ML20036B488 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Oyster Creek, Three Mile Island |
Issue date: | 05/17/1993 |
To: | |
References | |
EPIP-TMI-.04, EPIP-TMI-.4, NUDOCS 9305240247 | |
Download: ML20036B488 (21) | |
{{#Wiki_filter:.~ 1 TMI PROCEDURE INSTRUCTION MEMO UNIT I PROCEDURES er Document Control Desk CORRECT NAME/ ADDRESS Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulgrion i IP NECESSARY U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Compussion l Washington, DC 20555 RE; URN TO: BETTY NASH/ DEBBIE MARSHEANK 1 INFO I PROCEDURE DISTRIBUTION CONTROL l ROOM 135 U-2 ADMIN. BLDG, TMI I listed below, destroy I Please update your procedure file with the attached procedure (s) the superseded procedure (s), and post your Procedure Index accordingly. Also please sign the acknowledgment at the bottom of this memo and return to the address shown above. Procedure No. Pev. No. PCR No. Inst ructions /Coment s 24hkJ QJa I cpx? rmz. 0+' 7 t-ce-u-sois i M n1., U f e i ? I F i i [ ADDITIONAL !NSTRUC* IONS /COMW.INTS f i t I herecy acknowledge receipt of the items above and have complied with the instructions. 1 1 Signature) (Ext. No.) (Date) f y i 1 .~. t t \\ (' A Q A 9305240247 930517 i PDR ADDCK 05000219 11-DCrORMS.1D5-F ppg f I 'I
May 17,1993 Emergency Plan j implementing Document s EPIP Procedures j i TABLE OF CONTENTS Procedure No. Rev. No. Title Effective Date i EPIP TMI.01 2 Emergency Classification and Basis 08/21/92 EPIP-TMI.02 1 Emergency Direction 08/21/92 EPIP-TMI.03 7 Emergency Off Site Notifications 04/22/93 EPJP-TMI.04 9 Contact / Call Out of Emergency Personnel 05/17/93 j EPIP-TMI.05 2 Communications and Record Keeping 06/12/92 l EPIP-TMI.06 10 Additional Assistance and Notification 04/22/93 EPIP-TMI.07 1 Activation of the RAC 09/28/92 [ EPIP-TMI.09 1 In-Plant Radiological Controls During Emergencies 02/07/92 l EPIP-TMI.10 1 Onsite/Offsite Radiological / Environmental Monitoring 10/11/91 i EP!P-TMI.16 1 Contaminated injuries 02/07/92' EPIP-TMI,19 2 Emergency Dosimetry / Security Badge issuance 10/29/92 i EPlP-TMI.24 2 Classified Emergency Termination / Recovery 02/07/92 I i EPIP-TMI.27 1 Emergency Operations Facility 08/21/92 EPIP-TMI.28 1 Activation of the Technical Support Center 10/11/91 . i EPIP-TMI.29 2 OSC Operations 10/29/92 EPIP-TMI.32 3 Activation of the Annex to the Emergency Operations Facility 03/22/93 EPlP.TMI.35 1 Thyroid Blocking 07/12/91 -i .I EPIP-TMI 36 4 Emergency Assembly and Site Evacuation 01/28/93 j EPIP-COM.43 1 Operations of the Parsippany Technical Functions Center 03/12/93 'I i Page 1 of 2 r I i
e wumber Nuclear M Emergency Plan implementing Document EPIP-TMI.04 Tatie Revision No. Contact / Call Out of Emergency Personnel 9 Apphcabihty/ Scope Responsable Ottice Ettective Date All Emergency Plan implementations at TMI 6410 05/17/93 This document is within OA plan scope X Yes No Safety Reviews Required X Yes No List of Effective Pages Pace Revision Pace Revision Pace Revision Pa Revision 1.0 9 2.0 7 3.0 7 4.0 7 5.0 7 6.0 7 Q 7.0 7 8.0 9 9.0 7 g 10.0 7 V 11.0 7 12.0 7 O 13.0 7 (j,E1-1 14.0 7 7 Q E1-2 7 E2-1 8 E2 2 8 E2-3 8 E3-1 7 O. sSignSture.-
