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Marked-up Spec 2323-SS-9, Concrete
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Site: Comanche Peak  Luminant icon.png
Issue date: 01/24/1974
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FOIA-85-59 2323-SS-9, NUDOCS 8512030014
Download: ML20137J654 (60)


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~ GIBBS & HILL, Inc. ENGINEERS, DESIGNERS, CONSTRUcrORS i O NEW YORK U 0512030014 851106 N PDH FOIA ?. ., -. ~. ~,,,., GARDE 05-59 PDR e s-4 '4 f... g .; : s , r.

I N ~$. Gibbs & Inc. speci.fication 2323-SS-9 o&Wimber_12, 197.7 ? ,e Q hk # TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page No. 1.0 SCOPE....................................... 1-1 2.0 CONCRETE CLASSIFICATION..................... 2-1 3.0 STANDARDS................................... 3-1 a l 4.0 MATERIALS FOR CONCRETE...................... 4-1 I 5.0 CONCRETE MIX DESIGN....................*..... 5-1 6.0 MARKING AND IDENTIFICATION OF CONCRETE MATERIALS.......*........................ 6-1 7.0 CObiCRETE EXAMINATION. ME..T.y.T.i 9Q.......... 7_1 8.0 CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION....................... 8-1 ..O emuTINO.................................... e1 10.0 CLASS E EIGH DENSITY CONCRETE............... 10-1 Cu pa.i T't A 5iv rte. Jct 11.0 -................................ ~11-1 - --^" - - _w , -, Q., i e s d e f 9 e 4 4 I t ,Y. 'g ^ { t . wp. ..y... s ~, ; i .c;%,. - = 3,,

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7 ~ Y / Gibbs u dill, Inc. . Spec'ification 2323-SS-9 v~4c;-l:, l' yrs--- N(D Page 1-1 1.0 SCOPE der This Specification covers the requirements @ ) fur-1.1 nishing all equipment, labor, and materials necessary for 'the manufacturing, forming, placing, finishing, i curing, and testing of all structural concrete and includes, but is not limited to, the following princi-pal structures and their appurtenances: a. Containment Structure, including the Reactor Build-ing within the Containment Structure CJ ,.. SafeguaresBui1eings Generator Foundation c. d. Turbine Building e. Auxiliary Building f. Fuel Building g. Intake Structures h. Discharge Structure i. Addinistration Building m w! whew de.e., Buil S h 3 ~ k. Yard Structures 1. Diesel Generator Building m. Circulating Water Tunnels Goa,ydbedd n, s

] r Gibbs ill, Inc. Specification 2323-SS-9 4, "~ ;..b r. 12, 1^?2 - Page 1-2 1.2 Included in the scope of this specification are the derrBEc.d'ow i d c.lm'ifg' inu

  1. ^ '-; of the concrete mixes,adh of proper couw.e

=s h w c-h'sw$ h cri+m ia., gc s n c. m t e e w N'r dec'. materials c..%m.4e. e.3 i Or 3*'M od edierh. %r hidLcienAiq $3cWiuhms cri+et % 3 c.w e.r e-{ a. 1.3 The contractor shall submit in advance to TUSI, for approval, any deviation from this spec 5.fication. Such differences shall be clearly documented and shall in-clude recommendations for alternatives with a descrip- ~ tion of all related merits and defects. 1.4 The term Architect / Engineer, as used in ACI 301-72 O or' other references in this specification, shall mean TUSI. t ~ D e4 9 e e [ e h a = e = e 8 e 9 t, . a, o o f ,1 4 MT g. b o ',*/ ..s .. >. 7

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g a Gibbs Till, Inc. Spe~cification 2323-SS-9 u.==,w _ z u.,e 3 Page 2-1 x 2.0 CONCRETE CLASSIFICATION 2.1 The following basic types of concrete will be re-quired: ~2.1.1 class A ordinary concrete for general construction Type [$ Portland Cement and 3/4-inch consisting of: ~ hwimum aggregate, having a minimum density of 145 pef and a minimum compressive strength of 4000 psi at 28 days. 2.1.2 class B: Same as Class A, but with a 1-1/2-inch maxi-zum size aggregate, and as described in 4.3.5. 2.1.3 ' class c: Concrete for the ntainment eture and such as'the [ntainment ucture large placements, foundation mat, the generator foundation and other placements 'where a low heat of hydration is required, consisting of: Type II Portland cement.and l-1/2-inch mayi - aggregate, having a minimum density of 145 pcf and a minimum compressive strength of 4000 psi at 28 days. ' 7 ' - L . vfilidne TgpH f-dlwd Comed 2.1.4 class D: concreteAwith h mi'nimum density of 145 pcf C and with a minimum compressive strength of 2500 psi at 28 days. -.-P44 6 uer F ud m-

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g Gibbe &.-Wl, Inc. Spacii '!PEion 2323-SS-9 mn~r=, =3 Page 2-2 v4ilk'.3 & T feA\\n L Cene d s J 2.1.5 class E: High density concreteAhaving a minimum den-l sity of 225 pef and a minimum compressive strength of 4000 psi at 28 days. 2.1.6 class A concrete shall be utilized in all structures, except when otherwise indicated in the specifications and on the engineering drawings. 2.1.7 The descriptions and requirements in Section 3.0 through 9.0 apply to all classes of concrete in this specification. Additional special requirements for 0- . Class E concrete are given in Section 10.0. 9 e 8 o -e + *- p g e e e c u e '... ~ e 9 e a 8 9 g ~ t) ~ G , F; ~ n-

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kl,In=. Gibbs i Specification 2323-SS-9 A':'c G c& .L 4, ;cO90- ~ Page 3-1 (- 3.O STANDARDS 3.1 Applicable codes and Standards of the American con-crate Institute (ACI) and the American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM) are noted at appropriate places wi in this specification. ~ 3.2 ACI 318, Building code Requirements for Reinforced concrete,. and AC,I. 301,-_ Specifications for Structural concrete for Buildings, are applicable oniy to the extent specifically refarenced herein. ~ 3.3 codes and Standards referenced in this specification are to be the latest edition at the time of the pur-chase order, unless otherwise noted. ), ( ~ J., . r....

4 6 6 - 9 h Gibba $1, Inc. Specification 2323-SS-9

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13n 3 Page 4-1 4.0 MATERIALS FOR CONCRETE 4.1 Coment Portland cei: tent shall comply with ASTM C 150, Stan-4.1.1 and shall be dard Specification for Portland Cement, - -. ; _ _ _ _,b_h 4_T 6;. L _g

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- 4.1.2 Minimum compressive strength of mortar cubes, tested in accordance with ASTM C 109, shall be determined at 3, 7 and 28 days and shall meet th'e requirements of ( =.. _ ( ASTM C 150. Except as otherwise approved by TUSI, all cement of each type the same brand and manufactured at~the same mill. Manufacturer's to analys,is and composition relative to both physical and chemical properties of the co-ment shall be furnished for -each shipment for assur-ance of. continuing uniformity of properties and conformity to requirements. 4.2 Admixtures Water reducing admixture shall comply with ASTM C 494, 4.2.1 Standard Specification for Chemical Admixtures for Concrete, Type D, except that no chloride content i. ., ' ' ' ', '. ~, h h ?]E / r

hil,Inc. h _Gi s Spe.citication 2323-SS-9 ME...1 C, .:.A (~'s Page 4-2 / \\ 4.2.1 (cont'd) shall be permitted. Manufacturers' certificates as to analysis and composition of the product shall be furnished for assurance of uniformity and conformance to its specified', properties. 4.2.2 Air entraining admixture Air entraining admixture to be added to the concrete batches for the purpose of entraining air shall con-form to the requirements of ASTM C 260, Standard . Specification for Air Entraining Admixtures for Con-s N crete, except that no chloride content shall be per-mitted. Such admixture shall also be in accordance with the recommendations of the cement manufacturer. The air entraining admixture shall be added at the mixer by =.upprev fkroad bu Tbs.i'

