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Auxiliary Bldg Emergency Liquid Cleanup Sys (Epicor II)
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Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 08/15/1990
From: Freeman R
Shared Package
ML20028G870 List:
3526-004, 3526-4, NUDOCS 9009050234
Download: ML20028G871 (79)


{{#Wiki_filter:. V15dNU8IS8F SD 3s26-cat nEv a ISSUE DATE Auoust 1990 G ets D won. D ans 4 DIVISION SYSTEM DESCRIPTION FOR Auxiliary Buildina Emeroency Liquid Clean-up System (EPICOR 11) 1 I 6I*DATE 8 J-fo COG ENG RYR DATE 8-5 2 COG ENG MGR. G%~ _ DATE M ! / 5e E{ DOCUMENT PAGE 1 OF 78 900905023A 900977 PDR ADOCK 05000320 P PDC Y

No.3526-004 ) TW System Description for Auxiliary Buildin9 Pa ge ' 1 of 78-i Emergency: Liquid Clean-up System (EPICOR II) Rev.


OF CHANGE Approval Date 0 -Initial issue per GPU Nuc1 car letter 4410-82-L-0017. b 2/82-1 Updated per GPU Nuclear letter 4410-83-L-0078. @X 4/83 2 Updated per 'GPU Nuclear letter 4410-84-L-0023. @f 2/84 3 Updated per GPU Nuclear letter 4410-85-L-0074. N 4/85 Incorporated ECM 3475.8, Revision 8. ~4 Updated per GPU Nuclear letter 4410-86-L-0069. gpf _ 4/86-I 5 Annual update to reflect the current operation g>f 5/87 configuration of the EPICOR II system. - Adds further detail as to the operation of the Transfer Pump ALC-P-5 in Section 2.1.2. Revised the description of demineralizer ALC-F-1 in Section 2.1.3. Revised Section 2.1.19 concerning system isolation valves. '~ H Adds new Section 3.4.2 and 3.4.3. 6 Annual update to re,flect the following: h 6/88

a. Clarification of Section 1.0 regarding approved l

receiving tanks for EPICOR Il processed water and roL Ne/non-routine operations. t

b. Installation of a stainless steel ALC-P-5 transfer l

pump has changed Section 2.1.2 and Table 2 regarding-L total dynamic head.

c. Replacement of ALC-RE-18 (ALC Ventilation Rad Monitor) required modification to Section 2.2.4 and Table 10 and 12.
d. Table 15 (ALC Valve List) has been expanded to include two new valves added for MMA 3526-87-0016 ( ALC-F-1 )


e. Table 13 also now includes the description of "WG" E

valves commonly used when processing MWHT, RCBTs, and E Neutralizer Tanks throudEPICOR II. When the "TANKFARM" S.D. #3230-003 was cancelled, these "WG" s valves should have been incorporated into d SD 3526-004. O h E2 ~ b

.No. M d)1 Nuclear as26 004 'I Page 2 78 System Description for Auxiliary Building Emergency Liouid Clean-up System (EPICOR II) Rev.


OF CHANGE Approval Da te 7 Annual reflect the current operating 1 7/89 configuration-of the EPICOR II System and to re-flect the out of service (00S) condition of the Submerged Demineralizer System (SDS). Table 12 was deleted for administrative purposes; Table 13 was deleted as being redundant to Table 16; and Table 14 was deleted because SDS is 00S.- 8 Annual update to reflect the following': h 8/90. a.- ALC-F-5 filter cartridge is not only 1 micron (nominal) and has been as " rough" as 10 micron (nominal).

b. Radiation monitor ALC-RM-12 is no longer in service.
c. Numerous other small corrections (e.g. typos, syntax, labels) were also made.

t -= O '? E -g W E /

oh',os 3526-004- +. s TABLE OF' CONTENTS _q -SECTION PAGE o3 y - 1 1.0L INTRODUCTION 5 = 1.1 - System Functions ~ 5 h4f; -1.2: Summary Description of the System 6 . 1.3 . System Design Requirements 7 g L2.0 DETAI'.ED DESCRIPTION 0F THE SYSTEM 11 1.1 Components 11 E2. 2 Instruments, Cont *ols Alarms, and Protective Devices 23 3.0' PRINCIPAL MODES OF 0PERATION 26 3.1 Startup 26 f 3.2 Normal Operation 27 3.3 Shutdown 28 3.4 Special' or Infrequent Operation 28 -3.5-Emergency 30 4.0 HAZARDS AND PRECAUTIONS 31 , Rev. 8/0185P L __ _ - _ - __ - -

[ 9 TABLE 0F:CONTENTSy (Cont'd) TABLE-: PAGE 1; EPICOR'II Pumps. 32 2.- Transfer Pump 33 -3. Fil ters-34' - 4. Deminerali zers-35 5. Miscellanebus Warte Hold-up Tank 36 6. Clean Water Receiving Tank 37 7. Off-Spec; Water Receiving / Batch Tank -38 8.' Sump Pump, Chemical Cleaning Building 39 9; Monorail Hoist System -40 =10. CCB Ventilation System Nameplate Data 41 .11. Air Compressors 42 12. Valve List 43 ~

13. Radwaste Pro' cessing' System (EPICOR II) 78 l Rev. 8/0185P

ps, 4 3526-004 I o. '1'. 0 INTRODUCTION s l'.1 ; System Functions

  • 4 The: functions _of the Auxiliary Building Emergency Liquid Clean-up -(EPICOR l

II) System are: 1.1.1. To' decontaminate, by filtration and ion exchange, radioactive waste water contained in TMI Unit 2. In the past, EPICOR'II also served as at polishing ion exchanger system for the Submerged i Domineralizer System-(SDS). SDS has been-taken out of service and will no longer process / filter contaminated liquids. Therefore, EPICOR 11 processes the waste water directly. 1.1'.2 ' To transfer EPIC 0R II processed water from the Clean Water Receiving Tank- (CC-T-2) to the following tanks: a. Processed Water Storage Tanks (PWSTs or PW-T-1 and 2). b; Off cpec. Water Receiving Batch Tank (CC-T-1) to be used for decontamination of the Reactor Building and Auxiliary / Fuel' Handling Buildings. CC-T-1 is also used for recycle processing when required, c. Evaporator Condensate Test Tanks (ECTTs or WDL-T-9A and 98) to i be used for various decontamination activities and make-up k water / chemical additions via the Boric Acid Mix Tank (BAMT). q The transfer to WDL-T-9A/B passes through. Unit 1 NOTE: Turbine Building, but is physically isolated from all Unit 1 systems, d. On a non-routine basis to either the Condensate Storage Tank (CO-T-1 A), Borated Water Storage Tank (BWST) or the "B" Spent Fuel Storage Pool via the truck fill station. 1.1.3 'To provide remo*,e handling of spent resin containers from their position inside the Chemical Cleaning Building (CCB) to the transport cask and truck. 1.1.4' ro limit releases of radioactive material to the environment to "us low as is reasonably achievable." 1.1.5 To provide. for operation and maintenance of the liquid cleanup system in compliance with "as low as is reasonably achievable" radiation doses to personnel. 1.1.6 To accomplish the above independently from TMI Unit-1 (for exception see NOTE above). L l Rev. 8/0185P

F 3526-004 j..

1.2L Summary Description ofLthe System The Auxiliary Building Emergency Liquid Clean-up System, as the name implies, was origina11y' designed and constructed for the primary purpose of processing and cleaning up the accident-generated water that collected in the Auxiliary Building.. The system is referred to as EPICOR II.

The system consists of a-liquid radwaste processing system which is located in the. Chemical Cleaning Building (CCB). It decontaminates, by filtration and ion exchange, radioactive waste water contained in the Auxiliary Building, Fuel Handling Building, Service Building, and Reactor Building of TMI Unit 2.. Contaminated water is pumped from a connection located on the Miscellaneous Waste Holdup Tank (MWHT) by a pump located in the CCB through the yard and into the process system; contaminated water can also be obtained from the Monitor Tanks (SDS-T-1 A and 18), the Contaminated Drain Tanks (CDTs), the Reactor Coolant Bleed Ta' s (RCBTs), or the Neutralizer Tanks (WDL-T-8A and 8B). Yard piping is 5 ded and ( enclosed within a ~ guard pipe, the open end of which tenninate. inside the j CCB. The primary process system consists of three demineralizers ( ALC-F-1, { ALC-K-1, and ALC-K-2), connected in series. Waste liquid is transferred l from the source tank (MWHT, WDL-T-8A/B, RCBT, CDT, or SDS T.1 A/B) through the demineralizers, to the Clean Water Receiving Tank (CC-1-2), i Change-out criteria for the various units are indicated in Table 13. l l 4 Processed water is delivered to CC-T-2 for sampling and analysis. The l processed water is pumped to one of the following: the Liquid Waste i Disposal System of THI Unit 2,- the "A" Spent Fuel Storage Pool, the l ~i PWSTs, the BWST, C0-T-1 A, WDL-T-9 A/B or the truck fill station for i transfer to~ the NLB. Pump if within specification. Additionally, the l processed water can be transferred to CC-T-1 for recycling through the l process. system or use in the decontamination of the Reactor Building or l Auxiliary and Fuel Handling Buildings.. Reprocessing under a feed and bleed scheme (via CC-T-2) can be done if the water does not meet the end i process criteria; this is not a routine operation since feed and bleed i processing requires a long time to accomplish. l The CCB is a low leakage confinement 'Juilding with an exhaust ventilation system to maintain the building at a negative pressure. Moisture i separators, high efficiency particulate absolute (HEPA) filters, and charcoal filters have been provided in the exhaust ventilation system in order to filter the building air before it is released to the stack at the roof line of the CCB. All effluent air is monitored for radioactivity at this point. Provisions for grab samples-are available. Normal operation of the processing system is by remote means except for infrequent operations such as sampling, spent resin container removal and i' new resin container installation. All remote system operations are L controlled from the TV Monitor and Control Building located outside the northwest corner of the CCB. i 1 Rev. 8/0185P L

7 3526-004 1 ' Remote handling of spent' resin containers from their position inside the' s, l CCB to the transport cask and truck -is via~ a remotely-operated, twenty-ton monorail hoist system.

A fire protection system is installed in the HVAC equipment room, the TV

. Monitor and Control Building, and the CCB.. A 4" tie-in to the existing fire main' supplies a sprinkler system in the TV Monitor and Control i Building and a hose station in the CCB, as well as the sprinkler line to the air filtration unit charcoal filters.. The key to the lock-on this sprayline valve is kept in the TV Monitor and Control Building. Line and grid pressure indication is provided in the TV Monitor and Control

Building, c

EPICOR II interfaces with the TMI Unit 2 Radwaste Disposal Miscellaneous Liquids System, the Demineralized Water System, the Processed Water Storage System, the B0P Electrical System, the Service Air System, the. l Unit 1 Liquid Waste Disposal System, the Fire Protection System, and the j Unit 2 Radwaste Disposal Reactor Coolant Liquid System. 1 NOTE: Although there is an interface with the Unit 1 Liquid Waste 3 Disposal System, the Unit i System will not be used. In this } respect, Unit 2 will function independently. Valve ALC-Vl69 shall i remain locked closed (unless transferring water from either CC-T-1 or CC-T-2 to the "B" Spent Fuel Pool) and a spectacle flange is installed downstream of valve ALC-V169'at the transition between Unit 1 and Unit 2 liquid radwaste systems. 1.3 System Design Requirements

1. 3.1 Process Sysum Design Requirements
1. 3.1.1 The process line pipe size is nominally 2" schedule 40, based upon the EP100R II System flow rate of 10-30 gpm. Other line sizes are bated on service requirements and function, such as service air, demineralized water, recirculation and sampling..
1. 3.1. 2 Pumps ALC-P-1 through 4 have hose connections and are provided with drip trays to collect leakage. Drip trays have nozzles 1

L as close to the bottom of the tray as possible and are served } l by flexible tubing which leads to the nearest floor or i l equipment drain using the floor slope to induce flow. This tubing is placed well down into the floor drain. Remote system operations are directed and controlled from outside of the CCB from the TV Monitor and Control Building. This area is provided with remote closed circuit television monitoring of the operating areas inside and outside the CCB. l l i l

1. 3.1 ' 4 Process instrumentation consists of pH and conductivity monitors. Resin bed radiation levels, process line radiation levels, process flow rates, process totalizers, and i

l Rev. 8/0185P w

3526-004: / (.

  • L tank /demineralizer levels are also monitored.

Accelerometers for pumps ALC-P-1 through 4 are provided for equipment i protection and,an alternate ~ method to determine processing-flowrates.

1. 3.1. 5 -

The system tank vents are provided with inline heaters, demister filters, and charcoal filters for adsorption of evolved iodine.. These units are sloped to drain demisted liquids back into the system tanks.

1. 3.1. 6 Liquid waste feed to the system will be drawn from the source tank (MWHT, RCBT, SDS-T-1 A/B, CDT, WDL-T-8A/B, CC-T-2, or CC-T-1) to the first: EPICOR II pump ( ALC-P-1).

The MWHT pump is not used when processing the MWHT water; this provides better system pressure and flow control. 'l I

1. 3.1. 7 The EPICOR II System is contained within.the CCB which was-l originally designed to meet seismic criteria per Zone 1 of the j

building code. The EPICOR 11 System and major components when constructed were considered to be non-Quality Control-(QC) scope; however, the system has since been reclassified Important to Safety (ITS), in QC scope.

1. 3.1. 8 All system piping is welded stainless steel except for air piping which is welded carbon steel or copper tubing.

Instrument tubing systems are 316 SS tubing and are made up using compression fittings. The process system piping is - rated at 150 lbs. and is designed, installed and inspected in ] accordance with ANSI B31.1 (Power Piping). NOTE:- Flanged and screwed connections are used as necessary on certain components.

1. 3.1. 9 Capability is provided to obtain a representative sample of-CC-T-1 and CC-T-2, and the effluents of demineralizers ALC-F-1, ALC-K-1 and ALC-K-2, while in a low radiation area in accordance with Regulatory -Guide 1.21.

Representative sampling for either CC-T-1 or' CC-T-2 is here defined as "af ter recirculating the tank contents for three volume changes". - Also, the sample line for either CC-T-1 or CC-T-2 is purged to the-sample sink for five line volumes prior to drawing the sample, and for domineralizers ALC-F-1, ALC-K-1 and ALC-K-2, the sample lines are flushed for a minimum of three (3) minutes prior to drawing the sample. NOTE: Domineralizer ALC-F-1 is the first domineralizer, followed in series by demineralizers ALC-K-1 and ALC-K-2, respectively. The building sump is a covered sumo. L Rev. 8/0185P d

D 3526-004 m f I 1 ',3.1 =.11 - System blowdown' air and: demineralized. water lines are provided 4 J with individual check valves! ALC-YO60 through V079 to minimize T contamination of these systems. Th'e demineralized water supply header is provided with - 7~ demineralized water from TMI Unit.2 in the range of 80-90 psig to meet EPICOR II requirements. -' The system air supply header is provided with a pressure . regulator operating in the~ range of 80-90 psig, and a moisture separator.- An air oiler, and an anti-freeze injector are provided for the portion of the system air header servicing the EPICOR II pumps. The Plant Service Air System is the normal and preferred air supply'. Also two air compressors ( ALC-P-7 and 8) are available for use and tie into-the air supply header via. valve ALC-Y145. If sampling indicates that the processed water is within l limits for usage, the decontaminated liquid from CC-T-2 can be routed to one of the following:. the TMI Unit 2 Liquid Waste Disposal System, the "A" Spent Fuel Storage Pool, the PWSTs, .l CC-T-1, or a truck-fill hose connection that is provided as a means of transferring decontaminated liquids for use in the decontamination of the Reactor, Auxiliary and Fuel Handling Buildings. I All system overflow lines discharge to the CCB sump. All floor drains alsc discharge to the-sump. The water collected in the sump is staged in CC-T-1 by the sump pump for recycle through the cleanup system or it is drawn and processed directly through the'EPICOR II System via existing valves and piping. Since the elevation of the discharge nozzle of CC-T-2 and the r CCB floor were fixed prior to design and construction of EPICOR II, the hydraulic design for draining CC-T-2 is not adequate for complete draining of the tank. However, the system was designed to facilitate draining to the maximum i extent possible. Final draining of CC-T-2 is accomplished with the manual drain line (valves ALC-V131 and V132). p Three resin traps are installed downstream of the l demineralizers. A ten micron (nominally rated) or finer cartridge filter l ( ALC-F-5) is installed downstream of the three resin traps. 1 The system has personnel shielding on various components to reduce the radiation levels in the operating areas of the building. A resin trap is installed on the outlet from the liners' overflow line to prevent resin carryover into the sump. Rev. 8/0185P +- + - - m

'~ '


li3.2EMaterialt Ha'ndling Design Requirements- ] 1;3.2.1' ' Nonnal' operation'of the EPICOR 11 System is by' remote methods.. l'.3.2.2 Demineralized water and. service air connections a're provid6d-

to flush and blowdown _-the entire system or portions of O ??

allow system maintenance. - 1. 3. 2 '. 31 Four (4) feet high by four'(4) feet in diameter (4x4) liners or, high integrity container (HIC) demineralizers with! an - adapter lif t ring ~ attached may be removed-from the building by making use of the transfer bell designed for this purpose. The trt.nsfer bell is positioned over the' radioactive liner; the shield doors on the. bottom of the ~ bell are _ opened and the liner is drawn;up into the bell. The doors are closed and the carried, by the crane, to the truck which may have a concrete shield vessel for isolating the bellt during, transportation'to the staging facility. Monitoring of the area'is carried on during these activities to assure the safety of personnel. Another. liner is' positioned in the vacated: space. Shielding, process lines,- and level instrumentation are repositioned and the unit ~is' returned to service. NOTE: The shielded transfer bell is no longer routinely l used and will only be used if operation of the system results in radiation levels from the demineralizers exceeding limits-for unshielded handling. Six (6) feet high by six-(6) feet in diameter (6x6) liners and lightly loaded 4x4 liners are handled in and out of the building without shielding. This is accomplished by remote operation and by establishing appropriate barriers limiting the approach of personnel to the handling operation. Spent resin containers are lifted directly from within substantial shielding barriers in the CCB and deposited directly in the transfer cask on the unmanned truck located immediately outside the building, or loaded unshielded on a transport truck depending on the liner's radiation levels. 1.3.3 Air Handling Design Requirements

1. 3. 3.1 A ventilation fan is provided to maintain the CCB at a negative pressure. The MSA filtration unit is designed to meet the requirements of NRC Regulatory Guide 1.140. The moisture separator is provided to remove water vapor droplets from the air. An electric heater is provided within the MSA filtration unit to lower relative humidity (RH) to 30% with 100% RH inlet air. Rev. 8/0185P I


3526-004 di; < The prefilter has an average atmospheric air strain ef ficiency of 85%.

