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Emergency Dose Assessment Users Manual, for Insertion Into Rev 7 of Edcm
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 04/13/1998
Shared Package
ML20216E916 List:
6610-PLN-4200.0, NUDOCS 9804160367
Download: ML20216E975 (164)


l O  : .



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Emergency Dose Assessment User's Manual. ,

t Cl-l 9804160367 900413 PDR ADOCK 05000289 F PDR ,

O resieerceie1S Topic Page Overview of the Emergency Information Network 3

Emergency Information Network Block Diagram 5

Emergency Information System Main Menu

' 8 ED/ESD Screen


NC Screen 9 10 Parameter Edits Screen Sample Types Screen I1 _

Emuent Sample Screen 14

. 16 Midas Plume Plots' 17 Field Team Air Sample Calculations 19 OfTsite Field Monitoring Team Data I 20

/ Reuter Stokes Data and MIDAS Calculation Comparison 21 Individual Pathway Data 'Screens 22 Emuent RMS Screen 26 Area Gamma and Liquid RMS Screen


27 Emergency Action Level Screen Quick Code 28 Manual Codes '

29 30 If the LAN is Down 31 Instructions for Rebooting the COLA -

32 Basic RAC Checkoff 33 r Indications of' Mechanical Fuel Damage 34 EDCM Calculation Guides 35 Primary-to-Secondary Leak Rate Based on COG Monitors 154 O ..

l .

o l .

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l Overview of the Emer. incy Information Network The Emergency Infonnation Network (E.

emergency organization personnel to vie- ) at TMI is a LAN based system that allows aformation on plant conditions and offsite dose projections during a plant emergene: l' Because it is a LAN based system, the same information can be viewed from any of th major emergency facilities. The ability of the different facilities to share common data .

within the emergency team, and minimizt - ing an emergency enhances communications he potential for conflicting information.

The heart of the EIN is the Continuous 0:: :

ae Assessment System or COLA. The COLA produces a new dose projection es This is accomplished by a central " Host C. / 4 to 6 minutes and displays it on the EIN.

RCS Activity, Iodine Spiking Factors, anc aputer" retrieving Met Data, RMS readings, lant information such as pressures, temperatures, flowrates etc from the plant' to produce a separate dose calculation'for - :omputer system. This information is used

h of TMI's release pathways that are then added together for a complete dose project n from TMI. The dose projection is then sent to the Local Area Network (LAN) an.

Management Personnel. Since the host co. ; available for review by Emergency auter automatically runs dose projections every 4 to 6 minutes, the RAC cannot prod.

using the COL A. e a dose projection any time he/she wishes O

In addition to the LOLA, the EIN also pro-es the capability to run manual versions of.

the code. The Manual Codes are located he o:

hard drives of the dose projection computers in the emergency response facil.' ,

As a result, they can be used if the LAN sy :m is not operational for som Because the manual codes are independent the LAN system, the results are NOT displayed on the network. Therefore, infor: 1 such as the Group Leader R&EC must be ft tion that is important to other personnel code available on the EIN menu are: -d to them. The two versions of the manual

+ Manual Code -used to perform dos; zrojections out to 30 miles. IREO perso ,

performing manual dose projections -

auld use this code.

+ Quick Code -a simplified manual c.

that would be used by the GRCS during the first hourif the COLA is not funscanal. Only an RMS reading and met data are required for entry.

The Manual Codes can be used for some os te following reasons:

  • To perform a dose projection if the C LA is out ofservice
  • To perform dose projections betweer.

OLA dose projections

  • To perform a "What If" dose projecti:
  • To perform a dose projection if the de being retrieved by the COLA is

/n \

considered inaccurate (i.e. a bad RM(25 reading).

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  • To perform a dose projection if the release i,s not properly monito momtor. -
  • To compare or validate the COLA dose projection for any other reason.I A much manual more detailed description ofManual Code calculations is discu COLA calculated source term leaving the plant is .

MIDAS program, which produces plume plots. MIDAS calculates dose differently than the RAC codes. The RAC code is a straight-line gauss

, means it takes the source term leaving the plant at that moment and calcu based on the most current met conditions. It ignores releases ofradioa occurred prior to the most current dose projection. It projects the doses tha offsite if things do not change. The MIDAS code is a particle in cell mo it models the offsite doses by tracking the activity released every 15 minut approximates dose rates that should currentiv be s Plume Plots are used for comparison with field team and Reuter Stokes compares field team data it receives with the MIDAS Plume Plots. In addition, t provides an option which displays a comparison ofMIDAS projected doses Reuter Stokes monitor readino , This comparison is used to check that th produced by the COLA is reasonable based on what we are seeing in the field.

MIDAS Program can be run off the "C" drive by EACC personnel with  !

source terms when the COLA is out ofservice.

Finally, the EIN also displays effluent RMS and plant area monitor reading ,

provides a listing of the parameter values that were used in calculating the dose projection for each pathway. A schematic illustration of the EIN appears on t page.

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L .. _

O emerseucv 1urormatiou xetwer* 8iock niastam LAN Met PPM RCS A 1 PARAMETER EDITS:

Files Data Data MSR Release Iodine \NG Spiking Factors Inplant Sample Results From Release Duration 10 Release Pathways NRC Damage Class Met Data V


~ . -

r Host Computer PRODUCED EVERY 4-6 MIN. COLA Dose Projection _

v V V V V Ougut ED/ESD Screen: RAC Screen: Individual Pathway Data includes: Efnuent Area eens Decision Screen Downwind Doses Source Term + Inputs + Dose Data RMS RMS V

Projected 2 MIDAS Plume Plots Reuter Stokes Updates every 15 minutes Values Y Y V Beta + Gamma Plot 4

Thyroid Plot Comparison of actual' projected v y Reuter Stokes values Gamma + Beta - mR/hr Thyroid Rate - mR/hr Open Window - mR/hr Cartridge -epm Frisker - cpm Filter -cpm Compare Field Team Readings to MIDAS Plume Plots to verify Dose Projection < y l

r ,

I l



s Emergency Information Netdork Block Diagram Description '

The Host Computer, located on the 1" floor of the OSF, produces the CO .

projection screens by retrieving a lot of different information that resides o This information includes: .

  • Plant Performance Monitor (PPM) Data -Includes all of the data resid '

PPM such as RMS data, Condenser flow rates, Condenser vacuum, RCS

- temperature / pressure, OTSG pressures, OTSG levels etc. -

  • Met Data - Retrieves wind speed, wind direction delta

, temperature di rectly from the Met Tower. Updated every 15 minutes.

Sample Edit Screen

  • RCS Activity - Retrieves th: default RCS Activity entered into the Sa _

screen by Rad Engineering or the edited RCS Activity entered by RAC/ RASE personnel into the Sample Edit screen.

  • lodine /NG Spiking Factors - Retrieves the default Spiking Factors ent Sample Edit screen by Rad Engineering or the edited Spiking Factor determines the default spiking factors.RAC/ RASE personnel
  • In plant Sample Results - The sample results from TMI l's 10 releas s may panel results for RMA-5, 8,9, effluent pathways a Design Basis Leakage pathway. .

Parameter Edit Screen 1

  • MSR Release - The default MSR position is closed but should a release oc
  • through this pathway an open MSR position can be indicated by using this RAC/ RASE personnel, Release Duration - 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> is the default relea
  • NRC Damage Class - The COLA automatically determines the Damage C <

it, RAC/ RASE personnel can edit the Damage Class.the

  • Met Data -If the COLA is retrieving inaccurate Met Data from the Met T screen can be used to input the correct information.




J The COLA, after retrieving all of this information, c 4 to 6 minutes and displays the associated screens on,alculates a new dos that is not updated within the 4 to 6 minute run is the Met Dthe LAN. Th the Host Computer and displayed following screens: .

on the etwork is retrieved by LAN T i ose projection includes the '

  • ED/ESD Screen. I
  • RAC Screen
  • Individual pathway Data
  • Parameter Edit Screen
  • Sample Edit Screen The Host Computer then uses the source term from the dose aEkaap i

MIDAS Plume Plot every 15 minutes. The on toMIDAS produce a new program prod i*

j plot and a Thyroid Plot. These plots are produced es a Beta / Gammain three differe q i i

view,2.5 dose projection. mile view, and 6 mile view. The primary purpose of MI p sizes, island s to verify the The MIDAS program then produces the projected Reuter Stokes v minutes. These projected Reuter Stokes a ues values again every 15can be compare .

Stokes values as another confirmation of the dose ual Reuterprojection Hi i lm') MIDAS Reuter Stokes uses the projected same source term ass the values.

s possible since COLA dose projection '

/ en produces the ,

0 4

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2D MIDAS Plume Plot Edit (EACC Only)




i This is the main menu for the Emergency Information Network. Each selectioni discussed in detail in the subsequent pages.


O t 8

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ED/ESD Scre5n (1 A)


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8 NRC CLASS (1 10): 1 h ,



1. The ED/ESD Screen provides the Radiological Emerge 2.declared.

Prompts a Protective Action Recommendation n as s procedure. -

If a Site Area Emergency is declared eneral Emergency is {

personnel to review the PAR Logic Diagram. , the message will prompt RAC 1

3. Most Limiting Dose provides oy ose (TEDE)or e

the highest i ost Limiting

, and shows the downwind location of the highest d s release pathways

, i

4. Displays TMI's 10 release pathways ia % oflimiting d highest % dose will be highlighted on the screen.

ose. The pathway with the S.Stabilit Provides Met Data: Wind Speed, Wind m, e ta T, Direction and (degrees fr 1 I

Tower.y Class (A to G). This information is updated every 15 The Met Data is also the average of all ofmiautes the readings taken o from the Met Tower. If the Met Tower stops transmitting to the L Data will display on this screen and will be used by the COLA Edi

, nace';. rate Met Data is then required and will be discussed .

t ngin the of the Met" Parameter Edits"

6. Provides Release Duration default (8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br />). screen This section. parameter c an be edited and will Guidelines (PAGs) are based on the integrate c on conservative release duration would causeary atherefore a conservative dose proj

\O) m on.



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l O C/

7. NRC Damage Class is calculated automatically by the COLA using PPM data that uses the average of the 5 highest incore detectors. If the calculated NRC Damage Class is not accurate based on plant conditions ( i.e: mechanical fuel damage would not affect the incore detectors) editing can be performed . This will also be discussed in the " Parameter Edits" section.

l RAC Screen (1B)



_. TIME: 07:23:18 DATE: 01 131998 CALCULATION #: 1




600M 1.0E 01 6.5E-03' l


The RAC Screen lists the " Total Dose from All 10 Pathways. 'Ilis screen displays the Committed Dose Equivalent CDE (Child Thyroid) and Total Effective Dose Equivalent ,

TEDE in ranges from 400 meters out to 10 miles. If RAC personnel suspect that l

significant doses are present outside of 10 miles, then the Manual RAC Code must be used since it can calculate doses beyond 10 miles. The downwind location with the most limiting dose is highlighted on the screen.

l 1

O 10 1


Parameter Edits Screen (1C) i SELECTPARAMETER EDITS Minimum: 0 Default: 0 Maximum: 1




WIND SPEED 4 (2-99 MPH) 0 (1 IS ACTIVE) . 3 WIND DIRECTION 210 (0 360 DEG) 0 (I IS ACTIVE)


-1.1 ( 10 TO +10 DEG) () IS ACTIVE)

Fl:Next F2: Prev l Alt F10: Abon F10.Done I

1. MSP Pelease- This option allows RAC personnel to indicate to the COLA whether a Main Steam Relief Valve is open. A "1" entered in the parameter value indicates that a valve is open and a "0" indicates a closed position. The COLA will then l ,

calculate the flow rate based on the main steam pressure obtained from the PPM.

This option is only accurate if ONE MSRV is open. In the unlikely event that more -

l than one valve is stuck open the Manual RAC Code must then be used. The Manual Code allows inputs for the position of all of the MSRVs and ADVs. Also the COLA always uses RMG-26 or RMG -27. If this RMS monitor is isolated, which occurs when MSV 2A or 2B are closed, then the Manual Code (Contingency Calculation)

! must be used. An operator must be sent up to the Intermediate Building roof to visually check the valve to verify whether a MSRV is really open. This requirement is incorporated into plant procedures. ,

2. Release Duration - This edit option is probably the one most often changed by the -

RAC. Eight hours is the default release duration used by the COLA. Anytime you want to enter another release duration other than 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> simply select a number from 1-99 and enter it in the Parameter Value. Since this option has a direct effect on the integrated dose released from TMI, the number used must always come only from the Emergency Director. If you suspect the ED is giving you a conservative value for release duration question him on it..

i O-11



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V 3. NRC Damage Class - This very important parameter is calculated by th using the average temperatu e of the 5 highest-incore detectors. However i don't think this calculation is accurate, the parameter can be edited by sel through 10 and entering it as the Parameter Value. One example of the need to  !

edit would occur if the core suffered mechanical damage unrelated to tempel '

and pressure. A Damage Class of 2,3, or 4 would then be entered as the Parameter Value.

Keep in mind that once core damage occurs it can never be repaired. The COLAI calculated damage class may decrease based on the cooling of the core but the -

previously option. higher Damage Class must continue to be used by using the editi The purpose of the NRC Damage Class is to determine what percentage each o the 10 noble' gas and 5 iodine isotopes contribute to the total RCS activity.

total RCS activity is not important since the activity leaving the plant is being directly measured by an RMS monitor for all COLA calculations. If the COLA uses damage class 1, then the current RCS activity that was entered on the LAN i or the edited RCS Activity will be used. If Damage Class 2 though 10 is either calculated by COLA orinanually edited, then the RCS activities listed in the EDCM for each Damage Class will be used in the calculation of the source term.

Alto the noble gas and iodine Spiking factors are only used when the Damag

/ t Class is 1. Damage Class 1 with a spike is considered to be Damage Class l A.

(/ ,

Also the Damage Class d can etermine how much offsite CDE Child Thyroid Dose !

i will occur as compared to the offsite TEDE Whole Body Dose. i.e. if the Dam l Class is I though 4 the NG to iodine ratio is approximatelyWhen5 to the 1  !

Damage Class increases to 5 though 10 the NG to iodine ratio changes dra to 0.63. Therefore a increase to Damage Class 5 or above will cause a significant increase in the Child Thyroid Dose as compared to the TEDE Whole Body Do '

4. Wind Speed - Enter 1 - 99 as the Parameter Value Wind Direction - Enter 0 - 360 as the parameter value Delta Temp - Enter + 10 as the parameter value l Bear in mind that the COLA will retrieve Met Data from the Met Tower the data is accurate or not. This could occur if the Met Tower goes out of service (0's would be displayed by the COLA). This also would render the weather charts in the Control Room inaccurate. If this occur contact the EACC for correct Met Data to input in the Parameter Edits.

Another problem might be that the met tower is operational, but has stopped communicating with the host computer. In this case the host computer will ,

continue to use the last met data it received from the tower. The user shouldI alert to the fact that met data that does not change at all over the course of 30 to (3

\ I J

12 J

gO, 45 minutes may indicate that the communi.[ation has broken down. Con instrumentation should be checked to verify that the met data is accurate.

Active or inactive Parameter Edits - Placing a "1"in the Parameter Edit box will cause the entered Parameter Value to be used by the COLA or to be a Therefore a "0" would cause the value to be inactive. Remem value is made active,it stays that way until the inactive option is chosen.

After all of the editing of the Parameter Edits screen is completed and the


selections made active, hit the F10 key to close out the screen _


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m 1

I A i m


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Ou Sample Typ6S (1D) i








F1:Next F2: Prev  !

Alt F10: Abon F10;Done '


( -

The first 10 selections are TMI's 10 release pathways. Isotopic results from in-plant samples such as CATPASS, or RMA 5, RMA-8, RMA-9 sample panels can also be entered into these screens. MAP-5 samples cannot be input into the COLA, as there are no noble gas results. MAP-5 sample calculations must be performed using the manual .

codes. These samples provide a more refmed dose projection than ones calculated from RMS data since they provide a GELI analysis of each isotope. The concentration obtained from these samples is combined with the release rate to calculate the source term leaving the plant. It is recommende' d that in-plant samples be obtained as practicable and entered into the sample edit screen.

1. Condenser Offgas Pathway - accepts RMA-5 sample panel marinelli \

beaker / iodine pre-filter sample results. )


2. Reactor results.

Building Design Basis Leakage Pathway- Accepts CATPASS sample '

3. Emergency Feed Pump Exhaust Pathway-Sample Edit Screen inactive at this time. j
4. Alpha OTSG ADV Pathway - Sample Edit Screen inactive at this time.
5. Bravo OTSG ADV Pathway - Sample Edit Screen inactive at this time.  !


6. Alpha OTSG MSR Pathway - Sample Edit Screen inactive at this time.
7. Bravo OTSG MSR Pathway - Sample Edit Screen inactive at this time.
8. Station Ventilation Pathway - accepts RMA-8 sample panel marinelli )

beaker / iodine pre-filter sample results.


O V 9. beaker Reactor Building Purge Pathway - accepts RMA-9 sample panel marin

/ iodine pre-filter sample results. '

10. ESF Ventilation Pathway - Accepts iodine and noble gas sample resul The 10 pathway sample edit screens, once sample results are enter active in order to be used by the COLA.

I1. Reacto' r Coolant Baseline Activity- This is where RCS sample res for 'use by the COLA. Rad Engineering updates the default RCS activ '

COLA dose projection if the NRC Damage Class Damage Class 2 through 10, the COLA will use the RCS activities liste EDCM. Since the RCS activities listed in the EDCM ar justified to request a Post Accident RCS Sample and input the"{ ' re Edit screen. You would then have to edit the Damage Class to 1 in orde results to be used by the COLA. One major difference between this scre 10 pathway screens are the resu'ts are always active.

12. Reactor Coolant Spiking Factors - Normally the spiking factors, which a determined by the Nuclear Engineering Group, are entered onto the L be edited using this screen. Remember that spikinEng

( .

Damage Class is 1 AND the plant is at 0% power.g factors are only used when th this screen and the 10 pathway screens is the results are always active To use this screen, select the release pathway and hit the F10 key to re isotopic input screen. Also you can select either the RCS activity or s screen and then hit the F10 key for these inputs. Remember that the RC and spiking factors screens are always active and used by the COLA, the results in these two screens must always be accurate and up to date. If Post Accident RCS results are being used, ensure the spiking factors on this sc to 1, or the code will erroneously spike the sample results. l l

l 15

(n) v Effluent Sample' Screen Entry MUST be Y or N RADIONUCLIDE CONCENTRATIONS IN UCl/CC NOBLE GAS ISOTOPES RADIOlODINE ISOTOPES KR_85M 0.00E+00 I_131 0.00E+03 KR_85 0.00E+00 l_132 0.00E+00 KR_87 0.00E+00 I_133 0.00E+00 KR_88 0.00E40 l_134 0.00E+00 XE_131M 0.00E+00 l_135 0.00E+00 XE_133M 0.00E+00 XE_133 0.00E+00 XE_135M 0.00E+00 XE_135 0.00E+00 XE_138 0.00E+00 -

Make Active (Y/N) N Enter values for only those nuclides designed to be collected by the analysis l If these values are <MDA then enter the MDA value, not a zero Enter a zero value for nuclides not designed to be collected by the analysis I Fl:Next F2: Prev

. Alt F10: Abort F10:Done l

- The bottom statement on this screen may need some clarification. i.e. MAP-5 kample results only include the 5 iodine isotopes but not the 10 noble gas isotopes. As a result.

the COL A will not calculate a noble cas source term from a MAP-5 samolel can only use pre-filter mannelli sample results or CATPASS results, where both noble gases and iodines are analyzed, to calculate the TEDE dose properly. If the MAP-5 sample is input into the COLA, the COLA will calculate the correct thyroid dose. '

To enter sample results first select the release pathway and hit the F10 key. Enter the isotopic sample results for each isotope. When all 15 isotopic results are entered hit the '

F10 key and select "Y" to make the screen active. Hit the F10 key again to close out the screen.




  • 16

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.s ve : IMI-t.Mt.H. PLAN  ; ' Maias a. I


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t 3 7 2.OE GS 2.41 95 4.WE 96 f ,$ t, 4 e

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l MIDAS Ph me Plots (2A) l l

MIDAS Screen - The primary purpose o. ,he MIDAS Screen is compare field team ~

readings and to indicate the plume locatio. .n oider to send out field monitoring teams.

If the field monitoring team results match ) with this screen, then the accuracy of the i

dose projection is confirmed. The Group :ader R&EC is in charge of the dose  ;

assessment process and will determine wr : h dose projection / field team ratio is  !

acceptable to confirm the dose projection d possible PAR.

1 Both the dose projection model and the M >AS Program use the same source term and should be in reasonable agreement if the t 'LA calculations are correct. The COLA dose projection source term is automatica. . used by MIDAS, however if the Manual Code is used by RAC personnel, the sourc term results must be provided to the EACC in order to be added to MIDAS.

The MIDAS Program provides a snapshot lat takes into account residual airbome radiation for a 2 hour2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> block of time. It ust 8,15 minute sets of Met Data and is updated with a new set of data every 15 minutes. new MIDAS Plume Plot snapshot is also updated every 15 minutes with the oldest ,et Data set being eliminated and the new set of data added. As you can see MIDAS us- a different dispersion model than the RAC dose projection program which projects t:- . highest dose for the current time. This is i

{l7 I

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. iia- IMI-EMER.. PLAN - MrMu t.


'tHIOD' F11LD MONI1OH 164 Y NOI D DJ RATE MO DE'L :A CCtjMil LA T D~ PLIAMP S F (.MNT 2 WW 440tl R I Ni t (.HAl l. h g g y C14MRFM1 11MI: 99W114169W i e t.- 1.. L_ t_ His N TIMt: 98Wia43556 Mti: 1HOM S(.FNAHIO 1W

i. (uH M E' T . NN. 4 MPH, HD 't .16 , S T lt a iND DalI or i5 M E Mill & HAYF

," yyn 9 C OMFill A Y I ON t 9 H W R 141 (,W5l ,

) 'j (%IANI Hi l.f A N F : 9uW11434WH

, AND HE LS A% E . . 9 HW 114 5 6 Wet 1 -l } ,

$ HD1.1ASE-. I NOT OPI < HfLEAsf


  • t HAYIN FHOM $( FNAHEO t es

. ,,3  ;, Ctj H HI t, HAI&(C1/%E( ) . t .31 W, g

g ITOTAL ( I. NG: 1.6E WI.I: 1 25 WP P.W.95+WW

']H I

P( T UAllb DATA. Mil.1MW ltA I) . 19W


4.4E Wt

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(MH/HH> (< PM) ( ( 3*M )

., n / We W.e < 4r Wa 4.W. Mi - -

A 7 W6 Ws H 45 Wf 3 4F W.s '

t i / We Wf / 41 Wt 4 M6 W4

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4 ) 7 99 94 H.4h W4 1 45 W4 *

i. 's 2 W1. W4 2.4E W4 4 GP W,

,,g 4( '7$ W, b, g ,' t,


, ,7.WE tt . 4 t W) S.4k W, M n .,

/.9E WD 2.4E US 4 WI W6 -

l I 7 Is H 7 WI W6 8 47 Wa 3 4E ud.

l \i l Y e. 6 c; d

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/ HE 7.WE M6 W7 W.46 We, 4.Wt M7 8.4E M7 1.41 W7 ~

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7 WF WH H 45 WH 1.4E WH

/ WE WH 2 45 WH 4 W) W9

,- a 'e 14 ,, 7 Wk W9 N 4& M9 1 4E 49 9

'40 g f / '( . ', 1 "> 2.WE W9 Z 4f M9 4. WI IW N

MnrV 5 Fk.F( 1 -

10 , , u. ,N,, Hq r > > a . uHi % -H.A MIDAS Pl. ne Plots (2A)

MIDAS Screen - The primary purpose o. I e h MIDAS Screen is compare field team


readings and to indicate the plume locatio: .n order to send out field monitoring teams.

If the field monitoring team results match ) with this screen, then the accuracy of the dose projection is confirmed. The Group :ader R&EC is in charge of the dose assessment process and will determine wr. : h dose projection / field team ratio is j acceptable to confirm the dose projection d possible PAR.  ;

Both the dose projection model and the M )A.S Pro;;.am use the same source term and should be in reasonable agreement if the t 'LA calculations are correct. The COLA 1 dose projection source term is automatica. used by MIDAS, however if the Manual l Code is used by RAC personnel, the sourc term results must be provided to the EACC in order to be added to MIDAS.

The MIDAS Program provides a snapshot tat takes into account residual airbome radiation for a 2 hour2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> block of time. It ust 8,15 minute sets of Met Data and is updated with a new set of data every 15 minutes. new MIDAS Plume Plot snapshot is also updated every 15 minutes with the oldest , et Data set being eliminated and the new set of data added. As you can see MIDAS us; a different dispersion model than the RAC dose projection program, which projects t! ' highest dose for the current time. This is I

(17 l

l h

i why the COLA or Manual dose projection and not MIDAS is used for comparison to the PAGs and possible PAR. A PAR only looks at what the predicted integrated dose is for the future time of the release duration, not what has been released in the past. MIDAS includes past radioactivity in the atmosphere in its plume plots.

l Because the dose projection model and MIDAS use the same source term but different dispersion models (15 minutes vs. 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />), their results will most likely not match up.

Since both programs use the same source term,if the field monitoring team results match up with. MIDAS the dose projection is confirmed. If the results are unacceptable an l investigation among dose assessment personnel is prudent. Here are some potential _

l problems:

  • Did the Field Team really find plume centerline -


  • Is there an unusual release pathway that is no: indicated on the COLA l
  • Is the COLA using inaccurate information such as Met Data, RMS, flow rates _


  • Are RMG 26 or RMG 27 results being incorrectly used by the COLA. .
  • Is the Manual Code in use with more than one release pathway occurring from TMI.

Another difference between the dose projection and MIDAS is that MIDAS uses precipitation (wet deposition) in its calculation unlike the RAC Code models.

Midas normally uses the same source term and met data as the COLA dose projection program. MIDAS automatically retrieves these parameters when the COLA is valid.

However if the Manual Dose " ojection model is used the source term and met data are ~

not automatically added to MIDAS by the Host Computer. EACC personnel must then

! use the " Stand Alone MIDAS" program to add met data and source term data. RAC l

personnel must then provide the source term results from the manual dose projection to .

the EACC. EACC personnel can get the met data inputs from the LAN that need to be added to MIDAS. If LAN is down, a Meteorologist or the National Weather Service can be contacted. Also if the manual dose projection prograrn is being used and the release is a Buoyant Plume Rise the release height found on the downwind dose results must be l

faxed to the EACC. This is only for releases via a MSRV or ADV MIDAS produces the following plots:

  • Beta + Gamma Plot - Readings = Beta + Gamma - mR/hr .

Open Window - mR/hr Frisker - cpm

  • Child Thyroid Plot - Readings = Thyroid Rate - mR/hr Cartridge - cpm Filter - cpm Note that the cartridge and filter count rates are based on a standard 300 liter air sample.


