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Requests NRC Investigation of Alleged Improprieties in Conduct of Util Drug Testing Program.Test Results Manipulated in Order to Harass Employees Voicing Legitimate safety-related Concerns.Related Info Encl
Person / Time
Site: Vogtle  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 09/04/1985
From: Price L
To: Hays B
Shared Package
ML20197C457 List:
FOIA-86-43, FOIA-86-A-140 NUDOCS 8611060199
Download: ML20197C500 (25)



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l V U.S. NRC Sept. 4th, 1985

' 55 SEP 12 PH 3 Q Kr Hays: s.i li fr13i.1, -

I am writing in referen k' N $ e fitness for duty testing being done by Georgia Power Company at Plant Vogtle Nuclear Project. I believe there is impropriety in the drug program which deserves your attention. There is a group of us similarly situated that have filed a Department of Labor suit .'

on this issue.  !

I am a Civil Quality Control Inspector and was employed at Plant Vogtle, by Georgia Power for over 21/2 years, and As you know becapse of the lack of regulations for " Fitness for Duty Testing" requirements, there is a great potential for misuse and abuse by the utility companies.

Some of the problems with this test are employees are not allowed to see~the results of their drug test, nor are they allowed to take part of their speciman to have an independant test done at their own expense.

The actual purpose of the drug test are in doubt, as Georgia Power Company has used them to teminate several workers who had taken safety allegations to the region II office

- ~ ~ ~

of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, .

The tests are of questionable reliability, and contrary to -

Georgia Power Company assertions, only one test was given, with no back up test for confirmation. The Drug Policy has changed almost daily for legitimate and nonlegitimate reasons.

If the tests are being given properly, and the results are true, the power company would be compelled to re-inspect the 10 9 861023 FOWLE86-A-140 PDR g

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O U.S. NRC Sept. 4th, 1985

' ;5 SEP 12 pH 3 42 Er Hays: . . s i U fisLii.,1,-

I am writing in referenbk hSRU$e fitness for 6uty testing being done by Georgia Power Company at Plant Vogtle Nuclear Project. I believe there is impropriety in the drug program which deserves your attention. There is a group of us similarly situated that have filed a Departinent of Labor suit l on this issue. i I am a Civil Quality Control Inspector and was employed at Plant Vogtle, by Georgia Power for over 21/2 years, and As you know becapse of the lack of regulations for " Fitness for Duty Testing" requirements, there is a great potential for misuse and abuse by the utility companies.

Some of the problems with this test are employees are not allowed to see~the results of their drug test, nor are they allowed to take part of their speciman to have an independant test done at their own expense.

The actual purpose of the drug test are in doubt, as Georgia Power Company has used them to terminate several workers who had taken safety allegations to the region II office

~ ~ '

of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

The tests are of questionable reliability, and contrary to -

Georgia Power Company assertions, only one test was given, with no back up test for confirmation. The Drug Policy has changed almost daily for legitimatt and nonlegitimate reasons.

If the tests are being given properly, and the results are true, the power company would be compelled to re-inspect the k$dIOhgjj9e61023 FOWLE86-A-140 PDR p

work done by inspectors.

The fact that the company allows the tested employee's to continue to work, even on safety related items, pending the test results leads one to believe the company does not take the testing, or does not feel the employee's ability is impaired, or that the company does not take serious the safety implicatons of their actions.

As mentioned before the company does not state on the termination slip the alleged reason for the termination, we believe this is Power Co. way of getting around the re-inspections, of safety items signed off by fired employees. This shows a blatent disregard for safety by Georgia Power Co.

I believe this matter is most serious and deserve's your imediate investigation. You may reach me at if further information is needed.

Thank you for your attention in this matter Sincerely g 6 A.}t % .

Leslie A. Price Local GAP rep.

W LAP /snr i


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303 10th street ';

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Augusta, Georgia 30901 s 22.' .

Ben Hayes, Dir. 0.I.

