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Responds to 780913 Ltr Re the Use of Iafolla Aggregate at Seabrook W/Encl Test Results.While Iafolla Aggregate Has Not Been in Use,Encl Tests Indicate That Use Is Acceptable.Its Use Is Planned,Given Advantageous Econ & Other Factors
Person / Time
Site: Seabrook, 05000340
Issue date: 11/02/1978
From: Haseltine J
To: Varga S
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NUDOCS 7811090256
Download: ML19274C702 (130)


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PUBLIC SEI"tVICE Company of Now Hampshire SEABROOK STA110N Engineering Office:

20 Turnpike Road Westborough, MA 01581 November 2, 1978


United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Inspection and Enforcement Division of Reactor Construction Inspection Washington, D.C. 20555 Attention: Mr. Steven A. Varga, Chief Light Water Reactors, Branch 4 Division of Project Management

Dear Sir:

Qualification of Aggregate Enclosed is the information you requested in your letter dated September 13, 1973 on the use of Iafolla aggregate at Seabrook. In summary, aggregate from the Iafolla quarry was used for some early fill concrete and concrete for temporary buildings prior to operation of the site batch plant. Since the site batch plant war put into operation, no Iafolla aggregate has been used. Extensive tests were run on the aggregate prior to its use and it was found to be non-reactive. This test information is enclosed as requested.

Wile we have not been using Iafolla aggregate, our testing has shown that it is acceptable and we plan to use it if economics

. or other factors made it advantageous. Please let us know as soon as possible if you have any questions on the enclosed information.

Very truly yours, John D. Haseltine Project Manager JDH:tla cc: B.B. Beckley w/0 enclosures J.H. Herrin w/0 enclosures 7suaso>st 5




i IAFOLLA ACCREGATE TESTING PROGRAM AND USAGE A letter from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) dated September 13, 1978 (Docket Nos. 50-443 and 50-444) stated that the Portland Cement Associa-tion (PCA) representatives had informed the NRC that laboratory tests of con-crete cores taken from runways at Pease Air Force Base in 1976 indicate that an expansion reaction had occurred in the concrete. The PCA representative suggested that the aggregate had been a principal cause of the reaction. The NRC letter also noted that the source of the aggregate was the Iafolla quarry which may also be a source of aggregate for the Seabrook Station Power Plant.

It was requested that it be confirmed whether or not aggregate from the Info 11a quarry is used in construction at Seabrook, and if it is, provide a description of testing programs and other measures used to assure the absence of long-term reaction effect.

City Concrete of Deter, New Hampshire supplied concrete at Seabrook for some of the early requirements for fill and backfill concrete, construction building foundations, and non-safety related building foundations up until the job site batch plant was constructed and certified. This early concrete included Info 11a Industries' stone. Since the on-site batch plant began operations, Info 11a Industries' stone has not been used. However, we may consider use of it in the future.

The major concrete ingredients used in City Concrete's concrete are Iafolla Industries' stone, Marquette Cement Manufacturing Company's cement and Dover Sand and Gravel Company's sand. All of the above ingredients were, therefore, tested and qualified to meet the appropriate requirements of ASME Section III, Division 2, Subarticles CC-2221, CC-2222 and CC-2223.

Enclosed is the test report (Attachment I) by Pittsburgh Test Lab (PTL) for Info 11a stone. The aggregate, as required by ASME Section III, Division 2, meets the ASTM C33 (Specification for Concrete Aggregates) requirements in-cluding the potential reactivity tests specified in the appendix to ASTM C33 with the exception of the reactivity test of ASTM C586, which is not applicable due to the absence of dolomite, calcite and clay. The Info 11a stone meets the requirements of potential reactivity of aggregate tests per ASTM C295 - Tests for Petrographic Examination of Aggregates for Concrete, ASTM C289 - Test for Potential Reactivity of Aggregates (Chemical Method), ASTM C227 - Test for Potential Alkali Reactivity of Cement-Aggregate Combinations (Mortar - Bar Method) and ASTM C342 - Test for Potential Volume Change of Cement-Aggregate Combinations.

In reviewing the petrographic analysis of Info 11a stone performed by PTL and of the sample from Pease Air Force Base performed by PCA, the following observations can be made:

1. The alkali reaction in concrete runway construction at Pease Air Force Base at Portsmouth, N.H. has been identified by Portland ,

Cement Association to be due to the presence of reactive aggregate constituents, i.e., granite gneiss and mylonite. The PCA report attributes highly strained and distorted quartz contained in these

I )

two aggregate components to be potentially reactive with the free alkali of cement.

2. The petrographic report for Iafolla stone used in Seabrook con-struction does not indicate the presence of granite gneiss and mylonite. The Iafolla stone tested for the Seabrook site consists of Liotite schist, granite, granodforite-diorite and traces of qua rtz.

In addition, the proposed ASTM methods " Evaluation of Potential Reactivity of an Aggregate", C289, C245, C227 and C342 tests were conducted and the results showed no potential reactivity of aggregate from Info 11a. In fact, the aggregates on the basis of reduction in alkalinity ASTM C289, see attached Figure 2, Attachment II, plotted well into " Aggregates Considered Innocuous".

Even though the aggregate supplied to both Pease Air Force Base in 1950's and Seabrook construction in the 1970's is from the same Info 11a quarry, i.e.,

at Peverly Hill Road, Portsmouth, the test results of aggregates tested for Seabrook construction are indicative of probable change in rock zone that is being quarried. If it is intended, in the future, to utilize Iafolla stone from Peverly Hill Road, Portsmouth, necessary steps will be taken to have geologists map the quarry so that restrictions can be imposed on the supplier to ensure that aggregate from any potentially reactive zones is not quarried and supplied for the Seabrook construction.

During the concrete ingredient qualifications for the Seabrook project, difficulty was experienced in qualifying concrete ingredients in compliance with the cement-aggregate reactivity limitations per ASTM C342. After thorough review of the results and petrographic examination of the specimens that did not comoly with the ASTM C342, it has been concluded that the cause of non-compliance was the presence of magnesium oxide in periclase form in combina-tion with free lime in the cement. This cement is not being used at the Seabrook construction and only cements and aggregates which have passed the ASTM C342 test are being used. The results and conclusions as drawn during the concrete ingredient qualifications for Seabrook job are as follows:

1. Initial suppliers of major concrete ingredients for Seabrook were selected to be the coarse aggregates f rom Perini Corporation's Bow, New Hampshire quarry, fine aggregates from Boston Sand and Cravel Company's Ossipee Sand and Martin Marietta Cement Company's Type II cement from Thomaston, Maine.

All of the above ingredients were in compliance with the respective requirements of ASTM C33 and ASTM C150 with the exception of aggregate-cement reactivity test per ASTM C342. The sets of specimen formed using Ossipee Sand and Martin Marietta Cement, and Perini (Bow) stone and Martin Marietta Cement exceeded one year's 0.2% expansion limit within the 16th week of submergence in water (see Attachment III).

4 '.

2. Material qualification tests were immediately initiated using Ottawa Sand, Dover Sand, Ossipee Sand, Infolla Stone, Perini Stone, Blue Rock Indistries' stone, Boston Sand and Gravel Company's Ossipee stone, Martin Marietta Cement, Marquette Cement Manufacturing Company's cement and Atlantic Cement Company's cement. In addition, the deformed specimens of initial ASTM C342 test were forwarded to Mr. Erlin of Erlin-Hime Associates, PCA lab in Skokie, Dr. Mielenz of Master Builders and Dr. Korkosky of Carnegie-Mellon University to petrographically examine the specimen.
3. List of structures constructed in past twenty years utilizing the concrete ingredients of probable suppliers were obtained and field trip was made to review some of the structures (copy of the field trip and its forwarding letter SBU-12412 of May 13, 1977, Attachment IV, is enclosed for your information).
4. A meeting was held with all probable cement and aggregate suppliers and petrographers to review the petrographic findings and try to pin down the source of failure (copy of notes of meeting and its for-warding letter SBU-12623 dated June 1, 1977, Attachment V, is enclosed).

From the petrographers' reports it was fairly indicative that the cause of non-compliance was the cement and particularly the content of magnesium oxide in periclase form in combination with free lime.

5. From the test specimen formed in Item Two (2) above, there were several non-compliances with ASTM C342 but all those that failed had Martin Marietta Ccment as common ingredient. A point of particular interest was that the specimen formed using inert Ottawa Sand and Martin Marietta cement also could not comply with ASTM C342 (copies of all these non-compliance tests enclosed - Attachment VI).
6. Based on the successful test results of ASTM C342 using Marquette cement and Atlantic cement, we have approved these cements for use at Seabrook.
7. When United Engineers & Constructors Inc. (UE&C) was made aware that ASTM C342 subcommittee was planning to recommend deletion of this test requirement from the Appendix of ASTM C33, a letter (copy attached, Attachment VII) was sent stating UE&C's position and recommended that the Committee, in view of the failure, should recommend that a test procedure may be proposed using inert aggregate with cement rather than completely delete the testing requirements.
8. Test specimens were again formulated in January of 1978 to attempt to qualify Martin Marietta Cement. One specimen with sand has exceeded the ASTM C342 one year's 0.2% expansion limit during the 28th week of submergence in water and the other specimen with coarse aggregate is expanding (see Attachment VIII for non-compliance test).

t j


Please note that the concrete ingredients used, according to the Corps of Engineers, at the Pease Air Force Base are Iafolla stone, Hooksett sand (Merrimac Valley) and Dragon (Martin Marietta at Thomaston, Maine) Type I cement. Since the cement used at Pease Air Force Base is from the same supplier that failed the ASTM C342 tests to qualify for use at Seabrook, it is suggested that the problems at Pease may be due to the cement rather than the aggregate. The responsible officials may wish to check this further.


' )

LIST OF ATTACHMENTS I Aggregate test report for Iafolla Stone II Plot for Iafolia Stone per ASTM C289 III Cement-aggregate test results for initial probable concrete ingredient suppliers IV Field trip report on review of existing structures in which Seabrook concrete ingredient suppliers' material has been used V Notes of meeting to review ASTM C342 non-compliance VI Cement-aggregate test results that were not in compliance with ASTM C342 requirement during second testing VII Letter to ASTM C342 Subcommittee Chairman VIII Cement-aggregate test non-compliance of aggregate tested in January 1978

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PPDJIET  : Scabrooh litclear Pouer Station REFERETEE  : PTL Qanlity Control Precethtre No. PTP (Secbrook) for Construction Phase of Nuclear Poticr Plant Projectc PTL 01tDER  : PC-1703 PROJTET SPIEIFJCATION  : 9763-006-5-1 TEST S?EC.'  : ASTl! C-33-74 CODE TES'T IAB .

IDEtTf7FTCATION TET!*0D DFSC?lPTION IUr mER IMTE ST/,US A2a-CA1 ASTM C-127-73 Specific Cravity 758747 1/29/76 FEU1 A2a-CA1 Asni C-127-73 Absorptica FE!AL A2b-CA1 ASTil C-136-71 Cradation FHl/1 A2c CA1 ASTil C-117-69 11tl. Finer Than FRE No. 200 Sicyc A2d-CA1 AST11 C-142-71 Clay 'Inaps FIIM A2c-CA1 ASTit C-123-69 Coal and Lignite FUE A2f-CA1 ASnl C-29-71 Oven Dry Unit Ucir)t FIIUL A2g-CA1 ASTM C-CG-73 Scundness (tiaSO4 ) FIU/1 A2h-CA1 ASTM C-131-69 Loc Angeles Abrasion FDW A21 CA1 ASTlf C-235-63 Soft Partic1cc FII:/1 A2k-CA1 ASn! C-239-73 Alkali Reactivity FIlUL

. (Chemical liethod)

A21-CA1 ASTIt C-295-55 Pctrographie Auc1ysic IN PROCPISS A20 CA1 CRII-119 Thin and Elongated FII)/1 A2p-CA1 ASn! D-1141-71 Water Soluble Chloridca FINAL A2n-CA2 ASTM C-127-73 Specific Cravity 759160 1/29[76 FIIE A2a-CA2 ASni C-127-73 Absorption FINAL

, A2b-CA2 ASTit C-135-71 Gradction FRUL

,' A2c-CA2 ASTli C-117-69 Mtl. Finer Then FIHti No. 200 Sicyc i A2d-CA2 ASTM C-142-71 Clay Iumpa FILE A2c-CA2 ASTM C-123-69 Coal & Li Cnito FIIE A2f-CA2 ASTIl C-29-71 Oven Dry Unit Ucight FEtti A2g-CA2 ASnt C-88-73 Soundness (HaSO4 ) FUTAL A2h-CA2 AST11 C-131-69 Los Angeles Abracion FIN /1 A21-CA2 ASTli C-235 -60 Soft Particles F D inL A2k-CA2 ASHI C-2G9-73 Alkali Reactivity (Chemicc1 lbthod) F Hill A21-CA2 ASTl! C-295-65 Pctrographic Analysis IN PPDGT23S Thin and Elongated FII;/1 A2oCA2 CRDC-119 A2p-CA2 ASTil D-1141-71 Unter Solubic Citlorides FIU!1 A2a-CA3 ASTII C-127-73 Specific Gravity 759159 1/29/76 FIIEL A2a-CA3 ASTit C-127-73 Absorption FIIML A2b-CA3 ASnt C-135-71 Gradation FIllt1 A2c-CA3- AST!!C-117-69 lit 1. Finer Than FUE

-10. 200 Sicyc Clay Lut@s FII;/1 A2d-CA3 ASn1C-142-71 Pcge 1 of 2




A2,d-CA3 ASTM C-142-71 Clay Lunps 759159 1/29/76 FINAL A2e-CA3 ASE1 C-123-69 Coal and Lignite A2 f-CA3 FIILE ASDI C-29-71 Oven Dry Unit Ueight FINAL A2g-CA3 ASTII C-88-73 Soundness (Na SO ), FINAL 4

A2h-CA3 ASE1C-131-69 Los Angeles Abrasion A21 CA3 FINAL ASTH C-235-68 Soft Particles FINAL A2k-CA3 ASHI C -209-73 Alkali Reactivity FINAL A21-CA3 (Chemical Method)

ASTM C-295-65 Petrographic Analysis IN PROGRESS A2o<A3 CRDC-119 Thin cnd Elongated A2p-C A3 FILML ASDI D-1141-71 Water Soluble Chlorides FIIML A21-CA2 AST11 C-295-65 Petrographic 759160 2/27/76 FIIML Analysis A21-CA1 ASul C-295-65 Petrographic 758747 3/8/76 FEIAL Analysis -

A21-CA3 Asni C-295-65 PET.'10 GRAPHIC 759159 3/8/75 FIIAL ANALYSIS A2p-CA1 ASTM S-1141-71 Water Soluble 758747 4/1/76 CORPICTED A2p-CA2 Chlorides ASTM D-1141-71 Water Soluble PIPORT 759160 4/1/76 CcaPJCTED A2p-CA3 Chloridos ASn! D-1141-71 Water Soluble PSPORT 759159 4/1/76 CORRECTED Chlorides REPORT


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uoonnoay no. 758747 AR E A CODE 4,2 TELEPHONE 922-4000 cucurs no. S tM-226 REPORT PG-1703


30 SOUTH 17TH STREET PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA 19101 Project  : Seabrook Nuclear Power Station Unic #1 and #2 Test Sample  : Sampled and submitted by United Engineers and Constnictors, Inc.

Sample Designation  : A5TJ #57 ** ,

Date Sampled  : 10/16/75 Sampled by  : John Malvin, United Engineers and Constructors, T Q.A. Representative Sampled at  : Infolla Industries Tests Requested  : (1)-Gradation ASTM C-136-71 (2)-Wash Ioss ASTM C-117-69 (3)-Clay Lumps ASTM C-142-71 (4)-Coal and Lignite ASTM C-123-69 (5)-Unic Weight ASTM C-29-71 (6)-Soundness ASTM C-88-73 (7)-Specific Gravity and Absorption ASTM C-127-73 (8)-Los Angeles Abrasion ASTM C-131-69 (9)-Soft Particles ASTM C-235-68 (10)-Potential Alkali Reactivity ASTM C-289-73 (11)-Petrographic Analysis ASTM C-295-65 (12)-Thin and Elongated CRDC-119 (13)-Water Soluble Chlorides ASTM D1411-71 Test Specifications  : ASTM C-33 and Project Spec. 9763-006-5-1

    • Revised to show Designated Size No.


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850 POPLAR STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA.15220 p.'"o.'e o n .'.' *


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on ony yo. 758747 ARE A CODE 4 83 T E L E. HONE 93b4000 cucurs no. SIM-226 ORDER No.

PG-1703 3-9763.006-5-1 .

REPORT g g m eNT CODE: A2-CA1 f O-[ 17 March 8,1975 -

CODE Test TEST RESULTS_ Specification A2b-CA1 GRADATION Steve Size Cturnlative 7. Passing 1-1/2" 100 100 1" 10 0 95-100 3/4" 99 ---

1/2" 32 25-60 3/8" 5 ---

No . 4 1 0-10 No. 8 1 0-5

.s A2c-C A1 Wash Loss (-200) 0.47 1.07. Maxinum A2d-CA1 Clay Inmps 0.27. 5.07. Maxinum A2c-CA1 Coal and Lignite 0.07. 0.57. Maxicum A2f-CA1 Unit Weight (Avg. of 93.2 Lbs ./Cu.Ft. ---


A2g-CA1 Sodium Sulfate Soundness 1.127. 127. Maxinum A2a-CA1 Specific Gravity 2.77 --- .

A2a-CA1 Absorption 0.757. ---

A2h-CA1 Los Angeles Abrasion 14 .27. 507. Maximum (Grade "B")

A21-CA1 Soft Partieles 0 .9 67. 5.07.Maximnm A2k-CA1 Potential Alkali Reactivity (Chemical)(a) -

Reduction in Alkalinity, Re (m/1) 78.57 Dissolved Silica, Sc (m/1) 12.93 A21-CA1 Petrographic Analysis - SEE ATT/EHED REPORT A2o-CA1 Thin and Elongated 6 . 6 17. 157. Maxinum A2p-C A1 Water Soluble Chloride .0007 %

  • Less than (a)-According to appendix A. of ASTM C-33 the above does not appear to be potentially reactive.

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ARE A CODE 4 t2 TELEPHONE 922 4000 cucNrs No. SMI-226 ORDER No.

REPORT PG-1703 9763.006-5-1 ~

A TT4ctirneN T I CODE: A2-CA1 ' March 8, 1976 6 Of M REMARKS: Test sar::ple conforms with specification requirements on tests performed. ~

. Respectfully submitted, PITTSBURGH TESTING LABORATORY f '


W- .

m ' R.' E. Gai dner, Manager, Cement & Concrete Department REG /mb 2 -United Engineers and Constructors, Inc.

1-Public Service of New llampshire k

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' e3123 272 7730 ett SKOKIE BOULEVARD NORTHBROOK. ILLINots 90062

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" . The aggrega.te was a crushed and sized siliceous d rock consisting of 65.4 percent biotite schist, 32.6 percent granite, 2.0 percent altered granodiorite-diorite and a trace amount of quartz.

Individual particles were generally angular and sharp-edged. All particles had freshly fractured surfaces and were hard, dense, and unweathered. An occasional particle had a thin calcite coating.

The stone should be chemically and physically sound and acceptable for use as concrete ag-gregate providing it conforms to other general requirements for aggregates.

INTRODUCTION Reported herein are the results of petrographic studies of a crushed coarse aggregate submitted by R. E. Gardner

.s of the Pittsburgh Testing Laboratory. The aggregate was I identified as the Seabrook Station - Units 1 and 2

. 6 ERLIN, HIME ASSOCI ATES unica Ats Ano concas.Tc consutvAsrs e

ASTM #57 Iafolla Stone, Contract SNH - 226, 9763 006- 1 5-1, Seabrook, New Hampshire. The studies were made 975ac8 m edl in accordance with the procedures given in ASTM De- S g 24 1

signation: C295, " Petrographic Examination of Aggre-gate for Concrete", and Erlin, Hime Associates Quality Control Procedures for Nuclear Power Projects.

STUDIES The aggregate was a crushed and sized siliceous rock consisting of biotite schist (65.4 percent), granite (32.6 percent), granodiorite and diorite (2 percent),

and a trace amount of individual quartz particles.

The biotite schist consisted of biotite mica intergrown and alternating with thin quartz veins. Scattered pyrite and marcasite particles were distributed through-out the biotite schist. The individual particles had an overall schistose and fine convoluted texture.

The granite was fine to medium-grained, dense, firm, medium brown-gray, and consisted of major amounts of quartz, feldspar and mafic minerals, and minor amounts of biotite and magnetite partially altered to iron oxide.

  • The granodiorite and diorite were fine-grained, rela-tively soft, and yellow-brown. All particles were severely altered. Ferromagnesium minerals in the particles were altered to iron oxide.

The quartz con.sisted of individual, dense. particles that had a massive texture. These particles are very likely remnants of the' larger 6ranite particles.

The composition of the stone by sieve size and as a whole is given in the attached Table.

27 ,1976 Erlin, Hime Associates, In.c.

February \ '

' l'.

. , by Vi gil J. Kress, Director Petrographic Services








) A TTA C H M *T z TABLE - Composition of the c,3 of M ASTM #57 Tafolla Stone based upon number of particles.

Amount, as Percent of Number of Particles for Sizes Shown Amount, as Percent

-3/4" -1/ 2'~ of Total Component +3/4" +1/2" +3/8" -3/8" Particies ,

Biotite Schist 1.0 52.2 10.6 1.6 65 4 Granite 1.0 26.8 4.4 0.4 32.6 Granodiorite-Diorite -

2.0 - - 2.0 Quurt: -

Tr. Tr. Tr. Tr. .

Tr. = Trace Amount .


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E, 850 POPLAR STREET, PITT58URGH, PA.15220 p. o non ....

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,,,o n ,. 759160 an E A CODE 412 TELEPHO*.E 922 4000 cururs no. StGI-226 """"- PC-1703 9763.006-5-1 REPORT



30 SOUTH 17TH STREET PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA 19101 Seabrook Nuclear Power Station Units #1 and #2 Project  :

Test Sag le  : Sagled and submitted by United Engineers and Constructors, Inc.

Sag le Designation  : ASTM C -33 No . 4 S tone

  • Date Sag led  : 10/16/75 Sarpled by  : John Malvin, United Engineers and Constructors Q.A. Representative Sag led at  : Iafolla Industries Tests Roquested  : (1)-Gradation ASTM C-136-71 (2)-Wash Loss ASTM C-117-69 (3)-Clay Lugs ASTM C -142 -71
(4)-Coal and Lignite ASTM C-123-69 (5)-Unic Weight ASTM C-29-71

( (6)-Soundness ASTM C-88-73 (7)-Specific Gravity and ASTM C-127-73

' Absorption (8)-Los Angeles Abrasion ASDI C-131-69

, i (9)-Soft Particles ASTM C-235-68 (10)-Potential Alkali ASDi C-289-73

, Reactivity (11)-Petrographic Analysis ASTM C-295-65 (12)-Thin and Elongated CRDC-119 (13')-Water Soluble Chlorides ASTM D1411-71 Test Specifications  : ASTM C.-33 and Project Spec. : 9763-006-5-1

  • Revised to show ASTM C-33 designated Size No.




LABORATORY 850 POPLAR STREET. AITTSBURGH, PA.15220 PLEasE aEnt,toi p o. .o x ...

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4M 30ES5675555!E5$55?E.$53 ARE A CODE 4 92 TELEPHONE 922-4000 LADOR ATORY No. 759160 ORDER No.

Stal-226 PG-1703 cucNrs no. REPORT 7 9763.006-5-1 A TTac ame dT CODE: A2-CA2 February 27, 1976 .

CODE: Test TostjResults _ Specification A2b-CA2 GRADATION S,1, eye Si=e Cumulative 7. Passing 2" 100 100 1-1/2" 100 90-100 1" 51 20-55 3 /4" 9 0-15 1/2" 1 ---

3/8" 1 0-5 No. 4 1 ---

~' 2c-C A2

. Wash Loss (-200) 0.57. 1.07. Max.

