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Rev 3 to Const Procedure 35-1195-CCP-10, Concrete Batch Plant Operations
Person / Time
Site: Comanche Peak  Luminant icon.png
Issue date: 10/27/1976
From: Jerrica Johnson, Tyler W
Shared Package
ML17198A292 List: ... further results
FOIA-85-59 35-1195-CCP-10, NUDOCS 8512020172
Download: ML20137G337 (27)



(O Parch 18,1975



IONSTRUCT 4R6CEDURE ff 35-1195p10 fC

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/AufMbL W. E. Childress, Jr.

H. C. Dodd, Jr.

Project Engineer Construction Project Manager PREPARED BY:


4. /m/s aBL/&mL


J. M. Johnson /W.F. Tyler P. L. Bussolini Civil Engineer Ouality Assurance F







BS12O20172 OS1106 q

ly G$ deb 59 PDR

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I JOB 35-1195 Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station

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This notice applies to Construction Procedure No. 35-1195. CCP-10

, Revision 3 The intent of this change will (X) / will not ( ) be incorporated in the next revision to the procedure.

This Change applies:

Until Further Notice ( )

Until the next revision is issued (X)

Only as follows:

Change the procedure as follows: On Attachment 1, change item 1.A.1. to read:

Class I Concrete Compressive Strength. 4000 psi 3/4 or 1/2 or 3/8 inch maximum aggregate



Reason for change:

Mix design approval per DC/DD 229 This change approved by:

I.2h Y, W.


0sso er Department Head


' Quality Assurance Reviewed By:

l$/dsid h d /( /fff Procedures & Reports Date

.TQ v


JOB 35-1195 g

Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station



This notice applies to Construction Procedure No. 35-1195-CCp-10

, Revision 3 The intent of this change will (X) / will not ( ) be incorporated in the next revision to the procedure.

This Change applies:

Until Further Notice ( )

Until the next revision is issued (X)

Only as follows:

Change the procedure as follows:

Add the following Paragraph 4.3B.8:

4.38.8 If material finer than no. 200 sieve exceeds maximwn limits of 1.0%, the aggregate.may be washed to remove dust or finer material. The aggregate shall then be resampled and tested as necessary for acceptance.


Reason for change:

To align procedure with reality.

This change a proved b :



vrso Department Head f"

' Quality Assurance Reviewed By:


$ f, O?

Procedures & Reports Date




lW h JOB 35-1195 g

Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station Construction Procedure INTERIM CHANGE NOTICE NUMBER 3

This notice applies to Construction Procedure No. 35-1195 CCP-10

, Revision 3 The intent of this change will (X) / will not ( ) be incorporated in the next revision to the procedure.

This Change applies:

Until Further Notice ( )

Until the next revision is issued (X)

Only as follows:

I b$

Change the procedure as follows: On Page 7, following ICN No. /, add the following paragraphs:

4.3B Rescreening Aggregate 4.38.1 Approved concrete aggregate may be rescreened to meet another ASTM i

Grading size if only tested and accepted aggregate is used.

4. 38.3 The aggregate shall be removed from the batch plant aggregate storage bins, loaded into dump trucks and hauled to the on-site screening plant. The aggregate handling equipment shall be clean and maintained in a manner that will avoid contamination of the aggregate.

4.3B.4 The screening plant shall be equipped with the proper size screens to produce the aggregate gradation desired. The screening plant aggregate hoppers and conveyors shall be clean of foreign material to prevent contamination of the aggregate being produced. Screens shall be in good condition and free of any rips, tears, etc.

4.3B.5 The aggregate shall then be delivered to, and stored in one of the approved aggregate storage bins at the batch plant. Different size aggregates shall not be intermixed within a bin. Each lot or bin of aggregate shall be identified by signs which show size, gradation, source and controlling specification.

4.38.6 A monitor gradation sample may be taken from the be' t at the screen-l ing plant or from the stockpile at the batch plant and tested to ensure aggregate is within the ASTM specification grading size re-quired. However, the aggregate shall be sampled, tested and accepted prior to hauling to the storage bin (s).

CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 Reason for change:

To permit extracting 1/2 - inch aggregates from approved 3/4" aggregate stockpiles on-si te.

Thi change approved by:


e W

r 5epartment Head 7C ' Quality Assurance q

Reviewed By:

ffhs6' Y

9, O?,9 Procedures & Reports Date

ns. Proced..No. 35-1195-CCP-10


Revision 3 Page 2 of 2 Change the procedure as follows:

4.3B.7 Aggregate meeting grading requirements of ASTM No. 7 (h inch) may be used in concrete in shotcrete providing a mix design has been previous-ly approved by the Engineer. Only aggregate from an approved storage bin shall be used.

