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Submits Table Showing Estimated Value of Bonds Issuable by Util Based Upon Continuation of Present CWIP-based Revenue in One Case & CWIP-based Revenue Removed as of 790501 in Other Case.W/Certificate of Svc
Person / Time
Site: Seabrook  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 08/13/1979
From: Beckley B
To: Moon C
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
SM-2581, NUDOCS 7908270471
Download: ML19270H471 (3)


F s

L.i:g' PUBLIC SERVICE L l' Companyof New Hampsihir e August 13, 1979 SM 2 581 File: SB/1.3.6 Mr. Calvin Moon Project Manager U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C. 20555 Seabrook Station Units 1 and 2 Docket Nos. 50-44 3 and 50-444

Dear Sir:

The attached table shows the estimated value of bonds issuable by Public Service Company of New Hamp' hire based upon continuation of the present CWIP-based revenue in one case, and with CWIP-based revenue removed as of May 1, 1979 in the other case. This is submitted in response to your verbal request.

Very truly yours, uw Bruce B. Beckley Manager of Nuclear Projects BBB:jm cc: Attached Service List Attachments 7908270'115 ,


I, Anita L Carbone , hereby certif, t. hut on August 16, 1979 1 made service of the within document by mailing copies thereof, postage prepaid, first class or airmail to:

John M. Fryciak Dr. Ernest O. Salo Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel Professor of Fisheries Research U. b. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Institute Eaut-West Tower Building College of Fisheries 4350 East-West flighway University of Washington Bethesda, Maryland 20014 Seattle, Washington 98195 Joseph F. Tubridy, Esquire Dr. Kenneth A. McCollum 4100 Cathedral Avenue, t! . W. 1107 West Knapp Street Washinqton, D. C. 20016 Sti1lwater, Oklahoma 74074 Dr. Marvin M, Mann Atomic Safety and Licensing Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel Board Panel U. S. Nuclear I<egulatory Commission U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Ea s t -We..; t Tower Building Washington, D. C. 20555 4 3 '>0 East-West liig hway Bethesda, Maryland ?n014 Ms. Elizabeth II. Weinhold 3 Godfrey Avenue Richard Browne, Esquire Hampton, New IIampshiro 03842 Office of the General Counsel Office of Regulation Robert A. Backus, Esquire U. S. I uclear I:cgulatory Commission O't eill Backus Spielman Little Washington, D. C. 20555 116 Lowell Street Manchester,1:cw IIampshire 03101 John L. Ahlgren, 1: squire Asuintant Attorney General Norman C. Ross, Esquire Office of the Attorney General 30 Francis Street State House Annex, Room 208 Brookline, Massachusetts 02146 Concord, New if ampshire 03301 1:llyn R. Neiss, Esquire Karin P. Sheldon, Esquire Assistant Attorney General Sheldon, liarmon and Roisman Commonwealth of Massachusetts 1025 15th Street, 1: . W. 1 Ashburton Place - 19th Floor Washington, D. C. 20005 Boston, Massachusetts 02108 Alan S. Rosenthal, Chairman John A. Ritsher, Esquire Atomic Safety and Licenning Appeal Board Ropes and Gray 11 4 t.uclear Icegula tory Commi n ; ion 225 l' rank lin Street Washington, D. C. 20555 Bouton, fla suachuse t ts 02110 Dr. John 11. Buck Michael C. Farrar, Esquire Atomic Safety and 1.icensing Appeal Board Istomic Safety and Licensing Appeal U. S. Nucletr Regulatory Commiusion Board Washington, D. C. 20555 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C. 20555

!LfA _ LLYW_ t __

Anita L. Carbone

Pl'P,1,1 C SERV I CE COMl'ANY OF NEW ll AMPSill l'E 110NI)S I S S U Allt,E liASED ON EARNINGS TF3T IN G!.R INI)ENTURE REMOVE CONTINUE CWIP iERIOD CWIP 5/1/79 APRII. '79 $ 15 3,309 $153,309 MAY 156,850 149,650

.IllN E 155,205 141,013

.ilil,Y l54,641 133,445 AUGUST 153,905 125,504 SI:PTE!!iiER 149,073 113,SS6 OCT0!!!:R 145,445 101,809 NOVEMiiER 144,832 93,777 DECI:Mi1ER 160,432 101,395 8/10/79