O Air sempie ceiceietiee <2s; E

Offsite Iodine Air Sample Analysis Location ===== = =inputs Date == =======> ENEl 1 Time -

-> 2/3/98  ;

1100 Inputs Background (cpm) - {


Sample Run (min)-

>> 50 29 Gross Cartridge (cpm)-> >

Gross Paniculate (cpm) =>

11 300 ] i 50 Outputs ENTER TO QUIT Concentration (uCi/cc) 1.6E-07 u Thyroid Dose Rate (mrem /hr) 65 The Air Sample Calculation Screen is used t J I results in net epm to thyroid dose rate He and o convertiodine r particulate abovi scre'en are transmitted thyroid dose rate is multiplied by the from the onsite/off iesults displayed in ' t i I

release duration in hours to provide thes te fie integrated thyroid Plots to confirm the dose projection dose. The thyroid dose is the To use this screen:

  • Select the 2C option from the EIN \
  • Once the screen inputs
  • This willput you back on the EIN er" key. are complete hit th "* E  ;

e enter"keyagain the Air Sample Calculation Screen for f t, print a copyof the results and cl u ure use.



t r

OffSite Field Monitoring Team Data (2B)

N Date:

Field Distance Monitoring Measurements dose Time Team Miles Whole Body l Thyroid projection Location mR/hr l mrem /hr agreement?

Offsite Field Monitoring Team Data - This screen is used to add th _

e results from the offsite team results usually add this data to th .

personnel for the (m screen when the RAC computer is available. The information can also use the on this sc manually added. It is not automatically retrieved. To add infonnation reen must be Emergency Information Network Main Menu perform the follow m the

  • At the Y: prompt type in fielddat. bat and press enter


  • After entering the DOS screen, use the arrow keys to the information required for this screen:

maneuverTime around to es gnation, Field add Team D i Body Dose mR/hr, Thyroid Dose , oe ent mR/hr, a After the entering the appropriate infonnation select File select Sav screen. ,

e, and select Exit to leave 9


1 p

L .-

Reuter Stokes Data and MIDAS Calculation Compari _


MIDDLETOWN 01-08 08:09 01 08 10:56 0.0083 0.0000 NOR*lTI GATE TMI 0.0058 NOT AFFECTED 0.0000 -


0.0077 NOT AFFECTED ~-


-~ FALMOUTH SUB 0.0069 0.0000 NOT AFFECTED -



. Reuter Stokes Fleid Data and MIDAS Calculation Comparison - The

  • sectors surrounding TMI. These readings are upd .-

exceeds 0.08 mR/hr (80 pR/hr) which increases the updates to every 15 min The primary purpose of this screen is to quickly obtain onsite/offsite do verify the dose projection. The_ system is set up to compare gs the actua to the MIDAS projected monitor readings when any monitor exceeds 0 020 ,

mR/hr(20 R/hr).

should The third column on this screen, " CONFIRMATION"is be ignored. not opera i

J 21

l ii


(3 t j

' \

v '

Individual Pathway Data - Sour e Term / Input D


ata/ Dose Data (4)











Building Design Basis Leakage. ,

Select e pathway, such as the Reactor D2 forTo re term. P1 returns to the EmergencyInformati pathways from TMI-1. or 3se,12 for inputs, and S2 for sourc e tenu. Listed are the 10 release ,



l l

l l

.Q,e) l l


/ '\

d Individual Release Pathway D.6ge Screen (D {1-10})



TOTAL EFFECTIVE DOSE EQ(MREM) 400M 6.2E-06 1.7E 06 600M 4.0E-06 1.1E-06 1 MILE 1.3 E-06 3.4E 07 2 MILE 5.0E 07 1.3E-07 5 MILE 1.2E 07 2.8E-08 10 MILE 5.2E-08 1.lE-08




Individual Release Pathway Dose Screen - Lists the downwind doses from 400 met out to 10 miles for the individual pathway selected. Whole Body (TEDE) and Child highlighted.(CDE) integrated doses are listed with the highest downwind dose location Thyroid 1

l 1

1 i

O 23 9



! pd Pathway Specific PPM Data (I{1-10})



! RB SPRAY L2827 (0 ON,1 OFF) 1.0E+00 RB PRESS (PSIG) 1.1E-01 RMA2 GAS (CPM) 6.1242 l

RMA2 IOD(CPM) 1.3E42

! RMG22 (R/HR) 9.8E-01 i RMG23 (R/HR) -

DE-Ol CURSOR LEFT(BACKWARD) CURSOR OMERJGHT(FORWARD) (EXIT) as Pathway Specific PPM Data - The screen displayed a age for the Design shows the inputs or PPM Data that was used by the COLA to ca pathway source term. Remember the COLA calculates each of


y along with the RB Pressure, are used as PP ,

a so displays the closed position of the RB Spray system that can be u .

ns, when conditions Reactor wanant Building after a LOCA. it, to reduce the airborne atmospheric e concentr l

4 I


O 4 ,.g.



i Isotopic Release Rates (S{1-10}) '




NOBLE GAS NUCLIDES 1 RADIOlODINE NUCLIDES KR85M 9.1E-02 KR85 1131 1.4E-02 5,8 E-08 KR87 1132 1.2E-01 2.9E-01 KR88 - 1133 2.01E-01 3.2E-01 -

1134 XEl31M 5.8E-08 6.5E-01 l XE133M 1135 3.8E-01 }

5.8E-08 XE133 1.2E-01 l XE135M 2.lE 01 TOTAL RI = 1.4E=01 -

i XE135 9.9E 01

_ XE138 5.8E-08 TOTAL NG = 2.0E+00 1


CURSOR LEFT(BACKWARD) CURSOR RIOHT(FORWARD) (EXIT) A Isotopic Release Rates - This screen shows the individual sourc '

Basis Leakage release pathway. The results are listed for the 10 nob isotopes used in the dose projection process. Alsonoble listedgas e

are the totals for 1

can verify our dose projections using their own dose) 1 d

l 1

l i



1 25

1 I

i f O I O  !

i Effluent RMS (5)


TIME: 07:55:39 DATE: 01 16-1998 CALCULATION #: 1 {

i i


RM 25 1.9E+01 NORMAL CPM -




RM-A9(1)! d%g 3.9E+01 NORMAL CPM E' 4.6E+01 ~ NORMAL CPM \ MIN i RM A9(G)HIGH 2.4E+01 NORMAL j

_. RM-G24 CPM


! fg {

% .)


4 - 6 miriutes. The screen displays the associate  !.

pathway. This screen can be very useful to help validate the release Il!

evaluation of the COLA dose projection. It also can be helpful to trend RM these screens are saved once any Radiological EALesisa reached This scI

" quick look" to see if any other release pathway RMS are increasing which possibly affect the dose projection.


Normal RMS reading e gray background


Alert RMS reading = green background


High alarm reading =' red background


Offscale reading = black background 1

l l

l 1

I l

26 ti i i

- l

9 l


Area Gamma and Liquid'RMS Screen (6)


l TIME: 10:55:50 DATE: 01 16-1998 CALCULATION #: 1

RMG22/23=R/HR : LIQUID RMS RX BUILDING RM-G22 9.8E-01 NORMAL l RMG 23 9.7E 01. NORMAL RM-G6 2.8E+02 NORMAL RM-G7 5.2E+01 NORMAL RM-05 5.5E-01 NORMAL i

AUX BUILDING RMG 10 6.0E-02 NORMAL RMG-112.6E-01 NORMAL RMG 12 8.0E 02 NORMAL RMG 13 9.0E-02 NORMAL RMG 14 8.0E-02 NORMAL )

  • RMG-15 9.0E-02 NORMAL f


RMG-9 1.3E+00 NORMAL {



The Area Gamma and Liquid RMS Screen displays the associated area monitors by building along with selected liquid monitors. This screen is a i for evaluating in plant dose rates prior to sending personnel reentry t; Area gamma conditions. monitor readings are useful to verify improving or degrading pla ls 27

O Emergency Action Leyel Screen (7)



The Emergency Action Level Screen provides the basis for the Radiological E* Emer Action level based on the last dose projection. It lists the criteria for the classification (EAL Number) as outlined in EPIP.TMI.01 Emergency Classification and Basis.

k .

e 6

4 O

i \


V d

Quick Code (8) ,

Minimum: 1 Default: None Maximum: 9 Input Data Release via Condenser Offgas

1. RMAS LOW OR RMA15 2.RMAS HIGH 3. RMG25 Release via ADV or MSR -
4. RMG26 OR RMG27 Release via Reactor Building Purge
5. RMA9 LOW 6. RMA9 HIGH 7.RMG24 -

Release via Station Ventilation

-- ~.

8. RMA8 LOW 9. RMA8 HIGH Enter Radiation Monitor Selection (1 thru 9) _

Enter the Monitor Reading (1 thru 10 million)

Enter the Wind Speed in MPH (1 thru 100) p Enter the Wind Direciion in Degrees From (1 thru 360)

Enter the Delta Temperature in Degrees F (.9 to 10)

Fl:Next F2: Prev Alt F10: Abort F10:Done .

The Quick Code was designed with the on shift GRCS in mind. In the first hour of an event if the COLA goes out of service the GRCS has two options to produce a dose projection, the Manual RAC Code or the Quick Code. It takes time to gather all of the

  • inputs for the Manual RAC Code and the luxury of time may not be available. As you can see above, the Quick Code inputs are all on one screen and consist of the RMS monitor and reading associated with the release pathway and met data. Default flow rates for each pathway are used in the Quick Code. As with the Manual RAC Code the Quick Code can only handle one release pathway. Also this code produces very consen ative results during core damage situations as it uses a 501 iodine to noble gas ratio.

O 9 29

n U Manual RAC Code (9).

The Manual RAC Code is an option on the Emergency Information Network that will produce a dose projection based on user input, rather than data from the plant computer. The Manual RAC Code can be used foi some of the following reasons:

  • To produce a dose projection if data being retrieved by the COLA is considered inaccurate (i.e. a bad RMG-25 reading or met data).
  • To perform a "What If" dose projection .
  • Having a release through the MSRV's with MSV 2A/2B in the closed position -

since the COLA automatically uses RMD 26/27.

  • Multiple MSRV's are stuck open at the same time.
  • RB Design Basis Leakage release with RMG 22/23 out of service. -
  • To compare or validate the dose projection for any other reason.
  • To estimate offsite doses beyond 10 miles.

Results from the Manual Code are not displayed on the LAN therefore they must be faxed to the EACC. Also if the Manual RAC Code is used, the source term results must be faxed to the EACC so they can be entered into the MIDAS program. If the COLA is


l inaccurate then the MIDAS results produced from the COLA source term is inaccurate.

The Manual Code source term results must be entered into MIDAS in this addition, if the COLA is inaccurate then the Group Leader RE&C, the EAC, and the state BRP representative must be notified that the COLA displays are not accurate.

One disadvantage of the Manual Code is that it can handle only one release pathw a time. If two release pathways are significant, each one must be nm separate and the results added together.

O e

p I 1

.\ d 30 .


l m____ _ . . - - - . . .


If the LAN GOES OUT OF SERVICE the RAC c6mputer will auto the following menu: -



O l

l 1

l l

l O


O-V Instructions for Rebooting the COLA There are times when transients in the LAN system occur that cause the host computer performing the dose projections to lock t:p. As a result, the host computer quits performing dose projections and the last dose projection on the EIN will be more than 10

- 15 minutes old. When the COLA is locked up,it needs to be rebooted. A remote COLA reboot device has been installed to do this. The following steps can be used to reboot the COLA from any site phone. Reboot can also be accomplished from an off-site phone simply by dialing "948" before the extension. .

If the automated dose projection system host computer (COLA host) is " locked up",

reboot it as follows:

Dial the COLA computer's reboot device at extension 8297.

The call will connect and an electronic voice will state "please enter your access code,". Wait until the message is complete then enter "1979". ~

The reboot electronic voice wQ then state " power is on" or " power is off' (normally " power is on")"

To reboot the COLA:

Press "2" (the electronic voice will state " power is off').


Press "1" (the electronic voice will state " power is on").

Hang up the phone. The host computer will begin rebooting immediately.

Go to the Y:\EPRAC directory and type reset, then press enter.

l The process may take up to 15 minutes before new dose projections appear.

V 32 JI

r L A V

i Basic RAC Clieckoff


. 1. Determine Release Pathways with Emergency Director.

2. Predominate Print Decision Support Screen (I A), RAC Screen Pathway. (4 then 11-10) on (IB), and Input Sc I
3. Print Source Term Screen of Predominate Pathway oe (4 then gas to iodine ratio. (Normally a 50:1 or greater ratio.) -
4. Validate inputs into the RAC Code Check that RMSisfunctionaland perational. - -
5. Review Field Team Data. (Reuter Stokes .

emember, monitors data should be checkedagainst MIDAS MIDA as n

environmentallodine plateout orprecipitation. MIDAS n can estimatep depletion oftheplume upon request. The RACe Code is consid team data is within a tenth but notgreater than MIDAS

6. determination, Use the TSC to verify inputs. (i.e., condition ofcharcoalpltratio leak rates inplant systems, etc.) ,


(' '

7. If the COLA is not providing accurate dose projections, for whateve

, ensure

. that the COLA screens are no,t vedisplaying .

understand accura O

l 33 s

O 1eaicetiees er w ecaemicsi reei n em ese For Thermal Hydraulic damage use RAC Code. For Mechanical Damage a backup to the RAC code here are 2 tables for consideration:

LOCA with Leakrate and Isotopic Concentrations' in Equilibrium NRC Damage Class RCS Activity (uCi/ml) 2-4 4500-45,000 RMG 22/23 (R/br) 5-7 6000 - 45,000 '

5.6E5 - 5.2E6 >45,000 -

LOCA Has NOT Occurred NRC Damage Class RCS Activity (uCi/ml) 2-4 5-7 4500-45,000 5.6E5 - 5.2E6 RMG 22/23 (R/hr) 1.5 -20

>20 l-Reference RAF 6612-89-002





, t \



l a

4 9 l

l j

l O l 34

x )

EDCM CalculatiOh Guides Condenser Offgas Releases Calculation Type When to Use COLA Using RMS Page

, COG RMS and flowrate instrumentation available on PPM COLA Using Samples 39 Representative RM A-5 pre filter /marinelli results available with flow rate available on PPM Manual Code Using RMS 42 COLA RMS calculation not available due to PPM or LAN problems Manual Code Using Samples 44 Representative COG pre-filter /marinelli g 5

results available with flow rate unavailable 3

Manual Code Contingency Calculation on PPM. Use this cale for MAP-5 samples.

Use when RMS is not available. Should be 47 j '

used for performing "What If" calculations 49 Quick Code Used by on shift RAC in first hour if COLA is not available 52 Reactor Building Design Basis Leakage 7

('- ) Calculation Type When to Use Page COLA Using RMS

- RMG-22/23 and RB pressure available on PPM COLA Using Samples 54 Representative CATPA5S results available with RB pressure available on PPM Manual Code Using RMS 57 COLA RMS calculation not available due to PPM or LAN problems orif using RMA-2 monitor results Manual Code Using Samples 59 Representative CATPASS results available with RB pressure unavailable on PPM ,,.

Manual Code Contingency 61 Calculation Use when RMS is not available. Should be used for performing "What If calculations 63 Quick Code Not available for this pathway 66

,n t f 35

I p.m.\ 5 (Y Emergency Feed Pump Exhaust (Also used br Mairt Steam Line Breaks)



j j

Calculation Type l When to : Le COLA Using RMS Page ~

RMG 26 ' and emergency feedwater flo w )

rate avail :le on PPM 67 COLA Using Samples Not avaih. de for this pathway 70 Manual Code Using RMS RMG-26/. , or emergency feedwater flow not availat e due to PPM or LAN problems {

Manual Code Using Samples 71 l Not availn :e for this pathway Manual Code Contingency 74 Use when MS or feedwater flowis not Calculation available. se to perform "What If" calculatio: This calculation should be {

75 '

used for a inin steam line bresk.

Quick Code Not availa: : for this pathway 78 Atmospheric Dump Valve Release (MS-V-4 .

or MS-V-4B)

Calculation Type When to L l COLA Using RMS Page RMG-26/2' and main steam pressure available o: ?PM COLA Using Samples 79 Not availar for this pathway Manual Code Using RMS 82

( RMG 26/2' 3r main steam pressure not (3 / Manual Code Using Samples Manual Code Contingency available d.. to PPM or LAN problems Not availat . for this pathway 83 86 l


Use when 1. 1S or main steam pr:ssure is Calculation not availab: .:Use to perform "What If" cales 87

  • Quick Code Used by on-is not avail; e lift RAC in first hour if COLA ,

90 .

Main Steam Relief Valves ('A' or 'B' side) i Calculation Type When to U>

COLA Using RMS Page ,

1 RMG-26/27 uid main steam pressure ' ,

available on 'PM and MS-V-2 is open 92 COLA Using Samples Not availab 'or this pathway l Manual Code Using RMS 95 RMG-26/27 ^ main steam pressure not available du, a PPM or LAN problems and MS-V-2 is c . n 96 Manual Code Using Samples Not availabh ior this pathway 99 Manual Code Contingency Use when R.' i or main steam pressure is Calculation not available . r ifMS-V-2 is closed. Should f

be used for r orming "What If" calculations Quick Code 100 Used by on-s

,- ft RAC in first hour if COLA (m) is not availa'r __

103 U

36 l

Station Ventilation Calculation Type When to Use -

Page COLA Using RMS Station Vent RMS and ventilation flow rate _

are available on PPM >

105 COLA Using Samples Representative RM-A 8 pre-filter /marinelli results available with flow rate available on PPM 108 Manual Code Using RMS Station Vent RMS or ventilation flow rate not available due to PPM or LAN problems 110 -

Manual Code Using Samples Representative RM-A-8 pre-filter /marinelli .

results available with flow rate not available on PPM. Use this for MAP 'S samples 113 -


Manual Code Contingency Use when EMS or Station Vent flow rate is -

Calculation not available. Should be used for performing "What If" calculations 115 Quick Code Used by on-shift RAC in first hour if COLA ' &.

is not available 116 Reactor Building Purge Exhaust gs Calculation Type When to Use Page

( ) COLA Using RMS RB Purge RMS and ventilation flow rate are U available on PPM 118

. COLA Using Samples Representative RM-A-9 pre filter /marinelli results available with flow rate available on ~

l PPM 121 Manual Code Using RMS RB Purge RMS or ventilation flow rate not -

available due to PPM or LAN problems 123 Manual Code Using Samples Representative RM-A-9 pre filter /marinelli results available with flow rate not available on PPM. Use this for MAP-5 samples 126 Manual Code Contingency Use when RMS or RB Purge flow rate is not ,

Calculation available. Should be used for performing "What If" calculations 128 Quick Code -

Used by on-shift RAC in first hour if COLA is not available 131 37


1 l

o i

ESF Fuel Handling Building .-

1 Calculation Type When to Use COLA Using RMS Page RM-A-14 and FHB vent flow rate are available on PPM  !

133 COLA Using, Samples Representative RM-A-14 pre-filter /marinelli results available with FHB flow rate on PPM 135 Manual Code Using RMS RM-A-14 or FHB flow rate not available due to PPM or LAN problems 137 -


Manual Code Using Samples

- Representative RM-A-14 pre-filter /marinelli l results available with FHB flow rate not -

l t

available on PPM. Use this for iodine  !

cartridge samples 139 Manual Code Contingency Use " ben RM-A-14 is not available. ~-

Calculation Quick Code 141 Not available for this pathway 143 Other Manual Calculations Available Calculation Type When to Use Page Manual Code RB Fuel Fuel handling accident in the Reactor l (7/

N Handling Accident Using RMS Building with RMS available 144 Manual Code RB Fuel Fuel handling accident in the Reactor ,

Handling Accident Using Building with sample results available {

Samples  !

146  :

Manual Code RB Fuel Fuel handling accident in the Reactor Handling Accident Using Building with RMS or sample results not C-ontingency Calculation available 147 Manual Code Waste Gas Waste Gas Decay Tank rupture with RMS l

Decay Tank Rupture Using available )

RMS i 149 Manual Code Waste Gas Waste Gas Decay Tank rupture with sample "'

Decay Tank Rupture Using results available Samples 151 Manual Code Waste Gas Waste Gas Decay Tank rupture with IG1S or Decay Tank Rupture Using sample results not available l Contingency Calculation  !


{( j\ .

l 38

l O .

ceeoemeer o1rses COLA Calcula~ tion i Using RMS l

How it works:

The isotopic distribution of activity leaving the plant is assumed to be the same as thel distribution of activity in the RCS after adjusting for iodine losses (reduction factors) app{

this pathway.

distribution. The total activity in the RCS is not important to this calculation just e i The iodine reduction factor for this pathway is 0.0075 (1/133) based on partitioning of fod condenser l

The RMS monitor (RM A 5, RM A 15, RM A 5 Hi, or RM-G-25) determines the activi via this leakrate.

secondary pathway. These monitors will respond to both increases in RCS activity and p l

The logic the COLA uses in picking which monitor to perform the calculation is as follows:


If RM-G A-5 2515.and RM A 5 Hi both read s 100, the COLA is using the highest reading on or RM A


If RM A-5 Hi reads > 100 cpm, but RM-G 25 is < 100 mR/hr, the COLA is using RM-A 5J Hi.

+ l O

If RM-G-25 reads > 100 mR/hr, the COLA is using RM G-25 j e j Once the COLA determines the isotopic concentrations leaving via COG, it uses the COG fi from the plant computer to determine the uCi/sec leaving the plant (source term).



,I Having developed the source term, the COLA uses the meteorological dispersion model to the concentantions and doses at distances from the plant.

  • \


l User Inouts Needed to Perform the Calculation e

Release duration using the Parameter Edit screen if other than 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> '

Met Data using the Parameter Edit screen if the data being picked up from the Met Tower is bad NRC Damage Class using the Parameter Edit screen if the damage class is believed to be othe that indicated by the COLA using current RCS temperature and pressure.

4 39

i t

. (v) Condenser Offgas a

COLA Calculation i Using RMS i t

(Continued) h2 .pms bl to Watch For Condenser offgas monitor increases can result from increased RCS activity or increased prim secondary leakage, or a combination of the two. If a sudden increase occurs:


Check for signs ofincreased RCS activity. Coincident increases on RM-L-1, RM-G 22, RM-G 23, RM-G-6. or RM-G-7 may indicate increased RCS activity from fuel damage. Also .

check the ED/ESD Screen for changes in NRC Damage Class based on thermal hydraulic j conditions in the core. ,A,.

+ 3 Check for signs ofincreased primary-to-secondary leakage. Check with STA or TSC to determine ifleak rate changes have been observed. 7 D ,

Remember that if fuel damage has occurred, it cannot get better. l




If damage has occuned, but RCS temperature and pressure improve, the COLA will reduce l i

the NRC Damage Class,


If this occurs, the user must edit the damage class using the Parameter Edit Screen to lock in l the higher damage class. i p +

i After doing this, the user must watch RCS temperature and pressure to ensure that dama (O e class does not increase beyond the damage class assumed.

if post accident RCS results are to be input into the Reactor Coolant Baseline Activity Edit Screen, ensure the NRC damage class is set to I on the Parameter Edit Screen and the spiking factors in the Sample Edit Screen are set to 1. If the COLA is using a damage class greater than I, the COLA will use the default isotopic activities for that damage class instead of the post accident .+samples thatjt wer input. If the spiking factors are not set to 1, the COLA will erroneously apply the spiking factors to the input sample results.

i l

e l Monitor met data. If met data shows absolutely no changes for a 30 - 45 minute period, there m!

be a problem with the data. Verify met data with EACC and/or Control Room indications. '

Remember that the CDE contributes to the TEDE. Do not expect field team dose rate readings to match up with TEDE projections. Roughly 3% of the cue he is included in the TEDE dose. '

Ensure field teams get iodine samples even if E-520 dose rates are w Depending on the physical form ofiodine in the field, the "LLD" for thyroio dma rates nicasured b field teams could be as high as 5 mrem /hr based on a 10 minute air sample. Consider longer sampling times if additional sensitivity is desired.

If COLA dose projections show P'AG's are exceeded at 10 miles, validation of the dose projection from field reading should be performed prior to issuing a PAR beyond 10 miles. '

i Periodically verify the release duration and pathway with the ED. l l i (n

f l

.o)  !

j l

40 E


m Condenser Offgas COLA Calculation _

Using RMS (Continued)

Consider performing manual "What If" dose projections for losing condense damage class.

conditions appear to have stabilized. Consider getting an effluent sample fr Always communicate the uncertainty of the dose projection.

a Is it a bounding doses actually could be? This type of calculation sho doses could be.

I m

. l i

i d

e e

sN 41

V U Condenser dffgas

! COLA Calculation .

Using Samples How it works:

Effluer.ts leaving via COG are sampled eusing a pre-filter marinelli sam .

Condenset Ofigas Sample Edit Screen.The use enters the positiv r m the analysis into the ~

e COLA willnot produce a noble gas esource term.if calculation, since the a MAP 5 sa


from the plant computer to determine ,

uses the COG flow ce term).

the rate uCL/sec le t

the concentrations and doses at persion distances from the plan model to calculate THIS PATHWAY IS ALWAYS CONSIDERED A GROUND _

} User Inouts Needed to Perform the Calculation


  • Sample results need to be entered on the Condenser creen Offgas Sample Edit S 1

Release duration using the Parameter Edit screen if other than 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> ,

Met Data using the Parameter Edit screen if the data being picked up fro e et Tower is bad 1

l o

\ D l

G 42 ,

1 l

- I



U Condenser O.ffgas COLA Calculation Using Samples (Continued)

Problems to Watch For The user must ensure that the sample results are representative of curr conditions change significantly afterthe sample was obtained, the user should

, Offgas Sample Edit Screen inactive and resume COLA RMS calculations.

die COLA code will not produce a noble gas source term .

f be calculated using the manual codes to get the correct TEDE dose. The s be input into the COLA code since the thyroid doses produced by the COLA .

(k be a problem with the data. Verify met data with EACC ,

l match up with TEDE projections. Roughly 3% of the C En'sure field teams get iodine samples even if E 520 dose rates are low,

  • j field teams could be as high as 5 rnrem/hr sampling times if additional sensitivity is desired.

y based on from field reading should be performed prior to issuing a P Periodically verify the release duration and pathway with the ED.

Consider performing manual"What If" dose projections for losing condenser v damage class using a manual code contingency calculation.

s Always communicate the uncertainty of the dose projection. Is it a bounding cal doses actually could be? This type of calculation shou doses could be.

v 43


v) Condenser Off8as 9 9 Manual Code Calculation Using RMS liow it works:

The isotopic distribution of activity leaving the plant is assumed to be the same as the isotopic i distribution of activity in the RCS after adjusting for iodine losses (reduction factors) applicable to J

this pathway. The total activity in the RCS is not important to this calculation,just the RCS isotopic distribution.

