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Procedure Change Request 1-RC-93-0016 to Rev 4 to Procedure 6610-PLN-4200.02, TMI Emergency Dose Calculation Manual
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 06/08/1993
6610-PLN-4200.0, NUDOCS 9306180089
Download: ML20045B577 (15)




Document Control Desk i

I CCRFICT NAME / AODFISS i; Of fice IIUC. Reactor Regulation j!IENECE25*

l U.S.

IJuclear Regulatory Commision Washington, DC 20555 FITORN TO:


F.OOM 135 U-2 AOMIN. 5:DO. TMI Please upcate your procedure file with the attached procedure (s) listed helow, destroy the superseded procedure (s), and post your Procedure Index accordingly.

Also please sign the acxnowledement at the bottom of this memo and return to the address shown AOoV9.

Prececure No.

Pev. No.


'.st r'.:ct ion s /C0mment s C & to-PLN-NAco. ea 4


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(Ext. No.)

(Oate) 3 dli}

9306180089 930608 PDR ADOCK 05000289 F


7 s

Nuclear m

Radiological Controls Department 6610-PLN-4200.02 Title Revision No.

TMI Emergency Dose Calculation Manual (EDCM) 4 Applicability /Scopa The EDCM is applicable to all qualified Responsible Office Radiological Assessment Coordinators. This manual provides the methods used to perform dose projections during emergencies 6610 This document is within QA plan scope 1

Yes No Effective Date Safety Reviews Required Yes No X

06/14/93 List of Effective Pages Page Revision Page Revision Page Revision Page Revision 1.0 4

29.0 3

57.0 3

85.0 2

2.0 3

30.0 3

58.0 3

86.0 2

3.0 2

31.0 3

59.0 3

7.0 2

4.0 3

32.0 3

60.0 3

.0 2

5.0 0

33.0 3

61.0 3

.0 2

6.0 1

34.0 3

62.0 90.0 2

i 7.0 1

35.0 3

63.0 91.0 2

8.0 1

36.0 64.0 92.0 2

i 9.0 1

37.0 h

65.0 93.0 2

10.0 1

38.0 66.0 94.0 2

11.0 1

30.0 3

6.0 1

95.0 2

12.0 4


3 1

96.0 3

13.0 1

3 1

97.0 3

14,0 4

g 4

7 1

98.0 2

15.0 0

43, 3

7 99.0 2

16.0 1



.0 11 100.0 2

17.0 4

45.0 3

73.0 El-1 0

18.0 0

46.0 g

74.0 El-2 0

19.0 1

47.0 v


El-3 0

20.0 3

48.0 7

1 El-4 0

l 21.0 1

49.0 -

0 1

22.0 3

c 3

1 23.0 3

5 3

1 24.0 3


.0 3

25.0 4

5 3

91.0 1

26.0 4

4.0 3

82.0 1

27.0 5.0 3

83.0 1

28.0 56.0 3

84.0 2

ll SignE ure

} Concurring Organizational Element l Date Originator ll M

! Radiological Enoineer l

T-17 -9 3 Concurred ll /

Mf l Environmental Scientist l b-3-kl By ll



l Emergency Preparedness l 4 - W 'T T ll kJ f

l Mgr., Radiological Engineering TMIl 7-2. 3 -

11 C

I i

a i

I l

Approved ll


l Rad Con Director, TMI l d'O ~b By ll l

l 1.0 2042c 1

MUClear TMI Radiological Controls Department 6610-PLN-4200.02 4

Title Revision No.

TMI Emergency Dose Calculation Manual (EDCM) 4 3.38 RADIGIODINE PROCESSOR STATIONS (MAP-5) - System used for acquiring j

particulate and iodine samples from the Reactor Building Exhaust, Auxiliary and Fuel Handling Building Exhaust or the Condenser Off gas Exhaust during i

emergency conditions,. The ctations are controlled by solenoid valvos which activate on high alarm indications on the low gas channels of the effluent Flow is actuated through (3) parallel filter cartridges per stream.


The sampling times are adjustable on each local control panel.

The filter cartridges must be removed manually for analysis.

t 3.39 RADIOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT COORDINATOR (RAC) - The RAC is responsible for all on-site radiological assessment activities. Initially, the RAC is responsible for directing the on-site and off-site survey teams.

