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Responds to NRC 791015 Request for Info Re Environ Qualification of Class IE Instrumentation & Electrical Equipment.Addresses Only Equipment Located Inside Containment.Nonproprietary Version Encl
Person / Time
Site: Mcguire, McGuire  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 01/18/1980
From: Parker W
To: Baer R
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NUDOCS 8001240409
Download: ML19291C428 (12)


. .

Dime Pown COMPANY Powza Btm.nzwo 422 SorTa Carmen SrazzT, Cnimmirz. N. C. asa4a w i l.LI A M C. PA R M E R. .J R.

vice*=more January 18, 1980 ts. .-o c. A.c. 7o.

S et.= ** nowcwo= 373-4082 Mr. Harold R. Denton, Director Office of Nuclear React'or Regulation U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 Attention: Mr. Robert L. Baer, Chief Light Water Reactor Project Branch No. 2 Re: McGuire Nuclear Station Units 1 and 2 Docket Nos. 50-369, 50-370

Dear Mr. Denton:

The purpose of this letter is to. respond to the request for information trans-mitted by Mr. Robert L. Baer's letter of October 15, 1979. The response to Question 1 (tabular information) addresses only Class 1E equipment located inside containment; equipment outside containment will be addressed in sub-sequent submittals. It should also be noted that this information super-cedes previously submitted information concerning the qualification of Westinghouse supplied transmitters and RTD's located inside containment (W. O. Parker letters to Harold R. Denton dated November 20, 1978 and August 31, 1979).


Enclosed are: .

r4vCT T E;lym[ddsrse t{ Rect 2edy Inf oBhd - ?:.2 . . _ . _ . . .ranmenta Qualificatier c' r' - ir ~_m.u Gen ouu Rc ~ d m1 Ecuipment

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2. Five (5) copies of Pesconse to Request for Information Concerning Environmental Qualification of Class 1E Instrumentation and Electrical Equipment

% v,.nr.-4 n f - _ _ _ _ ___ __-- _ _ _ -

Also enclosed is:

1. One (1) copy of Application for Withholding, CAW-79-45 (Non-Proprietarv) .

1794 120 p . ~e,%

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Mr. Harold R. Denton, Director

'anuary J 18, 1980 Page Two As this submittal contains information proprietary to Westinghouse Electric Corporation, it is supported by an affidavit signed by Westinghouse, the owners of the information. The affidavit sets forth the basis on which the information may be withheld from public disclosure by the Commission and addresses with specificity the considerations listed in paragraph (b)(4) of Section 2.790 of the Commission's regulations.

Accordingly, it is respectfully requested that the information which is pro-prietary to Westinghouse be withheld from public disclosure in accordance with 10CFR Section 2.790 of the Commission's regulations. Correspondence with respect to the proprietary aspects of this application for withholding or the supporting Westinghouse affidavit should reference CAW-79-45, and should be addressed to R. A. Wiese= ann, Manager, Regulatory and Legislative Af fairs, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, P.O. Box 355, Pittsburgh, Penn-sylvania 15230.

Ve ; truly yours, /


. /

/ <

/Qu- <b-/ 6 William O. Parker, Jr.

GAC/sch Attachments 1794 121

McGuire Nuclear Station Response to NRC Request for Information Concerning Environmental Qualification of Class 1E Instrumentation and Electrical Equipment Ouestion 1:

The FSAR Tables that identify the operational requirements of equipment which .

must function during and subsequent to the design basis accidents are general and do not provide sufficient information for the review of equipment quali-fication. Therefore, provide a table listing of all Class 1E safety-related equipment and appropriate qualification related data for each as noted in the attachment. This table should include all equipment located both inside and outside of containment, including balance-of-plant and nuclear steam system supplied equipment.

Where components have been qualified by an equipment system test, identification of the equipment is sufficient, i.e., individual components need not be listed.

Equipment components should be identified where qualified by separate tests or analysis. Where more than one item of a given type is used, it is only nec-essary to present the required information for one representative item of that type for the worst case environment.

For equipment located outside containment which may not have been qualified to abnormal environmental conditions, the environmental design requirements for this equipment should be provided and noted as such in column 5. For each area of the plant where such equipment is located the normal operating extremes in environmental conditions should be provided and noted as such in column 4. A footnote should be provided for each such area to provide the basis that the normal operating extremes in environmental conditions will not be exceeded. Such basis should include the quality of environmental control systems, their redundancy, sources of power and cooling, and operating require-ments to maintain suitable environmental conditions during all modes of plant operation. The monitoring of environmental conditions in such areas and of the eq uipment controlling such environments should also be addressed to provide assurance that such conditions are maintained.


