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Informs of Listed Changes to 830301 Antitrust Submittal,Per Reg Guide 9.3,in Response to 850109 Request.Rate Schedules & Rider Standby Svc Charge Encl
Person / Time
Site: Hope Creek PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 03/13/1985
From: Mittl R
Public Service Enterprise Group
To: Regan W
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
RTR-REGGD-09.003, RTR-REGGD-9.003 NUDOCS 8503150084
Download: ML20099G783 (6)



>l O PS G Company Public Senoce Electrc and Gas 80 Park Plaza, Newar k, NJ 07101/ 201430-8217 MAILING ADDRESS / P.O. Box 570, Newark, NJ 07101 Robert L. Mitti General Manager Nuclear Assurance and Regulation March 13, 1985 Director of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U.S.

Nuclear Regulatory Commission 7920 Norfolk Avenue Bethesda, Maryland 20814 Attention:

Mr. William H. Regan, Jr.,

Chief Site Analysis Branch Division of Engineering Gentlemen:

ANTITRUST REVIEW HOPE CREEK GENERATING STATION DOCKET NO. 50-354 Pursuant to your request (letter from W.


Regan, Jr.,

NRC to R.

L. Mittl, PSE&G) dated January 9, 1985, Public Service Electric and Gas Company hereby makes the following changes to the Antitrust submittal of March 1, 1983, in response to Regulatory Guide 9.3:

Page 1, Item "a".

The last sentence under the Atlantic City Electric Company response should read:

"Still, based on present load forecasts, a capacity deficiency, in the form of lower than required reserves, would occur in 1989 if Hope Creek is further delayed beyond the spring of that year."

Page 3, Item "c(2)".

The following sentence should be added to the Public Service Electric and Gas Company response:

"An additional interconnection was established with JCP&L on July 29, 1983, whereby JCP&L supplies PSE&G's Greenbrook Substation for JCP&L's Raritan River-Kilmer-Lake Nelson-Gillette 230 kV circuit."

Page 5, Item "e".

Replace the Public Service Electric and Gas Company response with the following:

Ah 8503150084 850313 h'

PDR ADOCK 05000354 M

PDR 1 \\

The Energy Peopk)

I 95 M12 (3W 4 84


~ 13ir. ofLNucl. Reac. Reg.

- 2 3/13/84 1

- " Effective March 23, 1984, the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities approved a new set of Electric and Gas tariffs as a result of the Company's request for an increase-in rates filed July 1,'1983.

Rate Schedule design, provisions and conditions of rates were based I

on the differences in cost causation among customer classes.

Changes in the tarif fs have been made to recognize the changes in the cost of providing service i

to the Company's various rate classes and the cost of I

metering technology needed to reflect such costs in rates.

Included in these changes have been, where appropriate, reductions in the number of price blocks, the establishment of time-of-day electric rates were cost. justified, increased seasonal rate differentials,


and a change:in summer / winter definition.

Numerous other minor changes have also been made, generally resulting in a simplification of rates and the establishment of new customer classes, where appropriate, consistent with a recognition of the cost of providing service."

l The following paragraph should be added to the Atlantic


City Electric Company response:

i "On November 5, 1984, the Small Power Purchase (SPP) i and Standby Service Rider (STB) tariffs were initiated.

The SPP tariff includes capacity payments e

to-Qualifying Facilities with a capacity greater than i

100 kW.

The STB tariff includcc standby demand'ratos j

for service at various voltage levels."

Page 6, Item "f(2)". The last sentence under the Atlantic City Electric Company response 'should-read:


" Copies of rates HCS, DDC, SPL, CSL, MA, SPP, and STB i

are attached."



These are submitted as an attachment to this letter.

k-Page 9, Item "h".-

The last sentence of the first j.

paragraph on page 9 should-read:


" Discussions with PE on possible joint ownership-arrangements of the Hope Creek and ' Limerick Generating Units were discontinued in 1983."

1 y-e--,m.m n


,,,e 4



-.a r



r, n w,,

n 1-

-Dir..of Nucl. Reac. Reg.

3 3/13/84 other than as indicated herein, there are no changes that have occurred since the March 1,-1983, submittal in response j -

to Regulatory Guide 9.3.

j-Should you have any questions in this regard, please contact us.

Very truly yours, a



I Attachment C


Schwencer, Chief USNRC Licensing Branch 2 j

D. H. Wagner USNRC Licensing Project Manager 3

A. R. Blough USNRC Senior Resident Inspector 3

i i



Y i

i T

AL12 1/3 J

i 4



Canecic Original sheet No. 95 O


(Applicable to NGS. AGS. ECS and SPF Rate Schedules)

STANDBY SERVICE CHARGE This rider imposes a Standby Service Charge at the following levels:

Service taken at TRANSNI5SION.....