The iodine reduction factor for this pathway is 0.0075 (1/133) based on partitioning ofiodine in the condenser, it is accounted for in the manual code. [i The RMS monitor (RM-A-5, RM-A 15, RM-A 5 Hi, or RM G 25) determines the activity leaving via this pathway. These monitors will respond to both increases in RCS activity and primaJy-to-secondary leakrate. The user selects which monitor will be used for the calculation. Generally, the highest range monitor reading > 100 should be used.

Once the code determines the isotopic concentrations leaving via COG, it uses the COG flow rate input by the to determine the.uCi/sec leaving the plant (source term).

O e Having developed the source term, the code uses the meteorological dispersion model to calculate

( the concentrations and doses at distances from the plant.

. e This pathway is always considered a ground level release ..

User Inouts Needed to Perform the Calculation 1

Plant data inputs are available on Area 38, Group 35 & 36 of the PPC (See STA) l Met Data is available on Area 19, Group 2 of the PPC(See STA) l 1

RCS temperature and pressure or the user specified NRC Damage Class I e The monitor to be used and the monitor reading.

The time in minutes since reactor shutdown

  • Condenser offgas flowrate
  • Met Data (wind speed, wind direction, and delta t) e Release duration O


, 44

l l

1 i O l Condenser Offgas j (v)

Manual Code Calculation l i

Using RMS i (Continued) l Problems to Watch For l

  • Condenser offgas monitor increases can resuh from increased RCS activity or increased primary-to- _

l secondary leakage, or a combination of the two. If a sudden increase occurs:

+ Check for signs ofincreased RCS activity. Coincident increases on RM L I, RM-G-22 RM-G 23, RM-G-6, or RM-G-7 may indicate increased RCS ectivity from fuel damage. Also __  ;

check the ED/ESD Screen for changes in NRC Damage Class based on thermal hydraulic _


conditions in the core. -

+ Check for signs ofincreased primary-to-secondary leakage. Check with STA or TSC to determine if leak rate changes have been observed.

  • Remember that if fuel damage has occurred, it cannot get better.

+ If damage has occurred but RCS temperature and pressure improve, and the new values are input into the code, the code will reduce the NRC Damage Class. ]

+ If this occurs, the user must specify the damage class instead of entering pressure and {

temperature. . 1

+ After doing this, the user must watch RCS temperature and pressure to ensure that damage

['N i i

'a) e class does not increase beyond the damage class assumed.

if post accident RCS results are to be input into code, specify that the NRC damage class as I and there has been no power transient wben the code asks. If the code is using a damage class greater i than 1, the code will use the default isotopic activities for that damage class instead of the post ,{

accident samples that were input. l

  • Remember that the CDE contributes to the TEDE. Do not expect field team dose rate readings to match up with TEDE projections. Roughly 3% of the CDE dose is included in the TEDE dose. )

Ensure field teams get iodine samples even if E-520 dose rates are low. l l

  • Depending on the physical form ofiodine in the field, the "LLD" for thyroid dose rates measured by I field teams could be as high as 5 mrem /hr based on a 10 minute air sample. Consider longer f sampling times if additional sensitivity is desired. j l
  • If dose projections show PAG's are exceeded at 10 miles, validation of the dose projection from field l reading should be performed prior to issuing a PAR beyond 10 miles. l l
  • Periodically verify the release duration and pathway with the TD.
  • Consider performing manual"What If" dose projections for losing condenser vacuum or increase in damage class using a manual code contingency calculation.


  • Consider getting an effluent sample from this pathway (MAP-5 or pre-filter marinelli) when conditions appear to have stabilized. ,, l 1

l n

j^\ t 45 l l

l l

Condenser Offgas I Manual Code Calculation Using RMS (Continued)


Always communicate the uncertainty of the dose projection. Is it a bounding calculation such th know doses can't be any higher than this? Or, is this the best approximation of what I believe doses actually could be? This type of calculation should be a pretty good approximation of wh

_ doses could be.


__ i 1

6 e

e e

e e

e 46

1 Condenser Offgas Manual Code Calculation Using Samples How it works:

  • Ef!1uents leaving via COG are sampled using a MAP-5 sample or a pre-filter marinelli sample 1
  • If a pre-filter marinelli sample is used, the user enters the positive noble gas and iodine isotope concentrations from the analysis when prompted by the code.
  • If a MAP-5 sample is used, the user enters the positive iodine isotope concentrations from the analysis when prompted by the code. Since MAP-5 samples do not provide noble gas results, i manual code will scale in the nome gases. It assumes that the noble gas to iodine ratio leaving COG is the same as the isotopic distribution of activity in the RCS after adjusting for iodine losses (reduction factors) applicable to this pathway.


  • The iodine reduction factor for this pathway used to scale in noble gases from MAP 5 samples is j 0.0075 (1/133) based on partitioning ofiodine in the condenser i 1
  • Once the code determines the isotopic concentrations leaving via COG, it uses the COG flow rate input by the user to detennine the uCi/sec leaving the plant (source term). -


  • Having developed the source tenn, the code uses the meteorological dispersion model to calculate  :

f the concentrations and doses at distances from the plant.


User inputs Needed to Perform the Calculation Plant data inputs are available on Area 38, Group 35 & 36 of the PPC (See STA)

Met Data is available on Arca 19, Group 2 of the PPC(See STA) .


  • The code will prompt the user to input values for RCS temperature and pressure or NRC Damage )

Class values. These must be input but will have no bearing on the calculation since effluent concentrations leaving the plant are being determined by isotopic sample analysis.

  • Sample results and sample time from condenser offgas
  • Time since reactor shutdown
  • Condenser offgas flowrate l
  • Met Data (wind speed, wind direction, and delta t)
  • Release duration t -

(M m) -

l 1


f i 1 l l l

1 i


] Condenser Offgas 4

! Manual Code Calculation t Using Samples i

(Continued) I Problems to Watch For


it has been running for a long time with the same cartridges.Tkj

  • 1

'Ihe user must ensure that the sample results are representative p ant of current plan manual code RMS calculations. conditions change significantly after the samp j

match up with TEDE projections. Roughly 3% of the CD '

Ensure field teams get iodine samples even if E-520 dose rates are low. .

e field teams could be as high as 5 mrem /hr based on) sampling times if additional sensitivity is desired.

1 e

p, . reading should be performed prior to issuing a PAR beyond 1(


. Periodically verify the release duration and pathway with the ED.

Consider performing manual "What if' dose projection for losing condenser vac damage class. ...

Always communicate the uncertainty of the dose projection. Is it a bounding calc doses actually could be? This type ofcalculation shoul doses could be.


!V ..


1 O

v Condenser Offgas Manual Code Calculation Contingency Calculation -

How it works:

  • This calculation is very useful for performing "What If" calculations, where the precise response of an RMS monitor to a change in plant conditions cannot be predicted.


e nis calculation uses no RMS data. De isotopic distribution and total activity being released via this pathway is equal to the product of the primary-to-secondary leak rate and the activity concentration in the RCS, after adjusting for iodine losses (reduction factors) applicable to this pathway. It is

.. independent of condenser offgas flow rate. __

-- e ne iodine reduction factor for this pathway is 0.0075 (1/133) based on partitioning ofiodine in the  ! ,

condenser. It is accounted for in the manual code.


. Unlike RMS calculations, this calculation is very dependent on RCS total activity. As a result, the code has the ability to use RM-L l high or low readings to estimate total RCS activity. He user may >-

also specify a total RCS activity.

. Having developed the source term, the code uses the meteorological dispsrsion model to calculate the concentrations and doses at distances from the plant.


\j l

User inputs Needed to Perform the Calculation 1

1 Plant data inputs are available on Area 38, Group 35 & 36 of the PPC (See STA)

Met Data is available on Area 19, Group 2 of the PPC (See STA) l e RCS temperature and pressure or the user specified NRC Damage Class l

e RM-L-1 high or low readings if letdown is not isolated.

. An estimate of total RCS activity, if known.

  • The primary-to-secondary leak rate, in gpm, provided by the STA or TSC. .

. He time in minutes since reactor shutdown l

e Met Data (wind speed, wind direction, and delta t) i

.* Release duration Q .


i -

i i

i p i fQ Condense jOffgas Manual Code Calculation Contingency talculation I

(Conti, ed)

Problems to Watch For
  • Of all calculations available, contingency calculz .ans are the least accurate. ney should only be used when RMS data or effluent samples are no: <ailable. Contingency calculations are ideal for perfonning "What If" calculations, where the pr; sc response of an RMS monitor to a change in plant conditions cannot be predicted.

- 1

  • This type of calculation is very dependent on tot RCS activity. De code will adjust RCS total . I activity if an RM L-1 reading is input. Prior to i : utting an RM-L 1 reading, verify that RCS i l letdown is not secured. Ifit has been secured (a' fit typically is during this type of accident), RM L-l 1 readings should not be used unless the user is - e that the last reading is representative of current RCS conditions. Note that due to travel time in . sample lines, RM L 1 may take up to 30 mmutes before responding to a change in RCS activity. '


  • If RM-L-1 readings are not available, the code s , permit the user to enter a total RCS activity (uCi/cc)if this is k1own. It generally is not. At aample of when this could be used is if an RCS sample has just bem pulled but has not been an:. zed. If the dose rate on the sample is a factor of 10 higher than a ncrmal RCS sample, it can be infe- d that the RCS activity is 10 times higher than it '

was prior to the incident. Be aware, entering a t. 11 RCS activity will replace damage class default RCS activities and spiking factors.

O r'

i *


Remember that if fuel damage has occurred, it Enot get better.

+ If damage has occurred but RCS temper -e and pressure improve, and the new values are input into the code, the code will reduce - : NRC Damage Class.

+ If this occurs, the user must specify the ( 1 age class instead of entering pressure and temperature.

+ After doing this, the user must watch RC - temperature and pressure to ensure that damage class does not increase beyond the damr. class assumed.

  • If post accident RCS results are to be input inte de, specify that the NRC damage class as 1 and I

there has been no power transient when the coc< : sks. If the code is using a damage class greater than 1, the code will use the default isotopic act ties for that damage class instead of the post accident samples that were input.

  • Remember that the CDE contributes to the TEE Do not expect field team dose rate readings to match up with TEDE projections. Roughly 30 the CDE dose is included in the TEDE dose.

Ensure field teams get iodine samples even if E , :0 dose rates are low.

  • Depending on the physical form ofiodine in thi eld, the "LLD" for thyroid dose rates measured by field teams could be as high as 5 mrem /hr base.. ' n a 10 minute air sample. Consider longer ,

sampling times if additional sensitivity is desire

  • If dose projections show PAG's are exceeded a 3 miles, validation of the dose projection from field ,

I reading should be performed prior to issuing a ' R beyond 10 miles.


  • Periodically verify the release duration and patimay with the ED.
  1. )
  • When performing "What If" dose projections. uly label them as "What If" calculations.

f[d i

f ,


l O l d Condenser OIfgas l

Manual Code Calculation Contingency Calculation (Continued)

Always communicate the uncertainty of the dose projection. Is it a bo doses actually could be? Depending e eveon offsite the inputs r way. The key will be the accuracy of the RCS total activity and primary to-seconda mates.

i O

U .


i 1

ex '


l l Condenser Offgas k Quicli Code Calculation ( '

How it works:

on shift RAC, during the first hour of an emergency, if th code contingency calculation must be performed.This code require ,

The isctopic distribution of activity leaving the plant is assumed to be the sa this pathway. The RCS mixture is assumed o ne to be a 1-spike of involving core50. The damage. resulting I to 50 aoble gas to iodine ratio is vm conservative for 'situj

  • t ,

condenser. It is accounted for in the code.The iodine reduction factor for t e

De RMS monitor (RM A 5, RM-A 15, RM A 5 Hi, or RM-G-25) determinei via this pathway. Rese monitors will respond to both increases in RCS activitl secondary leakrate.

highest range monitor readingThe

> 100user shouldselects be used. which monitor will be used for the calcula

['g * >

\v/ actual flow is only 20 cfm, the dose projection is reduced by % ..

Re code assumes an 8 hour9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> release duration.

e 1

determine the uCi/sec leaving the plant (source term).Once the c i the concentrations and doses at distances from the plant,Having e


User Inouts Needed to Perform the Calculation


i Met Data is available on Area 19, Group 2 of the PPC (See STA) e

! The monitor to be used and the monitor readmg. i Met Data (wind speed, wind direction, and delta t) '

Since the COLA is not available, all readings must come from control room instrumentatio c


! 52

l l

\ h (V -

Condenser O~ffgas Quick Code Calculation -

j ftoblems to Watch For The IREO RAC should not use this code. The full manual organization is activated.

  • k This calculation produces a very bounding estimate ofofLite age dose, particula results of this code to the ED, the conservative nat .

e j



__ l


using more representative plant parameters can estimatebe obtained.A


Remember'that the CDE contributes to the TEDE. Do not expect f s to match up with TEDE projections. Roughly 3% of the CDE Ensure field teams get iodine samples even if E 520 dose rates are low dose is included in Depending on the physical form ofiodine in the field, theeasured "LLD" by for thyroid dose l sampling times if additional sensitivity is desired. .

er field teams could) m reading should be performed prior to issuing roma PAR beyond field

  • {

l Periodically verify the release duration and pathway with the ED.

Label all Ouickcode calculations as "Quickcode" I



1 l

l l


$3 l

f .

1 t

i l D  !

l C Reactor Building Desigd Basis Leakage i


! COLA Calculation {

Using RMS How it works:

the same as the isotopic distribution of activity in the R re uction

_ factors) just the RCS applicable to this pathway. The total activity in the isotopic distribution. RCS is not importan The iodine reduction factor for this pathway is 0.4 with RB spray off, or 0.03 wi bared on minimal hold-up time in the building. ,

The COLA uses the higher of the readings on RM G-22 J l

. than 1.5 R/hr, the COLA assumes they are seeing only background ose and assumes calculations. kdoes not use RMA 2 in the calculation. , <

~ i Once the COLA determines the isotopic concentrations in the reactor buildin flow rate from the building, based on building pressure, to determine the uCi/s (source term). Reduction of RB pressure to atmospheric pressure stops rele the concentrations and doses at distances from the plant.Having d I *


User inouts Needed to Perform the Calculation Release duration using the Parameter Edit screen ifother than 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> Met Data using the Parameter Edit screen if the data being picked up from the Met that indicated by current RCS temperature and pressure.NRC Dam l I

1 l

l l

0-L 1 L./

54 ,



l O aeecter suiioies nesistraeeis teexese COLA Calculation Using RMS (Continued)

Problems to Watch For of reactor building purge calculation should be performed.This ,

rm c Remember that if fuel damage has occurred, it cannot get better. 4

+ )

the NRC Damage Class.If damage has occurred, but RCS temperature and


the higher damage class.If this occurs, the user must edit the damage cla


class does not increase beyond the damage class assumed.Af; If post accident RCS results are to be input into the Reactor Coolant Baselin ensure the NRC damage class is set to 1 on the Parameter Edit Screen and the)

Sample Edit Screen are set to 1. If the COLA is using a damage will class greater it (A

i input.

the Ifresults.

input sample the spiking factors are not set to 1,

' o the COLA

.j Monitor met data. If met data shows absolutely no changes for a 30 - 45 be a problem with the data. Verify met data with EACC and/or Control Room indic 6

match up with TEDE projections. Roughly 3% of the CD Ensure field teams get iodine samples even if E $20 dose rates are low,.

field teams could be as high as 5 mrem /hr based on j sampling times if additional sensitivity is desired. '

i i

reading should be performed prior to issuing a PAR beyond 10 (

Periodically verify the release duration and pathway with the ED.


Consider performing manual "What If" dose projections for losing containment in in damage class. )

Consider getting an effluent sample from this pathway (pre filter marinelli or CATPASS applicable) when conditions appear to have stabilized.




Reactor Building Design' Basis Leakage


COLA Calculation Using RMS (Continued)

Always communicate the uncenainty of the dose projection. Is it a bounding calculation such that know doses can't be any higher than this? Or, is this the best approximation of what I believe offs doses doses actually could be. could be? This type of calculation should be a pretty good approximation of what t G

G d

h b6

m J Reactor Building Desigri Basis Leakage COLA Calculation -

Using Samples How it works; A sample'of the reactor building atmosphere can be obtained using the CATPASS sys -

Reactor Building Design Basis Leakage Sample Edit Screen.The user e Once the isotopic concentrations in the reactor building are input, the COLA uses the le -

rate from the building, based on building pressure, to determine the uCi/sec leaving the pla ~

term). Reduction of RB pressure to atmospheric pressure stops releases from this pathway the concentrations and doses atdistances from the plantHaving deve _

THIS PATHWAY IS ALWAYS CONSIDERED A_ UROUND LEVEL RELEASE Uter Inouts Needed to Perform the Calculation CATPASS sample results need to be entered on the Reactor Building Design Bas Edit Screen s

a Release duration using the Parameter Edit screen if other than 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> Met Data using the Parameter Edit screen if the data being picked up from the Met Tower i


O d Reactor Building Desigii, Basis Leakage COLA Calculation

- Using Samples (Continued)

Problems to Watch For At very high levels of airborne activity in the reactor building, a CATPASS sampl personnel exposure to high dose rates when obtaining the sample. .

as you think you may want this type of sample.Theon CATPASS sy ~

reduce moisture in the sample will typically be collected from t

. conditions change significantly after the sample was o .

n Building Design Basis Leakage Sample Edit Screen inactive and resume CO be a problem with the data. Verify met data with EACC ,



  • i match up with TEDE projections. Roughly 3% of the C Ensure field teams get iodine samples even if E 520 dose rates are low.

1 field teams could be as high as 5 mrem /hr sampling times if additional sensitivity is desired.

y based on

, e reading sheuld be performed prior to issuing amPAR field beyond 10 Periodically verify the release duration and pathway with the ED. '

j manual code sample calculation, or increases in dam calculation.

Always communicate the uncertainty of the dose projection. Is it a bounding cal know doses can't be any higher than this? Or, is this the best approximation of w doses doses couldactually be. could be? This type of calculation should be a prettye good approxim t


O V Reactor Building Desig5 Basis Leakage Manual Code Calculation Using RMS


How it works:


the same as the isotopic distribution eof activity in the RC osses(reduction just the RCS isotopic distribution. factors) applicable to thison,pathway. He tot I 1

Re basediodine reduction on minimal factor hold-up time in the for this pathway is 0.4 with RB spray off, or 0.0 building, ,

  • j code does not use RM-G-22 or RM-G 23. If RM-A-2 cannot be zused Use COLA RMS calculation or manual contingency calculation.

Once the code determines the isotopic concentrationse in ,

ow the reactor bui rate from the building, based on a user input building pressure, to deterrn plant (source term). Reduction of RB pressure to atmospheric pressure stops pathway.

f t the concentrations and doses at distances from the plant.Havin i


  • THIS PATHWAY IS ALWAYS CONSIDERED A GROUND LEVEL RE User Innuts Needed to Perform the Calculation Met Data is available on Area 19, Group 2 of the PPC(See ST RCS temperature and pressure or the user specified NRC Damage Class Status of the purge valves (closed if this calculation is being used)

J The RM A-2 readings:

+ Curr.nt RM-A 2 noble gas reading

+ Current RM-A 2 iodine reading

+ Previous RM.A 2 lodine reading

+ Time since previous RM A-2 iodine reading The time in minutes since reactor shardown 1

, o Reactor building pressure Met Data (wind speed, wind direction, and delta t) i Release duration O .

l l

59 I


I Reactor Building Design' Basis Leakage Manual Code Calculation Using RMS (Continued) i I

i Problems to Watch For Dis ssiculation should only be used when the purge valves are closed. If they are op of reactor building purge exhaust calculation should be performed His calculation option is only good when reactor building pressure is below 4 psi.

If RM- A-2 is isolated (>4 osiin RBL this calculation cannot be used. Use COLA RM contingency calculation if building pressure is above 4 psi.

l Remember that if fuel damage has occurred, it cannot get better.


If damage has occurred but RCS temperature and pressure improve, and the new val

+ input into the code, the code will reduce the NRC Damage Class.  ;

If this occurs, the user must specify the damage class instead of entering pressure and I temperature.


class does not increase beyond the damage class assumed.After d}

g * )

Q- If post accident RCS results are to be input into code, specify that the NRC damage cla there has been no power transient when the code asks. If the code is using a damag than 1, the code will use the default isotopic activities for that damage class instead of accident samples that were input.

j Remember that the CDE contributes to the TEDE. Do not expect field team dose rat match up with TEDE projections. Roughly 3% of the CDE dose is included in the TEDE dose.

Ensure field teams get iodine samples even if E-520 dose rates are low.

field teams could be as high as 5 mrem /hr based on a 10 sampling times if additional sensitivity is desired.

If dose projections show PAG's are exceeded at 10 miles, validation of the dose projectio reading should be performed prior to issuing a PAR beyond 10 miles.

Periodically verify the release duration and pathway with the ED.

Consider performing manual "What If" dose projections for losing containment integrity or i in damage class using a manual code contingency calculation.


, Consider getting an effluent sample from this pathway ( pre-filter marinelli or CATPASS as 1

applicable) when conditions appear to have stabilized. j I

e i Always communicate the uncertainty of the dose projection. Is it a bounding calculation such a know doses can't be any higher than this? Or, is this the best approximation of what I believej doses actually could be? This type of calculation should be a pretty good approximation of whaj doses could be.

v  ;


60 l

l l

l .

n V Reactor Building Design Basis Leakage


Manual Code Calculation -

Using Samples How it works:

A sample of the reactor building atmosphere can be obtained using the CATPASS system.

The user prompted enters by the code. the positive noble gas and iodine isotope concentrations from the analysis Once the isotopic concentrations in the reactor building are input, the code uses the lea from the building, based on a user input building pressure, to determine the uCi/sec le reactor from building (source term). R. eduction of RB pressure to atmospheric pressure stops rele this pathway.


Having developed the source term, the code uses the meteorological dispersion model to c _

the concentrations and doses at distances from the plant.

  • ~


e l (j} Plant data inputs are available on Area 38, Group 37 of the PPC(See STA)

Met Data is available on Area 19, Group 2 of the PPC(See STA)

Class values. These must be input but will have no bearing o concentrations leaving the plant are being determined by isotopic sample analysis.

CATPASS sample results and time of sample results.

Purge valve position (normally closed but open if doing a "what if containment is lost"

  • l Reactor building pressure i e l Met Data (wind speed, wind direction, and cielta t) e Release duration p

o 61 e

i l

/- ~ l U Reactor Building Design Basis Leakage l


Manual Code Calculation '

Using Samples (Continued)

Problems to Watch For a CATPASS sample has been obtained.This is a good gr ty when calculation to p

~asThe CATPASS system takes 45 minutet to warm upmso you think you may want this type of sample.

direct the OSC to sta up as soon -

  • (

reduce moisture in the sample.The sample will typically c nozzle to be collected fro


j The user must ensure that the sample results are representative . p ant of curre conditions change manual code RMS calculations. significantly after the sample was obtained, or the user s match up with TEDE projections. Roughly Ensure field teams get iodine samples even if E-520 dose rates are low ea ngs to ose.

3% of the {



  • Depending on the physical form ofiodine in the field, the "LLD" for thyroid doseI


field teams could be as high as 5 mrem /hr based on ameasured sampling times if additional sensitivity is desired. .

10 minute nger by air sample C l

reading should be performed prior to issuing on from a fieldPAR beyond Periodically verify the release duration and rathway with the ED.

in damage class using a manual code contingency r ncrease calculation.e i

Always communicate the uncertainty of the dose projection. such Is it a bounding calc that I approximation of know doses can't be any higher than this? Or, is this the ebe best e offsite doses doses couldactually be. could be? This type ofcalculation should a pretty good approx n of what the I

(  !

l 1

62 l l



G Reactor Building Desigb. Basis Leakage Manual Code Calculation Contingency Calculation How it works;

  • l z

an RMS monitor to a change in plant conditions nse of cannot bel  !

This calculalion uses no RMS data. 'Ihe isotopic distribution v a this and tota pathway is equal to the product of the total RCS leakage into the rea concentration pathway. in the RCS, after adjusting for iodine losses (reduction factors) ap j

based on minimal hold-up time in the building..The .

n. iodine reduc Unlike RMS calculations, this calculation is very dependent on RCS total a use RM L 1 high or low readings to emay code also has specify theRCS a total ability .

estimate total RC

=, based on a user input building pressure, to d (source term). Reduction of RB pressure to atmospheric ea pressure stops releas I


  • s pathway.

N the concentrations and doses at distances from .

ate the plantHavin THis PATHWAY IS ALWAYS CONSIDERED A GROUND LEVEL R User Inouts Needed to Perform the Calculation 1 Met Data is available on Area 19, Group 2 of the PPC(See ST e

RCS temperature and pressure or the user specified NRC Damage Class l e ' '

RM-L-1 high or low readings ifletdown is not isolated.

An estimate of total RCS setivity, if known.


The total RCS leakage into the RB, if known. The STA or TSC should provide R l The time in minutes since reactor shvdown l

The status of reactor building spray (on or off) e The status of the purge valves (closed ifperforming this calcuiation) e Met Data (wind speed, wind direction, and delta t)

O .

Release duration i


l 63

1 I

. j 1

(3 V Reactor Building Desigit Basis Leakage -

Manual Code Calculation l i

Contingency Calculation .

Probtuu to Watch For (Continued) l Of all calculations available, contingency calculations are the least accurate used when RMS data or effluent samples are not available. Contingency calcula performing "What plant conditions cannot if' calculations, where the precise response of an RMS mon be predicted.

1 This type of calculation is very dependent on total RCS activity. The code will adj activity if an RM-L-1 reading is input. Prior to inputting an RM-L 1 reading, verify tha letdown is not secured. Ifit has been secured (and it typically is during this typ 1 readings should not be used unless the user is sure that the last reading is r RCS conditions. Note that due to travel time in the sample lines, RM-L-1 may before responding to a change in RCS activity.

IfRM-L-1 readings are not available, the code will permit the user to enter a t (uCi/cc)if this is known. It generally is not. An example of when this could be used

, higher than a normal RCS sample,it can be inferred tha i was prior to the incident. Be aware. enterine a total RCS activity will renlace damare RCS activities and seikine factors.

i The code will prompt the user for the total RCS leakage into the reactor buildin

. less than 63,000 gallons (one RCS volume), the actual leakage should be inpu more than 63,000 gallons, a maximum of 63,000 gallons should be used. Inputting mo gallons will overestimate the source term because it will put more activity in the bu l

available for release from the RCS.

l has been released to the building.If the total RCS leakage is not known, Remember that if fuel damage has occurred, it cannot get better.


If damage has occurred but RCS temperature and pressure improve, and the new val

+ input into the code, the code will reduce the NRC Damage Class.

If this occurs, the user must specify the damage class instead of entering pressure and temperature.


After doing this, the user must watch RCS temperature and pressure to ensure tha class does not increase beyond the damage class assumed.

If post accident RCS results are to be input into code, specify that the NRC damage class there has been no power transient when the code asks. If the code is using a damage c than 1, the code will use the default isotopic activities for that damage class instead of accident samples that were input.

