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Monthly Operating Rept for Nov 1984
Person / Time
Site: Cook American Electric Power icon.png
Issue date: 11/30/1984
From: Climer, Will Smith, Svensson B
NUDOCS 8501230555
Download: ML20113E748 (10)


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.,. ,. . , , CPEE.CiG DA A RI?OR-DCC *I NO.- sn-116 i Da.--s- - 12/7/84

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. . C O -. e - -, --- -n,. . v. CLIMER ~

, T-? ::.gCNI 616-465 - )


.590'1. .

1. Uo,r: N:c... Dnnald C. C'ook

. Unit 2 Nor:s . ,

2. Repor-i:; ?:: fed: November, 1984 - -
3. t '~- #.n:- ' ?:wer p.:W:;: 3411 ,
4. N:==712:: ?.::i.;(Cro:s 5:W:): 1133 .


5. Desi;::I::::i=1R=ia;(Nes5 We): .
4. 3'- "- ::Dey .:i-ble Cay:df (Cross 31Weli 1100 ,

, ~. if:xi=== Dep=d:h!: C==:=7 (N : 31We): 1060 8 ECh=;;s 0:=:! C:y=i:f R:.:i:;:(1:: _:Ne: h:: , a. =c;, 1 SI::: L=: Reper:. Give R:==ns:

' 9. Power Level To Whi:h Rer=i=ed. U Any (N:: 5twe):

10. R=:ons .ror R_-.=i:d:=.1f Asy:

1 i .

j -

His 51octh - . Cu=c!::ive 1 ..

11. Hour:!= R:po:.!:; ?::i:d 720 R 040 60.624 3
12. Nu=h:r of Ecc:s R==::rS'u C:id=1 . 632.1 4.959.5 42,744.7
13. Re:c::r R :e re Sh:: den E=== . O o 0 i 14. Ho=:Ce===:::Ca.LI:s .

622.2 4,864 41,644.1

15. U !: R: serve Sh=:dowa Ec::= 0 o o
16. Cross The:=:! I:::;r C4===::d (3:WE) 9.ns6 182 15.969.740 119 018.862
17. Cross Se==.=!I:- ;y Ce===::d G.tWH) 680.100,_. 5.205,750 43.432.360
13. N:: E::=i=lIn::;y Ce===: d C. WE) 656.624 s.023.867 41,877,238
19. Uni: Serri= .:::::r 86.4_ 60.5

' 71.5

20. Uc!: Arei!.:hi!!:7.:=:or 86.4 60.5 71.5

!. Uni: C::::i:v 7::::r (Uri=; SirC Net) *

. 86.0 58.9 68.4

22. Unit C:c:ci:y . :::=r (Usta; O27. .%c: ._.- 82.9_ 56.8 67.0' 4
13. Uni: . or::d Cu::;e R:: 13.6 4.I 12.8
. Sh:: dows Scheduled Over Neu $ .\ ton:hs IType 0:::.::d 02: :::n afI:d -

surveillances and Maintenance outace scheduled to start

-12/22/84. Estimated duration 1 week.

35. If Sh : Down A: Ind Of R:; :: ?:: icd. I::i==::d 0::: of 5:: :.:::

.25 Caits la Tes: S::: s IP=:r to C:==:=i:t Ope .:fo..1:

Fore._:t Achieved INITA '. C7.!T*CA LITY Ih..TIA L . - . . .,..

C0 ...e.

.,.......-..-..,,...A.... ..~..

8501230555 841207 l-PDR ADOCK 05000316 .

Iu - 3 -




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00CXET NO.56-316 -


- TELEPHONE 616-465-5'901 MONTH November DAY



. (MWe-Net) 1 InR? 17 1075' 2 1083


18 1049 .

3 1'o86 19 170 .

4 1084 20 0

. 5 1085 21 479 j 6 1059 1095 22 7 1083 23 1098

8 1077 24 1096 9 1082 1100
25 10 1008 1102

, 25 11 313 27 1078 12 0 28 1101 13 424 29 1098 14 1046 30 1097 -

15 1093 .