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JOB 35-1195 Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station Construction Procedure INTERIM CHANGE NOTICE NUMBER 2

This notice applies to Construction Procedure No. 35-1195-ccp-10

, Revision 3_,.

The intent of this change will (X) / will not ( ) be incorporated in the next revision to the procedure.

This Change applies:

Until Further Notice ( )

Until the next revision is issued (x)

Only as follows:

Change the procedure as follows:

Revise Paragraph 4.10.2 to read as follows:

When the ambient temperature is 850F or below, the time after the addition of water to the dry materials until placement shall not exceed 90 minutes. When the P.mbient temperature is above 850F, the time shall not exceed 45 minutes except when permitted by the Engineer on a case-by-case basis.



Reason for change:

Specification requirements revised per GHF-1242.

This change approved by:

7 7

.l Y l0usso Department Head


Quality Assurance OQ Reviewed By:

NNkmA A d /fff e

Procedures & Reports f/ Date i

JOB 35-1195 Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station Construction Procedure INTERIM CHANGE NOTICE NUMBER 1 This notice applies to Construction Procedure No. 35-1195-CCP-10, Revision j_,.

The intent of this change will (X) / will not ( ) be incorporated in the next revision to the procedure.

This Change applies:

Until Further Notice ( )

Until the next revision is issued (X)

Only as follows:

Change the procedure as follows:

On page 7, add the following paragrapht:

4.3A Aggregate Gradation Failure

4. 3A.1 In the event aggregate fails to meet the specification gradation require-ments, the material represented by the failing test results shall be remixed, reblended or scrapped at the discretion of the Brown & Root Batch Plant Superinten-dent or his designee. 4.3A.2 Remix shall be accomplished by discharging material from one or more of the aggregate storage bins into the backup charging conveyor belt into dump trucks and unloading this material into the aggregate receiving hopper back into the respective storage bins via the bin (s) receiving conveyor belt and rock ladder (s). This procedure shall be repeated until, in the judge-(dT ment of the Brown & Root Batch Plant Superintnednet or his designee, the material has been thoroughly remixed. At this time, retest (s) may be requested by the Batch Plant Superintendent or his designee to check if material is within specifi-be requested by the Batch Plant Superintendent or his designee,est results, it may cation gradation. 4.3A.3 In the case of failing gradation re-t to elect to scrap or re-blend the material.

If, after review of the test results, it is determined that re-blending is practical and would result in an acceptable graded material, it shall be performed by the procedure described above with the exception that another tested and approved size (s) aggregate shall be injected at the time the material is recycled into the storage bin (s) receiving hopper at quantities pre-scribed by the Batch Plant Superintendent or his designee. Note that only gravel-to-gravel and stone-to-stone additions shall be made. 4.3A.4 To ensure material is within specification limits before use, re-sampling and re-testing shall be performed after re-blending.

4.3A.5 In order to prevent the use of disapproved b

agorecate, thd$atch Plant Inspector shall notify the Batch Plant Superinten-

~ dent or his designee, in writing before each day's batching operation, as to which f

aggregate storage bin (s) are approved for use.

Reason for change:

Reference DDR C-437 This change approved by:

i s

fThyn h


Department Head "Qirality Assurance eb Reviewed By:

lbk Yv hn< 12, 7tFV~-- /fYf fg 4

Procedures & Reports Date


35-1195-CCP-10 Mar.18,1975 REVISION 3, October 27, 1976 PAGE 2 of 21 LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES The total number of pages in this document is 21. The page number sequence and revision status of each page is as follows:

PAGE REVISION STATUS DATE Title Revision 3 October 27, 1976 2 thru 21 Revision 3 October 27, 1976 NOTE O

This document has been completely retyped for convenience 1

in issuing Revision 3.

Vertical lines (change bars) appear-ing in the margin indicate what information was actually changed, added or deleted by Revision 3.



i 35-1195-CCP-10, Mar.18,1975 REVISION 3, October 27, 1976 PAGE 3 of 21 TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION TITLE PAGE 1


4 1.1 PURPOSE..............................................


-1.2 SCOPE................................................

4 2


4 3

SPECIAL ITEMS AND OPERATIONS.........................

4 3.1 CLASS 4..............................................

4 4


4 4.1 FUNCTIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES.......................

4 4.2 CEMENT...............................................

5 4.3 AGGREGATE............................................