4850 E.W. Towers 4th floor U.S. NRC WASHINGTON D.C. 20555

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one ROUTING AND TRANSMITTAL SUP September 23, 1985 6 70t (Nemo, once symber. seem number. inhaels Date buildsag, Agency /Fest)

3. William J. Dircks. EDO
    • "- - f' . J. Nelson Grace, Regional Administratt r 3.

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gp 2G 3. ames Y. Vorse. 01:RII

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. Approwel For Clearance Per Converection l As Requested For Corvoetson Propero Repy Circulate For Your Information See Me Domment Investigste Signature Coordinetton Justih apwins .

The attached document is for your infomation.

I DO NoT use this form as a rec 0Ro of approvals. concurrences, disposefs.

clearances, and similar actions FROM:(Neme, org symbot. Agency / Post) Room No.-Sids.

Ben B. Ha es, Director 01 Phone No.

sea s.lo.-

OPTIONAL FORM 41 (Rev. 7-76)

, .- .y o. p .:  : ., sN-al.206 1

r AMF5 M5 - - - _ -



  • oom ROUTING AND TRAhSMITTAL SUP September 23, 1985 g 7_gs-ot3 = g g g ,g - -maer. ..R t.

,g h[gggy 3. William J. Dircks. EDO


{. ( ;f 3, ! J. Nelson Grace, Regional Administratc r

s. James Y. Vorse. OI:RII a.

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Action Flee Note and Retum

. Approwel For Clearance Per Conversation As Requested For CorroetJon Prepare Rep 8y Circulate For Your Information See Me Domment lawstigste Signature Coordination Justify ma .

The attached document is for your infomation.

"/ MT -8 *

  • J .


L' %D m

DO NoT use.this form as a RECORD of approvals, concurrences, disposals, clearances, and similar actions P FROM:(Name, org symbol, Agency / Post) Room No.-Didg.

M Ben B Director. 01 Phane No.

l 5083-30' OPfl0NAL FORM 41

.,,- , . . . , . c., IM"01'ck*M-n ~(Rev. 7-76)

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"' I INVESTIGATION STATUS RECORD TUCTIONS: Yks form is to tu comoseted uAerewe sayident activery has assurred rotaten to e ones or et neart every 30 days if no dense sus occurred during the

3) day reporteg penod. sndate No Chenpr" in the status IHock Keep the orsynel wrth the esas fde and send one copy to Headquarters.

Off.ce of Investeois.

C ATE Gomy oe ssCE 61st huwetR

  • "'"*""6"'" ""'"*'""'

RII-85-A-0016 - _

Q2-85-013 _D = =*tiaia m 've' 01:RII Field Office

  • w v'.t E'sSRv"CO" h008 x CTMER

^"'6"' '

'"" Yog tl e : Alleged Harassment through Drug James Y. Vorse Screenino Proaram ETATUS (Specs 4 drre, eruf proedr e ener dEerPerfspnf 5/20/85: Two allegers claim Georgia Power Company is using the drug screening program to harass employees who are expressing quality concerns. Allegers will be interviewed and an assessment of the significance of the information made to determine if further investigative effort is warranted. ECD 07/30/85 07/01/85 Allegers interviewed. Information is being evaluated.

08/05/85 No Change .

I 09/03/85 No Change 10/01/85 No Change 11/04/85 No Change 12/02/85 No Change 01/09/86 No Change

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wac mnas aos us. mucteam rsoutAvony cmensiesion INVESTIGATION STATUS RECORD cucTions: This esem a to be esawe=d waer - eif=n .aimy h mms e.i.ii. m . == .r si ==i ,y so devi. if a. v ne. h. .===d eng me 30 day resorting penod, trubeste "No Chengs'* in to st.tus blod. Kasp the original wie the mes fde and send one espy to Headgators, Offee of lavest gstena.


