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Forwards Addl & Revised Info Re Radiological Emergency Response Plans for State of Nh & Affected Communities, Including State of Nh Compensatory Plan & Draft Plans for Town of Hampton & Seabrook.Seven Oversize Brochures Encl
Person / Time
Site: Seabrook  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 03/04/1986
From: Derrickson W
To: Harold Denton
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20154L423 List:
SBN-957, NUDOCS 8603110472
Download: ML20154L418 (59)


{{#Wiki_filter:__ _ .. _ _ - William B. Derrickson Seriior Vice President Nuclear Energy Put2c SeMce of New HampeNro March 4, 1986 New Hampshire Yankee Division SBN- 957 T.F. B7.1.8 b United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 Attention: Mr.11. R. Denton, Director Nuclear Reactor Regulation


(a) Construction Permits CPPR-135 and CPPR-136, Docket Nos. 50-443 and 50-444 (b) PSN11 intter (SBN-944), dated February 18, 1986, " Submittal by Applicants of Radiological Emergency Response Plans, State of New Ilampshire and Af fected New flampshire Communities," G. S. Thomas to H. R. Denton


Radiological Emergency Response Plans, State of New Itampshire and Af fected New llampshire Communities: Additional Information Dear Stre Enclosed please find four copies of the below listed additional / revised information regarding the Radiological Emergency Responso Plans for the State of New llampshire and af fected New llampshire commun ttles. This information has been transmitted under separate cover (also enclosed with the information) by the State of New Hampshire Civil Defense Agency to the Federal Emergency Hanagement Agency, Region I.

1. New Ilampshire Department of Resources and Economic Development (DRED); Emergency Response Procedures.
2. Appendix L, New flampshire Compensatory Plan.
3. New llampshire Civil Defense Agency, Director Procedures.
4. Revised Radiologient Emergency Response Plan for Town of flampton, New Itampshire.
5. Revised Radiological Emergency Response Plan for Town of Seabrook, New Ilamsphire.
6. Revised New llampshire Objectives for February 26, 1986 Exercise.

1 k [ ' P.O. Box 300 + Soobrook, NH O3874 . Tolophono (603)474 9521 L..

United St tca Nucle r Regulct ry Commiceirn Att-~.ti:n Mr. H2 R. Denton L New Itampshire draf t public information material (e.g. , calendar, telephone book inserts). Also, ny voy of this letter, we are transmitting one copy of each of this information by prepaid delivery ser, rice / mail to the interested parties (i.e. , to the ASLB Service List) as well as the ASLB Panel. Very truly yours,

                                         ' ffht: - /( ) %

William B. Derrickson


Enclosures cc: Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Service List fielen iloyt , Esq. , Chai rnan Dr. Jerry Harbour Administrative Judge and Chairperson Admins t rat ive Judge Atomic Safety and Licensing Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel Board Panel U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 Washington, DC 20555 Dr. Emmeth A. Luchke Adninistrative Judge Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 STATE OF NEW HAMPSilIRE Rockingham, ss. Itirch 1,1986 Then personally appeared before me, the above-named William B. Derrickson who, being duly sworn, did state that he is Senior Vice President of Public Service Company of New llampshire, that he is duly authorized to execute and ffle the foregoing information in the name and on the behalf of Public Service Company of New !!ampshire, and that the statements therein are true to the host of his knowledge and belief. 1 P'O rt

                                                                      ~ bd_
                                                     ~A. Eros',a Notary Pub'11'c
                                         /' Mbt  g My Commission Expires            October'9, 1990

William S. Jordan III Peter J. Mathews, Mayor Diane Curran City Hall Harmon, Weiss & Jordan Newburyport, MA 01950 20001 S. Street, N.W. Suite 430 Calvin A. Canney Washington, D.C. 20009 City Manager City Hall Robert C. Perlis 126 Daniel Street Office of the Executive Legal Director Portsmouth, Nil 03801 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 Stephen E. Merrill Attorney General Robert A. Backus, Esquire Dana Bisbee, Esquire 116 Lowell Street Assistant Attorney General P.O. Box 516 Office of the Attorney General Manchester NH 03105 25 Capitol Street Concord, Nil 03301-6397 Philip Ahrens, Esquire Assistant Attorney General Mr. J. P. Nadeau Department of The Attorney General Selectmen's Office Statehouse Station #6 10 Central Road Augusta ME 04333 Rye, NH 03870 Mrs. Sandra Cavutis Mr. Angie Machiros Designated Representative of Chairman of the Board of Selectmen the Town of Kensington Town of Newbury RFD 1 Newbury, MA 01950 East Kingston, N11 03827 Mr. William S. Lord Jo Ann Shotwell, Esquire Board of Selectmen Assistant Attorney General Town llall - Friend Street Environmental Protection Bureau Amesbury, MA 01913 Department of the Attorney General One Ashburton Place, 19th Floor Senator Cordon J. Ilumphrey Boston, MA 02108 1 Pillsbury Street Concord, Nlt 03301 Senator Gordon J. Ilumphrey (ATTN: 1(erb Boynton) U.S. Senate Washington, DC 20510 H. Joseph Flynn (ATTN: Tom Burack) Office of General Counsel Federal Emergency Management Agency Diana P. Randall 500 C Street, SW 70 Collins Street Washington, DC 20472 Seabrook, Nil 03874 Paul McEachern Esq. Richard A. Itampe. Esq. Mathew T. Brock, Esq. Hampe and McNicholas Shatner, Madrigan & McEachern 35 Pleasant Street 25 Maplewood Avenuo Concord, Nil 03301 P.O. Box 366 Portsmouth, Nil 03842 Donald E. Chick Town Manager Gary W. llotmer, Esq. Town of Exeter llotmer & Ellis 10 Front Street 47 Winnacunnet Road Exeter, Nil 03833 Itampton, Nil 03841 Brentwood Board of Selectmen Ed Thomas RFD Dalton Road FEMA Heston 1 Drentwood, N11 03833 John W. McCormack PO & Courthouse Boston, MA 02109 J

STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT h - g," }- New Hampsbee C64 Defense Agency g _ segee Porn soveh

    ! ,'/

t07 Pieoica, se,.ee Coacord. New HampiWre 03301 JOHN H. SUNUNU ' Governor S? ? 2 RICHARO H STROME p,,,c rn, JAMES A. SAGGIOf ES Cecu ry D recror February 19, 1986 Mr. Henry G. Vickers, Regional Director Federal Emergency Management Agency Region I J. W. McCormack Post Office & Court House Ooston, flassachusetts 02109 Ocar Mr. Vickers: Enclosed are 20 copies of the flew Hanpshire " Compensatory Plan" for Seabrook Station emergency response. This plan outlines the means to be used by the State to protect the citizens in towns within the Seabrook EPZ where municipal government, for whatever reason, does not fulfill the responsibilities described in the local emergency response plans. (The local i response plans were submitted for FEMA review on December 9,1985). We look forward to your favorable review of these plans. Sincerely, 11 - r - m Richard H. Strome Director RHS/ elm Enclosure 20840

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  • N = Memosawe C..4 Desease Agemy
          ' {p{ q.}                                     $Nsee Othee Pere Sowe h
                  ,;                                      101 Meenaae Sereee C.smord. New 03301 RICHARO H STROvt JCHNH.SUNUNu                                             '*  "5"'                                          o,, ec r e ,

a we,,,,s, JAM (S A. SAGGIOTES February 18, 1986 Mr. Henry G. Vickers, Regional Director Federal Emergency Management Agency Region One J.W. McCormack Post Office and Courthcuse Ecsten, Massachusetts 02109 Cear 'tr. Vickers: , In our :iscussions last wee:<, ycur staf f indicated it was important to revise certain emergency planning documents to reflect tne State's new procecure for precauticnary evacuation of the beaches. Jack Colan and Larry Rccertson indicated that revielens of_ the Seabrcok and Hampton town plans and the CA D Crc lcedures were necessary. Accordingly, please find revised ccoles cf eica cf tnese inree cccurents. ine cnanges in the tuo lccal plans are as follows:

1) A page cf narrative has been added to Secticn II-G of each local plan. Tne narrative describes Precautionary measures for Seasonal Beach Pcoulaticns.
2) Incividual precedures for the Selectmen,. the Civil Defense Directcr, tre Fire Chief and tne Police Chief have been amanced in each plan.
                        "O     Accendix G, titled Protective Actions for Seascnal Geach Pcoulations has been acced to eacn of tne local plans.                 Tne appenatx outlines tne portions of the precautionary protective actions applicable to the to.vns .

Tne enanges in the C?D procecures are readily a;carent to the ravi2wer.

                        . trust tnese plan revisicns will -est with your accraval.

Sincerely, i' ,Q /

                                                                                            &           m Richard H. Strene Director 9H3/jaa encicsarcs 23303

,J' l New Hampshit-e Department of Resources and Economic Development

                                /        '
                             '3 EERGENCY RESPONSE PROCEDURES for the Seabrook Station Nuclear Power Plant This brief document provides a checklist of the responsibilities of this.

agercy in the event of an accident at the Seabrook Station Nuclear Power Plant. These duties should be discnarged upon notification by NHCOA that there is an energency at the plant that. warrants a response by the State of New Hampshire and its. emergency response organization. The duties correspond to four Emergency Classification Levels which are outlined in ascending order of severity. Note Time UNUSUALEVENTandkLERT

            ' An unusual event requires no response from ORED.


1. Receive notification from NHCDA that an ALERT has been declared at the Seabrook Station Nuclear Power Plant.

NHCDA will contact - John Sargent, 271-2217 (business), 435-8580 or Robert Burton, 271-2217.

2. Send a responsible representative to the State EOC at.107 Pleasant . Street, Concord. This representative should report his availability to the NHCDA Agency Liaison Officer upon arriving.
3. Send a representative from the State Parks Service to the IF0/ EOF at Newington Station, Newington, New Hampshire.

4.- Review the list of DRED facilities that may need to be contacted if the emergency escalates (Appendix A). 1236/8784A/0089C 2/86

Note Time

5. The State of New Hampshire has adopted procedures for protective action decision making for seasonal beach population 3. The procedures involve early closings of beach facilities during the peak summer period from May 15 through September 15. DRED will play a key role in any such precautionary actions. See Appendix B for special procedures during the peak summer period.
6. Stand by for instruction from NHCDA. DRED will receive notification of a) termination of emergency status, 'or b) escalation of emergency status. If terminated DRED personnel will be notified and released. If escalated proceed with checklist.

SITE AREA EERGENCY and GENERAL E ERGENCY 1.- Receive notification from NHCDA that a SITE AREA EERGENCY or a GENERAL EMERGENCY has taken place at Seabrook Station Nuclear Power Plant. Normally this notification will be received by the ORED representative in the EOC. If the notification is not received by the DRED representative already at the EOC see that ALERT Steps 1-6 are completed.

2. Contact officials at the DRED properties enumerated in the Appendix A, call list. Determine the status of these facilities and provide this information to the NHCDA Opertions Officer at the EOC.
3. Stand by for direction from NHCDA. Be prepared to order the closing and/or evacuation of DRED properties.

4.. Stand by to provide information and to respond to direction by NHCDA staff. 1236/8784A/0089C 2/86

APPENDIX A Department of Resources and Economic Development , Properties Call List Name Facility Telephone

1. Kim Salamy o Easton-State Forest 895-9994 Donald Road o Powwow River State Forest Raymond, NH ,

o Rock Rimmon State Forest J

2. Alfred Grimes a Urban Forestry Center 742-6923
                                   .7 Mill Hill Road Madbury,Nh
3. Richard MacLeod o Fort Constitution 436-6607 o Hampton Beach State Park

o Odiorne Point o Rye Harbor State Park - o Fort Stark o Wallis-Sands State Park o Coolidge Wentwork Site o Jenness Beach , o Hampton Beach o North Hampton Beach 1 4 William Knee o Kingston State Park (Seasonal) 642-5471 895-9992

5. Ken Lang o Portsmouth River 431-1170 o Rye Dock 436-0874 o Hampton Dock i

i e 1236/8784A/0089C ~A-1 12/85



1. Precautionary actions affecting seasonal beach populations may be warranted at an early stage of an emergency before protective actions for the general population are. warranted.
2. Radiological assessment data may not be available or useful when censidering early precautionary action decisions for seasonal beach pcpulations.
3. Precautionary actions for seasonal beach populations may include:
a. Closing beaches and other recreational facilities that attract sitasonal populations and which are in close proximity to the plant, i.e. within an approximate 2 mile radius,
b. Implementation of access and traffic control at roadway points leading to these affected areas to monitor traffic and to advise people of actions taken.
c. Issuance of public announcements of actions taken through normal media channels.
                     .d. Continued monitoring of traffic flow and local conditions in affected areas.


Precautionary and Protective Actions by Emergency Classification Level ~

                        . B.
                                     -1. Alert
a. Initiating Conditions
                                                     - (l)         Wind direction is toward the beach, (from 200 to i'

300U ( or meteorological conditions are unstable as. Indicated by atmospheric stability class A, B, or C.


Plant conditions as determined by' plant personnel (2) c indicate that a major plant system is unstable or

                                                                 ' degrading.
 ,                                         b.        Actions I

(1) The Newt' ampshire Department of Resources .and Economic Development (ORED) will be advised to close beaches and state park areas in Hampton Beach and in Seabrook Beach i .between Ashworth Avenue, to the North, and Route 286 (NH/MA border) to the South. (2) ORED will be advised to implement Special patrols to

 ;                                                                 advise beach and state park populations of closing and to assure that beaches and parks are cleared.

f (3) The public address systems on the beaches will be i activated to announce closing. (4) State Police will~ establish access control (i.e. to facilitate movement of departing traffic and to control incoming traffic) at the following locations: I (a) intersection of Routes 51 and 1 g (b) intersection of Routes 51 and I-95 (close exit 2) ' (c) intersection of Routes 107 and 1 , ( d)' intersection of Routes 107 and I-95 (close exit 1) 1236/8784A/0089C B-3 2/86

    . -           , . - . . . -.- .- - _ ~                 ..- .-.           ,,- - ,-. __          - - - ._,- - .-     .. _..-. - .     -

(5)' The Hampton Police Department will establish traffic control points at: (a) Ocean Boulevard (Route IA) and Route 51 (b) Landing Road 'and Route 51 (c) . Other traffic control points within Hampton Beach as deemed necessary to facilitate the flow of traffic.

                          -(6)   The Seabrook Police Department will establish traffic control points at:

(a) Ocean Boulevard (Route 1A and Route 286) (b) Washington Road and Route 286 (c) ' The Seaurook Police Department will request Salisbury, Mass. Police Department to establish traffic control at Lafayette. Road and Route 286. (7) The following news release will be issued through the Media Center at Newington Town Hall: THERE HAS BEEN AN ALERT DECLARED AT THE SEABROOK STATION. AS A PRECAUTION, THE STATE OF NEW HA?PSHIRE HAS CLOSED BEACH AND STATE PARK AREAS IN HAtPTON BEACH AND IN SEABROOK BEACH. PRECAUTIONARY ACTIONS INCLUDE RESTRICTING ACCESS TO SEABROOK BEACH AND HAlfTON BEACH. TFERE IS NO PEASON FOR THE PUBLIC TO TAKE ANY FURTHER ACTIONS AT THIS TIbE.

2. Site Area Emergency with Stable Plant Conditions
a. Initiating' Conditions (1) Wind' direction is toward the beach (200 to 300 ),

or meteorological conditions are unstable as indicated by atmospheric stability class A, B, or C. (2) Plant conditions are stable without indication of further degradation. 1236/8784A/0089C B-4 2/86

b. Actions (1) The New Hampshire Department of Resources and Economic Develooment (DRED) will be advised to close beaches and state park areas in Hampton Beach and in Seabrook Beach between Ashwortn Avenue, to the North, and Route 286 to the South.

(2) ORED will be advised to implement special patrols to cssure beaches and parks in those areas are cleared. (3)- The public address systems on the beaches will be activated to announce closing. (4) State Police will establish access control and to restrictaccEssonthepartofnon-residentstoHampton Beach and to Seabrook Beach from the following locations: (a) Intersection of Routes 51 and 1 (b) Intersection of Routes 51 and I-95 (close exit 2) (c) Intersection of Routes 107 and 1 (d) Intersection of Routes 107 and I-95 (close exit 1) (5) The Hampton Police Department will establish traffic control points and to restrict access on the part of non-residents to Hampton Beach at the following locations: (a) Ocean Boulevard (Route IA) and Route 51 (b) Landing Road and Route 51 (c) Ocean Boulevard at Hampton Harbor Bridge (close . bridge to ingressing traffic) (d) Other traffic control points within Hampton Beach as deemed necessary to facilitate flow of traffic. (e) Other traffic control points specified in Hampton Police Department procedures. 1236/8784A/0089C *B-5 2/86

1 (6)- The Seabrook Police Department will establish traffic control points to restrict access on the part of non-residents to Seabrook Beach at the following locations: (a) Ocean Boulevard (Route IA) and Route 286. (b) Washington Road and Route 286. (c) All other traffic control points specified in Seabrook Police Department procedures. (d). The Seabrook Police will request the Salisbury, Mass. Police Department to restrict access on the part of non-residents to Route 286 from Route 1. (7) The following EBS message will be released on WOKQ: THIS IS AN IMRTANT EERGENCY BULLETIN FOR PERSONS IN T E VICINITY OF THE SEABROOK NUCLEAR POWER STATION. A $ SITE AREA EbERGENCY HAS BEEN DECLARED AT .THE SEABROOK 1 STATION.. STATE OF NEW HA WSHIRE CIVIL DEFENSE AND PUBLIC HEALTH PERSONNEL ARE ASSESSING THE SITUATION. AT THIS TIFE, NO ACTIONS ARE NECESSARY ON TE PART OF THE PUBLIC. THERE IS NO RISK OF' EXPOSURE TO RADIATION. AS A PRECAUTION, TE STATE OF NEW HAWSHIRE HAS CLOSED STATE BEACHES AND' PARKS IN THE HAW TON BEACH Ato l SEABROOK BEACH AREAS. PRECAUTIONARY ACTIONS INCLUDE RESTRICTING ACCESS TO SEABROOK BEACH AND HAWTON BEACH. PLEASE STAY TUTED TO THIS STATION FOR FURTER INFORMATION AND INSTRUCTIONS. ,

3. Site Area Emergency with Degrading Plant Conditions 1
a. Initiating Conditions j (1) All meteorological conditions 1236/8784A/0089C' S-6 2/86

(2) Prognosis of plant status indicates degradation of a major plant system,

b. Actions (1) NHCOA will advise local EOCs and Massachusetts EOC of Governor's declaration of state of emergency.

(2) NHCDA will recommend evacuation of general public of Hampton Beach and Seabrook Seach from Ocean Boulevard and Ashworth Avenue to the North and Ocean Boulevard and Route 286 to the South. (3) State Police will establish access control points for 2 mile radius. (4) State Police will r' strict e access to Hampton Beach and to Seabrook Beach from the following locations: (a) Intersection of Routes 51 and 1 ( b) Intersection of Routes 51 and I-95 (close exit 2) (c) Intersection ,of Routes 107 and 1 (d) Intersection of Routes 107 and I-95 (close exit 1) (5) The Hampton Police Department will establish traffic control points and to restrict entry to Hampton Eneach at the following locations: (a) Ocean Boulevard (Route IA) and Route 51 (b) Rcute 51 and Landing Road (c) Ocean Boulevard at Hampton Harcor Bridge (close bridge to departing and entering traffic, and route traffic North f rom the bridge). (d) Other traffic control points within Hampton Beach as deemed necessary to facilitate flow of traffic. 1236/8784A/0089C B-7 2/86

(e) All other traffic control points specified in Hampton Police Department procedures for high summer transient population. (6) The Seabrook Police Department will establish traffic control points to restrict access to Seabrook Beach at the following locations: (a) Ocean Boulevard (Route 1A) and Route 286 (b) Washington Road and Route 286 (c) All other traffic control points specified in

                                  , Seabrook Police Department procedures for high summer transient populations.



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107 Pfeciant Comord, New HannpiNr. 03301 A

                                                          *#*0I                                 RICHARD H. STROME Governor Corectcr JAMES A. SAGGIOTES Cecury D*recoce February 18, 1986 Mr. Henry G. Vickers, Regional Director Federal Emergency fianagement Agency Region One J.W. McCormack Post Office and Courthouse Boston, Massachusetts 02109

Dear Mr. Vickers:

I Attached please find a document describing revised New Hampshire oojectives for the February 26, 1986 exercise. Also described is the extent of play proposed to demonstrate attainment of the 25 objectives. This document reflects the compromises and agreements reached in working sessions of February 10 and 11, 1986. We believe the extent of play meets the expectations outlined by FEMA. Very truly yours, .

                                                                                       'O &

r1 chard H. Strome Director RHS/cmd Attachment 28868 Ernergency Management for New Harnpshire

e' GRADED EXERCISE FEBRUARY 26, 1986 NEW HAMPSHIRE OBJECTIVES AND EXTENT OF PLAY FEMA Guidance Memo 17, Rev. 1 lists 36 ob'jectives for gra'ded. federal exercises. Objectives for each exercise are to be taken from this list. The objectives were developed to correspond to tne observable elements of NUREG 0654/ FEMA-REP-1, Rev. 1. The Guidance Memo instruct's that each of the 36 cojectives should be tested at least once witnin a five year period. - In its original submission of oojectives for the first Seabrook exercise, the State of New Hampshire suggested exercising 31 of the 36 objectives. On more detailed . examination, the original list.of objectives is overly optimistic. It is overly optimistic because many of these objectives have been adequately exercised at other nuclear power plant sites (VY and Yankee Rowe). To exercise them again at Seabrook would involve a needless use of resources. In I addition, trying to exercise all 31 of the original objectives lends itself to a needlessly complex and potentially confusing scenario. An overly complex scenario is probably poor judgement, particularly for a first full scale exercise such as that being held for Seabrook Station. Accordingly, the number of objectives proposed has been reduced, slightly, to a total of 25, still a major undertaking, i. The revised objectives, together with the extent of play proposed to demonstrate attainment of each objective are as


e- . . . . . . .

                                                                                                                                                                      . 6
                                                     'ET'MJfE STAfith 19e86 N4C/ft M4 GIAlfD DCH&NCy EMHCl1                                                             *

4 FEMA taiject ives state tocal Entent of play - i ! A. Cannand and Conrdination

1. Demonstrate the ability to promptly mobilize staff 1 yes pattial 11re reception center will be fully activated.

and activate the Emergency Operations Center, all l participating local ccmuets11ty Emergency (1perations Staff resources to activate a second will be ) Centers, two New Hampst. ire Ibst Comununity Reception deutsist rated. EUCs for all-towns that choose to l play will txt opened. Ite State will demonstrate Centers, (one fully, one simulated) tie inclotsit Field Office and the Media Center, capability to twulle emergency response 4 capabilities for "non-cooperating" towns. 4 l 2. Demonstrate tre procedural and organizational 2 yes partial ability to fully staff facilities and maintain ' State will otinunstrate 24 tour capability with rosters. Locals will desmonstrate one full shif t,

,           staffing arotsul tie clock throuipi tre use of .

shift duty rasters. a partial second stilft (by roster) and ability 2 to request any neetled s@plementary staffing from i the State. 3 Demonstrate ability to make decisitris ard to 3 yes yes coordinate emergency activities, j i 3 4. Demonstrate adespacy of facilities .wul displays 4 yes yes Sufficient erpipment will te in place in ! to s@ port emerrymcy gerations, l t participatire local EOCs. Additional e<pipment, teyorus minimise requirements, is on order.

5. Demonstrate ability to identify need for and 32 yes N/A recpest federal and/or otrer assistance in accordance with existiry proce W res. .

i1 4 j 12suome ,

e . . . . . . ,,

  • SEAtsEMM 51AllON 1986 M4CNfMA OtAitl) O(H&NCY CXfHCISC Pd W IwJtlit (allCilvE5 l'EHR ttsjectives State incal Entesit of Play B. Notificat ion /Comunication
1. Demonstrate ability to connunicate with all S yes .yes Consnunications among all State and local apprtipriate locations (participatiry in facilities, and with tre utility will te exercised.

exercise), or0.airatims and field gersonnel. .Likiwise, conwasitcations with field teams will te testest. Massactaisetts and Maine will also te retified durinj tre course of tie exercise. C. Accident Assessment

1. Demonstrate ability to mobilize ad deplu field 6 yes N/A Iso State monitorirq teams will be mobilized araj dispat tled, monitoring teams in accordance with existiivi precetiares in a timely fmshion.
2. Demonstrate apprtpriate espigment asul procedures 7 yes N/A fos determining astaient radiation levels.

3 Donunstrate agprtpri.ste espigset .mmJ pautedsres u yes N/A for measurentsit of airtx>rne radinialine concentrations 6f low as 10 tri/rc in tre e presence cf onble g.sses. D. Protective Actions

1. Demonstsate ability' to project dosage to tre 10 yes N/A public via plume exposure, tused on plant and field data, and deterairns .gprioriate prutective measures, tesed on PACS, available sic!ter, .

evacuation time estimates .wu2 all utte r appropriate factors. 12%/0613c

TAitdAK ST ATION 19tw saa'#TMA GWft) fdiiddy f M EIT , if W IWW49tDE 0t 1CI191.5

  • ft MA Stat e Local latent of Play titsjec t ives yes yes lie State will (kaanstrate decisions arul procedures Demonstrate the availaallity of eysipment and IJ
2. for actisatirmj sirens arms EfuiS. .No actual sourullruj proceWres to alert tre public by simulated of sirens or radio nessages will be broadcast, siren activation within (le ID-elle EPl. Activation times w!!! te coordinated with local EOCs.

temonstrate the ability to disseminate an Initial instructional message within 15 mismates throtajh tre use of tre Emergency Broadcast System (EUS). yes ti/A State will forinulate appropriate messages, Demonstrate ability to formulate ar=1 distribute 14

3. litoadcast of messages will te simulated.

appropriate instructions thrcumjn tre use of tic D15 arms radio to tre ptistic, in accordance with existirv) proceWres. 15 yes yes Seabrook arms several other towns will tae advised O. Demonstrate tre organizattunal ability arm 1 to evacuate duriruj tre scenario. Preparations resources necessary to maruge an orderly for evacuation will te tsujertaken in towns for ediicti evacuation of all or part of tre pluwr Li*t. evacuation is rut rectuwmermied. While no pe mte will le gdiysically trasi:. ported duriru) the evactution consitterMile activity will tse devoted to ahminst ratirw) tie capability. State Iblice will t)e asked to activate are access control point. Ellity to activate otter access control points will be (kmvistrated by daty roster. Each town for which evacuation is rectmannuled will te asked to dispatch a police officer to a traffic control point. Mility to staf f otter traffic control points in town te verified t>y ocaserver discussion with trat senior p2tice official playirmj in each town. 12%/Onl3c

SECMAK STG11(#4 l ato N4C/ FEM Gintin fs4 HtJ NCY EX1HCI'E .,

  • NEW liAW.Jille? (MLI'CTW.$"

rEMA Objectives State Local Entent of I' lay Evactution simslation will include general pasulation, transients, scimots, mobility impaired arW tre non-auto ownity population. No special activity is required to simulate evacuation of tre

                                                                        , qeretal population ard tre transient population.

Itc extent of play f or scicols is descrited in objective D-ts. Tre extent of play for mutallity lapaired is discussed in objective D.7. ' Procedates for evacuatirw) tre run-auto ownity pop 21ation will te followed by tre local 1ransportation Euordirutors. Controllers will insert messatys, in evacuatirg towns, fruticatirq retpJests for t ransportaticn. Ite Transportation Coordinators will calculate tie raanters of buses netxted to acconearmfate tre thsmarti, call tmJs companies to arrasse for tie rawded tasses (actual of tasses will te simulattml) arid assigra ty4 ides to the tasses. Availability of tie (faides will tar thewntrated by daty roster. In same cases tre local caergency respinse organization may shawntrate rega stify assistance with evactation - assigreents from tre State. Dialoifie taetween tre ifMA observers ard local players may tar helpful in evaluatirq tie evacuation capabilities. Ite State will thmmistrate tt'e ability to provide ttese evaautito services for rama camperatiry towm. 1256/tk.73c 4


                                                    'fAinRK stall (H IE tac /flM (mfd t >(iditCY LXI HCI'1                                                                9 ta w tweNilHE tun ictivt s IEM t t> ject i ves     State              incal                fatent of Play (tbte: L'onpillrg lists of transport deperuksit sutrsons is an oryolrq effort. Observers stuaald riot empect to see lists of these individuals durity tic esercise. Such lists will te available for ASLH
                                                                                                            , tearisys, tu)=eser).

S. Demonstrate ite organizatiorul ataility and 16 ru yes resources necessary to deJ1 with is4ediments t vacuatlig towns will te given controller messages to evacuation, such as inclement weatter or which call for rtynovJI of obstructioris on an

,         traffic obstructions.                                                                               evacuatiori ruute. Road agents will te asked to sinulate disgutchisq crews to remove obstructions.
6. Demonstrate tre organizatiorul ability arms 1/ yes N/A resources necessary to control access to an State iblice will demonstrate ability to establish evacuated area, access control at oic pre-selected access control gm2irit. (See also otsjective D-4 above).

7 Demonstrate tre ortpuiational ability and lit su yes resources recessary to effect an orderly Lach tuwn for which evacuation is implemerited will evacuation of siobility-impaired srujiviikuls re'. coral to ctattroller messages retpiestiry transpor-wittiin tre plune* LPl. t.stlose for at least ore mutallity impaired citizen, Hesganise will incltale ickmtifyiry tre vehicle to te usit asas sinmalatirv) a dispJlch of tre vehicle to tre outsility ispJired tuJusermild. (thate: Crmpility of lists of aut)ility lupaired persons is an orgoirq erfort. Observers sinald not espect to see lists of people neediry this service A4rire tte esercise. TAaCh lists will te available for Af? u tearings, ruawever.) 12*A/0675c

,  i
   . . e n

i o e , s a r . e a y t f d a o t e r n l p e t r u r h t o o r , a c r o c a ne n a a sr s . s to sec i a el f a l k e s m v b a e um m wte ino ses eer e h r e h ur l o mc s su oi s it i e a e o evr in n t t c nb t , e C a d t nt f i e d h r ee ml ode eO i t t g vi ati a o bs r n r e t E t f r ts oo Coex t w T t g o h n o r y a c c tll l n h r i r o o f e fo d. b r rs a i c a p w o r u p p ns a b st A sa r M n e d l n s s e J A e s nl eF E o e a l l a a ae .th i ds e s t ei r o eo l i r n t er c w T v ,l o t t w l o ul s a s e ch it e r . t a o m cusoir h e J t l t t b im p r h s a r ct s r t _ a y n s i l t w l r t o s lle t h r a on or p os _ l i a a l e e y t t s n d c t s r f ec n d i t ka rto b ii a n e .y s w n ett en a t e d g e w o esn t i t l f l i i r l o o l b r n s t n ed ,i a a t d T oi t o l o a J f e o r . tt r r l t n e h i l c w s l o C r r m i oe t i s ci i e. alo b oi y o z C pn t i b a i a eh c n p J o e( into e c d s t d w n c l a c p E n f o e d o eD t l r ior e i n c di i o o t 1 a t n e i t t a i p w x t e a n r t s eS v u c r n e d a u ns e t l s.i ss . l t a s l t e ro iw roD e d eac u o y ) or ts. d v l t a a . p r g ee s h t i t a p n p t s a es r t t a n m s o a l u m s s s a . ci e n e r n t a a e t mi e o r d e o b esp r ina y wf t E a v s i s a s e a r p owt el c o o r r u n t f o e n i y a c m qr w i mJ e m t S s ci n C o i c a re cn vu e l i I' E i t T io I r C t s mI H E D y l C a N c f o s t H . L e y s f . e y p S f C W D l . . E i c W l t e s G l i a e s R O t y e S y M E L H E  ! t . a C *l t 4 P e 6 W I s e

          %                      v 1

u g i fP e p t c 9 1 N [ e t1 ( f j 2 l i h A t I S M A d s r R m a co W r N d l e E r S n P o r d n a y E y r e l t pa n mi s i t i dr u e m o u e l l m r h r i o p y t e d

               .                           b a n     a h e                                                                                                                 l s          r x r o J

l t a t a u r m s p n o e i c n r o i p j i t f f h t t s u s a e i n e i r w o t t o c re st r t s o k u a r g y ol o e t r r o y w f o a h o e s s sc t i y h e l i n s c e t c f ba yt u e ne o r e. s on t a e eh a ca , r y r e i t t . t c t r s n ro u acu s o rnte t l

                                          %s a e e v n rt i o          p i m

D r e m e n o ee so D c k d

                                           .                                                                                                                                                       3 c

8 . 7 9 6 0


2 1

                                                                                                                                                                                   ,7 b
                                                                                                                                                                                        . b-SEMBRAs( SIAlldN 1966 M4C/ FEMA utAlfp EWHu NCY Ext'HCISE                                                                . sr 74 W lense *SHIHC On J CTivCS FEMA   ,                          . . . . . .

Objectives State taral .tutent of Play

10. Demonstrate the ability to make the decision, yes 21 N/A based on predetermined criteria, whetter to issue K1 to emergency workers..
11. Demonstrate achpacy or proceibres for 27 ,

yes yes taie reception center m111 be fully activated, registration and radiological munitoring or ' Several evacuees will te processed. evacuees at one New ttampJiire itast tantsiity Heception Center.

12. Demonstrate aderpacy of facilities rer 2u yes yes Hed Cruss will simulate selection and
m. ass care or evacuees.

apnisaj of ore mass care center. 13 Demonstrate adespete ensigunent aanJ proceibres 2'# yes N/A for decontamination or emergency workers, equipment and vehicles at tra: Emer:K w y Ogeraticns facility. E. Public Inrormation

1. Demonstrate tre ability to brier media in a clear, 24 yes N/A accurate and timely manrer.
2. bearanstrate ability to provide advance coordirution '25 yes N/A or information released.
3. Demonstrate ability to establisit ainJ yerate rumor 26 yes N/A control in a coordinated fashion.

n%/06De . -7

 -. .      e.

For residents ofAmesbury, Newbury, Newburyport, P Salisbury, Seabrook, South A. Hampton, and West New-Instructions An emergency plan is being What to Do if You Hear 2. Evacuate. This means to written for your city or town. this Siren leave the area. Use your fam-This plan would be used t ily car if p saible. Each house-

1. Go inside your house or protect you in the unlikely hold in these towns will re-some nearby building. Turn ceive a calendar that contam, s event of an accident at Sea-your radio to an emergency brook Station. Seabrook Sta- maps and suggested evacu-nformation radio station. (See ati n routes. Also, other t:on is a new nuclear power the box on the next page.) You plant in Seabrook, New r utes may be given on the would be told what to do.

Hampshire. radio because of conditions at

2. Do not use your telephone the time. Follow the emer-This plan could also be used except for a personal gency information radio sta-in other emergencies such as floods, fires, hurricanes, tor-emergency. tion instructions.

nados, or toxic chemical spills. Actions for Your Protection _. Similar plans have been used If there were an emergency at by other cities and towns dur- Seabrook Station, you could ing emergencies such as be told to do one of these these. things: This plan is being written by 1. Take shelter. This means the Massachusetts and New to go indoors and close win-Hampshire Civil Defense dows and doors. Turn off all Agencies and other state and sources of outside air, such as local offichts. heating and cooling systems . Once beyond the evacuation and fans. Do not use fire-

                                                                                                  * ""' Y .u c uld stay with fam-
g4 lib ."' ;Q 5 :-

[ , places. Bring pets inside. ily or friends. If you do not j q: ,, - - - --

                                                                           -- _ m__ __ y ~

have a place to stay, go to the i reception center for your city

      ,l                             i                                -

t ( or town. There is a list of re-I h[ s ception centers on the next i page. At the reception center, W Ii 'i., you would receive help and be l l {* l 'l referred to a shelter. l; Schoolchildren in Ames-bury, Seabrook, South Hamp-i [ NI___ _ _ I I k. f,' J ton, and West Newbury would be evacuated directly Notification of Emergency to the reception center for the l town in which the school is lo-In case of emergency, a siren f / cated. Pick them up there. [ would be sounded. You would  ! You are asked not to pick hear a steady tone for three to .