6 4.4 ADMIXTURE............................................

7 4.5 WATER................................................

8 4.6 CLASSES OF CONCRETE..................................


,O 4.7 BATCHING.............................................



4.8 CENTRAL MIXING.......................................

10 4.9 TRUCK MIXING 11 4.10 DELIVERY OF CONCRETE IN TRUCK MIXER TO POINT OF PL AC EM ENT............................................

12 4.11 TICKETING SYSTEM.....................................

13 4.12 MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT.............................

15 5

SUPPORTING INFORMATION...............................



16 5.2 ILLUSTRATION..........................................

16 5.3 ATTACHMENTS..........................................


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35-1195-CCP-10. Mar.18,1975


REVISION 3, October 27, 1976


PAGE 4 of 21 1.

INTRODUCTION 1.1 PURPOSE 1.1.1 The purpose of this document is to set forth the methods and pro-cedures that will be employed in the receiving, handling and stor-ing of concrete materials and the batching, mixing and delivery of concrete.

1.2 SCOPE 1.2.1 The scope of this procedure covers the methods and procedures that apply to receiving, handling and storing of concrete materials and the batching, mixing and delivery of concrete including grout.



2.1 ACI American Concrete Institute ASTM American Society for Testing & Materials TUSI Texas Utilities Services, Inc.


SPECIAL ITEMS AND OPERATIONS 3.1 High density, concrete and its associated materials and properties which are distinct from the other classes of concrete are not discussed herein at this time but will be added in a subsequent revision.


CONCRETE MATERIALS RECEIVING, HANDLING, STORING AND CONCRETE BATCHING, MIXING AND DELIVERY 4.1 FUNCTIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES 4.1.1 Project Civil Engineer Maintains over-all technical assistance for concrete batch plants, concrete materials, trucks and associated equipment.

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d p 35-1195-CCP-10, Mar.18,1975


REVISION 3, October 27, 1976 PAGE 5 of 21 t,1.2 Batch Plant Superintendent 4.1. 2.1 With the technical assistance and engineering information of the Project Civil Engineer, maintains over-all responsibilities for concrete batch plants, concrete materiils, trucks and associated equipment.

I 4.1. 2. 2 Supervise all phases of the concrete b,7tching, mixing and truck delivery operations.

4.1. 2. 3 Supervise all phases of concrete material receiving, handling and storing.

4.l'.2.4 Assures that activities are performed in accordance with this procedure. Assures that activities are performed in accordance with applicable manufacturers equipment operating procedures and maintenance procedures, p Maintains daily production records and reports applicable to his i Q responsibilities.

4.2 CEMENT i

4. 2.1 Portland cement shall comply with ASTM C-150 and shall be Type II.

4.2.2 Except as otherwise approved by TUSI, all cement shall be of the i

same brand and manufactured at the same mill.

4.2.3 A manufacturer's certified material test report attesting to the conformance of the cement to ASTM C-150 shall be furnished for each shipment.

4.2.4 Cement will be received in bulk truck transports and will be pneumatically loaded into clean, uncontaminated, water-tight storage silos at either the Main Batch Plant or Back-Up Batch Plant where it shall remain until concrete is batched.

4.2.5 Warehousing shall receive cement trucks per 35-1195-ACP-3, and inspect certified material test report and inspect seal on truck hatches to insure that it is intact. Certified material test report will be retained by warehousing and distributed to QA per 35-1195-ACP-3.





35-1195-CCP-10, Mar.18,1975 REVISION 3, October 27, 1976 PAGE 6 of 21


4.3 AGGREGATE 4.3.1 Fine aggregate (sand) shall be graded according to the require-ments of ASTM C-33.

4.3.2 Nominal size 1/2 inch coarse aggregate shall conform to the requirements of Section 202, Aggregate, of ACI 506, Recommend Practice for Shotcreting. 1/2 inch coarse aggregate shall be uncrushed gravel, graded from No. 4 to 1/2 inch size.

