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Insp Repts 50-413/87-42 & 50-414/87-42 on 871126-1225. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Reviews of Plant Operations,Surveilance & Maint Observations,Cold Weather Preparation & Followup of Compliance Bulletin 87-002
Person / Time
Site: Catawba  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 01/06/1988
From: Lesser M, Peebles T, Van Doorn P
Shared Package
ML20147D004 List:
50-413-87-42, 50-414-87-42, IEB-87-002, IEB-87-2, NUDOCS 8801200056
Download: ML20147D090 (10)

See also: IR 05000413/1987042


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Report Nos. 50-413/87-42 and 50-414/87-42

Licensee: Duke Power Company

422 South Church Street

Charlotte, N.C. 28242

Docket Nos.: 50-413 and 50-414 License Nos.: NPF-35 and NPF-52

Facility Name: Catcwba 1 and 2

Inspection Conducted: November 26, 1987 - December 25, 1987

Inspector: ~

/ 7

K K 'Va'n Doorn D(ts/5igned



                           K 5" L&'sser'~
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                Approved by:                     #          7                                             /' g - M
                             T. A. P4ebles, Section Chief                                                Date Signed
                             Pr jacts Branch 3
                             Division of Reactor Projects
                Scope: This routine, unannounced inspection was conoucted on site inspecting-
                in the areas of review of plant operations; surveillv e.e observatior.;
                maintenance observation; review of licensee nonroutine event reports; followup
                of previou ly identifiad items; refueling activities (Unit 1); cold weather
                oreparatio.s; followup of Compliance Bulletin 87-02 and review of QA
                performance assessment.
                Results:    Of the nine (9) areas inspected, one apparent violation was
                identif f id in one area. (Failure to Properly Classify and Report a Diesel


                Generator Invalid Failure      paragraph 6.c.)


             8801200056 8G0111
             PDR      ADOCK 05000413
             G                    PDR
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                                                REP 0D.T DETAILS
          1.   Persons Contacted
               'icensee Employees


               *H. B. Barron, Operations Superintendent
                  W. F. Beaver; Performance Engineer
                  W. H. Bradley, QA Surveillance


                  S. Brown, Reactor Engineer
                  B. F. Caldwell,. Station Services Superintende t
               *R.       N. Casler, Operating Engineer
                  R. H. Charest, Station Chemistry Supervisor
               *M. A. Cote, ' Licensing Specialist
               *T. E. Crawford, Integrated Scheduling Superintendent
                  W. P. Deal, Health Physics Supervisor
                  C. S. Gregory, I. & E. Support Engineer                                                       .,
               *J. W. Hampton, Station Manager
                  C. L. Hartzell, Compliance Engineer
                  J. Knuti, Operating Engineer
                   F. N. Mack, Project Services Engineer
                  W. W. McCollough, Mechanical Maintenance Supervisce
                  C. E. Muse, Oper&+ing Engineer                                                               -l
                  T. B. Owen, Assistant Station Manager
                   F. P. Schiff'ay, II, L~ censing Er.gineer
                *G. T. Smith, Maintenance Superintendent
                  J. Stackley, I. & E. Ergineer
                  D. Tower, Shift Operating Engineer
                *R.      F. Wardell, Technical Services Superintendent                                            '
                  J. W. Willis, Senior QA Engineer, Operations


               Other licensee employees contacted included technicians, operators,                                )
               mechanics, security force members, and office personnel.                                            ;
          2.    Exit laterview                                                                                 ]H
                Tra inspection scope and findings were summarized on December 23, 1981,                             I
               with those persons indicated in paragraph 1 above.            The inspector                         l
               described the areas inspected and discussed in detail the inspection                                !


                findings.       Dissenting comments were not received from the licensee.
                Proprietary information is net contained in this report.       The folicwing
                new items were identified:                                                                         1

. Unresolved Item 413/87-42-01: C'osed KC Supply Valve to RHR V ichanger i

                in Service.                                                                                         l
                Violation 413/87-42-02: Failure to Properly Classify and Repo-         . Diesel.                    I
                Generator Invalid Failure.                                                                          '
             -           -    -             .     .   , , - -      -   ,-        .-   ..a.-         .. - . - ,
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   .             .
                                       Unresolved. Item 413/87-42-03: . Inadequate Test Procedure for Blackout-
                                       Testing During Solid Plant Operations.
                            3.         Licensee Action on Previous Enforcement _ Matters (92702)


