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Notifies That Tl Brackin Has Been Appointed Acting Reactor Health Physicist for Pulstar Facility.Change in Mailing Address Noted
Person / Time
Site: North Carolina State University
Issue date: 01/04/1984
From: Turinsky P
North Carolina State University, RALEIGH, NC
To: John Miller
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NUDOCS 8401100154
Download: ML20083J451 (2)



NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERSITY AT RALEIGH SCIIOOL.- OF ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT OF NUCLEAR EscistmRixc NuctrAR REALWR rROGRAM Exxw x5coxxxxx January 4, 1984 Box 7909, Zip 276 95-7909 James R. Miller, Chief Standardization and Special Projects Division of Liccasing United State Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C. 20555 Re: Docket No. 50-297, Facility License R-120 fir:

Pursuant to Section 6.1 of the PULSTAR Technical Specifications, this is to advise that Mr. Thomas L. Brackin has been appointed Reactor Health Physicist on an acting basis for the PULSTAR Facility. Mr.

Brackin previously held the position of Reactor Safety Specialist here at NCSU and replaces Mr. Robert D. Cross who retired effective 23 Decem-ber 1983.

Recruitment efforts are in progress to fill the Reactor Healtn Phy-sicist position on a permanent basis. Notification to your office shall be made upon completion of recruiting activities.

In addition to the above appointment, this correspondence serves as official notice of the change in mailing address for the PULSTAR Faci-lity. The new address is:

Nuclear Reactor Program Department of Nuclear Engineering North Carolina State University Box 7909 Raleigh, North Carolina 27695-7909 If there are any questions regarding these matters, please advise.

Sincerely, GDM:PJT:1pe Paul Turinsky l Head, Department of Nuclear Engineering B401100154 840104 PDR ADOCK 05000297 H PDR

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James R. Miller, Chief Page 2 Standardization and special Projects cc: Chairman, Radiation Protection Council

- Chairman, Reactor Safeguards Advisory Group Mr. Garry D.. Miller,-Associate Director, Nuclear Reactor Program

-Mr. Thomas C. Bray, Reactor Operations Manager Mr. Thomas L. Brackin, Acting Reactor ~ Health Physicist USNRC Region II, Atlanta, Ga.

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