- Datel:-
Emergency Planner b OF-12-73 l n'" f[LlV 5 ls2 pSe v,w;ag me j eRe w 9.a# os.a u Corporate Emergency Planner f.d D5 IE'D _ l Tui Emergency Preparedness Mgr. /f93 'O V 1.0 mm i
. ~ .... _ = _. ~ I s =. i t Number [ ggggggy TMl Emergency Plan 4 l Implementing Document EPIP-TMI.04 ] Tm. 9.<.on m. - i Contact / Call Out of Emergency Personnel 7 L TABLE OF CONTENTS I Section Pam f 1.0 PURPOSE f 3.0 t 2.0 APPLICABluTY/ SCOPE 3.0 3.0 ~ DEFINITIONS t 3.0 L 4.0 RESPONSIBIUTIES t . 3.0 t 4.1 Emergency Director 3.0 1 t 4.2 ECC Communications Coordinator 3.0 4.3 On Shift Communicator 3.0 4.4 Initial Responto Emergency Organization Communicator 3.0 5.0 PROCEDURE 4.0 5.1 Call out Equipment Operation 4.0 i i 5.2 Contact Section - Senior Management and Selected Individuals 7.0 5.3 Call Out Section - Initial Response Emergency Organization t l '{ 8.0 5.4 Contact York Haven 10.0 } 5.5 Contact Met-Ed System Dispatcher i 9.0 -{ j 5.6 Call Out Section - Emergency Support Organization - t i 10.0 'a 5.7 Support Building Contact 11.0 i 5.8 Verifying Call Out Personnel Response to the Emergency 12.0 l 5.9 Final Conditions -I 13.0
13.0 = 7.0 EXHIBITS 13.0 i i i 2.0
- ene, I
I .I
Number htte fievstiOft NO. Contact / Call Out of Emergency Personnel 7 1.0 PURPOSE To provide guidance for the notification of key management personnel and members of the initial 1.1 Response and Emergency Support Organization Duty Rosters. 2.0 APPLICABILITY / SCOPE 2.1 This procedure is applicable to personnel assigned to contact / call out emergency personnel. 2.2 This procedure is to be initiated upon declaration of any Emergency Classification as specified in the Emergency Plan or when directed by the Emergency Director. 3.0 DEFINITIONS 3.1 Greeting -Information and directions placed on the EP Pager Call Back Line by the ECC Communicators. 3.2 Message - Responses called in to the EP Pager Call Back Line by Emergency Response Personnel. 3.3 Envelope - Information preceeding each voice mail message containing date and time message was received, and source of the callif known. 4.0 RESPONSIBILITIES 4.1 Emergency Director O Oversees implementation of this procedure. O Selects and approves Emergency Report Forms. O Designates additional support personnel for callout. 4.2 ECC Communications Coordinator O Ensures completion of contacts and call ou's of emergency personnel. O interfaces with the Emergency Director Assistant. O Arranges for repairs of malfunctioning communications circu!ts. 4.3 On Shift Communicator O Initiates / completes call outs until relieved. Provides a turnover of actions completed and actions remaining to the initial Response O Emergency Organization Communicator. O Reports to the Operations Support Center (OSC) when property relieved. 4.4 in:tial Response Emergency Organization Communicator O initiates / completes call outs. [ \\ 3.0 tvis.
