction personnel. The resolution to an apparent problem was confimed by appropriate documentation such as Design Change Authorization (DCA). Electrical QC personnel questioned were knowledgeable in their areas. All documentation and records relevant to the cables selected were available through the record vault in a timely manner and were complete and identifiable to the cables, raceways and cabinets being inspected. Separation of mdundant electrical and instrumentation trains was found to meet the acceptance criteria contained in IEEE 384-1974(draft)and other governing specifications, procedures and drawings.

c. Attributes Predetemined attributes for inspection are identified on the Inspection Data Sheet. The following paragraphs give a detailed description of these attributes:
                             . Cable Type The type of cable used was confirmed by comparison of the cable to Cable Connection Sign-off Cards and Cable Pull Cards. The number of conductors and color of cables were specifically verified as part of the inspection.
       .       s S
   ..                                                           10
                 . Cable Routing Cable routing verification was limited to ascertaining that the cables entered the appropiate conduit from the termination cabinet / distribution panel and into the correct cable tray as indicated on the Cable Pull Card. Additional tracing through the cable trays was not done.
                 . Separation (Electrical)

Separation criteria for Class IE circuits for CPSES is contained in IEEE 384-1974(draft). Typical separation details for cables and raceways is contained in G&H drawing 2323-EI-1702-02. This drawing was based on the Electrical Erection Specification 2323-ES-100, Section 4.11 " Separation Criteria". Additional criteria for NIS separation is contained on G&H drawing 2323 EI-0602-03. The criteria contained in the above documents were used as basis for examining train separation. Cable termination racks and panels were also inspected for internal separation requirements.

                  .Craftmanship Specific note was made of correctness of craft functions such as appropriate and adequate use of cable ties, crimping of connections, correct and clear identification of the cables, bend radius of cables, surface condition of cable, etc.
                  . Color Coding Safety related trains are indicated by the color of the outer jacket of the cable as indicated below:
                             "A" train - orange - 9                                                             ,

Associated "A" train - orange with white stripes "B" train - green - G Associated "B" train - green with white stripes "C" train- Black - K - non-Q i Instrument Channel I Red R ! Instrument Channel II White W Instrument Channel III Blue B Instrument Channel IV Yellow Y l . Cable trays and conduits are marked with unique identification numbers which include a train, or color code, designation. The use of color code assisted in the determination of acceptable l I separation achievement. The cables were checked for consistent and correct color (train) designation.

 -         ___       _ _ _ _                _ . _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ ~ - - _ _ _ _ _ _ . - _ _ _ _ _ . -
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                                              . Terminations Inspection of cable teminations included these items to ensure that the cables were consistent with the installation record.

Specifically: i

                                                                . Cable numbering and marking at temination points.
                                                                .All cables teminated to cable terminal racks and distribution panels in accordance with applicable design drawings, Cable Termination Cards and Cable and Raceway Schedule Pull Cards.
                                                                .All teminations of conductors were made to correct ter-minal blocks; conductor color and markings were verified.
                             . Documentation Documentation of the cables was reviewed to determine if the QC inspection record was (a) clearly identified to the cable involved, (b) legible (c) corrected, when necessary, by the use of a single line drawn through incorrect entries, (d) completely filled out, dated and signed by authorized QC inspector.

Included in the inspection of related records were (a) Cable Connection Sign Off Cards for ori Megger and Continuity Cards and c) Cable (gin or Pulldestination Cards. The(b) Cable specific drawing of the interconnection diagram for the indi-vidual termination rack distribution panels was used to. check j actual cable tenninations. Changes to any. drawings (DCA's) affecting the selected cables were also examined. No violations or deviations were identified in this area.

6. Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditionino (HVAC)

The NRC inspectors inspected approximately one-third of the HVAC duct and supports. Twenty-four duct supports and approximately 120 feet of duct in the Unit 1 Cable Spread Room were inspected in detail using FSAR Section 9.4 and the approved design drawings to determine the as-built condition. Attachment I contains a detailed listing of supports and duct inspected. The following attributes were utilized during this portion of this inspection. Duct Supports Duct Segments 1

1. Location 1. Orientation l 2. Dimensional Requirements 2. Size
3. Member Size 3. General Configuration
4. Welding 4. Associated Hardware j 5. Location

~ 12 On six of the twenty-four duct supports the NRC inspectors identified dimensional discrepancies or incorrect member sizes. Similar problems had previously been identified in the CAT inspection report 50-445/83-18, l

and appropriate enforcement action was taken by Region IV. Corporate '

Consulting and Development company, Ltd (CCL) had performed an evaluation of the most highly stressed supports in the Safeguard, Auxiliary, and Control Buildings. The results of this evaluation, documented in CCL report A-579-83, concluded that the duct and supports meet the functional i design requirements. The NRC inspectors reviewed this evaluation to determine if the disempancies identified above and the. welding fell within the envelop of this evaluation. By observation the NRC inspectors were i confident that the identified discrepancies were within the scope of the CCL evaluation. As a backup, the NRC inspectors asked the licensee to submit ! the supports for evaluation by CCL. A CCL letter to Bahnson Service Company 4 (Bahnson) of March 26, 1984, documented the requested evaluation and clearly confirmed, to the NRC inspectors, that the duct supports were more than adequate as they were installed. The NRC inspectors also reviewed the Bahnson procedures pertaining to the fabrication, installation, and inspection of the seismic duct and hangers. i The CAT inspection report 50-445/83-18 had identified problems with the adequacy and detail of requirements of these procedures. As a res. ult of the CAT inspections these procedures were revised. ) The following is a list of the procedures reviewed: QCI-CPSES-012, Rev 3. " Surveillance & Inspection of Anchor Bolt Installation" QCI-CPSES-014. Rev.1, " Seismic Duct Support Installation Inspection" QCI-CPSES-009, Rev. 2, " Welder Qualification Inspection Procedure"

QCI-CPSES-Oll, Rev. 3. " Visual Inspection of Welds" I

These revised procedures are appropriate and contain sufficient detail l and acceptance criteria. No violations or deviations were identified in this area of the Cable

Spread Room inspection.
7. Fire Protection / Detection
The NRC inspector inspected essentially 100% of the Halon Fire i Suppression, the Dry Pipe Pre-action Manual Water Sprinkler Systems, and Fire Detection System and 50% of Penetration Fire Stops in the Unit 1 Cable Spread Room. See Attachment 1 for additional details.

i I l I

     -                                                             13 I

The NRC inspector used FSAR Section 9.5 and NRC Branch Technical Position 9.5.1, the Associated G&H Specifications, and the approved design drawings as the acceptance criteria. FSAR Figure 9.5-39 for Unit 1 Cable Spread Room was not consistent with FSAR Sections Item 10 and Item 22. Figure 9.5-39 incorrectly states that the primary fire suppression in the

!                              Cable Spread Room is an automatic water system and that there are 24 Fire Detectors in the room. Evidently the licensee failed to update the table when the other two sections of the FSAR were updated. Per the NRC letter of January 24, 1984, transmitting the Staff Supplemental Fire Protection Evaluation the staff recognized and approved the use of a Halon 1301 system as primary and a Dry Pipe Manual Water System as the Secondary Suppression System. The licensee is in the process of issuing a revision to the FSAR that will update table 9.5-39.

The NRC inspector found that the Halon and Water Sprinkler Systems and i the Fire Detection System were appropriately installed and meet the

requirements of the Branch Technical Position.

1 i During the inspection of Penetration Fire Stops and Fire Doors the NRC

!                              inspector identified two areas of concern. The first area concern's three wall penetrations that were not sealed. The NRC inspector inspected 378 wall penetrations and found six that had not been sealed. Three of i

these had been individually identified on Inspected Item Removal Notice

!                               (IRN's), however, the other three were not identified. Wall penetrations 1083,1084, 1085 were not properly sealed at the time of this inspection.

These particular penetrations had been utilized for temporary cables

and when the temporary cables were removed the penetrations were not

! sealed. The contractor for these seals, Bisco, has an open item, Final Inspection of All Seals in the Cable Spread Room. This inspection will be completed prior to the testing of the Halon system. The second concern pertains to a breach of the frame on Fire Door E-29. This door has a one inch conduit and a one-half inch instrument tubing i through the frame of the door. These two penetrations have not been ! sealed, but were scheduled to be sealed. The concern pertains to the adequacy of the seal to ensure that the three hour rating of this door is not jeopardized. Fire Door E-29 has been type tested and qualified by Southwest Research Institute and the penetration seals will need to be qualified or analyzed to ensure that the three hour i qualification is not nullified by the tubing or conduit.  : ! This is an unresolved item pending installation of the three wall l ' seals and the qualification / certification and installation of the { seals on door E-29 (8410-01). No violations or deviations were identified in this area of the inspection.

14 ,, o 3

8. Miscellaneous .

(Closed) Unresolved Item (8323-04) Conduit Raceway and Cable Tray Records CP-QP-15.2 "Startup/ Turnover QA Activities," (Rev 3,4/16/81) established the general methods for verification of records pertinent to safety-related structures , systems and components. CP-QP-18.2 " Implementation of the Pennanent Plant Records Management Systems" (Rev 2,10/29/82) described the organization and procedures relating to the implementation of records requirements. This procedure also described the Records Management Manual which was composed of a series of procedures covering topics such as organization, the ARMS (Automated Record Management System), the processing of ASME QA records,

'                 and the inclusion of permanent plant verification records in ARMS.

During the special inspection of the Fuel Building in May-June,1983, the adequacy of control of conduit raceway and cable tray records was l questioned. In November of 1983 a comprehensive records verification program was established to define and control installation and verifi-cation of QA records. This program included a method for identifying information documentation via an required conduit and

                   " Electrical Management System"  cable                    tray              (EMS).        All records are verified as complete by a verification group prior to transfer to the Permanent A Paper Flow Group (PFG) has been Plant Records Vault (PPRV).

established to resolve all document deficiencies. Based on the information contained in the above procedures and from discussion with personnel involved in the PPRV, this item is considered closed. (Closed) Unresolved Item 8323-05 Control of Construction Punchlist. The " Construction Punchlist" no longer exists at CPSES. All items are now input into the Master Data Base (MDB). The MDB is aThe historical MDB is an file that can output the total file or just open items. administrative tool utilized to monitor the status of ongoing activities. 1 The MDB does not replace or supersede Inspection Reports, NCRs, or IRNs. The controlling document for the MDB, prior to turnover is the

                     " Administrative Guidelines for the Building Management Organization."

These guidelines provide the controls for item input / removalProcedure through-i the MDB coordinator and the Paper Flow Group coordinator. CP-SAP-3 is the controlling document for MDB at the time of turnover. This item is considered closed. i i i l

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9. Unresolved Items Unresolved items are matters about which more information is required in order to ascertain whether the items are acceptable or not. There was one new unresolved item identified in paragraph 7 of this report.


10. Summary The Unit 1 Cable Spread Room inspection identified no violations or deviations. The one unresolved item concerning the Penetration Fire Stops will be followed up during a subsequent inspection. Based on 392 inspector-hours, and the sample size in each inspected area, j

and the results of the inspection, it is the concensus of the NRC inspectors on this team that the Building Manager concept has provided sufficient controls of craft, OC and documentation for the completion of the Unit 1 Cable Spread Room.

11. Exit Interview On April 11, 1984, Mr. J. T. Collins and other members of the RIy staff, including the Resident Inspectors met with fir. Spence, and members of his staff and others as denoted in paragraph 1 of this report. The i NRC inspectors discussed the findings of this report. The licensee acknowledged the unresolved item discussed above.

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SH l RI l RACEWAY INSPECTION DATA SHEET Onw E Spornn Emm (Pm )33) _ DATE: 4--it- 2 4 ROGM: RACEWAY NUMBER / TYPE (Tray, C:d.) TIS Cetm S cerrous at runn 1ij T14r.cDM Ser. runus 4D ru n 43 Ti%r,Crm S9ennu< We w=u 49

  • 7~1A s C.,rrW1 S re rina< & 9 ruou 13)-

T14r,d.BH f%c.ysans )4 we u 19 j ' T19d MG Str7eu s 23 rwon28>- 5 fo O ' TI46; PDM Sstnnos ni rgeg.]$ . Tlh0 MAG Rregonut 16 wen El / ) l ATTRIBUTES Type & Size Identification Documentation (Installation Fill Factor & Inspection) Tray Covers Connections Grounding Supports Craftsmanship , Separation (Physical / Electrical) ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA

  • FSAR Section 8.3 . R.G. 1.76 .

IEEE 384 Procedure _OT-op-t r. 3- 2v ar-ap-ff.3 . Specification ES-Ico; Es-19 Q.Z- GP-)),3-90,'G.1- QP-fl.3 . RESULTS: -Q u c c ru r_ n un>>t , eA v sri r>nas (RM,, Anveninsarrus _

                                                                                                               *r> 3 C    A tsne1A Tcn SUp m gy$

' lev :V3 LtuEAP 1;9 Cr o C e.n EJ F TEA y, AM n susrAt a s n w nempnnner ups rA $-910 (123suoswv_1s)115ces _non ru t :g>PPen>FD *D9*.nr. Al Tvv*> in1LAl R ; Aal29 hwil stfl.UTFh t l E'] ItsspFP rind PEDO 2TS. TMF R A17]PIRs *1~n 'E%F. 1DAPFf1Fh l'ou4 rug. RESOLUTION: kl/4 -


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RACEWAY INSPECTION DATA SHEET 4 -;)- R 4-ROOM: f Ant 7. SpermD Poem / Prn l33) DATE: RACEWAY NUMBER / TYPE (Tray, Gemiv4) T l'M,' OF M Ser r nnnis 34 ru e n 45s .52 t (A >* T14 <d e D.T f rernenis 3n. 35, 38, f 4 4 Tuon 'l9 . A t w sospersh 15 w runu nc uno stan 4 E Mws reAv, nur nun unr J L1t' > >>> v JL1 3Arr'1ps F S I E E_ ATTRIBUTES Type & Size Identification Documentation (Installation Tray Covers Fill Factor & Inspection) Grounding Supports Connections Craftsmanship Separation (Physical / Electrical) ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA R.G. 1, 7.5 FSAR Section 8.3 .


IEEE 384 Specification ES-JoO. Es-19 Procedure SEE Mur. s u r5_f unos_ nnrust m rn IUrismG A s Firs sics) op -rEn RESULTS: I H ts Anrus7mtk) r mg THAT HAn $1DR E k st- THDDr fstA TICA15. YMDD2 T]/2 F. T~n A n G l 1J F A fl O A) 1"A AT ABObE h/2PJA16 . Dr ser3.sSIDAls u91 T>J A $ 6 s n 1spFr* To R. . RESOLUTION: N,/4 l 84-1O PAGE NO: Ar71 -2. INSPECTOR: T b Arsif t INSP. RPT. HO: OSEMs i 1 1

58 3 INSPECTION DATA CONTINUATION SHEET INSPECTION ELEMENT: dese2 Speun Pe rr, / Em 132 L S wenu9F% Mnir'n. - (31 -0 D- 11, JD -1, hi- f3 D - 11. In -2, DI-OP-il.10-5 2, S t. M32P99117 1 %5tf f DS THf FN1 Ns'311}& ~))P AuM1M tD F 99_ U Trr1 A c o To ILispFM T*H F MAE) F TEA 9 AAlb A M 1RTFb Si1PP8 ETA I 2323-E1-6712-ol 232 %-s- 91L F A f r, As-P u,urs 2sz3- F~1-07/2-02 2%2%-B-917 237%- F 1 - e>7)? -D4 2323-5-921 2325- E1-c712- 11 2 32 %- A-922 2528- E 1 -ny/R- 13 2378 - E1 -17DI - Esps- E1 -8712-12 232 3- El-1702 2328- F 1 -6712 - 14 2=,2 3- F1-1702b1 2323- F4 -b7/2- 15 2sgs-E1- 17o2-o2 2523- Ei-6712-018 2.323-E 1- 17D3 2 A28- 71-6712-o25 2 323-E1- 1765 2.525-E1- 0715 2323- E L- 1413 2 A28- F 1 - 671S-01 23 23- El- 12N3 s tsu c <, 2328-S - 901 F5E - 19n 2R29 902 F5E- 19 I 2328- A - 90s F6 E-214 2323 915 F%E-IS9 sesoes INSP. RPT. NO: 8 9-10 PAGE: #rtl-5 INSPECTOR: /V)Apriu OssPG


                 $ANx SN1AD Am                                     DATE:      3-30-24 ROGM:                                 (Em133)                                       ___

RACEWAY NUMBER / TYPE (.Teay, Conduit) f/4B/1217, 214All21R, 0142/1202, C14 211209, e 142112O&, el AGo7tW9- 014731121f, 't*12,$ 15 455. /114,M2B 9R2, e12G /A 231y el3,d n s612. s 212 & DAP23 - M1AG DSL,14 - 0120315462s 6LM,&$JSfff, 0)SR 14 }}W e12M OL 4S 7.- elA G I4 797

                              -                          /

0/2,8)19D4%- /*/U,0 7CS2 . ATTRIBUTES Type & Size Identification Documentation (Installation 0 11 F::t:r & Inspection) T=3 C: :r: Supports Connections Grounding Craftsmanship Separation (Physical / Electrical) ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA FSAR Section 8.3 . R.G. /. 75 - IEEE 384 Procedure GI-op-//A ~23 _ QS-Q P-//. S Specification. ES-100 QZ-QP-//,/4-1 ' RESULTS: ALL hG TNA AMDW7 ht/SPff TfD (50 $ff]V . AJJD fa r A t m A 7/2) h 19AOP75 #fPA JNM P /D sf Mmmd nira S- 9/D onneswas, n/o mz ##AGOAFM/Z mrsisW DP M s#As #A/D PmP/s>H w2/s/ fat /MJ) #M /AP/s- 3:W J Pf)10P13 nJsrA WA ZX#DDat/ />f 2Ars MA/Dals.s degirss

          #87P4%f N/A RES0!.UTION:

PAGE NO: Arf .f- /. INSPECTOR: Sum INSP. RPT. NO: _ Bel-/D hleeJin

S42 g3 RACEWAY INSPECTION DATA SHEET ROOM: Anna SpesAD Pam (Em 153) DATE: 3 -3 n - 2 *l RACEWAY NUMBER / TYPE (Teer, Conduit) 212 $ 1R SMS e 130$ 14 % 7, d13$ 19JA9, flA&Jh92, d/2dOfoff i 219G2/239, P13GO4229, 213GO?AnR, 2/20f2/JZ3, A/Pd!ff/ff f /PG d2JJ92 An 'TA*//1/A, fOY$AL V44, dO28 D791.9, 8/9&/Y$$f A03GDEL7D, Rn3,M44K5,. A12& l52/9, 0/3G I$793, 813,df/6/2 ATTRIBUTES Type & Size Identification Documentation (Installation I n Cr;: . Ti" F=t:- & Inspection) Grounding Supports Connections Craftsmanship , Separation (Physical / Electrical) ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA FSAR Section 8.3 . R.G. 1 75 IEEE 384 Specification 6S-joO Procedure CI-op 1).3-23 OI op-jf,3 9 Q RESULTS: M M/&JJ2DE A /3GJY4S+f 'I-QP-// i / Ad2djs992 JO-L' A,6Ao wjmsArM>M J'Asm, 2tM/M F M AedrP r M # AA

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_AWD DMP/P2Y M MLK)fsh M A/h)JM kfxac/L WJx RESOLUTION: M/A _ INSP. RPT. NO: B21-10 PAGE NO: #/ff-f INSPECTOR: Omr,c h E71AJ

                                                                                                                    @ N#364

Smi RI RACEWAY INSPECTION DATA SHEET DATE: _3.3o-84 ROOM: 4El.E SPDran Emm [Rm 133)_ RACEWAY NUMBER / TYPE (Tray, Conduit) 0.12 6!f 0 79 7.5, C O2 B II 432, Cl8 Gl4 L 54, C l2 C IA O5fn, C l2 G 196,12, el2GO7907, el2G133RS 012 G 11442, 012 C D LA4 A, l'b2GD?9fo8 ATTRIBUTES Identification Documentation (Installation Type & Size & Inspection) Tray Covers Fill Factor Supports Connections Grounding Craftsmanship Separation (Physical / Electrical) ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA


R.G. 1. 7A FSAR Section 8.3 IEEE 384 Procedure 3-pa ar-no.1;,3.yg Specification Esfoo Q1-QP-il.lo- 1 RESULTS: _ RESOLUTION: M'/M


INSPECTOR: O ss ,A INSP. RPT. NO: R4-lO PAGE NO: 8/Yl-4 Jcwason marna

RI CABLES / CABLING INSPECTION DATA SHEET Room: Cabb 0:' A>_ R::=- Dhte: 31: 1 - ~;lIn ]I4 7y CABLE IDENTIFICATION: A M A, ./L c M o & 4 d h & M_ .s-aaa

  • A a ~4 A A
a. w
                                   ~. ,.cj ATTRIBUTES FS 4 At Cable Type Color Code (Train / Channel)(d,3,1,3)

Routing Terminations -- Separation (Physical / Electrical) Fil T. c 6-Craftsmanship Documentation (dr.:dilatj;n L Inspection) - ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA FSAR, Section 8 3 -R OJ-##-J ' 3 IEEE 384, .420, 40&- O r-C P -/'.'l -1 6 Specifications E f -/00 Procedures Dr.o r u .1-2 f RESULTS: P6 d W 3.~1d' h u % 0&A & fo ukd & ~M- - aYK . ho N es.t.r> n - s 's

                                                                  ' - ' z.L. s' h - A*/x'ef.

5 x=,-. A, L h a RESOLUTION: N. h. . INSP. RPT. NO: 50-WT/#/O ' PAGE NO: //7/9 INSPECTOR: dGC/d% V


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9 h, % w ue -*4


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INSPECTION ELEMENT: v bh ~ 01bb- WA ~ dP/ ecP erc os-EG 111247 /z E C- 1 OY S~ 3 2. 3 C ca./ds __, E G- / I 3 913 2. A fo mL_&~ E G//3426 9 E G I 2 4 33 Y J 2- (ei M M) Cahb. k Eni - CP/scPgic 07 E G /d7% 2 d 3 ~~ E6 //994k 9 Y r'=J/4 _ S e 10 3 4 00 5 Al && - E $I23fo/E Y da2A %.k 2~1. - CPI ECPETC 02 - E G O/5'9 ?? 5 _ E GJ216 2 I S /7 $ === K .- E G- / 23 t, a 7 J' E G- /3 9 5o8 )2 ( ~Pi N Gowsc7se. Gngs s) INSP. RPT. NO: 50-V4'.r/PV/O PAGE: #fff-49 INSPECTOR:

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a 1 INSPECTION DATA CONTINUATION SHEET A d E . d f-.- INSPECTION ELEMENT: [a2 d  ! E2F TAs-= A = e _, 0&~ l' P/ E C P RL LI/C _ l E d 13059C, Q 3 a44

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b r OP- II.3 - 2A @ .- I s' '/Ielt4 M 4J Q M Q T - Q P- II.3 - 2.9. I k o r 1-)lsl f y V Q M %VU Sgssz INSP. RPT. NO: 8/ /d PAGE: frff-4 INSPECTOR: .

R1 INSPECTION DATA CONTINt!ATION SHEET dFM =N[fd-u, & wo umWC__ f,_'A. 5NSPECTIONELEMENT: v I y &k ss ,w Lx b- A _- 0 I l INSP. RPT. NO: 50-W//9/a PAGE: //yff7 INSPECTOR: d M 8b'-\

        ,                                            HVAC INSPECTION DATA SHEET Room:        f'.ed A<, b j G ,ee. A                Rc.m                 DATE:     E - Z.6 - 8 A 7

AREA (s) EXAMINED: uvAt e , ,. ', . . re. , e ,

                                                                     .      s,        or M.      nnA M,,ek-
                  -r e. ne Ne u

ATTRIBUTES: Equipment (Ducts, Dampers, Supports) h:t n :r.t:tter *. Cc..;. 2 (Separation & Craftsmanship) Documentation (Installation & Inspection) ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA; - FSAR sce.u ,u 9.9 R.G. Spe'cifications d%- s,' Procedure - RESULTS:  %, GE c,

                                                       ,n         cler    en,ir,ss e A      one\ ob w/ar.e\
             -twedpf ece ehk do ck                         %s-so ec hs        amd      c we clob                 M e, rb mc.c.v
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      , ,                                                                  INSPECTION DATA CONTINUATION SHEET                                                                                   ,

INSPECTION ELEMENT:  % eC -\be m 1~,m! .

                                                                                                                                                       . C o,3,r-         ,m p c .,M s
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T). , \ ~ ,. , c . k C- o ec. .--<, ., a, tin fcc.L') s,,- ,eA o < , G e_ s t, Q s>b  % C.* mO% s C. & * & ** O f. F.

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                              .,,\h               -nc.c m . Cr<r..                                     e ,,$. \ , A                    LL.) A , ) o, + w &\<._

oA Rs ii

                                                                         ~ . 4-                   A-L ,          4, e4-:-                         J Jeion            o'
                                .-o c.,3,< '              M,Ncs                    '

s NA e ad ed. . The. su e.e e; no u_,dd s t oh =.o ri s ed b c. 4 f k\0L ms-:i. c.c. hor- 4beb (e.\\ ook - ofe b. _ c o p c_, oC Oc Ct t_ eved v h-i e,, INSP. RPT. NO: 89'-/# PAGE: Arf-/f INSPECTOR: Sms f/ABn,e/ l l

HVAC INSPECTION DATA SHEET Room: O,ah\ e. 'T~ e,, t Arn. d hm s DATE: S EA AREA (s) EXAMINED: av Ac , % k .m ', e _ d o e b + o ,, < . . 4 < anc\ n ~7 >oe I rek M oeb %c_r.m a eds ATTRIBtJTES' Equipment (Ducts, Dampers, Supports) Instrumentation & Controls (Separation & Craftsmanship) Documentation (Installation & Inspection) ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA; - FSAR Druin 9.'/ R.G. Specifications nig. r s Procedure re.v 1 - RESULTS: 1 \ V AC. es mir. $3ch c o >nn, k t nv o re,t C 8-8 o 7-) GE># rev i C B - 80 3 - i 4 - A c _' ("' 6- B o I i C. - C F,- go r - i W- t A . rw t rev o vu o' c.fS - s o 7 - I M - I A# A - CS - 9,n 7 _ (o - I M - AT _ om-Aio-t,- IM-Ac # ru o - ce.y \ vev e C 6 - ec7 - G> - I W - lY - C P, - psen - i e - t w . ci:s - so 1 -fo- 1 ta - t t- . eev o rev 2. rev i cm-Bo,-eu-ca r. E - R o 7 -IrJ-i G C,6 - 80 1 - I Q - F%-

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e m t. revt - ow-eo7- i s - io . cm - eo,- i u - tc.i_ - t . C e>- en, i u - i s . rev o ceu o ceu o CS- en 7- t u- A G t rS - en 7 - i u - A n c a - m n _/,,-iM - w

                                     'rev e                            'cw o                     rev o #    -

6: C,w- Bo r- i u -t K ca -C,6 - G07 A 6 . c,B -r-e 1 i n -fd>2 s rw O een O C a - mo 7 - I rd - l E/ . C w - e>o7 - I N - t F INSP. RPT. NO: 24-1o PAGE NO: gaf-14 INSPECTOR: 3~>un w a Mne.rro


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V2. 4 e E7 INSP. RPT. NO: 84-70 PAGE: A7/1/ INSPECTOR: Luo n{ne.zin ~-

( 8f 6 ,J FIRE PROTECTION INSPECTION DATA SHEET ROOM: Cut 6 1swma Lo m - W~r r- l DATE: 3kt r'f

                                            / 4 4 z_ o a          /f i ec -e-   A paeff/ou                     f y>7Eq AREA (s) EXAMINED:

ATTRIBUTES (Proper Installation) ran;;reuv.i Fire Stop:, = Fire Detection Gire SuppressioD Fire Cea+4n y 00:=:atetiv.. (I..t. ell & I..wection) ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA: FSA'R- ,;ppendix P. A ' f# y


R.G. 6..i . f'. 9 f-Specification  ? 7 7 3 - MS-Ird - re:dwre erp4- /2 A RESULTS: TL-c /% m x-+ -f F isee 7.>s's s e e .s vsnr.*f P s it- Vfn i -r / Cute , Gee m ns boe ij +w j$JVSHL /-).u on- /701

  • n r-o m x rit. r vr rra m r&
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7. #4 L.OS*![-a pser. E. 1r 1 ~7 F V -D S' S F-/ 1 f y - o ?

E r/ 7 3 P -P' w


E f */ 7 f f" ~ #l A MO w/ i n-/ 1'D- e. r_ t n 17 V 6' A/~m4 4- l C h I' tis-C P A

  • 1 C c-7~n ~ ' 'S v t F3FM S. 7~4.f f Y J F E .* t f'A
  • W 77 W JHO A-tCM .' r & m A- ~ e-s s- c + c- rn /><r7sM

[ A-l$$ / L= l 5"Y. */ f f f o*'1 /3 /M/ T~A- L. 2. SO A~ f OgSr/-mct?. INSP. RPT. NO. 8%/4 PAGE NO. INSPECTOR: 9 Yi 9'1

      . F56,3                        FIRE PROTECTION INSPECTION DATA SHEET R00M: C+etE             $~xs,uu-t-
                                   /              A*o.>          <4'uir- l                  DATE:        3/z.cbt' AREA (s) EXAMINED:             Pe v-p/pr                / % g -ss-c.7/o,v        - pt f 4 wu f

JAic4 - fsns"><-trn 5 vr mM ATTRIBIRES,'(Proper Installation) Penetr:ti:r cir; St;;;s fire Detectica (Fire Suppress 1D -Fir: Cesti ;r-hunr.t tica ( & inspec1.iu6) ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA,'

                                                                           ,Appenc:: P. ^/ 4

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In Reply Refer T -

                                                                                        / 7A L                                                                      g{[t.N Dockets: 50-445                                                             y-                                                g% $gJ q
                                                                                                                                                ??AE-Nn        gg() YOS                                   b Texas Utilities Electric Company pgb.,et          h Qu qi qu ? $ 1Q O                                 '

ATTN: M. D. Spence President. TUGC0 3gggg@g


2..Ng Skyway Tower

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Dallas. Texas 75201 Si,C~Eg01A-85-59 Gentlemen: This refers to the insoe'ction conducted under the Resident Inspec on Program by Messrs. J. E. Cumins, W. F. Saf th, L. E. Martin and C.' R. Serg _ of this office during the Deriod November L4. :.983 through March 31. 1984, of activities authorized by RRC Construction Perm ts CPPR-125 and CPPR-127 of the Comanche Pa# facility, Units 1 and 2 and to the discussion of our findings with Mr. J. T. Merritt, and other members of your staff at the conclusion of the inspection. Areas examined during the inspection included licensee action on previous findings,10 CFR Part 50.55(e) mport followup,10 CFR Part 21 report follow-up, allegation followup (Unit 1), independent inspection of coatings, train-ing of protective coatings inspectors, review of safety-related systems (Unit 1), inventory of audit material in custody of NRC, and plant tours. Within these areas, the inspection consisted of selective examination of pro-cadures and representative records, interviews with personnel, and observa-tions by the inspectors. The inspection findings are documented in the enclosed inspection mport. During this inspection, it was found that certain of your activities were in violation of NRC requirements. Consequently, you are mquired to respond to this violation in writing, in accordance with the provisions of Section 2.201 of the NRC's " Rules of Practice," Part 2. Title 10. Code of Federal Regula-tions. Your msponse should be based on the specifics contained in the Notice of Violation enclosed with this letter. During this inspection, it was found that certain of your activities appeared to deviate from a comitment made to the NRC. This item and reference to the comitment are identified in the enclosed Notice of Deviation. You am requested to mspond to this deviation in writing. Your response should be based on the specifics contained in the Ng ice of Deviation enclosed witL this latter. DRS&P g TF- iF.RIV crefs,- e - TF' j E0 p emn RPDenise T. po JEGa liardo D t @' " ' ' 73,{# 5/tf/84 h\$l84 h 0" Y (l00 l e" = > hR I . . . . . . . . .. . . .! . RRI ..RS.Bn .. . .. . ..PSBil. . . . ! .T.F. , . . . . . l ->JECumies ,',JECumi, W iS,m i, , ,1 , , , , , , , LEMartig... . ..( CR0be,rg,, ,,,,q,DMHun,n,. om >f.//g/84

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s Texas Utilities Electric 2 Company In accordance with 10 CFR 2.790(a), a copy of this letter and the enclosures will be placed in the NRC Public Document Room unless you notify this office, by telephone, within 10 days of the date of this letter, and submit written application to withhold information contained therein within 30 days of the date of this letter. Such application must be consistent with the requirements of 2.790(b)(1). The responses dincted by this letter and the acccupanying Notices am not subject to the clearance procedures of the Office of Management and Budget as required by the Papemork Reduction Act of 1980 PL 96511. Should you have any questions concerning this inspection, we will be pleased to discuss them with you. , Sincerely. Original SisD*4 378 Riebard L. Bengan Richard L. Bangart, Director - Region lY Task Force


1. Appendix A Notice of Violation
2. Appendix B Notice of Deviation
3. Appendix C NRC Inspection Report 50-445/84-08 50-446/84-04 cc w/ enc 1:

Texas Utillties Electric Coupany ATTN: H. C. Schmidt, Manager Nuclear Services i Skyway Tower 400 North Olive Street Lock Box 81 Dallas Texas 75201 l l l Texas Utilities Electric Company i ATTN: B. R. Clements, Vice President Nuclear Skyway Tower l 400 North Olive Street Lock Box 81 Dallas Texas 75201 I i

                                                                                                 . . . . . . . . . .         .......f.               .
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bectoDMB(IE01) bec distrib. by RIV: RPB1 Resident Inspector-Oos PPS2 Resident Inspector-Cons TPB J. E. Gagliardo, D/TF J. Collins, RA T. F. Westerman, EO C. Wisner, PA0 R. Denise, DRRP&EP S. Treby, ELD D. Hunnicutt, TF MIS SYSTEM R. L. Bangart Task Force RIV File TRT (2) (CPSES) TEXAS STATE DEPT. OF HEALTH Juanita Ellis

7. N.d _ g./3 Renea Hicks 31111e P. Garde g
                         ....  ... ................ ........... ..     .. . . .... . . .              .............l.    . .. .      . , . .    .    ...

us e e p;.................. ..................... ..................... . . ... .. .... . ....... .... ...l... l SAYE)l i ... .............. .................... ..................... ..... .. ...........


