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Environ Review of Zimmer Site Status for Cincinnati Gas & Electric Co. W/Two Oversize Figures.Aperture Cards Are Available in PDR
Person / Time
Site: Zimmer
Issue date: 05/31/1984
Shared Package
ML20091J135 List:
NUDOCS 8406050409
Download: ML20091J146 (8)



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Cincinnati, Ohio 45203 (513) 651-3440 May 31, 1984 The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company 139 E. Fourtn Street Cincinnati, OH 45202 Attention: Mr. W. D. Waymire Manager of General Engineering Gentlemen:

Environmental Review of Zimmer Site Status For The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company INTRODUCTION Dames & Moore has performed an environmental review of the Zimmer site status at the W.H. Zimmer Station as requested by The Cincinnatt Gas &

Elect ric Company (CG&E). This review focused on two particular items:

1. A description of the site's status, with part icular attention to disturbed areas and to related erosion and runoff control measures
2. Development of a restoration plan, including procedures and schedules for grading and seeding, that will stabilize the site until construction of the coal plant begins The study entailed a reconnaissance of the Zimmer site, discussions wit h CG&E personnel concerning the site status, a review of figures provided by CG&E showing the past and projected configuration of onsite facilities, and the development of a restoration plan for disturbed areas.

SITE STATUS Figures 1 and 2 show the configuration of onsite facilities as of January 21,:,1984. These figures show the location of major onsite struc-tures, borrow areas, existing roadways, access routes, parking lots, fence lines, and the switchyard and transmission corridors. Figure 3 presents the projected configuration of plant site facilities as of the end of December 1984. A comparison of Figure 3 with figures 1 and 2 shows that most of the construction trailers and miscellaneous buildings will have been removed by the end of December 1984. The trailer and butiding-removal process is already well underway.

The basic site profile and elevations have remained largely unchanged for approximately 7 years, except for the following major site modtficaltons:

Dcmas & Meere O

The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company May 31, 1984 Page *A craf t-workers' parking lot covering approximately 10.6 acres was constructed immediately north of the main plant buildings during the fall of 1983; extensive fill and grading were required. The parking surface and access ramp were blacktopped during December 1983 and January 1984 to minimize dust impacts on the estimated 3,000 craft-workers, plant personnel, travelers on U.S. Route 52, and nearby resident s and communit les.

'A parking lot addition (see coordinates F-6 on Figure 2) was con-structed during the same period as the craf t-worker's parking lot.

This parking lot was also blacktopped to minimize dust emissions.

  • The existing parking areas along U.S. Route 52 (coordinates A-3 through A-6 and 0-3 through B-6, figure 2) were also paved in late 1983/carly 1984 for the same environmental reasons indicated above.

The parking area bounded by coordinates A-6 through A-8, and B-6 through 8-8 was not paved because this area was designated as an overflow parking facility and the anticipated use was minimal.

  • In the case of the formerly proposed buildings G, H, and I (see figure 2), p alings were installed, but the buildings were never constructe/.

The top of the pilings protrude approxcnately 2 feet off the existing ground sur face. There are no immediate plans to remove or grade over these piles; as presently envisioned, these areas will be used as laydown areas.

Overall, with the except ion of the areas listed above, site drainage has been well established over the last several years. Sheet runoff is directed towards drainage ditches and conduits, and no evidence of severe onsite erosion was observed during a May 1984 reconnaissance of the Zimmer site. In general, the recent site modifications listed above conform to existing drainage patterns, and there is no rer. son to expect a significant increase in the rate of erosion due to these modifications.

The t railers and temporary buildings that either have been or will be removed are typically underlain by crushed rock or slab foundalions. There are no plans to remove the slabs or take up the crushed rock at this time.

It is envisioned that areas covered by these materials could be used during construction of the coal plant facilities. Unpaved areas interlying the trailers and buildings are covered by bare dirt, crushed rock, or a combination of the two. Invader species of grasses and weeds are scattered throughout these areas.

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The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company May 31, 1984 Page RESTORATION PLAN Site restoration work should be designed to minimize erosion and wir dborne dust originating from disturbed areas onsite. It should also be designed to preclude areas of standing water and saturated soils. However, it should not necessarily be designed to landscape the site, which will undergo additional disruption when coal plant const ruction act ivit ies begin.

