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a NOTE: ENCLOSURE 6,(1/3, 2/3, 3/3), pages 114, 115, 116, ARE NOT INCLUDED WITH THIS COPY. S O e 9 9 0 0 8506140069 850125 PDR FOIA DETJEN84-897 PDR 74-9
c o 3 i TIIREE MILE ISLAND UNIT 1 CLASS 1 CONTROLLING P,ROCEDURE NUMBER TP 600/2 FOR CATECORY A OTSG REPAIR TESTING MTX 600.5.1.7 REVISION O PREPARED: Cognizant Engineer Date 8 2 RESPONSiB"LE TECHNICAL REVIEWER: Signature Date 8 A S 8 UIPLEMENTATION APPROVAL: T/)? }-( M IAJS Date Signature - 4, 3 O&M DIRECTOR CONCURRENCE: Signature Date U APPROVAL OF TEST RESULTS: SU & T Representative Date E5 CLOSURES: 1. Test Exception and Deficiency List lA. Questions for Test Exception Acceptability 2. Quality Control Witness Signoff. Sheet 3. OP 1102-1, Plant.Heatup to 5320F (Modified by TP 600/2) 4. OP 1102-11, Plant Cooldown (Modified by TP 600/2) 5. EP 1202-5, OTSG Tube Leak / Rupture (Modified by TP 600/2) 6. OTSC Repair Testing Sequence 7. Hedtup and Cooldown Computer Points S. OTSG Leak Rate Data Sheets 9. General Emergency Operating Guidelin,es for HFT Program b.
TMI UNIT 1 3 2 STARTUP AND TEST NUCLEAR SAFETY / ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT EVALUATION DETERMINATION AND REVIEW REQUIREMENTS a CLASS 1 TITLE Controlling Procedure for NUMBER TP 600/2 CATEGORY A OTSG Repair Testing 11TX 600.5.1.7 REVISION O 1. Safety Evaluation Does this procedure / change (a) increase the probability of occurrence,or the consequences of yes 2 an accident or malfunction of equipment important to safety? no S' (b) create the possibility for an accident or malfunction of a dif-yes O ferent type than any evaluated previously in the safety analysis .no E report? (c) reduce the margin of safety as defined in the basis for any yes 2 technical specification? no E 2. Environmental Impact Evaluation Does this procedure / change (a) possibly involve a significant environmental impact? yes C no S (b) have a significant adverse effect on the environment? yes T4 no X (c) involve a significant environmental matter or question not pre-yes C viously reviewed and evaluated by the NRC? no E NOTE: If any~ of the answers to the above are YES, a detailed evaluation FWST be attached. . Preparer ection Manager 8/ h)f3 8f2/of$2% Date Date . Technical Reviewer . Independent Date 8 Ah3 Saf ty Reviewer p Date Ab .3 MAh*ACER'SU/T (or designee): This procedure must be reviewed and commented on by: (check all-applicable) %0!.MDIRECTOR NTechnicalFunctions O NSSS (n m) M C Mod-Ops N QA Mod-0ps $0ther bf-C[om Signature a Date 2 JP Ori;:inal to Histor. File IM
- 32-0
~ 64 -0 2: 0 33 0 . 65 - 0 ],, 3'4 0 .66 0 4 0 35 0 67 0 5 -0 136 0 6 0 37- '0' 68 0 69 0 '8 '38-0 70 0 O 39-0 71 0 ~ . '9.. 0 40 0 72-0 110' 0 41 0 73-0 11~ 42 0 74 0 .'12 - 0 43 0 75 0 '13 0: 44 0 76 0~
- 14 0
45 0 77
- 15 ~
0 46 0 0 15a 0 78 0 16 0 47 0 16a~ 0 79 0 17 .0 48 0 80 0-18 0-49 0 81 0 19 .0 50-0 82 0 -20.~ 0 51 0 83 0 21'_ 0 52 0 84 0 22 0 53 0 .85 0 23 0 54 .0 86 0 ' 24 0 55 0 87 0 25 0' 56 0 88 'O 25 ,0 57 0 89 0 27. .0 58 0 90 0 .28 ' O 59 0 91 0 .29 0 60-0 92 0 30-0~ 61 0 .31 0 ~ 93 0 62 0 D11 UNIT I TP 600/2 g, a
.',6 s y;28. 9; _ s. a. --. = e' i;9 TABLE OF EFFECTIVE PAGES c. .PAGE ' EFFECTIVE PAGE L PAGE EFFECTIVE PAGE PAGE-EFFECTIVE' PAGE 94: 0 119' 0 '95-0 120-0. 0 121 0 . 9_6 - -0 ' 122-0 98 =0 123 0 99 0 124. 0 - 100-O'. ~ 125_ 'O-101 0 ' 126 0 102 0 127-0 - 103-O' 128 0 t l-104 ~- 0_ 129-0 105 .0 130 0 Y> '106. 0 131 0 L '107 'O 132 0 108-0 109 0 j t-110 0 111~ 0 - 112 0 113-0 113a-0 .113b 0 i 114~ 0 115 0 -116 0 117J 0 118 0 e TMI UNIT I TP 600/2 ii. M',h________________________________________ u ~
- ..,7
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.1.0 PURPOSE c 1 1.l' This precedure provides the sequence of events for the once threugh steam generator'(OTSC) repair program testing. The procedure begins af ter RCS 1103 2 cleanup (TP 690/4) is complete
- and rcturns the plant to a' cold shutdown cond'ition on the' decay
-hest removal-(D!lR) system. ~ 1.2; As plant conditions permit data will be recorded to satisfy other testing requirements originally associat'ed with TP 700/1. -However, under no circumstances will these ancillary tests cause any change in plant conditions established for OTSG testing. 1.3 - The general' sequence for OTSC repair testing is as folJows: 1.3.1 Perform TP 233/3 - EFh' Flow Test immediately prior to RCS heatup. 1.3.2 Conduct an RCS heat up to 5320F and perform an RCS pressure ^ boundary leak test at 2285 psig. 1.3.3 Allow on RCS soak'at 532*F, 2155 psig for approximately one-week. E ~ TMI UNIT 1 TP 600/2 Effective Page O Page 1 e g-
k, g-y ;;
- f, l'. 0.
PURPOSE:(Cont'd.) F 1.3.4. Conduct an RCS cooldown to 350*F at a rate of 60*F/Hr using main feedwater. L. ~
- 1.3.5 Conduct a second RCS Heatupito,532'F, 2155 psig and allow-
-approximately eleven days for soak time. ~ -1.3.6JConduct a second RCS cooldown-to 350'F at 90',F/Hr using Main Feedwater in order to approach.a 140'F AT between the OTSG shell and RCS Tave. 11.3.7 Conduct's third RCS heatup to 532*F,-2155 psig and allow ~ approximately eleven days for soak' time. 1.3.8~ Conduct a retest of TP 664/1 - PORV Flow Indication Functional L Test. l [- 1.3.9 Conduct an RCS cooldown to approximately 130'F, 300 psig p at 90'F/Hr using EP-1202-5,.0TSG Tube Leak / Rupture. i. L ^ 1.4 During the test sequence,0TSG leakage will be monitored: through -the use of the Krypton-85 Tracer. injected into the Makeup pump suction piping. Additional RCS/0TSG data.will be 'ecorded during heatups and' ~ r .cooldowns to improve our understanding of tube loads and to confirm .ourassumptionsusedinthetupeloadanalyses. 5 TMI UNIT 1 TP 600/2 Effective Page O Page 2 ^ E~ 1
m :. s: 7 . 2. 0 nErrrg:cnn-c 2.1-Vendbr')lanuals 2;3.1 NottapPlicabJc. 2.2' ' Drawings
- 2. 2' 1.Not applicable.
- 2.3 Procedures
!? 2.3.1 OP 1102-l', Plant Heat Up t'o 525'F, Rev. 62. '2.3.2 'OP 1102-11, Plant Cooldown, Rev. 42. ~ 2.3.3 OP 1101-1, Plant Limits & Precautions, Rev. 15. 2.3.4 SP 1303-8.1,~ Reactor Coolant System, Rev. 7. 2.3.5L OP 1103-11, Draining and N2 Blanketing of the RCS, Rev. 16. 2.3.6 OP 1106-16, OTSG Secondary Fill, Drain, and Layup, Rev. 25. ~ 2.3.7 EP 1202-26A, Loss of Steam Generator Feed to Both OTSGs, Rev. 15. 2.3.8 TP 233/3 - EFW Flow Test, Rev. O. 2.3.9_ EP 1202-5, OTSG Tube Leak / Rupture, Rev. 20. 2.3.10 TP 664/1 Retest, PORV Flow Indication Functional Test, Rev. O. 2.3.11 TP 636/1, Feedwater Valve Leakage Test, Rev. O. 2.3.12 TP 700/1, Controlling Pqocedure for. Low Power Physics Testing, L Rev. O. 2.3'.13 TP 846/1, Incore Thermocouple Test, Rev. O. 2.3.14 TP 675/1, RCS High Point Vent Functional Test, Rev. O. c. ~ TMI, UNIT 1 TP 600/2 Effective Page 0-Page 3 1h.
(Cont'd.) 2.3.15 TP 600/5, RCS Leak Rate Verification Test, Draft O. 2.4 Technical Reports 2.4.1 SP-1101-28-008, Sampling and Analytical Requirements for' Primary to Secondary Leak Rate Determination During TMI-1 OTSG Hot Testing, Rev. O. 2.4.2 B&W memo date 08-11-83, TMI-l OTSG Accelerated Cooldown Test. 2.4.3 Procedure revisions related to Steam Generator Repairs and Emergency Guidelines, T. G. Broughton to R. J. Toole, dated August 19, 1983. TMI UNIT 1 TP 600/2 Effective Page 0 Page 3a wy.
i^ jy .s. r 3.0L TIME REQUIRED. t- _ - Duration of;the'OTSG repair test program'is' expected to be a 3.1- --minimum of five weeks. This. estimate is based on idealized test.. ~ performance and goo'd resdits throughout.the program... Problems ~ ^4 ' encountered'during the test program may necessitate additional testing-and repairs'which'.could cause significant' extensions of .the; planned schedule. 4 i r 4 TMI l' NIT 1 TP 600/2 Effective Page 0 Page 4 L
V 4.0 PREREQUISITES 4.1 Plant-Heat Up to 532*F 4.1.1 Tests TP 600/4 - RCS H 022 Clean Up Procedure, MIX 600.5.1.9, completed.. Signature Date 4.1.2 Construction Status All Maintenance and Construction job orders necessary to support plant heatup and cooldown have been completed. Signature Date 4.1.3 Environmental Conditions No special ambient conditions are required. Signature Date \\ 4.1.4 Technical Specifications TSCR #125 approved for OTSG repairs. Signature Date SE 120012-011, Rev. 1, approved for OTSG Repair Testing. Signature Date TMI UNIT 1 TP 600/2 Effective Page O Page 5 s s. .w
,? -f[ ' ' l L f-55.O. TEST EQUIPMENT' - 5.1 Test-instrumentation required for.the performance of individual tests, sequenced by this procedure is-listed in Section'5.0 of the ~ individual. procedures. -The cognizant engineer for the individual tests is responsible for the proper. set up,. check out,'and calibra- -tion of these instruments. t J TMI UNIT 1 TP 600/2 Effective Page 0 Page 6
6.0 LIMITS AND PRECAUTIONS ~ 6.1 Limits and precautions listed in the individual sequenced procedures shall be observed. 6.2 The OTSG maximum allowable secondary side pressure is 200 psig with the OTSG shell temperature less than 100 F. Proper allowance.for elevation differences between the point of measure-ment and the bottom of the OTSG shell side must be made. 6.3 The RCS Heatup and Cooldown rates shall not exceed 100 F/Hr. 6.4 If total OTSG tube leakage ? 1.0 gpm, the reactor shall be placed in cold shutdown within 36 hours of detection. 6.5 Plant administrative limits and precautions require maintaining the OTSG average tube temperature within 70 F of the average shell temperature during plant cooldown. For the first 90*F/Hr cooldown, this 70*F limit will be relaxed to 140*F. This limit may be approached, b'ut not exceeded.- 6.6 General Emergency Opera, ting Procedures Guidelines for HFT/0TSG Testing are contained in Enclosure 9. 6.7 When RCS temperature is less than 500*F, cooling at a rate greater than 100*F/hr. (1.67'F/ minute) or HPI on and RCPs off: a) Stabilize the RCS within the thermal shock operating region and pre-vent any signi - heatup or repressurization, except if.a SGTR transient is, g. b) Soak for 3 hours maa evaluate the severity of the transient. c) Proceed to cold shutdown at <(100*F/hr., if required while maintaining system within the thermal shock operating region. TMI UNIT 1 TP 600/2 Effective Page O Page 7 a -
_A, ..? 6.0. LIMITS AND PRECAUTIONS'(Cont'd.) 6.8, OP 1102-11' Plant Cooldown.(Enclosure.4) as modified for this procedure . is to be used for' all cooldowns, scheduled' or unscheduled,- for the duration of'this test. 6.9' .EP 1202-5 (Enclosure 5) as modified for this procedure is to be used only for. performance of Section 9.7 of this procedure. Use approved plant procedure EP 1202-5 as directed by Manager of Operations standing order for'other than performance of Section 9.7. 6.10 - During plant heatup the OTSG shell temperature must be within 60*F of_the average tube temperature. ~ -r 4 L V L TM1 UNIT 1 TP 600/2 Effective Page 0. Page 7a 9 6
5., -g-is.., 7.0 PLANT STATUS .No testing that would interfere with OTSG' repair testing, other .:7.1. than-that sequenced in this' procedure or approved by the Pre-Requisite List, is in progress.. Signature Date 7.2 The primary and secondary plant systems in operational. status to -support-OP 1102-1, Plant Heatup to 532 F (modified by TP 600/2). -Signature Date 1 f TMI UNIT 1 TP 600/2 Effective Page O Page 8 M .c
. r. c.. 1.. r _ w,.... 8.,0 : ' PREREQUISITE SYSTEM CONDITIONS '8.1 Plant Heatup t'o 532*F, 2155 psig ~ ~ 8.1.1 l rypton-85: Tracer Injection' Modification installed. Sign'ature Date 8.1.2 ' The OTSG repair testing prerequisite list has been approved. . Signature Date 8.1.3 'All prerequisite system conditions applicable to plant heatup.are established in Enclosure'3, OP.1102-1, Plant. Heatup to 532 F modified for TP'600/2. Signature Date ~ 8.1.4 Ensure the Plant Performance Monitoring Program (PPNT) is operational with the computer points listed in Enclosure 7.1 ~ -Signature Date 8.1.5 Krypton-85 injection and sampling procedures are approved. Signature Date ~8.2 Prior to commencing Section 9.2.,of this procedure the.results. of TP 233/3'- EFW Flow Test have been reviewed and the EFW System is operable for plant heatup. Signature Date i i TMI UNIT l' TP 600/2 Effective Page O Page 9 n-b
i 9.0 TEST METHOD NOTE: This test procedure is the controlling document for the OTSG repair testing program. It will cover the RCS heat ups, cooldowns, and leak tests done in various plant conditions. At its completion the RCS will be returned to cold shutdown on the DHR system. is a block diagram showing the sequence of events for this procedure. It should be maintained in the Control Room as a quick reference to ensure that all necessary parties can determine the status of the test sequence. The Shift Test Director, (STD), and the Shif t Supervisor (SS), are ' responsible for initialing and dating their respective blocks as they are completed. Exceptions to this test procedure shall be entered in Enclosure 1 (Exception and Deficiency List). Test exceptions will identify changes to the test procedure which do not change the scope or intent of the procedure. 'If a deviation from the sequence is made that requires rescheduling, should be marked up to show the current schedule. It is the responsibility of the STD and'SS to keep Enclosure 6 up-to-date and to coordinate testing on his shift. This responsibility includes ensuring that prerequisites for all individual tests are satisfied. TMI UNIT 1 TP 600/2 Effective Page O Page 10 Q&o-o r
ED. 9.0iTEST METHOD (Cont'd.)- 9.1 cPrior to co'mencing heatup conduct the following tests: m 9.1.l' TP1636/1 - Feedwater ' Valve Leakage Test ; 9.1.2 TP -233/3 - EFW Flow Test ~ 9.1.3 TP-700/1 - Controlling Procedure for Low Power Physics 1 Testing,' Enclosure 8-(RC-P-1A) - 9.'l.4 J TP 700/l' - Controlling Procedure' for Low Power Physics Testing 2-(RM-13J, LM-38, LM-43C): 9.1.5 jut 800/3 - Bascline Data for. Thermal Expansion Checks of Hangers
- .Section 9.1 Accomplished: ' SAT' UNSAT Signature Date
.9.2 First RCS Heatup 532 *F NOTE: ~ Since no reactor startup will take place during the OTSG. repair testing, boron concentration should be maintained at the refueling concentration throughout the heatups and cooldowns. 9.2.1 Verify that all heatup prerequisite items up to and including 8.2 have been signed off. ~ 9.2.2 RCS, pressurizer, OTSG, and feedwater chemistry is satis-factory for heatup, per applicable sections of SP 1101-28-001. Rev. 1 and SP 1101-28-002, Rev. 1. Signature Date. ___(Plant Chemistry) TMI UNIT 1 TP 600/2 Effective Page 0 Page 11 4 N D
9.0 TEST METHOD (Cont'd.') 9.2.3 Initiate the PPMP computer data collection (Enclosure'7) . ten (10) minutes prior to initiation of the heatup and pro-gram to collect data every ten (10) minutes. The time should also be recorded when either RC Pumps or Decay Heat pumps are turned on or off. The data should be taken throughout the heatup until hot standby conditions are reached and at the completion of the heatup print out the data collected. Mark up the computer printouts with the following: step number, TP number, initials, date, page number and attach as part of. 9.2.4 Commence plant heatup to 532*F per Enclosure 3 (OP 1102-1, Plant Heatup as modified for TP 600/2). TMI UNIT 1 TP 600/2 Effective Page 0 Page 12 fWkk~ - i
5 g, ;.x g
- c
~ ~".02 ITEST MnTits:i (Cont'd.)- L9.2.5 During'the plant heatup to 532*F conduct the foll wint; testinc at the' indicated temperature placcaus. RCs;st 250*F TP 800/3 - Hanger Checks TP 700/1 - Enclosure 12 4 9.' .TP ' 675/1 ~ 111gh Point Vents, Section 9.1.- 4 = 9.2.6 n At -350*F stop the heatup and inject 16 curies of Krypton-85 -(KR-85) ~ into the RCS via-the Makeup Tank sample lines (see 8.1.5).. ~ ~ Determine Kr-85 concentration in the.RCS by sampling after'one hour. The. remaining 4 curies of Kr-85 are to be added per the direct, ion of the STD. 9.2.7 Commence sampling the RCS and OTSGs in accordance with Enclosure 8 requirements.- Record data and perform calculations and plots as required on the forms provided. Continue the Primary-To-Secondary leakage monitoring and sampling program throughout this test. 9.2.8 Continue Plant Heatup to 532*F, 2155 psi-g and perform leak testing per 'SP 1303-8 l'. When complete, restore the RCS to 532*F and 2155 psig. -9.2.9 Maintain the plant at 532*F., 2155 psig for one (1)' week. Complete Enclosure 5 of TP 700/1 (closecut of PR-T1-038). 9.'2.9.2 Complete Enclosure 12 of TP 700/1 for 532*F (RM-13J, LM-38,- L r LM-43C). ^ Complete Section 9.2 of TP 675/1, RCS High Point Vent Functional. Perform S,ection 9.2 of TP 677/2 (closecut of PR T1-043). TMI U::1T 1 TP 600/2 Effective Page O Page 13 e ??
o 9.0 TEST METHOD (Cont'd.) Record the data in Enclosure 10 of TP 700/1 (closeout of PR T1-049). Perform the testing in Enclosure 6 of-TP 700/1 (closecut of PR T1-048). Record the data in Enclosure 7 of TP 700/1 (closecut of PR T1-037). ' Record the data in" Enclosure 4 of TP 700/1 (closeout of PR T1-035 and T1-050). Record the data in Enclosure 11 of TP 700/1 (closeout of PR T1-058). Record the data in Enclosure 9 of TP 700/1 (closeout of PR T1-041). Record the data in Section 9.0 of TP 846/1, Incore T/C Functional, for 532*F. Record the data for TP 800/3, Expansion Checks for Hangers at 532*F. Perform TP 600/5, RCS Hot Leakage Test. Perform EP 1004-15 Post Accident Inplant Sampling. 9.2.10 All necessary OTSG tube leakage data has been recorded and attached to this procedure. Section 9.2 Accomplished: SAT UNSAT Signature Date TMI UNIT 1 TP 600/2 Effective Page O Page 14 ime. O
'f t. i a.
- 9.0 ~ TEST METHOD;(Cont'd.)l
~ .'9.3 1First Plant Cool Down 19.3.1. Initiate the PPMP computer data collection (Enclosure 7) every ten.