1 APPENDIX A NOTICE OF VIOLATION Texas Utilities Electric Company Docket: 50-445/84-08 Comanche Peak Steam Electric Construction Pennit: CPPR-126 Station (CPSES) Unit 1 Based on the results of an NRC inspection conducted during the period of November 14, 1983, through March 31, 1984, and in accordance with the NRC Enforcement Policy (10 CFR Part 2, Appendix C), 49 FR 8583, dated March 8, 1984, the following vio.lations were identified: A. Gaps on Unit 1 Polar Crane Brackei and Seismic Connections Exceed Design Requirements 10 CFR 50, Appendix B, Criterion V requires tha't, " activities affecting quality shall be prescribed by documented instructions, procedures, or drawings, of a type appropriate to the circumstances and shall be accomplished in accordance with these instructions, procedures, or drawings." Design change Authorization 9872 required that all gaps on the Unit' 1 polar crane bracket and seismic connections greater than 1/16 inch be shimmed. Contrary to the above on February 13, 1984, the NRC inspector reviewed the polar crane bracket and seismic connections listed below and observed that there were unshimmed gaps that exceeded 1/16 inch. Connection location on Girder (.looking Approximate Girder Number from inside containment) Gap 23 center 1/8" l 23 right 1/8" l 26 right 3/16" 20 center 5/32" 20 left 3/16" 19 right 3/16" 17 center 5/32" 16 right 1/8" This is a Severity Level IV Violation (Supplement 11.0) (.445/8408-01). B. Failure to Perform Inspections of Installation Activities Related to Unit 1, Main Coolant System Crossover Leg Restraints l Criterion X of Appendix B to 10 CFR Part 50 requires that inspections of activities affecting quality shall be established and executed by or for the organizations performing the activity to verify conformance l with the documented instructions, procedures, and drawings for accomplishing the activity. g>jf, e > ~ n ou v i w ]J GV ll

i l l I I 2 Texas Utilities Electric Company Quality Assurance Plan, in Section 10.0, requires that planned written inspection procedures be utilized. It further requires that inspection activities include the types of . characteristics to be measured, the methods of examination, and the criteria. Contrary to the above, it was determined that inspections were not made of the installations of the Unit 1 crossover leg restraints, nor were any documents requiring such an inspection issued. Specifically, the require-ments for installation, as specified in Gibbs & Hill Drawing 2323-51-0550, were not inspected and documented. The eight crossover restraints (2 per loop) are major components of the main coolant piping seismic restraints and support system. This is a Severit.) Level IV Violation. (SupplementII.D)(445/8408-02) Pursuant to the provisions of 10 CFR 2.201, Texas Utilities Electric Company is hereby required to submit to this office, within 30 days of the date of this Notice, a written statement or explanation in reply, including: (1) the corrective steps which have been taken and the results achieved; (2) correc-tive steps which will be taken to avoid further violations; and (3) the date when full compliance will be achieved. Consideration may be given to extend-ing your response time for good cause shown. Dated: July 26, 1984 E + l

APPENDIX B NOTICE OF DEVIATION Texas Utilities Electric Company Docket: 50-445/84-08 Comanche Peak Steam Electric Construction Permit: CPPR-126 Station (CPSES) Unit 1 Based on the results of an NRC inspection conducted during the period of November 14, 1983, through March 31, 1984, and in accordance with the NRC enforce-ment Policy (10 CFR Part 2, Appendix C), 49 FR 8583, dated March 8, 1984, the following deviation was identified: Deviation from Design Information for Installation of Seismic Category I/ Seismic Category II Structural Steel for the Bolted Connections Between the W16x40 and the Wall on Platforsn OP-11 in the Pressurizer Compartment.

1. CPSES FSAR Section IA(B), on page 1A(B)-26, states, "The quality assurance program for design and construction at CPSES incorporates the intended objectives of ANSI N45.2.11." (. Draft 2, Revision 2 -

May 1973) Contrary to the above, the licensee did not incorporate the - intended objectives of ANSI N45.2.11 into the design of certain personnel access platforms at CPSES. A review of the design documentation, including Gibbs and Hill Drawing 2323-SI-0556, Revision 4, Design Change Authorization (DCA) 9764, Revision 3,

and DCA 1090, indicated that the above platform was originally designed as nonsafety-related.
2. ANSI N45.2.11 (Draft 2, Revision 2 - May 1973), paragraph 3, requires

, that design input requirements be specified to the level of detail necessary to permit the design activity to be carried out in a correct manner and should include basic functions, loads', and physical interfaces. ANSI N45.2.11, paragraph 8, requires that design changes be subjected to design control measures commensurate with the above. Contrary to the above, the design documentation was upgraded to Seismic Category II with the particular beams supporting safety-related instrument tubing for two channels of pressurizer level upgraded to Seismic Category I. DCA 1090 required that the bolted connections between the W16x40 and the wall be " hand tight only", but did not address any locking device or thread upset to prevent nut backoff.

3. AISC Manual for Steel Construction in the Specification for Design, Fabrication, and Erection of Structural Steel for Building in Section 1.23.5 addresses the need for tightening high strength bolted connections to prevent the nut from loosening and falling off.




2 In deviation from the above, DCA 9764 upgraded the platform to Category I and changeout of material, but did not change the connection requirements specified in DCA 1090. This is a deviation (445/8408-03). Texas Utilities Electric Company is hereby requested to submit to this office within 30 days of the date of this Notice of Deviation, a written statement or explanation in reply, including: (1) the corrective steps which have been taken and the results achieved; (2) corrective steps which will be taken to avoid further deviation from commitments made to the Commission; and (3) the date when full compliance will be achieved. Consideration may be given to extending your response time for good cause shown. Dated: July 26, 1984 e

APPENDIX C U. S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION REGION IV NRC Inspection Report: 50-445/84-08 50-446/84-04 Dockets: 50-445; 50-446 Construction Pemits: CPPR-126 CPPR-127 Licensee: Texas Utilities Electric Company (TUEC) Skyway Tower 400 North Olive Street Lock Box 81 Dallas, Texas 75201 4 Facility Name: Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station (CPSES), Units 1 and 2 Inspection At: Glen Rose, Texas Inspection Conducted: November 14, 1983 through Parch 31, 1984 Inspec ors: b '

                                                                                            /0 Of J. E. Cummins, Senior Resident Inspector-Construction             / Date (paragraphs 1,2,3,5,6,7,8,9,10,13)

Ah M W. F. Smith, Resident Inspector-Operations addet

                                                                                       ' Da te (paragraphs 1, 4, 13)                                                            ,
                     .      b $/                  '

L. T. Martin,/ Reactor Inspector, Engineering Section W p /j V

                                                                                      / pate '

(paragraphs d 11, 13) C. R. Oberg, Reactqff Inspector, Reactor Project Sec. A f/efffl Date , (paragraphs 1, 11, Y3) y 6 - v.* & 4W

2 A 66Jl &m,f L wads , D. M: Hun ~nicutt', Chief, Reacfor Pro;4ct Section A Ddte ' ' (paragraphs 1, 3, 9, 13) v .

                          .7 Approved:            Cbli<          {       nu ui,                     Nbf Date'

D. M. Hunnicutt, Chief, Reacto Froject[Section A Inspection Sumary Inspection Conducted November 14, 1983 through March 31, 1984 (Report 50-445/84-08) Areas Inspected: Routine, anncunced inspection of licensee action on previous findings,10 CFR Part 50.55(e) report followup,10 CFR Part 21 followup, allegation followup, independent inspection of coatings, training of protective coatings inspectors, review of safety-related systems, inventory of audit material in custody of NRC, plant status, and plant tours. The inspection involved 190 inspector-hours onsite by five NRC inspectors. Results: Within the ten areas inspected, two violations (gaps on Unit l'1' polar crane bracket and seismic connections exceed design requirements, paragraph 3 and failure to perform required inspections, paragraph 11) and one deviation (deviation from FSAR design requirement, paragraph 11) were identified. Inspection Summary Inspection Conducted November 14, 1983 through March 31, 1984 (Report 50-446/84-04) Areas Inspected: Routine, announced inspection of licensee action on previous findings, 10 CFR Part 50.55(e) report followup, 10 CFR Part 21 report follow-up, independent inspection of coatings, training of protective coatings inspectors, inventory of audit material in custody of NRC, and plant tours. The inspection involved.44 inspector-hours onsite by two NRC inspectors. Results: Within the seven areas inspected, no violations or deviations were identified.

 -e       w ,      ,                   --   - - .


1. Persons Contacted Principal Licensee and Contractor Employees
           *B. R. Clements, Vice President, Nuclear Operations
           *J. C. Kuykendall, Manager, Nuclear Operations
           *J. T. Merritt, Site Project Manager
           *R. A. Jones, Manager, Plant Operations
           *T. L. Gosdin, TUGC0 Public Information Coordinator
           *R. T. Jenkins, Operations Support Superintendent
           *M. McBay, Engineering Manager, TUGCO, Engineering and Construction (E&C)
           *R. P. Baker, Staff Engineering Manager, TUGC0 E&,C
           *R. G. Tolson, TUGC0 Site QA Supervisor S. Spencer, QA Auditor (Corporate Office)

J. Marshall, Licensing Supervisor (Corporate Office)

           *D. E. Deviney, Operations QA Supervisor
           *T. P. Miller, Lead Startup Engineer, TUGC0
           *C. H. Welch, QA Services Supervisor
           *H. A. Lancaster, Startup-QA Specialist                                    -
           *J. C. Smith, Operations QA
           *M. Riggs, Operations Support Engineer B. C. Scott, QA Supervisor A. Vega, QA Services Supervisor R. Kissenger, Project Civil Engineer J. D. Hicks, Assistant Site QA Supervisor                                                        ',

R. L. Moller, Westinghouse Site Project Mana G. Purdy, Site QA Manager Brown & Root (B&R)ger H. Hutchinson, Project Control Manager G. L. Morris, Site Mech. Level III ASME Quality Engr. , B&R The NRC inspectors also contacted other plant personnel including members of the construction, operations, technical, quality assurance, and admin-istrative staffs.

  • Denotes those attending one or more exit interviews.
2. Plant Status Construction of Unit 1 is approximately 97% complete with fuel loading scheduled for July 1984. There is presently a grett deal of effort to complete areas and then turn the completed areas over to Texas Utilities Generating Company (.TUGCO) operations. The turnover process requires two phases. The first phase takes place when construction completes a specified area and turns that area over to the startup group. The second phase of the turnover process is when TUGC0 opera-tions completes final acceptance of the area from the startup group.

The licensee has identified 422 distinct areas which are to be turned over. As of March 9, 1984, 158 of these 422 areas had been turned 4

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l 4 1 over. from construction to the startup group. TUGC0 operations has  ! made final acceptance of 66 of the 422 areas. The 422 distinct l areas identified by the licensee to be turned over vary greatly in ' size and complexity; therefore, the number of areas turned over pro-vides an indicator that progress is being made, but to make a determina-tion as to the degree of progress, the size and complexity of each area must be evaluated. Construction of Unit 2 is approximately 65% complete. Fuel loading is scheduled for January 1986.

3. Licensee Action on Previous Inspection Findings
a. (Closed) Violation (445/82-11): Failure to Perform Inspections of Installation Activities Related to Unit 1 Containment Polar Crane.

The licensee's Nonconfonnance Report (NCR) M-82-00894 documents the above violation. The disposition of NCR M-82-00894 directed that the polar crane girder connection finger shims previously installed per DCA 9872 were to be removed and inspected and any deviations - from the requirements of DCA 9872 were to be identified to engineering for resolution. The licensee removed and inspected all of the finger shims associated with the Unit 1 polar crane bracket and seismic connections. During this inspection, any shim that did not meet the design requirements of DCA 9872 was replaced. This included the replacement of ten fingdr shims that were found to have clipped fingers. Operational traveler CE-82-370-8104 was issued to accomplish and document the shim inspection and rework directed by NCR M-82-0094. Traveler CE-82-370-8104 also instructed that the new shims were to be installed per the requirements of DCA 9872. The shim inspection and rework was inspected and documented by quality control (QC) inspectors on NCR M-82-00894. This NCR was closed on January 24, 1983. The qua~11ty control inspection of the shim rework satisfies the requirements which were previously not met and which resulted in the original violation. This item is closed. However, the NRC inspector performed a random inspection of the polar crane girder connection shims and had the following two concerns: (1) Design Change Authorization (DCA) 9872 required that all gaps greater than 1/16 inch be shimed. In addition QC personnel verified that the gap for each polar trane girder connection was less than 1/16 inch and documented this on a shim documentation card which was attached to Traveler CE-82-370-8104. However, the l NRC inspector observed that the following randomly selected i girder connections had gaps that exceeded 1/16

m 5


Connection Location on Girder (looking Approximate Girder Number from inside containment) Gap 23 center 1/8" 23 right 1/8" 26 right 3/16" 20 center 5/32" 20 left 3/16" 19 right 3/16" 17 center 5/32" 16 right 1/8" This is an apparent violation (445/8408-01).. (2) DCA 9872 required that the shims be tack welded as shown on Gibbs and Hill sketch SK82032 (Sheet 3 of DCA 9872). General Note 4 of SK82032 states that shims in the seismic connection may be welded to either vertical plate; however, on the seismic connections for girders 18, 22, 26, and 27 the tack welds which welded the shims together also tack welded the vertical plates tocether. This - concern was discussed with licensee personnel. This is an unresolved item (445/8408-04).

b. (Closed) Severity Level IV Violation 445/8323-02: Instructions.

The five jam nuts identified as being loose were reworked and verified by QC to be " snug tight." The inspection checklist of procedure CP-QAP-12.1 was revised so that jam nut tightness is verified.

c. (Closed) Unresolved Item 446/8309-01: NDE Level III Certification The licensee inspector's NDE Level III certification was rewritten on May 27, 1983, to show that his certification was based, in part, on successful completion of examinations.
4. 10 CFR Part 50.55(e) Report Followup Inspection The RRI (Operations) conducted a review of all reports made by the licensee pursuant to 10 CFR 50.55(e) since the CPSES construction pennit was issued on December 19, 1974. During the period between December 19, 1974, and February 17, 1984 NRC reading files showed that 103 reports were transmitted to the Comission. TUGC0 logs were in agreement. Of these, subsequent correspondence indicated that the licensee, upon further investigation, concluded that 57 reports did not meet the reporting criteria of 10 CFR 50.55(e) and thus were "not re ortable." -

The balance of 46 10 CFR 50.55(e) reports appear to be reportable except for three recent items, which were under investigation at the time of the inspe~ction. ,

1 l l The RRI noted that 26 10 CFR 50.55(e) reports had been closed by the licensee. However, the status report published weekly by the site QA secretary indicated that they were awaiting NRC action for closure. The licensee's representatives stated that the item would be closed and removed from the weekly report as soon as the SRRI (Construction) reviewed the records submitted to him and specifically addressed each in an inspection report as satisfactorily closed. At the exit interview of March 2, 1984, the RRI pointed out that this is not a requirement of the NRC and as such the NRC should be removed from the status report as actionee for closure of each itein. The records submitted to the SRRI (Construction) should be retrieved and placed in the appropriate licensee-controlled file, subject to future NRC audits. During the exit interview the licensee stated that this would be done. The RRI reviewed eight of the 10 CFR 50.55(e) report folders in detail. The licensee refers to them as "Significant Deficiency Analysis Reports" i (SDARs). Attributes evaluated included followup correspondence, depth - of investigation, and compliance with reporting requirements. The.

         -      eight iolders were numbered SDAR 81-07, 82-03,82-07, 82-09, 82-13, 82-14, 33-03, and 83-20. Half were ruled "non-reportable" by the licensee, and half were " reportable." The RRI did not observe any deficiencies in any of the folders.

In addition to reviewing specific SDAR records, the RRI reviewed the following applicable procedures: ! CP-EP-16.3 " Control of Reportable Deficiencies" DQP-CS-6 " Reporting of Significant Deficiencies" CP-QP-16.1 "Significant Construction Deficiencies"

CP-QP-15.6 "SDAR Status Tracking" The above procedures appear to meet the requirements of 10 CFR 50.

The condition and tracking of each of the SDAR packages substantiate this. However, the RRI noted that the corporate office in Dallas, Texas, has i one numbering system with their own log for SDAR's originated in the corporate office. The CPSES site QA office has another numbering system, with their own log, for SDAR's originated at the site. The corporate office tracks all SDAR's, but CPSES tracks only the SDAR's originated at the site. At the exit interview of March 2,1984, the RRI consnented that Site status report addressees could be led into believing the site tracking system is complete when such is not necessarily the case. No violations or deviations were identified. . l

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5. Followup of Part 21 Report On February 3,1984, a licensee audit of one of it's suppliers, Gulfalloy, Inc., identified an apparent falsification of inspector's eye examination record:. This apparent falsification of records was reported to the NRC by Gulfalloy, Inc., in accordance with the reporting requirements of 10 CFR Part 21. The falsification of eye exam records occurred when the eye exam records from an eye exam given to three inspectors on November 13, 1980, were photocopied and the date changed so that it would appear that the three inspectors had also received eye exams on October 22, 1981. Additional eye exams were given to the inspectors on September 15, 1982, and again on January 16, 1984. The Gulfalloy, Inc.,

employee responsible for ensuring that the inspectors received the required eye exam was also responsible for reviewing material manufac-turers chemical and physical test results. i The NRC inspectors discussed this event with licensee personnel and were informed that corrective action would include a review of the records of material received from Gulfalloy, Inc. The NRC inspector will continue to monitor the licensee's corrective action. No violations or deviations were identified.

6. Followup of Allegation The following allegation was relayed from the NRC Region IV office to the NRC inspector for followup: " Fork lift ran into guide rods by missile shield. Rods were approximately 2 " diameter stainless steel." Represen-tatives from the Office of Investigations interviewed the alleger in order to obtain more details regarding this allegation, but were unsuccessful in this effort. -

The NRC inspector was unable to identify an event that fit all the specifics in the above allegation. As far as the NRC inspector could determine from discussions with personnel familiar with work in the reactor building, fork lifts have not been used in the reactor building. However, the following event could have been what was observed by the alleger: On October 14, 1983, the refueling crane struck and bent a thermocouple column. This incident and subsequent corrective action were documented on Westinghouse Field Deficiency Report TBX-10285 and Brown and Root NCR M-11438. The thermocouple column that was bent is a long (approxi-mately 17 feet) tube that provides support for incore thermocouple l tubing between the upper core internals and the reactor vessel head. The lower end of the thermocouple column is attached to the upper core , assembly. l

    #[          .

4 8 The refueling crane is a bridge type crane that spans the refueling cavity. At the time the incident took place, the upper core assembly was mounted on extension legs and stored in its normal storage location in the re-fueling cavity. The extension legs elevated the upper end of the thenno-couple column high enough to place it in the path of the refueling crane. The bent thermocouple was reported, evaluated, and straightened as reported in the two documents identified above. This allegation is closed. No violations or deviations were identified.

7. Independent Inspection of Coatings

< Brookhaven National Laboratories (BNL) has been contracted by the NRC to conduct an independent inspection of the CPSES protective coatings program and its implementation, and to investigate allegations of improprieties in the protective coatings area.

, During this inspection period BNL inspectors performed three onsite,inspec-i tions at CPSES.

The scope and findings of this ongoing inspection will be documented in a subsequent NRC report.

8. Training of protective Coatings Inspectors On March 8,1984, the NRC inspector attended a training session given for protective coatings quality control inspectors. The purpose of the training session n:.s to review and discuss recent changes to protective coatings Procedure QI-QP-11.4-26, " Inspection of Steel Substrate, Sur-4 face Preparation, Primer Application, Primer Repair Seal and Finish Coat Application and Repair". The lesson plan for the training session was followed and the attendees were allowed ample opportunity to discuss the topics covered.

No violations or deviations were identified.

9. Inventory of Audit Material in Custody of NRC On March 9, 1984, the NRC inspector took custody of a box containing file folders from the site quality assurance supervisor. The box of file folders had been collected by licensee personnel during an audit of quality control inspectors conducted on March 8, 1984. An NRC repre-sentative subsequently made an inventory of the contents of this box.
10. Plant Tours -

! At various times during the inspection period, the NRC inspector conducted general tours of the reactor building, fuel building, safeguards building, i i l 1

9 electrical and control building, and the turbine building. During the cours the NRC inspector observed housekeeping practices, preventive maintenance on installed equipment, and ongoing construction work. No violations or deviations were identified.

11. Review of Safety-Related Systems (Unit 1)
a. Platforms Inside Containment On December 14, 1983, the NRC inspector observed loose bolted connections on platform OP-11 in the pressurizer compartment.

Platform OP-11 supports safety-related instrument tubing for two channels of pressurizer level on the under side of the platform. A review of the design documentation including Gibbs & Hill Drawing 2323-51-0556, Revision 4, DCA 9764, Revision 3, and DCA 1090 indicated that this platform was originally designed as nonsafety-related. It was upgraded to Seismic Category II with the particular beams in question being Seismic Category I as they were supporting safety-related instrument tubing for two channels of pressurizer level. DCA 1090 required that the bolts be " hand tight only" to allow for lateral expansion of the platform, but it did not address any locking device or thread upset to prevent nut backoff. DCA 9764 upgraded the platform to Category I and changeout of material but did not change the connection requirements specified in DCA 1090. Subsequent to identification of this problem by the NRC inspector, a DCA was initiated requiring the use of jam nuts or upset threads to correct this problem with the platforms shown on G&H Drawing 2323-S1-0556. The NRC inspector advised the licensee that DCA 1090 affected more than one drawing , and that engineering would have to look at all similar connections for general application and corrective action. This is a deviation (445/8403-03).

b. Main Coolant Loop Restraints During an inspection inside containment, Unit 1, the crossover leg restraints of main coolant loop No. I were examined for cor.

formance to applicable drawings for materials, construction, una installation. Materials.and welding were found to be as specified on the drawings. There are two similar restraints on each main coolant loop made of ik inch ASTM A36 carbon steel. The restraints were manu-factured by AFC0 Steel Corporation in accordance with G&H 0550,


10 Revision 4. The restraints are massive, approximately 11 feet long, 3 feet wide and 5 feet tall. Each restraint is fastened to the base mat by 16 prepositioned 2 inch diameter anchor bolts as specified on G&H drawing 2323-S1-0551, Detail B. Drawing S1-0550 required that each anchor bolt be pretensioned to "90 plus or minus 10 kips" and utilize a washer, two regular nuts and a jam nut made of ASTM A 540 material. The bottom nat and the washer required a tack weld as noted in the drawing. The tack welds were not found on any of the anchor bolts inspected. In addition, no record of a QC installation inspection of the restraints for loop No.1 or any other loop of Unit 1 could be found. Thus, pretensioning of the anchor bolts could not be confirmed. The crossover leg restraints are major components of the main coolant pipin Appendix B of 10 CFR 50,g seismicX, Criterion restraint requires and support that inspections system. of activities affecting quality shall be established and performed to verify confonnance with documented instructions, procedures, and drawings for accomplishing the activity. , TUEC QA Plan, Section 10.0 requires that planned written inspection procedures be used. No requirement for inspection of the crossover leg restraints had been issued. This is also contrary to 10 CFR 50, Appendix B, Criterion X. This is a violation (445/8408-02).

12. Unresolved Items Unresolved items are matters about which more information is required in order to determine whether they are acceptable items, violations or deviations. One unresolved item related to polar crane shims (Unresolved Item 8408-04) is discussed in pa,ragraph 3.
13. Exit Interviews The NRC inspectors met with members of the TUEC staff (denoted in para-graph 1) at various times during the course of the inspection. The scope and findings of the inspection were discussed.

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  • SSINS No.: 6835 IN 84-67_

UNITED STATES NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION OFFICE OF INSPECTION AND ENFORCEMENT WASHINGTON, D.C. 20555 August 17, 1984 IE INFORMATION NOTICE NO. 84-67: RECENT SNUBBER INSERVICE TESTING WITH HIGH l - FAILURE RATES , 1 Addressees: l All nuclear power facilities holding an operating license (OL) or a construction - permit (t,F) .


This information notice is provided as a notification of a potentially signifi-cant problem pertaining to recent snubber inservice testing that resulted in

   +        _high failure rates _. It is expected that recipients will review the information for applicability to their facilities and consider actions, if appropriate, to preclude a similar problem occurring at their facilities. However, suggestions contained in this information notice do not constitute NRC requirements and, therefore, no specific action or written response is required.

Description of Circumstance:

    following recent events involving snubber inservice testing with high . failure rates have been reported:                                                                                                      ,
1. On October 17, 1983, the Consumers Power Company reported [ Licensee Event Report (LER) 83-063] the failure of both of the tested steam generator hydraulic snubbers to lock up during their inservice test at the Palisades Plant. The cause was attributed to insufficient counter boring of the valve block end-cap for the hydraulic snubber, which inhibited the shuttle valve from properly closing the appropriate block port. Inspection of the remaining 14 hydraulic snubbers revitaled the same defect in 3 additional snubbers (31% over all failure rate). All defective snubbers were reworked to ensure proper operation. The hydraulic snubbers were ITT Grinnel Figure 2M (8 in bore by 5 in. stroke).


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o o IN 84-67

       -                                                                                                            August 17, 1984 Page 2 of 4 ITT Grinnel indicated in a conversation that they felt the cause of the problem was the use of a nonstandard spring that gave the snubbers a higher lockup velocity. It was the longer compressed length of this spring that prevented proper shuttle valve positioning. ITT Grinnel also indicated that they were not aware of any other facilities with this non standard spring.
2. On April 16, 1984, the Virginia Electric and Power Company reported (LER 84-006) the failure of a number of hydraulic and mechanical snubbers at Surry Power Station Unit I to pass the inservice testing required by their Technical Specifications. These tests, conducted in March 1984 were a continuation of tests initially performed in March 1983. All num-bers presented below and in the tables are totals of the 1983 and 1984
,                               tests.

i' Of the 160 hydraulic snubbers tested, failures were found in 48 (30%).

;                               The modes of failure are shown in Table 1. Twenty-one of the hydraulic snubbers were reset to design conditions and reinstalled. Of the remaining 27 hyoraulic snubbers, 23 had been disassembled as of the date of the repor+ to determine the cause of failure. The causes of failure are shown in Table 2. To preclude any generic concerns with the ITT Grinnel Lynair-type snubbers (67% of the failures were with this type), the utility plans on replacing as many as possible with ITT Grinnel Miller-type snubbers.

3 2. % Of the 66 mechanical snubbers tested, failures were found in 21 (44%). The modes of failure are shown in Table 3. Five of the mechanical snubbers were disassembled to determine the cause of failure. Of these, three had no observable defect and two had broken metallic parts in the mechanism. , All of the mechanical snubbers are Pacific Scientific snubbers. . . l 3. On April 25, 1984, the Florida Power and Light Company notified the NRC - resident inspector of their intention to shut down Turkey Point Plant Unit 3 to test the mechanical snubbers in the unit. They indicated that they were taking this action because of the high number of failures observed when the mechanical snubbers in Turkey Point Plant Unit 4 were tested. Of the approximately 100 mechanical snubbers in each unit, 31 failures had been observed in Unit 4 and 46 failures were found in Unit 3. This l did not include 17 snubbers in Unit 4 that were found with the telescoping cylinder not staked at the ball nut thread joint. The modes of failure are shown in Table 4. All of the mechanical snubbers are Pacific Scientific ( snubbers.

4. On June 25, 1984, the C nmonwealth Edison Company verbally reported the failure of the steam gererator hydraulic snubbers at Braidwood Station i to pass their qualification tests. All three of the tested snubbers failed to meet the specified requirements in that the mechanical seals in the snubbers failed to hold hydraulic fluid at test loads of only 10 tc 33 percent of the rated capacity of 2,400 kips. The snubbers were manufactured by Boeing Company prior to their discontinuing business i

in that field. It is currently not known if the same mechanical seal j design is used on other snubber models manufactured by Boeing Company.

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v s l IN 84-67 August 17, 1984 Page 3 of 4 i Discussion: As a part of a multifaceted program to improve overall snubber reliability, a November 20, 1980 letter from NRC requested all licensees to revise their Technical Specifications with respect to inservice testing of snubbers that were previously exempted from testing because of inaccessibility and to include i mechanical snubbers in the testing program. Thus, the first three failures discussed above resulted from the first inservice testing for the steam generator hydraulic snubbers at the Palisades Plant and also for the mechanical snubbers at Surry Power Station Unit I and Turkey Point Plant Units 3 and 4. Because it was the result of a manufacturing defect, it can be reasonably assumed that the inoperability of the steam generator hydraulic snubbers at the Palisades Plant existed since they were installed. However, the length of inoperability cannot be readily determined for the mechanical snubbers at Surry Power Station Unit I and Turkey Point Plant Units 3 and 4. What is known, though, is that IE Bulletin 81-01, " Surveillance of Mechanical Snubbers," required all licensees to ensure that their mechanical snubbers were not locked up and that:

1. Virginia Electric and Power Company r,esponded on July 30, 1981, saying that only 1 of the 68 mechanical snubbers at Surry Power Station Unit 1 l

could not be stroked in accordance with the bulletin.

2. Florida Power and Light Company responded on July 6,1981, to say that i only 3 of 64 mechanical snubbers at Turkey Point Plant Unit 3 were frozen. Their February 19, 1982 response indicated that only 2 of the 60 mechanical snubbers at Turkey Point Plant Unit 4 had been frozen.

From the above it becomes readily apparent that it is important to implement the revised Technical Specifications for snubbers as soon as practical and that . a higher failure rate than previously expected can be anticipated.

l. The mechanical snubber test procedures contained two conditions (summarized below) that some felt accentuated the failure rates observed. However, the NRC staff does not consider these conditions to be unduly conservative; they simply represent the conditions under which the snubber would be expected i

to function, either in its passive or its active role. The conditions in ques-tion are as follows:

1. The procedure required performing the drag / breakaway test on the mechani-
cal snubber in the as-found condition before performing the accel-eration tests. This test sequence provides an excellent indication of the ability of the snubber to perform its passive role of not impeding thermal growth of the attached piping system after the snubber has remained in one position for a period of time.

i 2. The procedure required performing the acceleration test at rated load. Testing at rated load provides assurance that the full design capability l of the snubber remains available after the snubber has been in service for a period of time. Because not all snubbers are tested during each testing period (unless significant failure rates are detected), testing at rated load should not place an undue strain on the snubbers that could shorten j their expected life.

IN 84-67 August 17, 1984 Page 4 of 4 No written response to this information notice is required. If you have any questions about this matter, please contact the Regional Administrator of the appr.opriate NRC Regional Office, or this office. Edward L. Jordan, Director Division of Emergency Preparedness and Engineering Response Office of Inspection and Enforcement Technical


R. J. Kiessel, IE (301) 492-8119 Attachments:

1. Tables 1-4
2. List of Recently Issued IE Information Notices 6


 ., s IN 84-67 August 17, 1984 Page 4 of 4 No written response to this information notice is required. If you have any questions about this matter, please contact the Regional Administrator of the appropriate NRC Regional Office, or this office.

Edward L. Jordan, Director Division of Emergency Preparedness and Engineering Response Office of Inspection and Enforcenent Technical


R. J. Kiessel, IE (301) 492-8119 Attachments:

1. Tables 1-4
2. List of Recently Issued IE Information Notices cc: E. J. Brown, AE00 ,

D. J. Guzy, RES . R. J. Kiessel, IE H. K. Shaw, NRR J. J. Zudans, IE i

      *See previous concurrence
      *DEPER:IE       *PSB:IE   *DEPER:IE        *DEPER:IE *DEPER:IE *DD:DEPER:IE            *D:DEPER:IE RJKiessel:a1    DGAble    AWDromerick      RLBaer      CERossi    SASchwartz           ELJordan 7/ /84          7/ /84    7/ /84           7/ /84      7/ /84     7/ /84               7/ /84

m, s Attachment 1 IN 84-67 August 17, 1984 Page 1 of 2 Table 1 Surry Power Station Un t 1 HYDRAULIC SNUBBER FAILURE MODES *

                                                        % of Snubbers    % of Snubbers Mode,                                       Number    Tested           that Failed Low lockup in tension                       13        8                27 Low lockup in compression                     3       2                  6 Low bleed in tension                        11        7                23 Low bleed in compression                    10        6                21 High lockup in tension                      17       11                35 High lockup in compression                  10        6                21 High bleed in tension                         6       4                13 High bleed in compression                     3       2                   6 Table 2 Surry Power Station Unit 1 HYDRAULIC SNUBBER FAILURE CAUSES*
                                                        % of Snubbers    % of Snubbers Cause                                       Number     Tested           that Failed No observable defect                         6         4                26 Degraded EP seals                            3         2                13 Polyurethane piston seals                   7         4                30            .  .

Poppet upside down 3 0 13 Debris in fluid 1 4 Poppet stuck i 1 4 Lockup adjustment screw broken 1 1 4 Piston / cylinder scoring 2 1 9 Table 3 Surry Power Station Unit 1 MECHANICAL SNUBBER FAILURE MODES

                                                         % of Snubbers    % of Snubbers Mode                                        Number    Tested            that Failed High drag                                    14       21                66 Locked up                                      5        8               24 High acceleration                              1        2                 5 Locks up in compression                        1        2                 5
  • Failures total more than 100 percent because some snubbers exhibited more than one failure mode or cause.
6. -

Attachment 1 IN 84-67 August 17, 1984 Page 2 of 2 Table 4 Turkey Point Plant Units 3 and 4 MECHANICA. SNUBBER FAILURE MODES Unit 3 Unit 4 Mode Failures Failures Free moving 1 1 Found locked up 1 4 Locked up during test 12 6 Failed drag / breakaway test 16 13 Exceeded 0.02g acceleration limit 1 7 Erratic acceleration response 0 8 Acceleration reduced to zero 0 7 to 4 I e

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7 f TEXAS UTILITIES GENERATING COMPANY SEP 111984 OrrlCE MEMOR ANDUM pVALjg AS$ggg To B. R. C1 ents Date September 7, 1984 Comanche Peak Special Review Team Report - (July 13,1984) Attached is our response indicating the status of the items assigned to Quality Assurance as identified in and ex+racted from the NRC (Rg. I Special Review Team Report. Identification of the attached items correlate to the paragraph numbers of the subject report. Should you have any questions, please advise.