31 16- 1097 .


  • :i On this fonnat list the average daily unit pcwer level in MWe-Net for each '3


day in the recortinn mnne8; Ccmnnea~~, *u----- ,

. 7 0 . * .Q DOCKET NO. 50-316 ,.


November, 1984 COMPLETED ay B. A. Svensson REPORT MONTil ' TELEPilONE 616/465-5901 .

PAGE 1 of 2 I .

e c

-, .$ g 3 $ E5 Licensee h $4 n.1 Cause & Conseclive No. Dale ,o. 5 ij $ ,s s 5 livens 3,7 Aui.mso mO F j$ $ j;gg Reposi # y' Pro en Itecue rcuce 6

152 841111 F 48.1 A 2 84-029-0 CB VALVEX With reactor power being decreased, the reactor was manually tripped from 73% due to decreasing pressurizer pressure caused by a pressurizer spray valve that failed to fully close fol-lowing partial cycling of the valve.

The pressure continued to decrease causing a safety injection. The pressurizer: spray valve was checked, and found to remain partially open following cycling. The valve was de-activated in the closed position and will be repaired during an outage of sufficient length. The Unit was re-turned to servi t on 841113 and 100%

power wa's reached on 841114.

153 841119 F 49.7 H 3 84-030-0 ZZ ZZZZZZ The reactor tripped from 96% power.

The cause of the trip was a sensed steam flow /feedwater flow mismatch 1 2 3 4 1: Finced Reason . Methikt: Exhibii G - Insieuctions S: Scheduled A Estuipment Failme(Explain) 1 Manual for Prepaiation of Daia ll-Maintenance ni Test 2 Manual Scram. Ensiy Sheets fo 1.icensee C Refueling .

.l- Automatic Soam. Evens Repois li.l!RI Fde INilRIL D-Regulatiny Resiliction 4-Othei ( E xplain) 0161i E-Ope atos Fraining & l.icense I:xamination F-Adminisisalive 5 G.Opeusional Esior IExplain) 'Eshibn 1 Same Somce 19/77) 11 Other (Explain)

, . _ . - - . . . -. . . - _ . .- - ~ . - . -

, f .


INSTRUCTIONS LThis report should descr2e all plant shutdowns dunng the :n accordance with the table appearms on the report form.

. report period. In addition. tt snould be the source of explan- If category 4 must be used. supply brief comments.

ation of sigmacant dips m average power levels. Each stant. '

ficant reduction m power level (greater than 20% reduction LICENSEE EVENT REPORT :. Reference the applicable in average daily power level for the preceding 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />) reportable occurrence pertammg to the outage or power should be noted, even though *he unit may not have been reduction. Enter the Srst four parts (event year, sequent:al shut down completelyl ; For such reducuons in power level. report number, occurrence cede and report type) of the five

the duration should be listed as zero, the method of reduction part designation as described in item 17 of Instructions for thould be listed as 4 (Other), and the Cause and Correcuve Preparanon of Data Entry Sheets for Licensee Event Report Action to Prevent Recurrence column should explain. The (LER) File (NUREG.0161). This information.may not be

' Cause and Corrective Action to Prevent Recurrence column immediately evident for all such shutdowns, of course smee should be used to provide any needed explanation to fully further investigation may be required to ascertam whether or i desenbe the circumstances of the outage or power reduction. not a reportable occurrence was involved.) If the outage or '

power reduction will not result in a reportable occurrence.