                                       a.        (CLOSED)         Unresolved Item 413,414/87-05-01: Management Review ano


                                                 Corrective Action of Excessive Problems Occurring on a Specific
                                                Assigned Shift. The licensee has counseled appropriate personnel and
                                                 the Snift Supervisor has implemented improvements in communications
                                                 on shift. The inspe tors have regu'larly observed this shif t crew and
                                                 have not observed any additional significant . problems. Therefore,
                                                 this item is closed.
                                       b.        (CLOSED) Unresolved Itna 413/87-36-04: Icability of PORV's to Fail
                                                 Scfe Clocod. NRC:RII personnel reviewed the licensee's "operability
                                                 detarmination" of, the Pressurizer PORV's and found it to be
                                                 accep;Tble.            The licensee additior,sily was able to -correct problems
                                                 with the valves and meet required stroke times under "fail safe"
                                                 conditions.            Based on thin the item is closed.
                                                 No violations or dev. .t.ons .-ere ideatified.
                            4.         Unresolved items *
                                       hew unresolved items are' identified in paragraphs 5.b. and 6.d.
                            5.         Plant Operations Review (71707 c.nd 71710)
                                       a.         The inspectors reviewed plant cperations throughout the reportin'g                             >
                                                  period to verify ccnformance with regulatory *equirements, ' Technical
                                                  Specifications (TS), and administrative controls. Control recm logs,


                                                 danger tag logs, Technical Specification Action Item Log, and the
                                                  removal and restoration log were routinely reviewed. Shift turnovers
                                                 were observed to verify that they were conducted in accordance with
                                                  approved procedures.                                                                            ,


                                                  The inspectors. verified by observation and interviews,-that measures
                                                  taken to a ssure physical protection of the facility met current                              .;

, requiremen Areas inspected included the security organization,  ! . the estahl ,,iment and maintenances of gates, r.;c-s, and isolation ' - "

                                                  zones in the proper condition, that access cc xc1 and badging were
                                                  proper and procedures followed.                                                                 j
                            * An Unresolved Item is a matter which more information is required to dete?_                                         ,
                            mined whether it is acceptable or may involve a violation or deviation.                                               I

, 9

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                       In addition to the areas discussed above, .tl , areas toured were
                       observed for fire prevention and protection activities.                       These
                       included such things-as combustible. material control, fire protection
                       systems ~ and materials,; and-. fire protection associated with                                                ,
                       maintenance    activities.             The       inspectors -reviewed     Problem
                       Investigation Reports (PIRs) to . determine if - the licensee was
                       appropriately documenting problems and implementing appropriate
                       corrective actions.
               b.      The inspectors conducted t. detailed walkdown.of tFe Unit 1 component
                       cooling system and the Unit 2 Diesel Generator. A and B train
                       electrical switchgear.             The following discreparcies were noted and                                  !
                       forwarded to the licensee for followup correction: The - terminal box
                       on Limitorque operator for 1KC-2B was missing a drain plug and
                       tarminal box covers screws were either loose or missing from 1KC-2B
                       and 1KC-1A.
                       It was also noted that IKC-81B, KC Supply Valve to IB Residual Heat
                       Removal (ND) Heat Exchanger, was shut although B train ND was in
                       service per T.S. for decay heat removal. 0P/1/A/6200/04,
                       Residual Heat Removal System, requires this valve to be open.                        The
                       inspectors were told that it was closed because the NU throttle
                       valve, was not functioning properly, allowing ~ excessive ND to flow
                       through the heat exchanger, and 1KC-818. leaked by enough wh'~ fully
                       closed suen that it could be closed to reduce cooling f'                           The
                       inspectors noted TC flow through the heat exchanger to be approx-
                        imately 1300 gpm with 1KC-510 closed. The inspectors were also. told
                       that there had not been a work request initiated on 1KC-81B,-nor was
                       there a Restoration and Removal record or an op.en item associated
                       with the valve. The liceasee was review its procedures for
                       edequacy of requirements to ensure proper authorization is obtained
                       and reccrds are maintained when a valve is placed in a position other
                       than that stated by the procedure. This is identified as Unresolved
                        item 413/87-42-01 Closod KC Supply Valve to RHR Heat Exchanger in
                       Service, pending NRC and licensee review of prc:edural adequacy to
                       maintain control over valve positions.
                c.     Unit 2 Summary

7 The Unit started the reporting period at 75% power,. coasting down in-

                       prepa*atior. for first refueling outage which was scheduled to
                       commence December 18. Due to delays in the Unit refueling, it was
                       determined to extend Unit 2 operation for 5 extra days and power was
                        reduced to 65%.             Unit 2 shutdown to commence its first refueling
                       outage on December 23.