Number 4UClear WI Emergency Plan (. implementing Document EPIP-TMI.04 Title bevision No. i Contact / Call Out of Emergency Personnel 7 NOTE This procedure is not tumed over to the EOF Communicators. 5.0 PROCEDURE 5.1 Call Out Eculoment Ooerations f 5.1.1 Placing an Emergency Greeting (Announcement) on the EP Pager Call Back Une, t 1. For initial event declaration, reclassification, or close out, obtain a completed Emergency Report Form Part 4 from the Emergency Director. Ensure the form is completed and signed by the Emergency Director before proceeding with the next step. NOTE P ff Part 4 of the Emergency Report Form is not received within five f minutes of an event declaration, seek out the Emergency Director Assistant or Emergency Director and request the form. i NOTE t i if the Shift Supervisor's Office is not accessible, refer to Exhibit 2, " Performing Contacts / Call Outs from a Remote Location". i 2. Venty dial tone on the EP Pager Call Back Line. NOTE Dial the numbers shown in the procedure, in the order shown, instead of the voice prompt choices. 3. Dial "B424* to access the voice mall box. 4. Dial *82* to access the greeting section. 5. Dial "t" to access the extemal greeting. 6. Dia! *76* to erase the existing greeting. 7. Dia! *5" and when the tone is heard, record the emergency announcement (greeting) from the Emergency Report Form. 8 Immediately press *#" to end the recording. 9. Dia! "2" to review the greeting. t 4.0 ~ f
g Number ( [f-gJJ Nuclear TMI Emergency Plan s implementing Document EPIP-TMI.04 Tme Fiewsson No. Contact / Call Out of Emergency Pe sonnel 7 10. If the greeting is incorrect or incomplete, repeat Steps 6 through 9. 11. Hang up to exit this function. 12. Proceed to Step 5.2,5.3, or 5 6 as appropriate to activate pagers and initiate the response process. 5.1.2 Reviewing incoming Messages NOTE Reviewing messages will not prevent additional in-coming messages from being received. NOTE Each message must be erased individually after ensuring the responding individual is logged as responding. l 1. Verify a dial tone on the EP Pager Call Back Line. 'O 2. Dia! "6424* to access the voice mail box. 3. As each message is reviewed, locate the individual's name on the appropriate duty roster and indicate that the person is responding. Dial ~76* to delete the message and proceed to the next message. 4. 5. Repeat Steps 3 and 4 until all messages have been reviewed. 6. When all of the messages have been reviewed, the *End of Mail Box
- voice prompt will be received. Hang up to end the review process.
7. Additional functions available: If neceFsary to pause during the message review process, dia! *#*. a. b. Dial *2" to start or continue the review. c. Dial *** if help or guidance is needed. d. Dia! *4" to play the previous message. Dial '6' to go to the next message. e. f. Dia! ~76" to erase a message. \\\\ 5.0 zum
[ l uumw ( [I-gjJ Nuclear 7"' Emergency Plan v implementing Document EPIP-TMi.04 Titie Fsevision No. Contact / Call Out of Emergency Personnel 7 NOTE To skip the
- envelope
- containing the date received and time preceding each message, press *2* at the beginning of each envelope to expedite the review process.
5.1.3 Termination of the Emergency 1. Verify dial tone on the EP Pager Call Back Une. 2. Dial '8424* to initiate message play back. 3. As each message starts, erase it by dialing *76". NOTE Messages cannot be erased as a group or block and must be erased individually. 4. Hang up the EP Pager Call Back Une ~ 5. Verity dial tone on the EP Pager Call Back Line. NOTE Dial the numbers shown in this procedure, in the order shown instead of the voice prompt choices. 6. Dial *8424" to access the voice mall box. 7. Dial '82* to access the greeting section. 8. Dial *1* to access the extemal greeting. 9. Dial *76* to erase the existing greeting. 10. Dial *5* and when the tone is heard, record the following greeting: "This is Three Mlle island Nuclear Station. There is no emergency situation at the station. You have not been paged for an Emergency Plan Response." 11. Immediately press "#* to end the recording. 12. Dial *2* to review the greeting. 13. If the greeting is incorrect or incomr!ete, repeat Steps 9 through 12. \\ / 14. Hang up to exit this function. 6.0 nm
