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Proposed Tech Specs 3.14,4.0,4.1,4.17 & 4.18 Requiring Limiting Condition for Operation for Hydraulic Shock Suppressor Operability & Appropriate Surveillance Requirements to Assure Suppressor Performance & Reliability
Person / Time
Site: Oconee  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 08/15/1975
Shared Package
ML19312C007 List:
NUDOCS 7911270784
Download: ML19312C010 (15)


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3.14 HYDRAULIC SHOCK SUPPRESSORS Applicability Applies to all modes of operation except cold shutdown and refueling shut-down.

Objective To assure piping integrity in the event of a severe transient or seismic disturbance.

Specification 3.14.1 Except as permitted by 3.14.2 and 3.14.3, the reactor shall not be heated above 200 F unless all hydraulic shock suppressors listed in Table 4.18-1 are operable.

3.14.2 If a hydraulic shock suppressor is determined to be inoperable, continued operation is permitted for a period not to exceed 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br />, unless the suppressor is sooner made operable.

3.14.3 If the requirements of 3.14.1 and 3.14.2 cannot be met, the reactor shall be in a cold shutdown condition within 36 hours4.166667e-4 days <br />0.01 hours <br />5.952381e-5 weeks <br />1.3698e-5 months <br />.

Bases Suppressors are designed to prevent unrestrained pipe motion under dynamic ,

loads as might occur during an earthquake or severe transient, while allowing l normal thermal motion during startup and shutdown. The consequence of an inoperable suppressor is an increase in the probability of structural damage to piping as a result of a seismic or other event initiating dynamic loads.

It is therefore required that all hydraulic suppressors required to protect the primary coolant system or any other safety system or component be operable during reactor operation.

Since the suppressor protection is required only during relatively low probability events, a period of 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> is allowed for repairs or replace-ments. In case a shutdown is required, the allowance of 36 hours4.166667e-4 days <br />0.01 hours <br />5.952381e-5 weeks <br />1.3698e-5 months <br /> to reach a cold shutdown condition will permit an orderly shutdown consistent with


standard operating procedures. Since plant startup should not commence with knowingly defective safety-related equipment, Specification 3.14.1 prohibits startup with inoperable suppressors.

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~ r, 4 SURVEILLANCE RE0HIREMENTS 4.0 SURVEILLANCE STANDARDS Applicability Applies to surveillance requirements which relate to tests, :alibrations and inspections necessary to assure that the quality of structures, systems and components is maintained and that operation is within the safety limits and limiting conditions for operation.

Obj ective To specify minimum acceptable surveillance requirements.

Specification 4.0.1 Surveillance of structures, systems, components and parameters shall be as specified in the various subsections to this Technical Specification section, Section 4.0, except as per-mitted by Technical Specifications 4.0.2 and 4.0.3 below.

4.0.2 Minimum surveillance frequencies, unless specified otherwise, may be adjusted as follows to facilitate test scheduling:

Maximum Allowable Specified Frequency Interval Between Surveillances Five times per week 2 days Two times per week S days Weekly 10 days Bi-Weekly 20 days Monthly 45 days Bi-Monthly 90 days Quarterly 135 days Semiannually 270 days Annually 18 months l 18 Months 24 months l 4.0.3 ' If conditions exist such that surveillance of an item is not necessary to assure that operation is within the safety limits and limiting conditions for operation, surveillance need not be performed if such conditions continue for a length of time greater than the specified surveillance interval. Surveillance waived as a result of this specification shall be performed prior to returning to conditions for which the surveillance is necessary to assure that operation is within safety limits and limiting conditions for operation.




1. Control Rod Movement ( } Movement of Each Rod Bi-Weekly
2. Pressurizer Safety Valves Setpoint 50% Annually
3. Main Steam Safety Valves Setpoint 25% Annually
4. Refueling System Interlocks Functional Prior to Refueling
5. Main Steam Stop Valves (l) Movement of Each Stop Monthly Valve
6. Reactor Coolant System ( } Evaluate Dail, Leakage
7. Condenser Cooling Water Functional Annually System Gravity Flow Test
8. High Pressure Service Water Functional Monthly Pumps and Power Supplies
9. Spent Fuel Cooling System Functional Prior to Refueling

( ) Applicable only when the reactor is critical.

( ) Applicable only when the reactor coolant is above 200 F and at a steady-state temperature and pressure.



.,' .a 4.17 (RESERVED) i e

t 4.17-1

,n 4.18 HYDRAULIC SHOCK SUPPRESSORS Applicability Applies to hydraulic shock suppressors used to prctect the Reactor Coolant System or other safety-related systems.

