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Lists Responses to 930805 RAI Re 920604 Submittal of New Operator Requalification Program
Person / Time
Site: University of Virginia
Issue date: 08/13/1993
From: Farrar J
To: Alexander Adams
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NUDOCS 9308180223
Download: ML20046D359 (11)



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&APPLIEDSCIENCE i NUCLEAR REACTOR FACIL11Y August 13,1993 Department or Mechanicat Aerospace & Nuclear Engineering Mr. Alexander Adams, Jr. University or virginia CharlonesviUe, VA 22903-2442 Senior Project Manager Non-Power Reactors and Decommissioning so4m:-5440 FAX: 804-982-5473 Project Directora:e Division of Operating Reactor Support Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation g,g U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555-0001 i


Docket No. 50-62, Additional information concerning the Operator Requalification Program for the University of Virginia Reactor Facility.

Dear Mr. Adams:

This is in response to your letter of August 5,1993, requesting additional information regarding our June 4,1992 submittal of a new Operator Requalification Program.

I. Operator Reaualification Program

1. Section B.3:

a) The word " biennial" should have been used instead of "bi-annual".

b) The Senior Operator who administers the exam will be allowed to give the exam for not more than two consecutive cycles. This will assure that this individual will take an exam sometime during the six year period of his/her license. We will probably rotate this responsibility after each cycle.

2. Section B.4:

a) The supervisor /s will observe and ask questions of each operator covering the ten areas listed on the evaluation form. If the superviser feels the operator is deficient in any of these areas, it will be noted on the evaluation form and the operator will be required to take retraining in that area and be re-evaluates.

3. Section C.1:

a) The word " biennial" should have been used instead of "bi-annual.

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9308180223 930913 -[ gD PDR ADOCK 05000062 y l

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2 .

II. Procedures For Implementing The Requalification Program

1. Section A: i t

a) The individual responsible for conducting a requalification lecture not only- i presents the material in a formal manner, but also asks questions of the l operators on that particular subject matter. The latter part of the lecture '

period usually becomes a group discussion on the topic being presented.

We have found, by this approach, that each operator becomes very familiar ]

with the subject matter.  !

Operators who miss a lecture are required to review the subject matter and l sign and date a copy of the lecture outline to confirm this. The supervisor will normally ask questions to asertain if the operator has understood the j

l material. l 2 Section B:

i i

b) If deficiencies are uncovered during the operating tests, the operator will  :

4 be retrained and retested in the deficient area (s).

I Attached is a revised Program and Procedures to clarify the points you have raised. j i

i Sincerely, 1

1 Q.h. W

]- J.P.Farrar, Acting Director i UNa. Reactor Facility  !

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1. This requalification program applies to alllicensed reactor operators of the University of Virginia Research Reacter (UVAR), located at the Reactor Facility of the University of Virginia. Reactor operator trainees may g participate in the program as pan of their training, however. since they are not licensed, the requalification program does not cover their status. ,

The program shall meet the requirements of 10 CFR 55.59 and ANS Standard  !

15.4., as applicable to research reactors. The program will follow a two year cycle. The program will be followed by successive requalification programs, that is, begin anew every two years.

2. In addition to a lecture series and annual operator evaluation, the requalification program includes on-the-job training. For example, checklists, reactor startups and operation, core configuration changes, rod-drop measurements and ,

calibrations, shut-down margin and excess reactivity calculations, measurement of reactivity worth of experiments, emergency drills and surveillance activities are performed as required by UVAR Technical Specifications. These activities are informally criti qued by co-workers.

3. The Reactor Administrator or,in his absence, a designated Senior Reactor Operator, l will be responsible for administering the requalification program.
4. This requalification program is implemented by the
  • Procedures For Implementing The l Requalification Program For Licensed Operators Of'Ihe UVAR Reactor" which contains  ;

the "UVAR Requalification Program, Operator Annual Evaluation Form". j 1

l l

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' Revised 8/93 j B. Procram ,


1. Start-ups and Checklists Each licensed operator will be required to complete reactor checklists and perform reactor start-ups and otherwise perform the functions of an operator or senior  !

i operator for a minimum of four hours per calendar quarter. If a licensed operator- i fails to operate the reactor during , calendar quarter, that individual will be -

i required to perform licensed duties for at least six hours under the cognizance of a qualified senior operator prior to reinstatement as a qualified licensed operator.  !.

2. Lectures .

During the program's two year cycle, each licensed operator is required to attend a j series oflectures. Trainees may also attend these lectures. A cycle will normally  !