1. 3. 3. 6 ~

The two HEPA filter banks are DOP tested in place to assure an efficiency _ of 99.95% for removing 0.=3 micron particles, ~ s 2.0LDETAILED-DESCRIPTION ~0F THE' SYSTEM L 2.1_ Components 2.1.1' EPICOR 11 Pumps ALC-P-1 through 4 (See Table 1) Pumps ALC-P-1 through 4 are air-driven, positive displacement pumps with a capacity 'of 10 gpm to 120 gpm. Each pump is equipped with a pulsation dampener in the process outlet. These pumps are utilized in the system to circulate the liquid -

through the demineralizers.

The hoses furnished 'for the flexible connections to the pumps, filters, domineralizers, and traps have a design pressure of 100 psi. Air supplied to the pumps passes through an air oiler and an anti-freeze injector to a valve manifold. Pump speed and capacity will be varied by the EPICOR II operator to achieve the optimum flow through the radwaste process system. Pump speed is controlled by throttling the drive air at the Fava Control Panel. Demineralized water and oil free air connections are provided on the suction and discharge side of each pump for flushing and blowdown purposes. Pump noise and vibration monitors are present for pumps ALC-P-1 through 4 and have a read-out on panel ALC-PNL-2 in the-TV Monitor and Control Building. 2.1. 2 Transfer Pump ALC-P-5 (See Table 2) Transfer pump ALC-P-5 is a single stage horizontal centrifugal pump with a capacity of 200 gpm at 100' head. The pump motor is rated at 10 llP and is powered from MCC 2-33A in the TV Monitor and - Control Building. The pump is controlled by push buttons for START /STOP from MCC 2-33A, a hand selector switch for low level control of either CC-T-1 or CC-T-2 from the panel ALC-PNL-1 in the TV Monitor and Control Building and level switches in panel ALC-PNL-1 for CC-T-1 and CC-T-2. The level switches receive their signals from level transmitters ALC-LT-1 and ALC-LT-2 et CC-T-1 and CC-T-2, respectively. CC-T-1 and CC-T-2 also have high level cutouts to transfer pump ALC-P-5. Domineralized water is supplied to the pump mechanical seal from a solenoid operated valve ALC-V136 controlled from the pump motor starting circuit. When the motor starts, the valve opens. The seal water flow rate is maintained at 1-2 gpm by throttling valve ALC-V134 when seal water injection is required. Seal water injection is only required if the pump is handling water which contains greater than 7000 ppm boron. Rev. 8/0185P

-3526-004 ,1 h. "t. J -If. the p'urp-handles clean:w'ater, 'it is acceptable to allow the l m - mechanical. seal to be:1ubricated through~ the pump's internal 1 passages. - As long. as the' water has passed through' filter ALC-F-5, the water is clean enough -(from a grit standpoint) to lubricate a p L the, mec hanica1' seal. Thus, as long as filter ALC-F-5 is in use, F the demineralized seal water can be turned off with valve ALC-V134 1 to reduce the total volume of processed water or radwaste, j g This pump is used' to transfer water from either CC-T-1 or CC-T-2 i to one of the following: the TMI Unit 2 Liquid Waste-Disposal System, the " A" Spent fuel Storage Pool, the PWSTs,- or a hose l F connection at the truck fill station. It is also used to transfer p water from CC-T-2 to CC-T-1. - Furthennore, this pump is also used for recirculating and sampling the contents of both CC-T-2 and CC-T-1. The sample connection s terminates at the sample' system sink. 'The pump is provided with a - discharge pressure gauge, and a flow element on the discharge.line t to Units No.-l and No. 2, the "A" Spent Fuol Pool, the PWSTs and I the truck fi11 ' station.. Remote indication of flow (ALC-FI-2) and a flow totalizer ( ALC-FQ-2) are located on panel ALC-PNL-1.

To protect the pump from operating at-shutoff or low flow, it is provided with a solenoid-operated minimum flow control valve ALC-Y291.,The minimum flow line branches to both CC-T-1 and CC-T-2; the
direction of the flow is to the tank from which the water originates. - The operation of the minimum flow control valve is automatic, although manual control is provided as well.

Automatic-control is provided by differential pressure switch -ALC-DPS-1..The switch measures the flow through the pump in tenns u of %P across the equipment. When the flow is less than 40 gpm, the minimum flow control valve opens and will remain open until the flow has increased to approximately-90 gpm, at which time it will close. Manual control permits the opening and closing of the valve at any time. 2.1.3' Demineralizer ALC-F-1 (See Table 4) The first stage domineralizer (also referred to as a < liner) is t generally used to remove sodium, other non-radioactive chemicals, and low concentrations of radioactive isotopes. The-influent cesium and strontium radioisotope concentrations are typically low enough that they do not require removal prior to polishing. This demineralizer is either a 4x4 or 6x6 carbon steel tank loaded with organic resins. Should conditions require gross cesium and strontium removal, a HIC loaded with zeolite resins is placed in the first position to l act as.a roughing filter. This mode of operation precludes the L need for SDS; thus, SDS has been placed out of service. The HIC L is similar in size to the carbon steel 4x4 liner; the major l difference in design being the materials used L .. Rev. 8/018SP t

q. 3526-004 l \\. ' during fabrication of each typeo HIC demineralizers are - 1 Q constructed of a _ very high grade stainless steel, enabling the-y_ container to meet the burial limits of Class B or Class C waste. 'In all cases.(4x4, 6x6, or HIC liners)..the top of the liner has-four (4) quick disconnect (QD) fittings: an inlet (pump discharge), an outlet (pump suction).. a combination vent / overflow, and an air type QD fitting for the level bubbler tube.' As a means of backup level indicator, a threaded level conductivity probe also' penetrates the tank top. An air connection is provided at the top of the 6x6 liner to allow ' removal of the plug from the top of the false bottom af ter final' 1 dewateri ng. The false bottom is filled with an-approved sorbent i 'to absorb water that may tend to accumulate. The false bottom is not required because the water volume absorbed is less than the 0.5% limit for shallow land burial. A manway with approximately a 20" diameter opening is installed on top of the tank. r The inlet nipple is connected to a full dispersion manifold in the top of the tank. The outlet nipple (pump suction line) connects-to a single layer filter manifold which is located at the bottom of the tank. The level probe or bubbler system maintains tank level betwee.i 4" M and 6" from the top of the ' tank by opening and closing solenoid valve ALC-V185 on the air supply to pump ALC-P-1, which is-supplying the tank; starting the pump on low level and stopping the pump and closing valves ALC-V043 or ALC-V242 on high level. On Hi Hi-level 4" from the tank top, an audible alarm is sounded at the EPICOR II Monitoring Constle, located in the TV Monitor and Control Building, valve ALC-V255 eloses, and the pump motor operated valve closes. The EPICOR'Il operator may select either L air bubbler or conductivity -level control on the Fava-Control Panel located in the TV Monitor and Control Building. The domineralizer tank is vented, via hose connections, to a 2" vent header which leads into the top of CC-T-1. t i-l- A tee is,provided in this vent line for a hose connection to a l: common header which discharges to the CCD sump. The line is provided as a domineralizer overflow line and demineralizer-l- overpressure protection. A loop seal is provided to ensure that all liner gases are routed to CC-T-1 and its vent filters, rather l than directly into the CCB.. A level switch ( ALC-LS-21) is installed in the loop seal for indication of flow in the header and provides an alann at panel ALC-PNL-1 in the TV Monitor and l Control Building. The shielding in the ALC-F-1 position consists of a 51/8" thick, square lead brick wall (31/8" thick on south side) plus a 1/2" of l. shield-supporting steel. Radiation monitors ( ALC-RM-1 and 2) are l located inside this shield 180 degrees apart at different 1 -1 3 - Rev. 8/018SP

h 3526-004 elevations to monitor accumulated radiation levels in the t - demi ne rali ze r. When the-HIC is installed,' a concrete shield (culvert):will provide additional shielding and a' place to land the transfer bell while removing the spent.-HIC. To avoid breakthrough of sodium to the second liner when-demineralizer ALC-F-1 is organically loaded, the batch size - through demineralizer ALC-F-1 is limited. If a HIC is in service in the ALC-F-1 position, activity breakthrough will 'oe limited through batch size or by the activity as measured by radiation monitor ALC-RM-7, installed at the influent header of demineralizer ALC-K-1. The second liner will then be organically loaded for sodium removal. If the water source is very low in cesium and strontium,'but still

requires further polishing (i.e., recycle processing of either' CC-T-1 or CC-T-2), a jumper hose will bypass the HIC demineralizer in the - ALC-F-1 position.

In this configuration, the first liner .in the series will be demineralizer ALC-K-1 followed by demineralizer-ALC-K-2 (i.e., two liners versus three). Processing relatively clean water will rinse cesium and/or strontium activity .of f of the HIC zeolites on to the downstream ALC-K-1 demineralize r. This is the purpose of the " BYPASS" mode. Refer to Section 2.1.19 for details regarding'demineralizer level -controls. Refer to Sections 3.4.2 and 3.4.3 regarding operations and systems that prepare a HIC /demineralizer for shipping and .bu ri al. Remote indication is provided on the cleanup panel ALC-PNL-1 for radiation monitors ALC-RM-1 and 2. During system operation, radiation' levels as indicated on radiation monitors ALC-RM-1 and 2 should not be allowed to exceed 1 R/hr. 2.1.4 Demineralizers ALC-K-1 and ALC-K-2 (See Table 4) Two domineralizers are installed in series with demineralizer ALC-F-1 to further remove radioactivity from the. waste liquid and polish the effluent. .Demineralizer ALC-K-1 is either a 4x4 or 6x6 liner and is primarily used to reduce the activity level of the process fluid through ion exchange and filtering. For this reason, the anticipated activity levels are high and the shielding around domineralizer ALC-K-1 is identical to shielding around 'demineralizer ALC-F-1 when demineralizer ALC-F-1 is a 6x6 liner. Demineralizer ALC-K-2 is either a 4x4 or 6x6 liner and is primarily used to polish the effluent water from demineralizer ALC-K-1 and to act as a guard in the event of a resin breakthrough from demineralizer ALC-K-1. For this reason, the anticipated activity levels in demineralizer ALC-K-2 are lower than in demineralizer ALC-K-1. -1 4 - Rev. 8/0185P 1

3526-0047 ~ w Each demiraralizer has the same external-conn 3ctions as demineralicer ALC-F-1. : The' demineralizer resin composition.and. quantity wtil be-determined on the basis of-system samples-and . ope rati ng 'da ta.. As with domineralizer ALC-F-1, two radiation detectors-are located r at'different elevations 180 degrees apart inside the lead shield, Remote indication is provided in the TV Monitor and Control Building on panel ALC-PNL-1. During system operation, radiation levels on indicators ALC-RMI-3 and 4 for demineralizer ALC-K-1,' t should not be allowed to exceed 1 R/hr.- Radiation levels on ' .indicetors ALC-RMI-5 and 6 for domineralizer ALC-K-2, should not be allowed to exceed 1R/hr. 2.1. 5 Miscellaneous ' Waste Hold-up Tank WDL-T-2 (See Table 5) The Miscellaneous Waste Hold-up' Tank (MWHT) which has a capacity of 19,518 gallons, can receive liquid from the following sources: a. Auxiliary Building Sump Tank b. Neutralizer Tanks c. Contaminated Drain Tanks d. Reactor Building Sump e. Deborating domineralizer back wash outlet f. Fuel Storage Pool Submersible Pump Discharge g. Domineralized-Water System h. Condensate Polisher Sump

i. Water Treatment Sump j-Reactor Coolant Bleed Tanks k.

Concentrated Waste Storage Tank i The tank also has connections to the MWHT pump suction, -recirculation capability, a caustic and sulphuric acid inlet, two nitrogen inlets, a vent, a gas sample connection and a-relief val ve. The tank is normally nitrogen blanketed, but may be vented to the Gaseous Waste Disposal (WDG) System. To prevent acid splashing on the inner tank walls, the inlet piping extends eig'ht (8) feet into the tank. The diameter of the tank is 10'-91/4. The MWHT is located in the Auxiliary Building at elevation 305'. A temporary tee connection is installed in place of the suction line strainer, WDL-U202B, on the MWHT pump (WDL-P-6B) suction li ne. Connected to this tee is a 2" line which supplies the Rev. 8/0185P

E 5 3526 0'04' lj 1iquidt from the MWHT to the suction side of pump ALC-P-1.- A 4" guard pipe with a combination of lead and concrete shielding j encloses the' suction piping: run from the Auxiliary Building - corridor to'the CCB penetration. The guard pipe is open to the atmosphere of the CCB, which is under a slight. negative pressure.- 2.1. 6 Clean ' Water Receiving Tank CC-T-2 (See Table 6) CC-T-2'is a stainless steel atmospheric pressure tank with a. ,J capacity of 133,689 gallons located in the CCB.= CC-T-2 receives the processed liquid from the discharge of pump ALC-P-4 via, in i order, three resin traps, a filter, conductivity' cell, pH meter, I and an inlet flowmeter / totalizer. ] An overflow line with a loop seal is provided near the top of CC-T-2. A demineralized water supply is provided for the. loop seal. A suction line from transfer pump ALC-P-5 penetrates the 'CC-T-2 skirt and connects to the bottom of CC-T-2. A connection on the top of CC-T-2 is also provided for the transfer pump recirculation line, a feature that enhances mixing of the contents. Level indication and high level alarm are provided on panel ALC-PNL-1. A future xenon hold-up tank connection is provided on the vent line. A 2" demineralized water line'is also provided on top of CC-T-2 for whenever large quantities of demineralized water are required in CC-T-2. This would include preoperational testing or tank cleanup. A. drain line is provided off transfer pump ALC-P-5 suction piping to. drain the suction piping and the remaining water in CC-T-2 that the transfer pump cannot drain. CC-T-2 'has a 2" vent line exhausting to 'the CCB through a i two-stage demister filter. The first stage consists of two moisture separators and a HEPA filter. The second stage consists of two charcoal filters and a-HEPA filter. A normally energized heater in the common 2" vent line is controlled from power panel MP 2-33A.- Processed water is stored in CC-T-2 until a batch is completed. A representative sample of the processed water can be obtained from-the discharge of the transfer pump at the sample sink after recirculating three volumes of CC-T-2 and purging the sample lines for five line volumes before drawing the sample. If the. sample indicates the water quality is unsatisfactory, the water can be pumped to CC-T-1 for temporary storage or routed directly back into the suction line of pump ALC-P-l' for reprocessing through the filter and demineralizers until the quality is acceptable for discharge to the plant or storage tanks. If sampling indicates 4 that the contents of CC-T-2 are satisfactory for use in the plant (e.g., decon flush or makeup to other plant processes) the water is pumped nonna11y into one of the following: the TMI Unit 2 Liquid Waste Disposal System, the "A" Spent Fuel Storage Pool, the l PWSTs, or the NLB pump from the truck fill station; however, the water may be stored in CC-T-1, if desired. CC-T-1 will be flushed clean with domineralized water or clean processed water before it is used for clean water storage. -1 6 - Rev. 8/0185P