                                                           . b ma DNC: sis Attachment cc:   L. F. F'   r A. Vega R. G. 5 a gler                                      ,

A. H. Boren s D. L. Anders-C. H. Welch C. Jensen S. L. Spencer

                                                      /                               '[/ [
                                           //v f               I, 9    '

l Q# .

                                          ,               lr, F0lA-85-59                           3 l

r* ' 6l188 """ e / / l

Quality Assurance / Quality Control B.4.b This item identified a potential enforcement issue due to failure to store OA records in a fireproof cabinet. Included in this finding the reviewer noted as a weakness the need for clarification of the document / records interface for storage control. DISCUSSION The documents in question are identified in the report as being completed moment restraint record packages that were being maintained in a non-fireproof cabinet in the ASME Safeguards Building QC trailer. The documents were, in fact, moment restraint record packages which were being assembled for a final as-construction inspection review. Upon compietion of this final review and inspection the documents would then be considered completed records and would be required to be stored as such. The distinction between a document and a record was not properly conveyed +.o the reviewer. To clarify this point a record has been generated when the final inspection associated with a given document has been completed. CORRECTIVE ACTION Following the identification of this item and prior to conclusion of the NRC review the documents in question were relocated to fireproof . cabinets. To improve the controls and protection of those documents which are being assembled for final inspection, additional fireproof cabinets have been provided.

. ~ Quality Assurance / Quality Control B.7.b This item identified a potential enforcement issue regarding the failure to establish measures to audit vendors at least triennially. CORRECTIVE ACTION

1. An FSAR change request has been submitted to TUGC0 Licensing which will commit TUGC0 QA to the guidance of Regulatory Guide 1.144, Rev.1, Paragraph c.3.b, External Audits. This commitment requires a triennial audit of all active vendors on the AVL supplemented by vendor evalu-ations in the off years. While this is a reduction of the commitment to annual vendor audits as required by ANSI N45.2.12, Draft 3 Rev. O, it is an accepted practice formally endorsed by the NRC. TUGC0 Quality Procedures will be revised to reflect these commitments by Sep- .

tember 30, 1984.

2. Dresser Industries is being evaluated in accordance with DQP-CS-12.

The annual evaluation of Forney Engineering was completed July 30, 1984. As the result of this evaluation, Forney Engineering was audited August 14 and 15, 1984. The audit report is in preparation and will be issued by September 15, 1984.

3. All vendors on the AVL will be evaluated in accordance with DQP-CS-12 by the end of 1984. Audits will be scheduled, as required. The QA Audit Staff will be augumented by one individual beginning the first week of September in order to provide assistance in the conduct of .

vendor audits.

Civil Construction Activities G. b. (5) : ' This item discussed the fact that the licensee had determined that documentation of QC inspections were incomplete for installation of Richmond Insert Bolts. The reviewer indicated that the licensee's program to verify installation of the Richmond Insert Bolts was comprehensive. CORRECTIVE ACTION The reinspection of these installations for Unit I and Common have been completed. Verification of installation of Richmond Insert Bolts in Unit 2 is continuing as described in procedure QI-QP-11.14-8.

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 * 'O Quality Assurance / Quality Control B.7.b This item identified a procedural weakness regarding the lack of documented criteria to be applied in the decision to source inspect or waive equipment in the vendors' shops.                                                               ~

CORRECTIVE ACTION Dallas Quality Procedure OQP-VC-1 " Final Inspection and Release for TUGC0" has been revised to include these criteria. The pro-cedure was issued on 8/27/84 and all Vendor Compliance personnel have been made aware of the revision. t l a O y -._ . .- - , . , - , - - - . . - . , . , . - . _ - _ _ , _ _ . _ , , - . _ .

    . 'o Electrical Item D.b. (3)

This item discussed electrical cable terminations with specific mention of cable terminations to Weidmueller Terminal Blockr. It states that tugging and flexing of the conductors could possibly result in reducing the tightness of the screw clamp connection. The post construction inspection instruction, QI-QP-11.3-40, did not clearly preclude inspectors from tugging and flexing the conductors, although it did caution inspectors not to move terminal conductors or wire bundles during inspections, since equipment might be energized. As noted, these terminal blocks have been qualified for nuclear application, including seismic and environmental qualification. CORRECTIVE ACTION Inspection instruction QI-QP-11.3-40 was revised. Revision 16 clearly precludes tugging and flexing actions which might reduce the tightness of these connections. It is important to again nota that these terminal blocks have undergone independent laboratory testir., to demonstrate their applicability to riuclear plant use under environmental and seismic conditions. 6 I L

Electrical Item D.b. (4) This item identified where two (2) inspection reports, labeled as

      " final" inspections, had been completed on the same room. The reviewer considered that there should be only one final inspection for post construction work and that this area would be reviewed by the licensee                                      -

for clarification. CORRECTIVE ACTION 4 The intent to perform a single " final" post construction inspection is reflected in the inspection procedures and is being followed as i closely as practicable. However, in January,1984, various specific concerns were raised by QC inspectors to QC Supervision which brought about a second " final" inspection on specific rooms. Our objective is to continue to cu.1 duct a single " final" inspection unless otherwise necessary to address specific concerns. L 1 l j

Design Activities / Design Control E.b. (8) The reviewer performed a field walkdown inspection of fourteen (14) pipe supports. These inspections identified two (2) supports which were not installed in accordance with the detailed drawings and were considered to'be'a potential enforcement item since QC had previously accepted these installations. The specific problem with these supports was that a snubber and strut were installed over an allowed 5 degree tolerance. CORRECTIVEACTIqN A review of the documentation associated with these pipe supports indicated that the support installations were inspected on June 7, 1983. Based on these inspection reports the installations were satisfactory at that time. The snubber of !!ain Steam (MS-1-151-025-C52K, Rev. 3) identified by the reviewer as being over the 5 degree tolerance was determined to be at 71 degrees. This deficiency was identified on NCR 13,384 and subsequently resolved on April 27, 1984. For the rigid strut on Component Cooling (CC-1-295-005-C53R, Rev. 4), NCR 13,349 was issued to identify the out of tolerance angle between strut and pipe clamp. Corrective action identified on the NCR was completed on May 3,1984. The cause for the above components being out of compliance with the iginal acceptance values could not definitely be determined. Project

management subsequently has reinforced to their personnel that the disassembly of component supports is not permitted unless performed P accordance with Procedure CP-CPM-6.10.
     - - - - - -  --.,rc-        - - - ----,----+--y         - - - - - - - .     -    ,,w-        -    m                --- - -- -- -- -

Design Activities / Design Control E.b. (10): This item identified that discussions with QC inspectors indicated the inspectors were confused with the interpretation of the tolerances on detailed drawings for strut / snubber installation. A commitment was made to revise the inspection procedure and conduct training of QC inspectors in this area. CORRECTIVE ACTION The inspection procedure, QI-QAP-11.1-28, was revised on June 11, 1984 to clarify the acceptable tolerance of the angle shown on the design drawing. Training of inspectors on these clarification changes was completed prior to the issuance of the revised procedure. I

Installation of Safety-Related Fluid Systems 14.b. (4) : The reviewer founo a few nuts very loose on the RHR Heat Exchanger supports with many threads exposed between the nut and the surface against which they would tighten. The reviewer was informed that final inspection of the bolting remained to be performed. The reviewer also requested bolting requirements, drawings and installation records for the RHR Heat Exchangers, however, this request was made one to two days before the end of his visit and the bolting requirements were not obtained for the reviewer. Licensee personnel indicated insufficient time was allowed to provide all of what was requested. CORRECTIVE ACTION The bolting / installation requirements were subsequently located; however, due to the short period of time and amount of material requested by the reviewer, this material was not available to the reviewer before his departure from the site. The loose bolting material items were corrected prior to final inspections of these components. Final subsystem N-5 certification of 3 of the 4 heat exchangers has been completed satisfactorily. Final inspection of the remaining heat exchanger should resolve this item.

Civil Construction Activities G.b.2 (b) & (c) The reviewer examined two (2) pipe whip restraints and discussed the use of Jam nuts on these installations with various design engineers and with a QC inspector who acce.npanied the reviewer. The reviewer noted that DCA 14,813, Revision 2 against drawing 2323-51-0501, revised the erection notes for the whip restraints to require installation of Jam nuts (or spoiling threads) on bolts which have nuts installed hand tight. The revierer also noted that the inspections for installation of these jam nuts were not documented in the inspection packages. The reviewer concluded that there was some confusion as to where the use of jam nuts was required. CORRECTIVE ACTION A review of Revision 2 of the subject DCA indicates that the option (spoiled threads or jam nuts) is clearly stated. The inspection of these whip restraints includes a generic cttribute for bolting re-quirements. As indicated in the drawing requirements, spoiled threads or jam nuts may be used and since the inspection for bolting connections includes an inspection for this attribute, no specific signoff is present or required for jam nuts. 9 e b k

l Civil Construction Activities G.b. (8)  : The interviews with inspectors indicated that a large number of unincorporated design changes against some drawings made their jobs more difficult at times, but most said that after working in an area for a period of time they became familiar with the changes and werE ;ble to overcome this problem. CORRECTIVE ACTION It is acknowledged that a large number of unincorporated design changes make the inspectors jobs more difficult, however, inspection personnel have received considerable training in this area and are familiar with the changes. To reduce the possibility of confusion during the inspection process for Unit No. 2, drawings are currently being updated to incorporate all design changes against them. n 4

Formal Interviews I & Appendix A Interviews of five management personnel and twenty-eight inspectors were conducted. The report states, iithough some concerns were expressed requiring further review, :hese concerns did not appear to be excessive in number or serious and would be normally expected during the interview process. CORRECTIVE ACTION The concerns raised by the individuals during the interview process are being reviewed. For these concerns where sufficient specific information is available to pursue the concerns, action will be taken by appropriate personnel to resolve them. i ? \

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C ( T ?I tWk El;i MPANY p p6c F t u n, W gaAM . . . u x. . , m . h:.?

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su+ M So wA Y u.s w i September 17, 1984 fg TXX-43uu


WA $.W. 39

'$Y.h Arlington, TX 76011                                                          Docket Nos. 50-445 50-446 C04ANCHE PFAX STEAM ELECTRIC STATION UNITS 1 AND 2


Dear Mr. Denise:

e In my letter of June 15, 1984 to Richard P. Denise, Texas Utilities Generatina _ Company ("TUGCo") responded to fRC Staff questions regarding, among other things, (1) maximum interpass temperature controls for welding on notch toughness materials and (2) nonelevated preheat control. In that letter, we provided detatiea in%rmiation demonstrating the effectiveness and adequacy of procedtral controls concerning these issues at the Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station ("CPSES"). By letter dated August 28, 1984, from R.L. Bangart to Michael D. Spence, the NRC Staff requested additional infonnation regarding these two' issues. The attached response provides the requested infomation. We trust you will find this infonnation helpful in expediting closure of these issues. Please advise if you require further information. Very truly yours, CA--- N BRC:tig cc: Mr. John Collins = = U.S. NRC - Region IV D.M. Hunnicutt T.A. Ippolito G. Mizuno A n s e >/ # - gg i VLW U V




     .: .x c                                  c TXX-4300 September 17, 1984 RESPONSE TO STAFF'S ADDITIONAL OUESTIONS REGARDING
 ~ ~ * '
  • MAXIMtM INTERPASS TEMPERATURE CONTROL AND NONELEVATED PREHEAT CONTROL Maximum Interoass Temoerature During recent discussions regarding this issue, the EC Staff has stated that in view of its independent investigations and the detailed infonnation provided in rqy June 15 letter, there is reasonable assurance that maximum interpass temperature requirements for welding on notch toughness materials have not been
  • exceeded so as to call into question the structural integrity of any weld joint.

However, the Staff believes that to enhance further the welding program at CPSES and to preclude future questions regarding this issue, additional and more easily verifiable controls should be considered, e.g., requiring that all welders use temperature indicating devices between passes to provide sitive visual assurance that maximum interpass temperatures are not exceeded.

           . We do not believe that such controls are necessary to assure compliance with
         ' appl _icable ASME and RC requirements; however, to resolve this issue and provide further conservatism in the welding program, we will revise aoolicable welding procedures to make clear that on the materials of concern a positive indicatina device (such as temperature indicating crayons or contact pyrometers) will be used by welders between each weld laye7 to provide visual aifsurance that the maximum interpass temperature is not exceeded. In parallel ,

affected welders will be trained on this requirement and retrained on the use of such devices. In addition, surveillance of interpass temperature control by both Welding Engineering Department and QA/QC personnel will provide assurance that this new requirement is being implemented. (In this regard, QC has been conducting twice weekly documented surveillance of interpass temperature

control since March 9,1984.)

l l

                                                                                                .ma, 1

As stated in my letter of June 15, tests have demonstrated that if welding occurs within the normal parameters set forth in the applicable welding procedures and appropriate weld cleaning occurs, it is impossible to exceed the maximian interpass temperature of 5000 F for notch toughness material s. (It must be remembered that the maximum'interpass temperature could have been set at 6000 F and still been within applicable Code requirements without additional welding procedure qualification. Further, the maximtsn interpass temperature design specification for this welding is 7000F .)



(~ ( TXX-4300 September 17, 1984 f Nonelevated preheat Control During recent discussions regarding this issue, the NRC Staff has stated that in view of its indepenueat investigations and the detailed infomation regarding preheat provided in my June 15 letter, there is reasonable assurance that nonelevated preheat requirements have not been violated so as to call into question the structural integrity of any weld joint. However, to enhance further the welding program and to preclude further questions regarding this t issue, the Staff believes that additional and more easily verifiable controls should be considered, e. . providing thermometers to welders when the ambient temperature drops below 0 F to assure that welders are aware of ambient temperature conditions and have a more readily verifiable method (instead of the " hand-warm" criterion) of detemining when the temperature of the joint drops to the an: welding point of low carbon where steels, preheat 600F andis70 required {for AS4E and AWg) shie F, respectively . We do not believe that such controls are necessary to assure compliance with - applicable AS4E and PRC requirements; however, to resolve this issue and provide further conservatism in the welding program, appropriate construction

                          . procedures at CpSES will be revised Ln recuire calibrated thermomete_rs to be issued to welders whenever the ambient temperature outside the weld distribution statiTons drops below 70 F. Welders will be required to check the temperature of weld joints in such cases to determine if preheat is required.

Affected welders will be trained on this requirement and use of the thermometers. In addition, surveillance by Welding Engineering Department and QA/QC personnel will provide assurance that this new requirement is being implemented. (In this regard, twice weekly documented surveillances of preheat cor*;eols have been conducted by QC since March 9,1984.) l l l l

                                                                                                                                      "I    l l

2 It should be noted that procedural requirements in this regard exceed those required of the applicable Codes. For exampie, pursuant to the AS4E j Code, without further weld procedure 0 qualification preheat is not required 0 until the weld joint is below 50 F (50 F below the 1000 F qualification  ! temperature) . On AWS materials, pursuant to the Code, preheat is not ' required until the joint temperature is below 320F. I l

                                        .                                                                                                   l

Wno wus NUCLEAR REGill ATOrlY COMMICSION S CcMTMT. , 3 Q - O f  ;@ , p -~e

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Y l Texas Uti 4y 1 k '10 ATTN: M. Skyway To- , ( 400 North ( tock Box . Dallas, T. p , 1.[(,,g, g Gentlan.en: 366 INbK 7 hkh@, This r efers to the special inspection of the Unic i ...mtcr cent i m i L:uilding cenducted by Mr. L. E. Martin and other members of our staf f during the period May 14 through June 20, 1984, of activities authorized by NRC Ccastruction Permit CPPR-126 for the Ccmanche Peak Facility, Unit 1, and to the discussion of our findings with Messrs. J. T. Merritt and A. Vega and other members of your staf f at the conclusico of the inspection. This inspection "is the third in a series of planned construction completion rccm/ area inspections. The primary purpose of this inspection was to evaluate the actual as-built status of the reactor containment buildino as ccmpared to / the design and inspection documentation. This inspection covered certain ccostruction characteristics, such as, workTMn woldino, pipe supports, p i:"mct ion adecuary etcfich have bcen the subject of f ;"t ' u tc ne 4 f,.13 c; - but , this inspection was not iatended to achieve total resolution of specific allegations. The NRC inspectors performing this inspection did not have any kn:wledge of specific allegatiens in the reactor ccntainment building; therefore, the resolution of specific allegations may involve additional 4 icn and corrective actions if required. j Areas examined during the inspection included piping and pipe supports, contair.mont penetrations, HVAC ducts and supports, electrical raceway and su; ports, safety-related equipment, "as-built" program, QC inspector and wclder qualifications, and follewup on one unresolved item from the special insp.:ction of the fuel building. Within these areas, the inspection consisted of selective examination of procedures and representative records, interviews md discussions with craft and QC personnel, and observations by the inspectors. The findings are documented in the enclosed inspection rcport. N ing this ir.vaction, it was found that certain of your activities were in violat ion of MC i cquirn.onts. Concequently, ycu are required to respond to t'.c o violations, in writing, in accccd nce with the provisions of Section 2.701 uf the NRC's " Rules of Practice," P t , le O Cc Gl90

o. .

3 ,8. ,.

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UNI *L D 1;f Al[S NUCLEAR REGlit ATORY COMMISSION . $* . , ' !. f REGION IV A ^ 8, f.

           .'       C rAnKWAY CENTRAL TU.ZA EUILDi'.O 011 RYAN rLAZA ofitVE. SusTE 17Jo l
                                                                                          /   8' t

4* . , ' , , . " AnuricTON. TLXAS mom [A{ Y In Reply Refer To: Docket: 50-445/84-16 k ./* p#

                                                                                               ,     '5 Texas Utilities Electric Company
  • 10 1

ATTN: M. D. Spence, President, TUGC0 ' 3 Skyway Tower ( 400 North Olive Street tock Box 81 Dallas, Texas 75201 Gentlemen: . This refers to the special inspection of the Unit I reactor centainment tuilding conducted by Mr. L. E. Martin and other cembers of our staf f during the period May 14 through June 20, 1984, of activities authorized by NRC Ccistruction Permit CPPR-126 for the Comanche Peak Facility, Unit 1, and to the discussion of our findings with Messrs. J. T. Merritt and A. Vega and other members of your staff at the conclusion of the inspection. This inspection "is the third in a series of planned construction completion rcem/arca inspections. The primary purpose of this inspection was to evaluate the actual as-built status of the reactor containment building as compared to / the design and inspection documentation. This inspection covered certain 8 ccr.struction characteristics, such as, workwtchin. uairiina pipe supports, g ./_ 7 4 i: toection adecuar y. etcfich have been the subject of y ~ -+ 4 ~ t c L.e p f.s3

      <;&;-but, _this inspection was not i.1 tended to achieve total resolution of specific allegations.            The NRC inspectors performing this inspection did not                 g have ar.y knowledge of specific ailegatiens in the reactor containment building; therefore,.the resolution of specific allegations may involve additional ion and correc.tive actions if required.

Areas examined during the inspection included piping and pipe supports, containment penetrations, HVAC ducts and supports, electrical raceway and suiports, safety-related equipment, "as-built" progra n, QC inspector and welder qualifications, and followup on one unresolved item frun the special insp.:ctivn of the fuel building. Within these areas, the inspection consisted of selective examination of procedures and representative records, interviews and discussions with craft and QC personnel, and observations by the inspectors. The findings are documented in the enclosed inspection rcport. Dm ing this incpaction, it was found that certain of your .ictivities were in violat ion of ERC i equirer.a'nts. Con >quently, you are requir ed to respond to t!.. se violations, in writing, in accord.nce with the provisions of Section 2.?01 of the NRC's " Rules of Practice," Part 2, Title 10, Ccde of prsy, sc xw

                               *J gyu da        u <
                                                                           . .e Texas Utilities Electric Ccmpany                Federal Regulations. Your response should be based on the specifics contained in the Notice of Violation enclosed with this letter.

Your response to Item A of the attached Notice of Violation should address the adequacy of inspection of these cable tray hangers (CTHs). It is recognized that the as-built conditions of these hangers are adequate for the intended design function and that the engineering analysis indicates that all of these hangers will be used as they are installed with the exce,ation of CTH 5567; (bevelled washer). Therefore, your recponse to this violation should address the corrective action and recurrence controls for the inspection of these cable tray hangers. In accordance with 10 CFR 2.790(a), a copy of this letter and the enclosures will be placed in the NRC Public Document Room unless you notify this office, by telephone, within 10 days of the date of this letter, and submit written application to withhold information contained therein within 30 days of the date of this letter. Sych application must be consistent with the requirenents of 2.790(b)(1). The response directed by this letter and the accompanying Notice is not subject to the clearance procedures of the Office of Managenient and Budget as required by the paperwork reduction act of 1980, PL 96-511. Should you have any questions concerning this inspection, we will be pleased to discuss them with you. Sincerely, R. L. Bangart, Director Region IV Ccmanche Peak Task Force Enc 1csures:

1. Appendix A - Notice of Violation
2. Appendix B - NRC Inspection Report 50-445/84-16 cc w/ enclosures:

Texas Utilities Electric Ccmpany Texas Utilities Electric Company ATTN: 8. R. Clements, Vice ATTN: H. C. Schmidt, Manager President, Nuclear  !!uclear Services Skyway Tcwer Skyway Tower 400 ::arth Olive Street 400 i: orth Olive Street Lock Eox 81 Leck Sox 81 Dallas, Texas 75201 Dallas, Texas 75201 O


T APPENDIX A U ' NOTICE OF VIOLATION Texas Utilities Electric Company Docket: 50-445/84-16 Ccmanche Peak Steam Electric Station Construction Permit: CPPR-126 Based on the results of an NRC inspection conducted during the period of '

      .Itay 14 through June 20, 1984, and in accordance with the NRC Enforcement Policy (10 CFR Part 2, Appendix C), 47 FR 8583, dated March 9, 1984, the folicwing violations were identified:

A. Failure to Properly Inspect Cable Tray Hancers (CTHs) 10 CFR Part 50,' Appendix B, Criterion X requir'es that the inspection prngram of activities affecting quality shall be established and con-docted in a manner to verify conformance with the documented instructions, precedures, and drawings. Procedure QI-QP-11.10-2, Rev. 27, " Cable Tray Hanger Inspection," specifies the inspection attributes for inspecting assembly, configur-ation, base, plate grouting, welding, etc. , for conformance with design drawings and documents. Contrary to the above:

1. The NRC inspectors identified two cases where three supports shared common clip angle attachments to the concrete wall. CTHs 6503, 6504, and 6505 shared a common clip angle that was not called for on Drawing 2323-S-903, Detail D for Case SP4 or on Cceponent 'todification Card (CMC) 11097. CTHs 6576, 6577, and 6578 shared comr.on clip angles that were not called for on Drawing 2323-S-903, Detail D for SP4.
2. The NRC inspectors identified two hangers where the dir.snsions did not agree with the drawings. CTHs 6632 and 6638 both have installed dimensions that are more than the 1/4 inch allowed tolerance from those specified in the apprcpriate design documents. The di;r.ensional errors are specifically documented on Nonconformance Report M34-01834.

The dimensional errors of the members varied from 7/8 of an inch to 11/8 of an inch shorter than those shown on the FSE-C0159 drawing. d,, jf The dimensional errors are in the safe direction with regard to the f structural integrity of the supports.

   /           3 c. The NRC inspectors identified two cable tray hcngers that did not p'  -

r have the weld configuration specified en the design drawings. 0A n y#- irmtf- mm (, ,p w i v < ' f

CTH 6642 and CTH 6645 both had horizontal welds at the clip ar jle to support connection and the design drawings specified vertical wolds.

4. The tiRC inspectors identified five cable tray hangers that had wall / floor connections that did not conform to those specified by the design drawings. CTH 6657 had a bevelled washer that was improperly installed so that it actually decreased the bearing surface between the nut and the clip angle. CTH 5519 did not have 1 inch of grout under base plate as specified on Drawing 2323-5-913, Detail 6.

CTHs 5491, 5498, and 5499 had clip angles that utilized a combination of welding to embed plates and Hilti bolts for the wall or beam attachment for which there was no detail. The above are examples identified by the liRC inspectors where cable tray hangers were installed by the craft to conditions other than those

pecified by the identified design documents and the QC inspectors failed to identify and dutument these conditions.

This is a Severity Level IV Violation. (Supplement II.D) (445/8416-01) B. Failure to Provide Controlled Issuance of Design Docunents and Changes Thcreto , 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix B, Criterion VI, " Document Control," requires that documents, such as instructions, procedures, and drawings, including changes thereto, be controlled and properly distributed to the location where activities affecting quality are conducted. ANSI fi45.2.11, Section 7 requires that documented procedures be used to centrol the iscuance of design documents and changes 'thereto and that these procedures s~ hall assure that documents are properly distributed. Contrary to the above, it was determined that issuance of design documents and changes thereto were not being controlled by Operations Document Centrol Center (OCC). Specifically, the actual status of design drawings in the centrol room, file 003, could not be determined. The list of CMCs and design change authorizations identified by Operations DCC to be applicable did not agree with the Construction DCC list. In addition, the effective. revision of Drawings 2323-M1-0301 (CP-5), M1-0261 (CP-4), and M1-0262 (CP-4) were not found in the control rocm file. This is a Severity Level V Violation. (Supplement II.E) (445/8416-02) O

c Pur ': ant to the provisions of 10 CFR Part 2.201, Texas Utilities Electric Ccrpany, is hereby required to submit to this office, within 30 days of the date of this !!otice, a written statement or explanation in reply, including: (1) the corrective which have been taken and the results achieved; (2) corrective steps which will be taken to avoid further violations; and (3) the date when full con.pliance will be achieved. Consideration raay be given to ex. tending your response time for good cause shown.


.I 4 i

l APPENDIX B T@baWT J0 i U. S. i:UCLEAR REGULATORY C0!4 MISSION REGION IV NRC Inspection Report: 50-445/84-16 Construction Permit: CPPR-126 Docket: 50-445 Category: A2 , Licensee: Texas Utilities Electric Company Skyway Tower 400 tiorth Olive Street Lock Box 81 , Dallas, Texas 75201 Facility Name: Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station (CPSES), Unit 1 Inspection At: CPSES,'Jnit 1, Glen Rose, Texas Inspection Conducted: flay 14 - June 20, 1984 Inspectors: 5(4% L."E.' tiartin, Reactor Ins ctor, RIV Task Force 4d' f/// ~ Fate / (paregraphs 1, 2, 3, 4, , 10, 12, and 13) 8' J SMy C. R. Oberg, Reactor In ,,.ctor, RIV Task Force l$T f ate (paragraphs 4, 5, 6, 7, , 9 and 11) Other Acccmpanying Persennel: W. R. Bennett, Reactor Inspector, RIV M. E. Skow, Reactor Inspector, RIV approved: h)l gntwOg2H- _ _ cf.?ff Y D. M. Hennicutt, Team Leader, RIV Task Force O d'te e ?i> rc 1 #~9 v 0 ~m

             , gw - -


o. y , DRAFT Inspection Sur.uary In.;+ction Conducted May 14-June 20,1984 (Report 50-445/84-16) Avoas Inspected: Special inspection of construction corepletion inside Unit 1 containment building of piping and pipe supports; penetrations; heating, venti-lation, and air conditioning ducts and supports;" safety-related equipment; electrical raceway and supports; as-built program; QC inspector / welder qualifi-cations; and followup on one unresolved item from the special inspection of the fuel building. The inspection involved 801 inspector-hours onsite by four NRC inspectors. Results: Within the eight areas inspected, two violations were identified. One violation was identified in the electrical area per,taining to cable tray hanger inspections (445/8416-01, paragraph 7.b) and one violation was identified in the as-built progrcm a'rea pertaining to docur.ent control (445/8416-02, paragraph 9.e). O


1. Persens Contacted Principal Licensee Contacts J. T. Merritt, Assistant Project General Marager  ;
    *L. F. Fikar, Executive Vice President, Engireering                   */
    *A. Vega, Site QA Manager
    *J. C. Kuyker.dall, Manager fluclear Operationt
    *B. J. Murray, Building Manager J. Kinavy, Assistant Building Manager M. McBay, Engineering Manager
    *L. M. Popplewell, Project Engineering Manager
    *L. M. Bielfeldt, Quality Engineering Supervisor
    *W. R. Oc,itherage, Executive Assistant, Office of Project General Manager
    *C. Killcugh, Quality Surveillance Supervisor
    *J. Brackney, Records Supervisor B. C. Scott, QA Supervisor I. Vogelsang, Project Electrical Engineer R. Camp, Start Up Supervisor -

M. Hudgins, Electrical Test Group R. Calder,T?uclear Engineering Manager M. Strange, Supervising Er.gineer R. R. Wistrc~nd, Administrative Superintendent Other Contractor Contacts R. Langston, Brown and Root ('B&R) Insulation Superintendent T. Chandler, B&R, QC Inspector S. Perry, B&R, QC Inspector J. Hobbs, B&R, Paper Flow Group B. Edwards, Bahnson, Project Manager D. O'Brien, Bahnson, Project Manager D. Williams, Chicago Bridge and Iron (CBI), QC Supervisor R. Moehler, Westinghcuse, Site Repre'sentative J. Foland, Westinghouse,t;uclear Controls Engineer The !!RC inspectors also contacted other plant persennel including members of the construction, technical, quality assurance, and administrative staffs.

    *00 notes those attending the exit int ervicw on June 20,1S84.
                                                                          'a   g
2. I_nmection Objectives and Scope The objective of this inspection was to evaluate the construction ccmpletion of the Unit 1 reactor containment building. This objective was accomplished through exainination of installed equipir.cnt and hardware to ensure that the installation conforms with FSAR commitmer.ts and approved design documents as detailed in the inspection packages.

For each of the areas inspected, prepared inspection data sheets were utilized to define the inspection attributes, acceptance criteria, and results. These inspection data sheets are included as an attachment to this report. Also included in the scope o,f this inspection were informal discussions with craft and QC pert.onnel and subjective evaluations by the f4RC inspectors of their job knowledge. The areas selected for examination were:

  • Piping and piping supports including certain instrum.cotation for six different piping systems
  • Containment penetrations
  • HVAC ducts and supports
  • Electrical raceway / supports, terminations, anc electrical separation
  • Equipment installation and procurement
  • Review of as-built program
  • Review of QC inspector and welder qualifications This inspecticn included followup and ' closure of unresolved item G5/8323-06 from t'RC Inspection Repcrt 50-445/83-23 as documented in paragraph 11 of this report.

The major portion of this inspection was done during the period of t'ay 14 thrcugh June 20, 1984, and was bounded by the 860' and above elevations of the reactor containment building. !W.tever, a portion of this inspection for the main steam, pressurizer relief, and reactor coolant systcms occurred in January and February 1CS?. The inspection of these systems coupled with the inspection of the oth.:r systens docu:..:nted in this re;;. ort ccvar rr.ost of the elevations in the reactor contain ent building for Unit 1.

3. Status of Unit 1 Reactor Ccntainu nt % ilding T*.a l'ait 1 reactor coat.Ti.i..;;nt builuiag uns c:ccnLi.;11y ce plete frca t!ie CE0' elevation and chove. The majcr censtruction .-ctivitics in those areas involved cleaning, touch up painting, ind insulation installation.

DRAFT The follcwing is a sun. mary of the open items as of June 1, 1984, from the easter data base (MDB) cystcm (punch list) for the Unit 1 reactor containment building at elevation 860' and above: Coatings 26 Craft 25 Engineering 18 Quality 17

  • Start Up/ Testing 263 -

Miscellaneous 35 384 As seen from above, the majority of the open items were in the startup and testing area, with very few construction items remaining cpen. At the time of this inspection, access controls for this area were in place. There was still co$siderable construction actitity in the two lower levels of the reactor containment building. A large clean up and effort was underway. The reactor contain.nent building at all elevations will scen be couplete and access controls will be in place.

4. Piping and Pipe Supports
a. Attributes Predetermined attributes for inspection were identified on the specific inspection data sheet. The following listing gives a detailed description of ,these attributes:

(1) Welding - The type and size of welds and their location and spacing where detailed as specified by the various design documents. (2) Hardware Support members and fasteners were proper type and size with proper orientation. (3) Connections - Ceiling / wall, etc., connections to attachments per design documents. (4) Physical Conditions - Dimensions of support members, piping, and their location per design documents. (5) Attr.chr..ents - Size of attachment, oc'dir.g and/or Hilti tolt/ Richmond inserts verified for size, type, thread engngr.ncnt, Learing, spacing, and de pth.

m 1 _S. (6) Base Plates - Size per design document and sufficient bearing surface contact. (7) Grouting - Used where specified or appropriate. (8) Clearances - Sufficient space from interferences to allow for specified thermal expansion and movement. (9) Vorkmanship - Conforms to generally accepted craft work practices. (10) Documentation - Review of installation and inspection records to ensure that these records document the as-installed piping and supports and agree with the current approved design information,

b. Reactor Coolant System (RCS)

(1) General - The construction work on the RCS was found to be essentially couplete. The primary system hydrostatic test and the hot functional test (HFT) had been completed. The RCS was open and the reactor pressure vessel head was removed. Work was being done on the system in the areas of instrument calibrat'on and fit up of crossover leg restraint spacers. Reflective insulation had been installed. Grouting of various support base plates was being done. Ccasiderable activity in cleaning up spaces and components and the application of protective coatings was also noted. (2) Inspection Sccpe and Inspection Criteria Utilized Inspection of the RCS included a review of selected portions of the follcwing areas: Foundations Safety Related Structures Safety Related Components Instrumentation Fortiens of ncnagement systems were testad by examination of dccuments and procedures as thcy were directly cpplicable to ser:e of the .reas listed atcve. Thn e included: Corractive Actions . Design Change Control ,

p 9 U l J'l l Procurement f4aintenance Equipmenf. Qualifications The FSAR was reviewed to determine system technical requirements and licensee commitments. Applicable drawings and design change authorizations (OCAs) were reviewed. In addition, records'of QC inspections, craft installation records, and other applicable documents were reviewed to determine the specific craft construction and QC inspvtion requirements. A detailed list of documents reviewed is contained in Attachment 1. (3) Foundations (a) Foppdation for Reactor Coolant P': .p (RCP) and Steam Generator (SG) Siggorts The documents including applicable drawings relating to the foundations of the RCP and SG serports were reviewed by the riRC inspector. The following information was found to

                                                .         be documented:

Traveler f4E81-2154-5500 identified the need for grouting the columns. Grout Card 186 documented that grcuting was authorized by E&R engineering and perforced on Dect.mber 23, 1981. Comprehensive strength of the three grout cubes

                      \                                         averaged 8450 psi (6000 psi required).