A2d-CA2 Clay Lumps 0.07. 5.07. Max.

A2c-CA2 Coal and Lignito 0.07. 0.57. Max.

A2f-CA2 Unit Weight (avg. of Three) 97.0 Lbs ./Cu.Ft. ---

A2g-CA2 Soundness-Sodium Sulfate 2.337. 127. Max.

A2a-CA2 Specific Gravity 2.75 ---

A2a-CA2 Absorption 0 .67. ---

A2h CA2 Ios Angoles Abrasion (Grade "G") 15.07. 507. Max.

A21-CA2 Soft Particles 0 .977. 5.07. Max.

A2o CA2 Thin and Elongated 0 .3 27. 157. Max.

A2k-CA2 Potential Alkali Reactivity (Chemical) (a)

Reduction in Alkalinity, Rc(m/1) 75.15 Dissolved Silica, Sc (m/1) 16.03 A21-CA2 Petrographic Analysis - SEE ATTACHED REPORT A2p-C A2 Water Soluble Chloride ,0001%

  • Loss Than (a)-According to appendix A. of ASTM C-33 the above does not appear to be potentially reactive.

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(#I{D. I 850 POPLAR STRE TT BURGH. PA.15220 ' ' ' " * "d '.' ' '

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L.ADORATORY No. 759160 ARI A CODE 482 TELE 40*.E 9 22 4000 cucurs no. SMI-226 o,,oca no.

REPORT PG-1703 9763.006-5-1 prrAcume d'r I

/'2 o/ 17 CODE: A2-CA2 February 27, 1976 REMWG: Test sample conforms with specification requirements on tests to date.



. C'~, ~/

E.' Car'dner, Manager, Coment & Concrete Department DEG/cb 2 -United Engineers and Constructors, Inc.

1-Public Service of New Hampshire

. s, J

- . . ~ . . . . - -


/ eis snomic soutEvAmo essai 272 773o NORTHBROOK. ILUNoss 6004:


, (PTL Lab No. 759I00)


AND DISCUSSION The aggregate was a crushed and sized siliceous

,N rock consisting of 62.4 percent biotite schist, .

35 7 percent granite, and 1.9 percent altered granodiorite-diorite.

Individual particles were generally angular and sharp edged. All particles had freshly fractured surfaces and were hard, dense and unweathered.

An occasional particle had a thin calcite coat- ,

ing. ,

The stone should be chemically and physically sound and acceptable for use as concrete ag-gregate providing it conforms to other general requirements for aggre6ates.

, INTRODUCTION Reported herein are the results of petrographic studies of a crushe'd coarse aggregate submitted by R. E. Gardner of the Pittsburgh Testing Laboratory. The ag6regate was identified as the Seabrook Station - Units 1 and 2

- ASTM #4 - Iafolla Stone, Contract SNH-226,9763 006-5-1, Seabrook, New Hampshire. The studies were made in

4 ERLIN, HIME ASSOCI ATES - watcmats A~o concncic cousutrawis gpg y" 1

~. og of M accordance with the procedures given in ASTM Designation:

C295, " Petrographic Examination of Aggregate for Concrete",

and Erlin, Hime Associates Quality Control Procedures for.

Nuclear Power Projects.

ST UDIES The aggregate was a crushed and sized siliceous rock con-sisting of biotite schist (62.4 percent), granite (35.7 percent) and granodiorite-diorite (1.9 percent).

The biotite schist consisted of biotite mica intergrown and alternating with thin quartz veins and scattered pyrite and marcasite particles. The individual particles had an overall schistose and convoluted texture.

The granite was fine to medium grained, dense, firm, medium brown-gray, and consisting of major amounts of ouartz, feldspar and mafic minerals, and minor amounts of biotite and magnetite partially altered to iron oxide.

The granodiorite-diorite was fine-grained, relatively soft and yellow-brown. All particles were severely altered. Ferromagnesium minerals, in the particles, were altered to iron oxide.

The composition of the stone by sieve size and as a whole is given in the attached Table. -

February 25, 1976 Erlin, Hime Associates, Inc.

by Vi gil J. Kress, Director Petrographic Services

. ~

e 2

3 ERLIN. HIME ASSOCI ATES uricaints awo coucacTc consutTANTs


A TT4 c HMe #7 1 G of L'?

TABLE - Composition of the ASTM #4 Iafolla Stone based upon number of particles.

Amount, as Percent of Number of Particles for Sizes Shown Amount,'as Percent

-1" -3/4" of Total Component .+1" +3/4" +1/2" Particles Biotite Schist 18.9 34.8 8.7 62.4 Granite 11.2 22.2 23 35 7 Granodiorite Diorite 1.9 - -

1.9 m

e G

6 0

1 3

... 0, . . . . . .


e. ..,..u.-,o ....

I, ,! 850 idoPLAR STREET. PITTSDURGH, PA.15220 P,' " ,' io


  • x" " , 4Y
  • I', *' PtT T ssV RG H, P A. 35230 as a wuvu.6 esovection to curuvs. v=< pusuc amo cueertvss. aLL ascones

.-  %;,,;f. O c

'::,.:'.:~:,c,,=::' .::::i:::::.c.=;;a::.:"::.==~

own acronts is assan co erweias own wairvem are.ovat.


cucurs no. SNH-226 *CORRECTEDRgPRTg1/76 9763.006-5-1 R cracnmeNT y CODE: A2-CA3 March 8, 19.76 l6 o[ 1/


30 SOUTH 17TH STREET PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANLi 19101 Project  : Seabrook Nuclear Power Station Units #1 and #2 Test Sample  : Sampled and submitted by United Engineers and Constructors, Incorporated Sample Designation  : ASTM NO. 8 STONE **

Date Sampled  : 10/16/75 Sampled by  : John Malvin, United Engineers and Constructors, s

. Inc., Q.A. Representative

_ Sampled at  : Iafolla Industries Tests Requested  : (1)-Gradation ASTM C-156-71 (2)-Wash Loss ASTM C-117-69 (3)-Clay Lumps ASTM C-142-71 (4)- Coal and Lignite ASTM C-123-69 (5)-Unit Weight ASTM C-29-71 (6)-Soundness ASTM C-88-73 (7)-Specific Gravity and ASDi C-127-73 Absorption (8)-Los Augeles Abrasion ASTM C-131-69 (9)-Soft Particles ASTM C-235 48 (10)-Potential Alkali ASTM C-289-73 Reactivity (11). Petrographic Analysis ASTM C-295-65 (12)-Thin and Elongated CRD C-119 (13)-Water Soluble Chbrides ASTM D1411-71 Test Specifications  : ASTM C-33 and Project Spec.: 9763-006-5-1

    • Revised to show designated size No.



- 1-


ITT BURGH, PA.15220 P. o ,' e* 'o x , .'.

~#1 ' .. a mutuat enovectio= vo cue =vs. v=< ev.uc 4=o ownertvas. att maeont.

PIT T seumoM. P a. s23o

%e,;f  ::: ::::::::,=.:'.;:,:,=:::' .:::: '::::.v::::a:::,::::.=::

own neronts s. nesenveo es=oimo own waivvr= aeanovat.


cucurs No. SNH-226 PG-1703 REPORT A TTAC HME NT I CODE: A2-CA3 March 8, 19 76 I7 #[ 27 CODE Test Test Results_ Specification A2c-CA3 Wash Loss (-200) .8 77. 1.07. Maxinnu A2d CA3 Clay Inmps 0.07. 5.0% Maxin m A2e-CA3 Coal and Lignite 0.07. 0.5% Maxi:2un A2f-CA3 Unic Weight (Avg. of 3) 96.0 Lbs ./ ----

Cu. Ft.

A2g-CA3 Sodium Sulfate Soundness 2.27. 127. Maxim,m A2a-CA3 Specific Gravity 2.75 ---

A2a CA3 Absorption .6% - --

A2h-CA3 Ios Angeles Abrasion 18.07. 507. Maxinum (Grade "C")

A21-CA3 Soft Particles 0.0% 5.07. Maximvm A2o CA3 Thin and Elongated 6.87. 15% Maxinum A

' 2k-CA3 Potential Alkali Reactivity (Chemical) (a)

Reduction in Alkalinity,Rc(na/1) 83.69 Dissolved Silica, Sc (un/1) 17.93 I

A2prCA3 Water Soluble chlorides .0001%

A21-CA3 Petrographic Analysis - SEE ATTACHED REPORT

  • Less Than (a)-According to appendix A.l.l.2.1 of ASTM C-33 the above does not appear to be potentially reactive. . .,

P.. 0, . . . . . .


E ,,

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, P. o, eO x is4 I /O . . a w w .u .6 . .. s c .... .. c u .. . .. , . -v .uc . . . .w . s e tv a s .

  • L6 . . ... .. Pi T T seU R G H. P A. IS230

%',;;,,;;;/  ::: :":::::;,#.:'.: :,:,=:::':.::::,'::::: =:.~;;. ::: ':: : ::=


cuEnrs no. SIM-226 REPORT PG-1703 9763.006-5-1 g TTr. C H AE NT I CODE: A2 CA3 March 8, 1975 )a e[ U CODE: A2b-CA3 - GRADATIDt3 Steve Size BBL _. #1 BBL. #2 Specification 1/2" 100 100 100 3/8" 49

  • 81
  • 85-100 No . 4 16 20 10-30 No . 8 5 6 0 - 10 No. 16 3 3 0-5
  • Failures to meet grading requirements.

RDIARKS: Test samples confom with specification requirements except as s



' *[' f  %

R. E.' Gardner, Maneger, Cement & Concrete Department REG /mb 2-United Engineers and Constructors, Inc.

1-Public Service of New Hampshire

. . +





-s. The aggregate was a crushed and sized schist

.' consisting of 86.2 percent biotite schist, 12 3 percent granite, 1.5 percent altered granodiorite-diorite and a trace amount of quartz.

Individual particles were generally angular and sharp-edged. All particles had fresh fracture surfaces and were hard, dense, and unweathered. An occasional particle had a thin calcite coating. -

The stone should be chemically and physically sound and acceptable for use as concrete ag-gregate providing it conforms to other general requirements for aggregates.

INTRODUCTION Reported herein are the results of petrographic studies of a crushed coarse aggregate submitted by R. E. Gardner

. of the Pittsburgh Testing Laboratory. The aggregate was

, identified as the Seabrook Station - Units 1 and 2 ASTM

  1. 8 Iafolla Stone, Contract SNH-226,9763 006-5-1, Sea-brook, New Hampshire. The studies were made in accordance

ERLIN. HIME ASSOCI ATES - wartniats Awo concacic CONSULTANTS s with the procedures given in ASTM Designation: C295,

/ " Petrographic Examination of Aggregate for Concrete", A frA(H ^'E ^7 I and Erlin, Hime Associates Quality Control Procedures q,o cy l '7 for Nuclear Power Projects.

STUDIES The aggregate was a crushed and sized siliceous rock consisting of biotite schist (86.2 percent), granite (12 3 percent), granodiorite and diorite (1.5 percent),

and a trace amount of individual cuartz particles.

The biotite schist consisted of biotite mica inter-grown and alternating with thin cuartz veins. Scattered pyrite and marcasite particles were distributed through-out the biotite schist. The individual particles had an overall schistose and fine convoluted texture.

The granite was fine to medium-grained, dense, firm, -

medium brown-gray, and consisted of major amounts of quartz, feldspar and mafic minerals, and minor amounts of biotite and magnetite partially altered to iron oxide.

The granodiorite and diorite were fine-grained, relatively soft, and yellow-brown. All particles were severely altered. Ferromagnesium minerals in the particles were altered to iron oxide.

The quartz consisted of individual, dense particles that had a massive texture. These particles are very likely remnants of the larger granite particles.

The composition of the stone by sieve size and as a whole is given in the attached Table.

March 3, 1976 Erlin, Hime Associates, Inc.

k '

by Virgil J. Kress, Director Petrographic Services 2


  • M ATERI ALS AND CONCRETE CONSULTANTS 3 $TTACHMGIYT I TABLE - Composition of the 2.1 g 2.7 ASTM'#8 Iafolla Stone based upon number of particles.

Amount, as Percent of Number of Particles for Sizes Shown Amount, as Percent

-1/8" g of Total Component +3/8" iw k -p#8

+ -#8 Particles Biotite Schist 12.5 60.2 12.5 1.0 86.2 Granite 35 6.8 2.0 Tr. 12 3 Granodiorite-Diorite -

1.0 05 Tr. 1.5 Quartz Tr. Tr. Tr. Tr.

3 Tr.= Trace Amount A

I t

0 e* %





~, g



.. o. sO x ...,

air r >= u aC - - 'su-


% g 2 47 .. . .. .,.....e.... .. .m.~,.....

.s.u . . . ...<,... .m ..Po ..

. :;::ll:',*.:',:"?,9.a.':.;.:.:.:A..D'":::::,';:

r>W E . 70. e P.* De meg Cum *: wel,,e.4 er::','. ,':e*:::'.c.~.:'

.P mov.L.

uBOR ATORY No. 7737)h Aaf A CODE 4 L2 TELE MONE 922 4000 P. O. No. SNH-226 ORDER No. PG-1703 CUENT*S No.

9763.006-5-1 REPORT g774ggggg7 g July 25, 1978 12 g 27 DATE CAST: 3-22-77 - . - - - . - . . . .

TEST RESULTS - EXPANSION, PERCENT ASTM C-342 MATERIAL Iafolla #8 Stone brquette Cement Laboratory No. 773375 AGE Date Rec'd.: 3-16-77 28 Day in Water at 73 F. t0.009%

7 Day at 1310 F. ) "

1 Day at 7 3 0 F. )

7 Day at 131 F. (Air) )

1 Day at '7 3 0 F. ) -0 .0 71 %

24 Hours in Water -0.011%

7 Days in Water +0.002%

29 Day in Water +0.02$ '

  • B Weeks in Water +0.005%

12 Weeks in Water +0.011%

16 Weeks in Water +0.009%

20 Weeks in Water +0.015%

24 Weeks in Water +0.011%

29 Weeks in Water +0.014%

- 32 Weeks in Water +0.015%

36 Weeks in Water +0.007%

40 Weeks in Water +0.008%

44 Weeks in Water +0.011%

48 Weeks in Water


52 Weeks in Water +0.016%

Amount of Mixing Water for Cement 14 6 %


e W



4tb% P111SBURGH TESTING LABORATORY 350 POPLAR STRE , TT BU RGH. P A.15220 '.'o".'e'o x* 'i).'

f. cN .. . ...,.....c.,.. ,. u,. .... . . . .u...s ... .u. .......

a'"savaoa.*a '2"

%af  ::: :::=.: .: ::,=:' :.:::= :: av:::n :::::: :.=;=

urioanoay no. 773736 ARE A CODE .t2 T E L. E P wo N E . 22 .000 P.O. No. SNH-226 ORDER No. PG-1703 cucurs no.

9763.006-5-1 REPORT A T TA C H MENT J DATE CAST: 3-23-77 , ,

23 o[ 2/J July 25_f_lj7.8.

TEST RESULTS - EXPANSION, PERCENT ASTM C342 MATERIAL Iafolla #14 Stone Marquette Cement Laboratory No. 773375 AGE Date Received: 3-16-77 28 Day in Water at 7 3 F. +0.006%

7 Day at 1310 F. )

1 Day at 73 0 F.



7 Day at 131 0 F.(Air) )

1 Day at'73 F. )


24 Hours in Water -0.013%

7 Days in Water +0.003%

23 Day in Water +0.02s% ~

8 Weeks in Water

. +0.003% ~

12 Weeks in Water +0'0121i l_6 Wee};s in Water + 0 .' 0 0 9 %

20 Weeks in Water +0.01.:%

24 Weeks in Water +0.014%

28 Weeks in Water +0.014%

32 Weeks in Water +0.018% -

36 Weeks in Water +0.008%

40 Weeks in' Water +0.009%

44 Weeks in Water +0.010%

48 Weeks in Water +0.015%

52 Weeks in Water +0.019%

Amount of Mixing Water for Cement 145 6%


4 PAGE NO. 6

,A - '


,/ f A'. .s,..vom.. ,e.,

,,5 850 POPLAR STRE ET. PITT58URCH, P A.15220 .o.'fo x' ', .Y O H. M A. '5233 9 * .

.f' as a ww fwat *=o.sction to cusats. t= r e J ouc a mo ob e se6v a s, aLL namonte on ru.s[c saw or era ru s = fe :o=ct sec e on satsac s race on macas no own e spoavs is n e s tav aa ps a.ois o ow a maiT's4 apemova6.

LABOR ATORY No, y37),i ig a n g A e ', . 52 TELtP>aO*st 922. 000 P. O. No. SNH-226 ORDER No. PG-1703 cWENTS No.


, 14 c[ 17 DATE CAST: 3-23-77 J u fy '2 5, 1978 TEST RESULTS - EXPANSION, PERCENT ASTM C342 MATERIAL


Iafolla #57 Stone 'farquette Cement Laboratory No. 773375 AGE Date Received : 3-16-77 28 Day in Water at 73 F. +0.00$

7 Day at 1310 F. )

1 Day at 73 0 F. )


7 Day at 131 U F.(Air) )

1 Day at'73 0 F. )


24 Hours in Water -0.011%

7 Days in Water +0.005%

28 Day in Water +0.022,%_, ,

8 Weeks in Water +0.008% -

12 Weeks in Water +0.013%

16_t.'eeks in Water +0.009%

20 Weeks in Water +0.017%

24 Weeks in Water +0.010%

28 Weeks in Water +0.009%

32 Weeks in Water +0.012%

36 Weeks in Water +0.008%

40 Weeks in Water +0.009%

44 Weeks in Water +0.009%

49 Weeks in Water +0.015%

52 Weeks in Water +0.0169 Amcaunt of Mixing Water for Cement 45%



n... .

, g ;. .


. f5[ m sN , , i,'

  • 550 POPL AR STRE ET. Pt 6 TS6U RGH, F. A. 15?2G e . c . 'I ~

W. ' ...=....o.,.,...o.o...... ....s... r~

fe . . .- - - .c.

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a s . u. s.

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'.' own seec.e= e era a osa LABOR ATORY Nc. ,'Is q ,f .9 7>

4 = v a CC DE d i: T E.' * * = a e. E 9 2 2- 4 m "C"" '"

P.O.NO. S!!H-2 2 6 cucN r*S No.

9763.006-5-1 R ,.c P O R T y January 4, 1978 DATE CAST: 3-30-77 POTENTIAI. ALK/,LI REACTIVITY ASTM C227 Material  : 86 lafolls Stone Cer:cnt  : Marquette G aa ' *: n t , Laboratory No.773375 Date Received: 3-16-77 Averace Length Chance !)ercent 14 Day +0.01g 1 Month +o,ols 2 Month _

+0,olg 3 l1onth + 0 . 01 *.

4 Month +0.02%

6 Month n.nn Mixina water as percent Cement  : 55% .

4 9 .

O Page 4 .

' ~ c a.


,@ -3 N;-- '


' <4.

g ,$ a s v a eu s++ r 3 so. , ,,

.t. g"* ,l j 850 POPLAR STREET. PITTSBURGH. o A.15220 ..e 3;. . . .


  • 30 4 W 8 - es a new'w as v e o t ac e.0=e to c u t an t s. tw a e s euc a =n og e ge t, a g ..g e r . ., , ,

.. . a os s w a we v

  • r 3 a s enc soa.e 'rit% r .. P.uase', o
  • c u s e. i s .o ..,s.,. r e tton

%',,,I s y g4),+' 7 com aset r atione or e ra ter an ts caa. s s sio s on c u e n.c s s r e a c e t c oog espesets as eas&4tEJ PC '.Di me ow n we st . ' ' t as apomowas.

LABOR ATORY No. l 3g99b f .) i J s e n( & cc Q F. a ' 2 T E L E p wo*4k v 24 4C:0 OR ER No. 3-17 b cUF.NTS No. P.O.Mo. SN!!-226 9763.006-5-1 REPORT A -TT A C H MF NT I-DATE CAST: 4-1-77 16 of2-7 January 4, 1970 POTENTIAL ALKALI RFACTIVITY AST't C2 27 Material  : fr4 lafc,lla Stone Cement  : "st'quot t o G m , La bora tory 2773373 Date Feceived: 3-16-77 Average Length Chance Percent i s Da,.e +0.00%

1 Month +0.011 2 Month +0.00%

3 Month +0.011 4 +0.02%

6 Montli +0.02%

Mixina water as percent Cement  : $3e3N a

- e s

9 Page 8 .

~ ~ . . -



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r. g c. , , , '


4 ,l 7;, 850 POPLAR S TRE ET. PlTTSOU RCH. P A.152:0 ,. e . e c. . 'i -


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LABOR ATORY No ,()(j7 a m E & C O CE 412 T E L E P.* 0N E 9 22-4Cc0 ORDER No. Eb"17b3 CUENT'S No. P.O.No. Sm!-226 9763.006-5-1 REPORT j gg g gg g7 I

'L 7 of 2-7 DATE CAST: 3-30-77 January 4. 197R POTENTIAL ALKALI REACTI'11TY AST't C2 27 Material  : i/$/ infolle. St N , Labcratory s773375 Date Received: 3-16-77 Coment  : S M1'16 L b c le ~'; -

Averace Lenqth Chance Percent 14 Day +0.011 1 Month +0.01%


2 Mont.h 3 Month +0.01%

4 Month +0.02%

6 Month +0e02%

  • Mixina water as percent Cement  : 3s, . ..9.

O Pay 6 M


, Mr c u MC NT 5 Iof2

' ATTACIDfENT E Plotted test results from PTL Repc,rts Nos. 758747, 759160 and 759159 on Figure 2 of ASTM C289 Standard confirming innocuous status of aggregates tested.

, h TTA CK M E NT N l N1 L 700 ,

4 e f e Aggregotes cousing morter expansion more than 0.1 percentin a year

- when used with a cement contolning I.30 per cent ot Aalies. ,

o Aggregates cousing rnorter esponsion less then 0.t percent in a year l under some conditions.

600 - .

9 Aggregotes for which morter expansion dato are not ovelloble but .

which ore indicated to be deleteriou s by petrogrophic e xamination. [

e Aggregates for which morter esponsion dato are not ovoiloble but

. which ore indicated to be Innocuous by petrographic enomination


Doundary line bet we en innocuous and deleterious aggregates.


a g

u-a n O ,

D 500 -- .- y  ;

  • v


  • .s
c. -

r sn  !

f l E 400

= * .

E -


- - +x 1 I

.- 3 Aggregates


  • C

- ons. ider'ed . .

300 -

- -Pot entic,Ily R Deleterious

.E .

.. e *

.o .<

Ua v 200 / .

o -

E Aggregotes Conside' red Innocuous * *[ *

' l .

n g ,


> . a


y E - . . - =

o 100 --

. g v{s -


.. Oe o e,

, -.I. .



e o e

Aggregates Considered Deleterious 0 - .*k __ _ _ - I L __J I 2.5 5.0 7.5 10 25 50 75100 250 500 750 1000 2500 Quantity Sc - Dissolved Silico (millimoles per liter)

ic. : tw,.o.. .f m.i.:.. c,t.m I..o< .. .., o,i< ,n..s Aur,eaf,s na R.4. .f Rw. coon 1. m stisilty Tm. -

@ .ta folla Guany S4MPLRT; .1EE .Pf4 492 Hof.fhhhf L7Si/.W

.. .r g

. . ,a



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{ id}j ..

c 850 POPL AR STRE ET. PIT TSGU RGH, P A.15220 uvo,.t . .ov. e.r ,..,e.o S o c . r .. i t ro ouc . o ou.. . .. . .teone.

. ~ o e ,t tn.: .

p. o. uo x iw o.r c ... oc ~ , .. . ... . v . . . o - c , u. . ....o

,io M./4g,,,g,t(- .o a.

, ssu

. e.c. ,.n.o . , .