                       No violations or deviattor.s were identified.


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        6. Surveillance Observation (61726)
           a.  During the inspection period, the inspector verified plant
                operations were in compliance with various TS requirements. Typical
                of these requirements were confirmation of compliance with the TS
                for reactor coolant chemistry, refueling water _ tank, emergency - power-
                systems, safety injection, emergency safeguards systems,, control room-
                ventilation, and direct current electrical power sources.           The
                inspector verified that surveillance testing lwas performed in
                accordance with'the approved written procedures, test instrumentation
                was calibrated, limiting conditions for operation were met, appro-
                priate removal and restoration of the affected equipment- was
                accomplished, test results met requirements and were reviewed by
                personnel other than the individual directing the test, and that any
                deficiencies identified during the testing were properly reviewed and
                resolved by appropriate management personnel.
           b.   The following surveillance activity was witnessed:
                PT/1/A/4200/09         Train B Safety Injection, Phase'A, Phase B, and
                                       Blackout Testing.
           c.   On November 13, 1987 the 1A Diesel Generator tripped after start

, number 548 due to the P-3 shuttle valve failing to seat properly.

                This valve vents control air pressure on emergency trip signals to                -
                shutdown the engine.      Operations Management Procedure- (OMP) 2-28.
                Diesel Generator Logbook, requires tuat each diesel generator start
                attempt be classified as a Valid Success / Failure or Invalid Test /
                Failure. The licensee failed to properly classify the trip as an
                invalid failure until prompted by the' NRC resident inspectors.
                Following discussions with the licensee personnel, an intrastation         ,
                 letter dated December 9,1987 from R.N. Casler to Lee Hartzell was
                 issued which reclassified the trip from an invalid test to an invalid
                failure.     Consequently the itcensee failed to report the diesel
                generator failure to the NRC within 30 days per T.S.       This
                constitutes a violation of T.S. 3 and 6.8.1.         Violation
                413/87-42-02: Failure to Properly Classify and Report a Diesel
                Generator Invalid Failure.
                The resident inspectors reviewed the Diesel Generator Logbooks as
                 part of this investigation and noted numerous errors indicating that


                 increased attention is necessary in tracking and evaluating diesel
                 starts. The Test Failure / Invalid Test Description Sheet for the IB
                diesel generator valid failure on start number 719 had not been
                 initiated. As of December 18, Description Sheets for starts 718-751               j
                on the 18 diesci generator, done between December 1-5, had not been
                 reviewed by the Unit Coordinator or his designee and approximately 4              i
                 of these starts had not been reviewed by the Shift or Unit


