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Notice of Violation from Insp on 921026-30.Violation Noted: CR Staff Not Aware That Improperly Conducted Maint on CR Annunciator Sys Power Supplies Rendered Sys Inoperable for Approx 1 H
Person / Time
Site: Callaway Ameren icon.png
Issue date: 02/04/1993
From: Davis A
Shared Package
ML20128D545 List:
50-483-92-20, EA-92-215, NUDOCS 9302100198
Download: ML20128D665 (2)


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t NOTICE OF VIOLATION Union Electric Company Docket No. 50-483 Callaway County Nuclear Power Plant License No. APF-30 EA 92-215 During an NRC inspection conducted on October 26 -30, 1992, violations of NRC requirements were identified. In accordance with the " Genera 1 Statement of Policy and Procedure for NRC Enforcement Actions," 10 CFR Part 2, Appendix C, the violations are listed below:

A. Technical Specification requires the implementation of the procedures recommended in Appendix A to Regulatory Guide 1.33, Revisien 2, dated February 1978.

Section 1 of Appendix A to Regulatory Guide 1.33, Revision 2, recommends procedures for the authorities and responsibilities for safe operation and shutdown.

APA-ZZ-0010, Revision 11, " Conduct of Operations -

Operations", in part, implements Appendix A of Regulatory Guide 1.33 by specifying the authorities and responsibility of the control room staff for safe operation. Section specifies that the Control Roon Supervisor (CRS) has the responsibility to direct all-activities affecting the safe, legal, and efficient operation or the plant. Section specifies that the Unit Reactor Operator (URO) is responsible to the CRS for the safe, legal and efficient operation of the unit. Section specifies that the URO shall monitor the status of the unit at the main control board anytime there is fuel in the reactor vessel.

Contrary to the above, on October 17, 1992, the control room staff was not aware that improperly conducted maintenance on the control room annunciator system-power-supplies rendered the system _ inoperable for approximately one hour. After approximately one-half of the control room annunciators lit and the other one-half remained dark,.the CRS and URO failed to recognize that (1) the entire system had become inoperable and that (2) they had to rely solely on. safety-related assist in operating the plant.

B. Technical Specification requires that implementation of the procedures recommended in Appendix A to Regulatory Guide 1.33, Revision 2, dated February 1978.

Section 9.e of Appendix A'to Regulatory Guide 1.33, Revision 2, recommends general procedures for the control of maintenance.

APA-ZZ-00320 " Initiating and Processing Works Requests", in part, implements-Section 9.e of Appendix A to Regulatory Guide-1.33. Section of APA-ZZ-00320 requires a 9302100198 930204 PDR ADOCK 05000483 G. PDR

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Notice of Violation -2 -

documented rotest for plant equipment important to the safe and reliable operation of the plant if the equipment function and/or adequacy of repair is not apparent during the equipment's return to service.

Contrary to the above, on October 17, 1992, the licensee failed to perform a documented retest of the control room annunciator system, a system important to the safe and reliable operation of the plant, prior to returning the system to service following repair. The system function and adequacy of the repair were not apparent during the system's return to service.

Violations A and B are a Severity Level III-problem (Supplement I).

No response is required to this Notice. However, should Union Electric Company wish to respond, please submit that response in writing to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, ATTN: Document Control Desk, Washington, D.C. 20555 with a copy to the Regional Administrator, Region III, and a copy to the NRC Resident Inspector at Callaway, within 30 days of-the date of the letter transmitting this Notice.


A. Bert Davis Regional Administrator Dated at Glen Ellyn, Illinois this 4th day of February, 1993 L