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Insp Rept 50-458/86-01 on 860127-31.Violation Noted:High & Low Level Alarms on RMS-RE-126 Were Factor of Two Higher than Values Derived Using Offsite Dose Calculation Manual. Deviation Noted:Failure to Maintain Equipment Per FSAR
Person / Time
Site: River Bend Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 03/04/1986
From: Chaney H, Murray B
Shared Package
ML20141C256 List:
RTR-NUREG-0737, RTR-NUREG-737, TASK-3.D.3.3, TASK-TM 50-458-86-01, 50-458-86-1, IEB-80-10, IEIN-85-092, IEIN-85-92, NUDOCS 8604070228
Download: ML20141C330 (18)

See also: IR 05000458/1986001


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NRC Inspection Report: 50-458/86-01 License: NPF-40

Docket: 50-458

Licensee: Gulf States Utilities (GSU)

P.O. Box 2951

Beaumont, Texas 77704

Facility.Name: River Bend Station (RBS)

Inspection At: River Bend Station, St. Francisville, Louisiana

Inspection Conducted: January 27-31, 1986

Inspector: 8 M N /Jld//

H. Chaney, Radiatior.,$pecialist, Facilities 0' ate

[ff Radiological Protection Section

Approved: [/t 10 D fl M l/f// $

B. Murray, Chief, F 9/cilities Radiological 06te'

Protection Section

Inspection Summary

Inspection Conducted January 27-31, 1986 (Report 50-458/86-01)

Areas Inspected: Routine, unannounced inspection of the licensee's Radiation

Protection (RP) program (internal and external exposure control, respiratory

protection, contamination and radioactive material control, and facilities),

Emergency Plan implementing procedures, and results of the reactor power

ascension radiation surveys. The inspection involved 40 inspector-hours onsite

and 11 inspector-hours offsite by one NRC inspector.

Results: Within the areas inspected, one violation (see paragraph 8) and one

deviation (see paragraph 9) were identified.

8604070228 860401




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1. Persons Contacted


  • W. J. Cahill, Senior Vice President
  • J. Deddens, Vice President, RBNG
  • T. Plunkett, Plant Manager
  • P. F. Tomlinson, Director Quality Services
  • E. M. Cargill, Supervisor Radiological Programs
  • B. Chustz, GSU Projects
  • S. V. Desai, Chemistry Engineer
  • J. W. Evans, GSU Stenographer
  • C. L. Fantacci, Radiation Protection Supervisor
  • K. J. Giadrosich, Operations - Quality Assurance (QA)
  • D. R. Gipson, Assistant Plant Manager - Operations
  • R. Horn, Nuclear Training Department Representative
  • R. J. King, Licensing Engineer
  • W. J. Lambert, Systems Engineer
  • H. M. McCellan, Acting Plant Services Supervisor
  • J. H. McQuirter, Licensing Engineer
  • C. L. Nash, Chemistry Supervisor
  • K. E. Suhrke, Manager Plant Projects
  • M. E. Walton, Technical Assistant

J. Cadwallader, Emergency Planning (EP) Supervisor

J. Spivey, QA Engineer

A. Kowalczuk, Assistant Plant Manager - Maintenance

L. T. Owens, Employee Relations Administrator

D. M. Ross, Radiological Health Supervisor

E. Hensley, Radiation Protection Foreman

B. Tunstall, Radiation Protection Foreman

D. Wells, Radiation Protection Foreman 2

B. Spell, Health Physicist

W. Eisele, Health Physicist

W. Hardy, Radiological Engineering Supervisor

R. White, Radiation Protection Technician (RPT)

J. Onorato, Senior RPT

D. Sobera, Senior RPT

M. Bankston, RPT


  • D. Chamberlain, NRC Senior Resident Inspector

W. Jones, NRC Resident Inspector

  • J. B. Nicholas, NRC Radiation Specialist, RIV
  • R. Wise, NRC Radiation Specialist, RIV

J. Lee, Instrument and Controls (I&C) Engineer, Stone and Webster

  • Denotes those present at the exit interview on January 31, 1986.


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The NRC inspector also interviewed several other licensee employees

including QA/ quality control (QC), I&C, and RP personnel.