Remember that the CDE contributes to the TEDE. Do not expect field team dose rate match up with TEDE projections. Roughly 3% of the CDE dose is included in the TEDE dose.

Ensure field teams get iodine samples even if E-520 dose rates are low.



l j


Q Reactor Building Desigfi, Basis Leakage Manual Code Calculation -

Contingency Calculation (Continued)

Depending on the physical form ofiodine in the field, the "LLD" for thyroid dos field teams could be as high as 5 mrem /hr based on a 10 minute air sample. Con sampling times if additional sensitivity is desired. ,

If dose projections show PAG's are exceeded at 10 miles, validation of the dose proj reading should be performed prior to issuing a PAR beyond 10 miles. -

Periodically verify the release duration and p3thway with the ED. ~


When perforrning "What If" dose projections, clearly label them as "What If" calculations.

Always communicate the uncertainty of the dose projection. Is it a bounding calculatio know doses can't be any higher than this? Or, is this the best approximation of what I doses actually could be? Depending on the inputs, this type of calculation could g I

i NY {

l 1

I l



l i

l i

I asee

't 65

O aeector seiidies oesise 8esie teeuese Quick Code Calculation How it works; This calculation is not performed by the Quick Code


N e

w O .

d O




) Emergency Feed Plimp Exhaust


COLA Calculation Using RMS I

I How it works:


! * . l He isotopic distribution of activity leaving the plant is assumed to be the same as thel distribution of activity in the RCS after adjusting for iodine losses (reduction factors) app( I this pathway. He total activity in the RCS is not imponant to this calculation,just th distribution.

! =

ne iodine reduction factor for this pathway is 0.5 based on panitioning ofiodine in the steam generators. Additional iodine reduction can occur if the OTSG level is raised above 600 inches.

The RMS monitor (RM-G-26 or RM G27) determines the activity in the main steam. These monitors will respond to both increases in RCS activity and primary-to-secondary leakrate.

The COLA uses the higher reading of RM-G-26 or RM-G-27 I I

Once the COLA determines the isotopic concentrations in the main steam line, it uses the ma rate through the EFP turbine (based on emergency feedwater being supplied) to determine the uCi/sec leaving the plant (source term).

Having developed the source tenn, the COLA uses the meteorological dispersion model to c the concentrations and doses at distances from the pir.nt.



Release duration using the Parameter Edit screen ifother than 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> '

e Met Data using the Parameter Edit screen if the data being picked up from the Met Tower is bad NRC Damage Class using the Parameter Edit screen the damage class is believed to be other that indicated by current RCS temperature and pressure.

  • l l \

t .





d. -

Emergency Feed Pump Exhaust COLA Calculation Using RMS (Continued)

Problems to Watch For e

increased primary-to-secondary leakage, .

e occurs:

or a combin


G-23, RM G 6, or RM-G-7 may indicate G .

increased check conditions the in the ED/ESD Screen for changes in NRC Damage Class based on core.


determine ifleak rate changes have been observed. Check for If the steam driven EFP (EFP-1) is on, request that the ED switch over to pumps to tenninate this release pathway. If this is not possible, request tha boilers to drive the pump. Ask to switch to the unaffected OTSG until the boi consider increasing OTSG level for this purposeRaising the OTS.


  • If the steam driven EFP is on, the steam must travel past RM-G-26 or RM-G-2

. concern about the monitors being isolated by a closed MS-V-2. .


will tend to overestimate offsite doses at low sources on these monitors is typically 30 to 50 cpm.

, y count rat) 1 Remember that if fuel damage has occurred, it cannot get better.

+  !

the NRC Damage Class.If damage has occurred, but RCS' temperature an

+ '

the higher damage class.If this occurs, the user must edit the damage class

+ i class does not increase beyond the damage class assumed.Aft(  !

If post accident RCS results are to be input into the Reactor ,ts' Coolant Baseline ensure the NRC damage class is set to I on the Parameter Edit Screen an  ;

Sample Edit Screen are set to 1. If the COLA is using a damage class greater use the default isotopic activities for that damage class instead of the post accide input.

the If theresuhs.

input sample spiking factors are not set to I, the COLA will erroneouslyo apply the be a problem with the data. Verify met data with EACC a ,



s 68


C' . /

Emergency Feed [timp Exhaust COLA Calculation Using RMS (Continued) match up with TEDE projections. Roughly 3% of the Ensure field teams get iodine samples even if E-520 dose rates are low.

field teams could be as high as 5 mrem /hr based o sampling times if additional sensitivity is desired.

- ~~ -

reading should be performed prior to issuing a PAR beyond 1 Periodically verify the release duration and pathway with the ED.

Consider performing manual "What If" dose projections for an increase in damag Consider performing a manual contingency calculation based on primary-to-se verification background. of this type ofdose projection if RM G-26 and RM-G-27 are reading close V

If a Site Protection OtTicer is stationed at the reactor building equipmem h individual from that area.

Always communicate the uncertainry of the dor,e projection. Is it a bounding c know doses can't be any higher than this? Or,is this the best approximation o doses actually could be? If RM-G-26 and RM-G 27 readings are less than 100 cpm, probably be a bounding type calculation. If they are above 100 cpm, this type of c be a pretty good approximation of what the doses could be.


s' b



l 69 l


L Emergency Feed P' ump Exhaust COLA Calculation Using Samples How it works- '

This option cannot be used on the COLA at this time -

e N

I 8

l I

O ~

i 70 I

Od Emergency Feed P5mp Exhaust Manual Code Calculation Using RMS How it works:

The isotopic distribution of activity leaving the plant is assumed to be the same as th distribution of activity in the RCS after adjusting for iodine losses (reduction factors) ap this pathway.

distribution. De total activity in the RCS is not important to this calculation,just De iodine reduction factor for this pathway is 0.5 based on partitioning ofiodine in the steam generators. Additional iodini reduction can occur if the OTSG level is raised above 600 inches The RMS monitor (RM-G-26 or RM-G27) determines the activity in the main steam. These monitors will respond to both increases in RCS activity and primary-to-secondary leakrate.

The choice of which monitor should be based on which generator is supplying the pum for the 'A' side or RM-G-27 for the 'B' side.

n Once the code determines the isotopic contentrations in the main steam line, it uses the ma f

i rate through the EFP turbine, ne user must specify this mass flow rate (obtain from TSC). Us b e default of 30,000 lb'hr until the TSC can provide a better value. ,

I Having developed the source term, the code uses the meteorological dispersion model to c the concentrations and doses at distances from the plant.


User Innuts Needed to Perform the Calculation Plant data inputs are available on Area 38, Group 35 & 36 of the PPC(See STA)

Met Data is available on Area 19, Group 2 of the PPC (See STA)

RCS temperature and pressure or the user specified NRC Damage Class The momtor to be used and the monitor reading.

e i ne time in minutes since reactor shutdown

-The mass flow rate ofsteam exiting the EFP turbine must be specified by the user in the " Sum other Direct to Atmosphere Releases" space on the screen used to specify which MSR's or ADV are open. De mass flow rate can be obtained from theTSC. Use default of 30,000 lbar until the TSC can provide a better value.

Met Data (wind speed, wind direction, and delta t)

Release duration 71 I

L Emergency Fe'ed P[ Exhaust Manual Code Calculation Using RMS Problems to Watch For (Continued) increased primary-to-secondary leakage, or a combin


Check for signs ofincreased RCS activity. Coincident increases on RM-L 1, R G-23, RM-G-6, or RM-G 7 may indicate increased RCS activity from fuel dama check the ED/ESD Screen for changes in NRC Damage Class based on then conditions in the core.


Check for signs ofincreased primary to-secondary leakage. Check with STA or TSC deteitnine ifleak rate changes have been observed.

e' I If the steam driven EFP (EFP-1) is on, request that the ED switch over to the ele boilers to drive the pump. Ask to switch to the unaffected O{ .

Raising the OTSG level to 600 inches will provide additional iodine reduction. Re consider increasing OTSG level for this purpose.

  • )

[s If the steam driven EFP is on, the steam must travel past RM-G-26 or RM-G-27. Ther concern about the monitors being isolated by a closed MS %2.



will tend to overestimate offsite doses at low count rates.

l sources on these monitors is typically 30 to 50 epm.

e if the mass flow rate through the pump cannot immediately be determined, use the ma contingency calculation for this pathway.

l l

'Ihis pathway is always considered a ground level release. However, if this calculat  !

ADV or MSR also open, the code may inappropriately classify it as an elevated releaI running with an ADV or MSR open, both cases must be run separately and the do e i Remember that if fuel damage has occurred, it cannot get better.  ;


If damage has cccurred but RCS temperature and pressure improve, and the new valu

+ input into the code, the code will reduce the NRC Damage Class.

If this occurs, the user must specify the damage class instead of entering pressure and temperature.


After doing this, the user must watch RCS temperature and pressure to ensure tha class does not increase beyond the damage class assumed e

If post accident RCS results are to be input into code, specify that the NRC damage clas than 1, the code will use the default isotopic activities for accident samples that were input.

b v


1 1

l l

p w Emergency Feed Ptimp Exhaust Manual Code Calculation '

Using RMS (Continued) l a

Remember that the CDE contributes to the TEDE. Do not expect field team dose rate readings to match up with TEDE projections. Roughly 3% of the CDE dose is included in ce TEDE dose. )

Ensure field teams get iodine samples even if E 520 dose rates are low. - i Depending on the physical form ofiodine in the field, the "LLT/" for thyroid dose rates measure field teams could be as high as 5 mrem /hr based on a 10 minv.e air sample. Consider longer

.,,,, sampling times if additional sensitivity :s desired. __

' ~

  • ~

1 If dose projections show PAG's are exceeded at 10 miles, validation of the dose projection from field!

reading should be performed prior to issuing a PAR beyond 10 miles.

Periodically verify the release duration and pathway with the ED. -


- Consider performing manual "What If" dose projections for losing condenser vacuum or increases in damage class using a manual code contingency calculation.

l Consider performing a manual contingency calculation based on primary-to-secondary leak rate as verification of this type of dose projection if RM G-26 and RM-G 27 are reading close to j

\p background.

t I

b) =

If a Site Protection Officer is stationed at the reactor building equipment hatch, consider moving th

. individual from that area.

l Always communicate the uncertainty of the dose projection. Is it a bounding calculation such that 1 I

know dcses can't be any higher than this? Or, is this the best approximation of what I believe offsite I doses actually could be? If RM G-26 and RM-G-27 readings are less than 100 cpm, this will probably be a very bounding type calculation. If they are above 100 cm, this type of calculation should be a pretty gond approximation of what the doses could be. i l

l I

(v 73

F Emergency Feed Pdmp Exhaust Manual Code Calculation Using Samples How it works:

This option cannot be used on the manual code at this time -

g -


l I

6 1


l l

I 1

74 i

1 l

I l

l Emergency Feed Pump Exhausf/> fain Steam Line Break Manual Code Calculation Contingency Calculation How it works: ,



This calculation is very useful for performing "What if" calculations, where the pre an RMS monitor to a change in plant conditions cannot be predicted. It is also good to us mass flow through the EFP cannot immediately be obtained and the 30,000 lb/hr default is believed to be representative, or if RM-G-26 and RM-G 27 are at background levels.



This is the calculation tlat should also be used in the case of a mcin steam l nis calculation uses no RMS data. The isotopic distribution and total activity being re pathway is equal to the product of the primary-to-secondary leak rate and the activity c in the RCS. The source term rate is independent of mass flow through the steam dri main steam line break.

The iodine reduction factor for this pathway is 0.5 based ca partitioning oflodine in the ste generators. Additional iodine reduction can occur if the OTSG level is raised above 600 inches.

Unlike RMS calculations, this calculation is very dependent on RCS total activity. As a l also specify a total RCS activity. code has the ability to use RM-L-1 high oj Having developed the source term, the code uses the meteorological dispersion model to

. the concentrations and doses at distances from the plant.

l THIS PATHWAY IS ALWAYS CONSIDERED A GROUND LEVEL RELEASE User Inouts Needed to Perform the Calculation Plant data inputs are available on Area 38, Group 35 & 36 of the PPC (See STA)

Met Data is available on Area 19, Group 2 of the PPC (See STA)

RCS temperature and pressure or the user specified NRC Damage Class RM-L 1 high or low readings ifletdown is not isolated.

An estimate of total RCS activity, if known.

Re prirnary-to-secondary leak rate, in gpm, provided by the STA or TSC.

The time in minutes since reactor shutdown -

Met Data (wind speed, wind direction, and delta t)

Release duration i

d 75

1 i

G b

Emergency Feed Pump Exhausi6viain Steam Line Break 1 Manual Code Calculation Contingency Calculation Problems to Watch For (Continued)

Of all calculations available, contingency calculations are the least accurate. They sho used when RMS data or effluent samples are not availr.ble. Contingency calculations are idea performing "What If" calculations, where the precise response of an RMS monitor to a ch plant conditions cannot be predicted.

If the steam driven EFP t'EFP-1) is on, request that the ED switch over to the electrically u

boilers to drive the pump. Ask to swech to the unaffected OTSG Raising the OTSG level to 600 inches will provide additional iodine reduction. Request that consider increasmg OTSG level for this purpose.

If the mass flow rate of steam through the pump turbine cannot immediately be determined, good calculation to use. if all ADV's and MSR's are kept closed, all primary activity enteringjj secondary side will be acsumed to be released via this pathway.

If RM-G-26 and RM-G 27 are at background levels, this is a good calculation to perfo dose projections made using RMS data.



( * )

This type of calculation is,very dependent on total RCS activity. The code will adjust RCS total

- activity if an RM-L-1 reading is input. Prior to inputting an RM-L-1 reading, verify that RCS letdown is not secured. Ifit has been secured (and it typically is during this type of acciden I readings should not be used unless the user is sure that the last reading is representative o RCS conditions. Note that due to travel time in the sample lines, RM L-1 may take up to 3 before responding to a change in RCS activity.

If RM-L 1 readingt are not available, the code will pennit the user to enter a total RCS acti (uCUcc)if this is known. It generally is not. An example of when this could be used is if an RCS sample has just been pulled but has not been analyzed. If the dose rate on the sample is a factor higher than a normal RCS sample, it can be inferred that the RCS activity is 10 times higher was prior to the incident. Be aware, entering a total RCS activity will replace damage class default ,

RCS activities and spiking factors.

Remember that if fuel damage has occurred, it cannot get better.


If damage has occurred but RCS temperature and pressure improve,and the new values are input into the code, the code will reduce the NRC Damage Class.


If this occurs, the user must specify the damage class instead of entering pressure and temperature.


After doing this, the user must watch RCS temperature and pressure to ensure that damage class does not increase beyond the damage class assumed.

e i if post accident RCS results are to be input into code, specify that the NRC damage class as 1 and there has been no power transient when the code asks. If the code is using a damage class great than 1, the code will use the default isotopic activities for that damage class instead of the post accident samples that were input.





l \

l l l

i n

, v Emergency F.ced Pump Exhaust / Main Steam Line Break Manual Code Calculation


Contingency Calculation (Continued)

  • This pathway is always considered a ground level release.~ However, if this calculation is run with an ADV or MSR also open, the code may inappropriately classify it as an elevated release. If the EFP is -

running with an ADV or MSR open, both cases must be run separately and the doses added together.

  • Remember that the CDE contributes to the TEDE. Do not expect field team dose rate readings to match up with TEDE projections. Roughly 3% of the CDE dose is included in the TEDE dose. '

Ensure field teams get iodine samples evenif E 520 dose rates are low.  ;

e Depending on the physical form ofiodine in the field, the "LLD" for thyroid dose rates measured by field teams could be as high as 5 mrem /hr based on a 10 minute air sample. Consider longer sampling times if additional sensitivity is desired. _

  • If dose projections show PAG's are exceeded at 10 miles, validation of the dose projection from field reading should be performed prior to issuing a PAR beyond 10 miles.
  • Periodically verify the release duration and pathway with the ED.
  • When performing "What If" dose projections, clearly label them as "What If" calculations, e if a Site Protection Officer is stationed at the reactor building equipment hatch, consider moving the individual from that area.
  • Always communicate the uncertainty of the dose projection. Is it a bounding calculation such that I know doses can't be any higher than this? Or, is this the best approximation of what I believe offsite -

doses actually could be? Depending on the inputs, this type of calculation could go either way, i

l i

i I

j -

77 1



! 1 l

l l l

l Emergency Feed P6mp Exhaust Quick Code Calculation How it works: t I

This calculation is not performed by the Quick Code.

Em 4

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4 I

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l l


A V Atmospheric Dump Valve Release (A or B Side)

COLA Calculation Using RMS How it works:

e ne isotopic distribution of activity leaving the plant is assumed to be the same as the isotopic distribution of activity in the RCS after adjusting for iodine losses (reduction factors) applicable to this pathway. The total activity in the RCS is not important to this calculation,just the RCS isotopic distribution.

  • The iodine reduction factor for this pathway is 0.5 based on partitioning ofiodine in the steam generators. Additional iodine reduction can occur if the OTSG level is raised above 600 inches.
  • The RMS monitor (RM-G 26 or RM-G27) determines the activity in the main steam. These monitors will respond to both increases in RCS activity and primary to-secondary leakrate, e De COLA uses the reading on RM G-26 if MS-V-4A is open and the reading on RM-G-27 if MS-V-4B is open.

I e Once the COLA determines the isotopic concentrations in the main steam line, it uses the mass flow Ji

, rate out the ADV. The mass flow rate is a function of the main steam pressure and the percent demand on the MS-V-4 valve. Both of these parameters are picked up off the plant computer.  :

A -

/ e Having developed the source term, the COLA uses the meteorological dispersion model to calculate

\ the concentrations and doses at distances from the plant.


User Inputs Needed to Perform the Calculation l

i e Release duration using the Parameter Edit screen if other than 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> .


.- Met Data using the Parameter Edit screen if the data being picked up from the Met Toweris bad j e NRC Damage Class using the Parameter Edit screen the damage class is believed to be other than )

that indicated by current RCS temperature and pressure.

O (d



O C i Atmospheric Dump blve Release (A or B Side)

COLA Calculation UshgRMS (C ntinued)

Problems to Watch For e

Main steam line and condenser ofTgas moru :r increases can result from increased RCS activity or increased primary to-secondary leakage, o

' s combiaation of the two. If a sudden increase occurs:

+ Check for signs ofincreased RCS a vity. Coincident increases on RM-L-1, RM-G-22, RM-G-23, RM-G-6, or RM-G 7 may ini ;1te increased RCS activity from fuel damage. Also check the ED/ESD Screen for chanc - in NRC Damage Class based on thermal hydraulic conditions in the core.

+ Check for signs ofincreased primar, o-secondary leakage. Check with STA or TSC to determine ifleak rate changes have i cen observed.

Be aware that the COLA measures the deg .e of the ADV opening by the percent demand (how much it hou.]d be open for plant condition) If an ADV were to stick open, but did not need to be open, the percent demand will be 0 and the OLA will not recognize the ADV is open. As a result, it will compute a source term of 0. If this c ;urs, a manual code RMS calculation should be performed specifying the valve as 100% or tc An altemative would be to edit the COLA Parameter Edit Screen to say an MSR is stuck open. , e latter will provide a more conservative dose estimate .

3 (factor of 2), but will keep the EIN and MI TS plume plots reasonably accurate.


If the steam driven EFP (EFP 1) is on, regt c that the ED switch over to the electrically driven I pumps to terminate this release pathway.1; :is is not possible, request that the ED use the auxiliary boilers to drive the pump. Ask to switch to a unaffected OTSG until the boilers can be used.

Raising the OTSG level to 600 inches will h : vide additional iodine reduction. Request that the ED l consider increasing OTSG level for this pun; ase e if the release is through an ADV, the steam' ust travel past RM-G 26 or RM-G-27. There is no concern about the monitors being isolated ly a closed MS-V 2.

e 8 RM-G-26 and RM-G-27 are accident rangefonitors and are relatively insensitive. As a result, they B_ e will tend to overestimate offsite doses at loi :ount rates. Normal background from the check sources on these monitors is typically 30 to ! cpm.

Remember that if fuel damage has occurred i

cannot get better.


+ Ifdamage has occurred, but RCS ten trature and pressure improve, the' COLA will reduce i the NRC Damage Class.


+ If this occurs, the user must edit the i cnage class using the Parameter Edit Screen to lock in  !

the higher damage 'class.  !

+ After doing this, the user must watch TCS temperature and pressure to ensure that damage class does not increase beyond the dDage class assumed.


s i f 30 l




l l


s v Atmospheric Dump Valve Release (A or B Side)  !

COLA Calculation )

Using RMS

( (Continued) e If post accident RCS results are to be input into the Reactor Coolant Baseline Activity Edit Screen, ensure the NRC damage class is set to 1 on the Parameter Edit Screen and the spiklag factors in the Sample Edit Screen are set to 1. If the COLA is using a damage class greater than 1, the COLA will I I

use the default isotopic activities for that damage class instead of the post accident samples that were l input. If the r, piking factors are not set to 1, the COLA will erroneously apply the spiking factors to I

the input sample results.

  • Monitor met data. If met data shows absolutely no changes for a 30 -45 minute period, there may be a problem with the data. Verify met data with EACC and/orControl Room indications. I
  • Remember that the CDE contributes to the TEDE. Do not expect field team dose rate readings to match up with TEDE projections. Roughly 3% of the CDE dose is included in the TEDE dose. j Ensure field teams get iodine samples even if E-520 dose rates are low.
  • Depending on the physical form ofiodine in the field, the "LLD for thyroid dose rates measured by l l field teams could be as high as 5 mrerdhr based on a 10 minute air sample. Consider longer sampling times if additional sensitivity is desired.


i e if dose projections show PAG's are exceeded at 10 miles, validation of the dose projection from field l reading should be performed prior to issuing a PAR beyond 10 miles. ,

e Periodically verify the release duration and pathway with the ED. j i

e Consider performing manual "What If" dose projections for an increase in damage class using the  ;

manual code contingency calculation e Consider performing a manual contingency calculation based on primary-to-secondary leak rate as verification of this type of dose projection if RM-G 26 and RM-G-27 we reading close to background.

  • Always communicate the uncertainty of the dose projection. Is it a bounding calculation such that I l know doses can't be any higher than this? Or, is this the best approximation of what I believe offsite j doses actually could be? If RM-G-26 and RM-G 27 readings are less than 100 cpm, this will J probably be a bounding type calculation. If they are above 100 cpm, this type of calculation should be a pretty good approximation of what the doses could be.

i l



1 O Atmeegherie oemn v eive aeieese ci er e siae)

COLA Calculation Using Samples i

How it works:

This option cannot be used on the COLA at this time 1

1 e

e s l .

G e

l l

1 l

1 -

{ .

1 O

82. ,


\.t V Atmospheric Dump Valve Release (A or B Side) l l

Manual Code Calculation Using RMS i

How it works: )

e The isotopic distribution of activity leaving the plant is assumed to be the same as the isotopic distribution of activity in the RCS after adjusting for iodine losses (reduction factors) applicable to this pathway. De total activity in the RCS is not important to this calculation,just the RCS isotopic j distribution. '

e ne iodine reduction factor for this pathway is 0.5 based on partitioning of iodine in the steam i generators. Additional iodine reduction can occur if the OTSG level is raised above 600 inches.

nese reduction factors are accounted for in the manual code.

. The RMS monitor (RM-G 26 or RM-G27) determines the activity in the main steam. These monitors will respond to both increases in RCS activity and primary-to-secondary leakrete. l I

  • The choice of which monitor should be based on which ADV is open. RM-G-26 for MS V-4A or RM-G-27 for MS V-48. If both valves are open, use the higher of the two monitors.

r% \ e Once the code determines the isotopic concentrations in the main steam line, it uses the mass flow -

l {

rate out the ADV. The mass flow rate is a function of the main steam pressure and the percent open

( of the MS-V-4 valve. The user specifies both of these parameters.

I e Having developed the source term, the code uses the meteorological dispersion model to calculate l the concentrations and doses at distances from the plant. j l

= As a result of buoyant plume rise, this pathway is almost always an elevated release. I I

User Incuts Needed to Perform the Calculation l

l Plant data inputs are available on Area 38, Group 35 & 36 of the PPC (See STA)

Met Data is available on Area 19, Group 2 of the PPC(See STA)

_t-l 1

= RCS temperature and pressure or the user specified NRC Damage Class

  • The monitor to be used and the monitor reading.
  • The time in minutes'since reactor shutdown i e ne main steam pressure e The percent the ADV is open. l
  • Whether generator level is above 600 inches or not l

e Met Data (wind speed, wind direction, and delta t) I e Release duration J

v l 83

i l 1 l i

1 i i 1


\'> Atmospheric Dump Valve Release (A or B Side)

Manual Code Calculation 4 Using RMS 3 (Continued)

Problems to Watch For e Main steam line and condenser offgas monitor increases can result from increased RCS activity or increased primary-to-secondary leakage, or a combinaticn of the two. If a sudden increase occurs:

+ Check for signs ofincreased RCS activity. Coincident increases on RM-L-1, RM-G-22, RM-G-23 RM-G-6, or RM-G 7 may indicate increased RCS activity from fuel damage. Also check the ED/ESD Screen for changes in NRC Damage Class based on thermal hydraulic conditions in the core.

+ Check for signs ofincreased primary-to-secondary leakage. Check with STA or TSC to determine ifleak rate changes have been observed.

e if the steam driven EFP (EFP-1) is on, request that the ED switch over to the electrically driven pumps to terminate this release pathway. If this is not possible, request that the ED use the auxiliary -

boilers to drive the pump. Ask to switch to the unaffected OTSG until the boilers can be used.

  • Raising the OTSG level to 600 inches will provide additional iodine reduction. Request that the ED consider increasing OTSG level for this purpose (N
  • If the release is through an ADV, the steam must travel past RM-G-26 or RM-G-27. There is no .

f concem about the monitors being isolated by a closed MS-V 2. .

V e RM-G 26 and RM-G-27 are accident range monitors and are relatively insensitive. As a result, they will tend to overestimate offsite doses at low count rates. Normal background from the check sources on these monitors is typically 30 to 50 cpm.

  • Remember that if fuel damage has occurred, it cannot get better.

< + If damage has occurred but RCS temperature and pressure improve, and the new values are 4 input into the code, the code will reduce the NRC Damage Class.

,1 + If this occurs, the user must specify the damage class instead of entering pressure and g~ temperature.

y + After doing this, the user must watch RCS temperature and pressure to ensure that damage.

class does not increase beyond the damage class assumed.


s e if post accident RCS results are to be input into code, specify that the NRC damage class as I and there has been no power transient when the code asks. If the code is using a damage class greater than 1, the code will use the default isotopic activities for that damage class instead of the post accident samples that were kaput.

  • Remember that the CDE contributes to the TEDE. Do not expect field team dore rate readings to match up with TEDE projections. Roughly 3% of the CDE dose is included in the TEDE dose.

Ensure field teams get iodine samples even if E 520 dose rates are low.