4.3.3 Nominal size 3/4 inch coarse aggregate shall conform to size number 67 of Table 2 in ASTM C-33.

4.3.4 Nominal size 1 1/2 inch coarse aggregate shall conform to size number 467 of Table 2 in ASTM C-33.

4.3.5 The are descriptions of aggregate properties (except for 1/2 inch coarse aggregate which is fully described in Section 4.3.2). Aggregate shall consist of natural or manufactured sand, crushed stone, or gravel. The particles shall be clean, hard, tough, dur-b able, of uniform quality and shall be free from soft thin, elongated, disintegrated stone, dirt and organic or other injurious materials occurring either free or as a coating. The aggregate when incorpor-ated in concrete, shall satisfactorily resist chemical or physical changes such as cracking, swelling, softening, leaching or chemical alteration, and shall not contain contaminating substances which might contribute to deterioration or unsightly appearance of the concrete. The coarse aggregate shall be well graded and shall consist of gravel, crushed gravel, crushed rock, or crushed stone fragments which are clean, rough, hard and unifonn. No blast furnace slag, schist, shale or slate shall be permitted. The potential reactivity of the aggregate shall be established by the methods described in the Appendix to ASTM C-33. Aggregate shapes shall be rounded or cubical and shall contain less than =15 percent (by weight) flat and elongated particles as deter-mined by the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Spec. CRD-Cll9, Method of test for Flat and Elongated Particles in Coarse Aggregate. A flat particle is defined as one having a ratio of width to thickness greater than three: an elongated particle is defined as o_ne having a ratio of length to width greater than three.

A 4.3.6 Fine and coarse aggregates will be off loaded from truck transports V

into hoppers for conveyor transfer to aggregate stockpile bins which shall be arranged and operated to prevent contamination by different gradations or types of aggregates and to assure that there is practical minimum segregation.


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35-1195-CCP-10, Mar.18,1975 m

REVISION 3, October 27, 1976 A

PAGE 7 of 21


4.3.6A Fine and coarse aggregates may be off-loaded and stored in outside uncovered aggregate stockpile bins for use in concrete production.

These aggregates shall be stored and maintained in a manner that will avoid the inclusion of any foreign materials in the concrete.

No muddy or oil leaking traction equipment shall be allowed to operate on storage piles. The placing of the material in storage and it<

oval shall be done in such a manner as to maintain the unifo the gradation. The aggregate stockpiles in the out-side un ered bins shall be on concrete slabs, and shall have suit-able drainage. THe aggregate storage piles shall be built and main-tained to prevent segregation and excessive breakage.

If required, suitable bulkheads between specific size groups or aggregate shall be provided to preclude intermixing of the different size groups.

4.3.7 Warehousing shall receive aggregates per 35-1195-ACP-3, and inspect loads to insure conformance to aggregate quality per this construc-tion procedure.

4.3.8 Aggregate hoppers and conveying equipment shall be cleaned, as necessary, to prevent contamination by different gradations or types of aggregate and to assure that there is practical minimum segregation.

4.3.9 Access for inspection shall be provided in stockpiles at all times.

4.3.10 Each lot of aggregate shall be identified by signs which show size, gradation, source and controlling specification.

4.3.11 In event of equipment failure, temporary measures shall be initiated and approved by the Batch Plant Superintendent to insure quality is maintained. All efforts shall be made to expedite repair of original equipment for operation.

4.4 ADMIXTURE 4.4.1 Type A, water-reducing admixture, shall comply with ASTM C-494.

4.4.2 Accelerating admixture for shotcrete shall be a liquid per ASTM C-494 or a solid per Challenge-Cook patented formulation named "Challog".

4.4.3 Type D, water-reducing and retarding admixture, shall comply with ASTM C-494.

4.4.4 Air entraining admixture shall comply with ASTM C-260.

4.4.5 Manufacturers certificates as to analysis and composition of the admixture shall be furnished.

4.4.6 Admixture shall be in accordance with the recommendations of the cement manufacturer.

4.4.7 Type A, Type D and air entraining admixtures shall be unloaded, by-C-

pump, from bulk truck transport or drums into uncontaminated storage tanks which shall be clearly marked as to their contents, storage requirements and controlling specification.

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35-1195-CCP-10, Mar.18,1975 (Q

REVISION 3, October 27, 1976 PAGE 8 of 21 4.4.8 Warehousing shall receive admixtures per 35-1195-ACP-3, and inspect manufacturers certificate and/or soectrographic analysis and dis-tribute to 0A per 35-1195-ACP-3.

4.4.9 Accelerating admixture for shotcrete shall be stored per manufac-turer's recommendations.

4.4.10 All admixtures shall be protected from moisture and temperatures that could adversely effect their performance as per manufacturers' recommendations.


4. 5.1 Water for mixing concrete and sprinkling aggregates, if recuired, shall be clean, fresh and free from deleterious amounts of acids, alkalis or organic materials.

4.5.2 Mixing water shall comply with tests recuired by Engineer specifi-cations.

Water shall be pumped from a deep well(s) and transferred to an uncontaminated storage tank (s).