The RAC is relieved of off-site radiological monitoring responsibilities by the Environmental Assessment Coordinator. The RAC performa dose projections, based upon source term estimates and provides information to the EAC.

Initially the Group Radiological Control Supervisor assumes the role of the RAC until relieved by the Initial Response Emergency Organization RAC, and RASE.

3.40 RADIOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT SUPPORT ENGINEER (RASE) - Individuals assigned to assist the RAC in performing dose calculations, source term calculations, and overall assessment and control of radiological hazards. Normally one


RAC and one RASE are en duty at all times.

3.41 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM (RCS) - This system contains the necessary piping 4

and components to provide sufficient water flow to cool the reactor. This system provides for the transfer of thermal energy from the reactor core to the once through steam generators (OTJG) to make steam, acts as a moderator for thermal fission, and provides a boundary to separate fission products from the atmosphere.

3.42 RELEASE DURATION - Release duration refers to the time interval during which radionuclides are released from the nuclear facility. Releases may be monitored, unmonitored, actual, or projected. The time interval used to i

estimate a release of unknown duration should reflect best estimates of the plant technical staff.

In the absence of other information, use two hours as the expected release duration. For purposes of determining whether to take a protective action on the basis of projected dose from an airborne


plume, the projected dose should not include the dose that has already been I

received prior to the time the dose projection is done.

3.43 RELEASE RATE - This term refers to the rate at which radionuclides are released to the environment. Normally, it will be expressed in curies per second (C1/sec) or microcuries per second*(pC1/sec).

3.44 RESPIRATOR AND LAUNDRY MAINTENANCE FACILITY (RLM) - This facility is used to process clean and maintain laundry and respirators for TMI-l and TMI-2.

This facility's 900 CFM ventilation system is monitored using an AMS-3 radiation monitor. The RLM has HEPA filters installed in the ventilation system.

12.0 2042c i


I e


k5kI l$$$!'

737 l

Radiological Controls Department 6610-PLN-4200.02 Title Revision No.

TMI Emergency Dose Calculation Manual (EDCM) 4 3.50 STABILITY CLASS - Dispersion of an effluent plume in the atmosphere is a function of the amount of mixing occurring between the plume and the atmosphere around the plume. The amount of mixing is related to what is j

referred to as the stability of the atmosphere. Conditions which create good mixing are unstable and conditions which create poorer mixing are i

stable. Pasquill stability class is a breakdown of the relative atmospheric stability into seven groups, denoted as A through G, from most unstable to most stable.

In the pasquill stability class system, stability is related to the relative change in temperature with height, delta T.

The more negative the change in temperature with increasing height, the more unstable the atmosphere. The RAC program uses sensors on the Meteorological tower at 33 feet and 150 feet to determine the delta T.

Once the delta T is determined, a stability class is selected based on the delta T and the atmospheric dispersion (X/Q) is calculated based on the i

selected stability class.

3.51 STATION VENT HPR-219 - This radiation monitor and release pathway is the main release point for TMI-2.

All ventilation from the Reactor Building, Auxiliary Building, and Fuel Handling Building are routed to the station vent release point, at an average flow rate of 120,000 to 130,000 CFM.

The radiation monitor HPR-219 is the originally installed Victoreen Radiation Monitor using a particulate, lodine, and gaseous sampling and monitoring system, similar to the TMI-1 radiation monitor RM-A2 with a moving particulate filter.

3.52 STATION VENT HPR-219A - Eberline radiation monitor installed in TMI-2 to monitor the TMI-2 Station Vent Stack.

This unit is used in conjunction


with HPR-219 to monitor the main TMI-2 release pathway.

3.53 TERRAIN FACTOR - The terrain factor is the terrain height in meters above plant grade. Terrain factor varies with sector and distance from the i

release point.

3.54 TWO PHASE RELEASE - Liquid and steam release from the main steam safety relief valves.

Following discharge to the environment the steam fraction is calculated assuming there is no change in system entropy and that the j

OTSG wide range level instrument is indicating that the valve inlet fluid condition is either pure liquid or steam (greater than 600 inches as i

indicated on the PCL Panel, PI-950A and PI-952A).