2. Licensee Action on Previously Identified Inspection Findings

(Closed) Open Item (458/8414-04): Gaseous Radwaste System - This item was

previously discussed in NRC Inspection Reports 50-458/84-14, 85-46, 85-53,

85-64, and 85-70, and remained open pending licensee action to complete

installation and testing of the offgas system, as referenced in

Section 11.3 of the Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR). The licensee had

completed installation and testing of the various components of the gaseous

radwaste system (Preoperational Tests 257, 409-3, 408 1 through 4). This

item is considered closed.

(Closed) Violation (458/8573-01): Failure to Provide Training - This

violation was discussed in NRC Inspection Report 50-458/85-73 and involved the

failure to provide training for radiation protection technicians. The

licensee's corrective action was reviewed and found adequate. This item is

considered closed.

(Closed) Violation (458/8573-02): Failure to Maintain Training Records -

This violation was discussed in NRC Inspection Report 50-458/85-73 and

involved the failure to maintain proper training records. The licensee's

corrective action was reviewed and found adequate. This item is considered


(Closed) Deviation (458/8573-01): Failure to Provide Training - This

deviation was discussed in NRC Inspection Report 50-458/85-73 and involved the

failure to provide BWR technology training er specified in the FSAR. The

licensee's corrective action was reviewed a. ~ )und adequate. This item is

considered closed.

3. Inspector Observations

The following are observations the NRC inspector discussed with the licensee

during the inspection and at the exit interview on January 31, 1986. These

observations are neither violations nor unresolved items. These items were

i recommended for licensee consideration for program improvement, but they

have no specific regulatory requirement. The licensee did not provide any

j specific response to these items.


i 'a. RP Group Stability - A high turnover rate was noted in the RP Grcup

management and technical positions. (See paragraph 4)


l b. Personnel Dosimetry - Problems were noted in the processing of

l personnel exposure data. (See paragraph 6)


l c. Training - The RP group supervisors responsible for the respiratory

protection program have not received training in current respiratory

protection practices. (See paragraph 5)




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d. ALARA - The ALARA program does not sufficiently address the minimization

of internal exposures and the use of respiratory protection equipment

in prejob and post job reviews. (See paragraph 7)

e. Contractor RPTs - The licensee places a high reliance on contracted

RPTs. (See paragraph 4)

f. Release of Radioactive Material - The licensees survey program for

potentially radioactive materials does not satisfy the recommendations

of I&E Information Notice 85-92. (See paragraph 8)

4. RP Program Organization and Management Controls

The NRC inspector examined the organization and staffing of the RP

organization to determine compliance with Sections 12.5, 13.1, 13.3

(Emergency Plan - EP), and 13.5 of the FSAR, 10 CFR Part 20, Facility

Operating License Technical Specifications (TS) 6.2.2, 6.8.1, and 6.11, and

the recommendations of NRC Regulatory Guides (RG) 1.33, 1.8, 8.8, and

NUREG-0731,Section II.

The NRC inspector reviewed licensee procedures for routine and emergency

activities associated with internal / external radiation exposure control,

contamination control, decontamination and first-aid facilities, respiratory

protection, and QA audits and reviews.

During this inspection, the Radiological Health Supervisor (external and

internal dosimetry group supervisor) terminated employment with GSU

effective January 31, 1986. The NRC inspector noted that within the last

6 months, personnel occupying the following positions have terminated

employment with GSU: Supervisor Radiological Programs, Radiological

Engineering Supervisor, Radiological Health Supervisor, and Staff Radiation

Protection Specialist. The NRC inspector noted that the size of the

in-house RPT staff is marginal and that the licensee would be hard pressed

to handle non-routine activities if the nine contract RPTs had to be

terminated. (This item was also in discussed NRC Inspection Report 50-458/

85-73). The licensee is currently seeking a person to fill the Radiological

Health Supervisor position. The NRC inspector reviewed QA surveillances of

RP activities, RP program implementing procedures (see Attachment to this

report), RP shift logs, and internal RBS correspondence concerning RP


No violations or deviations were identified.

5. RP Organization Staff Qualifications and Training

The NRC inspector examined the qualifications and training of selected

personnel to determine compliance with Sections 12.5, 13.2, 13.3, and 13.5

of the FSAR,10 CFR Part 19.12, TS 6.3.1, and 6.4.1, and the recommendations

of RGs 1.8, 8.2, 8.8, 8.15, and 8.27, and NUREG-0041.




The NRC inspector reviewed training records, discussed individual training

achievements with licensee personnel, and reviewed personnel assignments

involving dotimetry processing, whole body counting, respiratory protection

equipment fit testing and maintenance, and RPT shift assignments.