4 N Number ) MEJClear TMI Emergency Plan I s Implementing Document EPIP-TMI.04 Titie Fiension No. Contact / Call Out of Emergency Personnel 7 e 5.2 Contact Section - Senior Manaoement and Selected Individuals i l NOTE S:ep 5.2.1 is performed for all levels of emergencies. j i NOTE Exhibit 1, " Backup Communications" contains attemate contact paths if a telephone call or group pager actuation call cannot be completed due to a failure of part of the on-site or off-site telephone system. i r 5.2.1 Contact Unit 1 Senior Management Personnel (Group 1 Pagers) i 1. Ensure the proper greeting is on the EP Pager Call Back Line per Section 5.1.1 before activating any pager group call. 2. Lift the receiver handset on the EP Pager Call Out Phone located in the Shift Supervisor's Office and venfy the presence of a dial tone. i ( 3. Press the button labelled ' GROUP i PAGERS". 4. After hearing three beeps, push the button labe!!ed "PAGER CALLBACK NUMBER". Time Paged t 5. After hearing the page tone, hang up the telephone. i NOTE 't The following personnel should respond to a Group 1 page. Name Work Phone Home Phone Beeper Vice President. TMI-1 Gary Broughton 948-8005 566-9505 780-0582 i Director O & M. TMI-1 Mike Ross 948-8015 1-653-5109 780-0591 i Plant Operations Director Henry Shipman 948-8014 533-2853 780-0590 A Plant Engineering Director Dick Skillman 948-8494 533-8089 780-0583 Plant Materiel Director Dick Harper 948-8429 367-9573 780-0585 Manager, Plant Materiel Ron Maag 948-8017 761-1718 780-0586 l Mgr. Emergency Preparedness George Giangi 948-8440 1-838-2776 780-059G 70 me. i 3
Number [r t> Nuclear TMi Emergency Plan N / implementing Document EPIP-TMI.04 remon No. Contact / Call Out of Emergency Personnel 9 6. If a reply is not received within approximately 15 minutes, contact each person individually at the office number or home number shown on the duty roster and read the announcement provided on the Emergency Report Form. Part 4. To individually page a person, dial the pager number shown in the appropriate duty roster using a touch-tone telephone. After hearing three beeps, dial '948*8801#*. After the paging tone is heard, hang up. NOTE I Continue with this procedure. Do not stop dunng the 15 minute period while awaiting a response. 5.2.2 If the Emergency Director requires contact of TMI-2 Senior Management personnel, perform Exhibit 3. 5.2.3 ff the declared Unusual Event is of a radiological nature (determined with Emergency Director concurrence), call out the duty Radiological Assessment Coordinator (RAC) using the work number, individual pager number and home telephone number listed in the current week's initial Response Emergency Organization duty roster. [(U / 5.2.4 Contact the Site NRC Representative and read the announcement provided on the Emergency Report Form, Fart 4. Time Contacted Michele Evans Office Telephone 948-1166 Home Telephone 872-0761 If Ms. Evans cannot be contacted at the above numbers, note this in the ' Time Contacted" blank and continue with this procedure. NOTE Proceed to Step 5.4 if Section 5.3 is not applicable. 13 Call Out Section - inttial Response Emeraency Oraanization NOTE Catl Out of the initial Response Emergency Organization Duty Roster is required for an Alert, Site Area Emergency, General Emergency, and when directed by the Emergency Director. 5 3.1 If the emergency level has escalated, obtain a completed Emergency Form, Part 4 from the b Emergency Director. Ensure the form is completed and signed by the Emergency Director before proceeding with the next step. 8.0 rum
