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Responds to Generic Ltr 90-04, Request for Info on Status of Licensee Implementaion of Generic Safety Issues Resolved W/Imposition or Requirements or Corrective Actions. No Commitments Contained in Submittal
Person / Time
Site: Sequoyah  Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 06/21/1990
From: Wallace E
TASK-***, TASK-OR GL-90-04, GL-90-4, NUDOCS 9006270057
Download: ML20043H906 (11)


{{#Wiki_filter:- TENNECCEE VALLEY AUTHORITY CHATTANOOGA TENNESSEE 374ot j i $N 157B Lookout Place JUN 211990 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN Document Control Desk Washington, D.C. 20555 Gentlement In the Matter of ) Docket Nos. 50-327 Tennessee Valley Authority ) 50-328 SEQUOYAll NUCLEAR PLANT (SQN) - NRC GENERIC LETTER 90-04, REQUEST FOR INFORMATION ON Tile STATUS OF LICENSEE IMPLEMENTATION OF CENERIC SAFETY ISSUES RESOLVED WITil IMPOSITION OF REQUIREMENTS OR CORRECTIVE ACTIONS As requested in the subject generic letter, Enclosures 1 and 2 provide the L status of generic safety issues for SQN Units 1 and 2 respectively. For items in the enclosures that are not complete, the date is either a date that is a previous TVA conunitment or a projected date for completion. The projected dates are not considered as new conunitment dates. No conunitments are contained in this submittal. Please direct questions concerning this issue to Kathy S. Whitaker at (615) 843-7748. Very truly yours, TENNESSEE ALLEY AUT110RITY GL-E. G. Wallace, Manager Nuclear Licensing and Regulatory Affairs Enclosures cc (Enclosures): Ms. S. C. Black, Project Chief, I-IV U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Conunission One White Flint, North 11555 Rockville Pike, MS 13112 Rockville, Maryland 20852 NRC Resident luspector Sequoyah Nuclear Plant 2600 Igou Ferry Road Soddy Daisy. Tennessee 37379 l Mr. B. A. Wilson, Chief l of TVA Projects OlI U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region II '101 Marietta Street, NW, Suite 2900 L d Atlanta, Georgia 30323 \\ b bbc5 bbbho327 2 ^ " ' * ' O P " "" " D ' '" P ' "' P FDC


  • COMMENTS 46 (8665)

Safety Concerns Associated With NA Pipe Breaks in the BWR Scram System 41 (8058) . SWR Scram Discharge Volume Systems NA 43 (8107) . Reliability of Air Systems C Commitment completion letter dated February 14..1990.. 51 (L913) Improving the Reliability of I - 12/91 Response to Generic Letter (GL) 89-13 dated Opra-Cycle Service Water Systems January 26, 1990.~ Visual inspection of the essential raw cooling water (ERCW) intake and initial testing / inspections of various safety-related heat enchangers remain to be completed. ' 67.3.3 (A017) Improved Accident Monitoring I - 12/90 . Modifications to meet Regulatory Guide (RG) 1.97 will be completed by startup from Unit 2 Cycle 4 refueling outage. Technical Specification (IS) Change 89-30 was submitted January 22, 1990. Finalized program for RG 1.97 was submitted - m y 7, 1990. 75 (8076) Item 1.1 - Post-Trip Review C Responses provided November 7; 1983, and l (program Description and April 30. 1984. NRC safety evaluation Procedure) - report (SER) issued my 21,1%S.. I ,.;= ,O 9 ~ ~ 3,.,


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  • COMMENTS 75 (6085)

