ML20082A355 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Braidwood |
Issue date: | 07/03/1991 |
References | |
NUDOCS 9107100295 | |
Download: ML20082A355 (12) | |
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[ 'N C:mm:nrealth Edis:n
) 1400 Opus PI ce l
( _vv') Downsts Grovo, Illinois 60515 July 3,1991 Mr. A. Bert Davis Regional Administrator, Region 111 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 799 Roosevelt Road Glen Ellyn, IL 60137
Braldwood Station Units 1 and 2 Modified NPDES Permit NBC_D.ocket Nosm50:450_ anis 0 45Z
Dear Mr. Davis:
Commonwealth Edison Company is the holder of Natloaal Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit No. IL0058321 for Braldwood Station.
Section 3.2 of Appendix B (Environmental Protection Plan) of Facility Operating Licenses NPF 72 and NPF 77 requires changes to the NPDES permit to be reported to the NRC within 30 days following the date the change is approved. Enclosed is Braidwood Station's Modified NPDES Permit which was issued on January 29,1991 and became effective on February 28,1991.
Commonwealth Edison regrets the delay in submitting this report and apologizes for any inconvenience this may have caused.
Please direct any questions regarding this matter to this office.
Very truly yours, l V/
Allen R. Checca Nuclear Licensing Administrator l
1 Enclosure l
l cc: Braldwood Resident inspector l R M. Pulsifer - NRR NRC Document Control Desk O
o CD 9307100295 910703 DR ADOCK 0000 6 y ml ZNLD/968/2 y/ j l
s lilinois Environmental Protection Agency -
P. O. Box 19276. Springfield IL 62794 9276 217/782-0610 Consnonwealth Edison Company I draidwood Nuclear Power Station ,
NPDES Pennit No. IL0048321 l Final Pemit January 29.-1991 Consnonwealth Edison Company Post Office Box _767 Chicago, Illinois 60690 Gentlement Attached is the final NPDES Pennit for your discharge. The Pemit as issued covers discharge limitations, monitoring, and reporting requirements. The I failure of you to meet any portion of the Pennit could result in civil and/or !
criminal penalties. The Illinois Environental Protection Agency is ready and !
willing to assist you in interpreting any of the conditions of the Pennit as they relate specifically to your discharge.
The Pennit as issued is effective as of the date indicated on the first page of the Permit. You have the right to appeal any condition of the Pennit to the Illinois Pollution Control Board within a 30 day period following the-issuance date.
Should you have questions concerning the Pennit, please contact Tim Kluge at '
the telephone number indicated above.
Very,truly yours, cr V ')
Thomas G. McSwig n, P.E.
Manager, Pennit Section Division of Water Pollution Control f TGH:TRK:GC: jab /2764n/46-54 ,
1 $
Final Pennit c 4-
~cc: USEPA SWQP/W1th Enclosure Region II/With Enclosure 6. ENVIRO =3 gI e Records Unit 7 % f/ 1 Compliance Assurance Section/with enclosure N!PC ,
f gA A' i - - _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ . _ _ . _ _ . - . . _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _
NP0[5 Permit No. It0048321 1
111inois invironmental Protection Agency Dirtsion of Water Pollution Contro) 2200 Churchtil Road Post Office com 19276 Springfield. 1111 nots 62794-9276 Naf!DN AL POLLUT ANT Ol$CNaCLE [t]M! NATION SY$itM Reissued (NP0ts) Permit Espiration Cate: teptimcer 1 1995 Issue Date: January 29, 1991
[f f ective Date; February 28, 1991 f acility Name and address:
Nane and Address of Permittte:
Commonwealth (dison Company C ommonwealth (dison C ompany Po$t Office toa 767 Braidwood Nuclear Power Station Chicago. Illinois 60690-0767 Rural Route #1 Som en Braceville. Illinois 60407 (Will County)
Otscharge Nomeer ano Name: teceiving waters:
No. 001 Cooling Pond Blowoown Line tankabee River No. 001(a) Wastewater 'reatment Plant tf fluent No. 001(b) Sewage treatment Plant [ffluent No. 001(c) Radwaste treatment tystem [f fluent No. 001(d) Demineralizer tegenerant Wastes No. 001(c) Intake Screen Cackwasn No. 002 North itte $tornwater e unof f 8ssin Maron River No. 003 touth lite Stormwater e unof f Basin In c>mpliance with the provisions of the 111tnots (nvironmental Protectic% act, tubittle C. eules and Regulations of the lilinois Pollution Control Board and the FWPCA the above named ccrmittee is hereby authorized to otscharge at the above location to tne above+ named receiving stream in actos dance with the standard conditions and attachwents herein.