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RII-85-A-0016 _ _

Q2-85-013 JQ * %'T v"CW5" _

= =^tiaints<rus' OI:RII Field Office V VENDOR E CTMER


'""' Yogtl e : Alleged Harassment through Drug James Y. Vorse Screenina Proaram STATUS (Specify e>fe, arut prormer . bner sherrWrden) 5/20/85: Two allegers claim Georgia Power Company is using the drug screening program to harass employees who are expressing quality concerns. Allegers will be interviewed and an assessment of the significance of the information made to determine if further investigative effort is warranted. ECD 07/30/85 07/01/85 Allegers interviewed. Infonnation is being evaluated.

08/05/85 No Change 09/03/85 No Change 10/01/85 No Change 11/04/85 No Change 12/02/85 No Change 01/09/86 No Change 02/12/86 No Change 03/11/86 No Change

-04/01/86 --No Change - - - - -- - - - - - - --- - - - - -

05/05/86 Evaluation completed. Memorandum will be issued citing no 01 interest. ~

06/02/86 Memorandum was issued citing no 01 interest on 5/8/86. Case Closed

us. muctaan naouurony conomm.o=


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Off.cs of 6,ne.tes. tens CattGORY 08 FICE Cast aww.ER

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RII-85-A-0016 - -


_1) * 'EM'rT=vcW5" _

" "*aia'at' OI:RII Field Office V VENDOR X OTMtR

""' Vogtle : Alleged Harassment through Drug James Y. Vorse Screenina Proaram STATUS (Specify ere eWp, e 6nef si rrupren) 5/20/85: Two allegers claim Georgia Power Company is using the drug screening program to harass employees who are expressing quality concerns. Allegers will be interviewed and an assessment of the significance of the infortnation made to determine if further investigative effort is warranted. ECD 07/30/85 07/01/85 Allegers interviewed. Infonnation is being eva'luated.

08/05/85 No Change 09/03/85 No Change 10/01/85 No Change 11/04/85 No Change 12/02/85 No Change ,

01/09/86 No Change 02/12/86 No Change 03/11/86 No Change l

^J I



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CATEGO.y 08,act CASE =UM.Em

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RII-85-A-0016 - _

I Q2-85-013 JQ * 'EMN!v"CO" _

= = AvtaiAw'ut' 01:RII Field Office v v,=30 . . or,,t.

'"'" Vo g tl e : Alleged Harassment through Drug James Y. Vorse Screenino Prcaram 8TATUS (Id.c4 mre. .,Nf ##Dr.dr . $n.f sh trgpfSM/ )

5/20/85: Two allegers claim Georgia Power Company is using the drug screening program to ,

harass employees who are expressing quality concerns. A11egers will be interviewed and l an r/dessment of the significance of the information made to detemine if further I l is;. tigative effort is warranted. ECD 07/30/85 g

I 07/01/85 A11egers interviewed. Infomation is being evaluated.

08/05/85 NO l k

09/03/85 No Change 10/01/85 No Change I

11/04/85 No Change 12/02/85 No Change 01/09/86 No Change 02/12/86 No Change i

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RII-85-A-0016 -

01:RII Field Office Q2-85-013 JD * 'IEL""S" -


v .vi.oo.

" '* "'*"*' Yog ti c : Alleged Harassment through Drug James Y. Vorse Screenina Proaram ITArut (Sp.e,fy saper auf preense e erwr se.rpra.n) 5/20/85: Two allegers claim Georgia Power Company is using the drug screening program to harass employees-who are expressing quality concerns. . A11egers will be interviewed and an assessment of the significance of the infomation made to detemine if further investigative effort is warranted. ECO 07/30/85 .

07/01/85 A11egers interviewed. --Information is being evaluated.

08/05/85 No Change 1

09/03/85 No Change 10/01/85 No Change 11/04/85 No Change f

I l


.305 7 t

U.S. GluCLE AO Lt1ULAT%Y CoteWi3810ei hitC FORM 306


TUCTIOsds: TNs term ts to tie completed whenever seMummt actrrety has ensurted relative to a esse or at Genet every M deys if no chener has scarred 2 tiny reportsa0 De'end, ondete "Sto Change" en the astus bleek. Keep the ergnet wrth the anse fi6e end send are copy to hadguarters.