= Depending on the physical form of iodine in the field, the "LLD" for thyroid dose rates measured by l field teams could be as high as 5 mrem /hr based on a 10 minute air sample. Consider longer sampling times if additional sensitivity is desired.

U 84 i



l (O)

Atmospheric Dump Valve Release (A or B Side)

Manual Code Calculation Using RMS {

(Continued) {

k I

= If dose projections show PAG's are exceeded at 10 miles, validation of the dose projection from field reading should be performed prior te issuing a PAR beyond 10. miles.

  • Periodically verify the release duration and pathway with the ED.


  • Consider performing manual"What If" dose projections for an increase in damage class using the ' l manual code contingency calculation. 1




  • Consider performing a manual contingency calculation based on primary-to-secondary leak rate as J verification of this type of dose projection if RM-O-26 and RM-G 27 are reading close to background.
  • This pathway is al' ways considered an elevated release. However, if this calculation is run with the ,

EFP running, the code will erroneously classify the EFP release as an elevated relt ase. With the EFP running both cases must be run separately and the doses added together.-

  • Always communicate the uncertainty of the dose projection. Is it a bounding calculation such that I know doses 'can't be any higher than this? Or, is this the best approximation of what I believe offsite Q

doses actually could be? If RM-G 26 and RM-G-27 readings are less than 100 cpm, this will probably be a very bounding type calculation. If they are above 100 cpm, this type of calculation should be a pretty good approximation of what the doses could be.

l l

l l

2 A G l db.

1 t

A ?$

t O

C 85

O Atmospheric Dump Valve Release (A or B Side)

Manual Code Calculation Using Samples jiow it works:

This option cannot be used on the manual code at this time l

l l

1 l


- l


l ~~'

l 1


' 86

1 i

l '


l f%

(J Atmospheric Dump Valve Release (A or B Side)

Manual Code Calculation Contingency Calculation How it works:

l e This calculation is very useful for performing "What If' calculations, where the precise response of l an RMS monitor to a change in plant conditions cannot be predicted, or if RM G 26 and RM-G-27 I are at background levels.

  • This calculation uses no RMS data. The isotopic distribution and total activity being released via this

! pathway is equal to the product of the primary-to-secondary leak rate and the activity concentration

! in the RCS. The source term rate is independent of mass flow through the ADV.

e The iodine reduction factor for this pathway is 0.5 based on partitioning of iodine in the steam i l generators. Additional iodine reduction can occur if the OTSG level is raised above 600 inches.

1 e Unlike RMS calculations, this calculation is very dependent on RCS total activity. As a result, the code has the ability to use RM-L 1 high or low readings to estimate total RCS activity. The user may i also specify a total RCS activity, j

. Having developed the source term, the code uses the meteorological dispersion model to calculate the concentrations and doses at distances from the plant, j O


  • As a result of buoyant plume rise, this pathway is almost always an elevated release.

- l User Inouts Needed to Perform the Calculation j Plant data inputs are available on Area 38, Group 35 & 36 of the PPC (See STA)

Met Data is available on Area 19, Group 2 of the PPC (See STA) e RCS temperature and pressure or the user specified NRC Damage Class e RM-L-1 high or low readings if letdown is not isolated.

. An estimate of total RCS activity, if known.

e The primary-to-secondary leak rate, in gpm, provided by the STA or TSC.

. The percent the ADV is open

. Whether generator level is above 600 inches or not

. The time in minutes since reactor shutdown e Met Data (wind speed, wind direction, and delta t) e Release duration s

l 87 i


f l

l l l l l m

l b Atmospheric Dump Valve Release (A or B Side)

Manual Code Calculation l

Contingency Calculation l

l (Continued)

Problems to Watch For e Of all calculations available, contingency calculations are the least accurate. Rey should only be used when RMS data or effluent samples are not available. Contingency calculations are ideal for performing "What If" calculations, where the precise response of an RMS monitor to a chang

' plant conditions cannot be predicted.

  • If RM-G-26 and RM-G-27 are at background levels, this is a good calculation to perform to verify dose projections made using RMS data.
  • If the steam driven EFP (EFP 1) is on, request that the ED switch over to the electrically driven l

i pumps to terminate this release pathway. If this is not possible, request that the ED use th boilers to drive the pump. Ask to switch to the unaffected OTSG until the boilers can be used.


  • Raising the OTSG level to 600 inches will provide additional iodine reduction. Request that t consider increasing OTSG level for this purpose.
  • This type of;.eiculation is very dependent on total RCS activity. He code will adjust RCS to fj activity if an RM L 1 reading is input. Prior to inputting an RM L 1 reading, verify that- RCS 1 g

letdown is not secured. Ifit has been secured (and it typically is during this type of accident), R y/- 1 readings should not be used unless the user is sure that the last reading is representative RCS conditions. Note that due to travel time in the sample lines, RM-L-1 may take up to 30 min l

before responding to a change in RCS activity.

e if RM L-1 readings are not available, the code will permit the user to enter a total RCS activity (uCi/cc) if this is known. It generally is not. An example of when this could be used is if sample has just been pulled but has not been analyzed. If the dose rate on the sam higher than a normal RCS sample, it can be inferred that the RCS activity is 10 times i

was prior to the incident. Be aware, entering a total RCS activity will replace damage RCS activities and spiking factors.

  • Remember that if fuel damage has occurred, it cannot get better.

+ If damage has occurred but RCS temperature and pressure improve, and the new va input into the code, the code will reduce the NRC Damage Class.

+ ' If this occurs, the user must specify the damage class instead of entering pressure and temperature.

+ After doing this, the user must watch RCS temperature and pressure to ensure that da l class does not increase beyond the damage class assumed.

  • If post accident RCS results are to be input into code, specify that the NRC da there has been no power transient when the code asks. If the code is using a damage class than 1, the code will use the default isotopic activities for that damage class instead of th accident samples that were input.


  • This pathway is'always considered an elevated releas g running both cases must be run separately and the doses added together.

I 88


I l l


\. -

Atmospheric Dump Valve Release (A or B Side)


Manual Code Calculation l Contingency Calculation (Continued) l


  • Remember that the CDE contributes to the TEDE. Do not expect field team dose rate readings to l match up with TEDE projections. Roughly 3% of the CDE dose is included in the TEDE dose.

Ensure field teams get iodine samples even if E-520 dose rates are low.

  • Depending on the physical form of iodine in the field, the "LLD" for thyroid dose ratm measured by l

field teams could be as high as 5 mrem /hr based on a 10 minute air sample. Consider longer i

sampling times if additional sensitivity is desired.


! l l

  • If dose projedons show PAG's are exceeded at 10 miles, validation of the dose projection from field J reading should be performed prior to issuing a PAR beyond 10 miles.
  • Periodically verify the release duration and pathway with the ED.


. When perfonning "What If" dose projections, clearly label them as "What If" calculations.

l . Always communicate the uncertainty of the dose projection. Is it a bounding calculation such that I know doses can't be any higher than this? Or, is this the best approximation of what I believe offsite doses actually could be? Depending on the inputs, this type of calculation could go either way.

[U] 1 l l B .

I b

V 89 l


l l

l n .


U) Atmospheric Dump Valve Release (A or B Side)

Quick Code Calculation How it works:

This code provides a quick, but very conservative, calculation. As such it should only be used by the on-shift RAC, during the first hour of an emergency, if the COLA Code is not available.

This code requires an RMS reading for its calculation. If an RMS reading is not available, a manual code contingency calculation must be performed, e The isotopic distribution of activity leaving the plant is assumed to be the same as the isotopic

, distribution of activity in the RCS after adjusting for iodine losses (reduction factors) applicable to this pathway. The RCS mixture is assumed to be a 1 to I noble gas to iodine ratio and a radioiodine

, spike of 50. The resulting I to 50 noble gas to iodine ratio is ym conservative for situations j involving core damage. I 1

. The iodine reduction factor for this pathway is 0.5 based on partitioning ofiodine in the steam generators. It is accounted for in the code.

  • The RMS monitor (RM-G-26 or RM-G27) determines the activity in the main steam. These monitors will respond to both increases in RCS activity and primary-to-secondary leakrate. The user l

selects which monitor will be used for the calculation.

l l

p\ e The code assumes the mass flow rate to be equivalent to an ADV 100% open at a main steam pressure of 1040 psi.



( e The code assumes an 8 hour9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> release duration.

  • Once the code determines the isotopic concentrations in the main steam line, it uses the flow rate out of the ADV to determine the uCi/sec leaving the plant (source term).
  • Having developed the source term, the code uses the meteorological dispersion model to calculate the concentrations and doses at distances from the plant.

e This pathway is always considered a ground level release I User Inouts Needed to Perform the Calculation 4

Plant data inputs are available on Area 38, Group 35 & 36 of the PPC (See STA)

Met Data is available on Area 19, Group 2 of the PPC (See STA) '


  • The monitor to be used and the monitor reading. 1 I

e Met Data (wind speed, wind direction, and delta t) e Since the COLA is not available, all readings must come from control room instrumentation.

l t i



I e\

(V Atmospheric Dump Valve Release (A or B Side) l Quick Code Calculation l (Continued) l


Problems to Watch For The IREO RAC should not use this code. He full manual code should be used when the IREO

( organization is activated.

l e his calculation produces a very bounding estimate of offsite dose, particularly for core damage i situations due to the I to 50 noble gas to iodine ratio assumed in the RCS. When communicating the results of this code to the ED, the conservative nature of the results should be emphasized.


, e As soon as time is available, a manual code RMS calculation should be performed so a dose estimate using more representative plant parameters can be obtained.

i e

Remember that the CDE contributes to the TEDE. Do not expect field team dose rate readings to match up with TEDE projections. Roughly 3% of the CDE dose is included in the TEDE dose. ,

Ensure field teams get iodine samples even if E-520 dose rates are low.  !

Depending on the physical form ofiodine in the field, the "LLD" for thyroid dose rates measured by l

field teams could be as high as 5 mrem /hr based on a 10 minute air sample. Consider longer sampling times if additional sensitivity is desired.

\ e I if dose projections show PAG's are exceeded at 10 miles, validation of the dose projection from field d reading should be performed prior to issuing a PAR beyond 10 miles. ]



  • Periodically verify the release duration and pathway with the ED. t l

e Label all Quickcode calculations as "Quickcode" l

l I l

l l


,C .

l 91

I l


l U Main Steam Safety Release (A or B Side) l l

COLA Calculation Using RMS How it works:

The isotopic distribution of activity leaving the plant is assumed to be the same as the isotopic distribution of activity in the RCS after adjusting for iodine losses (reduction factors) applicable to this pathway. The total activity in the RCS is not important to this calculation,just the RCS isotopic

! distribution.

The iodine reduction factor for this pathway is 0.5 based on partitioning ofiodine in the steEn generators. Additional iodine reduction can occur if the OTSG level is raised above 600 inches.

, e The RMS monitor (RM-G-26 or RM-G27) determines the activity in the main steam. These monitors will respond to both increases in RCS activity and primary-to-secondary leakrate.

The COLA uses the highest reading on RM-G-26 or RM-G-27.

e There is no plant computer point that provides indication that an MSR is open. The user must tell the COLA that an MSR is open by editipg the Parameter Edit Screen. Opening an MSR on the COLA does not specify whether it is on the A or B side.

Once the COLA detennines the isotopic concentrations in the main steam line, it uses the mass flow .

rate out the highest rated MSR. The mass flow rate is a function of the main steam pressure. This

. parameter is picked up off the plant computer.

l e

Having developed the source term, the COLA uses the meteorological dispersion model to calculate the concentrations and doses at distances from the plant.

As a result of buoyant plume rise, this pathway is almost always an elevated release.

User Inouts Needed to Perform the Calculation l l e MSR open using the Parameter Edit screen e Release duration using the Parameter Edit screen if other than 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> e

Met Data using the Parameter Edit screen if the data being picked up from the Met Tower is bad e

NRC Damage Class using the Parameter Edit screen the damage class is believed to bother than

. that indicated by current RCS temperamre and pressure.

l O '




, 1 th 1

, 1 l

! D)


l l

f 3 Main Steam Safety Release (A or B Side)

COLA Calculation

! Using RMS l

l l (Continued) h t Problems to Watch For g

l ,

e Main steam line and condenser offgas monitor increases can result from increased RCS cetivity or l j increased primary-to-secondary leakage, or a combination of the two. If a sudden increase occurs:

?  ?

l L + Check for signs ofincreased RCS activity. Coincident increases on RM-L-1, RM-G-22, RM. j

i. G.23, RM-G 6, or RM-G-7 may indicate increased RCS activity from fuel damage. Also check the ED/ESD Screen for changes in NRC Damage Class based on thermal hydraulic 3

conditions in the core, j + Check for signs ofincreased primary-to-secondary leakage. Check with STA or TSC to h determine ifleak rate changes have been observed.

U F = If the steam driven EFP (EFP 1) is on, request that the ED switch over to the electrically driven l 4 pumps to terminate this release pathway. If this is not possible, request that the ED use the auxiliary boilers to drive the pump. Ask to switch to the unaffected OTSG until the boilers can be used.


  • Raising the OTSG level to 600 inches will provide additional iodine reduction. Request that the ED



consider increasing OTSG level for this purpose -

If the MS-V-2 valves are closed, RM-G-26 and RM-G-27 are isolated from steam flow and may not

} =

be representative of cunent main steam conditions. Determine MS-V 2 position from the ED. With


' the MS V-2 valves closed, manual code contingency calculations should be used to calculate offsite doses unless the last known reading on these monitors is known to be representative of current main steam conditions.

j = Since the COLA does not know whether the open MSR is on the A or B side, and because it uses the V highest of the main steam monitor readings, it can be a conservative calculation. For example, if the i_ open MSR is on the B side (RM-G-27) but it is the OTSG A that is leaking (RM-G-26), the COLA is assuming that an A side MSR is open, resulting in what could be a very conservative calculation.

Should this type of situation occur, the manual code RMS calculation should be used to see how conservative the COLA is.

1 e RM-G-26 and RM-G-27 are accident range monitors and are relatively insensitive. As a result, they I will tend to overestimate offsite doses at low count rates. Normal background from the check

! sources on these monitors is typically 30 to 50 cpm.

'I l .

e Remember that if fuel damage has occurred, it cannot get better.


+ If damage has occuned, but RCS temperature and pressure improve, the COLA will reduce f the NRC Damage Class.


+ If this occurs, the user must edit the damage class using the Parameter Edit Screen to lock in

the higher damage class.

J + After doing this, the user must watch RCS temperature and pressure to ensure that damage 9 class does not increase beyond the damage class assumed.



}p) -

a l W 93 l ),

l $) ,

  • r, f

r l

N d Main Steam Safety Release (A or B Side) l COLA Calculation Using RMS l (Continued) l e if post accident RCS results are to be input into the Peactor Coolant Baseline Activity Edit Screen, ensure the NRC damage class is set to 1 on the Parameter Edit Screen and the spiking factors in the Sample Edit Screen are set to 1. If the COLA is using a damage class greater than 1, the COLA will use the default isotopic activities for that damage class instead of the post accident samples that were input. If the spiking factors are not set to 1, the COLA will erroneously apply the spiking factors to the input sample results.

  • Monitor met data. If met data shows absolutely no changes for a 30 - 45 minute period, there may be a problem with the data. Verify met data with EACC and'or Control Room indications.
  • Remember that the CDE contributes to the TEDE. Do not expect field team dose rate readings to match up with TEDE projections. Roughly 3% of the CDE dose is included in the TEDE dose.

Ensure field teams get iodine samples even if E-520 dose rates are low.  ;

  • Depending on the physical form ofiodine in the field, the "LLD" for thyroid dose rates measured by  ;

field teams could be as high as 5 mrem /hr based on a 10 minute air sample. Consider longer  !

sampling times if additional sensitivity is desired.

! e if dose projections show PAG's are exceeded at 10 miles, validation of the dose projection from field -

l reading should be performed prior to issuing a PAR beyond 10 miles.

l l

  • Periodically verify the release duration and pathway with the ED.

l e Consider performing manual"What !!" dose projections for an increase in damage class using the manual code contingency calculation.

I e Consider performing a manual contingency calculation based on primary-to-secondary leak rate as l verification of this type of dose projection if RM-G 26 and RM-G-27 are reading close to background.

  • Always communicate the uncertainty of the dose projection. Is it a bounding calculation such that I know doses can't be any higher than this? Or, is titis the best approximation of what I believe offsite doses actually could be? If RM-G-26 and RM-G-27 readings are less than 100 cpm, this will  :

l probably be a bounding type calculation. If they are above 100 cpm, this type of calculation should )

l be a pretty good approximation of what the doses could be. i i

l l l

l l

A l C ,

94 l I


Main Steam Safety Release (A or B Side)

COLA Calculation Using Samples How it works:

This option cannot be used on the COLA at this time l

e I

i l

O 95

r (N '

Main Steam Safety Release (A or B Side)

Manual Code Calculation '

l Using RMS ,

l How it works:



The isotopic distribution of activity leaving the plant is assumed to be the same as the isotopic distribution of activity in the RCS after adjusting for iodine losses (reduction factors) applicable to ,

l this pathway. The total activity in the RCS is not important to this calculation,just the RCS isotopic l distribution. l

. The iodine reduction factor for this pathway is 0.5 based on partitioning ofiodine in the steam generators. Additional iodine reduction can occur if the OTSG level is raised above 600 inches.


These reduction factors are accounted for in the manual code. l

  • The RMS monitor (RM-G-26 or RM-G27) determines the activity in the main steam. These monitors will respond to both increases in RCS activity and primary to-secondary leakrate.
  • The user inputs the reading on RM-G-26 if an 'A' side MSR is open or the reading on RM-G-27 if a l 'B' side MSR open. If MSR's are open on both the A and B side, the highest of the two readings I should be used. l l
  • Once the code determines the isotopic concentrations in the main steam line, it uses the mass flow I

rate out the MSR. He mass flow rate is a function of the main steam pressure. The main steam pressure is input by the user.

y l l \ e Having developed the source term, the COLA uses the meteorological dispersion model to calculate I

the concentrations and doses at distances from the plant.


l 1

e As a result of buoyant plume rise, this pathway is almost always an elevated release. )

l User Inputs Needed to Perform the Calculation l Plant data inputs are available on Area 38, Group 35 & 36 of the PPC (See STA) i Met Data is available on Area 19, Group 2 of the PPC (See STA) l l

j e RCS temperature and pressure or the user specified NRC Damage Class lE l

T e The monitor to be used and the monitor reading, e The time in minutes since reactor shutdown e The main steam pressure f e The specific MSR that is open.

l e Whether generator level is above 600 inches or not e Met Data (wind speed, wind direction, and delta t) e Release duration m


f l



l (C Main Steam Safety Release (A or B Side)

Manual Code Calculation Using RMS (Continued)

Problems to Watch For a

Main steam line and condenser offgas monitor increases can result from increased RCS activity or increased primary-to-secondary leakage, or a combination of the two. If a sudden increase occurs:

+ Check fer signs ofincreased RCS activity. Coincident increases on RM-L 1, RM-G-22, RM-G-23, RM-G-6, or RM-G-7 'may indicate increased RCS activity from fuel damage. Also check the ED/ESD Screen for changes in NRC Damage Class based on thermal hydraulic conditions in the core.

+ Check for signs ofincreased primary-to-secondary leakage. Check with STA or TSC to determine ifleak rate changes have been observed.

If the steam driven EFP (EFP-1) is on, request that the ED switch over 4 the electrically driven pumps to terminate this release pathway. If this is not possible, reque that the ED use the auxiliary .

boilers to drive the pump. Ask to switch to the unaffected OTSG until the boilers can be used.

Raising the OTSG level to 600 inches will provide additional iodine reduction. Request that the ED consider increasing OTSG level for this purpose e

If the MS-V 2 valves are closed, RM-G-26 and RM-G 27 are isolated from steam flow and may riot

[..s\ be representative ofcurrent main steam conditions. Determine MS V-2 position from the ED. With i

{j the MS V-2 valves closed, manual code contingency calculations should be used to calculate offsite doses unless the last known reading on these monitors is known to be representative of cunent main

steam conditions.
  • RM-G 26 and RM-G-27 are accident range monitors and are relatively insensitive. As a result, they will tend to overestimate offsite doses at low count rates. Normal background from the check sources on these monitors is typically 30 to 50 cpm.
  • Remember that if fuel damage has occurred, it cannot get better.


} .

+ If damage has occurred but RCS temperature and pressure improve, and the new values are


] input into the code, the code will reduce the NRC Damage Class.

+ If this occurs, the user must specify the damage class instead of entering pressure and

' i temperature.

+ After doing this, the user must watch RCS temperature and pressure to ensure that damage class does not increase beyond the damage class assumed.

  • If post accident RCS results are to be input into code, specify that the NRC damage class as 1 and there has been no power transient when the code asks. If the code is using a damage class greater

, than 1, the code will use the default isotopic activities for that damage class instead of the post I

accident samples that were input.

  • Remember that the CDE contributes to ths TEDE. Do not expect field team dose rate readings to match up with TEDE projections. Roughly 3% of the CDE dose is included in the TEDE dose.

Ensure field teams get iodine samples even if E 520 dose rates are low.


! 97 I

i i

u ._



k Main Steam Safety Release (A or B Side)

Manual Code Calculation '

Using RMS (Continued)

Depending on the physical form ofiodine in the field, the "LLD" for thyroid dose rates measured by field teams could be as high as 5 mrem /hr based on a 10 minute air sample. Consider longer sampling times if additional sensitivity is desired.

l e If dose projections show PAG's are exceeded at 10 rr s, validation of the dose projection from field reading should be performed prior to issuing a PAR i /. yond 10 miles. .

Periodically verify the release duration and pathway with the ED.

s Consider performing manual "What If" dose projections for an increase in damage class using the I manual code contingency calculation.

Consider performing a manual contingency calculation based on primary-to-secondsry leak rate as verification of this type of dose projection if RM-G-26 and RM-G-27 are reading close to i background.

l e

This pathway is always considered an elevated release. However, if this calculation is run with the EFP running, the code will erroneously classify the EFP release as an elevated release. With the EFP running both cases must be run separately and the doses added together. - l Always communicate the uncertainty of the dose projection. Is it a bounding calculation such that I know doses can't be any higher than this? Or, is this the best approximation of what I believe offsite doses actually could be? If RM-G-26 and RM-G 27 readings are less than 100 cpm, this will l probably be a very bounding type calculation. If they are above 100 cpm, this type of calculation l should be a pretty good approximation of what the doses could be.

l l

B -


(V '


1 l

i Main Steam Safety Release (A or B Side)

Manual Code Calculation i Using Samples How it works:

This option cannot be used on the manual code at this time




G l

l O


1 1


l O U Main Steam Safety Release (A or B Side)

Manual Code Calculation Contingency Calculation How it works:

  • This calculation is very useful for performing "What If' calculations, where tlie precise response of an RMS monitor to a change in plant conditions cannot be predicted.

e if RM-G-26 and RM-G 27 are at background levels, this is a good calculation to perform to verify dose projections made using RMS data.

  • This calculation uses no RMS data. The isotopic distribution and total activity being released via this pathway is equal to the product of the primary-to-secondary leak rate and the activity concentration in the RCS. He source tenn rate is independent of mass flow through the MSR.

e ne iodine reduction factor for this pathway is 0.5 based on partitic :'ing ofiodine in the steam generators. Additional iodine reduction can occur if the OTSG levst is raised above 600 inches.

e Unlike RMS calculations, this calculation is very de pendent on xCS total activity. As a result, the code has the ability to use RM-L-1 high or low readings to estimate total RCS activity. De user may also specify a total RCS activity.

e Having developed the source term, the code uses the meteorological dispersion model to calculate

, s .

\ the concentrations and doses at distances from the plant.


e As a result of buoyant plume rise, this pathway is almost always an elevated release.

User Inouts Needed to Perform the Calculation Plant data inputs are available on Area 38, Group 35 & 36 of the PPC (See STA)

Met Data is available on Area 19, Group 2 of the PPC (See STA) e RCS temperature and pressure or the user specified NRC Damage Class e RM-L 1 high or low readings if letdown is not isolated.


  • An estimate of total RCS activity, if known.

e ne primary to-secondary leak rate, in gpm, provided by the STA or TSC.

. He main steam pressure e ne specific MSR that is open i

' ~

e Whether generator level is above 600 inches or not e ne time in minutes since reactor shutdown e Met Data (wind speed, wind direction, and delta t) j e Release duration I


100 1



'v) Main Steam Safety Release (A or B Side)

Manual Code Calculation Contingency Calculation (Continued)

Problems to Watch For e Of all calculations available, contingency calculations are the least accurate. They should only be used when RMS data or effluent samples are not available. Contingency calculations are ideal for performing "What If" calculations, where the precise response or an RMS monhor to a change in plant conditions cannot be predicted.

e if the steam driven EFP (EFP-1) is on, request that the ED switch over to the electrically driven pumps to terminate'this release pathway. If this is not possible, request that the ED use the auxiliary bollers to drive the pump. Ask to switch to the unaffected OTSG until the boilers can be used.

  • Raising the OTSO level to 600 inches will provide additional iodine reduction. Request that the ED consider increasing OTSG level for this purpose.
  • This type cf calculation is very dependent on total RCS activity. The code will adjust RCS total activity if an RM-L-1 reading is input. Prior to inputting an RM-L-1 reading, verify that RCS letdown is not secured. Ifit has been secured (and it typically is during this type of accident). RM-L-I readings should not be used unless the user is sure that the last reading is representative of current RCS conditions. Note that due to travel time in the sample lines, RM-L 1 may take up to 30 minutes m before responding to a change in RCS activity. .

I Q **

e If RM-L 1 readings are not available, the code will permit the user to enter a total RCS activity (uCi/cc) if this is known. It generally is not. An example of when this could be used is if an RCS sample has just been pulled but has not been analyzed. If the dose rate on the sample is a factor of 10 higher than a normal RCS sr2mple, it can be inferred that the RCS activity is 10 times higher than it was prior to the incident. Be aware, entering a total RCS activity will replace damage class default RCS activities and spiking factors.

  • Remember that if fuel damage has occurred, it cannot get better.

+ If damage has occurred but RCS temperature and pressure improve, and the new values are input into the code, the code wi!! reduce the NRC Damage Class.


+ If this occurs, the user must specify the damage class instead of entering pressure and temperature.

+ After doing this, the user must watch RCS temperature and pressure to ensure that damage class does not increase beyond the damage class assumed. ""

  • If post accident RCS results are to be input into code, specify that the NRC damage class as I and there has been no power transient when the code asks. If the code is using a damage class greater than 1, the code will use the default isotopic actlyities for that damage class instead of the post accident samples that were input.

e This pathway is always considered an elevated release. However, if this calculation is'run with the j

EFP running, the code will erroneously classify the EFP release as an elevated release. With the EFP I

! running both cases must be nm separately and the doses added together. j i

e Remember that the CDE contributes to the TEDE. Do not expect field team dose rate readings to l O

match up with TEDE projections. Roughly 3% of the CDE dose is included in the TEDE dose. (

Ensure field teams get iodine samples even if E 520 dose rates are low.