- NUMBER. This column should Indicate the sequential num, the posit we indication of this lack of correlation should be ber assigned to each shutdown or significant reduction in power noted as not applicable (N/A).

for that calendar year. When a shutdown or significant power SYSTEM CODE. The system in which the outage or power reduction begins m one report period and ends in another* ~

an entry should be made for both report penods to be sure reducuon onginated sh' o uld be noted by the two digit code of 1

all shutdowns or significant power reducuons are reported. Exhibit G . Instructions for Preparation of Data Entry Sheets Unt:1 a unit has achived its first power generation, no num. f r Licma Eat Repon (LER) File (NUREG.0161).

ber should be assigned to each entry. Systems that do not fit any existing code should be designa.

ted XX. The code ZZ should be used for those events where i DATE. This column should indicate the date of the start a system is not applicable.

of each shutdown or signaticant power reducuon. Report as year. month, and day. August 11.1977 would be reported COSIPONENT CODE. Select the most apprapriate component as 770314 When a shutdown or significant power reduction from Exfubit I . Instructions for Preparation of Data Entry

begms in one report penod and ends m another, an entry should Sheets for Lleensee Event Report (LER) File (NUREG.016!).

i be made for both report periods to be sure all shutdowns usms the following entieria:

, or sigmficant power reductions are reported.

TYPE. Use "F" or "S" to indicate either " Forced" or ? Sche.

duled." respectively, for each shutdown or significant power B. If not a component failure, use the related component:

reducuon. Forced shutdowns include those required to be e.g.. wrong valve operated through erron list valve as 2 initiated by no later than the weekend following discovery component.

j of an off. normal condition. It is recognized that some judg.

ment is required in categorizmg shutdowns in this way. In C. If a chain of failures occurs, the first component to mai.

4 general. a forced shutdown is one that would not have ban function should be listed. The sequence of events. includ.

completed in the absence of the condition for which corrective ing the other components which fail, should be desenbed action was taken. under the Cause and Corrective Action to Prevent Recur.

rence column. .

l DURATION. Self. explanatory. When a shutdown extends

. beyond the end or a report penod, count only the time to the Components that do not fit any existmg. code should be de.

end of the report penod and pick up the ensumg down time ~

signated XXXXXX. The code 777777 should be used for in the following report periods. Report duration of outages events where a component designation is not applicable.

n'unded to the nearest tenth of an hout to facilitate summation.

The sum of the total outage hours plus the hours the genera. CAUSE & CORRECTIVE ACTION TO PREVENT RECUR.

tor was on line should equal the gross hours in the reportmg RENCE. Use the column in a narrative fashion to ampiify or penod. expla n the circumstances of the shutdown or power redu.* ton.

The column should include. the specific cause for esci. m. .

down or significant power reduction and the immediate and

, REASON. Categorize by letter deugnatWn m. accordance with the table appearmy on the repon form. If category H contemplated long term corrective action taken. if appropri.

must be used. supply bnet summents. are.- This column should also be used for a desenption of the ma or safety.related corrective mainternance performed dunne


' METHOD' OF SHUTTING DOWN THE REACTOR OR the outase or power reduction including an identification ot REDUCING POWER.' Cateponze by number densnation the entical path acuvity and a report of any smgle relea radioaeuvtty or single radiation exposure speettieally assoct.

I Note that this differs trom .the Edisim Electrie Institute sted with the outage which accounts for more than 10 percent -

tEEI) detinitions of ~ " Forced Panial Outase" and " Sche. of the allowable annual values.

, duled Partial Outage." For these tenna. I El uhange of For long textual reports continue narrative on separate paper

. 30 SlW as the break pumt. . Fur larger power reactors.30 MW and reference the shutdown or power reduction for ttu

.is im small a hance to warrant explanation. narrative.

. (P77

. ~-

,apa 4 i w h %d..+ede w mean " ' " * # ' ~

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COMPLETED BY B.A. Svensson REPORf M'ONTil November, 1984 ' TELEPHONE 616/465-5901 PAGE 2 of 2 e.

- ,$E 3 Y . Licensee E

,-s, ' t, e.'3 Cauu: & Pausective Action in No. Date k 5g s 2g5 Evens Fy H $ # iE U j' Prevens Recmsence fE j ;f3 g 6

concurrent with an apparent low 153 steam generator level. The steam (Contir ued) generator level bi-stables had pre-viously been tripped due to the er-ratic level indication.- The cause of the steam flow /feedwater flow mis -

. match signal has not been determined.

