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Facility Tech Specs 3.9.9 Through 3.9.11 to Control Waste Water Pond Radioactivity
Person / Time
Site: Oconee  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 08/07/1978
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML19329A276 List:
NUDOCS 8001020852
Download: ML19329A279 (7)


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OCONEE TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS TO CONTROL WASTE WATER PONDS' RADI0 ACTIVITY 3.9.9 (a) The total quantity of radioactivity in the waste water / chemical treatment ponds (CTP) shall be limited to the quantities specified by the following expression:

.I AjQi 1 30_and, I BjQi 1 9 i

where:.Qj total quantity of radionuclide i in the Ci



Ai -= conversion factor relating quantity of radionuclide i and the critical' organ dose commitment in mrem /Ci.

See Table 3.9.9-1.

Bj conversion factor relating quantity of radionuclide i


and the total body dose commitment in mrem /Ci.

See Table 3.9.9-1.


Discharge of resins from the secondary water clean-up system (SWCU) to the CTP shall not be allowed if noble-gases have been detected in the secondary system during their use.

. (c)' Samples of the resin from the SWCU shall be analyzed by gamma spectra analysis following each batch of' backwash.

A proportional composite sample of the resins and resin backwash water shall be analyzed quar-terly for P-32, Fe-55, Sr-89 and Sr-90.

Discharge of the resins from

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-8001029 4


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the SWCU to the CTP shall not be allowed if the radioactivity. of the previous batch of resin. backwash exceeded 0.01% of the limits of

- Specification' 3.9.9.a., i.e.,


I AjQj 1.003 or

. IBjQj



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A cumulative inventory (decay corrected) or the total radio-3.9.10 activity by individudl nuclides discharged to the CTP shall be maintained and updated at least monthly.

Radioactivity input into the CTP shall be accounted for by:

(1) turbine building sump monitoring (Specification 3.9.11) and (2) separate samples of resin and resin backwash water from the secondary water clean-up system following each batch of backwash to the CTP (Specifi-cation 3.9.9(c)). A representative sample of the CTP water and basin bottoms shall be collected semi-annually and analyzed for P-32, Fe-55, Sr-89, Sr-90 and gamma isotopic.

The cummulative inventory, quantities discharged, and results of the sample analysis shall be reported in the semi-annual effluent report. A composite sample of the discharge from the oil collection basin shall be analyzed weekly by gama spectra analysis and quarterly for P-32, Fe-55, Sr-89 and Sr-90.

the results in terms of the total quantity of the individual radionuclides released to the environment shall be included in the semi-annual effluent report.

The turbine bui' ding sump shall be continuously monitored for radio-3.9.11 activity to a seasitivity of 1 x 10-6 pCi/ml water.

The monitor shall be set to alarm in the cor. trol room at a concentratior of greater than 5 x 10-6 uCi/ml.

The monitor shall be calibrated at least once per 18 months and a functional test daily. Wi;h the monitor inoperable and the turbine building sump operatino a i




continuous discharge mode, representative grab samples will be-taken every 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> and analyzed for gross beta, gamma. With the. monitors' inoperable and the turbine building sump operating in a ~ batch discharge mode, a representative grab sample of the sump shall be analyzed for gross beta, ganma before discharge.



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ASSUMPTIONS IN CALCULATING DOSE TO A FROM RADI0 ACTIVITY RELEASES FROM THE C AT OCONEE-Oconee is from fish The dominant dose pathway for liquid effluents at This pathway is estimated to account an adult individual.

l The

_ ingestion tal body or critical organ dose of an individua.

I for 98% c i

ay alone is considered for determining limit ng fish ingestk...

The dose to the total body or radioactivity inventory in the CTP.

D, in mrem is calcu-organ j of an adult individual by the fish pathway, lated by:




1 kg/yr; where U = usage factor for fish consumption, 2 3

1,100 ft /sec F = Flow rate of diluted effluent at water usage location 1100 = Factor to convert (Ci/yr)/(ft /sec) to pCi/ liter 3

d T, in Ci

-Qi = Release of nuclide i in time perio

/kg per pCi/ liter Bi_= Bioaccumulation factors for freshwater fish in p adults in mrem /pCi lDjj.= Ingestion dose factors fori, in hrs-l

.A1 = Decay constant of nuclide

~ fish, 24 hrs.

t = Delay time between harvest and consumption of

  1. _3 A



. FACTORS Radionuclide Ai Bi 2.0 E-5 2 0 E-5 H-3 3.8 E+2 1.49E+1 P-32 2.7 E-3 1.09E-5 Cr-51 1.2 E-1 7.32E-3 Mn-54 5.8 E-3 9.30E-4 Fe-55 7.1 E-2 8.21E-3 Fe-59 1.6 E-2 1.75E-3 C0 4.2 E-2 4.96E-3 j

C0-60 6.5 E-1 2.92E-1 I

Zn-65 8.5 E-1 3.98E-1 Rb-86 1.9 E-1 4.99E-3 Sr-89 4.8 E4 0 1.17E+0 Sr-90 4.0 E-2 1.96E-6 Y-91 2.1 E-3 4.53E-7 Zr-95 2.7 E-3 4.04E-9 Zr-97 1.3 E+1 1.17E-3 fib-95 2.1 E-3 1.70E.

Mo-99 4.5 E-3 1.67E-5 Ru-103 3.7 E-2 7.31E-5 Ru-106 6.3 E-2 9.23E-5 Ag-110m 9.2 E-2 2.99E-3 Te-125m 2.3 E-1 6.93E-3

. Te-127m 4.9 E-1 1.50E-2 Te-129m 4.2 E+0 3.38E-3 Te-131m-5.2 E-1 1.03E-2 Te-132 5.6 E-1 9.88E-4 I-1 31 5.1 E-2 1.07E-4 I-133 6.22E+0 5.08E+0 Cs-134 1.02E+0 7.38E-1

.Cs-136 4.58E+0 3.00E+0 ICs-137 1

TABLE 3.9.9-1 (Cont'd)_'_

i Radionuclide

- Ai Bi 4

Ba-140 -

3.3 E-3' l.06E-4 La-140 3.2 E-2 1.15E-7

'Ce-141 4.9 E-4 1.48E-8

-Ce-143 5.8 E-4 1.73E-9 Ce-144.

3.5 E 5.50E-7 1-

.tp-139 3.8 E-3 1.01E-8 f

4 t*

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't 4

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t 4

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