Obj ective To verify that required hydraulic shock suppressors are operable.

Specification 4.18.1 All hydraulic shock suppressors listed in Table 4.18-1 whose seal material has been demonstrated by operating experience, lab testing or analysis to be compatible with the operating environment shall be visually inspected to verify operability as follows:

Number of Suppressors Found Next Required Inoperable During Last Inspection Inspection Interval 0 18 months 1 Annually 2 Semiannually 3,4 Triannually  :

5,6,7 Bi-Monthly  :

>8 Monthly Note: The required inspection interval shall not be lengthened more than one step per inspection.

4.18.2 All hydraulic shock suppressors listed in Table 4.18-1 whose seal materials have act been demonstrated to be compatible with the operating environment shall be visually inspected for operability monthly.

4.18.3 Every 18 months at least two representative suppressors from a relatively severe environment shall be completely disassembled and examined for damage and abnormal seal degradation.

Bases l

l All saf ety-related hydraulic suppressors are visually inspected for overall l integrity and operability. The inspection will include verification of proper j orientation, adequate hydraulic fluid level and proper attachment of suppressor to piping and structures.

l The inspection frequency is based upon maintaining a constant level of l suppressor protection. Thus the required inspection interval varies inversely with the observed suppressor failures. The number of inoperable suppressors found during a required inspection determines the time interval 4.18-1


- a d for the next required inspection. Inspections performed before that interval has elapsed may be used as a new reference point to determine the next in-spection. However, the results of such early inspections performed before the original required time interval has elapsed may not be used to lengthen the required inspection interval. Any inspection whose results require a shorter inspection interval will override the previous schedule.

Experience at operating facilities has shown that the required surveillance program should assure an acceptable level of suppressor performance provided that the seal materials are compatible with the operating environment.

Suppressors containing seal material which has not been demonstrated by operating experience, lab tests or analysis to be compatible with the operating environment should be inspected more frequently (every month) until material I compatibility is confirmed or an appropraite changeout is completed.

Examination of defective suppressors at reactor facilities and material tests performed at several laboratories (Reference 1) has shown that millable gum polyurethane deteriorates rapidly under the temperature and moisture conditions present in many suppressor locations. Although molded polyurethane exhibits greater resistance to these conditions, it also may be unsuitable for appli-cation in the higher temperature environments. Data are not currently available to precisely define an upper temperature limit for the molded polyurethane. Lab tests and in-plant experience indicate that seal materials are available, primarily ethylene propylene compounds, which should give satisfactory performance under the most severe conditions expected in reactor installa tions.

To complement the visual external inspections, disassembly and internal examination for component damage and abnormal seal degradation should be performed. The examination of two units, each refueling cycle, selected from relatively severe environments should adequately serve this purpose.

Any observed wear, breakdown or deterioration will provide a basis for additional inspections.

REFERENCE (1) Report, H. R. Erickson, Bergen-Patterson, to K. R. Goller, NRC, October 7, 1974.


Hydraulic Shock Sway Arrestors 4.18-2

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t Table 4.18-1 Safety-Related Hydraulic Shock Suppressors Oconee 1 Location (Engineering System Number) Sketch / Hanger Number Main Steam Line (01A) 1-124 1-125 1-127 1-128 1-129 l-130 1-132 1-134 1-135 1-147 1-149 l-151 1-152 H llA H 12A H 10B H llB Main Steam Bypass To Condenser (01 A-1) 1-941 1-944 1-945 Main Steam Supply to Auxiliary Equipment ( 01A-3) 1-3135 Main Steam Supply to Emergency Feedwater Pump Turbine 1-1305 (OlA-4) 1-1310 l 1-1315 Main Feedwater Line (03) H 7B H 10A l I

Emergency Feedwater Line (03A) 1-1289 1-1292 1-1293 1-1294 i

1-1295 i 1-1296

( 1-1297

l-1298 j 1-1299 l 4.18-3


,m Table 4.18-1 (Continued)

Location (Engineering System Number) Sketch / Hanger Number Emergency Feedwater Line (03A) (Continued) 1-5600 1-5601 1-5602 1-5603 1-5604 1-5605 1-5606 H 7B Reactor Coolant System (50) 1-4100 1-4102 1-4104 1-4105 1-4107 1-4109 1-4111 1-4112 1-4113 1-4115 1-4116 1-4117 H1 H3

, H4

5 2- 7

. 8 H9 H 10 H 11 H 12 H 1A H 2A H 3A High Pressure Injection Sysr.em (51) H 17A )

H lE l 1

i Low Pressure Injection System (53) H 5 (2,NS-EW)