- (10)(minutes prior to-initiation of the cooldown and program to collect data every 10 minutes. The time should also-be recorded
,when'aither RC Pumps or Decay Heat' Pumps are turned on or off. The data should be taken throughout the cooldown until Teold is' 350*F. Any additional activities that occur during cooldown'that would anake a significant change on the OTSG Tube-Shell tempe'rature profile should also be. recorded and at the completion.of the cool-- -down print out the data collected. Mark up the computer print-outs with the following: step number, TP number, initials, date, page number and attach as part of-Enclosure 7. '9.3.2 Commence plant cooldown in accordance with Enclosure 4 r ~(OP 1102-11, Plant Cooldown, as modified for TP 600/2).. Cool-down to achieve a cooldown rate of 60 10*F/Hr while not ex-ceeding,the 70*F AT limit (Step 6.5). Stop the cooldown at ~ 350*F. Maintain,RCS pressure as close to 2155 psig as possible in accordance with Enclosure 4. Monitor OTSG. Leakage in accordance with Enclosure 8 requirements. 9.3.3 Plant is stable at 350*F. Maintain the plant in this condition until the following tests are completed: Perform Section 9.1 of TP 846/1, Incore Thermocouple Functional Test. TMI UNIT 1 TP 600/2 i Effective Page O Page 15 EA7<
9.0 TEST METHOD (Cont'd.) Complete Enclosure 12 of TP 700/1 for 350*F (RM-13J, LM-38, LM-43C). 9.3.4 All necessary OTSG tube leakage monitoring data has been recorded and attached to this procedure. Section 9.3 Accomplished: SAT UNSAT Signature Date 9.4 Second Plant Heat Up 9.4.1 Initiate the PPM computer data collection (Enclosure 7) every ten (10) minutes prior to initiation of the heatup and program to collect data every ten (10) minutes. The time should also be tet.. ed when either RC Pumps or Decay Heat Pumps are turned on or off. The data should be.taken throughout the heatup until hot standby conditions are reached. At the completion of the heatup print out the data collected. Mark up the computer printouts with the following: step number, TP number, initials, date, page number and attach as part of Enclosure 7. 9.4.2 In accordance with Enclosure 3 (OP 1102-1 Plant Heatup, as modified for TP,600/2) perform a plant heatup'to 532*F, 2155 psig. Monitor OTSG Tube Leakage in accordance with Enclosure 8 requirements. 9.4.3 Maintain RCS conditions at 532*F, 2155 psig for eleven (11) dayas. TMI UNIT 1 TP 600/2 Effective Page 0 Page 15a t t%% I
-.: '. i-. ';',. 3y 9.0-TEST METHOD (Con.t'd.) 9.4.4 All.necessary OTSG tube leakage _ monitoring data has been recorded and attached to this procedure. 4 Section.9.4 Accomplished: SAT UNSAT Signature Date 9.5 Second Plant Cooldown to 350*F, with main feedwater at 90*F/Hr, while maintaining the OTSG Tube-T'o-Shell sd T near, but not exceeding 140*F. 9.5.1 Initiate the PPMP computer,' data collection (Enclosure 7) ~ ten (10) minutes prior to initiation of the cooldown and program to collect data every ten (10) minutes. The time should also be recorded when either RC Pumps or Decay Heat Pumps are turned on or off. The data should be taken throughout the cooldown until Tcold is 350*F. Any additional activities that occur during cooldown that would make a significant change on the OTSG Tube-Shell temperature profile should also be recorded and at the completion of the cooldown print out the data collected. ^ Mark up the computer printouts with the following: step number, ~ TP number, initials, date, page number and attach as part of. 9.5.2 Section 9.5.3 will cooldown to 350*F at a rate of 90 +0-10*F/Hr. while approaching the 140*F AT (Step 6.5), in accordance with Enclosure *4 (OP 1102-11 Plant Cooldown, as modified for TP 600/2). Monitor OTSG Tube Leakage in accordance with Enclosure 8 re-quirements. TM1 UNIT 1 TP 600/2 Effective Page 0 Page.16
M i_, ; .; -;. :.., m s. n 9;05 ETEST METHOD-(Cont'd'):
- An
~ '9.5.3 To' accomplish the desired cooldown rate'and approach the-140*: A T. limit. proceed as.follows: NOTE:- -: Ensure MFW flow is not interrupted to both steam t generator MFW nozzles. ~ 9.5.3.l ' ' ' At' hot ' shutdown conditions and four RC pumps. running, J l reduce MFW ~ flow =to' approximately 32' gpm per OTSG w. and boil water down to low level setpoint.
- n NOTE: Place main-steam line rupture detection enable / defeat:
switches (four) in defeat prior to reaching 600 psig. Secure one RCP and using the startup 3. . valves in auto, adjust TB valve setpoint to smoothly' ~ decrease each OTSG pressure from 900 to 600 psig in first-30 minutes. This should causevT to decrease at ave '. approximately 90F/ hour. Monitor-(Step 9.5.1) average shell temperature, Tave,- and, tube-to-shellAT every ten (10) minutes,~and be sure AT never: exceeds 140F. ~ Continue lowering steam pressure so that T,y; de-creases at 90F/ hour. After several minutes, the ~ shell temperature wil) start to decrease b,ut at a rate less than 90F/ hour. TMI UNIT 1 TP 600/2 Effective Page O Page 16a
%,, f, m-_
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9.01 TEST METHOD (Cont'd.)2 NOTE: If a minimum bypass flow of main-feedwatar-has been established to keep the main feed- ' water nozzles (and flanges)-from cycling thermally, the. water level in each OTSG may-rise above the. low 1,evel setpoint. This'will' be acceptable. i When tube-to-shell. AT reaches' 140F, stop reducing steam generator.prassure and begin a gradual're-pressurization of each steam generator. 9.5.4 All necessary OTSG tube leakage monitoring data has been re-corded and attached to this procedure. Section 9.5 Accomplished: SAT UNSAT Signature Date 9.6 Third Plant Heatup to 532*F, 2155 psig 9.6.1 InitiatethePhMPcompterdatacollection(Enclosure 7)every. ten (10) minutas prior to initiation of the heatup and program to collect data every ten (10) minutes. The time should also ~ be recorded when either RC Pumps or Decay Heat Pumps are turned' on or off. The data should be taken throughout the heatup until hot standby conditions are reached and at the completion' ~ of the heatup print out the data collected. Mark up the computer p'rintouts with the following: step number, TP number, initials, date, page number and. attach as part of Enclosure 7. TMI UNIT 1 TP 600/2 Effective Page 0 Page 17 b
~ ' 9.0 TEST METHOD (Cont'd.) 9.6.2 In accordance with Enclosure 3 (OP 1102-1, Plant Heatup, as modified for TP 600/2) perform a plant heatup to 532*F, 2155 psig. Monitor OTSG Tube Leakage,in accordance with requirements. 9.6.3 Maintain RCS conditions are 532*F, 2155 psig for eleven (11) days. 9.6.4 At.the completion of Step 9.6.3 perform TP 664/1 - PORV Flow Indication Retest to verify PORV operability. 9.6.5 All necessary OTSG tube leakage, monitoring data has been re-corded and attached to this procedure. Section 9.6 Accomplished: SAT UNSAT Signature Date 9.7 Third Plant Cooldown 9.7.1 Initiate the PPMP computer data collection (Enclosure 7) every ten (10) minutes prior to initiation of the cooldown and program to collect data every ten (10) minutes. The time should also be recorded when either RC Pumps or Decay Heat Pumps are turned on or off. The data should be taken throughout.the cooldown until Tcold is below 150'F and the maximum OTSG shell temperature is less than 200*F. Any additional activities that occur during cooldown that would make a significant change on the OTSG Tube-Shell temperature rofile should also be recorded and at the completion of the cooldown print out the data collected. TMI UNIT 1 TP 600/2 Effectivo Page 0 Page 18 %%W
/ ^^ c=z Lt s9.0 TEST METHOD (Cont'd.) '9.7.1-Mark up'the computer printouts with the following: step-Cont'd. + number,'TP number, initials, date, page number and attach-as part of. Enclosure.7. 9.7.2 Commence a plant cooldown in accordance with Enclosure 5 (EP 1202-5,-OTSG Tube Leak / Rupture, as modified for TP 600/2). Cocidown at 90+0-10*F/Hr or the maximum achievable if it'is less than 90*F/Hr. Maintain the OTSG Tube-To-Shell AT to f70*F. Monitor-OTSG Tube Leakage in accordance with Enclosure 8 requirements. 9.7.3 Put the plant on the decay heat removal system and continue the cooldown to 130*F and 310 'sig. Maintain the plant in this p condition until further instructions are provided. 9.7.4 All necessary OTSG tube leakage monitoring data has been re-corded and attached to this procedure. .Section 9.7 Accomplished: SAT 'UNSAT Signature Date l I l ~ TMI UNIT 1 TP 600/2 Effective Page O Page 19
10.0 DATA REQUIRED 10.1-All data required by this test will be included in the enclosures ~ as attachments or in the individual test procedures conducted during this sequence. TMI UNIT 1 TP 600/2 Effective Page O Page 20 n 6
5: 1
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- 11;1 :- cceptance criteria-for specific tests listed fr inclosure 6= are contained in Section 11.0 of.the individual test procedures or'in'the appropriate enclosures of this procedure.- / t + 4- ~ 1 TMI WIT 1 TP 600/2 Effective Page 0 Page 21 ,--v-, rm.-,-, + - ,w- ,-------w-, e-----.----,-,m., .-,gp
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n. TEST: PROCEDURE EXCEPTION & DEFICIENCY LIST-EMCLOSURE 1 of TP ' 600/2 H The Exception & Deficiency List consists of'the followins pages:- 1,. Justified / Completed E/D No. Par. -Description / Signature /Date Justificatinn/ Resolution Sign-off Date-I ? l V t-l o l l F 'DlI UNIT I TP 600/2 Effective Page 0 Page 22 'w e a ; t.
..... - ~.
- g.,-
- 11..
Does.this change-revise the scope of the procedure as approved? 2.- Does this change revise the intent of the procedure as approved? i y _ Safety Eialuation Considerations - apolicability Cateacry A procedures- ?? ~ ~ 3. Does this change increase the probability of occurrence or the consequences of an accident or malfur.ction of equipment important to safety?
- 4.
Does th'is change create the possibility for an accident or malfunction of a different' type than any evaluated previously in the safety analysis report? 5. Does t! tis change reduce the margin of safety as defined in the basis for any technical specification? Environmental Evaluation Considerations ~- applicability Category B procedures 6. Does-this change possibly involve a significant environmental impact? j '7. Does this chanse have a significant adverse effect oh,' the environment? j 8. Does this. change involve a significant environmental matter or question s n'ot previously reviewed and evaluated by the NRC7 + ~l TMT UNIT 1 TP 600/2 . A, 1/1 i Effective Page O Page 23 a, + (~
-1 1 ENCLOSURE 2 0F T. P. 600/2 QUALITY CONTROL WITNESS SIGNOFF SP.EET i i l Parsersch Results witnessed as Satisfactorv Sat. Unsat. ~ Signature Date l 0 3 'ntI UNIT I TP 600/2 Effective Page O Page 24 kh.
3 .('/ 1102-1 .f 11 ..,.7...,, J. ~ ~' Rgvis e n 62 08/03/83 .IMPORTANT TO SAFETY COSTROLLF.D COPY FOR NON-ENVIRONENTAL IMPACT.RELATED L3E n! IJ:;lT I ONLYs THREE MILE ISLAND NUCLEAR STATION [ M ' g j [p' TP 600/2 M bI UNIT NO.1 OPERATING PROCEDURE 1102-1 s PLANT HEATUP TO 532*F MODIFIED BY TP 600/2 Table of Effective Pages .Page Revision Page Revision Page Revision Page Revision 1.0 - 52 31.0 62 2.0-52 32.0 62 3.0. 59 33.0 62 .4.0 59 34.0 62 5.0 59 35.0 62 6.0 58 36.0 62 ' 7.0 58 37.0 62 8.0 59 38.0 62 9.0 59 39.0 62 10.0 59 40.0 62 11.0 59 ' 41.0 62 ~ .0-69 '42.0 62 2.0 59 43.0 62 14.0 59 44.0 62 .15.0 62 45.0 62 16.0 62 46.0 62 17.0 62 47.0 62 -its.O 62 '48.0. 62 19.0 62 49.0 62 20.0 62' 50.0 62 21 0.. 62 51.0 62 22.0 62 52.0 62 23.0 62 53.0 62 24.0 62 25.0 62 26.0 62 27.0 62 28.0 62 .29.0 62 30.0 62 <T 5 A 0 Signature / Title Date
- b
$ ~$$3 f.g Signature / Title Date Document ID: 0004T TMI UNIT 1 TP 600/2 Enclosure 3, 1/54 Effective Page 0 Page 25 C
ri. ' j.i. -[ .i_; 1102._ R2Visicn 52. THREE MILE ISLAND NUCLEAR STATION UNIT NO. l' OPERATING PROCEDURE' 1102-1 -PLANT HEATUP TO 525'F - T'able of ' Contents Section-Page
2.0 2.0 LIMITATIONS'AND PRECAUTIONS 2.0 2.1 -. Equipment 2.0-2.2 - ' Adminis'trative 5.0' 3.0' OPERATING PROCEDURE 7.0 I TMI UNIT 1 TP 600/2, 2/54 1.0 Effective Page O Page 26 , N h-.
i 1i i..' 1102-1 Revisien 52 l'.0 - REFERENCES 1.1 Filling and Venting Reactor coolant (R.C.) System Operating Proce-dure 1103-2 1.2 Pressurizer Operation Operating Procedure 1103-5 1.3 R.C. Pump Operation Operating Procedure 1103-6 1.4 Decay Heat Removal System 1104-4 1.5 Plant Technical Specifications 1.6 Plant Limits and Precautions-Operating Procedure 1101-1 1.7 Once Through Steam Generator (OTSG) Fill, Drain and Layup Operatin) Procedure 1106-16 1.8 Makeup and Purification System Operating Procedure 1104-2 1.9 Hydrogen Addition and Degassification Operating Procedure 1102-12 1.10 Core Flooding System Operating Procedure 1104-1 1.11 Reactor Protective System Operating Procedure 1105-2 TMI UNIT 1 1.12 Turbine Generator Operating Procedure 1106-1 TP 600/2, 3/54 1.13 Main Steam Operating Procedure 1106-14 Effective Page'0 Page 27 2.0 LIMITATIONS AND PRECAUTIONS 2.1 Equipment 2.1.1 Reactor Coolant temperature, pressure and heatup rates shall be maintained within the limits specified in Figure 1 (T.S. NOTE: Followirrj each refueling outage, or following any outage in which the RC System was openec, the heatup/ : cool-down rate shall not exceed 50*F in any one hour : (T.S. Fig. 3.1-2). 2.1.2 The pressurizer must not be filled with water to solid (400") water conditions at any time except as required STP for system hydrostatic tests, emergency procedure and 40M' TP 600/2 2.0 f I ' . - ~ - ,-..,_m% ~ _ _.4- ,.,,,_-.--.---,-e,.- ,.,-.---,,_,,,_-.,._,,--,.m-,-
- 1.'
i 1102-1 R2 Vision 59 2.1.3 The pressurizer maximum allowable heatup rate shall be limited to 100*F/hr. (T.SD. (Temperature shall not ctange by greater than 100*F within any one hour period). 2.1.4 The pressurizer to loop _(hot leg) differential tempera- 'ture shall be maintained at less ttan 410*F AT. 2.1.'5 The once through steam generators maximum allowable ~ secondary pressure when the once through steam generator temperature is below 100*F shall be limited to less tian 200 psig (T.S. 2.1.6 The maximum allowable differential between feedwater line temperature and steam generator lower downcomer tempera-ture sin 11 be limited to less than 442*F AT. -2.1.7 When reactor coolant temperature is less ttan 500*F no more tian 3 reactor coolant pumps stall be run at one time. 2.1.8 Do not exceed a temperature of 190*F and 100 psig pres-sure in the reactor coolant system until reactor coolant pump seal injection flow is established to all reactor coolant pumps. 2.1.9 TWo steam generators sin 11 be operable whenever the coolant average temperature is above 250*F (T.S. TMI UNIT 1 TP 600/2, 4/54 l Effective Page 0 3.0 Page 28
y ji 1 ,I L d.-; 1102-1 Revisien 59 ' ~ 2.1.10- . The temperature differential between the pressurizer and - the spray fluid stall always be maintained less'tten 430*F (T.S. For nomal plant heat-up/ cool down and power operation, this temperature differential stould be maintained at less tian 250*F. 2.1.11 If'CRA Safety Groups-1-4 are withdrawn heatup due to moderator temperature coefficient being positive and/or deboration.during heatup, observe the following: A. . Available shutdown margin with highest worth control rod stuck out must be >l pement a k/k at most. 1 reactive condition. B. The shutdown bypass sfould be initiated if control rods are to be withdrawn, and tte high flux trip setpoint should be reset to 4.25 pement per Operat-ing Procedure 1105-2, Appendix 1. C. Prior to reaching 1720 psig, (the stutdown bypass bistable setpoint), control rods should be inserted until the,stutdown bypass tas been deactivated and the low pressure bistable tas reinitiated at 1900 psig. U. ^-!; : ^- ' ^ :!.. L mm R TP 600/2
- t I'v4.7'; p u n.c m L t M by pe r i: :1;;.r:d p:7 On. d ;. 3 T... _'_.
' 1"? ?, ".; r --" - E 2.1.12 The Nuclear Instrumentation will be continuously mon-itored during any reactivity addition. During withdrawal of control rods, subcritical multiplication will be cgnfimed and a 1/M plot verse rod index (position) stall be plotted.' TMI UNIT 1 TP 600/2 ', 5/54 4.0 Effective Page 0 Page 29 W' w.
r 1102-1 Revision 59 1 2.1.13' During plant heatup following refueling 1/M data should be taken versus temperature at least every 50*F. 2.1.14 A minimum of 107 KW of pressurizer heaters, from each of two pressurizer heater groups shall be operable. Each operable 107 KW of ' pressurizer heators shall be capable of receiving power from a 480 volt ES bus via the established manual transfer scheme. (T.S. 2'. 2 Administrative 2.2.1 When reactor coolant temperature is less than 525'F, the reactor shall be maintained subcritical by an amount equal to or greater ttan the calculated reactivity (0.1 4 W/K percent #,-) insertion due to depressurization (T.S. l TP 600/2 2.2.2 The boron concentration in the reactor coolant system shall not be reduced unless at least one reactor coolant pump or one decay heat removal pump is circulating reactor coolant (T.S. In addition, while slutdown, when the RC system boron concentration is being reduced by more than 50 ppm a 1/M plet versus the amount of water added to the RCS must be maintained. Also the source range counts per second must be monitored or ' recorded continuously when shutdown and decreasing RC system boron concentration. 2.2.3 When operating at reactor coolant pressures less than 450 psig, the low range reactor coolant pressure instrument must be used. TMI UNIT 1 TP 600/2, 6/54 Effective Page 0 5.0 Page 30 g.
g' p' - 1 - ' l ! = i-t,i 1102-1 R2 vision 58 2.2.4 When the reactor is in the heat up or hot shutdown mode, both Decay Heat Removal trains should be operable. . Should it be required for one train to be removed from the operable status, the Manager - Plant Operations must be notified, and the priority set to return both trains to operable status as soon as possible (dependent on Decay Heat level). 2.2.5 When reactor less than 15 percent FP, do not request a printout of the following computer groups: Gp. No. bescription 20 Worst Case Themal Condition 31 Fluid Condition 38 Core Average Thermal Condition 39 Core Map Thennal Condition 40 All Themal Output 54 Selected Assembly Thermal Condition 2.2.6 If any Safety Limit (defined in Technical Specification 2.1 and 2.2) is, exceeded, the shif t supervisor shall notify the Operations and Maintenance Director or Duty Superintendent. The reactor shall be shut down. The Ifcensee shall notify the Comission, review the matter and record the results of the review, including the cause of the condition and the basis for corrective action taken to preclude reoccurence. Operation shall not be resumed until authorized by the Comission. THI UNIT 1 TP 600/2, 7/54 Effective Page 0 6.0 Page 31
,;.....,. f.. ,.F i',.,1 1102.,
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R2 vision 58 2.2.7 If, during operation, the automatic safety system'does not: function as required, the Operations and Maintenance Director or Duty Superintendent shall be notified. The shift supervisor shall take appropriate action as out-lined in'the Tech Specs. Note that this appropriate-action may include shutting down the reactor: Examples of " failure to function as required" are:
- 1. - Setpoints exceeding limiting safety system settings 2.
