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Maint Procedure for Job Ticket
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 09/24/1984
Shared Package
ML20126B295 List: ... further results
FOIA-84-897 PROC-840924, NUDOCS 8506140125
Download: ML20126B520 (21)



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,y Maintenance Procedure for Job Ticket TMI Nuclear Station Unit 1 This fom outlines the femat and acts as a guide for a maintenance procedure.

Due to the limited size of the form, additional pages may be attached as required. AP 1001D Enclosure 5 Work Request procedure should be used as a 4

l guide in preparing the maintenance procedure.


Punose Job Ticket CE843 Procedure to re-roll Westinghouse tube plugs and perform pull testing on RC-H-1A/B as directed by Plant Engineering.


Description or system or component to De worxec on Once Through Steam Generator RC-E-1A/B 3.

References See attached.


special iools, Materials ana/or Qualirications Requirea See attached.


Limits anc Precautions See attached.

Manager - Plant Maintenance TMI-1 kk hM-Approv i


D~ ate Safety Review (PRG) 4 9/ M App roval Date



- Operation and Maintenance Director 2

Approv Date l'

Quality Control C)FM%A 9/93/PV i

Appr6 val Date 8506140125 850125 Fr -


DETJEN84-897 PDR p?.,..






3.1 AP 1002 3.2 AP 102'O 9

3.3 AP'1030 3.4 Radiation Protection Plan'


3.5 ' Met-Ed Safety Manual 3.6' SP-1101-22-019 - Westinghouse OTSG Rolled Plug Pull Testing Technical Specification.

3.7 SE 123094-002 - Westinghouse OTSG Rolled Plug Testing Safety Evaluation 3.8 SAE-SGSE-FP-68 (84) - Westinghouse Roll Plug Pull Test Procedure [/)fgchd 3.9 SP-1101-12-039 - Acceptance Criteria for OTSG Repair Tools and Materials 3.10 GPUNC Operational Quality Assurance Plan 3.11 FIS-FP-1460 (84) - Westinghouse Re-Roll of TMI-l Roll Plugs -

- Hands-On Procedure [A//4c/Ed)

B.Elam me m b M c sort, dsTed Sepr. sa, t @4. l f,p 3.12 Subp cr: ors & Roued Pluc, Repna Paocom(AttachEk REVISED 9-a3-81 9 W@

4.0 SPECIAL TOOLS; MATERIALS AND/OR QUALIFICATIONS FIQUIRED 4.1 Appropriate Hancitools and Consumable Items.

4.2 Westinghouse Pull Test Equipment if required (provided by Westinghouse) 4.3 OTSG Lights and Communications Equipment 4.4 UTSG Ventilation Systems 4.5 OTSG Cold Leg Covers 4.'6' OTSG Cameras and Monitoring Equipment 4.7 Tube and Plug Markers 4.8 Expandable Plugs for Sealing Leaking Tubes 4.9 Westinghouse Plug Rolling Equipment (provided by Westinghouse) h 1.0

i o

o 5.0 LIMIT.i AND PRECAUTIONS 5.1 The primary side of _ both OTSG's shall be drained and the upper and lower manway covers removed to provide access as required during testing.

5.2 The secondary side of both OTSG's shall be maintained in full wet layup for the duration of testing, or in a partial wet layup with

  • the level at approximately 400 inches with nitrogen overpressure upon approval of Plant Engineering Director.
5. 3 All testing operations shall proceed within the re'straints imposed by AP 1030, 5.4 Cleanliness during and af ter testing shall be maintained per the requiremen ts of SP-1101-12-039.

5.5 Westinghouse tools and equipment shall be received, inspected, and accepted for use under the requirements of SP-1101-12-039.

5.6 Copies of all applicable procedures are to be available, of current date and revisions, and verified as conforming to applicable specifications prior to operations.

5.7.All ALARA and RWP requirements shall be met.

5.8 All instruments and gauges used in the testing shall be calibrated and have calibration documentation traceable to NBS standards.