\, Offa of lauestegetsons caricony os sect cast esvessta

    • ""^"'" *'"'*"'

RII-85-A-0016 -

'" a $* u ' ' 01:RII Field Office Q2-85-013 JR * %Es?u"c4'&'" _


^"' ' '"* Vogtle: Alleged Harassmerst through Drug b James Y. Vorse Screenino Proaram STATUS ISperrey alere. arNf ac.,4 a brwF aburrprsm) 5/20/85: Two allegers claim Georgia Power Company is using the drug screening program to harass employees who are expressing quality concerns. Allegers will be interviewed and an assessment of the significance of the infonnation made to determine if further investigative effort is warranted. ECO 07/30/85 Allegers interviewed. Information is being evaluated.

07/01/85 08/05/85 No Change 1

09/03/85 No Change 10/01/85 No Change I

I i


,. . .v p INVI STIG r'f M.' FT A TilS RE COCD sactseus .,ev u v.e  : r, .u v. . r

  • u e. . . ~es aru ee e e e u e use o e ><se e., . y u., . .. e w ca., s* nr ese p u, ms.e as .s ,,,

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O Ortsat.gLmiacton le tict=sts Q2-85-013 _).J ' eME5cCJF _._

w - 'ta a&5'vit Ol:Ril Field Office v -vthD0a a OTata

^"' ' **' Vogtl e : Alleged Harassment through Drug James Y. Vorse Screenino Proaram ST ATUS Isocc4 dere. ano smodr a bref deurretapal 5/20/85: Two allegers claim Georgia Power Company is using the drug screening program to harass enployees who are expressing quality concerns. Allegers will be interviewed and an assessment of the significance of the information made to determine if further investigative effort is warranted. ECD 07/30/85 i

07/01/85 Allegers interviewed. Information is being evaluated.

08/05/85 No Change 09/03/85 No Change 5d 7

UA. C"UCLtf.Q Et1ULATEGY COledCliose

! C:LC PO A 3 3D5

" BNVESTIGATION STATUS RECURD md w.= w . .e- o, a % 30 v n ao e., nn. - u% e.

\ sucTioses. Th.. so- . io w wed -- .m.e.ei .n..n, he.

30 day r.

on. ., contric io ..on.period, eridcate "Peo Chener" sa the status bu Itamp tre easynel wrth the snee f.4e en CaftGomy Os teCf C154 8svustm O OPERATsNG RiaCTom e easDeviDUAL LeCf e.SEE D * ' "MN "C4'#" M mataai* w euet 01:RII Field Office 02-85-013 _

a .OTHEm v VE8sDOR '

^"' ' '"* Vogtle : Alleged Harassment through Drug James Y. Vorse Screenina Proaram ET ATUS (Spee4 dert, aFNf $@F4dr 4 barf dBBEf5PfaM) 5/20/85: Two allegers claim Georgia Power Company is using the drug screening program to harass employees who are expressing quality concerns. Allegers will be interviewed and an assessment of the significance of the information made to determine if further investigative effort is warranted. ECD 07/30/85 07/01/85 Allegers interviewed. Information is being evaluated.

08/05/85 No Change

us. aucuan neeuurony conomesa.

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INVESTIGATION STATUS RECORD susTrucrom: Th. i-= = = h. so-come =+===W eFufuM andy hm ammnd rWam m e aus er a W every W em if m .W Ius esamd W we 2 ery essorting prod. inderte ' Sea Omnse" em se eastus hiosk. grasp in, erty,uf we the emme fue eruf send are oney o Massouarteri.