Failure of a protection system component in an un-tripped state. 2.2.8 When a Limiting Condition for Operation (defined in Section 3 of the Technical Specifications) is not met, the shift supervisor shall notify the Operations and Maintenance Director or Duty Superintendent. The reactor shall be shut down or remedial action taken g pemitted by the Technical Specifications until the condition _can be, met. In the event an LCO is not met and the remedial action permitted by the Tech. Specs. does not correct the situation, the licensee shall notify the Comission, review the matter and record the results of the review, including the cause of the condition and the basis for corrective action taken to preclude reoccurrence. 3.0 OPERATING PROCEDURE 3.1 Prerequisites Indicate satisfactory completion of steps below by initialing each step and sign at end of section. 6, 8/54 7.0 Effective Page O Page 32 g
.{ i i,, 1102 1 R2visi n 59 1. A report tes been received from the Plant Engineering, Operations, and Haintenance departments ttat all work - necessary for heatup ins been completed. ' NOTE: The report from the Plant Engineering Department stould include verification tint all routine Technical Specification Surveillances not included in : Enclosure I or II have been performed as scheduled by the Tectnical Specification Surveillance Program. Any unresolved discrepancies shall be brought to the : attention of the Manager. Plant Operations. 2. Source range (CPS) and intemediate ranga (AMPS) indica. tion available on strip ciert recorder located above console cc. If recorder is,out of service may be waived by Shif t Supervisor. 3.2 Procedure Indicate satisfactory completion of steps below by initialing each step and sign name at end of applicable section. 1. Place all Integrated Control System (ICS) control sta. tions in manual and adjust the manual outputs to zero in accordance wit.h Operating Procedure 1105 4. Verify setpoint stations are set as specified in Operating Procedure 1105 4. 2. Verify tie' NDTT switch on "PCR" is in the AUTO position and the PORY and block valve is operable. (This reduces the setpoint for RC.RY.2 (PORV) to 485 psig and verifies operability per T.S. 3.1.12). l NOTE: Before going to " Defeat" on steam line, brea k F.W. stutoff system notify S/S or S/F. THI UNIT 1 TP 600/2. 9/54 ! 8.0 Effective Page 0 Page 33
., I ', 1102-1 Revision 59 3. Verify or complete the following switch line up at console cc. a. . A STM line brea k F.W. s hutoff system. Defeat B STM line brea k F.W. shutoff system. Defeat A STM line brea k bac kup system. Defeat B STM line brea k baclup system. Defeat-b. Emergency FP enable defeat selector switches. To Defeat (four switetes) 4. Verify or complete tte items listed on Encl.1 (preteatup check list) and Encl. 2 (startup surveillance test c tec koff). NOTE: Tre sustained voltage stould not exceed 506V on the 480V buses and 4400Y on the 4160V buses. C tanging from tap 3 to tap 4 will result in a 2.5 percent in. crease in voltage ttus prior to the tap ctange the 480Y bus voltage stould be < 490V and 4160V bus voltage s hould be 1 4290V. ~' i 4.1 17 ite A o. t en:fer :r: Or: -^t '- t5e ??' "" +'t '+=r 4), sm.t.e t :MJdict;wn Lin 0:p;rt :nt t: h:';; t h: t:p: TP 600/2
- F:n;;d. ' F: Er:::':r :- + ; e S :
c'-"'d '- ---- ; 1:, J r. 1;^7 ^. l S. Verify that the Feedwater ctemistry is wittdn recpired specification as. indicated on the water ctemistry status steet. i l TMI UNIT 1 TP 600/2 Enclosure 3, 10/54 Effective Page 0 9.0 Page 34
a Maintcin OTSG lev;13 p;r 1102 1 [ Fig. 2 cn Pcg3 77. R;visi:n 59 ~ l 6. Esta am generator le c._:nt t: = ' inches wide ro per::n on t ie ^P " + @uevel instrw..cni+ iaJccordancel w wi ting Procedure 1106 16. NOTE: Raintain the main feedwater nozzles submerged. At the same time, open tte bypass line around tte feedwater control valve (FW.V85A/B) fully or use FW.V-16A/B, :nd ::ntr:1 OTEC ?: :1 be t F: ltr- ... -.. ~..... f r. ; : : 7 gi r: d (I" "CE.'./:'. 4egr-TP 60C /2 _. Open Turbine bypass valves as necessary to : control OTSG 1evel. 7. Fill the reactor coolant system maintaining boron concen. tration at least at 1 percent aK/K subcritical for 70*F conditions, in accordance with Operating Procedure 1103 2, if necessary. CAUTION: Do not exceed a temperature of 190*F or 100 psig pressure in tte reactor coolant system until reactor : coolant pump seal injection flow is established. NOTE: Tte RCS may be pressurized to 425 psig with N2 for lea k c hec k. After lea k ctec k reduce pressure to 30 psig by venting to RDCT via RC.V28. Establish a bubble in tre pressurizer in accordance with 8. Operating Procedure 1103 5. l CAUTION: Prior to starting ma ke up pump, insure RC.RV.2 (PORV) : block valve RC.V2 is open and NDTT switch is in auto insure alarm PRF.6 8 is clear. T.S. 3.1.2 CAUTION: Insure MV.Y217 and MU.Y16A, B, C and D are closed and : ttoir respective breakers are open and PZR level is < 220" prior to performing step No. 9. Maintain PZR ': Te vel 1 220" until RCS > 275 F (See T.S. TM1 UNIT 1 TP 600/2 r.nclosure 3. 11/34 10.0 Effective rago 0 Pace 35
.{ ,i '1, i,, ,.E ~' 1102 1 Revision 59 9. Vent the reactor coolant system in accordance with Operating Procedure 1103 2, if system pressure bis been less tian 30 psig. CAUTION: Do not exceed the decay heat maximum pressure as shown in Fig. la.
- 10. Start a make up pump and establish seal injection flow to all reactor coolant pumps in accordance with Operating Procedure 1104 2.
Place pressurizer level control in automatic with setpoint at 100" (25 percent). Establis h nomal letdown flow. (MU.V5 minimum flow is 10 gpm for valve protection.) 11. If desired by Manager, Plant Operations, perfom MU V-140 flushing per Operating Procedure 1104 2 Enclosure II.
- 12. Pump the R.C. pump oil drain tanks to 55 gal. drums and remove the drums from the reactor building.
- 13. The following steps enable application of vacuum to the OTSG's during startup, maintain radioactive gas releases to the environment as low as practicable, and at the same time allow the disctarge of small concentrations of r,adioactive gas from tin condenser vacuum pumps to be l
controlled and credited as planned radioactive gas releases. a. Prior to proceeding to Step 13 accomplish tte following: Insure MS.V 25A/B are tightly closed. Verify ttat the flange is blanked between MS.V 25A and B and MS.Y 24A and B. THI UNIT 1 TP 600/2.12/54 11.0 Effective Page 0 Page 36 C
i 1102 1 v Revisicn 59 b Mark RMA.5 recorder chart as follows: " Vacuum is being establis hed." Follow Emergency Procedure 120212 if RMA5 alerts or alarms. c. ' Prior to drawing vacuum on OTSG's insure nitrogen is isolated to OTSG and feedwater heaters per 1104 26A.
- 14. Tale manual control of the turbine bypass valves at console cc and crack open the valves to draw a vacuum on both steam generators.
t10TE: A vacuum must be maintained on the steam generators until reactor coolant temperature is greater than 220*F. w 15. If the moderator temperature coefficient is not known to gj'.t t.- v; be negative and/or deboration is to be concurrent with f heatup, perform the following operations prior to start. 6'1' ing teatup. (Str.r ting RC pumps). a. Complete Nuclear Instrumentation Precritical Ctecks. b. Set high flux trip setpoint to 4.25 Percent per Operating Procedure 1105 2, Appendix 1. c. Manually reset the s tutdown bypass high pres. sure trip bistable on each ctannel (4 total) of tre reactor protective system. Notify' S/S or 5/F. THE UNIT 1 l-TP 600/2 ,,1{ Effective Page 12.0 Page 37 [:_.
I6 4 1 1102 1 i' Revision 59 d. Initiate the stutdown bypass on each channel (4 total) of the reactor. protective system. NOTE: This will remove the following trip protection. 1. Power / Imbalance / Flow 2. Power / Pump 3. Low Pressure 4. Pressure / Temperature Notify S/S or S/F.
- 16. Verify that tia RCS boron concentration is maintained at least at the concentration for 1 percent aK/K subcritical at 70*F conditions.
- 17. Place the following on computer trend recorders until at 0 percent power, 2155 psig and 532*F. Mark the recorders with date, time, and scale, and ewry scale clunge and time.
Pt. 512. Loop A Tcold i Pt. 515. Loop.B Tcold Pt. 505. RC pressure
- 18. During heatup plot temperature / pressure on Figure No.1 or la ewry 30 minutes. Mark time of point in plotted curw ewry 2 hours.
l 19. Increase reactor coolant pressure to greater ttan tre net positive suction toad (NPSH) recpirements for the reactor coolant pumps (See Fig.1A) and verify at least 280 psig. AP across No.1 seal of the reactor coolant pump to be THI UNIT 1 sta rted. TP 600/2,14/56 Effective Page O 13,.0 Page 38 [
i 1102-1 Revisi n 59
- 20. Place the. spray valve control switch in the manual position and verify the spray valve is in the closed position as indicated on console cc.
CAUTION: Maintain pressure within the limits of Fig.1A with manual control of the pressurizer heaters. Should reactor coolant system pressure approach the NPSH limits specified for reactor coolant pumps on Fig.1A, stop the reactor coolant pumps.
- 21. Start I reactor coolant pump in accordance with Operating Procedure 1103 6.
- 22. Run RCP simultaneously with Decay Heat Removal pump for at least 10 minutes.
- 23. Stop RCP after at least 10 minutes run.
CAUTION: Only one RCP may be run while Decay Heat removal is in operation. 24a. Run each of the other three reactor coolant pumps one at a time for at 1 cast 5 minutes each. When all four (4) RC pumps inve been run as specified, leave 1 RC pump running. 24b. While maintain'ing tfe RCS in accordance with Figure 1A for simultaneous c'eration of the RCP and DHR system, the CROM's must be vented while RCS temp is between 100*F and 2'00*F. 9e y t.. m. ......7 ,__ w = _.-- g.7 L... m_ .; g ficd, ic nc 1 scactcr cccl u t 7"7 e niat TMI UNIT 1 TP 600/2, 15/54 l Effective Page 0 14.0 pag, 39 t
e 0 r 1102-1 Revisi:n 59
- 20. Place the. spray valve control switch in the manual position and verify tre spray valve is in the closed position as indicated on console cc.
CAUTION: Maintain pressure within the limits of Fig. lA with manual control of the pressurizer teaters. S hould reactor coolant system pressure approach the NPSH limits specified for reactor coolant pumps on Fig.1A, stop the reactor coolant pumps.
- 21. Start i reactor coolant pump in accordance with Operating Procedure 1103 6.
- 22. Run RCP simultaneously with Decay Heat Removal pump for at least 10 minutes.
- 23. Stop RCP after at least 10 minutes run.
CAUTION: Only one RCP may be run wldle Decay Heat removal is in operation. 24a. Run each of the other ttree reactor coolant pumps one at a time for at least 5 minutes each. Wron all four (4) RC pumps have been run as specified, leave 1 RC pump runr.Ing. 24b. While maintain'ing tte RCS in accordance with Figure 1A for simultaneous operation of the RCP 4ad DHR system, the CRDM's must be vented wtdle RCS temp is between 100*F and 2'00* F. 9e _n'.. .si i...,. nna,. -,-- TP'600/2 ~ ficd, 1;^;; I scester-c00lant ?""P """nia?- TH1 UNIT 1 TP 600/2 ', 13/34 Effective Page 0 14.0 page 39 4 fm
- 1. E.0,y,,
~ e s s 1102 1 c Revision 62
- 26. ' Vent the' reactor coolant' system in accordance with applicable portion of Operating Procedure.1103 2.
CAUTION: Venting should be done before exceeding 200 F reactor : ~ ' coolant system temperature.
- 27. Prior to closing DH.V.1, 2 and 3 notify Electrical
' Maintenance to set up equipment to monitor an'd record val,ve closing current, torque close current and closing time, in accordance with PM.E.13. Then have Electrical Maintenance forward data to electrical engineer.
- 28. Secure Decay Heat Removal System and increase Reactor l
Coolant Pressure. Verify all safety tags are removed from DH.V6A (1A ESV 38), and DH.V6B (18 ESV 38). and/or close DH.V6A and 68 breakers. CAUTION: While below 195 F, assure RC Pump Configuration is in accordance with Figure 1A.
- 29. Verify that reactor coolant pressure is greater than the l
required pressure for control rod drive operation (as shown on Fig.1A) and complete rod programmiing verifica. 4 tion per 1301 9.2 if applicable (T.S. CAUTION: When reactor coolant temperature is less than 525 F the reactor shall be maintained subcritical' by an amount equal to or greater than the calculated reactivity insertion due to depressurization (T.S.- 1 l l l TMI UNIT 1 i TP 600/2, 16/$4 l Effective Page 0 15.0 p.g. go
~,i 1102 1 Revisi:n 62
- 30. Verify shutdown margin per Operating Procedure 1103 15.
l SDM = and withdraw safety rods per Operat. ing Procedure 1105 9. NOTE: Plot 1/M vs. rod position during rod withdrawal to insure criticality is not attained on the Safety Groups. 304. Cycle RC.V.1 and RC.V.3 to test operability prior to continuing with heatup. t!OTE: Test valves one at a time. CAUTION: Maintain system heat up rate less than the limits specified on Figure 1. CAUTION: Limit the pressurizer heat up rate to 100 F in any one hour and the pressurizer to loop differential temperature to less than 410*F AT. CAUTION: Limit the temperature differential betwegn the pres. : surizer and spray fluid to less than 430 F (T.S. CAUTION: Before starting the 2nd RC Pump in any one loop, temperature must be greater than 195'F. 31. Start the 2nd Reactor Coolant pump per 1103 6. l 32. Start a 3rd reactor coolant pump and commence reactor l coolant system heatup. Energize all pressurizer heaters, control the spray valvo manually as necessary to maintain ' pressure within the boundaries of Figure 1. TP 600/2 ',17/54 Effective Page 0 16.0 Page 41 e L
i! i 1102 1 .e Revision 62
- 33. During system heatup compensate for increasing pressur.
l izer level due to the reactor coolant system expansion by adjusting letdown flow as necessary, and diverting let. down flow to the selected bleed tank as necessary to maintain makeup tank level all in accordance with Operating Procedure 1104 2. r CAUTION:. Maintain Pressurize level 3,220". t0T. IT od;;;:t: ' tder-f:
- t ;:::fil:, red.;e tt.; ;;.1 :
l'a" ec-tr:1 '?:1;; : wiivlic,.wipv inu.wwur u iny;i, r -- > 1 eatna4a+ 4: 22 vy.. uo nos ses iva. tr.:-
- TP 600/2
_n, NOTE: This arrangement assists in maintaining outflow from : the pressurizer to the RCS piping during heatup to minimize thermal cycles in the pressurizer surge line : nozzles. The 10 gpm makeup flow provides some con. trol over increasing pressurizer level, while the operator increases letdown flow. The outflow is obtained by the amount of bypass spray flow. CAUTION: Do not feed the steam generators unless the feedwater : line to steam generator lower downcomer temperatures : are maintained at less than a 442 F AT. 34 Maintain the main feedwater nozzles submerged by opening l the bypass valves around the feedwater control valves (FW.V85A/B) or by using FW.V.16A/B ICS control stations per Fig. 2 and ......qtning.. ; ag CTSG 1evel 4Ptweeft1s,w? ; r..m:w::t on the maint efh$t'n; range'!!'1:r--t:5r c':;; ic.' n; "U " aca 'a TP600/2l with et e-"'--d ' " n ' ', ". C ',, ee-rrr Tu r b i ne By p a s s Val ves HS.V.JA.F,;; n.,;;;c, t:
- f::: C*!C !; ;i.
1 THI L'::171 TP 600/2 l ., 18/34-17.0 ggg,eggy, p,g, o Page 42 i
1.' J.: .,ez [ 'l
- [
Revision 62
- 35. Establish reactor coolant chemistry in accordance with the recommendations of the water chemistry departme
' 36. Establish a hydrogen overpressure in the makeup nk in l accordance with Operating Procedure 1102-12.
- 37. Prior to exceeding 300 psig and 200*F in the reactor coolant system accomplish the following:
a. Establish containment integrity in accordance with Operating Procedure 1101-3 (T.S. 3.6). b. Prohibit reactor. building crane operation over the steam generator compartments (T.S. 3.12.3). c. The minimum shift operations manning shall be upgraded to at least the following: One (1) Shift Supervisor - SRO qualified One (1) Shif t Foreman - SRO qualified Three (3) Control Room Operators - at least two R0 qualified 9 Five (5) Auxiliary Operators One (1) Shif t Technical Advisor A minimum of 1 SRO (or R0 qualified and SRO trained) R0 must be in the Control Room at all times when the RCS is greater than 200*F. d. Assure Nonnal/ Defeat switches on PRF are in Normal position for RM-G-16,17,18, 20, 21 and RM-L-1. If not in Normal notify Shift i Supervisor. TMI UNIT 1 TP 600/2,19/54 18.0 Effective Page 0 Page 43
4 .i j' i 1102-1 J" R3 vision 62
- 38. When R.C. temp is >220*F and both OTSG lower downcomer temperatures are greater than 220*F the requirement to
' maintain a vacuum in the OTSG's is no longer in effect. The Turbine Bypass Valves may be placed in automatic at-this time if desired.
- 39. Prior to exceeding 250*F reactor coolant temperature verify that the following technical specification requirements are met.
(T.S. 3.4 and T.S. 3.5.2) a. Three independent EFW pumps and associated flow paths shall be operable with: i Two EFW pumps, each capable of being powered from an OPERABLE emergency bus, and one EFW pump capable of being powered from an OPERABLE steam supply system. 11 Four of six turbine bypass valves are OPERABLE. iii A minimum of 150,000 gal, of coqdensate is available in each of the condensate storage tanks. CO-T1A Level (Console cc) CO-T1B Level (Console cc) Minimum level is TP 600/2 \\ s TH1 UNIT 1 TP 600/2, 20/51 19.0 Effective Page 0 Page 44
F ii t 3 1102-1 Revisi n 62 iv With one pump or flow path
- inoperable, restore the inoperable pump or flow path to CPERABLE status within 72 hours or be in COLD SHUTDOWN within the next 12 hours.
With more than one eft / pump or flow path
- inoperable, restore the inoperable pumps or flow paths
- to OPERABLE status or be subcritical within 1 hour, in at least HOT SHUTDOWN within the next 6 hours, and in COLD SHUTDOWN within the following 6 hours.
b. :11 ;';ht;;r.',, nucm.. T y,al... ;.r; M ;,,.. e ti ;,
- d.;. 16,,.n 'a ;'. ; r;.;.
- ;-
1,~ ',v TP 600/2 & ;7v l.. ',, ow J;...
- = i. a. s.*.
c. The following minimum instrument channels are operable IAW T.S. 3.5.2. 1 one saturation margin monitor 11 one safety valve differential pressure monitor per discharge line 111 one PORY position monitor iv one EFW flow monitor per flow path y one pressurizer level monitor
- 40. When steam generator temperature is 250*F, cycle the l
steam valves designated in Operating Procedure 1106 14. HOTE: Perform the following operations at the specified time during startup:,...)............ g TP 600/2 Page 45 20.0 f.nclosure 3, 21/54 w
y { i ' '5 1102 1 s t. Revistn 62
- 41. When RC temp is >275*F establish core flood tank levels l
and pressure in accordance with Operating Procedure 1104-1.
- 42. Prior to exceeding 425 psig place and after verifying l
MU.V.16A/B/C/D and MU-V.217 are closed (see T.S. 3.1.12) the NDTT selector switch in the OFF position. This restores the setpoint for RC-RV.2 (PORV) to its normal value of 2450 psig.
- 43. SF/SS have tags removed frora BS.P.1A/B and the following l
valves: ^;-V-17A/0, BS.Y-49A/B, and BS-V.1A/B
- 44. Open and lock open the fol. lowing valves:
l a;-. 17A 95 " !?S-BS.V.49A BS.V.49B
- 45. Verify tha following valves closed and energized:
TP 600/2 BS.V.1A BS.V.1B BS.V.2A BS.V.2B BS.VM BS.Vb
- 46. v-r i '." th: n d k; v:!re: : H ed rd e r;h:d:
% " '.A - B;.i-1" = me v en ns.v.9n
- 47. Rack in breakers for BS.P.1A and B.
l NOTE: Above 450 psig use the wide range indication for pressure control. THI UNIT 1 TP 600/2
- , 22/54 21.0 Effcetive Page 0 Page 46
g a 3 A.: 3 1102 1 , c Revisicn 62 A. With RCS pressure between 500 and 649 psig, conduct Core Flood and Decay Heat chec'k valve leakage tests as required by SP 1300 3T. "N/A" this step if SP 1300 3T was performed within the previous 9 months, or the plant has been in-COLD shutdown less than 72 hours'..
- 48. When Reactor Coolant pressure exceeds 570 psig and each I
L.P.I. channel " enable permit" light, reset the L.P.I. Trip actuation logic by pushing each of the six " Enable / channel reset" pushbuttons. (RC.4A, 5A, 6A on CC and RC.48, 58, 68 on CR). NOTE: Even though.there are no " Fully enabled" lights on for either L.P.I. Actuation System, L.P.I. actuation : is armed and would actuate if RCS pressure drops to 540 psig.
- 49. When reactor coolant pressure is greater than 650 psig, l
but prior to reaching 700 psig, place the core flooding system'in operation in accordance with Operating Proce. dure 1104-01. ' 50. Reset the low pressure injection bistable output memory lights at the bistable cabinets (3). 925 TCN 1-83-124
- 51. When the reactor coolant pressure is greater than GM-l TP630/
psig, verify automatic reset of the low pressure injec. tion actuation system, by observing the " Fully enabled" lights on both L.P.I. channels are on (six lights). TM1 UNIT 1 TP 600/2
- ,23/54l 22.0 Effective Pase 0 Page 47
t .i i f-i~ 1102 1 .l Revisicn 62
- 52. When RCS Temp. rises above 320* F, insure the breakers l
for MU-V.217 and MU.V.16A, B. C. and D are close'd: RC.V.2 may be closed to limit RCS leakage. CAUTION: The No. I seal bypass valve (MU.V38) should remain closed unless: a. R.C.P. radial bearing and/or No.1 seal leakoff temperature are approaching their alarm setpoint of 225*F. NOTE: It should only then be opened if No. I seal leak off : is < 1 gpm and RCS prgssure is > 100 psig and < 1,000 psig. If 225 F is reached on radial bearing : or seal water temperature and R.C.S. pressure is >1,000 psig stop that R.C'. pump. CAUTION: During boron concentration reductions, flow in the reactor coolant system must be maintained (T.S. 53,,, .w. nee w.... ......... 4. 2 4...