4 begin in September (corresponding to the beginning of an academic year). The lectures  ;

will be pre-scheduled to run from September through June, with a break during the  !

summer months of July and August, and continue the following September. The lectures .

will cover the following subjects: Reactor Theory and Principles of Operation; Normal,  !

Abnormal and Emergency Procedures; Technical Specifications; Reactor Instrumentation and Control Systems: Reactor Protective and Engineered Safety Systems; Radiation Control and Safety; General and Specific Plant Operc. ting Characteristics; applicable . ,

parts of 10 CFR and any major changes to procedures or eyepment. The operator who i misses a lecture will be required to review the lecture notes. '%is will be verified  !

by the Reactor Administrator.

3. Written Examinations At the end of each two-year cycle a written exam will be administered to licensed operators to determine their knowledge of facility operations. An overall grade of 70% or greater will be considered as passing. If an operator receives less than 70%

on one or more sections of the exam, but has a passing grade overall, he/she will be retrained in the deficient areas and given a make-up written exam covenng only  :

I those areas. If an operator scores less than 70% overall on the examination, he/she will -

, . be excused from licensed dutics, undergo retraining, and retake the entire exam.

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Revised 8/93 l

l If an individual does not requalify within a calender quarter, Facility management will l request the NRC to cancel the license of that individual. ,


, 'Itc biennial exam will be composed and administered by a senior staff member with a l Senior Operator License. This individual will be exempted from taking the exam required by this program. This individual will not administer the exam for more than two . l consecutive cycles, thereby assuring that they take an exam sometime during the six year . ]

period of their license.


.i The reactor operator trainee (s) may take the same exam as the licensed operators as part .j of their training whenever enough experience has been assimilated. The training program l

- coordinator will review areas of weakness with the trainee (s). -


4. Annual Operations Test f

Once cach calendar year, an evaluation will be made of each licensed operator. The  !



supersisor(s) will observe the completion of checklists, reactor start-up and control and ask questions pertaining to areas listed on the evaluation form. If an operator l is found to be deficient in some area of operation, this will be noted on the operator evaluation form and the operator will undergo retraining and re-evaluation.

f i

Reactor operator trainec(s) will receive this evaluation also, to gauge progress and areas that need strengthening.


3. Physical Fitness  !

Licensed operators will be required to undergo physical examinations at least once every  !

two years to asstue continued physical fitness to operate the reactor in a safe and l efficient manner. l l

3 i y y v , . , - . -. . -

Revised 8/93 C. Records

1. A file shall be kept for cach licensed operator and operator traince. The file shall contain legible records about checklists and start-ups performed by the individual, the content and results of written exams, the results of annual evaluations, additional training received covering areas of exhibited deficiencies, and the results of biennial

[ medical exams. These personal records shall be retained until the operator's or senior l f operator's license is renewed or surrendered or for a longer period if so ordered by the l

Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

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2. Records showing the lecture schedule, content and attendance by the licensed operators  !

and operator trainees will be kept in a separate requalification program file.

I l

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g Revised 8/93 PROCEDURES FOR IMPLEMENTING THE REQUALIFICATION PROGRAM FOR LICENSED OPERATORS OF THE UVAR REACFOR The following procedures are set forth to imple' ment the Operator Requalification Program for the University of Virginia Reactor (UVAR).

The program will cycle on a 2 year schedule, running from September to June of each calendar year and terminating at the end of the second year with a written examination comparable to an NRC exam.

A. Lectures ,

All licwd operators will be required to attend a series of lectures. l A list of scheduled lectures will be distributed at the begining of each cycle.  ?

Lectures will be scheduled to cover the following topics:

a) Reactor Theory and Principles of Operation b) Normal, Abnormal and Emergency Procedures j c) Technical Specifications 1

, d) Reactor Instrumentation and Control Systems  :

a ,

e) Reactor Protective and Engineered Safety Systems  !

f) Radiation Control and Safety l

, g) General and Specific Plant Operating Characteristics l h) Applicable sections of 10 CFR 1 i) Major Changes to Procedures or Equipment Each licensed operator will present at least one lecture during each  ;

cycle. If a lecture cannot be given on the scheduled date it will be re-


scheduled at the earliest convenient date. If an operator or trainee misses a lecture, he/she will be required to review the lecture notes. This will be verified and documented by the Reactor Administrator. Self-study is also considered an adequate and appropriate training method.