. . .c,~ . . c ,.<~. . .. c i a r ,s.o

_. ou. n:eonis i,r a s .t.w r o e s r.. c. oun v.nii v e m ..s.o..t LADOR ATORY No. 7b79hl AP F A C O OL 412 7 i L T P HO*.F 9 7 0 4( 'f.

cu:NT'S No. P. O. NO. SNH-226 ORDER No. PG-1703 9763.006-5-1 REPORT A Tr4cu mc WT N


" A T r.".1 A L Ossipee Sand From Perini Mar'.in-Marietta

'. Gement 768769 - Received- 9/9/76 29 Dav i n 5 'a te r ts t 7 0 P. +0. 011'Jo 7 D., y :. '- 1320 P. )

1 Da ; r t 73 0 P. ) +0.027%

7 % y c.t 131 r . (7. t r ) )

1 n ,, . -.. 730 r, ) -0.055%

24 Honn i n. 1.'a te r -0.006%

7 D.r en i n t'a te r +0.014%

29 Da" in *.'ater +0.055%

11 ' . . 2 n t'a t e r +0.260%*

3 2 '. e e: .* i r. Mr.t.<r +0.69h%

1 6 '.'e u'. . in Wate; +0.E54%

2 0 ' ~ c c '. . n '.n U:n te r 2: ...t.: i '. D': v::

2f 1.e. i n Wa te. :.

32 ? . . in I?anc r 3 6 .~ - i n F'a t r .

< 0 i 'c M. - in t ..t r A A x'e:.: in \.';

/ 'I 1:e r ' : n in t.'a t e c L2 hee .:.: .i n t'a t <. r

!coGun'. cJ ldixir." .-

'.e r for Co _..f 41%

UFailure - Test stopped at 1(. week reading. ,

9 PAGE No. 40


ci s' jP. "




.  ; 850 POPL AR STREET. PIT TSBU RGH, P A.15220 P. o.'[o [,). '


,.Sf/ .s a wu vo 6 Pauv re vion io -i srnis. * =r Pentec awo ove.rn e s. att steoavs Pit T ssu ns e . r a. e s:';

y'd Y# ' 'n o Nt[r'.$io= o

".'s n't r"= r'= , s.S'cI No No".I oa' e a s's ."c','s e'a~o'o n' ~n s"c' n'E.=".

064 AE*0 Bet 19 P E S C 4 v t r5 P E = tir = G OWA wW e s t e E M a PPROval.

LADORATORY No. 768605 AR E A CODE 412 7 E'L E P HO P40 9 22- 40C0 cucurs No. P. O. No. SNH-226 ORDER No. PG-1703 9763.006-5-1 REPORT S TT4C H me ntT 5

'2. 3 July 25, 1978 TEST RESULTS - EXPANSION, PERCENT ASTM C342 MATERIAL Perini 1" Fiartin-Marjetta Cement 768789 Received: 9/9/76 AGE 28 Day in Water at 73 F. +0.016%

7 Day at 1310 F. )

1 Day at 73 0 F. ) +0.030%

7 Day at 131 0 F.(Air) )

1 Day at'73 0 F. ) -0.078%

24 Hours in Water -0.011 7 Days in Water +0.018 28 Day in Water 40.056%

8 Weeks in Water +0.173%

12 Weeks in Water +0.1414 2%*

16 Weeks in Water 20 Weeks in Water 24 Weeks in Water 28 Weeks in Water 32 Weeks in Water 36 Weeks in Water 40 Weeks in Water 44 Weeks in Water 48 Weeks in Water 52 Weeks in Water Amount of Mixing Water for Cement 10%

4 cFailure - Test stopped at 12 week reading.

PAGE NO. 1;1

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I. -

PITTSBURGH TESTING LABORATORY t i?..u i CD is. ,Lg,,,,,,,,,,

pt Ag

.< 850 POPLAR STREETe PITTSBURGH, PA.15220 p. o. c o x .n, IT T SSU RO M, P A. pg!M A9 & Mutu a 6 P A OT E CYiO*e TO Cu t**T S. T"E PV.L'C a seO CU R1t L w t S. ALL Rt*CRTS F 4 . IC a sOM OF stattME* eft. OneCLUS O S OR EginaCTSFeOM CR a t G a st t re G g OUR atPORTS et stStevtD P t ed De se G CWR W RITT E N APPROVAL.

L.A B O R ATO RY N o. 768806 AR E A CODE 412 T EL EPHONE 9 22 40C0 CUCNT'S No. P. O. No. SNH-226 oRoca No. PG-1703 9763.006-5-1 REPORT 5 ATTACHrap_nT S C[ 3

- July 25, 1978_,

TEST RESULTS - EXPANSION, PERCENT ASTM C342 MATERIAL Perini 3/8" Martin Marietta cement 768789 Received 9/9/76 AGE 28 Day in Water at 73 F. +0.015%

7 Day at 1310 F. ) +

1 Day at 73 0 F.

  • 3


7 Day at 131 0 P.(Air) )

1 Day at'73 0 F. )


24 Hours in Water -0.020%

7 Days in Water +0.008%

28 Day in Water +0.037%

8 Weeks in Water +0.096 12 Weeks in Water + 0. 2 60 * -

16 Weeks in Water 20 Weeks in Water 24 Weeks in Water 28 Weeks in Water 32 Weeks in Water 36 Weeks in Water ,

40 Weeks in Water 44 Weeks in Water

  • 48 Weeks in Water , ,

52 Weeks in Water


Amount of Mixing Water for Cement 14 0 %

  • Failure - Test stopped at 16 week reading.

b t

g , ,

      • -S. ..

, , , f.

A T ra c a me u rIl i y v.-

g_4 tnited 30 South engineemc-1mc1 17th Street. sm Post Of fice Box 8223 Philadelphia, Pa.19101 May 13, 1977 SBU-12412 File: 3.0.12, P.O. 1-1(5-B.P.)

Category : MTGS Mr. J. D. Haseltine, Project Manager Mr. T. M. Sherry, Dir. of Construction Yankee Atomic Electric Company Yankee Atomic Electric Company 20 Turnpike Road 20 Turnpike Road Westborough, Massachusetts 01581 Westborough, Massachusetts 01581 Gentleuen:

Public Service Company of New Hampshire Seabrook Station Evaluation of Concrete Structures Constructed With Probable Cement / Aggregates to be Supplied for Seabrook Project


Enclosed you will find the field trip report on several structures which were reviewed in the New England area. The cot. crete ingredients used in these structures are from the probable concrete aggregate and cement suppliers for the Seabrook Station. In addition you will find the Notes of Conference held with the Martin Marietta Cement Company of April 29, 1977 to review growth problems indicated by the ASIM C-342 tests.

"teld observations indicate that in certain structures which have been in existence for more than 10 years and where Martin Marietta (Dragon) Type II cement has been used, the structures had undergone growth and show extensive cracking which could be due to cemcat-aggregate interaction or reactive cement.

This field trip was prompted by the failure of concrete specimens tested under ASTM C-342 using Martin Marietta cement. The spectmens had undergone large growth which was later confirmed by concrete experts to be due to excessive free crystalline magnesium oxide (periclase). Martin Marietta determined the amount of periclase through X-ray defraction to be in the amount of 0.9%

in their cement. Since the interaction of free crystalline Mgo with the environment to form brucite (Mg(OH)2) (which undergoes 100% expansion during its formation) is a long-term process, it would be adviseable that Martin Marietta Cement not be used on the Seabrook project until we have found satisfactory evidence that ete content of free crystalIine Mg0 has been reduced to acceptable levels and that their manufacturing procedures have been updated to assure us that at no future time excessive free crystalline Mg0 will be encountered in their cement specimens.

A Roytheon Company

A TTAC ti (12 HT bb$

1 ef 3r Mr. J. D. Haseltine/

Mr. T. M. Sherry May 13, 1977 SBU-12412 In additicn, we suggest that you solicit from the other member utilities in the New England area to conduct a thorough review of their structures that might have undergone growth or cracking problems. We can use their findings and/or observations in development of necessary procedures /limita-tions to prevent any future probable growth or cracking problems.

Very truly yours, i ' ' ,/ /



( ,,/'

s G. F. Cole Project Manager SKB:mko Enclosure cc: JD Haseltine - Yankee - 4L 4/ enc.

BB Beckley - PSNH - 3L 3/ enc.

TH Sherry - Yankee - lL 1/ enc.

JH Herrin - Field - lL 1/ene.

A T TA r u me nt E


DATE: April 29,1977 PIACE: Philadelphia, 9U0 Conference Room PRES ENT: Martin Marietta UE&C Jim Wilson G. F. Cole G. Sars ten (Part-time)

John Wilson D. H. Rhoads A. J. Hulshizer R. F. Gebhardt A. M. Ebner R. A. Rebel R. Vurpillat S. K. Bewtra J. H. Malvin PURPOSE: Martin Marietta requested this meeting to review their finding of

( magnesium oxide in their cement.


Martin Marietta found 0.97. free crystalline Mg0 (periclase) in their cement which has been indicated to be the cause of f ailure of ASTM C-342 test specimens due to excessive expansion. Martin Marietta is reviewing several methods to Ibait the presence of periclase to acceptable amounts.


1. Mr. R. Gebhardt handed several corrections and/or additions to the Notes of Conference No. 379 held in Pittsburgh on March 3,1977. (Gebhardt's letter attached.)
2. Mr. Gebhardt explained the findings of Mr. David Stark of PCA (PCA report attached) and of Mr. L. B. Shotwell of Master Builders (Master Builders report attached).

It was found that the periclase (free crystalline >%0) present in cement had reacted to form brucite (Mg(OH),). It was indicated by Mr. Gebhardt that upon examining the Martin Marietta cement intended to be used for the Seabrook project, they found approximately 0.9% of periclase present in the cement specimen. The two types of crystalline Mg0 present are, 1) the slow reactive and 2) the fast reactive. It appears that the brucite formulation is due to the existence of a larger proportion of the slow reactive Mg0 which apparently is not sensitive enough to reflect the Mgo problem in the standard autoclave test.


4 of :s'


NOTES OF CONFERENCE NO. 384 3. Mr. Cebhardt indicated that there are many ways to control the content of Mgo; two of the most readily adaptabic methods are:

a. Modify the raw mix into the kiin.
b. Modify the burning and cooling conditions.
4. Mr. Jim Wilson had indicated that there were no tests performed under the ASTM C-342 that he was aware of on the East Coast. This requirement which has been specified by UE&C is stringent in light of the fact that they hcVe not experienced any reactivity problems in the New England area.

Mr. Bewtra indicated that in his recent visit to several utility plants it was observed that following structures which have been in existence for more than 10 years and where Martin Marietta (Dragon) Type II cement has been used had undergone growth and showed extensive cracking which could be due to cement and aggregate interaction or reactive cements:

PSNH's Shiller Station in Portsmouth, N.H. - Turbine generator pedestal in which Dragon II (this cannot be substantiated since no pour slips are available) was used with Iafolla stone and Dover sand had under-gone growth of approximately 3/8" and extensive cracking. The Shiller Station's Unit I has been in operation for approximately 20 years, Its 4

turbine generator machine required re-aligning with pedestal growth being one of the probable factors necessitating this.

T.s intake pumphouse pit in the fossil plant at Cousin Islands of Central Maine was constructed using Dragon II cement with either Blue Rock or Cook aggregates. It showed patterns of cracking similar to those evidenced on the Shiller Station pedestal. This pumphouse has been in existence for approximately 20 years.

In talking to Mr. Henry Bacon of Central Maine we found that their Bar Mill and Cataract Station turbine generator pedestals had undergone growth of 3/8" or more in the past 20 years and their turbine generator machines had to be re-aligned. On these constructions Dragon II cenent was used. Mr. Jim Wilson stated that Martin Marietta is presently reviewing the situation with Central Maine.

5. Mr. John Wilson briefly reviewed the history of the evolution of ASTM C-342 test along with the requirement of it in the ASTM C-33. They have felt that in the past when the four (4) ASTM specifications were specified, i.e., C-227 for Potential Alkali Reactivity of Cement Aggregate Combination; C-289 foe Potential Reactivity of Aggregates; C-295 for Petrographic Examination of Aggregates for Alkalies in Cement; and C-586 for Potential Reactivity of Car-bonate Rocks for Concrete Aggregate, the reactivity of the cenent aggregate was fairly conclusively determined by these methods. The ASTM C-342 test did not indicate any correlatic, of expansion with the properties of cenent as indicated by Conrow's paper which was attached in the March 3, 1977 Notes of Conference.




6. Martin Marietta people assured us that they will take necessary steps to correct the problem of excessive free crystalline Mg0 though it might have a considerable cost effect in the supply of cement. Be importance of taking corrective action was emphasized by UE6C because the detrimental effects, if caused by cement on the long term basis, cannot be ignored.
7. We following action items were detennined to be taken by either Martin Marietta or UE&C:
a. Martin Marietta is tc take necessary steps to reduce F40 to acceptable limits for the periclase components,
b. Martin Marietta is to suggest some alternate quick chemical method, if possible by nursday, May 5, 1977, by which the amounts of free crystalline MgO can be readily determined. Wis test, if found to be feasible, is intended to be used for the supply of cement to the Seabrook project.
c. Look at present structures in which Martin Marietta cement has been used and indicate any additional problems the custosners may have encountered.
d. UE&C is to supply in one gallon containers, cement of each of the pro-posed suppliers af from PTL so tnat Martin Marietta can analyze y the samples and make a comparative study of the chemical contents of the three cements. Cement is to be sent to: Dr. F. R. Hurley, Martin Marietta Cement, Technical Center, 1450 S. Rolling Road, Baltimore, Md. 21227 (301-247-2320).

Notes prepared by,

&a,s -


S. K. Bewtra Q

SKBimko Attachments

\ '

-- 3.e.,,, .W m Q lhv.~~

it;d (J ! a v C i /1 O i Ip) i c, * . . ...;L ... a..: . a _ .. .. J FFI'CE: 'Thomaston A rvne H"E WT 32

"'TE: March 17, 1977 ,

TO: J. L. Cedrone .*

FROM: R. F. Gebhardt BJECT: Seabrock: United Engineers Structural Notes of Conference 379 I have read the Structural Notes (minutes) of Conference 379 furnished to you by A. J. Hulshizer and have not.ed several errors.

Item 2a, the attached mill test report from Martin Marietta is not the one which applies to this shipment. The one shown here is dated 10/15/75 and represents a typical Type II test at that time. The correct mill test report was furnished to Mr. Drummond of United Engineers at the time of sampling and to Mr. Levelius of PTL at the time of shipment. Apparently neither United nor Mr. Levelius furnished the correct report to Mr. Gardner. Copies.of the correct mill test report have been forwarded to Mr. Gardner from the plant.

The correct report furnished to United at the time of sampling and sent to PTL with the shipment shows much closer agreement with the PTL results than does the 1975 test report attached.

Item 2c, the 43 ppm value for sulfates in sample storage water is not surprising and is of no concern. This value may be lower than I

normal. Depending on v.olumes of water used, the number bars, the amount of sand, and the J ength of storage, most or possibly all of the observed sulfate could have come from the aggregates although most probably came from the cement.

Item 4. The Conrow paper indicates no correlation of expansion by his test (which eventually became C342) with any of the properties of the cement with the exception of SiO2 (and consequently C2S which is controlled by SiO2). The possible correlation with alkalis and some of the other preperties mentioned by Conrow is

- not borne out by the data in his paper (see Fig. 7).

Item 8. The crystallization of periclase (crystalline Mg0) is not shown by the chemical analysis for MgG since all Mg0, regardless of its form, appears in the test. Expansion caused by hydration of large crystals of periclase shows up in the Autoclave Expansion test. Small crystals of periclase and Mg0 in other crystalline phases or in o.uenched glass do not contribute significantly to expansion.

Item 10. To my knowledge, there is no evidence that sulfide content is affected by plastic bags. It is known that some types of plastic bags have affected the properties of mortars and concretes produced from materials shipped in them. The main affect, to my knowledge, is on setting times and is probably due to absorption of plasticizers from the bags. ,

ArrAcsme nT E 3 cf 3r J. L. Cedrone - Seabrook g Item 11, a, i. The specimens referred to were given to J. R. Wilson for delivery to Dr. Mielen:.

Item lib. New cenent was to be supplied because of $he age (over 7 months) of the previous cement and because of possible contamination of all materials while at PTL. The cement shipped was in no way contaminated.



[ h <ns R. F. Gebhardt RPG/jil cc: J. Wiison, J.r.

  • J. R. Wilson R. A. Gilhooly

. G. M. Kenniston O

O 9

- , v lIk PORTLAND CEMENT ASSOCIATION interefficecorrespondence hr7Ac H HENT kb?

April 19, 1977 8 of 33-


Paul K11eger Center Mr. John Wilson of Martin Marietta has requested that we examine three mortar bars to determine the cause of expansions which have reached approximately 0.9% in 16 weeks of exposure according to ASTM C342. The bars were previously submitted to Master Builders for examination, but that failed to elicit'the cause of expansion. Following are the results of our investi-gation.

The three mortar bars were labeled as follows: -

P-6264 ."f 168805/3/ 10/18 Two" P-6265 " 4 Sand /9/13 3767591" P-6266 "4 3 168806/3/3/ ONE"  ;

I Examination of lapped and freshly fractured surfaces failed to  !

reveal any source or cause of the reported expansions. Polished sections were then prepared from each bar and observed micro-scopically at magnifications of 500 to 1200 times. This revealed -

the presence of periclase (Mgo) in unhydrated remnants of cement grains in each bar. The periclase occurs both as octahedral crystals and as dendrites. Periclase, per se, is not a source r of' distress. Rather, its hydration to form brucite (Mg (OH)2 ) I would be a cause of expansion because this reaction results in  !

slightly more than a doubling in volume of the reacted periclase.

Powder samples from each bar were therefore prepared and examined, using the petrographic microscope, to identify the presence of ,'

brucite. This examination failed to positively determine its ,

presence. Differential thermal analysis (DTA) was then run on a i powder sample from bar No. P-6265 " 4 Sand /9/13 3767591. " Results of this work revealed the 0 presence of brucite, as indicated by an l endothermic peak at 400 C. A second test was made on a companion powder sample, to which was added reagent grade Mg (OH)a . A larger  :

endothermic peak occurred at the same temperature, thus substanti-ating the finding that the peak at 400 C for the unadulterated sample is attributable to brucite.

From the above work, it is concluded that periclase in the cement has reacted to form brucite with attendant expansion of the bortar bar.


DAVID STARK Cpncrete Materials Research Department jd HT-1093 2 9MM i

RECEIVED RGCSYGD CWEGGGS o,,,5,oyor m ,r,w e rr, m uc u r,oy

.lw g3[=e (3nn{ 5gi ,d::

j y.y CLEVELAND, OHIQ 44113 ,

A T T"A C H m EN T E f N  ?

%/ Ja & :stg A v/ h is 3 A Offkeof R.C.laeferu 9 o[ Y To R. C. Mielenz From L. B. Shotwell Date 29 March 1977 ofnce Cleveland Offke Cleveland Research Laboratories


SUBJECT MARTIN MARIETTA CEMENT petrographic Examination of Three Mortar Bars Tested Under ASTM C 342 This memorandum covers the petrographic examination .

of three 1 x 1 x 11 inch mortar bars received by the Petrog- '

raphic Laboratory on 11 March 1977. The mortar bars were  :

marked "168805/3/ 10/18 Two", " Sand /9/13,3767591", and "3, 168806/3/3/ one" respectively. The three mortar bars had l

become badly warped during testing under ASTM 342 and a  :

petrographic examination was requested to determine whether I or not there was any evidence of cement alkali-aggregate reaction.

Examination The center third of each bar was sawed out and this section was then sawed longitudinally. The longi-tudinal surface was then lapped according to our standard procedure. A thin-s'ection of a portion of the longitudinal surface was prepared for each sample. The samples were then examined microscopically and the following observations were made: .

Samples marked "168805/3/ 10/18 Two" and "3, 168806/3/3/ one" The samples marked "168805/3/ 10/18 Two" and "3, 168806/3/3/ one" were petrographically quite similar and the following observations may be applied to each sample:

The surface of the mortar bars was moderately soft and highly carbonated. Numerous polygonal cracks were present over much of the surface. The majority of these cracks did .;

not penetrate more than about 1 millimeter into the mortar bars. i Host of the air voids and cracks present on the exposed surface I were partially to completely filled with subradiate clumps of j ettringite crys tals. A small number of euhedral portlandite crystals were also observed on the surface of the mortar bars.

A few microfractures were observed in the interior of the mortar bars. They were about 1-2 millimeters in length and were filled

'vith a buff-white colored material which appeared to be composed of cement hydra tes. The air voids in the interior of the mortar bars were spherical in shape and a few of them were partially coated with portlandite. The cementitious matrix was buff-white in color and contained an abundant amount of unhydrated cement.

&l s phobiLC{h {0%t '}h00521Q C041f)t8{h... 01A31Dif0f$D)tf 1,01ANbE o 011 i AP]U EE ! UO'lI 4

A rranunc NT E 10 of 3A' R. C. Mielenz re: MARTIN MARIETTA CEMENT Page 2 - 29 March 1977 The aggregate was a crushed aggregate which was composed of angular fragments of granitic rock. The minerals observed included muscovite, biotite, plagioclase, microline, and quartz. A minor amount of-augite and garnet was also observed. There was no evidence of cement alkali-aggregate reaction.

Sample marked " Sand /9/13, 3767591" The surfaces of the mortar bar were moderately sof t and highly carbonated. Numerous polygonal cracks were present over much of the surface and the majority of these cracks did not penetrate more than ab,out I millimeter into the mortar bars. Most of the air voids and cracks present on the exposed surface were partially to completely filled with subradiate clumps of ettringite crystals. A small number of euhedral portlandite crys tals were observed on the surface of the mortar bar. A few microfractures were observed in the interior of the mortar bar. They were about 1-2 millimeters in length and were filled with a b u f f-wh i te colored material whiuh appeared to be composed of cement hydrates. The air voids in the interior of the mortar were spherical in shape and most of them did not contain any secondary deposits. A few of the air voids ~were partially .

filled with portlandite. The cementitious matrix of the mortar bar was buff-white in color and contained an abundant amount of unhydrated cement.

The aggregate was composed of angular to subrounded particles of quartz and feldspar, A trace of biotite :nd muscovite was also observed. There was no evidence of cement alkali-aggregate reaction.

Conclusion None of the samples contained any aggregate particles which are classed as potentially reactive with cemer.t alkalis, and no evidence of cement alkali-aggregate reaction was observed in any of the three mortar bars. However, no cause for the observed warping of the mortar bars was revealed .by this exam-ination.

L.6. S W w a L. B. Shotwell, Chief Petrographic & Special pprovb Investigations Section dw  % cc: L. B. Walbert Jimos A. Ray ()

Assistant Director of Research R. B. Peppler I

, hT Yh CHM Ct4T U ll of 3r Report of April 26 and 27, 1977 Trip to Review Possible Aggregate and/or Cement Reactivity In New England Area Conclusions From observing several structures, it appears that the growth and cracking problem due to cement-aggregate interaction or cement reactivity, if existed, has surfaced sometime af ter the structures have been in service ten years. In every case, Martin Marietta Type II (Dragon Type II) cement has been one of the concrete ingredients. In light of the failure of our test specimens for ASTM C-342 which utilized Martin Marietta Type II cement, it would be prudent not to utilize Martin Marietta Type II cement until its chemical contents have been thoroughly checked.

Trip Report We, W. R. Marchand and S. K. Bewtra, observed several structures on April 26 and 27, 1977 which were either under construction or had been con-structed in the New England area using the concrete ingredients of the probable material suppliers for the Seabrook project.

We have made the following observations:

1. On April 26, 1977 in the morning we saw the following structures in t' e Boston area:
a. In the South Terminal of Logan Airport, which has been constructed within the past 5 years, the concrete ingredients used were as follows:

The coarse and fine aggregates frcm Boston Sand & Gravel's Ossipee Pit and Type II cement from Atlantic Ccment Company.

