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Monthly Operating Rept for May 1985
Person / Time
Site: Cook American Electric Power icon.png
Issue date: 05/31/1985
From: Climer, Puplis A, Will Smith
NUDOCS 8508090219
Download: ML20133H182 (8)



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1. Unit Name D. C. Cook Unit 2 2 ReporLing Pertad May 85 notes  :
3. Licensed Thermal Power (MWL) 3411 l
4. Name Plate Rating (Gross MWe) 113' Design Electrical Rating (Net MWe) 1100 ; ,


6. Maximum Dependable Capacity (GROSS MWe) 1100 l l
7. Maximum Dependable Capacitv (Net MWei 1060 -- -------- - - -------
8. If Changes O t.t. u r in Capacity Ratings (Items no. 3 through 7) Since La<st Report Give R e a s o n c _ _.___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ . _ . _ _ _ . . _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ ___

. . . _ _ _ _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ ~ . . _

9. Power Level To Which Restricted. If Any (Net MWe) _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ . _ ,

10 Reasons For Restrictions. If Any:___..____.____._______________.____

Th i t- Mo. Yr. to Date Cumm.

11. Hours in Report'nq t Feriod 744.0 :623.0 64991.0
12. No. of Hrs. Reactor Was Critical 744.0 3332.0 46412.0 O.O O.O O.O
13. Feactor Reserve Shutdown Houra 45312.1
14. Hour ss Generator on Line 744.0 3317.5 O.0 0.O O.O
15. Unit Recerve Shutdown Hours 144154105
16. Grcss Therm. Enerav Gen. (MWH) 2532441 11076044 17 Gross Elect. Energy Gen. (MWH) 527710 2657090 47442520
15. Net Elect. Energy Gen. (MWH) ~'9 9 680 3532190 45749924 100.O 91.5 72.5
19. Unit Service Factor
20. Unit Availability Factor 100.0 91.5 72.5
21. Unit Capacity Factor (MDC Net) 101.4 92.0 69.2
22. Unit Capacity Fator (DER Net) 97.7 88.6 67.7
23. Unit Forced Outage Rate 0.0 6.7 12.3
24. Shutdowns Scheduled over Next 51 ), Months (Type,Date,and Duration):

1905 Ref ueling_0utage scheduled _ to.__ start Oc.t.o).er, 1985 __ Estimate _d,_dur.atign_._ _

10_0_ days. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _

25. If Shut Down At End of Report Period. Estimated Date of Startup:

2S Uirits in Test Status (Prior to Commer c i. a1 Operation)-


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DOCE.:ET NO. 50--316 UNIT TWO DATE 6/3/85 COMPLETED BY CLIMER TELEPHONE 616-465-5901 MONTH May 85 AVERAGE DAILY AVERAGE DAILY DAV FOWER LEVEL DAY POWER LEVEL 1- 1093 17 1072 2 1093 18 1071 3 1087 19 1073 4 1089 20 1067 5 1090 21 1057 6 1089 22 1070 7 1073 23 1079 8 1087 24 1076 9 1082 25 1073 10 1081 26 1067 11 1075 27 1065 12 1073 28 1058 13 1080 29 1069 14 1065 30 1060 15 1074 31 1057 16 1073

I)OCKET NO. 50-316 - .

tlNIISiltilllOWNS AND POWER REDUCTIONS UNIT NAhlE D.C. Cook, Unit 2 l) ATE 6-7-85 COhlPt.ETED BY B.A. Svensson May, 1985 616/465-5901 HLPORT AION HI TEl.ErlinNE "L

  • 3E 'h hE> l icensee [ s,, Canse & Conective f

begms m one report pence 2nd ends m :nother, an entry should Sheets fer Licensee Event Report (LER) Fde (NUREG.0161 L be made for bcth repcrt pencds to be sure all shutdowns usmg the followmg enter:a:

or ugrudcant power reducticns are reported.

A. If a comecnent failed.use the component directly:nvolved.

TYPE. Use "F" or "S" to indicate either "For:ed" or " Sche.

duled." respe:tively, for each snutcown or signidcant power 3. If not 2 :omponent f2 dure. use the reisted ecm:onent:

reducnon. Forcec shutdowns inckde those recuued to be e.g., wrong valve operated througn errort list valve as imttsted by no later than tne weekend following discovery :omeonent.

of an off. normal :endition. It is re:cgni:ed that some judg.

ment is requued in categonz:ng shutdowns in t!us way. In C. If a dam of fadures oc:urs. tne drst component to mai.

general. 2 forced snutdown is one that would act have been function shoulc be listed. The secuence of events. meiud.

mpleted in the absence of tne :enditten for wnich correenve ing the other compenents wmch fail. saould be desenbed 2:ncn was taken. under the Cause and Cerreenve Acnon to Prevent Recur.

rence column.

DURATION. Self.explanatcry. When a shutdown extends ceyond the eno of 2 report pened, count only the tune to the Cornponents that do not dt any existing :cde should be de.

signated XXXXXX. The code ZZZZZZ snould be ased for end at de report penod and pick un the ensuing down tute m tne followmg report pences. Repcrt duranon of outages events wnere 2 component destgation is not spplicable.

munded tu the nearest tenth of an hour to facditate summanon.

$ne sum ui me tucal outage nours ptus the hours the geners. CAUSE & CORRECTIVE ACTION TO PREVENT RECUR.

ter was un line shou:d equal the gross hours m de report:ng RENCE. Use me ::lumn :n a narrative fashion to ampuiy or eenod. expism the cir:umstances of the shutdown orpower reaucnon.