                                                                                   '3; c              them up at school.rnmununn five minutes.                                                           -

p! I i ! ,j ,,l,7


d .$

g, o, rA% Massachusetts Civil Defense

                                               '!  Agency
                                           ,, , /

New Ilampshire Civil Defense Agency


c Reception Centers

   '                            S'     In an emergency, you could go to your re-      !
             ,0 i                                   ception center for help and be referred to a   ,

IL %y

             -j  ,                   '

place to stay. . m

            --                         Community                 iteception Center

[ a Amesbury Merrimack College, West Newbury Route 114, Children who attend school in Andover Newbury, Newburyport, and  ; Salisbury, including the Newbury North Shore  ! Triton Regional School, would Newburyport Shopping Center, , be taken to the Masconomet Salisbury Route 114, ' Regional liigh School on Peabody Endicott Road in Boxford. Seabrook Salem Ifigh School' Pick them up there before South Ilampton Geremonty Drive, going to the reception center Salem '. for your town. The handicapped would re-ceive extra help. Please re-quest help now from your Radio Stations state Civil Defense Agency. If you hear a steady siren lasting three to five minutes, tune to an emergency in. People without cars would formation radio station. receive a ride. Contact your , state Civil Defense Agency Chief Massachusetts Station now for details. WCGY 93.7 FM For more information about Other Massachusetts Stations the emergency plan, contact the f.Iassachusetts Civil De. WCEA 1450 AM WLYT 92.5 FM i fense Agency Area i at 1(617) WilAV 1490 AM l 944-1184 or the New Ilamp- , shire Civil Defense Agency at Chief New Ilampshire Station  ; 1(800)852-3792. WOKQ 97.5 FM Other New Ilampshire Stations l WIIEll 750 AM WERZ 107 FM WMYF 1540 AM WilEB 100.3 FM

A . .. Einergency For residents ofBitntwood, 22"";.nr= Hampton Falls, Kensing-ton, Kingston, New Castle,

  • R2h"g,"r'"

Stratham. Instruct 10nS An emergency plan is being Notification of Emergency sources of outside air, such as written for your city or town. heating and cooling systems In case of emergency, a siren This plan would be used t and fans. Do not use fire-protect you in the unlikely would be sounded. You would hear a steady tone for three to Pl aces. Bring pets inside. event of an accident at Sea-five minutes. 2. Evacuate. This means to brook Station. Seabrook Station is a new nuclear What to Do if You Hear leave the area. Use vour fam. power plant in Seabrook, New this Siren ly car if possible. Each house-Hampshire. hold in these towns will re-

1. Go inside your house or ceive a calendar that contains This plan could also be used some nearby building. Turn maps and suggested evacu-in other emergencies such as your radio to an Emergency ation routes. Also, other floods, fires, hurricanes, tor- Radio Broadcast System routes may be given on the nados, or toxic chemical spills. (ERBS) station. (See the box radio because of conditions at Similar plans have been used on the next page.) You would the time. Follow the Emer-l by other cities and towns dur- be told what to do. gency Radio Broadcast Sys-l ing emergencies such as tem station instructions.
2. Do not use your telephone these.

except for a personal - n i emergency. F ==r + 4 m: = s' i Actions for Your Protection '

                                         '                                                                               l If there were an emergency at                                           !

h' Seabrook Station, you could be told to do one of these things:

                                         ~ s'                                                  '
1. Take shelter. This means 3

I to go indoors and close win- - [ dows and doors. Turn off all Once beyond the evacuation l_ 7 ___ _ , .y zone, you could stay with fam-

                              , , . ,      ,                                7          ily or friends. If you do not
              <                       k    ;

{J have a place to stay, go to the M.


reception center. There is a b This plan is being written by list of reception centers on the

i. .

the New Hampshire Civil Defense Agency and other

                                                                          %            next page. At the reception center, you would receive help state and local ofncials.                                                 i     and be referred to a shelter.

tcontinued) l

                                                                                                    ,           p l    '
                                                                                                ~w    a    .n*      L>
                                                                      %       __ ~_

New Hampshire Civil Defense

                                                 '   Agency Schoolchildren would be            Reception Centers evacuated directly to the re-                                                     l ception area for the town in       In an emergency, you could go to your re-      L which the school is located.       ception center for help and be referred to a   l Pick them up there. You are        place to stay.

asked not to pick them up at school. Community Reception Center C I- Brentwood Memorial High 3/ East Kingston School, I Exeter South Porter Street,

                *g                       Kensington                Manchester Newfields Stratham                                       i

j Greenland Dover High School, l -- _ . . Hampton Durham Road Hampton Falls (Route 108), The handicapped would re- New Castle Dover ceive extra help. Please re- North Hampton quest help now from the New Rye Hampshire Civil Defense Agency. Kingston Salem High School, Geremonty Drive, People without cars would 8"I'* receive a ride. Contact the New Hampshire Civil Defense Portsmouth Spaulding High Agency now for details. School, l Route 16, l l Hochester For more information about the emergency plan, contact the New Hampshire Civil De. ERBS Stations

           " ^ "           " '            If y u hear a steady siren lasting three to 852 3792                            five mmutes, tune to an Emergency Radio Broadcast System (ERBS) station.

Chief ERilS Station l WOKQ 97.5 FM Other ERBS Stations WHEB 750 AM WERZ 107 FM WMYF 1540 AM WHEB 100.3 FM l l k

For residents ofMerrimac, Mass., and Newton, N.H. Instructions An emergency plan is being Notification of Emergency sources of outside air, such as written for your city or town. " "E ""U C "E 878 "**

        ,                                                                      In case of emergency, a siren This plan would be used t                                                                                            and fans. Do not use fire-would be sounded. You would protect you in the unlikely                                                  hear a steady tone for three to Pl aces. Bring pets inside.

event of an accident at Sea- 2. Evacuate. This means to five minutes. brook Station. Seabrook Sta- leave the area. Use your fam-tion is a new nuclear power What to Do if You Hear ily car if possible. Each house-plant in Seabrook, New this Siren hold in these towns will re-Hampshire. 1. Go inside your house or ceive a calendar that contains This plan could also be used some nearby building. Turn maps and suggested evacu-in other emergencies, such as your radio to an emergency ation routes. Also, other floods, fires, hurricanes, tor- information radiostation. (See routes may be given on the nados, or toxic chemical spills. the box on the next page.) You radio because of conditions at Similar plans have been used would be told what to do. the time. Follow the emer-by other cities and towns dur- gency information radio sta-

2. Do not use your telephone ,

ing emergencies such as except for a personal tion instructions. these. emergency. [. :F r b;u:. r- Actions for Your Protection

     ,      ,.: 2             -                                       ,

W_,_, d ::r, t" If there were an emergency at

                     . /                                             -'        Seabrook Station, you could
                                                                     ..         be told to do one of these things:

a 1. Take shelter. This means

                                                                            )   to go indoors and close win-L
                                                                             ) dows and doors. Turn off all I                                           Once beyond the evacuation
                                                                                ;  _. _ r l

i ~; _y zone, you could stay with fam-

                             , -c                                                                              l   e   ily or friends. If you do not 7                                                                                        .

i '___- _


_. k p have a place to stay, go to the recept,on i center for your city { This plan is being written b) the Massachusetts and New

                                                                                 !                       W             or town. There is a !ist of re-ception centers on the next l-Hampshire Civil Defense                                                                                            page. At the reception center, Agencies and other state and                                                                        d l     you would receive help and be local officials.                                                                                                   referred to a shelter.

(continued) i

                                                                                          *//                                    # 85 l

H s*) Jl, L. 4t.a 4 L

                                                                  ,e m fy           Massachusetts Civil Defense r  -


                                                                \*34 .,,/                                      ,

New IIampshire Civil Defense i Agency t Schoolchildren who attend school in Merrimac or Newton Reception Centers would be evacuated directly to In an emergency, you could go to your re-the reception center for the ception center for help and be referred to a , town. Pick them up there, place to stay. l You are asked not to pick them up at school. Community Iteception Center  ;

                              '  _. ]           ,             Merrimac                  Merrimack College,
                               ?'                                                       Route 114,
           .'                                                                           Andover Newton                    Salem High School, Geremonty Drive,
       -e                   .                                                           Salem                  t L-The handicapped would re-                                    Radio Stations                                   -

ceive extra help. Please re-quest help now from the Civil If you hear a steady siren lasting three to , Defense Agency for your five minutes, tune to an emergency informa-  ! state. tion radio station. People without cars would Chief Massachusetts Station receive a ride. Contact your state Civil Defense Agency WCGY 93.7 FM now for details. Other Massachusetts Stations  ! WCEA 1450 AM WLYT 92.5 FM For more information about WilAV 1490 AM the emergency plan, contact the Massachusetts Civil De- Chief New Ilampshire Station fense Agency Area 1 at 1(617) 944-1184 or the New Hamp- WOKQ 97.5 FM shire Civil Defense Agency at 1(800)852-3792. Other New llampshire Stations WIIEB 750 AM WERZ 107 FM l WMYF 1540 AM WIIEll 100.3 FM i l


". STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT - New HampsNro Civil Defense Agency G~ JOHN H. SUNUNU State off co Park South 1J7 Pleomant Street Conewd, New HampsNre 03301 u 852 3792 f.

                                                                                                   / ..

RICHARO H. STRoME co emor JAMES A SAGGlofE5 Ceputy raretter Summer 1986

Dear Employer,

I would like to ask your help in reaching your employees with important emergency information. An emergency plan has been developed for everyone who lives in, works in, or visits this community. This plan would be used to protect the public in the unlikely event of an accident at Seabrook Station. This plan could also be used in response to other emergencies, such as floods, fires,. hurricanes or toxic chemical spills. Similar plans have been used by other communities in response to emergencies such as these. Each person who lives in this community will receive in the mail a 1987 calendar containing emergency plan information. However, many employees are likely to live beyond the local area. In addition, since the information is of sucn an important nature, it is a good idea to reinforce the message from several different sources. Enclosed with this letter are materials which explain how the emergency plan works. The materials, including a poster and flyer, describe what individuals should do to protect themselvea and their families. Please read these materials carefully, and then use the encic9ed reply card to order additional copies. The materials are also available 1:a a French or French /English version. Federal emergency planning guidelines require that such materials be displayed in prominent view. Here are some specific wayn you might use these materials. You can, of course, adapt these suggestions to your own circumstances.

1. Self-sticking labels -- for attaching to employee lockers, time clocks, rest room mirrors, etc. They can also be distributed along with paychecks to employees.
2. Posters -- for posting in lobbies, lounges, halls, lunch rooms, offices, and on employee bulletin boards.
3. Flyers -- for distributing to employees. A supply can also be kept on hand for customers or visitors.
                                                     %C                  ]

1_ o J. Emergency Management for New Hampshire


.J e

2-Thank you for your assistance in communicating this emergency plan information. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call the New Hampshire civil Defense Agency at 1(800)852-3792. We will be happy to help your emergency planning efforts in any way that we can. Sincerely, G'k ___0% Richard H. Strome, Director New Hampshire Civil Defense Agency 9

W i l STATE @F NEW HAMPSHIRE EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT - - New Hampshire Civil Defeme Agency O. h JOHN H. SUNUNU o ,e,n , State Off.ce Park South 107 Pleasant Street Concord, New Hampshu, 03301 Laws 52-3792


RICHARD H. STRoME g,,,c ,,, JAMES A. SAGGloTES Depury ove<ror Summer 1986

Dear Hotel,

Motel, or Restaurant Owner or Manager, I would like to ask your help in reaching your employees and guests with important emergency information. An emergency plan has been developed for everyone who lives in, works in, or visits this community. This plan would be used to protect the public in the unlikely event of an accident at Seabrook Station. This plan could also be used in response to other emergencies, such as floods, fires, hurricanes or toxic chemical spills. Similar plans have been used by other communities in response to emergencies such as these. Each person who lives in this community will receive in the mail a 1987 calendar containing emergency plan information. However, your guests and many employees are likely to live beyond the local area. Enclosed with this letter are materials which explain how the emergency plan works. The materials, including a poster and flyer, describe what individuals should do to protect themselves and their families. please read these materials carefully, and then use the enclosed reply card to order additional copies. Some of these materials are also available in a French or dual language version for your French-speaking guests. Federal emergency planning guidelines require that such materials be displayed in prominent view in establishments such aa motels and restaurants. Here are some specific ways you might use these materials. You can, of course, adapt these suggestions to your own circumstances.

1. Self-sticking labels -- for attaching to guest room doors, mirrors, employee lockers, time clocks, etc. They can also be distributed along with paychecks to employees.
2. Posters -- for posting in lobbies, lounges, halls, and on bulletin boards.
3. Flyers -- can be left in motel rooms along with stationery and tourist literature. They can also be made available at a motel registration or restaurant cashier's desk. They can be distributed to employees.

T Q_ 717/l0[1-4 O

                                                              , g1 u Emergency Management for New Hampshire

.e t 6 Thank you for your assistance in communicating this emergency plan information. If-you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call the New' Hampshire Civil Defense Agency at 1(800)852-3792. We will be happy to help your emergency planning efforts in any way that we can. Sincerely, k _ _ _. . V0 % Richard H. Strome, Director New Hampshire Civil Defense Agency



  • EX3CUTIVE oEP ARTMENT .'. ,/ .
.Aqm(,. p ~.. Mo-o# .. c.a c..... 49. c, s .. on<. no,. so.8 t

ior pi.. s..... Coaco d. N.- HoaoA. 03301 RICH ARO M STHout JOMN H. 5UNUNU I I Caecoce G 2,emar JAMES A. SAGGIOT(5 February 18, 1986 Mr. Henry G. Vickers, Regional Director Federal Emergency Management Agency Region One J.W. McCormack Post Office and Courthouse Boston, Massachusetts 02109 Cear ~4r. Vickers: , In cur riscussions last week, your staf f indi:ated it was important to revise certain emergency planning documents to reflect the State's new prccecure for precautionary evacuation of the beaches. Jack Dolan and Larry Rcbertson indicated that revisions of the_Se er".k and Hanpton town plans and ' the DRi] pricedures were necessary. Accordingly, please find revisec ccoles cf ea:n Of tnese three c:cuments. Tne enanges in the two lccal plans are as follows:

1) A page of narrative has been added to Section II-G of each local plan. Tne narrative descrites Precautionary measures for Seasonal Beach Poculaticns.
2) Individual precedures for the Selectmen,.the Civil Defense Director, T tne Fire Chief and tne Police Chief have been amended in each plan.
                      ~ 3)       Ac:;endix 3, titled Protective Actions for Seascnal Geach Poculaticns has teen added to each of tne local plans. Ine appendix outlines tne                            ;

portions of the precautionary protective actions applicable to the towns. Tne enanges in the C.:I3 precedures are readily apcarent to tne reviewer. We trust tnese plan revisicns will meet with your acorcval. Sincerely, W W \ o/ , Richard H. Strome Director 9dS/jac enclosures 28383 i,,-.. ,.....:..4., t m ,, .


                 .s EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT                             !

A. *C% g, %* New Momosnore Cwol Defense Agency

         ' (,.} (.;

5 tate Office Para Sov eh

     ,     ~?                                         107 Pfeciaae Streer
         " '                                 conco,d, Ne     Hampsh.,. 0330t
                                                                  ' '                                      RICH ARO H STAC'#E JOHN H. SUNUNu                                       I#        '

3 3,,,,c, Osee:;, JAMES A. SAGGIOTES February 18, 1986 Mr. Henry G. Vickers, Regional Director Federal Emergency Management Agency Region One J.W. McCormack Post Office and Courthcuse Boston, Massachusetts 02109 Cear '4 . Vickers: , In our tiscussions last week, your staff indicated it was important to revise certain emergency planning documents to reflect tne State's new h procecure for precautionary evacuation of the beaches. Jack Dolan and Larry Rccertson indicated that revisions of the Seabrcok and H vnton town olans and theOAE3prc)edureswerenecessary. Accordingly, please find revisec copies cf esca of these three ccouments. rne cnanges in the tuo local plans are as follows: ~

1) A page of narrative has been added to Section II-G of each local plan. Tne narrative describes Precautionary measures for Seasonal Beach Poculations.
2) Individual precedures for the Selectmen,, the Civil Defense Director, tne Fire C11ef and tne Police Chief have been amended in each plan.
3) Apcendix G, titled Protective Actions for Seascnal Beach Pooulaticns has been adced to each of tne local plans. Tne appenoix cutlines tne portions of the precautionary protective actions applicable to the towns.

Tne enanges in the CRI] procedures are readily apcarent to the reviewe:. We trust tnese plan revisions will mest with your accroval. Sincerely, ejk p # If & m Richard H. Strome Director 9HS/jmo enclosures 28383 _  : ,, . - .-. .v.4; ...y. - : ,, n . .e +

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An Emergency Plan for =Ime"-" """ """*" Your Protection < De r New Ilampshire Resident: Note for families and friends ofpcople with Kingston 000-0000 special needs: Turn to the card in this calen- New Castle 000-0000 An emergency plan has been written for dar. Please fill out the card. Send it to the Newfields 000-0000 your city or town. This plan would be used New Ilampshire Civil Defense Agency. We Newton 000-0000 will give you extra help in an emergency. North IIampton 0 0000 de t t ab k Sta i n ar k St - tion is a new nuclear power plant m Sea- Sincerely yours, Rye 000-0000 brook, New Ilampshire. Seabrook 000-0000 This plan could also be used in other . South Ilampton 000-0000 emergencies, such as floods, fires, hurri-  % Stratham 000-0000 c:nes, tornados, or toxic chemical spills. Richard II. Strome, Director Similar plans have been used by other cities New Ilampshire Civil Defense Agency For Information During an Emergency cnd towns in emergencies such as these. The New Ilampshire Civil Defense Agency This emergency plan was written by many has a rumor control number. During an people working together. The New Ilamp- emergency, you can call this number for in-shire Civil Defense Agacy worked with Important Phone Numbers formation. This number is 1(800)000-0000. other state agencies. Fire and police ofTicers New Ilampshire Yankee, the company that and other local officials also worked on the For IIelp During an Emergency runs Seabrook Station, also has a rumor Pl an. The Civil Defense Agency is prepared to e ntrol number. This number is 1(800) 348-1616. The front part of this calendar explains how help you in an emergency. If you are hand-the plan works. It tells you what to do in an icapped, need a ride, or need special help, Eqw Me hem emergency. Please take the time to read it call your Emergency Operations Center. carefully. KEEP Tills CALENDAR IN A During an emergency, these phone lines are If you have a question during a time that SAFE AND llANDY PLACE. only for people who need help. is not an emergency, call one of these Ilrentwood 000-0000 numbers: Ifyou have any questions, please call the following number. We will be happy to help East Kingston 000-0000 New IIampshire Civil Defense Agency you. Exeter 000-0000 ;ag00,852-3792 Greenland 000-0000 New IIampshire Yankee Information Ilot-

 'ew Ilampshire Civil Defense Agency:         llampton                 000-0000              line 11603)433-0440 IIN      '      ~

llampton Falls 000-0000 Kensington 000-0000 1

4 R 1 am o - m _m uu e m, m : m ; m .m _ . mn a. a . n g: A M. 3;2 m 1 Emergency Information i How You Would Be Told Po inside your house or some nearby build- ) about an Emergency i Ar nr

                                                                                        .c 4:            ' 1-1       ,

mg. i g"Nh s 4s seep the raaio tuned to on emergency There are sirens in your community. If J u H:Mg g Radio Broadcast System station. there were an emergency, the sirens would make a steady, three-to-five minute sound. k N  : iMd5 F .fi

                                                                                                                  %s                   Keep your pets mdoors.

Close all wmdows and doors. i If you hear this signal, turn on your ' s P f 2-(g, Turn off any heating or cooling system that brings in outside air. (Use such heat-I radio immediately. Tune to one of the 2 ~ s l Emergency Radio Broadcast System ing systems only to protect life or health.) l stations listed below. These stations ' i . Turn oft kitchen and bath exhaust fans i and attic fans. I would tell you what type of emergency it is. They would tell you what to do. p- 6[.j/ Do not use fireplaces or wood stoves. Let fires burn down. Close the dampers. The sirens would alert people to the emer- 3 _ ,j Turn ofTyour clothes dryer. , gency. In addition, schools, large businesses, ,f Stay indoors until you are told it is safe to j hospitals and nursing homes have been 'e go out. given tone alert radios. In an emergency, l these radios would be automatically tuned

                                                                              ,                        f g;,

l to an Emergency Radio Broadcast System L station.


! w i Fire and police ofTicers would also help to - notify the handicapped. Boaters in the area would be al,erted by the Coast Guard. The 10-Mile Emergency Planning Zone - The area 10 miles around Seabrook Station '

                               'E                                is called the Emergency Planning Zone.

I a There is an emergency plan for each city

                                               ;                 and town inside this zone. Ilowever, it is not                                .

a likely that everyone within this 10-mile 8 zone would need to take action in an "

                                                                                                                                                                                     - -w emergency. The areas affected would depend up<m the weather and how serious the acci-C                             dent is. State public safety and health ofli-

! j 4

cials would continually review the situation.

How to Evacuate f, They would decide the best actions to pro- You might be told to evacuate. This means

                        %>     g ,e6 j-                        tect you. In case of an emergency, listen to                        to leave the area. You should follow the in-4 h d+ '     - .#,d       the specific instructions for your city or                          structions given on the Emergency Radio town.                    -                                          Broadcast System station.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -_______X __ - -- - -

The Emergency Radio l .

                                                                                                        .s                  --o'          !c
                                                                                                                                                                                  -s       H     ,

N i

                                                                                                                                                                           ".f. Md           j I

Broadcast Stations P,j N , t r - t b . , If you hear a siren, go mdoors. Go inside i j y 'M # .

                                                                                                                                                                                %y g 1 your home or any nearby building. Turn to                                h      : n fB.:!                         G --      1                                           ,
                                                                                                               EM451 }j an Emergency Radio Broadcast System g                       ,              .

q (ERBS) station. These stations would broad- 1

                                                                                                    ,                        l      1-            x                ',j                   ,

cast an emergency message. i <- , The chief EltilS station for New Ilamp- /f I  ! x . - shire is WOKQ,97.5 FM. Other ERilS sta- ( * ,h ' . l . '!

                                                                                                                                  .                                        n tions include:                                                                                                                     j     'u A h7( ,y ".-

AM Radio FM Radio '

                                                                                                            ,            /           I at to Take w% You WilEB 750              WERZ 107 Do not try to take all of your belongings WMYF 1540              WIIED 100.3                                                  +                                      ,        l l
                                                                                             <>       -             g                   ?  w        you. Tah what you wm nd You Note: Do not use the phone unless absolutelv                           i                                                              could be away from home for a few hours to mressary. Leave the lines open for official                                           '                           s                   a few days. Take these things, if you can:

r. use.


f{.. This calendar Extra clothmg Personal items (eyeglasses, dentures)

                               .m                                 )

Toilet articles (so p, toothbrush, and tooth-How to Take Shelter N// k_ _..s% 'g,f - ( N ' If there were an emergency at Seabrook k cal supplies (first aid kit, medicine,

                   'g        h -5              -

[ Station, you might be told to "take shelter." and prescriptions) Medical equipment (life support equipment

                   *-: i     g,,   N // g                          i   This means to go indoors and close off sources of outside air. This is a good action                         or any other special equipment that you E[r-M :.s.,- d7'A; z- fn            -

3 yl to take if there is a short release of a small amount of radiation. You would only have use) Baby supplies

                                -                 #59 5        g!      to stay inside for a few hours. Children in                           Checkbook, credit card, and cash
              ~ j~           

6  ; y! school would be sheltered right in the school Drivers license or identification. 3 a=**# a -(-((4f kJ building. If you are told to take shelter, this is what you should do: g ,. . .# l . _ _ _ '; lJ 2 I l

- m_ -_ .m ___m . m_ u.a _ . _ . __

                                                                                                                  ,         . ,    m_        .a.             _       _

ci u.n ~ ,2: 8 What to Do with Your Pets A message center for leaving and receiving Ifyou are handicapped, please fill out and brief messages return the card in this calendar. The infor-You could take your pets with you ifyou Referral to a shelter where you could stay mation will be kept confidential and used planned to stay with friends or relatives. If for emergency planning only. For extra help Monitoring ihr radiation exposure and de-you would be staying at a public shelter, during an emergency, call your Emergency cont nunatmn, if necessary. you should leave your pets at home. Provide Operations Center listed on page 1 of this them with fbod, water, and shelter. Most people would stay with friends or rela- '"I"" tives. If you did not have a place to stay, people at the reception center would refer g% 4


7,: you to a nearby shelter. You could eat and


1 l i i s ,, sleep at the shelter until you could go home. , M e , i

                                     +                          T                     : The Red Cross and Salvation Army would                                                i                       ,

W E. f

                                                     ;          X                    l  be at the shelter to help you.                                 l

[k,,@.~ gi [! ' lei. ( I " Evacuation Plans for y f-i y  % S x, ' Special Groups gr i . ' , E -

                                                      \q        '   ~
                                                                            .            Schoolchildren f, . y ,- :.               "    "          '

N k.t In some cases, schools would be closed or i

                               #~                               ~

y , dismissed early before any need fbr evacu- . 1 Su N2:~ -1 h; ation. In other cases, evacuation could be or- . iJ

 - - -           - -                           -        - - -                       '    dered while school was still in session. If so, responsible school officials would take the
                                                                                                                                                  ~ ~~ ~ ~

( 'j i What to Do as You Leave children to the reception center fbr their ,' school. The reception center for each school i r . Turn off the lights and your household ap- s the same as the reception center for the pliances.

                                                                                                                                                         ~V                                                       l town in which the school is h>cated. (See the Leave your refrigerator and freezer on.                                                list of reception centers on page 4.) Par-lock your windows and doors. (Police                                                  ents would meet their children at the recep-would provide security.)                                                                                                                    People w.thout Transportat. ion i

tion center. To help the evacuation efTort, you are asked not to go to your children's Busses would pick up people who don't have V ' l; schools to pick them up. cars. If you need a ride, call your i, ._ _. Emergency Operations Center. The phone 7 7 4 numbers are listed on page 1 of this calen-

                     /h                     ,                              j                h mLw [a s '
                                                                                                                                %'        :     Background Information y4                                                                                   i
                                                                                                       -. j j            $                    :

Whenever something out of the ordinary id

  • L _. -m-.i [h. -k.4_ happens at a nuclear power plant, the event


    ;j         kI                              '
                                                   \                            ,

r _.l is put into one of four classes. You may hear b d__ _ ' E __ h .

                                                                                                                                     -    l. these terms:

Ilow to Travel i______ Nl hh j ' Unusual event. A minor event has taken place. o release f radioactive matter Use only one car (or other vehicle) per fam-is expected. Federal, state, and local omeials ily. Ifyou have room, please check to see if would be told. You would not have to do You w ukl be told by radio that your chil-any ofyour neighbors need a ride. dren had been taken to the reception center. anything. l Keep the car radio tuned to an Emergency Do not try to call the school. The phone Alert. This is also a minor event. Small l Radio Broadcast System station. Drive out of the area along one of the lines w uld be needed for omeial business. amounts of radioactive matter could be re-l routes shown on page 5. Other routes may leased inside the plant. Omcials would be ) l be suggested on the radio because of condi- Patients in llospitals and asked to stand by. It is not likely that you tions at the time. Follow the Emergency Nursing Ilomes would have to do anything. i I Radio Broadcast Syctem station in- IIospital and nursing home patients would Site area emergency. This is a more seri-structions. be taken to medical or nursing facilities be- ous event. Radioactive matter could be re-l yond the 10. mile zone. They would receive leased right around the plant. Officials the care they needed. would be ready to help you if you needed to N During an emergency, you could learn d nything. The sirens would be sounded. Turn on your radio to learn what to do. where a patient is being taken by calling l the New Ilampshire Civil Defense Agency General emergency. This kind of event is rumor control number, 1(800)000-000. classed as most serious. Radioactive matter ) 7 could go outside the plant site. Omcials 4 w uld direct emergency response. The si , l -- The IIandicapped rens would be sounded. Turn on your radio J -.' l '% Ilandicapped people who needed extra help would be notified and evacuated by to learn what to do. Be prepared to take j

                     -                                                                              shelter or evacuate.


i. emergency workers. They would be taken to ew j d-
                                .- *           .M     the reception centers where they would re.          ua 3

j ceive special help. ,  % 'f%g \ l Where to Go , There is a reception center for each city and E town in the Emergency Planning Zone. The  ; i

                                                                                                                                   'm j ~7

{ reception centers are listed on page 4. If you  ; 1 ' 4 need help, go to your reception center. The l . s,

                                                                                                                                           ' 'C reception center would offer these services:                                                                  {       WT -

Registration j A place to meet family members who had ll l evacuated separately 1 i 3


i l Special Emergency Help You or someone you know might need special help in an emergency. If so, please fill out this card now so we can plan ahead. This information will be kept confidential and will be used for emergency planning only. i Name  ; I Addresa 1 City and sip code , ih>ne number: llome Work Special directions to get to your houne-l row w IIelp Needed: ICheck only those that applyi O I will need a ride O I will need special help because of my health 0 I will need notification in addition to the siren system Special Condition: O Ilearing impaired O Sight-impaired i O Wheelchair dinabled O Iledridden 1 O Other 1 l'erson Submitting this Card: Name 1%,ne number llume Work iw Z $$ > M

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How to Use the l Map and Chart l

  • Look on the chart on this page for the Commum.ty Recept. ion Center name of your city or town. Find the name and address of your reception center in the Greenland Dover Iligh School second column. Put a circle around it. Ilampton Durham Road llampton Falls (Route 108)
   - Find your city or town on the evacuation                                                   Dover route list on the ot:ier side of this page.                 New Castle North llampton Put a circle around it.

Rye Read the suggested evacuation routes. Memorial liigh Mark on the map the route or routes that Brentwood East Kingston School you would use to get to the reception South Porter Street Exeter center. Manchester Kensington I

  • Find the small map that shows the to- Ewfields cation of your reception center. Put a circle Stratham cround it. Become familiar with the area. Salem liigh School Kingston elf your children go to school or day care in Newton Geremonty Drive a city other than your own look on the Seabrook Salem chart for the reception center for their South flampton school. (It is the same as the reception cen-Portsmouth Spaulding fligh ter for the town in which the school is lo_ School ccted.) Put a circle around it. Find the Wakefield Street small map that shows the location of thia (Route 16) reception center. Put a circle around it. Rochester You would pick up your children there be.

fore going to your own reception center.

    - Make sure every member of your family knows where your reception center is.


NNm About Radiation Q. What is radiation? , Q. Would there be any health effects

                                                                                                                            ~        from a maj r release of radiation?

A. Radiation is a form of energy that is all , around us. Radar, radiowaves, micro- eq A. Exposure to very high levels of waves, ultraviclet (sun) rays, and X-rays 4j radiation - greater than 100,000 are all forms c radiation. Some radi-ation is energy released from radioactive [ -* h ,j

                                                                                                              N 9 ' . ./

millirems - may cause observable health problems. Most evidence shows radiation matter. Radioactive matter is present in -

                                                                                 ..                     Q                            doses of 25,000 to 50,000 millirems do not cause observable health problems.

the fuel in nuclear power plants. .

                                                                                                                              ;      " *"*, they can cause temporary            I People must take care to avoid too much                                             o changes .m the blood cells. In addition, exposure to most km. ds of radiation. Ra-                                       s       -                                 ,    they can possibly increase the chance of dar operators, for example, must take                                         -
                                                                                        \   :

health problems later m life. To be extra special precautions and microwave oven f s i evacuation would I owners should make sure that their be ordered if exposure to much lower ovens don't leak. Q. What kind of protection does a levels - a maximum of 1,000 millirems l One class of radiation can cause changes nuclear power plant offer? for sheltering and 5,000 millirems for l in the atoms that make up the human A. A nuclear power plant has a series of evacuation - were possible. This would body. This class includes ultraviolet barriers to keep radiation inside the protect you and your family from harm-rays, X-rays, and radiation from radio- plant. ful levels of radiation. He sure to follow active matter. As with other types of .. the instructions in this calendar and The nuclear fuel is m pellet form. The on the Emergency Radio Broadcast Sys-radiation, care must he taken to prutect pellets are put into long metal tubes. tem stations. people. People should limit their sun- The metal tubes are bundled together. bathing, the number of X-rays they re. , ceive, and their contact with highly ra- These bundles are placed in water inside Sources of Radiation the reactor vessel, which is steel eight dioactive matter. 0.159 Releases from the nuclear inches thick and is lined with stainless steel. industry

    '^ "     "       d      , ,r-                                                                                                      0A5G Occupational exposure g { .:;. g,,y 3,                                  -

The reactor vessel . .is mside the contam- 0.59 Miscellaw.ous sources g f ,, g..y F ment building. Seabrook s contamment 0.69 Fallout from weapons tests tf gi - y., huilding is called a double contamment. 30.79 Medical X-rays  ! 7 5-. This is because it has two steel-and- and treatments t gg.- ay t cimcrete domes with a five-foot airspace 67.61 Natural background f, Mb , 4 ,, m between. The first dome is of steel and radiation 4 ,

    ,             ' i4   b s          -       (                                cimcrete four and one-half feet thick.

_ , g

                    '.o s
                                        - 7        9/

The outer dome is 15 inches thick. In ad-dition, there is a steel containment liner

      ,. .y.9/,                 9i                                                                                                        g 3-%            i            ;                    j g           three-eighths of an inch thick.

l% _.

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i is r> E 'N Q. Where does radiation come from? \ , { Sources and Amounts of Natural Back-A. 51ost radiation comes from natural ,,,,,{. s

                                                                                                                             ,ll      ground Radiation sources. This is called background radi.             r i priset not                    s                   i 1 (measured in mdlirems per year >

mm.,.m; i ation. Rocks, water, the sun, and objects s

                                                                                                                ,cr==ad5 = i '

4 in space give oft radiation. The ground  ;  ! Cosmic rays 28 we walk on, the buildings we live in, and ----! [M4 ~ . Ainfood-water 24 nearly everything we touch contains i .;g; D " 1. lt some radioactive matter. The food we eat


w.i,, f ' '- 3N '  :. y ll The earth 26 and the air we breathe give oft radiation. - n- - Building materials: Esen our bodies are mildly radioactive. - - - - --

                                                                                                                    ~ ~

Living in a brick house . 7 Some radiatien also comes from man- Living in a stone house


7 made sources. Stan-made radiation Sources and Amounts of Man-made Radi-comes from things like medical, mdus- There is a diagram on this page which ation (measured in millirems) trial, and dental X-rays. It also comes shows the barriers against release of from items such as smoke detectors and radiation. Dental X-rays: the numtles in camping lanterns. 1 Bitewing* 130-170 People receive radiation during airplane Q. Can a nuclear power plant explode Coast-to-coast airline flight 1 flights and from wood stoves. And some like an atom bomb? 1 per year Color television radiation comes from nuclear and even A. Absolutely not. A nuclear explosion is coal-fired power plants that generate impossible in a commenial nuclear Living next to an operating electricity. In fact, studies have shown power plant. A power plant doesn't con- nuclear plant less than 1 per year that more radioactive matter is released tain the type or amount of fuel which is Levels of Radiation and Emergenc Plan-into the air from an operating coal-fired "eeded k" bo b' ning (measund in mdhums - exposun a# at plant than from a nuclear plant of the once) l 8 ** SI2*- Q. What if there were a major accident at Seabrook Station? Protective actions l The amount of radiation that a person j gets is measured in " millirems " See the A. In the unlikely event that all the safe-I chart on this page. This chart shows the guards failed, radiation could be re. Per:on could have temporary average amount of some types of radi- leased. That is why the emergency plan health efTects 25,000-50,000 ation received by the general public in described in this calendar would be put . one year. You can see from the chart

  • Surface dose to skin ofp.w area. Bone mar-nto action to protect you.

that a nuclear power plant adds very lit- row dose would be 1-5 millirems to thejaw tle to how much radiation we receive. area. .! 6

  • b 1

a b e a Z ^l E E j e s E x 8 8 E E

  • 1a e w

f a 2

2. -

A s 3 2 g - .4 c . 1 o 2 1 [ E 3 6 E =f C d = 3 3 $ I) 4 k 4 i i 4 1 m

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         . February                               August SMTWTFS                                 SMTWTFS                     SMTWTFS                             SMTWTFS                               SMTWTFS                        SM T W T F S I                             I 2          1 23 4 567                                                        I            I 23 4 56                      I 23 4 56 3 4 56 7 8 9                M 9 to 11121314                        23 4 5 6 7M                           7M 9 to 111213              78 914111213 2 34 56 7M                                                                                                                                   14151617 IM 19 20             14151617 IM 19 20 9 to II 12131415                      to il 1213141516            151617 IM 19 20 21                       9 10 Il 12 13 14 15 22 23 24 25 26 27 28                 1617 In 19 20 2122                    21 22 23 24 25 26 27          21 22 23 24 25 26 27 16 17 18 13 20 21 22                   17 18 19 20 21 22 23 23 24 25 26 27 28 29                  2M 29                         2M 29 30 31 23 24 25 26 27 2M                       24 25 26 27 2M 29 30 31                                                               30 31 March                               Septemter                             March                         September March                                  September SMTWTFS                      SMTWTFS                            SMTWTFS                               SMTWTFS                        SMTWTFS SMTWTFS                                                                                                                                                1 234 5                                   1 23 1                  1 23 4 56                 1 23 4 56 7                                 1 2 3 4 5 6 78 9 to 11 12                        6 7M 9 to 1112              4 5 6 78 9 to 234 56 7 8                              78 910 Il 1213                8 9 to 11121314 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 9101112131415                         14151617 IM 19 20            15 16 17 18 19 20 21                13 14 IS 16 17 14 19                  1314151617 IM 19                                                    'I 22 23 24 25 26 27 23                20 21 22 23 24 25 26                  20 21 22 23 24 25 26           18 19 20 21 22 23 24 l            16 17 Is 19 20 21 22                   21 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 30 31                            27 2M 29 30                           27 2M 29 30 3I                25 26 27 2M 29 30 l            23 24 25 26 27 28 29                   28 29 30 30 31 Apnl                                    October                     April                               October                               Apnl                          October SMTWTFS                                 SMTWTFS                      SMTWTFS                             SMTWTFS                               SMTWTFS                       SMTWTFS l

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m ___ mm __ _. _.A1

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l About Safety at Seabrook Station L I Seabrook Station will use nuclear fuel in-stead of coal, oil, or gas to make electricity.