101 1

1 1

s Main $ team Safety Release (A or B Side) l Manual Code Calculation l Contingency Calculation (Continued) e Depending on the physical form ofiodine in the field, the "LLD" for thyroid dose rxes measured by field teams could be as high as 5 mrem /hr based on a 10 minute air sample. Consider longer sampling times if additional sensitivity is desired.

l e If dose projections show PAG's are exceeded at 10 miles, validation of the dose projection from field

! reading should be performed prior to issuing a PAR beyond 10 miles. -

e Periodically verify the release duration and pathway with the ED.

e When performing "What If" dose projections, clearly label them as "What If" calculations.

l e Always costmunicate the uncertainty of the dose projection. Is it a bounding calculation such that I

! know doses can't be any higher than this? Or, is this the best approximation of what I believe offsite doses actually could be? Depending on the inputs, this type of calculation could go either way.

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l w Main Stearn Safety Release (A or B Side) l Quick Co 100 cpm, the COLA is using RM A 8 High to compute the noble gas and iodine source terms.


  • Once the COLA determines the isotopic concentrations leaving via station vent, it uses the flow rate j to determine the uCi/sec leaving the plant (source term).

l e Having developed the source term, the COLA uses the meteorological dispers on model to calculate j the concentrations and doses at distances from the plant.

e nis pathway can be a ground level release, an elevated release, or a mixture of the two depending on l l the flow rate from station vent and the reactor buildmg purge exhaust and the meteorological l! conditions present.

lp User Inouts Needed to Perform the Calculation 1

  • Release duration using the Parameter Edit screen if other than 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br />
  • Met Data using the Parameter Edit screen if the data being picked up from the Met Tower is bad l


  • NRC Damage Class using the Parameter Edit screen the damage class is believed to be other than that indicated by current RCS temperature and pressure, i

l f

Ci V



Station Vent COLA Calculation Using RMS (Continued)

Problems to Watch For e

Station vent monitor increases can result from increased RCS activity or RCS leakage in the Auxiliary / Fuel Handling Building, or a combination of the two. If a sudden increase occurs:

+ Check for signs ofincreased RCS activity. Coincident increases on RM L-1, RM-G 22, RM.

G 23 RM-G-6, or RM-G 7 may indicate increased RCS activity from fuel damage. Also check the ED/ESD Screen for changes in NRC Damage Class based on thermal hydraulic conditions in the core. ,,

+ Check for signs ofincreased leakage to the Auxiliary / Fuel Handling Building. Check with -

STA or TSC to determine ifleak rate changes have been observed. l l

e If RM A 8 High is s 100 cpm, RM-A 8 lodine is used to calculate the iodine source tenn. The iodine source term is not ratioed in from the RCS noble gas to lodine ratio. The isotopic distribution of the lodines is the same as in the RCS.


e If RM A-8 High is s 100 cpm, and RM-A 8 lodine is offscale high,the iodine source term will not  !

be calculated correctly. In this situation, the manual RMS calculation for station vent should be

, performed. j


O e If RM A 8 High is > 100 cpm, the iodine source term is scaled in from the noble gas to iodine ratio after adjusting for iodine losses (red tetion factors) applicable to this pathway e

Remember that if fuel damage has occurred, it cannot get better.

+ If damage has occurred, but RCS temperature and pressure improve, the COLA will reduce l the NRC Damage Class.


+ If this occurs, the user must edit the damage class using the Parameter Edit Screen to lock in I the higher damage class. l

+ After doing this, the user must watch RCS temperature and pressure to ensure that damage i class does not increase beyond the damage class assumed.

' If post accident RCS results are to be input into the Reactor Coolant Baseline Activity Edit Screen, ensure the NRC damage class is set to 1 on the. Parameter Edit Screen and the spiking factors in the

  • Sample Edit Screen are set to 1. If the COLA is using a damage class greater than 1, the COLA will use the default isotopic activities for that damage class instead of the post accident samples that were input, if the spiking factors are not set to 1, the COLA will erroneously apply the spiking factors to the input sample results.
  • Monitor met data. If met data shows absolutely no changes for a 30 - 45 minute period, there may be a problem with the data. Verify met data with EACC and/or Control Room indications.
  • Remember that the CDE contributes to the TEDE. Do not expect field team dose rate readings to match up with TEDE projections. Roughly 3% of the CDE dose is included in the TEDE dose.

l Ensure field teams get iodine samples even if E-520 dose rates are low.

I e Depending on the physical form ofiodine in the field, the "LLD" for thyroid dose rates measured by (q field teams could be as high as 5 mrem /hr based on a 10 minute air sample. Consider longer sampling times if additional sensitivity is desired.


' 4 1 ..

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Station Vent .

COLA Calculation Using RMS (Continued) e if dose projections show PAG's are exceeded at 10 miles, validation of the dose projection from field reading should be performed prior to issuing a PAR beyond 10 miles.


  • Periodically verify the release duration and pathway with the ED.

i e Consider getting an efiluent sample from this pathway (MAP 5 or pre-filter marinelli) when l conditions appear to have stabilized. ,

l e Consider performing manual "What If" dose projections for increases in damage class. l l


e if the charcoal filters become degraded and are believed to be operating at less than normal i I efficiency, the manual code RMS calculation should be used for this pathway. The TSC can provide l information on charcoal filter efficiency and degradation.


  • Always communicate the uncertainty of the dose projection. Is it a bounding calculation such that I I l

l know doses can't be-any higher than this? Or, is this the best approximation of what I believe offsite

,Q. doses actually could be? This type of calculation should be a pretty good approximation of what the -

doses could be.

l tb 7 l

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\ .

C' Station Vent COLA Calculation Using Samples How it work' s:

  • Effluents leaving via Station Vent are sampled using a pre filter marinelli sample 1
  • De user enters the positive noble gas and iodine isotope concentrations from the analysis into the Station Vent Sample Edit Screen.
  • If a MAP 5 sample is used, the manual code must be used to perform the calculation, since the I I

COLA will not produce a noble gas source tenn.

' l

  • Once the COLA determines the isotopic concentrations leaving via Station Vent, it uses the flow rate l from the plant computer to determine the uCi/sec leaving the plant (source term).
  • Having developed the source term, the COLA uses the meteorological dispersion model to calculate ,

the concentrations and doses at distances from the plant, e his pathway can be a ground level release, an elevated release, or a mixture of the two depending on


the flow rate from station vent and the reactor building purge exhaust and the meteorological conditions present. ,


User Inouts Needed to Perform the Calculation e Sample results need to be entered on the Station Vent Sample Edit Screen e Release duration using the Parameter Edit screen if other than 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> l


  • Met Data using the Parameter Edit screen if the data being picked up from the Met Tower is bad I

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Station Vent COLA Calculation Using Samples (Continued)

Problems to Watch For e The user must ensure that the sample results are representative of current plant conditions. If plant conditions change significantly after the sample was obtained, the user should make the Station Vent Sample Edit Screen inactive and resume COLA RMS calculations.

  • MAP-5 samples cannot be used solely with the COLA code rince noble gases are not measured. The COLA code will not produce a noble gas source term from a MAP-5 sample. MAP-5 samples must be calculated using the manual codes to get the correct TEDE dose. The MAP-5 sample should still be input into the COLA code since the thyroid doses produced by the COLA will still be accurate, e Monitor met data. If met data shows absolutely no changes for a 30 - 45 minute period, there may be a problem with the data. Verify met data with EACC and/or Control Room indications.
  • Remember that the CDE contributes to the TEDE. Do not expect field team dose rate readings to match up with TEDE projections. Roughly 3% of the CDE dose is included in the TEDE dose.

Ensure field teams get iodine samples even if E 520 dose rates are low.

( e Depending on the physical form of iodine in the field, the "LLD" for thyroid dose rates measured by field teams could be as high as 5 mrem /hr based on a 10 minute air sample. Consider longer sampling times if additional sensitivity is desired.  ;

e If dose projections show PAG's are exceeded at 10 miles, validation of the dose projection from field reading should be performed prior to issuing a PAR beyond 10 miles.

  • Periodically verify the release duration and pathway with the ED.

I l

  • Consider performing manual "What If" dose projections for increases in damage class using a manual code contingency calculation.
  • Always communicate the uncertainty of the dose projection. Is it a bounding calculation such that I know doses can't be any higher than this? Or, is this the best approximation of what I believe offsite doses actually could be? This type of calculation should be a pretty good approximation of what the

! doses could be.

l  !

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(V' .

Station Vent Manual Code Calculation i1 Using RMS I

l How it works:

e ne isotopic distribution of activity leaving the plant is assumed to be the same as the isotopic distribution of activity in the RCS after adjusting for iodine losses (reduction factors) applicable to this pathway. He total activity in the RCS is not important to this calculation,just the RCS isotopic l distribution. l l

e ne iodine reduction factor for this pathway is a combination of primary system iodine retention (0.4) and charcoal filtration efficiency specified by the user (E). The total lodine reduction factor is then (0.4)(1 E), normally = 0.004.

e The RMS monitor (RM A-4,6, or 8 Gas, RM A-4,6, or 8 lodine, or RM A-8 high) determines the activity leaving via this pathway. Rese monitors will respond to both increases in RCS activity and increased leakage into the auxiliary / fuel handling building.

e ne user selects whether RM-A 4, RM-A-6, RM-A-8 or RM-A 8 High is used for the calculation:

[ + If RM-A 8 or RM A-8 High is selected, the code will ask the user if RM-A 8 lodine is on

( scale. If the answer is yes, the code will calculate the iodine source term base on the current and previous iodine channel readings specified by the user. If RM-A-8 lodine is offscale, the iodine source term is scaled in from the noble gas to lodine ratio after adjusting for iodine losses (reduction factors) applicable to this pathway.

+ If RM A-4 or RM-A 6 are selected. The code assumes the iodine channels are onscale and iodine channels must be input to get an iodine source term.

+ If RM-A-4 or RM A 6 are selected, or if RM A-8 lodine is offscale, the code will ask the user if the charcoal filters are operational. If they are, the code will prompt the user to input their efficiency. De efficiency should be input as 0.99 unless information from the TSC indicates c another value should be used.

k g g

  • Once the code determines the isotopic concentrations leaving via station vent, it uses the flow rate to I~Y ;;

determine the uCi/sec leaving the plant (source term).

Having developed the source term, the code uses the meteorological dispersion model to calculate the concentrations and doses at distances from the plant.

e his pathway can be a ground level release, an elevated release, or a mixture of the two depending on the flow rate from station vent and the reactor building purge exhaust and the meteorological conditions present.


[V \


O b Station Vent

. Manual Code Calculation Using RMS (Continued)

User Inouts Needed to Perform the Calculation Plant data inputs are available on Area 38, Group 38 of the PPC (See STA)

Met Data is available on Area 19, Group 2 of the PPC (See STA)

  • RCS temperature and pressure or the user specified NRC Damage Class
  • The monitor to be used and the monitor reading.

. The time in minutes since reactor shutdown

  • Station Vent flowrate
  • The Reactor building purge flowrate (for adjacent plume rise) e Charcoal filter operability and efficiency
  • Met Data (wind speed, wind direction, and delta t) p .


  • Release duration Problems to Watch For
  • Station Vent monitor increases can result from increased RCS activity or increased RCS leakage to the Aux /FHB, or a combination of the two. If a sudden incase occurs:

+ Check for signs ofincreased RCS activity. Coincident increases on RM-L 1, RM-G-22, RM-G 23 RM-G-6, or RM-G 7 may indicate increased RCS activity from fuel damage. Also

- check the ED/ESD Screen for changes in NRC Damage Class based on thermal hydraulic 1 conditions in the core.

f + Check for signs ofincreased leakage to the Auxiliary / Fuel Handling Building. Check with Ii 1 e

STA or TSC to determine ifleak rate changes have been observed.

Remember that if fuel damage has occurred, it cannot get better.

+ If damage has occurred but RCS temperature and pressure improve, and the new values are input into the code, the code will reduce the NRC Damage Class.

+ If this occurs, the user must specify the damage class instead of entering pressure and j temperature.

+ , After doing this, the user must watch RCS temperature and pressure to ensure that damage class does not increase beyond the damage class assumed.

I e- If post accident RCS results are to be input into code, specify that the NRC damage class as 1 and these has been no power transient when the code asks. If the code is using a damage class greater l than 1, the code will use the default isotopic activities for that damage class instead of the post accident samples that were input.


, 111 j i

1 b,


!. Station Vent

! Manual Code Calculation l Using RMS

[ i (Continued) e Remee tw diat the CDE contributes to the TEDE. Do not expect field team dose rate readings to match up with TEDE projections. Rvaghly 3% of the CDE dose is included in the TEDE dose.

Ensure field teams get iodine samples even if E-520 dose rates are low.

  • Depending on the physical form of iodine in the field, the "LLD" for thyre'.d dose rates measured by field teams could be as high as 5 mrem /hr based on a 10 minute air sample. Consider longer f sampling times if additional sensitivity is desired.


,  ; e if dose projections show PAG's are exceeded at 10 miles, validation of the dose projection from field reading should be performed prior to issuing a PAR beyond 10 miles.

I i

  • Periodically verify the release duratiori and pathway with the ED.

l l ,

( ! e Consider performing manual"What If" dose projections for increases in damage class using a l j manual code contingeacy calculation.

i 4

!F e Consider getting an effluent sample from this pathway (MAP 5 or pre-filter marinelli) when conditions appear to have stabilized.

l lA

  • Always communicate the uncertainty of the dose projection. Is it a bounding calculation such that I know doses can't be any higher than this? Or, is this the best approximation of what I believe offsite f}

doses actually could be? This type of calculation should be a pretty good approximation of what the l

' doses could be.


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! ,n s U Station Vent l Manual Code Calculation Using Samples How it works:

  • Effluents leaving via station vent are sampled using a MAP-5 sample or a pre-filter marinelli sample e If a pre-filter marinelli sample is used, the user enters the positive noble gas and iodine isotope concentrations from the analysis when prompted by the code.

e if a MAP-5 sample is used, the user enters the positive iodine isotope concentrations from the analysis when prompted by the code. Since MAP-5 samples do not provide noble gas results, manual code will scale in the noble gases. It assumes that the noble gas to iodine ratio leaving Station Vent is the same as the isotopic distribution of activity in the RCS after adjusting for iodine losses (reduction factors) applicable to this pathway.

  • The iodine reduction factor for this pathway is a combination of primary system iodine retention (0.4) and charcoal filtration efficiency specified by the user (E). The total iodine reduction factor is then (0.4)(1-E), normally = 0.004.

= Once the code determines the isotopic concentrations leaving via Station Vent, it uses the Station Vent flow rate input by the user to determine the uCi/sec leaving the plant (source term). ,

iI i i

() e Having developed the source term, the code uses the meteorological dispersion model to calculate the concentrations and doses at distances from the plant.

e This pathway can be a ground level release, an elevated release, or a mixture of the two depending on the flow rate from station vent and the reactor building purge exhaust and the meteorological conditions present.

User inouts Needed to Perfonn the Calculation Plant data inputs are available on Area 38, Group 38 of the PPC (See STA) l Met Data is available on Area 19, Group 2 of the PPC (See STA) e The code will prompt the user to input values for RCS temperature and pressure or NRC Damage Class values. These must be input but will have no bearing on the calculation since effluent concentrations leaving the plant are being determined by isotopic sample analysis.


= Sample results from Station Vent and the time of the sample I

e Station vent flow rate e The reactor building purge flow rate (for adjacent plume rise) e Charcoal fiher operability and efficiency e Met Data (wind speed, wind direction, and delta t)



Q) . Release duration I13  ;

l l



l' J Station Vent Manual Code Calculation Using Samples (Continued) i

! Problems to Watch For l

  • The MAP 5 sample panel may present a dose rate hazard to personnel if the release rate is high or if l it has been running for a long time with the same cartridges.
  • The user must ensure that the sample results are representative of current plant conditions. If plant conditions change significantly after the ssmple was obtained, the user s sould begin using COLA or manual code RMS calculations.

e If dose projections show PAG's are exceeded at 10 miles, validation of the dose projection from field reading should be performed prior to issuing a PAR beyond 10 miles

  • Remember that the CDE contributes to the TEDE. Do not expect field team dose rate readings to match up with TEDE projections. Roughly 3% of the CDE dose is included in the TEDE dosec

( Ensure field teams get iodine samples even if E-520 dose rates are low.

l I e Depending on the physical form of iodine in the field, the "LLD" for thyroid dose rates measured by l field teams could be as high as 5 mrem /hr based on a 10 minute air sampie. Consider longer .

! sampling times if additional sensitivity is desired.

l l

  • Periodically verify the release duration and pathway with the ED.


  • Consider perfonning manual"What If" dose projection for increases in damage class.
  • Always communicate the uncenainty of the dose projection. is it a bounding calculation such that I know doses can't be any higher than this? Or, is this the best approximation of what I believe offsite doses actually could be? This type of calculation should be a pretty good approximation of what the doses could be.

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O Station Vent Manual Code Calculation Contingency Calculation How it works:

The manual code does not support this calculation at this time.



O 94.

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L) stat. ion Vent Quick Code Calculation How it works:

  • This code provides a quick, but very conservative, calculation. As such it should only be used by the on-shift RAC, during the first hour of an emergency, if the COLA Code is not available.

e nis code requires an RMS reading for its calculation. If an RMS reading is not available, a manual code contingency calculation must be performed.

. .ne isotopic distribution of activity leaving the plant is assumed to be the same as the isotopic distribution of activity in the RCS after adjusting for iodine losses (reduction factors) applicable to this pathway, ne RCS mixture is assumul to be a 1 to I noble gas to iodine ratio and a radiciodine spike of 50. De resulting i to 50 noble gas to iodine ratio is y,gy conservative for situations involving core damage.

e ne iodine reduction factor for this pathway is a combination of primary system iodine retention 1 (0.4) and charcoal filtration (0.01). He total iodine reduction factor is then (0.4)(0.01) = 0.004.

. The RMS monitor (RM-A-8 or RM-A 8 High) determines the activity leaving via this pathway.

nese monitors will respond to both increases in RCS activity and increased leakrate into the Aux

/ Fuel Handling Building. He user selects which monitor will be used for the calculation. Generally, l the highest range monitor reading > 100 should be used.

e ne code assumes a Station Vent flow of 80,000 cfm. Dose results may be ratioed by the actual cfm V (i.e. if the actual flow is only 40,000 cfm, the dose projection is reduced by %). ]

l e ne code assumes an 8 hour9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> release duration.

. Once the code determines the isotopic concentrations leaving via Station Vent, it uses the flow rate to determine the uCi/sec leaving the plant (source term). j e Having developed the source term, the code uses the meteorological dispersion model to calculate the concentrations and doses at distances from the plant.

I e- his pathway can be a ground level release, an elevated release, or a mixture of the two dependmg on I the meteorological conditions present. l User Inouts Needed to Perform the Calculation Plant data inputs are available on Area 38, Group 38 of the PPC (See STA) l Met Data is available on Area 19, Group 2 of the PPC (See STA)

  • The monitor to be used and the monitor readmg.

e Met Data (wind speed, wind direction, and delta t) l l

e Since the COLA is not available, all readings must come from control room instrumentation. j i

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\ Station Vent Quick Code Calculation i

, (Continued) l Problems to Watch For ,


  • The IREO RAC should not use this code. The full manual code should be used when the IREO organization is activated.
  • This calculation produces a very bounding estimate of offsite dose, particularly for core damage situations due to the 1 to 50 noble gas to iodse ratio assumed in the RCS. When communicating the results of this code to the ED, the conservative nature of the results should be emphasized.
  • As soon as time is available, a manual code RMS calculation should be perfonned so a dose estimate using more representative plant parameters can be obtained.
  • Remember that the CDE contributes to the TEDE. Do not expect field team dose rate readings to match up with TEDE projections. Ensure field teams get iodine samples even if E 520 dose rates are low. -
  • Depending on the physical form ofiodine in the field, the "LLD" for thyroid dose rates measured by field teams could be as high as 5 mrem /hr based on a 10 minute air sample. Consider longer l sampling times if additional sensitivity is desired, e if dose projections show PAG's are exceeded at 10 miles, validation of the dose projection from field
  • reading should be performed prior to issuing a PAR beyond 10 miles.
  • Periodically verify the release duration and pathway with the ED. ,
  • Label all Quickcode calculations as "Quickcode" I

. l l

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U Reactor Building Purge Exhaust COLA Calculation Using RMS How it works:

e The isotopic distribution of activity leaving the plant is assumed to be the same as the isotopic distribution of activity in the RCS after adjusting for iodine losses (reduction factors) applicable to this pathway. The total activity in the RCS is not important to this calculation,just the RCS isotopic distribution.

e ne iodine reduction factor for this pathway is a combination of reduction by natural processes (0.4) or reduction by reactor building spray (0.03) and charcoal filtration (0.01). The total iodine reduction factor with no reactor building spray is then (0.4)(0.01) = 0.004. The totaliodine reduction factor with reactor building spray is then (0.03)(0.01) = 0.0003.

_ ,, e The RMS monitor (RM-A 9 Gas, RM A 9 lodine, RM A 9 High, or RM G-24) detennines the activity leaving via this pathway. Rese monitors will respond to both increases in RCS activity and increased leakage into the reactor building, e The logic the COLA uses in picking which monitor to perform the calculation is as follows:

+ If RM A-9 High and RM-G-24 read s100, the COLA is using the reading on RM-A-9 Gas to compute the noble gas source term. .

( + If RM-A-9 High and RM-G-24 read $100, the COLA is using the difference between the b current reading on RM-A-9 lodine and the previous reading on RM A-9 iodine compute the iodine source term

+ If RM A-9 High reads > 100 cpm and RM-G-24 reads s100 mR/hr, the COLA is using RM-A-9 High to compute the noble gas and iodine source terms.

+ If RM-G-24 reads > 100 mR/hr, the COLA is using RM-G-24 to compute the noble gas and iodine source terms e Once the COLA determines the isotopic concentrations leaving via the reactor building purge exhaust, it uses the flow rate to determine the uCi/sec leaving the plant (source term). ,

e Having developed the source term, the COLA uses the meteorological dispersion model to calculate the concentrations and doses at distances from the plant.

e his pathway can be a ground level release, an elevated release, or a mixture of the two depending on the flow rate from station vent and the reactor building purge exhaust and the meteorological conditions present.

User Inouts Needed to Perform the Calculation

  • Release duration using the Parameter Edit screen if other than 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> e Met Data using the Parameter Edit screen if the data being picked up from the Met Tower is bad
  • . NRC Damage Class using the Parameter Edit screen the damage class is believed to be other than that indicated by current RCS temperature and pressure.

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k Reactor Building Purge Exhaust COLA Calculation Using RMS (Continued)

Problems to Watch For ..

  • Reactor Building Purge Exhaust monitor increases can result from increased RCS activity or RCS leakage in the reactor building, or a combination of the two. If a sudden increase occurs: .

+ Check the ED/ESD Screen for changes in NRC Damage Class based on thermal hydraulic l

conditions in the core, t + Check for signs ofincreased leakage to the Reactor Building. Check with STA or TSC to detennine ifleak rate changes have been observed.

e if RM-A-9 High is s 100 cpm, RM A-9 lodine is used to calculate the iodine source term. The

iodine source term is not ratioed in from the RCS noble gas to iodine ratio. The isotopic distribution j of the iodines is the same as in the RCS.

l e if RM A 9 High is s 100 cpm and RM-A 9 lodine is offscale high, the iodine source term will not be l

calculated correctly, in this situation, the manual RMS calculation for the reactor building purge exhaust should be perfonned. l e if RM-A 9 High or RM-G-24 is > 100, the iodine source term is scaled in from the noble gas to l

iodine ratio after adjusting for iodine losses (reduction factors) applicable to this pathway .

(,/ . Remember that if fuel damage has occurred, it cannot get better.

l + If damage has occurred, but RCS temperature and pressure improve, the COLA will reduce the NRC Damage Class.

+ If this occurs, the user must edit the damage class using the Parameter Edit Screen to lock in l the higher damage class.

+ After doing this, the user must watch RCS temperature and pressure to ensure that damage i class does not increase beyond the damage class assumed.

l .

e if post accident RCS results are to be input into the Reactor Coolant Baseline Activity Edit Screen, ensure the NRC damage class is set to 1 on the Parameter Edit Screen and the spiking factors in the

, Sample Edit Screen are set en 1. If the COLA is using a damage class greater than I, the COLA will l use the default isotopic activities for that damage class instead of the post accident samples that were l input. If the spiking factors are not set to 1, the COLA will erroneously apply the spiking factors to j l the input sample results. .

. Monitor met data. If met data shows absolutely no changes for a 30 - 45 minute period, there may be a problem with the data. Verify met data with EACC an&or Control Room indications.

1 l e Remember that the CDE contributes to the TEDE. Do not expect field team dose rate readings to l match up with TliDE projections. Roughly 3% of the CDE dose is included in the TEDE dose.

Ensure field teams get iodine samples even if E 520 dose rates are low.

e Depending on the physical form of iodine in the field, the "LLD" for thyroid dose rates measured by field teams could be as high as 5 mrem /hr based on a 10 minute air sample. Consider longer sampling times if additional sensitivity is desired.


O' Reactor Building Purge Exhaust COLA Calculation Using RMS l (Continued)  ;

1 e if dose projections show PAG's are exceeded at 10 miles, validation of the dqte projection from field reading should be performed prior to issuing a PAR beyond 10 miles.

l l

  • Periodically verify the release duration and pathway with the ED.

l e Consider performing manual "What If" dose projections for increases in damage class.

l l e Consider getting an effluent sample from this pathway (MAP 5, pre-filter marinelli, or CATPASS as applicable) when conditions appear to have stabilized. i

! e If the charcoal filters become degraded and are believed to be operating at less than nonnal efficiency, the manual code RMS calculation should be used for this pathway. De TSC can provide information on charcoal filter efficiency and degradation.

e If no significant releases are occurring through station vent, consider maximizing station vent flow to increase dispersion from adjacent plume momentum.

i e Always communicate the uncertainty of the dose projection. Is it a bounding calculation such that I know doses can't be any higher than this? Or, is this the best approximation of what I believe offsite (j doses actually could be? His type of calculation should be a pretty good approximation of what the doses could be.

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l U Reactor Building Purge Exhaust l COLA Calculation Using Samples

! How it works:

t i e Effluents leaving via the reactor building purge exhaust are sampled using a pre-filter marinelli l sample l e ne user enters the positive noble' gas and iodine isotope concentrations from the analysis into the l ' Reactor Building Purge Exhaust Sample Edit Screen.

l e if a MAP-5 sample is used, the manual code must be used to perfonn the calculation, since the COLA will not produce a noble gas source term.