k ,- w Number [V) [r gJJ Nuclear '"' "ma'a*"ov "'*" Implementing Document EPIP-TMI.04 Title Fevision No. Contact / Call Out of Emergency Personnel 7 NOTE If Part 4 of the Emergency Report Form is not provided to you within five minutes of an event declaration or escalation, request the form from the Emergency Director Assistant or Emergency Director. 5.3.2 Ensure the proper greeting is on the EP Pager Call Back Line per Section 5.1.1 before activating any pager group call. 5.3.3 Contact initial Response Emergency Organization and Environmental Command Center Personnel (Group 2 Pagers) 1. Lift the receiver handset on the EP Pager Call Out Phone and verify the presence of a dial tone. 2. Press the button labelled " GROUP 2 PAGERS". 3. After hearing three beeps, press the button labelled "PAGER CALLBACK NUMBER *. O Time Paged (\\- 4. After hearing the page tone, hang up the telephone. 5. Do not wait for Group 2 individuals to respond. Proceed to the next step. 5.3 4 Contact initial Response / Emergency Support Organization Long Range Pagers (Group 4 Pagers) 1. Lift the receiver handset on the EP Pager Call Out Phone and verify the presence of a dial tone. 2. Press the button labelled
3. After hearing three beeps, press the button labelled "PAGER CALLBACK NUMBER". Time Paged (Initial Response Emergency Organization time of notification) 4. After hearing the page tone, hang up the telephone. 5. Do not wait for Group 4 individuals to respond. Proceed to the next step. J 1 + h]k
Nurnber [f%T [c L!J J NUCIBar TMI Emergency Plan g implementing Document EPIP-TMI.04 Titie Rewsion No. Contact / Call Out of Emergency Personnel 7 5.4 Contact York Haven Contact the York Haven Power Station (Telephone 1266-3654 or 1-848-7108) and read the announcement provided on the Emergency Report Form, Part 4. Person Contacted Time 5.5 Contact Met-Ed System Dispatcher Contact the Met-Ed System Dispatcher (Telephone 3-500-6950 or Load Director's Desk 9-1-215-929-9342) and read the announcement provided on the Emergency Report Form. Part 4. Person Contacted Time NOTE if Section 5.6 is not applicable, proceed to Section 5.7 kN 5.6 Call Out Section - Emeroency Support Oroanization NOTE Call out of the Emergency Support Organization is required for a Site Area Emergency, General Emergency, or when directed by the Emergency Director. 5.6.1 Obtain a completed Emergency Report Form. Part 4 from the Emergency Director. Ensure the torm is completed and signed by the Emergency Director before proceeding with the next step. NOTE If Part 4 of the Emergency Report Form is not provided to you within five minutes of an event declaration or escalation, request the form from the Emergency Director Assistant or Emergency Director. 5.6.2 Ensure the proper greeting is on the EP Pager Call Back Line per Section 5.1.1 before activating any pager group call. 5 6.3 Emergency Support Organization (Group 3 Pagers) 1. Lift the receiver handset on the EP Pager Call Out Phone and verify the presence of g a dial tone. f 2. Press the button labelled " GROUP 3 PAGERS". 10.0 2n=
g3 Number (G} [e-yJ ! Nuclear TMI Emergency Plan Implementing Document EPIP-TMI.04 Tme Hewsaon No. Contact / Call Out of Emergency Personnel 7 3. After hearing three beeps, press the button labelled *PAGER CALLBACK NUMBER
- Time Paged 4.
After hearing the page tone, hang up the telephone. 5. Do not wait for Group 3 individuals to respond. Proceed to the next step. 5.6.4 initial Response / Emergency Support Organization Long Range Pagers (Group 4 Pagers) 1. Lift the receiver handset on the EP Pager Call Out Phone and verify the presence of a dial tone. 2. Press the button labelled
3. After heanng three beeps, press the button labelled *PAGER CALLBACK NUMBER" Time Paged (For Emergency Support Personnel) 4. After hearing the page tone, hang up the telephone. ( 5.6.5 Unit 1 Senior Management for ESD actr'vation (Group 1 Pagers) Lift the receiver handset on the EP Pager Call Out Phone and verify the presence of 1. a dial tone. 2. Press the button labelled
3. After hearing three beeps, push the button labelled *PAGER CALLBACK NUMBER *. Time Paged (Emergency Support Org. time of notification) 4. After hearing the page tone, hang up the telephone. 5. Do not wait for Group 1 individuals to respond. Proceed to the next step. 5.7 Support Building Contact Notify the Green Administration Building (Bldg. 222) Training Center and Maintenance Training Facl!ity Personnel that the initial Response Emergency Organization and/or Emergency Support Organ:zation are to be activated. Request that they make an announcement at their location. 1. Green Administration Building (Bldg. 222) - 948-8426 Person Contacted Time 2. Training Center Supervisor Training Administration Suoport - 948-2003 11.0 riin