' The Post Trip Review determined that all safety functions operated cor-rectly and there were no safety re-lated equipment failures. The cause for the erratic level indication on No. 3 steam generator was found to be a leaking plug on the level in-strument reference leg condensing pot. The Unit was returned to ser-vice on 841121 and 100% power was reached on 841122.

I 2 3 4 l': Fosced Reason: . Method: Exhibis G-Insisuctiims S: Scheduled A-Equipmer.: l aihne (Explain) 1 Manual for Psepasation ol' Data B-Maintenance ci Test 2 Manual Sciam. Entey Sheets lin 1.icensee C Refueling 3. Automatic Event Repost (11R) Fde INURIE D Regulainey Restriction 4-Othes (Explain) 01611 E-Operatos Tsaining& License Examination F-Adminisisalive 5 G Operational Esnos (Explain) 'INlubs I Same Somce 19/77) lI Othes (Explain)

UNIT SHUTDOWNS AND POWER REDUCTIONS INSTRUCTIONS This report should descnte a!! plant shutdowns dunng the ~ :n accordance with the table appearmg on the report form.

report penod. In addition. it should be the source of explan- If category 4 must be used. supply bneicomments.

atton of significant dips in average power levels. Each szgni-ficant reduction in power level (prater than 203 reduction LICENSEE EVENT REPORT =. Reference the applicable )

in average daily power level for the preceding 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />) reportable occurrence pertammg to the outage or. power  ;

should be noted, even though 'he urut may not have been reducton. Enter the drst four parts (event year. sequennal shut down completelyl . For such reductions in power level, report number. occurrence code and report type) of the nye the duration should be listed as zero, the method of reducuan part designation as desenbed in item 17 of Instructions for should be listed as 4 (Other), arid the Cause and Correcuve Preparsuon of Data Entry Sheets for Licensee Event Report Action to Prevent Recurrence column should explain. The (LER) File (NUREG.0161). This information may not be Cause and Correcuve Action to Prevent Recurrence column unmediately evident for all such shutdowns, of course, smce should be used to provide any needed explanation to fully further investigation may be required to ascertain whether or desenbe the circumstances of the outage or power reduction. not a reportable occurrence was involved.) If the outage or power reduction will not result in a reportable occurrence.

NUMBER. This column should indicate the sequential num, the pos uve mdication of this lack of correlation should be ber assigned to each shutdown or sigruficant reductionin power noted as not applicable (N/A).

for that calendar year. When a shutdown or significant power reduction begms m one report period and ends m another. SYSTEM CODE. The system in which the ou.tage or P wer an entry should be made for both report penods to be sure reduction ortg:nated should be noted by the two digit code of all shutdowns or siamdcant power reducuons are reported. Exhibit G , Instructions for Preparation of Data Entry Sheets Unt:1 a umt has ach'ieved its first power generation, no num- f r Licensee Event Report (LER) File (NUREG 0161).

ber should be assigned to each entry. Systems that do not fit any existmg code should be designa.

ted XX. The code ZZ should be used for those events where DATE. This column should indicate the date of the start a system is not applicable.

of each shutdown or signiilcant power reducuan. Report as year, month and day. August 14.1977 would be reported COMPONENT CODE. Select the most apptcpriate component as 770814 When a shutdown or significant power reduction from Exhibit ! Instructions for Preparanon of Data Ent 3 begmsin one report pened and ends m another, an entry should Sheets for L!eensee Event Report (LER) File (NUREG 0161).

be made for both report periods to be sure all shutdowns usmg the followmg critiena:

or significant power reductions are reported.

- I 8 C mponent failed,use the component directlyinvolved.

TYPE. Use "F" or "S" to indicate either " Forced" or " Sche.

duled." respecuvely, for each shutdown or significant power B. If not a component failure, use the related mmponent:

reducuon. Forced shutdowns include those required to be e.g., wrong valve operated through error: hst valve as mitisted by no later than the weekend following discovery component.

of an off. normal condition. It is recognized that some judg-ment is required in categorizmg shutdowns in this way. In C. If a chain of failures occurs, the first component to mai-general, a forced shutdown is one that would not have been function should be listed. The sequence of events. includ-completed in the absence of the condition for which corrective ing the other components which fail, should be desenbed acuon was taken, under the Cause and Corrective Action to Prevent Recur-rence column.