Permittee is not authorized to discharge af ter the above emptration date. In order to receive authorization to discharge beyond the espiration date, the permittee shall submit tne oroper appiteation as recutred by the Illinois Environmental Protection agency (![Pa) not later than 180 cays prior to the espiration date. .
i u ! :
/Tiomas G. McSwiggtn. P.. .
/ b -
Manager. Permit tection Division of Water Pollution Control TCH:CC: Jab /sp416E
Page 2 hP0($ Permit No. !L00a6321
[fficent Ltmitations and Monitoring LCa0 LIMIT $ CCNC[NTRA11CN
' LLJ & _t _ _1Dilli N/1 $ AMPLE 30 DAY DAILY 30 C A4 CA1.Y $AMPLC PARAM(1[R AVG. MA1. AVG. MAX. FR[QU(ACY tvP(
- 1. From the ef f ective cate of th t$ permit until September 1 1995. the effluent of the f ollowing St$ charge (s) thall te monitored and inmitt0 at all times as f ollows:
Outfa11(5) 001 Cooling Pond Bloweswn Line' Thil di$ charge Consists Cf: Approntmate Flow
- 1. Concenser cooling water 22.5 MCD 1.3 MGD 2 House service water 1.3 MG0 3 Essential service water 0.048 MGD
- 4. Demineralizer regenerant =aste Wastewater treatment plant ef fluent 0.016 MGD 5
- 6. Radaaste treatment system ef fluent 0.039 M60
?. House service water stratner tachuash G.03 MCO 0.017 NGO
- 8. Essential service water strainer eactwath 0.024 MGD 9- $ewage treatment plant ef fluent
- 10. Water tre Atment system f11ter eackwasbes 0.03 NGO 11 River intake screen backwash 0.112 MGD
- 12. Cooling pono intake screen backwash 0.4 MG0 Daily Continuous flow 5ee $pecial Condit ten No I 1/ Week Grab pH temperature See Special Condition No. 3 Daily Cc9ttnuoun Total Residual 2/ Month Chlorine 0.2 Grab
'$et Special Condition No la
- !ee Special Condition ho. 5
t Page 3 ,
NPDtl Permit No. It0048321 Effluent timitations and Monitoring l
ibs/dar LIMlfi mo/1 f 30 DAY dally 30 day Da!LY SAM >tt SAMPLE PAR AMt f CR AVC. KAX. AVG. MAR. FR[QU(NCY TYPE
- 1. From tee ef f ective date of thts permit untti September 1 1995, the ef fluent of the f ollowing .
discharge (s) small be monitored and limited at all time $ as rollows: [
Outfallts): 001(a) Wastewater treatment Plant Ef fluent .
't this discharge consists of: appromimate Flow
- l. Turbine building fire and oil sump
- 0.016 MGD
- a. Turbine building floor dr. sin tank *
- t. turbine building floor crain sumps .
- 11. Essential service water crain sumes 111. Condensate pit sumps ;
- b. turbine building eculpment crain tank' C. Units 1 and 2_ tendon tunnel sumos
- d. Aust1tary botier blowdown
- e. Units 1 and 2 diesel fuel storage tank sumps
- f. Oti-water separator No. ) effluent .
- 2. Water treatrent area floor and eculpnent drain sumps Intermittent
- 3. Water treatment ilme softentog clarator blowcown Intermitter.t
- a. .Wastewater treatment system sand filter backwash 0.002 MG0
- 5. Condensate polisher regenerant wastes (Alternate poute) Intermittent i Flow Daily la Hour -
Total Total suspenced Solics 15.0 30.0 t/ Week 2a Hour Composite i Oil and Grease- 15.0 20.0 1/ Week Grab
'These wastestreams may be directed to the Raowaste treatment System depending on' the results of the process radiation monttors.
