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Forwards Justification for Deletion of Startup Test Su-9.5 Rod Group Drop & Plant Trip. Also Forwards Instruction for Nis Power Range Functional Test. Requests Response as Soon as Possible to Permit Deletion at Appropriate Time
Person / Time
Site: Sequoyah  Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 01/06/1982
From: Mills L
To: Adensam E
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20039F714 List:
NUDOCS 8201130267
Download: ML20039F713 (16)


_. _ _ . . . . . _ _ - -- - . - . _


January 6, 19 %


\ i' Director of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Attention: Ms. E. Adensam, Chief g y p~

gg Licensing Branch No. 4 Division of Licensing p). Q,L "c:: . ~~,~E.

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission h Typg e [J Washington, DC 20555

Dear Ms. Adensam:

In the Matter of ) Docket No. 50-328 Tennessee Valley Authority )

As required by item 2.C(3).a of the Sequoyah Nuclear Plant unit 2 operating license, TVA must have NRC approval before making a " major modification" to the initial test program. Startup test SU-9.5, " Rod Group Drop and Plant Trip Test," is required for unit 2 at the 50-percent power level as part of our initial test program. In my November 3 and December 9, 1981 letters to you, we requested approval to delete startup test SU-9.5 from our startup

l. test program. As requested by members of your staff in subsequent tele-phone conversations and as a result of your rejection of our request by the December 28, 1981 letter from R. L. Tedesco to H. G. Parris, we have revised the justification to include additional information for deletion of the test. Please reconsider our request. Based on the enclosed infort:a-tion and other information provided to the NRC, by TVA and Westinghouse, during the review of the " dropped rod" issue, we believe that startup test SU-9.5 can be deleted without any degradation of the startup program for our Sequoyah Nuclear Plant unit 2.

Please provide us a response to our request as soon as possible in order to delete the test at the appropriate point in our startup test' program.



L.M. Mills,Ma&h ,

nager Nuclear Regulation and Safety Sworn to and subscribed bef ore me thisb __ - day othugMte _1982 b

Notary Pu511c C)

My Commission Expires ~

-; I I (



8201130267 8201Ois P PDR ADOCK 05000327 F P P DR !h An Equal Opportunity Employer


" ROD GROUP DROP AND PLANT TRIP" SEQUOYAH NUCLEAR PLANT-The follcaing paragraphs present information to demonstrate that the core -

designs for SNP units 1 and 2 are identical. Figures 1 through 4 (attached) show that the core loading and control patterns are identical.

In addition, the rods to be dropped for unit 2 (P-4 and D-2 in Shutdown Bank A) would be the same rods selected ~ for unit 1. These rods are l selected because their proximity to the excore detectors will make detector response more limiting for the 3/4 trip criterion of SU-9.5. Attachment 1 provides a detailed explanation of why the rods chosen represent the most limiting case for verification of the negative rate trip function.

As further evidence that the core designs are identical for SNP units 1 and 2, the design boron end points for the follcwing rod configurations are identical.

(1) All Rods Out (ARG)

(2) Control Bank D In (3) Control Banks C+D In (4) Control Banks B+C+D In (5) Control Banks A+B+C+D In (6) All Control Banks In + Shutdown Bank D In (7) All Control Banks In + Shutdown Banks C+D In (8) All Control Banks In + Shutdown Banks B+C+D In (9) All Control Banks In + Shutdown Banks A+B+C+D In (All Rods In)

Additionally, the design differential boron worths and isothermal temperature coefficients are identical for units 1 and 2 for the following rod configurations.

I (1) All Rods Out (AR0)

(2) Control Bank D In (3) Control Banks C+D In (4) Control Banks B+C+D In (5) Control Banks A+B+C+D In (6) All Rods In The design differential and integral rod worths are also identical. This indicates that the axial flux shapes in the two reactors are the same.

Further, the assembly power predictions for the following rod configurations for units 1 and 2 are identical:

(1) ARO .

(2) Control Bank D In (3) Control Banks C+D In (4) Control Rod D-12 Rejected (from flat zero power and 30% power)

(5) Control Rod D-12 Dropped (50% power) ,


g. s E This provides a strong indication that the radial flux shapes are the same for the two reactor cores.

Since the core designs for the units are identical as previously illustated and the same rods would be dropped for the unit 2 performance of SU-9.5, the test results are expected to be the same.