5.9 A ventilation system (air moving equipment) shall be attached as a suction device to the upper heads of the OTSG's.

5.10 Prior to entry into the OTSG heads, ensure the Safety and Health Department obtains air and explosive gas samples and certifies the heads are safe for entry.

5.11 Ensure ample tube plug markers are obtained to facilitate plug / tube identification.




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5.12 Ensure an air' supply (85 psig miriinum G 40' SCni) is available at each OTSG tent.

. 5.13 Ensure 120 V, 60' Hz power is available at each OTSG tent.

5.14 Ensure a communications system (headsets) are available for use while performing OTSG tests.

5.15 Ensure CISG cold. leg covers are installed while working in the lower heads.

5.16 Ensure all equipment is checked and prepared in accordance~with Westinghouse procedure FTS-FP-1460 (84).


5.17 Ensure al1 personnel associated with the OTSG plus rerolling and pull-testing are trained in accordance with Westinghouse procedures SAE-SGSE-FP-68 (84). and FIS-FP-1460 (84).

5.18 Plant Engineering will provida plug tracking sheet detailing plugs re-rolled and tested.

5.19 Westinghouse has provided two' ENERPAC hydraulic jacks for use at TMI-1.

The ENERPAC jack painted purple is to be used during plug tes ting. This jack has an internal relief set at 900 lbs. equivalent pulling force. This internal relief prevents an e.yegssive pulling force from being placed on the plugs.

5.20 Asen using the pv ple Enerpac pump, do not exceed 875 lbs. indicated force.

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5.21 Presently, several tubes in the A OTSG lower head and B OTSG lower head are identified by B&W type markers.

These identified tubes are those from which "W" plugs were ejected.

The location of these markers is to be noted, but these markers are not to be disturbed or removed from the head.

5.22 Exhaust air from the "W" tooling is to be vented outside the tent and away from the OTSG head.

5.23 QCshall ensure that the training requirements specified in Sect.5.17 have been satisfied and documented on the appropriate training forms.

These completed forms shall be made a part of the Job Ticket package.

5.24 Westinghouse pull test tooling is to be inspected daily for indica-tions of lubricant leakage.

Any leakage is to be evaluated by the Shif t Engineer or Westinghouse personell.

5.25 Prior to starting work in each OTSG h* ad, applicable MNCRs will be e

satisfactorily dispositioned.



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, S~quenen ef Op rition:

Th3 contcxt of thic proccdura c2 cum:s on2 tuba / plug is worked at a time.

Small clusters or groupings of tubes may be worked in any sequence as directed by Shift Engineer 6.0 PROCEDURE provided tube / plug identity is maintained.

6.1 Operational Check of Equipment 6.1.1 Perform an operational check of the Westinghouse Plug Pull Test equipment in accordance with SAE-SGSE-FP-68 (84), Step 8.1.

CAUTION: A new mandrel will be installed in the roll plug pull-test tool prior to shipment of the equipment to the job site.

The tool mandrel can then be used for 200 cycles of applied load. A new serialized mandrel will be*

used prior to start of work in each OTSG. Used mandrels are to be identified and placed in Hot Machine Shop.

l 6.2 Setup Equipment.

6.2.1 Setup Westinghouse roll plug-pull test equipment in accordance with SAE-SGSE-FP-68 (84), S tep 8.2.

6.3 Calibration and Frequency of Calibration (If Required) 6.3.1 Calibrate Westinghouse Plug Pull Test equipment in accordance with SAE-SGSE-FP-68 (84), step 8.3.

This step also governs the frequency of calibration.

Utility QC to verify calibration.

6.4 ' Plug Stickout Gauging 6.4.1 CHW identifies plug to be worked.

A B&W type marker may be used to maintain plug identity.

5.0 h.-

a 6.4.2 CHW visually examines plug.

If plug stickout is questionable,

(=3/8" stickout), gauge plug using stickout gauge.

6.4.3 If stickout is ' 3/8", identify plug to Control Station, mark the plug, and proceed to next plug.

6.4.4 Record all plug stickout inspections on Data Sheet 1.

6.5 Plug End Wire Brushing NOTE:

Maintain cleanliness ~by vacuuming head interiors periodically to minimize the spread of contaminants from the plug end.