9 he applicable drawings wore found to differ in one area.

            \' f ',/
                                     .           ,       Destinghouse Crawing 1457F29 (Rev. 5) and Traveler IK81-2154-5500 p                       /                     both called for approximately 8 inches of " grout".

h s,

                               /.                        Drawing 2323-51-0550, Rev. 4 called for " Class E concrete" to b

ga .

                                                        %u_s_e_cL_under the pedestal bases, iscussiens were held with TUGC0 civil engineering. The h                                enginenring representative stated that no technical problem f                           existed since the ccar.ercial grout strength excccded the concrete stror.gth. The MC ir.gector ccncurred in       -
                 ,' g                                   ~ ~ ~ ~

g this asuss:c,ent. - N g'Af D .v ___ j -

       ,( /',s.d                     [lp                 i:o deviations or violations cre id. ,tified.

v lh . 9 ef A .} ' Y Y

             -     ' r'WD.             .

j U J- . ,f' l ,s l

       ; ;; ' f6'._;>          l; f_ sjj' ,   .       .
           .Jpd g                 0      F
             '          a/(j/(,n '

9 4 ,63 E (b) Crossover Leg Hori ental Restraint Anchor Bolts Two types of anchor bolt assemblies were used on the horizontal restraints of the reactor coolant crossover leg. RAB3 and RAS 4 asscmbly bolts, nuts, and washers were made from material that conformed to ASTM A-540 requirements. The anchor plates were made from material that conformed to ASTM A-558, Grade 50 requirc.ments. The assemblies were

     '                 fabricated off site, shipped to the site, receipt            '

inspected, and later installed as part of Concrete Placement 101-2812-01 (in blockouts). Subsequently, foundation concrete for the loop 1 crossover restraints was installed (Placements 101-9812-01 and 101-9812-02). The materials and installation pf the 2 4-inch anchor bolts, RAB-3 (75 inches icng) and RAB-4 (57 inches long) were confirmed by a review of records cnd verification of code marking on top of er.chor bolts. The NRC inspector concluded that the anchor bolts were installed in accordance with the applicable drawings. (c) Foundations for the Steaa Gcnerator and Reactor Coolant Pump Cross Over Leg Restraints The records documenting the placement of foundation concrete for the crossover leg restraints were examined for Unit 1. Concrete Four Packages 101-9812-002 and -003 were reviewed. Design Mix 129 was used for the placement on June 1, 1978. All 28-day cylinder breaks were verified, by review of compression test reports, to be in excess of 40C0 psi as rcquired by Construction Specification 2323-SS-9, Rev. 4. The placex,ents took place en June 1, 1978. Proper curing was performed. ' No discrepancies in the docccentation were noted. Specific documents reviewed are listed on the inspection data sheets. (4) Reactor Coolant System Piping Cleanliness (External) Insulation on the RCS piping and major ccmponents is the reflectiva or mirror stainless steel type reanufactured by Di'. mend Power and installed by EfR. Prior to inst:llation of ti.e intu;. tion c. etiens, c i; es - cre tak. n of t he curface of the stain steel piping in order to determi .e ti c chloride a:,d fl,orida contrainaticn levels. fSAR, Section s t.-ted tMt prior to ri' plicatien of the: cal io< ult. tion,

" r AA lft; E austenitic stainless steel surfaces are cicaned and analyzed to a halogen limit of 0.0015 mg C1 /da2 and 2 0.0015 mg F /da*. 2 Tiie tiRC inspector reviewed the program for determining surface contarnination. The procedures contain adequate controls for - ensuring that the surface of stainless steel does not exceed the designated levels. Inspection travelers were rcviewed. Specific requirements for cleaning and QC inspection were - identified. Inspection item removal notices are required when insulation is removed and reinspection for contamination is repeated. The NRC inspector also observed the cleaning and obtaining swipe samples. No deviations or violations were identified. (5) Safety-Related Components The NRC* inspector reviewed Traveler I1E-73-004-5505 that documented the installation of the RCP casing and supports. Final adjustraent of the column supports was dcne after HFT. The NRC inspectors noted that the columns were grouted. Readings of pur.p casings level were recorded as requirad by the traveler. N,o discrepancies were noted in documentation. QC. inspections had'been accomplished. (6) Iristror.cntation RCS ficw transmitters (1-FT-415, 416, and 414) for loop 1 were selected for inspection. The NRC insp.:ctors examined the runs to determine if identification, routing, slepe, supports, and valves were installed in accordance with applicable drawings and specifications. Instreraentation tubing was classified Safety Class 2, Seismic Category I. Wet process lines generally requirod a slope of 1 inch per foot. Routing and support locations were specified on the installation drawings. Records reviewed (sce Attachr.ent 1) agreed with the actual installation of the instrument runs. QC inspections had been acccmplished in accordance with hold points specificd on each weld data card. QC hold points included cleanliness, fitup, purge, final visual inspection, and dye penetrant excainations. The 1,RC insivct or concit.6A the flew ins t rm.antation for Icep I was 'nst;.lled in .ccort nce with w roved <*ra ings and


(7) flonconformance Reports (NCR) CRAFT BLR liCR C705-R1 (7/21/77) idcntified that 11 RAB-15 anchor bolt assernblies used in crossover leg (vertical) restraints were nonconforraing in that jam nuts were welded to the plate washers instead of heavy hex nuts. The assemblics had the jam nuts removed by a lath and grinding from the bolt and the plate washers. The NCR was reviewed arid approved by QA on ~ August 8, 1977. On August 1,1977, TWX-824 requested epproval of the repair procedure from Gibbs & Hill (G&H) (flew York office). On August 4, 1977, GIT-1420 documented approval of the repair. Design Change / Design Deviation Authorization (DC/DDA)-65 was issued on August 4, 1977, authorizing the repair. Inspection and acceptance was to be.done in accordance with ASTM A-540. A QC inspector cbserved the r.achining operation and performed a final inspection. The NCR package was revieaed by the NRC inspector. An inspection report (8/5/77) documented the results of the machine shop operation. fiendestructive Exem.ination Rcport (NDER)-1108 docu' rented acceptance of the materials for further use. Verifi-c,ation of corrective action by QC was performed on August 12, 1977. This NCR was selected for followup due to the special nature of the inspection action rcquested by the NCR and DC/CDA. All required licensee actions were found to have Laen cc.mpleted and appropriately documented. No d.viaticns or violations ere identified.

c. Containent Spray piping and Piping Sepports '

The f:RC inspectors selected 15 supports, 21 nozzles, and approximately 112 linear feet of containment spray piping for inspection. The specific areas inspected are identified on the support / hanger inspection data shcets of Attachment 1 to this report. These sections were physically walked dcwn and inspected. The NRC inspectors utilized the current cpproved design infcrmation and the latest QC inspection reports to determine adequacy of installation and of dccu.entation. No deviatiens or violations are iicnLified.

d. h h ter P_ip_igq_ nd P Qi_r.,g ff gyrts The NRC in  ; pectors selected 24 cqforts nd apprc..imately 210 lir. car feet of fcedvetcr piping for inspection. The specific sections chscrved are identified on the sepport/henger in pcction data shocts of Attach.ent 1 to this report.


                                                               .j These sections.were physically walked down and inspected.      The NRC inspectors utilized the currcnt approved design information and the latest QC inspection reports to determine adequacy of installation and accuracy of doce:..entation.

No deviations or violations were identified.

e. Pressurizer and Associated Piping -
        - (1)   Pressurizer Piping Systems and Associated Sepports The NRC inspectors inspected 15 pipe supports and approximately 150 feet of piping associated with the pressurizer relief system. All of the supports and piping were installed in accordance with the latest design drawings and the appropriate procedures. This inspection also included a review of the documentation packages including inspection reports, welding document?stion, design changes, nonconfermance reports and their closure, material certifications, and construction travelers.

(2) Foundations and Foundation Bolts The NRC inspectors inspected the installaticn of the pressurizer including rigging, pouring of ccncrete slab, and bolting. Construction Operational Traveler RI 73-009-5503 covered the rigging lif ting and setting of the pressurizer. Drawing 2323-51-05S1, Rev. 6 and the docementation for Cencrete Pour 101-7853-001 covered the location, size, type, securing, and thread protection of the base hold dcun toits for the pressurizer. Purch'ase Order 35-1195-6312 and Receiving Inspection Report 03749 for the bolts v.ere reviewed and fcund to be correct. The NRC inspector verified that the heat number id:ntification (007) was marked on each of the 24 anchor bolts. The bolts were certified to be ASTM A-540, E23, Class 4 material. The anchor bolt assemblies were manufactured by Ecstrem-Bergen. The NRC inspectors concluded that the pressurizer anchor bolt assamblies were of the specified materials and installed in accordance with the drawings and applicable design changes. QC inspections and documentation of these activities were appropriate. The MC incpector also rcvis ed the rewrds for Ocsign Mix 733 and Master Euilders Grnut b?3 utilizcd in tha ia *allation of the ancher bolts and settir.g the pressuriier. T'.e average

                                                                                     - 1 28 day strength was 4550 psi (design 4000 psi). The concrete pour recurds for Pour 101-7653-001 were cpprcpriate.

i.'o deviations or violations were identified.

f. Main Steam System Supports and Ubip Restraints The l'RC inspectors reviewed four pipe supports and two pipe whip restraints associated with the main steam system. These supports and restraints are located above the SGO' elevation of containment. The individual supports and restraints are identifled on the data sheets in Attachment 1 of this report.

These items were inspected in detail to assure that the supports and restraints as installed conformed with the vendor certified drawings; FSAR, Section 3.6.B; AStiE, Section III, Subsection NF; and the associated specifications and procedures. A pa 'tial inspection of these sup? orts and restraints was documented in NRC In pecti_n Report 50-445/S4-05 and specifically related to certain allegations. This inspection was a total inspecti.o of the support; and restraints including a rcview of the documentation. The NRC inspectors found that the inspected suppcrts and restraints were c'enstructed and installed in accordance with the design drawings and procedures. The NRC inspectors also fcund the dccum.:nt packages for these supports and restraints to contain the partinant documents related to QC inspections, welding, design changes, and procurement. No violations cr deviaticns were identified in this area of the inspection.

5. Penetrations The NRC inspectors examined 3 cachanical penatrations and 3 electrical panotrations. Dimansions and locations of all penetrations were found to be in accordance with applicable drawings. Craftsmanship was satisfactory. There was no evidence of insulation cracking on electrical penetration cabling. The NRC inspectors' review of records indicated that installation and maintenance were in accordance with the acceptance critoria and had beca accurately docu..cnted, and that leak rate testing had been performed in accordance with the applicable procedure.
    ';a violations or deviaticas are it'cntified in this area of t' e i..;cction.
6. " :. t i .,o, */c n t i l a t i o ng . .1 .*. i r Ce nd i t i c a i ng T'.cnty-five ceirnic duct ru;' ports ard arsociated duct sec .cnts of the t'ait 1 ccntainment air circulation cnd ecoling systc a were intr.ccted.

Specific sup;) orts are listed in Attachment 1. All but one of the cepports were locattd on or above the 905' level of contain:nont. The 1 24 supports are approximately 25% of the total HVAC supports on the 505' level. The 25th support was located on the CG0' level. The follcwing attributes were utilized during this portion of this inspection. Duct Supports Duct Segments location Orientation Dimensions Size

                           !! ember Size                                 General Configuration Uciding                                       Location Supports for HVAC were examined in two parts. First, the seismic supports as designed and installed by Bahnson and second, the attachment to the centair. ment liner ** plate, installed by Chicago Bridge and Iron Company (CBI), that held the support in place.

Three of the supports v.ere found to have dimensional discrepancies as

           .a       inccrrect cember sues.        These supports were examined by Bahnson and M           cubraitted t;o Corporate Consulting and Development Ccmpany, Ltd. (CCL) f                   for evaluation.      S imilar problems had..been previc,u_ sly _i@ntified ,in,
                                                                                                        .i' the CAT Inspection Pepert 50-445/83-18_and . Region IV Inspection                   /'

Report 50-445/84-10 CL's report had not included contain-ent HVAC spports in' their evalcatioMhsTel'd' stresses v.ere PUcomputed-m


Jbased o M he "as-installed" condition. The recon.puted stresses were T

              /     fcund to be within the allovable limits as shc.en belcw.                       /

h' . . -'Y.f - '. l'aximum E..crcency J' Up_ set Condi tion

                 ,                                 Condition Stress           Allowable Stress
,/ /* ' Support f-tember p' T:3-1-905-10-1G RB-1-SGS-10-4N 12,585 psi 16,542 psi 21,000 psi 21,000 psi RB-1-905-10-4J 9,137 psi 21,C00 psi The results of the analysis were contained in CCL's letters to Eahnson dated !;ay 22 and ttay 25, 1984. The analysis confire d that the installed.

HVAC supports were adequate for the expected service requirccents. j 2=hnscn procedures for " Direct Sepport Casign, Fabrication and Installstion" (Cir-TUSI-003, Rev. 8, 5/4/S3) and "Docts.ork r brie:tien Prac.-dore" (CrP-TUSI-001, Rev. 30, 7/71/S3) .c e rcvi wed

d t.:co fcund to be 9;rcpriato cr.d centained soificient detail and criteria.


                                                -14' The second part of the HVAC inspection involved an examination of the attactm.cnt assemblies holding the HVAC supports to the contair. ment liner. CBI manufactured and shi; ped 40G "50-A" attachments to CPSES.

The attachment supports were made of %" SA 537, Class 2 material, and censisted of 2 pieces joined by a full penetration weld. The base plate was approximately 6 "x6". The attachment br.cket was 6"x3k", welded at right angles to the base plate. The base plate was welded to the containment liner by a 3/16" fillet , weld around the  ; circumference of the plate. Other attachment brackets of similar ' ccnfiguration were made of 3/8" plate and welded to the liner plate in a similar fashion. The !!RC inspector concluded that the materials were as specified on the CBI and G&H drawings. Material _ traceability was confirmed _by a review of receipt inspections, shop __ releases, and mat.erial_, heat


7 r.'u=re r s hee.ts. AttachrZiit- sTelding was inspected by qualified OA g

      - weldina supervisors as confirmed by the CBI master checklists.          A Behnson welding specification (BSC-20) was coordinated with TUGC0 to                   '

ccaform to base metal SA 537, Class 2 welded to ASTM A-3G material using . EE018 filler metal (group F-4). Discussions were held with CBI and . Eahnson personnel. Visual examination was made of approximately y J.


25 HVAC attachments.  : J ib deviations or violations were identified. j. , ,, ,- .F D ' ' '

7. Electrical ~

This section of the report contains information regarding the inspection of cables ar.d c'able terminaticns, cable trays, conduit runs, cad their associated supports.

a. Attributes Predetermined attributes for inspection are identified on the specific inspection data sheet. The following paragraphs give a detailed description of these attributes:
  • Cable Type - The type of cable used was confirmed by comparison of the cable to cable connecticn sign-off cards and cable pull cards. The nu:.ber of conductors and colcr of cables Wre specifically verified as part of the inspection.
  • Type c.nd Site - This pcrt -Ans to the type e .d size of ccaduit or cable tray incitding fittings, rplic. s, rull t u os, ccvers, cffrets, -od festances.
  • Tray ccvers - Installed as i. quirr.d ar idcatifi d as an cpan item.

i 9  ?

                                                              ,p? e i

EE k Grounding -' Installed as required on all raceways. This grounding is primarily for personnel prctection. Craf tsmanship - All fasteners properly installcd, raceways free of sharp edges and burrs, galvinox protection, raceways free of damage, overall integrity of rccoways, and proper bending of conduit. In addition, note was made of correctness of craft functions such as approp,riate and adequate use of , cable ties, crimping of connections, correct and clear identification of the cables, bend radius of cables, surface condition of cable, etc.

  • Identification - Raceway identification and train or channel identification at cach end and at the propar intervals in between as specified in IEEE 384.

Supports - Proper type and spacing of raceway supports, material size and. dimensions, welding, structural attcchments, raceway attachments, location, bolt size, and spacing. Separation (physical / electrical) - Proper separation frcm piping ducting, etc., proper scparation between voltcge level, one foot /three feet separation bet <;een redur. dant trains or bcrriers, and separation frcm possible noise cources for nuclear instrumentation system (flIS) cables. Cable terraination racks and pa,nels were also inspected for internal separatica requirements. Separation criteria for Class IE circuits for CPSES is contained in IEEE 384-1974 (draft). Typical separatien details for cables and raceways are ccutained in GF.H Drawing 2323-EI-1702-02. This drawing was based on the Electrical Erection Specification 2323-ES-100, Section 4.11, " Separation Criteria". Additional criteria for NIS separation is contained on C&H Drawing 2323-EI-0602-03. Color Coding - Safety-related trains are indicated by the color of the outer jacket of the cable as indicated below:

                "A" train - orange - 0 Associated "A" train - crznge with white stripes "B" train     green - G Associated "B"   train    greca with v.hite stripes "C"  train - black - K Instruuent Channel I - Red R
                                                                 -1G-Instrur.iont Channel II - White W Instruir.ont Channel III - Blue B Instrument Channel IV - Yellow Y       '

Cable trays and conduits are marked with unique identification - numbcrs which include a train or polor code designation. The use of color code assisted in the determination of acceptable separation achievement. The cables were checked for consistent and correct color (train) designatfore.

  • Documentation - review of installation and inspection records to ensure that these records document the as-installed raceway and supports and agree with the current approved design information.

Occurentation of the cables was reviewed to detcrmine if the QC inspection record was (a) cicarly identified to the cable involved, (b) legible, (c) corrected, when necessary, by the use of a single line drawn through incorrect cntries, and (d) completely filled out, date1, and signed by authorized QC inspector.

  • Terminations - Inspection of cable terminations included these items to ensure that the cables were consistent with the installation record. Specifically:

Cable nue. bering r.nd marking at termination points. Terminations of conductors were properly cricped, terrainals were tight, and conductor color and r:arkings were verified.

b. Electrical Raceway and Raceway Supports The NRC inspectors selected 108 sections of cable tray'for inspection. The specific raceway sections inspected are identified on the raceway inspection data sheets of Attachment 1 to this report.

The NRC inspectors physically valked dcwn and inspected 108 ccble tray sections, 92 cable cable tray supports, and approximately 924 feet of cable tray. All of the cabin tra s and 77 of the cable M.f 5' tsay-sup] Torts inspected @ E prn.oerly instal ' , and the docun.cntation l ' ' , , s. g ,', was in order. The re:aining 15 c ble tray supports did not have i A - pyt e r -r a rt i .o & cm at tion. 1his refl" cts i nd* -ie insp ct!:n.

                 /                  '
               / ' , ,A ' ^ The i . ficiencies ucre cuhsm.-ntly decuc.ented by itJCO
                           - NLP.s i:Wald34, I'34-01S35, cad n04-G 'G36.

cn - - ~ cv! ,'

  !Y         'i, [
 ,s                   e
           / . . ,-
   .. O .*    *
                                                                                                                 ]O{k L)dklik B 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix B, Critericn X and the FSAR require the organization performing an activity to verify conform:nce with documcntcd instructions and drawings for acecmplishing the activity. QI-QP-11.10-2, Rev. 27 of June 19, 1984, specifies inspection rcquirc:nents for raccu;y sepports including assembly inspection, attachment inspection, verification of base plates for grouting, and welding inspection.

In two cases, three supports shared a common clip angle attached \ to the concrete wall. The caule tray hangers of Drawing FSE-00159, Sheets 6503, 6504, and 6505 specif ty hangers per Drawing 2323-El-0502-S, Detail "F". Detail "F" and Field Sketch Electrical (FSE), Sheets 6576, 6577, and 6578 refer to Drawing 2323-S-0904, Detail "5" for additional specifications, which in turn refers to Drawing 2323-5-0903, " Case SP4". SP4 specifies attachment per " Detail D". Detail D clearly shows a ccnnection for one support to a clip angle ar.d attachment using two bolts. Itwever, to place the hangers with the required IG-inch vertical separaticn per these FSE sheets and Cetail D, there would have been insufficient separation between the Hilti bolts per Table 3 of QI-QP-11.2-3, Rev. 20, dated May 8, 1984. The QC, inspectors failed to reccanize and dccument that the supports identifiid above were not' Installed in accordance with epproved design drawinos. The cable tray hanger of FSC-00159, Sheet 6638 shows that ditcnsion 22 of Detail "B" of Dra. ting 2323-El-0502-01-5 should be 3'10 1/8". The allowed tolerance for this specific application is k inch. The actual dimension as-built is 3'9". This difference is beyond tolerance specifications and was not raccanized by the QC nspectors. -- ~ The cable tray hanger of FSE-00159, Sheet 6G32 shows that dimensions for detail "E" of Drawing 2323-El-0502-01-5 should be h2 =9'4 ", h2 =5'4k", and ha=2'Sk". The allowed tolerance for these specific applications is inch. The as-built dimensions are h t =9'3", h 2 =5'3", and h 3 =2'7". This difference is beyond the tolerance specifications and was no,t identified by the QC inspectors. - Cable tray hanger of FSE-00159, Shect 6657 has a Hilti bolt installed at an angle. The bcVelled wr. sher that was installed to provide improved bearing contact betwcan the nut and the clip was tissli tnnd. The raisaliC wunt of the b.wel vacher e.c.rerb..ted the not tearing centact. This uss not identified by the QC ins,n:ctors. _ The c ble tray hu ger of fSE-00159, Shact 5539 shcus a grout to inprove the bearing of the angle clips per Drar. ting 2323-S-0913 Detail "G". Grout . ras not used and this condition was not recognized by the QC inspectors.



Cable tray hanDers of Sheets 549), 5498, and 5499 of FSE-00159 are to be attached to th'c concretc 'per liote 1. l'ote 1 refers to Crawing FSC-00179 for specific requirernents. As-built, these 1 hangers have welded the clip angle at one end to a plate r..;.tedded in the concrete. At the other end, a Hilti bolt is used. FSE-00179 does not provide for this option in 2-bolt clips. This substitution was not identified by the QC trapection.  ;. Cable tray hangers FSE-00159, Sheet 6642 refers to Detail "A" of Drawing 2323-El-0502-01-S ar.d Shoot 6645 refers to detail "G" for assembly details. Both details refer to " Case SPl" of Drawing 2323-S-0903 for additional instructions. In all these drawings, the welds where the support joins the clip angle are shcwn to be 4-inches long in the vertical direction. As-built, the welds are horizontal and less than thb 4-inch length required on the vertical edges. This condition was not identified by the QC inspectors. The licensee's engineers stated, and the f:RC inspectors agreed, that the hangers discussed above are adcquate for use as-built. Only the tevel washer will te rc .orked to correct its nisalignment. Char.ces were teing prepared to correct the docut..e'ntation for these hangers to reflect the as-built

                    ,,       condition. The design doctuent or inctruction used to install i   4. i          cnd inspect the hangers could not be idantified.

q '. e p.

        , ,-      M          The above are cxamples of failure to properly inspect cable tray
           6 hangars cod to verify confur +.cice with apprcved drawings.

A. . ,- g),;)f' Thisi, yv laticn, Severity Level IV. (445/8416-01)

  "p f(    f    c.     (EdctfcalConduitcndConduitSupports                                                    -
                  /                 :RC inspectors physically walked down and inspected 33 conduit J approxiuately
      / /

[ '

                          / runs,                    200 conduit supports, totaling apprcxirnately 1500 linear feet of conduit.             The NRC inspectors utilized the
        .,                    current approved design infore.ation and the latest QC inspection report to determine the adce,uacy of installation and accuracy of docuc.entation. The conduits inspected, including supports and fixtures, were prcparly installed and accurately docemented.

fio deviations or violations were identifiad.

d. fly,-t_rical Sfp_ rations The !!T<C incpectors observad ccc..r.stion rce,uirc bnts duri:g the s . c./. ay A sid v.n.:ui t i ng:.;ction. In a ditien, ecvual ::urs were
y. :nt walkirig drwn the CC0' end C05' elcntions of contairment
                              .p.;ci fically inspecting to the i .quircr..ents of ILEE M4


   .                                                             The following list of equipment was opened and inspected for              .

separation, ter.ainations, and cleanliness: - Valves Junction Boxes Cabinets , l'0V 1 liv-6075 JB1C-566G RPI Cabinet A I40V 1 liv-G074 JB1C-30303 - RPI Cabinet B 140V 1 IIV-6076 JB1C-3031G - Thermocouple JB1C-4389 Ref. Junction-JB1C-4420 Box The liRC also inspected Valve fiOV 1Ril-8702 and witnessed the change of the torque switch setting required by Traveler f4EV 84-0607-5800 and DCA 19537 R-1. All of the above equipment was preperly terminated, exhibited good craftsmanship, and was properly maintained and clesn with the exception of 'the red position indication (RPI) cabinets. The RPI cabinets were not terminated yet. The cables store in the cabinets with the plugs attached, but the drawers and cards were not installed. The plugs vore sealed in plastic bags. The RPI cabinets were dirty inside and required cleaning. These cabine~ts are non Class 1E cabir.ets, and due to the status of the cabincts, the lack of cleanliness does not have safety significance. The !?RC inspector revie'ed the procurerent testing and installaticn of the separation blanket i aterial utilized at CPSES to rc. set the barrie'r require: ants of Reculatory Guide 1.75 and the thermal radiation shield requirca.ents of 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix R. See data sheets in Attachment 1 of this report for the details of this inspection and review.

                ?!o deviations or violations were identified in this area.
8. Equipment
a. Hydrogen Reco;;biners The !?RC inspectors excnined the u.aintenance records and installation of the hydrogen recocbiners. Installation, foonAtion, and anchor bolts were fnund to be in accordance with the installation drawings.

Type Class "B" storace Oas r0 quired. '4ic+ m nce rccords indicat ed i!.at mainter.cnce had L.'en perferw d preperly d rU.g ctora;e in the

                ,.a. cheuse. In place r.aintenance is rc.uii.d ra. cry 2 years.        It hcd not ;/et L.ctn perfermed bec;"ise the er.'ti;.: ont had i:en ins talled fcr less ths.n 2 y:ars.
                                                  ,y        hytw *--                 ;b be-
.                                 .I           , ));                      s.,e-b '

x # #' _ . . _ . c

                            The f4RC inspectors' review of the precurcment pockcce revealc
                       ',~     cut-of-specification voltage ratdi_nOs___f_or cenparator output v.
                      ,/ ,The'Tlcen5cc was infoh.ied and obtair.ed a tr.odifiid {uaTiTy Tc'ii;ase
                                                                                             - ~
      . , O [,,~,.         / from Ucsti.;ghou:;e stating that voltages were satisfactory.                   T

Discussicns with startup and '..'estinghouse personnel revealed that voltcge readings do not affect the cperation of the,cquipment, and l , . y #> j ,,.y shat the equipment has succost, fully _ccmpleted FrToperational testing. f' t :

                 -1 %                                                         .
        , , e/ ' .j/           The liRC inspector concluded that the out-of-specification voltage f/        .

l readings were an isolated event and concurred with the analyses that

 '.       /                ,

no safety signific ce was involved. l}plc< . i /- b ] o ?' [ '97, $ nF' "d I"ti "5 !i#*"tIII'd I"'this area f the a:' \lbg ' </r 7Y j Y b. b ~ Equipment Procurement Documentation -

  ",' j q,' >N7-               This portion of the inspection was conducted to review the t/.f, '%                       prccurer.;ent dcce.aontation of three compcnents in ccatainrr.ent.

/' The cc ponents selected were: hydrogen Reccabiners (505' level) (tuo each) l'otor Cperated Block Valves pressurizer relief system (905' level) (two esch) Air cpurcted, pressurizer s rcy valves prcrsurizer spray line (505' level) (two each) The inspection cencentrated en the procurement specifications, purchase crders, and receivir.g inspecticn reports. A!!SI N45.2.13 was used as the acceptance criteria. Specifically, the following attributes viere locked for in the docu :entation. -

  • Sccpe of work
  • Technical require::ents
  • QA progra'a requirc ents
  • Right of access
  • Occuientation requirerents
                               *     " require ents
  • R. vicw of pr. curc.v.nt c':c: .ets (e s ai: mt r*gplii.s)


    ,                                                             Tb.e f4RC inspector detcinined that the docut.entation was available on site. All documentation revie. icd u s found to be accr.ptable in acccrdance with the acceptcnce critcria. Purchase specifications will be retained.under TUGC0 i'uc1 car Engincuring             .

(TliE) for configuration centrol for future ;.urchace of replacement units, if required, and purchase of rcpair :. arts. tio deviations or violations were identified. .

9. As-Built Design Documentation Program , #
a. General - A revir ofthe,lidInee'sprogramforverification and control of d sign documents was conducted. Specific drawings cnd df3gesms,were selected by the manager, nuclear operation and,'illE j for updating prior to fuel loading. These drawings and Wagrams are listed below. T!!E is in the process of assuming responsibility for CPSES drawir.cs and specifications as they are v.rified by the AE, GtH. After design verification, the drawings are then issued as "CP " drawings.

The purpose of this portion of the inspection was to determine (1) adequacy of procedures gcverning the generatien and ccmpletion of as-built design dccuments (drawings and specifications) and (2) the schedule for completien of the as-built drawing documentation.

b. Procedures - Procedures governing the generation and completion of as-built design dccuments, revicved by the tGC incpector, are listed in Attachment 1. The procedures caet the applicable requirenents of Af1SI N45.2, N45.2.11, and !MS.2.9. It was verified that CMCs and DCAs af fecting G"H design docc:ents.are f }'?'

being reviewed cnd, where indicated, incluu'ed in the revised j drawings and specifications. G&H Project Guide 24, " Processing Cl4Cs and DCAs," includes a " Change Verification Checklist". This form is used as engineering control for the review of CitCs and DCAs. GiH enginaerina _ determines if the chance _ (C!!C or DC_A) will be incorporated into the drawing, cnd _ documents _Qpa_t decision, on line 6_of this Torm. wnen an outstanding C!iCs and DCAs are reviewed and incorporated into the design documents, Tt;E plans to issue engineering change notices when tystem design changes are required.

c. Schedule - The follcwing diegra:as cnd dratings were included in the licensee's schedule:

facchanical Flow Diagrams (f4,1-f.00 cod 300 ccrfes) Electrical One-Lir,a Disgv .:s, 3-Line Discrems, Electrical Wiring and Connection Di .grcus (El-C01 t!.rou,,h El-200 series)

          .i                                                                :, go mt       _

Instrument and Contro1' Diagrams (111-2200'and 2300 series) _Instruir.ent Equipment List (fil-P.400 series) Instrc:acnt Locat.f on Drawings and Tab Slicets (11I-2500 and f1I-2G00 series) - Safety-Related Vendor Drawings . Of the 4537 drawings originated by GEH, 4422 had been reissued by TUGC0 as of April 21, 1984. Drawings that have outstanding design changes at fuel load will be identified in the ItDB for updating prior to corc iercial cperation. Additional. drawings will be updated after ccamercial operation. These were identified as follbws: Electrical Physical Drawings (El-300 thrcugh El-800 series) Electrical Fire Protection Detection (El-2000 scries) Plant Architectural Drawings (G&H "A" prefix drawings) Non-Safety Related Vendor Drawings e - Electrical Lighting Drawings '"1-900 series) Electrical l'aterial List (El-1500 series) Ccr:guterized Cable and Raceway Schedule (El-1700) and other miscellaneous (El-1700) series drawings Instrument Rack Wiring Drawings (El-2800 series) Instrument Installation Drawings (M1-2100 series)

d. Mgn.m Ccnclusions - The NRC inspection concludad that the program for updating and providing as-built design drawings and specifications is adequate and ccets regulatory requirements and FSAR cormitments,
e. 1 p_1,_oyantation - Seven drawings ender control of TNE vere selected for review to determine if they were being centrolled in accordance with the approved procedorcs.

U!cn salected centro 11ed dr <ings in the control recm were ex;c..ined, three of the seven, !11-0201, i:1-261 and M1-c.62, 'ece dctcr: aired i.ot to be of the cocrect version.

~ o i

 .                                                                       a TUGC0 docu:nent control conter (DCC) (Operations) has the rcsponsibility -

for raaintaining the control recm decwing file (003) current. TL'GC0 CCC had received the aperture cards, date stamped May 22, 1984, for the current revision of the drawings and was in the process of producing copies for distribution. (!!ote: The inspection was ccnducted the afternoon of June 6, 1984; drawings had been updated l'ay 15, 1984. )

       /    In addition, the NRC inspector reviewed the design change log sheets       s (Construction DCC) and DCA log file (TUGC0 DCC) for the celected drawings. It was found that these two records do not reflect the i     same status. Further information regarding this rnatter was found in Quality Surveillance QSR-84-011. The findings resulted in a j        Corrective Action Request (CAR) 84-001.      This surveillance report
       $    stated that ".    . . the design change logs for design drawings and the specification log sheets for design specifications, which are
        /   maintained by i.he Operations Decument Centrol Center, do not reflect the document status as that of TUSI Nuclear Engineering.
    !       Due to this condition, the correct status of design drawings and q specifications distributed by Operations DCC is indeterminate."

