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Forwards Bechtel Mgt Policy on Training Records Maint
Person / Time
Site: Midland
Issue date: 12/09/1983
From: Quamme D
To: Baranow S
CSC-7076, NUDOCS 8312280211
Download: ML20083D692 (6)



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Mediand Project: PO Box 1963, Midland. MI 4E640. (517) 6318650


' Dece'mber 9, 1983 3/He.

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O 5GA ML Mr S W Baranow 55F File ja Stone & Webster Michigan, Inc P O Box 1963 Midland, MI 48640 MIDLAND ENERGY CENTER GWO 7020 MANAGEliENT POLICY IN MAINTENANCE OF TRAINING FICORDS File:

0400.2, Bl.l.7 UFI:

07*, 99*08 Serial: CSC-7076 In accordance with a recent commitment, attached is Bechtel's management policy on maintenance of training records.


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RAWells, MPQAD w/a NIReichel, FEC w/a BHPeck,11EC w/a RJCook, NRC w/a JGKeppler, NRC w/a-JJHarrison, NRC w/a 8312280211 831209 PDR ADOCK 05000329 A

PM DEC 191983 J2Dit

BechtefPower Corporation p:s: ornee Box 2167 viesne. Micnigan 4ss40 December 9, 1983 Consumers Power Company P.O. Box 1963 Midland, MI 48640 Attention:


Dear Mr. Quamme :

In the course of recent audits of Construction Training Records by Stone & Webster several issues regarding, content of the records have arisen.

These issues were discussed with Stone & Webster and Consumers Power during two separate meetings.

Attached is a copy of a management policy addressed to E.H. Pillsbury, the Training Task Force Leader.

The policy is to provide direction to the Training Records Group and others involved with Training Records.

It should also serve to settle any issues still unresolved and obviate the necessity of bringing up such issues durir.g future audits.

I know we share equal concern to ensure that enly fully trained personnel are assigned to status assessment and to Construction Completien.

There are essential elements to the program and these must be fully documented.

The policy will provide the necessary guidance and direction to these involved in maintenance of training records assuring that the essentia.

elements are documented.

Very truly yours, h

n.. e

.A. nlbr2 Site Man-e h)ilh GAH hAD/EHP/lce


Statement of Policy - Training Records with the attachments CC:

N. Reichel


Bechtel Power Corporation inter. office Memorandum To E. R Pillsbury Date December 9, 1983 subiea

. Midland Plant Units 1 & 2 From G. A. Hierzer Bechtel Job 7220 Of Construction STATEMENT OF POLICY


~At Mid}and, UI copies to 0-6887 A recent audit of the Training Department by Stone and Webster.has uncovered several concerns.

The following Statement of Policy will clarify Bechtel's position and eliminate all concerns.


The CCP Training Program is a Familiarization Program based on the fact that all Bechtel personnel are technically qualified to do their job. The purpose of the CCP Training Program is to familiarize the co.nstruction personnel with the documents they will be using in' completing their assigned tasks as required by the Midland Project.

While it is readily admitted that accurate records are a necessity, it is also recognizable that all entries on a training record, i.e., pagination, time of instruction, location of instruction, etc., are not required to establish objective evidence of training.

If all of the following essential information is on a training record, the record shall be accepted as objectivs evidence that the person has received the training, regardless of the format.

  • Formal Instruction:

Training Program Identification "CCP" reference documents (as taken from Training Matrix) attendee's name instructor's name date of instruction authenticating signature of Training Group

  • Reading Reports name of employee appropriate identification of level of reading or exemption reference documents signature of supervisor


i, Sechtel Power Corporation December 9, 1983 Page 2 0-6687

  • As an exception to the above, any class roster prior to September 28,1983 for:

Safety Orientation (FIS 1.200, FIS 2.100, FPS 3.000, FPS 6.000)

BPC Quality Orientation (IMAM, BQAM) will be accepted, as long as they contain any objective evidence that the training was completed.


Series Drawing:

Revisions to the series drawings (i.e., M-400's

& M-600's, etc.) will not be required on the class attendance rosters or the reading sheets.

We have prepared a cemo describing the training objectives for those series of drawings, that do not have a lesson plan.

(See Attachment A) 3.

White out (opaque) and correction tape:

All members of the Construction Training Group have been instructed that the only acceptable method of correcting a training record is:


A permanent line out of the entry b.

Date and initial the line out Level 1, 2, and 3 supervisors have bien instructed that any record received with white out corrections or correction tape will be returned to the originator.

They have been furnished the proper reading form and instructed to dispose of all previous revisions of the form.

All records from September 28, 1983 to date, that have white out or taped over corrections will be revalidated by lining out, dating and initialing.

If the trainee's supervisor who originally signed the foria is not available, the present supervisor may be used.

Records prior to September 28, 1983 with white out or taped on corrections will be utilized as is.


The individual training files are the official record as specified in paragraph 9 to FPG 2.000.


Illegible Documents:

A document will be considered illegible if any of the essential information listed in paragraph I above is not readable.

In this case, the Records Group will make an effort to secure a better copy.

If they are unsuccessful, the document will be forwarded to the Curricula Committee to determine if credit should be given or not.


Retrofit of Records:

Retrofit of attendance rosters prior to September 28, 1983 is neither warranted or practical.

I i

Eechtel Power Corporation December 9, 1983 Page 3 0-6887.

This policy is not intended to reduce the quality requirements of the Training Records.

Our policy has always been-and will continue to be:

Quali.ty is the individual responsibility Do it right the first time

, Again, accurate and complete records are mandatcry and care should be taken with them. At the same time remember that the form and the manner which it is completed is secondary to assuring that the essential elements are included in the form, substantiating that training requirement has been met.

G. A. Hier Site Mana__r GAH/JMM/naw Attachments:

(A) e e

O m emm m



Bechtel Pov/er Corporation inter-of fice Memorandum To Distribution care 12-08-83 Subject Job 7220 Midland Project From T. C. Valenzano/J. T. Minor TRAlti1NG RECORDS RECORDING OF REVISIONS of Supervision / Field Engineering ON SERIES DOCUMENTS copies to 0-6879 At Midland, MI This is to clarify the requirements for documenting individual sheet revision for training to series type documents such as Drawings C480-C489, C2060-C2072, C140-C148 and C122-Cl31.

Individual document revision numbers for series type documents are not required to be recorded.

Documents which require revision numbers to be jndividually tracked will be entered into the Training Matrix as individual documents not as a serics.

Knowledge of and/or training to a particular revision of series docu-ments is not a training objective.

Importance of this training is based on knowledge of the source of information, not the technical details contained therein.

This clarification -is to be included in the next revisionofFPG-2.00g.

. flLY kiw T. C. Valen:

. T. Minor i

TCV/JTM/jke Written Response. Requested:

