MONTHYEARML20137N1591997-03-31031 March 1997 Informs That Licensee Facility Scheduled to Administer NRC GFE on 970409.Sonalsts,Inc Authorized Under Contract to Support NRC Administration of GFE Activities ML20058M0361993-04-12012 April 1993 Partial Response to FOIA Request for Documents.Forwards Records in App L Which Are Being Withheld Partially for Listed Reasons,(Ref FOIA Exemptions 5) ML20034E2721992-11-23023 November 1992 Partial Response to FOIA Request for Documents Re NRC Papers at Hoover Library.Records Subj to Request in App a Are Being Withheld in Part (Ref FOIA Exemption 5) ML20101Q4331991-10-30030 October 1991 Partial Response to FOIA Request Re Investigation of Zack Co Done by Nrc.App E Records Encl & Are Being Made Available in Pdr.App D Records Already Available in Pdr.App F Records Withheld in Entirety (Ref FOIA Exemption 6 & 7) ML20044A9881990-07-11011 July 1990 Responds to Re Util Application to Conduct Onsite Disposal of Dredging Spoils.Concerns of Michigan Eco-Watch Will Receive Appropriate Attention ML20044B0001990-06-18018 June 1990 Forwards Correspondence from Northern Michigan Eco-Watch of Petoskey,Mi for Response ML20044A9951990-04-27027 April 1990 Forwards Response to to Chairman Carr Re Onsite Disposal of Dredging Spoils ML20044B0011990-03-29029 March 1990 Expresses Alarm Re Application for Disposal of Dredged Discharge Canal Sediment.Investigation of Activity Level Requested ML20248D6521989-07-20020 July 1989 Forwards Response to Util Re Bills D0184 & D0185 for Plant OL Application Review Costs by Various Program Ofcs Through June 1984 ML20245D9621989-04-28028 April 1989 Forwards Addl Info Re Bunker Ramo Instrumentation Penetration Modules,Per 890131 Request.Util Believes That Modules Environmentally Qualified in Accordance w/10CFR50.49 & NUREG-0588,Category II ML20205C3521988-09-23023 September 1988 Final Response to FOIA Request for Documents Re Plant. Forwards App D Documents.App D Documents Also Available in PDR ML20155A7001988-06-0202 June 1988 Informs That Const on Conversion of Plant to gas-fired Facility Began on 880404 ML20155A7401988-05-18018 May 1988 FOIA Request for Documents on 850731 & 870312 Meetings Re Plant.Document Re 840314 Meeting Previously Obtained & Therefore Excluded from Request ML20237B4361987-12-14014 December 1987 Final Response to FOIA Request for Documents.App B Document, Board Notification 84-024,encl & Also Available in PDR ML20236X6141987-12-0808 December 1987 Final Response to FOIA Request All Documents.No Addl Records Subj to Request Located ML20236U2571987-11-0505 November 1987 FOIA Request for Documents Re Ball Type Main Steam Isolation Valves Used at Facilities ML20235B3081987-09-21021 September 1987 Responds to FOIA Request for Documents,Including AEC to ACRS Forwarding Safety Evaluation Re Zimmer.App a Documents Cannot Be Located.App B Documents in Pdr.App C & D Documents Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790) ML20235M4251987-07-13013 July 1987 Partial Response to FOIA Request for Documents Re Acrs. Forwards Documents for Categories One & Three of FOIA Request.Review of 21 Addl ACRS Documents Continuing ML20235K1731987-07-0909 July 1987 Partial Response to FOIA Request for Info Re Certain Contracts Awarded by NRC for Reporting Svcs.Forwards App a & B Documents.Documents Also Available in PDR ML20234F0911987-06-26026 June 1987 Responds to Appeal Re Denial of FOIA Request for Documents. Forwards Document 5 in App F.Portions of Document 5 Withheld (Ref FOIA Exemptions 6 & 7).Other Requested Documents Withheld (Ref FOIA Exemption 6) ML20215K1981987-06-19019 June 1987 Final Response to FOIA Request for Documents Re Allegations Concerning Plant.Forwards App G & H Documents.Documents Also Available in Pdr.App H Documents Partially Withheld (Ref FOIA Exemption 6) ML20213F9351987-05-0808 May 1987 Partial Response to FOIA Request.Forwards App F Document & Weld Allegations.App G Documents Partially Withheld (Ref FOIA Exemption 6) ML20206H4951987-04-13013 April 1987 Partial Response to FOIA Request for Documents Re Bechtel Employment Discrimination.Forwards App E Documents.App D Documents Withheld (Ref FOIA Exemption 6) ML20235G2321987-04-0101 April 1987 FOIA Request for Documents Re Forged NDE Inspectors Certification Supplied by Barclay Intl for Use at Quad Cities Nuclear Station & Stated Investigations at Plants ML20211A9531987-02-13013 February 1987 Advises That Financial Info Submitted for 1987 in Util Satisfies Requirements of 10CFR140.21 That Each Licensee Maintain Guarantee of Payment of Deferred Premiums for Operating Reactors Over 100 Mwe ML20212M7651987-01-16016 January 1987 Informs That Due to Demands on Staff,Nrc Will Respond by 870430 to 850607 Request for Review