The objectives of startup test SU-9.5, Rod Group Drop and Plant Trip, i.e.,

to confirm that the negative rate trip circuit will trip the reactor as a result of dropping two rods and to obtain preliminary data for systems response to plant trip before performing the turbine trip and reactor trip from 100 percent, are fulfilled by other testing requirements. Therefore, there is no reason to perform this startup test on Sequoyah unit 2.

l The negative rate trip circuitey receives a channel calibration (see IMI .l PRM-CAL Section 5.2.7, attachment 2) and a channel ibnction test (see IMI-92-PRM-FT, attachment 3) before initial entry into MODE 2 operations. In addition, the channel calibration and channel functional test are repeated i

at 18-month and 1-month intervals respectively. These tests verify the ,

operability of the entire negative rate trip circuitry before the l production of any reactor power.

SU-8.3, " Static RCCA Drop and RCCS Below Bank Position Measurements," l

, obtains each power range detector's response to a single rod below bank j position rod dropped rod configuration. In SU-8.3, a single rod is l inserted into the core, operating at 50% power. Periodically (at the time l the flux deviation alarm is received and every 25 steps further inserted on

l. the rod) each power range detector's response is recorded. This power

) range detector response check, coupled with circuitry checks made in the l above channel fbnetional and channel calibration tests, gives us confidence l

the negative rate trip circuitry is operable up to and including the power range detectors.

The second objective of startup test SU-9.5 is verified in startup test SU-1.2.A, Shutdown From Outside Control Room. In this test, the plant is at approximately 30-percent power then tripped from outside the control-l room. Subsequent to every plant trip, our operators verify control rod,

[ pressurizer, steam generator, and reactor coolant system status. SU-1.2.A can be performed at a higher power level if NRC still requires additional testing. In addition, verification of the following acceptance criteria of SU-9.5 pertaining to system response can be obtained with SU-1.2. A.

1. All fbil length RCCAs shall have released and bottomed.
2. The pressurizer safety valves shall not lift.

3 Steam generator safety valve shall not lift.

4. Safety injection is not initiated.

A new acceptance criterion to startup test SU-1.2A could formally verify the operability of the entire negative rate circuitry including the power-range detectors. The acceptance criterion would be:

Verify each power range negative rate bistable is tripped.

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In . conclusion, -the repetition .of startup test SU-9.5.on Sequoyah. unit 2

should not be required since
1. The core designs - of Sequoyah units 1 and 2 are identical. - Therefore, .

the same were obtained from the performance of the test on-unit.1 would be obtained. .. __


2. All the objectives of startup- test SU-9.5 are fulfilled by .other I testing requirements.

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.3 TVA Sequoyah U,iit 1, Cycle 1 Figure 3 a P N M L K J H G F E D C B A C33 C2 C47 C27 C1 C7 C12 1 l

; <.. . . . . . . .e en m
.r.w I

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.:s ,i.;O ,. s m 837, A67. 'B5's -A30 ;B6BL C11

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! \ . . , . ro uc .. , . es ,y  : :, + .p. ; .co..y me .an.w . n~s, p:%  :,.a.

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m.,; ,p,.'y B .: f f .A39 C28 7

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l , , . . y .

v.;. . c.r:a . v +, . t.:. :m. :: n :% y:r =:w; w =y :yw 0: C9 A49 BSS- . A6 B33: A64 A65 A62 A22 A26 iB22; A27- ,B39- .A61 C14 3
.:. s .  : .. V. m ,d wh .n i

. . 7g .,a v u.s - S. .n. . a.. u. .,:p;3 9% es. ; qu exn,1 C29 338: _A14 B91 A30 B61:' A58 A28 A46 B591 'A53 .B2 d A51 ;B32t C34 9

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3 CAS A34 B69' A59 B44; A19 ;B13 A33 y. 811 ,n; A10 .B60 23 E47 A40 C10 10

..: u a. - .; o. . g + ..y..,y A.{ ,w

,. ,o .. ..

-e :% .r 7.. .,  :...>. n..% 1. .- #x ....u ., w. e C46 B6 A8. 7B52 A9 i iB23< A50 BB3; A60 B57/ A2 #28j A16 iB53. C44 11-m .w. - ;;;; ym  ;;; - 2;y ;e: sypy .m:La 9 74 :. . . gp 1.p.,p .

..v. .

. m.. ,  :.s :, n . . . . ;ra.n7 ..c., ...;.. .

.x . .s; ~ ;

C35 B70 A25 B46 ;. A20 B38. A5 J, 1865,. A3 .' 1B64;: A35' 'B12i C19 12 a- .y,( 3;- rpw +- qqp gg g; .c; ;. 9 3,q:;

s.; .