4.5.3 Water for ice shall be pumped from the storage tank into an ice plant where ice shall be manufactured and stored as to prevent contamination.

4.6 CLASSES OF CONCRETE 4.6.1 Concrete is designated by classes according to the recuired com-pressive strength at 28 days. The class to be used in each part of the work will be shown on drawings, or will be designated by the Engineer. The method of determining the 28-day strength shall be in accordance with pertinent ASTM standards. The independent test lab, R. W. Hunt, will furnish mix designs for the following standard classes.


Class 1 Concrete i

Compressive Strength, 4000 psi i

3/4 or 1/2 inch maximum aggregate b.

Class 2 Concrete Compressive Strength, 4000 psi 1-1/2 inch maximum aggregate c.

Class 3 Concrete Compressive Strength, 2500 psi

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35-1195-GCp-10, Mar.18,1975 REVISION 3, October 21, 1976 PAGE 9 of 21 i

i d.

Class 4 Concrete (miscellaneous) e.

Class 5 Concrete Compressive Strength, 3000 psi 3/4 or 1/2 inch maximum aggregate f.

Class 6 Concrete 4

Compressive Strength, 3000 psi 1-1/2 inch maximum aggregate g.

Class 7 Concrete Compressive Strength, 1500 psi 1-1/2 inch maximum aggregate 1


Shotcrete, Class 8 Compressive Strength, 3000 psi 1/2 inch maximum aggregate 1.

Grout, Class 9 4.6.2

" Mass concrete" is concrete which is more than 2 feet - 6 inches in the least dimension. Maximum temperature for " mass concrete" is 700 F at placement.

4.6.3 Concrete Slump i The maximum allowable slump of all concrete at the point of place-ment shall be 4 inches, except for Class D High Density Concrete.

A tolerance of up to one inch above the indicated maximum shall be allowed for individual. batches provided the average for all batches tested, or the most recent 10 batches tested, whichever is fewer, does not exceed the maximum limit. Whenever the measured slump exceedes the indicated maximum by more than 1/4 inch, successive batches or truck loads as deposited shall be measured until the slump is within the maximum limit. Tests on these successive batches shall be included when calculating the average slump as reouired above.


4. 7.1.

The fine and coarse aggregate will be weighed in a single batcher i

using cumulative weights to within a plus-or-minus one percent tolerance by weight. Adjustments of Aggregate Weights The acceptable range for fineness modulus (F.M.) of sand is 2.3 to 3.1.

However, in order to meet the intent of Section 3.5 of ASTM C33, the following steps are incorporated into the batching procedure. These steps describe the aggregate weight adjustments that are required because of the different values of sand F.M.

within the acceptable range of 2.3 to 3.1.

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35-1195-CCP-10, Mar.18,1975 REVISION 3, October 27, 1976


PAGE 10 of 21 a.

The sand F.M. value for a day's production will be the average of the Hunt reports given to the batch plant prior to batching.


Design weights of sand and coarse aggregate shall be used when the sand F.M. is between 2.5 and 2.9.


When.the sand F.M. is less than 2.5, the weight of coarse aggregate shall be increased by 52 lbs. per cubic yard of concrete, and the weight of sand shall be decreased by the same amount.


When the sand F.M. is greater than 2.9, the weight of coarse aggregate shall be decreased by 52 lbs.

per cubic yard of concrete, and the weight of sand shall be increased by the same amount.

4.7.2 Cement will be weighed in a batcher to within 1 percent tolerance by weight.


. Water and' ice will be weighed in separate batchers to within a 1 percent tolerance by weight.

4.7.4 Air entraining admixture, Type A admixture, and Tyne D admixture will each be measured by volume, in separate containers to within j

a tolerance of 3 percent.

4.7.5 Tolerance interlocks are provided to prevent a discharge device from being actuated until the material has been batched within applicable tolerances.

4.7.6 The batchers are eouipped with platforms so that an overweight or sample can be removed.


4.7.7 All scales used in weighing concrete mix materials and volumetric measuring devices for admixtures will be calibrated in intervals not exceeding 90 days.

4 1

4.7.8 In the event the automatic ticket printer breaks down, the plant operator will fill out the ticket manually, with an ink pen, using the actual weights read from the scales.

4.8 CENTRAL MIXING 4.8.1 Mixing equipment will produce uniformity of consistency, cement and water content, and aggregate grading, from beginning to end of each batch.

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REVISION 3, October 27, 1976 PAGE 11 of 21 4.8.2 The mixer operating time will be regulated to the recuired mixing performance in the minimum amount of time as determined by perfor-mance tests or minimum time per ASTM C-94.