See attached table and notes for Class IE equipment located inside containment.

Question 2:

IEEE Std. 323-1971 does not specifically address aging mechanisms as a consid-eration in the qualification of safety-related electrical equipment. Subsequently, IEEE Std. 323-1974 addressed aging in the sequence of factors to be considered.

While for many components, aging may not play a significant role in the ability of a component to withstand the effects of an abnormal or accident environment and still perform its required function; there are certain materials which may be subjected to degradation over a long period of time. It is the staff's position that applicants with qualification programs for safety-related electrical equipment, conducted in accordance with IEEE Std. 323-1971, should undertake an investigation of the electrical equipment to ensure that significant aging mechanisms do not exist which could invalidate the conclusions of prior cualifi-cation. Sources of information, specifically material manufacturers data, should 1794 122


_2-be consulted as a part of this review. Therefore, you are requested to conduct such an evaluation and to report your findings at the earliest opportunity. For any equipment for which significant aging mechanisms are identified, provide the justification and time interval for acceptable use of this equipment which does not invalidate its prior qualification or provide other proposed alternatives such as requalification or replacement with qualified equipment and not subject to aging concerns.


Duke Power Company will evaluate the in-containment Class lE equijment for signi-ficant aging mechanisms. While only limited data is available on specific materials utilized in this equipment, actual in-service experience with equip-ment of this type has not demonstrated significant aging mechanisms. However, we will investigate the in-containment Class lE equipment and report at the time of discovery any equipment for which significant aging mechanisms are identified including the justification for cintinued use and/or reasonable alternative action. This on-going investigation will necessarily be very time consuming and will rely heavily on EPRI research, NRC studies, NPRDS information, IE Bulletins and Circulars, and industry research and testing.

1794 123


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Pressurlier Pressure Barton

[(Lot)4 1)

Temp: 327 F c Press: 14.8 psig Temp:

Press' St Initlation $ minutes post DOE 1 10% ( ] NS-TMA-1950 Anderson to Stola (McGulee ' snit 1) RH: 8001 6 RH:

Rad: Ja10 R Rad: _ _ NS-TMA-2120 Chee Spray: N/A Chee Spray: Boric Anderson to 5tola acid and sodlum hydrsulde soln. Method: Test a,b,c ~

Transeltter - Sarton ( )**** Temp: 327 F Tow:


St Initiation Nota $ 1 10% Nota $ Nota $

Pressurlier Pressure (Lot 2) Press: 14.8 psig Press.

(McGuire Unit 2) RH: 10M 6 RH:

Rad: 3:10 R Rad: ,. _

Chen Spraj: N/A Chem Spray: Boric acid and sodlum hydromide soln.

    • g a,b.c~ e,b.c Transmitter -

Pressur lier Level Barton ( ) Teep: 327 F Teg:


2 eseeks 4 months g 25%

NS-TMA-1950 (Lot 1) P re s s : 14.8 psig Press: post D8t post DitE Anderson to stola (McGuire Unit 1) RN: 10M 7 RH:

Red: 3ml0 R Rad: . _ N5-TMA-2120 Chen Spray: Boric Chee Sprey: Boric Anderson to stola acid and sodlum acid and sodlum tetraborate soln. hydromide soln. Method: Test a,b c~

Trans=ltter -

Pressur iser Level Barton ( **' Temp: 327 F Press; 14.8 psig Temp:

2 s,eeks Note 5 ~+ 25% Note 5 Note 5 (Lot ) Press: post DOE (McGuire Unit 2) RN: 100% RH:

Red: 3ml0 R Rad: . .

Chem Spray: Boric Chee Spray: Boric acid and sodlum acid and sodium tetraborate soln. hydroxide soln a,b,c transmitter -

5/G Level (NR)

Barton ( )*** Temp: }27 F Teep:


Reactor trip 4 months Trip Function: a,b.c ps-TMA-1950 Press: 14.8 psig (Lot 1) Press: plus k months post DBE 1 10% ($ min) Anderson to 5tola (McGuire Unit 1) RH: 100% RH: post DBE 7

Rad: $ml0 R R.d: - ~ PAM Function-. NG-TMA-2120 Chem Spray: Boric Chem Spray: Borec Anderson to stola acid and sodlum 1 25% (4 mo) .