Number V} [ j-gj j MdeM TMI Emergency Plan [ 1mplementing Document EPIP-TMI.04 IItie RevtSIOn NO. Contact / Call Out of Emergency Personnel 7 Manager Training TMI - 948-2002 Person Contacted Time 3. Maintenance Training Facility - 948-8042, 948-8974, or 948-8989 Person Contacted Time 5.8 Venfying Call Out Personnel Response to the Emergency 5.8.1 Periodically review the EP Pager Call Back Line to determine who has responded to pager activation. (See Step 5.1.2.) 5.8.2 Check the following locations to determine which members of the duty section have already reported in response to the emergency announcement or the pagers. O Unit 1 Control Room (Visual Check) f O Shift Supervisor's Office (Visual Check) O Operations Support Center (Telephone: 948-8010 or 948-8082)) O Technical Support Center (Telephone: 948 8774 or 948-8951) Using the initial Response Emergency Organization Duty Roster as a reference, contact duty 5.8.3 roster personnel who have not responded within 30 minutes of notification. Use the following guidelines: O During normal office hours (weekdays 8 AM - 4 PM) - call the office telephone number listed and request that the individual respond to his/her designated duty station,g O During other hours, holidays and weekends - call the home telephone number and ask the person if they have consumed alcohol in the previous five hours and if they are fit for duty. If they are fit for duty, request that the individual respond to his/her designated duty station.g O Contact the indrvidual's pager number. Dial the number listed on the duty roster, and, after hearing three beeps, dial 048*8801# and hang up. 5.8.4 Contact the following offs!!e locations to obtain the names of individuals who have l responded. Check off their names on the Emergency Support Organization Duty Roster: O EOF (Telephone: 657-0739 or 948-8903) /^ O AEOF (Telephone: 944-3668/2972/2922/6558) kn 12.0 sim
+ f-- Number [ [r d> 1 Nuclear-TMI Emergency Plan ( Implementing Document EPIP-TMI.04 T etie Revision No. Contact / Call Out of Emergency Personnel 7 5.8.5 Using the Emergency Support Organization Duty Roster as a reference, contact duty roster l personnel who have not responded within 30 minutes of notification. Use the following guidelines: O During normal office hours (weekdays 8 AM - 4 PM) - call the office telephone number listed and request that the individual respond to his/her designated duty station, g O During other hours, holidays and weekends - call the home telephone number and ask the person if they have consumed alcohol in the previous five hours and if they are fit for duty. If they are fit for duty, request that the individual respond to his/her designated duty station, g O Contact the individual's pager number. Dial the number listed in the duty roster and, after hearing three beeps. dial 948*8801# and hang up. 586 Inform the Emergency Director when all contacts have been made and provide him with a l list of individuals who could not be reached. Request that he designate a suitable replacement. n [ 5.9 Final Conditions \\L 5.9.1 Event in Progress 1. The TMI-1 (TMI-2) Senior Management Personnel have been notified. 2. If applicable, the members of the initial Response and Emergency Support Organization duty rosters have been notified and are responding. 5 9.2 Event Terminated The appropriate announcement has been placed on the EP Pager Ca!! Back Line in 1. accordance with Step 5.1.3. The Site NRC Representative (Step 5.2.4), York Haven Power Stati n (Step 5.4), and 2. Met-Ed System Dispatcher (Step 5.5) have been informed of the closecut of the event. 3. All documentation has been forwarded to the Emergency Preparedness Depanment when the event is completed.