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Sufficient admixture shall be used to produce an air content of three .i, percent by volume plus or mintts one percent (except is noted in paragraph 5.9 of this spec:(fication) when tested in accordance with the procedure given in ASTM C 231, Standard Method of Test for Content ' of Freshly Mixed Concrete by the ' Pressure Method. OU e e g ~ . w g

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p!il1, Inc. p> Gibb M t Specitication 2323-SS-9 whM., z:1 9,-3 (~ Page 4-3 f,.J' 4.2.3 Fly Ash , Fly ash may be added to the conc' rete batches as a replacement for part of the cement subject to the ap-proval of TUSI. The Contractor shall provide docu-mentation as to the uniformity of the fly ash and that it meets the requirements of ASTM C 618, Stan-dard Specification For Fly Ash And Raw Or Calcined Natural Pozrolans For Use In Portland Cement Concrete. The optimum amount of fly ash shall be determined by the required properties of the concrete and other nY constituents of the concrete and shall be established by testing. a c 4.3 Concrete Aggregates 4.3.1 Concrete aggregates shall comply with ASTM C 33, Standard Specifibations for Concrete Aggregates, sub-ject to the requirements stated herein, except ag-gregates for Class E concrete which shall conform to section 10.0 of this specification. 4.3.2 Aggregates shall consist of natural or manufactured sand, crushed stone, or gravel. The particles shall , durable, of uniform quality, 4'2A-Efh,S,be clean, hard, tou a.A ddura. skdf com sl. wltf Arrm c4.M. S+ancL-d Jf-dheda ALk\\ k.%iw1.1 Aa hs 4.- comic rp. 4 per,,neel, t%.q chard +o.a de r +M n i i .p,. clem: j -.4 cmf.sil.i., e n.e .I

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) r-- g Gibbs ill, Inc. l ()', l.c**"" \\ ~ " ~ ' ~ ( Page 4-4 4.3.2 (cont ~ d) and shall be free from soft, thin, elongated, dis-integrated stone, dirt, and organic or other inju-rioustmate' rials occurring either free or as a coating. shall The aggregate, when incorporated in concrete, satisfactorily resist chemical or physical changes such as cracking, swelling, softening, leaching, or chemical alteration, and shall not contain contami-nating substances which might contribute to dete' rioration or unsightly appearance of the concrete. 4.3.3 'The fine, aggregate shall be graded according to the requirements of ASTM C 33, except that the Fineness Modulus shall be not less than 2.30 and not more than 3.i0. 4.3.4 The coarse aggregate shall be well graded and shall . consist of gravel, crushed gravel, crushed rock, or ' crushed stone fragments which are clean, tough, hard i s' ale, and uniform. No blast fu$nace slag,. schist, h or slate shall be permitted. The maximum size of %s. LC thitedC4 in Sex.fien p.Q kutan na cac M coarse aggregate shallteek be larger than 1/5 of the' narrowest dimension of the finished wall or slab, nor larger than 3/4 of the minimum clear spacing between i I reinforcing steel and/or embedmonts. i l ~ l, -t > ~y,.4 p. -l f ^, -- - f 3- ; R ; f--._

,,G q a O Gibbr will, Inc. Specitication 2323-SS-.9 w,, m_ _,,, e n. 3 -- O* Page 4-5 4.3.5 There shall be two variations of concrete depending on the gradation of coarse aggregates: a. For relatively thin concrete members, such as walls, slabs and beams less than 10-inches thick, or larger members with clustered rebar, gradation of the coarse aggregate shall ' conform to size number 67 (3/4-inch nominal size) of Table 2 in ASTM c 33. All concrete placements where 3/4-inch maximum gggregate size will be required, shall be class A concrete, Type ament. O rer 1 re =<


==* re==a *1== = and thick walls and slabs, large beams and columns, Athe containment structure walls,-assa=summeneek, -gradation of the coarse aggregate shall conform to size - number 467 (1-1/2-inches nominal size) of Table 2 in ASTM c 33. All concrete placements where 1-1/2-inches maximum size aggregate is required shall be either class B or class c concrete. eue 6 " - " - ^ " " ' - radation 467 shall not be furnished as one graded aggregate but shall be obtained by combining at least two separate gradation sizes - c s... >-. I. 1. - ' E 9 r ;l.. : ' *i . ~ 3 ~_ s-w--,, y- +.--&--4y-----------9.a.-w+y---.- y-w- -,=%-,n<wy m wy-,,ey-3-m,,-.ww-- -,-+a -,.ei-,-y4-s--.gyw-w +-N g+ ~ * -w+-we,wr-wm+y v

A D Gibbs .ill, Inc. Specification 2323-SS-9 6,, Ec - M a r -12, - -l-O ' 3-- Page 4-6 ( 4.3.6 The potential reactivity of the aggregate h er M ~ '_; ;--_r -_ ::rh shall be established by the methods described in the Appendix to ASTM C 33. y-4.3.7 Aggregate shapes =I:r th: ^ " = - --E c w *m ansehn shall be rounded or cubical and shall contain-less than 15 percent (by weight) flat and elongated particles as determined by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Specification CRD-C119,. Method of Test for Flat and Elongated Particles in Coarse Aggregate. A flat particle is defined as one.having a ratio of k width to thickness greater than threer an elongated particle is defined as one having a ratio of length to width. greater than three. 4.4 Water '4.4.1 Water for washing aggregate, for mixing and for cur-ing concrete shall b'e clean, fresh and free from 1 deleterious amounts of acids, alkalis or organic ~ materials. 4.4.2 Mixing water C. Sm. J'.i T r^-. ~ i Water for mixing shall be clean with'a total solids ' f 4 content of not more than 2000 ppm as measured by 1 J n, -

- ~h Gibbs -hll,Inc. Specit cation 2323-SS-9 Noveih lW7 ' Page 4-7 ( (Cont ' d) American Public Health Association " Standard Method for Determination of Total. Solids." The mixing water, including that contained as free water in aggregates, shall contain not more than 250 ppm of chlorides as ~ Cl, as determined by ASTM D 512, Chloride Ion in In- ~ dustrial Water and Industrial Waste Water. A comparison of the proposed mixing water properties shall be made with distilled water by performing the following tests: a. Soundness in accordance with ASTM C 151, Autoclave Expa'nsion of Portland Cement. The results ob-tained for the proposed mixing water shall not be increased by more than + 0.10 of those obtained for distilled water. b. Time of Setting, in accordance with ASTM C 191, Time of Setting Hydraulic Cement by Vicat Needle. The results obtained for the proposed mixing water 4 shall be within 10 minutes for initial setting time 'of those obtained for distilled water. c. Compressive strength in accordance with ASTM C 109, Compressive Strength of Hydraulic Cement Mortars se - F .p g' f..' ,s _

h' Gibbs hill,Inc. Specification 2323-SS-9 4: m r N _2.,~1979-Page 4-8 j (- i c. (cont'd) (using 2-inch cube Specimens). The results obtained for the proposed mixing water shall be within -10 percent oR those obtained.for distilled water The Manufacturer of materials for concrete shall cer-l 4.6 tify that all requirements of this specification 'that are to be fulfilled by the Manufacturer of materials have been met. The Materials Manufacturer's certi-4 fied Materials Test Report for Concrete Materials q shall include certified reports of the actual results of all chemical analyses, physics 1 tests, mechanical I 1 tests, examinations, and other tests, plus a state-i - ment giving the manner in which the material is iden-i tified, including specific marking. 4 1 l t t \\ l O i =., l i --. L.. - i- .l j.... :. ~ ,i e. ..g:: - .' ;. :-u;:..v :- l ~ s, u . ~.... j,'****,;.*,:'_ _, - ,.,...c',__

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Specii..zrtion 2323-SS -9 ..Q " c = 7_wM %. Page 5-1 5.0 CONChETE MIX DESIGN 5.1 Proportions of ingredients for concrete shall be es-tablished on the basis of laboratory trial batches to provide: Conformance with the concrete strength requi' e-r n. ments. b. Adequate workability and proper consistency to permit the concrete to be worked readily into the forms and around reinforcement, under the condi-tions of placement to be employed, without ex-O cessive sec.regation or bleeding. (y Resistance to freezing and' thawing. c. . 5.2 The design of the mixes shall be the contractors ~ responsibilityy f. object -Fo Qfr*vad by TU I-5.3 Slumps shall be held to an absolute minimum consist-ent with the conditions under which the concrete is placed. The maximum allowable slump of the concrete ~

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%i5 fWiftub. The mixes shall include an approved water reducing 5.4 .i agent to reduce the shrinkage of concrete. o a A.