acid anJ sodium _

tetraborate soln. hydromide soin. Method: Test f



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====* MCGulRE NUCLEAR STAit0N Page 2 p')



  • LOCATED INSIDE CONI AlNMENT Non-Proprietary i O ,



T ransmi t te r - Barton ( ) Temp: 327 F P re s s: 14.8 pslg Temp: Reactor irly Note 5 Trip Function: Note 5 Note $

5/G tevel (NA) (Lot 2) Press: plus 4 mont%s 1 10% (5 min)

(McGuire Unit 2) RH: 100% RH: post DBE Rad: 5=10 7R Rad: PAM Function:

Chem Spray: Soric Chem Sp' ray: sJric 125% (4 mo) scid and sodium acid and sodlum tetraborate soln. hydromide soln.



Transmitter -

RC5 Flow Veritrak

( ).c --- The RCS flow signal the normal containe, are not required for accidents that cause a change in nt operating envirannent, e

ac I a,b c e,b,c '

( }


feo year life RIO -

RCS Temperature (NR)

Rosemount Temp: 327 F Press: 14.8 pstg Temp:

Presst SI Initiation plus I hr 1 0.2% { ] WCAP 9157 and Duha letter Perkar to RN: 100%g RH: Post SLB Denton dated December

  • Rad: Im10 R Red: 19, 1979 Chem Spray: N/A Chem Spray: SorlC (40 year life acid and sodlum based on rad Method: Test / Analysts hydroxide soln. ef fects only) e,c a,b.c e,b.c




AfD-RCS Temperature (WR)

Rosemount ) Temp: 327 F Press: 14.8 psig Tenp:


2 weeks post SLS il year life plus 100 days 1 0.2% ( ] WCAP 9157 and Duke letter Parkar to RH: 1 RH: post SLS Denton dated December Red: lato R Red: , _ 19, 1979 Chem Spray: Boric Chem Spray: Boric (Il year life acid and sodlum acid and sodlum based on rad Method: Conwarlson to tetraborate soln. hydroulde sein. effects only) Model 176 EF e,c Test / Analysis Encore Neutron Detectors ( Range)


( ) The power range neui ron detectors are not required for a In the normal conta nment operatlng er vironment

.cidents that caus i e change a,b.c Electric Hydrogen W Sturtevant A Temp: ISO F Temp:

) months I year N/A N/A WCAP 7820 and Reccatilner Press: 14.8 psig Press: post DBE post D8E Supplanents 1-4 RH: 1001 g RH:

Rad: Iml0 R Rad: WCAP 7709-L and Chem Spray: Boric Chem Spray: soric Supplements 1-4 acid and sodlum acid and sodlum tetraborate soln. hydroalde soln. Method: Test i

s N}

M. W m ( f.u l p t intttAR stall 0N Page 3 g @ StevekV 0F E NVIPONMif.l AL (tat ti ll All0N OF CLASS lE (QUIPM(NI Revision 0 61 LO( A fl D lt.5 81 i LONTAlWENT Non-Proprletary s uul t ru N i .

, not'fL On A(CIDfNl t hV l R0fMI NI DPikAbillIV OPI RAl; s t i f f A(CURACY ACCURAlY QUAL t f lC Al lbN liffIfff(AllDN TURfR 1[if Nilf lCAf l0N I NV IP OPME N T 10 WHICH R[Q'llRf D $N DtMONSIRAf t D REQulRED DtMON$lkAl(D REPOP1 Auu ,



INVIRONNtNT (3) gg 4

Cont a lemernt Air Joy /Re l i ance 2nF-330081 Temp: 180 F Temp: 330 F 2 months


I year N/A N/A Test Report FF-14282 i Ret.sen fan Motors Press: 14.8 psig Press: 85 pilg post D8E post DBE and Supplemental  :

RH: 300% RH: 1 Iechnlcal Paper TA-4089' 0

It ad: In10 R Rad: 2=10 R Chem Spray: Boric Chen Spray: Boric Test Report X-604 acid and sodlum acid and sodlum tetrat, orate soin, hydroxide soln. Method: Test i