Across the country, nuclear power plants g, - have been run safely. There are more than ,, ,, 95 nuclear plants now running in the , United States. In New England, the seven ,f operating nuclear power plants have a com- ', j'~ , ~ [ bined history of 100 years of safe running. . U Nd1Ib Radiation releases from nuclear plants are .$ -- - 4_b. ydi~ constantly measured. These measurements -

                                                                                                                                                   .w .                           #

have always shown radiation exposure lev- " - d ~ 6 -Q' els near all plants to be well within safe l limits. This was true even during the acci-dent at Three Mile Island. iSee page 6 for information on radiation, including barriers ,, , to the release of radiation.) '4'47 . But we want to be extra careful. This calen- 3 dar tells you what to do if there were some ,,., , i problem that required action. I' lease read pr 0 ' ,a a ' , ."i . i this information so you will be prepared for ' ' ~ -


M 7 " y r. ' any event. ,, .3. , dpf fg*D ' New flampshire Yankee, the company that runs Seabrook Station, has an information

                                                                                                        - i 7 4 , //.?" #, [ h$                                        '                                                                                '
;    hotline. You can call this number at any                                                           :


                                                                                                                   '[ ['

time of the day or night to learn about what i , j ^g[';3 is happening at the plant. This phone num- . ' 'k ' ,j[ 4'Nk

                                                                                                                                                                                            '                                                                           h ber is 11603 433-0440. In an emergency, you                                                               E 'A                       8 '-                      # - ~           

could also call a special rumor control num-ber. This number is 1t8001348-1616. l I W _

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_ - -mmenso - - I 1 An Emergenc3 1%n About Saf ety at llackground I inear N 'la mp-hire Re-ident or \.rit or Seabrook Station I n format ion 'S An emerc no plan has t=vn w r it t en t"' 5e.abrook 5t at n er, w ill uw n m lear f uel m Wheneser omethmg out of the ordman s our < ti s ir tow n ih r pl .n w ould be happen, at a nm lear power plant. the

                                                                                                                           ,t. .n1 of , oa l     o.      r ga- to make ric u-ed to protect s ou m t he unlike Is rsrnt                             t r a it s b ro-- t oe i ount rs nuclear power                             esent s put into one of four (lasses You
                        >7 or .m ai t nient at Seabi onk 5 tat ion Na                              plant- hase teen run atch There are                                         mas hear thew terms bri= >k <t it .on s a new nm lear ;= w er                               more t han W. nui plant s now runm ng                                 i nusual eg ent. A minor event ha taken pla nt m N abr,=,k New H a m p-h i r'                                   m t he I mted state- In New F.n g la nd place No releaw of radioactne matter the wsen operating nm lear power plant'                                               W FM. I                      dIml Thr plan inuld al,o tw uwd m ot her ha s e a mmbmed hnt or s of 100 s r. irs of                                                           Md You would not emerceniirs -ui h a- tbt- fire- hurri                                   '"I"'"

M iane- ' o r n ido- or tom i henm al 9dh to do ansthmg Similar pm- hase t= en uwd bs ot her ludiat nin relea e f rom nuc lear plant s Alert. The is also a minor esent 5 mall t itie- a nd tow n, dur mg emercen. ic- -m h are constantis mea ured .rhew mea- amounts of radioactive matter could he a-thew urement3 ha s e alw a n -how n radiat ion releawd mside the pla it ()frinals would Thi, en,ergeno pian w a- w rit <rn t s "*P"sure h .el near all plant- to te well te asked to stand hs it s not hkels that with n afe imut- w a- t rue es en rna n s propir w or k mc , meet tn r p" s"" sou would hase to do anythme H a m p-h i re s 'n d l &tenw \c 4- ekn! dorme the an ident at Three %le I-lan i Site area emergency. Thu n a more

  • it h ot he r -tat e agensies p i po i n . But we w ant to le extra rareful IL- wrious esem Itidioact ne matter muld
                                                     .th ers md ot her ios a i . ,g " "      ' ~                           m. r t. II- sou w hat to do it there werr                                    te releawd right arouad the plant ( Nh-wor ked on t he plan                                                   wme pr obirm t hat r equired at t ion l%aw                                  nai, would te reads to help mu it mu re .d t he fb r - sou a dl be prepared for                                                                 .

g Th e fh er e s plu n- how t he pL n w or k - 1, an s . s en' he ounded Turn on mur radio to learn tell- s ou w %t to d. .in ernercen s

                                                    }%a,c ta ke t he r i m. io read it        r* talk                       New H a m p-h i re i a n k e.            the i om pa n s                    w hat to do Kt F.P T His Fl T F R IN \ % \F F \\l8                                 t h',t run Sabrook st a n.r.        e         ha- in mtm                    General emergenn. Thi- k md of esent m.u n .n b. ,t h ne i ou i an call t br numter H A N I Pt Pl. At F                                                                                                                                    < la --d a- a.. i~ t c riou- Itid ioa( t n e if sou ha s e an s que-t ion- ple w iallthe                             't     "5 t'""     "fthe da s or mcht to !rar"                              matter i ould go ouuide the plant -ite
f. llow ng numter We w ill t= happs t"
  • hat r hamerung at die pLnt Rr T he aren- would te -ounded Turn on help m u phone n u m b. r r 14* 4 4iid'88" In a" Mo to learn w hat to do lie pre rmercem s s ou c ou hl .iM i ill n -la, u l ared to ta ke -helter or es acuate New Hampsture (.iul ikfen-e r umor ..nt rol nurnb. r Thr numter i-Agenr% - If MOlbC3M j y,,  ;;, ; ,, j ,, .

l Sinwre l s 5 . >u r-i



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Ilow You Would He flow to Take Shelter flow to Evacuate Evacuation Plans for U UU If there were an en.s<..ey at Seabrook You could be told to evacuate. This means Special Groups Statim, you .uid be tow i ,ake shel- to ieave the area. You shouid roilow the Emergency ' ter."This means to go indoors and close instructions given on the Emergency Schoolchildren would be evacuated di. Radio Broadcast System station. rectly to the reception center for the town If there were an, a siren would off sources of outside air. You would only in u hich the school is Iwated. Pick them make a steady three-to five minute sig. have to stay inside for a few hours. If you W at to Take with You up there. You are asked not to pick them nal If you hear this signal: are told to take shelter, this is ahat you D n t try to take all ofyour belongings up at school. should do: with vou. I Go sadooes. Turn your rodse to an Handicapped persons would receive e Emergency Rods Broadcast System

  • Co inside your house or some nearby Take what you will need to be away for tra help. Please request help now from ,

building. a few hours to a few days. (For example: samtson. You will be told what to do. the state Civil Defense Agency. ,

  • Keep the radio tuned to an Emergency extra clothing; medical supplies; and
2. use te one a Radio Broadcast System station. cash, credit cards, or checkbookJ People without cars would receive a Contat Civil Defense now for de-bm How so Travel
      <9en for official bus. ness               C                                         -    se only one car for other vehicle) per 8'

Schools, large businesses, hospitals and Turn off any heating or coolmg system b""I 'Y#l}*" A"*"om,please cAcc4 to Emergency phone numbers { nursing homes have been given tone alert that brings in outside air,iUse such heating systems only to protect hfe or sen/an.wie else needs a ride- During an emergency, if you need special radim In an emergency, these radios Keep the car radio tuned to an Emer- help call your Emergency Operations ) would be automatica!!y tuned to an healthJ rency Radio Broadcast System station. I Turn off kitchen and bath exhaust fans Center. Es.r..e, Radio Broadcast System sta- Drive out of the area along one of the l tion. and attic fans. r utes shown in this flyer. Brentwood 00N)000 '

                                              -Ih not use fireplaces or wood stoves. let    Other routes may be given on the radio       East Kingston                   00 N)o00 the fire burn down. Close the dampers.                                                   Eseter                          00N)000 b***""e f conditi ns at the time. Follow The Emergencv                 1 Hadio       Turn oftyour ciothes dr3er.
                                              -Stav indoors until you are told it is safe the En.crgency Radio Broadcast System        Greenland                       000-0000 station mstructions.                         llampton                        000-0000 Hro3dcaS( S(atIonS                            to go out.                                                                               llampton Falls                  000-0000 Where to Go                                    Kensington                      000 0000 The chief Esmergency Radio Broad.                                                       . Ifyou are visiting or working in the         Kingston                        000-0000 cast System t ERBS station in New                                                         area, return home.                           New Castle                      000-0000 Hasapshire is WOKQ,97.5 FM. Other                                                         If you need help. go to the reception cen-   Newfields                       000 0000 ERBS stations include-                                                                    ter for your city or town. tSee inside       Newton                          000-0000 flycra There you would also meet family      North flampton                  000 00()0 l AM Radio                    FM Radio                                                       members who had evacuated separately.        Portsmouth                      000-0000 You could stay with family or friends.       Rye                             000-0000 CHEB 753                   WERZ 107                                                                                                                                    000-0000 Or you could be referred to a shelter.       Seabrook CMYF 1540                  WilEB 100.3                                                                                                 South flampton                  000-0000 Stratham                        0004)o00 For more inforniation, call the New Hannpshire Civil Defense Agency at f(M00*52-3792.

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t n plan Wurgence I.a securite a la Station Informations t 'her habita,I ou s i-iteu r du % w llamp Seal rook supplementaires

                                                                        -hirr 1a stat ion vibnw.k ut ib wra un < om                        ('haque bu- que quelque c:.u.w hors de I n plan d ur s ni a rte redice pour un rr                 bu-tible n u, l .u re a u I ru dr < ha rbon          r-      I ordmmre a two dan une c entrale nucle 1

s illr i e plan wr s ir.ut a s ou, proteer'

  • ni e ou ca/ pour produire de ir!cetrinte u re l i s enenwnt e-t defini pa r i un. de ce-dan.- le < e irnprobable ou un ao ute nt "3 quat re < ia se- Vou- entendre / peut +t re 16a n.- t out le pa s - de- c ent r ain nu ie urn rait heu a la Station vabn..k Ia st at i. .n fonct wnn. nt en t oute -ci ur ite 11 a plu- en ternm-a .. .
                                               ,                       5cabn..k nt un. nous elle t ent ral, n o Ic                de % . nt ral. - nui lem re- en (oun de f..m                 Esenemen* inhabituel. t n evenement aire a vahn=>k d..n- le bw f la m p-h ire                  t ninnenwnt .ius Etat, l 'ni- aucunt hui nurmur a eu Imu ( 6n ne - attend a avune t 'e plan pourrait egalement et re ut a h-e                N "n additionne In annen d esploitation                                     de mat a . e radiort n e Ir-pendant d aut rn -it uat ion- d arcen. ,                   dr wpt . ent rain nui le.u re- de Nouu &                     aut orite- federain relin de I etat et les comnw dn mondat ion- miendw- our,                           \ nclo wrre on obt w nt t uli an- de f on'                  autorite- 1.* ale ,e rawnt pres enue- V uu.-

t ion nen mn t -an , da nc r gan, torn.wic- ou lor- d u n dn e r w me n t n ase/ rwn a t. ore acodentrl de primiust i hmnque- touqur- l, - des cr- nt ue , en t r.iin n m Ir Alerte. t .en e-t egalement un esenement Dn plan- du meme genre ont ete nu- en m , , I,g ,, gm ,on t i ..n-f a m n w n t me- u re. m meur Ik petitn quantite- de matwre prat ique dan- d aut re- s ille- lor- ir -i u i f i ,.- rai, ul, ont f ou n.u r- dernont n que k radioat t ne ont pu w degacer a i interwur t mn- d ureent e i nmparabir- a cell" ' ' m u a u d esIin-it nin a u s r adiat ion- au s de la t entrale 4 6n demandera au s .\uto i 'c plan d ureeni r a ete redice par or nom alentour- de toute- In s ent r 4 - rnte dan' de % r 4 ..Wiln Vou- n'aurei hreuw- pe r~ .n ne- t r e a d i a n t e n w m bi. le- hnute-tout a Lot o i cpt.ibin de weu

l. an- doute rwn a f aire Bureau de I kten* 4 a de du %w H ar.p nw ( cla etad 1 rai nn nm los de .u ndent Situation d'urgence dans la mne de la
                                                                        -hire , c oll.dere au, d aut re- Bureaus dr                . Thnv V.m I lamt rentrale. t 'et t e-t un menenmnt plus +

l Etat l k- othcwr- de u hi, dn po m p,. r -  %, n. .u - u .u h .n - ta i re cni orr plu- it ten

                                                                                                  ,    .                                                                                       rwus i k la mat wr e radioa( t n e a pu + de et a au* rn a ut or i t e-   = a w- on t som t r
  • tmn i . J. pii.i n t u u- a t i . qu il f aut f mre gager au s alentour- imnwdiat- de la re n s a u!r a i r pLin m < a- ..u a s me un me - d tall.n r trale Ir- \utorite- wront la pour vou-t 'e dephant u.u esphque comment le plan 44" \ "" lle' dom h n h deph int pour
                                                                                                                                                                                               .u der -i s ou- n e/ tv-. u n de f aire quoi que fonct ion ne li wu- des nt < . qu d t.t ut t.o r.~        "t re pr pare a toute esent uaht"                                                m-      nwit ront en mart he pendant une .t uat ion d urgen. . \ rudle                  % l i m p-hire 't a n k er la i ompaenn qui                  b outer sotre r adm pour ,auur ce qu il prendre le temps de le L re w ucm uwrne ni                 erq. i ., stat n.n wbrm k aam h e n,                         fautf.urr h ur - wtm < r .wa m n . to n s t                m'       e icpt .mq ue d u re, n, e pi u i t o u t ren               Situation d'urgence generale. 4 'e genre et u      .!+.r                                            -eigne m ent \ ou- pou v/ appHer ce n "                      de enenmnt . - : !a-v i omme le plu-Ni u u- n el de- que-i n n- wuilier nou-                   mero a n mp. rte quch, heu n d u jou r ""                    pe i k ia mat wre radioart n e a pu w a ppe le r bu- wron- ja pour s ou .ud .r                   1. L n m t [..u r -a u u r , e q u i w pa-w a L             deg iver a I n tern ur de I emplacement de entrale i e nunwro de wiephone .-t a c ent r.dr le- sirenn w nmit runt en flureau de Defen=c Chile du New                            I% 4 ii o4 to En i a- d urgen . mu' n.a n he b out.f s ot re r. dio p ur -a mir (e H am pshire I WW.W-RW                                    pouse, a u -i appeler un n u me r o -tri u l v f ta u t '.o r-- Prepa n i s ou- a mu met r h m . na t .o n <le- r u me u r . I . n u n :e r , . '

trr i ! abr ; su a esm uer

i. ma!.m.rt i so 1N"' il' "Ih e, h Ru bard H sin.nm i h res trur de. t hetenw I is !!c du %w fla m ps h 4 rr

C mment savoir qu'il y Comment se mettre h Conunent evacuer 1*lans d'6vacuation e urgence l'abri 11 se peut qu,on vous dine d'svacuer. Cela gu>ur des groupes S'il y avait une situation d'urgence A la wut <hm quq la Qn. Vus devez sjWW.Y E PMWM S'il y (vrit une situation d'urgence, une si- alors suine les inst udsons donnees par la rtne emettrnit un signal continu pendant Station Seabrook, on pourrait vous dire de stati n du Synttme de Radio-<hfTusion les scoliers seront evacues directement trois & cinq minutes. Si vous entendez ce vous "mettre A l'abri". Cela veut dire ren- d'Urgence. vers le centre d accueil de la ville on i ecole signal: trer A l'interieur des maisons et boucher

  • tu ez es c essayez Qu'emporter avec vous .,
1. Rentra d Tinterieur. Mettez-tous d teto es s urem { air venant de N'essayez pas d emporter toutes vos af-I esteiieur. Vous n auriez & rester A ,

recoute de la station qui delTuse les pro-Iintsrieur que pendant quelques heures. faires avec vous. tes personnes handicapees bene,- grammes d'urgence d la radm. On vous on v us dit de vous mettre a i,abri,

  • Emportez ce dont vous aurez besoin pour ficieront d une aide speciale. Veudlez de-dir; ce qu'il faut faire. .

voici ce que vous devez faire: un sejour allant de quelques heures a mander cette aide des maintenant aupres

2. N'utihsez pas votre telephone, sauf en quelques jus. War exemple: des vs- du Bureau de Defense Civile de votre stat.
  • Rentrez dans votre maison ou dans un tements de rechange, du mattriel medi-cas d urgence personnelle. Laissez les immeuble proche. les personnes sans voiture bend-lignes libres pour les communications of- cal, et de I argent liquide, des cartes de ficieront d'un moyen de transp>rt. De-
  • Branchez votre radio sur une station du credit ou un chsquier).

I'#i' Systeme de Radio-ddTusion d'Urgence. mandez les details dis maintenant au Bu-

Des radios a tonalit6 d'alerte ont ett dis- Gardez vos animaux domestiques & Comment voyager reau de Dsfense Civile.

tribuees tux ecoles, aux entreprises im- l' int 6rieur.

  • N'utilisez qu'une seule voiture (ou autre Num6ros de telephone d'urgence portantes, e ux hopitaux et aux maisons . Permez toutes les portes et fene,tres. v6hicula par famille. Ss tous atez de la de retraite. En cas de situation d'urgence, Coupez tout syst6me de chauffage ou place, emmenez quelqu'un que n'.a pas de Pendant une situation Jurgence, si vous ces radios seraient automatiquement d' air conditionn6 qui fait rentrer l' air du moyen de trunsport.- avez besoin d'une aide speciale, appellez brrnchses rur la statien du Systeme de dehors. (Vous ne devez utiliser des sys- . Avec la radio dans votre voiture, restez A notre Centre d' Action d'Urgence.

Radio-diffusion d'Urgence. 14mes de chaufrage de ce genre que pour l'ecoute d'une staticn du SystAme de 000-000u Brentwood sauvegarder votre vie ou votre sants). Radio-diffusion d'Urgence. . . East Kingston 000-0000

  • Arretez la hotte d' aspiration dans votre . Prenez un des atmeraires mdiques sur ce Exeter 000-0000 Les stations de rad,o- i cuisme ou le syst+=e de ventil^tian dan = deFli ant . . creeniand 000 000o votre salle de bains et votre grenier.
  • D'autres stinsraires seront peut-Etre inds.-

diffus. ion d,urgenec . N'allumez pas de feu dans la chemin 6e et ques & la radio suivant les circonstances N** y,n, ",$ go n'utihsez pas de fourneau a bois. Laissez du moment. Suivez les instructions de la La station principale du Syst me de le feu s*dteindre de lui-msme. Fermez les station du Syst6me de Radio-diffusion Kingston 000-0000 Radio-diff;sion d'Urgence (SHU) dans conduits de chemin 6e. d'Urgence. le New llampshire est WOKQ,97.5 FM. . ArrGtez votre machine & secher le linge. On aller wr 000 0000 ' Les tutres stations du SRU comprennent: . Restez A l'intsrieurjusqu'a ce qu r.n vous Si vous stiez en visite ou que vous tra- Newton 000-0000 dise que sortir est sans danger. vaillez seulement dans la r6gion, rentrez North llampton 000-0000 chez vous. Portsmouth 000-0000 Si v us avez besoin d' aide, allez au centre Rye 000-0000 WilEll 750 WERZ 107 Seabrook 000-0000 d'accueil de votre ville. (Voir au verso du WMYF 1540 WilEB 100'3 depliant). C'est IA que vous pourriez re- South flampton 000-0000 trouver des membres de votre fsmille qui Stratham 000-0000 auraient etd svacu6s separement.

  • Vous pouvez demeurer chez vos parents Pour avoir plus de renseignements, ap ou amis; ou bien vous pouvez etre em- pelez le Bureau de Ddfense Civile du mend dans un abri. New Ilampshire au 1(800)852-3792-


                                                                                                            ..i..     .si Emergency Information                                 Information sur les                                                                  l situations d'urgence                                                                  ;

If you hear a steady siren -3 to 5 minutes Si vous entendez un son de sir 6ne continu - -please tune to one of these stations at once pendant 3 h 5 minutes - veuillez vous met-for emergency instructions. l tre immsdiatement A l'ecoute d'une de ces stations de radio pour stre au courant des Chief station: WOKQ 97.5 FM instructions pour les situations d'urgence. Other stations: Station principale: WOKQ 97.5 FM l AM Radio FM Radio Autres Stations: } WilEB 750 WERZ 107 Radio AM Radio FM i WMYF 1540 WiiEB 100.3 WiiEB 750 WERZ 107 WMYF 1540 WIIEB 100.3 New Ilampshire Civil Defense Agency Bureau de Dsfense Civile du New Ilampshire r)

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  • M M M T D$$0N{T mmEZT ~
                       -a ,                   g Emergency Information Gp"@9.E'g i,g
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y =B.a.a E t =r - E  ! g @~ $ If you hear a steady siren - 3 to 5 minutes E' S- $' -please tune to one of these stations at once E $ j' for emergency instructions. E. Chief station: WOKQ 97.5 FM e y Other stations: S AM Radio FM Radio f k S. WifEB 750 WERZ 107

                                      $.                       WMYF 1540                     WilEB 100.3 q      Er 8         - - E E E E m:        =

c e o o o o .2e 5


a E e :i. l y@hhh$ , New flampshire Civil Defense Agency

  • i
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4 l E o E o 0- J L g

l l l i 1 No postage necessary if 1

 '                                              mailed in the United States BUSINESS REPLY CARD First Class Permit No.          Town i

Postage will be paid by addressee J

 !       New Ilampshire Civil Defense Agency
 !       State Office Park South 107 Pleasant Street I       Concord, NII 03301 l

i l l l i I.


Emergency  ; Information l If you hear a s,:eady siren - 31:o 5 i minutes - tune to one of these radio s';a1; ions for ins 1;ruc1:1ons.  ; Chief station : WOKQ 97.5 FM AM Radio FM Radio WHEB 750 WERZ 107 l WMYF 1540 WHEB 100.3  ; i New Hampshire Civil Defense Agency \ ff. Ae~

i I Emergency  ; 1 Information l 4 l l If you hear a steady siren-3 to 5 minutes - tune to one of chese radio stations for instructions. Chief station : WOKQ 97.5 FM l

AM Radio FM Radio WHEB 750 WERZ 107 WMYF 1540 WHEB 100.3

! New Hampshire Civil De: Pense Agency I

j . ( ~ (; Information sur l les situations d'urgence Si vous entendez un son de sirsne continu

- pendant 3 n 5 minutes - scoutez une de ces stations de radio pour sure au courant des instructions.

Station principale: WOKQ 97.5 FM Radio AM Radio FM WHEB 750 WERZ 107 WMYF 1540 WHEB 100.3 Bureau de Defense Civile du New Hampshire A :F


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8. Glossary of Terms I- 3 C. Aubreviations and Acronyms I- 8 D. Authorities I- 9

E. References I - 10 F. Situation I - 11

             ~G. Organization                                   I - 16 H. Emergency Classification Levels                I - 27 I. Emergency Planning Zones                       I - 29 II. DESCRIPTIONS OF EERGENCY RESPONSE FUNCTIONS A. Pupose                                        II - 1
8. Notification II - ?

C. Emergency Communications II - 8 D. Public Education and Information II - 13 E. Emergency Facilities and Equipment II - 15 F. Accident Assessment II - 23 G. Protective Response II H. Radiological Exposure Control II - 36 I. Public Health II - 40 J. Recovery and Re-entry II - 41 K. Exercises and Drills II - 43 L. Training II - 46 0 O~ TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) Page III. ET RGENCY PREPAREDNESS RESPONSIBILITIES A. Purpose III - 1 B. Selectmen III - 2 C. Town Manager III - 3-D. Civil Defense Director III - 5

<                                                E. Fire Chief                                                                                                    III - 9 i                                                F. Public Works Director                                                                                          III - 12 G.        RADEF Officer                                                                                          III - -15 H.        Police Chief                                                                                           III - 16 I.        Police Dispatcher                                                                                      III - 18 J.        Health Officer                                                                                         III - 19 L.        School Superintendent (SAU #21)                                                                        III - 20 LO                                 IV. CTCKLISTS OF E TRGENCY PROCEDURES A.        Purpose                                                                                                   IV - 1
8. Selectmen IV - 2 C. Town Manager IV - 7
0. Civil De'fense Director IV - 11 E. Fire Chief IV - 16 j i F. Public Works Director IV - 28 h G. RADEF Officer IV - 35 H. Police Chief IV - 41 I. Police Dispatcher IV - 46 i J. Health Officer IV - 51' K. School Superintendent (SAU #21) IV - 53 i

I o

      - _ ,   , . _ . . . . . . _ , .       . . _ . _ _ . _ _ _ _ . _ , _ , _ _ , _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ - - . _ . _ - - - . . _ , - - _ - . . . _ . . _ ~ - . . . . , _

TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) l APPENDICES A. Emergency Call List B. Index of Agreements in Support of Hampton C. Hampton Emergency Resources and Equipment D. Cross Reference to NUREG-0654 Criteria E. Evacuation Time, Study (Bound Separately) F. Hampton's Special Facilities' Emergency Response Plans (Bound Separately) G.. Protective Actions for Seasonal Beach Populations LO 6


s TABLE OF' CONTENTS.(continued) (] Page. LIST OF FIGURES 1.LSeabrook Station Location I - 12

2. 1985 Population Distribution I - 15
3. Hampton Emergency Response Organization I - 17
4. New Hangshire Emergency Response Organization I - 20
5. Emergency Notification Procedure II - 3
6. Notification Fan-Out Scheme II - 5
7. Internal Communications Scheme II - 10
8. External Communications Scheme II - 11
9. Hampton EOC Floor Plan . II - 19
10. Relationships Among Emergency Response Facilities II - 21 0 11 Tratatao " atrix ror "amptoa
12. Sample Special Notification List 11-47 III - 11 13.. Sample Special Transportation List III - 14 LIST OF TABLES
1. Populations of Municipalities I - 14
2. Responsibility Matrix I - 18
3. Emergency Classification Levels: Actions in Hampton I - 28
4. Protective Action Guides II - 37
5. Radiological Equipment in the Hampton EOC II'- 38
6. . Scheduled Exercises / Drills / Actions II - 45 8


 /~T RECORD OF CHANGES This plan is reviewed periodically by local and State officials to ensure its adequacy and timeliness. It is the responsibility of the Town's Civil Defense Director to revise the plan, as necessary, on an annual basis.

The plan has been updated and revised as of the date shown on the Record of Change Sheet. All pages on which revisions have been made appear with the revision reference in the lower right corner. Change No. Date of Change Date Entered Person Entering Change O-i i !O b , -V-L

                              . ....                                                .          - - _ _ = _ - _ - . .                             .    . . . .


O DISTRIBUTION LIST I All Persons Listed in Appendix A of this Plan l

.l And Others as Listed Below: i - Number of Copies Civil Defense Director . 2 , Town Manager 1 Office, Board of Selectmen 1 Police Chief 1 i Fire Chief 5 Public Works Director 1

RADEF Officer 2 O

seaitn officer 1 Public Library 2 School Board Office 1 School Superintendent SAU-21 1' School Principals (4) 4 2 Dispatch Center 1 r 4 4 e i O -vi-

   - - - ~ , - -.- - .--- - -        ,,--,-n.,w,-- ..., ,,--~,.-.,n.,.     . - . - . ,-c.,e,..,v,.,,- _,- -,--,--,-,---e                 - - - - - -



This Plan describes the preparation and emergency response required by the Town of Hampton to react to a potential radiological emergency at Seabrook Station Nuclear Power Plant. Section I provides general background information pertinent to Hampton, its relationship to the Seabrock Emergency Planning Zone, and its Emergency Response Organization. Section II gives a narrative description of the various functions associated with a planned emergency response. It provides an overview of

     .Hampton's responsibilities and interaction with the New Hampshire Civil Defense Agency and other supporting external agencies.

Section III lists emergency preparedness responsibilities for Hampton's key response personnel to be fulfilled prior to any emergency at Seabrook

    ' Station.

Section IV lists procedures for Hampton's key response personnel to implement uoan the declaration of an Emergency Classification Level at Seabrook Station. 1

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l 4 i i e I I l Bf i I. GENERAL I 1 P 1 i9 l l I i 1 1 I t I a 1

A. PURPOSE OF T}E HAMPTON RADIOLOGICAL EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN (RERP) This Radiological Emergency. Response Plan (REPP) has been developed for the Town of.Hampton in accordance with the planning guidance cutlined in NUREG-0654 FEMA-REP-1. The purpose of the RERP provide the Town with the capability for a rapid and coordinated response to any possible emergency at the Seabrook Station Nuclear Power Plant. Such an emergency response capability is considered ensure the protection of the citizens of the Town in the event of a potential or actual radiological release from the nuclear power plant. Federal, State,1ccal, and private agencies, including New Harnpshire Yankee ccmprise the overall Emergency Response Organizations for Seabrook Station. The REPP identifies the agencies and persennel that will respond to an incident with potential effects en offsite locations in New Hangshire (i.e., at locations beyond the nuclear power plant site boundaries). The RERP provides for a coordinated response by outlining the Emergency Response Organization structure and responsibilities of each agency in the Emergency Response Organization. Likewise the CERP outlines the support and cooperation required from the State of New Hampshire in the event of a nuclear emergency. The RERP provides descriptions of: o Classification of nuclear emergencies using the Emergency Classification Levels outlined in Appendix 1 to NUREG-0654 FEMA-REP-1 Rev. 1. o Methods utilized to notify the Town of Hampton agencies, local-officials, private organizations and the puolic in the event of a nuclear emergency. o Emergency ccmunications systems to be employed during a nuclear emergency. O 1236/0238s . I-l 11/85

             . . .                                     =                              - . - _ .      -              . - .         . . . - _ -

. O o e' etic taror=atto" ce crietas emerceacy re coas ataas aae'arovietao-emergency response instructions for the public to follow during a nuclear emergency. 1 o Emergency facilities and equipmen; available for use by the Emergency Response 0rganization during a nuclear emergency.


Means to be employed to assess the offsite consequences of an ensite ~ o accident. o Protective Actions to be implemented by the Emergency Response Organization in the event of an emergency. o Means for controlling radiolcgical exposure of emergency workers j involved in protective response activities, o Medical and public health services available to persons injured or radiologically centaminated during a nuclear emergency.


o Plans for safe re-entry and recovery of an~EPZ at the ccnclusion of an emergency. o Exercises and drills to be conducted to evaluate major portions of the offsite emergency response capability. 1 o The radiological emergency response training to be provided to the various agencies within the Emergency Response Organization. o Responsibilities for development, review, updating, and distributing 4 the Hampton RERP. 4 O i 1236/0238s -

                                                                                  'I-2                                                11/85 y   _,,y_ _ __._., ,__,, ,,_._          , _ , ____ , _ , _ _ ,
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r U) 8. GLOSSARY OF TERMS Purcose . The purpose of this section is to provide a common reference for terms and phrases used in this RERP. Glossary Access Control The prevention of unauthorized people from entering a specific area. Road barriers and traffic control will be used to affect access control. The controlled area may include all or part of the 10-mile EPZ or may be adjusted in order to bound an Exclusion Area established by NHCPHS to control and monitor areas which may have become radiologically contaminated. r' t Agricultural Any building or tract of land used to grow crops or raise Facility livestock for production of food including food storage and food processing operations. ALERT An ALERT is the second lowest level of emergency classi-fication. Declaration of an ALERT indicates events in progress which involve an actual or potential, substantial degradation of the level of safety at the nuclear power plant. Any radioactive releases associated with this level are expected to be limited to small fractions of the EPA Protective Action Guideline exposure levels. Emergency Broadcast Network of radio stations which provides direct link System (EBS) between responsible public officials and the public. EBS stations broadcast instructions about what steps the public should take. .O c=erseacy Tne tevet et waten am iociceat at aoc1 ear power at ot Classification has been classified by the plant operator. Each level Level triggers a set of predetermined actions by the offsite Emergency Response Organization. 1236/0238s I-3 11/85

Emergency Operations Locations designated by the State and local Emergency Centers (EOC) Response Organizations as assemoly areas for their

                            + respective staffs. These facilities are the central command and control points for their respective Emergency                       i Response Organizations.

Emergency Operations A center established to coordinate the flow of technical-Facility (EOF) information from the onsite to the offsite Emergency Response Organization. . It is in the ECF that accident assessment activities are coordinated among State, local,

 ,                            Federal and utility personnel.


!       Emergency Planning    An individual in each agency in the Emergency Response Coordinator-(EPC)     Organization responsible for emergency response prepared-ness. Responsibilities include training, planning, maintaining liaison with NHCOA, and maintaining the procedures and other important documents of the agency.

O Emergency Planning The area covered by the Radiological Emergency Response i

       ' Zones (EPZ)          Plan. The boundary for the Ingestion Pathway EPZ is a
 !                            50-mile radius from the plant. The boundary of the Plume Exposure EPZ is chosen to accommodate practical planning considerations and to conform as closely as possible to a 10-mile radius. The actual EPZ boundary may be more or

less than 10 miles from the plant. Emergency Response The combination of State, local, Federal, and private Organization agencies designed specifically to provide offsite capability to implement emergency responses. Exclusion Area The area established by control access to an evacuated area. An Exclusion Area is established after an area has been evacuated and its purpose is to control the spread l of contamination and provide security. I

O l

l 12 M /0238s I-4 11/85

O Media Center The location where news media representatives obtain news information concerning an emergency at a nuclear power plant. The Public Information Representatives at the Media Center will gather, coordinate, and release information as it becomes available. Outdoor Recreation A public or private land or body of water used by the Area public for recreational purposes including, but not limited to, camping, hiking, swiming, boating, hunting, and fishing. These areas may be under State, Federal, Mcnicipal, or private ownership. Plume An elongated and usually open and mobile mass of material that is dispersing through the atmosphere. In the case of a nuclear power plant, the material consists of radioactive particles and gases, q b Plume Exposure The pathway through which individuals may be exposed to Pathway radioactive material due to (a) whole body external exposure due to gamma radiation from the Plume and from deposited material, and (b) inhalation of radioactive particles or gases such as radioactive iodine, xenon, or krypton from the passing radioactive Plute. Protective Action Emergency measures to be taken by the public to mitigate the consequences of an accident by minimizing the radiological exposures that would likely occur if such actions were not undertaken. Examples are access control, sheltering, and evacuation. Protective Action The numerically projected dose level criteria of Guidelines (PAGs) radiation which act as trigger points for initiating protective response actions. 1236/0238s - I-6 11/85

l ( -) Public Water Those publicly or privately owned drinking water Supplies supplies that are regulated by the Water Supply Division

                           - of the NH Water Supply a'nd Pollution Control Commission pursuant to RSA 148 and 148 8.


      -Reception Center      The location at which the State provides services for any evacuated pooulation in need of public assistance.

Decontamination, registration, food and shelter can be arranged by the emergency workers at a Reception Center. Site The prcperty owned by the utility in the irrrnediate area of the nuclear power plant site. SITE AREA EMERGENCY A SITE AREA EKRGENCY indicates an incident which involves actual or likely major failures of plant functions needed for the protection of the public. Radiological releases, if any, are not expected to exceed the EPA Protective

 ,Q                          Action Guideline exposure levels except near the site bcundary.

