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Confirms Util Participation in NRC Regulatory Impact Survey on 890913 at Plant Site,Per 890808 Telcon.Agenda Encl
Person / Time
Site: Summer South Carolina Electric & Gas Company icon.png
Issue date: 08/11/1989
From: Ebneter S
To: Bradham O
NUDOCS 8908290254
Download: ML20246E668 (3)


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August 11, 1989 1

' South. Carolina Electric & Gas Company 1

ATTN: Mr.~0.-:S..Bradh.m ]

Vice President, Nuclear Operations ]

Virgil C.~ -

Summer Nuclear Station.

P. O. Box 88- '

Jenkinsv111e, SC 29065

' Gent'emen:l

~ This letter confirms our : conversation of- August 8, l1989, in which you agreed -

'that.your or would participate in the Nuclear Regulatory Commission'sNRC) (ganization Regulatory Impact Survey . on September _13, 1989. We

appreciate your cooperation lin this effort. Information regarding this survey is provided below.


The ~NRC has received feedback from nuclear utilities and nuclear utility organizations. that NRC generic and site. specific activities may be moving in a . direction .such that the desired safety effects may not -be realized. As a result of this feedback, the NRC plans to? conduct a survey of_ licensee staff.

members representing 'several organizational ' elements and levels at several-utilities'throughcut the nation. The teedback from' licensee' staff members will be evaluated -to
determine what changes, if any, should' be made to the NRC's.

regulatory approach .to enhancing the - safe operation of nuclear power plants.

The survey will. be conducted' during September Grough November.1989 by a , team of approximately five senior NRC managers from the. Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, Office for - Analysis and Evaluation' of Operational Data and the Regional Offices. Mr. A. Bert Davis, Region III Administrator, will lead the overall effort.

. The' meeting .with your organization will be held- at the V. C. Summer Nuclear Power Station, Jenkinsville. South Carolina. The schedule and general

' discussion groups are shown in the enclosure. We desire that members of your-organi;:ation discuss, without reservation or limitations, their views on. NRC generic and site specific activities and how NRC activities may be affected by

- the activities of other organizations such as INP0, states, and insurance companies. Problems 'and issues identified will not be directly associsted with the individuals or with your company.

'.Please provide the name and phone number of an individual within your organization that we can contact in case of questions concerning meeting logistics. This information should be provided by telephone to Cindy Pederson, Region III, at (312)790-5540 by August 18, 1989.

l 8908290254 890811 PDR- ADOCK 05000395 i

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L j- South Carolina Electric and Gas 2 August 11, 1989-Company-r Again, we appreciate your willingness-to cooperate in this important initiative.

We will gladly discuss any questions you have concerning this survey.

Sincerely, Original Signed by Stewart D. Ebneter Stewart D. Ebneter Regional Administrator


NRC Regulatory Impact Survey cc w/ enc 1:

J. L. Skolds,_ General' Manager Nuclur Plant Operations A. R. Koon, Jr., Manager Nuclear Licensing J. B. Knotts, Jr.

Bishop, Cook, Perce11 & Reynolds W. A. Williams, Jr., Technical Assistant, Nuclear Operations -

Santee Cooper R. E. Rainear, Executive Vice President, South Carolina Public Service Authority State of South Carolina bec w/ enc 1:

NRC Resident Inspector J. J. Hayes, Project Manager, NRR A. Bert Davis, RA, Region III Document Control Desk RII- RII


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-8:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Senior Reactor Operators, Reactor Operators, Shift ,

Technica'l Advisors, Shift  !

Foreman, and Operational Supervisors 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Plant QA Engineers, Maintenance Engineers, Nuclear Engineers, Electrical Engineers, and Health Physicist 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Lunch 12:30 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. Corporate Licensing Engineer, Corporate QA Manager, Manager of Planning and Scheduling, Project Engineer, and Corporate Training Officer 2:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. Managers of Operations, Construction, Engineering, Maintenance, Design, Radiation Protection, Security I and Er:eegency Preparedness 3:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Executive Vice President, Senior Vice President, '

and other corporate personnel

  • The organizational titles listed are general in nature and may not be used at your facility. Please alter, as necessary.

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