Item 1.2 - Post-Trip Review - C Responses provided November 7, 1983 Data and Information Capability tiay 2, 1986, and December 14, 1987. NRC SER issued July 11, 1989. 75 (8086) Item 2.2.1 - Equipment Classification C Responses provided November 7,1983, for Safety-Related Components-tiay 31, 1985, and December 4,1987. t6cC SER issuea June I, 1989. 75 (LOO 3) Item 2.2.2 - Vendor Interface for E - 9/90 Safety-Related Components 75 (8078) Items 3.1.1 & 3.1.2 - Postmaintenance C Response provided November 7, 1983. NRC SER issued December 18, 1986. Testing (Reactor Trip System Components) 75 (8079) Item 3.1.3 - Postmaintenance C Response provided November 7, 1983. NRC SERs issued November 19,1%5, and Testing-Changes to Test Requirements (Reactor Irip System Components) August I, 1986. 75 (8087) Items 3.2.1 & 3.2.2 - Postmaintenacce C Responses provided November 7, 1983, and Testing ( All Other Safety-Related February ll, 1987. NRC SER issued Components) August 24, 1987. 75 (8088) Item 3.2.3 - Postmaintenance Testing C Responses provided November 7,1983, and tsarch 20, 1986. NRC SER issued j Changes to test Requirements (All Other Saf ety-Related Components) August I, 1986. l 75 (8080) Item 4.1 - Reactor Trip Systen C Responses provided Noves.ber 7,1983, and I Reliability (Vendar-Related ttay 23, 1988. 74RC SER issued December 18, 1986. r Modifications) 75 (8077) Item 2.1 - Equipment Classification C Responses provided November 7, 1983, and Vendor Interf ace (Reactor Trip April 1,1987, and December 4, 1987. f4RC SER issued June 9,1%9. System Componeets) l l t I l l e

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. ~.. .. p, w.- .. ~. ~ .. - -. -.. ~ .. - ~ CSI/fMPA ND.1 TITtf 5TATUS* COMMENTS l' 75 (8681). Items 4.2.1 & 4.2.2 - Reactor Trip C Responses provided November 7,1983," and System Reliability-m intenance and October 19, 1988. - NRC SER issued Testing (Prewentative m intenance November 28, 1988.- and Surveillance Program for Reactor Trip Breakers) . 75 (8082) It.e 4.3 - Reactor Trip' System - C _ Responses prowided November' 7,1983, Reliability - Design Modifications August 27, 1984, and March 13, 1985. (Automatic Actuation of Shunt Response to IE Bulletin 85-02 provided Trip Attachment for Westinghouse December 3, 1985. TS Change 77, which and fed Plants) was submitted on January 20. 1987, provided verification of seismic qualification. Modifications completed August' 25.1966. HEC SER issued April 30, 1985. 75 (8090) Item 4.3 - Reactor Trip System C Responses provided November 7.1983. and ' Reliability - TS Changes August 27, 1984. TS Change 77 submitted (Auto.matic Actuation of Shunt January 28, 1987.- License amendment issued Trip Attachment for Westinghouse by NRC m rch 16, 1987. and imd Plants) 75 (8091) Ites 4.4 - Reactor Trip System NA Reliability (Improwenents in m intenance and Test Procedures for B&W Plants) - 75 (8092) Item 4.5.1 - Reactor Trip System C Responses provided November 7, 1983, Reli.hility-Diverse Trip Features August 27, 1984, and N rch 13, 1985. .(System functional Testing) NRC SER issued December 18, 1986. 75 (8093) Itees 4.5.2 & 4.5.3 - Reactor Trip C . Responses provided November 7, 1983, System Reliability - Test Alternatives-August 27, 1984, m rch-13, 1985, and and Intervals (System Functional my 23,1988. NRC SER issued Testing) June 22, 1989. ~' g r. .ua .-d. C, [ i ~ ~ - ]' N [ h. r ':. ' . ~ ~ .) Q. . g;, .n., g.. ~... .q % T- - [ .f- - .Q 4 o m de r 4 ~ ~^^ r. , = _

f.' 4-c C'.T W MpA Ido 1 TITtE STATUS


~86 (8084) Le ; % p Plan for Dealing with' .NA Stress Carresian Cracking in SWR Piping 1 3 (8498). -Steam Sinding of Auniliary C Response provided June 3, 1988. Procedure 'feedwater Pumps.. . SER issued July 20, 1968. revisions completed July 21,-1988. NRC - 99 (L817) RCS/RHR Suction Line Valve C Responses provided October 2, 1987, and l Interlock on PWRs February 2, 1989. TS Change 89-18 submitted December 8, 1989, and additional information submitted m rch 15c 1990. Ndification completed my 26, 1990. License amendment issued by hRC m y 9, la90. 124-Auniliary feed ater System NA- -keliability - A-13 (8017) Snubber Operability Assurance - .C TS change submitted April 9,' 1981, and Hydraulic Snubbers - revised TS change submitted August 28, 1981. License amendment issued m rch 25, 1982.- TS change to provide-consistency with Unit 2 TS submitted.. December 15, 1981. License amendment issued June 28, 1985. A-13 (8022) Snubber Operability Assurance - C- 'TS change submitted April 9,' 1%I, and Mechanical Snubbers - revised TS change submitted August.28, 1981. - License amendment issued m rch 25, 1982.- TS change to provide consistency with Unit 2 TS submitted December 15, 1981. License amendment issued June 28, 1985. ~ I r ~, r% g dp s s u_- d. m ~

m m ie: - l-ii CSI/fMPA ND.) IIILE STATUS

  • COPMENTS A-16'(D012)