The NRC inspector discussed with licencee representatives RPT qualification

criteria and commitments made to the NRC (see Inspection Reports 50-458/85-05

and 85-32) regarding fully qualified RPTs and equivalent experience.

The NRC inspector noted that the two RP supervisors responsible for

implementing the respiratory protection program had not received training

in current respiratory protection programs.

No violations or deviations were identified.

6. External Radiation Exposure Control

The external radiation exposure control program was reviewed for compliance

with Sections 12.5, and 13.3 of the FSAR, TS 6.8.1,, 6.10, 6.11,

6.12.1, and 6.12.2, and the requirements contained in 10 CFR Parts 13.12,

and .13, and 20.101, .102, .104, .105, .202, .203, .205, .206, .405, .407,

.408, and .409, and the recommendations of IE Information Notices 81-26,

82-42, 83-59, 84-59, and 85-42, in NRC Regulatory Guides (RGs) 8.2, 8.4,

8.7, 8.8, 8.13, 8.14, and 8.28, and industry standards ANSI N13.11-1983,

N13.5-1972, and N13.27-1981.

The NRC inspector reviewed personnel exposure records, administrative

exposure controls, record storage facilities, whole body and extremity

exposure control procedures, dosimetry processing procedures, dosimetry

quality control methods, data processing and reports. Inspection

of station facilities was made and independent radiation dose rate surveys

and verification of radiation and high radiation area controls were con-

ducted. The NRC inspector noted that periodic posting reviews are conducted.

The NRC inspector reviewed the current certification of the dosimetry

processing system and the periodic in-house quality control tests of the

dosimetry processing system. The licensee's exposure control program,

exposure limits, implementing procedures, and protective action guidance

for radiation exposures and dedicated inventories of dosimetry devices

(Thermolumonescent (TLD), pocket dosimeters, and alarming dosimeters) for

radiological emergencies were reviewed.

The NRC inspector noted during a review of the computer print-outs of

personnel radiation exposure reports for 1985 that the licensee had been

having problems with the transfer of data between one computer used for the

processing of raw exposure data from TLDs and another computer that provides

the main radiological control program for access control, pocket dosimeter

exposure records, job exposure tracking, and exposure reports. The licensee

had determined that there was a difference in the amount of exposure

reported in the 1985 yearly report and that reported to have been processed

by the TLD computer. The NRC inspector determined that the licensee had,




prior to this inspection, determined that the two computer exposure control

system was deficient in the area of quality control over routine data input

and data base management. The NRC inspector noted to the licensee during the

inspection and at the exit interview.that the possible problems concerning

the mismanagement of personnel exposure data might be due to the large

amount of manual review required to determine if final reported exposure

data is accurately transferred between the two independent computer systems.

No violations or deviations were identified.

7. Internal Radiation Exposure Control

The licensee's internal radiation exposure control program including

airborne radioa-tivity monitoring / sampling, and respiratory protection

program was reviewed for compliance with Sections 12.1, 12.3, 12.5', and

13.3 of the FSAR, TS 6.3.1, 6.8.4.b, and 6.11, 10 CFR Parts 19.12, and .13,

and 20.103, .201, .203, .405, .407, .408, and .409, and the recommendations

of ANSI 13.1-1969, N343-1978, NUREG-0041, and RG 8.2, 8.7, 8.8, 8.9, 8.15,

8.20, and 8.26.

The NRC inspector reviewed the licensee's corporate policies, programs and

activities involving routine and emergency aspects of the internal dosime-

try (in-vivo and in-vitro) and respiratory protection, including agreements

with offsite vendors. The licensee's operating, calibration, preuse

response checks and exposure evaluation procedures for the two whole body

counters (WBC) were reviewed. The NRC inspector noted that the bed type high

resolution WBC was inoperable during this inspection. The NRC inspector

reviewed the licensee's program for tracking of exposures to airborne

radioactive materials, evaluations of exposures from WBC data, and respiratory

equipment inventories for routine and emergency activities. Respiratory

equipment quality control, inspection, selection, use, maintenance, and

breathing air quality control procedures and records were reviewed. The

licensee's program for routine determinations of airborne radioactivity

concentrations within work areas and personnel breathing zones were reviewed.