A permanent solution to tne deficiency identified in CAR 84-001 was to have been implemented by June 1, 1984. Implementation was de' layed until June 30, 1984 (TIM-84C967). The NRC inspector fcund on June 6, 1984, that the control problem (as stated in the CAR) still existed. A similar problem with a manual system had been identified in a surveillance conducted in October 1983. Two aspects of document tontrcl were thus identified: (1) The actual status of design drawings can not be determined. This problem had been identified by the licensee in surveillance reports, and action had been initiated, but had not been completed. Control of docunents and changes to these documents are required by 10 CFR 50, Appendix B, Criterion VI as well as corrective action required by Critericn XVI. The cornmitraent for providing controlled documents was established in the FSAR, Section 17.2.6. (2) Some design drawings available for_ese by centrol roem personnel tcre out of date. The crerations precedure (STA-306) governing the centrol of did not have a specific time limit for issu;nce of revised drawir:gs after receipt of aperture cards. !'cna'.cc, Ecced on the date of dec wing revisica (5/15/34) cnd "cc:-pl.:tien" of c perture cards (5/22/C4), ufdated versions of the der,ving could

   ,                                                                                  reason 0bly be expected to have been provided prior to June 6,1954, the date of the in pection.            I.eck of cdequato n.casures to et fectively control the issuance of doce: ents af fecting cr rality-is a violist.fon of 10 CfR Part 50, Appendix B, Criterion VI.                                     ' ' '

This is a violation. (445/6416-02)

10. LC Inspector Qualifications )

The iMC inspectors selected eight QC inspectors for verification of their inspector _cualiffen inns. The names selected were chosen from intpection records used in other areas of this report. The names includcd two electrical inspectors, three electrical (mechanical) incpectors, and three mechanical inspectors. The verificetion included checking that qualificaticns vere raade in acccedcnce with current proccdcres and that the in pector was indeed cualified at the time selected intpections were perforr.ed. The hRC ravicw fcund one ins;'ector who was not qualified to perfcra intpection in acccrdcnce with QI-QP-11.10-2. The selected inspection

             *<as p'c7fc r:::cd on Sept e-ter 1, IS$33. Tile the ir.spector did not becc.T.e r,ualified to perform this inspection until Cece-ber 1933. This situation hcd aircady been identified by the licensce in NCR IM2-03049 dated :cvcr bar 15, 1983.          Appropriate action was being ta:en by the licent e to resolve the !!CR. The ifccncee hcs identified all the                           J               -

inspections for which t;ie inspector was r.ot c,ualificd, ard a rein- h # ,~ spection prcgram is underway. This reinspection is being done on ,a.  :* p rce..:-by- rcc a 1.a si s. '. t ___._._-',#*./ 5 ).n A-Coring this inspection, the f:RC intrectors had informal discussicns 5 lb with QC, engineering, electrical test group, and docu.catation rwco..nel to determine job knculec'ce and overall familiarity with

                                                                                                   ,p#p                -

drawings, procedures, and the day-to-day mechanics of their jobs. a

                                                                                                       # pr_.-       .

t e" In all cases, the people were knowledges*>1e and professional. #rd No violations or deviatiens kere identified in this area.

11. !1iscellcrecus (Cicced) L'nresolved Item (8323-05): gA Audits - Formal audits have be n c : ducted by TL'GC0 r-carding the constructicn turaever cre pletien activities. The NRC inspector revicwed the folicwing audit re: orts:

TCP-00 feel ouilding, t.cust 15-26, 1083 1CP-03 texiliary and Safe; fards Cuildir.ij, Cc ' dc r 31 - !bve. .ba r 15, 10G3


o .

          '                                                                                               L
                                                                                                      -C [i[i lCP-95            No. 1 Diesel Generator Building,                             ' '-        <o'         -)      ~

Februnry 20-24 and frbruary 27-!krch 2, 1934 lCP-103 f.uxiliary Building, May 29 and April 24-May 4, ' 1984 The audit rcports indicate satisfactory ir.plcnentation of the room turnover process. Additional audits have.bcen scheduled. This item is considered closed.

  • J2. St r.aary of Inspection Results This special inspection ident.ified two violations. Only violation 445/0416-01 (cable tray hanger inspection) pertains to the construction ccepletion and roem/ area inspection of the Unit I reactor contain.sen+.

p# building. S Based en nt.cber of inspector-hours and the sccpe and results of this ..~ f nspection, tlie latC inspcctors have concluded that the building (',p rra.napr ccncept and the rccm/ area constructicn ccmpiction prcgram are providing adequate controls for the ccepletion of the L* nit I reactor l' containment building. The t.zo violaticns identified in this report will be folic. ecd up during a subccquent inspection to ensure apprcpriata and tir.aly corrective action.

            / 13.          cut     ;tcrvicw On Ane 20,1C24, the i.RC inspcctor and other ...c-Sers of the Region IV staff, including t he resident inspectors set with ti e licensee rcpresenta-4 tives as dcnoted in parcgraph 1 of this rcpect. The NRC inspector discussed the find *igs of this report includ'ng the two violations. The N              Ifcensee representative acknowledged the viciations.

f. nq+'


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K~ 6-o

IN2PECTION DATA CONTINUATION SHEET INSPECTION ELEMENT: C, eusent Pon -nuess re > o .Tu s,, u, r> nn, ti r,, > > n su r>4 c. ~~Pi pe .S u we,er A rs a. o c ru>s .r u ser e rs ,a. l l'P-to A P - 11. I l Q I- O Ap- 11. l. 2L D1-DAP-D./22 Q 1 - D A P- 11,1. ?}] A (D.T-D AP-)1.1. MA - CP-D)?P -8./ QI-C#P- JA 2. 22 MP-DAP -J2, i dP-D AP-A. / BP-QNP-J2 ) Y9_T~& P-JA N -/ Q T-/O9-)).JY-7 d P- C P ->? . n deP-2/ . dP-DP-/S .S dEZ-26 QI-O P-JL 2-1 INSP. RPT, NO: BV-/f PAGE: 1)rrJ-O INSPECTOR: M ( w ,r u s / M n w e_ t


                                                     ' & n-!^WfeA ATTRIBUTES:         dov frase suea      7~s   App.scaa ea ~.Desww&s,jspre,p,ea esas, ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA:          7 [4 8 [ d S' / -f, F);,.c jym SPE C o co C 4To e*JC RESULTS:       3 Sran A t. , na 2e smiese cu r wres- ns, gy esp 7?sks '

At o *Pfccab user scono est Meus D ED Fet rivs sur tne e n rso u of

    ~~ H E da rt*f sve#-     L A A*   9stin ds er 2As A f RESOLUTION:          A rise os Mor gris a un irsvsn sr w r sa su.c s. 2 e s e s r* /0- +/5/did-68 e

INSP. RPT. NO: 50-Wr/f'N4 PAGE: grr/-f INSPECTOR: o3Ep6-/sperfs


  • Qu Jw OA ( P. 0) 2 %~- ll 4r- 49/>

k ah Gn %=!=1s U,10/ - 7tr3-ool l WAE S M d-sv) -- i 0/A o:E2P- EC I -rLD - oof As 6 t?s e k 6 : LX w W M _ e 9 m INSP. RPT. NO: Ed-WMfV-N PAGE: Arrf-2 INSPECTOR: oEs4G/mnarm e -- , . - . - . , -- - - .


2. 322 -Si ~ C TfD RBiL L -=1 . NM $ $

a=b %=4#Arn.a. S42 / 2 '3 21 -s t -e rr o 128 O Nd gA J %Am Ad 2

2. 3 2, - SJ - o s' 2 8 ~2 E .r~rsem Sra;dyag E L 257'C * + 2 73'-D"ounws (Secs 3n % = a y A Aslt% -)

D 3 L 'l -S I - or ) 9 7B TN rea.une 37atse 7 EL Vet'd* eort.iar SC8-/07/ 9 "Je sur 71 n u - EL PDF '- e

  • M D w C. lYS2f29 RC5 60wwwer SuffoLT (s& tac P)

W ~ DOG- Il(CE03 Re erron./E sa. eeusf Tfr dA!.


F* S d. - Dm V f Romo+wn 2E STEEL Rect.eut O/SG.+ACb ( I 1_ tty) 4rCo .5 r r p t 'hws. 2& -f/ 9lA*Y]d ACCf0Vf2 J.EG ,Pd ~EESrA . 3 / / 7, // 'l


l l l INSP. RPT. NO: son'/r/8'/-/4 PAGE: ,4rf-5 INSPECTOR: mres/A u r/x/

I I INSPECTION DATA CONTINUATION SHEET INSPECTION ELEMENT: Deb l 5' O fo Vovakar' ave For S C ~R Cf d- Otost Oute. l.EG T esrentur 3 Aff s , hc. A 19(,o S ne A e. L. v cs ea GRe::ousa 1ce %cenwrs 30 t- I IAW $Ar.r.rspre 2s & ls1744w r -2os .Puproa 7-AirpeUhre1- l 20A I A 802. Arreans ur -ro &c.cra.we Lse brwurs  ; YepoELia ME f/- 21sy- Cs co Caour Grepe %ppresa Engs Glou 7 delb No /86

  %spicnon ~2ssosr         Ze e CSS *@            CRou r of Ec;wswwr 24sf e

9 INSP. PPT. NO:56Wr/fW6 PAGE: Jffrf- / INSPECTOR: Au n+ /ozrse s

INSPECTION DATA CONTINUATION SHEET INSPECTION ELEMENT' fd J #avuog7'/c y.s d<neaere As a s d'rpst.: ,/s/- fr/ 2 - o o 2- + 003 (4//72) STEAu GEAIED702. G200 eyfoe L E & ;? r.r c h Nn fopwDme,y 2 C Pom e Georeogra de+ Xs.-wmir - L,,,. ur,.o_c (ECS */ , dem e *'/) ( 9df m4u a.e>,J,i ladt' r.8a ? t)

            ~ Oi9 Gcu2& SQ d'M                                              4///78
            - 0 A P i M 4 u 9 /' [LL2,1 m4 ~'a a                -

a Llu).hJ s/6%. dAs144 6///7r

              ~ bne v4 deank & Asan'c McP 3 Pz 6 C                                    &b/1?
             - 0r.-oit. ?/>a>J PM (>m',e/L1)                                     & // /.7/
              - 0a'GL.- (?ls A Repnt k: +'06~06 9 2- Yf c: %2Y97
              - &m 'C G> r>vea <L M Ant.' /K P3 73P3 &/r/78
               ~                      +                  
                                                                     //CP 32Cf3. 4/r/7?

tice s 9 0 7d' s/Nhr

          - & ~ a s. " M d M' (? %) &/7r(c' L.J pt.4 %)
            -        ..        ~        W 8 ,,e a s,a A A c /r/ 7 7 0C        %2<- Q J W Aciu.x                                          ace 7)ibe
            -M Aui. . '?G %azaL % t(m4 =iz thzr)-

3 //7/77 INSP. RPT. NO: 50-vvr/Jv-/4 p/. ,.h /-5 INSPECTOR: M Aar/u/opc e c. l 1


R1 INSPECTldN DATA CONTlNUAT10N SHEET INSPECTION ELEMENT: 2C8 d L E AN U v6 f.s [ N,440 SEA /) h asE tu f) THE foc L s e s/ws 2p e o n< su r,r : howrr/versow TB niin.EM Pc/L I4: rn Lt 47 x~ *f R C $ zur o e sa rion : M E G 1 - 2 $~11 rmeu D TC.t - 63'0/ M ER 2. - 2J'SY rnets af 3 7 - fro / Of && Q n m - 037s.r*e v9oY-OC/1 T- 057/6 NC L. - +1 - 7J- doro 9

  -         CP h ,:                                      -

cp-un s. it. De oJ 7/,zJr2.- d't'- d l'M /D. L (A 2) 7 // 73 OI-O P-//./-df~ [$2% l Ll/tb 4 bt M&& kW4 ~5 ' 1&z -- INSP. RPT. NO:50 '/VJhy/d PAGE:#fr/-4 INSPECTOR: Madrev/oceA!.G

R1 INSPECTION DATA CONTINUATf0N SHEET INSPECT 10N ELEMENT:  ?(', 9 d#f/wg. .2"utrAtt 4.+7 /pa lac - umsurs 726 t// EWE 2) : TAAf646A ME 09F- 54~05' ( ~2 2 V 1 - S EQt//t.nfor wf/147 Mt'D///enrssW : 7~2X-H-13Qj Yuf - 9rt fj 7'Dx -4 /f.3. l Tw / 7/ D- 7 9 2- 34r8

     'D C 4   II, 7 / 2 .

D INSP. RPT. NO: .52" N/#9/4 PAGE://rf-/ INSPECTOR: A met /a/0eEAf G I


                                 ,          INSTRUMENTATION INSPECTION DATA SHEET l

l ROOM dow rnwM6"r DATE 6fA0ffY i INSTRUMENTATION llVMBER/ SYSTEM 44uv coor sa-r feew T,ch.vsufrrse s l-FT- yl y y /- f r-V/ s~ * / - f 7*- y/ 4 (fjew # ryx -00 f t D P -cd l ATTRIBUTES r n o-sas.: Ros rm a-; 7eoss.e. .rt.osa; .sonsars; s v uoar-

       .S t9 ^.1
  • rsu r/PAno u vost. vssj hs e a eram 7,p.7,o,y ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA:*

FSAR SECTION: sed. TION 7, O SPECIFICATION: 213.3-1A 5- 4 2.7 rm raumg.vr russa c. + wi rrinsd.s (N o es-sen CHery Antwish.)(12 Gv 1) e es YEt.s R a 2 a.3 -MS - f.e 2.7 A FC EL b Z A!!TAVMENr RE L ec A t~t 94 RESULTS: Roor v n L VES AA.E CettECT T U Rs oV C. . Goa t s e.r vor ras A sous Arre laures 4,/ s rs o p.goes , yr ws ys g, , Nu m a ee.s o N. .iN s 7" l2pe7 y$1 /E T &c t w r ie. E foosa i, n c w c ot ze.e T . (B eP -2c-I-EE-05) in e s <. D : Afl .S* /fo dom vir/ tor 4M Y)9l/04M 2Ws G-s + 1)CA REQ : 4Wl9c6os4 4/s/rof4 M V/4/ red /A RESOLUTION: ~D e i g e u o n_> r b THAT rAisreunrur LINEC u.> rri r to GcleStT F L.D u) 79.MZM srre Q . EE 20Q. tr.r er iso n9/&me. 4"4Y. HMb auctupsD TH tL Azovd YGtv65, M C E. I - I?'l - 00 ~) DY S 7~h'E AlC & lam CLoSG klVE G i p1e a osu &////14' (1)CM/2.2./2}.

        '.CTE M C. L OS E b.



 ~Re vi e s,ue s  P o e.u oea w o h e e. e m s e r s :
  • R rR I 41 9 4 j M t t. OP21PL
  • EE #C 2 A ///2. 't. 97- v/s e. e ZB-Z.- 0V!2
                 'C R. I f0 C b FY- V/V L P I

I R- I- 2. f ff j Z 12.- r - / 8 // - F T '// 4 }/ P

  • A:.c& co
  • 9~E b tDLLb 'D A TA G A A.b $ -

3C A S 6MCs*

  • D C 9 - 13, fs O2 7"o M S G 2.S A Po e. SEPREMoon 7"o A Conruou RAP o F- F T~- 41 V, 4 t G~_ Y/ G [MP3
  • be n - 16. fo l(/ Roer vntus uuuasa dHwa
  • CM C & G &~7 / , 6 4 n 2. . 44 C24. 66 6 94 ,44402.,
         & & s 7c K l , E-) s/Sr* R. 3 _
     - b C A - / 2-   2. / 2 -

De.nuswSS Se P- RC I-2 8-0VY 2cv 3

                   $ 313 -M t- 23o3 C1,' D32 3 -Mi-1/oY -02 F SE - ] -5 0 L. '-Co' 1 s* $~ 0 4'*-

707 s INSP. RPT. NO: 54-W{!/V/4 PAGE:gfyf-9 INSPECTOR: M#2.T/N/0BE46-


  • Coutr o P. TG Av E L GtS ~ M E 2 7 - 71 o'? - CS*CO T"frnt thr~/od GC TH E R M ef.a)E L L I T*E - 4 0 3 8 M E e 2. - 210 6-5 Coo - 1, s - 4ll Th ~rsta i M E F 2. - 2. 3 O fo -[700- I T'E - 41 o E rrue e u n w s t L
  • R Z R. 2,3 52. 8 ,/ bs t t. C P I 2.3 9 I - l 7 E HIIB (J P IO
  • TRA .

D A L L R T- O / 704 R.'r~D

  • F S I- I -5'0 C R. o =( H P SobE of Fubta IntrRomeNrd M 6 DUF ACT U lt UG. ? E Cet?> S A E CT - I 97 4) Tl 4 'W/s// 4 (3 9 wEc.DC)

OJ E A.b 3 ATA C AEbf F 0 e. ; F @ I 7 L -39 IM~/PY kE ORQsp r visvas ExAAn caEcKutrs b)E L.O & l L.L G.k M RTS Al AG LO G$ INSP. RPT NO: 44 WI[ff/4 PAGE: #fff vd INSPECTOR: h#d7m/03E46-

SUPPORT / HANGER INSPECTION DATA SHEET ROOM covwxncer swc tos~'+ tso' uvns DATE 6/zo/sy SUPPORT NUMBER / CLASS / SYSTEM: courg/unru7- spgAy PMWixV.' an b41 - C T- t - A B - 031 3Vrro Ar3 .* C T l-CTI-10V C 7 t R ; cr Os~/ . sor- c 7 ns; CT l- 0T1- 905~- c 72 bC; C7 1 027= VO3 - C 72 8, C7-1-O Tl* VO7 ' C 7 2 M : CT-I-OTI Yt ? ' C1 t K CT- I

  • 0T/- Y O L - C 7 2 K . C T 0 37 - W O 4 C72 A ATTRIBUTES:

WELDING HARDWARE CONNECTIONS (WALL / CEILING,ETC) PHYSICAL CONDITIONS (DIMENSIONS / LOCATIONS) ATTACHMENTS BASE PLATES WORKMANSHIP CLEARANCES GROUTING ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA . FSAR SECTION: 3.6B SPECIFICATION (S) 115-46A (Nuclear Safety Class Hanger & Supports) MS-94 (PipeWhipRestraints) ASME SECT III, Subsection NF; VCD/DRD's; Procedures: QI-QAP 11.1-28 RESULTS Tyr nac txsprCrens Rruittwrv suo cascasire is~ .surronrr istND Arnexiarre r at fl?. Ffr7 of Pip /N4. TN/3 /M5Prr770y /Nelvpr9 N O11 L e*3 PEK DRAW /NA- AMP-CT~ l- A B - 030. TNCRr WrMl" hO APPAREM7" DIScRTPAVCtr3 NorrD. RESOLUTION: INSPECTION REPORT NO. 8V-/6 PAGE NO. Jkrf-// INSPECTOR Mstfu sxcv

S_UPPORT/ HANGER INSPECTION DATA SHEET ROOM DATE (/ao/ty SUPPORT NUMBER / CLASS / SYSTEM: courAiwarar spxAy (ccwnuaro) O&9w/M(e .*tB K Nh- CT R R - 0 20 f4ffDKT: CT 057 - 40/ - C 72 S ORAwtWG AH L'- tT *1= AB .n'tO St1 MOA TS ? C T-1. It 4 *fo t - C 9 2 A . CT t- 124

  • 4/2 -C72 R CT-1-124 *Co7 - C7 2 R . c T = t-12 y -4/y. C~72 R ; C T-1 12 4-4/S~- C 12 K . C7~-/-12 V- W 3* C 72 M ATTRIBUTES:



  • F W- / - O 9 T-700- C 61 K. FW l-09P009 - C & 2 K _.

fw-I-Off=O/O-CitM, DMvw& : BMHL-FW /'M8-CO3 _3HPh7 3 : FW-t- O/ =7 -7 0W= C 7 2 K s fw- t- ot1- 709- C 7 t K; FW -/ -ol1- O O C - C7 2 S, FW- t- or 7 1// - C7 t n, FW-t -tst *7 - 7/O - C7t M ATTRIBUTES: WELDING HARDWARE CONNECTIONS (WALL / CEILING,ETC) PHYSICALCONDITIONS(DIMENSIONS / LOCATIONS) ATTACHMENTS BASE PLATES WORKMANSHIP CLEARANCES GROUTING ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA FSAR SECTION: 3.6B SPECIFICATION (S) 11S-46A (fluclear Safety Class Hanger & Supports) MS-94 (Pipe Whip Restraints) ASME SECT III, Subsection NF; VCD/DRD's; Procedures: QI-QAP 11.1-28 RESULTS THE MR C /N3PTCTOR3 RrVIrwrD AND nrsrR VrD 2 4 surFOst73 AND APPROXIM A' R Y ElO ffr7 Of F/P/N4. 7NERs- wrnr kn APPAnrNT D/3CRcPkNc/F3 NOTED , RESOLUTION: INSPECTION REPORT NO. B'/-/6_ PAGE NO.s/prf-/3 INSPECTOR M4Rr/N sxcw

INSPECTION DATA CONTINUATION SHEET INSPECTION ELEMENT: covrgianter saiwise,. eco , ros uvns Fero warrn s Ystrn supusar wanneru fecanorn) FW.t-Oi, 7/z C 72 x. FW- /- O/ 7- OO7- C 72R, TW-/ - 0 / 7- O OR C7 2 S . FW /-O/7 -7/3 -CG2 R . DRAwsN& . BRM -/- RB-DOL B surrears : FW-/~ b 9 4-0 27 - C 6E R . FW-/ -0 96-O12-C62 R, FV /- 096- 039 CG 2K. ORAWiNG: B RHL- FW-l-RB -00'/ surPon 7 s.' fW- t- 018 - OO G - C 77 S , f W- /-O/ 8- 70B- C72 K ; FW 0/ Y- Oci7 = C 72 5 .*L' _= TV * /- O/ tr. 7/O - C 72 /< . /~W Ot Y- 7 // - C 92 M , fw- / - O/ Y- 709 - C7 2 K , FW-I of Y- 02 9 C& 2 K . Av.I-Of r - OO9 - C7 2 5 ; FW Of Y- 7/ 3 = C 62.R , l l INSP. RPT. NO: 8'/-/6 PAGE://yf-# INSPECTOR: MArris SK0 W l i i




SUPPORT NUMBER / CLASS / SYSTEM: /8ut<wser dus - l't-f-4f7--daS-#AQ ; fd-f-as-m2-WA&r, Ad-1-Ms-sod- e24r M-1-//S-sas'- 69f.s:, Ad-1-//f-st:>f- d2r M _f-JM-dAff Ad-/-Hs -DJf- ff&r Ad-f- J/5*d/A *dddf, Ad-f=#$-JYI'$/d8, Ad-AJK- DJf *dddY(M4) ATTRIBUTES: WELDING HARDWARE CONNECTIONS (WALL / CEILING,ETC) PHYSICAL CONDITIONS (DIMENSIONS / LOCATIONS) ATTACHMENTS BASE PLATES WORKMANSHIP CLEARANCES GROUTING ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA FSAR SECTION: 3.6B f 6.2 SPECIFICATION (S) 11S-46A (Nuclear Safety Class Hanger & Supports) MS-94 (Pipe Whip Restraints) ASME SECT III, Subsection NF; VCD/DRD's; Procedures: QI-QAP 11.1-28 dQZ-QAP-Me/4,-1 RESULTS & A/Mjnps?xg38s seswo m a ,y1 mp

  &sAown         z o E's j m s n s h jr >& s M nxser i n93/2
 ; CMC //AW /1s p~ JDM)64%93'A
 .$9/jm'64r/J/x) A5ew m/kJFfA .                        W m s>xfA's<x Dsp>Mr>'< swA A n < Y n s D m . A & MJJ A 8 Acf~ m M    '

1 l 22 AdiiMVAcs 1)s*>A' ddMI Y 2/ossnSe:7's : TA6C W M ktw/p> RESOLUTION: INSPECTION REPORT NO. M.+46'//+/-/Z PAGE N0.jffff-/5 INSPECTOR /9fjjrfa/ l OMLL,

INSPECTION DATA CONTINUATION SHEET INSPECTION ELEMENT: %xwspry As,,xs Sysyra ~%smn m7psm. fd-f .m -av- Ar42, .2d-1-M4 -sol-ms, Jt-1-m/+W -m-m Ad-1-/+2-m3-es/r, Aso PA-1-/dd-d-Mr. .&w.s /Ge'o : JA&D/L7&PS AAM h&D_'7/h FAA M mad MAM MMMA Msw fA* sw41X/Ah%=M - $ A M M J g' - f/7 M #1 7h~ A' MsMm cW/D PJAAA Am

 //MsM7/_Yy MV)MAb AfD sn>#b FD M Aip rASA W L' J A~ e >c INSP. RPT. NO: Am/,3*v-/d PAGE:/sf-E INSPECTOR:
                      /                                                /



5,U E ORT / HANGER INSPECTION DATA SHEET ROOM $ou M w Mr.w Y UAt/71 DATE 6/Z3ffY SUPPORT RIMBER/. CLASS / SYSTEM: m hrN STSpm syt ree Cuppae Y s /s,gvergegs M d;l - 004 - 067 -c 7L Z WCl-00/-90Y-C 77431 MS I - 003 -dos. C 72 K *. u __ e ' M S I ~ 001 - nr n -e 71 k

  • MS l-op3- 0 0s~-C7] < ' MWh at - 90/ - C 7 ATTRIBUTES:


@ A1.M          A,vA M &

M m L a u=4w ^f. n A ade

 &x d2       e            ~     r               p RESOLUTION: N. A.




{ INSPECTION ELEMENT: /51 #M/ f r/pg grsnm tyr rs e tunees r hcom-  ; E u -r n r i e u 2 5 vl G u.s S h s 'D o c. v m en r a ri o o pacxue 6:ss / - oez - or o - C & 2 N.j M s l- oc y - oo 3 - c 72.5 _' M S I - coy- C o 7- c 22.K ' MS/- 66 / - 90 / -C 77 L) :/ Msi - 001 - co 4 - c 7 z. t< T n3i-co3- - OfO-C7ZK ( @&. k!-?A 6C ~ CLe A]!Lt.T & ,

     $ r2./lAdi-J'YNbd U *UlkAh$b.N &
                               -s                      -

k1v- T& & s M 'd.4Cs:NMI - - W b!! 0

  • Tf-0CEbOLES : C. P - C PM - 6 , 4 & 0&A-a C C*P - A l M f$l M dP - d P V1 - 4. / 0 9s&$:$h. & R.fM E -

f e/, h/ hd

  .0CcuripucD: Mfl~Pr
  • De nwuc s :

13 R nL- M s - t- R.s -o oi,lo ,o v/co3/co y B R P - MS-I-R 5 - 6 0 /,lcc L/c o3,le o Y INSP. RPT. N0:fo-4W'/M/4 PAGE:/frf-AP INSPECTOR: Oxfff /Ahop 9

15-7 PENETRATION INSPECTION DATA SHEET ROOM 8 eActo r 6Idf . 3 860 Level DATE s/20/17 PENETRATION NUMBER / TYPE ME ~ IE /dechanica. I Hya<oqen toes e Sur,ty AlTRIBUTES: WELDING /NDE PHYSICAL CONDITIONS (DIMENSIONS & LOCATIONS) CRAFTSMANSHIP i"" "T: T::T (:0 2 tggo37 )_ ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA: , FSAR Sections: (Tables 6.2.4-1) SPECIFICATIONS: Electrical ES-12/12A; Mechanical MS-74 RG: 1.63 (Electrical; IEEE 317 ASME Section III, NE for Class MC Components PROCEDURES M/A RESULTS Dimenstons utl locdion were found. 'fo be in a.ccordanet k)I% Y3a3- ML-0 Son and 13ks-ML-0503, lAleiding anA c.dffshansUf had been yr,,..a r, mu,rs.m sa m me,<..., ca a w % eu,e . clocemenkd



                                                                                       ..i PEl;ETRATION liiSPECTION DATA SHEET ROOM @eactor 6fdg., Tio level                  DATE   6/2o //Y PENETRATION tlUMBER/ TYPE    Hl. .S /dechanical T-e.ed wder +v s+ sam cresea.*n
  • i A1 TRIBUTES:




                                           ' cam RAT: !GT (.0"?u w .5 p j ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA:

FSAR Sections:' (Tables 6.2.4-1) SPECIFICATIONS: Electrical ES-12/12A; 11echanical 145-74 RG: 1.63 (Electrical; IEEE 317 ASME Section III, NE for Class MC Components PROCEDURES M/A RESULTS OimtaSi ons a.nd. Idca+ ion were ftunc( to be in eccerJance tvi% 233.5-tt.4.~0Soa. and '6Ja.1-hi.~0So]. Ide,lding sn/ c rnHsmansklp had been terformt0 irt decordance spl% Ot ttccepha.nce CrIftrit 9.nd hal been eccurntely doumestel, RESOLUTION N/A INSPECTION REPORT NO So-syr/tv-I6 PAGE NO Af-dhNSPECTOR 06tr9 6 enact


                                                   .                  ._j,)

ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA: , FSAR Sections: (Tables 6.2.4-1) SPECIFICATIONS: Electrical ES-12/12A; flechanical MS-74 RG: 1.63 (Electrical; IEEE 317 ASME Section III, NE for Class MC Components PROCEDURES #[h RESULTS Di<nensio<v c,.nJ location tvere found +o be sh a.ccord nce wi+4 n3a.3- t1L- oson, h]elking snd cnu.f+smanship ha.d.

  • been performed in a.ccordance tulik the o.ccejfance criteris and het been acerrably decoreded.


15-7 PENETRATION INSPECTION DATA SHEET ROOM 8ea.cfor 81dg.3 F60 Level DATE 6/.io/Fy PENETRATION NUMBER / TYPE lE .lF / Electrical ATTRIBUTES: C LCliiC/liCC PHYSICAL CONDITIONS (DIMENSIONS & LOCATIONS) CRAFTSMANSHIP LEAK RATE TEST (!0"2stdCM3/s) ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA: FSAR Sections: (Tables 6.2.4-1) SPECIFICATIONS: Electrical ES-12/12A; Mechanical MS-74 RG: 1.63 (Electrical; IEEE 317 ASME Section III, NE for Class MC Components PROCEDURES EEI'9 Rev S. Vt9/8s Lee.k Ra.4e Tes+ ins oF tiecirleal Psne+m+1*n Asstuhltu a.n). Header System RESULTS Dimensions A.nd IOCation Wert f0Vnd h be Ett Q.Clo rd.ance w FfE 00lFA . Malafenance a.nd luk rufe tesfing -had beca performed in ecardante n!In ilut *.cceptunet criferin and trocedures; had been securshly A.ocumented. There was no evidenet oF inwlo.+lon c.mektns on petration C4.hling, RESOLUTION kA ' INSPECTION REPORT NO 50 -W/f'f-is PAGE NO#rrf-/2 INSPECTOR Oker3 6e<nctr



CRAFTSMANSHIP LEAY, RATE TEST (!0 2stdCM3/s) ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA: _ FSAR Sections: (Tables 6.2.4-1) SPECIFICATIONS: Electrical ES-12/12A; flechanical MS-74 RG: 1.63 (Electrical; IEEE 317 ASME Section III, NE for Class MC Components PROCEDURES EEI-9 Rev 2. l/i?/r3 Lee.k Rafe Tesfins of ElectrTc41 (kneh=fien Assemblies and Heade,- system RESULTS Dimensions a.nd. lacetIort Wert found +0 he in accordaMe with FSE 00lFA. M41'tfertame na4 leak fesfin3 had been performed irt accordanc.e wi% %e autrinnte c.rittria and. procedurer, and hat. beert a.ccursitly documented. T'here was no e.videnet of insuls.flon crack 1ng or pensfration c.akling, RESOLUTION M/A INSPECTION REPORT N0_50-445[ TV -16 PAGE N0,877f-B$1NSPECTOR Obery Geneet

i :v-PElRTRATION INSPECTION DATA SHEET _ . ROOM 8ea.ctor 6 flg .3 F40 level- _DATE' &/.to /F'/ PENETRATION NUMBER / TYPE lB.4./Eleefdcr.1 ATTRIBUTES: JLCINC/NCE PHYSICAL CONDITIONS (DIMENSIONS & LOCATIONS) CRAFTSMANSHIP LEAK RATE TEST (!0'2stdCM3/s) ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA: FSAR Sections:* (Tables 6.2.4-1) SPECIFICATIONS: Electrical ES-12/12A; Mechanical MS-74 RG: 1.63 (Electrical; IEEE 317 ASME Section III, NE for Class MC Components PROCEDURES E EI-9 Rev 2. t/87/F3 hk ( Testin3 of Electn'r4I Avwfm% btJtubliU QAd. littkr Systes

  • RESULTS Dimensions a.nd. l0cnfion tDere found to be in accordante with FSE 00172.. Na.intenance a.nd, it.ak ra.ft +ctft"5 haA. been performed to n.ccordaste wi+k the act.tytnote criterla and proced vres[a.nd had. keen acevntely cloconse<fsk There was no tyidence oF insula + ton cyacletng on pne+rn+ ton c4klia). = $


  • INSPECTION REPORT NO So-945 /8't -(6 PAGE NO#fyfqf NSPECTOR Obert

l HVAC INSPECTION DATA SHEET, Room: beacbr Old t 303 LeVEI DATE: 6/Ao/FV AREA (s) EXAMINED: HVAC sdsmic. duef sumrfs and usveraFed dvet l 5g.y ent, . Tht. seism?c. ivet svppods t>unched are : IB-4G,10-4G,IO-yH, t o-17, it)-4 K, 10-4Ly 8 0 -4 B E, t v -4tt, 10 -4 Ny10-4f y50-4Q,80-4d y ATTRIBUTES' Equipment (Ducts, Sempe:s, Supports) N t ==t:t i;... O Ce.. .rel : (Sep n ti = 0 Cr dt;; hip)- Documentation (Installation & Inspection) ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA; - FSAR Act T V R.G. Spe'cifications MS-f5 Procedure e Ors wkt s M Al-nt-orry,n a-ns-oss1,119-Mi-otra, M I-0 ~5CO (Cf"5 RESULTS: L MRC i n e ccfort namin e,l R5 SETrmit. d ucf surv dr and esocrated deci'segmen&s, This eumInu+ ton consiste l 0F armskhl y V4 oF the seihic dvef softer +s on tke 905 level oF 4ke. reuhr buk.'ng, The seismic ducf a.bNhh obrerud I,y f4e NC.C infrechrs are at folk-e,' t) loccdlo"1 > L) diohents'ons , 3 ) member si te, est) Y) svelde~ng , Tine due+ sepe4 g.lfri bufe $ o lsse r e t,A ,* 1) prienbiNon y A) reymtet S i r.e j 3) lactYs'o n y y) general loc <%n , wout 5) n.ssver< Fed. krdware . TUet. oF%c AS - RESOLUTION: M/A INSP. RPT. NO: 50-445/f 4 -16 PAGE NO://n/-B6 INSPECTOR: Oberg Benn ett, Skow

HVAC INSPECTION DATA SHEET Room: 8tacYDr Ild ti TO S l. ore l DATE: f Moh Y AREA (s) EXAMINED: 10 -4 5,10 -4 T,10 -v u, 10 -Y V, 10 -4 68, V 10 - c.1, VI O -Cl ,8 0 ~141, ID -10; VID -13, 80-l&, l 0 'f 0, cend l E -IC, Ovet segments inspcVed were +kert Attoclefed toi+h seismic dec4 supporfs inspeckd ATTRIBUTES' Equipment (Ducts, ": ;: :, Supports) p.,+., .e+,+4,- t e c +.e1, (e 3.,+4ee t< ,<....u-t Documentation (Installation & Inspection) ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA,' FSAR I=f 1.Y R.G. See~cifications fif-PI Orwsss 3.n1-%n<passuens-e:u,aM*u1Vo'sn. Procedure BESULTS: Svtfe'f1 Ynsteeftd, etrntrevealed dimensionn.l d.isere neles <aj totidins deFe'clencies observed, by Ke NM.C. tasyeshes?These sufport; wen seh@Hed 40 ut Itte^'*t fur' usl sisYby Corpornte consalung i Developst-Company L+d. CccL), These surforts wert fvend to be sui %in ikt store of he Cck reruf as nhTch was documeded in WA C retvif so-44s/sy-lo, No 41serepenties were observed durin respecflon of ne elvet srytenk.