The recommended restoration program should include three components:

grading, revegetation or the addit ion of crushed rock, and limited modifications to site drainage patterns.

Grading: As indicated in Plates 1 and 2, limited grading is required and no significant cut and fill operations are envisioned. Grading should be designed to spread small mounds of dirt and rock found onsite; eliminate depressions where water is found to accumulate; smooth sur faces so re-vegcLated areas can be maintained; and, reduce slopes, especially adjacent to some of the drainage courses, presently subject to higher rates of erosion. During grading, supervision of earthmoving act ivit ies should be provided to ensure that grades are const ructed to direct runoff towards drainage ditches. Grading should be scheduled as soon as practical, prior to any revegetation programs.

Revegetation/ Crushed Rock Additions: Plates 1 and 2 also show existing grassed-areas and areas where grass seed should be applied. All bare soil areas should be reseeded; it should be at a field supervisor's discretion to decide hich areas of limited or sparse vegetative cover should receive seed to thicken ground cover.

Prior to seeding, the ground surface should be prepared by turning the soil with either a spring tooth harrow or a disc to a depth of opproximately 4 inches; large rocks and debris should be removed. Based on typical.

Clermont County soils, a seed mix consisting of the following grasses and legumes is recommended:

Percent Composition Sericea lespedeza (hulled) 25 K-31 fescue 25 White clover 15 Kentucky /Marion~ bluegrass 25 Perennial eyegrass 10 Onsite soil chemistry tests should be performed prior to ordering the seed mix to adjust the mix for any unexpected condit ions.

4 Dames & Moore Q

The Cincinnat i Gas & Electric Company May 29, 1984 Page ..

This seed mix is readily available, cost ef fective, quick germinating, easily maintained and effective for a fall planting. The legume component will help provide staying power over several seasons.

Broadcast seeding is recommended on flat to moderate slopes at a rate of 65 lbs per acre. If the use of a hydroseeder is required for steep slopes, this rate should be at least doubled. A common 10-20-20 blend fertilizer is recommended for application at a rate of approximately 350 lbs per acre. Also, application of pellet tzed lime is recommended at a rate of 80 lbs per acre. After the seed mtx, fertilizer and lime are applied, a chain should be dragged across the surface to turn the seed under. Straw mulch should then be blown onto the reseeded areas at a rate of 1 ton per acre. From a scheduling standpotnt, the seeding effort should take place no later than the first week of October.

The addition of crushed rock should also be applied at the discret ton of a field supervisor. in general, sufficient rock should be applied to cover dirt surfaces as required.

Although most of the areas requiring seed and rock are located at the main plant site (see Plate 2), there are some areas that require seed and/or stone in the larger general site area (Plate 1), including:

1. The perimeter of the settling basin and certain adjacent areas =
2. The two borrow areas immediately north of the new craft-workers' parking lot
3. Areas adjacent to the meteorological tower west of U.S. Route 52
4. Areas immediately adjacent to the access road leading to the meteorological tower east of U.S. Route 52
5. The borrow area along 345 kV t ransmission corridor east of U.S.

Route 52 The two borrow areas (llems 2 and 5 abcve) will also require some drainage modiftealtors, as discussed in the following section.

Drainage Modifications: Minor modi ficat ions to the exist ing site drainage are suggested to minimize erosion potent ial and/or eliminate areas of standing water. These areas include the two borrow areas previously dtscussed. In general, these modificalions are relat ively minor. One area requaeing parLicular attention is a small impoundment immediatc1y norLh of the new craf t-worker parking lot. This impoundment should be drained and contoured to direct runoff towards Little Indian Creek, which would conform to natural drainage patterns before the new parking lot was constructed.

Rip-rap should be laid in the channel draining the pond and the area should be revegetated according to the specificalions presented herein.


i l D mas & Muro 66 1

The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company May 29, 1984 Page At the borrow area east of U.S. Route 52, a diversion ditch should be cut in the northeast part of the area to direct water into a nearby creek.

Al present, water runof f is flowing down the borrow area access road, causing in.nor crosion. The borrow area should be reseeded and stone laid on the access road CLOSING If you should have any questions regarding this letter report, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Very truly yours, DA!1ES & tiOORE Glenn D. Martin Associate GDM/ds

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