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Rev 7,Temporary Change Notice 1-98-003 to 6610-PLN-4200.02, Edcm, Changing Pages 2 & 57 & Adding New Emergency Dose Assessment Users Manual
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 04/09/1998
From: Parfitt B
Shared Package
ML20216E916 List:
6610-PLN-4200.0, NUDOCS 9804160357
Download: ML20216E949 (11)




~' Refer to snstruccons and guidelines in AP 1001 A wnwn compiennp Mrs form. 11. TCN No.

.OC $ $ (From TCN Log index)

12. Implementaton Date D !P ,3
d. I


SS/SF $gnature 4 t, 6,6 to-Pua -47_co.o? ~7 e,oceau,e = r,es.m Row. - TMs hu. caw'D. .c CAu oure.a duaA -


2. Change: e e include page numbers, paragraph numbers, and exact wording of change.

i Attach addinonal sheets if nommary

'R 3e3 z , 57, A ic, Ado 4ca.) EAH f Bi r- 1 THtS TcN CANCELS TU I-%-00'3 3.

Reason for Change: c.aeser 1.o,ws. 'Repoctio4 TActbas Fog GSF n/c4T*

4 Ano Oste's MAwou. T'utdiL CAP A.c.tsea.a ITE M TlWI"'OD ( ** 3  !

Duranon of TCN, No hv.t than 90 days from imp 6ementaton date of TCN or as in a or b bekyw, diche -


TCN will be cancelled by a procedure rowsion issued as a result of a Procefure Chance Request to be submrtted by 8. ba d'.F t T (Submit PCR as soon as possible)

Indiv6 dual Submrtung PCR ,

b. TCN is not valid after (Rit in circumstances which wdl result in TON bemg weei d)


5. Is procedure withm QA Plan scope? . ..

. Yss 1 No _,,,,


Does the change affe:t the intent of the original procedure? . , ,,.. ,.. . ..,


, ,. .Yes V No o g answers to #5 AND 6 are NO. the change may be approved by the Shift Supervisor (Seceon to c)

O IF answer to #6 is YES, the change must be reviewed and approved innor accorcance wrtn Tab 6e 2 p to implementaton (Secton 10.b).

{approved answer to #6 is in accorcance wrthNQ. ANLD Table 2 answer to #5 ism change may be BTHER (1) two memoer review (Secton 10.b). ,

Change Recommended Oy' W sa E # a rT' Date 3[T.*7[48


. e, ne,Concu,,ence. @ v Date s/2., les

  • RTR,

'May Responsible be by telecon. Office Department Head / Designee may concur if Procedure Owner is unavailable.


Tech. Functons Rep. Notfied (If req'd ) b b Y0 W f f. Kk' "'h o (dtv' ' .

Ate 6

  • 0. Apprwelist;
b. hermal Roses (MAP 1001A):
t. Tsus of the GPtW Myun. Stoff Asues RTRe oliell be stifferosu from Resp.ome. Jttrlck d senwr L ou. Grn o ch I M h

["lu,e (RTR) kN $. k][ i* 3b f


soaavo u on-N Egnature

_0SR) kh ~ '

Sgnature / 7 Date ' Date Vithin 14 days, approval per AP 1 A must occur _(Approver) 04 Sgnature

  • f 44 T Date OSRI

~ {i Sgnature c. 33 Date (This cbhy uced t! answers to queshons #5 and 6 are "No'

_fApprover) fRTR)

Senature Sgnature

  • Dew Date (Acomver) .


.\ Date v 4 is Cancel 6ed e _ so,,S _ .ma, s Da ,

\ E111 E 9804160357 980409 PDR ADOCK 05000289 F PDR

1001A Revision 35 FIGURE 4

/m (

l n' Q THREE MILE ISLAND M8- l of 3 i l

I SAFETY DETERMINATidN This determination is required for all documents within 1001 A applicability / scope.

New Frocedure . . .

TCN !' - B -[ b 3 O PCR - . -

STP - -

  • "~c"*"- " " c-we, aa -mc>o,g ,

i l

1. Is tNs a substantive change? Indicate *YES* for new procedures and STP's Yes Y No -

If Box 1 is *No*, sign and date this form. The reniainder of the form need not be completed. -


' * * ' ' i

2. Does this change involve any nonvadiological environmental impact? . < Yes No V I (Refer to Definitiorts Section of this procedure.) l e

.L i 11 *Yes', complete Figure 9 and ensure the change is submrtted to Environmental Affairs for review. -

e Complete the remainder of this form. l l

1 l

l I

l l

3. Does tNs change have the potential to adversely affect nuclear safety or safe plant operations? Yes No X l (Refer to Paragraph 4.2.2)  !
4. Does tNs make changes in the facility as desenbed in the safety analysis report? Yes No k
5. Does this make changes in the procedures as described in the safety analysis report? Yes No X
6. Are tests or experiments conducted which are not described 'in the safety analysis report? Yes N'o X
7. Does tNs change conflict wrth the requirements of the plant Technical Specifications? Yes No T if ANY of the answers to 3,4,5,6 OR 7 are Xf,1, you must fill out Figure 5 AND provide a wrrtten safety evaluation'.