- e-1 pe eeat a >v e>ke-4tice1 et 70*r ea-aitta..
v t:t-Ot: :: n;;;;;:ty 'r ::::rd:::: e'th 0; ret'e; TP 600/2 4 o...
- 2..... i s n,. _... n.a._s *.._.w.
4._.. .2 4.. ,..,..____... m m a,_. ,, o..........,..,wr. an ..JJd.4.. .629-2 ak* BP L --- ...'...- ^.. -., =,"=& 2. m.,..,.a .m__ _,_.........,,pg.,,,n oi.. m...... .w..__._._,- - .22.2 no. -.. ww z,_. .c_ n,,,, ,,u.., l wu rewri s by, w.'.. ...a-and ennefrim" 5" '. -.. ' " ' ' - - ~. .~......>...,no .y. 6 m...... THI UNIT 1 TP 600/2 23.0, 24/$4 Effective Page 0 Page 46 o e,
,i. g j' ; 1,, 7 1102 1 Revision 62 54. When steam. generator pressure is approximately 150 psig, l start a condensate booster pump in accordance with Operating Procedure 1106 2. ~ Whe'n Reactor Coolant Pressure exceeds 1670 psig and each 55. H.P.I. has an " enable permit" light, reset the H.P.I. Trip actuation logic by pushing each of the six '" Enable /chan,e reset" pushbuttons. (RC.1A, 2A, 3A on CC and' RC.18, 2C, 3B on CR). NOTE: Even though there are no " Fully Enabled" lights on i for either H.P.I. actuation system, H.P.I. actuation : is armed and would actuate if RCS pressure drops to 1640 psig.- NOTE: Reactor Trip Isolation will occur during the next in step.
- 56. Prior to reactor coolant pressure reaching 1720 psig, insert all control rods, " manually trip reactor" then increase reactor coolant pressure greater than 1900 psig and accomplish,the following:
a. Reset all RPS cabinet bistables that are tripped except the shutdown bypass histable. NOTE: Ensure Enclosure !!! of OP 1102 2 is done. t b. Place the shutdown bypass switches (4) on sach reactor protective panel to the normal position. i c. Realign the valves as needed that were closed by Reactor Trip ! solation. [ THI UNIT 1 TP 600/2, 25/54 Effective Page 0 24.0 Page 49 t ~
i t-I1 t 1102-1 Revision 62 ,4 o..+ th-ki;' 'i,, i. ;y yo;.. a 1G.75 w p-ec--t 4-n ;;,cd;....
- ih Oy..i;ns It G ;d T' TP 600/2 M 05 7, Ayy nJ!. '.
e. Withdraw the safety rods. Verify subcritical multiplication per 2.1.14 also plot 1/M vs. rod position. Notify Shift Supervisbr, Shift Foreman.
- 57. Reset the High Pressure Injection bistable output memory l
lights at the bistable cabinets (3). 1775 TCN-1-83-124 Sd. When reactor coolant pressure is greater than4766 psig, verify automatic reset of the high pressure injection actuation system, by observing the " Fully Enabled" lights on both H.P.I. channels are on (six lights).
- 59. When RC temperature reaches 380*F comence hard bubble
} 4 degassification in accordance with Operating Procedure 1102-12.
- 60. P aa
- -a-e2+a* p-- t"
- !!epp-e'st:1.,350i;;ig,-
l "! '.'I.'., G, C e r.J " te tM S? * ""D parit'^- ":f ; tb
- a"
-h;..'. IA^iu^ "C31710N.yssht, utter. :- th: 1:;Catrch. '^ ~ ' "g ^ # ' h * ' "
- b i "* ""' "" ' h"
- t " IE G Z 2 ;
- I I' TP 600/2 r :.. J...c e
' th ^y.. ;t f ; o ~-- E.w ' ' ^ ' 1.-
- 61. Place the turbine bypass valve control stations in l
automatic af ter turbine valve chest warming is commenced (if not already in automatic) per Operating Procedure 1105 4. THI UNIT 1 TP 900/2, 26/54 Effeccive Page O 25.0 Page 50
s. I t 1102-1 i. Revisien.62 f*
- 62. When steam generator pressure is approximately 500 psig,
~ start a feedwater pump on auxiliary boiler steam in accordance with Operating Procedure 1106-3. L63. When reacto'r coolant pressure is approximately 2100 psig, place the pressurizer heaters and spray to automatic. 64_ "h:r :ter 0 cr:t d pr::: rc...ct.c: 000 p;i;, :p:r 5 TP 600/2 d." 1? thr; 1" :nd :y:10 th: v:1re: 't:t:d i- 0;:r:tir; Sr:::L.e 1100-l h
- 55. Conduct hot leak test if applicable (T.S. 4.3.2) per 1303-8.1.
- 66. Continue plant heatup to a reactor coolant temperature of.
l approximately 500*F.
- 67. Complete the following switch lineup at console cc:
(Insure 01SG pressure is greater than 600 psig.) i A STM line break F.W. Shutoff System - Enable 1 B STM line break F.W. Shutoff System - Enable .l A STM line break Backup System - Enable B STM line break Backup System - Enable ~ Notify Shift Supervisor, Shift Foreman
- 68. When reactor coolant temperature is above 500*F, start the fourth reactor coolant pump and continue heatup to 632 -
-60FF. l TP 6'00/2-
- 69. Conduct Reactor Building walk-through inspection for-leaks, with attention to possible problem area (e.g.,
DH-V-1, pump seal s, etc.). Provide the Manager of Plant Operations, a list of any discrepancies. f TMI UNIT 1 TP 600/2, 27/56 26.0 Effective Page 0 Page 51 C:
i ) 1102 1 Revisicn 62
- 70. Conduct rod drop testing if applicable (T.S. per 1303-11.1. Maintain boron concentration at least at
, concentration needed for 1 percent AK/K subcritical at 70*F condition while the RCS is below 525*F. When the RCS 'is equal to or greater than 525'F, boron concentra. tion may be reduced, but must be maintained at least at the flooded nozzle concentration per Figure 3. Defeat
- 71. Select Ga*Me on the (4) E'mergency Feedwater
)TP600/2 Enable _ Start _ Defeat Selector Switches. Insure control switches for EF.P 2A and 2B are in the Nonnal-After-Stop position. -CAUTION: The Emergency Feedwater Auto _ Start _ Defeat Selector Switches must be in Auto prior to ending the Plant Heat _Up and prior to commencing the Plant _ Start _Up Procedure.
- 72. N a 'e-t": turbi..s 1.nd tes'a; ites-te tM
- f- =
l 3
- t r ry tte
- - _ ::::rd:::: _ith 0;.;c; tin; "r;;;dec; TP 600/2 U M 'O ( S ce p' irk eMy pt: rim: t: d;
- J,o;.
cer:f;; "C: ;;;Ide.;n.)-
- 73. When heat up is complete, remove charts from computer, time, date, and attach to end of this signed off procedure.
~ If this heat-up followed a refueling outage, Control Rod lI 74. Drop Testing (SP 1303 11.1) shall be performed (T.S. ). TMI UNIT 1 TP 600/2 ~, 28/54 Effective Page 0 27.0 Page 52 f
i 1102-1 Revision 62
- 75. ""^^^....'.".*.......'.m'os
^ ^ o,,,' o ' ', 6 u.' 2 a usp y onu 7 n.+ha-e+nne in thic n -ar ad"..- . '.., E'. > - r a. y.s u J 6- +un n,... + n-n.,+: , r.. s u> o. s -- .-2.+,a TP 600/2' .iics anu is...u s w------- ..__s..... e. _. _.. s . -..,.ce -.. >.... +.... - - .s +u. cy__ .,..u. Performed by Date Signature SR0/R0 Reviewed by Date Signature TMI UNIT 1 TP 600/2, 29/54 28.0 Effective Page O Page 53 4
~ ~ 1102_1 Revision 62 Final Conditions Reactor coolant temperature is equal to or greater thanfhht*F. jTP600/2 Boron concentration is at least at the flooded nozzle concentration per Figure 3.. Four reactor coolant pumps are in operation. The reactor coolant system is at normal operating pressure with heater and spray controls in automatic. One main feed pump is in opera _ tion on aux. steam. All ICS control stations are in hand except thy turbine bypass valves. Turbine valve chest warming may or may not be in progress or is complete. Begin daily performance of 1303 1.1 at this time per Tech Spec. and 3.1.6. 110TE: Reactor _ coolant pump configuration may be adjusted as directed by the Shift Foreman at this time. The FW startup control valves will remain on manual control and 0TSG level will be maintained between 07 :nf 0? ; _- c--t (sp:rati.; rar.; ). y.-- n,m,,- y _ ~ i ~ T11I UNIT 1 TP 600/2 -, 30/54 Effective Page 0 29.0 Page 54 (3-
t i i* 1102-1 Revision 62~ ENCLOSURE' I. OPERATING PROCEDURE 1102 0 Pre-Heatup Check List Overall Support Systems 1. 230 KV substation buses 4 and 8 energized. 2. Aux. transformer 1A and 1B disconnects-closed. S1A-08 S1B-04
- 3. -
Verify 'a current. normal electrical system lineup per l Operating Procedure 1107-1. 4. Verify a cui cent emergency electrical system lineup per. 0perating Procedure 1107-2, and emergency power is available. S. ' Nuclear service river water system is in operation per Operating Procedure 1104-30. 6. . Secondary services river water system is in. operation per Operating Procedure 1104-31, 7. Nuclear services closed cooling water system is in opsation per Operating Procedure 1104-11. 8. Secondary services closed cooling water system is in operation per Operating Procedure 1104-12. 9. Instrument and control air system is in operation per Operating Procedure 1104-25.
- 10. Place one or more circulating water pumps in operation
'per Operating Procedure 1104-9.
- 11. The LWD Systems in operation as needed per Operating Procedure 1104-29.
TMI UNIT 1 TP 600/2, 31/54 Effecthe Page 0 30.0 Page 55
1 9. c.. p 'i.' 1102-1 [' Rsvision 62 .12. ' Gaseous waste' di.sposal system is in operation per Operating Procedure 1104-27.
- 13. All the below listed auxiliary systems are operable and in service as needed.
A. Spent fuel cooling Operating Procedure 1104-6 B. Aux. and Fuel Handling Building Ventilation - Operating Procedure 1104-15A-C-l C. Control Room Tower Vent - Operating Procedure 1104-19 D. Cycle makeup pretreatment Operating Procedure 1104-22 j E. Demineralized water Operating Procedure 1104-23 F.- Misc. support building vent. Operating Procedure-1104-24A-M G.. Solid waste disposal - Operating Procedure 1104-28 H. Screen house equipment Operating Procedure 1104-33 I. Circ water chlor. and chem. feed Operating Procedure 1104-35 J. River water chlor. 1104-36 K. Mech. draft cooling tower Operating Procedure 1104-37 L. Sump pump and drainage Operating. Procedure 1104-40 M. Station service air Operating Procedure 1104-42 N.. Nuclear plant sampling Operating Procedure 1104-43 0. Turbine plant sampling Operating Procedure 1104-44 P. Fire service water Operating Procedure 1104-45 Q. Heat tracing Operating Procedure 1104-46 R. Screen house vent and river water - Operating Procedure 1104-48 TMI UNIT 1 TP 600/2, 32/54 31.0 Effective Page 0 Page 56
- g. -
i. 1102-1 R; vision 62 S. Domestic water Operating Procedure 1104-49 T. Sludge facility and industrial waste Operating Procedure 1104-50 Secondary Systems
- 14. Start the turbine auxiliaries and place the turbine on the turning gear per Operating Procedure 1106-1.
Ib. Start the feed pump turbine's auxiliaries and place both main feed pumps on their turning gears per Operating Procedure 1106-3.
- 16. Verify a current valve lineup for the feed system per Operating Procedure 1106-3.
- 17. Verify a current valve lineup for the condensate system per Operating Procedure 1106-2.
18. Start both auxiliary boilers and warm up the auxiliary steam header per Operating Procedure 1106-4.
- 19. Verify a current valve lineup for extraction steam, feed water heater vents and drains per Operating Procedure 1106-12.
- 20. Start one condensate pump and perform the feed water cleanup for both heater trains per Operating Procedure 1106-2.
Train A Train B
- 21. Place powdex unit,s in service per Operating Procedure 1106-13.
- 22. Place gland steam system in operation per Operating Procedure 1106-10.
t i
- 23. Establish vacuum in the main and feed pump condensers per Operating Procedure 1106-15.
TMI UNIT I TP 600/2, 33/54 32.0 Effective Page O Page 57 d w
1- [, 3 1102-1 Revision 62 i Place condensate chemical feed system in operation per Operating 24. Procedure 1104-3. Complete a valve lineup on the emergency feed system per Operating 25. . Procedure 1106 6.- '. 26. Complete a valve lineup on the main steam system per Operating Procedure 1106 14. (Main Steam Lines drained and pipe hangers not' pinned). Main Steam line hanger pins and blocks are installed / : NOTE: removed by maintenance per 1410_Y-69. 27. Place the isolated phase bus duct cooling system in operation per Operating Procedure 1106 11; Insure the following valves are set up for automatic operation by check. . 28. f' ing thtt the valve operation is in the neutral position, the pin is ~ 5 removed,.(or the handwheel is locked in the full open position) the air 9~ equalizing valve is close, the air supply is valved in and the control box man / auto lever is in auto. A. MS.V.3A B. MS.V.3B C. MS-V.3C D. MS'-V.3D E. MS.Y-3E F. MS.Y_3F G.' MS.V-4A H. MS_V.4B l 'I. EF.V_30A TMI UNIT 1 TP 600/2 l, 34/5 Effeccive Page @ 33.0 Page 58 y--
i. . ~ - 1102-1. Revision 62 'J. EF-V-30B K. FW-V-16As L. FW-V-16B M. FW-V-17A N. FW-V-17B 0. MS-V-6 P. MS-V-13A Q.* MS-V-13B 29._ Insure Instrument air is valved in to the air speed changers for: A. FW-P-1A (IA-V-990) B. FW-P-1B (IA-V-987) C. Insure EF-P-1 governor is reset.
- 30. Insure that the white lights labeled "MS-V4A/B ICS Control" and "MS-V3A-F ICS Control" are illiminated on ICS/NNI power monitor cabinet.
31. Insure NORMAL-EMERGENCY selector switches for MS-V4A and EF-V30A located in the ESAS room are in the NORMAL position. 32. Insure NORMAL-EMERGENCY selector switches for MS-V4B and EF-Y30B located near the Remote Shutdown Panel,are in the NORMAL position. 33. Insure th'e System Control / Manual Loader Selector Switches on console CL and CC for EF-V30A/B are in the normal position. THI UNIT 1 TP 600/2 -, 35/54 Effective Page 0 34.0 Page 59 km,- s
![ i. 3. 11'2-1 0 ~- Revisi:n 62 Reactor Building Systems - '30. Place fluid block system in operation per Operating Procedure 1104-20
- 31. Place penetration pressurization system in operation per Operating Procedure 1104-21.
- 32. Place ' penetration cooling system in operation per Operatin'g Procedure 1104-16.
- 33. Place reactor building ventilation. systems in operation per Operating Procedure 1104-14A through F.
- 34. Place control rod drive service structure ventilation in service as follows:
(1) Close or verify closed breakers 12,13, and 14 on Panel D-8. (2) Close or verify closed breaker 25 on panel CV-3 (breaker for ind. lights) (3) Close or verify closed 12 breakers on the "0" ring on west side of the refueling canal. (4) Verify 12 indicating lights for head vent fans are on (mounted on "D" ring)..
- 35. Verify a current valve lineup exists on R.B. spray system and verify that the system is in emer. standby mode per Operating Procedure 1104-5.
- 36. Verify a current valve lineup exists on reactor building emergency cooling river water system and verify the system is in ' standby per Operating Procedure 1104-38.
TMI UNIT 1 TP 600/2
- , 36/54 Effective Page 0 35.0 Page 60
j q , 1102-1 1 M. RevisiCn 62 . Primarv Support System 37.- Decay heat river water system is in operation per Operating Procedure 1104-32.
- 38. Decay heat closed cooling water system is in operation per Operating Procedure 1104-13.
s. ~
- 39. Decay heat removal system is-in operation _per
^ ~ Operating Procedure 1104-4.
- 40. Place intermediate cooling system in operation per Operating Procedure 1104-8.
- 41. Verify. that a current valve lineup exists on the makeup and purification
. system per Operating Procedure 1104-2. 42.- Verify a current valve lineup on the nitrogen supply system per Operating . Procedure 1104-26.
- 43. Verify that a current valve lineup exists on the chemical addition
~ system per Operating Procedure 1104-47B.
- 44. Verify low range pressure instrument RC3-PT5 is valved into the primary system.
- 45. Verify a minimum volume of 16 feet of free space in the reactor coolant bleed tanks.
Instrumentation Systems
- 46. Verify that the pressurizer heater lo-lo level cut out is not overridden l
(Key switch in the ICS/NNI power. monitor cabinet is in the normal position and alarm on PRF1-3-6 is clear). l l TMI UNIT 1 TP 600/2, 37/54 36.0 Effective Page O Page 61 Mqsm
i l' ..v.. 1102-1 Revision 62
- 47. The following instrumentation systems are in the conditions specified below:
i c E A. At.least one source range instrument, NI-1/NI-2 (circle applicable instrument), has a current test 1303-7.2 and reads greater that 2 cps.- cps ' B. At least one intermediate range instrument, NI-3/NI-4 (circle applicable instrument), has a current test, 1303-7.1 C. At least two power range instruments, NI-5/NI-6/NI-7/ NI-8 (circle applicable instruments) have current 1303-4.1 tests, and their trip setpoint is 4.25 percent per section 6,5,8,2 D. All 4 shutdown bypass switches are in the bypass position. REACTOR PROTECTION SYSTEM E. At least two of the shutdown bypass channels have section G.8 of test 1303,4.1 current. F. Verify below listed RPS signal jacks are connected to operating channels. 1 R.C. Pressure channel 4 Flux Recorder - channel 2 R.C. Flow - channel 5. R.C. Flow "A" - channel 3 Reactor Flux - channel 6. R.C. Flow "B" - channel EMS
- 48. At least 2 analog channels for the engineered safety TMI UNIT 1 TP 600/2, 38/54 Effective Page 0 37.0 Page 62 g-
i 1102-1 Revisicn 62 features listed below have current tests as noted. (T.S. - 3.5.- 1 ) A. Makeup and purification system (H.P. Injection Mode) Reactor Coolant Pressure Instrument Channels-1303-4.11 Reactor Building 4 psig Instrument Channels - 1303-4.13 Manual pushbutton - 1303-5.2, and 1303-4.11. B.- Decay Heat System (L.P. Injection Mode) Reactor Coolant Pressure Instrument Channels - 1303-4.11 C. Reactor Building Isolation and Reactor Building Cooling System (1303-4.13.) Reactor Building 4 psig Instrument Channels - 1303-S.1. Manual pushbutton - 1303-5.1. D. Reactor Building Spray System Reactor Building 30 psig Instiument Channels 1303-4.14. Spray Pump Manual Switenes 1303-5.2, and 1303-4.11. ~ NNI
- 49. The following minimum non nuclear instrumentation is in service:
A. 1 react'or coolant flow channel per loop. B. I wide range and 1 narrow range Tc channel per loop. C. 1 pressurizer level channel. D. 1 pressurizer temperature channel. E. I wide range and 1 narrow range pressure channel. F. 1 main steam pressure channel per steam generator. TMI UNIT 1 TP 600/2, 39/54 38.0 Effective Page O Page 63
1102-1 Revision 62 G. 1 main turbine throttle pressure channel per steam generator. H. 1 startup,1 operating, and 1 full range steam generator level instrument per steam generator.
- 50. Review the "Firewall Breaching Notification" Log in the Control Room and notify the Manager - Plant Operations of any that will require a fire watch as plant heat up commences.
(Ref. 1420-FB-1)
- 51. Physically verify positions and lock status of all valves on the Locked Valve List. Any discrepancies between th'e Locked Yalve List and the actual valve / lock position shall be noted to the Shift Foreman and either corrected or logged in the Locked Valve Log.
- 52. Verify 1105-3 " Safeguards Actuation System" System lineup is correct.
- 53. Shif t Foreman / Supervisor verify whether a 100*F or 50*F maximum tempera-ture change in any one hour type heat-up is to be performed. Note that a 50* HU/CD limit requir'ed for RCS inservice leak and hydrostatic tests.
1 100 F Change in any 1 60 F Change in any one hour type heat-up one hour type heat-up SF/SS Initial SF/SS Initial ENCLOSURE 1 Checklist Complete: Date Perfonaed By Signature Reviewe.d By SR0 or R0 License Date l l Signature t TMI UNIT 1 TP 600/2 ' Enclosure 3, 4 3/54 Effective Page 0 39.0 Page 64 ~
i,' '. i 1102-1 Revision 62 Enclosure II Operating Procedure 1102-1 Startup Surveillance Procedure Checkoff 1. Prior to each Startup verify that each of the following surveillance requirements have been performed. Procedure data must be < 24 months old : unless otherwise stated).
- Surveillance
- T.S. Paragraphs :
- Initials
- Proc. Number
- Appliceble Title of Procedure
- of Checker
- 1302-5.1 and 5.5
- RC Temp. Ch./ Press-Temp Com- :
- 4.1 1.11
- parator Calibration
- 1302-5.2 and 5.3
- High and Low R.C. Press.