Hydrogen Sk laener Joy / Re l lence I YF-882315 Temp: 180 F Temp: 330 F 2 months 1 year N/A N/A Test Report FF-14282 l f an Motor s Press: 14.8 psig Press: 85 psig post DBE post DBE and Supplemental RH: 100% RH: 100% Technical paper TA-4081l Rad; tal0 0R Rad: 2a10 0 I Chem Spray: Boric Chem Spray: Boric Test Report X-604 acid and sodium acid and sodium tetraborate soln, hydro =Ide soln. Method: Test ,

i Valve Mutoe Operators Rot or k 7 NAI, il NAl, Tes:,,: 327 F Temp: 340 F variable - 30 days N/A N/A Test Report Nll/4 h 14 NAl, 16 NAl, Press: 14.8 psig Press: 75 psig 10 sec to 30 post DBE Deceneer 1970 30 NAI, 40 NAl, RH. l00% RH: 100% days post DBE g

/0 NAl, 90 NAl Rad: Inl0 0 R Rad: 0 2 s 10 R Test Report IRll6 Chem Spray: Boric Chem Spray: Boric October 1973 acid and sodium acid and sodium te traborate soln, hydroxide soln. Method: Test Valve Motor Operators Limitorque SM8 Temp: 327 F Temp: 340 F variable - 30 days N/A N/A Test Report: 600-376-A Press: 14.8 psig Press: 105 psig to sec to 30 post DBE September 1972 RH: 100% RH: 100%g days post D8E Red: inl0 0 R Rad: 2ml0 Test Report: 600-456 Chen Spray: Boric Chem Spray: Boric December 1975 acid and sodium acid and sodium tetraborate soin. hydroxide soin. Metbed: Test Valve Solenold Oper at ors valcor V70900-Jl-1 Temp: 327 F Temp: 346 F Operate upon 31 days N/A N/A Test Report V70900-21-3 Press: 14.8 psig Press: 833 psig receipt of 50 post D8E QR70900-21-1 RH: 1001 RH: 100g signal Rad: 1x10 7R Rad: 2ml0 R Method: Test them Spray: N/A Chem Spray: Boric acid and sodium hydronlde soln.


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j/ 4/ - MCGUIRI N'If tli.R STATION Page 4 L 0


OF [NVIRONM1NI AL QUAllF l(' i l0N OF C LASS 11 (QUlPME NT Revision 0 LOC Al[D IN51LL (' ' I AIPN!NT Non-Proprietary N

IQuilHiN1 Molet L 04 At e lbl NI ( NV I ROIN[ N T OPikAhlll1Y OPfRA84 Lily A C( URAC Y ACCURACY QUAL IF I C Al l(.N l IbihillitAllON MA :'ef ACluRf R IDtNilflCAll0N f fJVil Dia11NT 10 WHICH RIQ'llRf D IN Dt NON51 pal (D RfQUIRED Ot MON 51 RA1(D hi t-O*1 AIJb (1) UtHtit R (2) QUAL lF ilD ACClDENI ML 10 (NVIRONMENT (3)

C oe.t e l eme nt Air Ret ur n Rotork llMAll Temp: 180 F Temp: 340 F 5 min (men) 30 days N/A N/A Test Report Nil /4 isolat ion Danipe r Motor Press: 14.8 psig Press: 75 psig post 08E post 08E Decenteer 1970 RH:


LOOT 7 la10 R RH:



2x10 R Test Report TRil6 Chem 5 pray: Boric Chem Spray: Soric October 1973 ac1d and sodlum acid and sodlum tetraborate soln. hydroxide soln. Method: Test Dif ferential Pressure Solon 7PilADW Temp: 180 F bitch f or Danipe r Press: 14.8 psi 9 Conteel RH: 100% hte: This device is presently under92ing e'wironmental quellfication tesi ing. Results of th : testing l Red: Iml0 IR are expected to t.e available in mid-February 1980 l Chem Spray: Boric 1 acid and sodlum i tetraborate soln.

Electrical Peeetrations D.G. O'Br ien Types A,B,C. Temp: 327 F Temp: 340 F 4 months 4 months N/A N/A Test Reports ER-247.

D.E.F,G.H,J, Press: 14.8 psig Press: 15 psig Post DBE post DBE tR-252, and E R-227 K,t.M. and RH; 100% RH: 100%,0 cathodic pro- Rad: Iml0 0R Rad: 2ml0 R Method: Test / Analysis tection pene- Chem Spray: Boric Chem Spray: Boric tratton acid and sodium acid and sodlum (Note 6) tetraborate soln. hydroxide soln.

(Note ?)

C able - Okoni t e EP insulation Temp: 327 F Temp: 345 F 30 days 130 days N/A N/A Test Reports FN-l,

[untrol, Ins t rinnent e- Press: 14.8 psig Press: 104 psig Post D8E post D8E N-l, G-3, IIOE, and tlun, and 2 KV power RH: 100% RH: 10 441 Rad: Iml0 R Rad: 2m R Chem Spray: Boric Chem Spray: Boric Method: Test acid and sodium acid and sodlum tetraborate soln. hydromide soln.