DURATION. Selfexplanatory. When a shutdown extends

beyond the end or a report penod, count only the time to the Components that do not fit any existmg code should be de-end of the report period and pick up the ensumg down time signated XXXXXX. The code 777777 should be used for l in the following report penods. Report duration of outages events where a component designation is not applicable.
rounded to the nearest tenth o( an hour to facilitate summation.

The sum of the total outage hours plus the hours the genera- CAUSE & CORRECTIVE ACTION TO PREVENT RECUR-tot was on line should equal the gross hours in the reportmg RENCE. Use the column in a narrative fastuon to amplify or penod. explain the circumstances of the shutdown or power reduction.

lhe column should include the speciile cause for each shut.

l down or siamilcant power reduction and the immediate and REASON. Cateaunze by letter designation in accordance l with the table appearing on the report form. If category H contemplated long term corrective scuon taken,if appropri-must be used. suppiy bnef comments.~ ste. This column should also be used for a description of the major safety related corrective mamtenance performed dunna METHOD OF SHUTTING DOWN THE REACTOR- OR the outage or power reduction including an identification of REDUCING POWER. Categonze bv number designation the enneal path acuvity and a report of any single release et, radioactmty or single radiation exposure spectrically associ.

Inose that this differs imm the Edison E!ectic Institute ated with the outage which accounts for more than 10 percent sEEll definitions of " Forced Partial Outsee" and " Sche, of the allowable annual values.

duled Partial Outase." For these term.. eel uses a shange or For long textual recorts continue narrative on separate paper 10 MW as the break pomt. For larger power reactors.30 MW 2nd reference the shutdown or power redusttun for tht>

is t..o small a chance to wartam esplanation. narrative.


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- Docket No. : 50-316  :

. Unit'Nams:

' ~

][t -

D.C. Cook Unit 2

, Completed By:- D.'A. Bruck-Telephone: (616) 465-5901 ,

j <- -Date: . December 7, 1984 jh Page: 1 of 2




ThejUnit entered the. reporting period infMode 1 at 100%

rated: thermal-power.. cThe' Unit was manually tripped on ,

' ~


11-11-84 due;to low? pressurizer: pressure caused by pres- -

surizer: spray valve problems. The Unit tripped auto- .


matically on 11-19-84ldue to steam-flow / feed ~ flow mismatch
coincident with low steam _generat7r level.- Nolother major
power reductions occurred during this; reporting period..
, The Unit' ended'the reporting
period'at 100% crated thermal ~

j- power.


. Total electrical-generation for the month was 680,100_MWH.

+4 -



3 i

11-9-84 - The East Component Cooling Water Pump wasrinoperable


i ~at 1415 due-to' low AP. ' The: pump was declared- ' '

operable at 1935. .

v 11-11-84 At 0736, with-~ reactor power being1 decreased, the Unit l[- was manually trippedLfrom 73% because of. low reactor-coolant system; pressure causedsby.a partially;stucki i -

open pressurizer spray valve.

c -

11'13-84 At 0740 the Unit was paralleled to the gridiand power.

L was increasing toward 100%. Ata1915:theLpoweriincrease ,

t was halted at:85% due to unstableireheater:coilidrain

/ ,

tank level.

11-14-84' At 0249 power was :increaseds to 96% - andi held fforDaurveil-i lance testing and at~1601' power was increased toward:100%.

wg g 100% reactor. power was reached at11825.-

i 11-19-844 At 0356, with, power at 96%,;the reactoritripped on s


'* steam flow / feed flow'mism'atch' coincident with low. steam' generatorJ1evel.

j! 11-20-84 .At 1620, with the.-~ reactor in mode 3 and.the shutdown;

. banks-withdrawn, the reactor trip: breakers opened !!

! from steam' generator: low levellcoincident_with"steamt flow / feed; flow'mismat'ch: signal l(steam flow /feedLflow

'[ .