of Invoices D0184 & D0185 Re OL Application Review Costs Through 840623 ML20207C0151986-12-19019 December 1986 Forwards Notice of Withdrawal of Application for OLs & Termination of Proceeding,Per Util 860711 Request & ASLB 861217 Memorandum & Order Granting Motion ML20207C1191986-12-18018 December 1986 Forwards Order Terminating CPPR-81 & CPPR-82 Based on Fact That Const of Facility Ceased,Units Inoperable & Site Environmentally Stable,Per Util 860701 Request to Withdraw Application to Amend CPs ML20215B9641986-12-0505 December 1986 Notifies Util of 870204-05 Early Emergency Responders Workshop in Chicago,Il to Discuss Lessons Learned & Current Problems in Coordination & Integration of Emergency Response Efforts.Meeting Agenda & Preregistration Form Encl ML20214Q0911986-11-24024 November 1986 Partial Response to FOIA Request for Documents Re Ofc of Inspector & Auditor Investigations.Forwards App B Documents. Documents Also Available in PDR ML20214A0761986-11-14014 November 1986 Forwards Insp & Evaluation of Plant for Adequacy of Stabilization Plan,Documenting 861015-16 Site Insp & Review & Insp of Site Stabilization Rept.Environ Stabilization Satisfactory ML20215M8851986-10-28028 October 1986 Forwards Insp Repts 50-329/86-01 & 50-330/86-01 on 861015-16.No Violations Identified ML20215N0241986-10-28028 October 1986 Forwards Order from DOE Economic Regulatory Admininstration Granting Exemption from Prohibitions of Power Plant & Industrial Fuel Act of 1978 & Puc of Mi Opinion & Order Granting Relief from Commission 850329 Rate Order ML20211B5401986-10-0909 October 1986 Further Response to FOIA Request for Eight Categories of Documents Re Ee Kent Allegations Concerning Facilities. Forwards Documents Listed in App K ML20210S9971986-10-0202 October 1986 Requests Change in Facility Svc List Address to Ref Address. Related Correspondence ML20210S4131986-09-26026 September 1986 Further Response to FOIA Request for 16 Categories of Records Re Facilities.Forwards App D & E Documents.Documents Also Available in PDR ML20214T7431986-09-24024 September 1986 Forwards Form 8-K Filed W/Securities & Exchange Commission. Util Believes Info Presented Bears No Issues Currently Before Aslb.Related Correspondence ML20214N4541986-09-0808 September 1986 Provides List of Activities Re Remedial Soils Work Being Modified Pending Final Disposition of Issues Described in Util 860701 & Counsel s Withdrawing Request for CP Extension.W/Svc List.Related Correspondence ML20209E6621986-09-0505 September 1986 Responds to FOIA Request for Documents Re Util Response to NRC 840112 Confirmatory Order.Documents Listed on App Available in PDR IA-86-235, Responds to FOIA Request for Documents Re Util Response to NRC 840112 Confirmatory Order.Documents Listed on App Available in PDR1986-09-0505 September 1986 Responds to FOIA Request for Documents Re Util Response to NRC 840112 Confirmatory Order.Documents Listed on App Available in PDR ML20212K9061986-08-21021 August 1986 Forwards Request for Addl Info Re Environ Review of Util 860711 Request to Withdraw Applications for OL by 860828 ML20206M8311986-08-15015 August 1986 Forwards Util Response to ASLB 860716 Order.W/O Encl.Related Correspondence ML20212J1391986-07-25025 July 1986 Forwards ALAB-106 Monthly Rept for June 1986.Listed Nonconformance Repts & Addl Documents Closed During June Encl ML20207D7261986-07-11011 July 1986 Forwards Motion for Authorization to Withdraw OL Application & for Dismissal of OL & Order of Mod Proceedings & Motion for Termination of Aslab Jurisdiction.W/O Encl.Related Correspondence ML20202F9581986-07-11011 July 1986 Forwards Util Motion for Authorization to Withdraw OL Application & for Dismissal of OL & Order of Mod Proceedings & Motion for Termination of Appeal Board Jurisdiction,For Filing.W/O Encl ML20203B2351986-07-10010 July 1986 Informs That Review of 820622 Application to Receive Unirradiated Nuclear Fuel Assemblies Terminated,Per .Fission Chambers Should Be Disposed of & Licenses SNM-1904 & SNM-1905 Terminated,Per 10CFR70.38(b) ML20202B1091986-07-0101 July 1986 Forwards Evaluation of 13 Specific Recommendations Contained in BNL Rept of Review of Surveillance & Maint Program,In Response to CE Norelius 860506 Request ML20206T2401986-07-0101 July 1986 Advises That Since Facility Formally Abandoned as Nuclear Facility,Util Will Not Reply to Generic Ltr 86-05 Re TMI Action Item II.K.3.5 ML20206T4321986-07-0101 July 1986 Withdraws Application for Ols.Facility Will Be Converted to combined-cycle gas-fired Plant.Abandonment Actions & Equipment Sales Will Provide Assurance That Plant Cannot Be Used as Nuclear Facility ML20199J9181986-06-30030 June 1986 Submits ALAB-106 Quarterly Rept 51.No New Individuals Assigned quality-related Duties.Const Shut Down Since 840716 & No Const Activities Projected for Jul-Sept 1986 1997-03-31