Test results shall be retained by the Batch Plant Superintendent.

4.8.3 Batch size will not exceed 10 c.y.

Controls shall be provided to insure that the batch cannot be discharged until the required mix-ing time has elapsed.

4.8.4 Mixer blades shall be replaced when they have lost 10 percent of their original height. Batch Plant Superintendent or his repre-sentative shall perform a quarterly check to insure conformance.

4.8.5 Accumulated hardened concrete shall be removed, as necessary, to maintain peak mixer performance and efficiency. Batch Plant Super-intendent shall insure conformity.

4.8.6 Admixtures shall be mixed into batch in accordance with Section 7.3 of ACI 301-72.

4.8.7 Tempering and. control of mixing water shall be in accordance with Section 7.5 of ACI 301-72.

4.8.8 Cold weather mixing 'and temperature of concrete when delivered at the site in cold weather, shall be in accordance with Section 7.6.1 of ACI 301-72.

4.8.9 Hot weather mixing shall be in accordance with Section 7.6.2 of ACI 301-72, except that for " mass concrete", the maximum tempera-ture of concrete as placed shall be 700 F instead of the 90o F maximum permitted by ACI-305.

4.8.10 Central mixing controls provide for monitoring slump by means of a slump meter. Also, the slump will be checked periodically by visual inspection of the truck mix.

4.9 TRUCK MIXING 4.9.1 While loading, the raixer drum will be rotating at a speed designated by the manufacturer as mixing speed.

4.9.2 Each batch of concrete shall be mixed not less than 70 or more than 100 revolutions of the drum at mixing speed. Any additional drum revolutions shall be done at the rate of rotation designated by the manufacturer of the equipment as agitating speed.

4.9.3 The slump will be checked periodically by visual inspection of the truck mix.



35-l*.95-CCP-10, Mar.18,1975


REVISION 3, October 27, 1976 PAGE 12 of 12 4.10 DELIVERY OF CONCRETE IN TRUCK MIXER TO POINT OF PLACEMENT 4.10.1 When a truck mixer contains concrete that has been completely mixed in the stationary mixer at the Main Batch Plant or concrete that has been completely truck mixed, any turning of the drum during trans-portation shall be at agitating speed.

4.10.2 The time after the addition of mix water to the dry materials to placement shall not exceed 45 minutes. Longer time limits may be permitted by TUSI, but in no case shall time exceed 90 minutes.

4.10.3 The number of drum revolutions shall not exceed 300 after mix water is added to the dry materials.

4.10.4 Each mixer truck will be equipped with an accurate revolution counter.

4.10.5 Add Water

" Add water" may be dispensed into the truck mixer at point of place-ment in order to increase slump to meet specification or to increase workability of mix. Sampling Mix a.

If for reasons stated in it is determined that add water will be dispensed into truck mixer, then a sample from the mix, after add water and after truck mixer has revolved 30 times at mixing speed, must be slump tested before dis-

charge, b.

Preceding procedure may be repeated as necessary before mix discharge until desired slump or workability is attained. Maximum slump shall not be exceeded as a result of the addition of add water to the mix. Quantity of add water shall not exceed quantity recorded for " add water" on the batch ticket. Add water will be measured by an accurate water meter or calibrated container to the nearest whole gallon and quantity shall-be so noted on batch ticket in " ADD WATER" block. contractor representative and testing lab representative will each sign within the block, before water is added, to verify that the add water about to be added does not result in the total add water quantity exceeding the quantity recorded for " add water" i

on the batch ticket. For shotcrete, a B&R OA/QC representative O

may sign in place of the test lab representative.

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35-1195-CCP-10, Mar.18,1975 t

REVISION 3, October 27, 1976 PAGE 13 of 21 CALCULATION OF ALLOWABLE " ADD WATER" The cards will be punched to show the total " design water" or less, such as 230 lb/cy for Mix I.D. No. 202. The Batch Plant operator will deduct water as outlined below using the slump control meter.

This deduction will be sufficient to provide required slump for the mix classification i.e. 3" for mass concrete and 4" for regular concrete.

For Aggregate Moisture compensation, the batch plant control system automatically subtracts the free moisture contained by the fine aggregate from the total " design water" (230 lbs. for Mix I.D. No. 202). The free moisture in the coarse aggregate is calculated by the B&R batch plant personnel using the latest Hunt report on the C.A. moisture. The quantity obtained by sub-tracting the F.A. free moisture + C.A. free moisture from the total " design water" is the " maximum amount" of water which is allowed to be dispensed into the mix.