Sign and date tNs form.

If the answers to 3,4,5,6 AND 7 are ML N_Q, tNs precludes the existence of an Unreviewed Safety Question or Technical Specification change.

Provide the basis for the answers to each of the questions (3,4,5,6,7) on one or more separate sheets.  !

Sign and date this form.  !

m,ed ey. @4h Da1e: 3/whs WR .,: 14L.+6chftd qv u Date: s/u/v E131 '$'

t. - J

SAFETY Page 2 of 3 DETERMINATION FOR TCN to 6610-PLN-4200.02 Descrintion of the Channe  ?-


His TCN is being submitted to incorpointe iodine reduction factors for releases from accident through the ESF Fuel Handling Building Ventilation System. Prior to this TCN, no taken for lodine reduction for this type of release, which would result in gross overestimati dose projections for this type of release. More realistic offsite dose estimates durh:g th will enhance the heahh and safety of the public by minimizing the possibui; for unneces j action by cancelled recommendations.

this TCN. His change is identical to that contamed in fCN '-;5-0013 t His TCN adds Exhibit 1, which is the Emergency Dose Assessmect User's Manual specifie Action Item T!997-0331-3.

The manual provides additional and easily referenced guidance to personnel performing dose projections. emergency dose projections. It is designed to reduce the potential for inac 4


Does thh change have thepotentialto adversely Afect nuclear salfety or safeplant opera No. De iodine reduction factors ir.corporated by this TCN provide a more realistic offsite d estimates should this type of accident occur. De reduction factors are specified by NURE and Regulatory Guide 1.25 and have a sound technical basis. More realistic offsite dose e during this type of accident will enhance the healta and safety of the public by minimiz possibility for unnecessary protective action recommendations, ne user's manual provides b O guidance to persormel perfortning dose projections, increasing their accuracy. As a resultj change enhances nuclear safety and safe plant c.perations.


..' Does thk nanke changes tu, thefacility as descrhedin ne sqfety analysk report?

No. This change does aot make any changes to the facility. ' ^


Does Ah neeke changes in theprocedures as describedin the sqfety analysk report?

No, ne 0.01 factor for iodine retention in the fuel pool is consistent with the conservative assumption used in the fuel handling accident analysis in Section of the FSAR. The 0.

factor (99% filter efficiency) for iodine filtration is specified by NUREG 1228 as total lodine i

< filtration for gaseous and particulate fonns. His factor is incorporated in the RASCAL code j

(NUREG/CR 5247) used by the NRC to perform independent emergency dose calculations., 4 While the fuel handling accident analysis in the FSAR assumes only a 90% filter efficien ,

this accident, the accident analysis performed in Chapter 14 of the FSAR uses highly conse

, and bounding assumptions prove that plant equipment is capable of mitigating the conse;!

t of an accident, his is a totally different type of calculation than the calculations performed in t TMI EDCM. De EDCM specifies calculational methods to provide the most realistic assessme ofoffsite dose during actual emergencies to determine the need for protective action recommendations to the state. EDCM calculations are not intended to be the same type of i.

bounding calculation as the design basis accidents analyzed in the FSAR. Dese calculations

. use more realistic' assumptions, as specified in NUREG 1228, s'mce there is a risk to the safety health of the public if an unnecessary protective action recommendation is made. The FSAR and the GPUN Emergency Plan do not specify detailed emergency dose calculation procedures designed to determine the need for protective action recommendations for the public during a emergency. De user's manual is not referenced in the SAR. As a result, this change does not make changes in the procedures as described in the safety analysis report.

i SAFETY DETERMINATION FOR TCN to 6610-PLN-4200.02 i Page 3 of 3

"s 6.

( Are tesu or experimenu conducted which are ny described in the safety analysis report?


'n/ ) .

I, No special tests or experiments are performed. -

. i i'

7. Does shis change conflict with the requiremenu of theplant technicalspecifications? -

No. Emergency dose calculation procedures are not specified by Tech Specs.

Safety Analysis Report Document Sections Reviewed GPUN Emergency Plan -

FSAR Chapter 14 k

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re;mo.r Radiological Con rois Department 6610-PLN-4200.02 Title _- Revision No.