T 5
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Page a NP0il Permit ko. 1L0048321 (ffluent timitations and Monttoring LOAD LIMlfl C0httNTRAfl0N ingLgav L1 h /1 30 day DAILY 30 047 DAILY 5AMPtt SAMPtt i PARAMfTER AVG. MAX. AVG. Max. ret 0UthtY TYPE l 1 From the ef fective date of this permit untti September.1 1995 the effluent of the following discharge (s) shall be monttored and limited at all times as f ollows ,
t Outfa11(s): 001(b) temage treatnent Plant tf fluent **
Approntmate rion 0.02a MG0 (CMr 0.078 MGD)
Flow Daily Continuous pH See Spec 141 Condition No. I t/ Week Grab Total tuspended Solids 19 $ 39.0 30,0 60.0 1/ Week 2a Mour C ompo sit e 800, 19.5 39.0 30.0 60.0 t/ Week 2a Hour Composite Fecal Coitform See Special Conettion No. a 1/ Week Grab Dutfallts): 001(c) Redwaste Treatment System Ef fluent Ihts discharge Consists Cf: appros imate f low
- 1. $ team generator condensate blowdown Intermittent
- 2. Cecitng jacket blowcown Intermittent
- 3. Austitary building and turbine building floor crates Intermittent
- a. Laundry waste treatment system drains 0.001 Mwo
- 5. Cnemical and volune control *ystem drains Intermittent
, 6. ' toron recycle system blowdown Intermittent
- 7. Radweste demineraliger regenerant mastes and filter backwash 0.002 HLD
- 8. seactor building floor and equipment crains Intermittent
- 9. furbint butiding floor drain tank (Alternate Route) Intermittent
- 10. Turbine butiding fire and ett sumo (41 ternate toute) Intermittent
- 11. Turbine butiding equipment Crain tank (Alternate Route) Intermittent
- 12. (vaporator wastewater Intermittent Flow Daily (cntinuous Total Suspended solids 15.0 30.0 1/ Week Otscharge tank Composite 011 and Grease 15.0 20.0 1/ Week Grab k
Outf all No. 001(b) 5ewage Treatment Plant Ef fluent will normally be distnarged to the Kankakee River via the cooling pond blowdown 4 tne. The taisting outf all to the Maron River will be maintained as an emergency backup. The peretttee shall give notice to the Agency of any emergency discharge to the Macon River, applicable effluent limitations shall apply. >
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Page $
NP0(1 Permit '4o. ILOOa83 1 (f f luent L imit at ions and Mcnitoring LCAD i!MIT5 C0hC(NtRATION iti/;Av .___11Mit t my l 30 DAY Ca!LY 30 OAT Oa!LY SAMFLt SAM *tt PapAM[ftp avg. max. avg. Man, ret 0V(NCY TYPt
- 1. From the effective cate of this permit untti Leptember 1 1995, the effluent of the f ollewing discharget5) sea 11 be monitored and limited at all t ime s a s ' 011 c a s .
Outfa11(51: 001(c) Ocmineralizer re generant -astes this discharge Consists of Appr osiFate flow 0.05 MGD
- 1. Mak e-up ceminer aliger regenerant waste
- 2. Condensate polisher regenerate maste***
- 3. eegenerant chemical area crains Flow Caily Continuous total Suspenced
- olids 15.0 10.0 1/Wett 8 wour Composite
- This =astestream may te alternately routed to the mastewater t r e atment system.
Outfall(s): 001(c) River Intahe screen Backwash there shall te no discharge of collected debris.
1 1
. i Page 6 l"
. NPDt1 Permit No. It0046321 (f fluent L1mitations and Monttoring i LOA 0 LIMIT $ (CNCth1 RAT 10N !
lbiLgav _ QM L *2/1 30 DAV DAILY 30 DAf CAILY $AMFtt $ANPLE l PARAM[ftR AVG. MAX. AVG. MAX. fat 0UtNCY TYPE -
- 1. From the ef fective date of this permit until September 1 199$. the efflucht of the following .
discharge (s) shall be ponttortd and limited at all times as f t110ws: !