Support Agencies State and private agencies which provide personnel, equipment, facilities or special knowledge to support the implementation of the emergency response. UNUSUAL EVENT An UNUSUAL EVENT is the least severe of the emergency classifications. Declaraticn at this level indicates that an incident which may lead to a potential degradaticn of the level of safety at the nuclear power plant has taken place. 1236/0238s I-7 11/85


 . AFB        Air Force Base CAP        Civil Air Patrdi CPCS       Common Program Control Station (of EBS)

CHS New Hampshire Human Services DCE U.S. Department of Energy CPHS Division of Public Health Services, New Hampshire Departtrent of Health and Welfare EBS Emergency Broadcast System EMS New Hampshire Emergency Medical Service EOC Emergency Operation Center EOF Emergency Operations Facility EPA U.S. Environmental Protection Agency EPZ Emergency Planning Zone FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency GAR Governot's Authorized Representative HEAR Hospital Emergency Action Radio System i s IFO Incident Field Office KI Potassium Iodide (thyroid blocking agent) MC Media Center NESPAC New England State Police Assistance Compact NHCDA New Hampshire Civil Defense Agency NHRERP New Hampshire Radiological Emergency Response Plan NHY New Hampstiire Yankee NCAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration of the U.S. Department of Commerce NRC U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission PAG Protective Action Guidelines (Promulgated by EPA) PIO Public Information Officer RACES Radio Mateur Civil Emergency Service RADEF Radiological Defense RERP Radiological Emergency Response Plan SS Seabrook Station - USAF U.S. Air Force ] USCG USDA U.S. Coast Guard U.S. Department of Agriculture 12M/0238s I-8 11/85

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Town -~New Hampshire Revised Statutes, As Amended: 3 107:5 - $ 107:7 107:8 a, c, e 107:10 107:1-1 107:12 t 107:14 I 107:18 , 107:8:1 107:B:6 lO - State - See New Hampshire Radiological Emergency Response Plan. I . i f 1 ? + l. 4 i i LO i s. ! 1236/0238s I-9 11/85 , u.,,.u_..-_,__--_______

E. REFERENCES Town - Basic Emergency Management Plan, Town of Hampton. State - New Hampshire Revised Statutes Annotated, As fcended: Chapter 125, " Radiation Protection and Control Program." Chapter 1258, "New England Compact on Radiological Health Protection." 4 State of New Hampshire Radiological Emergency Response Plan. New Hampshire Emergency Broadcast System Plan, Appendix F, Seacoast Operational Area. Federal - NUREG-0654/ REP-1, Revision 1, " Criteria for Preparaticn and l Evaluation of Radiological Emergency Response Plans and Preparedness in Support of Nuclear Power Plants." (Published jointly by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Q and Federal Emergency Management Agency. FEMA ECS-1, " Guidelines for Emergency Response Team Plans." Federal Emergency Management Agency. O

1236/0238s I-10 11/85



F. SITUATICN The Site - The Seabrook Station is situated on the western share of Hampton Harbor near the northern boundary of the Town of Seabrook, New Hampshire. The Town of Hampton, New Hampshire, is located approximately 3 miles north of the site, with the Town's southernmost border 1 mile north of Seabrook Station. Figure 1 is a map showing Hampton's geographic relationship to Seabrook Station. The Town of Hamot6n The resident pcpulation of Hampton is approximately 11,670 with a mean peak seasonal population of 61,500 and a potential upper peak seasonal populaticn of 110,000. Hampton has approximately 5 miles of coastline which accounts for this substantial rise in the seasonal pcpulation. The mean peak seasonal pcpulation figure represents the average pcpulation in the Hampton Q area during the peak summer months of JJ1y and August. The potential Upper peak seasonal pcpulation figure represents the maximum population which may be expected to be in the Hampton area at any time during the peak summer months, such as is typical during July 4 holiday periods. Special facilities in Hampton that should be considered in developing emergency plans are: public and private schools which teach approximately 3,000 students, and a nursing home with 83 beds. Principal highways in Hampton are Interstate Route I-95, US 1 and 1A, all of which run north / south through the town. In addition, State Routes 101C ar.c 51 run westerly frcm Route 1A towards Exeter with access to I-95. State Route 101E runs east / west between Routes 1A and 1. A full-size map of Hampton is enclosed at the rear of this plan. It shows key facilities, evacuation routes, and traffic control points.

O .

i 1236/0238s . I-11 11/85


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n LEGEND \ ., s

          """" = P LU M E E X PO S U R E EPZ i                                                                              I-12

EPZ Population Distribution The area within a 10-mile radius of the site includes portions of the states of New Hampshire and Massachusetts. Table 1 lists populations of municipalities in New Hampshire and Massachusetts which are located wholly or partially within 10 miles of Seabrook Station. New Castle, New Hampshire, is completely outside the 10-mile planning radius, but because of its evacuation routes through Portsmouth, it has been included in this EPZ as well. Figure 2 shows the distribution of the population in the EPZ in sectors bounded by radial lines from Seabrook Station and the 2 , 5 , and 10-mile radii. l O I s O 1236/0238s I-13 11/85



WITHIN 10 MILES OF SEABROOK STATION 1985 (1) 1985 (2) New Hampshire Resioent E Brentwooo 2,333 @ East Kingston 1,208 1,355 Exeter 12,081 13,884 Greenland 2,361 2,578 l Ha@ ton 11,668 61,505 l Hanpton Falls 1,432 2,706 Kensington 1,423 3,667 Kingston 4,517 6,303 i Newfields - 821 828 Newton 3,382 3,735  ; North Hampton. 3,600 5,873 Portsmouth 27,470 29,972 Rye 4,743 15,527 Seabrook 6,262 33,683 South Hampton 716 1,789 Stratham 2,790 2,827 New Castle _ 1,194 2,319 O Massachusetts Amesbury 15,346 16,874 Merrimac 5,054 5,333 Newbury 4,797 13,294 - Newburyport 16,785 18,837 Salisbury. 7,464 38,560 West Newbury 3,210 3,217 (1) 1985 resident population projections based on data supplied by the New Hampshire Office of State Planning and the Merrimack Valley Regional Planning Agency. (2) Mean peak populations based on resident population projections plus summer / weekend transient populations. O 1236/0238s I-14 11/85

      - , _ _ , _ , , -         - , . - . , _ - . . , _ - -. . -          . . . . - , . . _ _ - , - . . - _ _ . - , . _    _ - - - _ _ _ .       . - ~ - . _ - - _ _ - - , -

i l FIGURE 2 1985 POPULATION DISTRIBUTION l TOWN OF HAMPTON l 1 6.849 ( 9.9 211 12.973 4,g 7 7 Il' 4 211 1 ( S.909 i N NNW So,3

                                                                                                             'W 3

8S20 4,6 21 7,65 3 3912 (43 48 I'308I (28.2033 t il,0 Til Nw NE

                                                                                    'I3                                       1101 7006                                 t 31631                                    (76828 487478                      666                            4433                                     MILES (8421                         150558                                  10 3432                             8'49I 4,16 3                             ' 386                                                      (19 914 I 3              (29,5611 (S.003)                               I2002)

ENE WNW 2859 f o C

                                                                              '                                               1014 1033                           4g$3 ( 48 gSg 268                            8                   (12046)

(1212 ) / (3221 807)2 2 56 443 (175833 S22 4,6 S 6 t (260) 115.3823 (5,7471 0

                                          #343                     840                                    $22$                      0                g w (247331451      (1502)                  (11005                                S382'                       (0)        (0) 9m,,,
                                                                                                   ,,   9f97 N 1997)                        (2078 4289                          570             10 6                               0 6    (1321                             (0)

(4S89) (6223 (9467, (01 383S SSI 1,004 12.005 (4476) (5091) I7,7978 t 14.9 8 3 3 18994 1375 1092 0 (12141) (1623) ' 'I OI 2113 SW (36S4) SE 16,608 4269 609 9579 (S,29 8 I (17,614 ) (18269) 7629 (235671 i10 016 1 ggy SSE 11,524 S 5.467 (13.314 ) g o ,,4 o (43,0831 (14.476) POPUL ATION TOTALS DENOTES HAMPTON LOCATION RING MILES RI popUL TlON TOTAL MILES pNiIich 6,461 6,4 61 LEGEND 0-2 ,,, 3,, O-2 ,,,,33,, 000 a1985 RESl0EN7' POPUL ATION 27,363 ~ 33,824 (0001 : 1985 PEAK POPUL A7 ION 2-5 (84,5571 t 13 8.9181 72, 44 g_go 105,968 5 - 10 (110,072) (241,983I I-15

1 I i ( G. GRGANIZATION . In the State ,of New Hampshire there are two levels of government involved in radiological emergency' response activities. Most responsibilities are assumed by the State agencies included in the State Emergency Response Organization. These agencies, and their responsibilities, are described in Section 1.7 of the NHRERP. The local emergency responsibilities in New Hampshire are assumed at the municipal level; several cities and towns within each Emergency Planning Zone, rather than counties, provide the facilities and personnel for local emergency response. The Town of Hampton is one of 23 local governments that become part of the State's offsite Emergency Response Organization in the event of an accident at Seabrook Station. Seventeen of the communities, including Hampton are located within the Plume Exposure EPZ; six more communities are designated host communities that would provide Reception Center capabilities for any evacuation of the Seabrook EPZ. The responsibilities of the various entities included in the State's Emergency Response Organization are outlined /7 U in Section 1.2 of the NHRERP. The local Emergency Response Organization in the Town of Hamptcn is governed by a Board of Selectmen who are respcnsible for Town policy matters. Administrative control of the Town is the responsibility of the Town Manager. During a radiological incident at Seabrook Station, the Town Manager, under the supervision of the Selectmen, would be in direct charge of all emergency operations for the Town. The Emergency Response Organization of the Town's personnel is shown in Figure 3. The responsibilities assigned to various persons and local agencies involved with emergency response activities in the Town of Hampton are listed below and summarized in Table 2. Hampton's primary contact for information, recommendations, and resource support will be with NHCDA. They will coordinate all the additional support 1236/0238s , I-16 11/85

O O O t SELECTMEN l z 3> l K I m 4

                                                                                         -4 O

z m l TOWN MANAGER E m , i

n l

O I . m Z l SCHOOL n

}       7                                                  SU PERINTENDENT      -
                                                                                          -< 3

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                                                         ;S                                                               S  3

[ Potter cHerr ll l 2 PcLict OlSPATCHER PlSI 5 ,5 h PusLtc wonnS OtMECTCM ll  : $ stALTH CFrictR i lPlS SCMCOL PRINC: PALS / $UPEM. l , l 'S EOC DISPATCHER .S lS l l l lmocx.couMTY OISPATCM l lPlSl l l l l l l l l l l l lSlSl l l l GovtRN04 's CFFic t Pl PI l h IPl 1.P l l l NHeQA S S P P S P lSjS iSlSl 5 lP lP P QPMS ' ' PlP:P! SIP S I l W STATE POLict l P S l l l l l ,

                                                                                                                        }P'   P  I 1     i g
    %     NH Olv. PUPIL TR AN. SAFETY                                        '

l l 1 P l 1 M EwS li P DIVISION OF HUMAN SERVICES P ' NM N ATION AL GUARD i l S l J y FEMA 1 P P Q NMC S y 00t I r l lP l NHY l lPl l lSl lSl l l l lSl l l l jl l l l W g' MED CROSS S l [ o woSr cowwuNiritS I I , S l l w

      \_ '   and. resources required by Hampton to meet a radiological emergency at' Seabrook Station. The relationship of all pertinent external agencies (i.e., State, Federal, utility, ,and private) is shown on Figure 4.

The following is a synopsis of the various responsibilities assumed by the local, State, Federal, and utility officials: Town Selectmen will: o Provide overall guidance and policy making for Hampton's Emergency Response Organization. o Oversee implementation of Protective Actions recommended by the Governor, o Order the activation of the Public Alerting System when directed to do so by NHQ)A. o Release any necessary public information related specifically to Hampton's emergency response preparations or activities. o Oversee recovery /re-entry operations in Hampton. Town Manager will: o Provide overall command and control for Hampton's Emergency Response Organization. o Ensure appropriate staffing of the ECC. o Ccordinate recovery /re-entry operations in Hampton, o Request any required support or resources from NHCDA. Civil ~ Defense Director.will: o Coordinate and update all radiological emergency plans and procedures for Hampton. o Coordinate and conduct training, drills, and exercises as scheduled by NHCDA. o Assess the overall transportation requirements for evacuation. 1236/0238s I-19 11/85

FIGURE 4 O NEw H AMPSHIRE R ADIOLOGICAL EMERGENCY R,ESPONSE ORG A NIZ ATIO N I Governor's Office FtMA NRC COE , Director NHCOA ---(3",**, ,, Me ssesnu sette Meine 1 State Polic e OPHS ,, 3. g, g ,,i,i g i , ,, Comm. Center Accident Assess. 8 -- Assistence Radiological E x p. Control Cemeest I Agriculture Southwest Fire Rockingham County Mutual Aid Olspatch Center O

  • Interogency Liaison O f ficer
;                    IFO Controller                                  (NHCOA) 1

( NHCOA ) g

C!vil Air Petrel Emergency Mediset t
,                                                              Flen and Game i

Netlenel Guard i Public Werke end Highwere l Pupil Trenseertoffen Resources and Econ. Dev. 1 r i i Seabrook Vermont Yankee Reception Oept. of 'Sofety Local Organization Local Organization Center (s) 1 l l g State  ! j Brentweed Chestertleid Human serv. State Police == Police 1 feet Kingsten Hinedele Med Crose Assistence . Esoter Althmend I Campest Greenland Svensey I'"' A (N E SPAC1

,      Hampton                      Winchester                                                 Treep C Hampton Folle Kenelneten  .

Kinenten l New Castle - Vermont Yankee S eabrook Host Communities Newfleide Host Communities ! Newton l North Hempton , Keene Dever Portsmoutn Manchester Rye Neshoe Seeerees g ,,ng,ge, J South Hempton

                                                         - 20                       solem

) Stratham Ourhem

G o Act as liaison between the Selectmen, Town Manager and the State U Energency Response Organization. o Obtain emergency status.information from NHCOA. o Assist the Fire' Chief in the activation, staffing and maintenance of EOC operations. Fire 011ef will: o Activate the EOC and maintain its operation. o Designate the Officer in Charge of Station #2 to coordinate resources for continued operation of the ECC. o Establish and maintain emergency communication networks from the EOC. o Notify appropriate officials of Emergency Classification Levels as required. o ActivatethePublicAlertingSystemandprovidepublicnotification when directed by the Selectmen. Public works Director will: O o Assess the transportation requirements for special facilities, people without automobiles, and people with special needs (i.e., mobility-impaired,non-ambulatory,etc.). o Assess the overall resource requirements (personnel and equipment) for Hampton. o Provide resources for emergency maintenance of evacuation routes in Hampton. Police Chief will: o Ensure that the official notification function has been completed. o Assist the Fire Chief with the public alerting / notification function. o Provide traffic control along evacuation routes in Hampton. o Provide security at Hampton's emergency facilities and for all evacuated areas within the Town. O 1236/0238s I-21 11/85

RADEF Officer will: O U o Perform radiological monitoring and radiological exposure recordkeeping for Hampton emergency workers. Police Dispatcher (under the supervision of the Police Chief)will: o Notify the appropriate officials of the declaration of an Emergency Classificat' ion Level, o Maintain incident related emergency communications until the EOC is activated. Health Officer wil1: o Coordinate with DPHS in distributing public-health information to Town officials. Provide assistance and guidance in health-related areas. Q School Superintendent (SAU #21) will: o Assess the transportation requirements of the public schools in SAU


o Coordinate protective responses among all SAU #21 public schools. School Principals will: o Assess the transportation requirements of their respective schools, o Implement protective responses for their respective schools. The names and means for contacting the person to whom these duties have been assigned are outlined in Appendix A (Emergency Call List). The material in Appendix A provides for lines of succession as well. The lines of succession will be used to provide for 24-hour coverage of the key emergency management functions in Hampton. The Town provides for 24-hour coverage of the following positions: O ' 1236/0238s I-22 2/86

o Selectmen and Town Manager: command and control


o- Civil Defense Director: coordination of emergency management functions o Fire Chief: operation of emergency communications systems and the EOC o RADEF Officer: Radiological exposure control o Police Dispatcher: Initial Notification'of the Hampton Emergency Response Organization and maintenance of normal duties. All other positions may be staffed as necessitated by Emergency Classification Level and time of day and year. County Rockingham County Dispatch will: o Provide the primary communications capability for incident notification from State Police Heacquarters. It will also fulfill U its normal dispatch duties during an emergency. State The responsibilities of the various State agencies involved in offsite emergency response activities are outlired in Section 1.3 of the New Hampshire Radiological Emergency Response Plan (NmERP). That document outlines responsibilities common to all agencies in the NH Emergency Response Organization as well as the specific responsibilities of each agency. In the event that a municipal government for whatever reason is unable to fulfill its responsibilities pursuant to the local RERP, the State of New Hampshire will assume and carry out those responsibilities. The Town of Hampton is particularly dependent on the seven State agencies listed below: Governor's Office will: o Provide overall command and control of New Hampshire's Emergency O Response Oraanization. o Make the final decisions on appropriate protective responses. 1236/0238s I-23 11/95

p v New Hampshire Civil Defense Agency will: o Direct the State Emergency Response Organization on the Governor's behalf. - o Coordinate all requests from Hampton for support and resources. o Coordinate with FEMA. Division of Public Health Services will: o Provide all technical services and guidance related to accident assessment and radiological exposure control. State Police will: o Provide incident notification to Rockingham County Dispatch. o Provide Access Centrol for the EPZ. o Provide support to the Hampton Police Department for law enforcement

   .            and traffic control capabilities beyond the capability of the Town.

Department of Safety, Pupil Transportation Safety St&ervisor will: o . Coordinate the scheduling of school buses in the event an evacuation of schools is recommended. Bureau of Emergency Medical Services will: o Coordinate the pre ision of emergency medical transportation resources from outside the EPZ. Division of Human Services will: o Starf and manage the State run Reception Centers established for evacuees.

O 1236/0238s I-24 11/85

f] Federal Federal support is anticipated only when Town of Hampton and State' of New Ha@ shire resources for emergency response have been exhausted. Any requests for federal support of offsite emergency response activity would be made onl,y through the New Hampshire Civil Defense Agency. The procedures for requesting Federal support, the areas in which the support may be necessary and the agencies from whom the support is expected are outlined in Section 1.4 of the NHRElV'. Utility New Hampshire Yankee (NHY) is responsible for a wide variet'y of activities in support of offsite emergency response. These activities are outlined in the utility's Seabrcok Station Radiological Emergency Resoonse Plan. Of particular interest to the Town of Ha@ ton are the following responsibilities of NHY, O o Classify any emergency according to the Emergency Classificatien Level system agreed upon with the State of New Ha@ shire. o Provide prcmpt notification of the declaration of an emergency or of changes in Emergency Classification Level. o Provide all available data in support of offsite accident assessment activities. o Provide protective action recormiendations for consideration by the New Hampshire Emergency Response Organization. Other Towns or Agencies The NHCDA has established six Reception Center locations to be activated in the event an evacuation is recommended for one or more of the towns within the Seabrook Station Plume Exposure EPZ. The six host cctm1 unities are Manchester, Nashua, Dover, Durham, Salem and Rochester. The host community to be activated in the event Ha@ ton is evacuated is Nashua. The reception facilities to be made available are outlined in the Host Plan for the City of ll 1236/0238s I-25 11/85

Nashua, New Hampshire. American Red Cross will provide any necessary public feeding and shelter for evacuees at satellite mtss care shelters in the vicintly of the Reception Center. The Host Comunity will provide a suitable location for the continuity of the Hagton Town Government in the event evacuation of the Town becomes necessary.

 'O I

J i !'O i i l 1236/0238s 1-26 11/85 I - - - -- - - -

l l H. .EERGENCY CLASSIFICATION LEWLS The events le,ading to each of the Emergency Classification Levels are

 ,    identified by measurable and observable characteristics called Initiating Conditions. .For each classification level, example Initiating Conditions are identified (Reference Seabrook Station Emergency Plan) which form the basis for initiating the announcement of an UNUSUAL EVENT, ALERT, SITE AREA EMERGENCY, or GENERAL EMERGENCY, respectively. These lists are representative and not all-inclusive, but are designed to give insight as to the types of conditions which could initiate each of the Emergency Classification Levels.

Table 3, Emergency Classification Levels, shows various actions to be taken in the event of a declaration of one of the Emergency Classification Levels. The Emergency Classification Levels are defined as follows:

1. UNUSUAL EVENT: Events are in progress or have occurred which indicate a potential degradation of the level of safety of the Plant. No i

releases of radioactive material requiring offsite response or monitoring are expected untess further degradation of safety systems occurs. i

2. ALERT: Events are in progress or have occurred which involve an actual or potential substantial degradation of the levdi of safety of i

the Plant. Any releases are expected to be limited to small fractions of EPA Protective Action Guide exposure levels.

3. SITE AREA EMERGENCY: Events are in progress or have occurred whien involve actual or likely major failures of Plant functions needed for protection of the public. Any releases are not expected to exceed EPA ,

Protective Action Guide exposure levels except near the site bcundary. 4 GENERAL E KRGENCY: Events are in progress or have occurred which involve actual or imminent substantial core degradation or melting with potential for loss of containment integrity. Releases can be reasoriably expected to exceed EPA Protective Action Guide exposure O 1evets offsite ror more than ene immeetate site aree. 1236/0238s ', I-27 11/85 '

m (_ l_ y . [v\ Table 3 EMERGENCY CLASSIFICATION LEVELS: ACTIONS SN HAMPTON 1 Emergency teotatacataan tsua Actavaty at Fratectave Ae:t s ***** Suc h a nagham Cuesnt y that a l scat sua uf stampt um 0%etal t e Secommendest Classif8carloa AcciJeat Descraptaos Sherats*e utface stamptom of a assets aan* Asest t,y state towel 1 l l en eson. g ec an ,, ado.3

1. ta6 usual tha selease of County Dampatch relace saaspetthee amat a - eksue CwaseT radaoactave maternal t re.guency 8855.468/ t aes key Esewa ui t ar e alm so.amarasy offette 154.3153 es phone. I,y pseune or any avaal-
  • seaposse. Isampton rotace able means. seu f.s t Dampatcher vess- aca son se.leenseJ.

fsee not&Iscatsua. relace bespatssees selectaca. a m cs,amul t.. esuena saume s ecuam.:wsr.s

2. ALEst Actual or poteattal County Daspatch desgraJetaus of plant tsene eacy 8855.468/ aut t f ees bey towse taon wash key assactals safety deatuses. 8%4.88%I or phone. et t actalm by 34=ame and am suusJanatave wath Deleases, af any, mut asampton rot ace ens by any avaalatete asseCDA , Jatesmane whether espected to approacts paspatches vera- means. to act a wat e EtX*. If so, Protectave Actson taem mutalacalaua. Selectmen decade whath e-e other town ottactals to

, k Ceadel ane s tracel. mutaalase. g 8888CthA tee t h a re ase sent

1. SITE AaEA Act ual et 8asely flueenl y Da mbaa8 6 8* 0%* l a t er Distaatts*es muta* Actswate kllC. Selectmen IsttCDA will forewesa d'8******

EseEmCtJeCV majus 8maluses of 9 a n-.gue=cy IBM eset 8sem tunsa citscaal* Jacade whacIt other tuesa lucel of f ic ials when I tus"*L "* a' '3'. **Tles meway plaat safety 4 5 %4. 8 4 %I us 4 eassee. 3,y pesosee et any avant- Offacaalm or gepresse- public elegt la to Tue.m I'"*C*** C**** 8 8 " 8 f e at e.s e s. Deteaws. esempt um 8%.l a s e at.Ie meaan. tataves of other agencase tes leptementeJ ettactals assemiale at (emergency strees. amitus 64w i t m a s a.g . at any, seat eag,ected tas a ssees wess- to notalass. to e.cee.s race e. cept seem mutasacalau.. luc. .. ether e4480.. Ess meas ma t e * 'as y. r adio, door -to-deot" actlitcatleas, etc.). Actawate EuC. Selectmen geHCDA will tusewasa Belm'as4 w e I l a re o a.m. wg C4seEmmL Actual ut amm a ssent Count y 86a mpet s h rulace Deepatcher smeta. teacet olliciale waea pe ..t 4. 8 s e guaren y 48 % .464# 8aos tuwa osiscaalm dessJe whach otabes toeta E e ,, ,,, g ,,,,,, LaethCEssCV ce,s e a. set ause ==s olfacsala er sepsesen- public atest is to sue 8ra. tearme m y Ibelemmem 5%4.08%8 es 34=eener. 8*y 6dd""* "s **y ****l. ser l a n a g . Town tasaves of otaber ageactus be legel emen t eJ 8.. ce s s . ,g , ,, g espected to enceed samapeum rul ase able means. (energsacy sisene. ausfue me g g y, . , D o mpel st.ers we s e - offactalm ensea84Be at to a=4eatase. FACs eat f ain t e 4,aryosnJ **a 8 8*e r saJaos, tes gfo, ,,,,o,,,,,, mate t.u aJesy ases. Iseu sent a t scas ause. toc. s44su. Jour - E o.Juest not e 8 S cal t usse , etc.).

Il V I. EERGENCY PLANNING ZCNES Emergency Pla,nning Zones for both the Plume Exposure Pathway and the Ingestion Exposure Pathwa have been selected based upon the knowledge of the timing, release characteristics, and potential consequences of a spectrum of accidents. The Plume Excesure EPZ is an area extending outward frcm the Seabrook Station site to include those comunities wholly or partially within 10 miles of the site, and New Castle, NH. The size of the zone is based primarily on the consideration that projected doses estimated for most accidents would not exceed Plume Exposure Protective Acticn Guide (PAG) Levels outside this zcne and that detailed planning within this area would provice a substantial base for the timely executicn of response efforts in the event of an incident at Seabrook Station. The Ingestion Patnway Excosure EPZ is an area extending radially outward O rro= ene seeerook statioa ette to a otstemoe or so =ttes- The size or the zone is based primarily on the censideration that the downwind range, within which significant contamination could occur, would generally be limited to this distance because of wind shifts and travel perloos. In addition, projected doses from contamination outside this zone would not exceed Ingestion Pathway PAG 1evels. Precautionary centrol measures relative to livestock feeds, milk products, garden produce, and potable water supplies will be implemented in this area to the extent dictateo by the projected dose. The location of the Town of Hampton within the Plume Exposure EPZ is shown in Figure 1. Nearly all of the town is centained within a 5 mile racial line drawn from the Seabrook Station site. The Town boundary nearest the Seabrook site is approximately 1 mile away; the northern most tip of the town is about 5-1/2 miles from the site center. Large scale maps of both EPZs are posted at the Hampton ECC. Ccoles of the same maps are posted at the EOCs of the other towns within the EPZ and at A the State EOC and IF0/ECF. O 1236/0238s I-29 11/85

a +. .a - s S-- .e, % e -- .-.h __M -n--+-_--L 4AJz.4-- hL------4 h 4- --ana -- .- - #- . - - w-- e s i e f I 4 e i .] 1 l i II. DESCRIPTIONS OF E.MERGENCY RESPONSE FUNCTICNS ) I I i e i 1 4 ( 4 I l t 1 l t 1

  -----w.                                       n,--,-w                .,          -.           .<, - - , ,.                             --~.-----~       . ~--

(\ A. PURPOSE OF SECTION II This section' describes the individual functions that comprise a planned response to a radiological incident at the Seabrcok Station Nuclear Pcwer Plant. It. describes how the Town of Hampton would be notified of the declaration of an Emergency Classification Level, the channels for the efficient transfer of information, and the response cptions and external assistance available to the community. The emergency response functions are:

l. Notification
 ,           2. Communications
3. Public Education and Information
4. Emergency Facilities and Equipment
5. Accident Assessment
,            6. Protective Response
7. Radiological Exposure Centrol
8. Public Health
9. Recovery and Re-entry
10. Exercises and Orills, and
11. Training
l 1

J t O 1236/0239s II-1 . 11/85


t Initial Notification ) Upon discovery and subsequent classification of an emergency at Seabrcok Station the Plant Energency Director is to notify the New Hagshire State Police Communications Center in Concord, NH. This official notification, which is the initial notice to the NH Emergency Response Organization, is to be made within 15 minutes of an emergency classification. i NH State Police will confirm the notification message by contacting the i Plant Emergency Director at the control room. Once the message has been ) confirmed, the State Police Comunication Center will notify:

1) DPHS - which will verify plant status with the utility, and obtain j technical information necessary to assess the accident's consequences l

O 2) "" coa - *nten itt activate ene st ce emerseacy sesecase j Organization, and ,

3) the Rockingham County Dispatch Center which will notify local'  !

government Emergency Response Organizaticns, including the Town of Hamton. Figure 5 is an illustration of this notification procedure.

Once notified by State Police, the Rockingham County Dispatch Center will notify each of the 17 local Emergency Response Organizations in the Seabrook Station EPZ. Each 1ccal plan specifies the Emergency Classification Level at which each Iccal government will be notified. The Town of Hampton has elected to be notified upon the declaration of an UNUSUAL EVENT. The County dispatcher will initiate contact with the Town of Hampton through the Hampton Police 01spatcher.

The Hampton Police Oispatch Center maintains continuous radio

cocrnunications with Town, County, and State law enforcement agencies.

1236/0239s - II-2 11/85

    ._    -~- _.         ...      . ._.                 . _ _ _ .         ___                     __    ._      _.      .        . . _ _ _

1 O O C 4t FIGURE 5 in Emergency Notification Procedure l2 ll iM i ) DPHS ! F------> I m ir m e<3 - - - - - - - - - - - -


I emesseney esseum -

'                                                                                             g 8

4 I i

                 ,   , maine          1 (semi                                                       4                        3 uim,           s e >*      c-enese rence C entrea Ree m       4____                    -

GetCDA Stele Emergency (Directeti I " n E ':",'o..y ~ +-> 0:r...,

                                                                                                                           ":- Tr: Oscamisettens 4            . . . . . ,

i i Goverser - (cates of seese 1 h i Lacel Emergency Ceahat ' y 7 Reapesse Ossentaesione p namaaFD8 ATE NOTIF8CATIOtt IDiese45herl 'o -__ VERIFICATIOte/ t COteFIR40AT4008 E FAN OUT j o e. ...e.d H by N.A.S.


k After receiving and verifying the Initial Notification message the Police' Dispatcher will contact the key members of the Hampton Emergency Response Organization to notify them of the emergency situation. The people to be contacted include: Selectmen Town Manager Civil Defense Director Fire Chief Public Works Director Police Chief , RADEF Officer Health Officer School Superintendent (SAU #21) Figure 6 outlines the Town's notification fanout scheme. ( Changes in Emergency Classification Level Developments, subsequent to the event which originally triggered the Initial Notification, may require the emergency to be reclassified. Any escalation or de-escalation of the emergency classification requires prcmpt notification to the NH State Police Communications Center by the utility. The notification of a change in Emergency Classification Level will be confirmed by State Police. Notification of NHCOA, OPHS, and the Hampton Emergency Response Organization will proceed as previously described for the Initial Notification. Upon activation of the Town ECC, the key members of the Hampton Emergency Response Organization may be notified by contacting the ECC. O 1236/0239s II-4 11/85 ____2_--


                                                                      - - - - -       - ~ ~                                -                    ----

HEALTH SCHOOL RADEF OFFICER SUPER. OFFICER NOTE: Ali Hampton functions are in cold outline. ( ) Indicates immediate notification for all classes of emergencies. l (---) Indicates others to be notified at the discretion of the Selectmen , for an ALERT and automatically for a SITE AREA DERGEtCY or GENERAL EhERGEPCY. II-5 _-_____. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ _ _ _ _ _ . . ._ . . . . _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ . - - _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ __

i Termination of emergency status, including initiating of recovery  ! operations, will follow the same notification procedures followed for changing i. Q Emergency Classification Levels. Public Alerting l 4 i Upon notification and verification to the State that a SITE AREA l EMERGENCY or a GENERAL EMERGENCY has been declared by the utility, the State will automatically cause the activation of the initial audible alert to the public through Rockingham County Dispatch Center. This activation will ' l consist of sounding the sirens and tone alert radios throughout the Seabrook l > EPZ. This activation order may be verbal from the State, as in a slowly i escalating emergency, dr by procedure when a rapidly escalating emergency occurs. The purpose of the audible alert is to advise the public to tune to EBS stations to receive emergency information and instruction from State ] officials. Additionally, in Hampton, the Fire Chief is responsible for local

!        activation of the public alerting system if directed by the State.

1 Hampton has nine 125dB sirens and one 115dB siren. 'All have a variety of ] j operating modes including voice transmission, which can be used in park l [ locations, and four siren tone variations. The system provides for

j. coordinated directional orientation (e.g., all sirens may be aimed north at the same time). The system provides for single-siren activation or for simultaneous activation of all sirens throughout the town. Each siren in l Hampton can be remotely activated from either of two locations: Rockingham i f 4 County Dispatch Center or the Town EOC. The State will direct either  !

Rockingham County Dispatch or the local community to activate the alerting ! system at a pre-arranged time in coordination with the EBS. The locations of the sirens, together with description of the geographic coverage they provide j are mapped and described in the report titled Seabrook Station Public Alert ! and Notification System Final Design Report by FNM Associates, Inc. I 1 I Tone alert radio receivers will also be located in Hampton at the Town l i EOC, schools, businesses with 50 or more employees and in isolated residences beyond the range of the siren system. The radios are activated by a tone from a commercial radio station in Dover, New Hampshire (WOKQ). i l i 1236/0239s II-6 2/86 i

The audible alert system for Seabrook Station may be supplemented by f3 other notifications. Section 2.1 of the NHRERP outlines the notification responsibilities of State and Federal agencies involved with notifying remotely located persons or patrons of State recreational facilities. In addition the Fire Chief in Hampton maintains confidential lists of Hampton citizens with special notification needs. These include handicapped persons within the town who have made themselves and their needs known to the Town. These persons will be notified by telephone, by dispatch of police cruisers or other emergency personnel, or by other suitable means devised by the Hampton Fire Chief. Public Dissemination of Information and Instructions Once the initial public alert has been accomplished, all subsequent official information and instructions will reach the public via the Emergency Broadcast System. The public's high reliance on radio for news inform. tion makes EBS a good medium for keeping the public informed during an emergency. O WOKQ (97.5 FM) and five satellite radio stations have been selected for ('I inclusion in the emergency information network. WOKQ provides coverage of the entire EPZ on a 24 hour basis. The station also has backup power. A more detailed description and a listing of stations are contained in Section 2.1.5 of the NIRERP. Sample EBS messages have been prepared. They are included as an Appendix B to the NHRERP. 1236/0239s II-7 2/86

C. EMERGENCY CGMMUNICATIONS w/ The New Hampshire Emergency Response Organization is served by a sophisticated communications network. The network is comrised of thirteen systems which are described in section 2.2 of the NMERP. The Town of Hampton is served by four of these systems:

1. Civil Defense Radio Network - The NHCOA maintains a radio network which links each local EOC (or all local EOCs simultaneously) to the State EOC and the IF0/ECF. In addition, the system allows local EOCs to communicate with each other. This non-secure network utilizes a s stem of repeaters which are located near each EPZ.

Each repeater has a back-up electrical source and is controlled by dedicated microwave channels. Net control for this system is provided from the State ECC.

2. Commercial Telechone - This is the standard commercial telephone

{} equipment offered to the puolic by the New England Telephone Company or other independent teleprene ccmpanies. It will be used for many of the ccmmunications requirements during an emergency. Often the commercial telephone system is the primary communications link and the radio system serves as a backup.

3. teateur Radio - This is a network of volunteer radio operators using privately-owned amateur radio equipment to provide a state-wide and even nation-wide back-up communications network, the Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Services (RACES). NHCOA has amateur radio equipment which is located at 107 Pleasant Street, Concord, NH for the purpose of implementing this network as backup communications.
4. Local Discatch Radio Network - This is a network used by local Police Cesartments and local Fire Departments to coccunicate with the local Dispatch Center. This network uses cne set of frequencies for pclice communications and a separate set of frequencies for fire g communications.

V 1236/0239s II-8 11/85

1 1 More detailed descriptions of these sub-systems and the communicaticos (]

 "  link in which they are used are provided in Section 2.2 of the NHRERP.

Initial Notification of Hampton personnel requires communications frcm the utility via the State Police Communication Center and Rcckingham County Dispatch to the Police Gispatcher and then to the various key members of the Hampten Emergency Response Organizaticn. The Initial Notification and subsequent updates will be received by the Police Dispatcher until such time as the EOC is activated. Once the Town ECC is operatienal, all incident related ccmmunications will be transferred to the EOC Dispatch Center, wr,11ch is located in the Hampton Fire Department Station

    #2 on Winnacunnet Road. Law enforcement, fire and public works ccmmunications are performed frcm the ECC and operations can be maintained 24 hours a day frcm this location.       The EOC can ecmmunicate with Town departments as shcwn in Figure 7.

External cctrunications will be primarily with NHCOA who will provide O incieent information. NHCOA wi11 ccerate ene State ECC et Civ11 Cefense Headquarters in Concord and an IFO at Newington Station in Newington. The ECC can communicate with external agencies as shown in Figure 8. Although not listed in the Figure, RACES can also provide sucport cemeunication capabilities to State and 1ccal agencies. Comcunications with Field Personnel The state field units involved in an emergency response will communicate with representatives 1ccated in the State EOC. The Hampton personnel wili use local police and fire communications charnels. Fixed and Mobile Medical Communications The Hampton Ambulances are dispatched by the Hartpten Fire Department Oispatch Center. The ambulances cormunicates with local hospitals and other ambulances over the HEAR radio network. The nature and capabilities and status of the HEAR systems are described in Section 2.2.8 of the NHRERP. 1236/0239s II-9 11/85


                                              \                                              /

(154.755) \ / (154.145) (155.745) \ / (154.190) (154.755) (155.745) HAMPTON EOC O (HAMPTON FIRE STATION #2)

                                                                          / N N

N (155.755 1 TOWN WORKS HALL DEPT. (155.745) LEGEND ( Radios at the EOC are mobiles or portables . ) TWO WAY RADIO TELEPHONE , O II-10


                                                                                             ' 'I (155.4 6 o / 15 4.815 )                     EOC                          ( is s. 47s 1 (155.475)                                                     (15s.090 )


                                                 /                     \
                                               /                         \
                                             /                             \
                                           /                                 \
                                          /                                    \


                       * (15 4.1s 0 )                                                  ( 46.5e )
                      ** (154.14s )

L EG E ND TWO WAY radio ( Radios at the EOC are mobiles or portables except the Civil Def ense radio. ) TELEPHONE

  • Via th'e Seacoast Fire Mutual Aid Network, the Hampton Eoc can communicate with all communities in the Seabrook EPZ except: Newbury, MA; West Newbury, MA; Newburyport, MA; and Salisbury, MA.
        ** Via the 154.145 Fire Network, the Hampton EOC can com-                                         !