3.55 WASTE RANDLING AND PACKAGING FACILITY (WHPF) - This facility is used to handle and package radioactive waste mainly from TMI-2.

This facility's ventilation is monitored by a AMS-3 radiation monitor, and runs at 7100 CFM.

3.56 WIND SPEED ADJUSTMENTS - Since wind speed varies with height and the wind speed sensors are not at the release height, an adjustment is made to extrapolate the measured wind speed to the wind speed at the release height. The adjustment amount is dependent on the stability class.

14.0 2042c

e EENuclear m

Radiological Controls Department 6610-PLN-4200.02 Title Revision No.

j i

TMI Emergency Dose Calculation Manual (EDCM) 4 i


Turn on printer (ON/OFF switch).



To reload or interrupt program with the computer ON - hit the Ctrl, Alt, Del keys at the same time, with disk in' the PC.

I 4.

To run the RAC program on the LAN system.


Turn on computer for LAN access, b.

Enter password and identification to log on to LAN.

t Choose exit to DOS option, and change the directory to RACBAT.



Type RAC.

A menu system will appear offering a choice of options and data e.

available to the user.

Selection #1 will run the RAC program.


If LAN access cannot be established, Sele.ition #1 will still run the RAC program. Other selections will appear but will not be available.


The program options are listed in the bottom line and the range of input allowed in the top lines on the CRT.


When finished with each screen's input, push the appropriate function key (ex. F10, F4, F1) for the next function.

5 7.

Doce calculations normally take a few minutes and will print when completed.

t i


When dones Remove any disks, turn off CRT, co=puter, and printer.



disks appropriately.

i l

i r

I i

17.0 2042c I


4 i

fuclear m

,-~w Radiological Controls Department 6610-PLN-4200.02


Title Revision No.

TMI Emergency Dose Calculation Manual (EDCM)

I 4

t Plant Shutdown Radiciodine Spiking represents the " spiking" of


the radiciodines and noble gases.

Plant shutdown Radioiodine Spiking occurs at < 15% Reactor Power, and is caused by the fuel gap activity being washed out of the fuel pins at transient temperatares and pressures, j

The default " spiking" factors for radiciodines and noble gases Radiciodines times 100. (100X) are Noble gases times 2.


The TSC should be requested to provide the actual " spiking" s

factors for the particular plant shutdown situation.

The default factors are to be used if information is not available from the TSC.

This " spiking" of radiciodine and noble gas activities represent an increase in RCS radioactivity due to a plant evolution and do not represent an indication of fuel damage; i.e.,

NRC Damage classes 2-10.

Spiking only occurs when fuel defects are present.




l i


'~'s t

25.0 2042c

MUCI 8ar 21 Radiological Controls Department.

6610-PLN-4200.02 Title Revision No.

TMI Emergency Dose Calculation Manual (EDCM) 4 Tables of NRC Damage Classes 1 and 1A


Percent curies **

pCi/cc Percent Curies **

I-131 2.20E-02 0.24 4.71E+00 2.20E+00 6.30 4.71E+02 I-132 2.64E-02 0.29 5.66E+00 2.64E+00 7.56 5.66E+02 I-133 3.03E-02 0.33 6.49E+00 3.03E+00 8.68 6.49E+02 I-134 5.24E-02 0.57 1.12E+01 5.24E+00 15.00 1.12E+03 I-135 3.84E-02 0.42 8.23E+00 3.84E+00 10.99 8.23E+02 SUBTOTAL 1.70E-01 1.85 36.31 1.69E+01 48.53 3.63E+03 KR-85M 1.90E-01 2.07 4.07E+01 3.80E-01 1.09 8.14E+01 KR-85 0.00E+00 0.00 0.00E+00 0.0CZ+00 0.00 0.00E+00 KR-87 1.84E-01 2.01 3.94E+01 3.6SE-01 1.05 7.88E+01 KR-88 3.62E-01 3.95 7.75E+01 7.24E-01 2.07 1.55E+02 XE-131M 0.00E+00 0.00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00 0.00E+00 XE-133M 1.56E-01 1.70 3.34E+01 3.12E-01 0.89 6.68E+01 XE-133 6.90E+00 75.35 1.48E+03 1.38E+01 39.51 2.96E+03 XE-135M 2.63E-02 0.29 5.63E+00 5.26E-02 0.15 1.13E+01 XE-135 1.17E+00 12.78 2.51E+02 2.34E+00 6.70 5.01E+02 XE-138 0.00E+00 0.00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00 0.00E+00 SUBTOTAL 8.99E+00 98.15 1925.40 1.80E+01 51.47 3.85E+03 TOTAL 9.16E+00 100.00 1.96E+03 3.49E+01 100.00 7.48E+03 NOBLE GAS TO 53.03 53.03 53.03 1.06 1.06 1.06 IODINE RATIO