. mismatch; manually-inputted'for; testing).

20-84. At12032,-with the rea'ctor in: mode'3 and the shutdown' . ,

.- ^

banks 1 withdrawn,cthe' reactor. tripped-on ahturbine.tripi

- when a test' signal'was'inputed simulating greaterLthan


= 10%' power. >


v i 1 4

J sr [ - - ei n e- o -e--d,i-

e=,- -e v -+-e w = . + , e--- d. m e i -=v u *-,r .--9 . v.- e e e-+ +--w b6 e- - - ==v* J + w A

. g-4- .,.y:.., . . .

', -Dockst No.: 50-316

3. Unit Nam 3 D.C. Cook Unit 2 Completed By: D. 7L. Bruck Telephone: . (616)'465-5901  !

Date: Decembar.7, 1984 Page: 2 of 2

'11-21-84: At 0540.the Unit was paralleled to the grid. 100%

reactor power reached at 0112 on 11-22-84.

11-26-27:- The West Component Cooling Water Pump was inoperable

'at~0529 for seal work.

11-27-84 The Spare Component Cooling Water Pump was operable.

at 1540 in place'of the West pump..

The. Control = Room Cable Vault Halon System remains inoperable as of 1707 hours0.0198 days <br />0.474 hours <br />0.00282 weeks <br />6.495135e-4 months <br /> on 4-14-83. The backup CO 2 system remains

. operable.


DOCKER NO. 50 - 316 UNIT NAME D. C. Cook - Unit No. 2 DATE 12-7-84 COMPLETED BY B. A. Svensson TELEPHONE (616) 465-5901 PAGE 1 of 1 MAJOR SAFETY-RELATED MAINTENANCE NOVEMBER, 1984 M-1 Replaced solid state trip device on north control rod MG set motor breaker. . Defective ACB trip device was causing false instantaneous trip on breaker close.

H-2 ~ Replaced failed critical control room power regulating trans-former.

M-3 During performance of STP-180, smoke was detected from the re-actor trip breaker "A" closing coil. The shunt trip bar and lever were cleaned. The 10 amp fuses were replaced. A com-plete inspection of the breaker was performed. Following testing, the breake was returned to service.

C&I-l Pressurizer pressure channels differed by close to 20 PSI.

NPP-151 was recalibrated to bring all channels within 10 PSI.

C&I-2 The pressurizer proportional heaters were staying full on. A bad SCR was found and replaced. Two fuses were blown; all six fuses were replaced. The diode in the defective SCR circuit was also replaced. The heaters were then put into operation and verified operable.

C&I-3 Rod L13 in shutdown bank "C" would not withdraw. The movable gripper coil circuit was found to be open. The connector at the reactor-head was disconnected and reconnected. The coil was measured again and found to have normal resistance. The rod was then tested and worked properly.

C&I-4 BIT flow indicators IFI-51, 52 and 54 were reading below zero after the SI that occurred on 11/11 was reset. The indicators of IFI-51 and 52, and the transmitters of IFI-52 and 54 were recalibrated.


- g, .

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.m _IN018N8 LMICNWAN ELECIMGSOMPAN1 coned c. cook Nuclear Plant P.O. Son 458. Bndgman, Machagan 49106 December 7, 1984-Director, Office Of Management Information and Program Control U. S. Nuclear-Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C. 20555 Centlemen:

Pursuant to the requirements of Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Unit 2 Technical Specification,-the attached Monthly Operating Report for the Month of. November, 1984 is submitted.

Sincerely, Y.

.W. G. mith, .

Plant Manager WGS:ab Attachments cc: J.'E. Dolan M. P. Alexich R. W. Jurgensen NRC Region III B. L. Jorgensen R. O. Bruggee;(NSAC)

R. C. Callen S. J. Mierzwa R. F. Kroeger B. H. Bennett P. D. Rennix J. H. Hennigan Z. Cordero J. J. Markowsky :

J. F. Stietzel PNSRC' File INPO Records Center i ANI Nuclear Engineering Department {

g6W l