E=,7 3526-004-7 x 2.1.7 Off-Spec. Water Receiving _ Batch Tank CC-T-1 (See Table 7) mb' CC-T-1 is a stainless steel tank with a capacity of 85,978 gallons E designed for full; vacuum to 75 psig. For the EPICOR II System, p CC-T-1 -is, operated at atmospheric pressure only. CC-T-1 can Wy receive the discharge from the CC-T-2 transfer pump whenever itLis; p" desired to either recycle the water for further processing, or store the purified water for future disposition.- CC-T-1 may. also be used as:a source of processed water to supply the NLB pump used for containment decontamination. This feature allows greater availability of CC-T-2. t CC-T-1 is piped to receive the discharge froni the sump pump, if desired, but normally the sump is drained by a 2" suction line to pump ALC-P-1 (see Section 2.1.8). A suction line at the bottom of l CC-T-1 can be ' lined up either to pump ALC-P-1 for reprocessing the 4 L contents of CC-T-1 through the system or to transfer pump ALC-P-5 for recirculation and-sampling, or discharge. The recirculation line connects to the top of CC-T-1. vented to the building in the same manner as CC-T-2. An overflow line with a loopseal is provided near the top of CC-T-1. A demineralized water supply is provided for the loop seal. A-connection at the top of CC-T-1 receives vents from the prefilter, the demineralizers and the crud filter. Level indication and high level alann are provided on panel ALC-PNL-1. A future xenon hold-up tank connection is provided-on the vent line. CC-T-1 has a 2" vent line exhausting to the CCB through a -two-stage demister filter. The first stage consists of two moisture separators and a HEPA filter. The second stage consists of two charcoal filters and a HEPA filter. A normally energized heater in the common 2" vent line is controlled from power panel MP 2-33A.. i 2~ 1.8 ' Chemical Cleaning Building -Sump The CCB sump is a stainless steel lined pit with a capacity of 4000 gallons located in the northwest corner of the CCB. All leakage from the tank overflow, equipment, and floor drains are collected in the sump. One sump pump (see Table 8) is installed to permit the transfer of the liquid from the sump to CC-T-1, if desired.. The pump is a single stage centrifugal pump with a capacity of 100 gpm. The pump motor is rated at 20 HP and is controlled from a selector switch (MAN-0FF-AUT0) located on MCC 2-33A. When in AUT0, the pump is controlled by conductivity type level switch ALC-LS-1 which starts and stops the pump automatically. A High Sump Level Alann is provided on cleanup panel ALC-PNL-1. The pump is starte'd when the water level in the sump reaches a level that is 481/4 inches below the face of the pump mounting. 7 The pump stops when the level of water has be.en lowered to a level l l -1 7 - Rev. 8/0185P l 'f

' ~ 3526-004 1that-is 90 3/8 inches below the pump face. The high level alarm-is actuated when the water level reaches 361/4 inches below the-face of the pump mounting. The volume of water removed from pump START to pump STOP is 'approximately 1600 gallons. There is also a volume of nearly,1700 gallons above the High Alarm before the sump overflows. The sump is nonna11y drained by a 2" line provided from the sump to a-2" flushing line just upstream of its entry into the suction 'line of~ pump ALC-P-1.- This pennits the return of the sump water. to the,EPICOR II. System.directly from the' sump without circulating ) through pump CC-P-2A and CC-T-1. A 3/4" branch connection is provided in this line with quick disconnects attached to permit ready access for flushing with domineralized water from an outlet downstream of valve ALC-YO15 with a short length of hose. 2.1. 9 20 Ton Monorail Hoist System (See Table 9)- i 1 A 20 ton hoist is provided for removal and replacement of the domineralizers and other large pieces of' auxiliary equipment in and.out of the building. It is mounted on the monorail which extends from the north side of the CCB above the resin traps through the south end of the building, extending 18' outside of the building over the cask loading area. In order to minimize the radiation exposure to personnel during domineralizer removal, the hoist is operated remotely using a remote pendant operating station in the TV Monitor and Control i Building. Remote operation is aided through the use of a closed a circuit TV (CCTV) system with six cameras. The pendant has six i pushbuttons for trolley and hoist operation - one START, one STOP, two for north / south movement of the single speed trolley, and two for the hoist Quad-Speed Control System which are, a 4-step button for creep, low, medium and high speed RAISE, and a 4-step button for creep, low, medium and high speed LOWER. There is also a local monorail hoist pendant located on the CCB operating = floor. _ This pendant is used for perfonning operations where there is little radiation exposure, such as bringing a new

j liner of resin into the building.

i To aid positioning of the hoist remotely for demineralizer replacement the monorail has visible target markings above the demineralizers, and in the cask loading area all of which can be viewed with the TV cameras. I 2.1.10 Resin Filters ALC-F-4A, B and C (See Table 3) Three resin filters (i.e., traps) are provided downstream of pump L ALC-P-4 to prevent resin fines from entering CC-T-2. If any filter's contact -radiation level reaches 250 mR/hr (on any part of L the filter), the system must be shutdown and the filter replaced. l Four sides of the filters are shielded by 8" thic': solid concrete block s. The top is shielded with 1/2 inch of lead.

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h4 6 3526-004 j / w 12.1.11 - Crud Fil ter ALC-F-5 (See Table 3) A ten micron (nominally rated) or finer filter with isolation-l valves is provided between the resin filter and CC-T-2. The i primary _ purpose of this filter is to eliminate.most particulates present in the processed water. A vent line connected to CC-T-1 = l .and a drain line to the equipment' drain system is provided for 7._ draining the filter housing prior to inserting or removing a filter cartridge. The filter is shielded by 31/8" lead bricks on l three sides, and by a concrete wall on the fourth side. During removal of the filter, it is handled as radioactive o material. The filter is replaced whenever the contact radiation level reaches 250 mR/hr or when the -pressure drop reduces the-process flowrate below an acceptable value. A special lever is y' provided to aid in removal of the filter cartridge. ' 2.1.12 Ventilation Heating Unit and Moisture Separator - g Heating unit ALC-E-H1 (see Table 10)- is mounted on the inlet of s the filtration unit at elevation 304' and consists of a moisture separator _( ALC-E-F1) and a 60 KW 480 volt, 3 phase heater. The heater is powered from MCC 2-33A.

2. i.13 Ventilation Filter Unit The filter unit consists of a single housing containing, in

( ALC-E-F3)prefilter ( ALC-E-F2) (not used), a HEPA filter order: a , charcoal filter beds ( ALC-E-F4) and a final HEPA filter ( ALC-E-F5). A manually actuated fire protection water supply is provided for the charcoal beds. 2.1.14 Ventilation Fan Assembly. (See Table 10) Fan assembly. ALC-E-1 is a '10HP, 460 volt, 3 phase, 60 cycle, radial flow centrifugal unit with a capacity of 8000 cfm. This f an,-powered from MCC 2-33A, is mounted on the outlet of the 1 -filter unit and discharges the ventilation exhaust through ducting -(monitored by a radiation detector) and out through the roof. 2.1.15 Ventilation Radiation Monitor ALC-RMI-18 (See Table 10) This radiation monitor samples air in the fan discharge line isokinetically at a rate of 4 cfm to provide local (at monitor) 1 and remote indication (on panel ALC-PNL-1) of discharge particulate and noble gas activity lavels. Remote indication of these parameters is recorded on e ip chart recorder. The monitor will provide an alarm at adiation level of 4.11E-2 uCi particulate or 3.81E-4 uCi/cc nc.e gas activity on the panel in the TV Monitor and Control Building. This radiation monitor is powered from MCC 2-33A. A splitter block has been provided in the line to the radiation monitor to provide a means of taking grab samples as may be required. -1 9-Rev. 8/0185P

y. 6 - 3526-004- ~ { L2.1616(Ventilation Weathorproof Enclosure sThe weatherproof enclosure -is located at grade level and houses - the: components discussed in Sections 2.1.12 through 2.1.15.- m 2.1117 Chemical Cleaning Building Radiation Monitors Four area radiation' monitors ( ALC-RM-8 through 11) are provided in i the CCB.= These radiation monitors are'provided with remote l indication-on the radiation monitoring pane 1L ALC-PNL-1 in the TV Monitor and Control Bui_1 ding. The monitors provide a common alam r at a-high radiation level and monitor failure on panel ALC-PNL-1. These radiation monitors are provided for operator information. 2.1.18 Closed Circuit TV System i A' CCTV system is provided to aid in remote handling of the demineralizers and to-aid in system surveillance during operation. The system consists of seven TV cameras strategically located in the CCB. The TV monitors and necessary controls are - mounted on the TV Monitor Console located in the TV Monitor and Control Building. Came"a No.1 is mounted on the monorail support structure outside the CCB to allow viewing of the prefilter or demineralizer while being loaded into the transfer cask. Camera No. 2 is mounted. ~ directly on the 20 ton hoist and provides a direct view of the monorail. Target markings which can be viewed with this camera are provided on the monorail to aid in the positioning of the hoist. Camera No. 3 has a PAN-TILT control and is mounted to provide a view of domineralizer ALC-K-2 for remote handling. The PAN-TILT control allows remote movement of the camera to pemit scanning a large area of the CCB for surveillance during system operation. Cameras No. 4 and No. 5 provide a view of the top area of demineralizers ALC-F-1 and ALC-K-1 to aid in remote handling of these casks and to provide a surveillance capability for these casks during operation of the system. Camera No. - 6 is mounted to provide a view of the pumps ALC-P-1 through 4. This camera provides the operator with a remote surveillance capacity for viewing this area of the building during system operation. Camera No.~ 7 has a PAN-TILT control and is mounted on the west wall between demineralizers ALC-K-1 and ALC-K-2 to provide remote monitoring of. potential leak areas. i Rev. 8/0185P

M,K 3526-004: E w o i.m ' ikN/ y Ik 1 h(' 2.1.19 Major System Yalves %} Inlet' Isolation Valve-ALC-V043 : 4A One stainicss steel, 2",120V motor-operated ball valve is installed on the inlet-line from the-source tank to the EPICOR II N Sy stem. The valve is powered from the 120/208V power panel MP 2-33A and controlled by a-handswitch located on MCC 2-33A, i Compartment 3D and:a prefilter level probe. Yalve position and control power availability indications are provided by red, green j and white indicating lights also located on Compartment 3D. The-j _three lights will be on while the valve-is in an intennediate u N position. The valve is provided with a manual override for "close" operation only. Yalve ALC-Y043 is. interlocked with valve ALC-V242 to assure that only one of these two valves can be OPEN at a time. Yalve ALC-V043 is also interlocked'uith the level monitor of demineralizers ALC-F-1 and ALC-K-1. The valve closes automatically when a high level occurs in the controlling j demineralizer, to prevent overfilling of the vessel. The choice i of 'the controlling demineralizer is dictated by the configuration of the processing-train-through selector switch ALC-SS (F-1 0N LINE or F-1 BYPASSED). If demineralizer ALC-F-1 is in the processing-train,:its level controller will control valve ALC-V043; if demineralizer ALC-F-1 is bypassed, control of valve a ALC-V043 is transferred to demineralizer ALC-K-1 level controller. Service' Air' Regulator' Valve ALC-V109 i One 3" pressure regulating valve with a 150 lb. rating at 120'F is L installed on the service air header supply to the EPICOR II System I to reduc 6 the pressure to 80 psig. 1 Process' Supply-Line Valve - ALC-V255 to'Demineralizer ALC-F-1 One 2" solenoid valve (ALC-V255) with a 150 lb. rating at 120'F is installed on-the line between pump ALC-P-1 and demineralizer j ALC-F-1 between manual valves ALC-Vl91 and ALC-V207. Yalve 1 ALC-V255 is nonna11y closed unless energized and is interlocked to i close on high level in domineralizer ALC-F-1. Additionally, it closes on loss of electrical power or when the EPICOR II System is-I not running, Off-Spec. ' Water Supply Isolation Valves ALC-V086 and ALC-V242 to Pump - ALC-P-1 i 'One stainless steel, 2", air-operated ball valve, ALC-V242, is installed on the supply line from CC-T-1 to the suction of pump ALC-P-1. The valve allows reprocessing of water from either CC-T-1 or CC-T-2. The valve is powered from the 120/208V power panel MP 2-33A and controlled by a handswitch located on MCC 2-33A, Compartment 3E. Valve position and power availability indications function in the same manner as for valve ALC-V043. Yalve ALC-V242 is interlocked with valve ALC-V043 to assure that Rev 8/0185P

3526-004 _DL 7 only one of these two. valves can be OPEN ~at a time. Yalve. ALC-V242 is an air-operated ball valve which is energized to = F

  • open.

This valve will close on loss of power thus avoiding uncontrolled draining of. either CC-T-1 or CC-T-2. The : val ve i s - interlocked with valve ALC-V043 such that only one valve can be opened at a-time to prevent crossflow. It is also interlocked - with the level controller of.demineralizers ALC-F-1 and ALC-K-1, in the_ same arrangement as valve ALC-V043. Yalve ALC-V086 is a stainless steel, 2",120V motor-operated ball valve which is also installed on the outlet line of CC-T-1. It is controlled-by a manual handswitch mounted in MCC 2-33A, compartment 3E. By opening valve ALC-V086 and closing ALC-Y242, clean water can be sent from CC-T-1 to the suction of transfer pump ALC-P-5 for transfer to the PWSTs or other transfer points. 2.1.20 Sample System A sample system is provided to obtain a representative sample of CC-T-1 and CC-T-2 and the effluents of demineralizers ALC-F-1, ALC-K-1 and ALC-K-2. The samples from the domineralizers and the sample obtained from the MWHT are used to determine the isotopic inventory held up on the resin beds. The detemination is made by analyzing the influent and effluent isotopic concentrations,-the difference of which is held up on the bed. This infomation is required for shipment of the spent containers to the waste disposal site. A common collection station shielded by an 8-inch thick solid block wall is located on the CCB mezzanine, and is provided for controlled and safe sampling. The collection station consists of individual sample stations for CC-T-1 and CC-T-2; and for demineralizers ALC-F-1, ALC-K-1, and ALC-K-2; and a sample sink. The sample sink is provided with demineralized water for the sink spray header and bottle washing. The drain-from the sink is routed to the CCB sump. The sink is also provided with ventilation which consists of a nood and ductwork which is tied into the CCB ventilation system. Recirculation of the sample lines from demineralizers ALC-F-1, ALC-K-1, and ALC-K-2 back to the suction of pump ALC-P-2, and the collection of samples is controlled by solenoid valves. The ability to obtain grab samples is provided in the recirculation line for flow verification. Piping for the sample lines is 1/2" stainless steel tubing with compression type connectors. NOTE: See Sections 2.1.6 and 2.1.7 for obtaining a sample from CC-T-1 and CC-T-2. Rev. 8/0185P i

3526-004 2.1.21 Auxiliary Building Cleanup System Air Compressors (See Table 11)- i l h

Rotary air compressors ALC-L) and 8 are provided as a hackup air supplyLfor the EPICOR II System; the Plant Service Air System is the nonnal-air supply, Either of these air compressors have sufficient capacity. for the operation of the EPICOR II System.