None 7.0 EXHIBITS O 7.1 Exhibit 1 - Backup Communications 7.2 Exh: bit 2 - Performing Contact / Call Outs from a Remote Location g i 13.0 2nw
~ y Namber I [c {JJ Nuclear TMI Emergency Plan Implementing Document EPIP-TMI.04 Tstie fewsion No. Contact / Call Out of Emergency Personnel 7 7.3 Exhibit 3 - TMI-2 Contact /Callout Process b ( l' \\N 14.0
(% Number ( [r {J J Nuclear TMI Emergency Plan ( Implementing Document EPIP-TMI.04 we %.on te Contact / Call Out of Ernergency Personnel 7 EXHIBIT 1 Backup Communications NOTE The following information is provided as a guide in providing additional communication pathways in the event of a communications problem. 1. EP Pager Ca0 Back Line Failure Answer calls manually using the tclephone with extension 8801. a. b. If necessary, use the EP Pager Call Back Line at the Replica Simulator. 2. EP Pager Call Out Phone Failure (Group Pager Activation) Obtain group pager telephone numbers kept in the Shift Supervisor's Office safe from the Shift a. Supervisor / Shift Foreman. O ( b. Manually dial the required group pager telephone number on any available telephone. c. After hearing three beeps, dial 717*948*8801#. d. After hearing the page tone, hang up the telephone. Repeat Steps b through d for additional pager groups as required. e. 3. Meridian (TMI) Telephone System Failure Use available telephones with a 944 prefix. a. NOTE These telephones connect directly to the Middletown Switching System (Central Office) and are independent of the Meridian system. 4. Middletown Switching System (Central Office) Failure NOTE All TMl local telephone lines and dedicated emergency lines to off. site facilities require the Middletown Central O:fice to be functional. ,m (w i E1-1 i ) m 1
Number I ) P L91 Nuclear l,Em ' " P n ng Docu nt EDIP-TMI.04 Rewsiori No. Contact / Call Out of Emergency Personnel 7 EXHIBIT 1 (Cont'd) Bypass the Middletown Central Office by using the GPU Microwave System. Dial 2911-9-1-Area a. Code (if other than 215) - telephone number. NOTE Local numbers serviced by Middletown will not be accessible. b. Complete Group Pager Activation calls by obtaining the group pager ts.ephone numbers kept in the Shift Supervisor's Office safe from the Shift Supervisor / Shift Foreman and dialing 2911-9-1-800-number. 5. Harrisburg Switching System (Central Office) Failure I Dial local calls to telephone numbers with 944, 948, and 367 prefixes in the normal manner. a. b. With the exception of Harrisburg exchanges, complete all other calls using the GPU Microwave System. Dial 2911-9-1-Area Code (if other than 215) - telephone number. f (u For Group Pager Activation calls, obtain the numbers kept in the Shift Supervisor's Office safe from c. the Shift Supervisur/ Shift Foreman and dial 2911-9-1-800-telephone number. NOTE Group Pager activation calls may not be completed with a Harrisburg Central Office Failure. 6. Group Pager Activation Facility Failure Dial the home or office number for each individual as shown on the appropriate duty roster. a. b. Activate individual pagers as follows: Dial tne individual pager call number for the individual as shown on the appropriate duty 1. roster. 2. After hearing three beeps, dial ~717*943*8801#". 3. After hearing the pager tone, hang up the telephone. Repeat Steps 1 through 3 for each individual required to respond. 4. (%o) E1-2 me. 1
i 2 ., - *]. Number GUClear TMI Emergency Plan Implementing Document EPIP-TMI.04 - 3 M8 g Revision No. -f i Contact / Call Out of Emergency Personnel 8 t EXHIBIT 2 I i Performing Contact / Call Outs from a Remote Location i t NOTE I This exhibit should be used to perform the Contact / Call Out process when access into the Shift Supervisor's Office is not possible. Any { touch-tone telephone at the Three Mile Island site may be used. I PLACING A GREETING ON THE EP PAGER CALL BACK LINE t 1. Lift the hand set and verify dial tone. 2. Dial '8424*. t (Voice prompt
- Meridian MaH. Mailbox?" will be received.)
3. Dial '8301 #*. IVoice prompt
- Password?" will be received.)
/i Dial "CALLOUT#* (or *2255688#*). (Voice prompt "Your mailbox is empty.
- will be received.)
j 5. Dia! '82*. (Voice prompt "For your extemal greeting, press 1, for your intemal greeting, press 2* will be received.) I 6. Press *1*. (Voice prompt *Extemal greeting" wt be received.) 7. Press '76*. -i (Voice prompt *Extemal greeting deleted
- will be received.)