If the " maximum amount" of water is not dispensed at the batch plant, then " add water" may be added into the truck mixer later at the point of discharge.

The allowable " add water" is calculated by subtracting the " water dispensed at batch plant" from the " maximum amount" and is written by B&R batch plant personnel in the Add Water block on the batch ticket.

Add Water = Design Water - (F.A. free moisture)

- (C.A. free moisture) - (water dispensed at batch plant) 4.10.6 Same as Section 4.8.4.

4.10.7 Same as Section 4.8.5.

4.11 TICKETING SYSTEM 4.11.1 Ticket Description The purpose of the batch ticket (Figure 1) is to record informa-tion concerning each batch of concrete. Following is an explana-tion of the information blocks on the ticket:


Mix ID: explained on Mix Identification sheet (Attach-ment No.1) 2.

Batch Size: volume of batch (1/100 CY) 3.

Batch No. : number of consecutive batches produced by n

the plant.

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(.b 35-1195-CCP-10, Mar.18,1975 REVISION 3, October 27, 1976 PAGE 14 of 21 4.

M. C. Setting: compensates for moisture content in the.

fine aggregate (1/10 percent) 5.

Plant: 1 - Back-Up Plant 2 - Main Plant weights (lbs/ Batch) gregate cumulative coarse ag 6.

Agg.1, Agg. 2, Agg. 3:


Sand: cumulative coarse aggregate weights plus fine aggregate weight (1bs/ Batch) 8.

Cement: cement weight (1bs/ Batch) 9.

Admix 1: Master Builders MB-VR air entraining admixture, meets ASTM C-260 requireinents (1/2 fl. oz/ Batch)

10. Admix 2: Master Builders Pozzolith 300-R watec-reducing and set-retarding admixture, meets ASTM C-494 for Type D requirements (1/2 fl. oz/ Batch)


11. Admix 3: Master Builders Pozzolith 300-N water-reducing


admixture, meets ASTM C-494 for Type A require-ments (1/2 fl. oz/ Batch) 12.

Ice: ice weight (1bs/ Batch)

13. Water: cumulative ice and water weight (1bs/ Batch)
14. Area Pour Section: explained on Pour Number sheet (Attachment No. 2)
15. Sand Moist: moisture in fine aggregate (1/10 percent)
16. Truck No.
17. Agg. Tare: aggregate batcher tare weight 18.

Cem'. Tare: cement batcher tare weight

19. Water Tare: ice and water batchers weight
20. Time
21. Add Water: allowable add water (1/10 gals./CY)
22. Ticket No.

i O

23. oete


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N 35-1195-CCP-10, Mar.18,1975 REVISION 3, October 27, 1976 PAGE 15 of 21 4.11.2 Ticket Routing and Sign-Off:


After batching is complete, Batch Plant Representative signs ticket which verifies that information on ticket is correct and retains blue copy of ticket for batch plant records.


The truck driver delivers white original and remaining two copies of ticket to point of concrete placement.


If add water is dispensed into batch, General Contractor Representative and Test Lab Representative both sign in their respective spaces in the add water block on the right side of ticket per paragraph 4.10.5, " Add Water". For shotcrete, a B&R QA/QC representative may sign in place of the test lab representative.


If no " required in-process test" are being performed on the concrete batch, the General Contractor Rep. signs in space at bottom of ticket after he is satisfied that information on ticket is correct and that the concrete batch is accept-able.


White original and two copies of ticket are then returned by truck driver to batch plant where they are given to Batch Plant Superintendent or his representative.


Batch Plant Superintendent distributes daily the following:


white original to Test Lab b.

pink copy to Engineer (if Enginee' so requests) c.

yellow copy to B&R Cost Engr. Dept.

4.12 MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 4.12.1 Maintenance records of equipment shall be kept by the Batch Plant Superintendent.

4.12.2 Manufacturers' operating instructions for major eouipment shall be available at the batch plant.

.l f3 V



35-1195-CCP-10, Mar.18,1975 REVISION 3, October 27, 1976 PAGE 16 of 21 5.




ASTM C-150, Specification for Portland Cement.


B&R Construction Procedure 35-1195-ACP-3, " Material Receiving, Handling, and Storage".


ASTM C-33, Specification for Concrete Aggregates.


U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Specification CRD-C119, Method of Test for Flat and Elongated Particles in Coarse Aggregate.


ASTM C-494, Specification for Chemical Admixtures for Concrete 6.

