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Responds to NRC 800410 Ltr Requesting Proposed Changes to Tech Specs to Clarify Meaning of Operable Re Single Failure Criterion for Reactor Safety Sys.Proposed Tech Spec Changes 35 & 3 Encl
Person / Time
Site: North Anna  Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 05/16/1980
From: Ferguson J
To: Clark R, Harold Denton
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML19323D999 List:
422, NUDOCS 8005220624
Download: ML19323D998 (3)



VinoixrA Er.ncrHrC AND Pownn Coxiwxy H acuwoxo,VamorMIA 20261 May 16, 1980 Mr. Ilarold R. Denton, Director Serial No. 442 Of fice of Nuclear Reactor Regulation LQA/WRM:rab Attn: Mr. Robert A. Clark, Chief Operating Reactors Branch No. 3 Docket Nos. 50-338 Division of Licensing 50-339 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission License Nos. NPF-4 Washington, D.C. 20555 NPF-7

Dear Mr. Denton:

AMENDMENT TO OPERATING LICENSES NPF-4 AND NPF-7 NORTil ANNA POWER STATION UNIT NOS.1 AND 2 PROPOSED TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION CHANGES Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.90, the Virginia Electric and Power Company hereby requests an amendment, in the form of changes to the Technical Specifications to Operating Licenses NPF-4 and NPF-7 for the North Anna Power Station, Unit Nos. 1 and 2. The proposed changes are enclosed and have been designated Change No. 35 for Unit 1 and Change No. 3 for Unit 2.

In a letter f rom Mr. D. G. Eisenhut dated April 10, 1980, we were requested to submit proposed changes to the Technical Specifications for North Anna Units No.1 and 2 which would clarify the meaning of the term OPERABLE as it applies to the single failure criterion for reactor safety systems. In accordance with the request, the enclosed proposed changes clarify the definition of operability in the North Anna Technical Specifications.

A new Limiting Condition for Operation and a corresponding Basis have been proposed for both Unit 1 and Unit 2. Proposed Specifica-tion 3.0.5 will clarify the interaction of the Limiting Conditions for Operation for a support system and the Limiting Condition for Operation for equipment, thereby enhancing the margin of safety by adding assurance that safety systems are available.

This request has been reviewed and approved by the Station Nuclear S-My and Operating Committee and the System Nuclear Safety and Operating Committee. It has been determined that this request does not involve an unreviewed safety question.

This request has been reviewed in accordance with the criteria in 10 CFR 170.22. Since this request is in response to NRC recommendations and simply provides additional clarification of the existing Technical Specifications, this request is administrative in nature; therefore, a Class II license amendment fee is required for Unit 1 and a Class I license THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS 8005221624 P00R QUAUTY PAGES l

Vimm w 4 EtzCTRIC AND POWEk COMhNY TO Mr. Ilarold R. Denton 2 amendment fee is required for Unit 2. Accordingly, a voucher check in the amount of $1,600.00 is enclosed in payment of the required fees.

Very truly yours, J. H. Ferguson Executive Vice President-Power Attachments:

1. Proposed Technical Specification Change No. 35

- Unit No. 1

2. Proposed Technical Specification Change No. 3

- Unit No. 2

3. Voucher Check No. 18767 for $1,600.00 cc: Mr. bs. Joe Youngblood, Chief Licensing Branch 1 Division of Licensing Mr. James P. O'Reilly, Director Office of Inspection and Enforcement Region II 1

l l


) s. s.


Before me, a Notary Public, in and for the City and Common- ,

wealth aforesaid, today personally appeared J. H. Ferguson, who being l duly sworn, made oath and said (1) that he is Executive Vice President- l Power of the Virginia Electric and Power Company, (2) that he is duly authorized to execute and file the foregoing Amendment in behalf of that Company, and (3) that the statements in the Amendment are true to the best of his knowledge and belief.

Given under my hand and notarial seal this IbD day of U ,, Abo.

My Ccmmission expires bhuoru QO,19 B) 9 W ~

afNotary 199Public 14//~ ,

l (SEAL)