Q municate with Portsmouth, NH; Greenland, NH; Hampton Falls, NH; North Hampton, NH; Newbury, MA; Newburyport, MA; and Salisbury, MA.  ! l II-ll _

s Testing of Communications Systems b All of the emergency, communications equipment discussed in this section is'used by various agencies on a day-to-day basis. For this reason, many of the systemsEare in constant use or are tested frecuently. - No system is tested less frequently.than once per month. In addition, the entire emergency communications system is tested for use in a radiological emergency response during bi-annual exercises. Sufficient equipment exists to cover for equipment removed for service or repair. In fact, while this section discusses only the primary and secondary equipment, many of the communications links have multiple back-up systems. Equipment kept in the Town is outlined in Appendix C. (q> O U 1236/0239s

                                              . II-12                                11/85

< 1

(3 0. PUBLIC EDUCATION AND INFCRMATION C/ In New Harnpshire all,public education and information responsibilities are assumed by the State. The term "public education" refers to pre-emergency education of the public in matters related to nuclear power, radiation and emergency response actions. The State public education program consists of five elements:

1. A public information booklet
2. Information on adhesive labels to be placed in the home
3. Emergency information placed in a ded'icated page of the local telephone book
4. Poster with emergency information to be prominently displayed in public places, and p

Q 5. Annual news media orientation. These materials provide information on radiation, a contact person from whom more emergency information can be obtained, a description of protective measures that may be taken in response to an emergency situation at Seabrook Station, and instructions for those with special needs to contact appropriate public officials. Each of the five elements of the program is described in detail in Section 2.3 of the NM ERP.

              "Public information" refers to the dissemination of official public information through the news media during a radiological emergency and the recovery and re-entry period immediately following the emergency. Careful coordination of news releases among all involved agencies and Seabrook Station is essential to ensure consistency of information to preclude public confusion and thus facilitate orderly and efficient responses.

A representative of the Governor and/or NHCDA 'Will coordinate news releases with the utility and Massachusetts' agencies from the Media Center in


1236/0239s 11-13 ~ 11/85 l __ .__ .__ _ - - . . _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ . _ _ _. _ . 1

Newington Town Hall. This is the only location at which major news media c support will be offered. Hampton officials can also obtain emergency information by contacting NHCDA by telephone at the IF0/ EOF in Newington, the State EOC in Concord, or via the Civil Defense radio network. State personnel will also monitor the operation of the NHY and starf rumor control center. This center will actively seek to identify rumors and remedy them by prompt, accurate news releases. Likewise the utility will maintain, and the State personnel will monitor a public information telephone number th&t residents may call for plant status information. Details on the operation of the Media Center and the rumor control activity are provided in Section 2.3 of the NFflERP. Since the State ma.intains the responsibility for public education and information, the Town is not required to participate in media relations. At their option the Selectmen may choose to deal with local news media. If the Selectmen elect to release news to local media representatives they will establish a briefing room in the Town Hall. Such optional briefings will be limited to the status of emergency response activities in the Town of Hampton. Briefings on plant status and accident assessment will be conducted O v only by Federal, State and utility officials from the Media Center. 'The Selectmen should notify the State personnel in the Media Center, in advance, of their intent to hold any local briefing, including the nature of information to be released. The Selectmen should provide copies of any written releases to the Media Center in advance of issuing them to the media. O O 1236/0239s II-14 2/86

' .O E. EMERGENCY FACILITIES AND EQUIFNENT (I There are three sets,of emergency facilities used to support offsite emergency response for Seabrook Station; utility-operated facilities, State-operated facilities and locally-operated facilities. These facilities and their relationships to emergency response activities for the Town of Hampton are described below. Utility-Ocerated Facilities There are three utility-operated facilities that have significant roles in offsite emergency response. These are the Emergency Operations Facility (EOF), the control room and the Media Center. The primary exchange of information between the onsite and offsite

     . Emergency Response Organizations occurs in the EOF, Infomation concerning the reactor status, utility dose projections, and monitoring. data is transferred to State personnel located in the EOF by the utility in accordance with the utility's emergency plan. (Ref. Seabrook Station Emergency Plan, Section 8.5). Local emergency response personnel are not involved with activities at the EOF. The EOF is co-located with the IFO at Newington Station in Newington.

The Power Plant Control Room is not an integral part of the offsite emergency response facilities. It is, however, linked to the,offsite facilities in two important ways. First, it is from the control room that notification of the Emergency Classification Levels to the State is initiated and verified until tie EOF is activated. Second, it is frcm the control room that technical data about the incident is provided to utility representatives in the EOF. As with the EOF no Hampton personnel are involved with any centrol rcom activities. The Media Center is the central coordination point from which information about the incident and the emergency response will be released to representatives of the news media. It is located in Newington Town Hall. O 1236/0239s II-15 11/85

In the Media Center public information officials of the utility, as well V as State and Federal officials, will coordinate their activities. (Ref. Seabrook Station Emergency Plan, Section 11.3). Rumor Control is also conducted from the Media Center. The State Public Information Officers located in the Media Center have a direct dedicated communications link with the State EOC. The Media Center may be a source of information tq the Hampton Emergency Response Organization, however, no participation in issuaace of news releases and press briefings by local officials is expected. '.

  • A State-Ocerated Facilities The State operates five emergency response facilities, plus the six Reception Centers for 'Seabrook Station. The State Emergency Operations Center (EOC) is the central command center for the offsite emergency response by the State and affected municipalities in New Hampshire. The State EOC is located in the NHCOA offices at 107 Pleasant Street in Concord, NH. NHCOA is responsible for the operation of this facility.

The IFO is the State f acility located closest to Seabrock Station. It is (a') the facility from which the NH Civil Defense Agency will communicate with State emergency workers and local Emergency Response Organizations. Stata field operations are directed from the IFO. The IF0, which is located in the Newington Station in Newington, receives direction from the State EOC in Concord, NH. The IFO is co-located with the ECF. The State Police Ccmmunication Center is the central communication and information point for the New Hampshire State Police. This facility has two radio dispatch consoles. One console uses a low-band frequency and is reserved for State Police dispatch. The other uses a high-band frequency to communicate with other State agencies and local Police Dispatchers including Rockingham County Dispatch Center. Emergency and routine communications services are provided by several dispatchers on a 24-hour basis. Communication links to the utilities, NHCDA, CPHS, local dispatch centers, State Police Troop A, the Governor, and other State agencies, as well as State Police organizaticns of other states, are provided by this corrcunication rm center. V 1 1236/0239s II-16 11/85 l

Reception Centers are operated to accommodate the emergency sarvice needs ( of evacuees leaving the EPZ in the event an evacuation is ordered. For the Seabrook Station EPZ, there are six Reception Centers. The Reception Center to which residents of Hampton would be directed is the Public Works Facility in Nashua, New Hampshire. In a Reception Center, evacuees are registered and provided temporary services. These facilities will not be used to house evacuees for prolonged periods of time. In the event mass care services become necessary they will be provided in satellite mass care centers operated by the Red Cross. The r: enters will be selected and opened based upon the level of demand for this service. A decontamination center will be co-located with the Reception Center. Removal of radioactive material from individuals and/or equipment that may have been contaminated will occur in these facilities. Most decontamination involves relatively simple washing procedures. If special equipment is required, individuals will be transferred to facilities equipped to treat radiologically exposed individuals (see Section 2.8 of the NFflERP for a list of facilities). The decontamination center, therefore, requires only ample washing facilities and parking areas. CPHS Laboratories contain the laboratory equipment for the radiological analyses necessary to support the State field monitoring activities. In this facility, radiological and chemical analyses can be performed on particulate filters, animal feed, liquid milk or food samples, and water samples. The laboratory's equipment and its capabilities are listed in the NHRERP. Locally-Operated Facilities i The Seabrock Plume Exposure EPZ is served by a system of local dispatch centers and by Emergency Operations Centers (EOCs) for each of the 17 municipalities within the EPZ. These facilities provide Police,. Fire, and emergency medical dispatching for the local municipalities in their respective service areas. The Hampton Emergency Operations Center (ECC), located in the Hampton Fire Department Station #2 on Winnacunnet Road will be the center for direction and control of the emergency response in Hampton. This facility has 1236/0239s . II-17 11/85

. ample space to accommodate all Key Town officials. A generator supplies backup power for this' facility. The Selectmen will order the activation of the EOC upon declaration of a SITE AREA EMERGENCY or GENERAL EhERGENCY. Depending upon the circumstances, they may order its activation for an ALERT Emergency Classification Level. The following EOC positions shall be staffed upon activation: Selectmen Town Manager Civil Defense Director Fire Chief Public Works Director Police Chief RADEF Officer Health Officer School Superintendent (SAU #21) EOC Dispatcher {} Figure 9 is a floor plan of space assignments in the EOC. The relationship accng the emergency response facilities, described above, is shown in Figure 10. This figure shows the relationships among these facilities during an emergency response. The State Police Communications Center and the local dispatch centers are not shown in this figure because' they are used sol'ely for the purposes of' emergency communications. For a description of the communications among these facilities, see Section 2.2 of the NHRERP. Emergency Eouipment Radiological monitoring equipment censisting of low-range, self-reading dosimeters (CDV-138 and COV-730) and survey instruments (COV-700) have been issued to Hampton by NHCDA. The RA07 Officer will store, inventory, and - operationally check units in his possession quarterly (a listing is contained in Section II.H.). Calibration will be performed by NHCDA annually. Repairs .n and replacement of instruments will be done as needed. Supplemental U 1236/0239s II-18 11/85





  • 2 LEGENO:

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i O O O l FIGURE 10 Relationships Among Emergency Response Facilities i l l ONSITE _ _ _ OFFSITE f - I u... , l l UTILITY l 4 > - l ..e IFO/ c .a ..a r l



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~ monitoring equipment, as required, will be provided through NHCDA during an 7 emergency. k) Inventories of other' Town resources and equipment are included in Appendix C to this RERP. These resources include Town vehicles, personnel rosters, fire equipment, and communications equipment. Should the Town require personnel or equipment beyond that listed in Appendix C it will rely on State resources. State resources will be requested by the Hampton Civil Defense Director who will forward his requests to the NHCDA IFO Controller in Newington. Several State agencies are prepared to provide backup equipment and personnel. The agencies and the support they may provide are outlined in Sections 1.3 and 2.4 and in Appendix C of the NHRERP. O O 1236/0239s , II-22 11/85

    ,A F.                ACCIDENT ASSESSMENT The Town of Hampton has no direct responsibilities for accident assessment. The State is responsible for providing this service.

CPHS is responsible for accident assessment in the State of New Hampshire. DPHS will coordinate and arrange for independent offsite monitoring, assess potential offsite health hazards and make appropriate protective action recommendations to the Governor, or his authorized representative and to NHCDA relative to protective actions to be taken to 4 minimize public exposure during a radiological. incident. The State's plans for accident assessment are described in Section 2.5 of the NW ERP. Supplementary data on population distribution that should be considered in accident assessment is included in Appendix E to the NM ERP. O O 1236/0239s II-23 11/85

G. PROTECTIVE RESPONSE 7 General There are several actions that may be taken to protect the public in the event of an actual or potential radioactive release from Seabrook Station. The application of a particular actior would depend upon a number of factors, such as time, demographic conditions, wind direction and velocity, weather conditions, and accident severity. The Governor of New Hampshire has ultimate responsibility and will make the final decision in consultation with the Director, NHCOA, and the Director, OPHS, on recomended protective actions. Protective actions include both measures to minimize direct exposure within the Plume Exposure EPZ and measures to minimize indirect exposure within the Ingestion Pathway EPZ. The former includes precautionary measures for seasonal beach populations, Access Control to affected areas, sheltering, and evacuation; the latter includes control of food, water and milk. Protective actions in New Hampshire will generally be implemented on a q municipality by municipality basis. This means, for example, that either sheltering or evacuation would be implemented town wide, but one town could be advised to take shelter while an abutting town is advised to evacuate or take no protective action. Precuationary Measures for Seasonal Beach Populations As described in Section I. F. of this REfP , Hampton has a very high seasonal population. Because of this high seasonal population, precautionary measures for beach populations have been developed. Appendix F, Protective Action Decision Criteria, of New Hampshire Civil Defense Agency procedures contains guidance to be applied by the state of New Hampshire including precautionary measures for seasonal beach populations. The precautionary measures will be applied from the period of May ?.3 through September 15 and will include the beaches and state park areas in Hanpton Beach and Seabrook Beach. O 1236/0239s II-24 2/86

Precautionary actions affecting seasonal beach populations may be warranted at 4 an early stage of an emergency before protective actions for the general V population are initiated. Radiological assessment data may not be available or useful when considering early precautionary action decisions for seasonal beach populations. Prognosis of deteriorating plant conditions may compel implementation of precautionary actions, without consideration of Protective Action Guide ranges, when seasonal beach populations are potentially affected. Precautionary actions for seasonal beach populations would incl.cle: o Closing beaches and other recreational facilities trct attract seasonal populations and which are in close proximity to the plant,

1. e., within an approximate 2 mile radius.

o Implementation of access and traffic control at roadway points leading to these affected areas to monitor traffic and to advise people of actions taken.

             -0     Issuance of public announcements of actions taken through normal media channels.

o Continued monitoring of traffic flow and local conditions in affected areas. Access Control Access Control can be highly effective in preventing the exposure of personnel by barring their entrance into possible exposure areas. It consists of the establishment of barriers and the assignment of personnel to prevent non-residents and people not involved in the emergency response from entering all or part of the Plume Exposure EPZ. It is also an effective means of reducing traffic congestion on key roadways. The New Hampshire State Police will control access to the Seabrook Station Plume Exposure EPZ. Their plans for Access Control are outlined in Section 2.6.5 of the thiRERP; the Access Control points they will cover are also mapped in Section 2.6.5 of the NHRERP. 1236/0239s II-25 2/86

State Police Troop A has its headquarters in Epping, New Hampshire. The Troop A procedures describe the methods to be used to exclude unauthorized persons from the Seabrook Station Plume Exposure EPZ or a subsequently designated Exclusion Area'. Use of State Police for this function allows the Hampton Police Department to concentrate on traffic control and law enforcement within the Town. Sheltering Sheltering involves remaining inside, closing all doors and windows, turning off all ventilation systems, extinguishing all unnecessary combustion, and sealing, to the extent possible, all other access to the outdoor air. All these actions limit the exchange of indoor air with outdoor air that may be contaminated with radioactive materials. Heavier construction materials or increased layers cf building material increase the amount of protection from exposure to radiation. Therefore, shelter should be sought in the lowest level of the building (e.g., in basements), away from windows. Sheltering can reduce both whole body and thyroid radiation doses. O Generally, sheltering can provide protection for two to five hours. This degree of protection is afforded by small structures. It is a valid level of protection to assume for the Hampton portion of the Seabrook~ Station Plume Exposure EPZ because most of the structures in the town are domestic, wood frame buildings. The main reason sheltering is a valuable protective action is that it can be implemented quickly, usually in a matter of minutes. The dose reduction from which an individual benefits by sheltering is a function of how well the structure is sealed and how long the Plume takes to travel over the area. Sheltering may not be considered as a protective action on Hampton Beach during the summer. Once a decision to recommend sheltering as a protective action has been made by the Governor, NHCOA will instruct the Hampton Civil Defense Director of the intent to recommend shelter. Subsequently the NHCDA will inform the public via the Emergency Broadcast System. The EBS message will include, but is not limited to: O 1236/0239s II-26 2/86


1) The towns in which shelter'is recommended; w 2) The latest time when sheltering should be completed;
3) 'The estimated time that shelter may be required for safety; 4). Special instructions for transients, campers, etc. including the loca' tion of public shelter, if applicable;
5) The basic shelter instructions which will be broadcast over EBS are:
a. Close all doors, windows and vents;
b. Turn off non-essential fans, heating equipment or air conditioners;
c. Extinguish all non-essential combustion;
d. Remain indoors with pets until advised otherwise;
e. Fill containers with water;
f. Do not use telephone except for emergency;
g. Keep radio tuned to WOKQ (97.5 FM) for further information.

Messages that will continue to keep the public informed during sheltering-will be broadcast on EBS.

 - f ~3           New Hampshire employs the " Shelter-in-Place" concept. This concept V         provides for sheltering at the location in which the sheltering instruction is received. Those at home are to shelter at home; those at work or school are to be sheltered in the workplace or school building. Transients without access to suitable shelters will be directed to evacuate as quickly as possible in their vehicles (with closed windows and ventilation systems).

Individuals located in Outdoor Recreation Areas will be asked to pack quickly and leave open areas. The Department of Resources and Economic Development and the Department of Fish and Game and the Division of Boating Safety have the responsibility to locate and notify these individuals. The Coast Guard is responsible for notifying persons in boats on the waterways and harbors in the Seabrook Station EPZ and on the open sea adjacent to Seabrook Station. Transients without access to shelters.or vehicles in which they may evacuate when sheltering has been recommended will be coordinated by the Public Works Director. The Public Works Director will provide transportation O for these transients to a suitable location where they may be sheltered until 1236/0239s II-27 2/86

s the emergency has terminated or until' transportation home can be arranged. N U Transportation will tm arranged in conjunction with the Public Works Director. During sheltering the Hampton emergency workers will continue with their duties unless specifically directed otherwise by DPHS. These duties will include verifying that the public has taken shelter and responding to the emergency service needs of the Hampton residents. Radiological exposure control efforts to be followed by the Hampton emergency worktrs during this time are outlined in Section II.H. of the this RERP.


Evacuation If all potential radiological exposure can be avoided by implementing a timely evacuation, evacuation may be the preferred Protective Action. hhere implementation of Protective Action is deemed appropriate, and where time and plant conditions permit, evacuation will generally be the selected course of action. The constraint to using evacuation is the time required to initiate and implement the action. In addition evacuation involves significant displacement of people, families and economic activity and potential problems associated with controlling access and maintaining the security of evacuated towns. Likewise, evacuation itself involves some limited potential safety risks. These difficulties will be considered by the Governor prior to recommending an evacuation. Evacuation, like sheltering, will be recommended on a municipality-by-municipality basis. Tne primary means of transportation for evacuation will be privately owned vehicles. Since most residents of Hampton have access to automobiles, and since there is little dependence on public transportation in town, the dependence on private vehicles is reasonable. Special arrangements have been planned for the transport of students (when school is in session), institutionalized people, people without access to private automobiles and people with special needs in the Seabrook Station EPZ. These special arrangements are as follows: O 1236/0239s II-28 2/86

Evacuation of Schools - There are a total of twelve schools located in Hampton, four are public schools and the remaining eight are private or L) day care / nursery schools. Current enrollments and estimated vehicle demands necessary for evacuation of these facilities are as follows: 1984 Enrollment Estimated Vehicle Facility Students Staff Demand for Evacuation Public Schools Winnacunnet High School 1215 125 25 buses Academy. Junior High School 611 60 11 buses Marston School 241 25 5 buses Center School , 365 27 7 buses Private or Day Care / Nurseries Sacred Heart School 135 13 3 buses Hampton Christian School 75 10 2 buses Aslan's Pride School 20 3 2 vans Happy Apple Nursery School 20 2 2 vans The Taylor School 15 2 2 vans Hampton Head Start 18 2 2 vans Peek a Boo Nursery 12 2 1 van Montessori Early Learning Center 36 5 3 vans In the event that an evacuation is recommended during school hours, each of these facilities will be evacuated directly from the school premises to the Reception Center at the Public Works Facility in Nashua, New Hampshire. Students will be supervised by school staff at the Reception Center until they can be released to a parent or guardian. Provision of the vehicles for evacuation of these facilities has been coordinated by tne State Director of Pupil Transportation Safety. In the event of an evacuation, the Hampton Public Works Director will contact bus companies and arrange for the pre-assigned buses to be dispatched to the Hampton EOC, where they will then be directed to the schools. In the t event that additional vehicles are necessary, the Director of Pupil Transportation Safety will arrange for the necessary supplemental transportation. 1236/0239s II-29 2/86

5 Evacuation procedures for each of these schoo Q. Appendix F. The Town of Hampton h Evacuation of Other Special Facilities The Seacoa other special facility in addition to its schools.. Ev Center has a capacity of-107 i l patients. based on 36 perso 3

                              . require 2 buses and 23 EMS veh c esProvision of t persons per EMS vehicle.                                    i tor .

$ has been coordinated by the State Transportation In the event of an eva Bureau of Emergency Medical Services. Hampton Public Works Director will contact tran h 7Y . arrange for the pre-assigned vehicles to be dispa 1, , EOC, where they will then be directed to the facil A I' Y$"

                                       . Evacuation procedures for Seacoast Health C

( Appendix F. Evacuation of the Non-Auto Ownino Population 5 to-

~E                               approximately 6% of the households in Hampto                   i people will be dependent on others for transp For the most part it is expected that these pe evacuation.

z leave the EPZ in the automobiles of friends, ne . l E,i Some of the Hampton residents, however, ma w If all

                                                                                -  non-auto-ownir
   .t                              transportation during an evacuation.

requested assistance a maximum of 679 (in 1

g j assistance. This means that maximum ceman f
    %                               Provision of the vehicles for evacuation of this          Platgr
     -{h                            coordinated by the State Transportation Coordinat.o h                              based on the assumption thati there will be a
     $$                              event of an evacuation, the Hampton Public Wo                t a                            bus companies and arrange for the pre-assign
'p                                                        At the Hampton EOC the Public Works y                             to the Hampton EOC.                                        Eat 5                           assign one Hampton emergency worker                    to eac instructi i                           worker will have a list of Each  addresses       and route vehicle assigned  to of non-auto-owning residents.
  • c 1 (,

g- - II-30 s 1236/0239s

          ' J:,

[' non-auto-owning residents will collect its passengers'within the Town and deliver them to the Reception Center in Nashua. Households which do not have access to their family vehicle will be directed to call their town transportation coordinator (Public Works Director) who will be located in the Hampton EOC. Evacuation of Special Needs Population - The Public Works Director is responsible for maintaining a current listing of the Hampton residents that require evacuation by special vehicle or that require physical help to evacuate. This population component includes people that require removal by ambulance or special van. The list of such persons is unpublished in order to protect the persons on it. At present there is no known special needs population in Hampton. Planning however, is being based on the assumption that demand for one special needs vehicle exists. The Public Works Director will attempt to meet current and future special needs evacuation demand with Town resources. These resources include the Town emergency workers, their automobiles, and the Town ambulances (see Appendix C). Should Tcwn resources be insufficient to meet unexpected special needs evacuation demands State assistance will be requested through the IF0/ EOF. One representative of the State's Bureau of Emergency Medical Services (EMS) will be located at the IF0/ EOF during an emergency, and another at the State E. ,C in Concord. As outlined in Section 2.8 of the NMERP, these personnel are prepared to respond to requests for assistance from the Town of Hampton. Evacuation Management - An evacuation of the Town of Hampton will be expedited by evacuation management consisting of instructions to the public, control of access to the EPZ and maintenance of evacuation routes including traffic control at key intersections within the Town of Hampton. Provision of emergency instructions and control of access to the Seabrook Station EPZ are State responsibilities. The State's public information program is described in Section 2.3 of the NF.ERP, the State's Access Control plans are outlined in Section 2.6 of the N m ERP and in the procedures for State Police Troop A. 1236/0239s 11-31 2/86

V The maintenance of local evacuation routes and provision of traffic (7 control at key locations in Hampton is a local responsibility. The evacuation routes and traffic control points within the Town of Hampton are depicted on the large map contained in the map pocket in this RERP. The major routes departing Hampton and leading to the Nashua Reception Center are NH 101C to I-95 to US 4 to NH 125 to NH 101 to US 3 and NH 51 to NH 101 to US 3. The 11 traffic control points are as follows:

1. Ocean Boulevard (Rt 1A) and Route 51
2. Landing Road and Route 51
3. Landing Road and Winnacunnet Road (Rt 101E)
4. Ocean Boulevard (Rt 1A) and Winnacunanet Road (Rt 1CIE)
5. Ocean Boulevard (Rt 1A) and High Street (Rt 101C)
6. Little River Road and High Street (Rt 101C)
7. Locke Road and Winnacunnet Road (Rt 101E)
8. Mill Road and Winnacunnet Road (Rt 101E)
9. Mill road and High Street (Rt 101C)
10. High Street (Rt 101C) and Lafayette Road (Rt 1)
11. Winnacunnet Road (Rt 101E) and Lafayette Road (Rt 1) n)

L The Town Public Works Director will ensure that all evacuation routes are serviceable throughout the course of an evacuation. This is expected to entail normal adverse weather route maintenance only. He will use public works employees, Town vehicles and equipment at his disposal to fulfill these duties. The personnel and equipment available for assignment are outlined in Appendix C. Should the Town's highway resources be insufficient, the Public Works Director may rely on support from the State for maintenance of evacuation routes. A representative of the New Hampshire Department of Public Works and Highways will be available at both the IF0/ EOF in Newington and at the State EOC in Concord. The highway maintenance support available from the State is described in Section 2.6.5 and in Appendix C of the NHRERP. The Police Chief will provide for traffic control at the 11 designated intersections. The Chief may use either his own staff or yL ]; other emergency workers assigned to support him by the Town Manager or 1236/0239s

  • II-32 2/86

the Civil Defense Director. The personnel available for these assignments are indicated in Appendix C. Evacuation time estimates and evacuation route capacities for the Seabrook Station EPZ are reported in Appendix E. The reported 1985 evacuation time estimates that include Hampton range from a minimum of 2 2-hours 20 minutes (northeast 5 mile quadrant - winter fair weather day) to a maximum of 7 hours 40 minutes for a summer weekend evacuation during adverse weather. These data indicate that an evacuation can be managed with one work shift and that 24-hour operation of traffic control points will not be necessary. Upon confirming that the evacuation of the public

                                                                   ~is complete the Civil Defense Director will order any remaining Hampton emergency workers ,to depart. The Civil Defense Director of Nashua will be contacted to arrange for facilities in the Nashua for the Hampton Emergency Response Organization. Upon arrival in Nashua, the IFO Controller will be contacted. It may be determined that the entire Hampton Emergency Organization will not be required. Before releasing them, their supervisors will obtain addresses and/or telephone numbers at which the emergency workers may be reached when it is time to begin h
          - (V                                                      re-entry operations. The supervisors, in turn, will provide the Selectmen and the Civil Defense Director with their forwarding addresses.

Evacuation of Emergency Facilities - When evacuation of the general population is completed the local emergency organization including the EOC staff will be re-located to the designated host community. Evacuation of emergency facilities will be under the direction of the Civil Defense Director and coordinated with the IF3/ EOF in Newington. Reception of Evacuees - Reception Centers are operated to accommodate the emergency service needs of evacuees leaving the EPZ in the event an evacuation is recommended. There are six Reception Centers for the Seabrook Station EPZ. The Reception Center designated for use by hampton residents is the Public Works Facility in Nashua, NH. In the Reception Center, evacuees will be registered and provided teaporary services. These facilities will not be used to house evacuees for prolonged periods 1236/0239s II-33 2/86

d The operation of the Reception Centers, and the co-located decontamination centers is a State responsibility. The NH Division of Human Services manages the Reception Center activities. The resources it 1 provides in these facilities are outlined in Section 2.4 of the NHRERP and in the Division's emergency response procedures. The services provided by DPHS at the'co-located decontamination facilities are outlined in Section 2.7 of the NM ERP and in the DPHS Decontamination Center Supervisor Procedures. The State agencies are aided by emergency response personnel in the host community, as well. The role played by these personnel in assisting with the reception activities is outlined in the Nash'ua Host Plan. Protective Actions for Ingestion Pathway Exposure While the Town of Hampton has no responsibilities for Protective Actions against indirect exposure, the State has several means for reducing potential risks of ingestion. OPHS, the Department of Agriculture, and the Water Supply and Pollution Control Commission are responsible for these activities. The Protective Actions for indirect exposure are designed to minimize opportunities for the human consumption of radiologically contaminated material. Preventing contamination of milk is an important element of the Ingestion Pathway protective actions. Actions for controlling consumption of contaminated milk are classified as preventive or emergency actions. Preventive actions include two approaches. One involves protecting animal feed and ordering dairy farmers to use only stored feed rather than letting the herd graze on potentially contaminated pasture. The second preventive action is for milk that has been directly contaminated. It involves delaying its release to market or diverting it to other uses which allow the radioactivity to decay before consumption. In addition to the above, emergency Protective Actions may require condemning and destroying milk supplies to prevent distribution to the market. Control of milk will be ordered, as necessary, by DPHS, and implemented by the New Hampshire 1236/0239s'

  • II-34 2/86 l
                         , , _ , _ , ~,         - . _ - . . . _ , .  . . _     -,  , , , _ _ _ _ - _ , , _ _ _ , - , _ _ _ . . _ . . . - . _ _ _ . . - , , . , _ . _ _ .

Department of Agriculture by direct contact with the dairy farm owners / operators'. Field and orchard crops or other foods may also be contaminated by deposition from the radioactive Plume. Preventive actions require these foods to be stored until'the radioactivity has decayed or been washed off. Emergency protective actions will be used only if crops have been so heavily contaminated that preventive measures are ineffective. In this case, DPHS will order, and the Department of Agriculture will implement control of harvesting, sale of crops,'and, if necessary, condemnation of' contaminated foods. These protective actions will be implemented by direct contact with the commercial producers. Water supplies that receive a major portion of their water from the surrounding watershed will be the focus of protective actions for water control. As necessary, DPHS will ask the New Hampshire Water Supply and Pollution Control Commission to control the use of water from potentially contaminated public surface water supplies within each ingestion pathway EPZ. Use of public surface water supplies can be temporarily suspended until O testi"9 ror ra to*ctivitv 2evets ce" be ""dertake" to coartr= or rer"te tne need for control. Wells and groundwater sources are not likely to be contaminated, but will be checked if they are muddy or otherwise suspected of having received runoff from contaminated soils. Additional details on protective actions for ingestion exposure are included in the NHRERP. Section 2.6 describes the protective actions and Appendix 0 includes lists of the agricultural and water supply facilities that may be controlled. ,Q U 1236/0239s 11-35 2/86  ! 1

H. RADIOLOGICAL EXPOSURE CONTROL t ) V The objective of radiological exposure control is to protect emergency workers by restricting their exposure to radioactive materials in a manner consistent. with EPA Protective Action Guidelines (see Table 4) and to provide a means for monitoring and decontamination of individuals and materials. These responsiblities are shared by State and local emergency response personnel. OPHS has State-wide responsibility for the radiological exposure control program; the Hampton RADEF Officer implements the local radiological control program. 00simetry Three dosimeters will be used to monitor the whole body gamma exposure of emergency workers. These include two self-reading " pocket-types", a COV-138 (0-200nR) and a CDV-730 (0-20R). The third is a thermo-luminescent permanent record dosimeter (TLD) which is used to measure the total exposure an emergency worker receives for the duration of the emergency. The dosimeters

  ,,     are stored, along with other radiological monitoring equipment, in the Hampton U,      EOC. Similar equipment is stored by NHCDA in the IF0/ EOF. Therefore, during an emergency, the Hampton EOC and the IF0/ EOF will have available the equipment shown in Table 5. The IFO'/ EOF will have additional dosimetry equipment. This State supply may be used to supplement dosimetry on hand in Hampton if necessary.

The dosimeters will be distributed to the Hampton emergency workers from the EOC by the RADEF Officer. As he issues the pocket dosimeters the RADEF Officer will see that they are zerced. He will initiate a log sheet that will serve as the basis for exposure records. It will be maintained at the EOC. All emergency workers will subsequently be required to wear these three dosimeters at all times. Once a release of radioactive material has occurred each worker will be instructed to take readings from the self-reading dosimeters each 15 to 30 minutes. Emergency workers should report readings to the RADEF Officer at the EOC. >p V 1236/0239s II-36 2/86

O O O - TAllt.E 4 PHOTECTIVE ACTION Cili ll E S These Protective Action Guides are prelimin.sry and will change. They are shown here to illustrate the types of nuaibers that can be expe.:ted in fisial guld.suce. Projected Dose (New) to Comments Individuals in the Population Recoaunended Act ions

  • Previously recommended
  • No protective actton required. protective actions may Whole body < l
  • State may issue an advisory to seek shelter and await further instructions or to oluntarily v evacuate. Le reconsidered or
               .                                                                                        teininated.

Thyroid s5 . Honitor environmental radiation levels.

  • Seek shelter and wait further instructions.

Whole body I to 45

  • Consider evacuation particularly tur children and pregnant

e-. Y Thyroid 5 to (25

  • Moultor environmental radiation levels. ,
  • Control access.

D Seeking shelter would

  • Conduct . mand. story evacu.stion of populat ions in the be ass alternative if Whole body 5 to 25 predetersmined area, evacuation were not
  • Monitor environmental radiation levels and adjust area inusediately possible.

tot m.indatory evacuation b.ased on these levels. Thyroid 25 to 125

                                            " Contrut access.

Prolected Dose (Rem) to Emergency Team Workers Although respirators control exposure of emergency team members to these and stable lodine should Whole l>ody 25 levels except for lifesaving missions. (Appropriate be used where effective controls for emergency w rkers, include time limita- to control dose to emer-Thyroid I'25 Lions, respirators, and stable iodire.) gency team workers, thy-roid Jose may not be a

  • Control exposure of emergency members performing limiting factor for Whole body 75 lifesaving missions to this level. (Control of time  !!fesaving missions.

of exposure will be most effective.) t o .: gaseous plume.

  • Hecommended protective actions to' avoid wiiole body and thyroid dose from exposure

TABLE 5 . . RADIOLOGICAL EQUIPENT IN .THE HAWTON EOC , 4 i i 84 CDV 742 dosimeters (0-200 R) n 14 CDV 750 dosimeter chargers 14 COV 700 survey meters 14 COV 715 survey meters and:

   ;                      100 TLD dosimeters i

100 COV 138 dosimeters (0-200 aft) i. 100 COV 730 dosimeters (0-20 R) A storage container j Appropriate instructions and log forms i 4

'O I

1236/0239s II-38 2/86


4 Thyroid and Respiratory Protection (~) U As projected or actual doses approach the upper limit of the PAGs for the general population, the DPHS will order local emergency workers out of their towns. The local emergency workers will be replaced by State emergency workers if necescary. Accordingly, no radioprotective drugs or respiratory equipment is necessary in Hampton. The provisions for State emergency workers are described in Sections 2.7.3 and 2.7.4 of the NFRERP. These provisions include potassium iodide (KI)'and protective clothing that will be available at the IFO/ EOF. Decontamination . Emergency workers, equipment used in the emergency response, evacuees, evacuees' possessions and vehicles may become contaminated with radioactive particulates that have been deposited from the Plume. These individuals, equipment and vehicles may be screened for contamination by either State or local emergency workers. This type of monitoring is handled primarily by the State at access control points or Reception Centers. Each community within (] V the Plume Exposure EPZ, including Hampton, however, has CDV-700 survey instruments it may use for screening for contamination of its own emergency workers. Such screening by Hampton emergency workers will be conducted from the EOC, as deemed necessary by the local Civil Defense Director. If the Hampton emergency workers determine that the level of radioactivity on an individual or on surfaces of vehicles, equipment or other possessiona exceeds 100 CPM above background levels, State DPHS will be contacted for instructions.- The contaminated person and his possessions will be sent to a State decontamination facility located at the Reception Centers. Details on the monitoring to be provided by State personnel at the decontamination facilities are included in Section 2.7.5 of the NFRERP. Additional details on decontamination and waste disposal are provided in the DPHS procedures. 1236/0239s II-39 2/86

I. PUBLIC HEALTH O- If, during an emergency at Seabrook Station, there are ill or injured individuals who are not contaminated, they will be transported and provided

        . medical treatment in the normal manner. Although very unlikely, if there are individuals who are ill or injured and are suspected or known to be contaminated, they will require special considerations for transport and medical treatment. ~ Whenever practical, such individuals will be transported to one of the following hospitals, or to another facility prepared to treat such individuals (see NFflERP Section 2.8) :

Exeter Hospital, Exeter, NH St. Josephs Hospital, Nashua, NH Memorial Hospital, Nashua, NH Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, MA The Health Officer has the responsibility to coordinate with the Public Works Director and State personnel in matters related to the care of (~? contaminated, ill or injured individuals. Radiation related public health matters will be referred to OPHS for appropriate recommendations and/or action. The emergency medical support capabilities that may be provided by the State are described in Section 2.8 of NHRERP. O ., 1236/0239s , II-40 2/86

J. RECOVERY AND RE-ENTRY i ' Recovery in offsite areas consists of establishing plans and procedures j for deciding when and how to relax protective measures, including returning to evacuated areas. In New Hampshire, the decision to initiate recovery and re-entry operations is made by the Governor, who will base his decision on the recommendations of DPHS and NHCDA. These agencies may recommend Recovery from Sheltering Recovery from Evacuation or Recovery from Food and Water Control The process involved in providing recommendations to the Governor is outlined in Section 2.9 of the NFfiERP. Of most concern to the Town of Hampton is recovery from evacuation. Once an area has been evacuated, residents will be restricted from entering the affected area until DPHS has determined that dose commitment levels for the general public and the requirements of the New Hampshire rules for the control of radiation are not exceeded. If the levels are exceeded, individuals will be allowed to enter only after the radioactivity has decayed to background levels. If the levels are higher than background, but less than those prescribed'for the general population, individuals may be allowed to enter the area and adyised to wash paved surfaces and vehicles that were lef t in the affected area prior to resuming normal activity. Recovery orders from the State will be coordinated with the Hampton Emergency Response Organization. The Civil Defense Director, the Selectmen, and the Town Manager will be notified, in advance of the intent to re-enter, and a recovery schedule will be established. The schedule will be established after the Town officials have determined how long it will take to re-establish the Emergency Response Organization in Hampton. This coordination will provide for an orderly return to normal activity as local officials are prepared to provide normal municipal services and responses to questions on re-entry issues that will be raised by the returning evacuees. 1236/0239s II-41 2/86

Recovery instructions will be broadcast to the public via the Emergency

                          . Broadcast' System. These advisories will explain what actions the public should take or that the area is considered safe, how traffic should proceed, what. actions should be taken to clean contaminated surfaces and what precautions to follow for food and water supplies.                 These advisories may suggest that sensitive segments of the population such as women who are pregnant and children delay their return.