        +    R6-9K- ID -l G , W ns> > VN RESOLUTION: M/h INSP. RPT NO: 60-'8Yi/tv-/6                PAGE NO://rrf cE INSPECTOR:         Obert 6tMtit, sw

INSPECTION DATA CONTINUATION SHEET INSPECTION ELEMENT: itV4C seM ducf fvprorff 4.M <ssecrekd duct seyn 4 frvceckvees '. 8&nson frocedurt oft- TUst- 00I, Re, t 0 ,301y SI,Ists "Ouc4 work h.bricah frecedees" Bahnsen frocedart 0Fr -Tust- cos , tter ?, May G> lt!I 4 Ovci Svyport Fe.bricatten i Tas+ntls4th treceolore " 8d45 wo frWCedvre DFF-Tv51-004, Ae. la, 4pril l'/jl fry

                         *0 rilled-In Espansros 8elfs restallation* frecekes 

lV,.u n. Preselere CFf-TVst-001,Aer8, % yV,syry

    .                    "Dw&,surtart Destyn Fabricattos tIndmils+Tre frecessre" Lellers '. Cc6 ledfer +o sdatros Estrtet G,           of tiny Ah M1Y CLL lekr h k Servret               (o,     of- May >s.s tryy R EP M r':    e&L 26tMr            A - s'M -73         Swarso u e ,-          .,

Ntw-E'hvFDLMWs. wk 0r '70r2'dFrft 3ecrwetuc INSP. RPT. NO: F0-4YI/ty-16 PAGE:hf-E/ INSPECTOR: Obee der 4CM skow t n

INSPECTION DATA CONTINUATION SHEET IN5PECTIoN ELEHENT: H VG C - Addir/we. ~Doeom n e.c Pruistueb t'eEr A =_2Jha:w M s.tL ac:94 w1AJ k & A=al12-kn h3

             . m x A .L /ss. - J k */. 3. h (Pa w soA L hkn 9~ JLL                 '

r ghu$Lt Ofphg) (khshdhhh 4) 1??&M MMJn!/d (/2/9/?4)(WL64) (thhi)

  • d27 L *fI?-292-Yoeo u S% .<-}e y l
  • t.u P .S - E 80/ 7 -d / 7Y- 2Y21/7 (/2* -9' 3)kh7h
  • WO V G Q AA*C~4'f42or O/4 J/W)
              -c2z        6 A 26.-,.s* fJDH E suimi .zwheewuc76 o0ML ~3.         !=& P- LG8:%              ~

C RZ Ae= == c. 5 o 4 ,- C - w - zu 2 , u

  • 8,L lJ  !?= fwk &&#A V f BSc -b o [A '3 7/r/:PP) 0 l

l INSP. RPT. NO: @ 4'FI/fv/4 PAGE://ff/-Bh INSPECTOR: ossa S-l I

i l l RACEWAY INSPECTION DAT/ SHEET ROOM: courAiantwr suse.cix6- etfts eto +90s* DATE: 6/2ohry RACEWAY NUMBER / TYPE' (Tray, G;aiit) 7~/4 WRE S Sacrious 09 rwsu 11

  • 7*12 G M en Jrenoxs 27 resta v7 riv ynro sterim 24rxxuas  ; rit e. xan s ee n,as s i rwa e7 rl4&MDT srcT10 NJ ff TWM 40 f T/WCROX freneNJ O2 rNgu Of T/3 GRCL SECTIOWs 2,8 runet 31
  • r / V G M &F Z $fCTiOHJ Ot TNd ed Od ATTRIBUTES,'

Type & Size Identification Documentation (Installation Tray Covers Fill Factor & Inspection) Grounding . Supports Connections Craftsmanship Separation (Physical / Electrical) ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA,' FSAR Section 8.3 R.G. IEEE 384 Specification Procedure RESULTS: INAcrrn for setrieel or casir rne exer, roa ,ueur n nerwn. rnis a issne m,arrz y n4 per7*e# r aeerx&r 91 3arfo a rs wrar- Au o

/NJ/(Crtbo et L rAtt e' TMM frCM*NT AA/D ? ? 10//OA7~3 /41/ M FD Wrn f AAO)*rA l' Y

/N3fki t rD 19ND iPF P O Qa n tw1*A 7to W trMJ /N QterR. /3' fuf/OA 73 1/D N07~NAff ' p s e s r/L DC eu nrNm n ed M JNe a rw r A3 ful LD CDND/rioH. TMse* Cut r* yrrey RESOLUTION: n ca 3 ft rot- of Y 3 */; M rY-cre.35" a s.J /H t* </- o/ 93 4 tus er saiunuaexne wnortry 70 noc'un car rwrDimeirueirs. INSP RPT. NO: T '/ / 7 PAGE NO:/2rrf-Ef INSPECTOR: m, ns


RACEWAY INSPECTION DATA SHEET ROOM: cours.vnrur Ju/aeus (e .. #,,,,,s ) DATE: 6ho/w 96 0 +9er RACEWAYNUMBER/ TYPE'(Tray, Conduit) T/2 onax srcinws V / r h m 4 2. Tl 3 O R C 3 3rt.110N1 (f 3 rieu VV 7/2 O M B/< Srcrrow Y1 r/ V B M ft.,_ rectred 37 ATTRIBt!TEq' Type & Size Identification Tray Covers Documentation (Installation Fill Factor & Inspection) Grounding

  • Supports Connections Craftsmanship Separation (Physical /Electrica*.)

ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA,' FSAR Section 8.3 R.G. IEEE 384 Specification Procedure RESULTS:(cewrww) unawn Ane r te vr. At vz ; s c sz _ scsr. 4'rus. drev,. csas . ,_ 4 TL 9. e f f S *?C CT?? , t,5?t*, h-h9/,. TV 9V, SV 99 Ana f st 9. /N WO CASCT.

   ] (*r/AltA7},' NkA e'n1 1A!AAM A CtV7nD A! P/rc r Wh*/CA' W41 4WCNev2r;O 10 7"M Lw4 t t. . 731 rne os A cxvin ew fitrr t r n #RunrxT~n A/ Tr~AxArrvr* 7-0 a?;W;r 7Yd'E7 W NAWAf"R$        80I" WAl AtaT* A AL*VW2Mf'NM Af 77"RM4MW / ! f)L8"][" $N ($o RESOLUTION:                                -

INSP. RPT. NO: 84-/7 PAGE NO: #fff-3a INSPECTOR:_ /7/mfu> Smy

R1 INSPECTION DATA CONTINUATION SHEET IN5PECTIoN ELEHENT: conr ownnvr sua nwi n rv rea + sos- (towsvono) Race-wsy wssrerrownsrs - nr3utrs (townNuro ) roost nowwu *vrit c 6 son, e rev, a rer, tsrs;srv,, suo srv e. cu a ness. 1s>Hocn 63~4 7 M42 A BGWL wA1hast son A Hrtre AOLr* M/3 AU ANO, C"7N dd32 AND $ d 1 W hl02 DHirMJJDMJ BfrDHD ACl.DWrD 70Lrit ANel". CTHl842 AMo if Y.$~ Hop wrtD3 rockinn /N nistreswr Asers nur FNasr Jfecocirs. c7N 3 v 9/; rv, y na rv r s aan xo exaisamwe- wxo vse owe wemms ro macors ptarr }H t aW it)N C Tf DM Wo 7"# Mst rl EOLTJ. CTM M/9 Ar&u rnrD tvouT feraussW 17M~ &434~ ftArf Ante 7)W~ FL owt. Mov7~ AJ xvi- turh. I e INSP. RPT. NO: FY / 7 PAGE: Of-5/ INSPECTOR: ///pos SAwd

RACEWAY INSPECTION DATA SHEET ROOM: Containment Blol.s. 360 (905 Lents DATE: 4,/2o/r y RACEWAY NUMBER / TYPE; (h ey, Conduit) C13dilFFs3 C 13 1o13 4, C 13 6 !!"306, CIS # loiLP4, C 136 il 956i  ! Cl3$30SII, C i3 $09F49, c. l36 OF150, C 8 3 6 IO I 31, C Ik(r Il 303, C 13 G 10275, C l'A&lI4f7 3 C 13G 305fa, C 13& O 2113) cly Go7yoSy C 136 I 3934, C I4 W3053'); C11Y1052% clk$ 1409?, cia.604:30 ATTRIBUTES ,' Type & Size Identification Documentation (Installation Trey Cv,.ra Sill Reter & Inspection) Grounding . Supports Connections Craftsmanship Separation (Physical / Electrical) ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA,' FSAR Section 8.3 R.G. l.75 IEEE 384 Specification ES-(00 Procedure GI-@P-il.3-RJ, GI-Qt-il.3-40 az-RESULTs: All oF 4e. condvi+ unspee+ed C13 sedians) de e.ssacrakA Supports intre Installed in aCCcrolanet tulO S~9to ed.rntwisjf anal %t approperde eles73 n Arnwinp, and, propsely documenfed on insfechten refoYfs. RESOLUTION: M[A - INSP. RPT. NO: 50-TVf/8Y Is PAGENO:gfrf-5.5 INSPECTOR: Obert Genaet i

I RACEWAY INSPECTION DATA SHEET ROOM: Codairimenf 6fd,. PCo i 905 Levels DATE: 6/2 o/yy RACEWAY NUMBER / TYPE; (Trey, Conduit) " 13 6 303 G5, 1V60976a3 14Y7oSJ43 14 Y 17155, lap 0Filo, l*l $ I S I6 A; IHR 30556> 14 & 3.0411; I L$ ll 957, 13 $ 10l!!) 13e 07J7 T y iRG 0712V; ly Y 30554; ATTRIBUTES .' Type & Size Identification Documentation (Installation o o, o m r> ...... wr & Inspection) Grounding - Supports Connections Craftsmanship Separation (Physical / Electrical) , ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA,' FSAR Section 8.3 R.G. l.75 IEEE 384 Specification Ef-loo Procedure Gr-et-il.J-n,or or il.1 vo a t -se -us.*v-s RESULTS: N/A. RESOLUTION: N/A - INSP. RPT. NO: So 'IVS/P8H4 PAGENO:gfff-3/ INSPECTOR: Obery 8cnac#


                                                                         -s 4//////

m / ATTRIBUTES: /%->Au=ww assysrss/sQ fomsserwr f)fADJMrjoA, JN27b'47/M / &DAAC5sa;ryk2s/#./ ,A h 72/ W AJfAffAQW ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA: Nf M Spre;pMAr/gs *E323-M.S-30 guz3 f3 2 5- YYl$ -3 9 M,' RsAptarens Gwns _ L 75

  • Ja cFPsn RanR, JE*EE 3Mj Pmsmies EMT- 2S,23; %s:nues ni-op-n.3-%
                                               ), 29 .

_2.12,. nm_) EsmnAAmev Gu. ODE RESULTS: & SADY Msw gDD M>st7D FAZ BPsr M "4 fff /11/2/ FAD BY D&JJd47/h TX47 Esw73 _ y'D _ p/ s&s>Afd DJ ff/ 5"RJfY M2M M JA/ MMD ??A # 2//N A FA A M M/J M L5- ( D ' Ak9% gyg} RESOLUTION: INSP. RPT. NO: _ 84 - / (, PAGE: A rr-I - 36 INSPECTOR: / D>_

l R1 l INSPECTION DATA CONTINUATION SHEET INSPECTION ELEHENT: /kew _ <~s~=_=yw }?an_sjss /)fsys>>n(,$3jyj) j l fw mnsr>M__ re Sass 7 syssas m 's'ssx dPSES ,


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f/-/4 PAGE://yf-57 INSPECTOR: ///mfjj/

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_C_0MPONENT' INSPECTION DATA SHEET ROOM Conftinmed SI/q. 105 f.evel DATE COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION: H ydre,en 6ecom bin err ; Te r-u Aset. cuma ) -o s/w l Serra l Ne. 7 Pay giy /s ATTRIBUTES INSPECTED: _ Tn stalication ) rneinftnance , ancher bolHag3 foundet,'on ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA: Wesfinpouse Manval CP-0001-04/ l 2.7a3- St-oSyy; 2313-SI- 0551; DC /004

  • 918 n

RESULTS: Instal l4flon, foundetfion; and anchor belir were fond to 6e in acur/ence hAA %e forftflafien dreavin9s. Type Cle.rt"d* rfors9e wer retvired. /fatnhnaase h.J 6een j perfereek properly duries storate in & svarehoest Insf sUnHon of k %Jr*9en rswonknees suas ennpleteA In Oetenbera lto AUnif M1) ssd F<bruarys ith (V4+48), f(st<%nne is regul'*/ t'try A. years and has notytt 6eca perfvemed since egulpment her been

   'nstull*0 I        fvr lets Osa A.yesrs. Str'leau of preewemest paktp revs'    a lea ovt of stte. **fQ ree llagr(lly rist 1012-) fvr evy, hr avfruf on fetts if and I?(unit A A.),

RESOLUTION: Ocense. was iaformed *F 8vf of Stu '#ffatt reaJia3,. Qvahfy rule se #-41Y6y rev.l toes oktwined by Itassee frvm Veritat eese h statin 9 %<t wlfages we s.,y Disevutons wth Startup and Vati+vst personnel revealsJ thf voltete et<dists du not effed* Ot Oper*Non of'1ht ttvltmen$J AA0 h*S tfutpment has ruu.essfelty u,.fl eh) fitopmrflanal %h, INSPECTION REPORT NO. 50-vvf /FV-16 PAGE NOAr/MINSPECTOR 0%ert #taa*Y

PROCUREMENT INSPECTION DATA SHEET R00M_bor/9 Wp_gv7~- 2/we r/ DATE 4/&#//V ITEM IDENTIFICATION: @ . b, a[M [.2) R . $ w M Q , V- U - A - S ar i al YL. 4W r243' 4 yy 174 V

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[%4.h D f ) PROCUREMENT SPECIFICATION N0/ TITLE: 6 - 4 *1/P#V dea reos veas.s kSh G SE cnos 132 d4 Mr/s.1 /. L

  • 1 ATTRIBUTES INSPECTED: SEE ~b+rA- Inst r ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA: AvrI Nut. 2. / 2 - / f M RESULTS: 1. 70 &2 SA { G)d + 17~L-: ' d) - /214 jm yp ,M .1 's .




PROCUREMENT INSPECTION DATA SHEET R00M hourpwo<aNr* 995 Y d e ' L e m .t DATE 4/Lo/Pft ITEM IDENTIFICATION: Ei.scre, c. H yn,,,w J2e co m~et TEX - G H R. 5EE - 0 / j TDs-6 HLEse -CL AAr.t S Q L .it Es__ , naA . SUPPLIER Ult.tnas:rtoort - noc uru Gen.o-y Cy rrsaw - % rrw e+n. h PROCUREMENT SPECIFICATION N0/ TITLE: L -- ha r MM 1 !~ 79'2.6

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o . . . ... ATTRIBUTES INSPECTED: "Phal[_48de

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Alk~ & '.'" A$s . $v__ A

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  • V ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA: Avu wrJ, /J -/fM RESULTS: M m : b- P L I41P.  %! oM Z 04'::=* A u
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_Q)] L n A>] h d ); , - +_H ie & d A'^'M & A - ht I i _A4e/,ddd . RESOLUTION:_ N, A A INSPECTION REPORT N0 f0-Wf//W4 PAGE N0f4/r/- 94 INSPECTOR 03544 _

PROCUREMENT INSPECTION DATA SHEET R00M Cw resWnrw r~ - VNi r / DATE 4)L.c /PV ITEM IDENTIFICATION: 'P4Kt/04/gf4 hu EA (ftrsu 24pe A: kee,sw.s ('l-) YS$LVG 3D hlos 3 GMff FNH SGQ : 00/1 *co/2 M $12M?& ,:^ .:'!^% SUPPLIER fc#. E LE Ic. 647 [ fM. th4e/a -Es ,0mb A : __ b M @o. PROCUREMENT SPECIFICATION N0/ TITLE: G - 4 7 P&2. , /2.4

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   &       . No I ( c/s o/ps); r 2. (is/vfry ) . w . 3 ( 3 jaa/ 7 r)

ATTRIBUTES INSPECTED: fEg b rA .f# E s r ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA: A A>JI N W',1, / 3 - /9 7 4 RESULTS: Q)/ $ l& k n,inJAJA..m,& m,l$44

    & MLkd @m$ e $n,A - m ,,b e u d b d aegL ens RESOLUTION:    //A INSPECTION REPORT NO S# Wt//f/4     PAGE NO #fff-// INSPECTOR ONe

INSPECTION DATA CONTINUATION SHEET INSPECTION ELEHENT: leurumwr- ~P w ns r & =:: =!= 2 A e 'e: d gmpg-_Zw

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INSPECTION DATA CONTINUATION SHEET INSPECTION ELEMENT: ~Percuf.EMG N T*  % eumrwr "REvi s w (/8 & n ANJ Z N4'J~. L.I 3 -I1 %) S w M WJ s A 'i m'e,= +.$ 0n om - P'w;& e

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RI GENERAL INSPECTION DATA SHEET INSPECTION ELEMENT: "AS-3DlLT ~ ~P e. O G P A M DATE: 4/%d/f'/ ATTRIBUTES: @d I m+t M's  % M4 v ACCEPTANCE CR11ERIA: ANSI N4/f.L ' ANtf ,vuf.2. 9 /'/M7) .* /9NSI vef, L;9 J h Q.A-FT' ll , V o /I475) ' kNS / h e/r. t I/ fle 7(,f) a gb '4 RESULTS:

6. n, A h wh d ,mrA/4 a o

a,l m -A A dAsti..n M ue,.de : =A 4~ du alu m. L=M 1th-. ~ s Le =s wi o s.u M p~i%A A A u

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  • N.O. i%ccchuss N oc -l 02. RevI

Dzawas e Specmenoa Coero<- _

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  • O?E e Art C A) s Oure e.o, t $ua ve a s.t. n we e ~'Rupeers : QSh- 29 -008 5 TUG-W di TU GC O A LA D t T TEPOA7~ .
  • TO G- C O Montron.ik> Drsc q RePeers : 21-19 L 2,5:

73-84 L 85-21 ' 4 H-2.iz.4,27 -

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(pen. %R aulin/d s Artich A89VE) G e PAGE:gf-9fINSPECTOR: 63E4G INSP. RPT. NO: 50-YF[/fV/4

INSPECTION DATA CONTINUATION SHEET INSPECTION ELEHENT: '/?s - Buu-r 'Lnn - eu c-~eaa. ws Cec-w-i3araws - hocsboess R.evisws b

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R1 INSPECTION DATA CONTINUATION SHEET INSPECTION ELEMENT: AC-Gutc r Pg as_e 44, set)r Ew o 5 : S TA -304 (W T 9l/4lf3 ) 0& ' M %4LA C&Y

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T M m M N aE*d p. A ~ + M e# J A . RESOLUTION: Sa,shh Mbhye. IN:P.' RPT. NO: 50- Wr/Pv-/ 4 PAGE:////-57 INSPECTOR: c as/2 0- l 1 1

T ,l a INSPECTION DATA CONTINUATION SHEET INSPECTION ELEMENT: C 4 At/b /TS destrRuc Tsosv 1*Vl'V0Vfd bo ws.trs e.s Acrisiisee

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TC P- PO 73utt DisvG [3 A 00MS) 00Arbite TED Slst-24/f3 _ YCP-?? hr4-susseixo kourraatrus/Gd.1 T~uxuevre $ce,s o i.crisu Ac rtr-I T/EC f A u / + CACF GOMar 2 0/J.C'Ns 3 - E LE uhm*Js (71 sq u b Inteur) Con bwereh sD{3o-Illstlt3 (f us era.s c.s t. av e h eunusen Re Eps) T e p 9.T 7~usGA/0V6e COM/lET/"DN No l D/ESE L k aennrose. BustosHG. - dov a cre rrD D lc o -31Jt Y 4 Ala 7- 3b,//f Tc P - n o 1 Pesa 6Enit riesv/ Tune vsa iGumim ~2o n oiave - coa overs t Vh Y - f/+'ltY bons / J.5 r/D W f"J"o At We V E4. s9e rsy/ r/EJ' - do* - T'C. P - l 0 $'~ ARC +3 i

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i INSP. RPT. NO:(4-Wr/PY-4 PAGE: //y/S8 INSPECTOR: 07E44


l l

i. DocumenO.Name: 7% N' s 10/02-01 one. 4 E MM [Q, R uestor's ID: . 3 (f Tot , omos symbol, esem number, fattiele lh Ob g/ -L Document Comments: Comanche Peak 50-445/ g [

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                                     % 7:; ^ '                        For C e                  Peepero neply
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12/07/84 an w tus ,

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11:06 /

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W j @ F01A-85-59


DELIVER T0: V. N00 NAN c/o D. Wessman FROM: D. HUNTER, REGION IV CONTACT: Gracie 728-8113 e m

Texas Utilities Electric Company DpAFT l l In Reply Refer To: DRAFT J Docket: 50-445/84-26 ) i l Texas Utilities Electric Company ATTN: M. D. Spence, President, TUGC0 Skyway Tower 400 North Olive Street Lock Box 81 Dallas, Texas 75201 Gentlemen: This refers to the special inspection of the Safeguards and Auxiliary Building during the period of July 16, 1984, through September 28, 1984, of activities authorized by NRC Construction Permit CPPR-126 for the Comanche Peak Facility, Unit 1, and to the discussion of our findings with you and other members of your staff at the conclusion of the inspection. This inspection was the fourth in a series of planned construction completior room / area inspections, and the primarv purpose of this inspection was to evaluate actual as-built status of the Safeguards and Auxiliary Building compared to the design and inspection documentation. This inspection covered construction characteristics, such as cable separation, workmanship, and as-built configuration, which have been the subject of allegations to the NRC; however, this inspection was not intended to achieve resolution of any specific allegation. Resolution of specific allegations may involve additional - inspaction in these areas, and nay result in additional corrective actions. Because tha inspection revealed a lack of cartain QC inspection criteria and subsequently identified significant numbers of deficiencies in the areas of electrical conduit separation, cable tray hangers, piping supports, base plate mounting, configuration, pipe clamps, and instrumentation tubing, additional correctiva actions are required. The deficiencies identifed by the NRC inspectors were based on a limited sample and revealed the failure to adequately install and inspect safety-related items. Your corrective actions taken and results achieved should include a program for independent review and inspection as eppropriate of all safety-related systems to ensure conformance with the drawings and specifications. Nonconforming conditions identified shall be processed in accordance with established QA program procedures, including the determination of the generic implications of the deficiencies. This program should be coordinated with the actions planned and taken as a result of the Technical Review Team (TRT) findings.

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I l Texas Utilities Electric Comoany DRAFT l Portions of four safety-related systems were examined during the inspection. These included the auxiliary feedwater system (AFWS), containment spray system (CSS), component cooling water system (CCWS), and the chemical volume and control system (CVCS). In addition, electrical separation was examined throughout the buildings. Within these areas, the inspection consisted of selective examination of procedures and representative records, interviews with personnel, and observations by the inspectors. These findings are documented in the enclosed inspection report. During this inspection, it was found that certain of your activities were in violation of NRC reovirements. Consecuently, you are required tn respond to these violations, in writing, in accordance with the provisions of Section 2.201 of the NRC's " Rules of Practice," Part 2, Title 10, Code of Federal Pegulations. Your response should be based on the specifics contained in the Notice of Violation enclosed with this letter. Should you have any questions concerning this inspection, we will be pleased to discuss them with you. Sincerely, Dorwin R. Hunter, Chief Reactor Proiect Branch 2


1. Appendix A - Notice of Violation ._
2. Appendix B - NRC Insoection Report 50-445/84-26 cc w/ enclosure:

Texas Utilities Electric Company Texas Utilities Electric Company ATTN: B. R. Clements, Vice ATTN: H. C. Schmidt, Manager President, Nuclear Nuclear Services Skyway Tower Skyway Tower 400 North Olive Street 400 North Olive Street Lock Box 81 Lock Box 81 Dallas, Texas 75701 Dallas, Texas 75201

APPENDIX A NOTICE OF VIOLATION Texas Utilities Electric Company Docket: 50-445/84-26 Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station Construction Permit: CPPR-126 Based on the results of an NRC inspection conducted during the period of July 16 throuah September 28, 1984, and in accordance with the NRC Enforcement Policy (10 CFR Part 2, Appendix C), 49 FR 8583, dated March 8, 1984, the followinq violations were identified: A. Failure to Provide OC Inspection Criteria and Minimum Separation 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix B, Criterion V states, in part, ". . . Instructions, procedures, or drawings shall include appropriate quantitative or qualitative acceptance criteria for determining that important activities have been satisfactorily accomplished." IEEE-384 provides separation criteria of Class IE equipment and circuits. The Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station Electrical Erection Specification 2323-ES-100 provides for the implementation of the criteria of IEEE-384 (1974). Section 4.4.6 of 2323-ES-100 states in part, "In no case shall any part of the conduit or the conduit support system come in direct contact with uninsulated equipment in the piping system or with pipe restraints or anchors." OI-QP-11.3-20.1, Revision 16, paragraph 3.1.7, states in part, "In no case ,_ shall any part of the raceway or raceway support system come in direct contact with uninsulated equipment in the piping system or with pipe restraints or anchors unless otherwise approved by the owner." OT-QP-11.1-28, Revision 25, caragraph, states in part, "There shall be an air gap (i.e., no contact) between electrical conduit / conduit supports and oiping component supports." Section of 2323-ES-100 specifies separation between conduits of dif'erent trains which, for the examples listed, is a minimum of one inch. QI-QP-11.3-23. Section 3.9, specifies conduit separation per drawing 2323-EI-1702-02, including several detailed sketches. Contrary to the above,

1. Specifications and QC inspection procedures do not contain specific acceptance criteria for separation of redundant trains of flexible conduits.

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2. The separation requirements between conduits as contained in the erection specifications ES-100 and implementing procedures had not been met.

The following conditions were identified:

1. Flexible conduits in the Safeguards and Auxiliary Buildings do not maintain the required one inch minimum separation between trains.

For example, flexible conduit 013G20208 contacts C13011132, and the 1" airspace is not maintained between C13007415 and C13G07413.

2. Flexible conduits in the Safeguards and Auxiliary Buildings come in direct contact with uninsulated aquipment in the piping system or with pipe restraints or anchors. Examples include:

Flexible Conduit Nurber . Item Description C13G07743 Flex rests on pipe bracket next to valve 1-HV-5365. C13G07744 Flex rests on pipe next to valve 1-HV-5365. C14021161 Flex rests on pipe support for 1-MS-030 and 1-MS-268. C13G12499 Flex rests on support for JB1S 455G. Flex touches corner of support for valve C13G08781 1-HV-4179. Cl?005387 Flex touches pipe at elbow passing naar valve 1-HV-8106. Cl3015915 Flex resting on top of actuator for valve 1-HV-2188 C13G21323 Flex touching flange of support next to valve 1-FV-2196. C13G06734 Flex rests against unistrut below valve 1-FV 4537. C12G04690 Flex conduit rests on fire pipe. C13G06834 Flex wraps around adjacent support. C14G20503 Flex rests on valve body. C12002856 Flex contacts 1-HV-2480. This is a Severity Level IV Violation (Supplement II.D) (445/8426-01)

DRAFT B. Failure to Properly Inspect 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix B, Criterion X reouires that the inspection proaram of activities affecting quality shall be established and conducted in a manner to verify conformance with the documented instructions, procedures, and drawings. Procedure QI-0P-11.10-2, Revision 28, " Cable Tray Hanger Inspection," specifies the inspection attributes for inspection assembly, configuration, location, welding, etc. , for conformance with dasign drawings and documents. Procedure QI-QAP-11.1-28, Revision 25, " Fabrication and Installation Inspection of Safety Class Component Supports," specifies the inspection attributes for inspecting fabrication, installation, material, dimensional control, welding, etc., for conformance with design drawings and documents. Contrary to the above:

1. The NRC inspector identified one cable tray hanger, CTH 639, that was missing the diagonal brace called for on drawings ?323-El-0601-01-S and 7323-S-901.
2. The NRC inspector identified one cable tray hanger, CTH 12416, that had the horizontal legs aligned north-south vice east-west as specified ne drawing 2323-El-0601-015 and FSE-00159 sheet 17416.
3. The NRC inspector identified one pipe support that was missing ,_

two welds as specified on drawing CT-1-014-015-S42K. The following is a compilation of additional deficiencies by general  : category and tha drawing or component whare it was found. Category Component or Drawing Number of Itens Welding MS-1-026-010-S75K 1 AF-1-026-005-S33R 1 Inst. Rack CP1-EIPRLI-31 2 Dimensions AF-1-026-003-S33R 1 MS-1-076-010-575K 1 MS*1-025-009-R75K 1

OPAFT CC-1-043-013-A43K 1 l CC-1-234-700-C53R I CC-1-238-004-C53R 1 CC-1-236-700-C53R I CS-1-AB-208A-001 2 CS-1-564-706-A33R 1 AF-1-035-037-Y33R 1 AF-1-035-034-Y33R 1 MS-1-028-047-S43K 1 CC-1-011-034-A63K 1 General AF-1-103-036-553K 1 Worknanship Inst. Rack CP1-EIPRLI-31 1 1-FT-2458 1 C14010056-2 1 TOTAL ITEMS 22 The above are examples identified by the NRC inspectors where items ware installed by the craft to cond'.tions other than those specified by the identified design documents and the OC inspectors failed to identify these conditions. The inspection report details these findings. This is a Severity Level IV Violation. (Supplement II.D) (445/8426-0?) Pu'";uant o to the provisions of 10 CFR 2.201, Texas Utilities Electric Company is he sby required to submit to this office, within 30 days of the date of this Netice, a written statement or explaration in reply, includirg: (1) the cor aective steps which have been taken and the results achieved; (2) corrective._


steps which will be taken to avoid further violations; and (3) the date whan full compliance will be achieved. Consideration may be given to extending your, response time for good cause shown. - Dated:

APPENDIX B U. S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION REGION IV NRC Inspection Report: 50-445/84-26 Construction Pernit: CPPR-126 Docket: 50-445 Category: A2 Licensee: Texas Utilities Electric Company Skyway Tower 400 North Oliva Street Lock Box 81 Dallas,-Texas 75201 Facility Name: Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station (CPSES), Unit 1 Inspection At: CPSES, Unit 1, Glen Rose, Texas Inspection Conducted: July 16 - September 28, 1984 Inspectors: C. R. Oberg, Reactor Inspector, RIV Task Force Date


M. E. Skow, Reactor Inspector, RIV Task Force Date . Other Accompanyino Personnel: W. R. Bennett, Peactor Inspector, RIV Approved: FT'h. Hunnicutt, Team Leader, RIV Task Force Date Inspection Summary Inspection Conducted July 16-September 28, 1984 (Report 50-445/84-26) Areas Inspected: Special inspection of construction inside Unit I Auxiliary and Safeguards Buildinos of piping and pipe supports, safety-related ecuipment, electrical raceway and supports, as-built program, and instrumentation. Expanded inspection of the containment buildino included piping and pipe supports, electrical conduit and supports, and instrumentation. The inspection involved 726 inspector-hours onsite by three NRC inspectors.

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Results: Within the areas inspected, two violations and one resolved item was identified. One violation was identified in the electrical area pertaining to flexible conduit separation (445/8426-01, paragraph 9) and one violation pertaining to QC inspection of pipa supports and cable tray hangers (445/8426-02, paragraph 11). An outline of the report follows: a 8 i I t e i I 1


1. Persons Contacted Principal Licensee Employees (TUGC0)
          *L. F. Fikar, Executive Vice President Engineering
          *J. T. Merritt, Assistant Project General Manager
          *B. R. Clements, Vice President Nuclear Operations
          *F. L. Powers, Unit 1 Ruilding Manager J. A. Dittmar, Assistant Building Manager
          *A. Vega, Site OA Supervisor L. M. Popplewell, Project Engineering Manager C. G. Creaner, I&C Engineer B. C. Scott, OA Supervisor
          *C. H. Welch, Site QA Manager's Staff Brown & Root (BAR)

S. Wagner, OC Inspector J. Reynolds, Building Coordinator W. Young, Ruilding Cnordinator R. B. Kelley, Instrument Superintendent

           .1. B. Leutwyler, OC Supervisor J. Christansen, I&C Engineer D. Hanke, QC Inspector F. Colemen, QC Inspector J. W. Wythe,. Lead I&C Engineer R. Siever, QA Group Supervisor Other Contractor Contacts R. E. Camp, Startup Mananer (Inpell Corporation)

R. J. Vandergrift, Startup (Westinghouse) C. D. Bradbury, Plant Operations (Impell Corporation) D. C. Snyder, Assistant Building Manager, (UE&C) R. Moehler, Site Representative (Westinghouse) The NRC inspectnes also contacted other plant personnel includino members of the construction, technical, quality assurance, and administrative staffs.

