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Forwards Request for Addl Info Re SER Issue 1.6.10 Re Fire Protection.Util Must Provide List of All Equipment,Including Instrumentation & Vital Support Sys Equipment,Required to Achieve & Maintain Hot &/Or Cold Shutdown
Person / Time
Site: Summer South Carolina Electric & Gas Company icon.png
Issue date: 03/27/1981
From: Tedesco R
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Nichols T
NUDOCS 8104130613
Download: ML20126H462 (8)


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MAR 2 7 iS81 DISTRIBUTION Docket File L6 #2 FILE Docket No. 50-395 NRC PDR Local PDR D. Eisenhut Mr. T. C. Nichols, Jr. R. Purple Vice President and Group Executive R. Tedesco Nuclear Operations A. Schwencer South Carolina Electric and Gas Company M. Service '-

P.O. Box 764 IE (3) i Columbia, South Carolina 29218 bec: ACRS (16) $TERAnt

Dear Mr. Nichols:



REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION - VIRGIL C. SUMMER NUCLEAR STATION In order to complete our review of outstanding issue 1.6.10, as identi-fied in Section 1.6 of the SER, we require the information contained in '

the enclosed request. In this regard we have scheduled a meeting for April 9-10,1981 at our offices in Bethesda, Maryland to discuss your response.

If you require an clarification of this matter, please contact the staff's assigned project manager.

Sincerely, Original signed by Rabert I. Tedesco Robert L. Tedesco Assistant Director '

for Licensing Division of Licensing


N <d Request for Additional &

Information g C) cc w/ enclosure- '

4A See next page  : 4,, gOS -

e- 4 1 l

DL,; DL: Adit:

DL:LB# -z W$ n eb' A.Schwencer R.Tedesco


3/Ji/81 3 7 81 3/ /81 810.4130(, g 1

M AR 2 71981 Mr. T. C. Nichols, Jr.

Vice President ?, Group Executive Nuclear Operations South Carolina Electric & Gas Company P. O. Box 764 Columbia, South Carolina 29218 cc: Mr. William A. Williams, Jr.

Vice President South Carolina Public Service Authority 223 North Live Oak Drive Moncks Corner, South Carolina 29461 J. B. Knotts , Jr. , Esq.

Debevoise & Liberman 120017th Street, N. W.

Washington, D. C. 20036 Mr. Mark B. Whitaker, Jr. -

Group Manager - Nuclear Engineering & Licensing South Carolina Electric & Gas Company P. O. Box 764 Columbia, South Carolina 29218 Mr. Brett Allen Bursey .

Route 1, Box 93C Little Mountain, South Carolina 29076 Resident Inspector /Surm ?r NPS c/o U. S. NRC Route 1, Box 64 Jenkinsville, South Carolina 29065 0

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POWER SYSTEMS SRANCH In accordance with section 9.5.1, Branch Technical- Fosit' ion .

ASB 9 5-1

, p: t i t vs n 1

C.4.a.(1)'of NRC Standard Review Plan and section III.G of new A;perdix .

10 CFR Part 50, it is the staff's position that cabling for reduncant safe -

shutdown systems should be separated by wal'ls having a three-hour fire or equivalent protection (see section I!!.G.2 ef Appendix R).

That is, cabling required for or associa ted with the primary method of shutdonn, should be physically separated by the equivalent o f a three-hour' rated fire barrice from cabling required for.or associated with the redundant.or alternate method of shutdown.

To assure that redundant shutdown cable systems and all other cable pf*'y systems that are associated with the shutdown cable systems :are separa:cd from g

v each other so that both are not subject to damage from a single fire hazarc, we require the following information for each system needed to bring the plant to a sa fe shutdown.


Provide a table that lists all- equipment including instrumentation .

ital and support system equipment required to achieve and maintain hot and/;r cold shutdown. For each equipment listed:

I a.

Differentiate between equipment required to achieve and maintain hot shutdown and equipment required to achieve and maintcin caid shutdow' b.

Define each equipment's location by fire area, '


Define each equipment's redundant counterpart.

i I

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. e

-2 r


Identifj cach equipment's essential cabling (instru.4r.;,;,.i.,

control, and poner).

For each cable identified: (1) Cescrite the ca bl e routing (by fire area) from source to termination, and (2) Identify each fire area location where the cables are separat.d by less than a wall having a thre:-hour fire rating frott, cables for any redundant shutdown sys tem, and e.