On the columns of overhead transitway there were several cracks observed vertically and horizoatally and in addition, on the terminal walls there were several vertical cracks. None of them appeared to be of the nature which would indicate that there was an existence of c ment aggregate interaction or cement reactivity. Probably these cracks are due to shrinkage or quick set,

b. Most of the structures in the downtown Boston area were either banks or commercial buildings and had granite or other architectural appearance-enhancing skin covers which did not give a ready access to observe the condition of concrete underneath.

A rTAC H MENT 11 c[ 3S~

c. Charles River Dam, which is presently under construction, has concrete as old as 2 years with the following concrete ingredients used:

Boston Sand & Gravel as the coarse and fine aggregate supplier from their Ossipee Pit and Atlantic Cement Company as tne supplier of Type II cement.

In this structure, too, we did not find any cement aggregate interaction or cement reactivity evidence. There were several cracks which appeared to be in the construction joints of the mass base pours and the structural spillway piers.

2. On April 26, 1977 in the af ternoon we saw the following structures in New Hampshire:
a. On our way to the Newington Station we observed several bridge abutments and central bridge columns of the overpasses of cross-roads on Interstate 95. These had been constructed using Iafolla coarse aggregate, Dover sand and Marquette Type II cement. These structures had very 1Loited amount of fine vertical cracks but none of the nature which would indicate a cement aggregate inter-action or cement reactivity.
b. At the Newington Station of Public Service Company of New Hampshire (PSNH) the concrete supplied had Iafolla coarse aggregate, Dover sand and Marquette Type II cement. The plant is 5 to 6 years old.

The turbine generator pedestal, Induced Draf t Fans and its foundations and piers, and the chimney were observed and they all did not show any indication of cement and aggregate interaction or cement reactivity,

c. While visitir.g Newington Station we were requested by Mr. J. Herrin of PSNH to visit PSNH's Shiller Station where he indicated that the turbine generator pedestal had experienced growth. For the construction of this turbine generator he recalled that the cement used was Martin Marietta cement (Dragon cement) Type II (this cannot be substantiated with pour slips) with Iafolla stone and Dover sand. (These concrete ingredients were later confirmed to have been used at the Shiller Station.) Two pedestals which were observed to have undergone growth were approximately 20 years old and growth on one end of each of the pedestals was as much as 3/8".

Drums were set on these corners to avoid a tripping hazard. The columns of these pedestals had cracks generating from several cen-tral sources and spreading in a wire mesh or cobweb patterns. This growth and cracking could be due to cement aggregate interaction or cement ceactivity. It was learned that the turbine generator machine had to be re-aligned and probably uneven growth of the pedestal was one of the contributing factors.

.. A TTA c H Mer/f E 13 gf 24~

In the yard the substation fire wall barriers at the Shiller Station had cracking patterns similar to those observed on the turbine generator pedestal.

3. On April 27, 1977 we learned that the Portland and South Portland Sewage Treatment Plants were under construction and the concrete in those areas would not be aged enough to give a clear cut indication of cement aggregate interaction. Therefore, a visit was made only to the Central Maine fossil plants at the Cousin Islands. Mr. Dick Luce of Central Maine showed us slab on grade which they had felt had undergone expansion in the vicinity of floor trenches. While trying to replace piping in the trench the removable grating had no clearance left between the curb angles and grating to allow an easy removal of the grating. The slabs could not be examined for cement aggregate interaction due to coating applied on concrete surface and lighting conditions. The turbine generator pedestals did not appear to show any cement aggregate interaction in these structures, however, the intake structure's pump pit which is approximately 20 years old did show several cracked patterns similar to those seen at the Shiller Station indicating a probable cement aggregate interaction or cement reactivity. In the Cousin Island units of Central Maine Martin Marietta Type II cement has been used along with either Blue Rock

., coarse aggregate or Cook (Boston Sand & Gravel subsidiary) coarse aggregate with Boston Sand & Graval sand from Ossipee Pit. Mr. Luce could not determine in which area who was the aggregate supplier but felt that with thorough research he may be able to pinpoint the suppliers.

4. From Cousin Islands field office a call was made to Mr. Henry Bacon of Central Maine to obtain any additional information that he could give with regards to any cement aggregate interaction or cement reactivity they might have experienced in their several power plants in the state of Maine. Mr. Bacon indicated that in their Cataract Station (hydro station) they experienced a growth of the turbine generator pedestal as much as 3/8" in which Martin Marietta Type II cement was used. The aggregate supplier he could not furnish but felt that he could obtain this information for us. The turbine machine in this case, too, had to be re-aligned. The initial Cataract Station was ,

built in 1939.

In their 'a~ Mill Station's turbine generator pedestal and the Bar Mills Den they had experienced growth. The samples taken in these areas showed the presence of a silica gel. He promised to forward us the report on the findings of these expansions so that we can evaluate results of expansion in light of our present ASTM C-342 test failure.


14 of 3[

The test results of the Central Maine generating stations have since been received and are enclosed for information.

Notes prepared by, S. K. Bewtra

< 8 '~

W.'R. Marchand SKB:mko Enclosures



N .' '

n c. g(, , zy t^sTm amon f.'. TIN MARIETTA CEMENT PO5T CmCE BOX 188  %

THOMASTCM. MAlkE coast .

TEZPMCNE (2:7) 604-6534 January 26, 1977 h NHMM ir of 2f" Mr. Henry Bacon, Engineer Central Maine Power Company Edison Road Augusta, Maine RE: SPECIAL ADDENDUM TO TECHNICAL SERVICE REPORT NO. 444TS

Dear Henry:

Please see the attached Special Addendum Report to our previous Technical Service Report No. 444TS concerning the alkalie-aggregate

, reaction problem you have in Bar Mills.


I feel the report is self-explanatory, but it might be well to point out that I do not' feel there is any question the alkali in thh water does provide a continuous source of this, alkali re-activity taking place. I would not be a bit surprised, Henry, if this type of reaction has taken place with all your dam structures throughout the State of Maine. It might be well, if you care to pursue it further, to test the alkalinity of the water at the head of all your dams because this may be a con-tinuing source with all your other_ structures.

If we can be of further assistance, do 'not hesitate to give me a call. I hope this Special Addendum will round out the work we have done for you.

With very best wishes,

/ $'

R. H. Danfor Technical Service Engineer RHD/,jo Attachment CC: J. L. Cedrone .

M. A. Buchanan

  • e t,1ARTlH f.1ARIETTA CEMEhT '$$7,2-yj,$,
  • TELintotic (Mil :47 2223 ATrricHmeNr2 January 13, 1977 g 4 of 3g-CEMENT TECHNICAL CENTER TECHNICAL SERVICE REPORT NO. 444TS SPECIAL ADDENDUM


Displacement of Turbine Generators CUSTOMER: Central Maine Power .

COMPANY: Martin Marietta Cement Eastern Division - Thomaston - .

Since our report of November 10, 1976, R. Danforth sent samples of coarse _ aggregate, sand,"and water to the Technical Center for an evaluation relative to the alkali-aggregate reaction problem. They were designated Lot 912.

. s. ,, .

ercent of waterBoth aggregates soluble were found alkali expres.~d to contain 0.01 as Na20'while thec p$ter co'n -

tained 0.004 percent. Therefore, the a-lkali in the aggregates contributed to the problem until it was consumed by the re-action. The alkali in the water contributes continuously since Over a 20 to 25-year period,


it is replenished from the river.

the alkali contributed by the river water would continue the reaction as long as an active source of silica is available in the aggregate. .

i /


Milton H. Wills, Jr.,P.E.

Supv., Concrete & Aggregates W

MHW:m  :


s'an sa .. - - , - - - - - - -

- - Mr. Henry Bacon Central Maine Power Co. Easterr. cMsion Edison Drive P.O. Box 189 Augusta, Maine 04330 Thomaston, Maina 048S1

" A-rTriC H MENT E

  • ..w USAG.S p g 3-12/14/7 ,

Dear Henry:

Here is the corraspond.cnce vou reques_ted las_t we.e1. It sh oul d_h;tv e been att ached _to your original _r3p.0I_t_f.r_Qm_ pnr Ceeent Technic 9_1 C e n Baltimore. I hope this will fill out your records and I will be in touch with you later regarding the testing of the water and aggregates which we have iust recently sent to the laboratory. Best wishes for a very Merry Christmas and a Hanov New Year. Dick Danforth ,

Dalt n2?LY

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c A;,n its a ..i Al From L. C. Shotwell Date 25 October 1976 To R. C. l'icienz orrice Cl evel and Office Cleveland Research Laboratories SUBJECT Petrographic Examination af a Sample of Hsrdened Concrete from the Bar Mills Dam, -

August:, Maine ,

This memorandum covers the petrographic examination of one sample of hardened concrete received by the Petrogr'aphic Leborator/ on 8 October 1976. The sa'mple wasItnotwas marked and reported

approximately 5 x 5 x 9 inches in size.

t, t- be from.the Bar Mills Dam, which is located near Augusta,.

I',. i n e . A petrographic examination with particular reference. R. C. i'i el e n z t' any cement-aggregate reactions was requested by Dr.



his 7 October 1976 memorandum to Mr. R. B.

i t.


Examination _ .

The sample was broken (by hand) into several irregu'larly shaped pieces. A roughly triangular shaped slab was cut from o .. : f f.hese pieces which contained a pontion of the exposed m sur. Nee. The slab was cu t perpendicular to the The exposed surface.

slab was 7/8 inch (h;.or was used as the saw blade. coolant.)

thi-;. and the length of the three . sides was 3 inches, 4.1/2 inches, c ,. 8 0-1/2 inches. 't was then lapped according to our standard p cedure. The slab and the remaining pieces of concrete were

. ti n examined microscopically and the following observations were .

r:sde: .

The concrete was moderately hard and the coarse aggregate was homogeneous 1y distributed throughout. The exposed surface was coated with a black-colored, rubber-like material. This coating was about 0.35 millimeter thick and was well bonded to the surface of the concrete. The surface to which the rubber had been applied was rough, and some fine aggregate and small concrete spalls were:in direct contact with it. A 1-3 millimeter thick layer ~of the concrete matrix which was adjacent to the .

- rubber topping was light brown in color and was relatively soft.

The concrete was non-air-entrained. Air content was determined microscopically by the point count method and found to be 1.907, by vclume. A traverse length of l'22 inches was used with a total Most of the air voids were partially of 2>.77 points counted.

to cumpletely filled with ettringite (calcium sulphoaluminate).

- ~

- "*..N: .

n sl otl2E Wul, Vydc?E WO'SliulLlb

' h*M J n r!.' .

!! . C'. Mielenz re: Petrographic Examination f,.,i.g e 2 - 2 5 _0_c t o b e r 1976 . . /iTv Acumeror 3Z ID of 3r .

Minor carbonation of the matrix had occurred throughout th e entire slab. The matrix was a mottled buf f-white color and contained a minor amount of unhydrated cement. Jo fly ash was observed. A few fractures were present within the slab.

No apparent crientation of these fractures was observed and they were randomly dis tributed throughout the slab.

The coarse agcregate was a crushed aggregate which was composed of a conbination of diabase and phyllite.

Tht individual particles were quite variabic in size and tb maximum dimension of the individual particles ranged f'on abcut 1/8 inch to about 2 inches. Many of the diabase

t. rticles contained chlorite and a 't' race amount of caluite.

'S:.. e .of the 'diabase particles contained a minor amount of

r. . r i t e . In general, the diabase particles were not internally fractured. Some of the phy11ite particles were fractured int -rnally and many o f the phyllite particl es had. a red-brown .

cel ced rim, which was about 0.25 millimeter thick. The surf ace of many of the coarse aggrega'te particles which were 6 t'j acent to fractures was coated with a brittle blue-white colored r.aterial. This material was anistropic (cryptocrystalline).

. a"d had low birefringence. It had an index of refraction (n) c? 1.4GO and was identi fi ed .as .al kalic-sili ca gel . A few of the sorhets from whi;h coarse aggregate particles had been ri oved were partiai;y coated with subradiate clumps of ettringite.

Several of the coarse aggregate particles were partially coated w'th -a thin veneer of portland cement mortar which had a con-spicuously~ lower water: cement ratio than the body of the concrete.

11. fine aggregate was a natural sand. It was composed of angular to :.ubrounded particles of quartz, feldspar, quartzite, sandstone,

. cr0 granitic rocks. .

Cenclusion Deleterious expansion and subsequent fracturing of .

the concrete was due at least in part 'to a reaction between cement alkalis and the phy11ite. aggregate. In addition,,the concrete was and was therefore susceptable to freeze-thaw distress. It is also possible that at leas'.

spme of the deleterious e~xpansion and subsequent fracturing was the resul t of sul fate attack. A sulfate analysis of the concrete is recommended.

L . B. 5!. .-hdL .

- i.. B. Shotwell, Chief Patrographic & Specirl Investigations Section royed l}$AWLh'Y\ PM Taties A. Ray ,


Assis tant DirectorVi Research

=9 A TTAcume9T EI ,

MMTIN MARIETTA CEMENT Q"[" ['55" Twoustes. uut easi TELEPHONE (237) $94-h133

. November 22, 1976 c

Mr. Henry Baker Central Maine Power Co.

Edison Drive Augusta, Maine 04330 Re: Displacement of Turbine Generators'- Bar Mills Dam

Dear Henry:

Attached you will find the report from the Cement Techinal Center at Baltimore, Maryland concerning the sampling and field exam-ination . of the concrete at the Bar Mills Dam.

I feel the rep' ort is self explanatory and if there are any questions please feel free to call me at the plant. .

I will pick up the sample of water together with the sand and stone to be sent to Baltimore for further. analysis and examination.

With best regards,

. $c R. H. Danforth Techinal Service Enginee-RED /pem cc: J. L. Cedrone

. J. Wilson, Jr.


.e A T T AC.H M EL N T

!? TN MARIETTA CEMENT $ 80, * " g ,acAD TnDMCNE (301) 247-2320 2, gg November 10, 197f C M NT TECHNICAL CENTER TECHNICAL SERVICE REPORT NO. 444TS


Displacement of Turbine Generators CUSTOMER: Central Maine Power COMPANY: Martin Marietta Cement Eastern Division - Thomaston Central Maine Power has experienced displacement of their

+ urbine generators at the Bar Mills Dam due to expansion of the concrete foundation that has occurred in the last .20 years.

Accordingly, R. Danforth sent a sample of the concrete to the Technical Center for analysis. It was designated Lot 912.

A visual appraisal of the concrete revealed what appeared to be reaction rims at the contact between the coarse aggre-gate and the mortar components of the concrete. Microscopic examination indicated that the concrete contained little in-tentionally entrained air. .An x-ray diffraction analysis of the coarse aggregate showed the composition to be quartz, plagioclase feldspar and chlorite with a minor quantity of calcite.

The sample was sent to Master Builders Research Labora-tories for a petrographic examination to determine the presence of alkali-aggregate reaction. Their report, attached, classified .

the coarse aggregate as a combination of diabase and phyllite -

igneous rock types containing a substantial quantity of plagio-clase feldspar, augite, glass and iron ore. Many of these particles were coated with a brittle, blue-white, colored material which was identified by its index of refraction as -

alakli-silicate gel. Thus, the misalignment of the turbines was most likely caused by the expansion of the concrete as this gel formed.

e 9


' Cement Technical Center November 10, 1976 Technical Service Reperc No. 444TS Page 2

. A TTACuroE t/T E 11of3T An inspection of the dam revealed serious cracking of the concrete exposed to weathering, also. Master Builders co2 ducted an air content. determination by microscopic point co a t and found only'l.9 percent of air voids. Therefore, the deterioration of the exterior concrete is probably due to both freezing and thawing and the formation of alkali-silicate gel.

Milton H. Wills, Jr . , P.E.

Supv., ' Concrete & Aggregates MEN:n


e W


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  • o4vio n. avevcus A . A m e nt =4= o 4. 64c nam er ATTACHME NT k sesven o. a 4w y a BYLVE.vCR L.Poom

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Hille faIC . i3[}bCg bDntiniSSiDIT

- AU G U STA. M AIN C 04330 ggy,,, g,pyy gg, Maine State Highway Comission Haterials & Research Division Box 1208 Bangor, Main,e 04401 January 24, 1972 Henry F. Bacon -

Engineering Department

  • Central Maine Power Company 9 Green Street Augusta, Maine 04330

Dear Mr. Bacon:

Please excuse the delay in replying to your request regarding the specimens from the Cataract Plant. Since our conversation we have located an electron ,

nicroscope and are in the process of arranging for its use.

Chemical tests, in cur laboratory, indicate the presence of elements required for the fomation of silica gel. The observation by the scenning -

electron microscope should confirm the existance of.the silica gel crystals.

Enclosed is a copy of our pr44ninary laboratory report. .

As soon as we have the results, of the microscope, a copy of the report will be sent to you. We would like to retain the pieces of concrete core until the enmination is ccroplete, to ensure the availability of back--up speci= ens.

Very tntly y y



, / -



~ ~

Everett R. Stevens Testing Engineer E/W Enc.

I cc: F. M. Boyce -

SF4 s -


' 24 of 3r

. Inter-Departmental Memorandum one m ~ x-- o wn Dept.

_r.. n. q*.v -, ,

To .

From _ n R =7<* ai n hsIbr(' Dept.

Subjea rgnndiar coa--ta - %dk - cn 'ar+

C. N< Ia ' '" b-If a sodium silica gel has.been for=ed in this concrete, then sodium must be present.

A small sa=ple was broken up with a mortar and pestle, and the portion passing a No. 200 seive was analized for sodium by the sine uranyl acetate .

method with the following results:

'% Sodium 0.17% .

Expressed as Na20 0.237 Expressed as Nacl' O .W,.

Expressed as Na20.2SiO2 l'EN Expressed as Na20 5SiO2 3*1N Expressed as Na2SiO .9H2O

. 2.1%

3 ,

nus substantial amounts of sodium silicate compounds, could have been fomed. Note that Na 0.2SiO 2 2 and Na20 5SiO, are not expressed with their water of hydration, wnich would increase th3 weight of these ccepounds sub-stantially. Thus it is felt that these co= pounds inight be present in suffi-cient quantities to make electron microscopy of value in determining their presence. .

9 . .

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HIHC IRIC -ii3 I}ftiHg bDnuniSSiDIT AuousTA. MAIN C 04330 Address Reply to:

Maine State Highway Comission Mater lais & Research Division Box 1208. Bang,or, Maina Vaal November 22, 1971 Henry F. Bacon Engineering Department Central Maine Power Co=pany 9 Green Street Augusta, Maine 04330

Dear Mr. Bacon:

Please refer to your letter of November 16th regarding the pose ility of alkali-aggregate reaction in the concrete of your Cataract Station. .

Although, we have not experienced the phenccenon of creep or growth of concrete on state projects, it is highly possible, because of the nature of our structures, the action would go un-noticed. Review of the cement test ,

that you sent indicates that the cement was quite- alka 14 Most of our aggre-gates contain silica. It would be possible for us to test for silica gel and perfom chenical tests to finger print possible alk,14-aggregate reaction.

We are very interested in testing the core frcxs the scroll floor. Testing and a study of the concrete would be very~ worth while for us as it would increase our knowledge of the long-tem reactions of cement and aggregates. A copy of our. test report would be sent to you. ,

Very truly yours,

- a

- . Eve tt R. Stev

- Testing enn naer f -

N.c b ru { { ( % ;~ e k e s a Sa ~Ff f  %

  • N* Y /<%t 1 oN jf. L3.') } hjC" 4
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i Arracameur E 2.6 of 3r November 16, 1971 Maine State Highway Commission Materials & Research Division Box 120S Ban 3or,. Maine 04401 .

Attention: Mr. Everett R. Stevens, Testing Engineer Dear Mr. Stevenst Cataract Hydro .

Reference is made to your letter of November 9, 1971 in response We to my request for information on alkali ag:;regate reaction.

certainly appreciate your prompt reply and information.

As I may have mentioned to you on the phone, we are having prob-lems with movement of the turbine embedded parts on our Cataract Enclosed hydro sr.ation in Saco and Biddeford, on the Saco River.

( is a print of drawing 316-75 shouing the hydro stati'on. ,

Also enclosed are copies of some cdment tests, compression test of samples and mechanical analysis of the aggregates which were taken from the Vito Minini sand pit and quarry in Biddeford in 1937.

This problem of growth, or creep, or alkali-aggregate or whatever, has caused similar problems in other stations constructed in the 1930's. Our experience seems to indicate that time is a factor -

being approximately thirty years.

We liave taken a small core from the scroll floor to make whatever arrangements are necessary for and a

wouldana-chemical like If it is possible 4*c you r to perform this lysis of this sample. task and you feel it would be worthwhile, we will forward sample. ,

Thank you again for being so prompt.

Very truly yours, CENTRAL MAINE POWER COMPANY Henry F. Bacon Engineering Department

. HFB:kb -

cc: AFHoward ,

' g g, & 1 n A_

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- Au o u STA. MAWe ,04330 Address Reply to:

Maine State Highway Commission Materials S Research Division Box 1208. Bangor, Maine 04401 Nove=ber 9,1971 Mr. Henry Eacon ,

Central Maine Power Co. .

Augusta, Maine

Dear Hr. Eacen:

Reference'is cade to ycur telephone call of Hove =ber 4th, requesting infor=ation regarding aEod.i-aggregate reaction. The best infomation we have is fren the U. S.

['reau of k1> -atients Concrete Handbook, as fo11cws: , , ,

8;The enpansive deterioration is caused by osmotic sw='14 g of alkalic silica gels, which are produced by chemical interaction of certain susceptible s474ccous rocks and minerals of the aggregate with the 27bi4es released by hydratien of the ce=ent.

Experience de enstrates that the action can be centro 11ed by selection of nonreactive aggregates, or by use of low-a7 b74 cement, or ce=ents contaiM g certain types of poczolanic =aterials. limitatics of the nib 74 content of ti:e ce=ent is the cost satis-factcry method of control because of the difficulty and the long time involved in '

evaluating reactivity of aggregate, and because other improve =ests in quality of the concrete =ay be derived simultaneously. For ena=ple, there are indications that surface craning, checid.nE, and cracking of concrete are associated with high-a'b7*

ce=ent, and that such surface imperfections can be reduced matenially by use of low *'b74 ce=ent. . -

f Sodius and potassium are both undesirable ec=ponents of ce:nent, but a given weight of Ha2O is nors activ6 than the same weight of K20, each percer, of K 0 2 being chemic'e47 equivalent to 0.658 percent of Na2 0- , This relationship enables the total n'w1'es in ce=ent to be espressed as a single equivalent percentage by weight, computed as the sus of the percentage of Nago plus 0.658 times the percentage cf K20.

Federal and ASTE specifications for "1cw =1b'4" cement that the an>74 content (co=puted as indicated above) be 0.6 percent or less. This limitatien cay not be sufficient to avoid so=e reaction which, ever a' period of years, may lead to significAnt d.


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.: ve m % 2.971 .

g ft6r'-ibrations. I*any cement 'ad'1* now produce cenent ha'dng a soneuhat lower alkali

~ -

Wntent, and it ca7 be found practicable as well as desirable to speci.fy senething

'le:S than 0.6 percent >1 bid content for icw-e.lhali cenent. Var!.cus poczolaMe

.dite.winl:s are effective in reducing the e::pansion of concrete. that would tr'e-4 61t from alhali-aggregate reaction." .

2 es not certad" that "lcu-albH cement is canu'actured in this area. .

2'.hbpe the. preceeding is of help to you.

Very tndy yours, f$H?A.p_;dd; k 71 4.]


> Everett R. Stevens i Testing En513eer .

i tiL* . .

.ct: 7., M. Boyce e




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S YLV. S v C R b. P O D e

[Hi118 hiHIC hi [T[Ung 3 @m1111155Simi Au o u srA, M AIN C 0433 Addross Reply to:

Maine State Hi-hway Commicsion Hatorials C Research Division


Box 1208, Bangor6 Maine 04401 Feb::uary 10, 1972 Mr. Hen: F. Bacon ,

Engineerin;; Department .