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,s i Gibbs hl,Inc. Specification 2323-SS-9 ,,um ,u . ~, --. - d Page 5-2 ( 5.5 For the design of each mix, the Contractor shall es-tablishthefollowing$ a. Water content b. Cement content c. Fine and coarse aggregate content d. Amount of water reducing admixture i e. Slump f. Air content g. Fly ash content h. Amov%f of rets.rds*63 d mtMh PS. 5.6 Specified Properties 2Y8P hin E O .The following' concrete properties shall be - - r d by the bontractor ; '- '--Pyr;; tion. in accordance with the respective Specification: a. Compressive strength, ASTM C-39 b. Flexural strength ASTM C-78 ~ c. Static modulus of elasticity ASTM C-469 d. Poisson's ratio

  • ASTM C-469 l

l e. Density (specific gravity) ASTM C-642 t l AS'M C-496 f. Splitting tensile strength T Compressive strength shall be obt$ined at 3, 7, 28 and 90 days. All other tests shall bh made at 28 days. All tests shall be made at normal room temperature. g a . e.,. ..~G 7 '.*

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I I 4 g ~- Gibb* m y Specification 2323-SS-9 6,, , m -. m. Page 5-3 ( 5.7 Chemical properties ~ The following total limit of chlorides in freshly mixed concrete is considered acceptable: i Chldrides as cl~ 500 ppm max. I 5/8 Strength tests The proportions of ingredients for concrete shall a. be established on the basis of paragraph 'of ACI 301-72. These proportions shall be selected to produce an average 28-day compressive strength e m o e S fts WS f exceeding f by at least 1200 psi when both air o g(ipilo. l ~ content and slump are maximum permitted by this 4 specification. b. Using the method of Recommended Practice for Eval-untion of Compression Test Results of Field Con-crete (ACI-214), the amount by which the average may be reduced to an ap-strength must exceed c i propriate level below 1200 psi, after sufficient i test data becomes available from the job to in-dicate that, at the lower average strength, the probable frequency of test more than 500 psi below will not exceed 1 in'100 and that the e a0 probable frequency of an average of three conse-cutive tests below h will not exceed 1 in 100. .:::M.. J..


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=. e. ..g q Gibbs =' Hill, Inc. Sp'ecification 2323-SS-9 ) .......,. ~ -. -, .ssa ( Page 5-4 1 5.9 Durability Concrete shall conform to the requirements of section 3.4 of ACI 301-72. 5.10 Heavyweigh't Aggregate. Concrete ~ The proportions of, heavyweight aggregate concrete shall be made in accordance with ACI-211. 5.0 54>Jtit 4 +*5+Tepte er d4real. 4 'l \\ h ., e e i 3 . w ;; ~,:.,:...... d. - '.**.,;j,; '. 4. ,,:,,",'p[ M g J......

e Gibbs M ll, Inc. ~ 7 1~ Page 6-1 MARKING AND IDENTIFICATION OF CONCRETE MATERIALS 6.0 6.1 cement Conveyances of bulk cement shall be sealed and tagged before leading the place of manufacture, showing .j lot number, controlling specification, date of manu-facture, and type. If bag cement is used, each bag shall be clearly marked with the same identification as for bulk.coment'. All tags and markings shall be maintained with the material at site storage. ( 6.,2 Aggregate Each lot,of aggregate shall be. tagged to show size, gradation, source, and controlling specification. The tags shall remain with the aggregate during pro-duction, transit, and site storage. Admixtures 6.3 All containers of admixtures shall be c'learly marked showing storage requirements and controlling speci-fication. 'p i I e I I ~

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=- Gibbs s O ll, Inc. Specif. 1Eion 2323-SS-9 2. L-. bet-4-iltFls7'3- - Page 7-1 7.0 CONCRETE EXAMINATION 4 TESTu4G-7.1 General All ingredients entering into the production of con-crete and the resulting concrete so produced shall be subject to a regular and rigorous quality control 4 program, involving sampling and testing to specified requirements. All material used on the site shd11 j be sdbjected to field inspection by the Contractor. An independent, accredited testing laboratory, selected t by the contractor and approved by TUSI, shall furnish a l all labor, materials,'and equipment required for routine testing of concrete materials, of proposed 1 i concrete mix designs, and of resulting concrete for i compliance with.the technical requirements of the Specifications. All testing agencies shall meet the . requirements of R,ecommended Practice for Inspection and Testing Agencies,for Concrete and Steel as Usef. .in Construction (ASTM E 329). j Any inspection performed by others shall in no way ~ relieve the contractor of his responsibility for the quality of the component materials and final concrete product. o y ...._ L'., "':~ -L _ - - - _., =. .T

e D. D Gibbs & Hill, Inc. I(O,* - Specification 2323-SS-9 C 1LQ3 Page 7-2 7.2 concrete Materials 7.2.1 Cement Prior to starting work and during its progress, grab 1 / ' samples 'of cement shall be taken by the Contractor ) at the Manufacturer's plant or at the Batch Plant for 1 f -testing. 1 Samples taken from.the Manufacturer's plant shall be from silos reserved specifically for storing cement


^ for this project. Quality control testing in accordance with ASTM C 109, ~ Compressive Strength of Hydraulic Cement Mortars, shall i be performed to ascertain.its conformance to the re-quirements of the Standard Specification for Portland Cement, ASTM C 150, and as stated in this specifica- ~ tion. 1

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' Sampling of cement shall be performed in accordance with the requirements of Standard Methods of Sampling Bydraulic cement, ASTM C 183. t Sampling and testing of cement, shall be performed as i"1

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q y Gibbs & Hill, Inc. Specification 2323-SS-9

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Page 7-3 An additional set of tests, in accordance with ASTM C 109, shall be performed on all cement in bulk stor-age at the mill more than four months, or in storage elsewhere 'more than two months, prior to shipment to site for use in construction. Quality assurance testing shall be one. set of tests for each 6000 bbis. i of cement used. 1 . Cement shall be investigated in accordance with the requirements of the latest editions of the following ASTM Specifications:- ASTM C 109 Compressive Strength of Hydraulic Cement Mortars ASTM C 114 Chemical Analysis of Hydraulic Cement ASTM C 115 Fineness of Portland Cement by T.urbidimeter ASTM C 151 Autoclave Expansion of Portland cement ASTM C 186 Heat of Hydration of Hydraulic Cement. ASTM C 191 . Time of Setting of Hydraulic .( ~ Cement by Vicat Needle ~ '! Y ;*.py.qip;7.. _,.,'.. 5: M ;i, i.,. ~.. i t' .h ( . __ _ _ _.. ~ - - - - _

I u. i f - ' I.' h~, Gibbs hl, Inc. i Spe,cification 2323-SS-9 '::....c.b b2 r-4+Nb= i Page 7-4 ( 7.2.2 Aggregates 1 j

7. 2. 2.5.