MONTHYEARML20140C6801984-06-15015 June 1984 Responds to .Thrust of Misunderstood. Ltr Requested Voluntary Production of Certain Matls Used in Dow Vs Consumers Litigation.Svc List Encl.Related Correspondence ML20092C2771984-06-13013 June 1984 Forwards Ga Hierzer Providing Addl Info Re Tracked Item 068 Concerning Stop Work on Visual Insp of Nf Hanger Welds ML20092C2051984-06-12012 June 1984 Forwards Complete Response to Tracked Action Item 088 Re Module 120D in Auxiliary Bldg ML20197G9551984-06-0707 June 1984 Summarizes 840518-0604 Const Implementation Overview Evaluation of Results of Const Completion Program Phase I Activity in Module 120D (Auxiliary Feedwater Pump Room) & Preparations for Phase 2 Work ML20091R7321984-06-0606 June 1984 Forwards Nonconformance Rept A-00124 Re Concrete Adhesive in Warehouse & Field.Documentation Previously Provided on 840606 by D Brown ML20091R2611984-06-0606 June 1984 Forwards Nonconformance Rept C-03736 Re Welds on Door 23 of Auxiliary Bldg.Document Previously Provided on 840606,per R Butler Request ML20091R6731984-06-0606 June 1984 Advises That Util Response to Const Implementation Overview Action Item 078 Acceptable ML20091R7111984-06-0606 June 1984 Forwards Nonconformance Repts C-03732,C-03736 & C-01006 Re Watertight Doors,Frames & Welds,In Response to N Watherell 840601 Request ML20091R2641984-06-0606 June 1984 Forwards Nonconformance Rept A-00081 Re Channel Embeds in Auxiliary Bldg W/Items Attached,In Response to D Holt 840606 Request ML20091R2381984-06-0606 June 1984 Forwards Nonconformance Rept A-00154 Re Expansion Anchors in Metal Decking ML20091R7151984-06-0606 June 1984 Forwards Nonconformance Rept C-03574-HV Re Large Bore Hanger Assembly in Control Room.Documentation Previously Provided on 840605 by D Holt ML20091R2771984-06-0606 June 1984 Forwards Nonconformance Repts C-01539,M01-8-2-415,C-01018 & 4778 Re Level Switches,In Response to G Hanne 840606 Request ML20091R2601984-06-0505 June 1984 Forwards Diia E-1.0 Rev 17/V2636 Log 00013 & E-10 Rev 17/V2323 Log 00006,per G Carter Request.W/O Encl ML20091R2811984-06-0404 June 1984 Forwards Complete Response to Item 6 of Module 120D List Re Welder Identification Numbers Inconsistent W/Old Verification Records ML20091N2321984-06-0101 June 1984 Forwards Const Implementation Overview Item 078 Re Use of Pencil on Audit Rept ML20091N1781984-06-0101 June 1984 Forwards Nonconformance Identification Repts 029 & 031 Re Clerical Errors or Omissions in Procurement Documents ML20091R5591984-06-0101 June 1984 Forwards Complete Response to Tracked Recommendation Item 082 Re Audits of Applicable Criteria of 10CFR50,App B for Site Contractors ML20091N2611984-06-0101 June 1984 Forwards Response to Tracked Action Item 085.W/o Encl ML20091M6601984-05-31031 May 1984 Forwards Bechtel 840531 Response to Const Implementation Overview Tracked Action Item 068 Re Code Editions Implemented for Component Support Installation ML20091M7851984-05-31031 May 1984 Forwards Nonconformance Identification Rept 30 & Quality Action Request RA-00197 Re Tdi & Copes Vulcan,Inc Purchase Orders ML20091M8551984-05-31031 May 1984 Forwards Bechtel Response to Nonconformance Identification Rept 030 Provided in Closed Quality Action Request RA-00197 Re Purchasing ASME Matl from non-ASME Matl Supplier ML20091J8541984-05-31031 May 1984 Forwards Item/Hold Point Notification Form for Const Implementation Overview of Tracked Info Item 080 Re Mgt Review for Turbine Roll ML20091N0521984-05-30030 May 1984 Forwards Nonconformance Rept C-00082 ML20091N0301984-05-30030 May 1984 Forwards Nonconformance Rept C-00028 ML20091J9271984-05-30030 May 1984 Forwards Partial Response to 840523 Tracked Action Item 085 Re Module 120D ML20091N2421984-05-30030 May 1984 Forwards Nonconformance Rept C-03119-HV Re Loose Nuts on RGS-114 Pipe Clamp ML20091H7651984-05-29029 May 1984 Forwards Complete Response to Nonconformance Identification Rept 22 Re Document Control & Update of Work Station Logs as Requested in Tracked Action Item 086 ML20091J0991984-05-25025 May 1984 Forwards Nonconformance Repts C-03018,C-02181 & C-02818-HV Re Voids in Grout,Upper South Anchor 1-3/8 Inch from South Edge of Plate,Lower North Anchor Installed 2-5/8 Inch from C4 Embed & Upper North Anchor 4-1/8 Inch from C4 Embed ML20091H8641984-05-25025 May 1984 Forwards Nonconformance Repts C-03719-V & C-03727-V Re Welded Connections of Structural Floor Framing & Structural Steel & Miscellaneous Metal,Respectively ML20091J2801984-05-25025 May 1984 Forwards Nonconformance Rept C-03461-HV Re Welding Deficiency in Rigid Hanger Assembly of Auxiliary Feedwater