These compressors are located in:the ventilation unit's building. These compressors' are single stage rotrey screw, electrically driven, packaged units (pre-wired and pre-plumbed) with capacities of 115 and 98 cfm at 100 psig (the compresscrs are not the same model ). The compressors are controlled by local hand switches which allow the choice of either START /STOP (for intermitt9nt air demand) or CONTINUOUS-(for continuous air demand) control modes for flexibility. The units are piped'so that they can be used-individually when a small-volume of air is required or in parallel to handle larger air demands. In all of the operhting. modes, the air pressure in each unit's reservoir is automatically maintained within preset limits. 2.1.22 ALC-F-1 Liner Breakthrough Monitor Radiation monitor ALC-RMI-7 is installed on the discharge of demineralizer ALC-F-1 to monitor for activity breakthrough on the. first demineralizer. The monitor has two alarm setpoints. The Alert Alann setpoint is 68,000 cpm above background, and the High Alarm setpoint is 136,000 cpm above background. 2.2 Instruments, Controls, Alanns, and Protective Devices 2.2.1 Cleanup System The CPICOR 11 System is nonna11y operated and monitored from control panel ALC-PNL-1 located in the TV Monitor and Control Building which is a separate prefabricated building. The TV Monitor and Control Building is adjacent to the northwest corner of the CCB. Electrical power is supplied to the EPICOR II System from 750 KVA-Unit Substation USS 2-33 located on the mezzanine floor at elevation 305' in'the southeast corner of the Turbine Building for Unit 2. USS 2-33 was originally the power supply to the Control Rod Drive Motors. 480V power from VSS 2-331s supplied to MCC 2-33A located inside the TV Monitor and Control Building. The HVAC system fan and heaters, the transfer pump, building sump pump, and the 20-ton hoist are powered from MCC 2-33A. A 480-120/208 Vac, 25 KVA transfonner, supplied from MCC 2-33A, supplies all other system electrical loads from power panel MP 2-33A, except-heat traces and pump ALC-P-8 which are supplied from the control rod breaker MCC 2-43. Rev. 8/0185P

[; Wu 3526-004 g 3 I The EPICOR II; pumps-are controlled through an automatic control ~ unit which provides AUT0/ MANUAL on-off: switches and indicating-e ' lights for the pumps, demineralizer high level alams, and an <l ON/0FF switch for the unit. Control power is provided for the 1 EPICOR II solenoid operated air supply valves th.rugh these~- ) uni ts. The speed of the pumps is controlled by throttling motor operated valves ALC-Y260, 261, 262 and 263.. A turbine flowmeter -( ALC-FI-1)'is provided to monitor process flow rates.- All process instrum(ntation monitored-in the control center is j i mounted on cleanup panel ALC-PNL-1.. Audible 'alams. and ~ indicating 1 i; ' lights are provided on this penel for CCB Sump High Level,~ CCB Ventilation System Trouble, CCB Charcoal Filter High Temperature, CCB High Exhaust Radiation Level, CCB Radiation Monitor Failed, l Building Radiation Level, and demineralizers ALC-F-1, ALC-K-1 and 2 Loop-Seal Flow. Remote. indication is provided for the area o radiation monitors and the air sampler on the radiation monitoring panel located adjacent to the cleanup panel, n 2.2.2 Ventilation System v Heating Unit and Moisture. Separator The moisture separator is instrumented with a differential pressure indicator and switch, ALC-DPI-11 and ALC-DPS-ll, respectively. The heating unit (ALC-E-H1) is provided with a temperature indicating controller and a high temperature switch. The temperature indicating controller functions to maintain the heaters energized providing a heater outlet air temperature of no more than 146"F. If the air temperature rises to.160*F,. the high temperature switch will automatically deenergize the heaters. If the heaters are to be reenergized, the reset button must be depressed when air temperature at the thermocouple drops below the 160*F temperature switch setpoint. Indication of operation of the temperature indicating controller and high temperature switches are provided on the switches, both of which are located in the heater control' a panel near the heaters on the filtration unit. Manual energizing /deenergizing of the heater control panel occurs at MCC'2-33A. The heater panel is also de-energized automatically should the system ventilation fan trip or in any other way fail to maintain minimum flow at the fan discharge flow switch. A red light on the heater controller panel indicates power l available to the heater control panel. l Rev. 8/0185P o 5 1

y p 3526-004' l W ' h f,# 2.2'.2.'2 Filter Unit' I ~ L t Dif ferentiali pressure indication is pro'vided for the filter - ' uni t's prefilter ( ALC-E-F2). While a dif ferential pressure c, indication ( ALC-DPI-11) is rovided locally, a dif ferential-WL lj u - pressure switch -( ALC-DPS-11 will actuate a remote " Trouble" . alarm warning the operator of-a restricted flow condition 1 . existing in the prefilter. (Note: The prefilter is replaced when it exhibits a pressure drop of.1" w.g.): Two differential pressure switches (one not connected)- and a l #:. differential pressure indicator'(ALC-DPI-13) are located on the first HEPA filter (ALC-E-F3) in the filter unit for b indication. and alarm.- Switch ALC-DPS-13 warns of. a high - differential pressure condition by actuating the ventilation unit common " Trouble" alarm at 3" w.g. .e ~ The charcoal. filter is instrumented with a fire detection L sy stem. A prealarm (switch ALC-TS-15-1 set at 250*F) will actuate a local amber light, a remote high temperature alann and a horn warning of increasing temperature in the charcoal bed. At 300*F, remote common " Trouble" and loc &l red light alarms will be actu&ted from switch ALC-TS-15-2 indicating a Hi-Hi temperature condition the bed. Indication of operability of the fire detection system is + provided by an "Abnonnal Detection" white light, located on the filtration unit fire detection panel. Also provided on the charcoal absorber is a differential -i pressure-indicating contro11er (ALC-DPI-14). This is not connected. The final stage of filtration in the filtration unit occurs in the last HEPA filter (ALC-E-F5). In addition to being provided with local differential pressure indication (ALC-DPI-16),.the remote " Trouble" alarm is actuated on a high j HEPA filter differential pressure of 3" w.g. by the locally mounted differential pressure switch _ ( ALC-DPS-16). Fan Assembly The. fan assembly, as previously noted, is interlocked with the 60 KW heater. A control interlock is provided through the fan and heater circuitry such that the heater may not be energized unless the fan is running. A flow indicating switch (ALC-FIS-17) on the discharge of the fan provides a safety interlock : if the filtration unit is operating and the L dischart a flow of the fan falls below 4,000 cfm, the heater l-and f an Jonitor will trip. Switch ALC-FIS-17 is also tied into the common, remote panel mounted " Trouble" alann. The i l f an is -started and stopped from MCC 2-33A. . Rev. 8/0185P L

.3526-004 i


Radiation Monitor (Controls) Radiation monitor ALC-RMI-18 is energized and deenergized -locally at the monitor cabinet. Separate. control switches are provided: one on the unit itself and another for.the monitor sample pump. (Note: During operation of the CCB Ventilation System, the radiation monitor must be energized at all 1 . time s). A " Power Available" light is provided on the unit. Local indication of the ventilation exhaust particulate and/or l gaseous activity level is provided on the monitor. At a. radiation level of 4.11E-2 uCi particulate or 3.81E-4 uCi/cc noble gas the High Radiation a' ann will sound on the panel in. the control shed. 3.0 PRINCIPAL' MODES 0F OPERATION 3 3.1 Startup-3.1.1 Ventilation System i Prior to startup of this unit, the manual dampers ALC-E-D1 and D2 are checked open and the radiation monitor is energized and operational. When the fan is started (at MCC 2-33A), sufficient air flow will' I exist (approximately 4000 cfm minimum) through the unit prior to energizing -the heaters. After startup, ventilation unit temperature, flow, and activity indications are verified normal before the unit is lef t unattended. 3.1. 2 Cleanup System i l Initial startup of the EPICOR II System is with the demineralizers empty of liquid. The CCB Ventilation System shall be in operation prior to operating the EPICOR II System. Normal startup of the EPICOR II System is accomplished by supplying the system with the process feedwater from CC-T-;, CC-T-2, or the various source tanks. Except for the MWHT, the L process feedwater is delivered to the process stream by source tank's motive power system. If MWHT is the feedwater source, the supply header is primed initially. Depending on the source of the process feed, the feed supply valve (e.g., ALC-V043 or ALC-V242) is then opened and process pump ALC-P-1 started. Startup of pump ALC-P-1 is accomplished by opening the air :.upply valve ALC-V011, stop valve ALC-V185 and control valve ALC-V260, the latter is used to control the pump speed. The water drawn from the feedwater supply header by pump ALC-P-1 is pumped to demineralizer ALC-F-1. When demineralizer ALC-F-1 is full, pump ALC-P-1 will stop automatically on high level. Similarly, process pump ALC-P-2 is operated until demineralizer ALC-K-1 is full, then pump ALC-P-3 is operated until domineralizer ALC-K-2 is full. As soon as the Rev. 8/0185P

3526 404 e 1 Mf demineralizers are full', processing is then connenced by starting pump ALC-P-4 and opening _ discharge valve ALC-Y277. Using the t. process pumps respective control valves (ALC-V260 through il? > ' ALC-V263), the pump speed is adjusted-to' maintain a-balanced flow [ of about 10 gpm through the demineralizers. 1 (' NOTE: The initial batch quantity will be determined by the ric efficiency of. the demineralizer resin charge and may require a change in resin composition and/or flow rate to ef fectively process the radioactive waste water. 3.2' llormal Operation i

3. 2.1 : Ventilation System E-During nonnal operation, the ventilation unit requires little operator action.

The unit 'will be periodically checked to ensure ~ that indication is operable and that temperatures, flows and radiation levels are within the nornal ranges. si Increasing differential pressures across the moisture separator i and HEPA filters are_ an indication that the components are retaining dirt, etc. These components will be replaced as -required to ensure that flow through the ventilation unit is maximized. The radiation monitor and recorder will be checked periodically and reviewed for evidence of trends indicating that increasing levels of. activity are being discharged. A trend showing increasing discharge activity levels is indicative of carryover from the filter unit and will be treated accordingly. 3.2.2 Cleanup System Once the flow rate is established for the process, the system operates automatically by starting and stopping the pumps-(ALC-P-1 L through 4) in order to maintain the proper level in the process tanks. Instrumentation is provided on the control panel to monitor system parameters and to-balance the system to minimize 1- ~ pump cycling. When-a desired volume has been reached in CC-T-2, transfer pump o ALC-P-5 is started to recirculate at least three tank volumes of water af ter which a sample is drawn for analysis by the TMI water I chemistry laboratory. Water acceptable for use in the plant wil' be pumped to the TMI Unit 2 Liquid Waste Disposal System, CC-T-1, CO-T-1 A or' to the PWSTs. Out of specification water will be pumped to CC-T-1 for reprocessing (See Sections 2.1.6 and 2.1.7) or it will be processed directly from CC-T-2 under a feed and bleed scheme. Rev. 8/0185P

e 333' Shutdown 3.3.1: : Ventilation System The purpose of the ventilatior system is to ensure that all air ' leaving the-CCB is filtered and monitored for radiation. Shutdown of the venti _lation system will preclude filtration and monitoring-of the air and will-not be perfomed unless dictated by other casualty / operational constderations. To shutdown the ventilation unit, the 60 KW heaters, fan ( ALC-E-1) and radiation monitor are de-anergized from thei_r respective breakers in MCC 2-33A. 3.3.2 Cleanup System The system is shutdown and flow through the process system stopped-by closing tho air supply valves to pumps ALC-P-1 through:4. To-shutdown the system upon completion of processing a batch, the pumps are secured and the liquid supply valve ALC-V043 or' ALC-V086' is closed. Valves ALC-V242 and ALC-V255 close automatically-as power is shutdown. Valve ALC-V277 is closed to prevent syphoning of the third domineralizer to CC-T-2. The system is shut down and the affected unit replaced when radiation monitors on any of the demineralizers -indicate the. unit has collected a quantity of material which is limited by shipping regulations, or system sampling indicates that the resins are exhausted chemically. To replace one-of the units, the liner is emptied of water, the three hoses, the level probe cable and the buuMar unit disconnected from the liner, and-the remotely operated hoist used to transport the demineralizer to the outside of the CCB to the transfer cask. The replacement unit is then installed, the hoses, the level probe cable and the-bubbler line reconnected and the system started as described in Section 3.1. Each liner has its own level probe which will be discarded with the liner. 3.4 Special' or Inf requent Operation 3.4.1 Filter Change-out When a filter bank requires changing, the EPICOR II~ System will be shutdown. The ventilation system will be shutdown during the filter change-out. 3.4.2 HIC /Demineralizer Dewatering and Drying The Zeolite Resin Drying System dries process media (i.e., zeolite resin,. activated carbon and/or sand) in a 50 cu. f t. HIC /demineralizer for transportation and disposal at a low level waste disposal f acility. Rev. 8/0185P i -,.-.-_---,..,--.--------_-___.-__,,,_a -~

3526-004 This is accomplished in a three (3) step processo First, the bulk of the free water is removed using procedures associated with HIC installation and removal in the EPICOR !! System and the Defueling Water Cleanup System (DWCS). Second, the drying unit's sandpiper is'stheted and its blower is energized to recirculate air down through the media. The air is heated as it passes through the blower and as this wann dry air passes through t he media it entrains and vaporizes moisture. This wann air + hen passes ower inle1., through the entrainment separator,- enroute to ths a where refrigeration coils condense the water vapor in the air and any entrained water is removed. Water is removed from the entrainment separator using the dewatering pump. Air is circulated down through the media for-four (4) hours. Finally, the drying process shif ts from downflow to upflow. This is done in order to have the driest media at the bottom of the container whm tiiey tt.n beti, abibbo any water generated through condensation as the container cools during storage and shipment. Air is circulated up through zeolite resin for 12 hours or in the case of activated carbon for 20 hours. At this point, the relative humidity of the air stream leaving the container should be at or below the required value, indicating that the media is d ry. The system is then shut down and the container is ready to be sealed and shipped. The dewatering pump (sandpiper) not only removes entrained water from the separator tank but, for the most part, maintains the process under a vacuum thereby minimizing the potential spread of contamination due to hose / connection leaks. The excess air removed by the dewatering pump is directed through a filtered drain path / container approved by Radiological Controls personnel. The drying system is a skid mounted unit which provides the mobility necessary to dry HIC /demineralizers at their respective locations (EPICOR II/DWCS). versus relocating the liners to a central area. This will reduce the amount of person-rem exposure generally received when handling radwaste processing (liners. The services required for drying operations are 480 VAC standard 4 pole welding receptacle),100 psi service air and demineralize ( water or processed water needed to fill and flush the system. 3.4.3 Remote Closure D?vice The remote asure device is designed to provide a safe and efficiei.t means of sealing an EPICOR II or DWCS HIC /demineralizer to meet the requirements for disposal at a 10w level waste disposal f acility. Perfonning this operation (installing the ENVIROALLOY lid) to a HIC /demineralizer is done remotely in order to minimize exposure of operating personnel to ionizing radiation. Thi s i s accomplished by means of a hydraulic skid. Aligning the closure head with the HIC /demineralizer is perfonned using the CCTV cameras and monitor. Maintaining proper alignment is important so Rev. 8/0185P l i

3526-004 that the eight wedges are driven evenly into their respective holes on top of the HIC /demineralizer. This operation pusher down

on the lid and seals the container.

Once the container is si aled, it can be removed from service for storage and/or shipment to the burial site. 3.5 Emergency

3. 5.1 Loss of CCD Ventilation System On loss of the CCB Ventilation System, the EPICOR !! System will be shutdown, and the CCB sealed, i

3.5.2 Loss of Electrical Power On loss of electrical power to the CCB MCC 2-33A, pumps ALC-P-1 through 4 will automatic 61ly stop as the solenoid valves on the air se, ply. lines fail closed on loss of power. Yalves ALC-V043 nd V086 f ail "As Is". Valve ALC-V255 f ails closed. Valve ALC-V242 f ails closed on loss of power to st ap flow from CC-T-1. If flow through the system is from the MWHT, operator action is required to closs vsive WDL-Y2628. Power will be lost to the CCB Ventilation System 60KW heaters, exhaust fan and radiation monitor. On loss of power to the MCC 2-43 supply, backup air supply and heat traces will not be available. When electrical power is lost, all automatically controlled equipment will be placed in the manual 0FF position. When emergency power is available, the system will be restarted. 3.5.3 Loss of System Air loss of system air will cause the ENCOR !! punips to secure until either the system compressors can he put into service or the Service Air System can be returned to service. gTE_: EPICOR 11 uses in-plant seFvre air as normal upply air. 3.5.4 Fire

3. 5. 4.1 Ventilation. System The chan:oal absorber beds in the ventilation unit ignite upon high temperaturo Upon verification of ignition of the charcoal bed, the manually actuated fire protection sprays will be cut in. Systen. If a fire occurs in the TV Monitor and Control Building the sprinkler system will automatically initiate. The CCD is provided witn a hose station on the merzanine for manual firefighting, j Rev. B/0185P

-,m, r-- -3526-004 1 e t 400. HAZARDS AND PRECAUTIONS J Since the' system is handling radioactivity contaminated fluids, all appropriate health physics precautions will be observed during operation and maintenance. Under no circumstances will discharges be made to the environment without proper authorization. + The CCB Ventilation System will process potentially contaminated air. As such,.any operatic;s or maintenance associated with the system will fully in:orporate appropriate Radiological Controls Department guidelines / requirements. Any solid or liquid ventilation system waste will be sampled and cleared by Rad Con before release to the environment. - I -- Positive-verification of a charcoal bed fire will-exist before manual initiation of fire protection spray system since water will damage the [ . charcoal bed' . Flushing connections are provided at various locations in the system and provide a means for reducing the radiation levels in the piping. f}_ Flushing will be exercised when maintenance is performed.' i i ii ( i I Rev. 8/0185P I I 4 ~ - y