In addition to testing required by the aggregate pro-5 l ducer/ supplier, quality assurance testing in accord-l ance with ASTM-C 131, Los Angeles Abrasion,' ASTM 6 j . C 142, Clay Lumps ASTM C 117, Material Finer than" l. No. 200 Sieve, ASTM C 87, Mortar Making Properties, i { ASTM C 40, Organic Impurities, ASTM C 289, Potential ' l l Reactivity, ASTM C 136, Sieve Analysis, ASTM C 88, l Soundness, ASTM C 127, Specific Gravity and Absorp-i l tion of coarse Aggregate, ASTM C 295, Petrogra'phic j Examination, shall be per* formed to ascertain confor-j mance with ASTM. C 33, Concrete Aggregates. The test for fineness modulus shall be in accordance with l; section.4.3 of this specification. l The set of tests specified in paragraph above l shall performed prior to shipment! of aggregate i . and its acceptance on site for usage in construct: ion. + l-Subsequently, a daily inspection control program i shall be carried out during concrete production to l ascertain consistency in potentially variable char-1 acteristics such as water content, gradation and O deleterious material., In addition, ASTM C 131, .-e_,. r, s. l: . p.. M. w.,:.v.:. '.;+ .m3_ m. m .t/ - * {,f. g,i..,q.j g.; cy. ~,, y,. ;&;Mj@*J.F4.R e ' *-,

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Giobs 6 1, Inc. Specification 2323-SS-9 __e_ m. ,0, Page 7-5 ,( I (cont'd) h ASTM C 289, and ASTM C 88 shall be repeated for each i;. , 4000 tons of aggregate delivered to, the site for I construction. 1 7.2.3 Mixing Water Quality control testing shall be performed to ensure conformity to the requirements of paragraph 4.4 of i i 3 this specification. One set of tests specified in + l paragraph 4.4 shall be performed prior to use of the water source for concrete production. Subsequently, 1 O samples shall be tested monthly. J 4 7.2.4 Fly Ash t Quality control testing shall be performed to as-f certain conformance with the requirements of ASTM i i C 618. t Prior to shipment of fly ash and its acceptance on for usage in construction, a complete set of I i

  • ' tests shall be performed to determine conformance ASTM C 618.

The frequency of subsequent test-s ing shall be established on the basis of the uni- '~ i formity of the product as experienced in the field. r { '. ;,.? A. i -~ ..p.,, t a-y. ---.e+-- vy=- 9.---,sw yw-- --p..-&,ye- ,, eqy-ee-%g-.i. p .---o,- gi t c -ew~- .w y ~ > wr v-tm e we.wge,ew.y-mw-w w -'

~' l-4 Gibbs t II 1, Inc. Specification 2323-SS-9 l tag g e m E u -.O N J.ip Page 7-6 (cont' d) i i The fly ash supplier shall submit t$est data' in ac-7 l " cordance with paragraph above for each 200 J I tons of fly ash furnished thereafter.. This data shall be verified *for the first 1000 tons of fly ash i I j i furnished. If a satisfactory degree of uniformity' I of the product is being achieved, as established by agreement between the Supplier's and contractor's 4 quality control testing, the frequency of. quality W i control t.asting may be reduced to one set of tests for each 600 tons of fly ash furnished. j 7.2.5 Admiktures 7.2';5.1 In addition to any testing required by the manufac-L turer, testing shall be conducted to ensure conformity 1 h i to section 4.2 of this specification. ? 7.3 concrete i \\ 7.3.1 Strength tests of the concrete shall'be conducted ' during construction in accordar.ce with section 16.3.4 l of ACI 301-72,. except that, _"z ^1 h - _* - 11_7 ( 6 one additional specimen shall be tested at 7 days. In addition, strength tests of specimens G j' a 1 . s.

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Spec,ification 2323-SS-9 \\ T 7.3.1 (Cont'd) cured under field conditions, in accordance with i j ASTM C 31, are required to check the adequacy of l j curing and protection of concrete in all structures. t ( such specimens shall be molded simultanoously and. from the same batch as the i'aboratory-cured accept-l ^ ance test specimens. Procedures for protecting i i and curing the concrete in the structure shall be 1 improved when the strength of field-cured cylinders 4 ) .at 28 days is less than 85 percent of that of the companion laboratory-cured cylinders. When the { laboratory-cured cylinder strengths are appreciably l higher than the specified strengths, the field-cured j ) cylinder strengths need not exceed the specified strength by more than 500 psi, even though the 85 I j l , percent criterion is not met. i l [ 7.3.2 Slump of the concrete sample shall be de' ermined for t e f-each strength test and whenever consistency of con-I crete appears to vary, using Method of Test for slump l j of Portland Cement Concrete (ASTM C 143) and Samp-ling Fresh Concrete, ASTM C 172. .D , 3... . :..o ...' U, g,.. '- g k*. L ',, *.. [a n, 'j., i .-s

n D V Gibbs 6.fL1, Inc. Specification 2323-SS-9 - - rs - -i_.

p Page 7-8

> p + 7.3.3' Air content of the concrete sample shall be deter-mined for each strength test in accordance with . Method of Test for Air Content of Freshly Mixed j Concrete by the Pressure Method, ASTM C 231. When I } the temperature of the concrete varies from the tem-l perature of the previous test by more than 5 degrees, i the tests shall be performed once for every 50 cubic ~ yards. 7.3.4 Temperature of the concrete sample shall be deter-i -a t i [ mined for each strength test, and shall be measured h. at the location of the concrete discharge. { 1 7.3.5 Evaluation of test results shall be in accordance with sections 17.1, '17.2 and 17.3 of ACI 301-72. i, 7.3.6 Acceptance of completed concrete work shall be in accordance with chapter 18 of ACI 301-72. g f g 4 r + i o t

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g Gibbo $11.Inc. l Specification 2323-SS-9 1 ] xx. - '- '_ L,.a m Page 8-1 I' ~. i 8.0 CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION 8.1 General l 4 <l 2 j 8.1.1 Stockpiling, batching, and mixing shall be performed r I j at a separate onsite facility specifically devoted [ } to this project, or with the approval of TUSI, at a f i 1 nearby facility. [ 8.2 Batching, Mixing and Transporting i j 8. 2.1, stockpiling and storing j i General storage shall be performed in a manner pro-1 i j viding access for inspection at all times. Storage ) t 4 j. facilities shall be furnished by the contractor. ] 4 l Aggregate. The aggregaties shall be handled, trans-j ported, and stockpiled in a manner that assures that j i there is a practical minimum segregation and that the fineness moduli and gradation are maintained within 4 I ~ ,the range specified by the concrete mix design. Inter-mixing between stockpiles shall be prevented. ,Segre-gation of materials by climatic conditions shall also 1 f be minimized. suitable storage facilities shall be l j provided to ensure that the above requirements are [ j met. The stockpiles shall be sampled and tested in j + e a i I i i e .*e a g

,r . M Oibbs&"h,Inc. Specific tion 2323-SS-9 o. _ L _%@9:% " ^ Page 8-2 p accordance with the requirements of Section 7.2.2 of this specification. 8. 2.1'. 3 Moisture control. Cement, admixtures, and other materials that are adversely affected by moisture before mixing shall be stored, handled and trans-- i ported in a manner so as to prevent the introduction of moisture. If the above materials are subjected 1 to moisture after acceptance testing, they shall be i resampled and tested before use in accordance with the requirements of section 7.0 of this specification. 8. 2,7_ Batching The batch plant shall be certified in accordance with the requirements of Check List for Certification of Ready Mixed Concrete Production Facilities by the National Ready Mixed Concrete Associationy,4 8.2.2.[2 Distribution. Batching of materials for concrete manufacture shall be in accordance with ACI 304, Recommended Practice for Measuring, Mixing, Trans-porting and Placing Concrete. Only those materials from stockpiles or storage containers which have been accepted shall be used. Materials shall be drawn of f n ceut&de sWl 6c. %d m.,+J w cvn; M;nvast 44 reWw ed c4Fm p.4;d\\ow.4cencreb 4*r sh~4utes des # prA +o subMeA o Q sc.. tim I-I 4 uis.4,dc'4:cb.4 ow

