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Proposed Tech Specs Changing UFSAR by Increasing Max Rod Internal Pressure in Spent Fuel Pool from 1,200 to 1,300 Psig
Person / Time
Site: Oconee  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 09/30/1998
Shared Package
ML15112A259 List:
NUDOCS 9810060145
Download: ML20154C102 (3)




Oconce Nuclear Station v

15.1I Fuel Handling Accidents 5


t h bubble rise time, seconds i,

5' d = effective bubble diameter, em 5

Since the mimmum water depth over a dropped fuel assembly is less than 23 feet (21.34 feet), the assumed 5

iodine DF must be less than 100, according to Reg. Guide 1.25, and calculated with comparable


5 conservatism as done in Reg. Guide 1.25. Using the above relationship, with a water depth of 21.34 feet, M*he fuel - "h[ qual to 19 (Reference OSC-6070).

a comparable DF is e 5

J$4et A ff$McM I'N#'

5 T

y. :;r pressufe, at a Spent Fuel Pool bulk temperature of 150 F.

M"M e L 5

less than 1200 psig[ based on the present TACO 2 computer code licensing limit of 2200 psia at operating 5

system condition (Reference FSAR Section, " Fuel Thermal Analysis").

e85ct i D 5

The hetivity released from the water's surface is released within a two-hour period as a ground release.

5 The atmospheric dilution is calculated using the two-hour ground release dispersion factor of 2.2 x 104 5

sec/m2 5

The totalintegrated dose (2-br EAB) to the whole body at the 1-mile exclusion distance is 0.185 Rem and l.-

5 the thyroid dose at the same distance is 52.45 Rem. These values are far below the limits given in L

5 10CFR100 of 25 Rem whole body and 300 Rem thyroid.

.5 Base Case Fuel Handling Accident inside Containment l

l 5

In 1977, the NRC asked Oconee to evaluate the offsite dose consequences for a fuel handling accident l

5 inside containment, per the guidance given in Reg. Guide 1.25. Since the shallow end of the fuel transfer l

5 canalis at an elevation of 816.5 feet, the same iodine decontammation factor used for the Fuel Handling l

5 Accident in the Spent Fuel Poolis used for the Fuel Handling Accident inside Contamment. The activity l

5 released from the refueling water is released as a ground release, which has an atmosphenc dispersion 5

factor of 2.2 x 104 sec/m2. There is no credit taken for any containment closure / integrity resulting in the 5

released activity from the refueling water going straight outside.

l i

5 Using the fuel assembly gap inventory in Table 15-1, and assuming all 208 fuel pins are damaged, the 5

two-hour EAB dose is 0.185 Rem to the whole body and 52.45 Rem to the thyroid. These values are 5

appropriately within the guidelines given in 10CFR100 (appropriately within means 100 Rem to the 5

thyroid), and are identical to the base case Spent Fuel Pool Fuel Handling Accident described in Section l

l 5, " Base Case Fuel Handling Accident in Spent Fuel Pool."

l S

1 5.:11.2.3 Supplemental Cases of Fuel Handling Accidents l-5 To provide additional information as to the sensitivity of various input assumptions into the offsite dose 5

consequences of the fuel handling accident, additional supplemental cases are described here.


5 If the radioisotope release from the spent fuel pool water's surface is assumed to be captured by the Spent 5

Fuel Pool Ventilation System, resulting in an elevated release, (atmospheric dispersion factor is equal to 5

3.35 x 10-5 sec/m3) and assuming that the Spent Fuel Pool Filters are 90% efficient for the removal of elemental and particulate iodine, and 70% efficient in the removal of organic iodine, the resultant 5

two-hour offsite dose is calculated to be 1.2 Rem thyroid and 0.021 Rem whole body at the exclusion 5

area boundary (EAB).


9810060145 980930


2 of k PDR ADOCK 05000269 (31 DEC 1997)


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l L r, Attcchment.4 l'

Markup of UFSAR Change L'

I l

INSERT A-(Section- Dace 15-34)

H Duke will use a DF equal to 89 for a maximum rod internal pressure in the spent fuel pool of 1300 psig-for the fuel

-handling accident analysis per reference 21. lThis was justified in Reference 21 using the WCAP-7828 methodology described above.


INSERT B (Section, oace 15-34) cnr is calculated to be less-than 1300 psig (based on the present TACO 3 computer code licensing limit of a proprietary value above nominal system pressure at operating system conditions)~.

t i.

I i

Oconee Units 1, 2,

and 3 3 of 4 i


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15.16 Post-Accident Hydrogen Control Oconee Nuclear Station

-5 15.16.7. REFERENCES 1

1. Shure, K., Fission Product Decay Energy, WAPD-BT-24, December 1961.


2. Allen, A. O., The Radiation Chemis:ry of Water and Aqueous Solutions, D von Nostrand Co., Inc.,



3. Morrison, D. L, An Evaluation of the Applicability of Existing Data to the Analytical Description of I

a Nuclear. Reactor Accident, Quarterly Progress Report for April through June,1968, BMI-IB44, July 1



4. Zittel, II. E.,

Radiolysis Studies, ORNL Nuclear Safety Research and Development Program 1

, Bi-monthly Report for September-October 1967, ORNieTM-2057, Nov. 27,1967.


5. Coward, II. F., Jones, G. W., Limits of Flammability of Gases and Vapors, Bureau ofMines Bulletin 1.



6. Markstein, G., " Instability Phenomena in Combustion Waves',4th Symposium on Combustion.



7. Shapiro, A.

M., Mofette, T.

R., Hydrogen Flammability Data and Application to PWR 1

Loss-of-Coolant Accident, WAPD-SC-545, September 1957.


8. Coleman, L F., et al, Large-Scale Fission Product Transport Experiments, BNWL 926, pp. 2.1 to 1

2.21, Dec.1968.


9. Stinchcombe, R. A., Goldsmith, P., " Removal of lodine from Atmosphere by Condensing Steam",

1 Journal ofNuclear Energy Parts A/B 20, pp. 261 to 275,1966.


10. Stinchcombe, R. A., Goldsmith, P., Clean.up of Submicron Particles by Condensing Steam, 1


11. Goldsmith, P., May, F. G., 'Diffusiophoresis and Thormophoresis in Water Vapor Systems", Aer$ sol I

1 Science, C. N. Davies, Ed., Academic Press, Inc., New York, New York, pp. 163-194 (1966).


12. liyland, E. L, ' Design Criteria, Contamment liydrogen Recombiner System (Rev. 0)," Duke Power 1.

Company, June 24,1983.


13. II. B. Tucker (Duke) letter to II. R. Denton (NRC) dated October 20,1986.


14. Regulatory Guide 1.7 (Rev 2), " Control of Combustible Gas Concentrctions in Containment i

5 Following a Loss-of-Coolant Accident' l


15. OSC - 6191 (Rev. 0), ' Reanalysis of Oconee liydrogen Recombiner and Purge System Requirements' S
16.,Wiens, L A. (NRC) letter to J. W. Ilampton (Duke) dated February 7,1996.


17. OSC - 123 (Rev.1), " Activity on l'ilter RB liydrogen Purge' 5
18. OSC - 6534 (Rev. 0), 'llydrogen Purge Cart Operator Dose Rate' j


19. OSC - 3781 (Rev. 5), " Documentation of Maximum Ilypothetical Accident (MiiA). Dose Model For 5

Oconee Nuclear Station' i


20. OSC - 6064 (Rev.1), ' Estimated' Radiation Dose Rates in the Aux 2hary Building Following a Large l

5 Break IDCA" l


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