Discharge Sys ML20091G9591984-05-25025 May 1984 Provides Document Control Assurance Group Final Response to Nonconformance Identification Rept 027 Re Deficiencies of Document Stations 59 & 501 ML20091H7371984-05-25025 May 1984 Forwards Nonconformance Rept C-01006 Re Welding on Doors & Frames Not in Compliance W/Project Approved Vendor Drawings & Approved Welding Procedure Specs ML20091E6321984-05-23023 May 1984 Responds to 840516 Request for Description of Plan to Maintain Independence Between Const Implementation Overview Team & S&W Personnel.Const Implementation Overview Would Not Verify or Evaluate Work Performed by S&W Insp Personnel ML20091B3831984-05-21021 May 1984 Forwards List of Items Const Implementation Overview Will Review,Evaluate or Verify Prior to Releasing Const Implementation Overview Hold Point 007 for Module 120D ML20091B2801984-05-21021 May 1984 Forwards QA Dept Response to Audit AMS-84-26,per J Karr Request ML20091E7491984-05-21021 May 1984 Confirms That Work W/P Mudd in Establishing Requirements Re Const Implementation Overview Acceptable & Should Continue ML20091B6401984-05-18018 May 1984 Forwards Const Implementation Overview Nonconformance Rept 5063-HV Re Lack of Criteria for Matl Damage in Pqci P230R ML20091A7101984-05-18018 May 1984 Forwards Nonconformance Rept C-03078-V Re Unqualified Welds ML20091B6561984-05-18018 May 1984 Forwards Const Implementation Overview Nonconformance Repts C-002241-V & C-002243-V Re Hollow Sounding Grout in Svc Water Pump Walls & Floor ML20091C4541984-05-18018 May 1984 Forwards Nonconformance Rept 3534 Re Corner & Lada Sway Struts & Spring Cans ML20091A5881984-05-18018 May 1984 Forwards Nonconformance Rept M01-92-074 Re Welding Defects on Structural Support Steel,Per 840515 Request.List of Defective Welds Encl ML20091B8921984-05-18018 May 1984 Forwards Nonconformance Rept C-02299-V Re Concrete Placement ML20091A6881984-05-18018 May 1984 Requests Necessary Documentation for Listed Items for Const Implementation Overview for Module 120D ML20091A7031984-05-18018 May 1984 Notifies of 840514 Transmittal of Listed Nonconformance Repts ML20091B3871984-05-17017 May 1984 Advises That Partial Response to Const Implementation Overview Item 068 Evaluated & Determined Unacceptable. Requests Util Advise Const Implementation Overview Team of Cause,Resolution & Corrective Action for Cited Condition ML20091B4631984-05-17017 May 1984 Requests Documentation for Listed Drawings Re Module 120D Const Implementation Overview ML20091B3861984-05-17017 May 1984 Forwards RA Wells 840514 Memo Re Reinsps to Close Open Quality Items & Summary of 840511 Meeting W/Nrc to Discuss Insps,Verifications or Tests ML20084R0711984-05-17017 May 1984 Informs That Util Objects to 840504 Discovery Request on Behalf of Intervenor B Stamiris.Request Impermissibly Broad & Greatly Exceeds Limits on Discovery Imposed by Aslb.Svc List Encl.Related Correspondence ML20090J2221984-05-16016 May 1984 Forwards Comments on Bechtel Responses to Confirmed Items C-101 & C-117-2,3 Re Comparison of Auxiliary Bldg Finite Element & Seismic Stick Models.Comments Define Addl Info Needs ML20091J8401984-05-16016 May 1984 Requests Documentation for Listed Const Implementation Overview Items 1984-06-07
MONTHYEARML20140C6801984-06-15015 June 1984 Responds to .Thrust of Misunderstood. Ltr Requested Voluntary Production of Certain Matls Used in Dow Vs Consumers Litigation.Svc List Encl.Related Correspondence ML20092C2771984-06-13013 June 1984 Forwards Ga Hierzer Providing Addl Info Re Tracked Item 068 Concerning Stop Work on Visual Insp of Nf Hanger Welds ML20092C2051984-06-12012 June 1984 Forwards Complete Response to Tracked Action Item 088 Re Module 120D in Auxiliary Bldg ML20197G9551984-06-0707 June 1984 Summarizes 840518-0604 Const Implementation Overview Evaluation of Results of Const Completion Program Phase I Activity in Module 120D (Auxiliary Feedwater Pump Room) & Preparations for Phase 2 Work ML20091R7321984-06-0606 June 1984 Forwards Nonconformance Rept A-00124 Re Concrete Adhesive in Warehouse & Field.Documentation Previously Provided on 840606 by D Brown ML20091R2611984-06-0606 June 1984 Forwards Nonconformance Rept C-03736 Re Welds on Door 23 of Auxiliary Bldg.Document Previously Provided on 840606,per R Butler Request ML20091R6731984-06-0606 June 1984 Advises That Util Response to Const Implementation Overview Action Item 078 Acceptable ML20091R7111984-06-0606 June 1984 Forwards Nonconformance Repts C-03732,C-03736 & C-01006 Re Watertight Doors,Frames & Welds,In Response to N Watherell 840601 Request ML20091R2641984-06-0606 June 1984 Forwards Nonconformance Rept A-00081 Re Channel Embeds in Auxiliary Bldg W/Items Attached,In Response to D Holt 840606 Request ML20091R2381984-06-0606 June 1984 Forwards Nonconformance Rept A-00154 Re Expansion Anchors in Metal Decking ML20091R7151984-06-0606 June 1984 Forwards Nonconformance Rept C-03574-HV Re Large Bore Hanger Assembly in Control Room.Documentation Previously Provided on 840605 by D Holt ML20091R2771984-06-0606 June 1984 Forwards Nonconformance Repts C-01539,M01-8-2-415,C-01018 & 4778 Re Level Switches,In Response to G Hanne 840606 Request ML20091R2601984-06-0505 June 1984 Forwards Diia E-1.0 Rev 17/V2636 Log 00013 & E-10 Rev 17/V2323 Log 00006,per G Carter Request.W/O Encl ML20091R2811984-06-0404 June 1984 Forwards Complete Response to Item 6 of Module 120D List Re Welder Identification Numbers Inconsistent W/Old Verification Records ML20091N2321984-06-0101 June 1984 Forwards Const Implementation Overview Item 078 Re Use of Pencil on Audit Rept ML20091N1781984-06-0101 June 1984 Forwards Nonconformance Identification Repts 029 & 031 Re Clerical Errors or Omissions in Procurement Documents ML20091R5591984-06-0101 June 1984 Forwards Complete Response to Tracked Recommendation Item 082 Re Audits of Applicable Criteria of 10CFR50,App B for Site Contractors ML20091N2611984-06-0101 June 1984 Forwards Response to Tracked Action Item 085.W/o Encl ML20091M6601984-05-31031 May 1984 Forwards Bechtel 840531 Response to Const Implementation Overview Tracked Action Item 068 Re Code Editions Implemented for Component Support Installation ML20091M7851984-05-31031 May 1984 Forwards Nonconformance Identification Rept 30 & Quality Action Request RA-00197 Re Tdi & Copes Vulcan,Inc Purchase Orders ML20091M8551984-05-31031 May 1984 Forwards Bechtel Response to Nonconformance Identification Rept 030 Provided in Closed Quality Action Request RA-00197 Re Purchasing ASME Matl from non-ASME Matl Supplier ML20091J8541984-05-31031 May 1984 Forwards Item/Hold Point Notification Form for Const Implementation Overview of Tracked Info Item 080 Re Mgt Review for Turbine Roll ML20091N0521984-05-30030 May 1984 Forwards Nonconformance Rept C-00082 ML20091N0301984-05-30030 May 1984 Forwards Nonconformance Rept C-00028 ML20091J9271984-05-30030 May 1984 Forwards Partial Response to 840523 Tracked Action Item 085 Re Module 120D ML20091N2421984-05-30030 May 1984 Forwards Nonconformance Rept C-03119-HV Re Loose Nuts on RGS-114 Pipe Clamp ML20091H7651984-05-29029 May 1984 Forwards Complete Response to Nonconformance Identification Rept 22 Re Document Control & Update of Work Station Logs as Requested in Tracked Action Item 086 ML20091J0991984-05-25025 May 1984 Forwards Nonconformance Repts C-03018,C-02181 & C-02818-HV Re Voids in Grout,Upper South Anchor 1-3/8 Inch from South Edge of Plate,Lower North Anchor Installed 2-5/8 Inch from C4 Embed & Upper North Anchor 4-1/8 Inch from C4 Embed ML20091H8641984-05-25025 May 1984 Forwards Nonconformance Repts C-03719-V & C-03727-V Re Welded Connections of Structural Floor Framing & Structural Steel & Miscellaneous Metal,Respectively ML20091J2801984-05-25025 May 1984 Forwards Nonconformance Rept C-03461-HV Re Welding Deficiency in Rigid Hanger Assembly of Auxiliary Feedwater Discharge Sys ML20091G9591984-05-25025 May 1984 Provides Document Control Assurance Group Final Response to Nonconformance Identification Rept 027 Re Deficiencies of Document Stations 59 & 501 ML20091H7371984-05-25025 May 1984 Forwards Nonconformance Rept C-01006 Re Welding on Doors & Frames Not in Compliance W/Project Approved Vendor Drawings & Approved Welding Procedure Specs ML20091E6321984-05-23023 May 1984 Responds to 840516 Request for Description of Plan to Maintain Independence Between Const Implementation Overview Team & S&W Personnel.Const Implementation Overview Would Not Verify or Evaluate Work Performed by S&W Insp Personnel ML20091B3831984-05-21021 May 1984 Forwards List of Items Const Implementation Overview Will Review,Evaluate or Verify Prior to Releasing Const Implementation Overview Hold Point 007 for Module 120D ML20091B2801984-05-21021 May 1984 Forwards QA Dept Response to Audit AMS-84-26,per J Karr Request ML20091E7491984-05-21021 May 1984 Confirms That Work W/P Mudd in Establishing Requirements Re Const Implementation Overview Acceptable & Should Continue ML20091B6401984-05-18018 May 1984 Forwards Const Implementation Overview Nonconformance Rept 5063-HV Re Lack of Criteria for Matl Damage in Pqci P230R ML20091A7101984-05-18018 May 1984 Forwards Nonconformance Rept C-03078-V Re Unqualified Welds ML20091B6561984-05-18018 May 1984 Forwards Const Implementation Overview Nonconformance Repts C-002241-V & C-002243-V Re Hollow Sounding Grout in Svc Water Pump Walls & Floor ML20091C4541984-05-18018 May 1984 Forwards Nonconformance Rept 3534 Re Corner & Lada Sway