Outfa11(s): 002 North $ite stormwater Runof f Basin [
This discharge consists of: Appron tmate Flow:
- 1. Parkihg lot runoff Intermittent g
- 2. Transformer area runoff Intermittent
- 3. North station area runoff intermittent 4 Turbine building fire and oil sump **** Intermittent
- 5. Turbine building auniliary ou11 ding and waste Intermittent treatment buildtog roof. orains See $pecial Condition No. 9
- Discharge to the North $tte Stormwater Runoff Basin is an alternate touting. For each week-I discharge occuts f rom the turbine building fire and oil the North $tte Stormwater tunof f Basin. Outfall 002 shall be monitored and limited as follows:
pH The pH shall be in the rangs 6.0 to 9.0 1/ Week Grap total suspenoed 11 30 1/ Week Grab
'$olids 011 and crease 15 20 1/ Week Grab Dutfall(s): 003 touth $1te Stormwater Rueoff Basin approximate flow Intermittent See special Condition No. 9 k
l l.
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NFDtl Fermit No. It00a8321 is LC1LL.CG1AILJRSA
$PLCIAt CONDITION 1. The pH shall be in it.e r ange 6.0 to 9.0.
$PtilAt CON 01110N 2. Samplas taken in ccmp1tance with the e r f1&ent monitoring reoutrements shali te taken at a point representative et the cucnar gr. put prior to entry into the rccetying stream,
- SPECI AL CON 01110N 3. Otscharge of wastematet f rom this f acility cost not alone er in comt :nat ion with I other sources cause the receiving stream to eislate the f ollewing thermal limitations at t%e e age of the ataing acne which is cefined by lection ;0!.211. 1111 nots Aoministr at ion tooe, f itir 3L Chapter 1 Subtstic C. as amended!
A. Hamimum temperature rise acove estural t:mperature must eet entred $ f (L8 C).
- 6. Water tem?erature at recretentat tve locations in the main r tver shall not enceed the maaimum limits in the f ollowing table curing more than one (1) ptrcent of the hour 5 in the ti-month per100 ending l with any month. Moreover, at no time shall the water temperature at such locations esteed the man tmum itetts in the f ollowing table by more than 3"F (1.7 'C). (Main river temperatures are ;
temperatures of those portions of the river essentially similar to and f ollowing the same thermal regime as the temperatures of tee main flow of the river.)
JAL lth "1E. AL %U don t M J !A it & GCli NQL Em j f 60 60 60 90 90 90 c0 40 90 90 90 60 C 16 86 16 32 32 32 22 :: 3; 32 32 16
$PECI AL CONDlf!ON a. The da tly ma s teur, f etal colitorm count shall eot esteed 400 per 100 m'.
LPCCI AL CONDITION $. Total restdual chlorine may not be dischargeJ f rom each units main caoling concensers f or more than two hours in any one day.
A. The reported mean concentration and manimum concentratton of total pestdual Chlorine shall be based on a minimum of three grab samples taken Lt approntmately five minute intervals at Outf all 001 The detection limit shall be s 0.05 mg/l TRC. The time samples were collected. the time and
' duration of the chlorina dostnc period plus the amount of chlortne appited shall be reported. The reported everage concuntration of Total Desidual Chlorine is the average of all values measured f or the sampling event and the reported manimum concentrat ton is the highest value measured f or a single grab sample.
$Pr,CI AL CON 0(TION 6, there shall be no discharge of polyChlorineted b1Dhenyl Compounds.
SP(CI AL CONDIT!0N 7. There shall be no ciscearce of chemical metal cleaning agents and associated
- rinses unless this permit has been modif ted to include the new discharge.
A. Intake impacts will be reduced by limiting pumping f rom the river during the peak entrainment certed, f or a f oor..een period (last three weeks in May and first week in June), pumping will be -
allos.ed only during the day (between one hour af ter sunrise and one hour bef ore sunset). In ad1stion. during the f our+ week period, pumping will be minimtrec during the day. Pumping will 1 -- occur wnen needed to fill the f reshwater holding pone and to maintain ef ficient operation of the
, cooling pond. In an extreme emergency. and upon inmediate notification of the Agency, pumping I could occur at night. Such pumping would cease as soon as the emergency was over. #ccords of all 1
-pumping during the four. week period will be maintained. Such records will include dates, numoer of pumps operating and start and end times.