The licensee was noted to have procedures in place for the calibration and

use of lapel air samplers (breathing zone air samplers - BZS); however,

since initial start up'in October of 1985, there has been no use of BZS

even though areas such as routine radiochemistry sampling and laboratory

work and recurring tasks such as security tours and maintenance operations

could be used for initializing such a program. The NRC inspector discussed

with licensee representatives the current industry practices and recommendations

concerning breathing zone sampling programs. The licensee ALARA program

was noted to be lacking definitive guidance on the minimization of radio-

active material intakes or the use of respiratory protection equipment.

This was especially noted to be missing in prejob and post job reviews for

high exposure jobs.

No violations or deviations were identified.


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8. Control of Radioactive Materials (RAM) and Contamination, Surveys, and


The licensee's programs for the control of RAM and contamination, radiological

surveys and monitoring were reviewed for compliance with Sections 12.5, and

13.3 of the FSAR, TS 6.8.4.b, and 6.11, 10 CFR Parts 19.12, and 20.4, .5,

.201, .203, .205, .207, .301, .401, and .402, and NUREG-0737, Item III.D.3.3,

and the recommendations of IE Information Notice 85-92 and IE Bulletin 80-10.

The NRC inspector inspected facilities, conducted independent gamma

radiation dose rate measurements and loose surface contamination surveys,

reviewed ongoing work within the containment building and turbine building,

reviewed Radiation Work Permits, radiation, airborne and surface contain-

ation surveys (routine and work related), observed analysis of radiological

sanples and the use of laboratory counters, response checking of instru-

ments, and the updating of plant radiological information maps. The NRC

inspector discussed with licensee representatives scheduling of surveys,

release limits for material removed from radiologically controlled areas

(RCA), and the licensee's current program for the segregation of radio-

active waste. The NRC inspector noted that the licensee is currently

surveying bagged waste removed from RCAs with a high sensitivity gamma

radiation detection instrument (gamma scintillation detector) in a low

background area for disposition determinations. The NRC inspector pointed

out that current release limits specified at RBS for equipment and

raterials were above those discussed in NRC Information Notice 85-92 and

significantly above the detection level of the laboratory counters.

Licensee RPTs were observed for proper selection and use of radiation

detection and sampling equipment. RP equipment selection, use, response

check, calibration and maintenance procedures /reccids were reviewed.

The NRC inspector reviewed the licensee's alarm set point program for the

Digital Radiation Monitoring System. TS states, in part, that

"The radioactive gaseous effluent monitoring instrumentation channels shown

in Table shall be operable with their alarm / trip setpoints set

to ensure that the limits of Specification are not exceeded. The

alarm / trip setpoints of these channels shall be determined and adjusted in

accordance with the methodology and parameters in the Offsite Dose Calcula-

tion Manual." The action statement (a) for this TS states, in part, "With

a radioactive gaseous effluent monitoring instrumentation channel alarm /

trip setpoint less conservative than required by the above Specification,

immediately suspend the release of radioactive gaseous effluents . . . or

declare the channel inoperable." The NRC inspector determined on January 30,

1986, that the high and low alarm setpoints on the Main Plant Exhaust Duct

Monitoring System noble gas activity monitor (IRMS-RE-126 one of two

monitors) were set to trip at values as much as two times higher than the

setpoints established using the ODCM. This is an apparent violation of

TS (458/8601-01).

Further investigation by the licensee, RBS Condition Report No.86-122,

determined that the setpoints on monitors 1RMS-RE-126 and 1RMS-RE-6A (wide


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range noble gas effluent monitor for the Radwaste Waste Building Exhaust

Ventilation System) had been mistakenly changed from the values established

during the routine functional check on December 18, 1985. The setpaints had

to be reinstalled during a routine surveillance test conducted on January 16,


1986, per station procedure STP-511-4231 following a power loss to the

processors. The values used by the technician to reset the high and low

radioactivity alerm setpoints were obtained from an out-of-date Stone and


Webster document (S&W File No. 7247.250-329-007, RM-80 Data Base). The

ODCM derived setpoint values had been previously established and a modifi-

cation request (85-572) had been submitted for changing the S&W document on

or about October 4, 1985. The licensee took immediate action to identify

and document the problem, and reestablished the proper alarm setpoints.

The NRC inspector verified that releases during the period of elevated

setpoints on RE-126 and 6A did not exceed TS values for gaseous

releases and determir;ed that releases at the most would only approach

30 percent of the allowed concentrations.

No deviations we're identified.