- Channel Calibration
- 1302.-5.4
- Flux - R.C. Flow Comparator :
- Calibration
- 1302-5.6
- Pump Flux Comparator and
- R.C. Pump Power Monitors
- Calibration
- 1302-:i.7
- High Reactor Building
- PressJre Channel Calibration :
- 1302-5.8
- High and Low Pressure Inj.
, Analog Channels Calibration :
- 1302-5.10
- Reactor Building Emergency
- Cooling and Isol. Sys. Analog:
- Ch - 4 PSIG - Calibration
- 1302-5.11
- Reactor Building Spray Sys.
- Ch. - 30 PSIG Ch.
- Calibration i
i TMI UNIT 1 TP 600/2 ', 41/54 40.0 Effective Page O Page 65 i
e 1:. t. 1 y-t ,.: s ~ 1102-1. s Revision 62 i surveillance
- T.S. Paragraphs :
- Initials
- Proc. Number
- Applicable Title of Procedure
- of Checker
- 1302-5.12
- Pressurizer Temperature and :
- ,
- Level Channels Calibration -
- 1302-5.13
- Control Rod Absolute and-
- Relative
- Position Calibration
- ~
- Core Flood Tanks Pressure
- 1302-5.15-
- and Level Channels
- Calibration
- 1302-5.17
- Make-Up Tank Level
- Channel Calibration
.: 1302 5.18
- High and Low Pressure Inj.
- Sys. Flow Channels
- Calibration
- 1302-5.19
- B.W.S.T. Level Ind. Calib.
- 1302-5.20
- B.A.M.T. Level and Temp.
- Channel Calibration 1302-S.21
- Rec 1. B.A.T. Level and Temp. :
Channel Calibration 1302-5.22
- Containment Temp. Channel
- Calibration r
- 4.1.1-40
- NaOH Tank /BWST AP Indicator :
- Emergency Equipment
- 1J01-14.1
- Readiness i
- 1302-5.24
- .ETS 5.5.1 i Environmental Monitors l
- Calibration
- i
- 1302-5.h
- Reactor Bldg. Sump Level
- Channel Calibration l
- Deleted for TP 600/2 TMI UNIT I Effective Page 0
(; Only Required for Critica11ty' TP 600/2 Page 66 4.0. 42/5. L
~. i 1102-1 i Revision 62
- Surveillance
- I.S. Paragraphs :
- Initials
- Proc. Number
- Applicable Title of Procedure
- of Checker
- 1302-5.2u
- 0.T.S.G. Water Level
- Channel Calibration
- 1302-5.26
- Sodium Hydroxide Tk,
- Level Channel Calib.
- 1302-5.29
- Hydrogen Detector
- Calibration
- 1302-5.30
- Diesel Gen. Prot. Relays
- Calibration
- 1302-5.31A
- 4160V D and E Bus Degraded
- Grid under Voltage Relay
- System Calibration
- 1302-5.31B
- 4160V D and E Bus Loss of
- Voltage Relay System
- Calibration
- 1302-5.31C
- 3. 5. 3.1
- 4160V D Bus Loss of Voltage / :
- Degraded Grid Auxiliary
- Timer Calibration
- 1302-5.310
- 4160V E Bus Loss of Voltage / :
- Degraded Grid Auxiliary
- Timer Calibration
- 1303-11.19E
- Turbine Overspeed Trip Test :
- (Data < 12 mos. old)
- 1303-11.2
- Pressurizer Safety Valves
- Setpoint (50 Percent Tested) :
- Deleted for TP 60,0/2 TM1 UNIT 1 Only Required for Criticality TP 600/2, 43/5e 42.0 Effective Page O Page 67 l
1102-1 Rsvision 62
- Surveillance
- T.5. Paragraphs :
- Initials
- Proc. Number
- App'.4 cable Title of Procedure
- of Checker 1303-11.3
- Main Steam Safety Valves
- Setpoint (25 percent Tested) :
- Control Room Emergency
- -1303-5.5
- 4.12.1
- Filtering System (Data must :
- be < 12 mos. old and system :
- operation less than 720 hrs :
- since last sury.
- 1303-11.2b
- Local Leak Rate Test-Person- :
- nel and Emergency Air Lock
- Outer Door Seals (Once every :
- 6 months or within 72 hrs.
- of opening when Cont. Int. is:
- required.
- 1303-11.18E3
- CM-V1, 2, 3 and 4 and HP-V1, :
- 6 Local Leak Rate Test
- 1303-11.23
- Fluid Block System Local through
- Leak Rate Test
- 1303-11.1SD
- Reactor Bldg. Purge Isolation:
- Valves Local Leak Rate Test :
- (Data Date must be < 1 year :
- old)
- 1303-11.18
- Blind Flange Local Leak E10,11
- Rate Test l
l l
- 1303-11.18ES
- Fuel Transfer Tube Seals
- Local Leak Rate Test l
1 1303-11.24.
- Eqpt. Hatch Seal Local Leak
- Rate Test (Every other'
- Refueling) 1
- 1303-5.1
- R.B. Isolation Yalves Test - :
- (Addressing the valves not
- testable during operation)
TMI UNIT 1 .0 TP 600/2, 44/54 Effective Page 0 Page 66
i 1102-1 Revision 62
- Surveillance
- T.S. Paragraphs :
- Initials
- Proc. Number
- Applicable Title of Procedure
- 'of Checker
- 1301-8.1
- Rx. Bldg. Annual Inspection :
- (Data Hust Be < 1 year old)
- 1J03-11.10
- E.S. Emerg. Loading and Pwr. :
- 4.6.1.B.
- Transfer Test
- 1303-11.8
- Hi Pressure Injection
- 1303-11.54
- Low Pressure Injection
- R.B. Purge Filter Air flow
- 1303-5.10
- Test. (Data mst be < 18 mos
- old and system operated
- < 720 hrs since last surv.)
- 1303-11.39
- 4. 9.1.4
- Emergency Feedwater Pump
- Automatic Start
- 1301-10.1
- FSAR 3.3.4
- Internal Vent Yalves
- Inspect and Exercise 1303-9.9
- 4.17.4
- Func. Testing of
- Hydraulic Snubbers
- 1303-10.1
- 3.8.9
- R.B. Purge System
- 1303-4.13
- Radiation Monitoring
- System
- 1303-5.7
- R.B. Purge Air Treatment
- Operation Test of Fans
- AH-E-7A and 7B
- Data must be <18 mo. old
- 1303-5.9
- R.B. Purge Air Treatment
- Filter (AH-F-1)
- Differential Pressure Test
- Data must be <18 mo. old TMI UNIT 1
- Deleted for TP 600/2 TP 600/2 i
Only Required for Criticality 44.0. 45/54 l Effective Page 0 1 Page 69 F
, 1,' 1102-1 Revision 62
- Surveillance
- T.S. Paragraphs :
- Initials
- Proc. Number
- Applicable Title of Procedure
- of Checxer
- 1303-5.6
- Aux and Fuel Handling i
- Exhaust Air Treatment
- Fan and Filter Test
- Data must be <18 mo, old
- 1303-G.1
- Data must be <3.3 yrs, old 1303-6.2
- Hydrogen Purge System
- Data must be <3.3 yrs. old
- 1303.12.3
- HPI/LPI System Vent
- 1300-3T
- 4.2.6
- DH-V-22A/B; CF-V-4,5A/B
- Leak Check
- 1300-4B
- 4.19
- OTSG Eddy Current Testing
- 1301-9.7
- Pump House Floor Intake
- Silt Accumulation
- CK/Calib of ET
- 1302-5.33
- Temp Loops
- 1303-11.4
- Table 4.1-2
- Refuel'ing System I
- Item 5
- Interlocks
- 1303-11.6
- Table 4 J.-2
- Spent Fuel Cooling
- Item 9
- System Funct. Test
- 1303-12.5
- CO2 System Function
- 1303-12.16
- Halon System Functional
- Deleted for TP 600/2 TM1 UNIT 1 TP 600/2 Only Required for Criticality 9. 46/54 45.0 l
Effective Page O Page 70
( :- i 1102-1 ' 'o Revist n 62 l
- Surveillance
- T.S. Paragraphs :
- Initials
- Proc. Number
- Applicable Title of Procedure
- 'of Checker
- 1303-12.9
- Fire Barrier Seals I
- Restart Report : LWDS Leak Check
- Comitment
- 1303-11.29
- Restart Report : Waste Gas Sys. Leak Check
- Comitment
- 1303-11.30
- Restart Report : RCS Sample Sys. Leak Check
- Comitment
- 1303-11.31
- Restart Report : H2 Recombiner Pipe Leak
- Comitment
- Check
- 1303-11.50
- Restart Report : RB Spray Sys. Leak Check
- Comitment
- 1303-11.42
- EFW Flow Test From
- Condensate Storage Tank (Prior)
- to startus, following a re- :
- fueling S1utdown or a cold
- shutdown greater than 30 days)
- 1300-3R
- 4.2.1
- ISI Tests on MS, MU, RC and :
- NS Systems
- 1300-3P
- 4.2.1
- ISI Tests on CF, CA, FB, DH, :
- WOL Systems 1300-3S
- 4.2.1
- .CA-P-1A/B Functional Test
- 1302 5.34
- 4.1-1, 45
- Rx Trip on loss of WW/
- Main Turbine
- 1302-6'.14
- 4.1-1,47a
- Calib. of 0/P Mon, on PORY
- and Code Safeties
- Deleted for TP 600/2 TML USLI 1 TP 600/2 Only Required for Criticality 46.0. 47/54 Effective Page 0 Page 71 s.n.
.4 e +
- .,. r 1102-1 C*
4 Revision 62 i i
- Surve111ance
- T.5. Paragraphs Initials
- Proc. Number
- Applicable Title of Procedure
- of Checker s.
.: 1J02-6.13
- 4.1 1, 47b
- Calib. of Accoustic Mon.
- on PORY 1302-6.16
- 4.1 1, 48
- Calib. of PORY Set Point i
-t l
- '1302.-6.6
- 4.1-1, 49
- Calib. Sat. Margin Motor
- 1302-6.3
- 4.1 1, 50
- Calib. EFW Flow Channel
- A302-6.17
- 4.1-1, 51
- EFW Initiation (Refueling
- Calib.)
- 1303-11.21
- Core Flooding System
- Operability Test 13 J-11.9
- Rx 81dg. Emerg. C1g. and
- Isolation Sys. Valves and
- Coolers Operability Test a
f a 1303-11.16
- Decay Heat Removal System
- Leak Test
': 1301-8.2
- 4.6.1.C
- Olesel Generator Annual
- Insp. (Data must be < 1
- year old) 1303-11.11
- 4.6.2.D
- Station Batteries Load
- Test 1301 9.2
- Control Rod Power and
- Instrumentation Cable
- Verification
- DeletedforTP600[2 TMI UNIT 1 Only Required for Criticality -
TP 600/2 -. 48/$4 Effective Pase 0 47.0 Page 72 s_.
i 1102-1 Revision 62
- Initials
- Surveillance
- T.S. Paragraphs :
- Proc. Numoer
- Applicable Title of Procedure
- 'of Checker
':,; 1303-11.13
- Control Room Filtering
- System Test (Data must be
- < 12 mos old and operated
- < 720 hrs since last sury.
- ~
- 130J-11.22
- Main Steam Isolation Valves :
- Closure Time Test
- Iab.l e 4.1-z
- Reactor-Bldg. Purge Exnaust :
- 1303-fl.14
- Item 8
- Sp (Data must be < 18 mos
- old and system operated <
- 720 hrs since last sury.)
- 1302-3.1
- Table 4.1-1
- Reactor Building Purge
- Item 19.e
- Line High Radiation
- 1302-16
- Table 4.1-1
- Line Break Isolation
- Item 19.f
- Signal (ICCW and NSCCW)
- 1303-11.55
- 4.6.3
- Pressurizer Heater
- Power Transfer
- 1 Performed By uate u gnature Reviewed by SR0 or R0 License Date signature . Deleted for TP 600/2 Only Required for Criticality s r TMI UNIT 1 TP 600/2 .. 49/5 Etfective Page 0 48.0 Page 73 I e
.. 2 i,. 1102-1 R: vision 62 ENCLOSURE III OPERATING PROCEDURE 1102-1 Heat-Up Exception and Deficiency List Operating Procedure No. 1102-1 Name Pre-Heatup Checklist Date Data Taken-Date Completed and/or Justified i No. E/D Par Description Initial /Date Resolution 'Signoff Date
- Performed By Date signature
- Reviewed By SRO
- or RU Licnese Date signature s
TMI UNIT 1 TP 600/2. 50/54 Effective Page 0 49.0 Page 74 d' L
Revision 62 FIGURE 1 > y.'.- HEATUP/C00LOOWN LIMITS i i i i i .i
- 2300 -
g o 1 U- 'i r i s 2200 - a -l- .t c . i" INgTRUMENTERROROF50PSIG .=g 2100 - ,. g... ;,....,... 12 F IS INCLUDE 0 FOR ALL CUF w 3 j..' l f. 20MPN -- . i.-... "., _ 1. Tech. Spec. 3.1.2 Heatur t. . r: and cooldown limitations a..:2.J =..... .g:_ e-;.... to 5 EFPY. (Plusadditi i
- : i.-
-.. t. ,..;.n :: :.... :. =. r :..: : i...t -5:E: al 25 psig inst. error) 1800 ..... ;.. : q,, POINT TEMP PRESS
- g.....,
a. . T.~. A ~~TE 80 ,.f ?.s.~~ B 125 385 .g ~ 1700 .- :- ;-; p f.q, -.. .7. r=di.:"- C 175 460
- .. n. :.,... :s..
- f. - 3 :q.... '
D 275 460 .. : ;. :. .=i ; '- ig:.. E 320 2250 i... p.g.;;,c,-;= 7.j ... # 2..c.p 2. Allowable RC Pump combi ' S1500 ./- .... = =. nations. m 7.. ~. 'T Above 195 F All ~I# '~ w 1400 __j ,:. t _ Below 195 F 1-A.1-B;
- i, J. e...:
./ -i+i. 0-A.1-B; 1 O1300 ../-
- u..
.. M, . 5. -.... - 1-A.0-B, E ..i. -.~ .:3.:.::.
- e; -
-. =; - g-g %:5..* "~ 3. Minimum RC pressure te v1200 J... maintain compression for ..:w. / a.:.. " " on fuel clad,(Natural C1 g 100 1
- . :/
-4 OP 1101-1 Fig. 1.0-5.11 r .... u.. .. e.; g ~ M 5
- -.- : /
- ; *n.:- - ~~ g1000 ,a..., j 4. Minimum RC pressure to ,,.,, 5 - :.p.:/. -.;. -:,... maintain compression for ~ 900 ..; i.I on fuel clad,(Forced Flc. OP 1101-1 Fig. 1.0-5.10 .1
- ? y '..:..:u.= ::
- =-/,
. :: ::~: L. 800 .. m.-... 5. Minimum pressure for cor1 .. -., : i- - 700 ~~ -.7
- 4. i =_=~ +
trol rod drive operatier: - ~ ~ - . y-j OP 1101-1 Fig.1.0-23.1A ,/. :. a .,.=.:.- 600 ?.. "'/ 6. Minimum RC Pump NPSH. OP 1101-1 Fig. 1.0-5.6 , /.. 500 ~ c O
- u. /.
.n ~~ Note: Heat up and Cooldevig ... f1 - .y-o:.:.4.-. rates shall not exceed 100 t 5" 400 e ~' I in any one hour, except that ", * ' !.'.;"-f "'. during RCS Inservice Leak ar.
- 6.'
300 Ie-Ilydrostatic Test, maxinun he t ~n upandcogidownrateshallr. '~ i 200 -- - --- exceed 50 F in any one houe THI tmIT 1 TP 600/2 l 100 -- - l .A. 51/54 EUec d n Page 0 i l 0 l 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Page 75 INDICATED RC TEMPERATURE (CF) Each Div=5'T y 50.C
viam-m ugza HEATUP/C00LDOWN LIMITATIONS Revision 52
- 500,
-= - - ' ~ - - ~ i
- g.. _...._.
2( y g/ 480 H 460 ft
- 1 440 H.
2 '4 420 / B, ,,/ 400 i.-i 380
3= 360 ._rz z "- - l 340 '4 4 t' /_ 320 n ex x 300 5 'W 310 330 350 370 390 410 430 l
- ~
Tili INDICATED RC TEMP. i Point Temp. (OF) Press. (esic I 280 + 1. A 75 105 o B 125 410 l 260 ' l ="J C 175 485 D 275 485 0 240 Instrument Error: -25 psig - 12 F l~ Consistent with T.S. Fig. 3.1-1 i 4
- 2. Allowable RC Pump Combination o
2 Above 195,F All ~ ~ ~ ' 200 Below 195 F 1-A, 1-B; 0-A, 1-E _ g._ 0.B. 1-A i._.__i Es_.r. TechSpe5 Fig 3.1-1 Instrums -r 180 EL Error-12 F 160 g ~- 7-*
- 3. Minimum RC Pressure for operatin
.. ~. ~ i CR0gInstrumentError+10PSIG ' ~ ~ ~ - ' - .Ei-F
- rn
-12 F OP 1101-1 Fig. 1.6-10.1. 140 .=.T --=-.. , = - da. Max Press, for Operation of DH lE3 2_
- -~-
820 fjg...__ r System while operating RCP "C" or "0" Instrument Error - 10 psig. e.---
- g
- -- = _.m::.__ - _ r r : = r z :. r :. : = :.-._-
0 -12 F OP 1101-1 Fig. 1.0 - 22.3 i
- =::.
j 800 l E.. Tr__. ____ Ij=nx niin... _._._rE 4b Maximum Press for Ogernior of DF ~~ -~ ~~3 ~ Z l= ~~ T" System while operating RCP "A" or 80
- EsE:~~ZT =Er-= _ZZZ. ; :.=. ME!5_~~iZ A=EW=s==- 5EE "B" Instrument Error - 10 psig, 0
=._...m..___. _._.2._..._____._.._._=:._...-_.- ~12 F OP IIOl'1 f t9' 1'0 ' 22'2 60 E=E2iE=EE""~=P=====i=~==r.==~==*=== =M'EE"E g_=:Em=.s=E= =ss=s 5======s: r2=r===.. =is isk
- 5. Minimum RC Pump NPSh!, !nstramer.t
- "~
YE ~!=-T=-EE i E~ E _ 2 - = =E= f -i M Error +10 psig - 12*F OP '.101-1 fi. 1.0 - 22.2 & fi9. L 0 05.i 40 Ei=Ei-J=9E= EPM =5.iWh.:=8fAhi==#fi=1? fEt 9 TM1 LTIT 1 ~~E= ln..=.E:n.= ::idI :2uunt.= nnu: =.n_2;.n =_-t2:_nu.: : 20 -~it'l~~~~~Ff~~~~f 2 "15HE' 5 E= E-T ??' Z f-.: _I"#2T TP 600/2 MN h b.N N 5-5 b N h N.~ Y b II5E[ b'b Enc 1osure-3. 5 /5!. [fiec;1ve } ape (- 9-. 1.-- ,c- , w- . c. v 61. - e.. a c. a m, w.s e. e. } an _n .w ..L 4 . 5 m
- w
. p a,,.. = y. m. r* ' .a r
4 6-, e FIGURE 2 i i i i i f I I I I y I I r J 1 o / o on 2 2 I I I I T I J O I I I I Q Z / oo I 1 L1 I I sn I dm / f ud I y 7 r u i n 1 I y N 6-r .J Ab 1 I I r M 7 d6 / Q Q M l G E t-3 C l I , 1 Q Z ( om ow N &Q I J K Q Q. c i O r E O / / [ C oW i m o >w Lc l w } I E t-f I N I I E O o .I r g z O q M i r g I / I I I A A .J f 1 o 6 o I Y I 1 (n 1 I o r J 1 F 2 s 1 d J I J' 2" 1 ^ j. 3 2' i I J" d' I i I I I I 1 o El l t i ar"" I I 1 1 I i i i I i 1 I t o o o o o o o o o o o e os rw e m e m tu v v m m m m m m m m oemu L D.J a acezuw.JWDwa MEm* TMI UNIT 1 TP 600/2 -, 53/5!. Effective Page 0 Page 77
Revision 62 ,f. l m Figure 3 1% Shutdown Boron Concentration for. Cycle 5 Gp 8 at 37.5% W.D., No Xenon, HFP Samarium 1300 m_ _ __ _ a ___x- --- - x 1200- ~~ \\ -s' Cold Shutdown _ --j.=.-. J.. x. Gps 1-4 at 100% W.D. ~ ~ ~ _. ~ - Gps 5-7 at 0% W.D. y"~ N -~ 4 1100-w
- =
x==_g x x g ___\\=_..____\\. .- A. -2__
___ _ _ e. _ ;x-x x__ - - - = x s_ _ )000 Flooded Nozzle =_ +-=-x_; - x- -= -s__ --- X-[= Gps 1-7 at 0% W.D. E With Stuck Rod g' x
- %=.
a - 900_ .. r___s __ y-. x_.s g 3 \\_ ; T _. A. w.__. x- .x_. s. g___ u s y _ x. _ :_x n--- A- - ~ ~ - - - - o 800- 's g _. x r- - v c N-s -. - 3 y 'y _x- =_. _. : g_ -t _ 'q_. N g - - -- t__ \\ _ ---- x _ y h
- 700, g
__y_ c: . _.\\ y, Hot Shutdown - z'N- - Gps 1-4 at 100% W.D. W =_- Gps 5-7 at 0: W.D. WEE-\\ ~"N _4-- _.x _s ~ -A 600-- x _ _'-- '. " \\_ .,s _._____._.._______~_x__.~.._
- -w g_ _
6.__. .x- - ERZ-r___i. ~ --Elx_ ~- r__ _ _ 500 - - - - - t. = _ _?_._ _. _ x x- = - - - = = -_ _ _ _. = = _. _ _ _ _ _ .__._-=_x___ _ ____ :X . - -, =. =
- 4. ~r._=. g:3 " _- :- -
~~~ ~_~ --- M = ~~ 400 _... _ _. _ _ _ _. _.. _ _ _ _ _ - 5 ".;;._'~ b _. m - - ~ ~ - .. _ ~ m _. =. +- __-._._:===-_ --1=.-.----- ' :=- t--*---=_:.=_=t=_._.._=-. .__2. __,.. _.. _... _ _ _ _. _ - -. -. _ = = = - -___ .. _ _.. = _. _:.=_=g _ _ _ _ ~. - _ - _ _ 2==:..= -e=.._.==-n et. _ a : = n __ ___ :---- ._._=_::._..___= -+ =.==..==-:=*...=_=._.~;-=:*===.=:==_=.=..=**==.!'.l.::.-A=~~.*r-------... - -. _ - - -_.-T~*.*..- _ =~ -~ 0 50 100 15'O 20'O 250 300 TMI UNIT 1 Cycle Lifetime, EFPD TP 600/2, 54/54' Page: 53.0 Effective Page O Page 78
~ 1102-11 ~' Ravisien 42 05/20/83 IMPORTANT TO SAFETY NON-ENVIRONMENTAL _ IMPACT RELATED g ,~ THREE MILE ISLAND NUCLEAR STATION // .i UNIT NO. 1 OPERATING PROCEDURE 1102-11 4/4 /LT 4 PLANT C00LDOWN /- j/ D i' MODIFIED BY TP 600/2 TP 600/.2 Table of Effective Pages Page Revision Page Revision Page Revision Page Revision 1.0 36 2.0 40 3.0 40 4.0 42 5.0 42 6.0 35 7.0 35 8.0 37 9.0 40 10.0 40 11.0 42 12.0 40 13.0 40 14.0 39 15.0 41 16.0 40 17.0 40 18.0 40 19.0 35 20.0 35 21.0 35 22.0 35 e 20' 3 0 / Signature / Title Date ~ b i4 Signature / Title Date Document ID: 0025T TMI UNIT 1 TP 600/2,1/23 Effective Page 0 Page 79 "Y i
- h
- t.