o' .t .,Gb Gibba &,qgli, Inc. 3P specif Weion 2323-ss-9 .,.ucweWoc.a2p'19TS Page 8-3 gs (s in a. manner such that the distribution of particle sires and kinds remains within the ranges specified. Materials shall be rescreened if necessary to main-tain the above distribution. Batched materials shall be measured by weight when 7 combined particles and liquids are measured. Liquids shall be measured using volume-temperature or weight measurements. Free moisture content of ' aggregates or admixture's shall~ be determined and accounted for as corrections to the amount of added mixing water , as differentiated from total mixing water require-L.) ments. The measurement accuracy and precision shall be such that the proportions of materials stay within the ranges established in ASTM c-94. The +- 1 percent weighing and added water requirements specified in - + ASTM c-94 may be modified to - 2 percent if the plant can demonstrate a standard deviation is'less than i. r 400 pak as determined by ACI 214. Records shall be ' maintained of the material quantities in each batch. Recording paper divisions or digital printout records shall be capable of verifyiIng conformance of +- 1 percent C) e ... c

g Gibba & $ 1, Inc. sp;cif Etion 2323-SS-9 i qqyn_ %- ' 'hM9& Page 8-4 g tV of the measurements of cement, total aggregates and + water, and to - 3 percent of admixtures. 8.2.3 . Mixing Site mixed concrete shall be mixed in accordance with section'7.2.2 of ACI 301-72. The optimum mixing capacity of all mixers shall be determined and con-sistently adhered to. The time af ter the addition of water to the dry materials to placement shall not exceed 45 minutes unless longer periods are permitted by TUSI. Ready-mixed concrete shall be mixed and delivered in I accordance with section 7.1 of ACI 301-72. control of admixtures shall be in accordance with section 7.3 of ACI 301-72. Tempering and control of mixing water shall be in I accordance with section 7.5 of ACI 301-72. Cold weather mixing and temperature of concrete when ( delive,re,d at the site in cold weather', shall be in accordance with section 7.6.1 of ACI 301-72. l j I b ' l m

e} Gibb3 &Ihl,Inc. ' ' ~ Specifi. tion 2323-SS-9 .m.. _ _. 127=1919-O. ' Page 8-5 QJ Hot weather mixing shall be in accordance with section 0Xe $55 C6 8 drS "5 dN' "A '^ 7.6.2 of ACI 301.72.,the h Od f"

    • ^ivavm te ccacW tc $6 70*F m5tW' of -%* ** 6,~mpera49ro o r~ Permw q nct 3 Sec h P.LT.G ed,sitt.ificAf***3 plu c4 sh Ml be, 8.2.4 Conveying Conveying of concrete chall be in accordance with section 8.2 of ACI 301-72. Performance of all conveying equipment (including pumping and chuting gear) shall be checked to ensure that the methods used do not impose changes in concrete characteristics by moisture loss or segregation or by any other cause. Concrete during c'onveyance shall not i4V b,e permitted to come in contact wi th aluminum, as for example,5.naluminumpipesorchutes. 8.2.5 Placing Preparation for placing sh'all he in accordance with section 8.1 of ACI 301-72. Depositing shall be in accordance with section 8.3 of k ACI 301-72. i p All excavations prepared for concrece construction I [ shall be substantially free of water until all concretc 4 l Q) L I 4 E

Gibba r.fg 11, Inc. M Specn .? tion 2323-SS-9 .Novw. h i-^12, 1913 Page 8-6 -(s (V work is complete. The contractor shall make pro-visions and furnish equi; ment, as required, for such dewatering. Unless adequate protectirn is provided or approval by TUSI is obtained, concrete shall not be placed during rain. Rainwater shall not be allowed to increase the water content nor to damage the finish surfaces. Retempered concrete or concrete which has been remixed af ter initial set shall not be deposited unless approved by @.-f[

  • 2-2r[

M1 2. .:.. :n ;f Sasu concrete pours, which are defined as pours involving concrete sections 2 feet-6 inches sh,2.ll cen!a t e 4 o or more in the least dimension, tS ' _1;,g _y chat er 14 of AcI son M.' i-en _ y e m.-, ,6ndiochs -Ke rdoor,.r.s fi-sha% =;mam b-f -no i +e vnhe ra cou 4 neernaL-cones.i ve e erf.rau.i de when .th w I u:nr,.um emp ra tu -a cleboG+:&, _ _S ha t t b e.,79 F.. .m ____,..m. ,m- __w._ ,s,;, N h gE w e- --w-w.m

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  • U Specif.

cion 2323-SS-9 e -M _ - it in Page 8-7 _m Hot and cold weather requirements shall be in accord- .ance with section of. ACI 301-72 CXcek b ^5/ concrelle"$ka.(I ca n h m +o YM Py*Jit'C ACdf o{ sech'e n f,2.5"d oi- +Mt 5Feelfautiw. The contractor shall utilize suitable cooling means such as~ratarders and/or construction procedures such i l as sprinkling and. shading concrete ingredients or the [ use of crushed ice to insure proper concrete placing temperatures. Procedures used to cool the tempera-ture of the concrete shall be thoroughly tested before

use to' ensure that no adverse effects are produced O

a a h 11 de >>rovea er rusz- Unless prior waiver is obtained from TUSI, all concrete I shall be placed in the presence of TUSI. The Con-tractor shall advise TUSI who,n pours are scheduled., Concrete which is not placed in accordance with this specification, or which is of inferior quality, 9s determined by TUSI, shall be removed and replaced by 'the Contractor at the Contractor's expense. Beams, girders, brackets, and haunches shall be con-l sidered as part of the floor system and shall be cast 1 anonolithically. o i 9 0

f3g Gibba&[]gil,Inc. Specif e lon 2323-33-9 =- ,m,3__ Page 8-8 (G^h The contractor shall adhere strictly to requirements for concrete cover over steel reinforcement, pro-tection of bars for bonding with future extensions, column ties, splicos, laps, spacer bars and all items ,related to' proper placing as specified in ACI 318 or shown on the drawings. Concrete shall not ordinarily be placed under water. However, in special cases, q _;; ' - ~ t-Q--w ^h^ r 4ddagh concrete may be placed under water. If this .is the case, the Contractor shall submit his procedure i t, to TUSI'for approval. Os_9 8.2.6 Consolidation - General. All concrete shall be consolidated by t suitable means during placement, and shall be thor- ,oughly worked around the reinforcement and embedded fixtures and into the corners of the forms. 8.2.6'.2 Use of Mortar. Where conditions make consolidation difficult, or where reinforcement is congested, batches 1 or mortar containing the same proportions of cement and sand as used in the concrete shall first be deposited in the forms to the depth specified. Sutficient water (ill l

r Th Gibb3 -011.xnc. Specit. cation 2323-SS-9 n.p - w., - ,p3 ,~ V* (Continued) Page 8-9 s shall be added to the mortar to provide necessary workability, but the water-cement. ratio shall not c.xceed the water-cement ratio of the concreto design mix. 0.2.6.,3 Vibrators shall be used on all concrete placement operati,ons, excepting floor finish, concrete plac'ed in water and unimportant,' minor, simple batches of con-crete as defined by TUSI. Vibrators shall preferably be electrically driven and shall be amply powered and of sturdy construction. The vibrating element shall I'3 V operate at not less than 8000,impuines per minute when immersed to full working depth in the concrete. The vibration shall be sufficiently intenne to cause . ready consolidation of the least plastic mix used and to affect visibly the concrete over a radius of at least 18 inches. A sufficient number of vibrators shall be used to insure that all concrete placed in thoroughly compacted. Spare parts and at leant one spare vibrator shall be kept on hand for emergency use. Vibrators shall be checked periodically during the construction to ensure a consintent energy output l,) level. v e u. [ * ' ~ '~ ~ ~ ~

g) Cibba&[ggi,Inc. t/ Specif 2 tion 2323-SS-3 ~ x.o = s-, - 1;ge;3 _ Pago.8-10 r3 ) (~s (Continued) Internal vibrators shall be applied vertically when practicable. They shall be moved about in tho.concreto systematically and shall be applied at points uni-formly spaced not far,ther apart than the re.dius over which they are visibly offective. When concreto is' applied in successivo layers, vibrators shall peno-trato completely through the upper layer and approxi-mately four (4) inches into the next lower plastic i layer to insure thorough bonding. Formvibratorswa4[.th*** ( ') gU.fv([)shallbeusedonlywhenitisimpracticabletoune internal. vibration. They shall be applied to the

  • forms at uniformly spaced points sufficiently clono together to insure thorough compa'ction of the concreto and a good surface.