9. Radiological Control Facilities and Equipment / Instruments

l The licensee's facilities for radiological protection activities during


routine and emergency situations were reviewed for compliance with

l Sections 12, and 13.3 (Radiological Emergency Response Plan) of the FSAR,

l and the recommendations of RG 1.97, 8.8, and 8.25, NUREG-0041, and

l NUREG-0654/ FEMA-REP-1.

i- The NRC inspector reviewed training facilities, respirator decontamination

and maintenance facilities, ccunting laboratories, post-accident sampling

l system, calibration facilities, radioactive source storage, locker and

toilet facilities for workers, PCA access control points, satellite RPT


office, Digital Radiation Monitoring System consoles, first-aid facilities,

temporary ventilation and shielding equipment, machine shop, decontamina--

tion facilities for personnel and equipment, and emergency equipment

inventories (RP response survey equipment, respiratory protection equipment,

protective clothing). The NRC inspector also inspected the Service Building,

main control room (MCR), Operations Support Center (OSC), and Emergency

Operations facility (E0F). The RBS Emergency Plan is set-forth in

Section 13.3 of the FSAR, and Appendix E to Section 13.3 establishes the

dedicated equipment to be maintained at each emergency facility. Emergency

Implementing Procedure (EIP) 2-103, " Emergency Equipment Inventory,"

provides instructions for the periodic inventory, inspection, and operational

checking of emergency equipment and supplies to ensure that the equipment

and supplies are available and functional (checklists are provided for each

facility emergency kit). The NRC inspector reviewed the contents of

selected emergency kits using the EIP-2-103 checklists. The NRC inspector

l noted that the checklists did not include all the equipment and supplies

! referenced in the FSAR. The RP group is responsible for the quarterly (as

a minimum) inventory of emergency kits in accordance with Radiation

Protection Procedure 0049, " Emergency Equipment Inventory". The NRC



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inspector determined on January 28, 1986, that the emergency kits in the

following facilities did not contain certain equipment committed to in

Appendix E, Section 13.3, of the FSAR.


MCR Spare Breathing Air Bottle (EIP)

Containers for RAM / Trash (FSAR)

OCS Two flashlights (EI?)

EOF Spare Flashlight Bulbs (FSAR)

Industrial First-Aid Kit (FSAR)

Four 0-500 millirem per hour Pocket

Dosimeters (EIP)

Disposable Safety Razors (FSAR)

Nasal Irrigation Equipment (FSAR)

Alarming Dosimeters (FSAR)

Manual TLD Reader (FSAR)

Self Contained Breathing Apparatus


Spare Breathing Air Bottles (FSAR)

Continuous Air Monitor (FSAR)

Radiation Hot Spot Stickers (FSAR)

The failure to maintain the proper equipment at emergency facilities is an

apparent deviation to commitments made to the NRC (458/8601-01). The NRC

inspector also noted that ti,e personnel decontamination procedures

maintained in the EOF emerge kit were not the current revision. s

The licensee's operation of the\oost-accident sampling system (PASS) for

reactor coolant and containment ' atmosphere was observed. The NRC inspector

noted during discussions with liiensee representatives that on January 29,

1986, that one of the sample line" external to the PASS cabinet developed a

liquid leak. The leak originated at one of the mechanical joints that is

scheduled for replacement per lice see commitments to the NRC (see NRC

Inspection Report 50-458/85-70). s he leak contaminated a small area of the

floor near the joint and was subsequently decontaminated. The licensee is

still evaluating necessary modifications for replacement of the mechanical

joints on the PASS sample lines.

No violations were identified.

10. Reactor Power Ascension /Startup Radiation Surveys

The licensee's conduct of the reactor shielding surveys during power

ascension testing were reviewed for compliance with the commitments in

Section 14 of the FSAR, and Startup Test 1-ST-2.

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The NRC inspector reviewed the test procedure-and the survey results for


radiation ~ shielding surveys. conducted at approximately 20 percent reactor

power on December 29, 1985.


No violations or deviations were identified.



11. Exit Interview

The NRC inspector met with the licensee's representatives.and the NRC

resident inspector identified in paragraph 1 of this report at the

conclusion of the inspection on January 31, 1986. The NRC inspector .

summarized the scope and the results of the inspection.