O i I I l'


12%/0239s II-42 2/86 %._ . _ _ _ _ _ . . . _ . . _ . _ _ - . _ . - . ,_._- _ , -~. - - _ -

K. EXERCISES Ato DRILLS h'" Exercises and drills are the methods by which plans and procedures are tested. ' Exercises are realistic, planned simulations of accidents, designed and conducted to simulate actual emergency conditions as closely as possible.

     'Their purpose is to evaluate portions of emergency response capabilities.

They will be conducted periodically as set forth in NRC and FEMA rules and in Section 3.1 of the NHRERP. Hampton will participate as required by the scenario to be used. Such participation will include the mobilization of personnel and resources, and participation in exercise critiques. An annual emergency response exercise will be conducted by NHCDA using a scenario appropriate to a SITE AREA EMERGENCY or GENERAL EMERGENCY. These exercises shall include testing and evaluation of items listed below.

1. Coordination among and between offsite emergericy organizations
2. Emergency communications
3. Notification procedures f 4. Staffing of utility, State and local facilities for emergency operations (IF0/ EOF, EOCs, etc.)
5. Adequacy of timing
6. Content and understanding of procedures
7. Functioning of emergency equipment
8. Outy assignments
9. Public alerting systems
10. Emergency Broadcast System (EBS)

Orills are preplanned simulations in which the participants are tested on one or more procedures, or aspects of the Plan. The primary purpose of drills is to train individuals in a controlled situation. Drills are evaluated by an instructor, who will correct inappropriate performance at the time it is noted. Drills may be conducted by Hampton alone or in conjunction with State or utility drills. O 1236/0239s 11-43 2/86

Scenarios for exercises and drills will be developed to simulate actual emergency conditions as closely as possible, and to allow for spontaneous decisionmaking. Scenarios will be developed by NHCDA, NRC, FEMA, NHY, or jointly by any two or more of these agencies and will include:

1. The basic objective of each drill and exercise.
2. The date, time period, place, and participating organizations.
3. A description of the simulated event.
4. A time' schedule of real and simulated initiating events.
5. A narrative description of the conduct of the exercise, the scope of participation, and termination o' the exercise.
6. The arrangements for distribution of advance materials to be provided to official observers.

It is the responsibility of FEMA to conduct a critique within 48 hours after completion of each bi-annual exercise. All observers (Federal, State and/or local) will have the opportunity to provide input to the critique. Each organization will be expected to critique its own performance with input from designated observers and/or participants. FEMA will evaluate observer and participant comments and recommend corrective actions if required. The Civil Defense Director will see that any necessary corrective actions, including revisions to the Hampton RERP and procedures, are implemented. A schedule of exercises and drills is shown in Table 6. 1236/0239s

  • II-44 2/86



SCHEDULED EXERCISES / DRILLS / ACTIONS Event Purpose Frequency Emergency Response To evaluate emergency response Annually Exercise capabilities. Communication Drills Test communications between State and Monthly local agencies within the plume j exposure pathway EPZ. Communication Drills Test communications'between the  ; Annually licensee, State, and local agencies ~ and field assessment teams. Medical Emergency- To involve medical service agencies Annually Drill in the care and transportation of i simulated contaminated individuals.

Update Telephone To keep local plans current. Quarterly Numbers and i Notification Lists Emergency To inspect, inventory, and opera- Quarterly and

! Equipment tionally check emergency equipment / after each use instruments. 4 i i~ ,

   -O-1236/0239s                                       11-45                                                                       2/86   :

4 __.__.________.______-___.____.____..___m._h_____.___________.___.______.__.._..__-___

       .L. TRAINING Training is necessary to ensure that emergency' response personnel in Hampton are familiar with their responsibilities and proficient in their ability to carry out their detailed procedures which might involve specific technical knowledge.

NHCDA 'will conduct a comprehensive training program for all emergency response personnel and the public. The Hampton Civil Defense Director, in conjunction with NHCDA, will schedule the appropriate individuals for specific courses. The Training Matrix for Hampton is shown on Figure 11.

             . Training records will be maintained by the Hampton Civil Defense Director -

and include a list of courses offered, quarterly training schedules, and attendance rosters. Initial training will be scheduled expeditiously for newly assigned personnel while refresher' training will be scheduled at a maximum interval of one year. The following is a summary of the courses offered. TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTIONS

            - 1. General Orientation Scope - Briefings for all emergency response personnel. These briefings will consist of an introduction to radiation, the hazards associated with nuclear power, methods that can be applied to enhance public safety, and use of dosimeters.

Attendees - All persons who may be involved with emergency response. The public may be invited to these briefings. ( 1236/0239s 11-46 2/86


                                                               $                                         b   E u            a

3 $ W w 3 0 o a . 5 4 p Q 5 0 *w <  ; h s 95 o =e - s u o -

                                                          =    5 J t E      n 5                  1 2 y =< w w o u      o  3                             O Q d w w      w  u                  d


2. Direction and Control Scope - Orientation and training for elected and appointed officials who have overall emergency responsibilities. Emphasis is on collecting and interpreting information in a timely manner, coordinating among appropriate agencies, and making major decisions.

Attendees - Selectmen, Town Manager. Civil Defense Director, and others designated by the Selectmen.

3. EOC Operation Scope - Training for officials and staff personnel in the techniques of EOC operation. Emphasis is on physical layout, staffing, communications, equipment requirements, and procedures for processing messages, preparing log books, and posting status boards. Also covered will be adjunct requirements, such as operation of a briefing room for the Press, sleeping and feeding arrangements, and establishment of a facility for storing and O- issuing radiological monitoring equipment and for keeping records of exposures to emergency workers.

Attendees - Selectmen, Town Manager, Fire Chief, Civil Defense Director, and prospective EOC staff personnel as determined by Selectmen. I 4 tbtif cation Scope - Training for Key Officials and communications personnel in the process of notifying government authorities of an emergency at Seabrook Station. Emphasis is on the notification schemes: (a) from Seabrook Station to Hampton and, (b) within Hampton; assignment l of responsibilities in the notification schemes; the importance of verification; and content of initial and follow-up notification messages.

  ~0 1236/0239s                              II-48                               2/86 L_____________.___                                                                                  __.

Attendees - Civil Defense Director, Police Chief, Fire Chief, and

,              all Police and Fire Dispatchers.

i l

5. Public Alerting Scope - Orientation and training for decision makers and emergency response personnel in procedures for alerting the public of an incident at Seabrook Station. Training will be in two phases:

Phase I - Orientation for. decision makers, with emphasis on chain of authority, policy issues, and means available to Hampton for alerting the public. Attendees - Selectmen, Civil Defense Director, Fire Chief. Phase II - Training for emergency response personnel in the mecnanics of activating the various components of the Hampton Public Alerting System. Also, for acquainting these personnel with the locations of alerting devices (and their activating mechanisms), with the routes to be followed by vehicular oatrols, and with the locations of special facilities (public and private schools, nurseries, and day-care centers). Attendees - Civil Defense Director, Fire Chief, Police Chief, fire fighters, and police officers as required.

6. Public Education and Information Scope - Orientation and training for officials who have responsibilities for educating the public as to planned emergency response actions associated with an incident at Seabrook Station.

Also, for disseminating informatinn and instructions to the public should such an incident occur, Emphasis will be on reviewing the types of educational materials that will be distributed to the public prior to an emergency, its content (e.g., general information regarding radiological hazards and protective response options), and 1236/0239s - 11-49 2/86

i I how the public education program is managed at the State level. Also included in the course will bN instruction on the operation of the EOF and Media Center by NHY and the rumor control center by NHCDA; the use of EBS and the news media by both the State and Town for disseminating Information to the public during emergencies; the importance of establishing good relations with the Press; review of sample news releases; and, techniques for dealing with the Press. Attendees - Selectmen, Town Manager, Civil Defense Director, and others designated by the Selectmen.

7. Communications.

Scope - Orientation and training for emergency response personnel in communications procedures and systems that will be in use during a radiological emergency. The course will cover Hampton's communications systems and communications networks on which the Town operates. Instruction to include a review of equipment on hand, and procedures for use of this equipment. Attendees - Civil Defense Director, Fire Chief, Police Chief, and EOC dispatchers.

8. Protective Response Options Scope _ - Orientation for elected and appointed officials on the options for protective response which may be implemented under varying conditions of emergency. The course will describe the Emergency Classification Levels, the guidelines established by the EPA and DPHS, and the responses to be taken by the public and by err rgency response workers under various circumstances. It will outline the roles played by other agencies, in determining which response (s) is (are) appropriate in a Given situation, and the responsibilities of NHCDA, DPHS, the Governor, and Town officials in implementation.

O 1236/0239s II-50 2/86

Attendees - Selectmen, Civil Defense Director, and others designated (] by the Selectmen. v

9. Logistics and Transportation Scoce - The course will include a review of: personnel and equipment resources available to Hampton, and how they can be used durir,g an emergency; procedures for obtaining additional resources if the assets of individual departments need augmentation, or if the Town's overall assets are insufficient. A description of the general Hampton transportation needs (persons with medical problems, institutional 1 zed persons, persons without automobiles, and/or children in s~chool) will be reviewed.

Attendees - Selectmen, Civil Defense Director, Public Works Director, Fire Chief, School Superintendent, and others designated by the Selectmen.

10. Radiological Monitoring and Decontamination

(~} u.) Scope - The course will cover procedures for issuing and controlling radiological monitoring equipment, for recording exposures incurred by individuals, and for decontamination. Attendees - Civil Defense Director, RADEF Officer, Fire Chief, and others as designated by the Civil Defense Director.

11. Traffic Control Scope - A review of traffic control techniques, to include establishment of access control points. Emphasis will be on the identification of designated evacuation routes and special considerations to be made alcng those routes ( e.g., critical intersections, bridges, railroad crossings) for controlling heavy flows of traffic, as well as the identification of access control O.

1236/0239s 11-51 2/86

points to prevent unnecessary entrance into Hampton during an ~

 ]            emergency. Relationships between Hampton Police and State Police will also be reviewed.

Note: This course may be incorporated into other police training programs. Attendees - Police Chief, police officers.

12. Fire / Rescue Scope - Training in the techniques for transporting contaminated patients. -

Note: This course may be incorporated into other fire / rescue , training programs. Attendees - Fire Chief, fire / rescue personnel. O 13. Exercises and Drills Scope - Orientation on the types of exercises a.9d drills in which Hampton may participate. Included in the orientEtion will be: definitions of exercises and drills; descriptions of the exercises and drills; frequency for each exercise and drill; responsibilities l Of Hampton, State, and Federal agencies, and NHY; development of scenarios; techniques for controlling exercise play; requirements for controllers and evaluators; the conduct of critiques; requirements for record keeping; remedial action to correct deficiencies; and, procedures to update plans and distribute records of changes. Attendees - Selectmen, Civil Defense Director, and others designated by the Selectmen. O 1236/0239s 11-52 2/86

  • t i


n A. PURPOSE OF SECTION III U Listed in this section are descriptions of the responsibilities of the various key members of the Hampton Emergency Response Organization. These responsibilities include the activities that should be carried out on a

                      . routine basis, prior to any emergency, this ensures that the Town is prepared to implement the emergency response functions in Part II of the Hampton RERP and the checklists of Emergency Procedures in Part IV of the RERP.

Emergency preparedness responsibilities for each of the following key positions are included in this section: Selectmen Town Manager Civil Defense Director Fire Chief Public Works Director RACEF Officer O eatice Cnief Police Dispatcher Health Officer School Superintendent (SAU #21) Responsibilities fcr the Hampton School Principals are included in the Hampton Special Facility Plans. J ~ O 12N/0240s III-1 11/85

B. SELECTMEN O Selectmen have overall responsibility for emergency response preparedness in Hampton. Their responsibilities are primarily supervisory in nature. The Selectmen have direct, rather than supervisory, responsibility for a limited number of emergency response activities. Specific responsibilities of the Selectmen are as follows: s

1. The Selectmen are responsible for ensuring that all key personnel have satisfactorily performed the Emergency Preparedness Responsibilities described on the follon ing pages.
2. Periodic Emergency Response Training vill be scheduled by the Civil Defense Director in conjunction with NHCDA. The Selectmen are responsible for attending classes, drills, and exercises as arranged by the Civil Defense Director. (Reference Section II.K. and II.L).
3. The Selectmen are responsible for performing an annual review of the Hampton RERP. Any needed corrections should be given to the Civil Defense Director. In particular, the Selectmen are responsible for ensuring the accuracy of RERP sections that apply to them, including the completeness of their emergency checklist. (Reference Section IV.B.)

O 1236/0240s III-2 2/86 l I i


l C. TOWN MANAGER The Town Manager is responsible to the Selectmen for emergency response preparedness in Hampton. He is responsible for seeing that proper planning is undertaken for each of the emergency response functions described in Part II of the RERP. Likewise the Town Manager is responsible for seeing tnat competent personnel are assigned and available to implement the operational responsibilities assigned to each key member of the Town's Emergency Response Organization. Specific responsibilities of the Town Manager are as follows:

1. The Town Manager is responsible for appointing or seeing that
                  . personnel are appointed to fill the following emergency response positions:
  • Fire Chief Public Works Director RADEF Officer Police Chief Health Officer The Town Manager is to see that there is a primary and an alternate person designated for each of these positions. The current assignments for these duties are listed in Appendix A.
2. The Town Manager is responsible for periodically reassessing the projected transportation needs with the Civil Defense Director, Public Works Director, and School Superintendelt. Any changes in requirements are tn be given to NHC0f and the Director, New Hampshire Division of Pupil Transportation Safety. Ensure any additional needs are satisfied. (Reference Section II.G.)
3. Periodic Emergency Response Training will be scheduled by the Civil Defense Director in conjunction with NHCDA. The Town Manager is
 ,y 1236/0240s                             . III-3                              11/85

responsible for attending classes, drills, and exercises as arranged

  • by the Civil Defense Director. (Reference Section II.K.)
4. The Town Manager is responsible for performing an annual review of the Hampton RERP. Any needed corrections should be given to the Civil Defense Director. In particular, the Town Manager is responsible for ensuring the accuracy of RERP sections that apply to him, including the completeness of his emergency checklist.

(Reference Section IV.C) O .Q 1236/0240s III-4 11/85

D. CIVIL DEFENSE OIRECTOR O The Civil Defense Director is responsible to the Selectmen for the administration of Hampton's ernergency preparedness program. He is the Town's liaison with NHCDA. He controls the distribution of the RERP and ensures updates to the plan and procedures are performed. The Civil Defense Director also schedules. training activities with NHCDA. Specific responsibilities include:

1. Notification. (Reference Section II.B.)

o The Civil Defense Director is responsible for ensuring a quarterl'y verification and update of the call list is conducted. Each name and telephone nunber must be checked. This task may be delegated. o The Fire Chief will maintain a list of persons requiring special notification. The Civil Defense Director is responsible for periodically reviewing this list and maintaining a copy.

2. Public Education and Information. (Reference Section II.O.)

o NHCOA is responsible for public education. The Civil Defense-Director is responsible for assisting NHCOA as ne essary and informing local news media of nnnual news media crientations.

3. Equipment and Supplies. (Refr:ence Section II.E.)

o The Fire Chief, Public Works Director and Civil Defense Director will conduct quarterly inventories of supplies and equipment identified in Appendix C. The Public Works Director will consolidate the information provided and compare requirements with available Town resources. Results of these ir.ventories will be given to the Civil Defense Director. He will assess the results and report deficiencies to NHC0A. He O is responsible for ensuring that these needs are met. 1:36/0240s III-5 11/85

4 Transportation. (Reference Section II.G.) o The Public Works Director will assess transportation requirements for special facilities, people without automobiles, and people requiring emergency medical transportation. He will maintain a list of those people with special needs who have identified themselves as requiring transportation. The Civil Defense Director is responsible for periodically reviewing this list and maintaining a copy. (Reference Appendix E, Table 13). o The School Superintendent and School Principals will assess the transpor'tation requirements for Hampton public schools. The Civil Defense Director is responsible for annually reviewing these needs versus available resources (see Section IV.F.) with the School Superintendent and Public Works Director. o The Civil Defense Director is responsible for presenting, in conjunction with the Town Manager, any changes in the transportation needs to NHCOA and the Director, New Hampshire Division of Pupil Transportation Safety. He is responsible for ensuring these needs are met. o The Civil Defense Director is responsible for periodically reviewing the local availability of transportation resources and comparing them with projected needs. (Reference Chapter 4 of Appendix E and Section IV.F. for a detailed breakdown of current transportation resources for Hampton).

5. Exercises and Orills. (Reference Section II.K.)

o The Civil Defense Director is responsible for coordinating with NHCDA in the planning and scheduling of drills and exercises in which Hampton is to participate. O 1236/0240s

  • III-6 11/85

o NHCOA will supply critique forms. The Civil Defense Director is responsible for ensuring the appropriate personnel fill in the form and for maintaining a copy of these critiques.

6. Training. (Reference Section II.L.)

o The Civil' Oefense Director is responsible for rcheduling training classes in conjunction with NHCDA. Training should include instruction in deficient areas as noted in drills / exercises. o The Civil Defense Director is responsible for scheduling the appropriate persons for specific courses, as follows: a) Newly assigned personnel expeditiously; b) Refresher training annually.. O o Tne Civii 0efense Director is resacasioie ror maintainino training records including quarterly training schedules, courses held and attendance rosters. o The Civil Defense Director is responsible for ensuring the Fire Chief is aware of EOC adninistrative and clerical functions.

7. RERP Review and Update.

o' The Civil Defense Director is responsible for performing an annual review of the Hampton RERP. In particular, he is responsible for ensuring-the accuracy of sections that apply to him including the completeness of his emergency checklist. (Reference Section IV.O.) O 1236/0240s III-7 11/85 (

o All key members of the Emergency Response Organization will perform an annual review of the RERP. The Civil Defense Director will coordinate this effort. Corrections will be given to the Civil Defense Director. He is responsible for incorporating changes in the plan and issuing annual revisions as necessary. i O . i O 1236/0240s . III-8 11/85


 -           The Fire Chief and/or, designee is directly responsible for emergency communications systems and the Hampton EOC. He ensures the comunication l       systems and the EOC are maintained in a state of readiness to respond to any l

emergency that might arise. Specific responsibilities include:

1. The Fire Chief is responsible for maintaining his expertise on primary and backup communications systems available to the Hampton Emergency Response Organization including State, Federal and amateur radio systems. This will minimize communication dirficulties that may arise during an emergency. (Reference Section II.C.)


2. The Fire Chief is responsible for ensuring that the comunications equipment in the Fire Department Station #2 is in working order. He conducts monthly radio checks with NHCDA and is encouraged to use the systems more frequently. (Reference Section II.C.)

O 3. Tne Fire Cnief is responsib1e for mintaining a use of peop1e witn special notification needs (i.e., hearing impaired, etc.) who have identified themselves through response to the Emergency Public l Information Booklet Survey. See Figure 12. He will review and update this list periodically with the Civil Cefense Director. Provide him with a copy. (Reference Section II.B.)

4. The Civil Defense Director will schedule training. [heFireChief is responsible for providing training to EOC dispatchers on the emergency notification call list, procedures and equipment.

(Reference Section II.L.)

5. The Fire Chief is responsible for maintaining a list of Fire Department personnel who should attend applicable training sessions. He will coordinate this attendance with the Civil Defense Director.

O 1236/0240s III-9 11/85 T O

6. The Fire Chief'is responsible for performing quarterly inventories of the EOC emergency equipment and supplies listed in Appendix C.

He will provide the results of the inventory to the Public Works Director and Civil Defense Director noting any deficiencies. (Reference Section II.E.)

7. The Fire Chief, with assistance from the Civil Defense Director, is responsible for becoming familiar with the administrative operations of the EOC.
8. The Fire Chief is responsible for maintaining stocks of ECC-related documents such as log sheets and message forms. Samples of these documents are attached to his emergency checklist.
9. Periodically, the Public Alerting System will be tested. The Fire Chief is responsible for overseeing and assisting those persons who perform the maintenance and testing.
10. The Fire Chief is responsible for ensuring the manpower requireeents
]           for backup public alerting as identified in the Plan are maintained.
11. Periccic Emergency Response Training will be scheculed by the Civil Defense Director. The Fire Chief is responsible for atte'nding classes, drills and exercises as designated by the Civil Defense Director. (Reference Section II.L.)
12. The Fire Chief is responsible for performing an annual review of the Hamten RERP. Any needed corrections should be given to the Civil Defense Director. In particular, he is responsit.e for ensuring the accuracy of sections that apply to him including the completeness of his emergency checklist and the Hamton Emergency Ccemunications Plan in Appendix C. (Reference Section IV.E.)

-0 1236/0240s III-10 11/85

 -                                  PEOPLE REQUIRING SPECIAL NOTIFICATION X _,

This list is confidential and not for public disclosure Date Updated Page of Name/ Number Telechene # Address Scecial Recuirements r O FIGURE 12 - SAMPLE SPECIAL NOTIFICATION LIST 1236/0240s III-11 11/85

F. PLBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR The Public Works Director is responsible for assessing and providing for the transportation requirements cf Hampton. He is also responsible for ensuring adequate manpower and equipment are available for the emergency maintenance of evacuation rcutes. Specific responsibilities include:

1. The Public Works Director is responsible for maintaining a list of people who have identified themselves through response to the Emergency Public Information Booklet Survey as requiring transportation during an emergency. These incluce people without automobiles and pecple with special needs (i.e., mobility-impaired, non-ambulatory, etc.). See Figure 13. He will review this list annually with the Civil Cefense Director and provide him with a ecpy. (Reference Section II.G and Appendix E Table 13.)
2. The Public Works Director is responsible for annually meeting with representatives of special facilities (except public schools) to O review ene1r transportation needs. He wi11 review any cnengee in these needs with the Civil Cefense Director.
3. The Public Works Director is responsible for annually meeting with the Civil Cefense Director and School Superintendent to review the transportation needs of public schools. He will update his emergency procedure if these needs change.

4 The Fire Chief, Public Works Director and Civil Defense Director will conduct quarterly inventories of supplies and ' equipment identified in Appendix C. The Public Works Director is responsible for consolidating this informaticn, ccmparing requirements with available Town resources and reporting results to the Civil Cefense Director.

5. The Public Works Director is responsible for periodically reassessing the manpower and equipment needs and resources for Q emergency maintenance of evacuation routes. He will coordinate this with private contractors and the NH Department of Public Works and Highways. (Reference Section II.G. and Appendix C.)

1236/0240s III-12 11/85

4 .

6. The Public Works Director is responsible for maintaining a familiarity with evacuation routes and traffic control points in ,

Hampton.- (Reference Facilities and Evacuation Routes Map.)

7. The Civil Defense Director will schedule training. The Public Works Director is responsible for maintaining a list of public works  !

personnel and contractors who should attend applicable training sessions. He will coordinate their attendance with the Civil l Cefense Director. (Reference Section II.L.) I

8. Periodic Emergency Response Training will be scheduled by the Civil Cefense Director. The Public Works Director is responsible for attending classes, drills and exercises as designated by the Civil Defense Director. (Reference Secticn II.L.)

I , 9. The Public Works Director is responsible for performing an annual l review of the Hampton RERP. Any needed corrections shculd be given  ; i to the Civil Cefense Director. In particular, he is responsible for . () ensuring the accuracy of sections that apply to him including the completeness of his emergency checklist. (Reference Section IV.F.) I i I I 1 i O 1236/0240s III-13 11/85

                                                                            .,           i PECPLE REQUIRING SPECIAL TRANSACRTATION                      '

O This list is c,onfidential and not for public disclosure Date Updated Page of Name/ Number Telechone # Address Special Requirements O O FIGURE 13 - 5 AMPLE SECIAL TRANSPORTATION LIST 1236/0240s III-14 11/85

G. RADEF OFFICER The RADEF Officer is responsible for the radiological capability of Hampton. He maintains the monitoring equipment and provides for training on radiological procedures. Specific responsibilities include:

1. The RADEF Officer is responsible for performing quarterly inventory and operational check of all radiological monitoring instruments.

(Reference Section II.E.) Operational checks will also be conducted after each use. He will provice the results of the inventory to the Civil Defense Director.

2. The RADEF Officer is responsible for maintaining self proficiency in procedures for issuing and using emergency workers' dosimeters (COV-138 and COV-730), TLDs and survey instruments (COV-700).

(Reference Section II.H.)

3. The Civil Defense Director will schedule training. The RADEF Officer is responsible for arranging training for all emergency workers on the use of radiological monitoring equipment, dosimetry and decontamination procedures. (Reference Section II.H. and II.L.)
4. Periodic Emergency Response Training will be scheduled by the Civil Defense Director. The RADEF Officer is responsible for attending classes, drills and exercises as designated by the Civil Defense Director. (Reference Section II.L.)
5. The RADEF Officer is responsible for performing an annual review of the Hampton RERP. Any needed corrections should be given to the Civil Defense Director. In particular he is responsible for ensuring the accuracy of sections that apply to him including the
            ' completeness of his emergency checklist. (Reference Section IV.G.)

l O 1236/0240s III-15 2/86

r - H. POLICE CHIEF  ! The Police Chief is responsible for ensuring the Police force is in a  ! state of readiness to provide notification, public alerting, traffic f management and security. Specific responsibilities include:

1. The Police Chief is resconsible for ensuring that all dispatchers f

maintain proficiency in the notification and verification procedure. He will also provide todated notification lists to  ! Police Department personnel. The notification lists can be obtained from the Civil Cefense Director. (Reference Secticn II.B.)  !

2. The Police Chief is responsible for maintaining a familiarity with evacuation routes and traffic control points in Hampton. (Reference Facilities and Evacuation Routes Map.)

f t

3. The Police Chief is respcnsible for periodical 1y reassessing the manpcwer requirements for puolic alerting, traffic management, and O emers ncy securiev ccerations in ha<roton. se w111 revie cnances ia manecwer requirements with the Public Works Director and Civil l Defense Director. (Reference Sections II.B and II.G.)

4 The Civil Defense Director will schedule training. The Police Chief is responsible for maintaining a list of police personnel who should i attend applicable training sessions. He will ccordinate their attendance with the Civil Defense Director. (Reference Section II.L.) -

5. Periodic Emergency Response Training will te scheduled by the Civil Defense Director. The Police Chief is responsible for attending ,

classes, drills and exercises as designated by the Civil Defense  : Director. (Reference Section II.L.) t O 1236/0240s III-16 11/85

O 6. The Police Chief is responsible for performing an annual review of


the Hampton RERP. Any needed corrections should be given to the Civil Defense Director. In particular he is responsible for ensuring the accuracy of sections that apply to him including the completeness of his emergency checklist. (Reference Section IV.H.) O 1236/0240s III-17 11/85

I. POLICE DISPATCHER O The Police Dispatcher is responsible for maintaining proficiency in the notification and verification procedure. Specific responsibilities include:

1. The Police Dispatcher is responsible for periodically reviewing the notification and verification procedure. He should understand the energency message content and how verification will take place.

(Reference Section IV.I.)

2. The Police Dispatcher should know who is notified for each Emergency Classificatign Level (LNUSUAL EVENT, ALERT, etc.). The Emergency tbtification Call List will be provided by the Police Chief.

(Reference Section IV.I.)

3. Periodic Emergency Resocnse Training will be scheculed by the Civil Cefense Director. The Police Dispatcher is respcnsible for attending classes, drills and exercises as designated by the Police

() Chief. (Reference Section II.L.) 4 The Police Dispatcher is responsible for performing an annual review of the Haroten RERP. Any needed corrections should be given to the Civil Defense Director. In particular he is responsible for ensuring the accuracy of sections that apply to him including the completeness of his emergency checklist. (Refererce Section IV.I.) O C/ 1236/0240s III-18 11/85

q J. HEALTH CFFICER V The Health Officer is responsible for coordinating public health information and being familiar with procedures for evaluating radiation exposure. Specific responsibilities include:

1. The Health Officer is resconsible for coordinating wit.h CFHS on the cistribution of public health information to Town officials. He also provides assistance and guidance in health-related areas.

(Reference Section I.G.)

2. The Health 0,fficer is rescensible for being familiar with methods of radiation exposure control and of transporting contaminated individuals. (Reference Section II.I.)
3. Periodic Emergency Resocnse Training will be scheduled by the Civil Cefense Director. The Health Officer is responsible for attending classes, drills and exercises as cesignated by the Civil Cefense O Director. (Rererence secticn 11.'.)

4 The Health Officer is resocnsibic for performing an annual review of the Haroten REFP. Any needed corrections should te given to the Civil Cefense Director. In particular he is responsible for ensuring the accuracy of sections that acoly to him including the completeness of his emergency checklist. (Reference Section IV.J.) O 1236/0240s III-19 11/85

K. SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT (SAU #21) O U The School Superintendent is responsible for ensuring the readiness of all SAU #21 schools tc respond to a potential emergency condition at Seabrcck Station. Specific responsibilities include:

1. The School Superintendent ir, responsible for reviewing transportation requirements with the following people in SAU #21 ccmnunities prior to the start of eacn school year:

Hampten: Civil Cefense Director and Public Works Director Hamton Falls: Transportation Coordinator North Hamptch: Deputy Fire Chief - Transportation Seabrock: Transportation Coordinator South Hampten: Assistant Civil Cefense Director (Reference Page IV-52 cf your emergency procedure for the current school transportation requirements of these communities. O

2. The Sucerintendent is responsible for reviewing individual school plans with all school principals in SAU #21 to ensure that their needs are being adequately met.
3. Periccic Emergency Response Training will te scheduled by Civil Cefense Directors in SAU #21. The Sucarintendent is responsible for attending classes, drills, and exercises as requested by the Civil Cefense Directors in the above mentioned ccestnities. he is also responsible for developing a list of school personnel in each cormunity in SAU #21 who should attend applicaule training sessions. He will coordinate their attendance with the Civil Defense Directors in the corrnunities.

O 1236/0240s III-20 11/05

l 4

      . .                                           4. The Superintendnet is responsicle for performing an annual review of     :

0 th s .taa acaa aar a a a corr ctiaa iaoute e oiv a == th. Hampton , Civil Defense Director. In particular, he is resposible for , ensuring the accuracy or sections which apply to him, including the completeness of his emergency checklist (Reference Section IV.K.). , I h h t r I f i O l f I l 9 r I i k i i

    !                                                                                                                            l O                                                                                                                         1 1234/0240s                        -

III-21 11/85 l r u___

e 9 a e l 1 1 l l i I i i IV. ,CHECXLISTS CF E W.RCENCY FROCECLFES i I O i l J l 1 i l l 1, . 4 i } 4 l O l 4 l l l

A. PURPOSE OF SECTION IV O V This section provides, checklist procedures to be follcwed in the event of an emergency condition at the Seabrock Station PA; clear Power Plant. These procedures describe actions to be taken according to each of the Emergency Classification Levels which are cutlined in ascending order of severity. These emergency prccedures are to te imlemented by each of the Hampten officials listed below: Selectmen Town Manager Civil Cefense Director Fire Chief

  • Public Works Director RACEf* Of ficer l

Police Chief Police Oispatcher Health Officer q Scncol Superintendent (SAU #21) b Emergency procedures for the Hamten Schcol Principals are included in CP4 Hampton Special Facility Plans. I o N.) 1236/0231s - IV.1 11/85

      -                                          8. SELECTNEN O

Radiological Emergency Response J Procedure Checklist for the Seabrock Station Nuclear Poner Plant This doctrent provides a checklist of procecures for the Selectmen of the Town of Hampton to be used in the event emergercy conditions are declared at the Seabrock Staticn Nuclear Power Plant. Initial fictification of a potential or actual emergency condition at the Seacrock Statien will centain ene of tre Emergency Classification Levels: UNUSUAL EvD4T, ALERT, SITE AREA EKRCENCY, or CCriERAL EKRCENCY. The following procedure checklists for eacn Emergency Classification Level i represent the minimum actions the Selectmen are required to fulfill. Additional instructions, if any, will te provided by P.HCDA from the State EOC or the IF0/ECF. The primary means of conmunication with NHCOA is CD Radio.

  • Back-up means is ccmcercial teleoncre.

The Selectmen are responsible for overall Guidance and policy making for Farmten's Emergency Pesconse Organization. They oversee implementation of , , i J protective actions recommended cy tre Governor and orcer activation of the Public Alerting System . hen directed by NHCCA. l These checklists of step-by-step procedures are written as guidance to the Selectmen. In dcubtful situations, comon sense should dictate acorceriate acticns. NOTE TIME unusual EstNT

1. Receive notification f rom Police 01spatcher via phone, pager or rumer.
2. Give Polico 01spatener exact informaticn as to how you can best be contacted. No other action required.
3. Stand by for notice of escalation or termination of event. __

1236/0231s IV-2 11/83 I


1. Receive notification from Police Dispatcher via phone, pager or runner.
2. Give Police Dispatcher exact information as to how you can best be contacted.

Request the Civil Defense Director obtain accurate event 3. status from NHCDA.- If the Civil Defense Director is

,         unavailable, obtain this information from NHCDA by telephone at 271-2231 or 1-800-852-3792 or over tre Civil Defense Radio (Frequency 46.58) located at the Hamton EOC.                     !
4. Consult with the Town Manager and other key Town of ficials and determine if furtner action should be taken. Consider EOC activation. During the peak summer period, from May 15  :

through September 15, the EOC should be activated in order to expedite implementing any necessary precautionary actions for the seasantl beach population. If the ECC is activated during the peak sunner period, review Appendix G and be prepared to Jmplement precautionary actions in Hampton.

5. If you decide to activate the EOC, inform the Town Manager or other Town officials that you wish to have notified.

Report to the Hampton Fire Ocpartment Station #2 and review  ! procedures for SITE AREA EMERCENCY and GENEHAL EMERCENCY. O

1236/0231s IV-3 2/86


6. If NHCDA recommends i@lementation of precautionary measures to close beaches and state parks, coordinate Hampton's reponse with the Hampton Civil Defense Director, Tcwn Manager and other key responders. This includes authorizing the Fire Chief to activate the public address system on the beach to announce closure. (See Appendix G.)
7. If no further action is deemed necessary, stand by for notice of escalation or termination of event.

SITE AREA EMERGENCY AND T NERAL EMERGENCY r L O Upon verification of a SITE AFIA EFERGENCY or GENERAL EMERGENCY the State will activate or order the activation of the public alerting system.  !

1. Receive notification from Police Dispatcher via phone, pager or runner.
2. Report to the EOC in the Fire D:partment Station #2.
3. Upon direction from NHCDA to close beaches and State parks, coordinate Hampton's response with the Civil Defense Ofrector, Town Manager, and other key responders. This includes  ;

authorizing the Fire Chief to activate the public address system on the beach to announce closure (See Appendix G). '

O i

1236/0231s IV-4 2/06


4. Upon direction from NHCDA, authorize the at ivation of the public alerting system (unless previously scunded). This must be coordinated through the local Civil Defense Director, Fire Chief and NHCDA.
5. Upon arrival at the EOC, consult with the Town Manager and Civil Defense Director to obtain an accurate status report from NHCDA. If the Civil Defense Dirxtor is not available, information may te obtained by telephone at 271-2231 or 1-800-852-3792 or over the Civil Defense Radio (Frequency 46.58).
6. Keep up-to-date with public information releases on radio station WOKQ (97.5 FM). Additional stations also in the Emergency Broadcast System (CBS) are listed in Appendix A.

Keep the School Principals anc School Superintencent (SAU #21) Informed of Hancton's 4tatus.

7. Refer all media requests to the Media Center located at the Newington Town Hall, except for requests directly concerning the Town. Answer questions concerning Hampton's status in a manner consistent with official releases from CBS and the Media Center and protective action recommendations from the New Hampshire EOC or 1F0/ECF. Inform the people of Hampton to listen to WOKQ (97.5 FM) or one of the additional radio stations for further information as it develops.

Consult with NHCDA before releasing news items.

8. Ensure that the public is adequately informed of events relative to Hampton. If necessary, establish a media briefing room in the Town Hall.

O 1236/0231s IV-5 2/66


9. If you are required to leave the EOC, appoint the next available person in your line of succession to staff the EOC.

Notify the Town Manager of this change.