C31 C43 B1- A18- 1 A4( $b25  :

A,k7 .Y5Y.a. Ak N'$k$ C26 C32 13

. :t  ; s:,c. ~~< u :.:,  :. - n. .M y u ,

.,w re.n, s. *m c ..

C16 C36 855- A03 B45 A24 B30l A48 .B17. C25 C22 14

. c ,. - . . a- : . . - .w C48 C41 C17 C39 C21 C5 C3 15 0

A: Region 1 (2.1 w/o)

?B[ Region 2 (2.6 w/o)

  • Removable Fuel Rod Assembly C Region 3 (3.1 w/o)

-w - . . .

1 .


[ figure *4 Sequoyah Unit 2, C cle 1 R P N- M L K J H G F E D C B A g ..

t 3

4 l

N33 N02 N47 N27 N01 N07 N12 1 i

-?,. .

N30 N15 M08. L31 MG7 L47 M201 L12 M29. N18 N04 2

, aae yf  ; eg.e syy

. w::

. . . ., r q u . . :y: . .. . . , . . . , 7 ;w Na0 N24 M41 L32' M14 L70 M37J L67' M05 L30 M6G: N11 N45~ 3

.m. wg, xm+ ,

, vy.c g

. n. ,

.r ,.y ,:w, i vw. .1,, gn:

N08 M35 L55 M31, L45 -M10 L15 M50 L71 M10' L72 M19 N38 -4 A -

..;p c.ce :wn weg -

wp w.m[.

.c . ,1: r  ::nz p.w . ,u :. n m.t..

i N42 M24 L69 .,M18 .L56 M713 L11 ,M2{ L41. M 8 e,.6 LS8 L57 M48,. N37 5

..., , i.;-3 (.ms

. +.,_ - g ~ . , . .,M,58 ,.: . . . .


d, m n.r. : .

r . .n ve- . ~q . r.m. i .

l N20 L42 M54. L17 M04: L13" M15 L54 M72. L6G M LO7. iM27 L29 N13 6 1

e c:;e. w r., e.43.

.q , m;+

t N'o t v.s tt -

..: ,= y. .w  ?.< . r e i I NOS 'M40 L21' .M49 L38 L44 L43 L73 .M42 L52 M07

.'M25'. L39 M03 N28 7 i 4

v,,r :-


>:y y .u;-w i

.m i r.v..- -

p. :> gm it NC9 L40 MS,G LOG. M33 eg.

LG4 .

LG5 LG2 L22 L26 .M22

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L27 iM39

.nu LG1 N14 8 i t . .- - .

a w. ,, .. . .wc..

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+v ., ca:  ;

.  :::,o. .

w w i j

,. . .w - . .e ,n . , . .. m.s ,

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-,  :: ;n w . ~ <.y  : .~ - , ,n


[bh 2

N46 M06 LO8 .M b2 Ld9 '$f L50 tNb L60 [57' LO2 N44

. c. : w.d5 . rc  ;?.. . v . kk.b a .u:

L1G 39 11 N35 M0 L25 MkG L2h hk[b LOS $ik,>,.LO3 h,$b.k L35 N19 12 c;

-> . 3M r ti r - 3.( W o ... .

N31 N43 M01 L18 M21 ~ LO4 MG2' L37 M51 LO1 .M2G N2G N32

.+ J3 me .. m ,

N16 N36 M5[ LG3 N45 L24[5bb' L48 $1kk N25 N22 14 w ... m. -

N48 N41 N17 N39 N21 N05 NO3 15


0 L Region 1 (2.1 w/o)

Mi wy Region 2 (2,G w/o)

N Region 3 (3.1 w/o) sA ,


.9 - -

Ik'y , ,

ATT.'CHMENT 1-SELECTION OF DROPPED RODS FOR RATE TRIP TEST The purpose of the dynamic dropped rod test-is to verify that a reactor trip will occur via the Negative Flux Rate _ Trip Protection System for two dropped rods. Therefore, the rods selected for the test should be rods for which a reactor trip is not predicted based on conservative assumptions.

In aclecting these rods, four factors must be considereo:

1. The trip logic of the Flux Rate Trip
2. The arrangement of the rods in groups and banks 3 The location of the rods with respect to the excore detectors, and ,

l; 4. The worth of the rods.

Each of these is discussed belcw.