Steam Effects on BWR Core M Spray Distribution A-35 (8023) Wy of Of fsite Power C T5 Change 36 submitted September 17, 1982, Systems and additional information submitted December 1,1982, and April 7,19ti3. Licensa amendment issued my 5,1983. B-10 Behavior of BWR teark III NA Containments B-36 Develop Design Testing, and NA mintenance Criteria for ( :. Atmosphere Cleanup System Air l-~ filtration and Adsorption Units for Engineered Safety features Systems and for Normal ventilation Systems S-63 (b045) Isolation of Low Pressure C ' Response provided June 19, 1987. T5 Systems Connected to the Reactor Change 87-35 submitted June 10, 1987,'NRC. Coolant System Pressure acceptance of SQN*s response dated { Boundary - July 6, 1988. [-

  • Status l.c.

NA - Not applicable - C - Complete !.~ I - Implementation Eo - Evaluation , +. g. m O) w ._4* Q + = + '., ' _-O ' h.s, Wk ~ c il:._-~Ah 2_,-

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  • C0tteTS

-40 (9665)_ Safety Concerns Associated With - NA Pine Breaks in the swr Scram System 41 (8058) BWR Scram Discharge volume Systems NA 43 (9107) Reliability of Air Systems C Commitment completion letter dated February 14, 1990. l: 51 (L913) Improving the Reliability of I - 12/90 Response to Generic Letter (GL) 89-13 dated Open-Cycle Service water Systems January 26, 1990. Visual inspection of the essential raw cooling water (ERCW) intake and initial testing / inspections of various safety-related heat exchangers remain to be completed. 67.3.3 (A017) Improved Accident Monitoring I - 12/90 Modifications to meet Regulatory Guide (RG) 1.97 will be completed by startup. from Unit 2 Cycle 4 refueling outage. Technical Specification (TS) Change 89-30 was submitted January 22, 1990. Finalized. program for RG 1.97 was submitted [. May 7.-1990. ~75 (8076) Item. l.1 - Post-Trip Review C Responses provided November 7,'1983, and (Program Description and April 30, 1984. NRC safety evaluation Procedure) report (SER) -issued May 21,1%S. e v N e (, 2.,, 'S ._4 ' 'j".. d ~ ~ { i _ 7 T~~-~ r _Q~ q: _ Q }' ' ' '^ ~~' _n L, %%w 1 . ~ ~ ~ i .'- - - <-D

............. CSI/fNPA NO_i TITtf STATt!S* EOMMENTS 75 (8085! Item 1.2 - Post-Trip Review - C Responses provided November 7,1%3, May 2,1986, and December 14, l%7. NRC Data and Information Capability SER issued July ll, 1989. 75 (8077) Item 2.1 - Equipment Classification C Responses provided November 7,1983, and Vendor Interface (Reactor Trip April 1, 1987, and December 4,1987. NRC SER issued June 9, 1989. System Components) 75 (8086) Ite. 2.2.1 - Equipment Classification C Responses provided November 7, 1983, for Safety-Related Components May 31, 1985, and December 4,1987. NRC SER issued June 1, 1989. 75 (LOO 3) Item 2.2.2 - Vendor Interface for E - 9/90 Safety-Related Components 75 (8078) Items 3.1.1 & 3.1.2 - Postmaintenance C Response presided November 7,1983. NRC 1ER issusd Deceder 18, 1986. Testing (Reactor Trip System Cos.ponents) 75 (8079) Item 3.1.3 - Postmaintenance C Response provided November 7, 1983. NRC SERs issued November 19,1%5, and Testing-Chan9es to Test Requirements (Reactor Trip System Components) August 1, 1986. 75 48087) Items 3.2.1 & 3.2.2 - Postmaintenance C Responses provided November 7,1983, and Testing (All Other Safety-Related f~ebruary 11, 1987. NRC SER issued August 24, 1987. Components) 75 (8088) Item 3.2.3 - Postmaintenance Testing C Responses provided November 7,1983, and Changes to Test Requirements (All March 20,1986. NRC SER issued Other Safety-Related Components) August I, 1986. 75 (8080) Item 4.1 - Reactor Trip System C Responses provided November 7, 1983, and Reliability (Vendor-Related Ma y 23, 1988. NRC SER issued December 18, 1986. Modifications) l 9' F O .s.,

m_._ . _.. ~ Mr/f MPA sed.i IR11 STATUS

  • COMMENTS 75 (8081)