Special care shall be taken to avoid form vibrators remaining in one place for pro-tracted periods while operating. Concreto shall be vibrated until a sheen of mortar first appears on the surface and no longer. Vibration shall not be continued to such an extent that pools of grout are formed or that settlement and concontra-c 7 e et L

} Clbb3 *$11,Inc. Specification 2323-SS-9 .M-N M,.1 % Page 8-11 (Continued) i tion of the coarse aggregate takes place. Vibrators shall not be used to cause concrete to flow over ' distances greater than three (3) feet. Care shall be taken to avoid, insofar as practicable, disturbance of concrete which has become too stiff to regain plasticity when vibrated. Vibration shall not be applied directly to steel which extends into partially hardened concrete. The vibrating of concrete shall be under the str$.ct supervision and control of TUSI. on all surfaces, the coarse aggrerate shall be care-O' fully worked back from the forms J.nto the mass of the concrete with spades, stone forks, or other suitable tools, sufficient to bring a surface of mortar against the form. Special care shall be taken to avoid over-working, thus drawing an excesso'f mortar to the formed surfaces. Care shall be taken to remove all air, ,'. pockets and to prevent voids in the surface. Special care shall be taken to avoid the use of internal vibrators adjacent to vertical forms. 8.3 Construction Joints O 90 $eIld [ of b b N' e (k l* d e a. w 'i q s h o W k I cca+8 8 w of-AllErtht.Nd. em rbde'k M ' "'L" *'*' O D " " 4., we. c.. vtdow,e.d <.An vie w tis d dome a d s6u s4v4 4 %ese Wra.wLj5 i. -Ke Enpus-b- --m

') cibbs @ll,Inc. ,Specif.tcation 2323-SS-9 .U W C 12.1M f Page 8-12 8.3.1 -(Continued) 6is y o V.4 l. Co w 4 W c.+i o n j0Wd8 M ihC Conth.m Wyd y _ _:7_; - u t, u %- 7 ;,, , 3 nN ck ur t, shall be made in accordance with o'ne or > = = = : -------d a combination of the following procedures: ~ Borizontal surfac'es shall be jetted with air and water whil'e the concrete is green (approximately 12 hours old) so as to expose the aggregate. Side forms shall be stripped off at age 12' to 24 hours and similarly jetted. If a longer period ' (up to a few days) han elapsed between completion of concrete placement and prepara-tion of its surface, then a sufficiently powerful, high-pressure hydraulic jet shall be used as required to loosen laitance and mortar. If jetting is not sufficiently effective, curfaces shall be hammered or sand blasted. In starting a new concrete placement, the old concrete shall have been kept thoroughly wet for the preceding N 24 hours. No grout or mortar mix or richer mix con ~', crate shall be applied to the surface. O l

t Gibba & H 11, Inc. '3' Specifi ben 2323-SS-9 u_- r' m Page 8-13 ( The new concrete lift shall be thoroughly vibrated near th.e old surfaces. Before concrete is placed against a. fresh joint, all debris, water, and ice shall be removed from the space to be occup'ied by the concrete. The joint preparation ~ shall iticlude removal of all laitance and other unsound ma'terial from the hardened co,ncrete surface. construction joints at locations other than the don-8.3.2 tainment gtructure walls and dome shall be located in the ficid, except as shown on the drawings, sub-ject to TUSI's approval, and shall be in accordance with section 6.1 of ACI 301-72. Concrete shall be placed in one continuous pour between construction joints. In joining fresh concrete to concrrste which i is already set at construction joints, the surface of,the concrete already in place shall be free from t g I loose material, laitance, dirt and foreign matter,

  • wash'ed and scrubbed clean With* stiff brooms or wire brushes as may be necessary, and thoroughly drenched with water until saturated, but with no free water on the surface, and shall be so maintained until the new concrete is placed. Immediately prior to placing t

of plastic cement-sand ac,rtar, all forms shall be ' drawn tight against the concrete alreak in place, and the existing concrete surface shall be covered .I with 2 inches of plastic cement-sand mortar mixed, in the same proportions of cement and sand as used

  • for the concrete. This mortar shall be placed in the forms immediately before placing the new concrote.

h M mm.

Gibbc & nill, Inc. Sogcificogn2323-SS-9 = Page 8-14 -(A). 8.'4 Formwork ,,;ad,,,,g fdera as 8.4.1 All formworkAshall be in accordance with chapter 4 of ACI 301-72. 8.4.2 Chamfer scrips as called for in section 4.2.4 of ACI 301-72 shall be 3/4-inch x 3/4-inch. 8.4.3 The contact surface of all wooden forms for exposed concrete surfaces shall be, as a minimum, equivalent to Douglas Fir plywood faced Grade B and shall be approved by TUSI. The Contractor may elect to use steel forms whenever forms are required. Forms to be used more than once shall be maintained in ser-viceable condition and shall be thoroughly cleaned prior to reuse. Fm cok wkM % bc @*V8d b YU a 8.4.4 Ties for formwork for the [ontainment [tructure con-crete shall be snap ties or coil' ties of type so as to leave no metal within 1-1/2 inches of the surface. Securing forms with wire will not be per-mittedj. Other ties shall be in conformance with paragraph 4.2.8 of ACI 301-72., ',. 8.4.5 Drms shall be removed in such a manner as to insure the complete safety of the structures. In no case shall the supporting forms or shoring be removed 'until th*e members have acquired sufficient strength to safely support their weight t.nd any supeiimposed 9 I loads. 8.4.6 Earth amebeweit. cuts shall not be used a's side forms l for pouring of structural concrete. W8 j N CordYnCfo[ Shadl SdNY'b 6C M%l E CO V,..w a svrcashk %-ha % -Me mue* , 1 e b

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4 r uloca a n m, Anc. p Sp;cifica,gn2323-SS-9 U m ate- ' e _??3e Page 8-lo ~ p) t'" 8.4.7 Special attention shall be directed to the placing of concrete for the Nntainment dft eture walls and dome. Rate of lift and scheduling of concrete placements shall be coordinated with the erection of the steel plate containment liner which shall serve as the inner surfa'ce formwork. It is imperative that the steel liner alignment be held 'within the f.olerance specified in G&H Specification 2323-SS-14. The liner shall be ade-quately braced to hold its alignment within these tolerances until after the wall concrete has been poured and taken its permanent set. Concrete lifts shall be limited to a height not more than 6 feet and shall be placed uniformly around the entire circumfer-ence. Each lift shall be constructed in not more than i[3 1.5 foot layers and shall be placed in a continuous j operation.with no interruption in excess of 70 percent V i of the time of initial set between the placing of con- ' tinuous portions of concrete. A minimum of three days shall elapse before successive concrete pours are L placed. If for reasons beyond control, a pour is in-terrupted and it is necessary to introduce vertical construction joints in the pour, then no concreto J l shall be placed in any lift until all concrete has been completed in the previous fifts. The welding, j if required, of temporary bracing to the liner, shall ~ i be submitted to TUSI for approval. ~ I I v_.Jg. c K oua feMWuspended-frtmdGe foriiin. it-shd geet-tha req 61~rements n" the. applicabicMe -regto-ae'tw. ff \\ LJ e S e __4.

r Gibbs & H 11, Inc. Specificagn2323-SS-9 eg w.w m . Page 8-16 O' (Q,) 8.5

Curing, 8.5.1 Curing of concrete shall be in conformance with Chapter 12 of ACI 301-72. Materials and methods of curing shall be approved by TUSI.