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River Bend Nuclear Procedures Manual (RBNP)

RENP-020, Policy Statements and Management

Directive 0 10/12/84

PS/MD 2, River Bend Station Respiratory

Protection Program Policy

Statement 03/07/85

RBNP-024, Radiation Protection Plan 1 06/10/85


Station Operatino Manual

Administrative Procedures (ADM)


ADM-OOOi, Station Staff Organization,

Responsibilities and Authorities 2 05/03/05

ADM-OOO6, Control of Plant Records 3 01/21/86

ADM-OO12, Corrective Action Program 2 01/13/86

ADM-OO25, Conduct of Radiation Protection

Services 2 07/20/85

ADM-OO36, Containment Access Management 1 06/17/85

ADM-OO38, Radioactive Waste Management

Program 2 01/13/86

ADM-OO39, ALARA Program 1 06/08/85

ADM-OO45, System Management and Utilization

of the DRMS O 05/05/85



ADM-OO46, Temporary Shielding Control O 05/05/85

Maintenance Calibration Procedure (MCP)


I MCP-4183, Function Check & Calibration of the

Gamma 10 Portal Monitor O 07/18/85


l MCP-4184, Function Check & Calibration of the APTEC


7M Hand and Foot Monitors 0 11/22/85





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Surveill ance Test Procedures (STP)

STP-511-4232, RMS-Main Plant Exhaust Duct Monitoring I

System Sampler Flow Rate Monitor, Quarterly

CHFunct, 1Emonth CHCAL (1RMS-FEX126) 2 12/19/85

STP-511-4215, RMS-Main Plant Exhaust Duct Noble Gas

Activity Monitor 18 month CHCAL (1RMS-RE126) 1 12/24/85

STP-511-4515 RMS-Main Plant Exhaust Duct Noble Gas

Activity Monitor Quarterly CHFunct

(1RMS-RE126) 1 12/23/85


Eadiation Protection Procedures (RPP)

RPP-0002, Operation and Calibration of the

Baird Centicount APC System 1 06/27/85

RPP-O?O5, Posting c f Radiologically

Controlled Areas 2 06/11/85 .

RPP-0006, Radi ol og; cal Surveys 2 07/05/85

RPP-OO11, Operation and Ca2ibrstion of the

NMC Model DS-33/PC-11T Counting .

System 1 07/13/05 *

Temporary Change Notice (TCN) 85-3033 to:

RPP-0013, Survey Instrument Response Testing 1 06/18/85

RPP-OO14, Operation and Calibration of the

Harshaw TASC-12 Counting System 1 07/07/85 -


RPP-OO18, Personnel Decontamination 1 08/24/85

RPP-OO19, Decontamination of Areas, Tools

and Equipment 2 07/06/85

RPP-OO21, Gelection and Use of Respiratory

Protection Equipment 1 07/02/85

RPP-GO22, Respirator y Protection Equioment

Cleaning, Inspection, and Repair 1 06/11/85

RPP-OO24, Radi ologi c al Frecautions for

Underwater Operations 1 07/02/85

RPP-OO26, Operation of Respirator Facepiece

and Filter Test Console 1 07/05/85

RPP-OO27, Gaseous Effluents Monitor Setpoint

Determination 0 12/13/85-


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RPP-OO29. Respiratory Protection Ecuipment

Inventory and Issue 1 07/05/85

RPP-OO30, Operation and Calibration of the

Ludlum 300 Area Monitor O 10/25/85

RPP-OO32, Cali t. ration of the MSA Fixt-Flo

Lapel Ai r Sampler O 12/13/85

RPP-OO33, Sett.p and Operation of General Atomics

Porteble Continuous Atmospheric Monitor O 07/12/85

TCN 85-327 to:

RPP-OO35, Calibration of Digital Radiation Monitoring

Process Monitors O G3/11/85

RPP-OO36, Calibration of Digital Radiation Monitoring

System Area Monitors 2 C4/01/85

PPP-OO42. Operation of Stationar y and Pertable Air

Filtration Systems 1 f.7/24/85

RPP-OO43, Personnel Frisking 1 47/05/85

RPP-OO48, Operation and Calibration of the

Eberline RO-7 1 07/13/85

RPP-OO49, Emergency Equipment Invent or y 1 06/28/85

RPP-OOSO, Response to Abnormal Radiological

Conditions 2 07/14/05

TCN 85-1380 to:

RPP-OO51, Operation and Calibration of the

Eberline DC-4 Beta Counter 1 07/01/95

RPP-OO53, Operation and Calibration of the

Eberline Model AMS-3 Continuous

Air Mo. ii tor 1 06/27/85

RPP-OO58, Operation and Maintenance of Radioactive

Vacuum Cleaners 1 07/C2/85

RPP-OO59, Portable HEPA Filtration Units, Tents,

and Enclosures 1 06/11/85

RPP-OO62, Special Decontamination Applications 1 06/07/85

TCN 85-4828 to:

RPP-OO63, Laundry Operation, Storage, Control

and Issue 1 07/05/85

RPP-OO64, Use of Lapel Air Sampler. 1 06/19/85

RPP-OO65, Use of Mitl tiple Dosimetry Devices 1 07/24/85





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RPP-OO70, Operation of the Survivair Test Console 1 07/13/85

RPP-OO71, Cleaning and Inspection of Survi vai r

Mark 2 SCBA's 1 07/06/85

RPP-OO72, Maintenance of Stationary and Portable

Air Filtration Systems 1 07/02/05

3 RPP-OO74, Refilling SCBA Cylinders 1 05/21/85

RPP-OO81, Oper.ation and Calibration of the

Eberline E-140/E-140N 1 06/13/05


RPP-OOB2, Operation and Calibration of the

Eberline E-520 1 07/14/85

RPP-OOS4, Operation and Calitration of the

Eberline PNR-4 1 07/03/85

RPP-OOB5, Ope ation and Calibration of the

Ebe-line PRM-6 1 06/27/85

RPP-OOS6, Operation and Calibration of the

j Eberline PRM-7 2 07/22/85


RPP-OO87, Operation and Calibration of the

Eberline RM-14 1 07/05/85

RPP-OOB8, Operation and Calibration of the

Eberline RM-21 1 06/18/85

RPP-OOS9, Operation and Calibration of the l


Eberline RD-2/2A 1 07/05/85

RPP-OO91, Operatier. and Calibration of the

Teletector - (6112 D/D) 1 07/25/85

RPP-OO92, Calibration of the Radeco Model

H-809 1 07/13/85

RPP-OO93, Calibration of the Staplex Model


TF-1A 1 06/09/85




Radiation Protection Eection Procedures (RSP)


RSP-OOOS, Containment Entry 0 10/25/85

RSP-02OO, Radiation Work Permits 1 06/11/95

RSP-0201, Respiratory Protection Program

for Radiological Arees 1 06/27/85





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TCN 85-3035 to:

RSP-0202, Radiation Protection Calibration

Program 1 06/09/85

RSP-0203, Personnel Monitoring 1 08/02/85

RSP-0204, Performance, Control f or Respirator y

Protection Equipment 1 05/29/05

RSP-0205, Receipt of Radioactive Material 2 06/15/85

RSP-0206, Prenatal Radiation Exposure Policy 2 06/21/85

RSP-0209, Control and Calibration of Radiation

Protection Equipment 2 06/07/85

TCNs 85-4009, 85-4152, 85-4323 to:

RSP-0212, Drywell Entry i 07/02/85

RSP-0213, Control and Handling of Radioactive

Materials 1 06/21/8G

Radiation Health Physics Procedures (RHP)

RHP -OOO1, Operation of the Panasonic Automatic

TLD Reader 2 06/17/85

RHF-OOO2, Calibration of the Panasonic Automatic

TLD Reader 1 06/24/85

l RHF -OOO3, Cleaning and Maintenance of the Paiianonic

Automatic TLD Reader 2 07/05/B5


RHP-OOO4, Operation of the Panatonic Manual '


TLD Reader 1 07/24/05



RHP-OOO5, Calibration of the Panasonic Manual

l TLD Reader 1 07/29/85

RHP-OOO6, Cleaning and Maintenance of the Panaean;c

Manual TLD Reader 1 07/05/85


RHP-OOO7, TLD Badge Selection 2 06/27/85


RHP-OOO8, Dose Determination and Reporting 2 07/28/85

RHP-OOO9. TLD Calibration Exposure 2 06/21/85

RHP-OO10, Operation of the Shepherd Model 142-10

Panoramic Irradiator 2 06/23/05

RHP-OO11, Cleaning and Inspection of TLD Badges

and Holders 2 97/13/05

RHP-OO12, Issue and Use of the Pocket Dosimeter 1 07/02/85

__ . . _ . . _ , _ _ _ _ __ _ . - _ _ . . _ . . . . _ _- _ . .



.. .


