IR 05000341/1978016

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IE Inspec Rept 50-341/78-16 on 780927-28 & 1011-13 During Which 1 Item of Noncompliance Was Noted:Failure to Identify Rept & Take Corrective Action Relative to Repair of Weld
Person / Time
Site: Fermi DTE Energy icon.png
Issue date: 11/06/1978
From: Danielson D, Lee E K
Shared Package
ML20062G142 List:
50-341-78-16, NUDOCS 7812270156
Download: ML20062G212 (5)







Report No. 50-341/78-16 Docket No. 50-341 License No. CPPR-87 Licensee: Detroit Edison Company 2000 Second Avenue Detroit, MI 48226 Facility Name: Enrico Fermi, Unit 2 Inspection At: t.nrico Fermi Site, Monroe, MI Inspection Conducted: September 27 - 28 and October 11 - 13, 1978 Inspector: E. W. K. Lee 8 '~~ W // ([7/

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Approved By: D. H. Danielson, Chief n[6 [7[

Engineering Support Section 2 Inspection Summary Inspection on September 27 - 28 and October 11 - 13, 1978 (Report N /78-16)

Area Inspected: Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary Piping weld and records, Safety Related Piping welding and records. The inspection involved 33 inspector-hours onsite by one NRC inspecto Results: Of the four areas inspected, no apparent items of noncom-pliance were identified in three areas; one apparent item of noncompliance was identified in one area (infraction - failure to identify, report and take corrective action relative to repair of weld - Paragraph 1).



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DETAILS Persons Contacted Principal Licensee Employees

  • T. Alessi. QA Director
    • A. Alexious, Assistant Project Superintendent
  • C. R. Bacon, Field Project Engineer
  • R. W. Barr, Project QA Director
      • L. Bertani, Assistant Project Engineer
    • G. Carter, QA Engineer
      • W. M. Everett, Project Superintendent
    • W. Fahrner, Project Manager
      • E. Hines, Assistant Vice President and Manager, QA
      • W. H. Jens, Assistant Vice President

,- **J. D. Ryan, Site Project QA Engineer


    • H. A. Walker, Project QA Engineer Other Personnel
      • J. Barry, Acting Project Manager, Daniel International Corporation (DIC)
  • C. B. Bliesener, QC Manager, DIC
    • J. T. Blixt, QC Welding Engineer, DIC
      • J. Bolt, Project QA Manager, DIC
    • T. Crouse, QA Engineer, DIC
      • Dempsey, Mechanical Manager, DIC J. W. Flaherty, Welding Engineer, Wismer-Becker Contracting Engineers, (W6B)
  • S. Heath, QA Engineer, DIC
      • Holland, Project Manager, W&B
      • Kearney, Corporate QA Manager, W&B
  • C. Keller, QC Manager, W&B H. W. Levering, Drywell Dicipline Manager, DIC R. Madden, Documentation Supervisor, DIC
  • W. Morrison, Plant QA, DIC L. Osborne, QA Engineer, V&B
  • D. E. Seifert, Project Manager, DIC
      • R. Turner, Assistant Construction Manager, DIC
      • E. L. Young, Project Executive Manager, W&B
  • Denotes those attending the exit interview on October 13, 197 ** Denotes those attending the exit interview on September 28 and Oc.tober 13, 197 *** Denotes those attending the exit interview on September 28, 197 . .



Licensee Action on Previously Identified Items (Closed) Unresolved Matter (341/78-08-01): Action to be taken with the measured cold spring data: The inspector reviewed letroit Edison Company Project Procedures Manual paragraph B.1.c.4BA and determined that measure has been established to handle the measured cold spring dat (Closed) Noncompliance (341/78-08-02): Damaged land of a weld preparation: The inspector reviewed Deviation Dispositional Requests (DDR) No. 1728 and No. 2094 and the supporting documents. It was deter-mined that the damaged area has been repaired by welding and that the DDR's were properly closed ou Functional or Program Areas Inspected Safety Related Piping (Welding) - Observation of Wark and Work Activities r

On September 27, 1978, the inspector noted that an area over 3/16" wide and approximately 1 " long in the roce pass of Weld No. E21-3147-0W2 on drawing No. 6M721-3147-1 had been ground through and as a result the weld end configuration no longer met the requirements of W&B welding procedure No. 103, Rev. 9. Upon talking to the welder, it was the inspector's understanding that (1) grinding was necessary because of surface porosities in the fill passes and (2) weldi.., was ready to resume in the condition observed by the inspector on September 27, 197 This condition is an item of noncompliance identifi;d 'T Appendix A (341/78-16-01).