- B. To obtain more information about the tmotngement of endangered and threatened f tsbes. (dtson will conduct an impingement study-during April. May and June 1991. Specimens of the endangered palltd j chub and threatened river redhorse and any other listed fishes will be collected f rom the _ river -
l screennfuse at the end of each 24-hour period during which the pumps operated.
C. A report of' the impingement study shall te submitted to the Agency within 60 days of the completion l; of f ield work.
- SPECI AL CON 01710N 9 'If an applicable ef fluent standard or water Quality related ef fluent 1tmitation l
1s prDmulgated under Setttons 301 and 302 of the Clean water ACt and that ef fluent or water Quality standard or limitation is more stringent than any ef fluent or water Quality-limitatton in this permit, or imposes limitations not specified in this permit the Agency small revise or modify the permit in accordance with the promulgated standard and shall nottfy the permittee.
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- j Page 8 NPDtl Permit No. It0048321 i I
actu1 te.ntim ;
SPEClaL CONDITICN 10. Discharge of station cooling pond water to adjacent impoundment s caned by the permittee. to replace water wntch is =tthdrawn f rom these impoundnents f or itation operat tens during pertoos cf low flows in the tankakee River =nen the station mutt decouple its operat tens f t om the fiver.15 hereby permitted f or these emergency perioch. No monitoring is recuired f or this Germitted '
activity, the ItPA shall te p*omptly notified during such operations.
SPECI AL CONDITION 11. The permittee shall record monttoring results on Discharge Monttoring Report Forms using one such form for each discearge each month.
The completed Discharge Monttoring cerort f orms shall te submitted to ICPa no later than tee 28th of the following month. valets othetwise specified by the the cermitting authority.
l Discharge Monttoring sepor ts shall be matted to the ![PA at-the f ollowing address: l 111tnots Environmental Protection Agenc)
Division of Water Pollution Control 2200 Churcht11 Road
$cringfield. 11196015 62706 l
4ttention: Compliance Assurance Section s SPECIAL CONDITION 12. The ' upset
- def ense provistons of Titic 40. Section 120,al(n) of the federal tegulations are hereby incorporated into ints permit by retet ence.
$P(CI AL CONDITION 13. $tormwater runof f f rom inc twitchyar d 011/=4ter separator and the entreme west side of the plant site is discharged to unnamed n,ttural dr ainage ditches tributary to the Maron River.
60 monttoring ts required f or these two discharges at this (1ee pursuant to Section 402(p) of the CWA.
SPEClat CONDITION 14. An emergency Cooling pond overflow en tst s tributary to an unnamCd drainage ditch which is tributary to the Maron River, Discharges f rom this overflow shall be subject to the bypass provisions of 40 LFR 122.41(m).