Struts & Spring Cans ML20091A5881984-05-18018 May 1984 Forwards Nonconformance Rept M01-92-074 Re Welding Defects on Structural Support Steel,Per 840515 Request.List of Defective Welds Encl ML20091B8921984-05-18018 May 1984 Forwards Nonconformance Rept C-02299-V Re Concrete Placement ML20091A6881984-05-18018 May 1984 Requests Necessary Documentation for Listed Items for Const Implementation Overview for Module 120D ML20091A7031984-05-18018 May 1984 Notifies of 840514 Transmittal of Listed Nonconformance Repts ML20091B3871984-05-17017 May 1984 Advises That Partial Response to Const Implementation Overview Item 068 Evaluated & Determined Unacceptable. Requests Util Advise Const Implementation Overview Team of Cause,Resolution & Corrective Action for Cited Condition ML20091B4631984-05-17017 May 1984 Requests Documentation for Listed Drawings Re Module 120D Const Implementation Overview ML20091B3861984-05-17017 May 1984 Forwards RA Wells 840514 Memo Re Reinsps to Close Open Quality Items & Summary of 840511 Meeting W/Nrc to Discuss Insps,Verifications or Tests ML20084R0711984-05-17017 May 1984 Informs That Util Objects to 840504 Discovery Request on Behalf of Intervenor B Stamiris.Request Impermissibly Broad & Greatly Exceeds Limits on Discovery Imposed by Aslb.Svc List Encl.Related Correspondence ML20090J2221984-05-16016 May 1984 Forwards Comments on Bechtel Responses to Confirmed Items C-101 & C-117-2,3 Re Comparison of Auxiliary Bldg Finite Element & Seismic Stick Models.Comments Define Addl Info Needs ML20091J8401984-05-16016 May 1984 Requests Documentation for Listed Const Implementation Overview Items 1984-06-07
[Table view] |
Transmittal No:
CSC-7458 Date: Marct. 14, 1984 To:
Stone & Webster P O Box 1963
(_. )Q n a PRINGIPAL STAFF Midland, MI 48640 V
)/ tUi l.;
A /i<;.
y, oc-Attached Is:
Partial Response To 7
j -: ;, /,
S Complete Response To ENF[
Fito p For Your Information
Tracked Information Item 058 Tracked Information Item 059 Tracked Recommendation Item 060.
M/ Signatures; [
- JCKehpler,; NRC Region III; w/a -
JJHarrison, NRC Region III w/a RJCook, NRC Site w/a RAWells, MPQAD w/a gg y g D BHPeck, MEC w/a NIReichel, MEC w/a DDJohnson, MEC w/a NR ! D. g 8403220202 840314 PDR ADOCK 05000329 b)\\ \\
Sheet 1 of 1 STONE & WEBSTER
O UtJTR ACKED ITEM CIO Evaluati6n No. MP-MIS-072-0001
Volumes I and II of the Consumers Power Company Quality Assurance Program Manual commits to annual construction audits and a Q.A. program complying with 10CFR50, Appendix B.
A review of site audits and audit schedules concluded that it was not apparent that applicable criteria from 10CFR50, Appendix B, has been addressed during annual audits.
CPCo should review past audits to assure applicable criterion were addressed and provide evidence of the results~.
Please advise CIO of action to be taken.
O vES vt.",',
!/ b m A/W W $~/fW4
/b f$i J~/$'$V
See Attached 1
- SP JDEt T TITLE DATE COMPLETION DATE RcSember t 4/gg Audit Branch Head 3/13/84
'Respon:o to'CIO Itca #058 This item states that it is not apparent from a review of past audits and Audit Schedules that all applicable criteria from 10CFR50, Appendix B are addressed.
It is the C10 recommendation that all past audits be reviewed to assure that all appli~ cable criteria are covered during annual audits.
The A&MS and MPQAD Audit Schedules and the newly developed Master Audit Plan do provide evidence that a comprehensive Quality Assurance Audit Program for the Midland Project.has been established.
Programmatic quality audits are performed
'by A&MS, engineering design' audits performed by DQAE and implementation (specific task) audits are performed by Site Audit Branch. The Site Audit Branch therefore concluded that essential elements of the Quality Assurance Program and applicable criteria have been addressed during annual audits and there is no need to review past Audit Reports. The audit program for B&W, CP Co end Bechtel uses as its basis the requirements of their Topical Reports which have been reviewed by the NRC and accepted as appropriate methods to implement 10CFR50, Appendix B Criteria.
Using these docments as a basis ensures that Midland Project audits provide full coverage of the accepted QA Program.
In addition, MPQAD Site Audit Branch and A&MS will look at past third party audits.
This review will determine if the third party raised concerns which addressed a lack of the applicable criteria being covered during annual audits.
The results of the evaluation will be forwarded to the CIO Program Manager.
It should be noted that the Site Audit Branch is developing a computerized procedural matrix, which aligns all construction and quality assurance procedures used on the site with the applicable 18 Criteria.
This system will also indicate the procedural coverage of the Site Audit Branch programs, t
4 9
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Sheet 1 of 1
'D P
@ TR ACKED ltJFORMATION ITEM MIDLAND NUCLEAR PldNT J.0 NO.14509 D TRACKED RECOMMsNDATloN ITEu REFERENCE (S) l O UtlTRACKEDITEM CIO Evaluation No. MP-MIS-072-0001 10 HOLD POINT !iOTIFICATION COtJDITION DETAILS 10CFR50, Appendix B, Criterion-No. XVI corrective action requires, in part, that conditions adverse to quality be promptly identified and e.orrected. The January 1984 Status Report'(MPQAD Site Audits) indicated that 37 audit reports were open, of which 22 had been open for six months or longer, some dating back to 1981.
15 of the 37 audit reports had findings overdue.
Records revealed a failure to maintain audit reports and related corrective actions (memo L.J. Barbieri to R.A. Wells 2/7/84).
A review of audits (open and closed) prior to June 1983 should be conducted to assure adequacy of auditing, proper close out of findings, compliance to 10CFR50, Appendix B, and objective evidence as to adequacy 'of past audits.
(PAGE Please advise CIO of actions to be taken.
/[E k,/ "T G);i4WW 2 -/FN-/ Wkw 'Ss/9 $ Y D ATE RESPONSE REQ'D.
March 19,-1984
' RESPONSE See Attached (P AGE X
YES wo. st 2
Audit Branch Head 3/13/84 i
o Rasp;nsa to CIO Itan 6059 The first paragraph riports there may exist a condition adverse to quality due to overdue and lack of attention to tracking Audit Findings.
The following is a summary and status of open Audit Reports which was developed from a status report which the Audit Branch issues monthly to Consumers Power Company and Bechtel management.
status of Actich Items l.
' Audit Reports _with open Action Items = 33 2.
Audit Reports from #1 above, open 6 months or longer = 21
Of #2.above, 11 Audit Repc ts are indefinitely ext' ended.
Of #1 above, open 6 months or less = 12 Audit Reports 5.
5fd2above,only7ofthecumulative33 Audit Findings issued with 21 reports-are beyond commitment date and all 7 have had reminders issued.
Of #5 above, the remaining 26 Findin'gs are not beyond the required commitment response date.
From #3 above, the 11 Audit Reports involve a total of 45 Findings which were indefinitely extended as a result of no construction activities on Q work since 2/12/82.
.Thereforei the Status Su= mary indicates there are 21 Audit Reports (#2 above) open with action items 6 months or longer and of those 21,11 have been indefinitely extended because of no. construction activity. Therefore, there are 10 Audit Reports open'6 =onths or longer.
Of those 10 Audit Reports,
.there is a total of 33 open AFR/URIs.
Seven of the 33 are open beyond co==itment date, with action item reminders issued and the remaining 25 are withi.n com:1.tment dates. Therefore, a review is n,ot warranted at this time because all open action ite=s are being tracked and are not judged to be creating' conditions adverse to quality.
The second paragraph states that Audit Reports and related corrective actions were not being. maintained.
In fact,_the Audit Reports and related action items (AFRs,
URIs) were being maintained according to MPQAD Procedure F-12M, Rev 4.
'The requirement as stated in Rev 4 was for the auditor to maintain the original Report and Findings until closure of all outstanding action items and at that time, 7he Audit Report became a Quality Record and was to be controlled as a Quality Record.
It should.be understood that this was the practice prior to a singular dedicated audit activity being established on the Midland Project ar.d audits were previously conducted by individual disciplines. The Site Audit Branch, with management' agreement, made a decision to centralize and control (and proceduralize this control') all'past and related corr'ective actions. The memo from LJBarbieri i o RAWells documented this activity and did not indicate in any way some previous t
~ failure to maintain Audit Reports.
-It should be noted that all Audit Reports with their respective action items have been accounted for as evidenced by Audit Log entries.
>1 14.
7 R2sponsa'to CIO Item #059=
P gg(2 Paragraph ~ three recommends.a review of all audits (opened and closed) prior to i June,.1983,- to assure adequacy of auditing proper close-out of Findings,
- compliance to 10CFR50, Appendix B. and objective evidence as to adequacy of past audits. ' There ' is no indication that the audits themselves, close-out of findings or compliance to 10CFR50, Appendix-B are suspect.- To confirm the adequacy of
- audits. performed prior.'to' June, 1983, a nonstatistical sample will he reviewed
- and.an evaluation made over the.next 12 months. This will also include a review of any third pa'rty concerns. _, Corrective action will be taken.if required. The Site ' Audit-. Branch is scheduling future audits which will provide a new look at the same' activities and current' status will be determined.
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Sheet 1 of 3 STONE & WEBSTER
" b "
l"L 6
Np nuclear PldNT./,0. NO. /4509 O TRACKED RECOMMENDATION ITEM REFERENCE (S) Recommendations "MPQAD-Site Auditing"
' O UNTRACKEDITEM CIO Evaluation No. MP-MIS-072-0001
' O HOLD POINT NOTIFICATION CONDITION DETAILS The following recommendations and. beneficial results are divided into three categories:
(1) Management involvement, (2) Tracking of audits / audit findings (corrective action),
-and (3) Training records and certification of audit personnel.
Management Involvement a.
Revise Volume No. II Procedure 18-1 and F-IM to reflect more accurately duties and responsibilities of site audit branch.
- 1) To reflect the process currently in use.
