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Responds to Request for Update to Re Issues & Activities Concerning Issuance of Ol.Issues Include:Insp & Enforcement & Preoperational Test Program.Plant Should Be Ready for OL by Wk of 850121
Person / Time
Site: Wolf Creek Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation icon.png
Issue date: 01/16/1985
From: Koester G
To: Denise R
IEB-79-14, KMLNRC-85-018, KMLNRC-85-18, NUDOCS 8507160631
Download: ML20129D709 (3)




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KANSAS GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY TF4E ELECTAC COMPANY January 16, 1985 OLENN L MOESTER vict patssotiuY hucLEAe Mr. R.P. Denise, Director Wolf Creek Task Force U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission Region IV @ @ "h 611 Ryan Plaza Drive, Suite 1000 Arlirgton, Texas 76011 gg KMLNRC 85-018 lb: Docket No. STN 50-482 L L-

_a Ref: KMLNBC 84-209, dated December 1,1984 -

Subj: Readiness of Wolf Creek for Fuel road

Dear Mr. Denise:

'Ibe referenced letter addressed the issues and retaining activities which were relevant to the NRC's issuance of the Wolf Creek Operating License.

'Ihe purpose of this letter is to respord to your verbal request to provide an update to the referenced letter.

A. NRC Inspection and Enforcement Issues

'Ihere is a total of 116 open violations, deviations, open issues, and unresolved issues that require resolution prior to licensing. In addition there are two I&E Bulletins and Circulars and ten 10CFR50.55(e) issues that need to be resolved. We are working with the NRC Resident and Task Force inspectors to close these matters. Our letter, KMIRRC 85-032, dated 1/14/85, provides the justification for resolving IE Bulletin 79-14 after fuel load.

I B. Preoperational Test Program A sumary status of the preoperational test program is as follows:

1. 'Ibtal number of tests 229
2. Tests complete, including reviews 184
3. Test emplete, reviews in progress 29
4. Tests in progress 7
5. Tests not started 7
6. Acceptance tests to be deferred 2 l

The last of these results packages is scheduled to be available for review on January 20, 1985.

8507160631 850116 2 PDR ADOCK 0500 O


)Q 201 N. Market - Wichita, Kansas - Mail Address: RO. Box 208 I %7chita, Kansas 67201 - Telephone: Area Code (316) 261-6451

< ea Mr. R.P. Denise Page 2 te major preoperational tests for which conplete results packages are not yet available for NRC review are:

1. TACA Sequencer Preop Test, SU3-NF02,
2. Shutdown Sequencer Preop Test, SU3-NF03,
3. Reactor Protection Logic Test, SU3-SB01, and
4. Engineered Safeguards Verification Test, SU3-SA03.

C. Open Items

%e Wolf Creek Open Items Tracking Systen and listing of open Work Requests have been prioritized to indicate those items that must be couplete by the time of fuel load. We schedule for closing the last of these items is January 21, 1985.

D. Issucs Requiring NRC Resolution

%e following letters have been sent to the NRC arri request approval of KG&E plans:

1. Request for Partial Exemption fran SLNRC 84-125,10/26/84 Provisions of GDC-IV-
2. FSAR Requirements for Structural SLNRC 84-128,12/03/84 Steel Welding
3. Testing of Pressurizer PORVs KMLNRC 84-213, 12/05/84
4. ETS Check Valve Testing SLNRC 84-130, 12/05/84
5. Testing of Reactor Coolant KMINRC 84-217, 12/07/84 System RfDs
6. Testing of Radiation tenitors KMLNRC 84-214, 12/12/84
7. Diesel Lube Oil Keep Warm Punps EMLNRC 84-228, 12/12/84
8. Initial Startup Test Program KMLNRC 84-235, 12/21/84 Reviews E. AWS Welding A final report on the AWS Dl.1 welding issue was issued by KMINRC 84-238, dated 12/31/84. Corrective action is scheduled to be canplete January 17, 1985.

F. Containnent Floor Coatings A final report on the containment floor coatings issue will be subnitted prior to Fuel Ioad. %e report will provide testin] results and KG&E's plans for resolution of the coatings issue.

G. Rahnson HVAC Units

%e information required in order for the NRC to be able to review the issues raised in IE Infocnation Notice 84-30 is scheduled to be available 1/16/85.

. . . s

..- Mr. R.P. Denise Page 3 H. Preoperational and Startup Test Program-Reviews In response to the Diforcement Conference held on December 4,1984, KG&E has provided comnitments relative to corrective action (MLNE 84-227, 12/11/84), an FSAR comnitment compliance study related to the preoperational test program (MLNE 84-240, dated 12/31/84), and an FSAR ccanitment compliance study related to the initial startup test program (MLNE 85-014, dated 1/10/85) .

I. Other Matters

1. Item H.6 of the referenced letter discussed site grading and temporary structures. Revision 7 to the Wolf Creek Security Plans (Ref. MIRRC 85-010, dated 1/11/85) indicated the temporary structures that will renain to support plant testing and other activities. A flood analysis will be performed and to confirm that the present site grading and tenporary structure arrangement will not cause flooding of safety related structures during the maximun probable rainfall.
2. Revision 15 to the Wolf Creek FSAR Site Addendun was subnitted by MLNE 85-013, dated 1/14/85. Revision 17 to the SNUPPS FSAR was subnitted by SLNRC 84-136, dated 12/28/84.

In consideration of the above matters aM analysis of the overall project schedule, it has been detecnined that the plant should be ready for the Operating License the week 'of January 21, 1985.-

Yours very truly, A4tl N' Glenn L. Koester Vice President - Nuclear GLK: dab xc: PO'Connor HBundy WGuldmnoM i

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