$PECIAL CON 0!T10N 1$. This permit does not authortee the use of brynine-based blocides, if the permittee notifies the Agency, pursuant to standard Conditton 12 or 14. of its intent to use ,
bromine-based blocides, this permit m4y be modtfied to incorporate dif ferent TEC/TRH limitations or i restrictions on the use of bromine based bittices based on the results of biomonttoring er other bromine tonicity data -ntch becomes avatlable to the agency. Such modification shall follow public notice and opportunity for heartng. ,
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Eontrnue en fue lette One eNewt tenW 94 funal Ag*Tg daueste en the espes.esten hee tieen piede Qt 01st e eertnere8*D et pose pegreatershg by a ge uyas partner er the popr##er *eepocWwery er G estos 44 heft er seeses esputty ese e estenee 11 epee stat to e estense for e perwettee e en ensorsement e een Ehet it emed heve teen se seepy to Art er W f ar e shwnetenesty. State. f eeerei er other edles egemet DV
'eChate We gerWtuteed etetety 9 erger to freenaan _ :greth Fe terinstmarie WWues e garvsenes eascopyg pHay er senseg esagted efhEas6 of Wie guynet
- Aepeste AA sesmuste s**mes be penses er ewer wiferateenan emiuestes tv 448 Dwey le setetigate The eergartse ehes teet 8. siteewtetiae gteps te strumsfe er Pe Agerwy e#de tup ogsted tpy a person emes.rded # peref e6sh heJ es bt e proverti psy geshe*ge e esseepp of Fue eerwet gyrach hee a wweese thehrtand &st sWthmued regarmaantesswe of Fist pertan A pereen e e $isfy swehrywerj af adveressy etter1 erg hnamen heefth e Die eruwweerFeen% resWesente,we er8y W lli Proper operstaen ered _ Ihe permettee thee et se amos poterty ill Tte authergesmWe e pwetse p owngpq gpy e peresun gepegreed p ogsaree criel meentes= te tectest erg eveteng et peertwit grief contes qeems pareyteh tea erg reisteJ aggneserioreeJ wher:st ye estened er seed be We persettes er echeve tereisemics ersh 9e cargnere et the pornet Proper Sporetse oriel ensetterience QI The ewwervemun esecsfee pahe en www.shof as e gemeenn sisAsdee eMertre ser9ervrierre sowpaete luneesg maam egestar sieHwg grup eessayesias tw pg puwee igeressen ed $g tetety trer# ePeth pg De8ei necenerge ergpeso, cessde en e agens sleengipe, encareensensus er sames,S WW allemeer emeewge . he8erater? WW ptstrees eenreE etAdfIrg Nepeertee
- Tees esent.m anomme tus eenream of beca <nk er preso et eoemeesse , arts matery recomes *ir emies, e,seene eek stee ; no enkeses eenpaeanse can ese - _etene as tie speem o gas.estenog ,e a,.e,
e 1 fg N el * " i^_ _ p en enf9erecem tytem W e tW butps N) iWe Wed WeEseFePe per eier QM ng $ 0W seroom 98W 4 '*r easeos seseen a enerve enevenus or punaine hee eenseneteese to re ouvemvees hvo sessess pe6 eyene se sie 4(80 eg 9 ew 3 4-e suced sewesen et the le681, e ese peeweetse seenheg pe esteusserte ens tw 3 eopise e 6 41=epaphores erg ewa peggere eseeepupen of W phet te edessegeg to ye anyoney, prey go er grigspo per see H ng 9 le er eMervr, enth an,'opert neweessag er essesesse to to sapree tv en owreoriand seaposeteethe Qi Ihe $1 emme Pe meessoph eeuweetsun sehe segwied ter pei peheere e We eM48 permet eswoostmen a 11Il hopertug femeemente tel be arve onusen'oe he We Aperat m pue pornet w Pienwed ehensee t te o.awtee thes e . w we ee c , et i==
es gureeste 98 ene emerited P8 wen ea 44te'etepre e e&Metwe le pe W ' Del Poe here letPWIR W esenti to base te wee er #wesias two es en sitrWedIFe W imer prenewei W hvereeurt er'v 1 pee oudnere ytete ese gerseptted tetely not essesred S pe eMJI$ permet segmetesh