10. Maintain a log of all actions taken. This checklist could serve this function with appropriate annotation. Include times when tasks were performed. Submit tnis documentation along with all your messages to the EOC Operations Officer.

l 4 O 4 I I

O 1236/0231s IV-6 2/86

C. TOWN MANAGER Radiological Emergency Response Procedure Checklist for the Seabrook Station Nuclear Power Plant This document provides a checklist of procedures for the Town Manager of the Town of Hampton to be used in the event emergency conditions are declared at the Seabrook Station Nuclear Power Plant. Initial Notification of a potential or actual emergency condition at the Seabrook Station will contain one of the Emergency Classification Levels: UNUSUAL EVENT, ALERT, SITE AREA FMERGENCY, or GENERAL EFERFENCY. The following procedure checklists for each Emergency Classif1 cation Level represent the miniet.rn actions the Town Manager is required to fulfill. Additional instructions, if any, will be provided by the Selectmen. The Town Manager is responsible for overall comand and control of Hampton's Emergency Response Organization. These checklists of step-by-step procedures are written as guidance to the Town Manage *. In doubtful situations, common sense should dictate appropriate actions. NOTE TIME UNUSUAL EENT

1. Receive notification from Police Olspatcher via phone, pager or runner.
2. Give Police Dispatcher exact information as to how you can best be contacted. No other action required.
3. Stand by for notice of escalation or termination of event.

O i l 1236/0231s IV-7 2/86


1. Receive notification from Police Dispatcher via phone, pager or runner.
2. Give Police Dispatcher exact information as to how you can best be contacted.
3. Consult with the Shlectmen to cetermine if the EOC should be activated.

4 If the Selectmen decide to activate the EOC, instruct the Fire Chief to do so. Report to the EOC in the Fire Department Station #2.

5. If NHCDA recommends implementation of precautionary measures to close beaches and state parks, coordinate Hampton's re::ponse with the Selectmen, Civil Defense Director and other key responders. (See Appendix G.)
6. Stand by for notice of escalation or termination of event.


1. Receive notification from Police Dispatcher via phone, pager or runner.
2. Instruct the Police Dispatcher to notify the appropriate individuals on the Emergency Call List roster in Appendix A of this Plan to report to the EOC in the Fire Department Station #2.

1236/0231s IV-8 2/86


3. Report to the EOC in the Fire Department Station #2.

4 Upon direction from NHCOA to close beaches and state parks, coordinate Hampton's response with the Selectmen, Civil Defense Director and other key responders.

5. Assess current EOC staffin0 requirements and supplement these as required. Ensure that all departments can maintain continuous EOC staffing. See Appendix A (Emergency Call List) for positions to be staffed.
6. Conduct a staff meeting with other Town officials. Request input from each department relative to their readiness to respond to all possible protective actions. Based on this inout and recommendations from NHCDA, direct the emergency resconse team's actions accordingly.
7. Establish priorities for supplemental-resource requests.

Instruct the Civil Defence Director to forward these requests to f4HCDA, or other local agencies which ycu know may be of assistance.

8. With the Civil Defense Director, periodically organize emergency staff meetings to review the activities and effectiveness of each service organization. Staff 1

meetings should be made up of the following people if available: Selectmen, Civil Defense Director, Fire Chief, Police Chief and Public Works Director.

9. If you are required to leave the EOC, appoint the next available person in your line of succession to staff the EOC. Notify the Selectmen of this change.

1236/0231s IV-9 2/86


10. If the Hampton Emergency Response Organization is required to evacuate, instruct them to go to the Public Works Facility in Nashua. Contact the Nashua Orargency Response Organization to have facilities made available for Hampton's Organization.
11. Continue to maintain EOC operation until the emergency has been terminated.

O 1236/0231s IV-10 2/86

D. CIVIL DEFENSE DIRECTOR Radiological Emergency Response Procedure Checklist for the Seabrook Station Nuclear Power Plant This document provides a checklist of procedures for the Civil Defense Director of the Town of Hampton to be used in the event emergency conditions are declared at the Seabrook Station Nuclear Power Plant. Initial Notification of a potential or actual emergency condition at the Seabrook Station will contain one of the Emergency Classification Levels: UNUSUAL EVENT, ALERT, SITE AREA EMERGENCY, or GENERAL EMERGENCY. The following procedure checklists for each Emergency Classification Level represent the minimum actions the Civil Defense Director is required to fulfill. Additional instructions, if any, will be provided by the Town Manager and NHCDA. The primary means of communication with NHCDA is CD Radio. Back-up means is commercial telephone. The Civil Defense Director is responsible for maintaining contact with NHCDA and providing updates to the Selectmen and Town Manager. be coordinates requests fc additional support with NHCDA. The Civil Cefense Director , supervises tne EDC operation. These checklists of step-by-step procecures are written as guidance to the Civil Defense Director. In doubtful situaticns, cor:rnon sense should dictate appropriate actions. NOTE TIME UNUSUAL EWJ4T

1. Receive notification from Police Dispatcher via phone, pager or runner. No action required unless directed by the Town Manager or Selectmen.
2. Stand by for notice of escalation or termination of event.

O 1236/0231s IV-11 2/86 i t

     ,                             CIVIL DEFENSE DIRECTOR (Cont.)
    ]                                                                     NOTE TIME
1. Receive notification from Police Dispatcher via phone, pager or runner.
2. Contact the NHCDA at 271-2231 or 1-800-852-3792 (State EOC) or radio frequency 46.58 for a status report and inform the Town Manager and Selectmen.
3. If activated, report to the EOC in the Fire Department Station #2. Durin'g thc peak summer period from May 15 through September 15, the EOC should be activated in order to expedite implementing any necessary precautionary actions for the seasonal beach population. If the EOC is activated during this peak summer period, review Appendix G and be prepared to assist with implementing precautionary actions in Hampton.

( i , 4. If the EOC is activated, notify NHCDA at 1-271-2231 or 1-800-852-3792 (State EOC). Also notify the Police Dispatcher that the EOC has been activated and confirm with the Police Dispatcher that the Police Chief has been notified and is reporting to the EOC.

5. Review SITE AREA EMERENCY and EtERAL EMERINCY procedures.
6. Stand by for instructions from NHCDA.

SITE AREA ETRTNCY AND TNERAL EMERCENCY fOTE Upon verification of a SITE AREA EKRGENCY or EfERAL l EMERENCY the State will activate or order the activation of the public alerting system. 1236/0231s IV-12  ?/86


1. Receive notification from Police Dispatcher via phone, pager or runner.
2. Report to the EOC in the Fire Department Station #2.

Notify Hampton Police Dispatcher that EOC is operational.

3. Upon direction from NHCDA to close beaches and state parks, coordinate Hampton's response with Selectmen, Town Manager and other key responders. This includes ensuring that the Fire Chief has activated the public address system to announce beach closure, if appropriate (See Appendix G.).

4 Contact the NHCDA at State EOC in Concord or IF0/ EOF in Newington Station using Civil Defense Radio Network (backup: See Appendix A for telephone numbers). o Inform NHCDA that Hamoton EOC has been activated o Identify yourself by position o Verify Emergency Classification Level (SITE AREA EKRGENCY or GE?ERAL EMERGENCY) o Ask if Protective Actions have been recommended o If known, inform IF0/ EOF wttich means of public notification were successfully activated in Hampton (siren, tone alert radio, EBS broadcasts). o If public notification has not been sounded, request NHCDA to indicate when this will occur.

5. Review staffing of COC with Fire Chief.
6. Establish a schedule for continual 24-hour emergency readiness.
7. Review overall transportation plans with the Public Works i

Director, School Superintendent and Toan Manager. Assess current transportation needs. 1236/0231s IV-13 2/86


8. If current transportation needs differ from planned needs, forward supplemental transportation requests as follows:

For Centact Bus deficiencies / excesses Director of Pupil Transportation Safety (State EOC) or State Transportation Coordinator 4 (State EOC) EMS vehicle deficiencies / IFO EMS Representative (IF0/ EOF) excesses. - (See Appendix A for phone numbers).

9. Determine manpower and/or equipment requirements from other emergency officials; and report findings to the Town Manager. Contact NHCDA and determine if these needs can be augmented with State resourcas.


10. If evacuation is recommended, implement transportation plans. Assess transportation deficiencies.
11. Inform NHCDA of the progress of all protective responses in Hamoton.
12. Oversee the updating of status board entries and ensure'that permanent logs are being maintained by the EOC Operations Officer (designated by the Fire Chier).
13. If you are required to leave the EOC, appoint the next available person in your line of succession to staff the EOC. Notify the Town Manager of this change.

O 1236/0231s IV-14 2/86


14. Submit this checklist and all messages to the EOC Operations Officer.
15. The E0C Operations Officer will provide a copy of all emergency documentation to you following the termination of the emergency. Sutait logs and dosimetry records to NHCDA.

1 [D v O 1236/0231s IV-15 2/86

E. FIRE CHIEF f'% (_) Radiological Emergency Response Procedure Checklist for the Seabrook Station Nuclear Power Plant This cocument provides a checklist of procedures for the Fire Chief of the Town of Hampton to be used in the event emergency conditions are declared at the Seabrock Station Nuclear Power Plant. Initial Notification of a potential or actual emergency condition at the Seabrook Station will contain one of the Emergency Classification Levels: UNUSUAL EVENT, ALERT, SITE AREA EMERGENCY, or GENERAL EMERGENCY. The following procedure checklists for each Emergency Classification Level represent the minimum actions the Fire Chief is required to fulfill. Additional instructions, if any, will be provided by the Town Manager. The Fire Chief is responsible for set up of the EOC and ensuring the proper cperation of communication equipment in the EOC. He completes any 7,, notifications that have not yet been performed and ensures people requiring (_) special notification have been contacted. These checklists of step-by-step procedures are written as guidance to the Fire Chief. In coubtful situations common sense should dictate appropriate actions. NOTE TIME UNUSUAL EVENT

1. Receive notification from Police Dispatcher via phone, pager or runner.
2. No other action required unless directed by Selectmen or Town Manager.
3. Stand by for notice of escalation or termination of event.

3 Y~) ; ,


1236/0231s IV-16 2/86


1. Receive notification from the Police Dispatcher via pnene, pager or runner.
2. If directed by the Town Manager, activate the EOC in the Fire Department Station #2 (See Attachment 1). During the peak summer period, from May 15 through September 15, the EOC should be activated in order to expedite implementing any necessary precautionary actions for the seasonal beach population. If the EOC is activated during this peak summer period, review Appendix G and be prepared to assist with implementing precautionary actions in Hampton.
3. Review your procedures for SITE AREA EMERGENCY and o GENERAL EMERGENCY.


4. Stand by for instruction from NHCDA.

SITE AREA EMERGENCY AND GENERAL EMERGENCY NOTE Upon verification of a SITE AREA EMER INCY or GENERAL EMERGENCY the State will activate or order the activation of the public alerting systen.

1. Receive notification from the Police Dispatcher via phone, pager, or runner.

O 1236/0231s IV-17 2/86


2. Upon orders from the Selectmen and/or NHCDA, initiate the activation of the Public Alerting System (see Attachment 5).

Activation must be coordinated with the Emergency Broadcast System under the direction of NHCDA.

3. Report to the EOC in the Fire Department Station #2.
    '4. Turn on all two-way base station radios. Turn on New Hampshire Civil Defense Radio and sign on with the State EOC or IF0/ EOF.     -
5. Turn on AM/FM radio to WCKQ (97.5 FM). (if reception is poor, tune to one of the additional stations listed in Appendix A.)
6. Assign personnel to positions that are not filled.

O Appendix A, EMERGENCY CALL LIST, lists positions and personnel available. Assign the following tasks to available personnel: o Radio: Assign one worker to listen to A4/FM radio or ensure that one worker is reponsible for this task. o NH Civil Defense Radio: Assign person to monitor and operate NH Civil Defense Radio. Keep a record of all transmissions, o Telephone: Assign one worker to answer phone in the event the Civil Defense Director is occupied. Information requests from townspeople should be referred to the Selectmen. All other communications including calls from the State, shculd be directed to the Civil Defense Director. This worker should keep V log of phone calls and times. 1236/0231s IV-18 2/86

FIRE CHIEF (cont.) NOTE TIME o Status Board: Assign one worker to set up and maintain Status Board and map in EOC.

7. Appoint a Senior Fire Officer as EOC Operations Officer.

Assign to him the responsibility for performing the following tasks: o Coordinate resources needed for EOC Operations (see Attachment 1). o Provide telephone and clerical assistance. (See . Attachments 3 and 4 for message forms). o Maintain logs of incoming and outgoin0 messages. Record events on status board. ,

- Q, o- Once every hour, transcribe information on the

, status board to a permanent log for future reference. l 8. Inventory equipment in EOC (see Attachment 1 and Appendix C). Deliver a list of deficiencies to the Civil Defense

  • Director. '
9. Review communications links between other organizations as indicated in Appendix C and ensure that communications links have been established or are possible.

i 1- , 1236/0231s IV-19 2/86


10. From the' Police Dispatcher, obtain current Emergency Classification Level, status of verification and key officials notified. (Persons unable to be reached should be noted.) Check to be sure notifications are consistent with I the current Emergency Classification Level (see Appendix A, EERGENCY CALL LIST).
11. Ensure EOC dispatcher has assumed responsibility for EOC communications from 1;he Police Dispatcher.
12. Have people requiring special notification contacted (see Appendix A).
13. Notify additional Fire Department personnel as required to report to the Fire Station.

o 14 With assistance from the Civil Defense Director, coordinate the resources needed for the continued operation of the i EOC. Ensure that all EOC personnel will have adequate provisions for the duration of the event.

15. Make arrangements to feed emergency workers, if duration of

, accident so requires. t l 16. Check with the RADEF Officer to see if radiological monitoring

equipment will be required for fire department emergency workers. Check also for appropriate protective actions to be used by fire personnel.
17. If sheltering is recommended, secure all windows, doors, and ventilation systems in the EOC.

O 1236/0231s IV-20 2/86


18. If you are required to leave the EOC, appoint the next available person in your line of succession to staff the EOC. Inform the Town Manager of this change.
19. Submit this checklist and all messages to the EOC Operations Officer O

O 1236/0231s "IV-21 2/85 W_-_____.-.-___-_-_-__---..____ _ - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Attachment 1 to Fire Chief's Emergency Procedure EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT

1. Copies of the Hampton Radiological Emergency Response Plan and the Hampton Basic Emergency Management Plan
2. The New Hampshire State Emergency Plan, Annex R, " Radiological Emergency Response Plan"
3. Copies of Special Facilities Plans 4 Evacuation Time Study Report
5. Map Boards (showing evacuation routes, access & control points)
6. Status Boards
7. Street Maps O ,
   -                      8.       Radiological Monitoring Equipment
9. Decontamination Supplies (scap, brushes, detergents, etc.)
10. Communications Equipment
11. Message Forms
12. Log Books
13. Office Supplies
14. Food and Beverages i

1236/0231s IV-22 2/86

{ Attachment 2 , O . LEG ENO:


6A. 6 , 3

5. 6 i


3. 2.

\ -, I' SCALE: I6 = l' 0 "

O 1236/0231s IV-23 2/86


  • 2 LEGENO:
           *' "^ "

O 1 4.

4. 0' 1
3. 2. 6.

j SCALE: k'=l'0" 1236/0231s IV-24 2/86 i

                     - - - - - - , - - - -                        -~~~~~~'~^~~~ ~~"~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~

Attachment 3 to Fire Chief's Emergency Procedure LOG SEET Organization Date I i l l TIME I EVENT l 1 I l l l l 1 I I I I l l 1 - l I I l l 1 1 I I I I I I I l l i I I '- l l l l l l l l l l l 1 1 I l l l 1 1 I I 1 l l 1 I l l l l 1 1 I l -l i I I i 1 l l l l l O 1236/0231s IV-25 2/86

Attachment 4 to Fire Chief's Emergency Procedure O Tetees0Ne CO - N1 CAT 10~ '0GsseeT I i 10 ATE: TIME: INCOMING OUTGOING Phone Circuit Used: l l 1 l l lTO: FROM: l I l l l l Message: l l l' I I I l l l

   'l                                                                                         l 1                                                                                        1-IReceived by:                                                                           l I                                                                                       I 10 ATE:          TIME:                      INCOMING     OUTGOING    Phone Circuit Used: l l                                                                                        l 1                                                                                       1 TO:                                   FROM:                                          l l                                                                                        l l Message:                                                                               I
    'l                                                                                        l I                                                                                       I i

1 I I I I IReceived by: 1 I 1 I i 10 ATE: TIME: INCOMING OUTGOING Phone Circuit Used: 1 1 1 1 I ITO: FRCH: I I l l Message: l l l l l l' I o l l l l l Received by: 1 1 - l 1235/0231s IV-26 2/86

Attachment 5 to p Fire Chief's Emergency Procedure V INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE OF THE PUBLIC ALERTING SYSTEM The ten sirens in Hampton provide the following features:

1. Each siren can be remotely activated individually.
2. Each siren can be remotely activated from either Rockingham County Dispatch Center or the Town EOC.
3. The siren system has a directional capability (e.g., all sirens may be aimed north at the same time).
4. There is a voice transmission mode and four siren tone variations.

The specific activation p.ocedure will be provided following system procurement. O 1236/0231s IV-27 2/86

F. PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR i O Radio 1ooica1 Emeroency Response il Precedure Checklist for the ) Seabrook Station Nuclear Power Plant i j This document provides a checklist of procedures for the Public Works Director of the Town of Hampton to be used in the event emergency conditions are declared at the Seabrook Station Nuclear Power Plant. Initial Notification of a potential or actual emergency condition at the T Seabrook Station will contain one of the Emergency Classification Levels: j UNUSUAL EVENT, ALERT, SITE AREA EKRGENCY, or GENERAL EMERGENCY. The ) following procedure checklists for each Emergency Classification Level represent the minimum actions the Public Works Director is required to fulfill. Additional instructions, if any, will be proviced by the Town 1 Manager. l The Public Works Director is responsible for ensuring transportation is i

       .provided for special facilities, people without automobiles and people with O    special neees. se is atso responsib1e rcr ene maintenance of emeroency l

~ evacuation routes in Hampton. j These checklists of step-by-step procedures are written as guidance to the Public Works Director. In doubtful situations common sense should dictate appropriate actions. i-9 NOTE TIME { (J4 USUAL EVENT i

1. Receive notification from the Police Dispatcher via phone,
pager, or runner.

l 2. No other action required unless directed by the Selectmen or Town Manager. l l 3. Stand by for notice of escalation or termination of event. 1236/0231s IV-28 2/86 l l


1. Receive notification frcm the Police Dispatcher via phone, pager or runner.
2. Contact eacn facility listed on Attachment 1 and notify them of the ALERT classification. Ask them to review their individual emergency response plans and stan@ y. i
3. If activated, report to the EOC in the Fire Department Station #2. -
4. Stand by for notice of escalation or termination of event.


1. Receive notification from the Police Dispatcher via phone, '

O aaser or tvamer. -

2. Report to the EOC in the Fire Department Station #2.
3. Review Attachment 1 and list of people requiring special transportation.
4. Contact each facility listed on Attachment 1.


a. Inform them of the emergency condition at Seabrook Station,
b. Determine today's attendance or patient number and enter into " Current Number" column on Attachment 1.

j! r

c. Inform each facility that if an evacuation is ,

recommended you will call back with number of O ventetes to ee sene aad eta. i 1236/0231s IV-29 2/86 -


5. attachment 1 calculations:
a. Calculate '" Actual Needs" by dividing " Current Number" by the number indicated on Attachment 1. [If the calcu-lated ntrnDer is 4.3, for example, round up to 5.]
b. For non-auto owning and non-ambulatory population, add to the figure shown in the " Number" column as additional people are identified. However, only reduce this figure if it can be verified that individuals no longer require transportation.
c. Total Actual neecs:

Surplus / Allotted Actual Deficiencies

1. Buses 75
2. Vans
3. EMS 23
6. Review projected needs and actual needs with the Civil Defense Director. He will contact the State Transportation Coordinator or Pupil Transportation Safety with bus surplus / deficiencies and the IFO EMS Representative for EMS vehicle surplus /


7. Upon~an evacuation recomme tation, the EBS will direct people without automobiles, families without the use of their vehicle, and people with special transportation needs to contact the EOC. Maintain lists of these people and ensure vehicles are provided for evacuating them.

1236/0231s IV-30 2/86 i




8. Assess the impact of current and forecasted weather conditions on tne road network, and report findings to the Town Manager.
9. Notify additional Public Works personnel or contractors as report to the EOC. ,
10. Check with the RADEF Officer to determine if radiological monitoring equipment will be required for emergency Public Works personnel. Check also for appropriate protective actions to be used by emergency workers.
11. If an evacuation is recommended:


a. Using Attachment 2, contact the bus companies.  !
b. Have the bus companies dispatch vehicles as needed, but not to exceed the maximum allotted. Vehicles should be sent to the EOC. Additional transportation needs will be procured by the State.
c. Complete columns labeled " Number Sent" and " ETA".
c. Determine if any deficiencies exist.


e. if required, determine (from the State) where extra vehicles are coming from and their ETA.
f. Contact each facility and inform them of the number ,

of vehicles to be sent and ETA. O l J 1236/0231s IV-31 2/06


12. Inform the Civil Defense Director of any deficiencies in transportation.
13. Frequently assess the evacuation and transportation requi-rements with the Civil Defense Director. He will obtain additional buses / vans / EMS vehicles as needed.

14 Assign Town emergency workers to provide directions or guide buses / vans to special facilities.

15. Assign Town emergency workers to guide buses to homes of non-auto owning population and to homes of families without the use of their vehicles.
16. Assign Town emergency. workers to any EMS vehicles to act as O outees.
17. If you are required to leave the EOC, appoint the next available person in your line of succession to staff the EOC. Notify the Town Manager of this change.
18. Submit this checklist and all messages to the EOC Operations Officer.

lO 1236/0231s IV-32 2/86 i



V A (_) V Attachment 1 to Public Works Director's Emergency Procedure HAhPTON'S TRANSPORTATION REQUIREMENTS Actual Telephone Current Needs Facility Number Number Number (Round Up) Allotted Public Schools Winnacunnet High School 926-3395 1215 students students

  • 50 = buses 25 buses Academy Jtnior High School 926-2000 611 students students
                                                                                                                 + 60 =

Marston School buses 11 busas 926-8708 241 students students + 60 = buses Center School 5 buses 926-8706 365 students students + 60 = buses 7 buses Private, Day Care Schools Sacred Heart School 926-3254 135 students students + 60 = buses Hampton Christian School 926-4165 3 buses 75 students students + 60 = buses 2 buses Aslan's Pride School' 926-6084 20 children children + 15 = vans t2 Happy Apple Nursery

  • 926-5069 20 children children + 15 =

L The Taylor School' vans 1 bus

  • u 926-8593 15 children children + 15 = vans Hospitals, Nursing Homes Seacoast Health Center 926-4551 ambulatory ambulatory + 36 = buses 2 buses non-ambulatory non-ambulatory + 2= EMS 23 EMS Other Non-Auto Owning (see list) 679 people people t 36 = buses- 19 buses
  • One bus has been allotted for evacuation of these three facilities. Ensure driver guide b2s directions to all three facilities.

Attachment 2 To Public Works Director's Emergency Procedure HAWTON'S TRANSPORTATION RESOURCES O Telephone FAamber Coapany Number Allotted Sent ETA Deficiencies Berry Bus 964-8571 40 buses 964-5116 Timberlane 35 buses (Salem) . TOTAL 75 buses O 1236/0231s IV-34 2/86

G. RADEF CFFICER Radiological Emergency Response Procedure Checklist for the Seabrook Station Nuclear Power Plant This document provides a checklist of procedures for the RADEF Officer of the Town of Hampton to be used in the event emergency conditions are declared at the Seabrook Station Nuclear Power Plant. Initial Notification of a potential or actual emergency condition at the Seabrook Station will contain one of the Emergency Classification Levels: UNUSUAL EVENT, ALERT, SITE AREA EMERTNCY, or GENERAL EMERGENCY. The following procedure checklists for each Emergency Classification Level represent the minimum actions the RADEF Officer is required to fulfill. Additional instructions, if any, will be provided by the Town Manager. The RADEF Officer is responsible for issuing radiological monitoring equipment and dosimeters and maintaining emergency worker exposure records. These checklists of step-by-step procedures are written as guidance to the RADEF Officer. In doubtful situations common sense should dictate appropriate actions. NOTE TIME UNUSUAL EVENT

1. Receive notification from the Police Dispatcher via phone.
2. No other action required unless directed by Civil Defense Director.
3. Standy by for notice of escalation or termination.

O V 1236/0231s IV-35 2/86


1. Receive notification from the Police Dispatcher via phone.
2. If activated, report to the EOC in the Fire Department Station #2.
3. Support the Civil Defense Director as requested.
4. Stand by for notice of escalation or termination of event.


1. Receive notification from the Police Dispatcher via phone.

O 2. Report to tne EoC in ene Fire oepartmene Station ,2.

3. Verify inventory of radiological monitoring equipment.

4 Perform a battery check and radioactive source check on all CDV-700 survey instruments. Replace batteries if necessary.

5. Zero direct reading pocket dosimeters and issue pocket dosimeters and TLDs to all emergency workers as appropriate.

(see Attachment 1)

6. Ensure sufficient numbers of emergency worker exposure and survey record forms are available. (See Attachments 2 and 3.)
7. Inform the Civil Defense Director of any deficiencies.

} 1236/0231s IV-36 2/86


8. If a radioactive release is expected or is in progress, inform all emergency workers of appropriate protective actions to be used.
9. emergency worker is known to have been exposed to the Plume, or thjs is suspected, check his thyroid area with a COV-700. Notify the DPHS representative at the IF0/ EOF of T any indications of a dose to the thyroid.'
10. Refer all contaminated emergency workers, vehicles, equipment to the appropriate Decontamination Center after conferring -

with IFO Health Fhysics personnel. Determine if any minor contamination should be dealt with by Hampton. {f 11. Maintain exposure records for all emergency workers.

12. In conjunction with the Health Officer, ensure emergency workers do not exceed State exposure Protective Action Guides. Inform the IFO Health Physics personnel of any emergency workers who are approaching the limit.
13. If you are required to leave the EOC, appoint the next available person in your line of succession to staff the EOC. Inform the Town Manager of this change.
14. Submit copies of emergency worker exposure :ords, survey records (if applicable) and TLDs to NH Divis.on of Public Health Services following the emergency.
15. Submit this checklist and all messages to the EOC Operations Officer.

O 1236/0231s IV-37 2/86

F l __ . _ == === == ene == === == == _ am.

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s ** N C w

  • es. am. .- == == ==== == as. _
                                                                                                                       . _        ,,m. .m.

a 3 gw u 3 fB in Q snM

                                                                                             -                   _                ==   e.         ==  .mm.  ==          .m. m. ame          ==    amme  ==

ll wo

                                                                                                                  .n en w         _                          e.                    -- .-     -. ==              _ ==

b6 O U *** U 4


b @ >= b be W Q

                                                                                                             -.  "b"*e M                                                                              g O                                                                              w 8

u .a n C Q. .J ""' O > = > = >

  • a 2 k O
                                  >                                                           w              9 -*

8"4 b @ M be M .=* > be w M *** m =* a-o 4 se

                                                                                                             >b 8 _al

_ me em em _ me _ es ee. me _ eumb gm. _ amme einn _

                                                                                                                 .a se be 3

4 ee A M M _ _ M _ _ M _ _ _ _ M IV-38

Attachrent 2 to RACEF Cf ficer's C,~ Emergency Precedure

                             .        PERSCNNEL EXPOSURE RECORD I.      FERSONAL Last Nam                       First Name              Initial       Social Security #

Hcce Address Emergency Agency City State Zip City State Zip Hoce Telephere Numcer~ Work Telephone Number Ccments: O II. EXPOSURE RECCRD Date Time Desimeter Readincs (rA) Initialsl COV-138 CCV-730 Final TLD (when Serial # Serial # processed) Serial # Initial Reading i .


(> l IV-39

Attachment 3 to RACEF Of ficer's O Energency Procedure V

                                                           .          PERSCNNEL SURVEY RECCRD I.       PERSONAL Last Name                         First Name              Initial        Social Security #

Home Address Emergency Agency City State Zip City State Zip Home Telephone Nuncer" Work Telephcne Nuraber Cctments: b) w/ II. SURVEY RESULTS Instrtrent used (i.e. , CCV-7CO, etc. ) Serial # Oate Time Radiation Levels (CPM) Initials Background Surface Tnyroid b) v 1236/0231s IV-40


 -O                             aeototootcat e=erceacy aessoase Procedure Checklist for the Seabrook Station Nuclear Power Plant This document provides a checklist of procedures for the Police Chief of
    .the Town of Hampton to be used in the event emergency conditions are declared at the'Seabrook Station Nuclear Power Plant.

Initial Notification of a potential or actual emergency condition at the Seabrook Station will contain one of the Emergency Classification Levels: UNUSUAL EVENT, ALERT, SITE AREA EMERGENC), or GENERAL EMERGENCY. The following procedure checklists for each Emergency Classification Level represent the minimum actions the Police Chief is required to fulfill. Adoitional instructions, if any, will be provided by the Town Manager. The Police Chief is responsible for providing traffic control and security. He also provides a backup means of public alerting. These checklists of step-by-step procedures are written as guidance to O the Police Chief. In coubtful sitLations common sense should dictate appropriate actions. NOTE TIME UNUSUAL EVENT

1. Receive notification from the Police Dispat.cher via phone, pager or runner. Ensure notification sequence has been completed.
2. No further action required unless directed by the Selectmen or Town Manager.
3. Stand by for notice of escalation or termination of event.

O 1236/0231s IV-41 2/86


    ~m (b                                                                   NOTE TIME ALERT
1. Receive notification from the Police Dispatcher via phone, pager or runner. Ensure notification sequence has been completed.
2. If the EOC has been activated, report to the EOC in the Fire Department Station #2. During the peak summer period from May 15 through September 15, the EOC should be activated in orcer to expedite implementing any necessary precautionary actions for the seasonal beach population.

If the EOC is activated during this peak summer period, review Appendix G and be prepared to assist with implementing precautionary actions in Hampton.

3. If the EOC is opened, assign a police officer to initiate and maintain security at the EOC.


1. Receive notification from the Police Dispatcher via phone, pager or runner. Ensure notification sequence has been completed.
2. Report to the EOC in the Fire Department Station #2.
3. Assign a police officer for EOC security.

4 Notify additional Police Department personnel as required to report to the EOC. Assess availability of personnel and equipment. 1236/0231s IV 42 2/86 t


5. Advise police to obtain dosimetry and instructions from the RADEF Officer prior to dispatch.
6. Support the Fire Chief in public alerting if required.
7. Review traffic control points along with available persomel and resources. (See Attachment 1.)
8. If evacuation is recommended, dispatch police to traffic control points.
9. During and after evacuation maintairi patrols to provide security.
10. If necessary, control access to the contaminated equipment O impouacmeat area cestoaatea er tne eubite works otrector-
11. If you are required to leave the EOC, appoint the next available person in your line of succession to staff the EOC. Inform the Town Manager of this change.
12. Submit this checklist and all messages to the EOC Operations Officer.

1236/0231s IV-43 2/86

Attachment 1 to Police Chief's Emergency Procedure TRAFFIC CONTROL POINTS

  • Indicates traffic control points are for summer (high transient population) only.
  • INTERSECTION #1: Ocean Boulevard (Route 1A) and Route 51 i

Keep. intersection clear for all movement. If Route 51 traffic backs to Ocean Boulevard direct northbound Boulevard traffic to continue north. INTERSECTION #2: Landing Road and Route 51 Minimize interruption of flow on Route 51; keep intersection clear. O V

  • INTERSECTION #3: Landing Road and Wimacunnet Road (Route 101E)

Minimize interruption of flow on Route 101E; keep intersection clear.

  • INTERSECTION #4: Ocean Boulevard (Route 1A) and Wimacunnet Road (Route 101E)

Keep intersection clear; direct southbound Boulevard traffic west onto Route 101E.

  • INTERSECTION #5: Ocean Boulevard (Route 1A) and High Street (Route 101C)

Keep intersection clear; direct southbound Boulevard traffic west onto Route 101C. O 1236/0231s IV-44 2/86

r~ Attachment 1 (cont'd) L(

  • INTERSECTION #6: Little River Road and High Street (Route 101C)
  • INTERSECTION #7: Locke Road and Winnacunnet Road (Route 101E)
  • INTERSECTION #8: Mill Road and Winnacunnet Road (Route 101E)
  • INTERSECTION #9: Mill Road and High Street (Route 101C)

Keep these four intersections clear for all traffic movement.

  • INTERSECTION #10: High Street (Route 101C) and Lafayette Road (Route 1) t] Keep intersection clear; direct westbound 101C traffic either west on 101C or north on Route 1.
  • INTERSECTION #11:. Winnacunnet Road (101E) and Lafayette Road (Route 1)

Keep intersection clear; direct all westbound traffic onto Route 1 north. 1236/0231s - IV-45 2/86 h- -i_______._____1__._

I. POLICE DISPATCFER Radiological Emergency Response Procedure Checklist for the Seabrook Station Nuclear Power Flant This document provides a checklist of procedures for the Police Dispatcher of the Town of Hampton to be used in the event emergency conditions are declared at the Seabrook Station Nuclear Power Plant. Initial Notification of a potential or actual emergency condition at the Seabrook Station will contain one of the Emergency Classification Levels: UNUSUAL EVENT, ALERT, SITE AREA EMERGENCY, or GENERAL EMERGENCY. The following procedure checklists for each Emergency Classification Level represent the minimum actions the Police Dispatcher is required to fulfill. Adoitional instructions, if any, will be provided by the Police Chief. The primary means of communications with the members of the' Emergency. Response Organization is the telephone. Back-up means are the radio pagers and runners. Q The Police Dispatcher is responsible for notifying the members of the Emergency Response Organization of an emergency condition. These checklists of step-by-step procedures are written as guidance to the Police Dispatcher. In doubtful situations common sense should dictate appropriate actions, i l NOTE TIME 4 UNUSUAL EVENT l j 1. Record the notification message from Rockingham County Dispatch. (Sec Attachment 1.) l

2. Verify message with Roc'<ingham County Dispatch by

! (1) roll call response to radio message or (2) telephone. (NOTE: If County Dispatch cannot be reached in two minutes, ( proceed to the following steps without further delay.) i

              'O 1236/0231s                                IV-46                              2/86 mi - ii ,-


    .h                                                                   NOTE TIME
3. Notify the following by the best means that are available
           '(phone, pager/ radio, runner). (See Appendix A - EMERGENCY CALL LIST). If notification has nct been verified, the inoividuals will be advised that the report is unconfirmed. Provide any additional information to the Selectmen and Town Manager. Call in order listed.

Chairman-Board of Selectmen Selectman Selectman Selectman Selectman Town Manager Civil Defense Director Police Chief O eo11ce caire sunervisor Fire Chief Public Works Director RADEF Officer

4. If LtA.'SUAL EVENT is terminated, notify' those individuals contacted above. If emergency escalates, continue with checklist.


1. Record the notification message from Rockingham County Oispatch. (See Attachment 1.)

l- 2. Verify message with Rockingham County Dispatch by ! (1) roll call response to radio message or (2) telephone. (NOTE: If County Dispatch cannot be reached in two minutes, O proceed to tne fo11owiao stens witnout rurther deter.) I 1236/0231s IV-47 2/86 1


3. Notify the following by the best means that are available (phone, pager/ radio, runner). (See Appendix A - EMERGENCY CALL LIST). If notification has not been verified, the individuals will be advised that the report is unconfirmed.

Provide any additional information to the Selectmen and Town Manager. Call in order listed. Chairman-Board of Selectmen Selectman , Selectman Selectman Selectnan Town Manager Civil Defense Director Police Chief O eatice snirt scoervisor Fire Chief Public Works Director Rf0EF Officer 4 Notify additional personnel as designated by the Town Manager. (See Appendix A.)

5. If EOC is activated, transfer all incident-related co.7rnunications to the EOC dispatcher at the Fire Department Station #2.
6. If ALERT is terminated, notify those individuals

, contacted above. If emergency escalates, continue with checklist.

1. Record the notification message from Rockingham County Dispatch. (See Attachment 1.)

liTt/O011p, 7tf An M in#


2. Verify message with Rockingham County Dispatch by I
(1) roll call response to radio message or (2) telephone.

(NOTE: If. County Dispatch cannot be reached in two minutes, proceed to the following steps without further delay.) 1

3. Notify the following by the best means that are available (phone, pager/ radio, runner). (See Appendix A - EMERGCNCY CALL LIST). If notification has not been verified, the individuals will be advised that the report is unconfirmed.

. Instruct them to report to the EOC. Call in order listed. ~

a. Chairman, Board of Selectmen  :
.        b. Selectman
 ,       c. Selectman i


d. Selectman  !