6.5.1 Set up equipment and wire brush plug end using Chicago pneu-matic Model CP-9288 brush drive in accordance with FTS-FP-1460 (84).

Ensure that each plug end is brushed for 15 to 20 seconds.

The stainless steel wire brush will be replaced after a maximum of 5 plug ends have been brushed.

Use Data Sheet #2 to track brush usage.

Used brushes will be discarded.

6.5.2 If water is known of (as indicated by water being ejected by the brushing) or suspected in the plug, remove the wire brush and vigorously swab the plug.

Remove the swab.

Identify the plug with a hairpin marker.

Allow the plug to dry for several __


This is to be noted on the comments section of the Data Sheet.

f 6

6.0 fri s>

6.6 Reroll Plugs NOTE:

Re-rolling of tube plugs (plugs that failed pull test and plugs that passed pull test) may be re-rolled in any sequence as directed by the Shif t Engineer provided l

plug identity is maintained and applicable data sheet is filled out.

6.6.1 Set up plug rolling equipment in FTS-FP-146 (84).

6.6.2 Ensure torque gun has been calibrated in accordance with FTS-FP-1460 (84).

Th.e torque guns shall be calibrated to 90 + 5 in-lbs at the beginning and end of shift and after every hour of operation.

QC to verify on Data Sheet #3.

Shif t Engineer to note this in comments section on Data Sheet 1.

6.6.3 Verify (2) plug expanders, exhibit current acceptance stickers.

Roller height; 1.612 +.020 inch.

QC to verify on Data Sheet #4.

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6.6.4 Utility QC is to verify serial number and color code to allow tracking of expander use.

Shif t Engineer shall notify platform supervisor when reverification of roll expanders are required.

Expander acceptance verification is required after every 25' plugs rolled.

Expander to be discarded after a maximum 50 operations.

  • NOTE:

Westinghouse QA at their own discretion, shall inspect the plug expanders for wear due to boric acid crystals.

l 6.6.5 Worker enters the head and is handed a torque gun, (2) Airetool plug expanders 1 black, 1 silver.

An expander coolant box con-taining Isopropyl alcohol for plug expander cooling shall be available.

Do not over fill coolant box so that expander thrust bearings contact alcohol.

Insure the torque gun exhaust hose is routed outside the tent and away from the steam generator.

6.6.6 Platform supervisor directs the worker (s) to the appropriate area of the tubesheet and indicates the premarked (previously wire brushed) plug ends are to be rerolled.

6.6.7 Move gun air supply slide valve to "off" position.

6.6.8 Manually raise the expander collar to uppermost position to insure rolls are at their smallest diameter.

Insert the expander into the plug open end until the thrust collar, touches the plug end.

Gently push in on the torque gun body whil'e holding the expander thrust collar to advance the expander mandrel and insure roller / plug contact.

8.0 h2M' siv

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Keep the plug expander perpendicular to the tubesheet.

Do not place a side load or bend on the plug expander.

6.6.9 Move torque gun air supply slide valve to "on" position and depress the handle of gun to the forward position.

The combined rotary and self-feeding lateral motion will cause the mandrel to be driven forward, forcing the roller outward.

Continue operation until the torque gun " stalls" (approximately 3 seconds). Withdraw the expander / gun assembly by pulling back on the gun handle which will allow retraction of the rolls.


If the torque gun does not " stall" in approximately 12 seconds, stop the torque gun and notify the l

Platform Supervisor. The worker is to exit the Channel Head with the torque gun.

The following items will then be. checked; a.)

Check roller and cage assembly for wear.

l b.)

Check torque output.of gun.

l c.)

Determine if operator error has occurred.


Operationally check gun outside head in test block. :

Identify the plug.

Forward the results of this investigation for Plant Engineering to establish a course of action for the plug.