The Negative Flux Rate Trip function detects changes in power via the four power range excore detectors located on the core diagonals around the reactor vessel. Each power signal feeds a rate-lag unit which indicates any rapid change in nuclear power. If the rate-lag unit output exceeds the setpoint in two out of four channels, a reactor trip is initiated. To meet the single failure criterion, one channel must be assumed to fail, so the I logic is effectively three out of four. Therefore, the rods selected for the test must predict a trip on less than three channels.


Rod Cluster Control Assemblies (rods) are evenly distributed throughout the core as shutdown rods and control rods. The shutdown and control rods at Sequoyah unit 2 are organized into seven banks, each bank consisting of symmetrically distributed rods. A bank may be further subdivided into two groups which also have symmetric core patterns. The dropped rod accident is assumed to be initiated by a single electrical or mechanical failure

{ which causes rods from the same group of a given bank to drop to the bottom of the core. Therefore, the rods selected for the test must be from the same group. Rods from different groups are not considered since it would require more than one single failure to cause them to drop.

The location of the dropped rods with respect to the excore detectors is important both because of the trip logic which limits (to less than three) the number of detectors which can "see" the dropped rods sufficiently I

enough to trip their bistable and because the response of the detector is dependent upon the power in the assemblies nearest to it. The majority of

the ' signal produced at any excore detector is obtained from the assemblies on the periphery of the core next to the detector. The detector is less sensitive to power generated at the center or on the opposite side of the core. A rod dropped in a peripheral assembly would produce a large signal change at the nearby. detector; however, the remaining three detectors would see a much smaller change. Dropping two peripheral rods would produce '

strong signals from two detectors (the group requirement prohibits rods from being dropped in the same quadrant) while producing smaller signals at the remaining two channels. Therefore, dropping two rods which are next to two excore detectors will cause two bistables to trip, which is less than the three channels required to meet the single failure criterion.

4 v s m== m. _ _- z . w m e rt c r ~:-

/ . .

The final item of consideration is the worth of the dropped rods. Rods which cause a large amount of negative reactivity insertion will produce larger changes in power which will be seen by all the excore detectors.

Internally located rods have the highest worth since the majority of the power is produced in the inner regions of the core. To minimize detection of cropped rods for trip, it is desirable to select a pair of rods with a low worth.

In selecting rods in locations P-4 and D-2 of shutdown bank A, all of the above criteria are met. These rods are from the same group and are located in the outer edge assemblies of the core next to two excore detectors.

Their location serves to limit the response of the third detector required for the single failure and also minimizes worth.

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, SQNP *

,,i. , .IMI,-92-PRM-CAL . -


, Page 18 of 25 l; '

Riev. 8 J -l'

. ( .

i t l g 5.0 PERFORMANCE OF WORK - continued .

. t k 5.2.6 (continued) i t i

y. 37.

e' If XR-92-5001 AFI'indicites the desired value 10.-5% record on data sheet "as left". Otherwise the recorder may require

y. * , adj ustment. '
.;,e , 38. Turn TEST SIGNAL pot R301 fully CCW and repeat steps 36 and yt '37, but use TEST SIGNAL pot R302 and TP302.

W} 39. If the remaining sections of the CAL are not to be completed, go to section 7.

1 I


circuit NM311 and bistable relay drivers NC301 and NC303 ,

located in Power Range A drawer assembly proceed as outlined in this section.

, 1. Bypass the Power Range channel being adjusted, as.

specified in paragraph 5.2.1. Place OPERATION SELECTOR switch S303 in the NORMAL position.


2. Deenergize Power Range 3 drawer by removing the INSTR.  !

l 3 .

POWER fuses. -

t s

3. Disconnect high voltage connector plug P353 from


- Jack J353. ,

. I I

, 4. Disconnect DET A and B SIGNAL plugs P.351 and P352 from

! i Jacks J351 and J352, respectively.

. 1 > >

5. Connect a jumper from GND NM311 TP1H to INPUT NH311 TP211.

! 6. Connect a DVM between test points OUTPUT TP3H (+) and GND TP1H (common) on NM311.

! 7. Rotate DELAY ADJ control NM311R5H fully counterclockwise.

j (Initial calibration only.) ..

8. Energize Power Range B drawer by replacing the fuses.

i i  !

l .

j ,

. i


i -

l, j

4 l.



.i j.




