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Submits Clarification of Request for Amend to Univ of VA Reactor TS Dtd 981203.Request Remains Active
Person / Time
Site: University of Virginia
Issue date: 12/10/1998
From: Mulder R
To: Alexander Adams
NRC (Affiliation Not Assigned)
NUDOCS 9812140157
Download: ML20197H690 (2)


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- RO. Box 3425 675 Old Reserwir Road i Universitv Station Charlottesville, VA 22903 Charlottesville, VA 22903 Telephone: 804-982-5440 Fax: 804-982-5473 l

December 10,1998 l

Mr. Alexander Adams, Jr.

Senior Project Manager l Non-Power Reactors & Decommissioning Project Directorate i U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

. One White Flint North 11555 Rockville Pike Mail Stop 0-11-D-19 Rockville, MD 20852-2738


Clarification of the Request for Amendments to University of Virginia Reactor (Docket No.

50-62, License R-66) Technical Specifications (TS) from Robert Mulder to Alexander Adams

- dated December 3,1998.

Dear Mr. Adams,

As per your telephone conversation with Paul Benneche, Reactor Supervisor at the University of Virginia Reactor (UVAR) Facility, on December 9,1998 the management of the UVAR wishes to clarify 1 the request for amendments to the UVAR Technical Specifications which were dated 12/3/98. He last paragraph of this letter stated in part:

1 "Herefore, we hereby request NRC to approve the immediate deletions of UVAR  !

TS 4.1.1 and UVAR TS 4.2.3, or while the NRC studies our prior proposed set of amendments, a temporary release from these TS obligations."

The deletion of UVAR TS 4.2.3 would have caused to be climmated far more requirenwnts than the need to semiannually calibrate the primary coolant flow measuring instrument, as was the intent of the request. Thus, we request that UVAR TS 4.2.3 not be *N-=*ad. but UVAR TS 4.2.5 be modified to read (the addition is indicated in italics):

"%e above specifications (4.2.1 through 4.2.4) do not apply to the following reactor safety channels: power to the primary coolant pump, manual button, header air pressure, pool water level monitor, and primary coolantflow.

l Operation of these safety channels will be checked before each day's operation or l before each operation extending more than one day.

Since the reactor is no longer operational, and will not be operated agam, this change will have the effect of removing the requh wnt of performing a semiannual calibration of the prunary flow measuring g 4


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9812140157 991210

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,e (Letter to Mr. Adams, page 2) 1 1

The letter dated December 3,1998 also requested the climination of UVAR TS 4.1.1. This request -

remains active.

Thank you for your attention to this request.

Since y,

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Robert U. Mulder, Director UVA Nuclear Reactor Facility &

Assoc. Professor of Nuclear Engineering i

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! cc: Mr. Craig Bassett, NRC Region II, Atlanta, GA l Document Control Desk, NRC, Washington, DC City / County of _ hIbN/ ' -

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