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Forwards Response to 840222 cross-examination Questions 6,8,9 & 12 from Case Witness M Walsh
Person / Time
Site: Comanche Peak  Luminant icon.png
Issue date: 03/13/1984
From: Williams N
To: Ellis J
Citizens Association for Sound Energy
84042.05, NUDOCS 8404160092
Download: ML20083K184 (15)



.. v saevens 415 397-56X 101 Cahfornia Street, Suite 1000. San Francisco, CA 941115894 March 13,1984 84042.05 Mrs. Juanita Ellis, President Citizens Association for Sound Energy f#*NfN4 1426 South Polk Dolics, Texas 75224


Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station independent Assessment Program -

Response to CASE Questions


(1) Brief Summary of Generic Problems from CASE Witness Jack Doyle, 2/22/84.

(2) Brief Summary of Cross-examination Questions from CASE Witness Mark Walsh,2/22/84.

Dear Mrs. Ellis:

Enclosed please find our responses to reference (2) items 6,8,9, and 12.

Further responses will be forthcoming.

Very truly yours, e

Noney H. Williams Project Manager NHW:eam


Attachment A, Partial Responses to CASE Ouestions cc: See attachment s-

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I San Francisco Boston Chicago Richland

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Mrs. J. Ellis March 13,1984 Response to CASE Ouestions Attachment Nicholas S. Reynolds, Esq. Mr. John T. Collins Bishop, Liberman, Cook, Purcell & Reynold U.S. NRC, Region IV 1200 Seventeenth Street, N.W. 611 Ryan Plaza Drive Washington, D.C. 20036 Suite 1000 Arlington, Texas 76011 Robert Wooldridge, Esq.

Worsham, Forsythe & Sampels Mr. Lonny Alan Sinkin 2001 Bryan Tower 114 W. 7th, Suite 220 Dollos, Texas 75201 Austin, Texas 78701 Mr. Homer C. Schmidt B. R. Clements Monnger - Nuclear Services Vice President Nuclear Texcs Utilities Generating Company Texas Utilities Generating Company 2001 Bryan Tower Skyway Tower Dollos, Texas 7S201 400 North Olive Street L.B. 81 Mr. H. R. Rock Dollos, Texas 75201 Gibbs & Hill, Inc. *c 393 Seventh Avenue Peter B. Bloch, Esq.

New York, New York 10001 Chairman, Atomic Safety and Licensing Board U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mr. A. T. Parker 4350 East / West Highway,4th Floor Westinghouse Electric Corporation Washington, D.C. 20814 P.O. Box 355 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15230 Dr. Walter H. Jordon 881 W. Outer Drive Renea Hicks Ook Ridge, Tennessee 37830 Assistant Attorney General Environmental Protection Division Dr. Kenneth A. McCollom P.O. Box 12S48, Capitol Station Dean, Division of Engineering Architecture and Austin, Texas 78711 Technology

! Oktohoma State University l Mr. James E. Cummins Stillwater, Oktohoma 7407tr l

Resident inspector / Comanche Peak Nuclear l Power Station Stuart A. Treby, Esq.

c/o U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of the Executive Ltgol Director P.O. Box 38 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

! Glen Rose, Texas 76043 Washington, D.C. 20555 E.Mrs. S. Burwell ~ Mr. J. B. George Licensing Project Monoger Texas Utilities Generating Company U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station 7920 Norfolk Avenue Highway FM 201 Bethesda, Maryland 20014 Glen Rose, Texas 76043 7

i Mr. H. Schmidt Mr. David H. Wode e/o Westinghouse Texas Utilities Generating Company 4901 Fairmont Avenue 2001 Bryan Tower Bethesdo, Maryland 20814 Dollos, Texas 75201 Mr. David R. Pigott

, Orrick, Herrington, & SutcIlffe 600 Montgomery Street Son Francisco, Callfornia 94liI



Comanche Peak' ASLB Hecrings Response to CASE Ouestions Question No.: Walsh h6 Exhibit No.: 907 1.0 CASE Question CTS-00-05. In the description, it discusses a channel bent about its weak oxis. The reso!utien does not consider this problem nor does the document CASE requested on

~ discovery; see CASE Exhibit 907. On CMC 88306, are the originator and approver the some person?

2.0 Cygno interpretation Please discuss the following:

a. How did the resolution to Observation CTS-00-0S oddress the channel bent about its

,' 3 weak oxis?

b. s Are the signotures on CMC 88306 satisfactory?

3 t 3.0 Respory ,

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s. The purpose of Observation CTS-00-0S was to investigate the bo'sep! ate. This is F lilystrated by the followies reprint from the Observation:

s s -

w "1.0 Description x

e s ,.

The anchor bolts, base plate / angle and channel of contilever support Detail "E" were originally designed as two-way restraints to resist oxial loodt on the s

channel and moments about its mojer oxis. In order to use Detail "E" on a 7 cable troy riser, where it must oct os a three-way restraint, the channel section was modified to resist mortents about its weak axis.. The obility of this

~. coilfiguralton to function \o: intended, i.e., to also resist momer.ts obout the weak oxis, could not be fuoranteed since the s anchor bolts and the base s 's

.- plate / angle were not evoluoted for, such a lood." ,

1 The chonnel was correctly analyzed by Gibbs & Hill in Cgiculatioiu SCS-146C, sets

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Comanche Peak ASLB Hearings Response to CASE Ouestions Question No.: Walsh (;6 Poge 2

.b. CMC-88306, Rev. 4, was originated and opproved by the some person. This is acceptable for the following reasons:

o There is a controlled list of people authorized to approve CMC's for construc-tion prior to design review. In the cose of CMC 88306, the opprover was on that authorized list.


o Project procedures do not prohibit someone on the authorized approval list from also being on originator.

o The subject CMC is on Interim release for construction purposes. Each CMC receives o subsequent design review by the original design organization in accordance with Gibbs & Hill Procedure DC-7.