1102-11 .~ R;visicn 36 -THREE MILE ISLAND NUCLEAR STATION ' UNIT NO.1 OPERATING PROCEDURE 1102-11 PLANT C00LDOWN ' - ~ii Table of Contents $2 Section - Pag e 1.0 ' REFERENCES 2.0 1.1 Drawi ng s 2.0 1.2 Applicable Operating Procedures 2.0 1.3 Curves,- Tables " 2.0 ~ 2.0. LIMITS AND PRECAUTIONS 3.0 2.1-Equipment 3.0 - 2.2 ' Admi ni strative 5.0 3.0 -OPERATING PROCEDURE 8.0 3.1 Prerequisites for Cooldown 8.0 3.2 Cooldown Procedure 9.0 t-TMI UNIT 1 TP 600/2, 2/23 1.0 Effective Page Page 80 p;,
T 1102-11 Revisicn 40 ~
1.1 Drawings f. Reactor Coolant System, GAI-C-302-650; B and W 27617F 2 2. ~ Makeup' and Purification System GAI-C-302-660/661; B and W 27551F 3. _ Decay Heat Removal System GAI-C-302-640; B and W 27554F 4. RCP Motor Process and Inst. B and W-20702F 1.2 Applicable Op'erating Procedures 1. Oper.iting Precedure 1103-5 Pressurizer Operation. 2. Operating Procedure 1103-6 Reactor Coolant Pump Operation 3. Operating Procedure 1104-4 Decay Heat Removal Operation 4. Operating Procedure 1202-16 R.C. Pump and Motor Emergencies 5. Operating Procedure 1104-2 Makeup and Purification Operation 6. Operating Procedure 1105-2 Reactor Protection System 7. Operating Procedure 1106-5 Turbine Bypass Operation 8. Operating Procedure 1102-13 Decay Heat Removal by OTSG 9. Operating Procedure 1106-16 OTSG Secondary Fill, Drain and Layup 10. Operating Procedure 1101-1 Plant Limits and Precautions 1.3 Curves 1. Figure 1 Heat-Up and Cooldown Limitations - Wide Range 2. Figure 1A Heat-Up and Cooldown Limitations - Narrow Range 3. Figure 2 OTSG Level Control 4. Figure 3 Boron Shutdown Curve TMI UNIT 1 TP 600/2 -, 3/23 Effective Page 0 2.0 Page 81 p.m
T 1102-11 Rsvisicn 40 2.0 LIMITS AND PRECAUTIONS !.".-!AUTION.~~~~~~!-.I.I. I!-~~!!! 3I-~~I'~~~~~~~~~~~~T--- ~~~III III II ~!.1 ,C .-..... ~... .a visy. ..m cut:;:, "CE ka-'+' ea :Stuld 5: in p.e;ccas te...J. r th: re#"?'4"O ha"a" ::n-sou aLivn. - DC "^T I' 000 Tl': IC:0'%TER HUL4LLb UNiiL U.i ""O TP 600/2 b;r;n ::n::ntr:ti;a is sceots. J.;a th: a eda d.; nnvv1= reacentr:ti;a un Fi u, o 0. De0=ed all__- 3 e+her :::tiens vi sne foliuwin3 gioni ce;1d t.___ prec ed:r:. CAUTION: Voids may occur in the Reactor Vessel head while depressurizing the RCS due to head water temperature being higher than RCS temperature. This condition may be evidenced by a large rapid increase in pressurizer level while reducing RCS pressure even though an adequate saturation margin is indicated between TH and RCS Pressure. Should this condition occur RCS Pressure must be increased to collapse the bubble in the vessel head and return pressure control to the pressurizer. Reference IE Circular 80-15. 2.1 Equipment 1. Reactor Coolant Temperature, Pressure and Cooldown Rates shall be maintained within limits spec'fied in Figure 1 and 1A. 2. Pressurizer Maximum Cooldown Rate is 100*F in any one hour. 3. The pressurizer to l'oop differential temperature shall be maintained less than 410*F. 4. Secondary side of the steam generator shall not be pressurized above 200 PSIG if the temperature of the steam generator shell is below 100*F. 5 '. Seal water injection flow is required to all reactor ecolant pumps when reactor coolant temperature is above 190*F and press'ure is above 100 PSIG. TMI UNIT 1 TP 600/2, 4/23 3.0 Effective Page 0 Page 82 l r w
1102 11 R:visicn 42 6. During cooldown.and depressurization, the number one seal bypass valve should remain closed unless RCP bearing tempera-ture (seal inlet temp.) or No. I seal temperature a* approaches their alarm setpoints. It should only be used then if No. I seal leakoff is < 1 gpm and RCS pressure is < 1000 psig. Do not open No.1 seal bypass unless No. I leak off valve is open. 7. Do not operate RCP with less than.2 GPM seal leak off. 8. Limit DHR cooler differential temperature 7 200*F between inlet shell side TI252, 253 local and inlet tube side, DH6TI 1 and 2. 9. When cooling down the Reactor Coolant System under ;th;c th;n nar :1 ::nditi;n; (n;...;l t;; :;c ?+4a; OT:C';', the maximum calculated allowable temperature difference between the4 average DTSG j cold leg TP 600/2 shell and its associated reactor coolant loop '":- : tempera. 4 ture is 70*F. 10. If either RC-Y.2 and/or RC-V.3 are closed, the valves should be cycled every 100*F during the cooldown until you have reached 140*F. S NOTE: Ensure compliance with Tech Spec 3.1.12. CAUTION: If cycled by use of their handwheel do not over torque the valve. CAUTION: Valve may have to be cycled more frequently'to maintain proper pressure / temperature relationship. TMI UNIT 1 TP 600/2, 5/23 4.0 Effective Page 0 Page 83 hWd>
' \\ 1102-11 R:; vision 42 2.2-Administrative 1. When the reactor coolant system has been shutdown and depres-surized, isolate the borated water storage tank from decay-heat removal system by checking closed or closing DH-V-5A and SB. Also isolate the sodium hydroxide storage tank from the decay heat removal system by checking as closed or close BS-V-2A and B. 2. The active means of decay heat removal may be interrupted providing the following limits are not exceeded. A. Reactor coolant temp. and pressure are within limits of cooldown curve Figure 1 and,1A. B. Pressurizer level above 100". g 3. Verify that MU-V-217 and MU-V-16 A, B, C, and D are closed and their respective breakers open prior to reducing RCS Temp to 1 320*F if RC-Y-2 is closed. If RC-V-2 is and will remain open this step need not be completed until RCS is 1 275'F. 4. Ensure cooldown rates are limited to those specified in heatup and cooldown curve. In the temp. range of 260*F to 175*F as read by the wide range temp.* indicator (RC SATI-1 and RC ,58-TI-1) on console center, a max., step temp. change of 75'F is allowable followed by a one hour minimum hold of temp. If the step change is taken belo,< 250*F RC temp., the maximum allowable step change shall be that which yields a final temp. of 175'F. The step change should be controlled to prevent ex-TP 600/2 ceeding the 70*F shell-tube AT limit. TMI UNIT 1 TP 600/2
- , 6/23 Effective Page 0 5.0 p g. 34 O
3 s o 1102-11 RGvision 35 5. When the Reactor is in the cooldown mode, both decay heat removal trains should be operable. Should it be required for I one train to be removed from operable status, the Manager - r ' Plant Operations must be notified, and the priority set to return both trains to operability as soon as possible (depen-dent on decay heat level). 6. When the DHR system is in operation without any RCP's operat-ing indicated DHR return temp. (DH2-TI-1 and 2 on CC) will be used as the RCS temp. 7. Prior to plant cooldown verify that correct amount and concen-tration of boric acid is available for injection into the MU-RC system to provide required shutdown margin at cold conditions. 8. When adding makeup water to MU-RC system insure that the water l quality is within limits set forth in plant chemical manual. 9. During boration verify boron concentration every 30 PPM.
- 10. When reactor power is less than 15 percent FP, do not request a printout of the following computer groups:
Gp. NO. ' Description 20 Worst Case Thermal Condition . 31 ~ Fluid Condition 38 Core Average Thermal Condition 39 Core Map Themal Condition 40 All Themal Output 54 Selected Assembly Themal Condition TMI UNIT 1 TP 600/2 Enclosure 3, 7/23 6.0 Effective Page 0 Page 85 p
g [ 1102-11 Revision 35
- 11. If any Safety Limit (defined in Technical Specification 2.1 and 2.2) is exceeded, the shift supervisor shall notify the n.
Ops". and Maint. Director. The reactor shall be shut down. The lice'nsee shall notify the Commission, review the matter and record the results.of the review, including,the cause of the condition and the basis for corrective cetion taken to preclude reoccurrence. Operation shall not be resumed until authorized by the Consnis'sion.
- 12. If, during operation, the automatic safety system does not l
function as required, the Ops. and Maint. Director shall be notified. The shift supervisor shall take appropriate action as outlined in the Tech Specs. Note that this appropriate action may include shutting down the reactor: Examples of " failure to function as required" are: (1) Setpoints exceeding limiting safety system settings (2) failure of protection system component untripped state.
- 13. When a Limiting Condition for Operation (defined in section 3 of the Technical Specifications) is not met, the shift super-visor shall notify the Ops, and Maint. Director. The reactor s, hall be shut down or remedial action taken as permitted by the Technical Specifications until the condition can be met.
In the event an LCO is not met and the remedial action permit-ted by the Tech. Specs. does not correct the situation, the licensee shall notify the Commission, review the matter and record, the results of the review, including the cause of the condition and the basis for corrective action taken to pre-TMI UNIT 1 Clude reoccurrence. TP 600/2 7.0, 8/23 Effective Page 0 Page 86
r ,1.. 1102-11 J* Revision 37 l 14. Manning Requirements-shall be in compliance with Administrative Procedure 1029. ,~
- 13. - The boron requirements necessary to maintain the required t
. shutdown margin shall be considered to insure that an adequate boron concentration will be maintained prior to placing any i Makeup and Purification demineralizer in service.- 3.0 ' OPERATING PROCEDURE 3.1 Prerequisites' for Cooldown i (Indicate satisfactory completion of steps below by ir3 tiating next 1 to each step and sign name at end of applicable section). 1. Reactor coolant at 1 percent AK/K S/D boron concentration secured (three at 707 and with one reactor coolant pumpfrunning)ter-TP 600/2 4eop and necessary safety rods withdrawn. 2. Degassing of reactor coolant system is complete in accordance with plant shutdown as per Operating Procedure. 1102-10. If additional degas is needed during cooldown refer to degas Operating Procedure 1102-12. 3. Heat dissipatio,n using steam generators is in progress using i.urbine bypass valves. 4. Sufficient boric acid solution and reactor grade water L av.ailable to makeup for reactor coolant system during cooldown. Required final boron concentration detemined i i A TMI UNIT 1 TP 600/2 -, 9/23 8.0 Effective Page 0 i r Page 87 L g
1102-11 R:visicn 40 as per Operating Procedure 1103-4 and Figure 3. The combination of borated and demineralized water to effect ~i makeup has been determined, also verify available boric 4 ~ acid solution is sufficient to maintain shutdown margin. NOTE: if the EOS i; t0 bc c; ned t^ " 9 2t-^ ? er, #.e.. h
- f:ty v:!'ze rc :ved, 5::d c",
ete _, 2nd ::ntairment : TP 600/2 integrity nnt maintainna 4+ u411 5: ,,,cc ,o,, .e-Le, - E.. re f _:1 ' ; a -^acan+-'*4-a 5. Pressurizer level indicator / controller is in auto, set to maintain pressurizer level at 220". 6. Let down flow from RCS is secured. 7. Verify or place all four emergency feedwater enable / defeat selector switches in defeat with the permission of the SS or SF. Per Fig. 2 ..1__ 8. OTSG 1evel maintained ict':::n ?? :sf 100 iA. ;ni on wide TP 600/. r;er:tc range level indication to keep main F.W. nozzles submerged. 3.2 Cooldown 1. Lineup borated:and demineralized water addition systems to make up to MU system during cooldown. Perform the following operations while cooling down. A. Add borated water as required to maintain MU tank no'rmal level. T!!I UNIT 1 TP 600/2 -, 10/03 9.0 Effective Page o Page 88 fg-* Sp+, m
1102 11 R2visitn 40 B. When required boron addition is completed, add demineralized or borated RC bleed in batches. If adding water of lesser boron concentration r than that of reactor coolant system evaluate effects by monitoring source range instrumenta. tion. 4 NOTE: Boration and concentration makeup should be complete : prior to placing DHR in operation. 2. Turn prest;urizer heaters off.except for Sections 9.3 and TP 600/2 9.5.i 3. Place the steam line rupture detection enable / defeat switches (four) in defeat, fwith the pennission of the SS and SF. 4. Place the following on computer trend recorders until cooldown is complete. Mark the recorders with date, time, and scale, and every scale change and time. When cooldown is complete, remove chart paper, date, time and attach'to signed off, procedure. During cooldown plot temperature / pressure in Figure 1 or 1A every minutes. TP 600/5 Mark time of point in curve every 2 hours. Pt 512. Loop A Tcold Pt 515 Loop B Teold Pt 505 RC pressure NOTE: If either RC-V.2 and/or RC.V.3 are closed, the valves : should be cycled every 100*F during the cooldown until you have reached 140*F. Ensure compliance with Tech Spec 3.1.12. ...g.. TP 600/2 Enclosure
- 3. 11/03 10.0 Effective Page 0 Page 89 p
.1 1102 11 9: Revisicn 42 CAUTION: If cycled by use of their handwheel care shall be exercised such that you do not over torque the valve. : t a
....r AUTION: Valve may be cycled more frequently to C maintain proper pressure / temperature relationship. 5. Place turbine bypass valves in manual and adjust bypass valves and pressurizer spray valve to maintain.cooldown ~ rate and observe temp. and pressure limits of Figure 1. Do not exceed a cooldown rate of 100*F/HR (1.6*F/ min.) NOTE:
- Maintain pressurizer level at 220" wittout exceeding :
the capacity of the makeup system. 4 CAUTION: Maintain feedwater nozzles submerged throughout this ............... for 90*/HR cooldown per'600/2 . orocedure,,exce TP 600/2 6. ' Start Aux. boilers in preparation for supplying gland sealing steam, if not already in operation. 7. At 1975 PSIG (RCS) stop cooldown and maintain steady RCS temp. and press,ure. When steady conditions are met, insert safety rod groups that are still withdrawn and verify group 8 at - 27 percent. :f :11 ; :f
- t:-
?; ^.. ivi s uw, ivii, l...;ct 7;d gr::; " NOTE:- Inserting rod group 8 may add reactivity and a small increase in countrate may be observed. NOTE: Reactor trip. isolation will occur during the next step. in41' UNIT 1 TP 600/2, 12/2: 11.0 Effective Page O Page 90 W ' m.
o. + 1102-11 Revision 40 8. Trip control rod drive breakers and depressurize to less than 1720 PSIG using spray valve. 3 9.- At less than 1720 PSIG place all four reactor protective f a channels in shutdown hypass. 10. ":: t ""5 'f;h 'lun trip p; te 4.^3 pc, cent,, go,= npo-3ttn; ore :d;7: ;;cg 3, Appe,,;;, :, :ng 7 3 $;; gg;, vi "^ ** nanded that vara ri --d i; a:::t:r Trip l lt:1:ti:n.
- 11. L'i th d c o-t;.s v.;2p 1 ra'ety -cd: (:r :11 4 gr:up:) ta
-ful' ::t p::ition. Verifj auburiticai muiiipl*cetion nd= 1/P v e d peritten during r:d ithdreen! t: ',:ure ni n+ e e-4+4en14+v fe nnt Attained nn thn egfety greep, uy4. t:in :;1d shutd;wn boren con::ntretien pe. Tl sui s 2. 1725 TCN 1-83-123
- 12. At < EP50 PSIG >1640 PSIG hypass high pressure injection, with the permission of the SS or SF.
320 13. If RC-Y-2 is closed and the RCS is at Ges*F, close TP 600/2 MU-V-217, MU-V-16A, B C, D and open and tag their respective breakers.
- 14. Continue cooldown as defined in Fig. I and Reset Pressur-izer Level control setpoint to 100" (25 per cent) prior to reducing RCS Temp. to 275'F.
- 15. At 500 PSIG STM pressure open FW-V-6 to hypass running feed water pump and then secure feed water pump per Operating Procedure 1106-3.
875 TCN 1-83-123
- 16. At <961r >540 PSIG (RCS) bypass low pressure injection.
TP 600/: L with the permission of the SS or SF. TMI UNIT 1 TP 600/2
- . 13/28 Effective Page 0 12.0 Page 91
- W 'F e
a 1102 11 R: vision 40 17. a. At 700 PSIG (RCS) insure core flood valves CF.V.1A and 1B are shut, with the pennission of the SS or SF. b. Open and ta'g the power supplies to CF-V.1A and t CF.Y 18.
- 18. Place gland sealing stm. on aux. steam as per 110610, if not already completed OPEN AS.V.17 to supply aux. stm. to aux. b1dg.
- 19. At 150 PSIG steam p: essure, open CO.V.1 and stop cond.
booster pump per Operating Procedure 1106 2.
- 20. At less than 500 PSIG (RCS) rack out reactor building spray pumps A and 8 to prevent unnecessary actuation.
- 21. Close and tag the following valves:
BS.V.49A BS.V.49B BS.V.1A BS.V.1B 22. SF/SS submit tagging application for BS.P.1A/B and the valves in step 21. NOTE: Switch to low range pressure indication at 450 psig to contrul pressure.
- 23. At 380 PSIG (RCS) line up reactor coolant pump seal leak off to Aux. Building drains per Operating Procedure 1104 2, if required to maintain RC Pump seal operating ifmits.
- 24. At 380 PSIG (RCS) insert safety rod groups which are wi thdrawn.
Insure a 1 per cent ak/k shutdown margin by verifying RCS boron concentration is greater than the . concentration required for cold shutdown from Figure 3. TMI UNIT 1 TP 600/2, 14/23 Effective Page 0 13.0 Page 92 m.._ he a
1102-11 Revision 39
- 25. Deenergize the CRDM's by the following:
, CAUTION: The below listed switches cannot be operated under i load. r a. Red tag off the DC disconnect switches for each main and secondary regulating and auxiliary power supply cabinet. (Total of 10 switches located in rea'r of respective cabinet). b. Red tag' off the AC disconnect switches that feed the DC hold main and secondary cabinets. (Total of 6 switches located above cabinets). c. Put a caution note on tagging application that tags on AC and DC disconnect switches cannot be cleared without permission of operations and maintenance management until the system is ready to be returned to normal service.
- 26. At 275'F verify RCS pressure is less than 425 psig and decre'asing, then place the NDTT auto /off control switch for RC-RV.2 (PORY) in AUTO to actuate the 485 PSIG relief setpoint.
Insure PRF.6 8 alarm is clear.