Cab le - Anasonda EP insulation Temp: 327 F Temp: 346 F ) months 4 months N/A N/A Test Reports F-C4350-2 Cont r ol and 2KV puwer and Press: 14.8 psig Press; 113 psig post DBE post DBE and F-C4350 -3,and (P/Hypalon RH: 10018 RH: 100%j Supplement insulation Rad: IslO R Rad: 2mlu'R Chem Spray: Boric Chen Spray: Boric Method: Test acid and sodlum acid and sodium tetraborate soln. hydroxide soln.

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D g j MCGutRE NUCL E AR stall 0N

' Page 5 f <J P*. F r OF [ NV IRONMENI AL QUAllF t( All0N OF CLA5S DE EQUIPMENT Revision 0 N LOCATED IN5101 CONTAINME NT Non-Proprietary C

e Que s na hl Mont t Oit A(( ILi tt i INVIRONMENT OPikAblLIIV OPIRA81Ll1Y AC C URAC V ACLIJ8tACV QUAllFICAlle,N eDil i f f IC AllM HArmf AC10Hf h Ibt id i l F I cal l0N ll;Vif 0::'tt h! 10 WHICH RE Q'llR(D IN D(MONSTRAl(D RfQUlPED DE MONST RATE D kil'oet Atab ggg e isiBi m (2) QUALIFitD ACCID (NI MillN)D INVIRONME NT (3) l (4) g

(.ble - Brand Rem XLPE Insulation Teg: 327 F Temp: 346 F 30 days 30 days N/A N/A Test Report F-C4113 Control Press: 14.8 psig Press: 113 psig post DBE post 08E RH:


10g lal0 R RH: 1007, Method: Test Rad: 2ml0 R Ctem Spray: Boric Chem Spray: Boric acid anJ sodium acid and sodless tetraborate soln. hydromide soln.

Cable- Samue l Moore EP/Hypelon Temp: 327 F Temp: 340 F s 4 months Note 8 N/A I ns t ruaent at ion N/A Test Report F-C3683 insulation Press: 14.8 psig Press: 105 psig post DBE RH: RH: 100%

100%g Method: Test RaJ: SalO R Red: 2=100R Chem Spray: Soric Ctem Spray: Boric aclJ and sodlues acid and sodlum tetratorate soin. hydroalde soln.

C ab le Terminattun/ RayCten WL5F-N Tesp: 327 F T emp: 357 F 4 months 4 months 5pilce Material N/A N/A Test Report s F-C4033-3 Sleeves and Press: 14.8 psig Press: 70 psig Post 08E post 08E B re akou t s and 11100 RH: 1001 RH: 1 Rad: i=100R Rad: 2x10 R Method: Te st / Analysis Chem Spray: Boric Chem Spray: Boric acid and sodlian acid and sodium tetraborate soln. hydroxide soln.

5 tem-Mounted t.imit Newco EA 180 Teg: 327 F Temp: 340 F 30 days (man) 30 days 5 Itches N/A N/A Namco Test Reports EA 740 Press: 14.8 psig Press: 63 psig post 08E post DBE dated March 3,1978 RH: 100% RH: 100%

Inl00R and February 22, 1979 kad: Red: 2x100R Chem Spray: Boric Chem Spray: Boric acid and sodium Method: Test acIJ and sodium tetraburate soln, hydroxide soin.

Seal Material for 3M Scotch Cast 9 Temp: 321 F Temp: 340 F 30 days Ceble Intsam.e Fittings 30 days N/A N/A Test Report 44390-1, (NR-5240) Press: 14.8 psig Press: 15 psig post DBE post DBE Rev. 4 Into 5 tem-Mounted RH: 1001 Limit Switches log RH:

Rad: Im10 R Rad: 2ml00R Method: Te st/ Analysis Ctem Spray: Boric Chem Spray: Boric acid and sodlum acid and sodlum tetraborate soln. hydroxide soln.

e Mt t.Ul ni f. d. t f ** b is 14'sN Page 6 SunMARV Of LNWikONMtNIAL CHAtlFif.Ti] f (. L4 5', 11 (QUlPMENI Revisit.n 0