          *Denotas those attending the exit interview on September 28, 1984 1
2. Inspaction Ob.iectives and Scope The objective of this inspection was to evaluate the completion of the Auxiliary and Safeguards Buildings. This objective was accomplished by .

examining four safety-related systems contained within those buildings. Selected samples of instrumentation, piping, and components were examined to ensure that the installation conformed with the FSAR commitments, approved design, and inspection documents. The following systems were selected for review: Auxiliary Feedwater System (AFWS) Containment Spray System (CSS) Component Cooling Water System (CCWS) Chemical and Volume Control System (CVCS) The selection of these systems was based on their importance to safety of operations and being representative of the type of other safety-related systems installed in the Auxiliary and Safeguards Buildings. Inspection of conduits, conduit supports, and cable trays was included. A selected number of cable tray supports were examined to gain additional information relative to the problem previously identified in the containment roon inspection (see NRC Inspection Report 50-445/84-16). The major components, piping, instrumentation, and electrical portions of , the 4 systems were contained in 17 rooms of the 2 buildings, as follows: Room Number Description 54 Centainment Spray Pump Room (train A) 58 Component Cooling Water Drain Tank Room 65 Valve Isolation Tank Room (train A) 67 South Valve Ronm (train A) 69 RHR and CSS Heat Exchanger Room (train A) 70 N-S Corridor ' 71 E-W Corridor 72 Motor Driven Aux. FW Pump Room (train A) 73 Motor Driven Aux. FW Pump Room (train B) 74 Turbine Driven FW Pump Room 80 Valve Room 175 Heat Exchanger Room 179 Corridor 200 Centrifugal Charging Pump Room (train A) 203 Valve Room 205 Component Cooling Water Pump Room (train A) 206 Boric Acid Tank Room

Detailed inspection data shaets were prepared for each of the systems involved. These data sheets are ihcluded as attachments to this report. While not every component in each system was inspected, the number of items selected and inspected has permitted a broad overview of each system. A more detailed discussion of,the inspection scope is given below. Auxiliary Feedwater System The auxiliary feedwater system can supply high pressure feedwater to the steam generators following a loss of normal feedwater. The system is used in the event of a main steam line break, feedwater line break, steam generator tube rupture, and as an alternate to the main feedwater system during nnrmal hot shutdown, cooldown, and startup operations. Two motor driven pumps and one turbine driven pump provide a supply of feedwater. Each pump is located in a separate room in the Safeguards Building. The system is classified as nuclear safety-related and is designed to Seismic Category I requirements. The condensate storage tank provides the normal source of feedwater. An alternate source is the service water system. Feedwater is supplied to all four steam generators. The auxiliary feedwater pumps start automatically after receipt of a signal indicating a main steam line e break, a feedwater line break, or a loss of main feedwater pressure. '

                                                                                           -i Auxiliary Feedwater Dump Turbine Steam Supply Upstream of the main steam isolation valves, of steam generators No I and No. 4, a four inch line is provided for supplying steam to the turbine drive of the auxiliary feedwater pump. Each line has an air operated, fail open valve which will admit steam to the turbine upon demand.

For inspection purposes, the AFWS can be considered to be composed of several subsystems or areas. ', Water sources (Condensate Storage Tank) Pump suction piping ' AFW pumps (2 electrical, I turbine driven) Pump discharge piping Instrumentation and instrumentation tubing Electrical power sources Main steam oiping to turbine driven pump Steam turbine exhaust piping Valves and valve operators ' Air supplies to valve operators Piping supports and restraints


This systen was examined in greater detail than the other three systems in response to a commitment made to the CPSES Hearing Board by Region IV management. The inspecti.on began at the water source and ended at the

       .iunction between AFWS and Main Feedwater System (MFWS). Portions of all the above areas in train B and the turbine driven pump were examined in order to gain a comprehensive picture of the entire system.

Containment Spray System (CSS) The CSS has a dual function for removing heat and fission products from contairment in a post-accident situation. It is designed as two independent, redundant trains. In addition to circulating spray water, the CSS provides, by a subsystem, the addition of sodium hydroxide into the spray water to maintain its effectiveness. A CSS train is principally composed of a motor driven spray pumo, a heat exchanger (cooled by the CCW system) and associated piping and valves. Only that part of train B outside of containment was examined during this inspection. Component Cooling Water System (CCUS) Tha CCWS is an intermediate cooling loop between radioactive or potentially radioactive heat sources and the ultimate heat sink water (station service water system). The CCWS provides cooling water to essential plant auxiliary components including containment spray pump heat exchangers, RHR pump seal ~ coolers, safety-related chilled water seal coolers, and system condensers as well as control room AC unit condensers.

     ~ The portion of train B contained within the safeguards and auxiliary building was examinad during this inspection. This included the CCW surge._.

tanks, associated piping and valves, CCW pump, CCW heat exchanger, the containment spray (CSS) heat exchanger, and associated instrumentation. Chemical and Volume Control System (CVCS) The CVCS is designed to control and raintain reactor coolant inventory and to control the boron concentration in the reactor coolant. Part of the CVCS is a boric acid makeup and injection system. The portion of that system included in this inspection included a boric acid tank, a boric acid transfer pump, associated piping and valves, instrumentation and one centrifugal charoing pump. The boric acid makeup and transfer capability is important to the overall CVCS system function. In planning for this inspection, provisions for expanding the sample size were made in case identified discrepancies were of sufficient significance or indicated a generic problem. Table (1) lists the inspection sample size. l l l s


Table 1 s Sample Size of Inspection Areas (Estimated) Supports / # Instruments / System Components Pipe (FT) Restraints FT Tubing AFWS 9 650 78 14/406 CSS 3 300 16 CCWS 5 300 37 5/115 CVCS 3 250 47 __, , RCS 8/213 Other: Cable Trays - 34 (22 2?5') Cable Tray Suppor Conduits - 27 2( 725') (ts - 35 Conduit Supports - 156

3. Status of Auxiliary and Safeguards Buildings ._
a. Open Items _

The Master Data System (see NRC Inspection Reports 60-445/83-23 and 50-445/84-10) is used to monitor the status of open itens pertainina tn'the Auxiliary and Sefeguards Buildinas. From a data report dated Sentamber 20, 1984, approximately 850 items had been identified in the Auxiliary Building for completion. This number includes Unit 2 items as well, since Units 1 A 2 share portions of the Auxiliary Building. Approximately 250 items had been identified in the Safeguards 9uilding. Construction work and testino were being done in these buildings durina the entire NRC inspection; hcwever, little work was being done on the systens invnived in the inspection. i 1

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( The " punch lists" items have been prioritized with five indications. From most urgent to less important:

                              "Do It" (Requires Immediate Action)                             .

SU Real (Startup Requirement) OP Need (Needed for Operations) Pre-Fuel (Must be done prior to fuel load) Post Fuel (Can be delayed until after fuel is loaded) The vast majority of the items are indicated as " post-fuel," or after fuel loading.

b. Room Area Inspections There are 157 rooms / areas (NOTE: The total of 157 includes stairs and corridors) in the safeguards and auxiliary buildings that were subject to this room inspection. In order to obtain a picture of the overall condition of these two buildings, the inspectors made an effort to enter and inspect as many rooms / areas as was practical.

The inspectors did enter 126 of these rooms / areas, or 80%. It was observed that construction in all the rooms / areas was generally complete. The more detailed inspection of the selected systems (described in paragraph 2) provided a concentrated inspection of 17 rooms. A small number of rooms still had work being performed, but it appeared to be local corrective rework. Many of the same attributes of inspection discussed in other parts of this report were inspected here. The inspectors checked seismic pipe and electrical supports for general workmanship and completion; -- instrument tubing was checked for loose fittings and conformance to installation criteria; other items that appeared out of the ordinary - were noted. The specific items noted are listed in Attachment H. - Many items noted as deficiencies in other parts of this report resulted from detailed inspection to drawings. This inspection was a walkdown without drawings and was not intended to identify problems that would be found using drawings.

4. Auxiliary Feadwater System (AFWS)
a. General Insoection of the AFWS included a ma.ior portion of the associated water, main steam, instrumentation, and electrical subsystems.

Inspection attributas are contained in the appropriate inspection data sheets. Items inspected and the results obtained are given ir the following paragraphs.

o. o-

b. Component inspection Inspection of the following AFWS components was conducted:

(1) Auxiliary Feedwater Pumps - Two Electric and one steam turbine driven pump are used in the AFWS. All three pumps were inspected. The installation, alignment records, procurement records, modifications, and applicable NCRs were examined. The major components in the auxiliary feedwater system were identified by physically comparing each of the major components to drawings, specifications and procurement documents. Train A is located in Room 72, train B is located in Room 73. The steam turbine and its integral pump are located in Room 74 Each room is separated by concrete walls, and each is secured from entry by a locked door. Pump alignments, coupling alignments and modifications were documented on " travelers". All NCRs were satisfactorily closed. The NRC inspector found that the AFW pumps, motors, and steam turbine were procured, installed, aligned, tested and made operable within tha requirements and manufacturer's recommendations. No deviations or violations were identified during this portion of the inspection. Specific itens and documents reviewed are identified in Attachment A. (2) Fain Steam Valves - Selected valve installations were examined by the NRC inspectors. The AFWS turbine is supplied steam from two of the four steam generators. The valves listed below are ~~ on these two lines. I 1-MS-101 Manual, gear operated gate valve 1-HV-2457-1 Air operated steam supply valve, loop 4 1-MS-144 Manual, gear operated gate valve 1-MS-128 Manual, gear operated gate valve 1-MS-137 Manual, gear operated gate valve The inspection included observation of the installed valves for general workmanships, conformance to vendor manual and drawings, and documents in the valve data package, such as installation travelers (see data sheets). The valves wara found to be installed in accordance with travelers and manufacturer's installation instructions. Some minor problems were identified during the inspection. These were discussed with the licensee. The discrepancies and the licensee's action is indicated in Table 2.

c. AFWS Piping and Pipe Supports Eighteen Brown & Root Hanger Location (BRHL) drawings were selected for an expanded review of the AFWS. The BRHLs had 265 supports identified; 78 were inspected to the vendor certified drawings (VCDs) and other QC inspection records in the documentation package. The findings of the inspection are documented on the inspection data sheets. Problems identified during the inspection were discussed with the licensee. The nature of those problems and the action takan by the licensee is indicated in Table 3.
d. Instrumentation The following 14 AFWS instrumentation runs were selected for inspection.

Instrument No. FSI Number 1-FT-2458(LP & HP) 2206-04-1-58 (2 sheets) 1-PS-2470A 2206-06-1-70A 1-PS-2470B 2206-06-1-708 1-PI-2469 2206-06-1-69 1-PI-2488 2206-07-1-88 1-PT-2455 2206-03-1-55 1-PI-2468 2206-06-1-68 1-PT-2477 2206-06-1-77 1-PI-2390 2202-05-1-90 1-PT-2476 2206-06-1-76 1-FT-2457(LP & HP) 2206-04-1-57 (2 sheets) ~ 1-PT-2392 2202-05-1-92 1-PS-2454A 2206-03-1-54A (2 sheets) 1-PS-2454B 2206-03-1-548 (2 sheets)  : Specific problems identified in these runs are listed in Table 4. Action taken by the licensee on these items is noted. As a result of the extensive use made of instrumentation drawings, the NRC inspector identified a concern involvino the isometric or FSI instrument drawing. These drawings are generated by a draftsman and I&C Engineer from an examination of the as-installed instrument runs. The instrument tubing runs are " field runs" fabricated and installed by B&R I&C craftmen using installation criteria cenerated by G8H. These documents include:

2323-I.001 Seismic Tubing Support Package 2323-I-002 Criteria for Seismic Tubing Support Placement FSI-00069 Seismic Tubing Support Span Lengths Drawing Series 2323-M1-2103, 2507, 2104 and others for instrument tabulations and instrument details. The above items are controlled, design documents, issued through tha DCC. However, the FS1s are not controlled design documents and no 0A program procedural requirements have been generated for them. The TUGC0 I&C Engineer indicated that the FSIs were being produced as "Information Only" drawings for operation. (However, all drawings have been marked " Issued for As-Built") QC inspectors do not use the FSI for any purpose. All other materials, inspections, and design efforts come under the 10 CFR, Appendix B OA progran. This item was discussed with the licensee. In response, the licensee has stated that the FSI drawings will have the "As-Puilt" notation deleted. A rote will be added explaining the information nature of the drawings. This is considered an unresolved item pending completion of the actions by the licensee and review during a subsequent inspection. _ (445/8d26-031

e. Sumarv .

The major AFWS components inspected were found to be 2 installed / aligned correctly. There were minor itens found on two MS valves. The installed seismic Instrument Rack CP1-EIPRLI-31 had some welding and other minor problems. Thirteen pipe supports were found to have one or more discrepancies. Six NCRs were issued by the licensee on pipe supports. Discrepancies were found on thirteen of the instrument runs reviewed by the NRC inspectors. The discrepancies included hardware and paperwork problems. Of specific concern was the uncontrolled issue of instrumentation FSIs.

5. Containment Spray System (CSS)
a. General Inspection of the containment spray system included a portion of one train invniving a heat exchanger, a pump, piping and valve isolation tank, and motor operated valves. Sixteen piping supports were inspected.


b. CSS Component Inspection The following components were inspected in regards to completeness, workmanship and documentation.

CP1-CTATVT-01 Containment Spray Valve Isolation Tank CP1-CTAPCS-04 Containment Spray Pump

          ,        CPI-CTAHCS-02 Containment Spray Heat Exchanger In general, the components were found to be installed in accordance with applicable drawings and vendors manuals. Specific problems found are shown in Table 5.

Of particular note was the power and instrumentation leads entering the spray valve isolation tanks. No permanent provision had been made for securing the leads away from the sharp edge of the electrical penetration pipe inside the tank. This item was identified to the licensee representative and was placed on the Master Data Base for action.

c. CSS Piping and Pipe Supports Six Brown & Root Hanger Location (BRHL) drawings were selected for an expanded view of the containment spray system. The BRHLs had 62 supports identified; 16 were inspected to the vendor certified drawings and other QC inspection records in the documentation package. The findings of the inspection are documented on the ,_

inspection data sheets of Attachment B. Problems identified during the inspection were discussed with the licensee. The nature of those problems and the action taken by the licensee is indicated in  : Table 6. An item of importance is the missing welds on pipe support CT-1-014-015-542K.

d. Summary One important item was not identified during the licensee's OC inspection - missing welds on pipe support CT-1-014-015-S42K.

Another notable problem was the hanging leads inside the valve isolation tanks.

6. Component Cooling Water System (CCWS)
a. General A portion of the CCWS was operational during inspection of components and piping. The part of the CCWS chosen for the inspection included a pump, three valves, piping, and a heat exchanger. Additional inspection was conducted for CCWS pipe supports inside containment building.
b. CCWS Components Installation The inspection of the components included the installation, electrical' connections, workmanship and documentation. The components inspected include the following:

CPI-CCAPCC-02 . Component Cooling Water Pump CP1-CCAHHX-02 Component Cooling Water Heat Exchangers ICC-048/ICC-055 24" Wafer Trunion Valves 1HV-4575 Motor Operated Valve 1FE-4537A Orifice Plates (Inspected documentation package only) Generally, these components were installed in accordance with the manufacturer's technical manual and applicable drawings. Some , deficiencies were noted and are listed in Table 7.

c. CCW Piping and Pipe Supports  :

Twelve Brown & Root Hanger Location (BRHL)' drawings were selected for an expanded view of the component cooling water system, The 8PHLs had 166 supports identified; 37 were inspected to the vendnr certified drawings and other OC inspection records in the documentation package. The findings are documented on the inspection data sheets of Attachment C. Problems identified during the inspection were discussed with the licensee. The nature of those problems and the action taken by the licensee is indicated in Table 8.

d. CCWS Instrumentation Five CCWS instrumentation tube runs were selected for inspection.

One of the runs was in the containment building as an expansion to the inspection scope to determine if problems similar to thosa in the auxiliary and safeguards building existed elsewhere. The following , runs were examined:

Instrument No. FSI Number 1-FIS-4537A (LP & HP) 2229-04-1-37A-1 (2 sheets) 1-FT-4537A (LP & HP) 2229-04-1-37A-2 (2 sheets) 1-PI-4523 2229-03-1-23 1-PT-4521 2229-03-1-21 1-FT-4680 (LP & HP) 2231-01-1-80 No hardware problems were identified. However, similar problems with the FSI were identified. These are listed in Table 9. This item is part of the open item regarding instrumentation FSIs.

e. Summary The portion of the CCWS inspected was considered acceptable with the exception of those deficiencies listed.
7. Chemical and Volume Control System (CVCS)
a. General A portion of the CVCS was selected for inspection that included a boric acid tank, a boric acid transfer pump, piping and supports, and a centrifugal charging pump.
b. CVCS Components Installation The following components were inspected:

TBX-CSATBA-01 Boric Acid Tank . TBX-CSAPBA-01 Boric Acid Transfer Pump TRX-CSAPCH-01 Centrifugal Chargina Pump _ Minor problems were identified on the charging pump and transfer pump. Specific items are given in Table 10. The findings of the inspection are documented in the inspection data sheets, Attachment D.

c. CVCS Piping and Pipa Supports Twenty Brown & Root Hancer Location (BRHL) drawings were selected for an expanded view of the chemical and volume control system. The BRHLs had 176 suoports identified; 47 were inspected to the vendor certified drawings and other QC inspection records in the documentation package. The findings of the inspection are documented on the inspection data sheets of Attachment D. Problems identified during the insnection were discussed with the licensee. The nature o' those problems and the action taken by the licensee is indicated in Table 11.
d. Summary Minor problems were identified while inspecting the CVCS components.

Nonconforming items were identified for two CVCS supports. Two NCRs were issued by the licensee.

8. Electrical Raceways and Supports This section of the report contains information regarding the inspection of cable trays, conduit runs, and their associated supports. Specific problems identified are contained in Table 1?.
a. Attributes Attributes for inspection are identified on the specific inspection data sheet. The following paragraphs give a detailed description of these attributes:

Color Coding - Safety-related trains are indicated by the color as indicated below:

                         "A"  train - orange - 0 Associated "A" train - orange with white stripes "B"  train - green - G

_ Associated "B" train - grean with white stripes "C" train - black - K - non-Q instrument Chanrel I - Red-R 2 Instrument Channel II - White-W . Instrument Channel III - Blue-B Instrument Chennel IV - Yellow-Y Cable trays and conduits are marked with unioue identification numbers which include a train or color code designation. The use of color code assisted in the determination of acceptable separatinn achievement.

             -      Documentation - review of installation and inspection records to ensure that these records document the as-installed raceway and supports, and aoree with the current approved design information.




Type and Size - This certains to the type and size of conduit or cable tray including fittings, splices, pull boxes, covers, offsets, and fasteners. Trav covers - Installed as required or identified as an opar item. Grounding - Installed as required on all raceways. This grounding is primarily for personnel protection. Craftsmanship - All fasteners properly installed, raceways free of sharp edges and burrs, Galvinox protection, raceways free of damage, overall integrity of raceways, and proper bending of conduit. In addition, note was made of correctness of craft functions such as appropriate and adequate use of cable ties, crimping of connections, correct and clear identification of tha cables, bend radius-of cables, and surface condition of cable. Identification - Raceway identification and train or channel identification at each 'end and at the proper intervals in between as specified in IEEE 384. Supports - Proper type and spacing of raceway supports, material size and dimensions, welding, structural attachments, raceway attachments, location, bolt size, and spacing.

b. Electrical Raceway and Raceway Supports

The NRC inspectors selected sections of cable tray for inspection. ,_ The specific raceway sections inspected are identified on the raceway inspection data sheets of Attachment E of this report. _ The NRC inspectors examined 35 cable tray sections, 34 cable tray. supports, and approximately 225 feet of cable tray. Two cable tray hangers (CTH) were found to deviate from their associated drawings. CTH 639 was missing a diagonal brace. In response, the licensee issued non-conformance report (NCP) number M84-100470. CTH 12416 was shown on its FSE-00159 sheet, FSE-00176 and on drawing 2323-El-0601-01-S as the horizontal leos being alioned east-west. It was installed with a north-south alignment. In response, the licensee issued NCR M84-100476.

c. Electrical Conduit and Conduit Supports The ND.C inspectors physically walked down and inspected 29 conduit runs and approximately 156 conduit supports, totaling approximately 725 linear feet of conduit. The NRC inspectors utilized the current approved design information and the latest OC inspection report to determine the adequacy of installation and accuracy of documentation.

l The clamp attaching the conduit to support C14B13160-5 was loose. NCR M84-100469 was issued to document this finding. One of the Hilti bolts on C14010056-2 was not flush with its associated nut. NCR M84-100471 was issued. Conduit support C14015121-3 was deleted and this was not properly documented. Other Component Modification Cards disagreed about the conduits size and indicated that some support types (CSM18c) should be installed. There were none used. NCR M84-100472 was issued to resolve these documentation deficiencies.

9. Electrical Separation The NRC inspector conducted an inspection in the Auxiliary and Safeguards Building of Class IE circuit separation. Separation criteria for Class IE circuits for CPSES is contained in IEEE-384-1974 (draft). Typical separation details for cables and raceways is contained in G8H drawing 2323-El-170?-02. This drawing was based on the Electrical Erection Specification 2323-ES-100, Section 4.11 " Separation Criteria". Additional criteria for separation is contained in Section 4.4 of this specification.

The criteria contained in the above document was used as basis for examining train separation. Within the buildings, several rooms were selected for close inspection. The rooms selected and the specific details of the inspection are included in Attachment H. The discrepancies identified in the data sheets are not a complete list, but rather examples of the different types of discrepancies found. In total, these discrepancies represent a generic separation problem with flexible conduits. The flexible conduits could have met separation _ the time they were inspected by QC. However, because of their flexibility, the conduit can be moved to violate separation requirements. The details listed show examples where conduit had moved or could easily be moved to positions violating separation requirements. As an example of how this movement could occur, the NRC inspector observed an individual cleaning in the area of safety-related flexible conduit and noted him moving them as he cleaned. When questioned, the person said he had not received any direction or training relating to precautions for moving flexible conduits. Sectinn 4.4.6 of Specification 2323-ES-100 states:

          "In no case shall any part of the conduit or the conduit suppnrt system come in direct contact with uninsulated equipment in the piping system nr with pipe restraints or anchors." In addition, Section of 2323-ES-100 specifies separation betwean conduits of different trains is one inch minimum for the examples listed.

s 01-QP-19.5-1, Section 3.5, implements the electrical and mechanical separation requirements. QI-QP-11.3-23, Section 3.9 specifies conduit separation per drawing 2323-EI-1702-02, which includes several detailed sketches. This erection specification and QC inspection procedures describe conduit separation requirements, but do not recognize the possible loss of separation if the conduit is moved within it arc of flexibility. QI-QP-11.3-29.1, Revision 16, paragraph 3.1.7, states in part:

            "In no case shall any part of the raceway or raceway support system come in direct contact with uninsulated equipment in the piping system or with pipe restraints or anchors unless otherwise approved by the owner."

QI-QP-11.1-28, Revision 25, paragraph, states in part:

            "There shall be an air gap (i.e., no contact) between electrical conduit / conduit supports and piping component supports."

Specific examples of violations of these requirements are listed in Table 13. In addition, scope and generic aspects of this problem were not recocnized by the licensee until identified by the NRC inspector. The failure to provide adequata QC inspection eriteria and failure to meet


minimum separation as required is a violation v Criterion V of, Appendix B to 10 CFR 50 (445/8426-01). ,_ NOTE: Generic NCRs for the electrical to electrical separation problem identified above have been issued and corrective action has started. I Unit 1 Structure NCR Number Safeguards Building E-84-100309S Reactor Containment E-84-1003105 Service Water Initial E-84-100311S Control Building E-84-100312S Auxiliary Building E-84-100313S Fuel Ruilding E-84-1003145

Disposition of these NCPs is as follows: ' Part 1: A team consisting of Engineering, QC and craft shall perform a walk-down of the buildings to identify any specific cases where flexible conduits could inadvertantly be moved and cause a separation violation. As these cases are encountered during the walk-down, QC shall document the problem on an electrical separation deficiency report (figure 2 of QI-QD-11.3-29) and Engineering will provide a disposition for each. The ma.iority of the problems can be resolved by installing a mechanicel separator as shown in DCA-20,721. In these cases, after Engineering disposition of the deficiency report, craft shall install the separator and QC shall inspect the installation. Any remaining items will be handled on a case-by-case basis with an NCR hold tag attached to the affected raceway (s). Upon completion of the walk-down, a part 2 disposition will be issued to document all violations found. This will be accomplished by attaching the deficiency reports to the NCR and sorted by room number. DCA 20,721, Revision 1, dated September 18, 1984, approved a method for maintaining minimum separation distance between flex conduits of different trains / channels.

10. Reactor Coolant Instrumentation (Containment Building)

The inspection plan for instrumentation was expanded into the containment building to determine if problems sinilar to those identified in the Safeguards Building existed in other areas. The following instrument runs'~ were examined: Instrument No. FSI Number 1-FT-434 (LP) 2250-04-1-34 1-FT-434 (HP) 2250-04-1-34 1-FT-436(LP) 2250-04-1-36 1-FT-436 (HP) 2250-04-1-36 1-FT-424 (LP) 2250-04-1-24 1-FT-424 (HP) 2250-04-1-24 1-FT-426 (LP) 2250-04-1-26 1-FT-426 (HP) 2250-04-1-26 These included approximately 213 feet of tubing and 94 supports. No hardware problems were identified. However, similar FSI problems to those specified in paragraph 4.d. were identified. These are listed in Table 14 This iten is part of the unresolved item regarding instrumentation FSIs (see paragraph 4.d.).

11. OC Inspection Criterion X of Appendix B to 10 CFR 50 requires that the inspection program of activities affecting quality shall be established and conducted in a manner to verify conformance with the documented instructions, procedures and drawings.

Several examples have been identified in other sections of this report that show failure of QC inspectors to identify nonconformances. Those nonconformances are detailed below along with the specific procedure that was violated.

a. Cable Tray Hanger, CTH 639, was missing the diagonal brace called for on drawings 2323-El-0601-01S and 2323-S-901. 01-QP-11.10-2, Revision 28, paragraph, Configuration, states:
                       "The OC Inspector shall verify the completed support is in accordance with the design drawing and applicable design change documents. This verification shall include the following attributes:
a. Support type
b. Support Member (s) shape (i.e., angle, channel, etc) and size
c. Location of members in accordance with design drawing

__ dimensions including " work points" when shown"

b. Cable Tray Hanger, CTH 12416, had the horizontal legs aligned north-south vice east-west as called out on drawing 2323-El-0601-01S _

and FSE-00159 sheet 12416. 01-QP-11.10-2, Revision ?8, paragraph -, Cable Tray Drawings, states:

                       "The QC Inspector shall use the FSE-00159 oniv for location of cable tray hanger, verify hanger unique number, and hanger elevation unless directed by the engineer and a Design Change Document regardless of the referenced document."
c. The pipe suoport of drawing CT-1-014-015-542K was missing two welds.

Other weld deficiencies were noted on AF-1-026-005-S33R, MS-1-026-010-575K, and instrument rack CP1-EIPRLI-31. 01-QAP-11.1-28, Revision 25, paragraph, Weld Inspection, s ta tes:

                       "The fi1let weld size shall be as specified on the drawing
d. Base plate Hilti location dimension discrepancies were noted for Drawings AF-1-035-037-Y33R, AF-1-035-034-Y33R, and MS-1-028-047-S43K.

QI-QAP-11.1-28, Revision 25, paragraph, Installation Tolerances, subparagraph 2 states: Hole Location i 1/4" or as shown on the design drawing

e. Dimensional discrepancies were noted for Orawings AF-1-026-003-S33R, CC-1-011-034-A63K, CC-1-043-013-A43K, MS-1-026-010-575K, CC-1-236-700-C53R, CC-1-234-700-C53R, MS-1-025-009-P75K, CS-1-AB-208A-001, CC-1-238-004-C53R, CS-1-564-706-A33R.

QI-QAP-11.1-28, Revision 25, paragraph 3.3, Material Dimensional Control, states:

                  "The completed hanger shall be inspected to ensure compliance with the dimensional sketch on the hanger drawing."
f. The pipe clamp of drawing AF-1-103-036-S53K was resting on the adjacent floor penetration pipe. This could have caused the penetration pipe to suopnrt the system pipe. This violated QI-QAP-11.1-28, Revision 25, pargraph 3.3.1, which states in part:
                  " Fabrication ard installation shall be perfomed in accordance with the drawing detail . . . ."
g. Conduit support C140-10056-2 had a Hilti Bolt with insufficient

__ thread engagement. QI-QP-11.2-1, pef. 16, paragraph 3.3.5 states in part: .-

                  "The engagement of the nut shall be such, that after torquing,    _

tha end of the bolt is not lower than flush with the top of the - nut."

h. The instrument tube from 1-FT-2488 (HP) touched a pipe support at a 90' bend about 4' 2-3/4" from valve IAF-0039. QI-QP-11.8-5, Revision 14, paragraph states in part:
                  "The QC Inspector shall verify proper air gap. The minimum air gap spacing shall always be 1/8 inch to allow each instrument sensing line to expand independently at all bends without striking adjacent sensing lines, other equipment, concrete or steal building members."

The tables included in the preceding sections of this report provide details of the specific conditions noted, the tables also note the specific initial actions taken by the licensee in response to these conditions, such as listing the NCR number that was generated.

The failure to properly inspect quality attributes to the requirements is a violation of Criterion X of Appendix R to 10 CFR 50 (445/8426-02).

17. Unresolved Items .

Unresolved items are matters about which more information is required in order to ascertain whether the itens are acceptable or not. One unresolved item identified in paragraph 4.d. of this report (445/8426-03).

13. Exit Interview On September 28, 1984, the NRC inspectors and other members of the Recion IV staff including the Resident Inspectors met with the licensee personnel denoted in paragraph 1 of this report. The NRC inspectors discussed the findings of this report. The licensee acknowledged the unresolved item and the items of noncompliance.




I Table 2 SYSTFM: AFWS Components ITEM DESCRIPTION LICENSEE ACTION 1-MS-137 - i P;cking gland appears to be resting on the bonnet with no Has been listed on Master room far more tightening of the packing. The packing gland Data System Item #0197S, retainer is not tight on the packing gland. The packing and fixed. gland retainer nuts are painted over. Saismic Instrument rack CPI-FIPRLI-31

1. Mark Box "0" bolts / nuts not fully engaged on the rack side. 1. Issued NCR E84-100516S These bolts hold the terminal strips inside the box, not the box to tha rack.

2 Label missing at the top of the rack for 1-PI-2488. 7. Label replaced

3. . U-bolt missing at the upper valve for 1-PS-2470A. 3. Will be reinspected per IR #I-1-0054422 l

4 .- Section "C-C" upper right - The stitch weld 3/16" 3"-73" 4. NCR I-84-100493S issued is only 2" to 21" long.

5. Section "C-C" center right - The stitch weld 3/16" 2" - 6" 5. NCR I-84-1004935 issued is only about 11 to 13" long.

I x

I Table 3 SYSTEM: AFWS Pipe Supports ITEM DESCRIPTION LICENSEE ACTION AF-1-035-037-Y33R: Base plate Hilti dimensions not correct. NCR-M 14,680N issued to 1 Rev. VCD AF-1-035-034-Y33R: Base plate locations for Hilti anchors NCR-M 14,679N issued to

are not IAW VCD (rev 4) (21/8" vs 1 1/16" on VCD). Rev. VCD j AF-1-076-015-533R
Sway strut binding. Fixed AF-1-026-003-S33R: VCD calls for max 1" grout. I 1/8" grout exits. VCD to be corrected -

AF-1-103-036-553K: Pipe clamp is resting tight on floor penetration pipe. Snubber is not level. NCR-M 14,756N issued AF-1-102-013-533R: Sway strut not level, outboard bearing NCR-M 14,757N issued dislodaed. i a 1


i is .

o - , l Table 3

                                                        -7 SYSTEM: AFWS Pipe Supports ITEM OESCRIPTION                                                     LICENSEE ACTION AF-1-102-028-533R: 2 broken cotter kavs.                             Keys have been replaced.

MS-1-026-010-S75K: (Class 5) Oversized holes found in items 4 & 5, NCR M-15150 issued tube steel (4x4), holes should be 1 5/8", approx 1"+ oversize. MS-1-028-047-543K: Hilti bolt placement dimensions not in NCR M-14,842N issued accordance with drawing; upper right bolt of base plate (item 4) 3/8" more than stated. (tolerance 1"). MS-1-025-009-R75K: Upper right Richmond insert indicated NCR M-15151 to Rev. VCD as 1 1/16" hnle; a 1)" Richmond insert exists. it ,

I Table 4 SYSTEM: AFWS Instrumentation ITEM DESCRIPTION LICENSEE ACTION 1-FT-2458 (HP): Line touches pipe support at 90* bend Fixed 4 approx 4' 2-3/4" from 1AF-0039 (EL805'4"). 1-PI-2469: Loose bolt on T092D1 support, first from 1AF-0147 Fixed FL 796' 9". 1-PT-2455: (a) Test tee below instrument was not shown on DWG. (a) Fixed (b) A loose nut 8 bolt was found on T03P2025 support 2' 1/8" (b) Fixed balow valve HAG-25-6. 4 1-PI-2468: (a) The span between the first two supports off root (a) Fixed valve AF-145 has been stepped on and bent. (b c, and d) FSI Resolution 1 (b) Unions between last two supports before instrument will delete "as-built" nota-rack not shown on FSI. tion on FSI drawings and add l (c) The forth 3D support form Root Valve has a loose nut. disclaimer note. (d) As-build and specified tube span lengths do not a9ree. DIM from as shown root viv on FSI as built 2nd 7 3/4" 10" 4th 7 3/8" 3" 5th I' 6 1/8" l' 7 1/2" 1-PT-2477: Elbow fitting immediately above root valve 1AF-0035 FSI Resolution is not shown on FSI. 1-PI-2390: (a) The first support back towards the root valve (a) Fixed IMS-0164 from the tee is loose. (b) The second span from root valve IMS-0164 has less than 1/8" clearance (b) Fixed from an adjacent support and can easily touch it. is ,

                                                                                                             =  .