- 27. At 275'F in the RCS, verify or close MU-V.217 and MU.V.16A/B/C/D and open and tag their respective breakers. Continue to maintain PZR level at 100".
NOTE: Auxiliary Transformer tap change may be omitted if the shutdown is of short duration and 4Ky bus voltage : does not exceed 4400v. TMI UNIT 1 TP 600/2, 15/22 14.0 Effective Page 0 Page 93 e
e 7 ~ 1102 11 r . Revision 41
- 28. Contact the Middletown line department to have the-auxiliary transformer taps changed to tap 3.
The tap i l change should be accomplished per Operating Procedure a 1107 2.
- 29. Shif t to 1 R.C. pump in operation if not alrea@ done.
This is accomplished by using Operating Procedure 1103 6.
- 30. When the RCS is less than 200*F the minimum shift opera.
l L tions manning requirements shall be: .a. 1 Shift Supervisor (SA0) l f
- 1 Shift Foreman 2 Control Room Operators (at least 1 R0) i 4 Auxiliary Operators f
- May be waived by the Manager. Plant Operations _ TMI.1 i
l b. A minimum of 1 $R0 or 1 R0 must be in the Control , Room at all times when the RCS is less than 200*F. 31. Insure that the BWST is not on recire, using a Reactor [ Butiding Spray Pump 85-P.1A or B. With pressure con. t trolled at 300 325 PSIG. place decay heat system in operation rer Operating Procedure 1104 4. NOTE: Prior to starting' Decay Heat Removal System.. insure i-that Mechanical D. aft Cooling Tower is in operation with stable eff.icient temperature. Af ter starting - Decay Heat, monitor effluent temperature 'and AT l-closely. Insure that tower operation and/or RCS - L cooldown rate will not change station AT at a rate l ,'t greater than 5'F in any one hour. Observe other station AT limits as specified in OP 1104 37. g: Ensure a two hour hold period has been l TF 600/2 accomplished at RCs temperature conditions TMI UNIT 1 ,.16 TP 600/2 'that permit initiation of the decay heat re-moval system. Effactive Page 0 15.0 Page 94 p
o 1102 11 o Revision 40 .4ese* one
- 32. Maintain a ene hour hold per 1104 4 to compensate for TP 600/2 step decrease experienced by the reactor vessel when DH system cooling is initiated.
4 CAUTION: DH.V.64 should be closed and RC.V.4 should be opened : first to insure DH.V.67 (relief valve) does not lift : when RCS pressure is >275 psig. DH.V.64. should only be throttled open with RC.V.4 fully open. 'When RCS pressure is <275 psig. DH.V.64 can be fully opened and pressure control established by using RC.V.4. During the o,ne one, hour hold per 1104 4 with both the decay TP 600/2 33. heat system and RC pump running.. align the DHR$ valves to change the pressurizer spray control from RC.V.1 to the Quench spray valve RC.V.4. *
- 34. When satisfactory reactor coolant system pressure control can be maintained by RC.V.4 only insure pressurizer level is maintained at 100 incnes and RCS temp. is <
F. TP 610/2 then shutdown the last FCP per Operating Procedure 1103 6 and line RCP seal leak aff back to the make up tank (if it was directed to the AJx. Bldg Sump).
- 35. Slowly open the auxiliary spray throttle valve DH.V.64 to the pressurizer until a temperature increase is detected in the pressurizer surge line. Adjust the auxiliary spray throttle valve (in the close direction) until the temperature returns to its previous value. While depressurizing the R.C. system to less than 125 PSIG as TMI tm1T 1 TP 600/2
- , 17/23l Effective Page O Page 95 16.0
i j .t 1102 11 r Revision 40 I l read o' 0 500 PSIG R.C. Iow range indicator, maintain a f n p constant or slowly increasing pressurizer level. l 3 t i i ' NOTE: Not pressurizer water out surge into the hot le dur. : ing depressurization could induce voids in the C5 that will'be noticed by a sudden increase of the l pressurizer level. NOTE: Do not exceed a cooldown rate of 100*F in arty one i hour in the pressurizer. 1 NOTE: This sprw adjustment is to prevent pressurizer [ outsurge into the R.C. het leg. The pressurizer j surge temperature should be monitored closely throughout the continuation of cooldown. If the i surge line temperature increases again, adjust the 5 't aux'liary)spre throttle valve (in the close direction until the temperature returns to its previous value.
- 34. Close the turbine bypass valves.
- 37. After Decay Heat Removal System is in service, steam l
L i l generator wet or dry layup may be initiated per Operating l Procedure 1106 16. l
- 38. Continue cooldown using' DHR not to exceed 50*F in any one hour.
j Wen below 200 psig and before securing make.up system. l L 3g. perform W.V.140. flushing per Operating Procedure 1104 2 l t Enclosure !! and W.V.1098 flushing per Operating Procedure 1104 2 Enclosure !!!, if desired by the Manager, Plant,0perations.
- 40. Secure RCP seal injection when below 190*F and 100 P5!G l
' and secure make up system per Operating Procedure 1104 2 TMI UNIT 1 TF 600/2,18/23 ! Effective Page 0 17.0 Page 96 j p. l
1102 11 Revision 40 if plant shutdown is to be of a long duration or maintenance is to be performed. 41.' Rack out, blue tag and install locks on the breakers for I the make up pumps (lock is to be placed into racking rod) to prevent inadvertent starts which could overpressurize 6 the R.C.S.
- 42. To prevent inadvertent flooding from the BWST to the Reactor Building sump, red tag closed DH.V.6 A and 8 and red tag open their respective breakers. These tags may temporarily be cleared and DH.V.6 A and 8 opened as required to perfom maintenance or testing per approved procedures.
nj 43. Install fire service spool piece upstream of FS.V.367 f f t required by Manager of Plant Operation.
- 44. At140*FRCsystemtemp...end40f,,5psigsteambubblein the pressurizer +Accoldown is considered complete.V0HR o
the hishest OTSG g Shell Temp. (,190' 3 system 6peratf ort,should be continued, however, to further I TP 600/2 reduce coolant temp. for personnel comfort and safety NOTE: The RCS shall not be dayressurized below during refueling or maintenance, in accordance with 40 t 5 psig unless cil of the above are Operating Procedure 1103 11. met. 1 45. Secure all support systems when no longer required. i NOTE: The roactor head ventilation fans should be turned off to avoid bearing wear for any extended outage. Performed By Date . Signature Reviewed By SR0 TH1 UNIT 1 or R0 License Date TP 600/2 signature,19/23 Effective Page 0 Page 97 18.0 W b
- Revision 35 FIGURE 1 HEATUP/COOLDOWN L!!i!TS i
i i i i E 2300 - t s o, .y.... i... 3 i ~ .2200 i-i. m IN$TRUMEllT ERROR OF S0 PS "-i t .c % 2100 i i .p.., 12 F IS INCLWDED FOR 'ALL CURT v-i w .... r. ' c- .u 3.. 2000 i x.i. . q.. 1. Tech. Spec. 3.1.2 Heatup
- i...
and cooldown limitations .:.i-to 5 EFPY. (Plusadditic t.....q e .4 i ,. a w.. -tr. e a.., :... e ; ..- d. - ..f.:. ! . 4 %.1 -- al 25 psig inst error)' POINT MP PR 1800 a. ..,.t-.. .. 9, .,.m A .y, n ,. v. .4 ...u ru: 8 125 385 17__ .l C 175 460 p...t . ;....., r .m r.: W-D 275 460 '~ M." ; ..r.. /.. ~ 1600
- r. -
E 320 2250
- - e. i... ir. o
~ t t.r. : ll
- 1. 1-C: v.' :/.-
e ? 2. Allowable RC Pump combi- !!!1500 .,.p ,j ~ ~. .i... I < --. nations. .C
- =. - f- '..., : - - -
Above 19s. F All .e. .:.~ 1400 it! l---. ' ?. r.l " st ,.}..*:: 1 .b.*:.;. Below 195 F 1-A.1 B; .1;.:. .. :ipc.i. $ . e. <.:.j. 3..fe.-f. J g;E.W. o.A.1-B; g1300 ,.g...,a j. .,g ,.._;,.. p, w z.4.M.:i "e S-3 1-A,0. E . g...:; 3... r. ;........
- 7...;,
,,,, m... , : c::.p . g.1. 2.._,: 3. Minimum RC pressure to u 1200 ........ :... : r. a.... 4... f.T r.... maintain compression fort g 7.- -. -iq ar. :r:-j.- on fuel clad,(Natural Cii o .. t.n.e. v: .a:.u -v.. re - p: :..-b; .r. m.. w 1100 ~ p;gf.fmd.;g - 0P 1101-1 Fig. 1.0-5.11 . f n;:. 4!: ;...r5:1.+/._ j -pm.. g - :: :: r..,.=.-.'. Ha. nI. ...i.. ..m.e.6I m..-+-r- . 1000 . -9: ., r3
- n. s. cr--a'-. y
- "' 4.t; 2:. /' pp.- 4. Minimum RC pressure to - ~ - E, maintain compression fort .r-...: --. --. i : ::<.---- - r.= ' -- M Ci::/ 4-- 2.u. on fuel clad,(Forced Flos 900
- b
-? f,... '~rr.
- ~1".1
...m. s c.;.- OP 1101-1 Fig. 1.0-5.10 i r J. c. - < a...: 4
- t..
- .. - ':=
800 n " * "" - e e :4.- 5. Minimum pressure for cone trol rod drive operation - *...u=i - . r e:.r.; z w 4-. e 1 a OP 1101-1 Fig.1.0-23.1A 700 -. :. m... i -_.. -.h..:.. :1.! u .... c.i..:..E w i...y -
- . 3. - *..
..Ki~ . i: 6. Hinimum RC Pump NPSH. 600 --. ,m. '.r".._ py op 1101 1 rig, 1,0 5.6 v..~... . r ~.:.:- 500 ...,.:t c 0 +:~ 4.:.-u fi:. : ...~m::. ~ Note: HeatupandCooldowg a /,. -.._. w ;. e..p, .2-n.-., 4.3., #_ ; -4. <-
- ._.A
~~~E. rates shall not exceed 100 f j ...i.., j 400 r ....J.. g., i,.,..... f.d in any one hour, except that
- }
~ :i'
- t.., 6.,.<1. _1...... ;,..
during RCS Inservice Leak an llydrostatic Test, maxi p:_a.,... g. 1.....~ 1 300 upandco8idownrateshalln r 7 200 exceed 50 F in any one hour =~ i N.. i TM1 UNIT 1 r .,.i.. 100~~ TP 600/2 A -. 20/23 Effective Page 0 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Page 98 INDICATED RC TEMPERATURE (OF) Each Div=5.F
1103-11 HEATUP/C00LD0dN LIMITATf0NS FIGURE 1A Pevision 35 -1 2. =. t... : . - 1 =:=:.n=:=- r m:=a==r=. 4/.=..:..._..u...:. r=- . = uu===r,tr*=nl.._. - n _.4.:~.= '.u.~ n-.a.=.t.. =. L= :-.a:-.h.=.! S00 ........:_...._. ===r --=_= t C =.:.:=..=: =_n=arn=_ nn u. u n t-- ...q. 27' ~:= p=.n= :== u.-.. - p: 9.u.a=t====:=: n.=n un e .............p ...s r. u......__...
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= 300 100 15'O 200 250 300 O 50 TM1 UNIT 1 Cycle Lifetime, UPD.,9 Page: 22.0 Effective Page Page 101
1202-5 Revision 21 .o IMPORTANT TO SAFETY ENVIRO
'"'? *::'. THtEE MILE ISLAND NUCLEAR STATION UNIT NO.1 EMERGENCY PROCEDURE 1202-5 4 OTSG TUBE LEAK / RUPTURE ,) G s ".. ',.4 /,,, MODITIED FOR TP 600/2 Table of Effective Pages Page Revi sion Page Revi sion Page Revi sion Page Revi sion
- 1. 0 18
- 2. 0 19
- 3. 0 18
- 4. 0.
19 5.0 21 6.0 21 7.0 20 si ' 8.0 19 ?. E 'I II PACES REMOVED U HA 'd PER TP 600/2 n; = ir; 2 1,u P.
- n ti li.5 ii 18.0 19 19.0 19 e
d 1) Y 9 $3 51gnature Date F l p. 7-29 4' s Signature Date Document 10: 0029N T}!! UNIT 1 TP 600/2. 1/144 Effoctave Page 0 Paso 102
!6 1202 5 .o o, Revision 18 THREE MILE ISLAND NUCLEAR STATION UNIT NO.1 EMERGENCY PROCEDURE 1202 5 OTSG TUBE LEAX/ RUPTURE .....s................................................................ NOTE:- For guidance within this Emergency procedure an OTSG tube leak is defined as a > 1 and < 50 gpm failure, while a rupture is 3,50 gpm failure. Section I: Subcooling Margin is y,25'F 1.0. SYNPTOMs PLANT INITIAL CONDITIONS lTP60 )/2 "" 'e c" ;2: :-'te :!:rr/ !:rt/?f,;r;;; d...a; r:t;, f a;;;;;; ;
- 0T:0 tube 'er',1 ;;;.
- n 3ece.g7j ;.;,,,7; :
- 4. < nave.,.,ac,<vi,y e. gu.;;;;;;,,,;g,,
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!"c e :: ;;.;..... ;n "te;r,Lin: ". dt:tf:r "--'+a-B- "...i is.......ei-;.cir;;l'-d$;;;;dO!!C_ r. n-,*- 4.;
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- ::
^ c, .ut. ,_....>_z m_ .._t ............y. "st: fiv. ;..;...;f ;. .y I. Possible Reactor /Turbia; Trip Isolation TP 600/2
- Unique symptoms of the Tube Rupture.
2.0 IMMEDIATE ACTIONS A. Automatic Action 1. MU.V.17 will open to compensate for reduced pressurizer level. 2. PZR heaters may energize to maintain RCS pressure. 3. na'eihia n-te _:: p :;;;;;f: TP 600/2 B. Ma'nual Action (An asterisk indicates a key parameter which requires reverification as a follow up action.) THI UNIT 1 TP 600/2, 2/14 1.0 Ettoctive Page o Page 103
1202 5 Revision 19 1 s 1. If subcooling margin decreases to < 25'F. immediately verify or trip the Reactor and the Reactor Coolant Pumpst Initiated full HP! and proceed to Section !!. ,,. -.. 1 ;.......:.a..: :....:..:;..:.;; ;;z.4, ....,,.. _ _ _ __, w __.__2 ...... w s w u r r. I y 5 7 .s v. 7...... ... y. Vi v. 5,__....... ............., n......
- 3_
ff a.u a==.F *ka Ami w cand{tient exist. 4rr-de t-?; i;;fn J2 ._,2_ ,_t.___ ..w. .. 6 n i n.......... TF 600/2 u 6m_u. i...,,. >__ ___,__ r r r. r u mIUUb B r.ww.. $1 II f**#"*I 77" C 22 C. = .o i ,_2,__ ...n . -......_,............ 2 r,;,...__,_m .r..,..... m .u. .m. .n....vy.,,..... t
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c1aam ! ::d :t:rt -- -'d8*4a.=1 e ;: ; ::d ;;.r. un u..,._ . -...............,.. _ ~..... 4. .....n,4... s.o.i -. b .u. w. 71....i.....iulr. D ...,_rv. ..s IIW"T866 ,,,. s.a. .c_ __._._, a.asa.. um, _ '"' ' '" ' " ' - ' ' - ' ' ' ' ' ' = - -r NOTE: With HU.Y.3' closed. HU.V.14A/8 must be ogened as t l t Make.up tank level decreases to below 55 1 L l C. Follow.Up Action Objective: l This' procedure is designed tot
- 1) expeditiously cool down and l
l depressurire the unit to atmospheric pressure, 2) minimize possi. bility of lifting steam relief valves, 3) limit radioactive l releases outside containment, and 4) limits OT$G tube tensile s s tresses,. This is accomplished by steaming both OTSG's to conduct i a i a rapid cooldown within the limits specified in the procedure. Tit! UNIT 1 TP 600/2 I 2.0 Uncl. S. 3/14 Eff. Page 0 e page 104 .=3- -- l
a 1202.5 Revision 18 1. ,Re verify those immediate manual actions marked by an asterisk using alternative instruments if available. I h TE: Refer to Table 1 for Emergency Action level Declar. t tion guidance, t 2. ontinue to reduce power to less than 20 perce at the s cted load reduction rate. Consult OP 1 210. Plant ' N shut' n for guidance. 40TE: When r ving the first main fee ump (40 percent pwr),re ne the feed pump that s being steam fed from the a< ected OTSG if kno Remove the feed t pump per OP 02 10. 3. By sampling OTSG's,s urve ng steam lines, observation of OTSG 1evels and feed es, etc. determine affected 0TSG. I HOTEt Affected OTSG s uld in cate higher Itvel,26, ' ower I feed rate,CS-an gr higher ta Gama, NJ, Na t i 1133 and ' sam t ..................................ple results. 4. At < 15, pe ent PWR take the turljne to manual and un. load to 0" MWE,. Verify that the \\ turbine bypass valves autom ically control header pressur below safety \\ va e setpoints. At "0" MWE trip to turbine closely g nitoring HDR pressure. Observe Turbine stop valves closed. t 'C UTION When the turbine is tripped it may be necessar to I I take manual control of turoine bypass valves tobnain. t tain secondary pressure below the main steam saf y 1 valve setpoints. t TP 600/2 7511 UNIT 1 TP 600/2 Enclosure S. 4/14 3.0 ttrective Pane 0 Page 10$ n
g 1202 5 Revision 19 4 .,' fal l aui aa r;d_;;'; d 2,Tc'y w;;; s... i : CAUTION: Yk- =^"-- TP 600/2 __,,2--- L, - m_
- m..
.m. insure avisis..... m.-.-
- ;;
- n-a
- = - meenri,.c invai 9nna s 5. Cer :: 'r-iaa or Dwe +a ' e ;:r;;r.; i; ::;;;c.;i.;I3 'd-'"'
- ;'.I r;;.ietir.; ic;.y; ln y it; ;;r
- by29 TP 600/2 t^^**^' Of the d':::Ed- "':- :
pt :: t !: *e-
- r'
- , ;.L.
.nv.i....;. 1 ;f t'
- e*Aia= huance u*1"-
tad th:r tTir th, ",:::*a* f==adiately adiutt TAV_ ^I;^..d.. sun srei Ens ini u.i bv,; j: - falinwinn nam,+a, o. a . v v.> = n,ca
i-r bwtIDI wv vvww yiwey 1 w tw y s W V WII.
Lafa+u U Al ua ama.a6{an v r' 6. With manual control of turbine bypass valves commence plant cooldown at < 100*F/HR (1.6*F/ min. Refer to OP 1102 11 for additional guidance). NOTE: Refer to OP 1102 16 for additional guidance if RCP's : I are not available. Pressurizer vents may be used for RCS pressure control. g{grggS(}50*F minimize subcooling margin above 25*F by .. "::g: : :-' - -~-y ..r,,,, 7. turbing off PZR lleaters and manually starting pressurizar spray to depressurize RCS and reduce the subcooled margin to.>. 25'F as soon as possible. Minimize subcooling margin > 25'F to reduce leak rate into a ruptured OTSG. The Pressurizer Vent may be used as necessary to reducef' TP60ds 2 l TH! UNIT 1 TP 600/2. S/14 Effective Page 0 Page 106 4.0 s
1202 5 Revision 21 monitor subcooling marginy 'Ong n RC Drain Tank pressure 4e-atalkd to ensum the rupture disk does not' fail. ,7. TP 600/2 NOTE: Assume Tube Leak ( 50 gpa until below fuel pin compression limit. NOT E: Minimizing subcooling margins above 25'F will cause RCS temp /pmss to viciate the fuel pin compression ' curve (OP 1102 11). This is acceptable during rup-ture emergencies, but requims Engineering Evaluation : prior to next heat up. For other than tube rupture, fuel pin compression curves should not be violated. TP 600/2 k 8. When the RCS has been cooled to <540*F and the subcooled margir. is <50F reduce RCP's to one per loop. RCP's must be reduced to <4 RCP's before RCS temp is decreased below 500*F. NOTE: Keep RC-P-1A on for PZR spray. 9. ftnitor tube to shell AT and maintain it less than 70*F. If this limit is approached while steaming, reduce or secure the cooldown rate as necessary. 10. Steam both OTSG's to reduce RCS to less than 540* F. L_
- 11. C af'..e offs ted CTCO b 5m /.'r.3 i. c ie r T o 4 6 f gg
+e T1cH i ant:i - +4rtti;n'r. i
- 12. With RCS hotleg and incore themocouples temperatures less than 540*F, only isolate the af ferie_d 0TSG if BWST level is < 21 ft. or off site dose p:ojections apprtach 50 mr/hr whole body or 250 mr/hr thyroid.
13. If required to isolate the affected OTSG, close the following: NOTE: Assure MFP is being fed from unaffected 0TSG or Auxiliary Steam. Assure gland steam is from the Aux. : . Boil e r.
