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Forwards Rev 3 to Pulstar Reactor Security Plan,Eliminating Control Room Access Keys.Rev Withheld
Person / Time
Site: North Carolina State University
Issue date: 05/16/1983
From: Bray T
North Carolina State University, RALEIGH, NC
To: Thomas C
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NUDOCS 8307070161
Download: ML20085A803 (2)



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Du r4nnu st Or Nuo rra Esaun misc Nucuan RFArrun Emot.Hm 16 May 1983 IW 56% 27650 Cecil 0. Thomas, Chief Standardization and Special Projects Branch Division of Licensing U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C. 20555


NCSU PULSTAR Reactor Security Plan, Revision 3, Based on Comments in your March 15, 1983 Letter.

Dear Sir:

The enclosure accompanying your March 15, 1983, letter indicated changes required to make our existing Security Plan acceptable. Those changes have been indicated by a vertical bar in the margin of an attached copy of our current Plan.

The changes proper are typed on separate sheets bearing page and paragraph numbers corresponding to the same in our current Plan.

We have had installed a keypad-controlled lock on our facility Control Room door for some years now, added at the suggestion of some who observed that Centrol Room access during routine working hours was too public. The commentary on this issue, particularly at research reactors located on university campuses, is already sufficient. The keypad-controlled lock amounted to an improvement in facility se-curity in that Control Room access was more restrictive than our existing Security Plan described. Ms. Rossomondo suggested that we include the Control Room keypad access feature, even though it is neither required by nor specified in our existing Plan.

In addition to improving the degree of regulation over Control Room access, the keypad-controlled lock has climinated the necessity for issuing access keys to faculty and others engaged in approved research and experimental activities in the reactor building during routine working hours. The key thus affected was, per the existing Plan, issued by the Department Head upon approval of the Nuclear Opera-tions Administrator (NOA). We have, therefore, revised the Plan sections that address the subject of research personnel access with respect to keys.

All of the administrative controls that address keys / access described in the existing Plan have been continuously in effect and will remain so. Your approval of the revision being submitted will enable us to improve the security aspect of access control by the authorized elimination of a series of keys that are no longer necessary to insure the present degree of access control provided in fact by the keypad-controlled, self-latching lock on the Control Room door.

8307070161 830516 4t QQ0bf PDR ADOCK 05000297 1 D F PDR

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Cecil 0. Thomas, Chief Standatdization and Special Projects Branch Page 2 We welcome your comments, Please call at (919) 737-2323 should further assistance be required.

Sincerely yours,


~ cnuw . st e Thomas C. Bray Acting Nuclear Operations Administrator TCB:1pe


Your letter of March 15, 1983.

Copy of current Plan with changes indicated by vertical bar.

Separate pages with requested changes incorporated.

cc: Mr. Austin Hardin, NRC Region II, w/attachs.

ADM 3-9-1, w/attachs.

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