         Supervisor.   OMP 2-29 requires these reviews to be completed within
         seven days.   Finally the index of the logbook had two separate starts
         on different dates identified as start number 718. The licensee
         acknowledged weaknesses in this area and agreed that increased
         supervisory attention is required.
         The inspectors also held discussions with the licensee to clarify the
         reportability and classification requirements of Regulatory Guide
         1.108 Rev.1, Periodic Testing of Diesel Generator Units as Onsite
         Electric Power Systems at Nuclear Plants.       The licensee agreed to
         revise OMP 2-28 to ensure specifically that diesel
         generator valid and invalid failures were properly classified and
    d.   On December 3,    1987   "B"  train blackout ESF testing was being
         conducted on Unit I while the plant was solid. Reactor Coolant (NC)
         System pressure was being maintained at approximately 325 psig. Both
         trains of Component Cooling (KC) were supplying the         "A" train
         Residual Heat Removal (ND) heat exchanger. Upon initiating a
         blackout signal on "B" train 4160 KV bus, B train KC pumps were
         de-energized until the IB diesel generator started and sequenced on
         the pumps. The partial loss of KC caused the NC system to heat up
         slightly, however since the plant was solid a large pressure increase
         occurred and resulted in the pressurizer power operated relief valve
         (PORV) setting of 400 psig being exceeded. One PORV opened to
         relieve the pressure.      The testing was initially intended to be
         performed when the plant was not solid however problems with
         equipment forced a delay. Apparently the consequences of losing one
         train of KC while solid were inadequately evaluated prior to approvhl
         of the test.    This is identified as Unresolved Item 413/87-42-03:
         Inadequate Test Procedure for Blackout Testing During Solid Plant
         Operations, pending further review by the inspectors.
         Cne violation was identified as described in paragraph 6.c. above.
 7. Maintenance Observations (62703)
    a.   Station maintenance activities of selected systems and components
         were observed / reviewed to ascertain that they were conducted in
         accordance with requirements.        The inspector verified licensee
         conformance to the requirements in the following areas of inspection:
         the activities were accomplished using approved procedures, and
         functional testing and/or calibrations were performed prior to
         returning components or systems to service; quality control records
         were maintained; activities performed were accomplished by qualified
         personnel; and materials used were properly certified. Work requests
         were reviewed to determine status of outstanding jobs and to assure
         that priority is assioned to safety-related equipment maintenance
         which may effect systam performance.
     . _                  _                   _                                                          _. .
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             b.           The inspector witnessed portions of. the 'following maintenance                               !
                          activity in progress:
                          PT/1/A/4200/23A         -Post Maintenance Stroke Timing of.PORV 1NC-34A_
                          No violations or deviations were identified.
         8.  Review of Licensee Nonroutine Event Reports ~(92700)
             a.           The below listed Licensee Event Reports (LER) were' reviewed to
                          determine if the information provided met NRC requirements. .The
                          determination included: adequacy of description, verification of
                          compliance with Technical Specifications and regulatory requirements,
                          corrective action taken, existence of potential generic problems,
                          reporting requirements satisfied, and the relative- safety
                          significance of each -event.           Additional implant reviews and
                          discussion with plant personnel, as appropriate, were conducted for
                          those reports indicated by an (*).          The following LERs are closed:               ,
                          *413/85-53 Rv.1          Diesel Generator IA Battery Charger Inoperable
                                                   Due to Blown Fuses
                          *413/86-58 Rv.1          Reactor Trip and Feedwater Isolation Due to an
                                                   Unexpected Response from RTD Simulator
                             413/87-38             Missed Hourly Fire Watches Result in TS
                                                   Violation Due to a Personnel Error
                          *413/87-40               Turbine Driven Auxiliary Feedwater Pump                            !
                                                   Auto-Start Signal / Steam Generator Blowdown
                                                   Containment Isolation Valves Actuation Due to
                                                   Procedural Deficiency
                          *414/87-07 Rv.1          Reactor Trip Due to a Management Deficiency and
                                                   Equipment Failures
             b.           On November 5,        1987 with Unit 2 in Mode 4, a Main Feedwater (CF)
                          Isolation and an Auxiliary Feedwater (CA) Auto Start occurred when
                          IAE technicians shut the root valve for Steam Generator 2C Narrow
                          Range level Channel IV instead of Channel II. When the line was
                          vented the 2/4 logic for Hi Hi Steam Generator level was made up.
                          This incident is described in LER 414/87-30. The root cause of the
                          event is an apparent personnel error in that the technicians did not
                          properly identify the correct component.            The technicians however;
                          were severely hampered by inadequate root valve labeling and                                1
                            instrument detail drawings that are vague, cluttered and difficult to_                    '
                          comprehend. A Station Problem Report has been initiated to review                          a
                            steam generator level channel drawings and the licensee intends to

i effectively label steam generator and pressurizer instrument valves.

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   .   .
 .                    These same' problems with instrument' labeling and detail drawings
                      possibly go beyond the steam generators and pressurizer. The Duke
                      Power Labeling Committee has been established to label plant-
                      components and. valves. This LER remains open pending further review
                      by the inspectors.into the personnel error and the labeling program.
                c.    LER 413/87-39 discussed ' corrective action for a spurious CA
                      auto-start due to the ' simultaneous implementation of 2 Nuclear
                      Station' Modifications (NSM).   The corrective action includes- adding
                      information to test procedures which state that CA auto-start will
                      occur if an auto-start signal is received due to other maintenance
                      activities in progress while Solid State Protection System (SSPS) is
                      in test. The LER further states that these procedure changes will
                      make CA auto-starts, under these conditions, not reportable.       The
                      inspectors informed the licensee that 10CFR 50.73 and NUREG 1022
                      clearly does not exempt these spurious ESFs from being reportable
                      unless the licensee can show that the actuation was part of a
                      preplanned sequence during testing or operation.     The licensee was
                      asked to ensure this policy'is clearly understood by its personnel.
                      The licensee was also informed that since the wording in the LER
                      might imply otherwise, it would be appropriate to submit a supple-
                      mented LER elaborating on the corrective actions.
                      No violations or deviations were identified.
             9. Refueling Activities and Startup After Refueling (Unit 1) (60710 & 71711)
                a.    The inspectors verified that T.S. applicable to Modes 4, 5, and 6
                      were met, reactor coolant level control practices were followed,
                      containment cleanliness inspections and cleanup was adequate and
                      procedures were in use ensure systems disturbed or tested during the