Items 4.2.1 & 4.2.2 - Reactor Trip C Responses provided November 7,'1983, and System Reliability-mintenance and October 19, 1988. ' NRC SER issued ' Testing (Preventative Maintenance November 28, 1968, and Surweillance Program for Reactor Trip Breakers) 75 (8082) Item 4.3 - Reactor Trip System. C- ~ Responses provided Wowember 7,1983, Reliability - Design N difications August 27, 1984, and March 13, 1985. (Automatic Actuation of Shunt Response to IE Bulletin 85-02 provided Trip Attachment for Westinghouse December 3,1985. ~ TS Change 77, which and 84W Plants) 'was suba.itted on January 20, 1987, provided verification of-seismic qualification. Modifications completed August 25, t%6. NRC SER issued April 30, 1985. 75 (8090) Item 4.3~- Reactor Trip System C Responses provided November 7, 1983,'and Reliability - TS Changes _ January 20,1%7. License amendment issued August 27, 1984. TS Change 77 submitted (Automatic Actuation of Shunt Trip Attachment for Westinghouse by NRC March 16, 1987, and 84W Plants) 75 (8091) Item 4.4 - Reactor Trip System NA Reliability (Improvements in . Maintenance and Test Procedures for B&W Plants) 75 (8092) Item 4.5.1 - Reactor Trip System C Responws provided November 7,1983 Reliability-Diverse Trip features 27, 1984,- and March 13,'1985. (System functional Testing). NRC SER issued December 18, 1986. t ~ Gf ~ M 't ~ " ($:' C',( 9-R ._ "^ ~ ~" ~ ,m ,.c N-~... __ q

L-l l. ESf/fMPA teD.) TITtE STATUS

  • ComfMTS 75 (8093) ~

Items 4.5.2 & 4.5.3 - Reactor Trip .C Responses provided November 7,1983, System Reliability - Test Alternatives August 27, 1984, March 13, 1985, and and Intervals (System functional -May 23 '1988. - esRC SER issued Testing) June 22, 1969. 86 (8084) Le

  • a ;* Plan for Dealing with IIA Stress Corrosion Cracking in SWR Piping 93 (9098)

Steam Binding of Auxiliary C Response provided June 3, 1988. Procedure 'feedeater Pumps revisions completed July 21, 1988. NRC -5ER issued July 20 -1988., 99 (t817) RCS/Rt1R Suction Line Valve I - 12/90 Responses provided October 2,1987, and Interlock on PWRs February 2, 1989.. TS Change 89-18 submitted December 8,1%9, and additional information submitted March 15, 1990. Modifications are scheduled for Unit 2 Cycle 4 refueling outage. License amendment issued by seRC May 9,1990. 124 Ausiliary feedwater System NA Reliability A-13 (8017) Snubber Operability Assurance - NC Snubber. TSs were issued with the Unit 2 Hydraulic Snubbers full-power license dated September 15, 1981. A-13 (9622) <m.hhar Operability Assur nce - NC Snubber TSs were issued with the Unit 2 Mechanical h hhars full-power license dated September 15, 1981. .g.

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  • CDf9fMTS A-16 (0412)

Steam Effects on SWR Core mA Spray Distribution A-35 (8023) A m y of Offsite Power C TS Change 36 submitted September 17, 1982 Systees and additional information submitted December 1,1982, and April 7,1983. License amendment issued m y 5, 1983. S-18 Behavior of BWR mrk III NA Containments 6-36 Develop Design, Testing, and NA mintenance Criteria for Atmosphere Cleanup System Air Filtration and Adsorption i) nits for Engineered Safety features Systems and for Normal ventilation Systems S-63 (8045) Isolation of Low Pressure C Response provided June 19, 1987. TS Systems Connected to the Reactor Change 87-35 submitted.kne 10,1%7. t4RC. Coolant System Pressure acceptance of SQN's response dated Soundary July 6, 1988. .h-d aia - not a,.p?icable C - Comple w ! - !st.1e m iation E - Evaluation NC - % Ctunges

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