Central 1:a.ine Pouer Company 9 Green Street Augusta, Maine 04330 * -

Dear Mr. Eacon:

Please er.cuse the delay in c$r ccepletion of the study for possible n1W14-aggregate reactica in the concrete of your Cataract Hydro Station. It has been -

necessa:7 to ferk this in with our routine duties and to obtain use of the scanning electrcn microscope of the University. ,

As mentioned in our last letter chemical tests ucre perfomed to determine the procen,ce of ccapounds nacessary for alkali-aggrepite reaction. The conpounds

. ucre fcund and your core specimen was viet ed under the electron microscope. A control using one year old concrete was used and photographs nos.1, 3, 4,10 and

- 11 vere taken. Photographs nos. 5, 6, 7, 8 cnd 9 were taken of your core specime=.

The follot:ing notations were nade during the se%g: '

Sample 1, control .

Photograch ilo. Exclanation Magnification

. 1 '

Surface of Concrete 5K Inside surface of pore 3 SK 4 Edge of pore _

5K -

10 Crystals along edge of pore -

2K f ,

11 Interface betucen rock frag::ent and cement 10K

. s e

y,9( .

Sa=cle 2, Concreto Core Oataract Plant Photo rach tio. Emlanation Maar.ification Interface betueen rock chip and fa rTA c +4 m E NT b 5

(' cement, note. etching of rock 10K 30 of 3r

6. S ee as 5 7 ceacnt on rock chip, note condition of rock SK -

8 Surface near rock chip ,

5K 9 Surface of pote SK ,

Photograph No.11 shows both the cement and rock in background, this pnoto-graph should be co. pared with photographs 5, 6 & 7 hhile the rock surface of the control is s:rooth the rock surface of the Cataract specimen has been etched producing the striations as observed. It is our conclusion, the etchings were caused b'/ the alkali-aggregate recction. The odd shaped c:/stal to the left center of photos 5 & 6 is considered to be the product of the reaction - silica gel.

Very trcly Jotars, r / !/4 -

-gb y '( l' h LL-r y *' .

Everett R. Stevens Testing Engineer te/m .

cc: F. M. Boyce

- 9 e

O f .

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RFC <mh *


old Orchard Road. Skokie. l!!inois 6007G / Area Code 312 / 966-6200 WTMW(oCriT b 3l kY Research and Development Laboratories Cernent and Concrete Research Institute February 4, 1975 -

- ggC@/E JEBi0$70 .

Mr. Matt Hunter . .. .. .y .s tW.;

Purchasing Agent -

Central Maine Power Company ,

Augusta,. Maine 04330 Mr. Hunter:


Attached are three copies of a report by Dr. D. H. Campbell, Research Petrographer, giving results of his analysis of concrete samples covered by your Purchase Order 62509, dated January 20, 1975. The concrete samples were forwarded by your Henry F. Bacon with a letter dated January 6 to our M. J. Catani.

The report states that the cause of deterioration is alkali-silica reaction. Argillite and phyllite aggregates are known to be quite reactive, and are the major source of the problem.

There is also an abundance of ettringite which indicates that a sulfate reaction may be involved.

If you have any questions,.or if we can be of further service to you,.please contact us.

Sincerely, J. . Shideler, Director ,

' Aasinistrative and Technical Services ,


. Copies to -

W. E. Kunze .

E. Hognestad D. H'. Campbell CS-0130 .

enc 1.

S it i pJ -

f,* ^

ll.L,d ronnAND CEMENT ASSOCMDON WerofBceco,rgondence

. A T T/,4 H ME rW.

7 February 3, 1975 n c[3(, ,

J. J. Shideler CENTER '

Petrographic examination of .small samples of concrete from

  • the " stilling pool" area in the Harris Station project of the Maine Power. Company, Augusta, Maine, indicates a rather advanced stage of concrete detericration as a result of alkali-silica reactions. .

Abundant concentrations of alkali-silica gel (fig. 1) typically show a clear opalescent rim around a white, porcelaneous, amorphous to microcrystalline slightly carbonated interior (fig. 2). Partially filled pockets of gel characteristically show curled and cracked layers.

Coarse aggregates are mainly metamorphosed sandstone con-taining quartz, feldspar, mica and reconstituted clay minerals. Other metamorphic rock types are quartz-mica schist, argillite, and phylli'te, the latter two known to be somewhat reactive with high-alkali portland cement. Fine ,

aggregates are quartz, plagioclase feldspar, and fragments of the rock types mentioned above.

Intense carbonation occurs in areas of the paste near exposed surfaces, as expected.

The alkali-silica reaction could have been ' caused by:

1. Release of alkalies during hydration of portland cement.
2. Release of alkalles via water acting on zeolites or

. clays in the aggregate.

3. Highly alkaline mixing water (some ground waters, sea water).

'4. Alkaline waters penetrating concrete after curing.

..Jof these possibilities, No. 1 seems most likely.

.' Release of cement alkalies resulted in partial solution of reactive concrete constituents (phyllite), forma-tion of alkali-rich silica gels, expansion and cracking, with probable continued deterioration by cyclic freezing and thawing.

J. J. Shideler A T rac a m e rJ r N February.3, 19'75 Page. .

33 og 37 ..

Ettringite (high-sulfate calcium sulfoaluminate) is abundant as void fillings in the paste. Partially filled voids are also common (fig. 3). Ettringite coats some aggregates and crack surfaces.

Ettringite is a comnionly ascociated product in an alkali-silica reaction. Its abundance suggests either an intense alkali-sili~ca reaction,. or additional concrete deterioration

  • via sulfate-bearing solutions, or, perhaps both.

Yf D. H. CAMPBELL /rs Research Petrographer .

DHC/rs CS-0130 e

o G

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- .. bec: EJSurowiec .


r- -

A rrAc Nint NT .Y ' '" -

. 34 of 3r ,',

January 6, 1975 .

Mr. M.* J. Ca tani Portland Cement Company Old Orchard Road Skakie, Illinois 60076

Dear Mr. Catani':

As suggested by George H. Brattin, Regional Structural Engineer Portland Cecent Association, I am enclosing two (2) . ' " ....

concrete samples taken from our Harris Station project, for ,

anslysis. ,  ;;

This hydro project was built in 1952 to 1954 and we dre '"-


now seeing evidence of concrete "popouds" and some large scale cracking in the " stilling pool" area.

We have experienced alkali-aggregate reaction in at least me or two other hydro projects in our systec, and would like a.

you to analyze these samples to determine the probable cause, , ,

You have undoubtedly heard from George by now concerning this matter, and if additional information is reouired please


let us know.

Very truly yours, CENTRAL MAINE POWER COMPANY .. .


. Henry F. Bacon -

Superv. Civil Engineer

. HFB:kb Encl.

cc: GHBrattin f.. ,

!,' 5

a 1 -s a e i h co rl as a i- i a e s nowl g i i cs eld idt , le c t Ped idti =

polars uncrossed. 3.5 mm.

Fig. 3--Thin section photomicrograph of giE spherical void partially filled with ettringite in concret'e paste. Field k width = 1.0 mm, polars uncrossed.

.. ., Amcmeur Y g._ inited i ei M 30 South engineers 17th Street, a_s-em Post Office Box 8223 Philadelphia. Pa.19101 June 1, 1977 SBU-12623 File:, P.O. 1- 1 (5-B .P . )

Category: MTGS Mr. J. D. Haseltine, Project Manager Mr. T. M. Sherry, Dir. of Construction Yankee Atomic Electric Company 'lankee Atomic Electric Company 20 Turnpike Road 20 Turnpike Road Westborough, Massachusetts 01581 Westborough, Massachusetts 01581 Gentlemen:

Public Service Company of New Hampshire Seabrook Station Review of Chemical and Physical Composition of Aggregates and Cement and Development of Periclase Detection Mechod Enclosed you will find the notes of meeting held on May 5,1977 with the probable suppliers of concrete aggregate and cement for the Seabrook.

project. Please note that the aggregate suppliers invited to this meeting were the ones whose aggregates were used in conjunction with Martin Marietta cement in the state of Maine where the cement aggregate inter-action or cement reactivity was observed.

If you have any questions or comments, please contact Mr. S. K. Bewtra.

Very truly yours,

~. /s * ,

G. F. Cole Project Manager SKB:mko Enclosure cc: JD Haseltine - Yankee - 4L 4/ene.

BB Beckley - PSNH -

3L 3/ene.

TM Sherry - Yankee - LL 1/ enc.

JH Herrin - Field - lL 1/ enc.

a n ven.oa cenp.av

A-r7 6 C H NC f#T


DATE: May 5, 1977 PLACE: UE&C, Philadelphia PURPOSE: Review chemical and physical co= position of concrete aggregate and cement suppliers and develop a method which can be utilized in detecting the amount of periclase in the cement PRESENT: UE&C Erlin-Hime As soc.

RM Bedford B. Erlin SK Bewtra GF Cole Master ' m:1ders JR Dmytryk LB Shotwell AM Ebner AJ Hulshizer Portland Cement Assoc.

RH Leonard Dave Stark JH Malvin .

WR Marchand Public Service Co. of N.H.

JG Osterman (Part-time) JH Herrin

  • Marquette Cement Mfg. Co. (Part- t bse) wMartin Marietta Cement (Par t-time)

PG Barry RF Gebhardt J. McGonegle Jim Wilson, Jr.

DT Smith John Wilson ON Wheeler

  • Blue Rock Industries (Part-time)
  • Boston Sand & Gravel Co. (Part-time) R. Nunley D. Boylan, Jr.

W. Gallant Pittsburgh Test Lab RE Gardner

  • Atlantic Cement Co., Inc. (Part-ttse)

J. Muesel J. Rose

  • The morning notes of meeting of individual suppliers attached only.


2-CONCLUSIONS: No method to detect periclase was Lsposed because lLnitations proposed for magnesia in cement were not acceptable to the cement manufacturers. Limitation on the a=ount of magnesia in cement was intended to assure that the remaining reactive periclase would not cause excessive expansion to cause failure of specimen when tested as per ASTM C-342. The meeting was adjourned with the understanding that both the cement manu-facturers and the enginesrs would develop a method with acceptable lhnitations on magnesia and possibly free lime which will assure that the materials will pass the ASTM C-342 test.


NOTES OF CONFERENCE 4 of 40 No. 386 GENERAL MEETING The af ternoon meeting was started with having the petrographers review their findings on the ASIH C-342 specimens. Mr. Dave Stark of PCA indicated that he had reviewed the samples supplied to him which had undergone 0.9%

expansion in 16 weeks as compared to 0.2% required in one year. He detected periclase under microscopic examination as being the reactive product which, when hydrated, forms brucite. Brucite in its for=ulation expands to 120%

of its original periclase form. He performed the Differential Thermal Analysis (DTA) which revealed the presence of brucite. Further analysis as indicated by the endothermic peaks at 400 C substantiated the finding that the periclase in the cement had reacted to form brucite and ics sub-sequent expansion. Te observed fine micro cracks in the mortar bars but did not detect the presence of any silica gel around the aggregates. (Mr.

Stark's report is attached.)

Atlantic asked if the cement used in test specimen was autoclaved.

Mr. Gardner indicated that the exact cement was autoclaved by PTL and failed to indicate the presence of excessive periclase.

Mr. L. B. Shotwell of Master Builders indicated that he had findings sbnilar to those of PCA, i.e., there was no evidence of silica gel indicating

. poca.ntial reactivity of aggregate. He did observe micro cracks and the presence of periclase. (Mr. Shotwell's report is attached.)

PTL indicated that they had run complete tests ad indicated in ASTM C-33 and C-150. The aggregates met all petrographic examinations and indicated no potential reactivity.

Mr. Erlin reviewed his findings on three bar specimens forwarded to him in which the evidence of excessive expansion due to cement was detected.

The specimens had fine crack patterns with ettringite deposited in aggregate surfaces and sockets of aggregates. There was no evidence of alkali silica reaction, nor was there any presence of silica gel rims. The cement examined by X-ray defraction had a total of 4% Mgo with the presence of periclase evident and free ILne of approxi=ately 0.9%.

Polished sections of the specimen were prepared in which magnesia from small to relatively large particles (up to 10 microns) were detected and relatively large clusters of periclase in small crystals (up to 25 microus) were detected. Nests of free lime were present. His study indicates probable reactivity of cement due to free Mg0 probably in combination with that of free lime. (Mr. Erlin's report is attached.)

S. K. Bewtra indicated the purpose of the af ternoon meetings was to try to set certain limitations on the free crystalline Mgo and possibly with free lime to assure that no inteiaccion which may be the cause of ASIM C-342 failure can exist in the materials supplied for the Seabrook project. ,

$ 1'TH CHn1EN7 3[


A. J. Hulshizer indicated that the test program which may be developed must ultimately comply with the code requirements within the present guide-lines which may be utilized in qualifying the materials in the preliminary stages.

A. M. Ebner emphasized that the test methods developed should be of the nature that they give meaningful results and more importantly that the results are obtained fairly rapidly so that the materials can be utilized for the Seabrook project without any further delay.

S. K. Bewtra indicated that from this mcrning's meeting there are the following four basic approaches which may be pursued furthir La detail to see which one can be most practical and best adaptable under the present circumstances:

1. Perform the X-ray defraction on the specimens and then run microscopic examination of the specimen.
2. Perform petrographic examination of the specimens being formed

, for the ASTM C-342 test.

3. Set up itmitations on the Mg0 and free lime.
4. Perform wet chemical analysis.

The petrographic exaninati.n to detect periclase was reviewed. It was felt that the amount of Mg0 content in the clinker can be broken down into a size and quanticized in 3 to 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />. From this data, periclase vs. Mg0 content relationship may be developed.

Mr. Erlin sugbested that we draft a letter to Committee C-9 of ACI so g that the appropriate sub-c<fanittee of C-342 may review the test and do some-I thing about it.

Mr. Stark indicated that the ASni C-342 tests were performed in the 1950s by PCA on potentially reactive aggregates and high alkali cement.

The initial formulation of this test was caused by the problems in the reactive aggregates in the mid-West region of the U.S. by Messrs. Scholer and Conrow.

Ihe X-ray defraction and microscopic examination was reviewed briefly, but it appeared that in any event certain limitations on the periclase or Mgo have to be Laposed to limit the reactivity of periclase.


Mr. John Wilson of Martin Marietta reviewed his visits to Shiller Station and Cousin Islands Station. In Cousin Islands he reviewed the floor slab scaling and intake wall cracking and at the Shiller Station both T. G. pedestals, Units 4 and 5. He indicated that the Shiller Station pedestal growth was due to alkali aggregate reactivity due to the presence of silica gel in the cracks formed in the T. G. pedestal columns. He in-dicated that three cements were used in the Shiller Station. Mostly Martin Marietta cement was used but during their strike, Marquette and St. Lawrence cements were utilized. He indicated that the isolated floor and T.G. pede-stal had a differential in elevation at a point of 1 ". He further indicated that the Bar Mills T.G. pedestal growth, too, was due to alkali aggregate reaction.

It was proposed at this point that the cement suppliers limit their Mg0 to 27. but all cement companies felt that in the interest of cement industry such limitations could not be imposed unless concrete evidence of some nature can be obtained which could indicate that such limits would definitely limit the growth of the periclase.

It was suggested that instead of limiting the Mg0 a modified autoclave test be performed and then with a quick microscopic examination check the presence of periclase left in the specimen. The cement suppliers indicated that unless the engineers are willing to modify the test procedures they would need as a minimum one year to perfom tests and qualify their ce=ent and furnish as per the ASME Section III, Division 2 code requirements. It was felt by the cement companies that it is up to the engineers to set the limitations which will assure the engineers that the final test results of ASri C-342 meet the requirements of ASDi C-342. Based on the specified limits, they would review and see if they can furnish ce=ent within those parameters. It appeared at this time that no limitations of any nature could be imposed on the cement suppliers at the present time and therefore the meeting was adjourned with the understanding that the cement suppliers and engineers would review the present situation and come up with certain satisfactory approaches which will assure that the ASTM C-342 test failures are not probable. Any approach taken will definitely have to be confirmed with the finsi tests perfor=ed as per ASDi C-342.

Notes prepared by, t _

S. K. Bewtra SK3:mko Attachments

> ,' . *y PORTLAND CEMLNT ASSOCIADON inter 4[] Ice correspondence AT W HMEM E April 19, 1977 ~/ o[ 4 9 Paul Klieger Center

_; . 4 . . .Jch: . y. t.;. g. .-f ' '.- - c * * "

T examine three mortar cars to detierm,has requested ine the cause ofthatexpansions we which have reached approximately 0.9% in 16 weeks of exposure according to ASTM C342. The bars were previously submitted to Master Builders for examination, but that failed to elicit' the cause of expansion. Following are the results of our investi-gation.

The three_ mortar bars were labeled as follows: ,

P-6264 ."4 168805/3/ 10/18 Two" P-6265 "4 Sand /9/13 3767591" P-6266 " 4 3 168806/3/3/ ONE" Examination of lapped and freshly fractured surfaces failed to reveal any source or cause of the reported expansions. Polished sections were then prepared from each bar and observed micro-

. scopically at magnifications of 500 to 1200 times. This revealed ,

the presence of periclase (MgO) in unhydrated remnants of cement grains in each bar. The periclase occurs both as octahedral crystals and as dendrites. Periclase, per se, is not a source of distress. Rather, its hydration to form brucite (Mg (CH)2 )

would be a cause of expansion because this reaction results in slightly more than a doubling in volume of the reacted periclase.

Powder samples from each bar were therefore prepared and examined, using the petrographic microscope, to identify the presence of brucite. This examination failed to positively determine its presence. Differential thermal analysis (DTA) was then run on a powder rample from bar No. P-6265 " .4 Sand /9/13 37675 91. " Results of this work revealed the presence of brucite, as indicated by an endothermic peak at 400 0C. A second test was made on a companion powder sample, to which was added reagent grade Mg (OH)2 A larger endothermic peak occurred at the same temperature, thus substanti-ating the finding that the peak at 400 C for the unadulterated sample is attributable to brucite.

From the above work, it is concluded that periclase in the cement has reacted to form brucite with attendant expansion of the inortar bar.


J k. h +

DAVID STARK Cpncrete Materials Research Department jd . . . . ,,

HT-1093 ., :

s "[


- ^

y w?] p,, y']'1(f ] RECElvED oms,o.v or war,u mauerra cuam r.on

,u d 13 t.# J [ J b \'s 0.2 , . , _ . , , . .. . ,

CMVEUND, OHIO 44118 0 o R.C.f. *nz tv a J To R. C. Mielenz From L. B. Shotwell Date 29 March 1977 of5ce Cl evel and

  • e.. .. . .,...m.

office Clbveland Research Laboratories SUBJECT , .: g u,_ .. - ,

Petrographic Examination of Three Mortar Bars Tested Under ASTM C 342 This memorandum covers the petrographic examination of three 1 x 1 x 11 inch mortar bars received by the Petrog-raphic Laboratory on 11 March 1977. The mortar bars were marked "168805/3/ 10/18 Two", " Sand /9/13,3767591", and "3, 168806/3/3/ one" respectively. The three mortar bars had become badly warped during testing under ASTM 342 and a petrographic examination was requested to determine whether or not there was any evidence of cement alkali-aggregate -


Examination The center third of each bar was sawed out and this section was then sawed longitudinally. The longi-tudinal surface was then lapped according to our standard procedure. A thin-s~ection of a portion of the longitudinal surface was prepared for each sample. The samples were then examined microscopically and the following observations were made: .

Samples marked "168805/3/ 10/18 Two" and "3, 168806/3/3/ one" The samples marked "168805/3/ 10/18 Two" and "3, 168806/3/3/ one" were petrographi'cally quite similar and the following observations may be applied to each sample:

{ The surface of the mortar bars was moderately soft and highly carbonated. Numerous polygonal cracks were present

) .o.ver much of the surface. The majority of these cracks did not penetrate more than about 1 millimeter into the mortar bars.

Most of the air voids and cracks present on the exposed surface were partially to completely filled with subradiate clumps of ettringite crystals. A small number of euhedral portlandite crystals were also observed on the surface of the mortar bars.

A few microfractures were observed in the interior of the mortar bars. They were about 1-2 millimeters in length and were filled with a buff-white colored material which appeared to be composed of cement hydra tes. The air voids in the interior of the mortar bars were spherical in shape and a few of them were partially coated with portlandite. The cementitious matrix was buff-white in color and contained an abundant amount of unhydrated cement.

x . ..

t pudatta lowpuo% cmets....nuoufactwas. ntosated, asuhea&m%ds

p r rAcumeur [

. R. C. Mielenz Page 2 - 29 March 1977 re: 9' of 49 -

The aggregate was a crushed aggregate which was composed of angular fragments of granitic rock. The minerals observed included muscovite, biotite, plagioclase, microline, and quartz. A minor amount of- augite and garnet was also observed. There was no evidence of cement alkali-aggregate rea c ti,o n .

Sample marked " Sand /9/13, 3767591" The surfaces of the mortar bar were moderately sof t and highly carbonated. Numerous polygonal cracks were present over much of the surface and the majority of these cracks did not penetrate more than ab.out 1 millimeter into the mortar bars. Most of the air voids and cracks present on the exposed surface were partially to completely filled with subradiate clumps of ettringite crystals. A small number of euhedral portlandite crystals were observed on the surface of the mortar bar. A few microfractures were observed in the interior of the mortar b'ar. They were about 1-2 millimeters in length and were filled with a buff-white colored material which appeared to be composed of cement hydrates. The air voids in the interior of the mortar were spherical in shape and most of them did not contain any secondary deposits. A few of the air voids were pcrtially -

filled with portlandite. The cementitious matrix of the mortar bar was buff-white in color and contained an abundant amount of unhydrated cement.

The aggregate was composed of angular to subrounded particles of quartz and feldspar. A trace of biotite and muscovite was also observed. There was no evidence of cement alkali-aggregate reaction.

Conclusion None of the samples contained any aggregate particles which are classed as potentially reactive with cement alkalis, and no evidence of cement alkali-aggregate reaction was observed in any of the three mortar bars. However, no cause for the observed warping of the mortar bars was this exam-ination.

L. 6. Wiwsu.

L. B. Shotwell, Chief Petrographic & Special prov Investigations Section

_d  % cc: L. B. Walbert Jfmes A. Ray ()

Assistant Director of Research '

R. B. Peppler

e -

PITTSBURGH TESTING LA B O R ATO R Y COPY A Tra cume ur Y e io o/ 49 PG-1703 April 26, 1977 United Engineers and Constructors, Incorporated 30 South 17th Street Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19101 Attention: Mr. A. J. Hulshizer Supervising Structural Engineer Re.: Public Service Company of New Hampshire Seabrook Station P.O. 9763.006-5-1, SNH-226 - Petrographic and Chemical Studies of Cement and ASTM C342 Bars Gentlemen:

Attached is the Erlin, Hime Associates report with regard to their petrographic and chemical studies of cement and ASTM C-342 Bars.

The samples were identified by us as follows:

Material Laboratory No.

Sand 767591 1" Gravel 768805 3/8" Gravel 768806 Cement 768789 Very truly yours, PITTSBURGH STING f RATORY R. E. er, Manager, Cement & Concrete Department REG /ab cca Mr.D. A. Rhoads-United Engineers & Constructors, Inc.

Mr.R. N. Moyer-United Engineers & Constructors, Inc.

\ Mr. E. K. Ferguson-Public Service Co. of New Hampshire Mr. Harry Ruffner-Pittsburgh Testing Laboratory Enclosure

A TTA C H ME 's T~ F Il % 49




AND DISCUSSION The bars were non-air-entrained and made with siliceous aggregate. They were extensively microcracked and on surfaces of aggregate and aggregate sockets were secondary deposits of ettringite. Small deposits composed of et-tringite and a small amount of calcium hy-droxide had formed in air voids. Paste was dense and of moderately low water-cement ratio.

l I

There'was no evidence that siliceous compo-nents of the aggregate had been chemically unstable as would be indicated by the presence of alkali-silica gel.

The separate cement specimen had a magnesia content of 4.1 percent by weight and a free lime content (includes uncombined calcium oxide and calcium hydroxide) of 0.90 percent. .