3526-004 TABLE 1, f EPICOR II PUMPS-

i. :,

Pump-Detail s ~ ' Identi fication ALC-P-1, 2, 3, 4 Number Installed 4 Warren Rupp Co. Manufacturer Model No. SA 2-A -Type Double opposed diaphragm-Maximum rated capacity at 90 psi air supply 120 gpm at 45 ft of head Operating point capacity at 90 psi air supply 20 gpm at 170 ft of head Max. air pressure 125 pst Lubricant Oil <L 1~ b o

Rev. 8/0185P j


'3526-004 ' TABLE 2 TRANSFER PUMP Pump Detail s,. Identification ALC-P-5 Number Installed 1 E Manufacturer Ingersoll Rand Model No. 3 x 2 x 10 Type HOC, i Group 2. ANSI A60 i Type Horizonul Centrifugal i Standard Material Designation Col. DI 'flated Speed 1750 rpm Rated Capacity 200 gpm s Rated Total Dynamic Head 100' Shutoff Head 1 21 ' . Design Pressure, Casing 200 psig Design Temperature 110'C Lubricant SAE 20 or 30 Oil [ Motor Details Manufacturer Gould Century Elect. Div. Type F-C Enclof ure TEFC Rated Ibrsepower 10 HP 3pecc 1700 rpm Liibricant/ Coolant Grease / air Pover Requirements 480V AC/12.5A, 3 Phase 60HZ Poner Source MCC 2-33A Rev. 8/0185P I

3526-004 l' L TABLE 3 FILTERS 3 Resin Filters (Traps) ' Tank Details Identification ALC-F-4 A, B, C Number Installed 3 Manufacturer GPUN Installation Horizontal Outside diameter and height Approx.10" x 28" Shell material PVC Design pressure 100 psi Screening 100 Mesh, Stainless Crud Filters Identification ALC-F-5 Number Installed 1 Manuf acturer of Housing Pall Trinity Micro Corp. Installation Vertical Outside diameter and height 7" x 34" Shell thickness 0.165" . Shell materia 1 SA-312 TP304 Design pressure 150 psi Particle size rating 1 micron, nominal up to 10 micron, nominal Rev. 8/0185P I I

v 7 3526-004 i ' TABLE 4 DEMINERALIZERS ,1 rTek Details p


Identi fication ALC-F-1, ALC-K-1, ALC-K.- Number Installed 3. 4 Manufacturer EPICOR - s Installation ' ' Ve rtical-Outside diameter and height - 4'x4' or 6'x6' ^ .Shell thickness ~ 1/4" l ,s = ' Shell material. Carbon Steel Design pressure 2 psi i Identification ALC-F-1 l . Number Installed 1 '[ Manufacturer Nuclear Packaging.Inc. 1 Installation-Vertical Outside diameter and-height 4'0" x 4'3" Shell-thickne ss 3/8" Shell material Ferralium (ASTM A240 UNS' Desig S-32550) .i

Design pressure

~10 psi J; b Rev. 8/0185P I t I f y

<s 7 TABLE 5 MISCELLANE0US WASTE HOLD-UP TANK Tank' Detail s Identification WDL-T-2 Manufactum r Rictnond Engineering Co. Inc. Capacity 19,518 gal. Installation Hori zontal Oatside diameter and length 10'-91/4";32'-45/8" - Shell material SA-240, 304 S/S Shell thickness 3/8" Design temperature 150"F Design pressure 20 psig Corrosion allowance 0" Design code 1968 ASE, Sec. III, Class 3 Code stamp required ASME Code Rev. 8/0185P

0 i 3526-004 ~ ~ ~ +. s TABLE 6 l CLEAN WATER' RECEIVING TANK

  • i Tank" Detail s

' Identification CC-T-2 ' Numbe r : Insta11ed ' 1 l Manuf actu rer ' Chicago Bridge & Iron Co. Capacity ~ 133,689 gal. l Installation Vertical Outside diameter and height 25'; 35' Shell material 304 Stainless Steel Shell thickness 3/16" to 3/8" l P Design pressure Atmospheric Corrosion. allowance 0" [ LCode stamp required No Rinse' Hold Tank for Once Through Steam Generator Chemical Cleaning System i t Y i i r Rev. 8/0185P I i


  • Tank ~ Detail s Identi fication -

CC-T-1 Number Installed .1 Manufacturer Chicago Bridge & Iron Co. Capacity 85,978 gal. Installation Vertical Outside diameter and height 21 ' -10"; 39'-0" Shell material 304 Stainless Steel Shell thi;kness -13/32" to 11/16" Design 250*F Design pressure Full vacuum to 75 psig Corrosion allowance 0" Code stamp required Yes i Chemical Cleaning Solution Tank for Once Through Steam Generator Chemical Cleaning System i 1 Rev, 8/0185P

7(/ 3526-004-g' # TABLE 8 $ UMP PUlf CHEMICAL CLEANING BUILDING Pump Detail Identification CC-P-2A~ Number Installed 1 Manufactumr Gould ' Model No. 31 71 Type Vertical Rated speed 3600 rpm Rated capacity 100 gpm Rated total head 250' Min. Submergence required l' Design pressure, casing 150 psig Design temperature 450*r Lubricant. Water Motor Details Manufacturer General Electric Type Vertical Induction Enclosure TEFC Rated Ibrsepower 20 HP Speed 3600 rpm Lubricant / Coolant Grease /Ai r Power Requirements 480V AC, 3 Phase, 60 HZ Power Source MCC 2-33A Rev. 8/0185P

g, 3526-004 i TABLE 9 MDNORAIL HOIST SYSTEM L Number Installed 1 ' Manuf actu rer Harnischfeger, Inc., P&H Model

  1. 36CS23E l

Capacity 20 ton t. Total Lift 25'-6" Speed Hoi st' 20 fpm maximum (90% load) r 10 fpm medium 5 f pm low 1 fpm creep Trolley 50 fpm Control Hoi st Quad - Speed Trolley Single Speed Power Supply 460 Y AC, 3 Phase, 60 Hz MCC 2-33A Control Voltage 110 Y AC Control Station Local and Remote six pushbutton pendant control; deadman type element control Reevi ng Four part single reeved i i 1 Rev. 8/0185P

r' 3526-004 TABLE 10. t CHEMICAL CLEANING DVILDING VENTILATION SYSTEM NAMEPLATE DATA MSA Filter Unit Identification No. ALC-r-91 60KW Chromolax Heater Unit 480 volts AC, 3 Phase, 60 Hz Cat. Number SCCP-080-3480 Type J 0-800 'F Temperature Controller Type J 0-800 *F High limit with Manual Reset Internal Industrial. Fan Identification No. ALC-E-1 8000 cfm Fair Unit 30 HP 460 volts AC, 3 Phase, 60 Hz l ID Number P28G353G-G7-XD i Eherline Ping - 2A Off Line Effluent Monitor 3 Channel Readout - gaseous, particulate, iodine 110 volts AC,1 Phase, 60 Hz Self contained sample / return pump (4 cfm) l l l 1 I l i I 1 Rev. 8/0185P

^~ ~~ ~ se, 3526-004 d i c!

n TABLE-11 i]

T AIR COMPRESSORS F -r U Identification - ALC-P-7 ALC-P-8 1 1 , Number' Installed 1 1 j i Vendo'. Le Roi (Dresser Industries Inc.) q r Type : Single Stage Rotary Screw - i c~ 30SS 255$ ? . Model No.-

m Capacity' (cfm at psig) 115 at 100 98 at 100 ~

1 '110 at 125 (Max.) 95 at 125. (Max.) Rated Motor 30 HP at 1755 rpm - 25 HP. at 1760 rpm; t Power Source 460V, 3 Phase, 60 Hz 460V, 3 Phase, 60 Hz MCC-2-33A Power. Panel-PDP-W2 ci i S ? I i 4 Rev. 8/0185P P / 5' b w .......e .__,_._,,,,,,,.,_,,,_.a s.y, y y,,

TABLE 12 3526-004 AUXILIARY BUILDING EERGENCY LIQUID CLEANUP SYSTEM (EPICOR II) VALVE LIST DESIGN MANUFALTURER/ PRESSURE VALVE NO. SIZE M DESCRIPTION PO NO. MODJL TEMPERATURE COMMENTS ALC-V0001 3/4 GLOBE-600!-SW-40S Process Suction 68817 LADDISH 150/120 Line Vent CAT.! 76til-2407-07A ALC-V0002 3/4 GLOBE-600!-SW-405 Process Suction 68817 LADDISH 150/120 Line Vent CAT.# 7661-2407-07A ALC-V0003 3/4 GLOBE-600#-SW-40S Process Suction HANC0CK 150/120 Line Prime and CAT.# 5500W-1 Fill Valve ALC-V0004 1 GLOBE-600f-SW-40S Chemical Addition HANCOCK 150/120 Line for CC-T-1 CAT.# 5500W-1 ALC-V0005 2 GLOBE-600#-SW-40S Discharge Line HANC0CK 150/120 From CC-T-1 CAT.# 5500W-1 ALC-V0006 2 GATE-600f-SW-40S Clean Water Dis-ALOYC0 150/120 charge Line to FIG.# 110 Units 1 & 2 ALC-V0007 2 GATE-600#-SW-40S Truck Fill ALOYC0 150/120 Connection FIG.f 110 ALC-V0008 2 GATE-600f-SW-40S Truck Fill ALOYC0 150/120 Connection FIG.! 110 ALC-V0009 3/4 GLOBE-600f-SW-40 Service Air to HANC0CK 150/120 ALC-P-2 CAT.# 5500W-1 Rev. 6/0186P TABLE 12 (Cont'd) .3526-004 AUXILIARY BUILDING EERGENCY LIQUID CLEANUP SYSTEM (EPICOR II) VALVE LIST DESIGN MANUFACTURER / PRESSURE VALVE-NO. SIZE TYPE DESCRIPTION PO NO. MODEL TEMPERATURE COMENTS ALC-V0010 3/4 GLOBE-600!-SW-40 Service Air to HANC0CK 150A 20 ALC-P-1 CAT.# 5500W-1 ALC-V0011 3/4 GLOBE-600f-SW 3 Giled Air to HANC0CK 150/120 ALC-P-1 CAT.! 5500W-1 ALC-V0012 3/4 GLOBE-600#-SW-40 Service Air to HANC0CK 150M 20 ALC-P-1 CAT.# 5500W-1 ALC-Y0013 3/4 GLOBE-600!-SW-40S Demin. Water to 68817 LADDISH 150/120 ALC-P-4 CAT.f 7661-2407-07A ALC-V0014 3/4 GLOBE-600#-SW-40S Demin. Water to 68817 LADDISH 150/120 ALC-P-4 CAT.# 7661-2407-07A ALC-V0015 3/4 GLOBE-600#-SW-40S Demin. Water to 69001 OBERT 150/120 ALC-P-3 TYPEf 103 ALC-Y0016 ' /4 GLOBE-600#-SW-40S Demin. Water to 69001 OBERT 150/120 ALC-P-3 TYPEf 103 ALC-V0017 3/4 GLOBE-600!-SW-405 Demin. Water to 69001 OBERT 150/120 ALC-P-2 TYPE # 103 ALC-V0018 3/4 GLOBE-600f-SW-40S Demies. Water to 69001 OBERT 150/120 ALC-P-2 . TYPE # 103 ALC-Y0019 3/4 GLOBE-600f-SW-40S Demin. Water to 69001 OBERT 150/120 ALC-P-1 TYPE # 103 i l l I Rev. 8/0186P \\

TABLE 12 (Cont'd) 3526-004 AUXILIARY BUILDING EE RGENCY LIQUID CLEANUP SYSTEM (EPICOR II) VALVE LIST DESIGN ~ MANUFACTURER / PPISSURE VALVE NO. SIZE TYPE DESCRIPTION PO NO. MODEL TEMPERATURE' COMENT5 ALC-Y0020 3/4 GLOBE-600#-SW-40S Process Line Flush 69001 GBERT 150M 20 Connection TYPEf 103 - ALC-V0021 3/4 GLOBE-600!-SW-40 Service Air to HANC0CK 150/120 ALC-P-4 CAT.f 5500W-1 ALC-V0022 3/4 GLOBE-600#-SW-40 Oiled Air to HANC0CK 150A 20 ALC-P-4 CAT.# 5500W-1 ALC-V0023 3/4 GLOBE-600!-SW-40 Service Air to HANC0CK 150/120 ALC-P-4 CAT.# 5500W-1 ALC-V0024 3/4 GL'EE-600!-SW-40 Service Air to HANC0CK 150/120 ALC-P-3 CAT.# 5500W-1 ALC-Y0025 3/4 GLOBE-600f-SW-49 Oiled Air to HANC0CK 150M 20 ALC-P-3 CAT.# 5500W-1 ALC-Y0026 3/4 GLOBE-600#-SW-40 Service Air to HANC0CK 150/120 ALC-P-3 CAT.# 5500W-1 ALC-V0027 3/4 GLOBE-600!-SW-40 Service Air to HANC0CK 150/120 ALC-P-2 CAT.# 5500W-1 ALC-V0028 3/4 GLOBE-600f-SW-40 Oiled Air to HANC0CK 150/120 ALC-P-2 CAT.# 5500W-1 ALC-V0029 3/4 GLOBE-600f-SW-40S Sampled Line From 68817 LADISH 159/120 ALC-P-5 CAT.f 7661-2407-07A Rev. 8/0186P

TABLE 12 (Cont' d) 3526-004 AUXILIARY BUILDING EERGENCY LIQUID CLEANUP SYSTEM (EPICOR II) VALVE LIST DESIGN MANUFACTURER /- PRESSURE. VALVE NO. SIZE TYPE DESCRIPTION PO NO. MODEL TEMERATURE' C009ENTS -ALC-V0030 3/4 GLOBE-600f-SW-40S Sampled Line From 68817 LADISH 150A 20' ALC-P-5 CAT.f 7661-2407-07A ALC-V0031 3/4 GLOBE-600f-SW-40S Loop Seal Fill 68817 LADISH 150M 20 Connection On CAT.f 7661-LC-T-1 2407-07A ALC-V0032 2 BALCHK-600f-SW-40S Discharge of 69001 OBERT 150/120 CC-P-2A TYPEf 50 ALC-V0033 2 GLOBE-600f-SW-40S Discharge of 69001 OBERT 150A 20 ALC-P-5 to CC-T-1 TYPEf 103 ALC-V0034 3/4 GLO'3E-600f-SW-40S Pres. Ind. Root 68817 LADISH 150/120 Va. On' Dischg. of CAT.# 7661-ALC-P-5 2407-07A ALC-V0035 2 GLOBE-600f-SW-405 Recirc. Line From 69001 OBERT-150A20 ALC-P-5 to CC-T-2 TYPE # 103 ALC-V0036 3 GLOBE-150f-FLGD-40S Suction Line From 69001 NEWC0 150M 20 CC-T-2 to ALC-P-5 CAT.f 6415R ALC-V0037 2 BALCHK-600f-SW-40S Inlet to CC-T-2 69001 OBERT 150/120 TYPEf 50 ALC-V0038 1/2 GLOBE-CW-FIG Sensing Line On PARKER HAN-150/120 Control Va. NIFIN CAT.f-436 ALC-V-109 Rev. 8/0186P

. TABLE 12 (Cont *d) 3526-004 . AUXILIARY BUILDING EERGENCY LIQUID CLEANUP SYSTEM (EPICOR II) I VALVE LIST j DESIGN MANUFACTURER / PRESSURE VALVE NO. SIZE TYPE DESCRIPTION PO NO. MODEL TEMPERATURE C009ENTS ALC-V0039 3/4 GLOBE-600!-!"-40S Root Va. For 69001 HANC0CK 150A 20 CC-T-2 Level CAT.f 5500W-1 Indicator ALC-Y0040 1/2 GLOBE-600#-SW-40S Root Va. On HANC0CK 150A 20 ALC-P-5 Dischg. CAT.# 5500W-1 Flow Transmit ALC-V0041 1/2 GLOBE-600f-SW-40S Root Va. On HANC0CK 150M 20 ALC-P-5 Dischg. CAT.! 5500W-1 Flow Transmit ALC-V0042 3/4 GLOBE-600!-SW-405 Loop Seal Fill 68817 LADISH 150M 20 Connection On CAT.f 7661-CC-T-2 2407-07A ALC-V0043 2 BALL-SW-40S Process Suction 69000 QUARTROL 150A20 Motor Operated, Line From WDL-T CAT.! 5215550 120 Volts -2 to ALC-P-1 ALC-V0044 3/4 GLOBE-SW-40 Blowdn. Line From HANC0CK 150 S 20-Strainer ALC-U-1 CAT.# 5500W-1 ALC-Y0045 2 SWGCHK-150!-SW-40S Process System ALOYC0 150M 20 I Demin. Water Flush Supply ALC-V0046 2 BALCHK-SW-40S Process System 69001 OBERT 150M 20 Internals of Valve From CC-T-1 TYPE #50 are Removed ALC-V0047 Deleted Rev. 8/0186P a