, Supplementary strength tests, in accordance with 8.5.2 section 7.3.1 of this specification, shall be per, I formed to assure that curing is satisfactory. 8.5.3 Wo'od forms left in place shall not be considered adequate for moist curing the outside walls. 8.6 Repair of Surface Defects l 8.6.1 Repair of surface defects shall be in accordance with Chapter 9 of ACI 301-72. 8.7, Temporary Access construction Opening i 8.7.1 The contractor shall provide a temporary construction l access opening in the f5$ntainment Structure. The,lo-cation and size of the access opening is indicate'd on i the drawings. After the construction opening has served i its purpose, it shall be sealed. l* I 8.7.2 .Before commencing this region, the contractor I shall submit to TUSI for approval the method he pro-poses to use for sealing the f[o$struction opening. l l l 8.7.3 Approval by TUSI shall in no way relieve the contractor n ' from complete responsibility for the quality and suit- ? ability of his work. 8.8 Embedded Material 8.8.1 All anchors, bolts, dowels, fasteners, strips, sleeves, t e I e t'

7 Gibbs & Hill, Inc. .Spacificagn2323-SS-9 .?~-+= Men 0-Page 8-17 (Cont'd) 8.8.1 pipes, water stops, nailing strips, reglets, furring devices, grounds, or other inserts required by the specifications or shown on the drawings shall be ac-curately located and. properly supported and built into the concrete work. Anchor bolts shall be set by templates to be furnished by the Contractor. Tack welding of embedded material to reinforcing rods will not be permitted. 8.8.2 Embedment of conduits and pipes in concrete shall be in accordance with ACI 318. s' 8.8.3 All Contractors whose work is related to the concrete or work which must be supported by it, shall be given ample notice and opportunity to introduce and furnish embedded items before the concrete is placed. I 8.9 Finishing of Formed Surfaces ~ I 8.9.1 Finishing of formed isurfaces shall be in accordance with Chapter 10 of ACI 301-72.. s 8.9.2 - All exposed surfaces shall be finished as indicated .on the p l.Z y EINISk S d EdfB. 8.9.3 The use of acid will not be permitted unless approved l by TUSI.

8. 9. 4 A stucco coat shall not be applied to surfaces except where specifically indicated.

[. 8.9.5 Except where a separate finish-is to be' applied, or ~ where a trowel finish is.~ called for, horizontal con-crete surfaces shall be floated. t e . r;; ;

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2 :au. Giocs q n1AA, Speci,# ion 2323-SS-9 g ek:tst W-1W3 Page 8-18 O-Where a trowel finish is called for, the surface shall 8.9.6 be floated and steel-troweled after achieving initial set to prevent excess fine materials from working to the surface. The finish shall be brought to a smooth, dense surface free from defects and blemishes. No dry cement nor mixtures of dry cement and sand shall be sprinkled directly, on the surface to absorb or stiffen the mix. Final troweling shall be done after the con-crete is so hard that,no mortar accumulates on the trowel and a ringing sound is produced as the trowel is drawn over the surfa'ce. 8.10 concrete floors 8.10.1 Unless otherwise noted on the drawings, the surfaces of all finished floors shall receive a trowelled finish in accordance with the requirements in paragraph 11.7.3 J of ACI 301-72. All floors' which will receive subsequent topping courses shall receive a s,cratched finish in ac-cordance with paragraph 11.7.1 of ACI 301-72, unless otherwise shown on the engineering drawings. 8.10.2 All floors shall be cured by covering with waterproof paper or similar waterproof material lapped four inches at edges and ends and, sealed for a period of (5) days. Paper shall be stabilized by weights to prevent displace- ' ment and tears. Holes appearing during curing period shall be immediately repaired by patching. Waterproof . paper shall conform to the Standard Specification for Sheet Materials for Curing Concrete (ASTM C 171).

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( Gibbs & Mill, Inc. Specifica;qipn 2323-SS-9 ) T,

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e Page 8-19 (b ' 8.11 ~ Contractors'_' Procedures 8.11.1 The Contiictor shall prepare and submit to TUSI for review his proposed construction procedures, inclu-ding delineation and scheduling of concrete place-ments, ar9 methods of placing concrete in special locations, such as the.(fontainment heture ~ and at other highly congested areas. j t [ i I ff^) xj e l 5 b k t g I y a <l ? l s 1L ts l l O W

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I ] Gibbs & 1p-Inc. Specifi ta.on 2323-SS-9 i 'n, 12, ' ^ 73 Page 9-1 4 9.0 GROUTING Grout for use under base plates, bearing plates, 9.1 loose lintels, equipment bases, anchor bolt pockets, skal M " b ' m I? "lW and so forth, e attain a hsppht/ compressive strength,,eIO%/ when t.sf44 in accohe.c w;+h be s, n. of ikis speciOcc +i.n, sha.ll e be sufficiently plastic to fill all spaces, anclkhave. j ~ a low shrinkage characteristic to maintain contact with load bearing surfaces. ~ 9.2 Cement for grout shall conform to the requirements of section 4.1 of this specification.. 9.3 Aggregate for grout, when used, shall conform to the ~ ~ y requirements of section 4.3 of this specification, except that fine aggregate shall conform to the re-quirements of ASTM C 404, Specification for Aggre-gates for Masonry Grout, size 2 with all material t l passing the No. 16 sieve. \\ 9,4 The proportions of ingredients for general purpose grout shall be based upon trial mixes using the same type and brand of cement, fine aggregate, and admix-tures as will be used for construction. A pugmill-type horizontal mortar mixer approved by TUSI shall be used in preparing trial mixe and in construction. L.p 5 l i h. r

r q Gibbs & y 1, I nc. Opecifi .. on 2323-SS-9 W. l,* 2 L iz:.w e 9.5 Mixing water shall conform to the requirements of section 4.4 of this specification. 9.6 Admixtures sfiall conform to the requirements of sec-tion 4.2 of this specification. 9.7 Other materials, such as aluminum powder of the proper fineness and quality may be added to the grout mix provided adequate tests are made to demonstrate the suitability of the mix for the purpose intended. 9.8 For usage under bearing plates a ' commercial non-shrink grout may be utilized subject to approval by TUSI. 9.9 The surface to be grouted shall be cleaned of loose s'and, gravel and dust. The surface shall be vetted thoroughly, but excess free moisture shall be re-moved before plac'ing the grout. Grout shall be applied in place, thoroughly tamped, 9.10 and adjusted to proper elevation and true level and i surface. Where grout is applied under previously i l shimmed' and leveled base plates, care must be taken that it thoroughly fills all voids and is in full contact with the entire underside area of the base plates. ~ -. : ~ ---: -

E \\ g* Gibbs & 1l$1, Inc. Specifi.M on 2323-SS-9

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Page 9-3 iOs-9.11 The grout shall be provided with sufficient water during curing to complete the hydration of cement. Burlap kept soaked with water may be placed around the grout to provide a source of moisture for hydra-tion. Curing shall continue for at least seven days. l

9. 2 The compressive strength of the grout shall be es-tablished by 2-inch cubes, molded, cured and tested in accordance with, ASTM C 109, Standard Test for Compressive Strength of Cement Mortars.

9.13 When fly ash is used, the quantity shall be such that h the strength," workability and durability are met, and it shall meet the requirements of section 4.2.3 , of this specification. 9.14 The water content shall be the min 4 mum necessary for the proper placement by the grouting method em-ployed,' dry ck or fluid grout. j j e e a lC l l l } ~ l

\\ Gibbs &

  • Inc.