MUClear Txl s

Radiological Controls Department 6610-PLN-4200.02 i

Title Revision No.

i TMI Emeroency Dose Calculation Manual (EDCM) i 4


Default to a RCS concentration dependent on the NRC Damage Class:

RCS Default NRC Damage Class pCi/cc 1

  • 9.16 1A
  • 3.49El (Using default spiking factors) 2 4.99E403 3

2.49E+04 4

4.9BE+04 5

4.71E+05 6

2.16E+06 7

4.26E+06 8

4.26E+06 9

4.26E+06 10 4.26E+06 Damage classes 1 and 1A are variable, based on RCS activity entered from sample data and radiciodine spiking factors gN used.

\\' The " Primary to Secondary Leakage" is determined utilizing:


RCS identified leakage [D2] gpm 2.

Default to 400 gpm for a double-ended tube shear [D2]

\\ The " Transport Fraction" [D3] is a function of the release pathway.

[D3] is calculated by the equation: D3=Fr

  • O.0075 +

(1-Fr) where Fr = fraction of the release via the condenser l

off gas.

For a release through the condenser off-gas the noble gas transport is 1.00, the radiciodine transport fraction is 0.0075.

The radiolodine transport fraction is a product of: The fraction of radiciodine entering the OTSG from the RCS that is a volatile lodine species (.05) and the partition factors for volatile iodine species in the main condenser (.15).

Non-volatile iodine species have a partition factor of zero in the condenser off-gas.

For a release direct to atmosphere the noble gas and radiciodine transport fractions use the fraction of steam released to total steam flow from the OTSG.

An additional partition factor [Tfcf] is applicable for a two phase direct release. The resultant source terms in pC1/see are calculated l


L Ngst = D1

  • D2
  • Ng/100
  • 63.09 I

Rist = D1

  • D2
  • D3
  • RI/100
  • 63.09
  • 1/Tfcf.


i 42.0 2042c t

i 3


.P '



1 m

Radiological Controls Department 6610-PLN-4200.02


Title Revision No.

TMI Emergency Dose Calculation Manual (EDCM) 4 i

Applicability / Scope The EDCM is applicable to all qualified Responsible Office Radiological Assessment Coordinators. This manual provides the methods used to perform dose projections during emergencies 6610 This document is within OA plan scope 1 Yes No Effective Date Safety Reviews Required X

Yes No 06/14/93 List of Effective Pages Page Revision Page Revision Page Revision Page Revision i

1.0 4

29.0 3

57.0 3

85.0 2

2.0 3

30.0 3

58.0 3

86.0 2

3.0 2

31.0 3

59.0 3

7.0 2

4.0 3

32.0 3

60.0 3

.0 2

5.0 0

33.0 3

61.0 3

.0 2

6.0 1

34.0 3

62.0 90.0 2

7.0 1

35.0 3

63.0 91.0 2

8.0 1

36.0 64.0 92.0 2

9.0 1

37.0 h

65.0 93.0 2

10.0 1

38.0 66.0 94.0 2

11.0 1

39.0 3

67.0 1

95.0 2

i 12.0 4

40.0 3

1 96.0 3

13.0 1

41 3

1 97.0 3

14.0 4

4 7

1 98.0 2

15.0 0


3 7


'2 16.0 1



..O 1

100.0 2

17.0 4

45.0 3

73.0 k

El-1 0

18.0 0

46.0 74.0 El-2 0

19.0 1

47.0 75.

