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Forwards Addl Info Re Flammability of Suspended Ceiling Tile in Control Rooms & Replacement Panels to Be Used at Browns Ferry.Interim Rept on Hartsville & Phipps Bend Sent 810114. Info Constitutes Final Response to
Person / Time
Site: Browns Ferry, Hartsville, Phipps Bend  Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 05/22/1981
From: Mills L
To: Tedesco R
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NUDOCS 8105270236
Download: ML20126L016 (9)


{{#Wiki_filter:, . _ , .. . - - - ~

     'e TENNESSEE VALLEY AUTHORITY CH ATTANOOGA. TENNESSEE 37401 400 Chestnut Street Tower II                                 '
                                                                                                              -Q May 22, 1981                     s     y     ,

YS. tEi MAY 2 61981m T9 Director of Nuclear Reactor Regulation -t . Attention: Mr. R. L. Tedesco, Assistant Director of Licensing Dy"y,7 7,f O Division of Licensing U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission N Y Washington, DC 20555

Dear Mr. Tedesco:

In the Matter of the ) Docket Ncs. 50-259 Tennessee Valley Authority ) 50-260 50-296 STN 50-518 STN 50-519 STN 50-5?0 STN 50-521 STN 50-553 STN 50/>54 In your letter to H. G. Parris dated November 11, 1980, TVA was requested to provide information regarding the flammability of suspended ceiling tile in the control rooms at TVA nuclear plants. Interim reports- for our Browns Ferry Nuclear were submitted on January 14, and February 20, 1981. As a result of our evaluations for the Sequoyah Nuclear Plant we have decided to replace the existing panels at our Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant. Enclosure 1 provides specific information on the replacement panels, which are the same panels recently approved by the NRC for use at our Sequoyah Nuclear Plant. Upon receipt of the material, installation of the ceiling lighting panels will begin in the control room except in the area directly overhead of the control panels. The remaining tiles will be replaced during the next scheduled outages identified below, or during a forced outage of sufficient during to complete installation: Unit 1 - May 1983 Unit 2 - July 1982 Unit 3 - January 1982 I ( 81952702 86 A, Equal Oppu turuly L inployer

                      . ~ _      _ _      -                    -              -     . .

8 Mr. R. L._Tedesco May 22, 1981 For our Hartsville and Phipps Bend Nuclear Plants an interim report was -submitted . on January 14, 1981. The suspended ceiling in the

    . main control room at Hartsville and Phipps Bend is an integrated ceiling system composed of acoustical panels and recessed lighting fixtures with tempered glass _ lens. . All components utilized in the ceiling system meet Class A requirements for materials with regard to flame spread, smoke developed, and fuel contributed of less than
     - 25 in accordance with ASTM E84, NFPA 255, and UL 723 We understand that the above information for our Hartsville and Phipps Bend Nuclear Plants, as our stated planned actions for our Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant, is fully adequate and therefore this constitutes our final response to the November 4, 1980' letter.


                                                 . M. Mi11s Manager Nuclear Re lation and Safety
                                       . fore
     .Subscri[bedandswornto me this                day of     , 424-     1981.

e anhA . Notary Publio MAR

   .'My Commission Expires Enclosure l

l O 4


                                                                  ' REPLACEMENT CEILING MATERIAL' The proposed replacement l lighting panels for the Browns Ferry
                                    . Nuclear-Plant control- room. consist of an aluminum parabolic louver L(grid) topped by a vinyl dust cover. These will be sandwiched together and secured to the existing skeletal grid system. The                                                                    t total weight of the replacement panels is approximately one pound
                                    .per square foot.

The support grid would be Paralume 1 aluminum parabolic louver with semispecular. finish, Norton'NLB-D-3 (see attached information.on > proposed supplier.- Norton Industries, Inc.) with .015-inch thick bigh impact vinyl dust cover No. NV24-D, high transparency with NEDE. Class "A" rating for interior finish material. - See.the. attached UL card and test report'for. additional flammability information Type B15 material. r . . _ . , , = . , = , . . , - , , . ~ , . - - - .4,...,,-.,-..-.,...,_._..- _ . . . . , , ~ . ~ . . - . . . - . - - , ,,,,_,,.-_.-,,,..~,._,..L-.-.-,.. .

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A t.r. l .! c n 1 10.1 t!c . ,' "5580 Janua ry h , 1<E . REPORT cn

                                                       . FIRE li A2.l.RD 'C1..TSSIFIC.iTION OF PLASTIC Piolite Ilhaninat ed Ceiling Div.