List any problem areas identif f ed by item 1.d.(2) a%ve that will .

be corrected in accordance with Section ll1.G.3 of Appendix R (i.e., alternate or dedicated shutdown capability),




Provide a table thas lists Class 1E and !;cn-Class 1E cables that ere associated with the essential sa fe shutdown systems identified in item 1 a bo ve .

For each cable listed:


Define the cables' association to the safe shutdown system (cc=on power source, common raceway, separation less than Regulatory Guide 1.75 guidelines, cables for equipment whose spurious operation will adversely a f fect shutdonn systems, etc. ),


Cescribe each associated cable routing (by fire area) frc.n source to termination, and c.

Identify each location.where the associated cables are separ.Nd by less than a wall having a three-hour fire rating from cables I required for or associated with any redundant shutdan


e 3.

Provide one of the following for. each of the 'circuiti idcntifi. t ' - i' o 2.c above:: .

n .

I (a) The results .of an analysis .that' demonstrates that fa ilure' cauted

-by open, ground, or hot short;oficables will not affect it's: "

associated shutdcwn system,

( a t E e

(b) Identify each circuit requiring a. solution in 'accordance with "

section Ill.G 3 o f Appendix R, or .

,(c ) Identify each circuit meeting the requirements of section III.G.2 ps ,

of Appendix R (i.e. , three-hour wall, 20 feet' of clear sp' ace. aith


automatic ' fire suppression, or one-hour barrier with auto:r.atic j fire suppression). '


4. To assure ' compliance with GDC 19, ,we require the following informa tion be provided for the control room. If credit is to be 'taken for an alternate '

or dedicated shutdown method for other fire areas (as identified by item 1.e or 3.b above) in accordance with section III.G'.3 of new Appendix R to 10 CFR Part 50, the following information will also be required for each of these plant areas.


A table that lists all equipment' including instrumentation and vital i support system equipment that are required by the primarj methsd of '

achieving and maintaining hot and/or cold shutdown.

O) s .

1 1

. 6

\ .a-b.

A table that lists all equipment t'ncluding instrumentation and vit .I .

support system eqJipment that are required by the altrrnate, dedice'M ,

or remote method of achieving and maintaining hot and/or cold s.%tc en . .


Identify each alternate shutdonn equipment listed in item 4.b absve with essential cables (instrumentation, control, and paeer) that are located in the fire area containirig the primary shutdoan equipment .

Ur each e;Jipment listed brovide one of the followinc:

(l ' Detailed electrical schematic crawings that show t% essential cables that are duplicated elseahere and are elect-ically isolated from 'the subject fire areas, or


(2) The results of an analysis that deconstrates that failure (open, ground,, or. hot short) of each cable identified anill not affect the capability to achieve and raintain hat or cold shutdown, d.

Provide a table that lists Class lE and fior.-Class IE cabies that are associated with the alternate, dedicated,or remote method o f thutawn.

For each item listed, identify each associated cable located in t'.e fire area containing the primary shutdown equ.ipment. For each cabic 0 identifi"0 provide the results, o f an analysis that demonstrates that fc Gre (op n, ground, or hot short) of the associated cable 'aill not adversely a ffe' t the alterna t e, dedica ted.or remote method o f shutdown.

I 4

. 5 5.

The residual heat removal systed. is generally a low pressure system t .a t interfaces with the high pressure primary coolant system. To preclun a LOCA through this interface, we require compliance with the rec;=cta-  !

tions of Branch Technical Position P.5B 5-1. Thus, this intcrface ::st li; consists of two redundant and inde;enden; motor operatad vel ces with ..ver. .

interlocks in accordance with Branch Technical Position IC55 3.

These two motor operated valves and their associated cable mav Le subje. to a single fire hazard.

It is o'ur concern that this single fire could cause the two valves to open resulting in a fire-initiated LOCA througn the subject high-low pressure system interface.

To assure t: a t thi: interface h( and other high-low pressure interfaces are ac'equately pr:Ae:ted fr;: the offects of a fire, we recaire the foliowing infort ticn:>


Identify each high-low pressure interface that uses redundant electrically controlled devices (such as two series notar op; rated valves) to isolate or preclude rupture of any primary coolar.t boundary.


Identify each device's essential cabling (power and contral) and describe the cable routing (by fire area) from source to termination.


Identify each location Qere the identified cables are se Tratcc

\ by.less than a wall having a three-hour fire rating from cables for the redundant dev ice.

. g.


For the areat identified in item 5.c ateve (if 3r)u J l sr.

r J * .

bases and justification as to the acceptability of the exit *,,..,

design er any proposed r.odificaticn:.



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