El-3 0

20.0 3

48.0 7

1 El-4 0

I 21.0 1

49.0 0

1 l

22.0 3

3 1

23.0 3

3 1

1 24.0 3

3 o.0 3

25.0 4

5 3

81.0 1

l 26.0 4

0 3

82.0 1

27.0 5.0 3

83.0 1

28.0 56.0 3

84.0 2


!I Sigr& ure I Concurring Organizational Element {

Date Oricinator!!

db O l Radioloolcal Encineer l

5'-17 -9 3 Concurred ll /

// ff[

l Environmental Scientist l b-3-Tl By ll M


l Emergency Preparedness l

[-- W 'I T l

ll k) c l Mgr., Radiological Engineering TMIl 7-21-T3


11 C

I i

i 4

Approved ll


} Rad Con Director, TMI l d'8"b By ll l


l 1.0 2042c

MUClear TMI Radiological Controls Department 6610-PLN-4200.02 Title Revision No.

TMI Emeroency Dose Calculation Manual- (EDCM) 4 3.38 RADIOIODINE PROCESSOR STATIONS (MAP-5) - System used for acquiring particulate and iodine samples from the Reactor Building Exhaust, Auxiliary and Fuel Handling Building Exhaust or the Condenser Off gas Exhaust during emergency conditions, The stations are controlled by solenoid valves which activate on high alarm indications on the low gas channels of the effluent Flow is actuated through (3) parallel filter cartridges per stream.


The sampling times are adjustable on each local control panel.

The filter cartridges must be removed menually for analysis.

3.39 RADIOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT COORDINATOR (RAC) - The RAC is responsible for all on-site radiological assessment activities.

Initially, the RAC is responsible for directing the on-site and off-site survey teams.

The RAC is relieved of off-site radiological monitoring responsibilities by the Environmental Assessment Coordinator. The RAC performs dose projections, based upon source term estimates and provides inf ormation to the EAC.

Initially the Group Radiological Control Supervisor assumes the role of the RAC until relieved by the Initial Response Emergency Organization RAC, and RASE.

3.40 RADIOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT SUPPORT ENGINEER (RASE) - Individuals assigned to assist the RAC in performing dose calculations, source term calculations, and overall assessment and control of radiological hazards. Normally one RAC and one RASE are on duty at all times.

3.41 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM (RCS) - This system contains the necessary piping and components to provide sufficient water flow to cool the reactor.

This system provides for the transfer of thermal energy from the reactor core to the once through steam generators (OTSG) to make steam, acts as a moderator for thermal fission, and provides a boundary to separate fission products from the atmosphere.

3.42 RELEASS DURATION - Release duration refers to the time interval during which radionuclides are released from the nuclear facility. Releases may be monitored, unmonitored, actual, or projected.

The time interval used to estimate a release of unknown duration should reflect best estimates of the plant technical staff.

In the absence of other information, use two hours as the expected release duration. For purposes of determining whether to take a protective action on the basis of projected dose from an airborne plume, the projected dose should not include the dose that has already been received prior to the time the dose projection is done.

3.43 RELEASE RATE - This term refers to the rate at which radionuclides are released to the environment. Normally, it will be expressed in curies per second (C1/sec) or microcuries per second*(pC1/sec).

3.44 RESPIRATOR AND LAUNDRY MAINTENANCE FACILITY (RLM) - This facility is used to process clean and maintain laundry and respirators for TMI-l and TMI-2.

This facility's 900 CFM ventilation system is monitored using an AMS-3 radiation monitor. The RLM has HEPA filters installed in the ventilation system.

12.0 2042c

MUClear TM1 Radiological Controls Department 6610-PLN-4200.02 Title Revision No.

TMI Emergency Dose Calculation Manual (EDCM) 4 3.50 STABILITY CLASS - Dispersion of an effluent plume in the atmosphere is a function of the amount of mixing occurring between the plume and the atmosphere around the plume. The amount of mixing is related to what is referred to as the stability of the atmosphere. Conditions which create good mixing are unstable and conditions which create poorer mixing are stable.

Pasquill stability class is a breakdown of the relative atmospheric stability into seven groups, denoted as A through G, from most unstable to most stable.

In the pasquill stability class system, stability le related to the relative change in temperature with height, delta T.