TMI Emergency Dose Calculation Manual (EDCM) 7 Appucacihty/ Scope Responsicie Office Effective Cate TMl 1 Division Rad Con / Safety Dir. 12/26/97

, TNs document is within QA plan scope lX Yes No Safety Reviews Required X Yes No l List of Effective Pages ,

Pace ~ Revision Pace Revision Pace Revision Paae Revision 1.0 7 21.0 5 41.0 7 61.0 7 l 2.0 7 22.0 5 42.0 7 62.0 7 l

3.0 6 23.0 5 43.0 7 63.0 7 -

4.0 5 24.0 5 44.0 7 64.0 7 5.0 6 25.0 5 45.0 7 65.0 7 6.0 5 26.0 7 48.0 7 66.0 7 7.0 6 27.0 5 47.0 7 67.0 7 80 5 28.0 7 48.0 7 68.0 7 90 5 29.0 7 49.0 7 69.0 7 10 0 5 30.0 7' 50.0 7 70.0 7 11.0 5 31.0 7 51.0 7 71.0 7 12.0 5 32.0 7 52.0 7 72.0 7, 13.0 14.0 5

5 33.0 34.0 7

~7 53.0 54.0 7

7 /

p -

\ 15 0 6 35.0 7 55.0 7 '

r. .t

, l 16.0 6 36.0 7 56.0 7 /

17.0 5 37.0 7 57.0 7 18.0 5 38.0 7 58.0 7 l' 19.0 5 39.0 7 59.0 7 \ g 20.0 5 40.0 7 60.0 7 \ .:'A

. .. _. l 4

%.,,,,, .a sientwo .oate Rad Engineer g yt,,/4 /97 Envronmental Scientist (2 'p Ernergency Preparedness g iifil/3 7 Manager. Rad Engineering lt/Y/17 Nuclear Engineer Q[g c)/p' aad con / safety oirector. m Qgg, i z -a2-9 U 1.0 3*'2'

I g^- E Nuclear Radiolog cal controls Department Number I

6610-PLN-4200.02 NeviSion NO.

TMI Emergency Dose Calculation Manual (EDCM) 7 i TABLE OF CONTENTS Section 1.0 PURPOSE ' f!!92 2.0 3.0 APPUCABluTY 3.0 DEFINITIONS 3.0 4.0 PREREOUISITES 3.0 g 5.0 PROCEDURES 10.0 8 S..

5.1 10.0 (

Source Term Calculations 5.2 11.0 Release Pathways and Characteristics 5.3 11.0 Calculation of NRC Damage Class and isotopic Percentages

, 5.4 13.0 Radiation Monitonng System (RMS) Source Term Calculation 5.5 26.0 Post Accident Samples Source Term Calculation

. 5.6 30.0 Contingency Calculations Source Term Calculation 5.7 31.0 -

Decay Scheme Calculation 5.8 36.0 Noble Gas to lodine Ratio Calculations 5.9

  • 38.0 Effluent Release Flow R'ates -

5.10 41.0 Two-Phase Steam Flow Determination 5.11 54.0 '

lodine Reduction Factors 5.12 55.0 Dispersion Model 5.13 58.'0 Uquid Release Calculation 5.14 64.0 Off-Site Air Sample Analysis 5.15 68.0 ProtectNe Action Recommendation Logic 6.0 60.0 RESPONSl81UTIES 7.0


m 9.o Emmas 70.0 1

( s., e _e,a,,-a-, a- si-t 1

2.0 l i

an. '

surra, Radiologeal s Department 6610-PLN-4200.02 rn , r on e .

TMI Emergency Dose Calcutation Manual (EDCM) ,

7 The RDF for this type of release utn Reactor Building Spray on. is as follows:

RDF = (0.01)(.03) = 0.0003 Where 0.01 = Normal reduction for effectrve ventiation ftters (Reference 7.21) 0.03 = Reduction by Reactor Budding Spray for rrurumal hold up time of 0.5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> (Reference 7.21)

The reducten factor for fttration of 0.01 appies to normal fIter conditions. If the ftters are known to be degraded (for examp6e. due to mosturel but still partially funcooning. this is accountW for in the RAC Model. The fBters are other functioning at the Mi capacity. 99%, '

or from 0 99% due to degradabon. If the leakage is not througn the purge system filters.

the reduction factor component for fdtraton is 1.

5.11.6 Raamaeam from Fuel Heding ESF Vent System

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p During a feel bandling acculest la the feel handling bauding, noble gases and lodines may l be. released into the feel pool and sabesquently into the atmosphere of the Fuel Handling Bouding. The ESF Ventilation system woeld then eshaast the atmosphere in the bauding, through futer banks, to the environment. The RDF for this type of release is as fonows:

RDF = (0.01)(0.01) = 0.0001 .


1 0.01 = Normal redsetion for effeedve ventilation Glters (Reference 7.21) 0.01 = Ratestion of iodines la the feel pool water (Reference 7.21 and Reg. Guide 1.25) l t i U 57.0 na j l