  • LOC AIE D INLit>[ (Olu A lp 't til Non-Proprietary 6 4Ul e Mi fel HOl*41 0' Al C II'0 H f I lsW ikhlet! N1 lie I
  • Ab 4 L ily OP1RAbltall A((UAACT AC C UkA L Y alst eel lf l( A l lDN MANut A(IsjkF R llat Ni lf IC Al lOff O ld W i k0lati tel lu Whit ig ki r,,,g g g g, IN 0(NONS It' Alt h QUALIff(All44 plQulk(D (Jt HON 51RAll D l'imal R Q8aAl it il D ALCl0fNI kg Aug (3) ( M(IHOD l NVlh0NtilNT (3)


Cueit e l<=ent Pressure Berton 358 Temp: 327 F Temp: 340 F 3 months 3 aunth Note 10 Note 10 Test Report 43904-l 5ensors (fransaltters Press- 14.8 psig Press: 20 psig post 08E post 00E for ti.ese signals are RH: 1001 sl H . 100% Method: Test /Analysi s located outside Rad: Isl0 7R Red: 2al0 0R c ue.t e l,.=nt ) Chem Spray: Soric Chen Spray:Nute 9 acid and sudium tetretrorate soln.

%) we Sulenoid Asco NP8316E34f Temp: 327F Temp: 346F Operate upon 30 days N/A N/A Test Report ope r at ue s NP8316E36E Press: 14.8 psig Press: llo psig receipt of post 08E AQS21678/TR RH: 100% RH: I $1 signal Rad: Inl0 7R Rad: 2x10 R Method: Test Chem Spray: N/A Chem Spray- Boric acid and sadium hydroaldo soln.

L)9 tis s

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<3 4


1 of 2 Revision 0 McGuire Nuclear Station Environmental Qualification of Class lE Equipment Located Inside Containment Note 1 All equipment identified in this table is located inside the containment, specifically in the lower compartment except for the electric hydrogen recombiner, containment air return fan motors, hydrogen skimmer fan motors, containment air return isolation damper motors, differential pressure switches for damper control and cables associated with these devices which are located in the upper compartment.

Note 2 The parameters that compose the overall worst-case containment accident environment are as follows: .

Temperature (Upper Compartment): 180F peak; time history as shown in FSAR Figure 6.2.1-24 (Rev 36)

Temperature (Lower Compartment): 327F peak; time history as shown in FSAR Figure (LATER-to be provided in FSAR Revision 39)

Pressure (Upper and Lower Compartment): 14.8 psig peak; time history as shown in FSAR Figure 6.2.1-23 (Rev. 36)

Relative Humidity: 100%

Radiation: Total integrated radiation dose for the equipment location includes 40 year normal operating dose plus the appropriate accident dose (except for the narrow-range and wide-range RTD's).

Chemical Spray: Boric acid and sodium tetraborate spray resulting from mixing in the containment sump of borated water from the RWST and sodium tetraborate solution from ice bed melt.

Note 3 Equipment operability requirements in the containment accident environment are as identified in FSAR Table 3.11.1-1 (Rev. 25).

Note 4 Environnental qualification test reports for the following equipment have previously been submitted to the NRC Staff:

1794 130

2 of 2 Revision 0 Transmitters-Barton (by Westinghouse)

RTD's-Rosemount (by Westinghouse)

Electric Hydrogen Recombiner (by Westinghouse)

Containment Air Return Fan Motors (by Duke)

Hydrogen Skinner Fan Motors (by Duke)

  • Solenoid Operators-Valcor (by Duke)

Electric Penetrations (by Duke) -

Cable Termination / Splice Material (by Duke)

. Stem-Mounted Limit Switches (by Duke)

Cable Entrance Seal Material (by Duke)

Note 5 Qualification tests for the Barton Lot 2 transmitters have been completed, and the results are being compiled by Westinghouse into a report for submittal to the NRC Staff.

Note 6 -

Electric penetration types B,C,F, G and K are the only penetraticns required to function electrically in the containment accident environment. All electric penetrations, however, are designed and qualified to maintain their mechanical integrity under normal and postulated accident environmental condi tions .

Note 7 The McGuire electric penetrations are protected from direct spray impinge-ment by galvanized steel boxes.

Note 8 This item is being pursued with the cable manufacturer. We will report our findings in a future revision to this table.

Note 9 The containment pressure sensor devices are made of stainless steel and therefore not degraded by chemical spray.

Note 10 The containment pressure sensors and associated transmitters were qualified as a system. The overall accuracy requirement for the sensor / transmitter combination is +0%, -10% of span. The demonstrated accuracy of this combination during testing was within the accuracy requirements.

1794 131