$ul Amtet4dted - _ _ Its personnes shed gave eerence stutes es re Aoswv e8 ene emoves spetyes en ye tornened ter osv er ereen, (t 61 A$ Poems, Ownes f eestmore Wese PQtWel enuet sys,ete emmewee spese e are eth not steest a segregneewwe yach geraul semeeneweg fe Agerzy of We tueuweg to cm eemenee oehemi es neeere ed e,*secue w non wnpee e m er W Any noe e*=mie een see =eente ew pet toTw *em en eierect ytv erogases sesere pg e erpot eg fre reanweniente Gorgeres en ont dise4rger eree rn eened to sucessi to bettwee 301 er 300 et me (enen ser eterne es'edbee of the perMet t#ied tue seersunse see ety then 14 Weter A(1 $ e Were leDe[Up seCh&geg Poes pueWiepe GNd epys feeposeg each ese eqhes ese W Ane e.dewmai eeenye e we woes w seerater et poemere tagg 48 hoewture, heervieneg seense ehes to segeriod et ye swerves aseshoes veo pos PotW tv e newee eessuseg poch,mnes eine we esonded emewhere e run twave POTW et We me el meuerse of Fe permut til eeannereg see. die puen te eeressried en e Oechrye haaswtenrg W FW enesoses et Fe pareyeset === mee estee e*ies etcAsen ev8weietsen Repurt Reefu en W pe messer erW auents, of eMtwere reeshees one ye potW ens td erie entreous reissi es se seerspe en We at swim, er weses et e4%ee Q) N Pe perwwttee persere one poewtani mewe greauentet then le be eederged 9re8e rW PQ1W einheed by we seewL eseg test ereseases essee es arwew to Cf R 130 er es asesses D We perwet De Peewhe et Pus newstertrg it Ol p PG pernel e Deund to e >ftener po'ed W ensterly seedened posennett eures thee he eshased a Fe stehapaum end reewirig of se Gee Fe per#wnee shes re@ee eat ee.eeeftear of eeth keepnent wayee te earmesy outsvened p pe [edR enth locawel passervenge servergerg Q1 (41stenetene to se 6museuene eheth eemse everoging of (t) L# ear eheryse mes. ore to bertse 3Deltal se was (men Weep Act and 2n Z ehne wthee en sysoveets minen urdene et5reme afgecet8e 'ev*setasse ageereg et 40 (FS 34 esosdes be we Aeersi en we seront Ql f ees out&dati eMeent etestteerges ensi festetspreret eteresses pureueret to el T w eet y f etet bets # f eep teeg The pe#mdice eheni espett eng bergan 307 el we then Weter Act s 'W suspuerngeeve e%sh shev eruleriyar feenh a se sneesswnent any enfantisten e8e4 le pp*esed ernov o'then 24 homes trewn tie tw'e Pe Q) puserWR mueveseg ered prev merone8H to Section $U$ et Fe (toen term #tes becemos peere Of ye settametessee A enne* eastwrueneen shoe Weter Act else be Feuerted esperi $ Seys e4 De tree se gernwnee legewnee empo 90 .
Pe segur*etersee The teennen esponsesen eree sentee a esecriptue of it F) W en egewehen tierstee as trwtemam a pern dgelse u e,nster Sensam 301tiiGHCl we -- - . ; ; ord ne seues. We eeuw e4 ennuemenerse suksiway one EN 30eedQ1, or 307te#Q14'is yet oHkent ownamed er knownem a more caect Getse erW tu'ies este W Pe mswzepgeets tee set temen eer*ertea esegern Peri eny eHkere tweeptetysn gp pie geirnes( ge gentpean g pneAerst Ate Fe antasseted tree e e comtes to seemmean ese state tsaan e onesined truwted ei SPe senet we permse thee le opernptiv franseiteed er sevenet erW to fathde sonenen. yte yevent eseceepeertre el se serverntestue iDe feessed to carderfn te Pet oHWent eterulere er betwicken tudipeets enee te eicested se ederwetem erheta snuet se opsaried e=4hm 3e heure It $3 A8ev Wourettua to fereFtstt seseg to De teivesttee ghesaent to 3$ $ Apg Code 30s 164 e heretiv ewwpare=d b, =+wome es e eeuenem es the perne (I) Any enerstK9sted Dvetae erhsth escastte ene eHluorH emnaeust en De pernin. 