,, . It!!-92-PRt!-CAL ' *

  • i f

Page 19 of 25 3 Rev. 5 r

, 5.0 PE,RFORt!ANCE OF WORK - continued 'I i i i

1 5.2.7 (continued)  :



! , 9. j Record the "as.found" value on data sheet N-41. If the DVM does not indicate.0.000 1 0.005 volts d.c. , adjust


i g ' ZERO ADJ potentiometer R711 until the DVi! indication is l within tolerance. Record "as left" value on data _ sheet.


10. Lock ZERO ADJ potentiometer R711.

, 11. Remove the jumper from TP1 and TP2 cn Nt!311.

, . 12. Rotate OPERATION SELECTOR switch S303 to the DET A & B position.

! 13. Adjust DETECTOR A and B TEST SIGNAL potentiometers R301 '

) and R302 for 2.083 i .005V as read by a DVM connected be-j

  • tween LEVEL TP301 (+) and GND TP305 (common) and LEVEL i TP302 (+) and GND (common).  ? -


14. Reconnect the DVt! between test ' points OUTPUT TP31! (+) and GND TP11! (common) on NM311 and wait E 30 sec. for the -

1 indication to reach a steady state condition. Record "as

{ found" on data sheet N-41.

15. If the DVM indication is not 0.000 1 0.005 volts d.c.

adjust BALANCE ADJ potentiometer Nt!311R311 until the .

! DVM indicati'on is within tolerance. Record "as left" value on data sheet N-41.

16. Lock BALANCE ADJ potentiometer R311.
17. , Connect the strip chart recorder between test points 'Grn) 1

' TP1 (common) and OUTPUT TP3 (+) on Power Range Rate cir- i

, I cuit module NM311. Operate strip chart as necessary to obtain the information required in step 18 (2"/sec, recorder '

j set on 10 volts).

l' 18. Introduce step inputs as described in steps 21 and 23 ,,

below. Record "as found" value on data sheet N-41. Ro-tate DELAY ADJ potentiometer Nt!311R51I until the time taken for the output of assembly NM311 to decay to 37%

of the peak value equals the desired delay time ,(3 'l.3 sec.). Record "as left" value on data sheet N-41.

i t .

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, , t.

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) s .

,l. ' f' -

SQNP * *

, 1NI-92-PRM-CAL i

6 Page 20 of 25 p Rev. 10 4

3 5.0 PERFORMANCE OF WORK - continued

[ ,

5.2.7 (continued)

19. After the DELAY ADJ cont ol is set, lock the pote'ntiometer.
v. NOTE: If the "As Found" values for the + 25 volt power
s- supplies and the bistable in question were found in 4 tolerance, Sections through need

.s not be performed. For this case write the "As Found"

+ data in the "As Lcft" data space. ;

, 20. NEGATIVE RATE TRIP setting is.3% of full power. Rotate OPERATION SELECTOR switch to the A & B position.

, 21. With DET A TEST SIGNAL potentiometer R301 fully CCW,  ; ,

adjust DET B TEST SIGNAL potentiometer R302 for a voltage '

reading of 4.167 i .005V at TP 306. Adjust DET ' A TEST '

SIGNAL potentiometer _ for a voltage reading of 4.417 i .005V at TP 306.

22. For initial adjustment only, rotate TRIP ADJ potentiometer R4E and LOOP ADJ potentiometer R11E on Negative Rate Trip, bistable relcy driver NC301 fully CW. , t NOTE: The. LOOP ADJ potentiometer R11E should be '

fully CW and will remain fully,CW.

j 23. Rotate OPERATION SELECTOR switch S303 from the DET A

, & B position to the DET B position to introduce a negative atep signal. .
24. Adjust TRIP ADJ potentiometer NC301R4E CCW in small .

increments. While holding RATE H0DE switch S304 in

the RESET position, rotate OPERATION SELECTOR switch

. S303 from DET A & B to DET B and back to DET A & B positions after each increment until the bistable l just trips as indicated by NEGATIVE RATE TRIP lamp ,

DS309 momentarily lighting. Allow 15 seconds to clapse each time before switching the OPERATION SELECTOR switch.

Record "as left" value on data sheet N-41. '

25. After the trip point is located, lock TRIP ADJ potentio-( , meter NC301R4E.

. 26. POSITIVE RATE TRIP setting is 5% of full power. Rotate -

0FERATION SELECTOR switch to the A & B position.