                      outage were returned to operable status.
                b.    Unit 2 Summary
                      The   unit completed containment      Intergrated Leak Rate Test                          i
                      successfully on November 25. The test was witnessed by the resident
                      and regional inspectors.    The unit also entered Mode 5 on November                     1
                      25. On December 10 a borated water leak of 1-2 gpm was discovered on
                      a Control Rod Drive Mechanism (CRDM) Vent plug. The leak had been in
                      existence for 24-36 hours and spilled borated water on the vessel
                      head and wetted CRDM cabling and rod position indication cabling. An
                      extensive cleanup effort was required which included removal of boron
                      crystals and drying out and testing electrical cabling. To perform
                      this the outage had to be extended an additional two weeks.
                      Concurrently with discovering the vent plug leak the licensee
                      discovered evidence to indicate a small primary to secondary leak in
                      the 1A Steam Generator. Efforts to locate the leaking tube included
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                  pressurizing .the tscondary. side to 800 psig and inspecting for' tube
                  in leakage, however were unsuccessful. The licensee estimated the               ,
                  leak rate to be 17 gallons per day from detected activity levels in
                  the secondary. The resident inspectors will' closely monitor licensee
                  activities to better quantify the leak during startup. The unit
                  entered Mode 4 on' December 22 and Mode 3 on December 23.
                  No violations or deviations were identified.
       10.  Previously Identified Inspector Findings (92701)
            (CLOSED)    Inspector Followup Item 87-07-01: Failure to Demonstrate
            Adequate Access Control Measures, for the OSC as Stated in Exercise
            Objective B.1.K.     The . licensee has determined that the objective was
            inappropriate for the exercise since the.0SC is inside the protected area.
            In addition the OSC Coordinator has been charged with controlling any
            access problems and has the authority to have personnel removed. Licensee
            actions are acceptable.
            No violations or deviations were identified.
       11. Cold Weather Preparations (71714)
            The inspectors verified that the licensee was inspecting / repairing cold
            weather protection devices in preparation for the winter season.        Work
            Request 3057 SWR for inspection of thermostats, heaters and. instrumen-
            tation boxes had been implemented. Additional Work Requests 8601 IAE and
            8606 IAE were issued to complete required repairs. The inspector reviewed
            documentation on the Work Requests which showed that all repairs had been
            made except for- replacement of some rusted screws on one heater box. In
            addition, the inspector observed the Refueling Water Storage Tank level
             instrument loops on both units. Minor insulation damage was noted on Loop
            No. 2FWLT 5010. The licensee was informed of this damage.
            No violations or deviations were identified.
       12.   Followup of Compliance Bulletin 87-02, Fastener Testing to Determine
            Conformance with Applicable Material Specifications (25026)
            The inspectors reviewed the licensee selection process for fasteners to be
             tested as required by the Bulletin.     The inspectors also observed the             !
             licensee obtaining samples from the warehouses and assured that                      I
             appropriate f asteners were selected and properly identified to assure               j
            No violations or deviations were identified.                                           l
       13.   Review of Licensee Quality Assurance Performance Assessment (35701)                  ;
             The inspector discussed the licensee's Quality Assurance Performance                 ,
            Assessment program with licensee Quality Assurance (QA) management

personnel. The licensee has implemented periodic assessments to provide nanagement awareness of the performance of their QA program and to serve as an input to planning the most effective use of QA resources for activities such as audits and surveillances. The assessments were conceptualized in early 1987 and two assessments have been completed and reports issued for the Catawba Station to date. The reviews were performed by a board composed of five members from the QA Department. Various functional areas were evaluated for Central Construction and Maintenance Department and Nuclear Production Department at Catawba for the period of January 1,1986 through May 1,1987. Input data included QA Audit Deports, QA Surveillance Reports, Trend Reports, Nonconforming Item Reports, Problem Investigation Reports and Incident Reports. The scensee rated each functional area as requiring less, the same or more ottention and shared the Catawba results with the inspector. The inspector had previously expressed a concern that actual problems ought to be used to help drive the QA audit / surveillance process. This program appears to be a viable approach to that concern. No violations or deviations were identified.