H 40C H 41C o

Reactor Building Spray System (54) 1-2139 1-2149 H 9A E 9B 4-18-4


n Table 4.18-1 (Continued) l Location (Engineering System Number) Sketch / Hanger Number 1

Pressurizer Relief Valve Discharge (57) H5 H6 H9 H 10 H 11 H 14 l H 15 H 17 H 18 j H 22 i H 26 H 27 I

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Table 4.18-1 Safety-Related Hydraulic Shock Suppressors Oconee 2 Location (Engineering System Number) Sketch / Hanger Number Main Steam Line (OlA) 2-127 2-128 2-129 2-130 2-134 2-135 2-147 2-149 2-151 2-152 H 2A H 8A H 2B H 8B Main Steam Bypass to Condenser (OlA-1) 2-941 2-944 2-945 Main Steam Supply to Auxiliary Equipment (OlA-3) 2-3135 -

Main Steam Supply to Emergency Feedwater Pump Turbine 2-1309 (OlA-4) 2-1322 2-1323 2-1324 2-1326 2-1327 2-1329 2-1333 Main Feedwater Line (03) H 6A & H 7A H 6B Emergency Feedwater Line (03A) 2-1289 2-5656 2-5663 2-5685 2-5691 H 1A H 3A 4.18-6 l


.m Table 4.18-1 (Continued)

Locacion (Engineering System Number) Sketch / Hanger Number i

Emergency Feedwater Line (03A) (Cont'd) H 5A H 7A H 1B Reactor Coolant System (50) 2-4100 2-4105 2-4107 2-4109 2-4111 2-4112

  • 2-4113 2-4114 2-4115 2-4117 l 2-4119 2-4120 )

H1 l H3 l H4 l H5 H7 H8 H9 H 10 H 11 H 12 H 1A H 2A H 3A High Pressure Injection System (51) 2-4482 H 2A H 1E Low Pressure Injection (53) 2-2086 2-2089 2-4206 H3 H 1E Reactor Building Spray System (54) 2-2139 2-2149 2-2172 2-2174 H 9A H 9B 4.18-7

a - m A- a:- a - + - - - - e s- - u m -

Table 4.18-1 (Continued) 1 Location (Engineering System Number) Sketch / Hanger Number Spent Fuel Cooling (56) H9 H 10 Pressurizer Relief Valve Dir.:harge (57) H7 H9 H 15 H 16 H 17 1

H 20 I H 21 H 23 l

H 25 3 H 26 i

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. 4.18-8 i


A Table 4.18-1 Safety-Related Hydraulic Shock Suppressors Oconee 3 Location (Engineering System Number) Sketch / Hanger Number Main Steam Line (01A) 3-124 3-125 3-126 3-128 3-129 3-130 3-131 3-132 3-133 3-135 3-147 3-149 I H 2A H 8A H 2B H 8B Main Steam Bypass to Condenser (01A-1) 3-956 3-957 3-959 3-960 Main Steam Supply to Auxiliary Equipment (01A-3) 3-3109 Main Steam Supply to Emergency Feedwater Pump Turbine 3-1311 (OLA-4) 3-1312 l 3-1314 l 3-1316 3-1317 3-1318 3-1319 3-1320 Main Feedwater Line (03) H 6A & H 7A l H 6h Emergency Feedwater Line (03A) 3-1274 3-1379 3-1280 3-5606 3-5624 3-5628 4.18-9 H 1A

,.m s Table 4.18-1 (Continued)

Location (Engineering System Number) Sketch / Hanger Number Reactor Coolant System (50) 3-4100  ;

3-4105 3-4107 3-4109 3-4111 3-4112 3-4113 3-4114 3-4115 3-4117 3-4119 3-4120 H1 H3 H4 H5 H7 H8 H9 H 10 H 11 H 12 H 1A H 2A H 3A High Pressure Injection System (51) 3-2214 H 2A H 1E Low Pressure Injection System (53) 3-4271 3-4273 3-4280 3-4281 3-4282 3-4287 3-4288 H3 H IC Reactor Building Spray System (54) 3-2140 3-2165 3-2174 H 9A i

H 9B l

l 4.18-10 l

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J Table 4.18-1 (Continued)

Location (Engineering System Number) Sketch / Hanger Number Spent Fuel Cooling System (56) 3-5700 3-5703 3-5707 3-5709 3-5712 3-5716 3-5718 H9

H 10 Pressurizer Relief Valve Discharge (57) H7 H9 H 15 H 16 H 17 H 2O H 21 H 23 H 25 H 26 4.18-11

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