The :clumn shculd inc!2de the scecide :suse for each snut.

down or stamdcant power reducnon ind the immeciate anc REASON. Caepnee .av .etter demnation m accordance with the taole 4:pearmy on the report form. If :2tegory H . nternoiated :vng term corre:nve scnon taken. If appropn.

must he used. succiy : net eumments. ste. This eclumn snoulo also be used for a descnonen of tne

.,,el:ted corre:nve mamtenance performed dunna

'U* "'*" ## M * " """#"#"

METHOD OF 3 HUTTING DOWN THE REACTOR OR '"# # "'.3 2"id**"03 'iC" #I REDUCING POWER. Catepnee ey numner destranon * #U""#' # " "

  • Y 2"" # ##E " #' 2^Y ""** "I'*i' #'

r:diesetmty or imgle racianon execsure spectne:dy assei.t.

1 Note that its differs tram the Edison Eleutne Insuture ned unh the outage *tuch accounts for core tnan ;0 :er.en:

IEED derimnons of "For;ed F2rnal Outace" and "Sene. of tne ukw:o;e 2nnusi ntues.

uied P:rtial OutageJ For mese temis. EE! ases 4 hange at For .ong :rxtusi recor's eentmue narr2tne :1 se:ar:te :.scer

.0 MW as the ore:m pomi. For !arger puwer reactors. 30 MW .nd :eteren.c :te shurcown or power recu nun tio m:3

s em small 4 hange to wanant nplanation. narrative.

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_ _ _ _ 1 - _ _- -- _ . . -

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Docket No.: 50-316 Unit Names D.C. Cook Unit 2 Completed By: A. S. Puplis Telephone: (616) 465-5901 Date: June 10, 1985 Page: 1 of 2 MONTHLY OPERATING ACTIVITIES - MAY, 1985 HIGHLIGHTS:

The reporting period began and ended with the Unit in Mode 1 at 100% power.

The Unit remained essentially at 100% power the entire reporting i period.

Gross electrical generation for the reporting period was 827,710 MWH.


5-06-85 At 0409, the Turbine Driven Auxiliary Feedwater Pump was declared inoperable due to tripping before reaching rated speed. At 1828, the Turbine Driven Auxiliary Feedwater Pump was declared operable.

5-07-85 At 0601, a power decrease to 97% to pertorm surveillance testing was started. At 0645, reactor power was at 97%.

At 1411, a power increase to 100% was started. Power reached 100% at 1446.

l 5-09-85 At 2045, the Secondary System Chemistry was in Action Level 1A. Secondary System Chemistry was out ot Action Level 1A, at 0613, on 5-10-85.

5-14-85 At 0603, a reactor power decrease to 970 was initiated to perform surveillance testing. Power reached 97% at 0640.

At 1515, a reactor power increase to 100% was initiated. Power reached 100% at 1555. ,

l 5-20-85 At 1601, ERS 2401 containment particulate monitor alarmed high.

i At 2042, ERS 2301 containment particulate monitor alarmed high.

l At 2134, ERS 2401 containment particulate monitor alarmed high.

Docket No.: 50-316

., Unit Names D.C. Cook Unit 2 Completed By: A. S. Puplis Telephone: (616) 465-5901 Date: June 10, 1985 Page: 2 of 2 5-21-85 At 0045, a small leak was found at loose plug on flowmeter NFA 220 (RCP #2 RTD bypass return flow instrumentation). The leak was isolated, repaired and the " Loop 2 RTD Bypass return flow low" alarm cleared.

The containment particulate activity began to decrease.

At 0601, a power decrease to 97% to perform surveillance testing was started. Power reached 97% at 0640.

At 1440, a power increase to 100% was started. Power reached 100% at 1550.

5-28-85 At 0624, a power decrease to 97% to perform surveillance testing was started. Power reached 97% at 0717.

At 1910, a power increase to 100% was started. Power reached 100% at 1957.

The Control Room Cable Vault Halon System remains inoperable as of 1707 on 4-14-83. The backup CO 2 System for the Control Room Cable Vault remains operable.



  • e DOCKET NO. 50 - 316 UNIT NAME D. C. Cook - Unit No. 2 DATE 6-7-85 COMPLETED BY B. A. Svensson MAJOR SAFETY-RELATED MAINTENANCE MAY, 1985 M-1 Replaced inboard and outboard mechanical seals on 2 West CCW Pump to repair seal leakage. Retested for operability.

C&I-l The turbine driven auxiliary feedpump tripped before stabiliz ng at rated speed. One of the latch coils of the trip-throttle valve solenoid was found burned out. Both coils were replaced. The TDAFP was successfully retested.

C&I-2 Annunciator "RTD Lypass Manifold Low-Flow", was received. The flow transmitter's low side vent plug was found to be leaking and re-sulting reactor coolant leakage shorted the terminal box causing the alarm. The leak was repaired, the box was dried of water and the alarm cleared.

C&I-3 The CD2 battery charger was found to have a low voltage output.

Capacitors on three SCR firing controls were bad, and were replaced.

The charger was operated in service for two hours, then declared operable.

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Lg :=auonsuaicmuuacraic comen Donald C. Cook fluclear Plant P.O. Som 458. Ondgman Michgan 49106 June 7, 1985 Director, Office Of Management Information and Program Control U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C. 20555 Gentlemen:

Pursuant to the requirements of Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Unit 2 Technical Specification, the attached Monthly Operating Report for the Month of May, 1985 is submitted.

Sincerely, M@

W. G. Smith, 3 Plant Manager WGS:ab Attachments cc: J. E. Dolan M. P. Alexich R. W. Jurgensen NRC Region III B. L. Jorgensen R. O. Bruggee R. C. Callen S. J. Micrzwa F. S. VanPelt, Jr.

P. D. Rennix J. H. Hennigan Z. Cordero J. J. Markowsky S. R. Khalil J. F. Stietzel PNSRC File INP0 Records Center ANI Nuclear Engineering Department I f*14 Io