A Comanche Peok ASLB Hearings Response to CASE Questions Question No.: Walsh 48 Exhibit No.: None f.0 CASE Ouestion CTS-00-07. The analysis that included the beam element did not consider prying action cnd the flexibility of the base plate to determine the center of compression.

2.0 Cygno Interpretation N/A.

3.0 Response Gibbs & Hill performed a refined analysis of the frame and baseplate to resolve Observation CTS-00-07. Cygno reviewed the results of this analysis and judged the frame, baseplate and onchor bolt design to be odequate.

In order to quantify the odequacy of that engineering judgement, relative to the anchor bolt design, Cygno performed on analysis of the frame /basepicte system using fixed boundaries at the honger-to-baseplate connections. The fixed-end foods developed of these boundary points were then opplied to o baseplate mo&l. Cygna's program PSDS PSDS (Pipe Support Design System) was utilized for the onelysis and design check.

Ircimles a standard baseplate / anchor bolt routine that considers mechanisms, such as prying action and baseploie flexibility.

The results of tiiis analysis show the following design margins:

Tensile Load Shear Load Design interaction (Ibs) Ratio

  • Bolt No. (Ibs) 500 1540 .10 I-4340 1830 .75 2

3040 1890- .45 3


1820 .45 4

1530 .6S S 4210 4 1.0 :

  • Design interaction Ratio = (tensile lood/ollow.)S/3 + (shear lood/ollow.)S/3 <-

5 '3 4

- =

Comanche Peak ASLB Hearings Response to CASE Ouestions Question No.: Walsh I 8 Page 2 It is important to note that these results contain the some conservatisms as the original Gibbs & Hill analyses, i.e., lumped tray masses, enveloped response spectro, higher then actual troy weights (35 psf vs. 28 psf).

Based on the above, the engineering judgement of the Cygno review team was correct.


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Comanche Peak ASLB Hearings Response to CASE Ouestions Question No.: Walsh f!9 Exhibit No.: None

!.0 CASE Question WD-03-01. What documentation was there that "occept as is" was valid? Were there calculations to support this?

2.0 Cygno interpretation The resolution to Observation WD-03-01 states the following:

"Further discussions with Texas Utilities revecled that this problem had been identified during the as-built inspection on 2/1/83. The details were documented on As-Built Re-Verification Report Form 1267 and subsequently transmitted to the design review group on 3/3/83. Engineering opproval to "occept os-is" was given on 4/20/83.

"This documentation indicates that the Comanche Peak as-built verification is working ef fectively. Cygno, therefore, considers this Observation clo,ed."

How was the adequacy of the "occept as is" approval verified?

3.0 Response Cygno resolved this observation by reviewing the CPSES field inspection documentation.

The key documents addressing Observation WD-03-01 are described below and attached for your information:

o As-Built Re-Verification Form 1267 This document shows that the gaps were identified during on inspection and design review.

o Attochment to Form 1267 This document shows the clearcnces measured by the os-built inspector.


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b Comanche Peak ASLB Hearings

[ Response to CASE Questions Question No.: Walsh til2 C Exhibit No.: None ik m

1 1.0 CASE Ouestion F

Cable Troy Checklist: CTS-l 1, item 6, problem 4. This was not discussed in CTS-00-07.

p 2.0 Cygno Interpretation I - Item 6 on Checklist CTS-lI addresses baseplates and anchor bolts. Port 4 of the commentory to item 6 states the following:

g e "The interaction equation is employed using the tensile bolt forces from the y

E horizontal troy loads. All other tensile components are ignored. The tensile and shear ratio is also reduced by a ratio of vertical and horizontal spectral values. No F- reason is given for this reduction. Without the reduction, the anchor bolts would fail. See Observation No. CTS-00-07."

How was this question on anchor bolt loods addressed in Observation CTS-00-07?


{ 3.0 Response As shown in the following reprint from Observation CTS-00-07, the anchor bolt loads E

E- were addressed:


" Details A, B, C and D on Gibbs & Hill drawing 2323-El-0601-01-S utilize base h

ip plates with concrete expansion anchor bolts to ottoch the beam members to p vertical concrete surfaces. In the initial base plate analysis, the plate was evoluoted as a pinned-pinned beam. The resulting plate stresses exceeded E ollowebies. A second check of plate stresses was mode, assuming that the plate g octed as a fixed-fixed beam. The calculated stresses were then found to be 6 occeptable.

k "The use of a fixed-fixed assumption is not necessarily representative of the octual E situation."

E As noted in the resolution to Observation CTS-00-07, Gibbs & Hill performed a refined


E onalysis to evoluote this basepicte system. Cygno reviewed the results and confirmed

=- the odequacy of the baseplate system, including the anchor bolt looding and design.

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