6.6.10 Proceed to the next plug to be rerolled and repeat steps 6.6.5 through 6.6.9.

6. 6.11.Af ter every 5th rolled plug reroll, alternate.the plug expander in use with the spare.

Place the used plug expander in the Isopropyl alcohol roller box for cooling.

Notify platform supervisor and utility QC of expander change out by calling out the color code of the expander.

Use Data Sheet #2 to track usage.

6.6.12 Worker (s) exit the head when directed to do so by platform supervisor or Health Physics personnel.

9.0 f;"

6. 7 Plug Pull Testing Initial Conditions and Prerequisites 6.7.1 Ensure all initial conditions and prerequisites of SAE-SGSE-FP68 (84) Step 9.1 are met prior to starting pull test.

6.8 Roll Plug Pull Testing (If Required)



F,or abbreviations / acronyms used below, see Section 3.0 for SAE-SGSE-FP-68 (84).


The following steps are a combination of Westinghouse and TMI-l reauirements 6.8.1 CSO gives instructions to CHW over communications system.

6.8.2 CSO verifies that the Roll Plug Pull Testing System is ready for operation, pushes the control console reset button and notifies MRO and CHW to standby.

6.8.3 CSO signals CHW "OK to proceed".

6.8.4 Site HP gives "OK to proceed to MWO and CHW".

6.8.5 CHW enters channel head.

6.8.6 CHW locates plug to be tested. QC and Shif t Engineer verify plug ID using video equipment.

6.8.7 MWO transfers pull-test tool to CHW.

6.8.8 CHW inserts mandrel into designated plug, locates contact spacer guide between two adjacent tubes and informs CSO that it is OK to activate nut runner.

6.8.9 CSO activates the nut runner to screw the mandrel into the

. plug.

6.8.10 CHW verifies that the tubesheet contact spacer legs are properly seated on tube sheet, releases the tool and informs the CSO' that it is OK to apply pull-test force.

10.0 hhc-




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6.8.11 CSO or QC records the distance, force and pressure readings from the control console meters and verifies that the X-Y recorder functions properly and that the plug location is noted on the chart (Row - Tube, C.H., OTSG) Record on Data Sheet #1.

6.8.12 CSO pressurizes the system to 800-875 lbs. and the CSO or QC records the distance force and pressure readings from the control console meters.

Maintain constant pressure in 800-875 range for about 5 to 10 seconds.

6.8.13 CSO lif ts the X-Y recorder pen from the paper.


6.8.14 CSO releases ~the pressure, pushes the reset button and verifies that all meters and X-Y recorder pen return to zero (within the cal'ibration tolerances).


If the me.ters and recorders are not zerced (within the calibration tolerances) even af ter thereset button is pushed, CSO instructs CHW to push the distance trans-ducer place against the hydraulic cylinder to cause the l

poston and transducer rod to retract fully.

If the zero

  • setting cannot be obtained by pushing the plate, re-l calibration of the system shall be required.

6.8.15 If the plug is acceptable (See 7.0), CSO informs the MWO and CHW that it ts OK to move to next plug to be tested.

If the plug is not acceptable af ter tool is removed, insert marker in plug.


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2 6.8.16 CSO inserts new sheet of paper in the recorder, activates the paper -hold switch 'and lowers the pen.


6'.8.17. CSO tells..the CHW to prepare for tool removal and reverses 1

the nut runner to unscrew the mandrel-from ~ the plug.

6.8.18 Repeat Steps 6.8.6 to 6.8.17 until all plugs are tested,

, mandrel requires replacement or the HP representative stopa

the' operation and orders the CHW'out of the channel head.

6.8.19 If - the (plug pull tests are unacceptable, (see Section 7.0, Acceptance Criteria),.the plug shall be marked as indicated


in Step 6.8.15-for corrective action and the plug' pull testing.

,shall continue.

l-: CAUTION: - The CHW shall insure that the pull tool is not disturbed during application of the pull force.

.6.8.20 Pull: data from all plugs tested shall be forwarded to Plant Engineering for evaluation.