Y S ' 7 ?,',
@ NO
Continued on Sheet 2 of 3 ATTACHMENTS
INITJATORyTiffQ%ggg INITI ATION APPROVED /D ATE March 5, 1984 g[jgjg.f/ g-pg_g g/g p
See Attached (PAGE YES NO.*St 2
Audit Branch llead 3/13/84
- CONDITION DETAILS (continu;d)'
Sheet 2 of 3 1.-
- b. Revise Procedure No. F-IM to improve management involvement in evaluating audit results and reoccuring delinquent or inadequate responses, and establish time frame for audit responses / evaluation cycles.
- 1).To improve adequacy and timeliness of audit responses.
Tracking' Audits / Audit Findings (Corrective Action) a.
Revise procedures to prov % instructions for both auditing and audited organizations' rt tibilities.
Advantage 1)
Clear and complete instructions facilitate timely and adequate closure.
2)' Define responsibilities.
Develop a mechanism to assure that all' app'licable criterion of
,10CFR50, Appendix B, have been audited annually.
Advantage 1)
Enhances tracking, trending and planning.
Provides objective evidence that auditing program addresses pertinent criterion from 10CFR50, Appendix B, and is ongoing.
- 3) Aids in auditing / evaluating adequacy of program.
- c. -Revise Procedure No. F-IM to clarify the use of an indefinite (hold) status for tracking of audit reports.
Advantage 1)
Define criteria for use of.(hold) status.
Provide instructions for auditing personnel.
Reflect current operations.
d.- Copies of all project related audit reports (on or off site) should ce retained to closure for information by a site organization.
- 1) Provides overview of complete audit program status for the project.
- 2) Provides hard copy for details of open findings.
- 3) Aid to be used.in conjunction with Quail.
Improve tracking and trending.
Sheet 3 of 3
Training Records and Certification of Auditors a.
Auditors should be included in the ccmputer tracking program for training already in use for other MPQAD personnel.
- 1) Provide computerized tracking.
- 2) Provides instant statusfr.g.
- 3) Provides evidence of traini,ng.
- 4) Establishes matrix 6f quality affecting procedures commensurate with job assignment.
Copies of auditors / lead auditors' certifications should be main-talried on site for personnel assigned to the project.
- 1) Provides objective evidence of audit personnel qualification and certification.
Personnel assigned to the auditing branch should be certified as auditors in accordance with Procedure No. B-6 (auditors) while-in training for lead auditor certification.
- 1) Provide objective evidence that personnel participating-as audit team members are qualified and trained.
i e
Rigpensa to CIO Itsa #060 la.
Volume II, Procedure 18-1, is currently being revised and the responsibilities i
of the Site Audit Branch will be defined.
The Audit Branch has full access to management and it is inherent in the respon'sibilities of the Audit Branch Head to advise management when higher
< level management involvement is required.. Managenent is also aware of the status of open action items throu.gh the " Audit Su= mary Status" issued monthly.
The F-1M Procedure, Audits, establishes the time frame for corrective action commitments.
Volume II, Pro'cedure 18-1 does address CP Co responsibilities of CP Co audited organizations. The instructions for both auditing and audited organization's responsibilities are accomplished through the entrance and exit meetings.
MPQAD Procedure F-lM, Audits, is presently being revised and it will be reviewed to ensure the appropriate instructions are clear.
The Site Audit Branch recognizes the potential net benefit for such a matrix and had started this effort prior to CIO evaluation. This is not considered a' program requirement.
Items so identified, IDE, indicate a hold due to project constraints.
F-lM will be reviewed to see whether this is needed 'in the next revision.
Site Audit Branch is on distribution for A&MS and DQAE audits so that their Audit Reports can be reviewed for information purposeg and they are generally retained.
-The Site Audit Branch does retain all information pertinent to open Findings for which responsibility is assigned to the Branch, therefore, the Site Audit Branch' is aware of status of reports issued to and by the Audit Branch.
DQAE and A&MS are responsible for maintaining their respective audits.
The training and certification of CP Co Project Engineering and Construction Audit Team Leaders is performed by A&MS and the periodic status report A&MS provides to the Site Audit Branch for the 9 certified Branch auditors is adequate. The training of Audit Branch personnel is incorporated into the Site Training Matrix.
The Audit Branch will discuss with A&MS the possibility of entering certification data for Audit Team Leaders into the computerized tracking system.
As ststed above,-the training and certification is performed by A&MS and the certification records are availabe in A&MS files in Jackson.
The celection of personnel to be assigned to the Audit Branch is based upon a number of criteria, one of which is their past audit experience.
The hiring policy-for the Audit Branch has been for the candidates to have the required education and audit experience to become Audit Team Leaders and only require CP Co specific training and experience under the CP Co Audit Program
prior to certification. Therefore, the qualifications for certification as an Auditor in accordance with CP Co E&QA Procedure B-6 have already been met or exceeded, making the Audit Branch's policy of Audit Team Leaders-in-Training participating in audits more restrictive than certifying the same personnel as Auditors.
' *- Rhsponco to'CIO'Itc6 #060-Pcg*2 2 r'
- 3c. (continued)
- The time period between their date of hire and certification is usually limited, to the time needed to participate in the required number of CP Co
- audits.(usually.less than three months).
Additionally, CP Co commits to Re3. Guide 1.46 which endorses ANSI N45.2.23, 1978. This Standard only addresses the qualification.and certification for Audit Team Leaders, not
' Auditors.
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