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Notifies That Target Date for Completion of Sprinkler Sys Will Be 790815
Person / Time
Site: North Anna  Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 07/23/1979
From: Brown S
To: Harold Denton
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
148-030679, 148-30679, NUDOCS 7907260406
Download: ML19225C036 (1)


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w m ew w < w av. m ru- .o. w .. ,u J u l:. 23, 1979 Mr. Harold Denton, Director Serial No. 143/030679 Of fice of Nuclear Reactor Regulation PSE&C/LTW : tfc Attn: Mr. O. D. Perr, Chief Light Water Reactors Branch No. 3 Docket No. 50-338 Division of Project Management 50-339 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission License No. NPF-4 Washington, D. C. 20555

Dear Mr. Denton:

(Ne Safety Evaluation Report on the fire protection program for North ' ma Power Station, Units 1 and 2, was transmitted by Mr. O. D. Parr's letter of March 6, 1979. In Tabie 1 of this Safety Evaluation Report the target date for complet on of the sprinkler system addition for the Cable Vault and Tunnel area is listed cs July, 1979.

/.ccording to our present schedule, the sprinkler piping will be installed and cannected to the st9 ply piping by Aucust 15, 1979, and will be operational in cese of a fire in che area. Final acceptance testing will be delayed until a sc'ieduled outage of Unit 1, thus alleviating concerns about potential water flow in this area during normal plant operation.

It ariould be noted that the target dates listed in Table 1 were based strictly on preliminary scheduli_ng information. and that the only requirement of the Safety Evaluation Report is that all Unit 1 fire protection modifications be completed prior to the end of the second refueling outage. For these reasons, completion and final testing of the sprinkler system addition in accordance with the present schedule is felt to be satisfactory.

If you have any questions or discussion, please contact us.


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V Sam C. Brown, Jr.

Senior Vice President - Power ptation w[/l(/

Engineering & Construcyion


cc: Mr. James R. O'Reilly, Director Of= ice of Inspection & Enforcement Re'; ion II

- 413 054 7 007 5 60 'lc0 ~,