. 6.9 '1 At completion of work, all unnecessary equipment, as determined by Plant Maintenance.and Plant Engineering, will be removed from the OTSG hehdandworkarea.

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7.0 ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA 7.1-All plugs Jhich require rerolling only have been rerdlled in accordane: with the requirements of this procedure.

7.2 All roll plug which f ailed initial testing have been rerolled and pull tested if required by Reference 3' 12 satisfactorily in accordance with the requir.ments of this procedure.

- 7.3 All roll plugs which do not pass the pull test will be evaluated by Plant Engineering.

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Rollers are to be cooled af ter each 5 uses.


Rollers are to be examined after each 25 uses.


Rollers are to be discarded after each 50 uses.

Roller Ser. No.:

Roller Ser. No. :

Color Code:

Color Code:



l Change Roller I

Change Roller Change Roller l

Change Roller Change Roller Change Roller l

l Change Roller l Change Roller Examine Rollers Examine Rollers Rollers Checked SAT:

Rollers Checked SAT:

Y/N Y/N l

l l

Change Rollers Change Rollers


l I

Change Rollers l Change Rollers e

l i

Changs Rollers l

l l

l Change Rollers l

l Change Rollers l

l l

l Change Rollers l

l l

Discard' Rollers l

l l

Discard Rollers Rollers Discarded:

Rollers Discarded:

Shif t Engineer /Date Shif t Engineer /Date 1"

Utility QC/Date: __

Utility QC/Date:


' 15.0

s DATA SHEET 10.3 i




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Page _ of _


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Utility -

Torcue Ana-Torque Con-Remarts QC Date Time lyzer S/N troller S/N Torque (in/ib) Ac:ect/ Reject (No'te 1) 5f;-

"o i

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- Page Of _

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Expander Type (Aireteol) i i

Expander Serial No.'

Color Code i

t i

i Acceptance Sticker Date j

E Eng/QA:

1 Utility CC:


.i '25 l

Expansion cycles t(multiples.of 5)

Acceptance Sticker Oate, I

Shift Engr.:

Util.ty QC: _

(Assemoly Discard) QC:

i 25 Ex=ansion cycles (multiples of 5)

Acceptance Sticker Removec Cate (Assemoly Discarc) CC:

Discarc plug e'xpancer after 50 operations.

i i.




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=1 M' 1 Nuclear Memorandum 075G Rolled PIug Repair program

.1C-84 g r 22, 196*

Sectem 3,c,,


by,ged 9-33-89 nu.e

3. D. Elam Parsippany-CHB Acm.

,_cauen Manager, Mechanical Components J. J. Colitz Tc:

Plant Engineering Director, TMI-1 Ref:

Memo MC-84-2766, 9/14/84 1.

" Master Plan' The attachment replaces the reference cemo as a summary statement of the rec mended actions for the plug repair program.


Status of qualification Program As of this date, the program as defined by Westinghouse procedure f

F5P-QP-131(84) is complete with the exception of the thermal cycling and metallurgical test portions.

Although we do not have any writtan results in hand yet, we have followed the testing in detail and have been involved in the detail conception of the test procedures.

The test results to date indicate that the proposed reroll operation will r.ot adversely affect existing satisfactory plugs and will produca satic-factory joints by improving the integrity of the plugs which fafied the pull test.

Regarding the open items, I received the following information by telecon this cate from Bob Surack (Westinghouse):

Thermal Cycling:

20 of 30 required cycles comolete.

Zero accumulated leakage observed.



All testing complete.

Results satis-factory.

Results support performance :f five rolls on a single plug.

Mechanical Ccmponents recommends that reroll begin, even though the final thermal cycling results are not available.

j 3.

Field Proc'adure for Raroli,.US-FP-1460(84), Rev. 1 Meenanical Ocmoonents has reviewed the field procecure and, to the best of our knowledae, feel it meets the';regram ocjectives anc accresses, frem a OA stanc:cint, ne key precess carameters.

Tne key areas for

[N CA/QC surveillance nere reviewed with N. Ka anas en 9/21/54 1_.


.;E 12 !-

2:;3 3:. :. :_E :


c s.