  • Once the COLA determines the isotopic concentrations leaving via the reactor building purge exhaust, it uses the flow rate from the plant computer to determine the uCi/sec leaving the plant

. (source term).

e Having developed the source term, the COLA uses the meteorological dispersion model to calculate l the concentrations and doses at distances from the plant.

l p e his pathway can be a ground level release, an elevated release, or a mixture of the two depending on ,

l t the flow rate from station vent and the reactor building purge exhaust and the meteorological I $

conditions present.

l l User Inouts Needed to Perform the Calculation e Sample results need to be entered on the Station Vent Sample Edit Screen l e Release duration using the Parameter Edit screen if other than 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br />

  • Met Data using the Parameter Edit screen if the data being picked up from thi Met Tower is bad l

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Reactor Building Purge Exhaust COLA Calculation Using Samples (Continued)

Problems to Watch For e The user must ensure that the sample results are representative of current plant conditions. If plant .

conditions change significantly after the sample was obtained, the user should make the Reactor .

Building Purge Exhaust Sample Edit Screen inactive and resume COLA RMS calculations. l

= MAP-5 samples cannot be used solely with the COLA code since noble gases are not measured. The COLA code will not produce a noble gas source term from a MAP-5 sample. MAP-5 samples must be calculated using the manual codes to get the correct TEDE dose. The MAP-5 sample should still be input into the COLA code since the thyroid doses produced by the COLA will still be accurate.

  • Monitor met data. If met data shows absolutely no changes for a 30 - 45 minute period, there may be a problem with the data. Verify met data with EACC and/or Control Room indications.
  • Bemember that the CDE contributes to the TEDE. Do not expect field team dose rate readings to match up with TEDE projections. Roughly 3% of the CDE dose is included in the TEDE dose.

Ensure field teams get iodine samples even if E 520 dose rates are low. l

f. -


  • Depending on the physical form of iodine in the field, the "LLD" for thyroid dose rates measured by field teams could be as high as 5 mrem /hr based on a 10 minute air sample. Consider longer i sampling times if additional sensitivity is desired.

e if dose projections show PAG's are exceeded at 10 miles, validation of the dose projection from field  ;

reading should be performed prior to issuing a PAR beyond 10 miles.

  • Periodically verify the release duration and pathway with the ED.  ;

e Consider performing manual"What If" dose projections for increases in damage class using a manual code contingency calculation.

  • Always communicate the uncertainty of the dose projection. Is it a bounding calculation such that I know doses can't be any higher than this? Or, is this the best approximation if what I believe offsite doses actually could be? This type of calculation should be a pretty good approximation of what the doses could be. -

e If no significant releases are occurring through station vent, consider maximizing station vent flow to l increase dispersion from adjacent plume momentum.

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Reactor Building Purge Exhaust Manual Code Calculation i Using RMS How it works:


e The isotopic distribution of activity leaving the plant is assumed to be the same as the isotopic distribution of activity in the RCS after adjusting for iodine losses (reduction factors) applicable to I this pathway. He total activity in the RCS is not important to this calculation,just the RCS isotopic

, distribution.

. e The iodine reduction factor for this pathway is a combination of reduction by natural processes (0.4) or reduction by reactor building spray (0.03) and charcoal filtration (E) specified by the user. He total iodine reduction factor with no reactor building spray is then (0.4)(1-E), normally 0.004. ne total iodine reduction factor with reactor building spray is then (0.03)(1 E), normally = 0.0003.

i e ne RMS monitor (RM A-9 Gas, RM A-9 lodine, RM A 9 High, or RM-G-24) determines the l

activity leaving via this pathway, nese monitors will respond to both increases in RCS activity and increased leakage into the reactor building.

e The user selects whether RM-A 9, RM-A-9 High, or RM-G 24 is used for the calculation. The logic the code uses in picking which monitor to perform the calculation is as follows: l

+ If RM-A-9, RM-A 9 High, or RM-G-24 is selected, the code will ask the user if RM-A-9 lodine is on scale. If the answer is yes, the code will calculate the iodine source term based on the current and previous iodine channel readings specified by the user. If RM-A-9 iodine is offscale, the iodine source term is scaled in from the noble gas to iodine ratio after adjusting

, for iodine losses (reduction factors) applicable to this pathway.

l + If RM-A-9, RM-A 9 High, or RM-G-24 are selected, and RM-A-9 lodine is offscale, the code l will ask the user if the charcoal fihers are operational. If they are, the code will prompt the user to input their efficiency. He efficiency (E) should be input as 0.99 unless information

from the TSC indicates another value should be used.

I e Once the code determines the isotopic concentrations leaving via the reactor building purge exhaust.

I it uses the flow rate input by the user to determine the uCi/sec leaving the plant (source term).

1 e Having developed the source term, the code uses the meteorological dispersion model to calculate

the concentrations and doses at distances from the plant.

l l e nis pathway can be a ground level release, an elevated release, or a mixture of the two depending on I

the flow rate from station vent and the reactor building purge exhaust and the meteorological conditions present.



r I ("

Reactor Building Purge Exhaust Manual Code Calculation

! Using RMS (Continued)

User inouts Needed to Perform the Calculation l ,

l Plant data inputs are available on Area 38, Group 37 of the PPC (See STA) l Met Data is available on Area 19, Group 2 of the PPC (See STA) 5 e RCS temperature and pressure or the user specified NRC Damage Class e Purge valve position (open if perfocuing this calculation) e ne monitor to be used and the monitor reading.

l e ne time in minutes since reactor shutdown i

e Station vent flowrate (for adjacent plume rise) I e The reactor building purge flowrate

  • RB spray on or off f

s Charcoal filter operability and efficiency


L) *

= Met Data (wind speed, wind direction, and delta t) e Release duration Problems to Watch For e Reactor Building Purge Exhaust monitor increases can result from increased RCS activity or RCS l leakage in the reactor building, or a combination of the two. If a sudden increase occurs:

+ Check the ED/ESD Screen for changes in NRC Damage Class based on thermal hydraulic conditions in the cose.

+ Check for signs ofincreased leakage to the Reactor Building. Check with STA or TSC to determine if leak rate changes have been observed.

  • Remember that if fuel damage has occurred, it cannot get better. I

+ If damage has occurred but RCS temperature and pressure improve, and the new values are input into the code, the code will reduce the NRC Damage Class.

+ If this occurs, the user must specify the damage class instead of entering pressure and temperature.

+ After doing this, the user must watch RCS temperature and pressure to ensure that damage class does not increase beyond the damage class assumed.

V) t f


Reactor Building Purge Exhaust Manual Code Calculation Using RMS (Continued) e If post accident RCS results are to be input into code, specify that the NRC damage class as I and there has been no power transient when the code asks. If the code b ising a damage class greater than 1, the code will use the default isotopic activities for that damage class instead of the post accident samples that were input.

Remember that the CDE contributes to the TEDE. Do not expect field team dose rate readings to match up with TEDE projections. Roughly 3% of the CDE dose is included in the TEDE dose.

Ensure field teams get iodine samples even if E-520 dose rates are low.

Depending on the physical form of iodine in the field, the "LLD" for thyroid dose rates measured by field teams could be as high as 5 mrem /hr based on a 10 minute air sample. Consider longer sampling times if additional sensitivity is desired.

e If dose projections show PAG's are exceeded at 10 miles, validation of the dose projection from field reading should be performed prior to issuing a PAR beyond 10 miles.

e Periodically verify the release duration and pathway with the ED.

A e Consider performing manual "What If" dose projections for increases in damage class using a -

[ \ manual code contingency calculation

( e Consider getting an effluent sample from this pathway (MAP-5, pre-filter marinelli, or CATPASS as applicable) when conditions appear to have stabilized.

  • Always communicate the uncertainty of the dose projection. Is it a bounding calculation such that I know doses can't be any higher than this? Or, is this the best approximation of what I believe offsite j doses actually could be? This type of calculation should be a pretty good approximation of what the ,

doses could be.




l I


C k Reactor Building Purge Exhaust Manuel Code Calculation Using Samples How it works:

e ne MAP-5 sample panel may present a dose rate hazard to personnel if the release rate is high or if I it has been running for a long time with the same cartridges.

  • Effluents leaving via the reactor building purge exhaust are sampled using a MAP-5 sample or a pre-filter marinelli sample, e If a pre-filter marinelli sample is used, the user enters the positive noble gas and iodine isotope concentrations from the analysis when prompted by the code.
  • If a MAP 5 sample is used, the user enters the positive iodine isotope concentrations from the analysis when prompted by the code. Since MAP-5 samples do not provide noble gas results, manual code will scale in the noble gases. It assumes that the noble gas to iodine ratio leaving the reactor building purge exhaust is the same as the isotopic distribution of activity in the RCS after adjusting for iodine losses (reduction factors) applicable to this pathway.

e ne iodine reduction factor for this pathway is a combination of reduction by natural processes (0.4) or reduction by reactor building spray (0.03) and charcoal filtration (E) specified by the user. De h total iodine reduction factor with no reactor building spray is then (0.4)(1 E), normally 0.004. He total iodine reduction factor with reactor building spray is then (0.03)(1.E), normally = 0.0003 (s/

e Once the code determines the isotopic concentrations leaving via the reactor building purge exhaust, it uses the reactor building purge exhaust flow rate input by the user to determine the uCi/sec leaving the plant (source term). -

e Having developed the source term, the code uses the meteorological dispersion model to calculate the concentrations and doses at distances from the plant.

e his pathway can be a ground level release, an elevated release, or a mixture of the two depending on the flow rate from station vent and the reactor building purge exhaust and the meteorological -

conditions present.

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1 O 1 V Reactor Building Purge Exhaust '

Manual Code Calculation Using Samples (Continued)


User Inouts Needed to Perform the Calculation Plant data inputs are available on Area 38, Group 37 of the PPC (See STA)

Met Data is available on Area 19, Group 2 of the PPC (See STA)

The code will prompt the user to input values for RCS temperature and pressure or NRC Damage Class values. These must be input but will have no bearing on the calculation since effluent ~

concentrations leaving the plant are being determined by isotopic sample analysis.

e Sample resrlts from the reactor building purge exhaust and the time of the sample e Station Vent flowrate (for adjacent plume rise)

  • The Reactor Building purge flowrate i e Charcoal filter operability and efficiency (normally 0.99)


  • Reactur building spray status o Met Data (wind speed, wind direction, and delta t) *


  • Release duration 1

Problems to Watch For e The user must ensure that the sample results are representative of current plant conditions. If plant j conditions change significantly after the sample was obtained, the user should begin using COLA or i manual code RMS calculations.

l e Remember that the CDE contributes to the TEDE. Do not expect field team dose rate readings to match up with TEDE projections. Roughly 3% of the CDE dose is included in the TEDE dose.  !

Ensure field teams get iodine samples even if E-320 dose rates are low J

= Depending on the physical form of iodine in the field, the "LLD" for thyroid dose rates measured by field teams could be as high as 5 mrem /hr based on a 10 minute air sample. Consider longer sampling times if additional sensitivity is desired. ]

1 1

  • If dose projections show PAG's are exceeded at 10 miles, validation of the dose projection from field l reading should be performed prior to issuing a PAR beyond 10 miles  !
  • Periodically verify the release duration and pathway with the ED.
  • Consider performing manual "What If" dose projection for increases in damage class.

t 1

i l e Always communicate the uncertsinty of the dose projection. Is it a bounding calculation such that I )

know doses can't be any higher than this? Or, is this the best approximation of what I believe offsite j q doses actually could be? This type of calculation should be a pretty good approximation of what the l doses could be.


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l 1 l l l (O) 1 l Reactor Building Purge Exhaust 1 i

l Manual Code Calculation l Contingency Calculation How it works:

e nis calculation is very useful for performing "What If" calculations, where the precise response of I an RMS monitor to a change in plant conditions cannot be predicted.

e his calculation uses no RMS data. He isotopic distribution and total activity being released via this pathway is equal to the product of the total leakage into the reactor building and the activity 1

. concentration in the RCS, after adjusting for iodine losses (reduction factors) applicable to this J pathway, e The iodine reduction factor for this pathway is a combination of reduction by natural processes (0.4) or reduction by reactor building spray (0.03) and charcoal filtration (E) specified by the user. The l

i total iodine reduction factor with no reactor building spray is then (0.4)(1-E), normally 0.004. The total lodine reduction factor with reactor building spray is then (0.03)(1 E), normally = 0.0003.

e Unlike RMS calculations, this calculation is very dependent on RCS total activity. As a result, the code has the ability to use RM-L-1 high or low readings to estimate total RCS activity. ne user may I also specify a total RCS activity.

O e Once the code determines the, isotopic concentrations in the reactor building, it uses the reactor building purge exhaust flow rate to determine the uCi/sec leaking fro:n the building (source term).


= Having developed the source term, the code uses the meteorological dispersion model to calculate the concentrations and doses at distances from the plant.

l e nis pathway can be a ground. level release, an elevated release, or a mixture of the two depending on l

the flow rate from station vent and the reactor building purge exhaust and the meteorological l


i conditions present User Inouts Needed to Perform the Calculation Plant data inputs are available on Area 38, Group 37 of the PPC (See STA)

Met Data is available on Area 19, Group 2 of the PPC (See STA) e RCS temperature and pressure or the user specified NRC Damage Class e RM L 1- high or low readings ifletdown is not isolated.


  • An estimate of total RCS activity, if known.

. He total RCS leakage into the reactor building, if known. The STA or TSC should provide, e The time in minutes since reactor shutdown 1


  • Charcoal filter efficiency (normally 0.99)

I e The status of reactor building spray (on or off) v I

128 1

4 O

O Reactor Building Purgu' Exhaust Manual Code Calculation Contingency Calculation (Continued) e The status of the purge valves (open if doing this calculation) e _ Met Data (wind speed, wind direction, and delta t) and release duration Problems to Watch For e Of all calculations available, contingency calculations are the least accurate. Rey should only the used when RMS data or effluent samples are not available. Contingency calculations are ideal for


performing "What If" criculations, where the precise response of an RMS monitor to a change in  !

plant conditions cannot be predicted.

  • This type of calculation is very dependent on total RCS activity. De code will adjust RCS total  ;

activity if an RM-L-1 reading is input. Prior to inputting an RM L-1 reading, verify that RCS letdown is not secured. Ifit has been secured (and it typically is during this type of accident), RM-L-  ;

I readings should not be used unless the user is sure that the last reading is representative of current l RCS conditions. Note that due to travel time in the sample lines, RM-L 1 may take up to 30 minutes l before responding to a change in RCS activity. I 1

- l e if RM-L-1 readings are not available, the code will permit the user tp enter a total RCS activity (V (uCi/cc) if this is known. It generally is not. An example of when this could be used is if an RCS sample has just been pulled but has not been analyzed. If the dose rate on the sample is a factor of 10 higher than a normal RCS sample, it can be inferred that the RCS activity is 10 times higher than it was prior to the incident. Be aware, entering a total RCS activity will replace damage class default RCS activities and spiking factors, e The code will prompt the user for the total RCS leakage into the reactor building. If the leakage is i less than 63,000 gallons (one RCS volume), the actual leakage should be input. If the leakage is  !

more than 63,000 gallons, a maximum of 63,000 gallons should be used. Inputting more than 63,000 gallons will overestimate the source term because it will put more activity in the building than is available for release from the core.

e if the total RCS leakage is not known, the code will assume the entire RCS volume (63,000 gallons) has been released to the building.

e Remember that if fuel damage has occurred, it cannot get better. -

+ If damage has occurred but RCS temperature and pressure improve, and the new values are input into the code, the code will reduce the NRC Damage Class,

+ If this occurs, the user must specify the damage class instead of entering pressure and temperature.

+ After doing this, the user must watch RCS temperature and pressure to ensure that damage class does not increase beyond the damage class assumed.

e if post accident RCS results are to be input into code, specify that the NRC damage class as 1 and there has been no power transient when the code asks. If the code is using a damage class greater than 1, the code will use the default isotopic activities for that dagnage class instead of the post accident samples that were input.

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Reactor Building Purge Exhaust Manual Code Calculation Contingency Calculation (Continued)

Remember that the CDE contributes to the TEDE. Do not expect field team dose rate readings to i match up with TEDE projections. Roughly 3% of the CDE dose is included in the TEDE dese.

Ensure field tearre get iodine samples even if E-520 dose rates are low. {

j e

Depending on . , physical form ofiodine in tne field, the "LLD" for thyroid dose rates measured by field teams could be as high as 5 mrem /br based on a 10 minute air sample. Consider longer sampling times if additional sensitivity is desired.



e j If dose projections show PAG's 'are exceeded at 10 miles, validation of the dose projection from field l reading should be performed prior to issuing a PAR beyond 10 miles. I Periodically verify the release duration and pathway with the ED.

When performing "What If" dose projections, clearly label them as "What If" calculations Always comrr.unicate the uncertainty of the dose projection, is it a bounding calculation such that I know doses can't be any higher than this? Or, is this the best approximation of what I believe offsite - l

[V doses actually could be? Depending on the inputs, this type of calculation could go either way 1

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  • Reactor Building Purge Exhaust )

Quick Code Calculation How it works: l 1

e This code provides a quick, but very conservative, calculation. As such it should only be used by the l on-shift RAC, during the first hour of an emergency, if the COLA Code is not available.

  • his code requires ac RMS reading for its calculation. If an RMS reading is not available, a manual

! code contingency calculation must be performed.


  • The isotopic distribution of activity leaving the plant is assumed to be the same as the isotopic l

distribution of activity in the RCS after adjusting for iodine losses (reduction factors) applicable to i this pathway. He RCS mixture is assumed to be a 1 to i noble gas to iodine ratio and a radioiodine j l

i spike of 50. He resulting 1 to 50 noble gas to iodine ratio is ym conservative for situations involving core damage.


! e ne iodine reduction factor for this pathway is a combination of reduction by natural processes (0.4) i and charcoal filtration (0.01). ne total iodine reduction factor is then (0.4)(0.01) = 0.004. Reactor l

building spray is assumed to be off.

e The RMS monitor (RM A-9, RM A 9 High, or RM-G-24) determines the activity leaving via this I pathway. Rese monitors will respond to both increases in RCS activity and increased leakrate into l the reactor building. De user selects which monitor will be used for the calculation. Generally, the f highest range monitor reading > 100 should be used.

I N*j  ?

e The code assumes a reactor building purge exhaust flow of 10,000 cfm. Dose results may be ratioed I

by the actual cfm (i.e. if the actual flow is only 5,000 cfm, the dose projection is reduced by'%).

e ne code assumes an 8 hour9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> release duration.

. Once the code determines the isotopic concentrations leaving via the reactor building purge exhaust, it uses the flow rate to determine the uCi/sec leaving the plant (source term).

l i

t i e Having developed the source term, the code uses the meteorological dispersion model to calculate the concentrations and doses at distances from the plant.

e' This pathway can be a ground level release, an elevated release, or a mixture of the two depending on the rneteorological conditions present.

L User Inouts Needed to Perform the Calculation P;snt data inputs are available on Area 38: Group 37 of the PPC (See STA)

Met Data is available on Area 19, Group 2 of the PPC (See STA)


  • The monitor to be used and the monitor reading.
  • Met Data (wind speed, wind direction, and delta t)
  • Since the COLA is not available, all readings must come from control room instrumentation.



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i' Reactor Building Purge Exhaust Quick Code Calculation (Continued)

Problems to Watch For

  • The IREO RAC should not use this code. The full manual code should be used when the IREO organization is activated.
  • This calculation produces a very bounding estimate of offsite dose, particularly for core damage situations due to the i to 50 noble gas to iodine ratio assumed in the RCS. When communicating the results of this code to the ED, the conservative nature of the results should be emphasized.
  • As soon as time is available, a manual code RMS calculation should be perfonned so a dose estimate using more representative plant parameters can be obtained.

. Remember that the CDE contributes to the TEDE. Do not expect field team dose rate readings to match up with TEDE projections. Roughly 3% of the CDE, dose is included in the TEDE dose.

Ensure field teams get iodine samples even if E 520 dose rates are low.

  • Depending on the physical form ofiodine in the field, the "LLD" for thyroid dose rates measured by field teams could be as high as 5 mremAr based on a 10 minute air sample. Consider longer

,- sampling times if additional sensitivity is desired.

e if dose projections show PAG's are exceeded at 10 miles, validation of the dose projection from field I reading should be performed prior to issuing a PAR beyond 10 miles.

v -

e Periodically verify the release duration and pathway with the ED.

  • Label all Quickcode calculations as "Quickcode" l

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O ESF Fuel Handling Building 1

l COLA Calculation Using RMS How it works:

  • The isotopic distribution of activity leaving the plant is assumed to be the same isotopic distribution j of activity as a fuel assembly 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> after shutdown from full power, after adjusting for iodine 105aes (reduction factors) applicable to this pathway. He total activity in the fuel assembly is not imyrtant to this calculation, just the isotopic distribution.
  • De iodine reduction factor for this pathway is a combination of reduction by decontamination in the spent f 2el pool (0.01) and charcoal filtration (0.01). He total iodine reduction factor is then

. (0.01)(101) = 0.0001.

e ne RMS monitor (RM A-14) determines the activity leaving via this pathway.

. If the COLA sees that the normal fuel handling building ventilation system is < 3000 cfm, it assumes that the shutdown of the ventilation system was caused by a fuel handling accident (interlock with RM-G-9 or RM-A 14). It then assumes the ESF Ventilation is operating at a constant flow rate of 7000 cfm.

. Once the COLA determines the isotopic concentrations leaving via the ESF Ventilation, it uses the 7000 cfm flow rate to determine the uCl/sec leaving the plant (source term). -

e Having developed the source term, the COLA uses the meteorological dispersion model to calculate the concentrations and doses at distances from the plant. {


  • His pathway is always a ground level release. )

l User Inouts Needed to Perform the Calculation i

e Release duration using the Parameter Edit screen if other than 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> e Met Data using the Parameter Edit screen if the data being picked up from the Met Tower is bad j t'

  • NRC Damage Class using the Parameter Edit screen the damage class is believed to be other than that indicated by current RCS temperature and pressure.

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l V ESF Fuel Handling Building COLA Calculation Using RMS j (Continued)

Problems to Watch For l

e The assumed isotopic mix is the same as a spent fuel assembly 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> after shutdown from full power. It is likely to be conservative for CDE if the actual fuel assembly is significantly older than that. Air samples from this pathway should be obtained as soon as possible to run a COLA or manual calculation using samples, e ,

Monitor met data. If met data shows absolutely no changes for a 30 -45 minute period, there may be a problem with the data. Verify met data with EACC and/or Control Room indications. i l

e Remember that the CDE contributes to the TEDE. Do not expect field team dose rate readings to I

match up with TEDE projections. Roughly 3% of the CDE dose is included in the TEDE dose.

Ensure field teams get iodine samples even if E 520 dose rates are low, e Depending on the physical form ofiodine in the field, the "LLD" for thyroid dose rates measured by field teams could be as high as 5 mrem /hr based on a 10 minute air sample. Consider longer sampling times if additional sensitivity is desired.

e if dose projections show PAG's are exceeded at 10 miles, validation of the dose projection from field fG reading should be performed prior to issuing a PAR beyond 10 miles. ' -

l (L e Periodically verify the release duration and pathway with the ED.

l l

l e Consider getting an effluent sample from this pathway (radiciodine or pre filter marmelli) as soon as possible.

  • If the charcoal filters become degraded and are believed to be operating at less than normal efficiency, the manual code RMS calculation should be used for this pathway. The TSC can provide I information on charcoal filter efficiency and degradation.



- e Always communicate the uncertainty of the dose projection. Is it a bounding calculation such that I l know doses can't be any higher than this? Or, is this the best approximation of what I believe offsite I_j y~ doses actually could be? This type of calculation will produce conservative thyroid doses if the fuel assembly is significantly greater than 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> old.

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ESF Fuel Handling Building COLA Calculation Using Samples How it works:

. Effluents leaving via the ESF ventilation system are sampled using a pre-filter marinelli sample e ne user enters the positive noble gas and iodine isotope concentrations from the analysis into the ESF Ventilation Sample Edit Screen.

e ifjust the RM A 14 iodine sample is used, the manual code must be used to perform the calculation, since the COLA will not produce a noble gas source term.

e if the COLA sees that the normal fuel handling building ventilation system is < 3000 cfm, it assumes that the shutdown of the ventilation system was caused by a fuel handling accident (interlock with RM-G-9 or RM A 14). It then assumes the ESF Ventilation is operating at a constant flow rate of 7000 cfm.

e Once the COLA determines the isotopic concentrations leaving via the ESF Ventilation, it uses the 7000 cfm flow rate to determine the uCi/sec leaving the plant (source term).

  • Having developed the source term, the COLA uses the meteorological dispersion model to calculate ,

the concentrations and doses at distances from the plant.

. His pathway is always a ground level release.

User Inouts Needed to Perform the Calculation

. Sample results need to be entered on the ESF Vent Sample Edit Screen e Release duration using the Parameter Edit screen if other than 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> e Met Data using the Parameter Edit screen if the data being picked up from the Met Tower is bad l

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b( ESF Fuel Handling Building


r COLA Ca.lculation t Using Samples l h (Continued)



o Problems to Watch For

.. RM-A 14 iodine samples cannot be used solely with the COLA code since noble gases are not i measured. The COLA code will not produce a noble gas source term from a RM A-14 lodine

. sample. RM-A-14 iodine samples must be calculated using the manual codes to get the correct TEDE li dose. The RM A 14 iodine sample should still be input into the COLA code since the thyroid doses s produced by the COLA will still be accurate.

j e Mon'. tor met data, if met data shows absolutely no changes for a 30 - 45 minute period, there mry o ' a problem with the data. Verify met data with EACC and/or Control Room indications.

l e Remember that the CDE contributes to the TEDE. Do not expect field team dose rate readings to q match up with TEDE projections. Roughly 3% of the CDE dose is included in the TEDE dose.

Ensure field teams get iodine samples even if E 520 dose rates are low.


) *

  • Depending on the physical form ofiodine in the field, the "LLD" for thyroid dose rates measured by W field teams could be as high as 5 mrem /hr based on a 10 minute air sample. Consider longer sampling times if additional sensitivity is desired.

f L

  • If dose projections show PAG's are exceeded at 10 miles, validation of the dose projection from field l 3 l y reading should be performed prior to issuing a PAR beyond 10 miles.

ti i e Periodically verify the release duration and pathway with the ED.

  • Always communicate the uncertainty of the dose projection, is it a bounding calculation such that I I know doses can't be any higher than this? Or, is this the best approximation of what I believe offsite doses actually could be? This type of calculation should be a pretty good approximation of what the doses could be.

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ESF Fuel Handling Building l Manual Code Calculation Using RMS How it works:

. The isotopic distribution of activity leaving the plant is assumed to be the s.- ne isotopic distribution of activity as a fuel assembly 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> after shutdown from full power, aA ' justing for iodine  ;

losses (reduction factors) applicable to this pathway. De total activity in the fuel assembly is not )

. important to this calculation,just the isotopic distribution. l l

! e ne iodine reduction factor for this pathway is a combination of reduction by decontamination in the spent fuel pool (0.01) and charcoal filtration (E). De total iodine reduction factor is then (0.01)(1-

E), normally = 0.0001. ,

I l

l . He RMS monitor (RM-A 14) determines the activity leaving via this pathway, i  :

e The code defaults to a ventilation flow rate of 7000 cfm.

l l e Once the code determines the isotopic concentrations leaving via the ESF Ventilation, it uses the '

flow rate to determine the uCi/sec leaving the plant (source term).