The more negative the change in temperature with increasing height, the more unstable the atmosphere. The RAC program uses sensors on the Meteorological tower at 33 feet and 150 feet to determine the delta T.

Once the delta T is determined, a stability class is selected based on the delta T and the atmospheric dispersion (X/Q) is calculated based on the selected stability class.

3.51 STATION VENT HPR-219 - This radiation monitor and release pathway is the main release point for TMI-2.

All ventilation from the Reactor Building, Auxiliary Building, and Fuel Handling Building are routed to the station vent release point, at an average flow tr.e of 120,000 to 130,000 CFM.

The radiation monitor HPR-219 is the originally installed Victoreen Radiation Monitor using a particulate, iodine, and gaseous sampling and monitoring system, similar to the TMI-1 radiation monitor RM-A2 with a moving particulate filter.

3.52 STATION VENT HPR-219A - Eberline radiation monitor installed in IMI-2 to monitor the TMI-2 Station Vent Stack. This unit is used in conjunction with HPR-219 to monitor the main TMI-2 release pathway.

I 3

i 3.53 TERRAIN FACTOR - The terrain factor is the terrain height in meters above plant grade. Terrain factor varies with sector and distance from the release point.

I 3.54 TWO PRASE RELEASE - Liquid and steam release from the main steam safety relief valves.

Following discharge to the environment the steam fraction is calculated assuming there is no change in system entropy and that the OTSG wide range level instrument is indicating that the valve inlet fluid condition is either pure liquid or steam (greater than 600 inches as indicated on the PCL Panel, PI-950A and PI-952A).

3.55 WASTE RANDLING AND PACKAGING FACILITY (WHPF) - This facility is used to handle and package radioactive waste mainly from TMI-2.

This facility's ventilation is monitored by a AMS-3 radiation monitor, and runs at 7100 CFM.

3.56 WIND SPEED ADJUSTMENTS - Since wind speed varies with height and the wind l

speed sensors are not at the release height, an adjustment is made to extrapolate the measured wind speed to the wind speed at the release


height. The adjustment amount is dependent on the stability class.

j l

14.0 2042c

1 (UClear TMI Radiological Controls Department 6610-PLN-4200.02 Title Revision No.

TMI Emergency Dose Calculation Manual (EDCM) 4 l


Turn on printer (ON/OFF switch).


To reload or interrupt program with the computer ON - hit the Ctrl, Alt, Del keys at the same time, with disk in the PC.

L i


To run the RAC program on the LAN system.


Turn on computer for LAN access.

i b.

Enter password and identification to log on to LAN.

Choose exit to DOS option, and change the directory to RACBAT.



Type RAC.

A menu system will appear offering a choice of options and data e.

available to the user.

Selection #1 will run the RAC program.


If LAN access cannot be established, Selection #1 will still run the RAC program. Other selections will appear but will not be available.

t 5.

The program options are listed in the bottom line and the range of input allowed in the top lines on the CRT.

i 6.

When finished with each screen's input, push the appropriate function key i

(ex. F10, F4, F1) for the next function.


Dose calculations normally take a few minutes and will print when completed.


When dones Remove any disks, turn off CRT, computer, and printer. Store disks appropriately.

a I

1 17.0 2042c




-'s Radiological Controls Department Title 6610-PLN-42OO.02 Revision No.

TMI Emergency Dose Calculation Manual (EDCM) 4 Plant Shutdown Radiciodine Spiking represents the " spiking" of the radiciodines and noble gases. Plant Shutdown Radiciodine i

Spiking occurs at < 15% Reactor Power, and is caused by the fuel gap activity being washed out of the fuel pins at transient temperatures and pressures.

The default " spiking" factors for radiciodines and noble gases are Radiciodines times 100. (200X) l Noble gases times 2.

(2X) t The TSC should be requested to provide the actual " spiking" factors for the particular plant shutdown situation.

The default I

factors are to be used if information is not available from the TSC.

This " spiking" of radiciodine and noble gas activities represent i

an increase in RCS radioactivity due to a plant evolution and do not represent an indication of fuel damage; i.e.,

NRC Damage Classes 2-10.