!O e-f. Select n Town Manager l

g. Civil Defense Director
h. Police Chief [

.; i. Police Shift Supervisor J. Fire Chief

k. Public Works Director
        ~1. Health Officer
m. RADEF Officer
n. School Superintendent
a. School Principals (Report to EOC only if school is not in session) 4 Notify additional personnel as designated by the Town Manager. (See Appendix A - EMERGENCY CALL LIST.)  !
5. Transfer all incident-related communications to the EOC jO eisn tcher at ene rire oen rt eat station >2-l 1236/0231s IV-49 2/86 i


_ _ . _ _ . . _ _ _ . _ _ _ - _ . ~ . - _ . _ _ _ . _ . _ _ _ . _ . . _ Attachment 1 to Police Dispatcher's Emergency Procedure  ;

  .O i

MESSAGE FROM ROCKINGHAM DISPATCH TO HAPTON POLICE DEPARTMENT i { 1. ALERT TONE sounded and the following message broadcast on Channels 2, 3, i LA, SA and Seacoast Fire:

                            " Attention all Rockingham cars and stations - Signal 1000 -

repeating - Signal 1000. Emergency traffic only will be accepted ! until further notice." i .

2. ALERT AND PAGER TONES will be sounded and the following message broadcast f on Channels 2, 3, L4 and S4:

l "Attentien all units and stations in the Seabrook Emergency Planning Zone - Stand by for an emergency message." lO Tomes repeated

                           " Attention all units and stations in the Seabrook Emergency Planning Zone - Seabrook Station has declared an UNUSUAL EVENT / ALERT / SITE
AREA EMERGENCY / GENERAL EE RGENCY (circle one) - stand by to l acknowledge this message then proceed according to individual i community procedures." "

j "This is not a test - I repeat - this is not a test." i i

                           "All units - acknowledge with your call number."
                           "Rockingham to:

Exeter, Hampton, Portsmouth, Rye, Seabrook, Stratham, Greenland, i Hampton Falls, Kingston, New Castle, Newfields, Newton, North

    $                      Hampton, Brentwood, East Kingston, Kensington, South Hampton."

O ! 1236/0231s IV-50 2/86 l s

J. FEALTH OFFICER () Radiological Emergency Response Procedure Checklist for the Seabrook Station Nuclear Power Plant This document provides a checklist of procedures for the Health Officer of the Town of Hampton to be used in the event emergency conditions are declared at the Seabrook Station Nuclear Power Plant. Initial Notification of a potential or actual emergency condition at the Seaurcok Station will contain one of the Emergency Classification Levels: UNUSUAL EVENT, ALERT, SITE AREA EMERGENCY, or GENERAL EMERGENCY. The following procedure checklists for each Emergency Classification Level represent the minimum actions the Health Officer is required to fulfill. Additional instructions, if any, will be provided by the Town Manager. The primary means of comunication with CPHS is the telephone. Back-up means is Civil Defense Radio. The Health Officer is responsiDie for providing assistance and guidance () in health-related areas. These checklists of step-by-step procedures are written as guidance to the Health Officer. In doubtful situations common sense should dictate appropriate actions. NOTE TIME UNUSUAL EVENT

1. No action required. (You will not normally be notified.)


1. You will not normally be notified unless the Selectmen activate the EOC.

O 1236/0231s IV-51 2/86 I


2. If activated, receive notification from Police Dispatcher via phone. Report to the EOC in the Fire Department Station #2.
3. Stand by for notice of escalation or termination of event.


1. . Receive notification from the Police Dispatcher via phone.-
2. Report to tne EOC'in the Fire Department Station #2.
3. Act as liaison between OPHS and the Town agencies in radiation-related public health matters.

O A. erovice assistaace'outoamce to ene setectmea aae to n Manager and other department heads in health-related areas.

5. In conjunction with the RADEF Officer, ensure emergency workers do not exceed State exposure Protective Action .


6. If you are required to leave the EOC, appoint the next available person in your line of succession to staff the EOC. Notify the Town Manager of this change. _
7. Submit tnis checklist and copies of all your messages to the EOC Operations Ofricer.

1236/0231s lv-52 2/86

K. SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT (SAU #21) O Raetoicolcat emerceacy Respoase Procedure Checklist for the Seabrook Station Nuclear Power Alant This document provides a checklist of procedures for the School Superintendent of SAU #21 to be used in the event emergency conditions are declared at the Seabrook Station Nuclear Power Plant. Initial Notification of a potential or actual emergency condition at the Seabrook Station will contain one of the Emergency Classification Levels: UNUSUAL EVENT, ALERT, SITE AREA EMERGENCY or GENERAL EMERGENCY. The following procedure checklists for each Emergency Classification Level represent the minimum actions the School Superintendent is required to fulfill. Additional instructions, if any, will be provided by the Town Manager. The School Superintendent is responsible for coordinating protective responses among SAU #21 schools. Tnese checklists of step-by-step procedures are written as guidance to O ene Scnoo1 Sener1ateodeat. 1o covetrci situettoos, commoo seose enoute dictate appropriate actions. NOTE TLME UNUSUAL EVENT

1. No action required. (You will not normally be notified.)


1. You will not normally be notified unless the Selectmen activate the EOC.

O 1236/0231s IV-53 2/86


      .O                                                                                                                          ~0Te T1sE
2. If notified by the Police Dispatcher, obtain an assessment from the Civil Defense Director as to the severity of the

^ event and the potential for it to worsen. Based on this , assessment, determine if SAU #21 schools should be opened f if not in session, or if they should be dismissed if in session. Cancellation or dismissal will be by normal procedures.

3. If SAU #21 school dismissal or cancellation is carried out, notify the following private schools of your actions:

I o ' Sacred Heart School o Happy Apple Nursery

,                    o     The Taylor School I

o Aslan's Pride School O o o

                           " atoa enristian scnoot Hampton Head Start o     Peek a Boo Nursery o     Montessori Early Learning Center (See Appendix A for names and telephone ntsnbers).
4. If activated, report to the EOC in the Fire Department Station #2.


5. Stand by for notice of escalation or termination of event.


,        1.  ~ Receive notification from the Police Dispatcher via phone.

j 2. Report to the EOC in the Fire Department Station #2. r O >- tr scnoots are not ta se==1oa, consteer not opeaino enem. I l . 1236/0231s IV-54 2/86 _.._.-_._--._a _ - _ - _ - - - _ - - _ _ - - _-_u- --


4. If SAU #21 school cancellation is carried out, inform the following private schools of your actions:

o Sacred Heart School o Happy Apple Nursery [ o The Taylor School ) 'o Aslan's Pride School o Hampton Christian School o Hampton Head Start o Peek a Boo Nursery o Montessori Early Learning Center (See Appendix A for names and phone numbers). If school is in session: I- .

5. Request information from the Town Manager as to the severity of the event and what protective actions, if any, e should be taken.
6. Notify all school principals in SAU #21 of the situation, I and inform them of required protective actions. Instruct them to review and implement their individual school plans.
7. Inform each of the principals that if an evacuation is recommended, they will be contacted and informed of the number of vehicles to be sent to their school and the I estimated time of arrival. _
8. Upon an evacuation recommendation, the persons listed under the "EOC Contact" column of Attactinent 1 are responsible I

for arranging transportation for schools within their respective towns. They will contact each school and inform them of the number of buses to be sent and ETA. I j 1236/0231s IV-55 2/86


9. If an evacuation is recommended:
a. Allow sufficient time for the Towns to contact each school. _
b. Contact each SAU #21 school to ensure that transporta-tion is being provided for them by their Town and will be sufficient for school evacuation.
c. If a school has not been contacted or the supplied buses are insufficient for evacuation, contact the "EOC Contact" for that Town in order to correct the problem.
d. Periodically check with schools to ensure the evacuation is proceeding smoothly.


10. If you are required to leave the E0C, appoint the next available person in your line of succession to staff the EOC. Notify the Town Manager of this change. ,
11. Submit this checklist and copies of all your messages to t'

the EOC Operations Officer. O. 1236/0231s IV-56 2/86

Attachment 1 to the School Superintendent's Emergency Procedure SAU #21 SCHOOL PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION REQUIREMENTS O O Facility Needs* Allotted EOC Contact Hampton Public Works Director (926-3333) Winnacunnet High School 1215 students 25 buses (25 buser} Hampton Academy 611 students 11 buses Junior High School (11 buses) Marston School 241 students 5 buses (5 buses) Center School 365 students 7 buses (7 buses) Hamoton Falls Lincoln Akerman 153 students 3 buses Transportation Elementary School (3 buses) Coordinator (926-9040) North Hamoton North Hampton 370 students 7 buses Deputy Fire Chief - Elementary (7 buses) Transportation (964-5500) Seabrook Seabrook Elementary 587 students 10 buses Transportation and Junior High (10 buses) Coordinator (474-2611) South Hamoton  ! Barnard School 81 students 2 buses Assistant Civil (2 buses) Defense Director ( )

  • Based on 50 high school students per bus and 60 studerts per bus for all other grades.

1236/0231s IV-57 2/86


           .                        I APPDOIX A DERGD4CY CALL LIST O



__ ___-_-_.a

Appendix A P) EMERGENCY CALL LIST Listed below are the key members of the Hampton Emergency Response Organization listed in the order each individual should be called. In each case, the incumcent is listed first. If the first person is not available, the next person on the list takes over that position. If ncne are available to fill a certain position, the selectmen will appoint an alternate. Pager/ Radio Board of Select en , Work Phone hre Phone Frequency

1. John Walker (Chairman) 926-6766 926-3750 P154.145
2. Glyn Eastman 926-3340 926-8266
3. Ashton Norton 926-6766 926-2379 "

l 4. Dona Janetos 926-3573 926-3573 l 5. Ansell Palmer 926-2883 " Town Manager

1. Philip Richards 926-6766 926-3928 P154.145
2. Selectman #5 l 3. Selectman #4 l

Civil Cefense Director l l

1. Philip Richards 926-6766 926-3928 P154.145 l 2.

l l P - Proposed X - Existing O 1236/0235s A-1 11/85

Pager/ Radio Work Phone Home Phone Frecuency Police Chief

1. Robert Mark 926-3333 926-5104 X154.755
2. Shift Supervisor 926-3333 l Fire Chief
1. Anthony Kuncho 926-3316 926-6520 X154.145
2. Deputy Chief Anthony Chouinard 926-3316 772-3107
3. Lt. James Hunt ,

926-3326 926-8652

4. Philip Richards 926-6766 926-3928 RADEF Officer
1. William Welsh 926-3316 926-4986 X154.145 2.

O Health Officer

1. Philip Richards 926-6766 926-3928 Public Works Director
1. George Hardardt 926-4402 926-2538 X155.745
2. James Smith - Superintendent 926-4402 926-5324
3. Charles Burlington 926-3202 926-5243 i

! Fire Department Personnel (Fire Chief maintains personnel roster.) l  ; i s t !O  ; i i ! 1236/0235s A-2 Rev.1 2/86 I

Pager/ Radio Work Phone Home Phone Frecuency v Police Deoartment Persomel (Police Chief maintains personnel roster.) Public Works Personnel (Public Works Director maintains persomel roster.) School Suoerintendent

1. Dr. Norman C. Katner 926-8992 436-2599 School Principals Winnacunnet High g School Eugene Hawley 926-3395 926-3153 V Hampton Academy Junior High School Steven Bamford 926-9000 926-4464 Center School Nicholas Hardy 926-8706 926-8292 Marston School Nancy Andrews 926-8708 431-7689 Special Facilities (To be notified at the discretion of the Selectmen).

Sacred Heart School Jeff Quinn 926-3254 Hampton Christian School Mrs. Barriss 926-4165 Aslans Pride School Nancy Hepburn 926-6084 Happy Apple Nursery Deborah Sullivan 926-5069 The Taylor School Ann Taylor 926-8593 Montessori Early Learning Center Anne Marie Grigus 926-3347 Seacoast Health Center Daniel Trahan 926-4551 1236/0235s A-3 Rev.1 2/86 w.

Pager/ Radio Work Phone Home Phone FrecuencL U Other Acencies (To be notified at the discretion of the Selectmen). Mayor of Fbst James Donchess 880-3341 Community (Nashua) Red Cross Gertrude Shea or 659-5561 (Exeter/Hampton Edmund Wasiewski 772-3321 659-3332 - Cnapter) Salvation Army 436-2606 Radio Stations ask for WOKQ (97.5 FM) News Director 964-6598 Allied Gas Division, Northern Utilites, Inc. 436-0310 Exeter Hampton Electric Co. 772-5916 New England Telephone Co. Day 431-9911 Night 1-555-1611 New Hampshire Yankee Enterprise (Local Service) 8178 New Hampshire Civil State EOC in 1-800-852-3792 Defense Agency Concord 1-271-2231 IFO - Newington Station 1-433-1430 Media Center 1236/0235s A.4 Rev.1 2/86

y . Pager/ Radio Work Phone Home Phone Frequency People Requiring Special Notification (i.e., hearing impaired, etc.) (This information is maintained separately by the Fire Chier). People Requiring Special Transportation (i.e., non-ambulatory, without j automobiles, etc.) I (This information is maintained separately by the Public Works 01 rector). l i l l' !O l ] t 1 1 J V l 1 i O 1236/0235s A-5 Rev.1 2/86 i-meo *

  . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ . - _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ . . _ . . _ _ . _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ .                               _ _ _ _ _                                       ___o


Appendix B O 1"oex os acRee m "Ts 1" sueecar or "asero" Agreement Transportation and towing agreements are contained in the NHRERP, Section 4.1. n v O 12X/0241s 0-1 2/86

I i l l O . 1



!                                                                                              I l

I' 4 I I I l u l 1 t i I i i j i l I I 4 f o I

Appendix C


HAWTCN EKRTNCY RESOURCES Ato ECUIPMENT POLICE DEPARTMENT Persennel Requiar Orricers .... ..... 24 Special Officers ......... 50 Dispatchers (non sworn) ...... 4 Other (non sworn) . . . . . . . . . _2 TOTAL , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 vehicles ,-ss Cruisers ............. 4 Van . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 + 1 Suburcan Pickup with Horse Trailer . . . . . 1 Unmarked vehicle ......... 2 t< ................ 4 Horses .............. , 4, TOTAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Prisoner Detention Cacability. Traffic Centrol Devices (See Public Works & Highways) (~) v 1236/0242s , C-1 11/a5



Personnel Firefighters 35 Secretary 1 On call 30 Ecuicrent/Accaratus (All have mobile radios) Pumpers: - 1 1,250 GFM with 500 galten tank 1 1,500 GPM with 1,000 gwilen tank 1 1,500 CFM with 500 gallen tank 1 500 CPM witn 250 Callen tank 1 1,C00 CFM with 500 gallen tank Ladder Trucks: 1 250 CPM with 250 gallen tank-1CO' O- Ladder t 1 85-feet ladder Forestry Truck: 2 2C0 CFM with 200 gallen tank Fire Alarm Truck: 1 40-foot boom with 24-foot expansion ladder Aebulancest 2 Cenerators: (Fixed) 1 18,000 watts ' 1 17,500 watts (Portable) 1 3,500 watts 1 4,500 watts O 1236/0242s C-2 11/85

PLOLIC WCRKS CEPARTKNT (~~). \ _, Eculement Sedans 2 Picktos 6 Packer Trucks 4 Oump Trucks 7 Ncn-Otep Trucks 5 van 1 Heavy Eculpeent

  • 11 Trailers 4 Support Equipment 48 Fersonnel O

Permanent Tecpora ry Director 1 -- Highway Persennel 16 22 Waste Water Treatment Plant and Sewer Perscnnel 19 2 TOTALS 36 24 Traffic Centrol Cevices Datriers 48 Cones 350 1236/0242s C-3 11/85

Tcwing Services ,cs s. V

                           . Telephone  Number of Towing Ccepany     Number     Trucks   Cacacity Dana's Exxon       926-9781   1 wrecker Dave's Garage      926-6354   4 wreckers Frank's Garage     926-4900   1 wrecker Harnoton 66        926-4976   1 wrecker Hampton Tire       926-3010   1 wrecker Lymon's Auto       926-4015   1 wrecker Lovejoys

'\. ) l V 1236/0242s C-4 11/85


  ,-     ?

k_) ~ 84 COV 742 dosimeters (0-200 R) 14 COV 750 dosimeter chargers 14 COV 700 survey meters 14 COV 715 survey meters 1 and: 100 TLD dosimeters O 100 Cov 128 dosimeters (0-200 ma) 100 COV 730 dosimeters (0-20 R) Storage container

                         /ppropriate instructions and log forms b3    /

1236/0242s C-5 Rev. 1 2/86

                                                               ~~             -


     . ,       s                                            l                    OTHER COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS IN EOC J                       EXISTING COMMUNICATION INVENTORY OF MUNICIPAL SERVICES l

l l O C-6 a-+-77 +e-*y e w w -+ --w w v , m w ,-t-w--a---u- :e c-w--- -w ws--- em -www v vws--* ++w w++e**=ww ---v-e.*~we-=w--ew-ww--*-e *weevwwwr-wo-=~e*<-


                          . EMERGENCY OPER ATIONS CENTER Fire Station #2 Winnacunnet Rd.




(Selectmen) John Walker, Chairman 154.145 P 154.145 P Glyn P. Eastman Ashton Norton 154.145 , P Dona R. Janetos 154.145 P Ansell W. Palmer 154.145 P Philip'Richards, Town Manager 154.755 X X P Director Anthony Kuncho, Fire Chief 154.145 X .X X X 154.190 X X X 154.755 X X 155.745 X X X Robert Mark, Police Chief 154.755 X X X X 155.475 X X X 155.460/ X X X 154.815 156.090 X X X George Hardardt, Public Works 154.145 X

             #*"" #                                                  154.755     X     X 155.745           X C-8


   .Rockingham County Dispatch   X-46.58      .

Brentwood, NH P-46.58 East Kingston, NH , P-46.58 Exeter, NH P-46.58 Greenland, NH P-46.58 Hampton Falls, NH P-46.58 Kensington, NH P-46.58 Kingston, NH P-46.58 New Castle, NH P-46.58 Newfields, NH P-46.58 Newton, NH P-46.58 North Hampton, NH P-46.58 Portsmouth, NH P-46.58 l Rye, NH P-46.58 Seabrook, NH X-46.58 South Hampton, NH P-46.58 Stratham, NH P-46.58 Amesbury, MA Merrimac, MA Newbury, MA Newburyport, MA Salisbury, MA West Newbury, MA O X$ EXISTING . P' PROPOSED c_g

uPh 0 _ O m$<$mm o0Ehgg#3Oz _

            %am2%Wf      mE$GN*o4                                                                    _

oyT$('4'm$ gQ1 a%m moo

 ,3 h 24 MOO         "                   D D C E E O H H E C C h m2%%m moo                            T T M A A O                                                      C SP S P F     R      -                             R         O N O          E
  • Foo$o2 o' m%pyyF %" N5 I D D I

C O T R Y O E T RA TO TO I x mE$3o O O TI Sk2Sogo I NO PE C E FA E N L I

  • D D LI .

A A B I S R R A E N E G P I O TO Y N T LY CA C I T LY L N T A MC O D T E N T E I E L A H M VE S R E C AT I A N C U S - G E N R T Q N CE SE SE ER OT DC I E TE PA R I E A mg m2omz0" ,m $ o* TR RE B AB AE M P DR E T X S R _N F I p r0$a5* I E D O x x eI"m x x 3 a* aa5 % {t'a 3 g g ev. e G a 3 x 9**9 ee%rS~ 3 x <TLg X x <;Lg x ooGoa oe$"Ni 8 x Gf 3# *

  • x ^ ;r $ 3 8
       %w% $>?S 3             x     r$ ,;'. x            x Ge 5, u
  • x rg.{ x 3 s

o$eG $"5 y x G u. 'ga O ot. I

                                                    '       j                               1


 .O                    '


                                                                   & 50
                                                  -                *&5


                          , REPEATER LOCATION (BOTH FREQUENCIES )   Y*d2 y  gg All                None O




l PART F O e f SYSTEMS PUBLIC ALERT a NOTIFICATION w y 2 b ae 8 x e EXISTING 9ePRCPCSEO $& s ALERTING SYSTEMS 9 CUT 000R /Q f f LQCATION MATING fE 2 At north side of entrance to town 125 dB p parking lot south of Fire Station, I Ashworth Road and F Street In island of Rt. lA, just south 125 da p of Boars Head Terrace South side of sewage pumptng scicion at Kings Highway and 125 dB p 12th Street Southwest corner of intersection 125 dB p , Os of Rt. lA and North Shore Road Replace street light pole #3339 at intersection of North Shore 115 dB p and Woodland Roads Tide Mill Road, south of gate to sewage disposal facility at end 125 da p of Tide Mill Road West side of Lafayette Road, (Rt. lA) opposite Lamson Lane 125 da p ( West side of Drakeside Road, 200 ft. South of Towle Farm Road 125 dB p Replace Street light pole $3483 in parking lot behind town offices, Winnacunnet Road and 125 dB P Academy Street Northeast side, Hilltop on Exeter Road (Rt. 101C) approximately 125 dB p 2/10 mile southeast of Exeter i Town Line O. C-12

    - - - - - - - . . , - _ - _ -                 -,-,,,,,,.-_,,-,,--,,.,_,,,,,,,---.m.,,.      --
                                                                                                          --.,,_-_.,nn-,.,        ,.,-,~,.-, - - - , .- -,n.-   ,n,,,      _ - , - , . , , , , - - , , . _ . - , .


                                                                "     e O

c X


FACILITY AND LOCAYlON fo p Academy Junior High S.chool - 29 Academy Avenue p Aslan's Prido Day Care - 200 High Street p Center School - Winnacunnet Road p Hampton Christian School - 150 High Street p Happy Apple Nursery School - 7 Jenness Road P O xer coa sonoot - aish Se=eee p The Taylor School - 234 Lafayette Road p Winnacunnet High School - Alumni Drive p Seacoast Health Center - 22 Tuck Road p Wheelabrator-Frye Inc. - Liberty Lane p Hampton Head Start p Peek-a-Boo Day Care I 1 O C-13 i. L


                                                                                                       .          O$

2 o b 3 A'

                                                                                                    %            WA
                                                                                                 &aO g*

g N ~ @ zQ o a a o $i d8o Oo *

                                                                                          $ 0 *h h *o e

O% r ' b >I m

                                                                                                               ~00a 0k EMERGENCY    BROADCAST SYSTEM                    CALL SIGN I"y *,g* %


  • C

WHEB - AM 750 KHz $

                                                                                      -                  ==

0- WHEB - FM 100.3 MHz yg y E* WBBX - AM 1380 KHz

                                                                                     .". 'O ue i$



                                                         .c       a se 2s$

E kJ og gbo& h5 =2 o o g ue

                                                       $5 50 E       8 PM M EB4 Fire Network (84) - CDV-742 Comm.

(14) - CDV-750 Chargers l (14) - CDV -715 Survey Meters (4) - CDV-700 Survey Meters i l l O X = EXISTING , P= PROPOSED C-15 1


             ' OR ORGANIZATION
                                              ----                  Lines A11 O


PART J r ~. EXISTING COMMUNICATION INVENTORY OF MUNICIPAL SERVICES Fire Department EMERGENCY SERVICE : NO. 0 CHAN" UNIT TYPE NO. OF UNITS ,, ,g E FREQUENCIES IN USE 1 8 154.145, 154.190, Base 154.755, 155.745 Station (Scanning)- 14 4 154.145, 154.190, Mobile - (Scanning) 154.755, 155.745 Radios 1 8 154.145, 154.190, (Scanning) 154.755, 155.340, 155.385, 155.415, 155,475, 155.745 1 4 154.145, 154.190, (Scanning) 154.755, 155.745 () %d 2 8 154.145, 154.190, Portable (Scanning) 154.755, 155.745 Radios 1 8 154.145, 154.190, (Scanning) 154.755, 155.340, 155.745 6 4 154.145, 154.190, 154.755, 155.745 4 2 154.145, 154.190 2 l 154.145 Pocket 4 Dual Call 154.145 Pagers 30 Single call 154.145 Plectrons 20 1 154.145 O C-17

PART J O EXISTING COMMUNICATION INVENTORY OF MUNICIPAL SERVICES EMERGENCY SE RVICE : . police Department UNIT TYPE NO. OF UNITS No.o[,, CHANNELS ,g g FREQUENCIES IN USE 1 4 154.755, 155.475, Base 155.460/154.815, Station 156.090 4 154.755, 155.475, Mobile 8 155.460/154.815, Radios 156.090 4 154.755, 155.475, Portable 26 155.460/154.815, Radios

                                 .                                                    156.090 O     e g,,                               2                                    1     154.755 n.

v C-18


                        'OF MUNICIPAL SERVICES Public Works Depart:nent EMERGENCY SE RVICE :
                                              "    '8

/ UNIT TYPE NO.OF UNITS "O' ,U[, ,,# "" FR EQUENCIE S IN USE E 8' 1 2 155.745 s ation

                   - 16                      I         155.745 Mobile                          .

Radios 4 154.145, 154.755, 4 (Scanning) 155.475, 155.745 4 2 154.145, 155.745 Portable l 1 155.745 Radios O O C-19


 'O .

O APPENDIX D CROSS REFERENCE TO NUREG-0654 0 3 i 1 4 l l l i f 1 I O ee m

  • l Appendix 0 l

G OSS REFERENCE TO NUREG-0654 NLREG-0654 Criteria Page Number Element In Plan A.l.a. I-16 through 25

b. I-16'through 25
c. I-18 and 20
d. I-16
e. II-2 through 6; A-1 through 10 A.2.a. ,

I-18; Section II

b. I-9 A.3. Appendix B; State Plan A.4. I-16; Appendix A ,
8. N/A C.l.a.-c. N/A  ;
c. I-25 through 26; State Plan C.2.a. State Plan
b. N/A C.3. N/A.

C.A. I-23 through 26 i i 0.1.-2. N/A 0.3. I-27  ; 0.4. I-28  ;

  .                                                 E.1.                                                 II-2 through 6; IV-43 through 47                ;

E.2. IV-43 through 47 I I E.3. N/A i E.4. N/A O i 1236/0243s . 0-1 11/85 . , t f i i

    -v--- - ,me-- -w.,,- v,-o-.w.,,,-y      ,,_,,~._-              , , _ , , _    ..,,,e,   y,- .  ,gw ....-rwe   .m- ,  yc om ,       .rs-%r-.,--

NUREG-0654 Criteria Page Number Element In Plan


E.5. - II-6 through 7 E.6. II-6 through 7; IV-4 E.7. II-7; IV-4 F.1.a. II-2 through 6

b. II-8 through 11; Appendix C.
c. State Plan
d. State Plan
e. ,

II-2 through 6; IV-43 through 47

f. N/A F.2. II-12 F.3. II-12 G.I. II-13 through'14; State Plan G.2. II-13 through 14; State plan G.3.a. II-14
b. N/A G.4.a. II-14
b. II-14
c. State Plan G.5. II-13; State Plan H.1.-2. N/A H.3. II-17 througn 20 H.4. II-17 through 20; Appendix A H.5.-6. N/A H . 7. II-18 and 37; State Plan H.8.-9. N/A Lj i 1236/0243s 0-2 11/85 l

NLREG-0654 Criteria Page Numcer Element In Plan


H.10. - II-18; III-10; III-15 H.11. Appendix C H.12. State Plan I.l.-6. N/A I.7.-8. II-23; State Plan I . 9. -l'l . N/A J.l. N/A J.2. II-27 through II-33 J.3.-8 N/A J.9. II-24 through 34; II-36 J.10.a.. Appendix E; Map; State Plan

b. I-12 through I-15; Appendix E
c. II-6 through II-7; IV-24 l
d. II-27 through 30; Appendix F
e. II-38
f. II-38 9 II-27 through 30
h. II-32
1. II-32; Appendix E, J. 11-24 through 25; II-30 through 31
k. II-30 through 31; III-12; IV-25; Appendix C
1. II-32
m. N/A i

O 1236/0243s 0-3 11/85

NUREG-0654 Criteria Page Number Element In Plan r-)s (,, J.11. . N/A J.12. II-32; State Plan K.1.-2. N/A K . 3. a . II-18; II-35 through 37; Appendix C

b. II-35; IV-32 through 37 K.A. II-38; State Plan K.5.a. II-38; State Plan
b. II-38; State Plan K.6.-7. . N/A L.1. II-39 L.2.-3. N/A L.A. II-39 l

M.1. II-40 through 41 (]) M.2.-4 N/A N.1.-5. II-42 through 44; State Plan 0.1. II-45 through 51; State Plan 0.1.a. N/A

b. II-45; State Plan 0.2.-3. N/A 0.4.a. 11-47
b. II-23; State Plan
c. 11-50
d. II-50
e. N/A i

1 l . 1236/1243s D-4 11/85 _________.__..____I__________m-_

-         NtK G-0654 Criteria                    Page Number Element                       In Plan

.O f.

                          .        II-51
              . g.                 II-45 through 51
h. II-51
1. N/A
j. II-45 through 49 0.5. 11-46; III-7 P.1. II-45; III-7; State Plan P.2. I-19; III-2 P.3. I-19; III-5 P.4 I-19; III-7 P.S. III-8 P.6. I-10 P.7. Section IV O P.8. i through iv; Appendix 0 P.9. N/A P.10. III-5 O -

1236/0243s 5 11/85

1 1 i O . t 1

                                       -        APPENDIX E EVACUATION TIhE STUDY (Bound separately) l                                                                                               1 O

.I t 4 8 l l l I i ( O 1236/0244s . 11/85 _ _ . _ _ ~ ~ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _

                   # -   -J-- ___,_

4 (D . 4 4 I i 1 I 4 i l APPENDIX F I e

'                                       SPECIAL FACILITIES PLANS 1

k 1 (BOUNO SEPARATELY) { 4 O l. 4 1 8 1 4 I i t I I i 1 . . j i 4 1



                                                              -         APPEtOIX G PROTECTIVE ACTIONS FOR SEASONAL BEACH PG)ULATIOt4S i

1236/1180h G-1 2/86

   ..--.,.-,__y. _ . ,, ,. , , , , , , , ,     .,-,_.w_.,   , , , ,y_. _,     _,_,.,m   _,.. _ _ ,p-_._ _ _ , _ , _ _ _. , , ,. . _ , _, , , _ . , _ _ _ , , , . , _ , , , , -


1. Precautionary actions affecting seasonal beach populations may be warranted at an early stage of an emergency before protective actions for the general population are warranted.
2. Radiological assessment data may not be available or useful when considering early precautionary action decisions for seasonal beach populations.
3. Precautionary actions for seasonal beach populations may include:
a. Closing beaches and other recreational facilities that attract seasonal populations and which are in close proximity to the plant, i.e. within an approximate 2 mile radius,
b. Implementation of access and traffic control at roadway p points leading to these affected areas to monitor traffic and b to advise people of actions taken,
c. Issuance of public announcements of actions taken througn normal media channels.
d. Continued monitoring of traffic flow and local conditions in affected areas.


B. Precautionary and Prot:ctive Actions by Emerg:ncy Classification Lcval - 1. Alert U.,

a. Initiating Conditions U

(1) Wind direction is toward the beach, (from 200 to U 300 ( or meteorological conditions are unstable as indicated by atmospheric stability class A, B, or C. (2) . Plant conditions as determined by plant personnel indicate that a major plant system is unstable or degrading.

b. Actions (1) The New Hampshire Department of Resources and Economic Development (ORED) will be advised to close beaches and state park areas in Hampton Beach and in Seabrook Beach between Ashworth Avenue, to the North, and Route 286 O' (NH/MA border) to the South.

(2) DRED will be advised to inplement special patrols to advise beach and state park populations of closing and to assure that beaches and parks are cleared. (3) The public address systems on the beaches will be activated to announce closing. (4) State Police will establish access centrol (i.e. to facilitate movement of departing traffic and to control incoming traffic) at the following locations: (a) intersection of Routes 51 and 1 (b) intersection of Routes 51 and I-95 (close exit 2) (c) intersection of Routes 107 and 1 (d) intersection of Routes 107 and I-95 (close exit 1) O 1236/ll80h - G-3 2/86

(5) Tha Hampton Police Departm:nt will establish traffic control points at: (') (a) Ocean Boulevard (Route 1A) and Route 51 (b) Landing Road and Route 51 (c) Other traffic control points within Hampton Beach as deemed necessary to facilitate the flow of traffic. (6) The Seabrcok Police Department will establish traffic control points at: (a) Ocean Boulevard (Route 1A and Route 286) (b) Wasnington Road and Route 286 (c) The Seabrock Police Department will request Salisbury, Mass. Police Department to establish traffic control at Lafayette Road and Route 286. (7) The following news release will be issued through the Media Center at Newington Town Hall: THERE HAS BEEN AN ALERT DECLARED AT THE SEABROOK STATION. AS A (-) U PRECAUTION, TK STATE OF NEW HASPSHIRE HAS CLOSED BEACH AND STATE PARK AREAS IN HAhPTON BEACH AND IN SEABROOK BEACH. PRECAUTIONARY ACTIONS INCLUDE RESTRICTING ACESS TO SEABROOK BEACH AND HAhPTON BEACH. TFERE IS NO REASON FOR TFE PUBLIC TO TAKE ANY FURTHER ACTIONS AT THIS TIhE.

2. Site Area Emergency with Stable Plant Conditions
a. Initiating Conditions (1) Wind direction is toward the beach (200 to 300 U),

or meteorological conditions are unstable as indicated by atmospheric stability class A, B, or C. (2) Plant conditions are stable without indication of further degradation. O 1236/ll80h G-4 2/86

b. Actions (1) The New Hampshire Department of Resources and Economic Development (DRED) will be advised to close beaches and l state park areas in Hampton Beach and in Seabrook Beach between Ashworth Avenue, to the North, and Route 286 to the South.

(2) ORED will be advised to iglement special patrols to assure beaches and parks in those areas are cleared. (3) The public address systems on the beaches will be activated to announce closing. (4) State Police will establish access control and to restrict access on the part of non-residents to Hampton Beach and to Seabrook Beach from the following locations: (a) Intersection of Routes 51 and 1 (b) Intersection of Routes 51 and I-95 (close exit 2) (c) Intersection of Routes 107 and 1 (d) Intersection of Routes 107 and I-95 (close exit 1) (5) The Ha@ ton Police Department will establish traffic control points and to restrict access on the part of non-residents to Hampton Beach at the following locations: (a) Ocean Boulevard (Route 1A) and Route 51 (b) Landing Road and Route 51 (c) Ocean Boulevard at Hampton Harbor Bridge (close bridge to ingressing traffic) (d) Other traffic control points within Hampton Beach as deemed necessary to facilitate flow of traffic. (e) Other traffic control points specified in Hampton Police Department procedures. 1236/1180h G-5 2/86 1

(6) The Seabrook Police Department will establish traffic control points to restrict access on the part of non-residents to Seabrook Beach at the following locations: (a) Ocean BouW-M (Route IA) and Route 286.


(b) Washington Road and Route.286. (c) All other traffic control points specified in

                                    'Seabrock Police Department procedures.


3. Site Area Emergency with Degrading Plant Conditions
a. Initiating Conditions (1) All meteorological conditions O

1236/1180h G-6 2/86


(2) Prognosis of plant status indicates degradation of a major plant system.

b. Actions (1) NHCDA will advise local EOCs and Massachusetts EOC of Governor's declaration of state of emergency.

(2) NHCDA will reconnend evacuation of' general public of Hampton Beach and Seabrook Beach from Ocean Boulevard and Ashworth Avenue to the North and Ocean Boulevard and Route 286 to the South. (3) State Police will establish access control points for 2 mile radius. (4) State Police will restrict access to Hampton Beach and to Seabrook Beach from the following locations: (a) Intersection of Routes 51 and'l (b) Intersection of Routes 51 and I-95 (close exit 2) (c) Intersection of Routes 107 and 1 (d) Intersection of Routes 107 and I-95 (close. exit 1) (5) The Hampton Police Department will establish traffic control points and to restrict entry to Hampton Beach at the following locations: (a) Ocean Boulevard (Route 1A) and Route 51 (b) Route 51 and Landing Road (c) Ocean Boulevard at Hampton Harbor Bridge (close bridge to departing and entering traffic, and route traffic North from the bridge). (d) Other traffic control' points within Hampton Beach as deemed necessary to facilitate flow of-traffic.

O 1236/ll80h G-7 2/86

p - wwvm-

(c) All other traffic control points sp:cified in Hampton Police Department procedures for high summer transient population.

                     .   (6)   The Seabrook Police Department will establish traffic control points to restrict access to Seabrook Beach at the following locations:

(a) Ocean Boulevard (Route 1A) and Route 286 (b) Washington Road-and Route 286 (c) All other traffic control points specified in Seabrook Police Department procedures for hign summer transient populations. (p) Seabrook Police will request Salisbury, Mass. Police to restrict access to Route 286 from Route 1 facilitate flow of traffic West on Route 286 and South on Route 1 (7) The New Hampshire Department HHS will activate a Reception Center. O (8) NHCOA will release the following EBS message. THIS IS AN IWORTANT EERENCY BULLETIN FOR PERSONS IN TFE VICINITY OF TE SEA 8 ROOK NUCLEAR POWER STATION. A SITE AREA E E RGENCY HAS BEEN DECLARED AT THE SEABROOK STATIO4. STATE OF NEW HAWSHIRE CIVIL DEFENSE AND PUBLIC HEALTH PERSONNEL ARE ASSESSING THE SITUATION. TE GOVERNOR OF NEW HAWSHIRE HAS DECLARED A STATE OF EERGENCY AND THE STATE OF NEW HAWSHIRE HAS Q.0 SED STATE BEACHES AND PARKS IN TE HAW TON BEACH ANO


O .

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