Microscopical studies of the cement revealed -

that the magnesia occurred as relatively large -

crystals and as relatively large clusters of small crystals; and that free lime, although present in small amounts and difficult to find, '

generally occurred in clusters of small crystals. Microscopical studies of the bars did not reveal microcracks associated with free lime or magnesia. It is possible that .

mechanical manipulations to the paste during the polishing had obliterated cracks that had formed.

. ATTAcN Me nT E

,ERLIN. HIME ASSOCI ATES uarcaiacs 4=o coacaers coasv6taars In summary, the study of the bars revealed that an expansion of the bars had occurred as mani-fested by fine cracks that transected the bars.

There was r.- direct evidence of the cause of the cracks. Although the periclase occurred as relatively large crystals and collections of small crystals deemed capable of causing distress after hydration, there was no direct evidence that such distress had occurred.

Thus, based upon the studies completed to date, a positive explanation of the cause of the expansion cannot be made. That is also true for expansion of bars made with similar s aggregate from sources in Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, and Iowa. Hence, the title of the test method refers to a cement-aggregate phenomena, and the method does not delineate the specific mechanism causing the expansion.

Various explanations have been given for the apparently mysterious phenomenon causing

. expansions. They have included alkali reactive aggregate (alkali-silica reactivity) , con-ditional features of bar manufacture and the related development of ettringite, and combi'-

nations of other things.

i If the matter of free lime and periclase and their possible relationship to the expansion ,

is to be pursued, more detailed investigation of those compounds in the unused cement can be made. If the producing cement plant per-sonnel will collaborate, then changes to .

production of the cement for providing l variations of free lime and magnesia in clinker can also be included in a test program.

INTRODUCTION Reported herein are the results of petrographic and chemical analyses of mortar bars and cement submitted by R. E. Gardner, Manager, Cement & Concrete Department, Pittsburgh Testing Lt boratory. The specimens were from PTL Lab No. 768789 and from ASTM C342 tests. The project was associated with the Seabrook Project of 1



.ERLIN HIME ASSOCI ATES - warcaiats ==o concaces co= sui.14ars T3o[Q


Public Service of New Hampshire. The cement was that used for making the bars.

The bars had expanded excessively during the course of the test program. Requested by Mr. Gardner were studies for evaluating the bars and the cement as a means of determining the cause of the expansion.

Accordingly, the bars and the cement were examined using methods of petrographic microscopy, the cement was examined using methods of x-ray diffractometry, and the cement was also analyzed using chemical methods.

STUDIES Specimens - The bars were identified as A, B, and C and had 1-inch cross-sections.

,a Several pounds of cement, identified as .-i _! .. ~l Cement, was received. --

-- d Petrographic Studies - On the surfaces of the bars were relatively fine pattern cracks having a polygonal pattern about 3/16 inch in size.

The bars were broken in the laboratory and examined using powder mount preparations for identifying components of the paste and aggregate, and secondary compounds.

Thin sections were also prepared for observations using transmitted light, and polished sections were prepared for observations using reflected light.

Aggregate of the bars was a crushed biotite granite in -

which different particles contained either clear and translucent light grey quartz or iron-stained quartz, pink quartz, feldspar, flakes and small booklets of biotite mica, flakes and small booklets of muscovite mica, and trace amounts of magnetite.

In voids were white secondary deposits composed of fine tufts of acicular ettringite (3Ca0 A1 02 3 3CaSO4 32H2O) and a small amount of fine platelets of calcium hy-droxide (Ca (OH) 2) -

The bars were transected by fine fractures that were continuations of the fractures exposed on surfaces.

On the surface of aggregate particles exposed in the plane of the fracture, and on sockets left by aggregate particles, were fine white secondary deposits composed of interwoven crystals of ettringite.


. ERLIN HIME ASSOCI ATES warsmau ano co casrc con:u:. rant.

SITdCNME#I 14of49 Air in the bars occurred as a few small spherical voids, and as larger non-spherical voids. The bars are non-air-entrained.

Paste was medium grey, dense, and freshly broken surfaces had semi-conchoidal. fractures. Residual and relict cement was abundant, and hydration products of the cement were moderately coarse.

Polished section analyses revealed that relict cement

- particles occasionally contained relatively large single crystals, and relatively large clusters of small crystals, of free magnesia (periclase, Mg0). There was not ob-served microcracks associated with cement particles, such as can occur when free lime (uncombined Ca0) and periclase hydrate in-situ to calcium hydroxide and magnesium hydroxide (brucite) . It is possibla that, during polishing, microcracks had been obliterated because of the mechanical manipulations to the paste.

The cement was embedded in bakelite and polished so that freo lime and magnesia could be observed. The magnesia occurred as small to relatively large crystals (up to 10 microns in size) and relatively large clusters of small crystals (up to 25 ,to 30 micron-sized clusters) .

.The free lime occurred as a few clusters of orbicular particles (clusters up to 35 microns in size) , and as a few relatively small individual orbicular crystals.

Also present were small particles having a general similar appearance to free lime, but not a typical relationship to other compounds. Some of that material occurred along the periphery of tri-calcium silicate (alite) crystals, and if they indeed are free lime, then they reflect clinker produced at high tempera-ture so that decomposition of alite to beta dicalcium silicate and free lime occurred. Only a small amount of the alite displayed that feature.

X-Ray Dif fraction Analyses - The cement was analyzed qualitatively and semiquantitatively by techniques of x-ray diffractometry.

It was indicated to be a low tricalcium aluminate (C3A)

  • moderate tetracalcium aluminof errite (C4 AF) portland cement of major component composition essentially that of'a Type II or possibly Type V composition.

The forms of sulfate compounds were not all clearly re-vealed, but gypsum was indicated as the major type.

Free lime (Ca 0) and hydrated lime (Ca (OH) ,) ~

were not detected.


ERLIN. HIME ASSOCIATES . -4 sai4us ano coacanvr coasuc aars S TTA d elMENT [

IT of 4D f

Free magnesia (Mg0, periclase) was detected and estimated to be present in a moderately high amount.

Free Lime Analysis - Analyses for free lime as chemically determined (both Ca0 and Ca (OH) 2) were made by a modified Franke extraction and titration procedure. The amount determined, 0.90 percent, is deemed moderately high but not excessive.

Magnesia Analysic - The magnesia content of the cement was determined, using atomic absorption techniques, to be 4.1 percent.

s April 20, 1977 Er n, Hir ssociates, Inc.

4, -

by, Bernard Erlin, President Petrographer uG , n Wm. G. Hime Vice President 4


ATTA C H ME rtr 7 MARTIN MARIETTA CEMENT (Martin Marietta) 1 (o k49 (Structural Notes of Conference No. 386)

(11:00 a.m. - 11:45 a.m. and af ternoon meeting)

Martin Marietta had studied the periclase in their cement and the quarry from which the raw material is obtained. They felt that they could not high-grade the material, however, they can manufacture cement satis-factory for the Seabrook project by the proper clinker heating and cooling sys tens .

They were sure of the approach that must be taken to assure that the cement will pass the ASI3 C-342 test, however, if the Seabrook project specified no periclase, it will be hard for dies to guarantee that they will meet such a requirement. They felt that the autoclave test will show the deleterious periclase (inoculous periclase). The deleterious periclase can be controlled by the degree of burning to reduce its reac-tivity. The total cement can be broken down in parts by obtaining the total periclase by X-ray defraction and standard chemical tests. The initial hydration test dissolves chemicals other than the periclase.

Martin Marietta recommended that the approach to take would be to reduce the amount of periclase or change the form of periclase, or both.

They felt that the 0.9% periclase in their cement if ILnited to 0.2% for large crystals and up to 1% for small crystals it could control the ex-pansion problem of AS m C-342.

The alkali content in their cement, i.e., Na O + K9 0, is equal to 1.2%

2 or equivalent of 0.9% and their C A 3 content is between 6 and 8%, normally above 7%.

Martin Marietta was requested to look into and furnish the prices for cement with low alkali, i.e., Na 0 less than 0.6%, and liniting of C3 A to 2

less than 5%.

They did not recommend use of X-ray defraction method because of time involved, i.e. , 8 days af ter manufacture of cement, but alternate might utilize wet chemical test similar to free lime test or petrographic exami-nation for which preparation is mini =um, i.e., one or two days. Then ob-tain some kind of correlation between autoclave and C-342 expansion.

Martin Marietta handed a copy of paper from the cement and concrete research, "A Method for the Determination of Some Minor Compounds in Port-land Cement and Clinker by X-ray Defraction" by J. E. Mander, L. D. Adams and E. E. Larkin (copy attached).

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Pergamon Press NEW YORK

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t 4 CEMENT and CONCRETE RESEARCH. Vol. 4, pp. 533-544, 1974. Pergamon Press, Inc.

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)* 'J.. E. Mander*, L. D. Adams and E. E. Larkin

,,. Research Depart:nent - Southwestem Portland Cement Company Victorville, California

- .~ ..


(Consnunicated by L. E. Copeland) f .-- - -

-- (Received March 21, 1974) -

. . . :. ~ -


This paper describes a method of reinoval of the silicate phases in cements and clinkers by leaching with a maleic acid-methanol solution. Quantitative and qualitative deteuninstions by x-ray diffraction can be made on the minor compounds remaining after separation. These compounds include the ferrite phases (Cd2 ,FQAF, Cc,AF2 and C2 F),

C3 A, NCgA 3 , C 43 A 5, and MgO periclasc. The paper discusses techniques used, pure compounds manufactured and calibration

, curves constructed.

ZllSimENFASSING Beschrieben wird eine Methode, die Silikarphasen in Zementen und Klinkom durch Auslaugen mit einer Maleinsdure-Methantillosung zu entfernen. An den :urt!ckbleibenden sekundUren Bestandteilen kUnnen mit Hilfe von Rentgenstrahlen-Diffraktion quantitative und qualitative Bestincnogen durchgeftthrt werden. Solche Bestandteile sind :.B. cisenhaltige Phasen (C6A2 F-C2 F), C3A, NC 3, QA 35, und MgG Periklas. Besprochen w rden tiie benut: ten Ve ahren, dic gewonnenen reinen Verbindungen und dazu Kalibrationskurven.

  • Present address, Cement Technical Center, *

. , Hartin Marietta Cement, Baltircre, Md 21227 m '-

. . . $33 ,

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AT7 Ac HME NT E I fj o[ 49 534 Vol. 4, No. 4 -

Vol. 4, X-RAY, C1. INKER, MINOR CCNPOUNDS Introduction Investigators have suspected that many buming, grinding, and physical charac-teri,stics in portland cement clinker are related to the concentration of i l

relatively minor coc: pounds. This theory led the Research Department of Southwestem Portland Cement Company into a rather intensive investigation to determine how these compounds may be detected and measured by x-ray diffraction.

De method described in this paper depends upon the removal of the calcit=

silicates and free lime by leaching in a methanol solution of malcic acid.

(Appendix A) This procedure was first brought to our attention by Dr. A. A. '

Tabikh (1) during his tenure at Califomia Portland Cement Company. I 9

De x-ray diffraction instnanent used was recently manufactured by Ihilips Electronic Instninents. It is equipped with a solid state XRG 3000 generator powering a four-window copper target x-ray diffraction tube. L e diffracto .


meter utilizes a graphite crystal nonochromator and a scintillation counter.

%e detector signal is processed through a solid state control and processor -


panel. nis instnanent has a degree of stability which allows the omission of internal standards for the purpose of compensating for instnunent drift.

If instnznental stability or absorption is thought to be a problem with another instmnent, it may be necessary to include an internal standard in a manner' ,

described by Copeland, Kantro, and Weise. (2) Long-tena stability is deter- '

l mined by periodically rerunning calibration samples. Instrunent drift is also Alkali bbi monitored by using a silicon standard which is fastened to a holder that  !

In most c' allows the sanple to be precisely placed in the x-ray beam each time. was absent Experimental EC A8 3 was NC8A3 by t

. Working ctuves were prepared by adding pure compounds to cements or clinkers l ant compot that were void of the compound to be measured. These mixtures were analyted I Our resear using the procedure described in Appendix A. The pure compounds used to pre-with Polli pare the calibmtion curves were produced in our laboratory. The purity of calcium al the compounds was verified by x-ray diffraction.

. ful. Ibwe Tricalcium Aluminate (C3A) KCgA3 and The calibration curve (Figure 1) was prepared by adding increments of 1, 3, i . tricalciu:n 5, and 8 percent C3 A to a clinker that contained no C 3A. D e increase in peak D e calibr height at 21.76* (for convenience, 20 angles for copper K radiation will be 8, and 12 stated throughout this report) was then plotted against the percent of cor: pound compounds.

present. The C3A peak locatien at 21.76* was chosen because this appears to  !

the percen-be the most intense peak location that is not interfered with by other canpounds. was chosen f

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. 10 C[ 43 X-RAY, Ct. INKER, MINOR CCMPOUNDS e,a .  ::=

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  • Typical C3A Calibration Curve

.r-g, Alkali bbdified Tricalcito Aluminate (N/KCgA3)

In most clinkers that contain alkalies, it was noted that the C 3A peak at 21.76' was absent. The literature indicated that under such conditions FC A8 3 and/or KC A8 3 was fonned. (3,4,5,6) To substantiate the literature we produced NC8A3 by adding Na2CO3 to C3 A and clinkering at 2170*F for one hour. The result-ers ant compound closely resemb1cd that produced by Fletcher, Midgley and Fbore. (3)

I'd Our research has'shown that KC A8 3 can also be present in clinkers; this agrees Pre- with Pollitt and Brown (6) in that various amounts of potassium do enter the

'I calcium aluminate phase. Attempts to produce pure KC8A3 have proved unstccess-ful. Ibwever, we have produced a material centaining approximately SS percent KC8 A3 and 15 percent K5(K2SO 4 ). At the present time all alkali modified .

3, tricalcium alununate is determined as NCgA3 . ,

speak The calibration curve (Figure 2) was prepared by adding inctements of 2, 5, be 8, and 12 percent NC A8 3 to a clinker which contained no calcium aluminate

apound. compounds. The increase in peak height at 21.05* was then plotted against s* the percent of compound present. This relatively low intensity peak locatica ,

capounds. was chosen because it appeared to be the only peak location that is not inter-

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s se,s, FIC, 2 Typical NC8A 3 Calibration Cbrve fered with by other compounds, except C3A. Since C3 A also appean at this for one point, when both compotals am present, it is necessary to subtract the C 3A ing pro contribution from the calculated NC AS3 in order to obtain a tme value. The i The cal method of calculation used when both CM and 'CsA3 are present is based on the f to a wh relation of C A 3 peak heights at 20.98* and 21.76*.

Cp peak height at 20.98* peak he is 55 percent of the 21.76* peak height: NC AS 3 contributes to the 20.98* - The per 21.10' area but does not affect the 21.76* area. (The 21* peak location shifts from in because of the amunt of K2 0 in the altsli calciun altesinate phase.) When both compounds, C3A and alkali aluninste, are prescat the 21.76* peak is Calcita measured and 55 percent of the ecasured peak height is subtracted from the 'Ihis co measured peak height in the 20.93* area. This difference is used to determine the ettuivalent NCgA 3 concentration. '

it is n l- alumina Periclase @fgo) I diffrac-Determination of this co= pound is of interest to those who suspect that  !

and oth-periclase in their clinker is causing trt.w d.wss.

The cal The calibratica cc..peund was prepared by buming reagent grade MgG at 2700*F for 30 :

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! Yol. 4, No. 4 537


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t FIG. 3 i i Typical Mg0 (periclase) Calibration Curve ils '. for one hour; it was found necessary to subject this conpound to the clinker-CA3 ing process in order to fora periclase which is insoluble in maleic acid.

'the '

The calibration curve was prepared by adding 0.5,1.0, and 3.0 percent periclase on ud i to a white cement in which no periclase could be detected. The increase in 20.98* peak height at 42.92* was then plotted against the percent of compound present.

  • -
  • The periclase peak at 42.92* is the 100 percent peak and appears to be free n shifts fma interference hen $

g Calcium Sulphoaluminste (QA3F) 3 s

the . '

This compound is of interest in the investigation of Type K shrinkage-steunine [ cou:pensating and self-stressing cements. By ordinary ny ans of chemical analysis i it is not possible to obtain an accurate measurement of the calcium sulpho-aluminate and calcium aluminate compounds present in Type K cement. X-ray a

- diffraction allows one to accurately measure the amount of QA35, C A, 3 NCgA3 J

gg 3

and other calcium aluminates present.

l The calibration compound was prepared with reagent grade chemicals and burnt 27L F t, for 30 minutes with an oxygen-rich flame at 2350*F. Increments of 2, 4, 6, 8


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, M O[ 49 538 yo1. 4. No. 4 Vol. 4, X-RAY, CI.INKIR MIMOR CCVPO.N25 fasgg 83.10 e.,9.y t th.te

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ro .

a e 3 . . .e v 4 4,8 35

. FIG. 4 Typical C4A3 5 Calibraticn Quve and pea and 10 percent C4 3A 5 were mixed in a regular Type I clinker and treated as the has previously described. Peak height measurceents were made at 23.70*. entira Ferrites- Figure XRD detctmination of the ferrite content in clinker and cements was difficult p g because it was noted that peak locations, baseline widths and intensities This ce varied acconiing to the ferrite form. It cust be recogni:ed that for norm 1 f0** O portinnd cliniers, the ferrite phnse is a solid solution (Fss) ranging from

' by plot C2 F to C6A 2 F. (2, 7, 8, 9) XRD sttslies of various Fss phases indicate a shift unc W in location and increase in peak ares take place sa the am: runt of altraina in the ferrite phase increases. hhen known ni.stures of pure ferrite compounds To dete were reburned it was noted that shifts in pesi locations and peak areas corre- . convert

. sponded to the percentage of each corpound present. For example, a 50-50 (2 gran mixture of C4AF and CG2 A F gave a resulting diffraction peak halfway between these two extremes and a predictabic re.!uction in intensity when compared with M orde the original C6 2AF Measurements were made at the area between 43.5* and 44.4 parai1 because this seemed to offer the best interference-free area for both intensity 7; , . .-=, .-~ - - - - - _ _ .

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  • 24 of49 4
  • Vol. 4. No. 4 539 X-RAY, CLINKER, MINOR CGMPOUNDS e,s,r.e sr.e,sr,.e,r e.. 4.. . ..

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FIG. 5 Typical Ferrite (Fss) Calibration Curve and peak shift measurements. As the alumina incrensai in the ferrite phases the baseline width also increased, thenfore, it was necessary to measure the entire peak area in a manner similar to that described by Copeland, et. al. (10)

Figure 5 shows our calibration curves on the ferrite compounds.

21t Free 1.ime (Cao)

This canpound is solubic in maleic acid, and therefore it is necessary to per-si form this determination on unlesched samples. Calibration curves were prepared a 6 l by plotting Ca0 intensities obtained at 37.4* and plotting these values against hift.

I" i uncanbined lime titrations (ASBt C114) perfomed on the same clinker.

I s To detemine total free lime as Ca0 by x-ray diffraction it is necessay to rrre. convert any Ca(CH)2 Present to Ca0. This is accomplished by heating sampics, l

(2 grams or less) in a platinum crucible at 900* for 3 minutes.

S Discussion with .

,  ! In otder to evaluate the accuracy of the meched, synthetic samples were pre-44 msity i pared by adding known percentages of various pure coc: pounds to clinkers or L


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A TTMime ivr 1 If o[ 49 YOI 4 540 vol. 4, No. 4 X-RAY, C1. INKER, MINOR Cot' POUNDS .

cements free of these cenpounds. The data in Table 1 shaws the recovery of to the these pure cocpounds, h'e feel that this data indicates t' ; method is satis- Phenom factory for general quantitative use. - curves Table 1 - Analvsis of Smthetic Sanles (i.e.

1 Added 1 Recovered _ [

Sample A C4A3 5 3.0 3.0 C3A 3.0 3.2

  • MgG (pericIsse) 3.0 3.0 '

Test N SiO2 (quartz) 0.5 0.6


' CA


S.vnple B '

NCgA C4AF 5.0 5.0 4#

C4A35 10.0 9.9 '

MgG S.0 5.2 .

KC235 (syngenite) 1.0 1.2

  • I Table 2 shows the data obtained on repeated x-ray diffraction analyses of the i Test N same sampic without renoving it from the instnsnent. This data shows the -[

variation in indicated concentrations that can arise from instnrnent precision ,' L and slope of the calibration curves. 13ecause of the relatively fist' slope of C4A3:

the C3 A calibmtion curve, small differences in peak height lead to larger  ; MgG percentage differences. In the case of the other compounds in Table 2 the j iO2 slopes of the calibmtion curves are relatively steep; thus, small differences in peak height cause only small differences in measured percentages.

Tabic 2 - Instnunent Precision Percent Compound Present - , De pu g

detern Test No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Average f -

method CA 8.2 7.7 8.6 7.4 8.1 8.1 i

3 8.1 7.8 8.0 ,  : increa C[A3 5 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.6 ~.7- 2.7 2.6 2.6 2.7 i ferenc G 2.3 2.2 2.2 2.1 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 .

, SiO2 (quartz) 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 $ quanti l main b In order to determine repeatability of the complete method described in a I this t Appendix A, two samples (a Type K clinker and a Type T/II clinker) were analy:ed.

Four separate detenninstions were made of each of the clinkers. The data ob- CaQ3 ,

tained on each of the compounds measured is presented in Table 3. The repeat- This m ability of the data in Table 3 for C4A 7, 3 SiO;, Mgo, and C5 is better than the -

the el l

repeatability of the data for C A, 3 NCsA3 and the Fss phase. It is of interest i acid-m to note that the repeatability data shosn in Table 3 coincide with the instnt- -

cceple sent precision data in Table 2, and again these variations are directly related

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4 77'A C H ME NT Y

. 16 o f 49 Vol. 4. N1. 4 541

  • No. 4 ,


l to the slope of the calibration curve. Initial investigations to correct this of e tis-U r?.enomenon indicate that the slope of the C 3A, NCgA3 and Fss phase calibration curves can be made steeper by si..: ply adjusting the instrunental parameters (i.e. raising the time constant, lowering counts per second, etc.).

Table 3 - Repeatability Data for Complete Method Type I/II Percent Concound Present Test No. 1 2 3 4 Average Cp 0 0 0 0 0 4 NC8A3 6.9 7.3 7.2 7.4 7.2 C4AF 6.0 5.9 5.9 6.4 6.1 Mgo 3.2 3.3 3.6 ,

3.4 3.4 Type K Percent Compound Present of the 4 Average Test No. I 2 3 t: cision C 7.5 7.4 7.2 7.6 7.4 2.3 2.1 2.0 . 2.1 2.1 ope CtA35 2.6, 2.7 2.7 2.6 2.7 ger - MCO 3.1 3.1 2.9 3.1 3.1 SiO2 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.6 0.5 g


. Conclusions He purpose of this paper is to present a quantitative pmcedure for the


determination of the minor compounds in portland ccmnt and clinker. De A*"#"E' method allows for the renoval of the silicates and free lime which not only 8.0 increases the sensitivity of such determinstions but also eliminates inter-ferences of the silicates, a phenomenon present in most other previous 0.6 . quantitative procedures. (2) In addition to the compounds discussed in the main body of the paper, which are of prime interest to the cement chemist, ed, this technique has also been applied to the determination of CT, C9I2, K2SO4, e

CACO 3 , KC 235 , and S102 (quart:) in cement and clinker.

ata ob-  :

repeat- Ris method allows the investigator to gain a more thorough understanding of than the the clinkering process. To supplement this method one can analy:e the maleic intecest acid-methanol filtrate by x-ray fluorescence and thus be able to account more

  • ir-'ru- completely for the elements present in the clinker. ,

.y tu ated ,


- .- _ 3-r 7, _y


!= - .- _ . - __a. _ ._ ,, _ __.._ ..

N-A rTA C H ME Wr 2 2:7 of Ap 542 vol. 4, No. 4 yo1. 4, X-RAY, CLINKER, HINOR COMPOUNDS Acinewledcement The authors extend their gratitude to the folicwing people: L. E. Copeland y, g (Wiss, Janney, Elstner and Associates) for his encouragement and previous A*

wrk in x-ray diffractometry; A. A. Tabikh for his original concept of separat-ing cement conpounds by means of a maleic acid-metnanol leach; C. B. Moore (Southwestem Portland Cement Company) for his advice and encouragement during the course of the work; P. Hawkins (California Portland Cement Ccmpany) for his thoughts on x-ray diffractometry; F. Ibnsanto (Southwestem Portland B.