- 5. 0 TMI UNIT 1 TP 600/2., 6/14 Effectivs fage O Page 107 h
-4 1202 5 Revision 21 MS.V.1A and B or C and D' FW.V.17 A or B NOTE: Asstre MFP is being fed FW.V.5 A or B from unaffected OTSG or Aux. Steam as necessary. FW-V.16 A or B Assure gland steam is from ^"** FW_V-92 A or B FW.V-85 A or B EF_V_30 A or B MS-V-92 MS-V-89 A and B or C and D MS_V.13 A or B (close manual hand wheel) MS.V 10 A or B MS_V.3 D/E/F or A/B/C TP 600/2 / 14. If'both OTSG's are required to be isolated and can no longer be used as a heat sink proceed to EP 1202-39. NOTE: If OTSG pressure cannot be maintained <1000 psig, protect against any challenge to the MS Code safety valves by opening the Turbine Bypass and/or Atmos-pheric Dump Valves. 15. Af fected OTSG must be steamed without exceeding the OTSG level per _t 7_ 7 TP 600/2 cooldown rate limits to maintain less thar 95 percent-ow Fig. 2 wide Levels efernte rangeAand less than 70*F tube to shell AT, unless either the BWST < 21 Ft or off_ site dose projections either TP 600/2 approach / 50 mr/h'r whole body or 250 mr/hr thyroid. NOTE: Under emergency situations, blocking / pining of NS hangers when flooding the applicable MS line.s is not necessa ry. If the MS lines are filled without blocking / pinning of the MS hangers, an engineering evaluation of the structural integrity of the'MS lines must be perfonned prior to resuming normal opera tions. 6.0 TMI UNIT 1 TP 600/2, 7/14 Effective Page 0 Page 105 w-
1202 5 Revision 20
- 16. Maintain < 100* F/hr. (1.6*F/ min) cooldown rate by steaming both OTSG's.
If-the cooldown rate is >100*F/hr TP 600/2 (1.6*F/ min) &c t; th.- ;; p, '"" ;M :. 7, secure the non-ES selected MU pump and observe HPI throttling criteria below for the two ES selected MU pumps. '17. If RCS pressure is being controlled and an adequate subcooling margin exists, bypass ESAS at normal bypass- . pressure setpoints. 18. If ESAS Actuates, verify ES component actuation and follow the below HPI throttling i:riteria: Bypass the ESAS signal and throttle HPI only if one or more of the following criteria are met: ~ A. HPI must be +hrottled to prevent pump runout (550 gpm/ pump). ll0TE: Do not throttle to less than 500 gpm/ pump unless one : of the below criteria (B, C or D) is met. B. HPI must be throttled to prevent violation of the applicable brittle fracture / thermal shock curve l limitations. C. HPI may be throttled if LPI flow is greater than 1000 gpm in each line and stable for 20 minutes. D. HPI may be throttled if the required subcooling margin of > 25*F exists and pressurizer level is established > 0". 110TE: The margin to saturation is ' determined by the satura- : tion margin meter and/or the average of the 5 highest : operable incore thermocouples. TMI UNIT 1 7.0 TP 600/2
- , 8/14 Effec:ive Page 0
.y Pace 109
1202-5 Revision 19
- 19. Notify _ Radiological Controls of the shutdown due to OTSG tube leak and to continue to survey the Intermediate and e
Turbine determine the need for controlled areas. Initiate Emergency Plan if required, as a result of the surveys.
- 20. Notify Unit II Control Room to isolate auxiliary steam cross connect by closing AS-V-23 and its hypass AS-V-209.
- 21. For other than tube rupture, refer to NPSH curve in Figure 1 and 1A of 1102-11. Refer to Figure 1 and 1A attached for rupture emergency NPSH limits for RCP operation.
-22. When on DH Removal, depressurize RCS to vent header -pressure per OP 1104-4.
- 23. When time permits, initiate performance of condenser partition factor Surveillance Test No. 1301-9.6.
24. If OTSG tube leakage exceeded the limits of Tech. Spec., an unscheduled inservice inspection of the affected 0TSG.must be conducted prior to startup pursuant to Tech. Spec. 4.19.3.C.1. n!I UNIT 1 TP 600/2 Enclosure 5, 9/14 Effective Page 0 8.0 Page 110 f:== 1202-5 Revision 21 TABLE 1 EMERGENCY ACTION LEVEL DECLARATION CRITERIA Co ndition Unusual Event Al ert Si te General . Tube. Leak Alone 1 gpm - 50 gpm - -> 50 gpm Any Tube Leak N/A and Saturation < 25* Subcooled Steam' Generator Tube Leak N/A 1 gpm - > 50 gpm N/A Plus - Loss of Off-site Power. 50 gpm Steam Generator Tube Leak N/A 1 gpm - -> 50 gpm N/A Plus - Steam Li ne Break 50 gpm Steam Generator Tube Leak N/A 1 gpm - > 50 gpm N/A Plus: ' Loss of Condenser 50 gpm Steam Generator Tube Leak N/A N/A -> 50 gpm N/A Luith 1 percent Failed Fuel RFA-5 Low Range Hi gh Al am N/A N/A N/A R!'A-5, Hi gh Range N/A Alert High Al am* Al a rm* *
- Based on 10mR/hr at site boundary.
- Based on SCmR/hr whole body or 250 mr/hr thyroid at site boundary.
T.'!I UNIT 1 TP 600/2, 10/14 17.0 Effective Page 0 Page 111 m
... -. 3 u. r. - - 1202-5 RC PRESSUR /T:MPE9 ATURE LIMITS ..fRevision19 TP 600/2 .:s .-- o. _. f CURVE DESCRIPTIONS '; : 00.--_ Instrument error of 50 os'- __SEE FIGURE IB - g g F is included for all' o r
- 00 E"9 "E=Es='-
curves except RCP MPSH.
- 1. Tech. Spec. 3.1.2 Heatu:
'-2-_.---- =_
== - ^ & Cooldown limitations : -W .j -. - *.- - - - 5 EFPY.
- 2. Thermal Shock Curve.
- 30
{ Emergency NPSH Curve #:r 2 RCP Operat' ion. 0 25 F Subcooling Margi = - = - - - - - - + I:00 =- -E"- ir 5. T Clad less than 1200'F. 0
- 6. T Clad less than 130C F.
- = - - -
4 . 00 2 a p 4_ ---=---------I---- REOUIREMENTS 1300 _ -~_~ ~ - .5 When indicated RCS press,re '.700 -z_ is less than 500 psig refee to Fig. l A. - - ~ r "~ " 00 -
- ~ --"
A. During Emergency Condi-tions maintain RCS pres 5 sure/ temperature betweej 1500 .n curves No. 2 & No. A m= === - - ( Acceptacle cperating ~ -4 ,;33 region for preventing g = =. _ = _ _ _. _. _ =- _ __ r thermal shock). N 1200 - --_i-_ B. Thermal Sheck Preventic. d-Guidance. u ;;;c . _ _ _ = _ _ _ = _ - = = - - - u,. _.._ c-- - - =g--.
- l. With RC?'s off i 20*.
on maintain 'iCS res . -_-_ _ --=- -___5 g,.. 0 sure/temoerature :eo tween curves No. 2 3
- ..=.==. _= - - =I *--
__ ; _.. 2 - -- _.=:_-.=_ - = u NO 5 '.300 f_"_=Y
- 2. During any cocidown
=i.~.-~.._.___. maintain 1ess :han 900 5 ~-5'-5 - - =E==I =E: ;==------ 1000F/hr. (l.50 F/7,i -r 5 !!5 =i ~-- _ _ _ = D.-_ t----
==E==EEgi=. =.= =u=5 - If either statement No.1 t___ .- ~ c00 or No. 2 above is violatedl 700 --- stabilize the plant and decressurize as necessarv ~. -. _ _ = to ~ maintain RCS pressuref 00 . _ _ _ _... _ _ _ = = _ - - - - temperature between curve No. 2 and.No. 2 Do rot - cause any significant nef 500... n _-- - or repressari:ation.
- )
= - f _[ -" agg possible (i.e. .nen loca.' 3hr.holdshouldbem __ non OTSG tube ructure), t is 100 tained at the stabili:e:l - cer.cition between curves 200 - - i:-- ._.- 2 anc ':0. 1 O f Ti s. 1 i*.y =-- _ _ _ _ 1A. TMI UNIT 1 nn 39' TP 600/2 Encl., 5, 11/1 ~ ~ ="-.----s_,_- r r-l, Effective Pap w.0 Pace 11., -c r..-..,...........,; .r . c,; :..,. --s gw. l L. o
.smsn , MARROW RA*1GE RC PRESSURE / TEMPERATURE LIMITS 4 vision 19 i .*g TP 600/2 i l - _~ i_ CURVE DESCRIPTIONS _ i ,230== - _ _.. - - ._ b m Instrument error of 10 : sic _ __j m==. -~~- - ---U E *" 250 + curves. __r--- -l=_EE 9* _= E 2:5s gg-1. Tech. Spec. 3.1.2 Hea as & " ") -~'-- t= EFPY. Cooldown limitations tc 5 p :- j-',' _ _ __ _. / p 5EE.2. Thermal Shock Curve. -r ~ Emergency NPSH Curve for 4 200 -- 2 RCP Operation. 250F Subcooling Marcin. ) 3SO -- i REOUIREME!!TS - _._ _ r g_ . _ ---.g When indicated RCS pressure is ug - g -. g-greater than 500 psig refer ::- Fig. 1. '40 A. During Emergency Conditior.s _ _ r-.= _.[Z__. maintain RCS pressure / j. _=_ --, I 320 J"- -/03E No. 2 & No. 4 (acceptable temperature between curves -- 300 T_ _ i... _ operating region for d g _ j. _ preventing thermal sheck). ="- =
- 3. Thermal Shock Preventien
.f..,30 1-I. - - Guidance. g g_.=.---- =-
- g _ __ _-
a I--
- 1. With RCP's off & HP:
5 50
- n. _
m _ I;4 i on maintain RCS cressure ~~ i temperature between E ~ y 210 = 2 curves No. 2 & ho. 4.
- 2. During any cooldown c 220 i
maintain less nan ;CO-: 0 5 / hr. (1.5 F/ min) c: cide..:
- 200 -_
rate. .g j 3__ If either statement No.1 or
- gg
= r- ? above is violated, stabili:2 = ._ T - 4 -' the plant and decressuri:e as --i 7.5/ - necessary to maintain RCS Ore's j ;50 f-sure/ temperature between curve v = E 4 No. 2 and No. a. Do not cause = '10 =- ': f' - any significant heatuo or / reoressurization. If ::ossible 120 '_ _/ (i.e. non loca, non 0T53 tu:e f. f rupture), a 3 hr. hold shoul: -- - ~ ~~ T __ _ be maintained at the stabili:r I 100 4 condition between curves *;o. ; .5 No. 4 of Fig.1 and 1 A. .a 50 00 T.'!I UNIT 1 =-- -- =E:. TP 600/2 M h- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _., 12/14 l -~ _.y Effective Pace 0 Pace 113 c..=_--..____-------- _ = _ - - - - - +- f .:. ::s .-0 i 0 lis
- s m
_;2 19.0
FIGURE IB TP 600/2 RCP NPSH Curves 1600 l Minimum NPSH for RCP Normal 1500 Operations OP 1101 Figure 1.0-5.6
Emergency NPSH for 4 RCP operation or 2 RCP per loop.
1400 . Emergency NPSH for 2 BCP operation j j (one per loop) I y I 1300 --- 25*F Subcooling Margin Curve. .I i Note: l 12*F and 10 psig instrument errors 1200 have been incorporated in the normal l I NPSH curves. while 5.6*F and 94.9 psig errors were for the emergency NPSH curves. l 1100 l UE 1000 / l I // e I i /! = l g N 900 , /e E l l f.[ / l 1 o 800 /.k' = 5 a I ///! 100 i.: /.j/ /// 600 /.j/ f ',.E //l 500
- fI f]/
f l /.l !" j /;.j 300 / l 200 - --f' i } l i t --- - - - b - 100. ,.... **..=*..**.. t 3 100 200 300 400 500 600 TMI UNIT 1 Effective Pg.0 Indicated RC Temperature FF) TP 600/2 Page ll3a, 13/14 W c-
1 8 9 ,a FIGURE 2 i I, A I I e I I 2 A I i i Q o r co i ,i I 1 I i z' a i i Z / o o 1 L1 1 i t% LA I s h l l w i i _1 y W l o ,,.s o Ls i z a s. l w w l-2- l / u E e o m m i i ~ z l 1 oa ^ ow w mg a. 1 1 'n E- / (L C3 i / g o l l 2 G oW o I-Q- t l gm 1 . w i Z E-m w i e o i g o i za 1' l o r m g / i i I J A i i Q 3 i i h. 1 o o 1 o i m ? m i W l 1 o / o o / / .e s / } l/ / sV 1 ,r s . / e s o o o o o o o o o o o o m co rw m m v m tu T-v m m m m m M M M i oFmo iD44 Eczow aw3wa "ra* s TMI UNIT 1 TP 600/2 Enclosure'5, 14/14 Effective Page 0 4 Page 113b 1 3 ,,,..vy_ _.,.,.._.,,_fr .-_,__,,_,yy_,,_...,_-,,,,wn,..,,_m,m,,-m,,.m ___m,.7___m,,,,_m. ..,._,.y_.___
L. "' j;. m , _ d[,,.:.- ' ENCLOSURE 7 HEATUP AND C00LDOWN COMPUTER POINTS . Computer Point-Description -401 - RCS.Tcold Loop A 405~ RCS Thot Loop A 403 RCS Teold Loop B ' 407. R'CS Thot Loop B 505 RCS Pressure 556 OTSG A Pressure 557-OTSG B Pressure 0001 OTSG A Wide Range Level 0004 OTSG B Wide Range Level 570 OTSG-A Downcomer Temp. (Upper) 551' OTSG A Downcomer Temp. (Lower) 572 OTSG B Downcomer Temp.--(Upper) 552 OTSG B Downcomer Temp. (Lower) 541 OTSG A Shell Temp.'EL 300 542 OTSG A Shell Temp. EL 310 543 OTSG A Shell' Temp. EL 320 544 OTSG A Shell Temp. EL 330 5,45 OTSG A Shell Temp. EL'340 546. OTSG B Shell Temp. EL 300 1 Le TMI UNIT 1 ~ TP 600/2 ., 1/2 l Effective Page O Page 117- "O$4 ~ ~ ' ' ,,--,--w,-e,-- ,,,,w, -r,e,s
F e ~i. 4 5 HEATUP AND'COOLDOWN COMPUTER POINTS Computer Point Description 547 OTSG B Shell Temp. EL 310 -548' OTSG B Shell. Temp. EL 320 549 OTSG B Shell-Temp. EL 330 550 OTSG B Shell Temp. EL 340 O' SG A Tube-Shell A T (Avg.). T C4015 C4016 OTSG B Tube-Shell A T (Avg.) C4000 Heatup/Cooldown Rate (5 Min.' Avg.) C4002 Heatup/Cooldown Rate (1 Min. Avg.) Computer Printout Sheets To Be Attached i 9 TMI UNIT 1 TP 600/2 -, 2/2 Effective Page O Page 118 O esu
- >. m ENCLOSURE 8
.GPUNC Specification'-1101-28-008,- Rev. O, is being issued to define the OTSG- .Leakrate-Monitoring Program during hot testi ~The parameters being measured -andithe sampling frequencies are as follows:gg. Parameter Sample Location Frequency Data Sheet ?! Krypton-85: ,RMA-5L (offgas monitor) . Continuous - Counts / minute-1 to be logged every 15 min-utes during cooldown and every 30 minutes during steady state. Leakrate calculations must be performed at these times. RCS Daily ^ 2 One hour 1 30 minutes after 2 each addition of the radio-active tracer (Krypton-85) One hour 30 minutes after 2 each 1.arge addition of water (2000. gallons-or more) to the RCS during_the OTSG hot testing MU Tank (Gas space) Following-each RCS sampling 2 af ter a Kr-85 injection Boron-OTSG Daily 3A/3B e -Tritium OTSG Daily 3A/3B Hotwell Daily 2 Gamma' OTSG and Hotwell Daily 2 Iso topic '. RMA-5L.(Grab sample) 1 Hour (Cooldowns) 2 Analysis RMA-5L (Grab sample)' 4 Hours (Steady State) 2 RMA-5L (Grab sample) Every 2 gph or more increase 2 l over a period of 4 hours or less as calculated from the RMA-5L (offgas monitor) count rate. DATA SHEET 4 - Primary to Secondary Leak Rate Calculations. Fill out Data Sheet and Compute P/S Leak Rates whenever Kr-85 grab samples at.RM-A-5. Low are taken. 1 'og. he average count rate for the 15 minutes (30 minutes during steady state) since
- L t
the last reading, on Data Sheet 1 and compute the primary to secondary leak rate using the most recent RCS Kr-85 activity. condenser vacuum pump exhaust flow rate, -and the primary'to secondary leak rate graph. OTSCs,must also be analyzed for. parameters in accordance with SP 1101-28-002, Rev. 1. TMI UNIT 1 TP 600/2, 1/ Effective Page O Page 119 he n
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- 3 DATA SHEET NO. 1 RM-A5 (LOW) OTSG HOT TESTING Date Shift 11-7, 7-3, 3-11 (Circle) CPM RCS KR-85 P/S Leakrate Cond. Vac. Corrected Leakrate Cond. Vac Tim 7 RM-A5 Low Activity @ l SCFM Flow SCFH* P/S Leakrate"@ 1 SCFM
- Tot. Flow Shift Supr./ Shift Foreman Signature
- Ricord total flow every 4 hours.
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- RMAS Sample Fv Ap RCS' Sample P/S LR 9
1 TMI UNIT 1 TP 600/2 Effective Page 0 Page 125 -pm
OTSG HOT TESTING DATA SHEET NO. 4 (CONT'D.) LEAK RATE CALCULATION Time /Date Time /Date As RMA5 Sample Fv Ap RCS Sample P/S LR TMI UNIT 1 TP 600/2 Effective Page 0 Page 126 4 c C,
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t y ENCLOSURE 9 GENERAL EMERGENCY OPERATING GUIDELINES ^ FOR HOT FUNCTIONAL TESTING PROGRAM INfRODUCTION A review has been conducted of the 1200 serias emergenef procedures in order to determine their applicability during the hot functional testing program. During this program, the plant will be at operating pressure and temperature on RC pump heat without core deca / heat. The. review concluded that there was a small numoer of concerns, which were prevalent in many procedures, which would be accommodated for bf a series of general emergency operating guidelines which would be applicable for hot functional testing., this obviates the need for a large number of specific procedure changes and is more effective because the guidelines would be incorporated directif into the startup and cast procedures. GUIJELINES A. In order to avoid excessive cooldown rates for any condition which .results in initiation of EFW, if the turbine delven SFW pump initiates, lamediatelf isolate SG steam supplf to the EFW turbine. 8.' ICO and Natural Circulation procedures are not applicabla during RFr. (Ouldance regarding actions to be taken following a sustained loss of A0 pumps will be provided separatel ). See Item D. f C. Feed' and bleed cooling should not be used for cooling tne plant during HFI. 1. Upon loss of all feedwate'r, trip one RCP in each loop and control ACS 'tamperature using makeup and lecdown. 2. References to initiation in all other emergenef procedures (e.g. LOCA, tube rupture and steam line break) should not be folloved. D. See next page. TMI UNIT 1 TP 600/2, 1/3 Effective Page O Page 130 %m
E .c). f. -.r _O-4 ENCLOSURE 9 .D. ' GUIDELINES FOR LOSS OF REACTOR COOLANT-PUMPS DURING HOT PRE-CRITICAL TESTING Sacause there will be' onif about 60 Kw of decaf. heat during hot jre-celtical testLng._the raactor coolant wLL1 not heat up after a loss of reactor coolant pump _ flow. the followLng guldeLLnes are racommended to. . stabitze the s/ stem and prevent overcoolln2 and/or saturatto'n. Ln the RC3. 1. If Loss of 'R0 pumps results Ln auto InLtlation of.the turbine delven ~ - and motor driven 2T4-pumps, LamadLately Lsolata steam supply to the turbina drLven pump and turn of f the motor driven pumps. Verify EFJ-V-30A/B are shut and no flou La injected into the OISG's. 2. Reduce cold water addLtton',to'the RC3 to that requLred to malntain normal pressurtzer. level and balance seal injection flow by reducLng letdown to a mLntaua and' controlling level with makeup flow. 'J se - pressurizar hasters to maintaLa RC pressure. If no offsite power is available, the pressurtzer hasters should be loadad on 23 bus accordLns to the exLsting procedure. Do not let RC pressure decrease below the attached curve in order to prevent vold formation la tha reactor vessel head. -thLs-estabLLshes a stable ~condLtton whLeh can be maintained for a sustaLned period of tLme (on the order of 2 days). If loss of offstta power and/or LnsDLittf to start the RO pumps persLsts for an extendad period, unefan ' heat' loss at various locations of the RC3 maf result in sore signLfLcant strattfleacton, L.a., uneven tamparature dLstributton throughout the RCS. . This is an undesirable condLtLon because Lt wtLL produce charmal strass to the vessel and piping.- The following guldeltnes spply to thLs sltuacLoa. Addlttonal details will $2 provided by rech FunctLons Li such a conditLon should result:- -1. Malats'in' pressure above the attached curve sad-salntaLn pressurtzer Laval. 2. Monttorich.e temp'eratures at the incore thermocouples, hot Legs, and , cold legs. If a dLfference between an/ two LocacLons exceads 5001, and Lf the Of33 te.sparature is highet than the 1C3, use the turbLneL b/ pass valvas "or atmospherte dump salves Lf condenser not a<allabla) to graduallf dapressurize the OI3G untLL the gradLant 3talnLshes. -faratnat 3G cooLLng L! the gradlent incrasses. TMI UNIT 1 TP 600/2, 2/3 Effective Page 0 Page 131
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