TABLE 12 (Cont'd) 3526-004 AUXILIARY BUILDING EE RGENCY LIQUID CLEANUP SYSTEM (EPICOR II) VALVE LIST DESIGN MANUFACTURER / PRESSURE VALVE NO. SIZE TYPE DESCRIPTION PO NO. MODEL' TEMPERATURE COMMENTS ALC-Y0048 3/4 GLOBE-SW-40S Demin. Water To 69001 OBERT 150/120 ALC-P-1 TYPE #103 ALC-V0049 1/2 GLOBE-600!-SW-40S Root 'Ja. On HANC0CK 150/120 CC 7 2 inlet Flow CAT.!5500W-1 Transnit ALC-Y0050 1/2 GLOBE-600!-SW-40S Root Va. On HANC0CK 150/120 CC-T-2 Inlet Flow CAT.#5500W-1 Transsit ALC-V0051 Deleted ALC-V0052 3/4 GLOBE-SW-40S Root Va. On HANC0CK 150/120 CC-T-1 Level CAT.!S500W-1 Indicator Line ALC-V0053 2 GLOBE-SW-40S Recirc Line 69001 OBERT ISO /120 l From ALC-P-5 to TYPE # 103 CC-T-2 ALC-Y0054 2 GLOBE-600#-SW-40S Clean Water ALOYC0 150/120 Discharge to Units FIG.f 110 1&2 ALC-V0055 2 GLOBE-600!-SW-40S Inlet Line From HANC0CK 150/120 i CC-T-2 to ALC-F-2 CAT.! 5500W-1 l ALC-V0056 2 GLOBE-600#-SW-40S Future Xenon Hold-HANC0CK 150/120 Up Connect. On CAT.# 5500W-1 CC-T-2 l l -4 8-Rev. 8/0186P l L

-TABLE ~12 (Cont'd) 3526-004 AUXILIARY BUILDING EE RGENCY LIQUID CLEANUP SYSTEM (EFICOR II) VALVE LIST DESIGN MANUFACTURER / PRESSURE VALVE NO. SIZE TYPE DESCRIPTION PO NO. MODEL TEMPERATURE COMENTS ALC-V0057 2 GLOBE-600#-SW-40S Inlete ' a From HANC0CK 150/I20 CC-T-1 ALC-F-3 CAT. ! 5500W-1 ALC-V0058 2 GLOBE-600f-SW-40 Ser. .c Ai r Hdr. / HENRY V0GT 150/120 Unit #2 Isolation DWG. # Va. E-44248-RG ALC-V0059 2 BALCHK-600f-SW-40S Process Sys. 69001 OVERT 150/120 Suction Line TYPE #50 ALC-V0060 1 POPCHK-SCRD-40S Service Air Supply 68819 NUPRO 150/120 to ALC-P-1 CAT.f B-16C4-1 ALC-V0061 1 POPCHK-SCRD-40S Demin. Water to 68819 NUPRO 150B 20 to ALC-P-1 CAT.# B-16C4-1 ALC-Y0062 1 POPCHK-SCRD-40 Oiled Air to 68819 NUPRO 150M 20 ALC-P-1 CAT.# B-16C4-1 ALC-V0063 1 POPCHK-SCRD-40 Service Air to 68819 NUPRO 150S20 ALC-P-1 CAT.# B-16C4-1 ALC-V0064 1 POPCHV,-SCP,D-40 Demin. Water to 68819 NUPRO 150M 20 ALC-P-1 CAT.# B-16C4-1 ALC-V0065 1 POPCHK-SCRD-40 Demin. Water to 68819 NUPRO 150B 20 ALC-P-2 CAT.# 8-16C4-1 ALC-V0066 1 POPCHK-SCRD-40S Service Air to 60919 NUPRO 150/120 ALC-P-2 CAT.f B-16C4-1 Rev. 8/0186P .~

TABLE -12 (Cont' d) 3526-004 AUXILIARY BUILDING EERGENCY LIQUID CLEANUP - SYSTEM (EPICOR II) VALVE LIST DESIGN MANUFACTURER / PRESSURE VALVE NO. SIZE TYPE DESCRIPTION PO NO. MODEL-TEMPERATURE COMMENTS ALC-V0067 1 POPCHK-SCRD-40 Oiled Air to 68819 'NUPRO 150M 20 ALC-P-2 CAT.! B-16C4-1 ALC-V0068 1 POPCHK-SCRD-40S Demin. Water To 68819 NUPRO 150M 20 ALC-P-2 CAT.# B-16C4-1 ALC-V0069 1 POPCHK-SCRD-40S Service Air To 68819 NUPRO 150M 20 ALC-P-2 CAT.# B-16C4-1 ALC-YOO70 1 POPCHK-SCRD-40S Demin. Water To 68819 NUPRO 150M 20 ALC-P-3 CAT.! B-16C4-1 ALC-YOO71 1 POPCHK-SCRD-40 Service Air To 68819 NUPRO 150M 20 ALC-P-3 CAT.# B-16C4-1 ALC-YOO72 1 POPCHK-SCRD-40S Oiled Air To 68819 NUPRO 150M 20 ALC-P-3 CAT.! B-16C4-1 ALC-V0073 1 POPCHK-SCRD-40S Demin. Water To 68819 NUPRO 150M 20 ALC-P-3 CAT.# B-16C4-1 ALC-V0074 1 POPCHK-SCRD-40S Service Air To 68819 NUPRO 150M 20 ALC-P-3 CAT.# B-16C4-1 ALC-V0075 1 POPCHK-SCRD-40S Demin. Water To 68819 NUPRO 150M 20 ALC-P-4 CAT.# B-16C4-1 ALC-V0076 1 POPCHK-SCRD-40S Service Air To 68819 NUPRO 150M 20 ALC-P-4 CAT.# B-16C4-1 Rev. 8/0186P

AUXILIARY BUILDING EERGENCY LIQUID CLEANUP SYSTEM (EPICOR II) VALVE LIST DESIGN MANUFACTURER / PRESSURE VALVE NO. SIZE TYPE DESCRIPTION PO NO. MODEL TEWERATURE COMENTS ALC-V0077 1 POPCHK-SCRD-405 Oiled Air To 68819 NUPRO 150/120 ALC-P-4 CAT.f B-16C4-1 ALC-V0078 1 POPCHK-SCRD-40S Demin. Water To 68819 NUPRO 150/120 ALC-P-4 CAT.# B-16C4-1 ALC-V0079 1 POPCHK-SCRD-40S Service Air To 68819 NUPRO 150/120 ALC-P-4 CAT. # B-16C4-1 ALC-V0080 3/4 GLOBE-600!-SW-40 Root Va. for Pres. HANC0CK 150/120 Ind. on Demin. CAT.! 5500W-1 Water Header ALC-V0081 3/4 GLOBE-600f-SW-40 Root Va. for Pres. HENRY V0GT 150A 20 Ind. on Service DWG.f Air Header E-44244-R7 ALC-V0082 2 GLOBE-SW-40S Future Xenon HANC0CK 150/120 Holdup Connect. CAT.# 5500W-1 On CC-T-1 ALC-V0083 11/4 BALL-SW-40S Root VA. for 68875 APOLLO 150/120 Conductivity Probe CAT.f 316 On CC-T-2 Inlet ALC-V0084 11/4 BALL-SW-40S Root VA. for 68875 APOLLO 150/120 pH Probe On CAT.# 316 CC-T-2 Inlet ALC-V0085 Deleted Rev. 8/0185P

ll m UIim uu um N TABLE 12 ~(CoQt'd)- 3526-004 AUXILIARY BUILDING EMERGENCY LIQUID CLEANUP-SYSTEM (EPICOR II) VALVE LIST DESIGN MANUFACTURER / PRESSURE VALVE N0; SIZE TYPE DESCRIPTION PO NO. MODEL TEWERATURE COMENTS ALC-V0086 2 BALL-SW-40S Discharge from 80322 QUARTROL 150M 20 Motor Operated. Tank CC-T-1 CAT.f 521SSSO 120 Volts ALC-YOO87 11/2. BALL-SW-40S Clean Water Dis 80792 QUARTROL 150B 20 Motor Operated. Charge to Unit #2 CAT.f 5215SS0 120 Volts Cond. Test Tks. WDL-T-9A & B ALC-V0088 1 1/2 BALL-SW-403 Clean Water Dis 80792 QUARTROL 150A 20 Motor Operated. Charge to Unit #2 CAT.f 521S550 120 Volts Cond. Test Tks. WDL-T-9A & B ALC-V0089 2 GLOBE-600f-SW-405 Discharge Line HANC0CK 150A 20 From Sump Pump CAT.# 5500W-1 CC-P-2A ALC-V0090 Deleted ALC-V0091 11/4 BALL-SW-405 Root Valve for 68875 APOLLO 150M 20 Cond Probe at CAT.f 316 Inlet to Pump ALC-P-1 AIC-V0092 11/4 BALL-SW-40S Root Valve for 68875 APOLLO 150/120 Cond Probe at CAT.# 316 Inlet to Pump ALC-P-3 Rev. 8/0186P. _ _. Ell

TABLE 12- (Cont'd) 3526-004 AUXILIARY BUILDING EERGENCY LIQUID CLEANUP - SYSTEM (EPICCR II) VALVE LIST DESIGN MANUFACTURER / PRESSURE VALVE NO. SIZE TYPE DESCRIPTION P0 NO. MODEL TEMPERATURE COMMENTS ALC-Y0093 11/4 BALL-SW-40S Root Valve for 68875 APOLLO 150/120 Cond Probe at CAT.# 316 Inlet to Pump ALC-P-3 ALC-V0094 3/4 GLOBE-600#-SW-40S Root Valve for 69001 OBERT 150/120 Pres. Ind. On TYPEf 103 Sump Pump CC-P-2A Discharge ALC-V0095 2 GLOBE-600!-SW-40S Process System HANC0CK 150/120 Flush Line Near CAT.# 5500W-1 Inlet to ALC-P-1 ALC-V0096 Deleted ALC-V0097 3/4 GLOBE-600#-SW-40 Oiled Air to HANCOCK 150/120 ALC-P-6 CAT.! 5500W-1 ALC-V0098 3/4 GLOBE-600!-SW-40S Demin. Water to ViLAN 150/120 ALC-P-6 ';AT.# 3748 ALC-V0099 3/4 GLOBE-600f-SW-40 Service Air to HANC0CK 150/120 ALC-P-6 CAT.# 5500W-1 ALC-Y0100 3/4 GLOBE-600#-SW-40 Service Air to HENRY V0GT 150/120 ALC-P-6 DWG.# E-44244-R11 ALC-V0101 3/4 GLOBE-600f-SW-40S Demin. Water to 69001 OBERT 150/120 ALC-P-6 TYPE # 103 Rev. 8/0186P

TABLE 12 (Cont'd) 3526-004 [ - AUXILIARY BUILDING EERGENCY LIQUID CLEAMUP. ' SYSTEM (EPICOR II) VALVE LIST DESIGN MANUFACTURER / PRESSURE VALVE-NO. SIZE TYPE DESCRIPTION P0 NO. MODEL TEPPERATURE COMENTS ALC-V0102 1 POPCHK-SCRD-40 Oiled Air to 6881 9 NUPRO 150/120 ALC-P-6 CAT. f B-16C4-1 ALC-V0103 1 BALCKH-600!-SW-40S Filter ALC-F-1 69001 OBERT 150/120. Precoat Supply TYPEf 50 Line ALC-V0104 1 POPCHK-SCRD-40 Service Air to 68819 NUPRO 150/120 ALC-P-6 CAT.f B-16C4-1 ALC-V0105 Deleted ALC-V0106 2 GLOBE-600f-SW-40S Discharge From HANC0CK 150/120 One Micron Filter CAT.f 5500W-1 ALC-V0107 3/4 GLOBE-600!-SW-40S Vent on One Micron HANC0CK 150/120 Fil ter CAT.# 5500W-1 ALC-V0108 3/4 GLOBE-600f-SW-40S Drain on One HANC0CK 150/120 Micron Filter CAT.f 5500W-1 ALC-V0109 2 CONTROL-FLGD-40 Service Air Supply 69005 FISHER 150/120 Header TYPEf 310-32 ALC-Y0110 3 GLOBE-FLGD-40S Suction Line From 69001 NEWC0 150/120 CC-T-1 to ALC-P-5 CAT.f 6415R ALC-V0111 Deleted ALC-V0112 2 GLOBE-600f-SW-40S Inlet to One HANC0CK 150/120 Micron Filter CAT.f 5500W-1 Rev. 8/0186P

TABLE 12 (Cont'd)' 3526-004 AUXILIARY BUILDING EMERGENCY LIQUID CLEANUP SYSTEM (EPICOR II) VALVE LIST DESIGN MANUFACTURER / PRESSURE VALVE NO. SIZE TYPE DESCRIPTION PO NO. MODEL TEMPERATURE COMMENTS ALC-V0ll3 1 POPCHK-SW-40S Chemical Addition 68819 NUPRO 150M 20 Line to CC-T-1 CAT.# B-16C4-1 l ALC-V0ll4 2 BALCHK-600!-SW-40S Discharge From 69001 OBERT 150M 20 ALC-P-5 TYPE! 50 i ALC-V0115 3/4 GLOBE-SW-40S Drain Line on 150M 20 l Process Suction Line ALC-V0116 3/4 GLOBE-SW-40S Drain Line on 150M 20 Process Suction Line ALC-V0ll7 3/4 GLOBE-600!-SW-405 Pressure Test HANC0CK 150M 20 Connection Near CAT.# 5500W-1 Suction of ALC-P-1 ALC-V0118 No Longer in Use located in Unit 1 -123 (Unaccesible) ALC-V0124 1 GLOBE-600!-SW-40S Filter ALC-F-1 HANC0CK 150M 20 Precoat Supply CAT.# 5500W-1 Line ALC-V0125 3/4 GLOBE-600#-SW-40S Pressure Test HANC0CK 150M 20 Connection On CAT.# 5500W-1 Demin. Water Header Rev. 8/0186P = =

- TABLE 12 (Cont'd) 3526-004 AUXILIARY BUILDING EERGENCY LIQUID CLEANUP SYSTEM (EPICOR II) VALVE LIST DESIGN MANL'FACTURER/ PRESSURE VALVE NO. SIZE TYPE DESCRIPTION PO NO. MODEL-TEPFERATURE COMENTS ALC-V0126 3/4 G'c0BE-600!-SW-40S Pressure Test HANC0CK 150/120 Connection On CAT.# 5500W-1 Service Air Header ALC-Y0127 3/4 GLOBE-6005-SW-40S Pressure Test HANC0CK 150/120 Connection On CAT.! 5500W-1 Sump Pump Discharge ALC-V0128 3/4 GLOBE-6005-SW-40S Priming Vent 68817 LADISH 150/120 For ALC-P-5 CAT.f 7661-2407-07A ALC-V0129 3/4 GLOBE-600!-SW-40S Priming Vent 68817 LADISH 150/120 For ALC-P-5 CAT.f 7661 - 2407-07A ALC-Y0130 3/4 BALCHK-600f-SW-40S Drain on One 69001 OBERT 150/120 Micron Filter TYPE # 103 ALC-V0131 3/4 BALCHK-600f-SW-40S Drain on Suction 69001 OBERT 150/120 Line From CC-T-2 TYPEf 103 to ALC-P-5 ALC-Y0132 3/4 GLOBE-600#-SW-40S Drain on Suction 69001 OBERT 150/120 Line From CC-T-2 TYPEf 103 to ALC-P-5 ALC-V0133 3/4 GLOBE-600f-SW-40S ALC-DPS-1 LP Leg 69001 CBERT 150/120 Root Valve TYPEf 103 Rev. 8/0186P

-{, * ~ s s .s g. ~ ? i ~ .. ' I. .~f~ ~. ' ? - r TABLE ~12 '(Cont'd) 3526-004 0 AUXILIARY BUILDING EERGENCY LIQUID CLEANUP SYSTEM (EPICOR II) VALVE LIST. DESIGN MANUFF.TURER/ PRESSURE VALVE NO. SIZE -TYPE DESCRIPTION P0 NO. MODEL TEMPERATURE COMENTS ALC-V0134 3/4 GLOBE-600!-SW-40S Deuin. Water'to HANC0CK 150/120 ALC-P-5 Seals-CAT.! 5500W-1 ALC-V0135 1 POPCHK-SCRF-40S Demin. Water to 68819 NUPRO' 150/120 ALC-P-5 Seals CAT.# B16C4-1 ALC-V0136 3/4 SOLND-SCRD-40S-Demin. Water i.o B2188 ASCO 150/120. 2 Way Normally Closed ALC-P-5 Seals CAT.! 8210D9 Energized to Open ALC-V0137 2 GLOBE-SW-40S Demin. Water to 150/120 Flush Line to CC-T-2 ALC-V0138 2 BALCHK-600!-SW-40S Discharge Line 69001 OBERT 150/120-From CC-P-2A TYPEf 50 ALC-V0139 2 GLOBE-600#-SU-40 Service Air HANC0CK 150/120 Header ' CAT.# 5500W-1 ALC-V0140 2 GLOBE-600!-SW-40S Future Waste HANC0CK 150/120 Supply Line CAT.# 5500W-1 ALC-V0141 2 GLOBE-600!-SW-40S Future Waste HANC0CK 150/120 Supply Line CAT.! 5500W-1 ALC-V0142 2 LIFCHK-SW-40S Demin. Water .VELAN 150/120: Supply Header SERIAL ! S-50-1 ALC-VU143 1 1/? RELIEF-SCRD-40S Demin. Water. J. E. LONERGAN 150/120 Set Pressure at 150 Supply Header CORP. MODEL LOT P.S.I.G. 11 .1 1

J'3526-004. ~ TABLE 12. Cont'a). = AUXILIARY BulLDING EERGENCY-LIQUID CLEANUP SYSTEM (EPICOR II) VALVE LIST DESIGN MANUFACTURER / PRESSURE-VAllE *0. SIZE TYPE DESCRIPTION PO~NO. MODEL TEMPERATURE COMENTS - ALr.V0144 2 GLOBE-600f-SW-40S Demin. Water HANC0CK 1SOM 20 Supply Header CAT.# 5500W-1 CC-T-2 ALC-V0145 2 GLOBE-600#-SW-405 Spare Plant Af r/ HANC0CK 150/120 EPICOR II Air CAT.# 5500W-1 Sup. Calc-P-788 Isolation Va. ALC-V0146 1/2 E'.LL-COM FTG Sample Line 80498 WHITEY 150/120 = From ALC-P-2 CAT.# SS-4558-RLC-V0147 1/2 BALL-COM FTG Sample Line 30498 WHITEY 150/120 From ALC-P-3 CAT.# SS-45S8 ALC-V0148 1/2 BALL-COM FTG Sample Line 80496 WHITEY 150M 20 From ALC-P-4 CAT.# SS-45S8 ALC-V0149 1/2 GLOBE-COM FTG Grab Sample H0KE 150M20 From ALC-P-2 CAT.1 N281108Y15 ALC-V0150 1/2 GLOBE-COM FTG Grab Sample H0KE 150M 20 From ALC-P-3 CAT.! N281108Y15 ALC-V0151 1/2 GLOBE-COM FTG Grab Sample 'H0KE 150M 20 From ALC-P-4 CAT.# N2811Q8Y15 Rev. 8/0186P - h-

A. TABLE 12- (Cont'd) ~3526-004.: _ - AUXILVARY BUILDING EERGENCY LIQUID CLEANUP SYSTEM (EPICOR II) VALVE LIST DESIGN MANUFACTURER / PRESSURE VALVE NO. SIZE TYPE -- DESCRIPTION PO NO. MODEL-TEMPERATURE-COMMENTS ALC-V0152 1/2 GLOBE-COM FTG ' Grab Sample H0KE 150/120 From ALC-P-5 CAT.i N2811 Q8Y15 ALC-V0153 1 BALL-COM FTG Sample Recirc. 80498 -WHITEY 150/120 Line CAT.f SS-65F16 ALC-V0154 1/2 BALL-COM FTG Grab Sample From 80498 WHITEY 150/120 ALC-P-5 CAT.# SS-4558 ALC-V0155 1/2-BALL-COM FTG Grab Sample From 80498 WHITEY 150/120 9'^ P-4 CAT.# SS-4558 ALC-Y0156 1/2 BALL-COM FTG Grab Sample From WHITEY 150/120 ALC-P CAT.# SS-45S8 ALC-V0157 1/2 BALL-COM FTG Grab Sample From 80498 WHITEY 150/120 ALC-P-2 CAT.# SS-45S8 RLC-V0158 3/4 GLOBE-600!sSW-405 Demin. Water to 68817 LADISH 150/120 Sr.;p7e Sink Spray CAT.f 7661 - 'dezder 2407-07A ALC-V3159 3/4 GLOBE-600#-SW-405 Demin. Water to. 68817 LADISH 'l50/120-Sceple Ecttle CAT.# 7661- . Wash tbse 2407-07A Rev.~' 8/0186P _ _ _ - .~

m . TABLE 12 -(Cont' d). f3526-004 ? -a AUXILIARY BUILDING EERGENCY LIQUID CLEANUP SYSTEM (EPICOR II) VALVE LIST DESIGN MANUFACTURER / PRESSURE VALVE NO. SIZ_E TYPE DESCRIPTION P0 NO. -MODEL -TEMPERATURE COMMENTS E ALC-V0160 1/2 LIFCHK-COM FTG Recirc. Line From 80498 WHITNEY 150/120 ALC-P-2 CAT.# SS-58S8 ALC-V0161 1/2 LIFCHK-COM FTG Recirc. L*;ne From 80498 WHITNEY 150/120 ALC-P-3 CAT.# SS-58S8 ALC-V0162 1/2 LIFCHK-COM FTG Recirc. Line From-80498 WHITNEY 150/120~ ALC-P-4 CAT.# SS-58S8 TLC-V0163 1/2 SOLND SCRD Recirc. Line From 80548 ASCO 150/120 2 Way Nomally Closed ALC-P-4 CAT.# 8210C94 Energized to Open ALC-V0164 1/2 SOLND SCRD Sample Line From 80548 ASCO 150/120' 2 Way Nomally Closed ALC-P-4 CAT.# 8210C94 Energized to.Open ALC-V0165 1/2 SOLND SCRD Recirc. Line From 80548 ASCO 150/120 2 Way Nomally Closed ALC-P-3 CAT.# 8210C94 Energized to Open-ALC-V0166 1/2 SOLND SCRD Sample Line From 80548 ASCO 150/120 2 Fay Nomally Closed - ALC-P-3 CAT.# 8210C94 Energized to Open ALC-V0167 1/2 SOLND SCRD Recirc. Line From 80548 ASCO 150/120 2 Way Nomally Closed-ALC-P-2 CAT.# 8210C94 Energized to Open ALC-V0168 1/2 SOLND SCRD. Sample Line From 80548 ASCO 150/120 2 Way Nomally Closed ALC-P-2 CAT.# 8210C94 Energized to Open ALC-V0169 2 GLCBE-600#-SW-40S Clean Water Dis-POWEL 150/120 charge to Unit #1 FIG.# 2474 Rev.18/0186P :.

. TABLE 12. (Cont' d) - 3526-004~ ,x -AUXILIARY BUILDING EERGE?tCY LIQUID CLEANUP. SYSTEM (EPIJOR II)- VALVE LIST DESIGN. MANUFACTURER /- PRESSURE-VALVE NO. SIZE TYPE -DESCRIPTION P0 N0. MODEL TEMPERATURE' COMENTS - ALC-V0170 2 GLOBE-600!-SW-40S Clean Water Dis-NEWC0 150/120 charge to' Unit #2 CAT.# 28TF32 ALC-V0171 3/4 GLOBE-600!-SW-40S Clean Water Dis-68817 _LADISH 150/120 ~ charge to Unit #2 CAT.# 7661-Drain Line 2407-07A ALC-V0172 3/4 GLOBE-SW-40S Clean Water Dis-150/120 charge to Unit #2 Vent Line ALC-V0173 3/4 GLOBE-SW-40S Clean Water Dis-150/120 charge to Unit #2 Drain Line ALC-Y0174 3/4 GLOBE-600#-SW-40S Cask Overflow .68817 -LADISH 150/120 Loop Seal Leveling CAT.# 7661 - Line 2407-07A ALC-V0175 3/4 GLOBE-600#-SW-40S Cask Overflow 68817 iSH 150/120 - Loop; Seal Fill CM.# 7661-Line 2407-07A ALC-V0176 3/4 GLOBE-600#-SW-40 Oiled Air Line HENRY V0GT 150/120 t For ALC-P-6 DWG.# E44244-R11 ALC-V0177 1/2 POPCHK-COM FTG Sample Line From 82033 TUPRO 150/120 ALC-P-2 CAT.# SS-8C-1/3 l -61. Rev. 8/0186P_ L i ._r.. m._. ,. -, _,.. ~.. _...,

+ 1 3526-004~ TABLE 12J l(Cont'd) AUXILIARY BUILDING.EERGENCY LIQUIO CLEANUP SYSTEM (EPICOR II) ~ VALVE LIST DESIGN-MANUFACTURER / PRESSURE - VALVE NO. SIZE TYPE DESCRIPTION-P0 NO. MODEL TEMPERATURE COMENTS ALC-V0178 1/2 POPCHK-COM FTG Sample Line From E203. NUPRO 150/120 ALC-P-3 CAT.f SS-8C-1/3 ALC-V0179 1/2 POPCHK-COM FTG Sample Line From 82033 NUPRO 150/120 ALC-P-4 CAT.# SS-8C-1/3 ALC-V0180 2 BALL SCRD Process. Inlet To JAESBUP'l / Supplied by' CAP-GUN Pump ALC-P-1 TYPE 100t. FIG. NO.- 11 -1100T1 ALC-V0181 3/4 BALL SCRD Service Air To JAESBUR'. / Supplied by CAP-GUN Pump ALC-P-1 TYPE 1000 FIG. NO. 11 -1100TT ALC-V0182 3/4 BALL SCRD Demin. '.bter To JAESBURY / -Supplied by CAP-GUN Pump ALC-P-1 TYPE 1000 FIG. NO. 11 -11%TT ALC-V0183 3/4 BALL SCRD Service Air To jar. JRY / Supplied by CAP-GUN Pump ALC-P-1 TYPE 1000 FIG. N0. 11 -1100TT ALC-V0184 3/4 BALL SCR3 Demin. Wate'r To JAESBURY -/- Supplied by CAP-GUN Pump ALC-P-1 ' TYPE 1000 FIG.~NO. 11 -1100TT Rev. 8/0186P -,

TABLE 12. - (Cont' d) -3526-004. - AUXILIARY BUILDING EERGENCY LIQUID CLEANUP; SYSTEM-(EPICOR II) VALVE LIST LESIGN ' MANUFACTURER /- PRESS'JRE VALVE NO. SIZE TYPE DESCRIPTION PO NO. MODEL TEMPERATURE . COMMENTS-ALC-V0185 3/4 SOLND SCRD Oiled Air To ASCO. / Supplied by CAP-GUN Pump ALC-P-1 CAT. NO. 821 OD95 ALC-V0186 3/4 BALL SCRD Oiled Air to JAMESBURY.. / Supplied by CAP-GUN Pump ALC-P-1 TYPE 1000 t FIG. NO. 11 -1100TT ALC-V0187 3/4 ANGLE SCRD Oiled Air to WARREN RUPP / Supplied by Mfr. of-Pump ALC-P-1 CO., PART # Pump ' ALC-P-1 (Warren 893-048-162 Rupp). ALC-V0188 3/4 BALL SCRD Service Air to JAESBURY / ' Supplied by CAP-GUN Pump ALC-P-1 TYPE 1000 FIG. NO. 11 -1100TT ALC-V0189 3/4 BALL SCRD Sample Point Va. JAESBURY / . Supplied by CAP-GUN On Outlet Of Pump TYPE 1000 This Sample Point ALC-P-1 FIG. NG. Not Used 11 -1100TT ALC-V0190 3/4 BALL SCRD Demin. Water to JAESBURY. /. Supplied by CAP-GUN Pump ALC-P-1 TYPE 1000 FIG. NO. 11 -1100TT ALC-V0191 1 BALL SCRD Process Outlet JAESBURY Supplied by CAP-GUN From Pump ALC-P-1 TYPE 1000-FIG. NO. 11 -1100TT Rev. ' 8/0186P v e p t f, maw e a w we w n W-- -p-3 w- ..a.--,. 91yFy ,.w-n, ,n- ~- =



-PRESSURE VALVE-NO. JE TYPE DESCRIPTION PO'NO. MODEL TEWERATURE-COMENTS ~ ALC-V0192 3/4 BALL SCRD Service Air'to JAESBURY Supplied by CAP-GUN Pump ALC-P-1 TYPE 1000 FIG. NO. 11 -1100TT ALC-V0193 3/4 BALL SCRD Demin. Water to JAESBURY 'aupplied by CAP-GUN Pump ALC-P-1 TYPE 1000 FIG. NO. 11 -1100TT ALC-V0194 2 BALL-SCRD Process Inlet To JAESBURY Supplied by CAP-GUN Pump ALC-P-2 . TYPE 1000 - FIG. NO. 11 -1100TT ALC-V0195 3/4 BALL SCRD Demin. Water To JAESBURY Supplied by CAP-GUN Pump ALC-P-2 TYPE 1000 FIG. NO. 11 -1100TT ALC-V0196 3/4 BALL SCRD Service Air To . JAESBURY Supplied by CAP-GUN. Pump ALC-P-2 TYPE 1000 FIG..NO. 11 -1100TT ALC-V0197 3/4 BALL SCRD Service Air-To JAESBURY Supplied by CAP-GUN' Pump ALC-P-2_ TYPE 1000 FIG. NO. 11 -1100TT Rei. 8/0186P- -

TABLE-12 -(Cent'd) l3E26-004L ' AUXILIARY BUILDING EERGENCY LIQUID CLEANUP _ . SYSTEM'(EPICOR II)~ VALVE LIST DESIGN MANUFACTURER / PRESSURE ' VALVE NO. SIZE TYPE DESCRIPTION. P0 NO. MODEL~ ' ~ TEPFERATURE COMENTS1 ALC-Y0198 3/4 BALL SCRD Service Air To JAESBURY . Supplied by CAP-GUN Pump A'.C-P-2 ' TYPE 1000 FIG. NO. 11 -1100TT ALC-V0199 3/4 SOLND SCRD Oiled Air To .ASCO Supplied by CAP-GUN Pump ALC-P-2 -CAT. NO. . B210D95. ALC-V0200 3/4 ANGLE SCRD Oiled Air To ~iARREN RUPP Supplied by Mfr.-of . Pump ALC-P CO., PART f-Pump'ALC-P-2 (Warren 893-043-162 Rupp)- ALC-V0201 2 BALL SCRD Process Supply JAESBURY Supplied by CAP-GUN From. Pump ALC-P-2 TYPE 1000 FIG. NO. 11 -1100TT ALC-V0202 3/4 BALL SCRD Demin. Water To JAESBURY Supplied by CAP-GUN Pump ALC-P-2 TYPE 1000 FIG. NO. 11 -1100TT ALC-V0203 Deleted ~ ALC-V0204 3/4 BALL SCRD Service Air To-JAESBURY- < Supplied by CAP-GUN Pump ALC-P-2 TYPE '1000 ' ~ FIG. NO. 11 -1100TT 2 - Rev.' 8/0186P

a. -.

, ;u- .= =


.=..,:a. . a a.-

~ TABLE 12 ~ ~ (Cont' d) - -3526-004: 7




JAESBURY . Supplied byl CAP-GUN - Pump ALC-P-2 TYPE -1000 - FIG. NO. 11 -1100TT ALC-V0206 3/4 BALL SCRD Service Air.To JAESBURY .Supplie'd by; CAP-GUN Pump'ALC-P-2 TYPE 1000. FIG. NO. 11 -1100TT ALC-V0207 2 BALL SCR0 Process Supply JAESBURY ' Supplied by CAP-GUN To ALC-F-1 TYPE 1000 FIG. NO. 11 -1100TT ALC-V0208 2 BALL SCRD Process Supply ~ JAESBURY ' Supplied by CAP-GUN. To ALC-F-1 TYPE 1000 FIG. NO. 11 -1100TT ALC-V0209 2 BALL SCRD Process Supply, JAESBURY -Supplied by CAP-GUN To ALC-K-1 TYPE 1000 FIG. NO.. 11 -1100TT ALC-V0210 2 BALL SCRD Process Supply JAESBURY - Supplied by. CAP-GUN To ALC-K-1 TYPE 1000 FIG. NO. 11 -1100TT - Rev. 8/0186P. -66. \\


TYPE 1000 FIG. NO.