D e Having developed the source term, the code uses the meteorological dispersion model to calculate

( the concentrations and doses at distances from the plant.


e nis pathway is always a ground level release.

l l User Inouts Needed to Perform the Calculation e ne monitor to be used and the monitor reading.

! = The time in minutes since the accident ,

e e Charcoal filter operability and efficiency (normally 0.99) '

. Met Data (wind speed, wind direction, and delta t) I e Release duration l

l b




. . )

! i p

ESF Fuel Handling Building .,

Manual Code Calculation Using RMS (Continued)

Problems to Watch For  ;


  • The assumed isotopic mix is the same as a spent fuel assembly 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> after shutdown from full power. It is likely to be conservative for CDE if the actual fuel assembly is significantly older than that. Air samples from this pathway should be obtained as soon as possible to run a COLA or manual calculation using samples.

e ne code prompts the t ser for the time since reactor shutdown to perform decay corrections. He time since the fuel handling accident occurred should be entered in this field.

  • Remember that the CDE contributes to the TEDE. Do not expect field team dose rate readings to i match up with TEDE projections. Roughly 3% of the CDE dose is included in the TEDE dose. {

Ensure fie'd teams get iodine samples even if E-520 dose rates are low. I l

  • Depending on the physical form of iodine in the field, the "LLD" for thyroid dose rates measured by field teams could be as high as 5 mrem /br based on a 10 minute air sample. Consider longer sampling times if additional sensitivity is desired.
  • If dose project. ions show PAG's are exceeded at 10 miles, validation of the dose projection from field l


( reading should be performed prior to issuing a PAR beyond 10 miles. ,

l l

  • Periodically verify the release duration and pathway with the ED. l l
  • Consider getting an efnuent sample from this pathway radioiodine or pre-filter marinelli as soon as l possible.
  • Always communicate the uncertainty of the dose projection. Is it a bounding calculation such that 1 l know doses can't be any higher than this? Or, is this the best approximation of what I believe offsite 1 l doses actually could be. His type of calculation will produce conservative thyroid doses if the fuel l t

, assembly is significantly greater than 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> old. l I I l

' 1 l

r l


) '

138 L

c' ESF Fuel Handling Building Manual Code Calculation Using Samples How it works:

  • Effluents leaving via the reactor building purge exhaust are sampled using an RM-A 14 iodine sample or a pre-filter marinelli sample.

e if a pre-filter marinelli sample is used, the user enters the positive noble gas and iodine isotope concentrations from the analysis when prompted by the code.

. .If a radioiodine sample is used, the user enters the positive iodine isotope concentrations from the analysis when prompted by the code. Since radioiodine samples do not provide noble gas results, manual code will scale in the noble gases. It assumes that the noble gas to iodine ratio leaving the ESF ventilation is the same as the isotopic distribution of activity in the damaged fuel assembly after .i adjusting for iodine losses (reduction factors) applicable to this pathway.

e The iodine reduction factor for this pathway is a combination of reduction by decontamination in the )

spent fuel pool (0.01) and charcoal filtration (E). The total iodine reduction factor is then (0.01)(l.

E), normally.= 0.0001 ,

I e The code assumes a ventilation flow rate of 7000 cim. ,. l



  • Once the isotopic concentrations leaving via the ESF Vent are entered, the code uses the ESF Vent j flow rate to determine the uCi/sec leaving the plant (source term).
  • Having developed the source term, the cod'. uses the meteorological dispersion model to calculate the concentrations and doses at distances from the plant.
  • This pathway is always a ground level release.

User Inouts Needed to Perform the Calculation

  • Sample results from ESF Ventilation' System and the time of the sample 1 1

i i e Met Data (wind speed, wind direction, and delta't) l

  • Release duratiom i

l i

l i


l 139 l

O ESF Fuel Handling Building Manual Code Calculation Using Samples (Continued)

Problems to Watch For e Remember that the CDE contributes to the TEDE. Do not expect field team dose rate readings to match up with TEDE projections. Roughly 3% of the CDE dose is included in the TEDE dose.

Ensure field teams get iodine samples even if E-520 dose rates are low.

. Depending on the physical form of iodine in the field, the "LLD" for thyroid dose rates measured by field teams could be as high as 5 mrem /hr based on a 10 minute air sample. Consider longer sampling times if additional sensitivity is desired.

  • Periodically verify the release duration and pathway with the ED.

. if dose projections show PAG's are exceeded at 10 miles, validation of the dose projection from field reading should be performed prior to issuing a PAR beyond 10 miles

  • Always communicate the uncertainty of the dose projection. Is it a bounding calculation such that I
  • know doses can't be any higher than this? Or, is this the best approximation of what I believe offsite f

doses actually could be? This type of calculation should be a pretty good approximation of what the doses could be. l l

l l 1 i

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140 I

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'd ESF Fuel Handling Building 1 Manual Code Calculation Contingency Calculation How it works:

e his calculation is very useful for performing "What If" calculations, where the precise response of an RMS monitor to a change in plant conditions cannot be predicted. It should be used when RMS l data is not available. l e nis calculation uses no RMS data. The isotopic distribution and total activity being released via this i pathway is assumed to be equal to the gap activity in 56 fuel pins,72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> after reactor shutdowti. -

'e ne iodine reduction factor for this pathway is a combination of reduction by decontamination in the spent fuel pool (0.01) and charcoal filtration (E). De total lodine reduction factor is then (0.01)(1-E), normally = 0.000l'.

  • Once the code determines the isotopic concentrations in the fuel handling building, it uses ESF Vent {

flow rate ir.put by the user to determine the uCi/sec leaking from the building (source term). j j


e Having developed'the source term, the code uses the meteorological dispersion model to calculate

, the concentrations and doses at distances from the plant.

  • This pathway is always a ground level release. .

d .

U'er Innuts Needed to Perform the Calculatior.

  • Charcoal filter operability and efficiency (normally 0.99) e Flow rate out the ESF Ventilation System (normally assumed to be 7000 cfm)
  • Met Data (wind speed, wind direction, and delta t) l e Release duration l


/3 141

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l ESF Fuel Handling Building l

Manual Code Calculation l Contingency Calculation l (Continued)

Problems to Watch For l

e Of all calculations available, contingency calculations are the least accurate. Rey should only be l used when RMS data or effluent samples are not available. Contingency calculations are ideal for performing "What If" calc '* ions, where the precise response of an RMS monitor to a change in plant conditions cannot be 6 xiicted.

  • Dis type of calculation is very dependent on the activity in the damaged fuel assembly and the i extent of damage to the fuel assembly. The calculation assumes 56 of 208 pins are broken during the accident' It assumes the assembly involved was shutdown from full power 72 he urs ago. Conditions that vary from these assumptions will decrease the accuracy of the dose projection. ,

e Remember that the CDE contributes to the TEDE. Do not expect field team dose rate readings to l match up with TEDE projections. Roughly 3% of the CDE dose is included in the TEDE dose. l Ensure field teams get iodine samples even if E 520 dose rates are low.

  • Depending c,n the physical form or icdine in the field, the "LLD" for thyroid dose rates measured by l field teams could be as high as 5 mrem /hr based on a 10 minute air sample. Consider longer

[_ ,

sampling times if additional sensitivity is desired. -

l k e If dose projections show PAG's are exceeded at 10 miles, validation of the dose projection from field j reading should be performed prior to issuing a PAR beyond 10 miles.

e Periodically verify the release duration and pathway with the ED.

. When performing "What If" dose projections, clearly label them as "What If" calculations, e Always communicate the uncertainty of the dose projection. Is it a bounding calculation such that I know doses can't be any higher than this? Or, is this the best approximation of what I believe offsite doses actaally could be? Depending on how closely actual conditions match the stated assumptions,

! this type of caiculation coold go either way. However, it will typically be a bounding type calculation.

I i


e 142

ESF Fuel Handling Building '

Quick Code Calculation ~

l How it works:

This calculation is not performed by the Quick Code.

l 1

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t 143 l

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'y Reactor Building Fuel Handling Accident t Manual Code Calculation l Using RMS l

How it works:

e ne isotopic distribution of activity leaving the plant is assumed to be the same as the isotopic distribution of activ;ty fuel assembly 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> after shutdown from full power, after adjusting for iodine losses (reduction factors) applicable to this pathway. The total activity in the fuel assembly is f not important to this calculation,just the isotopic distribution.

e The iodine reduction factor for this pathway is a combination of reduction by decontamination in the fuel transfer canal (0.01) and charcoal filtration (E). The total iodine reduction factor is ' hen (0.0l)(1 E), normally = 0.0001.

  • If the purge valves are open, the RMS monitor (RM-A 9 Gas, RM A 9 lodine, RM N-9 High, or RM-G-24) determines the activity leaving via this pathway.

+ The user selects whether RM-A 9 RM A-9 High, or RM-G 24 is used for the calculation. De logic the code uses in picking which monitor to perform the calculation is as follows:

+ If RM A 9, RM A-9 High, or RM-G 24 is selected, the code will ask the user if RM-A 9 J t lodine is on scale. If the answer is yes, the code will calculate the iodine source term based i on the current and previous iodine channel readings specified by the user. If RM A-9 iodine is offscale, the iodine source term is scaled in from the noble gas to iodine ratio after adjusting for iodine losses (reduction factors) applicable to this pathway. {

+ If RM-A-9, RM A 9 High, or RM-G-24 are selected, and RM-A-9 lodine is offscale, the code l will ask the user if the charcoal filters are operational. If they are, the code will prompt the user to input their efficiency. The efliciency (E) should be input as 0.99 unless information from the TSC indicates another value should be used.

+ Once the code determines the isotopic concentrations leaving via the reactor building purge ,

exhaust, it uses the flow rue to determine the uCi/sec leaving the plant (source term).

e if the purge valves are closed, the RMS monitor (RM-A-2) determines the airbome activity in the reactor building. The manual code does not use RM-G-22 or RM-G-23. If RM A-2 is isolated (>4 i l

psi in RB), this calculation cannot be used. Use manual contingency calculation.

+ Once the code determines the isotopic concentrations in the reactor building, it uses the leakage flow rate from the building, based on building pressure input by the user, to determine the uCi/sec leaving the plant (source term).

e Having developed the source term, the code uses the meteorological dispersion model to calculate the concentrations and doses at distances from the plant.

e if the purge valves are closed, this pathway is always a ground level release. If the purge valves are open, this pathway can be a ground level release, an elevated release, or a mixtufe of the two depending on the flow rate from station vent and the reactor building purge exhaust and the meteorological conditions present.

l d{T 144

1 I





Reactor Building Fuel Handlin~ g Accident Manual Code Calculation i

Using RMS l (Continued)


User inputs Needed to Perform the Calculation Plant data loputs are available on Area 38, Group 37 of the PPC (See STA)

Met Data is available on Area 19, Group 2 of the PPC (See STA) l

  • na monitor to be used and the monitor reading. ,

i e ne time in minutes since the accident )

e Purge valves open or closed e Charcoal filter operability and efficiency (normally 0.993 l

  • Met Data (wind speed, wind direction, and delta t) e Release duration Problems to Watch For


[ e The assumed isotopic mix is the same as a spet t fuel assembly that was shutdown from full power 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> ago. It is likely to be conservative for CDE if the actual fuel assembly is significantly older than that. For this type of accident in the reactor building, an age of 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> is probably a pretty good assumption. Air samples from this pathway should be obtained as soon as possible to nm a COLA or manual calculation using samples.

e ne code prompts the user for the time since reactor shutdown to perform decay corrections. The time since the fuel handling accident occurred should be entered in this field.

  • Remember that the CDE contributes to the TEDE. Do not expect field team dose rate readings to match up with 'EDE projections. Roughly 3% of the CDE dose is included in the TEDE dose.

Ensure field teams get iodine samples even if E 520 dose rates are low, e Depetiding on the physical form ofiodine in the field, the "LLD" for thyroid dose rates measured by field teams could be as high as 5 mrem /hr based on a 10 minute air sample. Consider longer sampling times if additional sensitivity is desired.

. If dose projections show PAG's are exceeded at 10 miles, validation of the dose projection from field reading should be performed prior to issuing a PAR beyond 10 miles.

  • Periodically verify the release duration and pathway with the ED.
  • Consider getting an effluent sample from this pathway (MAP-5, pre-filter marinelli, or CATPASS as applicable) as soon as possible.
  • Always communicate the uncertainty of the dose projection. Is it a bounding calculation such that l l know doses can't be any higher than this? Or, is this the best approximation of what I believe offsite i

l l

A doses actually could be? His type of calculation will produce conservative thyroid doses if the fuel assembly is significantly greater than 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> old.



l Reactor Building Fuel Handling Accident Manual Code Calculation Using Samples How it works:

  • If the purge valves are open, this calculation is identical to a reactor building purge exhaust manual code calculation using samples.

e if the purge valves are closed, this calculation is identical to a reactor building design basis leakage j exhaust manual code calculation using samples.

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s "/

Reactor Building Fuel Handling Accident j 1

Manual Code Calculation l

Contingency Calculation j i

How it works:

  • This calculation is very useful for performing "What If" calculations, where the precise response of f an RMS monitor to a change in plant conditions cannot be predicted it should be used when RMS j data is not available, j e his calculation uses no RMS data, ne isotopic distribution and total activity being released via this pathway is assumed to be equal to the gap activity in an entire fuel assembly (208 fuel pins),72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> after reactor shutdown. He user may modify the number of pins that were believed to be damaged.

. The iodine reduction facter for ti.s pathway is a combination of reduction by decontamination in the fuel transfer canal (0.01) and charcoal filtration (E). He total iodine reduction factor is then (0.0l)(1-E), normally = 0.0001. i e If the purge valves are open, the code uses reactor building purge exhaust flow rate input by the user to determine the uCi/sec leaking from the building (source term).

  • If the purge valves are closed, the code uses reactor building leak rate based on the building p pressure input by the user to determine the uCi/sec leaking from the building (source term). ,

ks e Having developed the source term, the code uses the meteorological dispersion model to calculate ,

the concentrations and doses at distances from the plant. l


e If the purge valves are closed, this pathway is always a ground level release. If the purge valves are open, this pathway can be a ground level release, an elevated release, or a mixture of the two depending on the flow rate from station vent and the reactor building purge exhaust and the meteorological conditions present.

I User Inouts Needed to Perform the Calculation Plant data inputs are available on Area 38, Group 37 of the PPC(See STA)

Met Data is available on Area 19, Group 2 of the PPC (See STA) j e Charcoal filter operability and efficiency (normally 0.99)

I e Estimated number of fuel pins damaged I i

e Flow rate out the reactor building purge exhaust and the station vent if the purge valves are open

  • Reactor building pressure if the purge valves are closed.

e Met Data (wind speed, wind direction, and detta t) e Release duration Im\

l V l


( .

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l /" 3 b Reactor Building Fuel Handling Accident Manual Code Calculation Contingency Calculation (Continued)

Problems to Watch For


e Of all calculations available, contingency calculations are the least accurate. They should only be used when RMS data or effluent samples are not available. Contingency calculations are ideal for perfonning "What If" calculations, where the precise response of an RMS monitor to a change in plant conditions cannot be predicted.

e This type of calculation is very dependent on the activity in the damaged fuel assembly and the l extent of damage to the fuel assembly. The calculation assumes as a default that 208 pins are broken during the accident. It assumes the assembly involved was shutdown from full power 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> ago.

Conditions that vary from these assumptions will decrease the accuracy of the dose projection.

  • Remember that the CDE contributes to the TEDE. Do not expect field team dose rate readings to match up with TEDE projections. Roughly 3% of the CDE dose is included in the TEDE dose. l I

Ensure field teams get iodine samples even if E 520 dose rates are low.


  • Depending on the physical form of iodiae in the field, the "LLD" for thyroid dose rates measured by field teams could be as high as 5 mrem /hr based on a 10 minute air sample. Consider longer sampling times if additional sensitivity is desired.

s /

U e if dose projections show PAG's are exceeded at 10 miles, validation of the dose projection from field reading should be performed prior to issuing a PAR beyond 10 miles, e Periodically verify the release duration and pathway with the ED.

. When performing "What If" dose projections, clearly label them as "What If" calculations.

. Always communicate the uncenainty of the dose projection. Is it a bounding calculation such that I know doses can't be any higher than this? Or, is this the best approximation of what I believe offsite doses actually could be? Depending on how closely actual conditions match the stated assumptions, this type of calculation could go either way. However, it will typically be a bounding type calculation.

i O


r i

1 i l l

V Waste Gas Decay Tank Rupture Accident I

' Manual Code Calculation

! Using RMS How it works: l e The isotopic distribution of activity in the tank is assumed to be the same as the isotopic distribution of activity in TMI l FSAR Table 14.2 21 for the design basis waste gas decay tank rupture. He total activity in the tank is not important to this calculation, just the isotopic distribution.

J e . The iodine reduction factor for this pathway is solely charcoal filtration (E). The total iodine reduction factor is normally (1 E) = 0.01. l


e ne RMS monitor (RM A 4,6, or 8 Gas, RM A 4,6, or 8 lodine, or RM-A-8 high) determines the {

activity leaving via this pathway. Rese monitors will respond to a waste gas decay tank rupture as


well as increases in RCS activity and increased leakage into the auxiliary / fuel handling building.

e ne user selects whether RM A-4, RM A-6, RM A-8 or RM-A-8 High is used for the calculation: j logic the COLA uses in picking which monitor to perform the calculation is as follows:

+ If RM A-8 of RM-A-8 High is selected, the code will ask the user if RM-A-8 lodine is on m scale. If the answer is yes, the code will calculate the iodine source term base on the current

[s'j \

and previous iodine channel readings specified by the user. If RM-A-8 iodine is offscale, the iodine source term is scaled in from the noble gas to iodine ratio after adjusting for iodine j

losses (reduction factors) applicable to this pathway.


+ If RM A-4 or RM-A-6 are selected. ne code assumes the iodine channels are onscale and iodine channels must be input to get an iodine source term.

+ If RM-A-4 or RM A 6 are selected, or if RM-A 8 lodine is offscale, t e code will ask the user if the charcoal filters are operational. If they are, the code will prompt the user to input their ,

efficiency. The efficiency (E) should be input as 0.99 unless information from the TSC J indicates another value should be used.

  • Once the code determines the isotopic concentrations leaving via station vent, it uses the flow rate input by the user to determine the uCl/sec leaving the plant (source term).
  • Having developed the source term, the code uses the meteorological dispersion model to calculate the concentrations and doses at distances from the plant.

. His pathway can be a ground level release, an elevated release, or a mixture of the two depending on the flow rate from station vent and the reactor building purge exhaust and the meteorological )

conditions present. l xn l


l l

i r


Waste Gas Decay Tank Rupture Accident Manual Code Calculation Using RMS (Continued) ,


User Inouts Needed to Perform the Calculation Plant data inputs are available on Area 38, Group 38 of the PPC (See STA)

Met Data is available on Area 19, Group 2 of the PPC (See STA) e ne monitor to oe used and the monitor reading.

e ne station vent and reactor building purge exhaust flow rates e ne time in minutes since the accident e Charcoal filter operability and efficiency 1

e Met Data (wind speed, wind direction, and delta t) e Reiase duration Problems to Watch For e The assumed isotopic mix is the same as the design basis accid:nt in the FSAR. It is likely to be very conservative for CDE since historically, there is much less iodine in the tank than was assumed l in the FSAR accident. Air samples from this pathway should be obtained as soon as possible to run a l' COLA or manual calculation using samples.

e ne code prompts the user for the time since reactor shutdown to perform decay corrections. The time since the waste gas decay tank rupture occurred should be entered in this field.

. Remember that the CDE contributes to the TEDE. Do not expect field team dose rate readings to l match up with TEDE projections. Roughly 3% of the CDE dose is included in the TEDE dose.

Ensure field teams get iodine samples even if E 520 dose rates are icw.

. Depending on the physical form ofiodine in the field, the "LLD" for thyroid dose rates measured by field teams could be as high as 5 mrem /hr based on a 10 minute air sample. Consider longer sampling times if additional sensitivity is desired.

e if dose projections show PAG's are exceeded at 10 miles, validation of the dose projection from field reading should be performed prior to issuing a PAR beyond 10 miles.

  • Periodically verify the release duration and pathway with the ED.
  • Consider getting an efIluent sample from this pathway (MAP-5 or pre-filter marinelli) as soon as i possible.

l l e Always communicate the uncertainty of the dose projection. Is it a bounding calculation such that I l O know doses can't be any higher than this? Or, is this the best approximation of what I believe offsite I doses actually could be? This type of calculation will produce conservative thyroid doses.


de Waste Gas Decay Tank Rupture Accident Manual Code Calculation Usin~g Samples Mow it works:

  • This calculation is identical to a station vent manual code calculation using samples.


I 1

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151 l

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l [

l '.\) Waste Gas Decay Tank Rupture Accident 1 Manual Code Calculation Contingency Calculation How it works:

e His calculation is very useful for performing "What If" calculations, where the precise response of an RMS monitor to a change in plant conditions cannot be predicted. It should be used when RMS data is not available.

e His calculation uses no RMS data. He user inputs the isotopic distribution and total activity being released via this pathway. Two selections are available; a " typical" tank inventory or a " worst case" inventory. Both of these inventories are very conservative based on operational history.

e The iodine reduction factor for this pathway is solely charcoal filtration (E). The total iodine reduction factor is normally (1 E) = 0.01.

e ne code uses duration of the accident input by the user to determine the uCi/sec leaking from the building (source term).

J e The code uses station vent flow rate input by the user to determine the effective release height. l e Having developed the source term, the code uses the meteorological dispersion model to calculate  !

l the concentrations and doses at distances from the plant. -

\j e his pathway can be a ground level release, an elevated release, or a mixture of the two depending on l the flow rate from station vent and the reactor building purge exhaust and the meteorological conditions present.

User Inouts Needed to Perform the Calculation l Plant data inputs are available on Area 38, Group 38 of the PPC (See STA)

Met Data is available on Area 19, Group 2 of the PPC (See STA) e Charcoal filter operability and efficiency (normally 0.99)

= " Typical" or " worst case" tank i

e Flow rate out the reactor building purge edaust and the station vent

  • Met Data (wind speed, wind direction, and delta t) l
  • Release duration l

r N


d 152 i


l l



Waste Gas Decay Tank Rupture Accident Manual Code Calculation Contingency Calculation (Continued) l I

Problems to Watch For e Of all calculations available, contingency calculations are the least accurate. Hey should only be

. used when RMS data or effluent samples are not available. Contingency calculations are ideal for performing "What If" calculations, where the precise response of an RMS monitor to a change in plant conditions cannot be predicted.

e This type of calculation is very dependent on the activity in the damaged waste gas decay tank. He assumptions for the activity in the tank are yny conservative.

e Remember that the CDE contributes to the TEDE. Do not expect field team dose rate readings to match up with TEDE projections. Roughly 3% of the CDE dose is included in the TEDE dose.

Ensure field teams get lodine samples even if E 520 dose rates are low. .l l

e Depending on the physical form ofiodine in the field, the "LLD" for thyroid dose rates measured by l field teams could be as high as 5 mrem'hr based on a 10 minute air sample. Consider longer l sampling times if additional sensitivity is desired. 1

[ e if dose projections sh'ow PAG's are exceeded at 10 miles, validation of the dose projection from field -

reading should be performed prior to issuing a PAR beyond 10 miles.

(vj e Periodically verify the release duration and pathway with the ED.

  • When performing "What If" dose projections, clearly label them as "What If" calculations.

. Always communicate the uncertainty of the dose projec+ ion. Is it a bounding calculation such that I know doses can't be any higher than this? Or, is this the best approximation of what I believe offsite doses actually could be? Depending on how closely actual conditions match the stated assumptions, this type of calculation could go either way. However, it will typically be a bounding type calculation.

l l

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Ov 153

i O PSLR vs COG RMS Reading Graphs Graphs are presented in this section which can be used to provide a rough estimate of PSLR based on condenser off gas monitor readings and estimated RCS activities. The 1

( graphs are referenced in RAF 6.612-97-011. The following assumptions were used in the graphs:

. The condenser off gas flow rate was fixed at 50 cfm to simplify the correction of the PSLR for the actual. COG flow during use. The correction is made by taking the Factor value from the graph and multiplying it by the actual flow divided by 50 cfm.



  • Total RCS activity,for the purposes of these graphs are the total iodine and noble 'j gas activity. Tritium is not to be included in the total RCS activity.

e For RCS activities 10 uCi/cc and below, the isotopic mix is assumed to be the same as TMI Cycle 9, which represents a core with fuel pin defects that are present prior to the PSLR.

  • Do act adjust total RCS activity for iodine spiking. The RCS total activities listed on the graphs are not intended to be used with iodine spiking factors since -

most of the iodine transferred to the secondary side does not leave via the condenser off gas. For example, if the RCS activity prior to shutdown was 10 uCi/cc and an iodine spike of 50 would be expected upon shutdown (Damage Class l A), the iodine spiking would nQt be used to adjust the RCS activity for the graph. The 10 uCi/cc line would still be used to determine the leak rate, e For RCS activities above 10 uCi/cc up to Damage Class 2 the isotopic mix is assumed to be the same as a Damage Class 2. The total RCS activity specified for each diagonal line was multiplied by the normalized Damage Class 2 isotopic distribution to develop an isotopic distribution for that activity. This is meant to' represent the RCS isotopic mix that could occur as gap activity enters the RCS during the accident.

e The lines for Damage Classes 2 - 5 are the default RCS activities found in the ~


e Graphs were generated for each range monitor for times of 0,4, and 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> post shutdown to account for isotopic distribution changes resulting from radiological decay.

  • The graphs assume there are no direct to atmosphere releases (mair. steam relief valve, aunospheric dump valve, or EF-P-1) occurring. If such a release is occurring, the estimation of PSLR using condenser off gas monitor is more l ( -

complex since all of the activity released into the secondary side does not reach 154 l

i j

,> the condenser. To correct for this loss of activity, the following equation can used:

PSLR = (PSLRQ/(1 - F. - F. - F.) -

l Where: j PSLRi = Total primary-to-secondary leakage (gpm)

PSLR ,, = Primary-to-secondary leakage estimated from the graph (gpm)

J F. = Estimated fraction of main steam flow estimated to be leaving thmugh a main steam safety (dimensionless)

F. = Estimated fraction of main stea:n flow estimated to be leaving through EF-P-1 A (dimensionless)

F. = Estimated fraction of main steam flow estimated to be leaving through the atmospheric dump valves (dimensionless) i

- The user of these graphs must be aware that the PSLR results they produce are only as accurate as the estimate of RCS activities. The uncertainty in the PSLR derived should i

[ be essentially the same as the uncertainty of the RCS activity estimate. The graphs for 0,

( 4, and 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> post shutdown are attached in the following pages.

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