B Revised 8/93 B. Annual Operatine Test ,

i An annual evaluation will be made of each licensed operator and operator.

trainee (see attached form). Each will perform a daily checklist and a reactor startup. The evaluation will be made by the Reactor Supervisor (s) and will be based on compliance with written procedures and good engineering practices. J As a part of the evaluation, the evaluator (s) will question the operator or trainee on the appropriate actions to be taken for various emergency and/or . ,

abnormal conditions. Deficiencies uncovered during the evaluation will be noted and the operator or trainee retrained and reteste.; in the deficient areas.

C. Written Examination At the end of each two-year cycle a proctored written examination will be given to all licensed Senior and Reactor operators. Operator trainees may -

also take the exam. The exam; nation will be based on the current NRC format  !

(systems approach) and cover the following areas:

a) Reactor Theory and Facility Operating Characteristics.

b) Normal and Emergency Operating Procedures and Radiological Control c) Facility and Radiation Monitoring Systems.

An overall grade of 70% or greator is passing. Individuals scoring less than i 70% on one or more areas but passing the exam overall will be required tore-study and be retested on those areas. Individuals scoring less than 70% overall on I

the exam will be removed from licensed activities and required to take " rapid" retraining. After retraining they will be required to retake the entire exam.

Once a score of 70% or greater is achieved, operators can be returned to -

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Revised 8/93 licensed activities. If an operator cannot pass the exam within a calendar i quarter after retraining, facility management will request the NRC to cancel  ;

the license of that individual.

The exam will be composed and administered by a senior staff member who is i licensed as a Senior Reactor Operator. This individual will be exempt from  :

taking the exam required under the requalification program. This exemption j will be rotated among the senior reactor staff at least every two cycles.

D. Physical Examinations ,

Licensed operators will be required to take and pass physical exams by qualified medical personnel at least once every two years. If a medical problem is found that could result in incapacitation during the time the  !

individual is operating the reactor, another licensed operator will be i required to be present at the console whenever the individual with the anomalous medical condition is performing the duties of a licensed operator.

j E. Drucs If a licensed individual is found at work to be under the influence of  !

alcohol or illegal or mind-altering drugs he/she will not be allowed to  !

perform licensed activities and appropriate action will be taken by facility >

management in conformance with U.Va.'s substance abuse policy.

i Licensed operators are requested to report to the reactor supervisor (s)  ;

prescription drugs that they may be about to take and which have known -

side affects, such as drowsiness, which may render them temporarily  ;

unsuited for reactor console operation.





Revised 8/93. i F. Document Availability' i i

Every licensed operator and trainee is given a personal copy of the  ;

requalification program and procedures for permanent reference, following l t

each revision. These documents are required reading. , ,

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UVAR REQUALIFICATION PROGRAM OPERATOR ANNUAL EVALUATION FORM Purposes To demonstrate operator's ability to safely operate the UVAR.

To satisfy the requirements of 10 CFR 55.59(a)(2)(ii).



Dates This evaluation / / Last evaluations / /

1. Familiarity with Daily Checklists CExcellent Overrcood Ocoed ONeedsrefresher
2. Manipulation of Console Controls:

[]In accordance with SOP's ([]Retrainingandratestingindicated

3. Accurate Instrument Readings:

((] All times [jHosttimes, retraining indicated

4. Correct Identification of Annunciators


_ [])No, will be retrained and ratested

5. Observed to Follow Procedures Yes No, will be retrained and ratested
6. Observes and Checks Instruments Regularly


_ ((] No, will be retrained and retested

7. Knowledge of selected Alarms, Setpoints, Radiation Monitorico Systems and Significant Radiation Hazards:

((]Yes ((]No, will be retrained and retested

8. Familiarity With Selected Tech. Spec. Requirements:

[))Yes [~) No, will be retrained and retested 9.

Familiarity With procedures For Abnormal Reactor Operating Conditions:

((]Yes [])No, will be retrained and' retested

10. Familiarity With Selected Emergency Procedures:

Yes ((j No, will be retrained and retested Certification [])7be above operator has passed the annual operator evaluation and in general, has during the past year discharged licensed responsibilities competently and safely.

The above operator has not passed the annual operator evaluation, therefore, he/she will be retrained and retested in those areas.

Reactor Administrator Reactor Supervisor (when applicable)

I have seen the above evaluation and I agree to carry out the recommendations.

Operator Projected date of next evaluations

. (()Copyofevaluation form sent to operator

[]Copyofevaluation form sent to Reactor Director v-