11 91 T+e permettee emme not eines one tome sistement roareeentatene y s,een.etes, e e8mp HtetsteA terere fetart pien e GFe east nament outsmrtted to Pe AMy of GI veasuun et a ennennwn enev encherve wi eten for one se we we atPA, e ecomes a to nevim ed onene wie pernes pashetente setes by We Apensi e we perne tie to esperise wesee 34 hours3.935185e-4 days <br />0.00944 hours <br />5.621693e-5 weeks <br />1.2937e-5 months <br />, QG Tte Cesen Wets Act growease pet any euroen eine vastesse e cervest eersertenn peassiseg Seceons 30L 3C3 306 30 t 304 318 m 404 et we (men vtets tre Agency es, eene we warten repen en e esee hv4eee tese d the Act e en-rs m e eswa sieren, est to estees $10 0u0 per es, es euca eenaseen eral #epurg tes been reserweg esthog 34 hnegro Any peessi one gehey Se empeyones vepeates perenn eenereses pipeeneptuig Se spre301 303 304 3C7. er 300 of we Cmen Weess Act e eveneet to e two an Dther the pernwnee shee soport es metesse of et set see een 63 $00. eine muro pe t 526 000 se se,etseemen, e tv niereraseense apt operine enmaan sweyeore It 3Hsi, not er of ei the peemerwens ser not ==ee pen ore vee , se besih bee mesetnerT4 8mesert We eneumptielt The regnern ehme eerstem We ,
eterwegen ested p poeyessh 4131ted Qll Tte Cteen Water As1 penses FWG paw > Feen e8e ##6edes teneare gevelt y kneumeigev eeriswg eer4 teem ene seurwerevig sevue er niethne eushese *e be Dther bdersetsmet Wtsere De perenetes teremse emere Pet a toded te memtseind unper perfnn treet teran senser teest be purashed De e lee of not snure W Pen $10 0te per semeest er Dir ripree unent ser set ainee thea 6 months per sneanut on,8e**ent teIW m a peruse etysseteaun y outsasttee erserrett essavneteen en a perest speacetsug er e easy petiert to Pe Agostry. A shed vamasst e De bpW6 prentese, swepel searh tecte er etternema Q31 the (men Wates Act seerssee set one pereee ete enowege, messe on, toise 1t 38 fressie et perewu a nann e rev te estemoissa, eenee net to e ces estement mureneatein st er cette.atun si one score or one warument p***setse d serveted a seaweed to tse sneevened orider them ser**ut e%st suoselwig fnsureterug repurte e teetw1e et eengeimwe or serHenweente sheA tegn tel The etMont e*Wt# tee se etes Fie Agency el best 30 eews e ed.enre of seretstest tse enerwe*ed ts, e eve et sent piare then $10 000 ew ==esteert w Dv pe pescaed Wenefer een, svge ._ : ter ftpl mese then $ menee ser tausen psA er be both til The motse swAmee a sprinen eyeeneett tetussen We esetuig end noe Q 31 C(shorted agreertstg een'tes ehdesyse. One $ther oosule thee to deseced of e egeth een8 tree as sentepung a egerste som ter terste el peneut seepunnesMv, a pertest as W povent er91 of these sweetes tur owrett 0 en4 the moeteel este opwerage oss betasity tiposee ye gevent estal steiv permmees erug usetye et oW State Ile ltresser oursoreeteen for sisth depeces sede be obtered hem to A, rsy we a emerperend se put he ed >v eetwenee arJ the A,erev sees ese noo*v pe eas=g pomense e.e we yeoneed een seemettes of no essent te peserty er revees yW ease e ye pornwt e the Q 4) bi case et opnfhet tevosen these sienoord seneigane end eat etter eenspesetel seiere e not reteuget the renele a eMertrue en the este ecossed a pe es%ssed el fue gevnst Fe prest eeruktFJnteJ ehoe pengrft spoopese Q$) The pernere tse thes genser esitt m temean to Fe eersueenerne et the peronst es (148 As mannsteaurwg eerrweersset wereg and ederunwres dechryers pnet entery esgeceta prpvoeurs of 36 E Aden Code. $4 tree C. Suttone D Segen ( end to De A WWEv es seen se se, &#ee W news seseen a beneve Wgecchie greers of We Board let that any ace ww hee a: eems er we sete mesen eewed enan e we Gs3 79 ,,onense se p e perna ye ee.ereto end W en, eroween es wie servest e techarge of erg toes erwhelm91 empretes isnaar Seceen 30 P et we Ceea the esgecetem of wie ert,veen of the senset a heed euroest we semerung Water Aet w*uch a nes Weened ei te pervoin, W eet Wecharge we esteed prevenetye of Wee pwmst etes eenwous en ti,4 terse arte eHert Fue hegreet e8 94 lesaseett Etetr* Eaten teesse til One senered weareyerre ser een 4100 ut, t.
Pos 13 l.464