.80 per kW (69 kV or above)


.90 par kW (34.5 & 23 kV)


S 2.10 par kW (12 tr 4 kV)


$ 3.35 per kW (120/240 V)

(120/208 V)

(240/480 V)

(277/480 V)

Tnans AND ConDrrIoss 1.

Customer shall allow installation at his expense of suitable metering previsions'to determine the amount of generation supplied by customer's source of electrical energy on a period by paried basis.

e 2.

During the initial five (') months application of this rider, all 5

calculations based upon data of the currant and preceding five (5) months, shall be based upon data of the current month and the number of months of experience since its initial application.


These standby provisions may also be modified by mutuni conse=t bat ean the Cc psny and the potential standby customer.

l O

Data of Issue Nove=ber 14, 1984 i

Effective: November 5, 1984 Issued by:

E. L. EUGGARD President i

Pleasantville, N.J.

i Piled pursuant to Order of the Board of Public Utilities of the j

State of New Jersey as presented in Docket No. 8310-4F1 L

ATLANTIC CITY ELECTRIC C(BEFANY P.U.C. N.J. No. 9 - ELECTRIC SERVICE let Raviced Ebe,e No. 103 Cancela Original Sheet No. 103 RATE SGIDCLE SPP p

(Small Power Parchase)

AVAILABILITY OF BERVICE Available to a " Qualifying Facility" (QF) as defined in Section 210 of the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 who also receives <rvice under regular Company Rate Schedules ARS, NGS, AGS, BCS or TS.

of such facility must be less than 1000 kW.

Th. capacity i

Qualifying Facilities with capacity greater than 1000 kW ehall negotiata i

customer specific long term contracts. These facilities are entitled to a contract at full avoided energy (10% above the PJM billing rate) and capacity (PJM capacity deficiency charge) costs in the absence of a j

specifically negotiated contract.


the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities.All contracts are subject to approval by METELY EATE a

Service Charge:

This amcunt deducted prior to payment for delivered energy

$5.00 i

Energy Credit:

j Kilowatt-hour credit - all months

  • S0.0536*

Capacity Creditt 3

j Kilowatt credit - all menths i


  • This is an estimata based on 110% of the projected PJM running rates.


    • This capacity credit is based upon one-twelfth the PJM capacity deficiency paymen t.

See No. 4 of Special Provisions belcw.

i 4

A year end adjustment will he made if the actual evoided energy cost (10%

above the PJM billing rata) is greater than the 60.0536/kWh credit. At no time will this adjustment lower the Qualifying Facility's annual credit 4


In any month, credit to the Qualifying Facility shall be the kilowatt-hour credit plus the kilowatt credit (if eligible) less the Service Charge.

3 Credit shall be made within 60 days of the inst custoner meter reading date, in each calendar quarter.

shall be made monthly.

If the net monthly credit exceeds $50,00, credit 1

i l.A Date of Issuet November 14, 1984 Effectiver Novenbar 5, 1984 Issued by:

E. D. HUCCARD, President Pleasantville. N.J.

i Filed pursuant to Order of the Board of Public Utilities of tha l

atate of New Jersey as presented in Docket N

o. 842-82


P (Small Peerer Purchase)

SPECIAL FE0715I055 1.

The customer must pay all interconnection charges before the Company


will purchase electric power.


A customer's installation must conform to Company specificatione for Qualifying Pacility interconnection as outlined in Informatien and Requirements for Interconnection of Qualifying Facility Booklet.


The customer must sign an Application for Interconnection of Qualifying Facility.


Purchases from a Qualifying Facility will receive a capacity credit when the capacity exceeda f00 kilowatta and that capacity meets certain reliability criteria. Capacity credita will be based on the average capacity in any billing month, auch capacity to be defined as the kilowatt-hours dividad by the hours in that month. When time of use rates are in effect for Atlantic Electric, capsiity credits will be based on the average On-Paak capacity in any billing month, such capacity to be defined as the On-Peak kilevatt-heura divided by the On-Peak hours in that month. The seller may be eligible for an additional credit where the presence of the Qualifying Facility allows the deferral of local transmission or distribution capacity cost.


For a five (5) year period beginning December 31, 1981, the Service Charge will be waived for QF's with 10 kW or less generating capacity and all wind turbines, that allew or offer to allow the Company to instrument their installations at the Cocpany's expense.

STANDBY SERVICE See Rider STE, Sheat Nos. 94 and 95.

i I

i 8

Date of Issue: November 14, 1984 Effective:

Nove=ber 5, 1984 Issued byt E. D. HUGCARD, President Pleasantville, N.J.

Filed pursuant to Order of the Board of Public Utilities of the Stata of New Jersey as presented in Docket No. 842-82