With DET A TEST SIGNAL potentiometer R301 fully CCW, verify the voltage at TP 306 is 4.167 .005V. If not,

required voltage is obtained. Adjust DET A TEST SIGNAL -

potentiometer for a voltage reading of 4.583.1 .005V ,

i  ! at TP306. . i-1 m

.i i

( jg.,

, i a :. m

  • I '

~ ,

i *


! * '. ,c . - IMI-92-PRM-CAL Pag'c 21 of 25


Rev. 8


,- 5.0 PERFORMANCE OF WORK - continued ,


, 5.2.7 (continued) 6

28. For initial adjustment only, rotate TRIP ADJ potentiometer R4E and LOOP ADJ potentiometer RllE on Positive Rate Trip bistable relay driver NC303 fully t'W.

' NOTE: The LOOP ADJ potentiometer R11E should be fully CW and will remain fully CW. .

29. Rotate OPERATION SELECTOR switch S303 from the DET B position to the DET A & B position to introduce a

, positive step signal.

30. Adjust TRIP ADJ potentiometer NC303R3E CCW in small increments. While holding RATE MODE switch S304 in the RESET position, rotate OPERATION SELECTOR suitch S303 from DET B to DET A & B and back to DET B po-sitions after eacit increment until the bistable just trips as indicated by POSITIVE RATE TRIP lamp DS308 momentarily lighting. Allow 15 seconds to elspee cach time before switching the OPERATION SELECTOR switch. Record "as Icf t" value on data sheet N-41.
31. After the trip point is located, lock TRIP ADJ potentio- '

meter NC303R4E.


  • 32. - With DET A TEST SIGNAL potentiometer R301 fully CCW, verify i .- i the voltage at TP306 is 4.167 i .005V. If not, adjust DET B TEST SIGNAL potentiometer R302 until the required y voltage is obtained. Adjust DET A TEST SIGNAL potentiometer for a voltage reading of 4.375 i .005V at TP 306.
33. Rotate OPERATION SELECTOR switch S303 from the DET A & B position to the DET B position. NEGATIVE RATE TRIP lamp should not light. ,

NOTE: If the lamp lights, the procedure starting from step 12 must be repeated. l t

-7 34. '

Rotate OPERATION SELECTOR switch S303 to the DET A and B

, 9 position and adjust DET A TEST SIGNAL potentiometer for a

  • voltage reading of 4.542 i .005V. Rotate OPERATION -
  • SELECTOR SWITCH S303 to the DET B position and reset the negative rate trip with RATE MODE switch S304.

O e

0 1

i 1 ,

-l , -



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SQNP .- *

, ,IMI-92,-PRM-CAL -

r, Page 22 of 25

! Rev. 10 5.0 PERFORMANCE OF WORK (Cont.) j.

l. l

, e 5.2.7 (Cont.) i j -

! 35. After 15 seconds rotate OPERATION SELECTOR switch S303 from the DET B position to the DET A & B position.

POSITIVE RATE TRIP lamp should not light.

NOTE: If the lamp lights, the procedure starting from step 13 must be repeated.

36. If the remaining sections of the CAL are not to be

, completed, go to section 7. '

I ff 5.2.8 BISTABLE RELAY DRIVERS NC302, 304, 305, 306, 307, and NC308 ADJUSTMENTS

. . I 4 NOTE: -If the "As Found" values for the + volt power supplies '

3 and the bistables in question were found in tolerance, t .,t- Section 5.2.8 need not be performed. For this case write j

  • the "As Found" data in the "As Left" data space. .

This paragraph describes the adjustment of bistable relay 8 drives NC302, 304, 305, 306, 307, and NC308. The adjustment y procedure for relay driver NC308 is described in detail, the other relay drivers are adjusted in accordance with data sheets in the same manner as histable relay driver e NC308. The adjustment procedure is as follows: -


, NOTE: Before any adjustments are made to the bistable i relay drivers make sure the adjustment procedures j

for the summing and 1cvel amplifier NH310 have been

' , completed in accordance with paragraph 5.2.5. i

1. Bypass-the Power Range channel being aligned as speci-fled in paragraph 5.2.1, steps 1 thru 5. If the plant is at too high a power level, remove the cables as specified in paragraph 5.2.1, steps 6, 7, 8, and 9.
2. Rotate OPERATION SELECTOR switch S303 to the DET A & B position. ..
3. Connect the DVM between TP306 (+) and TP305 (-).
4. For initial setup, rotate TRIP ADJ potentiometer R4E and LOOP ADJ potentiometer R11E on bistable relay driver 4 NC308 fully clockwise. Following the initial, setup the instrument mcch should use their own experience as a guideline.

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