Cement Company) for preparing the paper for publication. j i

, References

1. A.A. Tabilh, R.J. Weht, "An X-Rcy Diffraction Analysis.of Cement." ,

Cement and Ccncrete'Research. 1, 317 (1971) -

?. L.E. Copeland, D.L. Kantro, and C.II. Weise. 'Q2antitative Detemination ,

of Major l'hases in Portland Cements by X-Ray Diffruction Methods." - .

Journal of the P.C.A. Research and Development Laboratories, Vol. 6, i No.1, pp. 20-40, January 1964. .

3. K.E. Fletcher, II.G. Midgicy and A.E. Pbore, " Data on the Binary System 3 Ca0 A1203 - Na20 8 Ca0 3 A1:03 with the system Ca0 - A102 3 - Nag 0." ,

Migatine of Concrete Research. Vol. 17, No. 53, pp. 171-175, Dec., 1965. .


4. W.R. Eubank, "Thase Equilibrium Studies of the liigh-lime Ibrtion of the Q inary System Na20 - Ca0 - Ai 0 2 3 - Fe2O3 - S103." Portland Cement g Association Fellowship Paper No. 56, Febmary 1050. c
5. T.F. Newkirk, "the Alkali Thases in Portland Cement Clinker."

Rird international Symposium on the Chemistry of Cement--London 1952.

pp. 151-169.

6. W.W. Pollitt, A.W. Bros.n, "The Distribucion of Alkalis in Portland Cement D.

Clinker." De Fifth International Syr:posium on the Chemistry of Cement-- $

Tokyo 1968. pp. 322-333.

7. G. }t:1guori, V. Cirilla, "The Ferrite Phase," Third International Symposium on the Gemistry of Cement--Iondon 1952. pp. 120-136.

8.. A. Guinier and R. Micheline, "The Structure of Portland Cement Minerals" t and various discussions, The Fifth International Symposium on the 8 E.

Chemistry of Cement--Tokyo 1968. pp. 1-43. ,

9. D.K. Smith, " Crystallographic Oanges With the Substitution of Aluminum ,

for Iron in Dicnicium Ferrite," Portland Cement Association Fellowship Paper No. 76.

10. L.E. Copeland, S. Brunauer, D.L. Kantro, E.G. Shul:, and C.H. Weise,

" Quantitative Detemination of Four Major Phases of Portland Cement '

by Combined X-Ray and Chemical Analysis." Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 31, p.1521, September,1959.

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  • - Appendix A I. Preparation of Samoles for XRD Analysis A. Grinding t_heh Samole zat-Crind the clinker or cement sample in a Bleuler Pfill for 3 minutes using absolute ethanol as a grinding aid. Evaporate the ethanol Ng using an infrared lamp.

B. Suspending the Sample Place 5.000 grams of the dried sample in 125 ml of anhydrcus methanol, and, with a magnetic stirrer, stir for several minutes to insure complete suspension of the sample. Add 25.0 grams of maleic acid and stir the solution for an additional 10 minutes. (Note: X-ray diffrac-tion analysis of cements and clinkers indicates that after 10 minutes

.on stirring all silicates have been removed.) If during the stirring process the solution tends to gel, add 5-10 ml of water--this restores the solution to its original liquid state. (Note: 'lhis addition of -

water is necessary whu the sciation terals to gel and does not cause us

. Na_ ." hydration of the ccopounds of interest.)

1965. ' *

  • C. Filtering the S.wple .

the Place a small piece of nylon screen in a Buchner funnel (tc prevent the sample from " blinding"). Set Watman ISO filter paper with water.

Filter sample through the paper and unsh three times with methanut.

2. Continue vacutaning until residue appents dry.

D. Drying the Samnie sent-- Carefully transfer filter paper to a. watch glass and complete drying under an infrared lamp. (Because the heat generate.1 may be sufficient a

to dehydrate some of the gypsum present, we recommend vacuum drying cement sampics while they are still in the Buchner funnel.)

rals" E. Analysing the Samole Remove the dried residue from the filter paper with the aid of a spatula. Weigh the sample to the nearest milligram. Reblendthedh solids in a high-speed oscillating mixer, (such as Wig-L-Bug), prior to placing in the sample holder for x-ray exposure.


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A TT4C H ME NT f i2 0 Y 49 544 Vol. 4.'No. 4 CEMENT anc X-RAY, Ct. INKER, MINOR CCMPOUNDS Printed fr b

t, II. Calculation of Cocoounds To deter:nine the arount of each co pound present in the sample, censult p the graph in which the x-ray intensity is plotted against percent compound.  !

"Ihis gives a raw percentage figure which must be corrected for difference j in residue weights. Make the calculation as follows: n B i Corrected (actual) percent ccapound = A x g hhere: A = raw percentage figure from calibration graph B = weight of residue from a 5.000 gra:n sample t C = residue weight equivalent to raw percentage figure.

(Consult graph of calibration standards' residue weight 04\R Nt.] versus " uncorrected percent compounds--

see Figure 6.)

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A TT6cumcor 2 30 cf49 BLUE ROCK INDUSTRIES (Structural Notes of Conference No. 386)

(11:45 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. and afternoon meeting)

They intend furnishing their coarse aggregate from the Main Street, Westbrook quarry for the Seabrook project. He gave the following chemical analyses for coarse aggregates which were performed by Thompson & Lichtnor, Boston, but had no record of the petrographic analyses on his material.

1. Los Angeles Abrasion Loss - 21%.
2. Specific gravity - 2.71%.
3. Absorption - 0.3-0.57..
4. Sodium sulf ate - 2.7%.
5. Magnesium sulfate - 1.4%.

In addition, the chemical contents of.the rock are as follows:

Silica - 65%

Iron oxide - 47.

Aluminum Oxide - 157.

Titanium Dioxide .58%

Calcium Sulfate Trioxide .09%

Sodium oxide - 2.56%

Potassium Oxide - 1.08%

Phosphate Pentoxide .37%

Fluorine - negative Lead - negative Mr. Nunley had heard of an expansion problem at the Saco River Dam for Central Maine which had shown expansion about 3 years ago.

Most of their aggregate has been used with Martin Marietta cement in Maine and they have sufficient supply of aggregate to meet the requirements of Seabrook project for a period of 7 years.


3 i Ojf49 ATLANTIC CEMENT CD:iPANY, INC. (Atlantic)

(Structural Notes of Conference No. 386)

(10:15 a.m. - 11:10 a.m. and afternoon meeting)

In concrete mix designs Pittsburgh Test Lab (PTL) had been experiencing difficulty with the air content whan Atlantic Cement is used. With exactly the same aggregates and admixtures as used for the other cement suppliers, the dosage of air required for Atlantic Cement is appruaimately twice that needed for the other cements to obtain a design mix sample with maximum air, i.e., around 9%. This problem was discussed with Mr. Muesel earlier and a sample of their cement was forwarded by PTL to Atlantic to investigate the possible reason (s) for this mix design behavior. Mr. J. Muesel indicated that they had just received the sample of their cement and should hrve some _

kind of results by the end of next week. (By 5/13/77.)

UE&C requested the information regarding the chemical contents of their Type II cement and if they had thought of any method which can be uti-lized in detecting the amount of periclase in their cement. They did not present any chemical or physical contents of their cement but they indicated that the autoclave test as specified in AS111 C-150 has always been the con-clusive test for cement and it is the only one that should be performed.

They felt that failure of ASTM C-342 specimen on one cement only does not necessarily make the results conclusive. It was acknowledged by UE&C that results performed thus far are not conclusive, however, indication of a probable source of problem must be pursued. In light of the fact that th e construction for Seabrook project is imminent and the quantity and sizes of periclase detected by petrographer in the failed samples are indicative of probable source of expansion problem, it is essential that some prompt action be taken without waiting for results of additional tests to circum-vent the probable source of concern.. Atlantic did not feel that this was a proper approach. They did, however, later agree to run a test for periclase content if they were made aware of any test which could give the conclusive periclase contents.

One of the approaches to be taken for the detection of periclase, X-ray defraction on the cement, was mentioned, however, it appeared that they were not quite ready to perform any additional testing work other dian the standard autoclave test. They indicated that the 1976 yearly average of Mg0 in cement was 37. but the content of Mgo had never been their con-cern. Their C 3A content is between 6.5 and 7% and the sodium equivalent about 0.6%.

They were requested to furnish prices for the Type II modified cement with C3A being below 57. and having low alkalinity, i.e., below 0.6%. Based on one test result they did not feel that such additional steps were ad-viseable, however, they would look into the marketing requirements, i.e.,

the amount of cement required for the project and otherwise before they can quote a price for such cement.

X-ray defraction equipment is available at their parent company in Danbury, Connecticut and could be utilized if X-ray defraction is specified to detect periclase.

V A T T A C H M E rfr -

cyf 49 3 2.


(Str .tural Notes of Conference No. 386)

(9 :40 a.m. - 10:15 a.m. and afternoon meeting)

Boston Sand & Gravel was made aware of the f act that one of their sub-sidiary companies, Cook Concrete, which they intend using as a back-up supplier for the Seabrook project, had furnished concrete for the Cousin Islanda fossil plants. Even though it could not be confirmed as to the actual supplier of aggregate in the area where extensive cracks in 20 year old structures were discovered, we will require complete physical and chemical data on their Cook coarse aggregates. Mr. Gallant had not brought the chemical or physical tests of the Cook aggregates but promised that they wi!1 forward that information shortly. He did hand out the physical and chemical analysis reports for the coarse and fine aggregates in the Ossipee Pit (reports attached). The coarse aggregate is a mixture of durable Concord and Conway Granite, Basaltic moat volcanics and Ryolite porphyries and por-phyritic quartz (Syenite, monzonite and diorite) with small amounts of Gabbro and schist.

Mr. Gallant was questioned as to how well they can control the specific gravity of sand to assure the specific gravity of sand being furnished is 2.6 as a minimum. In previous notes of meeting Mr. Gallant had indicated that the average specific gravity for the Ossipee sand was 2.62 and PTL had ob-tained a value of 2.61 which is close enough to 2.60 to cause concern that the specific gravity of sand may have to be monitored. Mr. Gallant assured us that they will be able to supply sand from sssipee Pit with specific gravity of 2.60. In aodicion, they assured us that the Cook aggregate will only be used as a back-up and they will furnish us with all the data prior to its supply for the Seabrook project. ,


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B %oluu eQW p~fil'df[ eavt.;L

,- 1 rerry rEAns or SEnvict . 227 9000 (y A 150 CAUSEWAY ST. BCSTON, MASS. 02114 August 17, 1970 Mr. Herman G. Protze 36 Jaconnet St:eet Newton Highlands , Mass. 02161

Dear Mr. Protze:

In compliance with your request, we are submitting herewith a geological analysis of the aggregate produced by Ossipee Aggregates Corp at Ossipee, New Hampshire and used by Boston Sand & Gravel Company in their concreta.

Ossipee Aggregates Corp. mines the glacial gravels along the Pine River Valley southeast of the Ossipee Mounta(ns. These gravels originate from the surrounding bed-rock and the rocks to the northwest ,

int,o the Ossipee Mountains.

Geological analysis of this aggregate produced the following results:

Concord Granite -

Conway Granite 26\7.) 48 %

227. )

Basaltic moat volcanics -


Ryolite porphyries & porphyritic


Quartz ayenite -

14 7. 46 %

Quartz monzonite -


Quartz diorite -

4h .

Gabbro -


Schist (Litticton formation) -

lh It may be noted here that the basaltic moat volcanics, rhyolite porphyries, porphyritic quartz syenite, quart -a tonite and quartz diorite account for approximately 46h of the % re. These rocks being very ha.rd are what give the Ossipee material its gc . durability.

The Concord granite and Conway granite, totaling 48 h , are also extremely durable granites.

Lithologically, there rocks may be described as follows:

Concord granite (26W) is a 1.ight gray medium-grained to coarse-grained massive granite, composed chiefly of microline, micro-perchite, quarts, oligoclase, biotite and muscovitt.

= .

i He rman G. Protze August 17, 1970 A 7 rAcWmsnr][

24 c/ e ,

Conyty granite (22%) is a pink to flesh colored, medium-grained to coarse grained massive biotite granite, composed of microperthite, quartz, oligoclase and biotite.

Basaltic moat volcanics (22%) - The moat volcanics are primarily interbedded flows, 'uffs and breccias of rhyolitic, andesitic and basaltic composition. The andesites and basalts are dark green to black, dense to fine-grained rocks and difficult to distinguish from one another.

The feldspar phenocrysts are sodic bytownite in the basalts whereas they range from sodic labradonite to calcic oligoclase in the andesites.

Rhyolite Porphyrics 6 Porphyritic Quartz Syenite (14 7.):

These rhyolite porphyries are light-gray, blue-gray and red

. porphyries with phenocrysts of quartz and feldspar. The feldspar phenocrysts are microperthite. The ground mass, which is dence to fine-grained, is composed mostly of quartz and feldspar.

Porphyritic and subporphyritic quartz syenite is a pink to gray medium-grained quartz syenite with phenocrysts chiefly of alkali feldspar, with some rounded quartz grains and a grour.d mass composed of either alkali, feldspar, quartz, and hastingsite or microperthite, horn-blende, quartz and biotite. Dark inclusions are common.

Quartz monzonite (6%) is a gray, fine-grained to medium-grained massive quartz monzonite, composed of oligoclase, microperthite, quartz and biotite.

Winnipesaukee quartz diorite (6h7.) is a gray medium-grained, slightly foliated quartz diorite, including some granodionite and granite.

The chief minerals are oligoclase or andesine, quartz, microline and biotite.

Gabbro (37.) is a dark gray to black, medium-grained massive gabbro composed chiefly of labradonite, pyroxene, and magnetite with minor amounts of biotite, chlorite and apatite.

Schist (Littleton formation) (1%%) is a gray to rusty-brown fine-grained to coarse-grained contorted muscovite-biotite schist, garnet-mica schist and quartz-mica schist; also greenish to gray, fine-grained to medium-grained, thin-bedded, contorted lime-silicate granulite composed of the folicwing minerals in varying proportions: diopside, actinolite, clinozoisite, plagioclase, calcite and quartz.

This concludes a general description of the Ossipee aggre-gates gravel material and we trust this will be of some help to you.

Ve ry truly yours ,

BOSTON SAND & GRAVEL COMPANY Peter R. Marden Geologis t PRM:b


  • 60U3DNT,83 0F AGGFIl0AIT3 BY FrE*,I!i3-AflD-TEWIf3G OF trIA.'rCARD COIIClG77E BEAMS (Crn-C-111-55)

IAIOPATORY DATA FOR CAST E2?J4 GPECI!E*iB j PPOJECf Charles Piver Dam, Dos ton, Massachur.etts MATJRIAIS USL*D:

FINE A00FD ATE: Processed fTatural Sand,fiom 5

Cosipoe Agt3regate Corporation, ossipee, Nov IIc pshize i

'. COATS: ACOP MATE: Proecoced Gravel, frus I Ossipee Aggregate Corporttion, Oooipee. Nov Har:pshim i

CDSNT: Type II, Atlan Portland cerent,from Universal Atlna Cc=ent, Ifudson, New York

  • AIR FJ1TRAIHyENT: Darex, from Devey 4 Aby Cho::ical Cortpany, J(

' Cacbridge, Mass.


l Beam Ru=bers Date Made 03-1, 2 % 3 Os li , 5&6 Os-7, L t. 9 15 Sopc.'70 15 Sept. '70 15 Ocpt.'70 Cement Factor, Bun /cy ........ 5 1', 5 10 Vater-Cerent Patio, Calo/bsg . . . . . 5.07 55 55 55 ssed Factor, 5 by Voltz:e . . . . . . . 41 0 147 0 147 0 Air Entr. Added, os/ bag ....... 0.5 0.6 0.6 B1m.cp, Inches . . . . .

, Vet Density, per . . .

....... 2-1/2 2-1/'s 2,1/2

....... 142 9 l'i l . ") 181.1 4

l Air Content, Presaure Method, % . . . 50 6.5 j' Air Content, Gravirtetric Method, % . . 53 6.0 70 I

6.5 I



bO q UssiRici




T g






h, i !l l vATL SAMPLL RECElvED o-25-70 FINE AGG.:

__ 1 Processed Natural Sand 5 '

% N Ossipee Aggregate Corporation u 90 . v i OsSipee, New lla:r.pshire 3 -- --

I i {L.

__. h-. . ._ __ DM, _.. _ . _ ._ .. __ _ __ _. .. ._ _



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- 1 ~ s CO ARSE AGG.:

$ _ _ ._ __ l . _ _ . _l_ __ __ .. . . _ . __. ._ . . _ y__

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l\ h g.._ g -.

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  • sos No. cytLLs


j 60 , 05-1 Sl _ _

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  • 59 150 200 250 300 9 0 50 100 Avg. 70 FAST CYCLES OF FREEZING AND THAWING


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-  !?c r Eng,l and Di. vision U. S. ARuY ENGINEER DIVISION LABORATORY, SOUTH ATLANTIC CORPS OF ENGINEERS "[jd'rtesriverDam MARlETTA, G E O P ".1 A ,, g e


, *0 R u ORDER No.




Processed 11atural jand and Gravel SOURCE BASE UNIT COST

. Ossiper Aggregate Corp., Ossiice, t New IInmpshire


. , Concret e Agr.regate o-25-70 TESTED FOR: Resistance to Accelerated Frec:-ing and Tuaving, in L*e No.


' No. Relat ive Dvne_,1c !!odols o f Elas tic i ty, Per Cent',

a 1 --Cycles: - 11 33 63 91 114 14 9 172 w.

195 730 ?S3 a--

276 312 q .- _ _ _ _ __


-? '

OS-1 91 91 89 87 85 81 81 81 79 77 77 77 2 91 91 87 85 83 81 79 77 77 77 71 65 3 96 93 89 85 83 Al 7 ') 75 75 65 65 64 1

05-4 93 93 91 69 89 67 67 81 79 75 75 73

. 5 96 93 89 87 87 85 85 79 77 75 71

, 6 96 93 89 89 P7 85 85 41 77 77 73 69

  • I l i OS-7 91 91 85 85 82 82 78 78 76 72 70 67

[ 8 93 91 85 85 83 81 79 79 77 75 73 71

. 9 93 89 81 i;l 81 79 /7 77 77 71 71 67 Y \

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Aruc u meur E

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7 - 2 1 3

, Schist 2:Siltsteno Tr 2 3 h 3 Tr - 3 k h 2 2 3 Diorito 2 - 3 J J 1 1 -

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! .l Anmmt in ntnbor of Pnrticlos in Pere mt retained er

.I In 'e cc:sTrUnics  !!o. 8 no. 16  !!o. 30  !!o. 50  !!o. 100 No. 200 Scp2 h Qunrts & Qunrt::ito 38 55 77 87 70 5h 69 Granitio h5 23 7 2 1 1 13 roldapar 12 25 12 2 1 7 9 fue. O Tr 1 6 19 35 5 Voleardos 2 3 1 2 1 - 1 Schist & Siltetano 2 2 1 - - i - 1 fuscellaneous(D) 1 2 1 1 2 h 2 IG 100 To5 100 100 100


. (A) Ecss m 'Mtribution of ennstituaits by aiovo .'roction ohown above and grading G own belmr.

IL) ltiocollsnsous includes diorite, naciotito, honW1mde, feleito rad minor othars.


. Possing Rotninnd Porcent No. h flo. G -


!!o O No. 16 19.9

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s..** ,

' '.5'. 3. Ihotograph of si: rock tyne repro-j..O acntative of Osoipce Ag@cgoto Corporation

, A Typs A Granite Typo D volcanics .

Type C Schist Type D Syenite

)C .g . ,; . . Type E Qucrtzito Type F Ehyolito


.( .



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Figure h. Photocraph (3X) of lio,16 Sievo

, fraction reprosentntive of Osoipoo

\ .,.:, AEgregato Corporation.

g. _ .



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THc THomesoN LICHTNcR Co.. INC. 7

. EOSTON SAND & GRAVEL CO. g 774 gggg g7 Y Boston, Mass. -



Test Nt ,ber -

MM394-2 Date Received -

1-15-69 Source - SubraP" M by you.

Sample -

Approximately 200 lbs. of ossipee. Sand.

Test Procedure - ASTM Designation C 88-63 using Magnesium Sulphsto


five cycles.

The folicwing data has'been obtained:

Results -

Weight of Passing Finer Weighted Grading of Fractions Sieve After Average Sieve Si::e Original Before Test '(Corrected Passine Retained On Samole % Test, ems. (Actual % Loss)  % Loss) 3/8" #4 .

8 300.0 2.2 O.2 40 O.2

  1. 4 8 6. 100.0 8 16 19 100.0 5.5 1.0 16 30 23 100.0 14 2 1.0 30 50 25 100.0 73 1.8 50 100 14 __ __

100 . . 5 --

Totals 100 700.0 --

14 2

( Sctisfactory Soundness Certified Correct THE U10}eSON & LICHTNER CO., INC.

- B. Lekesky


(Structural Notes of Conference No. 386)

(8:30 a.m. - 9:40 a.m. and afternoon meeting)

Marquette was requested to furnish the chemical and physical contents of their Type II cement which they intend furnishing for the Seabrook project and in addi: ion, to go over any of the methods which can be utilized 'in detecting the amount of periclase in their cement.

Messrs. D. Smith and O. N. Wheeler reviewed chemical contents of their Type II cement along with Type V which they now have available to be marketed, if desired. They handed the 1976 chemical and physical yearly averages for their cements being produced at Catskill Mill 2 (plant from wnere they intend furnishing cement for the Seabrook project) and a proposed method to detect the amount of periclase (copy of hand-out attached). The cement data can be compared with the ASTM C-150 requirements tabulated in attached Tables I and II.

Marquette can control the C 3A at 7.4%. They feel that the periclase in their cement is in the order 6f 0%.

Marquette had reviewed the approach of using X-rt' defraction to detect periclase in the cement though they felt that the init_al equipment cost is high, i.e. , $40,000 to $50,000. However, they could periorm the X-ray defraction tests on the cement samples within two days in their technical s lab in Chicago and be able to furnish the results on the mill test report provided the samples to be tested did not require the testing for each batch, or daily. UE&C felt that one X-ray defraction test per silo per month would satisfy the job requirements. This frequency was quite satisfactory for Marquette in furnishing the information on the mill test reports. Marquette suggested the use of autoclave expansion method in a modified form but this would require a certain degree of research prior to its implementation. If this method can be developed it may become useful in the preltminary analysis of cement until the long term ASTM C-342 test results are completed.

UE&C requested the following information for the modified Type II cement to be utilized in the areas where sulfate resistant cement is desired:

1. Cost for modified Type II cement with C A3 below 5%. ,
2. Cmat for modified Type II cement with sodium equivalent (Na20) below 0.6%.
3. Review the use of hydration on such cenent.

Marquette felt that with modified Type II meeting the above C3A require-ment may necessitate the delay in stripping of forms from 24 to 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br />. Mar-quatte will furnish, if required, low alkali cement at no extra cost.

Mr. O. N. Wheeler briefly reviewed the cement manufacturing procedure in their Catskill plant. In addition, he indicated that they have capabilities

, of storing 600,000 barrels of cement at Catskill plant and additional 20,000 barrels storage capacity in Boston area.