} 8. Press *5* and read the greeting (announcement) on the Emergency Report Form received from the { Emergency Director. r i 9. Immediately press *#* when completed recording. } (Voice prompt " Recording stopped" will be received.) 10. Press *2' to review the greeting. (Voice prompt
- Start of greeting
- will be received, followed by the greeting you just recorded, followed by I
voice prompt *End of greeting *.) 11. If the greeting is incomplete or incorrect, repeat Steps 1 through 10. 1 12. Hang up to extt this function. I I t .I i E2-1 I me. l i i
Number ggggggp TMI Emergency Plan m implementing Document EPIP-TMI.04 we a n son No. Contact / Call Out of Emergency Personnel 8 EXHIBIT 2 (Cont'd) ACTIVATING PAGERS NOTE 11 is assumed that the EP Pager Call Out Phone used to activate pager groups is also unavailable if this exhibit is in use. A back up method of activating group pagers follows. 1. Obtain the Group Pager Numbers sheet from the Shift Supervisor or Shift Foreman, 2. Using a touch-tone telephone, dial the number for Group 1 pagers to activate the pager group. (The ringing j tone will be heard, followed by three beeps.) Dial '717*948*8801#" to send the call back number. (Rapid beeps followed by a busy signal will be heard.) 3. 4. Hang up the telephone. 5. Repeat Steps 2 through 4 for each additional pager group required. i NOTE l An attemate but more time consuming method of contacting personnel is to activate pagers individually as follows. Using a touch-tone telephone, dial the number for the pager shown on the appropriate duty roster. (The 1. ringing tone wl!! be heard, followed by three beeps.) Dial *717*948*8801#" to send the call back number. (Rapid beeps followed by a busy signal will be heard.) 2. F 3. Hang up the telephone. 4. Repeat Steps 1 through 3 for each additional pager required. j NOTE Follow the procedure to ensure steps are not missed. At steps requiring the activation of a pager group, use the duty roster to determine the personnel required and their pager numbers. i REVIEWING INCOMING MESSAGES 1. Lift the hand set and venty dial tone. Dial *8424*. (Voice prompt ' Meridian Mail. Mailbox? will be received.) P N-2 2110s i
numo., (UCIOar TMI Emergency Plan .r N implementing Document EPIP-TMI.04 "n* haton No. Contact / Call Out of Emergency Personnel 8 EXHIBIT 2 (Cont'd) 3. Dial '8801 #". (Voice prompt " Password?" will be received.) 4. Dia! 'CALLOUT#" (OR *2255688#"). (Voice prompt "You have X new voice messages. Message one,.. " will be received. The first message will be played and end with the voice prompt *End of message".) 5. After logging the individual in the message as responding on the appropriate duty roster, press *76". (Voice prompt " Message one deleted. Message two,
- will be received and the next message will be played.)
6. Continue reviewing, logging, and deleting messages by repeating Step 5 until the voice prompt "End of Mailbox"is received. 7. Periodically repeat this process to review any new, incoming messages. ( E2-3 1 1
e a f $UCISBT TMI Emergency Plan Number Implementing Document EPIP-TMI.04 Title Fwasson No. Contact / Call Out of Emergency Personnel 7 EXHIBIT 3 TMI-2 Contact /Callout Process NOTE These steps are performed when reauested by the Emergency Director. Contact the Unit 2 Senior Management Personnel (Group 1 A Pagers). 1. Ensure the proper announcement is on the EP Pager Call Back Une before activating any pager group ca!!. 2. Uft the receiver handset on the EP Pager Call Out Phone located in the Shift Supervisor's Office and verify the presence o' e' tune. 3. Press the button labelled
- GROUP 1 A r' AGERS'.
4. After hearing three beeps, press the button labelled "PAGER CAU.BACK NUMBER". g Time Paged 5. After the page tone is heani, hang up the telephone. NOTE in the event of an EP Pager Call Out Phone failure. the pager group telephone numbers can be obtained from the Shift Supervisor / Shift Foreman. NOTE The following personnel should respond to a Group 1A page. i Name Work Home Pacer Site Ops Director, TMI.2 Emle Scheyder 948-8732 533-2611 780-0549 Uc. & Nuc. Safety Director Bob Rogan 948-8048 566-5556 237-3471 Manager. Ops. & Maint. Mike Williams 948-8068 944-3294 237-3474 Waste Management Manager Perry Carmel 948-8374 944-7613 782-9480 Consutting Engineer Rich Sieglitz 948-8020 1-898-0327 237-3476 6. N If a reply is not received within approximately 15 minutes, contact them individually and read the announcement provided on the Emergency Report Form, Part 4. 7. Retum to Step 5.2.3 in this procedure. m E3-1 sii=}}