~ . J', Specification 2323-SS-9 '-- : : 12, 10 2 T-Page 10-1 t CLASS E HIGH DENSITY CONCRETE 10.0 Aggregates shall conform to the requirements of 10.1 i [ ASTM C 637, Tentative Specification for Aggregates For Radiation-Shielding Concrete. j 10.2 Special Requirements Density and Composition of Aggregates - Processe'd 10.2.1 aggregates shall have properties which conform to f the following requirements: 7 ~ - Magnetic Fe 034 Primary Composition ( .and related ores M bimum p reent Iron - 100 degrees C - 50 Minimum value of specific gravity - 4.50 Minimum percent absorption - 2.0 ) Gradation Requirements fo'r Co' arse Aggregates - 10.2.2

  • I (Amounts passing a given sieve size - percent by 1,

.[ weight). s I Nominal Sauare Sieve Size Gradation ~ i ( 100 1 t 3/4 90 to 100 f 1/2 50 to 75 3/8' 20 to 55 O to 10 ( No. 4 No. 8 O M- =-- p _r 3 --,,.y, ...y,,. ,,,,..,,,,,-r

r - [ * # *' Cibbs I $1, nc. Specifitation 2323-SS-9 ML,=L,3 Page 10-2 10.2.3 Gradation Requirements for Fine Aggregates - (Amounts passing a given sieve size - percent by weight). Gradation Nominal Scuare Sieve Size Fine Aqarecate Grout Sand 100 3/8 s No. 4 95 to 10'O No. 8 80 to 100 ~ 100 50 to 95 t No-16'. ) i N.o. 30 25 to 60 75 to 95 No. 50 10 to 30 45 to 65 I No. 100 2 to 10 20 to 40 No. 200 0 to 5 0 to 10 Fineness ~ Modulus -2.3 to 3.1 1.,00 to 10 ti Fineness Modulus shall not vary more than 0.2 from 5 that of the approved sample. f 10.3 Shipment All aggregates for Class E concret'e shall be shipped, handled and stored in such a manner as to prevent loss of fine sand, contamination by foreign material, breakage of aggregate, and segregation. Grout sand shs11 ha contained in strong, tight bags and shall be 1 i kept free of moisture. O a fu'*w?v-vtD-+- 7"NN-'*-"FPN 7 + M*M TFMg-nei m-e-


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F ' ~ ...,, ) Gibbs.* h l Inc.- 1 ..' ' ' ' ' Specification 2323-SS-9 Nove.zi rr-12,-1O M /"} ' Page 10-3 ~ 4 10.4 Storage Aggregates shall be stored in approved containers, bins, heavy sacks, or on concrete slabs. Aggregates which are to be stockpiled for a period of' more than two weeks shall be covered with tarpaulins or heavy h. gauge plastic sheeting until used. i 10.5 Aggregate Proportions - Aggregates shall consist of' I i t [ the following proportions by weight. I Fine aggregates 40 i 5 percent o 60 1 5 percent Coarse aggregates h,fm l 10'. 6' Slump - Slumps shall be held to an absolute minimum with the conditions under which the concrete is placed. The maximum allowable slump of the concrete shall be not more than 2-1/2 inches. k I 10.7 Mixer Loading - Loads shall be reduced to approxi-( mately two thirds of the normal mixing volume use'd 1 for Class A and Class B concretes. j 10.8 vibration - Special care shall be exercised to avoid I over vibration causing ~ sinking of coarse aggregates. i -f As a rule of thumb, two thirds of vibration time for l r Class A concrete shall be used for lass E vibrating. i g i <k s.*of d . v. ~~~ e,

r e 8 W Gibbs & Hi'1, Inc. f f.s t*'., ~h-speci53 on $323-SS-9 mL a z-

12. - ::72 Page 10-4 f

O %J Air ehtrainment admixtures shall not be used for 10.9 Class E concrete. 10.10 Fly ash shall not be used for Class E concrete. l i e [ ~ j f ( t s 6 g I ( O e l Il 3 l l t. l } i ( l t t l ( e e e s .g O e e M' -. a' -.. _, ' y

E + s -^^ ^ _ .,,m Gibbs & Hi'q' Inc. g Sp'eciti -i6n 2323-SS-9 e ~ n A.- - C r; Page 11-1 Qun uT y Assue.nex.c. s g 11.0 40r TIC,IlO3 5 f ._r K 11.1 ThO "O n ct r u ator-of-thewoneredwontainme nt -shal1 O__O ^Ed web _Va4 O -t %p C U j ig# l t L Am, -- -a m, co wi n n 4 4 c, o e s _ eon 0 +f -thposed_. l r. sie-ie. 2,- e-tha-AsMa~ sea euer Presei !I L s e c t.a o n. : : :, p -e " m : l-Oc60 thMhc =ste-rial e-and -const.2 nc - I i O". 0025 ) n l '.;-L'.4r. a r.QulltihdntSOf""thiS " Spec,irf..i 1 / "'~~ ,., +,_ ~ hf a& Mis.speci4;c.a:tS qkug l N y,, e e p t-+ c e <due e s s kIl cc w-Ec rw, f.. +Ae reydex.sedc o.?- Q b W 4 R;t( sje.c14lcd,a e a t.t-ss.<2.s x h ssurance FoK 'Cera traveriou "

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I o 4 t o, y a.- ab*4,6, g.-a ,r . = COMANCHE PEAK 'STEMi ELECTRIC STATION /-[# gl[, ;[d' y ' ,'/,j TEXAS UTILITIES SERVICES INC. I .C's d S G&H PROJECT NO. 2323 g# D .L R7 h-y (n.g cf. f U> g, p5 0 [U M Preliminary Concrete Requirements hfe [hp g a Strength: In genenal, all concrete shall'have a minimum com-b{0 pressive strength of 4,000 psi, in 28 days, when tested in accordance with ASTM C-39-71. The requirements indicated on the attached pages, listed below, i will be included in the concrete specification. Pages CC-2,-7*to.CC-2-15 CC-4-5 to CC-4-8 CC-4-12 to CC-4-14 CC-5-7 to CC-5-10 Included in these attachments are the requirements for concrete materials, concrete mix design, concret.e placement and concrete-4 . test procedures. These requirements should be considered. preliminary.and' incomplete at this time. ~ e O t e 9 e e B e S O ~ 0, e O I l' + a ^^**emWM.* r a 9

s.- , ~, e.o s m -.s g r u e; nai - sap 4 /v AA* ce afJj~.zo.s*6a /m ,~,.y Gibbs & .11,.Inc. ~ * ' = "t Specification 2323-SS-9 gn,.e-v - - Lt-j n Page 11-1 ( Q UA Lt T / AESup.t'eq 11.0 C3.",T r:C, TION 7 - 7_ - - ~ ~ ~... - 11.1 Ehe CenctemWhe-concrete-contai-nmentehal1 / ca*4#,-%

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~ ~ - - - D~n3 il Texas Utilities Generating Ccmoany ~ 2001 Bryan Towe R~ " l T /l Dallas, Texas 75201 1 ;, i f, Attention: Mr. Robert W. Caudle, '=ggg,,g77cc*, g Rsl Project Manager - Nuclear Plants

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l/y v er t Ji?s'J_!:; i l Gentlemen: ).,' r TEXAS UTILITIES GENERATING COMPANY b I f CO)1ANCHE PEAK STEAM ELECTRIC STATICN }~ 1980 2300 MW INSTALLATION G&H PROJECT NO. 2323 _hx/ l[Qf 05209 CONCRETE g/ I:ne lesed herewith please find 10 copies of Specific'ationen 2323-SS-9) Revision 1, /or cens'ruEtion.- t ~ This specification has been mcdified ac follows: Section 11.0, Quality Assurance has been revised and 1. renumbered Section 12.0. Section 11.0 has been added covering shotcrete. 2. s.) The wordo "the Engineer" have been substituted for "TUSI" in all paragraphs except Section 12.0, Quality Assurance. 3. --"-*-******=se.e NEW T ors (. M. Y. 80001 CASLE: SISS$ HILL, NEW Y? R fC

3 C. ( .GTN-2751 March 21, 1975 Texas Utilities Generating Company The disposition of the above revisions and all other changes are noted along the margins of each affected page. Very truly yours, GIBBS & CLL, In, h% W n g [ R. Her:rperger Project hunager b"A' REH-REMcG-MB:lc 1 Original + 5 Copies (10A) CC: C. H. Gatchell (TUSI, Site) lL L. A. Ashley (,BER, Houston) 1L 2A {/ s __p3. C. Dodd (B&R Site) 2L 2A A. D. Henley (M-J, Dallas) 2L 1A J. J. Moorhead (G&H Site) 2L lA l 6 9 O e 9 a

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