I Table 4 SYSTEM: AFWS Instrumentation ITEM DESCRIPTION LICENSEE ACTION 1-PT-2476: The 3' 1-13/16" span between the first two supports Fixed from root valve AF-076 has been stepped on and bent. 1-FT-2457 (HP): (a) 45* offset not shown on FSI after 3rd (a and b) FSI Resolution support from root valve AF-053. (b) Union not shown on FSI, 2nd support from instr. rack. 1-FT-2457 (LP): 45* off sets not shown on last span from root FSI Pesolution valve to point "R". 1-PT-239?: Last support from root valve 1-MS-0288 before Fixed the tee was loose. 1-PS-2454 A & B: (a) There are two check valves on the "A" FSI (a) Correct per DWG TNE-M1-2120-01 which are labeled 1-AF-221 and 1-AF-222. As built, they have ID tags showing 1-AF219, and 220 respectively. The "B" FSI does not identify its two similar check valves, but the valves have ID tags installed which were supposed to be on the CH "A" valves. (b) CH "A", there is a 6)" length shown entering an air (b, c, d, and e) FSI operated valve assembly on sheet I that is 4 3/4" as built. Resolution (c) CH "B",, at the valve in the tube upstream of the two check valves on sheet 2, the upstream length is shewn on the FSI as l'1", it is 5" as built. (d) The length downstream from the same valve above, is shown as 2 9/16", it is Si as built. (e) The tubing from the tee adjacent to Pt "A" leading to tha fisher controls on valve 1-PV-74548. Starting where the tube starts to run horizontal f pm f the wall along what the FSI shows as 10 5/8", the tubino dev.lates from the FSI in routing and lenaths of run. There is no rasemblance upon which details can be compared.

1 , I ( Table 5 SYSTEM: CS Components ITEM DESCRIPTION LICENSEE ACTION CPI-CTATVT-01, containment spray valve isolation tank: electrical leads hanging by a plastic strap. The strap Put on Master Data Base l could easily drop from its catch point and leave the wires draped over a sharp edge. CPI-CTAPCS-04, containment spray pump S/N 15210088; conduit C14K30963, attached to pump, brace missing. Has been put on Master Data Rase l l st , i l

1 I . , l . . I Table 6 SYSTEP: CS Pipe Supports ITEM DESCRIPTION LICENSEE ACTION CT-1-014-015-542K is missing two welds. They are both 5/16" NCP M-14,722N issued . fillet welds 2" long. They should be located at the top and bott m of the base plate (shown in section A-A of the support drawing) at the imbedded plate. l l i, , l

I Table 7 SYSTEM: CCWS Components ITEP DFSCRIPTION LICENSEE ACTION CPI-CCAPCC-07, component cooling water pump S/N 14210677

a. Ground wire from motor to feeder conduit has approx. a. Non-Q, Fixed 40% of strands out of clamp. (C11G08174)
b. 1" Flex conduit (C13G08451) has small hole in sheath b. NCR E84-100,402S issued cover about 2" above 45* fitting.
c. Flex conduit (C11G08174) has a small tear above 45' c. NCR E84-100,4915 issued blend about 5".

! l-CC-048: a. Rust Present (not excessive) a. Non-0, Fixed

b. difficult to get to, no ladder provided b. Non-0, will be looked at during STA 002 walkdown 1

1-HV-4575, Motor Operated Valve l a. Position indicator badly bent a. Not critical - valve is either open all the way, or shut

b. Screws on electrical cover not snug and lock washers b. On MDS Item 779S appear to be missing
c. Conduit separation violations (C13G04311 & C12G04691) c. NCR-E84-100,4905 fixed a broken conduit laying on handwheel, touching motor / gear housing fitting nn conduit C13G04311, during this repair the separation problems were fixed.
d. Ground cable loose at ground lug on motor / gear box housing d. Non-0, Fixed
e. Unit needs cleaning / painting e. Non-Q, Fixed 19 ,

i b t

l , Table 8 SYSTEM: CCW Supports ITEM DESCRIPTION LICENSEE ACTION CC-1-234-700-C53R, sheet 2, section C-C: The Irwer attachment bolts NCR 15147 issued to rev. ! are 315/16" apart vice the 5)" shown. The upper bolts are VCD 3 7/8" apart. It should be noted that this problem is the result of conflicting dimensions. The plate is 8" wide. The bolt of CLs are to be 2" minimum from the edges of the plate. The ravaaining bolt separation then may only be 4" maximum. fin Containnent)

,              CC-1-238-004-C53R: The 6" dimension from pipe CL to the S.E.                                                                                                                                                                                       NCR 15148 ussued to rev.

l strut is 7 7/8" as built. The strut separation at the opposite VCD I end from the pipe is 8" vice 9" shown. (in Containment) 1 i CC-1-236-700-C53R: This support attaches to an existing support NCR 15149 issued to rev. j with a 5" overlap of vertical members, per plan. However, the VCD vertical distance shown from pipe CL to the bottom of the existing j support of 215/8" is the measuremant from pipe CL to the top of the 5" overlap as installed. (Drafting Error) 1 (in Containment) 1 CC-1-Oll-034-A63K, The ?' 7" distance from the wall to the

snubber connecting pin CL is 2' 51/8" as installed. NCR M-14,745N issued a

CC-1-043-013-A43K: The dimension from the wall that is NCR M-14,744N issued shown as 7'3" is 7'5". I

  • 9O ,

I Table 9 SYSTEM: CCW Instrumentation ITEM DFSCRIPTIow LICENSEE ACTION FSI-2229-04-1-37A-1: The distance from component IFIS-4537A FSI Resolution to valve assembly FAQ 27-6 is shown on sheet I (LP) as 10 3/8" and on sheet 2 (HP) as l'0". Both lines run side by side and are the same length, 10 3/8" as built. FSI-2729-04-1-37A-2: The last span entering valve 1-CC-0051 is FSI Resolution routed differently than shown on the FSI. _ __ m


I Table 10 SYSTEF: CVCS Components ITEM DESCRIPTIOM LICENSEE ACTION Boric Acid Transfer Pump, TBX-CSAPRA-01: Room 79

c. Boric acid solution is seeping out of drain valve (ICS-075) a. on Master Data Base, has and through instrumentation connections. heen fixed
b. Rear hnlt is not tight, the lock washer not compressed. h. Traveler issued to inspect and tighten as reouired
c. Drain valve 105-075 (and others) not over drain. c. Non-Q, SWA 23317 will fix
d. Equipment drain has lip (about 1") preventing water d. Non-Q, SWA P3317 will fix fgms draining.

Centrifugal Charging Pump, TBX-CSAPCH-01: Room 200

a. Lo to Temp Probe - C13K13847 conduit loose. a. Non Q-Fixed
b. L. O. pressure gage line out of support. b. Fixed
c. C14K30590 resting on probe protectior. bracket. Hole c. Non 0 could result.
d. Ground cable hanging in air. d. Non 0-Fixed
e. C14K3n591 conduit loose in coupling. e. Non Q-Fixed
f. C12K05018 LBD loose. ,
f. Non Q-Fixed 9 Valve ISW 408 flange - Strainer Drain; I nut bolt g. on MDB subsystem 040? item not flush with nut top. ,, 705S
h. Coupling cover bolt on I leg not installed. h. Non 0-Fixed 4
                                                                                           ?~. : .)


a. The l'0" (REF) dimension for the distance from an NCR M-14,713N issued to adjacent bracket is only 9 7/8" as installed. change VCD
b. The 33" dimension form the same adjacent bracket to the NCR M-14,713N issued to near end of pc 1 is 11" as installed. This appears to change VCD have been created by NCR #AM-01001.

CS-1-564-706-A33R: The distance from the wall to the CL of NCR M-14,71?N issued to the joint of the perpendicular member and diagonal brace change VCD is 7'10" vice 2'8" as installed. 99 ,


Table 12 SYSTEM
Electric Cable Trays (supplemental)

Room 65 - Safeguards ITEM DESCRIPTION LICENSEE ACTION CTH 639: The diagonal brace shown is not installed. NCR M84-100470 issued CTH 12416: The structure is rotated 90 to a North-South NCR M84-100476 issued alignment. l t S 19 ,

                                                                                          . .,   )

Table 12 SYSTEM: Conduit (supplemental) ITEM DESCRIPTION LICENSFE ACTION C14910056-2: One of the Hilti bolts not flush with its NCR M84-100471 issued associated nut. C14015121-3: Conduit not attached to support. NrR M84-100472 issued C14P15121: CMC 64790 specifies 1" conduit and 2 supports NCR M84-100472 issued built to S-910 drawing CMC 18c specification. C14015121 is in fact li" conduit and no CSM18c supports are in the conduit run. Two separate inspection reports, however, did reference CMC 64790. C14B13160-5: Clamp attaching conduit to support was loose. NCR MR4-100469 issued l s' . e i

                                                                                    . .i ,   T l

Table 14 SYSTEM: Reactor Coolant Instrumentation (Containment) ITEM DESCRIPTION LICENSEE ACTION FSI-2250-04-1-34: Elbow fittings on both lines at the instrument FSI Resolution are not shown on the FSI. FSI-2250-04-1-36: Elbow fittings on both lines at the instrument FSI Resolution are not shown on the FSI. Union between the first two supports from valve 1-RC-6061C are not shown on the FSI. FSI-9250-04-1-24: Sheet one shows the lines leaving the FSI Resolution instrument on the horizontal for 41" then turn down. The elbow is not shown on the FSI. Sheet 2 shows both lines leaving the instrument going down. They are not consistent. Valve FAQ27-23 is shown on sheet I as FAQ27-33 FSI-2?50-04-1-26: Elbow fittings on both lines at the instrument FSI Resolution are not shown on the FSI. Union below first support below valve HAG 22-21 not shown. Union below first support below valve HAG 23-22 not shown.


1. Persons Contacted
2. Inspection Ob,iective and Scope
3. Status of Auxiliary and Safeguards Building
a. Open Item
b. Roons Inspected 4 Auxiliary Feedwater System (AFWS)
a. General
b. AFWS Component Installation
c. AFWS Piping and Pipe Supports
d. AFWS Instrumentation
e. Summary
5. Containment Spray System (CSS)
a. General
b. CSS Component Instellation
c. CSS Piping and Pipe Supports
d. Summary
6. Component Cooling Water System (CCWS)
a. General
b. CCWS Comoonent Installation
c. CCWS Piping and Pipe Support
d. CCWS Instrumertation
e. Summary
7. Chemical and Volume Control System (CVCS)
a. Ger.eral
b. CVCS Component Installation
c. CVCS Piping and Pipe Supports
d. Summary
8. Electrical Raceways and Supports
9. Electrical Separation
10. Reactor Coolant Instrumentation (Containment Building)
11. OC Inspection
12. Unresolved Item
13. Exit Interview Attachments A Auxiliary Feedwater System (AFWS)

B Containment Spary System (CSS)


C Component Cooling Water System (CCWS) ._ D Chemical &V51umeControlSystem(CVCS) _ E Electrical Raceways and Supports F Electrical Separation G Reactor Coolant Instrumentation H Miscellaneous

                                                                                               , , , , -'s I

Table 13 SYSTEM Electrical Separation FLEXIBLE CONDUIT ITEM DESCRIPTION NUMBER C13G07743 Flex rests on pipe bracket t5 valve 1-HV-5365. C13G07744 Flex rests on pipe bracket next to valve 1-HV-5365. C14921161 Flex rests on pipe support for 1-MS-030 and 1-MS-?68. C13G12499 Flex rests on support for JB1S 455G. C13G08781 Flex touches corner of support for valve 1-HV-4179. C12905387 Flex touches pipe at elbow passing near valve 1-HV-8106. C13915915 Flex resting on top of actuator for valve 1-HV-2188. C13G21323 Flex touching flange of support next to valve 1-FV-2196. C13G06734 Flex rests against unistrut below valve 1-FV-4537. C12G04690 Flex conduit rests on fire pipe. C13G06834 Flex wraps around adjacent support. C14G20503 Flex rests on valve body. C12902856 Flex contacts 1-HV-2480. C13907415 Flex touches the mounting bracket for the limit switch i from C13G07413. 1" airspace between the two trains of flexible conduit not maintained.

C13G20208 Flex contacts C13911132 flex.

i i II .

                                                                                        . . . , 7 In Reply Refer To:

Docket: 50-445/84-26 Texas Utilities Electric Company ATTN: M. D. Spence, President, TUGC0 Skyway Tower 400 North Olive Street Lock Box 81 Dallas, Texas 75201 Gentlemen: This refers to the special inspection of the Safeguards and Auxiliary Ruilding during the period of July 16, 1984, through September 28, 1984, of activities authorized by NRC Construction Permit CPPR-126 for the Comanche Peak Facility, Unit 1, and to the discussion of our findings with you and other members of your staff at the conclusion of the inspection.

This inspection was the fourth in a series of planned construction completion room / area inspections, and the primary purpose of this inspection was to evaluate actual as-built status of the Safeguards and Auxiliary Building i compared to the design and inspection documentation. This inspection covered construction characteristics, such as cable separation, workmanship, and as-built configuration, which have been the subject of allegations to the NRC; however, this inspection was not intended to achieve resolution of any specific allegation. Resolution of specific allegations may involve additional inspection in these areas, and may result in additional corrective actions.

Because the inspection revealed a lack of certain QC inspection criteria and subseouently identified significant numbers of deficiencies in the areas of electrical conduit separation, cable tray hangers, piping supports, base plate mounting, configuration, pipe clamps, and instrumentation tubing, additional corrective actions are required. The deficiencies identifed by the NRC inspectors were based on a limited sample and revealed the failure to adequately install and inspect safety-related items. Your corrective actions

taken and results achieved should inclu4e, a program for independent review and 2

inspection as appropriate of all safety-relathd systems to ensure conformance with the drawings and specifications. Nonconforming condit %ns identified shall be processed in accordance with established 0A progrr . procedures, including the determination of the generic implications of the deficiencies. This program should be coordinated with the, actions planned and taken as a

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Texas Utilities Electric Company Portions of four safety-related systems were examined durina the inspection. These included the auxiliary feedwater system (AFWS), containment spray system (CSS), component cooling water system (CCWS), and the chemical volume and control system (CVCS). In addition, electrical separation was examined throughout the buildings. Within these areas, the inspection consisted of selective examination of procedures and representative records, interviews with personnel, and observations by the inspectors. These findings are documented in the enclosed inspection report. During this inspection, it was found that certain of your activities were in violation of NRC requirements. Consequently, you are required to respond to these violations, in writing, in accordance with the provisions of Section 2.201 of the NRC's " Rules of Practice," Part ?, Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations. Your response should be based on the specifics contained in the Notice of Violation enclosed with this letter. Should you have any questions concerning this inspection, we will be pleased to discuss them with you. Sincerely, Darwin R. Hunter, Chief Reactor Project Branch 2


1. Appendix A - Notice of Violation
2. Appendix B - NRC Inspection Report 50-445/84-26 cc w/ enclosure:

Texas Utilities Electric Company Texas Utilities Electric Company ATTN: B. R. Clements, Vice ATTN: H. C. Schmidt, Manager President, Nuclear Nuclear Sarvices Skyway Tower ,5kywa:yTower - 400 North Olive Street 400 North Olive Street Lock Box 81 Lock Box 81 Dallas, Texas 75201 Dallas, Texas 75201

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  • P.O. BOX 2760 PORTLAND, ORE. 97208 __x REPORT OF CHEMICAL AND PHYSICAL TESTS sold To - N. P.-S. Industries, Inc. .

Cerimcate No, 5298 One Harmon Plaza - Secaucus,' New Jersey 07094 Date November 16, 1978 Shipped To Same - Swan Island Portland, Oregon ' sulMEo ORDER N NU BER SPECIRCATION ,* N BER B C MN P S SI SIZE YlELD ULTIMATE %8 P0X 9325 Bestway ANSI / ASTM 152483 15 54 008 021 23 5/8 96 240 41,400 64,500 25' Trl#240 A36-77a 152530 14 87 006 026 15 3/4 " " 41,600 i,

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TYPE: " E i

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  '                                               FIGURE 1
                                      " RECEIVING MISCELLANEOUS STEEL"                                             .


1. Did all required documentation accompany rhipment? / -

Is shipment packaged satisfactorily?

2. v
3. Are material markings in accordance with specification '

requirements? /

4. Is certification adequate and accurate when compared to the applicable specifications? #.
5. Is there any damage? /
6. Have all !!DE requirements been met? v
7. Was shipment accompanied by a B8R QA Department Conformance Certificate? /

Was the Certificate signed by a B&R Surveillance Specialist? v If not, is a B&R QA Source Inspection Waiver Form available? /

8. Applicable QC Receiving tags have been applied , ,

Cecrents: M, . , - - QC Inspector ! , B_ Date //- /[ 7'7

                                                       .INFORNIAT10!i COPY                 ~


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 " Job No. 36-1195                                                   COMANCHE PEAK S. E. S.

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Purchase order / subcontract number __85"//ff "3# /8/ . our telephone conversation this date concerning shipment waiver. Ge tiemen: CoYg the telephone conversation between you

                                                                           #// f/        /'/#r9/M and ourMs.         #A7      NMSM                  as referenced above, we have waived fmal onmination at your facility of the following items only:

Order Item No. , Qty,. Description Yl /dA, /f ]-:pt- y C 's 2.0 ' Af7"M A"N W

     '             A               S A*                        / * ,Y C '.y zo '

44n 3 S.2, f /4y g 3 so ' 9 n f

 ! Brown & Rco Inc. Form QA-045 titled " Quality Assurance Department Conformance Certificate" properly completed and l signed is/' no required. This shipment waiver does not waive any rights Brown & Root may have under this purchase order including e right to reject the item (s) upon discovery of deficiencies during or after arrival at destination.

j Sincerely, BROWN & ROOT, INC. Y m ,, e g / s 2. f Site Quality Assurance r

 ,r BCS/bj
 ' cc: B. C. Scott                                                                               I                        - r B & R Site Receiving Insp. Dept.

B & R Site Purchasing Dept. V53.0-1 hO I i[ hw , h.[ ' NUff .


a U ITED STATES STEEL CORPORATION _ HIPPING N l f l 01 00875 PtmCHA11 OMDE R DATE FURr A er ne r., o a.n

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10CFR$0 - APPENDIX B ANSI /ASME NQA t-1979 1 ,

                         ^Vllt. EDENTIFICATION AND                             8.

CONTROL OF MATERIAL'i, IDENTIFICATIONAND CONTROL PARTS, ANDCCMPONENTS OFITEMS BASICREQUIREMENT h Measures shall be establidied for the identifica- ""# # " "'"'^# tion and control of materials, parts, and comr "

                                                                                                                   '# '""##  '^

nents, including partially fabricated assembli ##'"# ' ###

                                                                                               'U " #^'"   # #""##'"# #"^## ##

These measures shall assure that idendfication t the item is maintained by heat number, part num Me hms orin doeurneau uanabino thdtms. ber, serial namber, or other appropriate means, ei-. SUPPLEMENT 851 tiiir on the item or ois YecorditrEcsible to the item {I 7requireTthr5U3hourfabrTc~ation,~eiecuon, in-N 2.0 EDENTIFICATIONMETHODS ssanation, and use of the item. These identification and control measures shall be designed to prevent2.1 Item identification the use of incorrect or defective material, parts and components, , items of production (batch, lot, compo-nent, part) sha!! be identified from the initial re. I ceipt and fabrication of theitems up to and includ-ing installation and use. This identification shall relate an item to an applicable design or other per-tinent specifying document. 2.2 PhysicalIdentification ^ 8 Physicalidentification shall be used to the

  • maximum extent possible. Where physical identifi-cation on the item is either impractical or insuffi-cient, physical separation, procedural control, or other appropriate means shall be employed. -

2.3 Markings Identification markings, when used, shall be applied using materials and methods which pro-vide a clear and legible identification and do not detrimentally affect the function or service life of the item. Markings shall be transferred to each part of an identified item when subdivided and shall n be obliterated or hidden by surface treatment or costings substituted. unless other mesns of identification are 3.0 SPECIFICREQUIREMENTS 3.1 Identification and Traceability ofitems When specified by codes, standards, or specifications that include specific identification or traceability requirements, such as identification or traceability of the item to applicable specification I and grade of material, heat, batch, lot, part, or se.

                                $0                                  rial number; or specified inspection, test, or other 51 F01A-85-59 a/%
        ..          s
      ~       -                             .

i_. g n , , . {' l i .* LBP - UNITEDSTATES'0FhPERICA

                                                                                                                                                             -        l NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION QA%C h I t Eefere Administrative Judges:

Peter B. Bloch, Chairman ( dk.s. I S 4 i Dr. Kenneth A. PcCollom ( y - Dr. Walter H. Jordan

                                                                            '                            '1 In the Matter of                                                                         Docket Nos. 50-445-OL 50-4a6-OL l
                                                                                                          )l l     .

TEY'S UTILI1!ES ELECTRIC COV.PAf:Y, ~et -s1 n (temanche Peak Steam Electric Statier.,

                                                                                                          )/          ASLBP No. 79-430-06 OL

Units 1 and 2)

                                                                                                          /)               December 18, 1984 MEPORANDUM (Reopening Discovery; Misleading Statement)

Citizens Association for Sound Energy (CASE) and the Staff of the Nuclear Regulatory Coninission (Staff) agree that Texas Utilities Elec-tric Company, et, t d. (Applicants) have made a false statement in this proceeding and that a proper remedy is to reopen discovery.I Applicants disagree.2 Although we will await the Staff investigatipn before determining whether this is a material false statement3 , we find Applicants' I CASE's Motions and CASE's Answer to Applicants' Response to Board Request for Infonnation Regarding Cinched Down U-Bolts, November 5

                                 -                                              and NRC Staff Response to CASE's Motions . .

1984 (CASE's

                                         . . December 7, 1984         Motion),(Staff              Response).                                     .

2 Applicants Reply to CASE's Motion Concerning Infonnation Regarding Cinching Down U-Bolts, Navember 19, 1984. 3 Staff has requdted the advice of the Office of Inspection ar.d (Footnote Continued) F0lA-85-59 -

             ~ , -                            - -

v- ,. - - - _ _ _t . - - - i_1*?*_*----*--__,r-" .__,_.__8 _ ___ _ _ _ _

Misleading Statement:

                                    ,'                                                                      ?

testimony'to be misleading, to reflect adversely on the credibility of Applicants' expert witnesses and to be cause for reopening discovery. Applicants' U-Bolt Summary Disposition Motion, June 2g, 1984, , relied in part on a testing program. Applicants state, at page 5:4

                .                . . .    [T]o assure that the tests and analyses accurately represent plant conditions. Applicants conducted a survey of                            ' '

the torque on a representative sample of cinched down U-bolts It now appears, however, that there is no sense ir, which the samola W6s representative or random. First, the " sample" was collected with no written procedures.5 Second, there was no method of drawing a random or representative sample; the sample included "U-bolts that could be found . . . that were unpainted."6 Third, the sample was restricted to Unit 2, because "Ilnit i I had already been painted", thereby allegedly making it impossible to obtain a relevant sample from Unit 17 ; however, this sampling restric-tion was not disclosed and therefore not sub, ject to challenge until after the Board requested the raw data from Applicants. I (FootnoteContinued) ~ Enforcement concerning whether this is a material false statement. Staff Response at 6. , 4 Page 5 cites page 10 of the. accompanying affidavit, which a' Iso

                         -  states that the sample was " randomly selected."

5 Applicants.'. Response to Board Request for Raw Data Regarding Cinching Down U-Bolts, November 9, 198a at 2.


6 jd,.at3. , 7 _Id. at 3. e 6 T2*p ' - a. - _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -  ? , _ _ , .: " ' L_____._.--



Misleading Statement: 3 - Fousth, Applicants stated that they " inspected the torque of a randomly selected representative sample of cinched down U-Bolt supports" and presented the results of the sampling in Table 2, which provides the

                " Torque Range (ft-lbs.). 8 However, Applicants failed to mention that l

l Table 2 was constructed using the average torque on the two bolts on L each U-bolt. They also failed to mentinn that the torques were not i 1 always the same--a condition that riay or may not be r.aterial but that differed from thE test that was conducted, suggesting that the test may } not have been representative of field conditions because torques used in the test were equal.I l Fifth, although Applicants claim that the torquing practices in both units were the same, their own filing discloses that the procedures changed; Applicants state: r (T]he construction practice for torquing Unit 1, common and

              ,         Unit 2 U-bolts was the same. In this regard, Applicants note that the procedure referenced by CASE fa torquing procedure adopted by ApplicantsonOctober8,1982)waswrittenatthesuggestionofthe
     "                  NRC resident inspector at that time (Robert Taylor) to document the construction practice which had been and wag currently being used to torque U-bolts. Finneran 2.

It is apparent from Applicants' representation that prior to October 8,1982 Unit I was constructed without any written procedure

            . governing the torquing of U-bolts.        Under the circumstances, it will .

8 ApplicantsI Motion for Sunnery Disposition at 10. I Applicants' Response to Board Request for Raw Dpta at 7. 10 Applicants' Reply to CASE's Motion at 7. l l N* . - :: = ::  : ==_:: :_.:_:=r:.- =~ :- :-- ::=r r - - :==----_ t ---- :_ - -

Misleading Statement: 4 - require gnpirical infomation to determine tlist torques applied in Unit

                               ? are representative of those applied in Unit 1.             Even were the same procedure in effect in both units, the turnover in mlevant personnel during a period of years could affect practice, requiring evidence concerning whether the torque on Unit 2 bolts is representative of the torque on Unit I bolts.

Our cencerr. about the reliability cf Applicants' testimony goes beyond that of CASE and the Staff in the instant motion. In Applicants' Motion for Sumary Disposition of CASE's Allegations, at 5. footnote 3, we find the following statement, which we believe to be a reiteration of earlier testimony before this Board:

                            .           Even though the Board refers to SA-307 [ steel) material, .the designation of the U-bolt material is SA-36. A that the material is the same [ emphasis added)pplicants in any case, recognize l                                                                                                               with A-307 being the designation employed for headed bolts.

t .Then, in Applicants' Response to Board Memorandum (Information on Composition of A36 and A307 Steel), we learn that the materials are not t - the same. Applicants' witnesses state, at p. 2 of their affidavit, that "there is a major difference in the specified mechanical recuirements for SA36 and SA307 steels." . . Furthemore, Applicants' Response to Board Memorandum (Infomation on Composition of A36 and A307 Steel) seems to be an intentional effort

                         -     to avoid displaying, in clear language or , tables, the infomation, the

Board sought in 1ts October 25, 1984 order. We requested information on the extent to which the items tested by Applicants have been representa-tive of the steels actually employed at the plant. ' We did this because er r .^ v = -

   ~                                            '

i - Misleading Statement: 5 - Dr. Iottj had described A307 steel to thd Staff as " garbage steel." which js highly variable in content. We inferred that A-36 steel, previously considered in testimony to be identical to A307, also was a

                            " garbage steel," a logical inference that has not been directly contra-dicted by responsive testimony.                  -

Applicants did not address the variability of A-36 steel composi-tion et all. Nor did they state directly how the test smples compared to steels in useYat the plant. From Figure 1 cf their filing it would appear that some fraction of the steels at the plant have a .vield strength of less than g of the samples used in the Westinghouse tests and there are no data in our record concerning the extent to which the Westinghouse samples are representative of materials in use in the plant; nor is their data on the statistical error of the sample. From Figure 2, as well, there would appear to be a substantial portien of the steels in the plant with a tensile strength less than that subject to j - test, and we have no way of quantifying the significance of that. Furthermore, Applicants' tests related to friction, stiffness, relaxa-tion and creep, characteristics of s teel that are not readily ascer-tained from data on yield and tensile strength. We note that Applicants also failed to respond fully to our ques-tion on the extent to which the U-bolt configurations in the plant are e. l

                      "                       *          *       ~


Misleading Statement: 6 .

                                                                     ~~,   .

the same,as those tested.II Obviously, differences in those configura- l tions would limit the extent to which the test results may be applied to actual configurations found in the plant. We suspect that this omission was intentional. We have had other changes in position that are hard to understand, i At Tr. 9881 Applicants' attorney insis'ston cross-examining r.Doylef whc had been examining CYGNA's witness. Despite the lack of orthodcry in this suggestiBn, the Board granted the request. The purpose of the examination was to attac r. Doyle's nowledge concerning whether the use of cinched up U-bolts was industry practice. Yet, it now appears to be clear (based on the transcript of a recent conference between Appli-cants and Staff) that the use of cinched-up U-bolts at Comanche Pesk is unique. Applicants should have known that at the earlier date and should have refrained from taking a position contrary to the facts. Prior to our December 27, 1983 decision, witnes eed estified

     ,.                  about     n alleged industry practice.           Yet, on cross-examination b       r.

Walsh it was discovered that the sole basis for his generalization was his knowledge of Comanche Peak. Tr. 6905-31, especially 6921-22 [MPSI I.I Dur memorandum of October 25,1964, at p. 2. footnote 2 (cont.) stated that "there is no mention of the extent of their representativeness [ sic) of the dimensions of U-Bolts used at' the plant. See also . . . ." Yet, Applicants treated the "See also" citation and the discussion of that citation as if it restricted We do the meaning of the clear words of the preceding sentence. not understand or' sympathize with this lack of , attention to our language.

                                            --                                  Misleading Statement:      7 should be- read as NPSI), 6930-31 (Mr. lleedy evades Judge Bloch's question about industry practice by responding that he is a " registered professional engineer.").

After we had ruled that several sections of the AWS. code appear to be applicable to Comanche Peak, we tiere assured that all welds are qualified under ASME and not subject to any 7WS provisions. Tr. 6264/13-2C, 6?S5/1-2 (Reedy). We ruled that pcsition. Later, we learned frem Applicants that they agree that a few of the AWS code provisions pointed out by CASE are applicable to weld design at Comanche Peak. There also have been instances of calculational errors and of mislabeling of tables in testimony filed before this Board. LBP 83-81, 18 NRC 1410, 1440-41 (1983).12 With respect to the role of an independent expert in this proceed-ing, pursuant to Applicant's plan, we heve had conflicting representa-tions. At Tr. 13033-13034, in the midst of a discussion concerning CYGNA's responsibility to review in detail the 'results of tests on U-bolts, Applicants' attorney objected that the Board was misconstruing CYGNA's role because


2 See also the August transcripts of meetings between Applicants and fTT6d . Case's Proposed indings of Fact and. Conclusions of Law Walsh/Doyle Allegations August 22, 1983, especially Chapter XVII. Although we have ennined that some of the allegations in Chapter XXVII can not.te siNtantiated, we have not reviewed each allegation thoroughly .1ou. . to asceMain whether any constitute significant inconsistencies or material misrepresentations.


Misleading Statement: 8 - [T] hey are not an indeoendent reviewer tf our plant. The professor who we are goipg to retain will perfom that function.


However, Applicants' Report Regarding Academic Expert, November 9, 1984, at p. 3, stated that Applicants' expert in theoretical and applied mechanics reviewed "the basic engineering principles employed in the review and analyses set forth in Applicants' motions for sumary dispo-sition.", If we understand this correctly, he did not review the de ails of Applicants' galysis of pipe supports affected by is-sues.13 Hence, his role appears to have been limited in a way that precluded a meaningful independent review. Similarly, despite the Board's conclusions rejecting the SIT Team's findings and Applicants' assurances that CYGNA would review pipe sup-ports in order to resolve matters in controversy,I4 CYGNA has adopted certain SIT findings and not gone into them, apparently at Applicants' request.I6 Applicants appear to have ignored the advice given by the 13 If we are correct in this, it is directly contrary to Applicants' representation at Tr. 9267/8-12. 14 Tr. 9268/12-18; 9274/18-24; 9277/20-25; 9278/10-14 ("What we tried to do was assess the issues in controversy and then pick those systems where most, if not all, of the configurations would be found."). (Note that Jud transcript as Judge Broch.)ge Bloch is often referred to in this 15 See Tr. 23033-34 where the Board made it clear that CYGHA should examine in-. detail tests Applicants planned to conduct in order to substantiate the acceptability of the SIT Team acceptance of cinched-up U-bolts as a cure for stability problems. Compare CYGNA, Independent As'sessment Program. Final Report - Phase 3; Volume 2, Appendix J, General P!otes 7 and 8, ' See,also Tr.12,805, TF6otnote continued) M *: R & G L -- - ~'~= : - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '

  • Misleading Statement: 9 Board af "Tr. 9283-85, 87 (CYGNA's che'cklist should include the 1sh/Doyl oncerns; there should be a measure of observer reliability; filings under the plan should be clear and fully documented; findings will not rely on unanalyzed portions of Applicants' studies; use of tables, charts and matrixes; assistance in evaluating the meaning of recurrent non-costing errors). As a consequence, there is no indepen-dent review of Dr. Iotti's and Dr. Finneran's findings. Com::are the h

Board'sstrongsuigestionatLBP 83-81, 18 NRC 1410, 1454-55 (1983). Under these circumstances, and in light of Applicants' failure to file P.urrent infonnation about the completion of construction, CASE and the Staff may undertake additional discovery concerning samples, testing or any other aspect of testimony whose credibility they now decide to investigate within the time limits imposed in the accompanying Order. We alsn invite Applicants to review their own testimony and to -disclose all their errors in the course of this proceeding (or the related docket) in a single filing, together with explanations. l . . (Footnote Continued) 12,B10, 12826/7 to 12827/7, 17830/14-25, 12847/15 to 17848/9, 13038/8 to 13039/2 and 13114/8 to 13115/10. (These sections indicate some lack of clarity .in the way in -which' Applic.uts .:ad j CYGNA were defining CYGNA's role.) 7....

        - / ., .' .
          . = ., . -   .
        ~                                                     *
                                                     ..                                     Misleading Statement:                         10 I

0RDER For all the foregoing reasons and based on consideration of the entire record in this matter, it is this 18th day of December 1984 ORDERED: Citizens Association fer Sound Energy and the Staff of the Nuclear Regulatory Comis'$ ion may conduct discovery until February 21,1985 on questions relating to samples, tests or the credibility of testimony or representations of Texas Utilities Electric Co., e,t, al. in this proceed-ing. Delays in response to interrogatories will be considered should teccc thstr be a request for an extension of this time period. FOR THE - ATOMIC SAFETY AND LICENSING BOARD A 1

                                                                              < - (LA Peter B. Bloch', Chairman ADMINISTRATIVE JUDGE i
  • e Walter H. Jord ADMINISTRATIV ,
                                      ~      '                              "

Qf Kenneth A. McCollom v fg , ADMINISTRATIVE JUDGE Bethesda, Maryland 7,. ? - . . .,. .

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