Pioneer Plantics Corp. E.a lem , V.a c:5

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M.'l  :' iO. .D..E .S_ .C._I.l. 1_ .P. . T. .T .C_ .!_! l'iT2RI AL POVERED BY T:CJ RF. PORT:

          ,                                          Types C cnd D p1nctic panclu. Pipe C is a single sheet panol; Type D is formed of tuo ningle arcet panels                                                                                                          -

nceted toCether to for; a Jc.w } c' chee t pa r.el assembly. USE: - The material jo in te nd : >i l'ot' rue as a buildinc, mate:'ial as perm't.t.ed iy author;.ttes ia /inc. .lu risdi :tign . e TSf? .Q. is cL B-15 .sRGLD s ffEST D y A 8-13 pooBLE SHE'ET WJ[G N% j W . I, 2 0 1981 1 { f. L C N A b ,, g .

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Ja 1

                                                          ~ Guide No.'40'UB.16.13.                ' ' July 31,1967                                                                            '

Molded Plastic. .

  • R3818A.

Piolite Plastics Co.i Gloucester, Mass. 01930 Stolded pla. tic in the form of flat and corrugated sheets (Types BT. NT) and formed translucens paneas.tTypes ans 1$20. G43. N20. Sao . Type B7* Typ, NT* ue contr ted Hot determinable Smoke developed 125 Not dete inn ble 146 DrFFosVTrpe ass _ ,,,e oz. O e Sheet

  • e et
  • e conte uted ot determinab.

Smoke devetot ed g.q [ "$ ! .200 he determina Ie 180 300-400 TypeNto Type $30 Type G4s Flame spread 15-65 s6 65 . 60 N*o'd d$E"d ' Yo'E4N"** fin *v'e7N* " * *


This card replaces R3818A dated Nov. 9.1966. g* This card is issued by Underwriters' Laboratories. (Continued on D cardJ Inc. 6 N. Cd A. D hR hl Y L. ht/ 5 T h y s,Q, , PARALUP4E i NLB-D  %" ALUMINUM PARABOLIC k$[

                                           ;j sf---(j
                                                                            /g     It     ;                      ALUMINUM PARABOLIC LOUVER DESIGN,


                                                                          .,, p, aj                              C O M FO R TA B LE, E F.

g- f~~"'\' LO W- B R I G H TN E S S. F ' i/ FICIENT PARABOLIC LOUVER. FINISHED IN 3-. MHM ~\ v .'l--4/ FF"l f ~~~ 1 .l}l LOW-BRIGHTNESS GEMI. SPECULAR SlLVER, OR HANDSOME BAKED ENAMEL BRONZE, p - if -/ % % % [ (( 1-. GOLD, BLACK, SATIN ALUMINUM. WHITE OR twm,.l= m rp=R,FcM// . TO YOUR SPECIFICATIONS. p n:l:- :g @ + q u / w / PtRiM/HPT/M/  %^uk^AM iis " * " ""'5" yyyyyy _A y 2,V 4, seui.sgecutAn

                                                                                                                 .N.LB: D-3 satven          -
                                                                                                                                    >g a >r , .c


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f h5 P.'qlS ' d YA:gg- , January 4,1957 Ty .

   ".,.,m.. .. . , . .F                            E --------
                                                   -     X A M I N A.T I O N ' A                                    N D TEST                                   REC 0RD
                                                                                                          -I f,,d
        ,                         EX/.l1INATION OF MATERIAL:

under the observation of a, staff member of Underwriters 8The Inberatories, Inc. FIRE HAZARD CLASSIFICATION TESTS: 1GTHOD Equipment 'and method were as described in Underwriters ' Lacoratories, Inc. 's Standard Test Method for Fire Ha::ard Classi- l fication . of Building !".aterials ( ASTM E84-50T, UFPA No. 255) except for the following: The panels uer2 The fernace top was inverted and the penela p2 aced in positiontrimmed to 20 to form a sample 20 in, wide, 25 ft long. 2 in, hex poultry netting was stretched tightly over the sample and held firmly at the edges position onofthe thefurnace, angle.. The top was inverted and placed in ' the netting. the sample being held in position by RESULTS [k Data on flame spread, fuel contributed and smoke ' "" 1. developed appears in the- follouing tabulations:

P Flame Spread .

The ma::inum distance ti:e flame sp: cads along the r, ler.gtn of the determined bysample observation. from the end of the $gniting flame in 3u- , The fl,aine spread factor ~ is' de?ive'd . t.d ty e:: pressing t'Te Clame spread for this .r.c toiial as a percentage of the flame spread for untreated red oak, as follows: Tont Ma xinun Flare Factor for l Sdret.h i'.n ) r.a i rica tion ,

   '                          UntceatoJ red o th                                                                 l's-l /:                                                                        '

1/2G Astertos cement. to.7rd O 1 (T"pe C) ' ' ; . O  !'.