11 -1100TT ALC-V0212 2 BALL SCRD Process' Supply JAME5 BURY Supplied by CAP-GUN To ALC-K-2 TYPE 1000 -FIG. NO. 11 -1100TT ALC-V0213 2 BALL SCRD - Process Inlet JAMESBURY Supplied by-CAP-GUN To Pump ALC-P-3 TYPE 1000 FIG. NO. 11 -1100TT ALC-V0214 3/4 BALL SCRD Demin. Water To JAMESBURY Supplied by CAP-GUN Pump ALC-P-3 TYPE 1000 FIG. NO. 11 -1100TT ALC-V0215 3/4 BALL SCRD Service Air To JAMESBURY , Supplied by-CAP-GUN Pump ALC-P-3 TYPE 1000 FIG. NO. ll-1100TT ALC-V0216 3/4 BALL SCRD Demin. Water To JAMESBURY Supplied by CAP-GUN Pump ALC-P-3 TYPE 1000' FIG. NO. ll-1100TT .Rev. 8/0186PU _ _ - _

' TABLE-12.- (Cont' d)' ~3526-0047 7-- AUXILIARY ~ BUTLDING EERGENCY LIQUID CLEANUP. SYSTEM (EPICOR II) i VALVE LIST DESIGN MANUFACTURER / PRESSURE-VALVE NO. SIZE - TYPE -DESCRIPTION P0 NO. MODEL TEMPERATURE-COMMENTS ALC-V0217 3/4 BALL SCRD Service Air To JAESBURY Supplied by CAP-GUN Pump ALC-P-3 TYPE 1000 FIG. NO. 11 -1100TT '- ALC-V0218 3/4 SOLND SCRD Oiled Air'To ASCO. Supplied by CAP-GUN Pump ALC-P-3 CAT. NO. 8210D95 ALC-Y0219 3/4 ANGLE SCRD Oiled Air To WARREN RUPP Supplied by Mfr. of Pump ALC-P-3 CO. PART # Pump ALC-P-3 (Warren 893-048-162 Rupp) ALC-V0220 3/4 BALL SCRD Oiled Air To JAESBURY Supplied by CAD-GUN Pump ALC-P-3 TYPE 1000 FIG. NO. 11 -1100TT ALC-V0221 3/4 -BALL SCRD Demin.' Water To JAESBURY Supplied by CAP-GUN Pump ALC-P-3 TYPE 1000 FIG. NO. 11-1100TT ALC-V0222 3/4 BALL SCRD Service Air To JAESBURY _ Supplied by CAP-GUN Pump ALC-P-3 TYPE 1000 FIG. NO. 11 -1100TT ALC-V0223 3/4 BALL SCRD Demin. Water To JAESBURY Supplied by CAP-GUN Pump ALC-P-3 TYPE 1000 FIG. NO.. 11 -1100TT' Rev. 8/0186P .. n.- ....u-a. ~ _ _.,.;_-. _. ___ =.

j .c 1 :-3526-004' TABLE 12. L(Cont'd) ~ 4 :s 1 AUXYLI ARY BUILDING.EERGENCYL L1 QUID CLEANUP - ~ 1 SYSTEM (EPICOR II)- VALVE LIST DESIGN MANUFACTURER / PRESSURE VALVE NO. SIZE TYPE DESCRIPTION P0-NO. MODEL-TEPFERATURE . COMENTS 1 RLC-YO224 3/4 BALL SCRD Sample Point Va. - J AESBURY - Supplied by CAP-GUN on Outlet of Pump TYPE 1000 ALC-P-3 FIG. NO. 11 -1100TT ALC-V0225 3/4 BALL SCRD . Service Air to JAESBURY: Supplied by CAP-GUN-Pump ALC-P TYPE 1000 FIG. NO. 11 -1100TT ALC-V0226 2 BALL SCRD Process Outlet JAESBURY Supplied by CAP-GUN From Pump ALC-P-3 TYPE 1000 FIG. NO. 11 -1100TT ALC-V0227 2 BALL SCRD. Process Inlet JAESBURY-Supplied by CAP-GUN-To Pump ALC-P-4 TYPE 1000 FIG. NO. 11 -1100TT ALC-VG228 3/4 BALL SCRD Demin. Water To JAESBURY Supplied by CAP-GUN Pump ALC-P-4 TYPE 1000 FIG. NO. 11 -1100TT ALC-V0229 3/4 BALL SCRD Service Air To JAESBURY . Supplied by CAP-GUN Pump ALC-P-4 TYPE 1000 FIG. NO.- 11 -1100TT .- Rev. 8/0186P _-

~ ~ e -, y iTABLE '12 '- (Cont'd), 3526-004" AUXILYARYJ UILDING EERGENCY LIQUID CLEANUP-B 1 SYSTEM ( EPICOR iII) - VALVE LIST' DESIGN MANUFACTURER / PRESSURE-VALVE ?!0. SIZE TYPE DESCRIPTION P0 NO. MODEL' ' TEMPERATURE ' COMMENTS-ALC-V0230 3/4 BALL SCRD Demin. Water To HJ AMESBURY - Supplied by CAP-GUNf Pump ALC-P-4 TYPE 1000 FIG..NO. 11 -1100TT ALC-V0231 3/4 BALL SCRD Service-Air To JAMESBURY Supplied by. CAP-GUN' Pump ALC-P TYPE 1000 FIG. NO. 11 -1100TT-ALC-V0232 3/4 ' SOLND SCRD - Oiled. Air To ASCO Supplied by CAP-GUN Pump ALC-P-4 CAT. NO. 8210D95 ALC-V0233 3/4 BALL SCRD Oiled Air To .J AMESBURY Supplied by CAP-GUN Pump ALC-P-4 TYPE 1000 FIG. NO. 11 -1100TT ALC-V0234 3/4 BALL SCRD Oiled Air To - . WARREN RUPP Supplied by Mfr. of Pump ALC-P-4 CO., P ART # pump ALC-P 893-048-162 (Warren Rupp)-: ALC-V0235 3/4 BALL SCRD Demin. WaterTo JAMESBURY Supplied by CAP-GUN Pump ALC-P-4 TYPE 1000 FIG. NO. 11 -1100TT ALC-V0236 3/4 BALL SCRD Service Air To JAMESBURY Supplied by CAP-GUN-Pump ALC-P-4 TYPE 1000 ' FIG. NO. 11 -1100TT -7 0-Rev. 8/0186P - p 9 4 qm, w -s, m -.a.ahm


TABL'E :121 -(Cont' d) 3526-004-~

ti.:. =- ~ AUXILIARY BUILDING EERGENCY LIQUID CLEANUP ^ ' JSYSTEM (EPICOR II) 7 VALVE LIST . DESIGN MANUFACTURER /-. ' PRESSURE : VALVE-NO. SIZE TYPE DESCRIPTION P0 NO. =MODEL-TEPPERATURE -- COMENTS 2 Supplie>k Dy car-uUN ' ALC-V0237 3/4 BALL SCRD -Demin. Water To _ JAESBURY. Pump ALC-P-4 TYPE 1000 FIG. - NO. 11 -1100TT ALC-V0238 3/4 BALL SCRD Sample Point Va. JAESBURY Supplied by CAP-GUN On Outlet Of Pump TYPE.1000 ALC-P-4 FIG. NO. 11 -1100TT ALC-V0239 3/4 BALL SCRD Service Air to JAESBURY Supplied by CAP-GUN Pump ALC-P-4 TYPE 1000 ' FIG. NO. 11 -1100TT ALC-V0240 3/4 BALL SCRD Process Outlet JAESBURY Supplied by CAP.-GUN' From Pump ALC-P-4 TYPE 1000 ~ FIG. NO.- 11 -1100TT ALC-V0241 3/4 BALL SCRD Oiled Air' To JAESBURY Supplied by CAP-GUN Pump ALC-P-2 TYPE 1000 l FIG. NO. 11 -1100TT ALC-V0242 2 AIR OPERATED BALL Discharge From HILLS-McCANNA -150/120 2 WayTNormally Closed SCRD-40S Tank. CC-T-1 FIG. Energized To _Open S302-56-T-56 ALC-V0243-DELETED 249 J l Rev. 8/0186P' _ ___ L hIb h m.

TABLE 12=(Cont'.d) 3526-004: AUXILIARY BUILDING-EERGENCY-LIQUID CLEANUP ~ SYSTEM (EPICOR.II) VALVE LIST DESIGN ~ MANUFACTURER / . PRESSURE. VALVE-NO. SIZE TYPE DESCRIPTION PO NO. MODEL TENERATURE .. COMENTS 1 ALC-V0250 2 GLOBE-SW-40 Discharge Line -HENRY V0GT 150/120 From Compressor DWG. #1 ALC-P-7 E-44248-R6 ALC-V0251 2 GLOBE-SW-40 Discharge Line HENRY.V0GT 150/120 From Compressor DWG. #. ALC-P-8 E-44248-RS ALC-V0252 3/4 GLOBE-SW-40 Air Supply Line Stock HANC0CK-150/120 From ALC-P-7 & CAT. # ALC-P-8 Drain 5500W-1 ALC-V0253 3/4 GLOBE-SW-40S Priming Vent Line 150/120 ALC-V0254 1/2 GLME-SCRD-40S Pressure Tap on 150/120 Priming Vent Line ALC-V0255 2 AIR OPERATED BALL Process Supply HILLS-McCANNA 150/120 2 Way Normally Closed SCRD-40S Line to Prefilter FIG. Energized to Open ALC-F-1 5302-56-T-56 ALC-V0256 2 CHECK Sump to ALC-P-1 Suction RLC-V0257 2 GLOBE Sump to ALC-P-1 Suction ALC-V0258 GATE EPICOR to spent Located in Unit 1 Fuel Pool ' 'B' -7 2-Rev. 8/0186P L ~ L ~

~ TABLE -12 (Cont' d) 3526-004 AUXIL1ARY BUILDING EERGENCY LIQUfD CLEANUP ' SYSTEM (EPICOR II) . VALVE LIST DESIGN MANUFACTURER / PPISSURE VALVE'NO. SIZE TYPE DESCRIPTION P0 NO. MODEL- ~TEMPERATUkE COMMENTS Located in Unit 1 ALC-V0259 GATE EPICOR to spent Fuel Pool 'B' ALC-V0260 3/4 GLOBE ALC-P-1 Air Supply Motor Operated Throttle ALC-Y0261 3/4 GLOBE ALC-P-2 Air Supply Motor Operated Throttle ALC-V0262 3/4 GLOBE ALC-P-3 Air Supply Motor Operated ~ Throttle ALC-V0263 3/4 GLOBE ALC-P-4 Air Supply Motor Operated Throttle ALC-V0264 1/2 NEEDLE ALC-F-1 Bubbler Air Isolation ALC-V0265 1/2 NEEDLE ALC-K-1 Bubbler Air Isolation ALC-V0266 1/2 NIEDLE. ALC-K-2 Bubbler Air Isolation ~ ALC-V0267 3/8 NEEDLE Bubbler Air Isolation ALC-V0268 1/2 PRESSURE REGULATOR ALC-F-1 Bubbler Self Contained Regulator (Int. Tap) ,A Rev. 8/0186P

7,. " t' i-- ' TABLE'12 --(Cont' d) e ~ ~ 1 3526-004 AUXILIARY. BUILDING EE RGENCY LIQUID CLEANUP, SYSTEM (EPICOR II) VALVE LIST DESIGN ~ . MANUFACTURER / PRESSURE VALVE NO. SIZE TYPE DESCRIPTION P0:NO. MODEL TEWERATURE . COMMENTS' ALC-V0269 1/2 PRESSURE REGULATOR ALC-K-1 Bubbler Self Contained-Regulator (Int.. Tap) ALC-V0270 1/2 PRESSURE REGULATOR ALC-K-2 Bubbler Self Contained-Regulator 7 .(Int. Tap) ALC-YO271 1 CHECK Service Air to Bubblers /ALC-V-255 ALC-V0272 3/8 GLOBE Service. Air to Bubblers /ALC-V-255 - ALC V0273 2 GLOBE Sump to ALC-P-1 Suction Isolation ALC-V0274 3/4 GLOBE Sump to ALC-P-1' Suction Drain - ALC-V0275 3/8 NEEDLE Air to ALC-V-242 Isolation ALC-V0276 2 GLOBE Sump to ALC-P-1 Suction' Final Isolation ALC-V0277 2 GLOBE ALC-P-4 Discharge ALC-V0278 1 GLOBE ALC-F-1 Shield Drain Rev. 8/0186P

. TABLE ~12 '(Cont'd) 3526-004} ~ U ' AUXILIARY: BUTLDING EERGENCY LIQUID. CLEANUP ~ ~ SYSTEM (EPICOR II) VALVE LIST DESIGN MANUFACTURER / ' PRESSURE. VALVE'NO. SIZE TYPC DESCRIPTION PO NO. -MODEL TEMPERATURE - COMENTS ALC-V0279 1 GLOBE ALC-K-1 -Shield Drain ALC-Y0280 1 GLOBE 'ALC-K-2 Shield Drafn; ALC-V0281 Deleted ALC-V0282 Deleted ALC-V0283 Deleted ALC-Y0284 3/4 GLOBE ALC-P-6 Discharge to ALC-P-2 ALC-V0285 3/4 GLOBE ALC-P-6 Discharge to ALC-P-3 ALC-V0286 2 GLOBE CC-T-2 Process Inlet Isolation ALC-V0287 2 BALL MWHT Process Isolation ALC-V0290 11/4 GLOBE Minimum Flow TP-034598 Shutoff ALC-V0291 1 SOLEN 0ID Minimum F1ow Automatic-Cat.#8400. Solenoid -7 5-Rev. 8/0186P 1 u x ;. .zm _ ~ _.

TABLE-12 (Cont'd) 13526-004'




MANUFACTURER / PRESSURE VALVE'NO. SIZE TYPE DESCRIPTION PO N0; 'MODEL-TEPFERATURE.- COMENTS ALC-V0292 11/4 GLOBE CC-T-1 Minimum TP-034598 Flow Shutoff. ALC-V0293 11/4 GLOBE CC-T-2 Minimum TP-034598 Flow Shutoff ALC-V0294 3/4 GLOBE ALC-DPS-1 HP Leg ~ TP-034598 Root Valve ALC-V0295 3/4 GLOBE ALC-P-5 Vent TP-034398 Valve ALC-V0296 2 BALL ALC-F-1 Bypass FMA 3526-87-0016 - Inlet Isol. ALC-V0297 2 BALL ALC-F-1 Bypass PMA 3526-87-0016 Outlet Isol. WG-V-05 2 BALL Storage Tank Inlet ECA 3230-87-0442 from MWHT FCR #87-079 WG-V-24 2 PLUG WG Flush Conn. 1 50# WG-V-29 2 PLUG SDS Filters Bypass - 150# WG-V-34 1 PLUG WG-U-3 Conn. Isol. 150f - WG-V-47 2 PLUG Fuel Pool Stor. 150#- to ALC Isol. Rev. 8/0186P ' =. ,- =. - - -.

+ + TABLE 12'~ (Cont'd)-.- 3526-004

. =

-.g :_ I


VALVE ~ LIST DESIGN MANUFACTURER / PRESSURE VALVE NO.- ~ SIZE TYPE DESCRIPTION PO-NO. MODEL TEMPERATURE COMENTS .c WG-V-71 2 PLUG Feed to SDS Filters. 150f ~ WG-V-72. 2 PLUG Misc. Wst. Sys. 150f Isol. WG-V-87 1/2 GLOBE CN-FE-22 Root VLV 4000f' ECM-S-366 R.1-Capped. Downstream Lines Hi Isol. WG-V-88 1/2 GLOBE CN-FE-22 Root VLV 4000# ECM-S-366 R.1 Capped Downstream Lines to Isol. ECA 3230-87-0442 WG-V-99 2 BALL WG Spool Piece FCR f87-011 Isol. i i [ .Rev.' 8/0186P - _3526-0041 ,,l TABLE 13 ~ EPICOR-II ' RADWASTE PROCESSING SYSTEM (iiIC POLISHING MODE) ~ OVERALL OBJECTIVES: a. ' Polish influent water sufficiently to satisfy Technical Specifications criteria.- b. Process water at 10 gpm. c. Minimize personnel exposure. d. Process water at the lowest possible cost. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES: Gallons Process Processed Vessel to Reach Projected Changeout Changeout-Shipping. Container Vessel ~ Size Primary Purpose Composition Criteria Criteria Category. 01 First Demin. 4'D x 4'H Cesium & Strc.) tium Zeolite (top) 348 Ci Cs dependent _ . Cl ass ' C -= 6*D x 6'H Removal Sand (bottom) on feed based on . integrated dose to HIC ~ lid gasket

  1. 2 Second Demin.

4'D x 4'H Na Removal ' Cation - ( top) (1 u Ci /cc. 25,000 LSA' 6'D x 6'H-Cation Removal Anion (bottom)- Anton Removal

  1. 3 Thi rd Demin.

4'D x 4'H Polishi ng Mixed Resin .(1 R/hr 200,000 .LSA 6'D x 6'H Guard Bed

  1. 4 Strainer 2.'H x 1 1/2'W x Catch Rasin Fines Strainer (1 R/hr 200,000 LSA 1 1/2'L 05 Post Filter 2'H x 1 1/2'W x Colloid Removal
1. to 10 Micron (1 R/hr.

1 50,000. LSA' 1 1/2'L Cartridge Rev. 8/0185P -- . _, -. ~. m}}