Spiking only occurs when fuel defects are present.

s p

w i

k I


l i


I 25.0 2042c i



4 hcl 88r TMI Radiological Controls Department 6610-PLN-4200.02 Title Revision No.

TMI Emergency Dose Calculation Manual (EDCM) 4 l

1 1 Tables of NRC Damage Classes 1 and 1A



CLASS 1 CLASS 1A pCi/cc**

Percent Curies **

pCi/cc Percent Curies **

I-131 2.20E-02 0.24 4.71E+00 2.20E+00 6.30 4.71E+02 I-132 2.64E-02 0.29 5.66E+00 2.64E+00 7.56 5.66E+02 1-133

3. 03 E- 02 0.33 6.49E+00 3.03E+00 8.68 6.49E+02-I-134 5.24E-02 0.57 1.12E+01 5.24E+00 15.00 1.12E+03 I-135 3.84E-02 0.42 8.23E+00 3.84E+00 10.99 8.23E+02 l

SUBTOTAL 1 70E-01 1.85 36.31 1.69E+01 48.53 3.63E+03 1

i KR-85M 1.90E-01 2,07 4.07E+01 3.80E-01 1.09 8.14E+01 KR-85 0.00E+00 0.00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00 0.00E+00 KR-87 1.84E-01 2.01 3.94E+01 3.68E-01 1.05 7.8BE+01 KR-88 3.62E-01 3.95 7.75E+01 7.24E-01 2.07 1.55E+02 XE-131M 0.00E+00 0.00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00 0.00E+00 XE-133M 1.56E-01 1.70 3.34E+01 3.12E-01 0.89 6.68E+01 IE-133 6.90E+00 75.35 1.48E+03 1.38E+01 39.51 2.96E+03 XE-135M 2.63E-02 0.29 5.63E+00 5.26E-02 0.15 1.13E+01


XE-135 1.17E+00 12.78 2.51E+02 2.34E+00 6.70 5.01E+02 l

XE-138 0.00E+00 0.00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00 0.00E+00 SUBTOTAL B.99E+00 98.15 1925.40 1.80E+01 51.47 3.85E+03 TOTAL 9.16E+00 100.00 1.96E+03 3.49E+01 100.00 7.48E+03 l

NOBLE GAS TO 53.03 53.03 53.03 1.06 1.06 1.06 IODINE RATIO



.I MNuclear (s

Radiological Controls Department 6610-PLN-4200.02 s

Title Revision No.

N TMI Emergency Dose Calculation Manual (EDCM) 4' 4.

Default to a RCS concentration dependent on the NRC Damage Class:

a RCS Default NRC Damage Class pC1/cc 1

  • 9.16 1A
  • 3.49El (Using default spiking factors) 2 4.99E+03 3

2.49E+04 4

4.98E+04 5

4.71E+05 6

2.16E+06 7

4.26E+06 8

4.26E+06 9

4.26E+06 10 4.26E+06 i

r Damage classes 1 and 1A are variable, based on RCS activity entered from sample data and radiciodine spiking factors used. The " Primary to Secondary Leakage" is determined utilizing:


RCS identified leakage [D2] gpm 2.

Default to 400 gpm for a double-ended tube shear [D2]

[ The " Transport Fraction" [D3] is a function of the release



[D3] is calculated by the equation: D3=Fr

  • 0.0075 +

(1-Fr) where Fr = fraction of the release via the condenser off gas.

For a release through the condenser off-gas the noble gas transport is 1.00, the radiciodine transport fraction is 0.0075.

The radiciodine transport fraction is a product of: The fraction of radiciodine entering the OTSG from the RCS that is a volatile lodine species (.05) and the partition factors for volatile iodine species in the main condenser -(.15).

Non-volatile iodine species have a partition factor of zero in I

the condenser off gas.

For a release direct to atmosphere the noble gas and radiciodine transport fractions use the fraction of steam released to total steam flow from the OTSG.

An additional partition factor [Tfef} is applicable for a two phase direct release. The resultant source terms in pci/sec are calculated by:

Ngst = D1

  • D2
  • Ng/ LOO
  • 63.09 I

Rist = D1

  • D2
  • D3
  • RI/100
  • 63.09
  • 1/Tfcf.

I i


42.0 2042c