                                     . In ne :            -                                                                                                       i..'      .              !


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                                                                           , ,;.va .              .                                                                 ..                                                   . ;;p s, Y -                                                        ** *
                             .gy           R3818                             jy                                       ' -
      .g -a:.??

January 4,1957 ' y

  • fMy Contribution'of Fue1
s. .

i [ -The relative amount of fuel contributed could not be f. The thermocouples had to be located out of their stand with those - obtained for red oak. position .and the. recorded ' temp Smoke Developed the output furnace of a photoelectric circuit operating across theThe flue pipe. of light absorption (decrease in cell outputA curve is developed by plottin against time. The smohe developed derived by expr)essing the net area under the curve for this material as a. percentage of the

                                         . net area under the curve for untreated red oak, as follows:


                                                      -Test                                                Net Area Under                                                                     Factor for Curve Classification Untreated red oak                                                                      1630 Asbestos cement board                                                                                                                                            100
         ;~                                    1     Type C                                                                         0                                 .

0 2 Type C

                                                                           .                                                    3240                                                                  198.6 ;

3200 [;14 3 Type D 5470 196.3 - E T'3 4 Type D 335.5 E' " v . 3730 228.5 ANALYSIS OF GASEOUS PRODUCTS OF COIh3USTION: - Tests were not considered necessary on this product

        " ~ " *
  • because of similarity to previously. investigated products. y 1- "
+ :A-                     '                                   ..
                                                                                                                     . . . .                   ...          . . . . - v. . - -                  +J              ' N M IV^;>," '"
                                       'EFFECT ON THE OPERATION OF AUTOMATIC SPRIJiKLERS:

previously' No investigated tests were ' conducted products. because of similarity to ESSEhSEISSE . FIRE HAZARD CLASSIFICATION: The followint; Fire Hazard Classification is established for this material in comparison with untreated red oak as 100: - t F 'W S 9

     ' my:z:W'"

BMI R3318 3' 3, y* . ,4-

                                                                                                                                                             January 4, 1957 p    -

Type C.

                                                                                                                                                                                              ' Type D/'
      -I                    ,

Flame spread 15 30 [ Fuel contributed Not detemitied Smoke developed Not determined

                                                                                                              ,                                       101-200                                 Ov'er 200 s
                                                                                                                                                                                        ./              .

T0XICITY OF GASEOUS PRODUCTS OF C0!GUSTION: - Analysis of ' gaseous products evolved during combustion - ' cf products of similar composition indicates that the tor.ic

            '                           ' hazard would be no greater than that presented by the gburin                                                                                                                              '

i of untreated lumber under similar conditions. Under firo conditions, the life hazard will depend upon the quantities of material involved and upon the degree of confinement, if any, t of the fumes. EFFECT ON OPERATION OF AUTOMATIC SPRINKLERS: . 1,  !

       "d     m\                                          A suspended ceiling of Type C (single sheet)~or                                                                                                        of.,.....

T;pe D (double sheet nested assembly) panels having no dimension - lees than 23-5/8 in. may, under the folloains conditions, be

                                   . installed under automatic sprinklers without materially affecting,                                                                                                   .                .
t. heir; operation or2 distribution. 10 such"..

7, : ww:ce;s'd occupindics an =L> ar:aXdb;iWN f ea ey. tent as determined by authorities having Jurisdiction: The panels are to be hupported by but not fastened to metal ' T" members not exceeding 1/2 in, width per edge of plastic. One , hold-down mcaber not more than 5/16 in.' v'de by '4 in . long , a t least 1/16 in, clearance to t he panel riange may 2 be used at each of two opposite edges of each panel. L 1 SUPERVISION OP' PRODUCT BY U!'L. RURITER.? 4.,, Tne prodo.:t covered e; thle Mport uill be place) . v:'.r. : b the 172 bc 1 . .e rvi ce o f Unde r',c. i . " en ' ' e i;'.* ra *. .ac. .  :. ic: , 80 9 e 0

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January 4~, 19,97 o the p tr

                                                        ,                                                  ut                il              be e                     dene                              Iaboratories, Inc. attached                                                                                                     -

- uced under the Factory Ins td t such product has been pro 'i Such label Will bear the Fi Hazar la si i a gfve ~ Tests by: . i.e

  • R. D. Barton Report by;"

R. 0alman. ' A. - Hildebrants (Signed) , R. D. BARTON RDB:CFM Executive Engineer h e b

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