MC-64-2781 September 22, 1984 4

Tecnnical Functions Specification of Genera! QA Requirscents fcr r i e !.-


The QA requirements for field installation of rolled plugs as specified in' Para. 6.2 of GPUN SP-1101-12-046, Rev. / shall'he invcked for the rerolling, f

ches. Ror. to Rsv.C 9

B.Chao, 7,inm4g,' p?en teleco a

, p,jg a a 5.

Training Program for Reroll. Personnel-9-8 3-M GPUN has elected to prepare a written training program and not to implement the Westinghouse approved training program provided.

Written Westinghouse approval of use of the GPUN program in if eu Of the Westinghouse approved pregram is required prior to start of field reroll.

. Shouic you have any questions, p1 esse call us.

f. k A

~ ~, y B. O flam, Manager Mechanical Components 3DE/mcr Attachment cc:

D. X. Croneberger - Director, Engineering & Design G. R. Capodanno - Fluid Systems Direct:r R. O. Earley - Lead Mechanical Engineer, TMI-l

3. E. Ballard, Sr. - Manager, TMI QA Mod /0PS J. F. M.arsden' - QA Engineering Manager T. A. Richter - Heat.xch. & Press. Vessel Grcup Manager C. X. Lae - Engineer, Mechanical Com3onents H. C. Jung - Corp. S. P. ?. Engrg., Aanager N. C. Xazanas - Director, Quality Assuranca 6

4 3

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. Re::cir Of ph;s wni:.

Parc11 plugs incitning br.:sning and Repair preg un c.:alifica:icn testing cwd ::.Hng ;.all cleaning 5e plug :. ;. ger to rem 11. results recrted by W indicsta estaoi18 te: ting Repeat pull test en all.. thesa plugs

nnt of en=ta plug perfcrraten persy in 0T33 "S" UTS cnly. Ce not rgest eters, i.e. Teaking plugs redxed to ne pull test en balance of plugs in this leakage at 3?JO ps. anc piug ejecticn
catagery, tests indicate retan:icn capacility up,

9E to 10,@ psi. Pull tasting of pK in "B" llTS will evide field ccnfimat of laborato n work.

8. Digesitien of plugs Reroll plugs, includino brushing and Remil vill pvide additi::nal asn:r:re which passec pull test cleaning picr to rereII. Do g repeat plug #cnnes c:r.sistait with crig1E
ull test.

qualification pgran. %paat pull tmsi not required be:ause these plugs alread passed a pull test. Pero 11 cualificatt testingtodateindicatesncce<7scatid of plug perfenrance te to reroll. Te alays t:greved plug perb.orce. Q. sal cation testing is still in ;r: cess as 9/22/84. '%ever, no negative results have been derx:nstrated to data.

?. :n:ts11ation of new plugs In 1 cur t:besheet install W enchanical R-- ded by Westingncusa as being *.

in 1ccaticns here:

ribbed plug.

state-of-the-ad; plug. 9Mully a) plugs cane cut during installed at Oc: nee and hiansas 1 p1x Reviw of W qualificaticn test results b)pulltest, plugs wre ;urpcsely indicates EW per6,worce tyder rwoved by pulling er sec:ndan hy:rcstatic pressare (:sro it

crilling, age up to 10,CCO p:1 ;ressure). W re.:::

c)plugswereejectedduring tien of GUI en plug qtaTifip previous coeraticn.

tien ;rogram is a reaufrec ;rrecuisita use of this plug.

In u@er tubesheet install W rolled plug, In Icestions dem defective relied p1 crGM weld cap, er SL' we15ed taper are raroved by drilling, use weld cao to pctential carrage to tube by dilli -


Visually inscect seal weld pricr to we cao installatten. If seal weld c::ndit ur %21e, use weiced ucer pitg.

Wiem rolled plug used, diatast *:be I and plug I. D. (after roll) to c:nfim

per actual wall thiming. Stst 1 weld cap fcr rolled plug if an inst:111ation is imicated.

,0819V25 e..+