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CATEGOmv Os a K4 CASAaveseam 0 OrtPJTseeG REACTOm e suuDaviDWAL LtCt888Et 02-8s-013 D * ' EMrr'a"5S'" -

" " ' " " * " ' ' 01:RII Field Office v .VIIsDom E .OTMgm

^""' "'

Yogtle: Alleged Harassment through Drug James Y. Vorse . Screenino __Proaram STATUS ISpecW aDre, our amoudt e bref asurrepren; 5/20/85: Two allegers claim Georgia Power Company is using the drug screening program to harass employees who are expressing quality concerns. A11egers will be interviewed and an assessment of the significance of the infonnation made to detennine if further investigative effort is warranted. ECD 07/30/85 e







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/ gh Ueberreth, is betag increeningly chanessed for 3f r. 1 ,. .. .i.4,~,#4M u }* se e;

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The coc said isrten shortesehes"la me . . ch

, y i sua reselm - coupled wuh rapid Commiseeener Peter Ueberveth has ordered drug tests for,all beoeball persommet, tar, lacreases in the use of the seressing precedures eacept unajor-leegne players den

- has created a " crisis is drug testing" h the Unteed States.

singer, a former etninistrator of the federal phetamines, cocolme, codelse and morpMme.


  • The besseell ra'@ are edsig to be awfd- Drug Enforcement Admleistration and now The testing programs have been esed unset P'N ly,awfuD) for gettleg late lastlag pee- president of a Chicago consultmg firm that ad- widely in the military, prisons and drug abuse "8' ple's artmo for " says Dr. Arther McBey, vises companies ce drug screenlag programs. '*"

treatment programs. Lately, goverumret agen-d6ef --i_W for the state of North Carou- But Uebe roth's ammouncement comes at a cies, locleding the U.S. Postal Service, have nis and s'estaamal esport as testing for mart-- thee when such tests are moder increasing fire. started using the tests to scma job appucasts 83'1 The CDC report, pubushed two weeks ago is and employees. Many of the Fortane 500 cuan-t While'McBay applandse Ueberreth's effortur the Journal of the Americas Medical Assocle- psales now perforvo simuar drug tests.

prof asha==I basebeu et drug abuse. he tion, found that more than a deses prtvete lab-

that Y W of the tests may seawn a eratories serving 242 drog treatment centers "Withis a year er two, is order le get a A'0 i et legal chaDengen, as it already has around the sation had "f alse-positive'.' error good job, yee are gelag to have to be drug- '*2l free," says Dr. tilcheet Walsh, chief et clielcal Industrial we toen denied n' , and government merk-

^ heename rates of op to sa percent when testleg for and behavioral pharmacelegy at the Mauseal P"81 swthadoes and op to 37 partent wheentesuas lastitute of Drug Abuse. onen et dashes about the relishiDty of Hee reselt ledicatas a person

  • j to testa, McBay se v6cv mt a himself would refuse has been taklag a certais drug, when he has estcome the le the study, the researchers fee that country entold hundreds of adRions of doGus Proded hew s e fr a n w w k N

The asse of 12 laboratories could reliably test for I

cludo an Ad screenlag ll persommet program will le-to amphetamines

- frees owners te cor; of the time - the But Walsh is also concerned that the tests servatarise to 3,000 adsor-league players. It rete the CDC " acceptable." ; eften yield inaccurate realta.

deem est yet inclede major-league players he- Only one of 11 labs had " acceptable testa Beemuse of the growtag threets of Isosults  %

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c.ese the pine mest nrst w accepted by tw .ser cocaine and nye et these == unabne se d. frams persons who claim they me, heem faiseiy **"l

, naa)er t/ingee Players Assortation before drog sect traces of the drug la any of the artse sem- accused of drug absen, many compeales are s tasung for the players harmases mandatory. ' pies that actually contained it now rechecking the results of drog tests.

M *"The kneebaD codhnusioner is focuming'et- Adi The lacrease la screenlag for luicit drugs sace June the Ariny has also hees restow.

Dp tenues en drug abuse, a major prehism in this has coew about only denng tw past four or ing tw cases of 51.ees soneers er votarans who Ntti ser j 4g esastry,*and it is est in the host letavast of the eve ars as new technology has made analysis may have bees improperly escipiloed en the w -

major megee players le eedst his efforts le rte ' runs i and chesp. The tenu cne detect most basis e poorty administered testa for nuagel s, orts ., t,e ,coblem, ; ,e Peter


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