TCN 85-250 to:

RHP-0013, Issue, Collection and Termination of

Thermol umi noscen t Dosimeters 1 04/29/85

TCN 85-356 to:

RHP-OO14, Pocket Dosimeter Calioration and Control O 03/13/G4

RHP-OO15, Occration of the Helgeson Dc-It-Yourself

In-Vivo Counting System 1 07/13/95

RHP-OOl6, Operation of the Helgeson Quicky IO-Vivo

Counting System O 06/17/05

RHP-OO17, Calculation of Internal Doses 1 07/22/85

RHP-OO18, bioassay Sample Analysis 1 07/OS/85

TCN 85-2038 tot

RHP-OO19, Quantitative Mask Fit Testing 1 07/05/85

RHP-OO20, Calibration and Maintenance of the

Dynatech Model 260B Resp:rator

Fit Test Equipment 1 07/29/85

RHP-OO21, Dodimetry Check-In and Check-out 1 07/24/85

RHP-OO23, Extremity TLD Badge Selection

Processing and Dong Reporting O 06/25/05

RHP-OO24. Cal ibrati on and Calibration Verification

of the Nel Gegment of the Helgeson Do-It

.Yearsel f In-Vivo Counting Systec 0 08/14/85

RHP-9025, Bioassav Gample Collection 1 06/23/95

TCN 85-361 to:

RHP-OO26, Lost or Damaged Dosimetry Devices O 07/20/85

RHP-OO27. Occupation Exposure Records and Reports 1 07/01/85

RHP-OO28, Intercomparison of Dosimetr / Devices 1 07/13/85

TCN 85-362 to:

RHP-OO30, Calculation of Dose Assessment from

Skin Contamination O 03/05/85

RUF-0107, Spirometry Tecting O 06/25/84

Station Synnart Procedures

Sf etion 2 - Emeroenc_y J slementing_ Procedures 4EIP)/


_ _Ej3crggnc_y_ P1 anninq Proct,deren (EPP)


EIP-2-OO8, Search and Rescue 1 05/09/85

, ~

, . >


EIP-2-OO9, Medical Emergencies 1 05/10/85

EIP-2-012, Radiation Exposure Controls 2 08/09/85


EIP-2-012, Onsite Radiological Monitoring 1 05/10/85

EIP-2-014, Of f si te Radiological Monitoring 3 10/09/95


EIP-2-015, Post-Accident Sampling Operations 1 05/10/85

EIP-2-016, Operations Support Center -

Activation 1 05/08/95-

EIP-2-017, Operations Support Center -

Support Functionc 2 10/09/95

EIP-2-018, Technical Support Center -

Activation 1 05/08/85

EIP-2-019 Technical Suprart Center -

Suppor+. Functi ons 1 05/10/85

i EIP-2-020, Emergency Operations Facility -

Activation 1 05/10/85

EIP-2-021, Emergency Operations Facility -

Support Functions 1 05/10/85

EIP-2-022, Alternate EOF - Activation

and Transfer of Functions 1 05/10/85

EIP-2-028,.~ Recovery 1 05/98/85

EIP-2-103, Emergency Equipment Inventory 1 05/08/05

EPP-2-202, Selection, Training, and Qualificatior.

of the Emergency Response Organization 0 10/10/05

Eection - 7 t _Trainino Program Procedures (TPP)

! TPP-7-01G, General Employee Training 2 01/23/96



General Employee Training Lesson Plan Level III

Respiratory Protection Training












. . .

Other Documents Reyiewed

Training Records of:

. Dosimetry Personnel (2)

. Radiation Protection Technicians (3)

River Bend Station Final Safety Analysis Report Amendment 16

RBS Operations OA Surveillances:

Radiation Protection Task Schedules, OSR2 86-01-10

Instrument Calibration Check, OSR2 85-06-25

Surveillance Test Procedure (STP) 606-8010 (R4), OSOA 85-10-55

STP 511-8207, ISOA 85-08-23

STP 402-8604 (ODCM), ISOA 85-08-11

Fuel Receipt, OSRA 85-02-11

RW Shipment, ISSZ 85-12-18

Leak Test of Sources, OSRZ 84-12-10

Evaluation of Dosimeters for NVLAP, ISRA 85-03

Calibration of Radiatinn Protection Instruments, OSRA 85-04

Radiation Work Permits, OSRZ 84-10

Preventative Maintenance Task Approval / Schedule for Portal Monitors

Memorandum Subject; Potential for Contamination from Radiation Monitor

Checksources, dated 11/25/85, E. M. Cargill (RBS)














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