ASTM C-260, Specification for Air-Entraining Admix-tures for Concrete.


ASTM C-94, Specification for Ready-Mixed Concrete.


ACI 301-72, Specification for Structural Concrete for Buildings.


ACI 305-72, Recommended Practice for Hot Weather Concreting.

10. ACI 614-59, Recommended Practice for Measuring, Mixing, Transporting, and Placing Concrete.
11. Brown & Root Ouality Control Construction Procedure No. CP-QCP-2.2.

5.2 ILLUSTRATION Figure 1.

Concrete Batch Ticket 5.3 ATTACHMENTS 1.

Mix Identification 2.

Pour Number l


35-1195-CCP-10, Mar.18,1975


REVISION 3, October 27, 1976



Mix ID i' umber A.

Class Number I


Class 1 Concrete Compressive Strength, 4000 psi 3/4 or 1/2 inch maximum aggregate 2.

Class 2 Concrete Compressive Strength, 4000 psi 1-1/2 inch maximum aggregate 3.

Class 3 Concrete Compressive Strength, 2500 psi 4.

Class 4 Concrete (Miscellaneous) 5.

Class 5 Concrete Compressive Strength, 3000 psi 3/4 or 1/2 inch maximum aggregate 6.

Class 6 Concrete Compressive Strength, 3000 psi 1-1/2 inch maximum aggregate 7.

Class 7 Concrete Compressive Strength,1500 psi 1-1/2 inch maximum aggregate 8.

Shotcrete, Class 8 Compressive Strength, 3000 psi 1/2 inch maximum aggregate 9.

Grout, Class 9 BC. Mix Number Numbers 00 thru 99 will define different mixes of a particular class. For example a need may exist for Class I concrete to have two mixes with different cement contents. Therefore, different mix numbers will be assigned to distinguish between the mixes.

l l

35-1195-CCP-10, Mar.18,1975 O

REVISION 3, October 27, 1976

' p PAGE 19 of 21 ATTACHMENT 1 (CONT'D) i II.

All approved mix designs, mix design variations and mix identification numbers shall be issued on an up-to-date list by the B&R Construction Engineering Department.

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35-1195-CCP-10, Mar.18,1975 V(N REVISION 3, October 27, 1976 PAGE 20 of 21 ATTACHMENT 2 POUR NUMBER ABC-DEFG-HIJ A.

Unit Designation 0 - Common Building 1 - Unit 1 2 - Unit 2 BC. Work Area as follows:

01-21 BUILDINGS 01 Containment 02 Auxiliary 03 Fuel Handling Building 04 Turbine Generator Building 05 Safeguards Building 06 Maintenance Building 07 Administration Building


08 Electrical Duct Banks 09 Sanitary Sewer Manholes 10 Storm Sewer Catch Basins 11 Pipe Tunnel 12 Misc. Yard Valve Pits 13 Transformer Area Foundations 14 Main Transformer Foundations 15 Auxiliary Transf6rmer Foundations 16 Misc. Tank Foundations 17 Misc. Yard Structures 18 Refueling Water Storage Tank 19 Condensate Storage Tank 20 Reactor Make-Up Water Storage Tank 21 Electrical Manholes 22-29 OPEN 30-39 CIRCULATING WATER & ESSENTIAL COOLING WATER FACILITIES 30 Circulating Water Intake Structure 31 Circulating Water Intake Tunnels 32 Circulating Water Discharge Structure 33 Circulating Water Discharge Tunnels-34 Open l



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35-1195-CCP-10, Mar.18,1975 REVISION 3, October 27, 1976 PAGE 21 of 21 ATTACHMENT 2 (CONT'D) 35 Service Water Intake Structure 36 Service Water Discharge Structure 37 Squaw Creek Service Spillway 38 Squaw Creek Service Outlet Facilities 39 Pump Station 40-41 MAJOR EQUIPMENT FOUNDATIONS 40 Turbine Pedestal 41 Steam Generator Feed Pump Pedestal 42-49 OPEN 50 Potable Water Tank Foundation 51-59 OPEN 60-99 MISCELLANEOUS D.



Fill Slabs or Seal Slabs 2.

Footings & Mats 3.

Floor Slabs on Earth 4.

Walls-Interior 5.

Walls-Exterior 6.

Columns 7.

Elevated Slabs or Beams 8.

Roof Slabs or Dome 9.

Other Structures EFG.

ELEVATION Use top of concrete elevation for all slabs, footings, mats, beams, and dome. Use bottom of wall section elevation for all walls.



POUR NUMBER f-s 177.


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