Subsequently, in the afternoon of September 27 1978, she licensee's contractor stopped all welding acts rities and a meeting was held to discuss what corrective ac :f ons soould be taken. On September 28, 1978, a corrective ac:fon plan was formulated as stated in a W&B memorandum. On October 3, 1978, the licensee telephoned the inspector and stated that W&B personnel involved in Level I piping work had successfully completed the training session. Consequently, the stop work order was lifted after the first shift on October 2, 1978 and Level I work was resumed on an one inspector per welding operation base. On October 12, 1978, the inspector reviewed

, the training plan and the training record Except as noted, no items of noncompliance or deviation were identifie .



2. Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary Piping (Welding) - Observation of Work Weld Joint Preparation and Alignment The inspector observed fit-up of the Reactor Water Cleanup System Weld No. G33-3096-0W3 and the Feedvater System Weld No. N21-2336-13W14. It was determined that the joint alignment met the applicable code and procedure require-ments and QC had verified the alignment prior to weldin Welding of Root Pass The inspector observed welding of root pass of the Reactor Water Cleanup System Weld No. G33-3096-0W3 and the Feedwater System Welds No. N21-2336-13W14 and No. 821-2336-20WF It was determined that: (1) proper welding procedure was used, (2) welders were urrently qualified and (3) physical ( appearances were acceptable, Welding Beyond Root Pass The inspector observed welding of the Main Steam System Weld No. B4 on drawing No. GE731-E756. It was determined that: (1) applicable velding procedure was used, (2) welders were currently qualified, (3) welding procedure requirements were met and (4) work area was free of weld rod stub QA and QC Surveillance The inspector determined that adequate qualified QA and QC personnel are at work location to monitor welding activitie No items of noncompliance or deviations were identifie . Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary Piping - Review of Records The inspector reviewed ASME data reports; shop inspection, examination and welding data sheets; NDE reports; material certifications; repair records; stress relief charts; receiving inspection reports and field installation travelers for the Feedwater System pipe spools No. N21-2336-2 and No. N21-2336- The inspector determined that the records are in conformance with the applicable code requirements except that the shop Magnetic Particle reports were unavailable onsit The licensee stated that those reports were in the vendor's facility and can-4-


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be made available onsite. The inspector stated that this matter is considered unresolved pending review of MT reports during a subsequent inspection. (341/78-16-02) Safety Related Piping - Review of Records The inspector reviewed ASME data reports; shop inspection, examination and welding data sheets; NDE reports; material certifications; repair records; receiving inspection reports and field installation travelers for the Residual Heat Removal

- Service Water System Spools No. Ell-4217-ll and No. Ell-4218-8 and the High Pressure Core Injection System Spool No. E41-3163- The inspector determined that the records are in conformance with the applicable code requirements except the following: MT reports were unavailable onsite (see paragraph 3 above).


f Tube Turns Corporation analysis report for heats No. S-9676, No. S-9859 and No. S-9860 requires explanation relative to (1) ASME Code classification the material is conforming to; (2) material chemistry and (3) reduction in area dat The inspector stated that this matter is considered unresolved pending a review of available data during a subsequent inspection I (341/78-16-03).

No items of noncompliance or deviations were identifie Unresolved Items Unresolved items are matters about which more information is required in order to ascertain whether they are acceptable items, items of noncompliance or deviations. Unresolved items desclosed during the inspection are discussed in paragraphs 3 and Exit Interview The inspector met with the licensee representatives (denoted in the Persons Contacted paragraph) on September 28, 1978 and at the con-clusion of the inspection on October 13, 1978. The inspector summarized the scope and findings of the inspection. The inspector also stated that it is his understanding that the indications on the torus ring girders reported to NRC office by telephone are being evaluated relative to the 50.55(e) reportable requirement. The

licensee acknowledged the informatio .


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