Page No. 1

[f T T A c H r0 E # T E


(Structural Notes of Conference No. 386) 45 o[ 49 TABLE I COMPARIS0" 0F ASTM C-150 PHYSICAL SPECIFICATIONS AND CE>ENT FROM CATSKILL Type II Type II Type V Type V C-150 Catskill C-150 Catskill Air, max. % 12 10 12 8.9 Fineness, min. cm2 /8 2800 3610 2800 3880 Autoclave, max. % 0.80 0.02 0.80 -0.04 Compressive Strength, min. psi 3 day 1500 2420 1200 3130 7 day 2500 3530 2200 4090 28 day 4000 (opt.) 5580 , 3000 5280 Vicat, minutes:

s Initial, min. 45 45 Final, max. 480 480 Options:

False set, min. % 50 75 50 73 Heat of Hydration, Cal /g 7 day - max. 70 75 ---

78 28 day - max. 80 86 --- as sulfate Expansion l' days, max. % ---

0.050 0.045 0.027 Page 2

= u N MARQUETTE CEMENT MFG. CO. A TT4 C H M E P6 (Structural Notes or Conference No. 386) 4 6 o[ 4 f)

TABLE II COMPARISON OF ASTM C-150 CHEMICAL SPECIFICATION AND CEMENT FROM CATSKILL Type II Type II Type V Type V C-150 Catskill C-150 Catskill SiO , min. 7. 21.0 22.2 ---

21.6 2

Al 0 , max. 7.

23 6.0 5.0 ---

4.0 Fe20 3, max. 7. 6.0 3.5 ---

4.7 Mgo, max. 7. 6.0 2.0 6.0 2.3 S0 , max. 7. 3.0 2.3 2.3 2.2 3

Loss on ignition, max. % 3.0 0.9 3.0 1.0 Insoluble Residue, max. 7. 0.75 0.3 0.75 0.3 C A, max. 7. 8- 7.5 5 2.6 3

s C4 AF+2 (C3 A), max. 7. --- 25.6 20 19.5 C3 S+C 4 AF, max. 7. (opt. ) 58 55.6 ---

70.3 Nag o Equiv. , max. 7. (opt. ) 0.6 0.63 0.6 0.53 Ca0 % --- 63.5 --- 63.8 C s 7. --- 45 --- 56 3



--- 30 --- 20 C AF 7. --- 10.6 --- 14.3 4

Page 3

a .

inter.C."fico Corro:pondenco na ..s n a. n. ,. .. n . sv..

.:-.L- n. r.w. - Lv.r.a o..a

.e un.

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.- a%

t r:r. v. e. C e..

. . .,.e

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Periclase is MgG which may be modified by small mixed crystal fermations. Up to_1.5 to 2.0% MgG can be built into silicate or

- al;minate in a normal clinker. Therefore, periclase can only appear where the MgG concentration passes the limit of 2%, either in the total clinker or locally because of non-homogeneous conditions.

Pr::edure s

The procedure for determination of periclase would be as follows:

a). Standard samples would be prepared by adding known amounts of Mg0 to a blank cement.

The area under the curve would be determined for each value (Mg0 angle @ 42.9).

b). The unknown sample is then analyzed by the same procedure 6nd the area under the curve is determined.

c). The per cent periclase can then be calculated.

o /2 6)/.- A,g O. N. WHEELER Mgr., QualigrControl 0:G/1p -

P L 8 '. * : CAT 5CILL HILL 2 f!O V C P U L r. , 1775 .

MostN t g 5 r'

  • C35
  • 5102 AL203 'FC203 "'CAO '- 'NGo' ~ 503'~ UNCCAO IL 145 '- UN CO (25 C3A C4AT HA20 K20 't' J43 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .00 .00 .

.00* .0 0 ' .00". .00' .00~ .00' .00 .00' .00 ' .00 .00 .00 .00 .0L .00 .00' .93 ~~"' ' .

FEO. ** 22.6 5.1 3.5 63.5 1.9 2.1 .5 .9 .0 41 40 33 7.5 10.7 .00 65 .0'

.21 .03 .09 .32 12 .16 .20 .22 .00 2.52 3.10 2.40 .25 .30 .00 .07 .00 PAR. ~~~~$~~ 22.4 ~5.3' ~3.4' 6317 " 2.0 ~2.1 .6 1 ~. 3 ~~".0 44 ~ 41 31 7.7 10.4 .03 . C r. .03

"- ~

.10 .36 .05 '.1 10 16 15 .27 .00 2.59 3.08 2.59 12 15 .00 .03 .00 APR.

' - - ~

15 22.3 5.0 3.4 63.3 2.1 2.6 .6 1.3 .0 42 40 32 7.3 10.5 .00 .61 .03 18 ' .09 .07 .20' .15' .25~~ .27 .33 .00- 1.73 1.54 1.77 .20 .22 .00 .0 5 * . 0 0 - ~ ~~ ~

HAY 27 22.2 5.0 3.5 63.2 1.9 2.1 .7 1. 2 .0 44 41 30 7.2 10.7 .00 .65 .09 37 .12 10 40 .09 .23 .25 .35 .00 1.91 1.98 1.71 .37 .31 .00 .06 .00 J UN f ~~~ ~ 9-- 2 2. 2 ' ' - 5.1 ' " 3'.~5 " 63.7' ~2 . 0 ' ~ 2. 3 '. 6 ~.9 - ~. 0 4 5 43 30 7.6 10.6 .00 47 '.00


11 .06 .07 .28 .07 .11 .31 .24 .00 1.23 1.91 1.02 26 .22 .00 .10 ."D

'~~ 22 JULY


22.3 5.1

.12 3.5 63.9 2.0 2.2 4 1.0 .0 45 44 30 7.4 10.8 .00 .38 .00

. 22 ~ .09 .36 . 0 6 18 19 .27~' .00 ~ 1.82' 1.96 ' 1.71 .27 .25 .00 .09 . 0 0 "' '-

AUG. *7 22.1 5.1 3.4 63.6 2.0 2.1 .5 1.0 .0 *6 44 28 7.6 10.,5 .00 .53 .03

.21 .06 .10 42 .12 .20 .26 .00 2.87 3.19 2. 51 .21 .30 .00 .08 .00 SCPT. 21-~22.1 5 .' 1 ' '- 3.6 ~ 6 3.~ 6 ~~~.8 1 ^~T.1' " '. 4 .20 ~ 9 ~ '. 0 ' 46 44 29 7.5 10.6 .00 4a .00 13 .06 .07 .32 10 .17 .17 .20 .00 1.87 1.70 1.56 .16 18 .00 .09 .00 GC1 25

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22.0 5.1 3.6 63.4 2.0 2.4 4 1.0 .0 45 43 29 7.4 10.8 .00 .53 .03 12- '.0 7 '. 0 7 .30 .08' . 2 2 "-- .32 .21 .00 1.50' 1.81 1.24 .19 .22 .00' 13 0 0 ' ' ~ ~~~

NOV. *4 21.9 5.1 3.5 63.1 2.1 2.5 .6 1.2 .0 44 42 29 7.5 10.6 .00 .63 .00

.15 .12 .08 46 10 .19 .20 .20 .00 2.73 2.86 2.41 .35 47 .00 .11 .00 o t C T-~ 15 -'- ' 21. 9 '-- 4 . 9 ' ' ' 3.~6 ' 63.1' ~2.2 2.5 " - ~. 5 1.0 ".0 '45 43 29 6.9 11.1 .00 .61 .00

.11 .09 .11 .24 .07 16 .23 .17 .00 1.02 1.54 1.03 .36 .34 .00 .07 .00

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~ ~AV ~ ~ " ' " - 22.2 5.1 3.5 63.5 2.0 2.3 .5 1.1 .0 44 42 30 7.4 10.7 .00 .56 .00 16' ' .1 1"- .08 .34~ 10 18-~ .'23' .25 .00' 1.98'-' 2.24 1.82 .25 .27 .00 .08-~ . 0 0 ' - -- ~-^

brE T!si 5'102 AL203 FC203 CAO HG0 503 UNCCAO IL INS Ut3 CO C25 C34 C4AF ffA20 K20 CC I '

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. ,. . .M 's T H L Y , , , , , , , , , , , _ , , , , , ,

P AGE T W3 0F Ik P'L A N T ! C A T S C Ilt, H I t.t. 2 H0 VERDE R, 1976

. ** SEfflNG *

~~ du T H COLOR' OsA "32$ P5 NC V I ft VFN INT FIN EXP H2O Flo Ala H2O FL 1-DAY ~~ 3-D AY' 7-DAY '281NY J A 's . _.. . .0 .0 - - ' "'.00 .0 .0 .0

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F E6.. 9 28 3600 8.8 4 24.5 102 194 158 248 .02 69.2 86 10.5 48.5 129 1092 2129 3246 55:e 1.67 1 .51 14 24 23 22 .00 .21 4 .96 .00 114 - 133 220 421 MA9 -"9'28'3546 ' 9.' 5 ' 2 2L'.9' ~ 101 216 184 -287' ' ~.01 69.2 92 11.7 1 36 1.64 48.5 1123 2190 3250 5143 41 & 12 10 6 .00 .26 1 .70 .00 77 95 183 240

_ .A ? 9- . _. 9 28 3626 10.0 24.4 .104 203 16

.._ _.2 .

, ,3 261

.01 69.2 . 88 _11.0 48.5 .-_. __ 1281 2429 3306 5143 MAY 9 28 3598 10.0 2 24.4 96 193 158 231 .02 69.2 87 10.6 48.5 1321 2469 100 3.21 3496 5379 1 .37 13 23 22 43 .01 .63 4 1.10 .00 101 177 191 333

~ JUNE 9 29 3535 '12.3 ~ ~ ~ ~3 24.4 103 202 167 260' '. 0 2 70.4 85 - 10.1 ~~


--' ~ ~ ~

82 1.65 48.5 2422 3467 ~5298

.29 13 13 to 31 .01 1.04 3 .51 .00 130 166 200 352 JULY- " -10 30 3579 11.1 3 24.7 103 200 153 258 .01 70.6 36 10.0 48.5 1207 2353 3'.59 5'.04 135 2 . 2 7 --' ~ 1 -'- '-- ' . 7 8' T3 15 17' 16 .00 2-~ ----~

AUG. 10 29 3602 13.4 4 24.6

.7t" .66 .00 18J 219 137 244 --

105 194 161 266 .02 70.6 89 10.5 48.5 1188 2421 3601 5569 153 2.80 49 13 19 19 17 .00 .83

$EPT. '? 29 3593 10.0 .53 .00 95 154 224 333

- -- ~ 2 4.3 105 194 160 253 .02 71.0 87 3 - 10.4 48.5 - 1814 2387 3628 ~5800 131 2.35 1 42 9 17 to 13 .01 71 4 .73 .00 157 188 192 270 C C. T_...10 29 3684 9. 3 4 24.3 105 198 161 255 .01 71.0 87 10.2 48.5 1289 2519 3666 155' 2.20 ~ t ~ " 5750

. 2 4' ' ' 11 21 21 ~ 22 .00 .63^ 3' .42 .00

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NCV. 10 29 3635 7.6 4 24.5 101 187 155 260 .01 70.9 83 9.9 48.5 1411 2676 3676 5605 97 2.39 12 12 15

.45 21 .00 .69 3 1.02 .00 95 186 135 333 DEC. '9 27 3592 7.8 4 25.1 106 203 163 '259 .01 71.1 90 - 8.7 48.5 1491 2731 ~~~-~~

111 2.20 3720 5837 40 12 11 to 19 .00 .58 2 1.17 .00 130 185 193 455 V3 AV 9 29 3599 10.0 3 24.6 103 199 163 263 01 10.3 127' 70.2 83 48.5 1254 2430 3500 5501 2 . 2 4 - "-' ' - ~ ~ . t. 2 ' 12 17 18' 21' '. 01 .61 ~ 3~ 00

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  1. . 850 POPLAR STREET. PITTSDURGH, P A.15220 p. o. so x i...

S .s aeeutw.L paov ec teow to c u tant s. 'a t av euc a a.o os a s t 6v ts, at t strouve

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+ L,;g-,e own esece+s se es sge va; et =ci=c eye w en *e g spenovat.

LADOR ATORY No. 766789 ant a CoCE 4 92  ? E L. E

  • M o N E 922-4000 P. O. No. SNH-226 ORDER No. PG-1703 -

cWENTs No.

9763.006-5-1 REPORT g g g g.;. VL July 25, 1978 .

l 9O TEST RESULTS - EXPANSION, PERCENT ASTM C342 (4ATERIAL Cttawa C-109 Silica Sand Martin-Marietta Cement 768789 AGE ,

Received 9/9/76 28 Day in Water at 73 F. +0. 010%


7 Day at 13g0 1 Day at 7 3



F. )

7 Day at 131 0 F.(Air) )

1 Day at 7 3 0 F. )


24 Hours in Water -0.011" 7 Days in Water +0.002 29 Day in Water +0.031 8 Weeks in Water +0.042 12 Weeks in Water +0.056 16 Weeks in Water +0.109 20 Weeks in Water __+ 0.459%

24 Weeks in Water ' ,+ 0 . 5 8 3 4 28 Weeks in Water 32 Weeks in Water 36 Weeks in Water 40 Weeks in Water 44 Weeks in Water 48 Weeks in Water 52 Weeks in Water Amount of Mixing Water for Cement 142%

Discontinued 8/17/77 due to warpage and cracking PAGE NO. 13 4 -


p.  ;. .....L.... .... , , , , , , , , , , , , . ,


., 850 POPLAR STREET, PITTSBURGH. P A.15220 p. o. s o , .. . ,

at A e.utJaL P.O'EC 9 804 TO C L9 t h t S. Tut PUSLIC a h D Cw A S t L y s t , aLL etPCatl "7

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diabe Oum mLPCRTS IS BftE4WED P E h Ds.e G OyR WRITTEN a PPe OW AL.

L. ADO R ATORY No. 77330)

ARE A CoDC 412 TELEPMONE 122 4300 P. O. No. SNH-226 ORDER No. PG-1703 cucNT s No.

9763.006-5-1 REPORT g g

2. c{ [

DATE CAST: 3-25-77 1_ july _ 2,5_,[_'197 8 '~

TEST RESULTS - EXPANSION, PERCFNT ASTM C342 M__ ATE R I AL Ossipee Sand Martin-Marie tta C ement Laboratory No. 773378 AGE Date Received: 3-18-77 28 Day in Water at 7 3 F. +0.019%

7 Day at 1310 F. )

1 Day at 73 0 F. )

+ .026%

7 Day at 131 0 P.(Air) )

1 Day at '7 3 F. )

-0.0$0% ,

24 Hours in Water +0.008%

7 Days,in Water -r0.018%

28 Day in Water +0.030%

8 Weeks in Water +0.139%


  • i 12 Weeks in Water 1_6 Weeks in Water +0.417%


  • decks in Water +0.477%

' 24 Weeks in Water -


28 Weeks in Water +0.520%

32 Weeks in Water +0.531%

36 Weeks in Water +0.550% .

40 Weeks in Water +0.556%

44 Weeks in Water +0.559% ~

48 Weeks in Water +0.565%

52 Weeks in Water +0.571%

Amount of Mixing Water for Cement- 39%


e 4

m-4 PAGE NO. 15


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'i T, ,; 850 POPLAR STREET, PITTSBURGH, P A.15220 p.o.'

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ove e t.c ats e s a t td e vin P r o.oeaer . ove waitt s se a ren ow e t.

LADOR ATORY No. 77373b AREA CCLE 412 ' E L EP.*0 N E 9 22 4 000 P. O. No. SNH-226 ORDER No. PG-1703 CU ENT's No.

9763.006-5-1 REPOR_ A T rer e ctr N7 3 3 e>{ [

' July 25,'1978


Date Cast: 3-22-77 TEST RESULTS - EXPANSION, PERCENT ASTM C-342 MATERIAL Dover Sano Martin-Marietta Cement Lab. No. 773378 AGE Date Rec'd.: 3-18-77 28 Day in Water at 73 F. +0.011%

7 Day at 1310 F. ) +0.021%

1 Day at 73 F. )

7 Day at 131 0 P.(Air) )


1 Day at 73 0 F. )

24 Hours in Water t0.002%

7 Days in Water '

+0. 021 %

28 Dav in Water +0.037% '

8 Weeks in Water + 0. 2 3 6 %*

12 Weeks in Water. + 0. 3 81 %

16 Weeks in Water- +0.428 %

20 Weeks in Water +0.449 %

24 Weeks in Water +0.458 %

28 Water +0.463% .

32 Weeks in Water +0.473%

36 Weeks in Water +0.472%

40 Weeks in Water +0.478%

44 Weeks in Water +0.479%

48 Weeks in Water +0.522% -

52 Weeks in Water +0.524%

I Amount of Mixing Water for Cement 10%



O s PAGE NO. 1

\ . -


E c . 'y . ,;..O '

.....<,...o 850 POPL AR STREET, PITTSOURGH, P A.15220

p. o. ec x ica s

tTsouncs,p4. 52n

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.. uvu.u ..o,tc,.e So cu e ... , c u sue . a cu..t u e. .u a reones m g.r-  ::u=::=:.;:,=='  ::::=:::,"=:. ::: ::.==

094 atPOSTS et etstavtD P f os D t a n G OUR w aivi t as .ppeow.L.

LADORATORY No. 773739 AREA CODE 412 T E L E P *.O N E 922-4000 P. O. No. SMH-226 ORDER No. PG-1703 cWENTS No.

9763.006-5-1 REPORT ATT&Hmesr _T V 4 0{ [

DATE CAST: 3-25-77 ,

.. July 2h 1978 TEST RESULTS - EXPANSION, PERCENT ASTM C342 f4ATERIAL Perini #8 Gravel Martin-Marie tta C ement Laboratory No.773378 AGE Date Received : 3-18-77 28 Day in Water at 73 F. +0.020%

7 Day at 1310 F. )

1 Day at 73 0 F. )


7 Day at 131 F.(Air) )

1 Day at '7 3 0 F. ) -0.062%

24 Hours in Water +0.002%

7 Days in Water +0.021%

28 Day in Water +0.036% _

8 Weeks in Water +0.073%

12 Weeks in Water +0.088% _ _ ~

.16 Weeks in Water +0.143%

20 Weeks in Water +0.171%

24 Weeks in Water +0.196%

28 Weeks in Water +0.211% * .

32 Weeks in Water -


36 Weeks in Water +0.235% .

40 Weeks in Water +0.244%

44 Weeks in Water +0.252%

48 Weeks in Water +0.261%

52 Weeks in Water +0.268%

Amount of Mixing Water for Cement h8% ,



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,,T..L .M.O ....


k. ,7)

- 850 POPL AR STREET, PITTSBURGH, P A.15220 'e .' o '.' "e x* ',2.' ' '

at a wufwag Paoeg C T*CN TO CLIENTS, TMC PU .L a C e M3 CU R SCLV C S, A LL R E Pf. DvTS Q", s' a ;";:"l"*," :"?M'.l ::' : e:':.::::::::.";', ::: '::":';%

Oum etPC ATS 19 RESEnvtp P r es D i ae G CWA .s m e T T E M a PPmOvaL.

trocaAToav No. 773741 AR E A CODE 4 02 TELEPHONE 922 4000 P. O. No. SNH-226 ORDER No. PG-1703 cuctrr s No.

9763.006-5-1 REPORT g77gegmgur E

$i of d' DATE CAST: 3-23-77 - ~ -- ' ~ July 2 5, 1978__ _ -

TEST RESULTS - EXPANSION, PERCENT ASTM C342 MATERI.^L Perini 1 -1/2" Gravel Martin-Marietta C ement Laboratory #'i73 37 8 AGE Date Received: 3-18-77 28 Day in Water at 73 F. +0.008%

7 Day at 1310 F. )

1 Day at 7 3 F. ) +0.024%

7 Day at 131 0 F.(Air) )

1 Day at '7 3 0 F. ) -0.064%

24 Hours in Water -0.001%

7 Days in Water +0.014%

28 Day in Water t0.036%

8 Weeks in Water .0.060%


12 Weeks in Water +0.119%

16 Weeks in Water +0.172%

20 Weeks in Water +0.225%

  • 24 Weeks in Water +0.253%

28 Weeks in Water +0.281%

32 Weeks in Water +0.291%

36 Weeks in Water +0.306%


40 Weeks in Water 44 Weeks in Water +0 327%

48 Weeks in Water +0.340% -

52 Weeks in Water


Amount of Mixing Water for Cement 49%


e 9

e 4

0 e


e s

6 eL C., .tructors Inc.

'd 30 South 17th Street.

  • Post Office Box 0223 .- .

6 Philadelphia. Pa.19101 ,

. .- December 23, 1977 .

W f r.TA cymg-ttT 1ofL.

Mr. Ecrnard Erlin -

Erlin, liime Associates -

811 Skokie Boulevard

Dear Mr. Erlin:

We appreciate the information you forwarded with your letter of October 5,1977 to our Mr. A. J. Hulshizer. Dr. llansen's articic was of particular interest. .

I am..however, concerned with the decision of your (09.02.02) sub-committee to climinate or limit the use of a standard because of its ques-tionabic applicability without reco:::acnding further action or alternate methods for assuring acceptabic expansion limits of con' crete.

As you are aware. UE&C experienced serious test failures attrib'ut-abic to the cement, when performing tests in accordance with ASTM designa-tion C342. No evidence has been made available that the properties exhibited

- by the tested cement would not cause damage to structures constructed utilizing that cement as a constituent material. The potential problems

. associated with using a cement with the properties exhibited by the sample in question would not have been evident without C342' testing, regardless of the precise applicability of the method. .

It is not my intention to be prohibitively conse:vative, but I must take the steps necessary to protect important concrete structures from ,

potential deterioration due to concrete expansion. To this end, and until an alternate test is devised to identify the potential of crystal growth in *

.  : cement, the existing C342 test will be specified by UE&c.

At the same time, I hope that the cement industry and the speci-fying bodies provide users with guidance in this area. Be assured that UE6C will support efforts to develop a more rapid'and effective standard test to guage the presence of deleterious crystals in cement.

. j

a. , .

t A neytheaa campany

  • ~

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- Mr. Ecrnard Erli.. -

. Erlin, Ilime . Associates - 2- December 23, 1977

, p g CMn1EdT $ -

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. f. .

I request that you, as an ASn! Subcomittee Chairman, keep me infortned as to the course of action you will fo11cv. I plan to contact other ASn! officials, the PCA, and ACI to make them aware of the prob 1cm and to scck their advice and assistance. .

Very truly yours i -

fy A. M. Ebner Chief Structural Engineer ,

i -

AME:tc .


  • i cc: A. J. I!uishizer t ,

j . . . .

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Fcana 407 e s v .. P'3 g'$% PITTSBURGH TESTING LABORATORY ri  % . s t a ,u s .o . .. .


, .$.' e'o x" "i 4 s PI T T 5 3 U R 3 a*. P A. '5230

[. as a mutual paotsetiog to curses, f ar Pueue ano ovestLvts, aLL aspoofs og v&L c at o.s oP statturwes. o=ctus c=s ce Estnacts rnou cm accam emo Ove Ag pOAf s is ptsgav to PE =DiseG obr W R 4 7t E N aPPAQVaL.

LAUOR ATORY No. 774349 ARE A CQQE 412 TELEPHONE 922 4000 UU" ORDER No. PG-1703 cuCNT*s No.

9763.006-5-1 REPORT Arr4cHa's a 7 D September 14, 1978

January 16, 1978 MATERIAL  : Ossipee Sand-Martin Marietta Cement Laboratory Number 781965 Date Received 12-12-77 AGE 28 Day in Water at 73 F. +0.019 7 Day at 13g F. )

+0.023 1 Day at 73 F. )

7 Day at 131 0 P. (Air) )

1 Day at 73 F. -0.057


24 Hours in Water +0.006 7 Days in Water +0.019 28 Days in Water +0.034 8 Weeks in Water +0.057 12 Weeks in Water +0.086 16 Weeks in Water +0.111 20 Weeks in Water +0.143 24 Weeks in Water +0.171 28 Weeks in Water 40.212 32 Weeks in Water I

36 Weeks in Water 40 Weeks in Water 44 Weeks in Water 48 Weeks in Water 52 Weeks in Water Amount of Mixing Water for Cement: 411, ASTM Method C342. Test for Potential Volume Change of Cement-Aggregate combinations. Cement aggregate combinations tasted by this procedure whose expansion equals or exceeds 0.200 percent at an age of 1 year may be considered unsatisfactory for use in concrete exposed to wide variation of temperature and degree of saturation with water.
